Media Kit 2019 for Market the highest print run - Horizont

Page created by Charlie Reeves
Media Kit 2019 for Market the highest print run - Horizont
Price list no. 28

                                 Media Kit 2019
                                                       for M zine
                                                     Resea arket
                                                   Mark rch and
                                                  the hi eting with
                                                         run rint

Version 28.1 valid from 1/2019
Media Kit 2019 for Market the highest print run - Horizont
Our team                                                                                     Price list no. 28

Editorial department:                    Publishing department:

Sabine Hedewig-Mohr                      Peter Gerich                        Levend Seyhan
Editor in Chief                          Publishing Director                 Sales Manager
Phone +49 69 7595-2018                   Phone +49 69 7595-1871              Phone +49 69 7595-1247

Gertrud Wellner                          Christoph Krug                      Timo Liebe
Content Management                       Sales Director                      Disposition
Phone +49 69 7595-2015                   Phone +49 69 7595-1245              Phone +49 69 7595-1872

                                         Dr. Benedikt Bock                   Volker Weiland
                                         Project Manager Sales               Subscription Service
                                         Phone +49 69 7595-2016              Phone +49 69 7595-1948

                                                                             Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
                                                                             Mainzer Landstraße 251
                                                                             60326 Frankfurt am Main
Media Kit 2019 for Market the highest print run - Horizont
Short profile                                                                                        Price list no. 28

 planung&analyse – one of the leading trade journals for market research and marketing in Germany!

Editorial content:
• Current, in-depth articles written by authors from institutes, companies and universities
   about projects, concepts and methods drawn from market practice and market research.
• Journalistic contributions from the planung&analyse editorial office on backgrounds from
   the market research industry. Analysis, interviews and comments.

 NEW: One booking – two target groups!
 Additional to the magazine „planung&analyse“ with the target group of market
 researchers we produce p&a topic specials with attractive topics for all the decision
 makers from different industries.1

p&a topic specials:
• Your article contribution and communication is distributed pinpoint to your target group.
• A p&a topic special is additionally produced with each regular magazine.
   These specials contain all relevant articles about the issues main topic as an excerpt from
   the total planung&analyse magazine.
• All content is completed by attractive services all around the topic
   (survey results, provider overview and news)
• The p&a topic specials are distributed to all decision makers and marketers of all
   branches by media like HORIZONT, Lebensmittel Zeitung, TextilWirtschaft and fvw.

Source: 1Readers survey planung&analyse 2018                          –3–
Media Kit 2019 for Market the highest print run - Horizont
Magazine structure                                                                                               Price list no. 28

What is the industry talking about?
News from companies and organizations, important personal data and
reviews about events and shows.

Who comes, who leaves?
Personnel changes within the industry.

What should the industry be talking about
Editors research and write about latest and and controversial stories,
sum up trends in a nutshell and analyse backgrounds.

What do market researcher / marketers need to know?
Authors from science and practice have their say.

What can be useful?
Providers overview, „Omnibus“ schedule, event notes, pictures galleries
of events as well as book recommendations and studies.                                planung&analyse is celebrating its birthday!
                                                                                      For 45 years we serve the market with sound
short&sweet:                                                                          business information about market research
What do customers think?
                                                                                     and marketing by planung&analyse, former
Within this section company market researchers have their say.
                                                                               Book a congratulation ad!
                                                                               We have special rates!
The p&a topic special consists of content from the area
knowledge&research, dates&tips and short&sweet.                                Please check the separate communication.

Media Kit 2019 for Market the highest print run - Horizont
Print run-/recipients analysis                                                                                                                      Price list no. 28

 Complete issue, p&a subscribers, 2,400 copies                                              p&a topic special, supplement in HORIZONT, 4,200 copies

 Industry affiliation                                                                       Industry affiliation

                            2% decision makers in the field of corporate
                           6                                                                                           61% decision makers in advertising companies
                           market research
                                                                                                                        3% decision makers in communication and advertising
                           30% decision makers in market research institutes                                          agencies

                           4% decision makers in agencies & consulting                                                 11% decision makers in media agencies

                            % academic decision makers in teaching and
                           4                                                                                           11% decision makers in media/media networks
                                                                                                                       4% others

 The p&a topic special is distributed                                                                                     HORIZONT is the top brand for all topics around
                                                                                                                          marketing, advertising and media. All top decision
 in different print runs to selected
                                                           Lebensmittel Zeitung is the leading trade- and                 makers are their main traget group.
 subscribers from HORIZONT,
                                                           economy newspaper of the consumer goods industry in
 Lebensmittel Zeitung, TextilWirt-                         Germany. Board members, CEO´s, manager but also IT-
 schaft and fvw. These recipients                          and logistic responsibles are the target group as well as
 are decision makers of advertising                        sales oriented managers and self-employed retailers.

 driving companies of their industry.
 They are responsible for market
 research order placements.
                                                                                                                          TextilWirtschaft is the only weekly fashion trade
 The total circulation of the p&a                                                                                         journal for the german speaking market. All the
 topic special is 12,000 copies. You                                                                                      decision makers of the fashion sector are their target
 can find the distribution of each                         fvw is the leading trade magazine for touristic and            group.
 issue on page 6.                                          business travel. Decision makers, entrepreneurs and
                                                           distribution experts from the touristic sector and
                                                           connected services sectors belong to their target group.

                                                                                                                         Source: D
                                                                                                                                  istribution data analysis dfv media group 2018,
                                                                                   –5–                                           readers survey planung&analyse 2018
Media Kit 2019 for Market the highest print run - Horizont
Print run-/recipients analysis                                                                                                                      Price list no. 28

  Subject related target group control of the p&a topic specials                                                                                      flexib
                                                                                                                                                  alway ility,
                                                                                                                                                         s th
planung&analyse is distributed to all relevant market research descision makers of different industries
                                                                                                                                                   target e right
with the media power of dfv media group.                                                                                                                         !

                                     p&a total print run
                                                                                                                  For your advertisement you can choose between the
                           Print run
                                                                                                                  print run of p&a subscribers or the expanded print run
     Issue              p&a subscribers                                               Total print run
                                                                                                                  (p&a subscribers and p&a topic specials).
                               2,400                            4,200                        6,600

                     p&a complete issue                         p&a topic special as a supplement in different titels of dfv media group
                           Print run
     Issue              p&a subscribers                                                                                                                  Total print run*
        1                      2,400                            4,200                                 –              5,200                2,600               14,400

        2                      2,400                            4,200                                 –              7,800                    –               14,400

        3                      2,400                            4,200                                 –              7,800                    –               14,400

        4                      2,400                            4,200                           2,600                2,600                2,600               14,400

        5                      2,400                            4,200                           2,600                2,600                2,600               14,400

* The total print run consists of the complete issue (2,400 copies) and the p&a topic specials (12,000 copies).

Media Kit 2019 for Market the highest print run - Horizont
Dates, topics and online specials                                                                                                                       Price list no. 28

  flexib right
       s the
alway group!
  ta et
    r g                                                                                                                     knowledge&research:

                Issue                              PD                         SD                        AD                Topic          Manu­script        Industry event

                                                                                                                         45 years                             General
                                                 21.02.                     29.01.                    21.01.            planung&              –          Online Conference
       Anniversary issue
                                                                                                                         analyse                         (GOR, 06.-08.03.19)

                   1                                                                                                                                        BVM-Congress
          Total print run                        18.04.                     26.03.                    18.03.              Gen Z          until 18.02.

           Online Special                     from March                       –                         –               Pharma          from 18.02.                –

                   2                                                                                                     Customer
          Total print run                        06.06.                     14.05.                    02.05.                             until 02.04.               –

           Online Special                      from May                        –                         –               Mobility        from 18.04.                –

¹ 2,400 copies to p&a subscribers + part print run to HORIZONT: 4,200 copies
² Total print run: 2,400 copies to p&a subscribers + p&a topic special: 12,000 copies as part print run in dfv titles
AD = Advertising deadline, SD = Submission deadline, PD = Publication date

Media Kit 2019 for Market the highest print run - Horizont
Dates, topics and online specials                                                                                            Price list no. 28

                                                                                                                                      Save t
                                                                                                                                    planu he date!
                                                                                                                                     Insigh analyse
                                                                                                                                     on 29 2019
                                                                                              knowledge&research:                         .+30.8

               Issue                           PD                       SD       AD         Topic         Manu­script           Industry event

                 3                                                                                                             planung&analyse
          Total print run                    22.08.                   30.07.    22.07.    Innovation       until 24.06.
                                                                                                                          Insights 2019 (29./30.08.19)

          Online Special                from mid of July                 –        –                        from 01.07.                 –

                 4                                                                                                            Research & Results
          Total print run                     17.10.                  23.09.    13.09.    Touchpoint       until 13.08.

          Online Special                from September                   –        –        Finance        from 22.08.                  –

                 5                                                                        Advertising
          Total print run                     05.12.                  12.11.    04.11.                     until 07.10.   HORIZONT Media Congress

          Online Special                from November                    –        –      FMCG/Trade        from 17.10.                 –

² Total print run: 2,400 copies to p&a subscribers + p&a topic special:
  12,000 copies as part print run in dfv titles
AD = Advertising deadline, SD = Submission deadline, PD = Publication date

Media Kit 2019 for Market the highest print run - Horizont
Prices and formates
                                                                                         Please keep in
                                                                                        mind to extend
                                                                                        your print ad to                                                           Price list no. 28

                                                                                                  Anniversary issue                      Total print run³              Total print run3
                                                                                                  p&a subscriber3 and                    and p&a Topic
                                                                                                    part print run                           special5
                                                 Portrait                  Landscape                  HORIZONT4
    Format                                       in mm1                      in mm1
                                                                                                                      opies                          c   opies                        opies
                                                                                                           6,60 0 c                         14 ,40 0                       2,40 0 c

    2/1 page                                                               420 x 297                             7,250 €                        9,100 €                       7,250 €

    1/1 page                                    210 x 297                                                    4,550 €                            5,700 €                      4,550 €

    2/3 page                                    134 x 297                   210 x 194                        3,600 €                            4,500 €                      3,600 €

    1/2 page                                    105 x 297                   210 x 148                        2,550 €                           3,200 €                       2,550 €

    1/3 page                                     70 x 297                   210 x 102                        1,850 €                            2,350 €                      1,850 €

    1/4 page                                    130 x 148                    210 x 80                        1,350 €                            1,700 €                      1,350 €

    1/6 page                                     70 x 148                    210 x 51                              950 €                        1,200 €                         950 €

    1/8 page                                                                 210 x 40                              700 €                          900 €                         700 €

                                                200 x 290                                                        1,650 €                        5,700 €                       1,650 €

 Bleed margin of 4mm on all outer edges,           Placement surcharge:                                      3
                                                                                                                 p&a subscriber = 2,400 copies; 4part print run HORIZONT = 4,200 copies;
Type area formats on request; 2Up to max. 25g      10% for all fixed placements         –9–                  5
                                                                                                                 p&a topic special = 12,000 copies
Media Kit 2019 for Market the highest print run - Horizont
Prices and formats – special advertising form                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Price list no. 28

               Special advertising form                                                                                                                                                        Event calendar

                                                                                 Prices                                            Entry (your logo, your text with up to
                                                         Anniversary issue                Total print run³                         350 characters including space characters) in
                                                        p&a subscriber3 and               and p&a Topic                            the event calendar.
                                                      Part print run HORIZONT4                special5                             Your entry appears:
                                width x hight                                                                                      •O
                                                                                                                                     nce in one issue of planung&analyse (not
    Format                         in mm1                                opies                     c   opies
                                                              6,60 0 c                    14 ,40 0                                  possible inside the anniversary issue)
                                                                                                                                   Price: 300 €
    Inside front
    cover                          210 x 297                     5,450 €                      6,800 €
    back cover:                                                                                                                       termine&tipps

    Inside back
                                   210 x 297                     4,850 €                      6,050 €
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Fachtagung diskutiert, wie die automobile
                                                                                                                                      SEPTEMBER                                                 neu                                 Marktforschung der Zukunft arbeiten muss,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    um im Wandel relevant zu sein.

                                                                                                                                                                                       22. SEPTEMBER 2017                           Hamburg
                                                                                                                                                                                       NEU: LEGO® Brickstorming™:         
                                                                                                                                                                                       Eine kreative Technik in der Markt-
                                                                                                                                      10. BIS 13. SEPTEMBER                            forschung
                                                                                                                                      Esomar Congress 2017                             LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) ist derzeit in
                                                                                                                                      ESOMAR Congress is the biggest event in          aller Munde. Vor allem wenn es darum
                                                                                                                                      the industry – it’s a festival, a celebration,   geht, Innovationen, neue Produkte, Ser-      28. SEPTEMBER 2017
                                                                                                                                      an innovation hotspot for the data, re-          vicekonzepte und Strategien zu entwi-        Outthink Innovation: Neue Impulse
                                                                                                                                      search and insights profession – it drives       ckeln, kommt LSP zum Einsatz. Auch für       für Innovationen
                                                                                                                                      forward-thinking. Discover what new in-          die Marktforschung birgt LSP vielfältige     DRDS-Konferenz punktet mit Vorträgen
                                                                                                                                      novations are disrupting our industry, how       Möglichkeiten. Ausgehend von LSP ist der     und Hands-on-Training
                                                                                                                                      insights influencers are pushing the boun-       Ansatz zu Lego® BrickstormingTM weiter-      Am 28. September findet die diesjährige
                                                                                                                                      daries for better business intelligence AND      entwickelt worden. Das Seminar vermittelt    Design Research & Design Strategy Confe-
                                                                                                                                      network with the most pioneering insights        sehr praktisch die Grundsätze und Anwen-     rence in Hamburg statt, die sich dem The-
                                                                                                                                      professionals and global brands out there.       dungsmöglichkeiten von Lego® Brickstor-      ma „Outthink Innovation“ widmet. Noch
                                                                                                                                      Amsterdam                                        mingTM in der Marktforschung.                deutlicher als in den Jahren zuvor liegt der
                                                                                                                                                               Berlin                                       Fokus diesmal auf dem Angebot von
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Workshops, die auf die Impulsvorträge der
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Experten-Sprecher einzahlen. Denn Sinn
                                                                                                                                                neu                                                                                 machen neue Erkenntnisse erst dann,

    Banderole:                   On request                      3,550 €                      4,500 €
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    wenn sie in der Praxis umsetzbar sind.
                                                                                                                                      15. SEPTEMBER 2017                                                                            Hamburg
                                                                                                                                      NEU: EU-Datenschutz-                             25. BIS 26. SEPTEMBER 2017         
                                                                                                                                      Grundverordnung                                  Moderation von Gruppendiskussio-
                                                                                                                                      Das Seminar informiert über die rechtliche       nen und Workshops
                                                                                                                                      Bedeutung der EU-Datenschutz-Grund-              Was passiert, wenn eine Gruppe nicht so      OKTOBER
                                                                                                                                      verordnung für Unternehmen, nicht nur in         läuft, wie man es wünscht? Um in solchen
                                                                                                                                      Bezug auf die Markt- und Sozialforschung.        Situationen Ruhe zu bewahren, erhalten
                                                                                                                                      Welche Änderungen ergeben sich und wie           die Seminarteilnehmer einen detaillierten
                                                                                                                                      können diese umgesetzt werden?                   Einblick in gruppendynamische Prozesse
                                                                                                                                      Berlin                                           sowie einen umfangreichen Werkzeug-          25. BIS 26. OKTOBER
                                                                                                                                                         kasten aus nonverbalen und verbalen          Research & Results 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                       Techniken, die sie in die Lage versetzen,    Research & Results ist die führende inter-
                                                                                                                                                                                       sich mental optimal vorzubereiten und        nationale Messe für Marktforschung. Der
                                                                                                                                                                                       professionell auf Störungen reagieren zu     Eintritt für registrierte Fachbesucher ist

                                                                                                                                                                                       können.                                      kostenfrei. Die zweitägige Messe findet je-
                                                                                                                                      20. BIS 21. SEPTEMBER 2017                       Berlin                                       den Oktober in München statt. Unterneh-
                                                                                                                                      Auswertung qualitativ-                                          men aus dem In- und Ausland präsentie-
                                                                                                                                      psychologischer Untersuchungen                                                                ren ihre Produkte und Services. In Work-
                                                                                                                                      Dass es bei der Auswertung von qualitativ-                                                    shops referieren Experten zu aktuellen

                                  105 x 240
                                                                                                                                      psychologischen Untersuchungen in erster                                                      Themen und Trends der Branche.

                                                                                                                                      Linie um die Beschreibung und Erklärung                                                       München
                                                                                                                                      von ganzheitlichem Individualverhalten           26. SEPTEMBER 2017                 
                                                                                                                                                                                       Automobilmarktforschung 2020

                                                                 5,450 €                      6,800 €
                                                                                                                                      geht und erst nach der Einzeldiagnose die
                                                                                                                                      Zusammenfassung und Verallgemeine-               Die Bedingungen für die Autoindustrie än-
                                                                                                                                      rung erfolgt, ist Thema dieses Seminars.         dern sich durch Megatrends wie Urbanisie-

                                                                                                                                      Die Teilnehmer erhalten einen Überblick          rung, Klimawandel und Digitalisierung.

                                                                                                                                      über die wichtigsten psychologisch-quali-        Dieser Veränderungsdruck muss in die Ge-
                                                                                                                                      tativen Auswertungsmethoden und lernen           staltung des Produkts „Automobil“ einflie-
                                                                                                                                      diese theoretisch fundiert einzusetzen und       ßen. Neue Wertschöpfungsmodelle entste-
                                                                                                                                      in der Praxis kritisch zu beurteilen.            hen und es wird im Wettbewerb nur beste-
                                                                                                                                      Berlin                                           hen, wer seine Kunden und deren zukünfti-

                                   105 x 297
                                                                                                                                                         gen Erwartungen an das Auto versteht. Die

                                                                                                                                      72   planung&analyse   4/2017

    Corner                                                        1,700 €                     2,200 €                                                                                                                                                                                              form on requ
                                 On request                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        l advertising
    handles:                                                                                                                                                                                                         Other specia
                              only bookable in combination with a minimum 1/2 page ad inside the same issue

bleed margin of 4mm on all outer edge
1                                                                                                              3
                                                                                                                   p&a subscriber = 2,400 copies; 4Part print run HORIZONT = 4,200 copies;
due to the adhesive bond on the innerside 7 mm of the show motif could be concealed
                                                                                       – 10 –                  5
                                                                                                                   p&a topic special = 12,000 copies
Prices and formats – special advertising form                                     Price list no. 28

             Advertorial in tools&products –
             customized client approach

A planung&analyse advertorial inside the department tools&
products is a editorial editorial styled advertisement which is marked
as such.

• Communicate your customized and in need of explanation

• Tell your story. Our editorial and creative team of planung&analyse
   will help you to finalize.

• Format: as an example 1/1 page as 1/1 page with text or 1/2 page
   text and 1/2 page image/visual (further formats on request).

• Combination with advertisement on request.

• An extention to an online sponsored post is possible as well.

Price: 3,100 € per 1/1 page1

p&a subscriber = 2,400 copies + p&a topic special = 12,000 copies

                                                                         – 11 –
Digital portrait – planung&analyse website                                Price list no. 28                            Social Media

The market research portal                         Stay up to date and follow planung&analyse delivers,                   on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
as part of the HORIZONT Media, the
latest news about the market research
industry besides announcements
considering events, institutes, new
tools and particulars you can regularly
find information on important studies.
“mafo.spitzen” shows the plurality of
opinion within the industry: authors
commenting on procedures in the

The platform offers search-functions
within the planung&analyse mafo­
and within the archive of printed
planung&analyse copies. On top of that
you can find information on our events
and publications as well as everything
about the network of company market
researchers (PUMa).

Online figures:

43,728 Visits per month
75,576 PIs per Month

Source: Google Analytics, July 2018,

                                          – 12 –
Display Ads                                                                                                                        Price list no. 28

             Homepage                                                                                                           News Detail Page
                                       1 | Superbanner                                 1 | Billboard
              1                                                                           Size: maximum 940 x 250 pixel
                                          Size: 728 x 90 pixel to
                                                 maximum 980 x 150 pixel
                                                                                       2 | Medium Rectangle
                                                                                        Size: 300 x 250 pixel
                             2         2 | Skyscraper / Halfpage Ad
                                                                                        Medium Rectangle incl. mobile
                                        Size: maximum160 x 600 pixel
                                                                                        extension (Content Ad 1. position):
                                        Runs as Sticky Ad, Halfpage Ad
                                                                                        Your ad appears on the desktop                               2
                                        (300 x 600 pixel) also possible.                and mobile version of
                                       2 | Double Sticky Ad
         3                                Size: 2 x 160 x 600 pixel                    3 | Content Ad 1
                                                                                        Size: 3
                                                                                               00 x 250 to maximum
                                       2 | Hockeystick / Wallpaper                            617 x 280 pixel
                                                                                              300 x 250 with mobile exten-
                                       3 | Layer Ad                                           sion (Content Ad 2. position)
                                          Size: maximum 400 x 400 pixel                 Text Ad with picture possible

                                       4 | Medium Rectangle                            4 | Content Ad 2
                                        Size: 300 x 250 pixel                          	
                                                                                        Size: 3
                                                                                               00 x 250 to maximum
                                        Medium Rectangle with mobile                          617 x 280 pixel
                                        extension (Content Ad 1. position):                   300 x 250 with mobile exten-
                                        Your ad appears on the desktop                        sion (Content Ad 3. position)
                                        and mobile version of                           Text Ad with picture possible

        For all               
     display ads:
                                                                                                                              planung&analyse Stage
       file size
    approximately                                                                      1 | Medium Rectangle
                                                                                          Size: 300 x 250 pixel
       100 kb.

All display ads are displayed on the homepage and news detail pages.

The following display ads are in addition displayed on
Superbanner, Skyscraper (as Sticky Ad), Medium Rectangle and Billboard.                                                                          1

                                                                              – 13 –
Prices display ads planung&analyse website                                                                                              Price list no. 28

    Display Ads                                                                    Size                             1 of 3 rotation1      Exklusive1
                                                                                   (pixel)                           (price per week)    (price per week)

    Billboard                                                                   940 x 250                                 390 €               540 €

    Billboard Pushdown                                              from 940 x 250 to 940 x 500                           650 €               890 €

    Content Ad 1                                                 300 x 250 to 617 x 280 or Text Ad3                       260 €               360 €
    300 x 250 with mobile extension2 (Content Ad 2. position)

    Content Ad 2                                                 300 x 250 to 617 x 280 or Text Ad3                       260 €               360 €
    300 x 250 with mobile extension2 (Content Ad 3. position)

    Double Sticky Ad                                                         2 x 160 x 600                                290 €               390 €

    Halfpage Ad as Sticky Ad                                                    300 x 600                                 250 €               350 €

    Hockeystick                                                         980 x 150 + 160 x 600                             410 €               560 €
    (Superbanner + Skyscraper without background color)

    Layer Ad                                                                    400 x 400                                 310 €               420 €

    Medium Rectangle                                                            300 x 250                                 290 €               390 €
    with mobile extension2 (Content Ad 1. position)

    Skyscraper as Sticky Ad                                                     160 x 600                                 230 €               310 €

    Superbanner                                                         728 x 90 to 980 x 150                             230 €               310 €

    Wallpaper                                                   980 x 150 + 160 x 600 + background                        440 €               620 €
    (Superbanner + Skyscraper with background color)

    Webskin                                                           980 x 150 + 2 x 160 x 800                           510 €               700 €
    (Superbanner + 2 Skyscraper)

Appears on the homepage within all current news.

Your ad appears on the desktop and mobile version of; gif necessary for mobile extension.

Text Ad with a maximum of 400 characters incl. space characters + picture with a maximum size of 120 x 120 pixel.

                                                                                             – 14 –
Newsletter                                                                                                            Price list no. 28

    planung&analyse Newsline                      planung&analyse Newsflash                      planung&analyse Infomercial

planung&analyse Newsline reaches each            planung&analyse Newsflash is send to           planung&analyse Infomercial contains your
Friday about 5.2001 recipients with the ne-      about 3.6001 recipients as soon as there are   exclusive advertising message. Apart from
west topics. The bundled frequency of the        breaking news in marketing and market          that the newsletter contains no editorial
newsline guarantees lots of attention for        research. Distribution from case to case,      content, has the look of a newsletter. Your
your products!                                   several times a week.                          content is clearly marked as advertisement.

Publisher declaration dfv Mediengruppe 07/2018

                                                                    – 15 –
Newsletter                                                                                      Price list no. 28

                                                1 | Top Position
              planung&analyse Newsline              Superbanner:       728 x 90 pixel
             Send out on Fridays: Informs
                                                    Medium Rectangle: 300 x 250 p
                                                                                ­ ixel                 3
             you about all important news           or
             of the branch                          Billboard:        728 x 250 pixel

                                                2 | Top News Position
                                                 e.g. Superbanner:     728 x 90 pixel
                                                 Also bookable as Medium Rectangle or

                                                3 | Content Position 1
                                                	  e.g. text ad with logo/image:
                                                    max. 400 characters incl. space character
                                                    + 120x120 pixel
                                                    Also bookable as Medium Rectangle,
                                                    Superbanner and Billboard

                                                4 | Content Position 2                                 4
      2                                         	  e.g. Medium Rectangle:
                                                    300 x 250 pixel
                                                    Also bookable as text ad, Superbanner or

                                              For all
                                       advertising formats:
                                        Maximum volume
                                             is 25KB.
                                           File format:
                                            gif or jpg

                                             – 16 –
Newsletter                                                                                    Price list no. 28

               planung&analyse Newsflash                     planung&analyse Infomercial
              Send out on case by case basis                 Unique send out with your
              (several times a week):                        exclusive advertising message.
              important infromation about                    Content is noticeable marked
              the market research branch                     as advertisement.
                                                             Price upon request.

             1 | Top Position
               Superbanner:      728 x 90 pixel
               Medium Rectangle: 300 x 250 p
                                           ­ ixel
               Billboard:        728 x 250 pixel

                                                  For all
                                           advertising formats:
                                            Maximum volume
                                                 is 25KB.
                                               File format:
                                                gif or jpg

                                                    – 17 –
Newsletter prices                                                                                Price list no. 28

                                                          Size                                    Price
                                                         in pixel                                per week

planung&analyse Newsline

                                              Medium Rectangle: 300 x 250                         480 €
Top Position                                    Superbanner: 728 x 90                             500 €
                                                  Billboard: 728 x 250                            520 €

                                              Medium Rectangle: 300 x 250                         430 €
Top News Position                               Superbanner: 728 x 90                             440 €
                                                  Billboard: 728 x 250                            450 €

                                               Medium Rectangle: 300 x 250                        370 €
                                                  Superbanner: 728 x 90                           380 €
Content Position 1                                 Billboard: 728 x 250                           410 €
                            Text ad with picture maximum 400 characters incl. space characters    430 €
                                                  + maximum 120 x 120

                                               Medium Rectangle: 300 x 250                        310 €
                                                  Superbanner: 728 x 90                           320 €
Content Position 2                                 Billboard: 728 x 250                           350 €
                            Text ad with picture maximum 400 characters incl. space characters    370 €
                                                  + maximum 120 x 120

planung&analyse Newsflash

                                              Medium Rectangle: 300 x 250                         600 €
Top Position                                    Superbanner: 728 x 90                             615 €
                                                  Billboard: 728 x 250                            630 €

                                                     – 18 –
Scale of discount                                                                      Price list no. 28

 Discounts print                                       Discounts online

Discount: For binding advanced booking (only for      4 weeks and more          5%
format ads) the following discounts apply:           12 weeks and more         10%
                                                     20 weeks and more         15%
Frequency scale    Quantity scale                    32 weeks and more         25%
2 x 3%             2 pages        5%
3 x 4%             3 pages       10%                 Agency commission: 15%
4 x 6%             4 pages     12,5%
5 x 8%             5 pages       15%                 Further run times upon request.
6 x 10%            6 pages       20%
Agency commission: 15% (only for format ads)
Multi pages upon request.

                                                   – 19 –
Publishers imprint                                                                               Price list no. 28

Publisher:                                   Purchase prices print incl. online:
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH                    Annual subscription national: 249 €
                                             Test subscription national (3 issues): 82 €
Editor in Chief:
Sabine Hedewig-Mohr                          Purchase online only:
                                             Annual subscription national: 198 €
Publishing Director:
Peter Gerich                                 Purchase prices single issue print:
Year:                                        planung&analyse (ISSN-Nr. 0724-9632): 42 €
46. Jahrgang 2019                            Pupils, students and trainees get a discount of 50% on the net price
Advertising price list:                      against submission of a certificate.
No. 28 valid from 1. January 2019
                                             All prices are incl. distribution charge and VAT.
Circulation:                                 (exclusive prices of single issues).
5 x per year & 1 x special issue
Publishing house:
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
Mainzer Landstr. 251, 60326 Frankfurt
60264 Frankfurt am Main
+49 69 7595-01, extension -2014
+49 69 7595-2017

                                        – 20 –
Publishing House:
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
Mainzer Landstraße 251
60326 Frankfurt am Main

General Terms and Conditions:
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