Medical Devices Policy - May 2021

Medical Devices Policy - May 2021
Medical Devices Policy
                                                                May 2021
This policy supersedes all previous policies and procedures for Medical Devices

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Policy title             Medical Devices Policy

Policy reference         RM04

Policy category          Clinical/Risk Management

Relevant to              All staff using medical devices on and off Trust premises when delivering services
                         on behalf of C&I
Date published           March
Implementation date      March
Date last reviewed       Supersedes all previous policies

Next review date         September
Policy lead              Nurse Consultant Physical Health

Contact details
                         0203 317 7090
Accountable director     Director of Nursing & Governance

Approved by              Physical Health & Nutrition Group
Approved by              Clinical Risk and Governance Committee
Document history          Date             Version                 Summary of amendments
                                                                   Added Procurement Process
                                                                   Added links to policies
                         March 2021        5
                                                                   Updated equipment list
                                                                   Updated document format
                                                                   Updated contacts and links
                                                                   Document formatting and inclusion of revised
                          May 2019         4
                                                                   Incorporate OT Equipment /Patient Handling

                                                                  Comprehensive review to align with Trust
                          Jan 2018         3                      current practices

                          Aug 2010         2                       Matrix reviewed and updated

Membership of the
policy development/       Christina Amin, Consultant Nurse Physical Health and Infection Prevention and
review team               Control (Lead for Medical Devices and Resuscitation)

                          Members of Physical Health and Nutrition Group, Divisional Associate Directors,
                          Clinical Directors, Service/Team Managers and Matrons


Further copies of this document can be found on the Foundation Trust intranet.

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    1.      INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 4

    2.      POLICY STATEMENT ................................................................................................ 4
    3.      SCOPE....................................................................................................................... 5
         3.2 Objectives ................................................................................................................ 5
         3.3 Definitions ................................................................................................................ 5
    4.      DUTIES ...................................................................................................................... 6
    5.      TRAINING .................................................................................................................. 8
    6.      MEDICAL DEVICES MANAGEMENT AND PROCEDURES....................................... 9
         6.1 Procurement and Purchasing ................................................................................... 9
         6.2 Acceptance of Equipment....................................................................................... 10
         6.3 Procedure for the receipt of a new medical device .................................................. 10
         6.4 Pre-Purchase Questionnaire (PPQ)........................................................................ 10
         6.5 Assessment Testing ............................................................................................... 11
         6.6 Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) and Electrical Testing ........................... 11
         6.7 Repairs and Process .............................................................................................. 11
         6.8 Decontamination and Destruction........................................................................... 11
         6.9 Single Use Devices ................................................................................................ 12
         6.10 Cleaning and Medical Devices Audit .................................................................... 12
         6.11 Medical Devices Asset Register ........................................................................... 12
         6.12 Competence......................................................................................................... 13
         6.13 Incident reporting ................................................................................................. 13
         6.14 Medical Device Alerts ........................................................................................... 13
    7.      REVIEW AND MONITORING ARRANGEMENTS .................................................... 13
    8.      PROCESS FOR MONITORING AND COMPLIANCE ............................................... 14
    9.      DISSEMINATION ..................................................................................................... 15
    Appendix 1 Medical Devices (Standardised Items and Asset).......................................... 17
    Appendix 2 Medical Devices Pre-Procurement Questionnaire… ....................................... 20
    Appendix 3 Procurement of Medical Devices .....................................................................24

    Appendix 4 Process for the Repair of Medical Devices ...................................................... 25
    Appendix 5 Decontamination Label… ...............................................................................26
    Appendix 6 Medical Device Competencies… .................................................................... 27
    Appendix 7 Medical Device Competency Training History ................................................. 29

                                                                                                                            Page 3 of 30
1.1 The appropriate management and control of medical devices within Camden& Islington
    NHS Foundation Trust (C&I) is acknowledged at the highest level as being a
    fundamental component in ensuring the safety, health and wellbeing of both patients
    and staff.

1.2 The use of medical devices is an essential part of being able to provide safe care. The
    Care Quality Commission (CQC) and National Health Service Resolutions (NHSR)
    require Trusts to reduce risks associated with medical devices and equipment in order
    to protect patients and staff from any harm. Training is integral to reducing risk and the
    competencies required for devices used within C&I are attached to the policy as

1.3 This policy applies to all wards, teams and departments that use or loan medical
    equipment and devices on or off the Camden & Islington Trust premises. This includes
    devices given to service users as part of their care in the home.

1.4 Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust requires that all ward and team managers
    for inpatient and community services take responsibility for the medical devices used in,
    and loaned from, their area and for the relevant training for competency.

1.5 Correct management of medical devices and assignment of responsibilities plays an
    essential part in fulfilling our obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974),
    the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (1998) and the relevant NHS
    Care Standards.

1.6 This policy sets out the systems for managing the use of medical devices in directly
    managed Trust services within the operational Directorates. Management of medical
    devices encompasses the whole life cycle of the device, from pre-procurement issues,
    maintenance and safe disposal. The standards set out in this policy should be
    incorporated into all subcontracts for the provision of services by other organisations.

1.7 Although not directly applicable to independent contractors and their staff, the standards
    set out in this policy should be regarded as good practice for these services. Services
    provided for users of the Trust by other NHS Trusts should follow their own Trust’s
    policy relating to medical devices. Integrated services providing social services
    equipment should follow social services policies in managing this equipment.

1.8 The principles, policy and procedures relating to the management of medical devices
    is over seen by the Physical Health & Nutrition Group; with a report to the Clinical
    Quality and Risk Committee on a six-monthly basis.

2.1 The Trust has an obligation to protect service users, staff and visitors who enter their
    premises and is committed to ensure that the regulations/guidance informing this policy
    are fully implemented.

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2.2 The Trust also expects staff members to uphold the Trust Values while carrying out their
    responsibilities to ensure compliance with the policy.

2.3 The Trust is committed to maintaining a high standard of quality and patient safety in
    delivering its services and is steadfast in implementing the guidance set out by the
    Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) through the policy’s
    aims and objectives.

3.1 This policy applies to Trust staff and any staff providing services under contract in both
    hospital and community services who are involved in any aspect of medical devices use
    and management. It applies to medical devices which are used in In-Patient services, in
    the community and in patients’ own homes.

3.2 Objectives

   •   To ensure that all the Trust’s medical devices are managed in a way that maximises
       safety, performance, efficiency, value, correct use and minimises risk.

   •   To recognise the possible risks to service users, staff and the Trust, of the failure to
       meet suitable standards of safety and performance in the application and use of
       medical devices.

   •   To ensure all staff are competent in the use of medical devices that they are
       reasonably expected to use in their clinical area and operated in accordance with the
       manufacturer’s instruction by users and professionals who have obtained and
       maintained the correct level of knowledge and competency necessary. The Trust will
       support the staff to fulfil the aims of this policy by providing the necessary resources,
       training and IT systems.

   •   To ensure correct processes are followed for decommissioning and disposed at the
       end of the devices useful life and decontaminated in accordance with the Infection
       Control Guidance – Cleaning and Decontamination.

3.3 Definitions

   •   Medical devices can be defined as all products except medicines. They are used in
       healthcare for screening, diagnosis, prevention and monitoring of treatment. This
       includes the alleviation, or compensation for an injury or handicap, the investigation,
       replacement or modification of the anatomy or of a physiological process and the
       control of conception.
       Under the amended European Commission Directive 2007 the term Medical Device
       now includes software products, and not only software required for the normal
       functioning of a device.
       For examples of medical devices please see Appendix 1

   •   National Health Service Resolutions (NHSR) Has a statutory duty to manage and
       raise the standards of risk management throughout the NHS

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•   Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is the agency
       charged with protecting and promoting public health and patient’s safety in relation
       to medical devices and the use of medicines

   •   Reusable equipment is equipment designed to be used more than once,
       appropriately decontaminated between patient usage.

   •   Single Patient Use - All items marked by the manufacturer as single patient use
       must only be used by a single named patient. All the manufacturers‟ usage
       guidelines must be adhered to.

   •   Decontamination is a combination of processes, which removes or destroys
       contamination and thereby prevents microorganisms or other contaminants reaching
       a susceptible site in enough quantities to initiate infection or any other harmful
       response. This is achieved by cleaning, disinfection and/ or sterilisation.

   •   MDA - Medical Device Alerts.

   •   Competence is a specific range of skills, knowledge or ability at a enough level to
       be able to perform effectively in an appropriate setting.

   •   Avensys is the contracted company that provide C&I with medical physics services,
       this includes, but is not exclusive to:
           o Repairs
           o Assessment Testing
           o Maintenance


4.1 The Chief Executive has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that mechanisms are in
    place for the overall implementation, monitoring and revision of policy.

4.2 The Head of Governance and Quality Assurance, via the Clinical and Corporate
    Policy Manager, is responsible for ensuring:

   •   In conjunction with the Policy Lead identifies resource implications to facilitate
       implementation and compliance
   •   Training and monitoring systems are in place
   •   Regular review of the policy takes place

4.3 Divisional Directors are responsible for implementation of the policy within their own
    spheres of management and must ensure that:

   •   All new and existing staff have access to and are informed of the policy
   •   Ensure that local written procedures support and comply with the policy
   •   Ensure the policy is reviewed regularly
   •   Staff training needs are identified and met to enable implementation of the policy

4.4 The Director of Nursing has Board level responsibility for the use of medical devices.
    The Director is responsible for ensuring that the Trust has safe systems for managing

                                                                                      Page 6 of 30
medical devices and that the Board can fulfil its governance role in relation to their use.

4.5 The Operational Directors through their service managers ensure that those services
    directly managed by the Trust adhere to the standards set out in Section 6 of this policy.
    Additionally, they ensure that these standards are incorporated in subcontracts for the
    provision of services by other organisations.

4.6 Occupational Therapists maintain an asset list for OT equipment available for use in
    the in-patient setting. Maintenance and decontamination of equipment is aligned to this
    policy and the infection control policy. Initial training is required by OTs to assess and
    prescribe specific equipment e.g. bath boards, raised toilet seats etc. This is achieved
    by attending a one day commissioned Occupational Therapy Aids and Equipment
    Course. Refresher training is undertaken as minimum every three years. Refer to OT
    Equipment Guidelines

4.7 Ward/Team Managers are aware of their responsibilities for procedures set out in
    Section 6. These may be delegated under a locally agreed and signed policy. Overall
    responsibility, however, remains with the manager of the ward or clinical department.

4.8 The Procurement Department is responsible for ordering stock and non-stock medical
    devices as requested by the ward/team managers. The department will where
    necessary send out pre-purchase questionnaires to manufacturers, seek approval from
    medical physics, arrange delivery and where appropriate acceptance checking by
    Medical Physics.

4.9 Consultant Nurse Physical Health lead on Medical Devices and Resuscitation is the
    nominated Trust Medical Devices Safety Officer and is responsible for disseminating
    alerts, advice and recommendations of the Medical and Healthcare Products Regulatory
    Agency (MHRA). In addition, all medical device failures must be reported by Trust staff
    on Datix as an incident. The Medical Devices and Resuscitation Lead is part of the
    Clinical Governance Team managed within the Nursing Directorate and has the
    responsibility for the development, maintenance, review and ratification of this document
    lies with the Consultant Nurse Physical Health.

4.10 Estates and Facilities are responsible for undertaking annual Portable Appliance
    Testing (PAT) with the exception of medical and laboratory electrical equipment.

4.11 The Clinical Engineering and Medical Physics Departments (is contracted by C&I
    to Avensys) are responsible for the management, maintenance (including repairs and
    destruction), procurement advice, regulatory compliance and standardisation in
    accordance with the relevant company, national and international guidance.

4.12 The Physical Health and Nutrition Group are responsible for the following areas and
     report any concerns to the Health, Safety and Fire Committee.

   •   Improve communication about medical devices within the organisation
   •   Ensure involvement of clinicians, technical staff and users in relation to any proposed
       changes, including large scale purchasing relating to devices, where appropriate
   •   Define persons responsible for device management tasks, training and safe device
   •   Define and review the device management policy

                                                                                       Page 7 of 30
•    Review incidents including governance issues relating to medical device

4.13 All Trust staff:

   •    Are familiar with the content of the relevant policy and follow its requirements
   •    Work within, and do not exceed, their own sphere of competence
   •    Fully implement this policy and bring to the immediate attention of Managers any
        issues affecting the effective implementation of this policy.
   •    Deliver personalised care using medical devices in a way that has regard to the
        dignity, comfort and safety of patients and which promotes their independence
        and well-being.
   •    Use best interest provisions where required.
   •    Take account of the training needs of patients/carers regarding any equipment
        the patient/carer is given to use.
   •    Report incidents and near misses involving medical devices via DATIX electronic
        incident reporting system.
   •    Address any concerns in a timely manner where they identify problems around the
        safety or suitability of equipment in a patients’ own home.
   •    Use medical devices safely and in the prescribed manner including ensuring that any
        safety checks required by manufacturers‟ instructions or procedures/guidance are
        carried out prior to use of medical devices including safe decontamination.
   •    Individual staff members must ensure they have received sufficient training i.e. verbal
        and/or written instructions and hence are competent to use a medical device before
        attempting to operate it. If there is any doubt, the member of staff should consult their
        Manager and the manufacturers‟ instructions.
   •    All prescribing decisions involving medical devices will be made by staff with
        appropriate professional qualifications and suitable experience.
   •    Preserve the Trust’s assets and keep unnecessary expenditure to a minimum.
   •    Every member of staff must have ownership and responsibility for minimising the
        impact of risk.

4.14 Independent contractors:

       All independent contractors are wholly responsible for the management of risks within
       their practice. To support Independent Contractors in satisfying this duty the Trust
       recommends full compliance with this policy. The provision of directly managed Trust
       services within an Independent Contractor’s practice may be dependent on full
       compliance with all the Trust’s Medical Devices Policy, governance policies and
       procedures. Failure to provide evidence of compliance may result in the withdrawal of
       direct Trust services.

4.15 The Clinical Governance and Risk Committee
4.16.1 The Clinical Governance and Risk Committee will be notified when this policy has
       been approved by the Physical Health and Nutrition Group and be made aware of
       any amendments.


    Training of medical devices should be completed locally at team level in the
    form of a competence assessment. All team managers are required to keep a
    record of staff competencies. See “Medical Device Competency Training
    History” (Appendix 7) as evidence of the competencies being completed.

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5.1 Training is an essential element in ensuring the medical device is used, maintained and
    managed correctly. The Trust has a responsibility to provide, by whatever means most
    appropriate, any necessary training relating to the management of medical devices.

5.2 The Trust will ensure that staff have access to appropriate levels of training.

5.3 Managers are responsible to maintain, promote and develop skills that ensure the safe
    use of medical devices. It is important that staff work within their ‘Scope of Practice’.
    Staff should only use, maintain or manage equipment that they can demonstrate
    competency in through specific training or through professional knowledge and skills.

5.4 Staff are responsible for ensuring they access training appropriate to their role in
    providing safe and quality care.

5.5 Training on all medical devices must include appreciation of corresponding readings,
    values and device indicators to inform safe and quality care and interventions.

5.6 Managers must ensure the provision of supervision for all staff at appropriate levels for
    assessment of practical skills using medical devices.

5.7 Where staff are not employed by the Trust but use, maintain or manage the equipment,
    some confirmation of competency should be sought by Service Level Agreement (SLA).

5.8 Competency assessments will be kept locally to form part of supervision and the
    appraisal induction / process and will include:

    • Medical Device
    • Date training was received
    • Training delivered by

5.9 Levels of training are identified as part of the competencies.


6.1 Procurement and Purchasing

6.1.1 The Trust supports the identification and standardisation of medical devices wherever
      practicable but is fully committed to ensuring the needs of the individual/clinical areas
      are considered.

6.1.2 All medical devices that have been through the Pre-Purchase Questionnaire (PPQ)
      (Appendix 2) process and approved by the Medical Devices Lead will be added to
      the standardised medical devices list. This is a fluid list of devices that will change
      ona regular basis; this is to accommodate for devices going out of production or
      unavailability from suppliers, for the most up to date list of standardised medical
      devices contact

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6.1.3 All medical devices must be purchased via the Agresso Catalogue or via the CANDI
      Procurement system at . This allows the
      procurement department to identify any medical devices that have been purchased
      requiring assessment testing, and then direct them to the contracted medical physical
      department (Avensys).

For the pre-procurement of non standard Medical Devices please see Appendix 2
For the procurement of standard Medical Devices please see Appendix 3

6.2 Acceptance of Equipment

6.2.1 The process for accepting medical devices into a clinical environment should only
      be carried out by designated Trust staff or people identified and approved by
      Matrons /Team Managers. Details of how to complete the process is listed in
      Section 6.3.

6.2.2 Equipment MUST not be used until the acceptance process is completed
      satisfactorily. Where possible, appropriate documentation will be made available to
      Matrons/Managers via the Medical Devices email

6.2.3 Avensys Medical Physics will complete all acceptance checks and records will be
      kept by the medical devices’ administrator. All new items will be added to the
      Avensys database. You can request a list of your equipment via
6.3 Procedure for the Receipt of a new Medical Device

6.3.1 Managers/delegated member of staff will adhere to the following procedure when
      taking receipt of new medical devices: -

           i)     Check that the correct product, complete with operating manuals and
                  maintenance instructions has been supplied.

           ii)    Complete and retain the delivery checklist.

           iii)   Ensure that product items have been delivered in good condition and in
                  working order.

           iv)    Record the details of the device (product no., serial no., etc.).

           v)     Comply with safety legislation

           vi)    A written decontamination procedure is made available and stored with
                  the records for each piece of equipment.

           vii)   Determine the correct training requirements for the use and maintenance
                  of each piece of equipment and retain evidence of all training together
                  with the Medical Devices lead.
6.4 Pre-Purchase Questionnaire (PPQ)

6.4.1 All medical devices not previously used or on the pre-approved items list in the Trust
      must be presented to the Medical Devices lead prior to purchase, this will be
      reviewed before being purchased.

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6.4.2 All devices that have been approved will be added the standardised equipment list.

6.5 Assessment Testing

6.5.1 A medical device prior to its first use in a clinical area is required to be tested by the
      Medical Physics Department. This does not include all devices and in most cases
      refers to electrical medical devices (e.g. Pulse Oximeter), or medical devices that
      require a moving mechanism to function (e.g. wheelchairs).

6.5.2 The Procurement Department will ensure that all devices that require assessment
      testing will be sent to the medical physics department (Avensys) directly from the
      supplier. Once testing has been completed the device/s will be forwarded to a
      nominated member of staff.

6.5.3 The standardised equipment list (Appendix 1) Identifies devices requiring assessment
      testing, if a device arrives in your service and does not display the assessment tested
      sticker from Avensys, you must contact the Medical Devices lead for advice via

6.6 Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) and Electrical Testing

6.6.1 Medical devices must be tested on an annual basis in order to assure functionality
      and calibration for safety.

6.6.2 A member of your team identified by the manager/matron will receive notification via of equipment which is due for service, no less than
      one week before it is due. It is the responsibility of the team manager or delegated
      member of staff to ensure that all equipment and associated parts for servicing is
      made available for the attending engineer. Equipment not presented in full will NOT
      be tested this may impede patient care and/or incur unnecessary additional costs.

6.6.3 A concise report will be presented to the area and to the Physical Health and Nutrition
      Group on a quarterly basis.

6.7 Repairs and Process

6.7.1 If a medical device is not functioning correctly you should contact the Medical Devices
      lead immediately via Advise will be offered to the
      service as to whether the device will be repaired or if it is more economically viable to
      replace the device.

6.7.2 If a device is going to be repaired the medical physics department will send an
      engineer as soon as possible to repair the device. Depending on the urgency,this will
      be done either within 24 – 48 hours or 3 - 7 days.

6.7.3 The first visit by the engineer is to diagnose and potentially repair the device. If
      replacement parts are required, the engineer will make a second visit once they
      have obtained the parts and complete the repair.

To request an engineer visit please see Appendix 4

6.8 Decontamination and Destruction

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6.8.1 If a device is considered beyond economic repair, then it must be labelled as
      cleaned and ready for destruction. Inform the Medical Devices Lead via that disposal is required.

   i)   Medical devices no longer required will be disposed of in a safe manner, in
        compliance with required legislation.

   ii) Disposal of redundant medical devices will be by, transfer of ownership,
       decommissioning or disposal in line with the Trust policy for waste disposal.

   iii) In cases of transfer of ownership - decontamination certificates, maintenance records
        and operating instructions, will be transferred with the device at the time of transfer.

   iv) When devices are decommissioned - decontamination certificates, maintenance
       records and operating instructions will be retained within departments.

   v) Advice and guidance to be followed as per Trusts Waste Management Policy.

6.9 Single Use Devices

6.9.1 All single use devices must only be used once regardless if it is the same patient; they
      must be disposed of in line with the Infection Control Policy.

6.9.2 Some medical devices have single use components (e.g. Glucometers) it is important
      to know what components are for single use and what part of the medical device is for
      repeated use.

6.10 Cleaning and Medical Devices Audit

6.10.1 All medical devices must be cleaned in line with the infection control policy, this is
       predominately after every use, it should also be additionally cleaned once a week
       and checked that it is in good working order.

6.10.2 The weekly cleaning and checking of medical devices should be documented using
       the Meridian Medical Devices Audit.

6.11 Medical Devices Asset Register / Database

6.11.1 All medical devices that require PPM will now be logged on the Trusts Asset Register.
       This is a third party database that is held by the medical physics department and you
       can request a report via

6.11.2 All service managers will have access to the system where they can view the assets
       that are currently registered under their service. Please request access via

6.11.3 The asset register will be updated on a monthly basis by the medical physics
       department for the following reasons:
       Purchase of devices that have been assessment tested
       Repairs of devices
       Decommissioning and destruction of devices

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6.11.4 Service managers are responsible for ensuring that their asset register is correct and
       contacts the medical physics department if the status of the devices has changed
       (devices added / removed).

6.12 Competence

6.12.1 All staff are expected to be competent in the medical devices they use for practice in
       clinical areas, this will vary based on roles and service areas.

6.12.2 Service managers/matrons are required to provide assurance staff are safe to use
       medical devices appropriate for care in clinical areas. This can be achieved by using
       the medical devices competency tool.

6.13 Incident reporting

6.13.1 Any failure or adverse incidents of medical devices should be reported via the Datix
       reporting system in line with the Trusts ‘Management of Serious Incidents
       Policy’ found here

6.13.2 The Trusts Medical Devices lead will investigate all Datix related to medical device
       incidents and if necessary report them to the MHRA using the yellow care system on
       the following web address:

6.14 Medical Device Alerts

6.14.1 The process by which the Trust deals with Medical Device Alerts is outlined in the
       ‘Central Alert System (CAS) Policy’ found here

7.1 The policy will be reviewed every 2 years in line with the Trusts Policy review guidelines
    to ensure that it is contemporaneous to modern mental health practice and research. All
    policies are subject to earlier review if significant changes in legislation or national best
    practice indicate.

                                                                                       Page 13 of 30

 Elements to be              Lead                Reporting Frequency   How Trust will monitor   Reporting and               Implementation of
 monitored                                                             compliance               Monitoring                  Lessons Learnt
 These elements are to                                                 e.g. Audit, checklist,   Which committee or          How will changes be
 be linked to the purpose                                              dashboard                group will be responsible   implemented and
 / objectives of the                                                                            for scutinising reports     lessons learnt / shared?
 document                                                                                       and monitoring outcomes
                                                                       Reported to the Trust
                                                                       by the Medical Physics                                Divisional Directors
                             Consultant Nurse
All medical devices that                                               Department               Physical Health and          informed of any
                              Physical Health
require annual PPM                               6 Monthly             (contracted service      Nutrition Group              changes/action
                             (Medical Devices
                                                                       Avensys)                                              plans and
                                                                                                                             cascaded down.

                                                                                                                            Divisional Directors
Medical Devices                                                        Reported to the Trust                                informed of any
                             Infection Control                                                  Infection Control
Cleaning Audit                                   3 Monthly             by the Infection                                     changes/action plans
                                   Lead                                                         Group
                                                                       Control lead                                         and cascaded down.

                                                                                                                            Divisional Directors
                                                                       Monitored by Heads of    Reported to Physical
Medical Devices              Matrons /Service                                                                               informed of any
                                                 3 Monthly             Nursing/Service          Health & Nutrition
Competencies                   Managers                                                                                     changes/action plans
                                                                       Managers                 Group                       and cascaded down
Register of Medical         Matrons/Service      3 Monthly                                                                  Divisional Directors
                                                                       Monitored by Heads of    Reported to Physical
Devices assets                Managers                                                                                      informed of any
                                                                       Nursing/Service          Health & Nutrition
                                                                                                                            changes/action plans
                                                                       Managers                 Group                       and cascaded down

                                                                                                                                        Page 14 of 30

9.1 The issue of this policy will be communicated to all staff via the Communications Digest.
    Local managers are responsible for implementing this policy within their own teams.

9.2 This policy will be available to all staff via the Intranet.

9.3 The previous version will be removed from the Intranet and Trust website and archived.
    Microsoft Word and pdf. copies of the current and the previous version of this policy are
    available via the Governance Team. Any printed copies of the previous version should
    be destroyed and if a hard copy is required, it should be replaced with this version.


Care Quality Commission (2015) Guidance for Providers on Meeting the Regulations.

Department of Health (2009) Competencies for Recognising and Responding to Acutely ill
Patients in hospital London

Houses of Parliament (2002) Medical Device Regulations, No. 618 London

Houses of Parliament (2008) Health and Social Care Act (Regulated Activities) Regulations
2014 (Part 3), No: 2936. London. The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated
Activities) Regulations 2014

Medical Device and Equipment Management for Hospital and Community-based

MDA DB2000 (02) - Medical Device Agency Device Bulletin2000 (02) - medical device and
equipment: repair and maintenance provision.

Medical Devices Agency (2002) Devices in Practice, DOH London

MDA DB2000 (04) - Medical Device Agency Device Bulletin2000 (04)-single-use Medical
Devices: implications and consequences of reuse.

MDA DB2000 (04) - Supplement 2. Guidance on the sale, transfer of, ownership and
disposal of used medical devices.

MDA DB 9801- Medical Device Agency Device Bulletin 9801-Medical Device and
equipment management for hospital and community-based organisations

Medical Devices Agency (2002) Devices in Practice, DOH London

Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency Annual Report 2004.

Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (2015) Managing Medical Devices:
Guidance for healthcare and social services organisations. London.

                                                                                    Page 15 of 30
National Institute of Clinical Excellence (2007) Acutely ill patients in hospital. Recognition of
and response to acute illness in adult hospitals London

Nursing and Midwifery Council (2015) The Code: Professional standards of practice and
behaviour for nurses and midwives. London.
Resuscitation Council (UK) (2014) Quality standards for cardiopulmonary resuscitation
practice and training London Available at:

Royal Marsden Manual On-line 9th edition

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency 2005 (MHRA DB2005 (01) Reporting

Adverse Incidents and Disseminating Medical devices Alerts

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive (2002/96/EC)


Physical HealthCare & Wellbeing
Management of Serious Incidents
Infection Control / Decontamination & Waste

                                                                                       Page 16 of 30
Appendix 1              Medical Devices Standardised Items and Assets
      Device Type               Supplier       Product        Product              Requires    How To Order
                                                 Code         Description          Testing

Tympanic                Procurement to     FWH157        Tympanic Ear                         Email
Thermometer             source                           Thermometer Pro 6000      Yes        Procurement
                                                         With Small Cradle
Tympanic Device         NHS Supply Chain   FWH040        Single Use Probe                     Order throughNHS
Disposable                                               Covers For Tympanic       No         Supply Chain via
Covers                                                   Device Models Pro                    ‘Agresso’
                                                         4000 & 6000
Infrared                Procurement to     FWH122        Non-Contact Infrared                 Email
Thermometer             source                           Temporal Artery           Yes        Procurement
                                                         Thermfinder FS-700
Room/Fridge             Denward            TMM111C       Dual Display                         Order Through
Thermometer                                              Calibrated                No         Denward Through
                                                         Thermometer                          Agresso

Digital Portable        Williams Medical   M-420         Marsden 220kgC3           Yes        Email
Scales                                                   Portable Scale                       Procurement

Digital Portable        Marsden            CC-420        Marsden CC-420 Carry                 Email
Scales Carry Case                                        Case For Personal         No         Procurement
Test Strips             NHS Supply Chain   HHH1851       10 Parameter Urinalysis              Order throughNHS
                                                         Regent Test Strips 5      No         Supply Chain via
                                                         Tubs Of 100                          ‘Agresso’

Blood Pressure          Williams Medical   W57228        Welch Allyn DuraShock                Email
Sphygmomano meter                                        DS54 Thumbscrew           No         Procurement
Blood Pressure Cuff -   Williams Medical   W6519         Welch Allyn                          Email
Sphygmomano                                              Flexiport System          No         Procurement
meter                                                    Small 20-26cm

Blood Pressure Cuff -   Williams Medical   W6524         Welch Allyn                          Email
Sphygmomano                                              Flexiport System          No         Procurement
meter                                                    Large 32-42cm
Blood Pressure          K-Med              KSP097        Omron M6 AC Auto                     Email
Monitor                                                  Upper Arm BP Monitor      Yes        Procurement
                                                         With Easy Cuff (22-
Blood PressureCuff      K-Med              KSP005        Omron Small Cuff –        No         Email
                                                         (17-22 cm)                           Procurement

Blood Pressure Cuff     K-Med              KSP004.2      Omron Easy Cuff M-L       No         Email
                                                         Size for all BPMS (22-               Procurement
Blood Pressure                                           Omron 907 Professional    Yes        Email
Monitor                 Medisave                         BP Monitor With 3 Cuff               Procurement
Blood Glucose Meter     Williams Medical   W710          Accu-Chek Performa        Yes        Email
                                                         Glucometer                           Procurement

                                                                                              Page 17 of 30
Blood Glucose Meter   Williams Medical    D256    Accu-Check Safe-T-Pro              Email
Lancets                                           Plus Lancets – Pack of       No    Procurement
Blood Glucose         Williams Medical    D215    Accu-Check                         Email
Meter Control                                     Performa Control Solution    No    Procurement
Blood Glucose Meter   Williams Medical    D213    Accu-Chek Inform II&               Email
Test Strips                                       Performa Strips x50          No    Procurement

Tape Measure          NHS Supply         VWR007   Tape Measure Paper           No    Order through NHS
                      Chain                       150cm Long Metric And              Supply Chain via
                                                  Imperial Latex Free                ‘Agresso’
Height Measure        Williams Medical   W7732    Seca 213 Height Measure      No    Email

Pulse Oximeter        Williams Medical   W4372    Choice Med Finger Pulse            Email
                                                  Oximeter With Carry          Yes   Procurement
Stethoscope           Williams Medical   W3293B   3M Littmann Lightweight II         Email
                                           K      S.E. Stethoscope             No    Procurement

Peak FlowMeter        Williams Medical   W10015     Micro Peak Peak Flow             Email
                                                            Meter              Yes   Procurement

Peak Flow Mouth       Williams Medical   W33591   Carefusion Adult                   Email Procurement
Pieces                                            Disposable Mouthpieces       No
                                                  x 500
Portable ECG          Health Care        HCE203   Welch Allyn Cardio                 Email
Machine               Equipment                   PerfectPC Based ECG          Yes   Procurement
ECG Machine           Williams Medical   W56793   Welch Allyn CP 150 ECG       Yes   Email
                                                  Machine with                       Procurement
ECG MachineTrolley    Williams Medical   W56800   Trolley For CP 150 ECG       No    Email
                                                  Machine                            Procurement

ECG Trolley Arm       Williams Medical   W56801   Cable Arm And Tray           No    Email
and Tray                                          For CP150 Trolley                  Procurement

ECG Paper             Williams Medical   ECG679   Welch Allyn ECG              No    Email
                                           1      Paper Pack 5 x 200                 Procurement
ECG Electrodes Tabs   NHS Supply         FDK129   ECG Electrodes               No    Order through
                      Chain                       Accessories Universal              NHS Supply
                                                  Snap Clip Adaptors
                                                  For                                Chain via
                                                  Tab Electrodes 3-4mm               ‘Agresso’
ECG Electrodes        NHS Supply Chain   FDK536   ECG Electrodes               No    Order through
                                                  Accessories Micropore              NHS Supply
                                                  ECG cablesecuring
                                                  system for fixation of             Chain via
                                                  electrode lead wires on            ‘Agresso’
Medical Fridge 15Litre Glen Dimplex      PSR151   15 Litre Under Counter       Yes   Email Procurement
                                           UK     Lec Medical Fridge
Medical Fridge45      Glen Dimplex       PE190C   45 Litre Under               Yes   Email
Litre                                             Counter LEC                        Procurement
Medical Fridge82      Glen Dimplex       PE207C   82 Litre Under Counter       Yes   Email Procurement
Litre                                             LEC Medical Fridge
Hypodermic            NHS Supply         FWD048   Safety Hypodermic            No    Order through
Needle3ml             Chain                       Needle& Syringe 21G                NHS Supply
                                                  Green 38mm (1.5 inch)
                                                                                     Chain via Agresso

                                                                                     Page 18 of 30
With 3ml Concentric
                                                      Syringe Sterile
Hypodermic               NHS Supply Chain   FWD047    Safety Hypodermic            No              Order Through
Needle 3ml                                            Needle & Syringe 23G                          NHS Supply
                                                      Blue x 25.4mm(1 inch)                        Chain Through
                                                      With 3ml Concentric                             Agresso
                                                      Syringe Sterile

Hypodermic               NHS Supply Chain   FWD049    Safety Hypodermic            No              Order Through
Needle 5ml                                            Needle & Syringe 21G                          NHS Supply
                                                      Green x 38mm (1.5                            Chain Through
                                                      inch) With 5ml                                  Agresso
                                                      Concentric Syringe
Hypodermic               NHS Supply Chain   FWD050    Safety Hypodermic            No              Order Through
Needle 10ml                                           Needle & Syringe 21G                          NHS Supply
                                                      Green x 38mm (1.5                            Chain Through
                                                      inch) With 10ml                                 Agresso
                                                      Concentric Syringe
Insulin Needle 1ml       NHS Supply Chain   FWD044    Safety Insulin Needle&       No              Order Through
                                                      Syringe 29G Red x                             NHS Supply
                                                      12.7mm (0.5 inch) With                       Chain Through
                                                      1ml Concentric Syringe                          Agresso
                                                      Sterile U100

Insulin Pen              NHS Supply Chain   FTR1834   Safety Insulin Pen Needle    No              Order Through
Needle                                                29G x 8mm ForPre Filled                       NHS Supply
                                                      Reusable Pen Injectors                       Chain Through
                                                      Autoprotect                                     Agresso

Nebuliser                Williams Medical    W559     Medix AC2000                 Yes                 Email
                                                      Nebuliser                                    Procurement
Nebuliser Outlet         Williams Medical   W5012     Medix AC2000                 No                  Email
Filter                                                Nebuliser Outlet                              Procurement
Nebuliser Inlet Filter   Williams Medical   W5013     Medix AC2000                 No                  Email
                                                      Nebuliser Inlet Filter                       Procurement

Ophthalmoscope           Williams Medical   W57540    Keeler Standard              Yes                 Email
                                                      Ophthalmoscope                               Procurement

Otoscope                 Williams Medical   W57534    Keeler Standard              Yes                 Email
                                                      Otoscope                                      Procurement
COPD Screening                               40200    Vitalograph COPD-6           Yes                 Email
Device                   Medisave                     COPD Screening                               Procurement

COPD Screening                               20242    Vitalograph SafeTway         No                  Email
Device Mouth Pieces      Medisave                     One- Way Valve                               Procurement
                                                      Mouthpieces x 200

Alcohol                                     HHH375    AL6000 Digital              Yes – To be      Order Through
Breathalyser             NHS Supply Chain             Alcohol Breathalyser        assessed on       NHS Supply
                                                                                      site         Chain Through

Alcohol                                     HHH378    100 x AL6000/AL7000          No              Order Through
Breathalyser             NHS Supply Chain             Replacement                                   NHS Supply
Mouth Pieces                                          Mouthpieces                                  Chain Through

                                                                                         Page 19 of 30
Appendix 2                               Medical Devices PPQ 2018
                   The PAQ is endorsed by NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), NHS Supply Chain (NHSSC), Health Care Supply Association (HCSA),
             Association of British Healthcare Industries (ABHI), and Association of Healthcare Technology Providers for Imaging, Radiotherapy & Care (AXREM).

                                 PRE-PURCHASE QUESTIONNAIRE (PPQ Form)
The purpose of this Form is to provide information about a Medical Device(s) which we shall then use to inform pre- purchase planning and approval of proposals
to procure such Medical Device(s) – whether by purchase, exchange, rental, lease, loan, donation or other agreement. (Note: The term ‘Device’ as used here includes
equipment, systems and accessories. In the case of systems the requirements below apply both to the individual constituent Devices and to the configured system as
a whole. Accessories within the scope of this Form need to be identified under 1(d).)

Please ensure that all relevant sections have been completed and that all supplementary information requested has been provided, (shaded boxes                  indicate that
supplementary information is required); questions for which the only available response is ‘YES’ indicate that this response is a requirement, if the question applies.

                                                              PART I - PRODUCT INFORMATION
                                                      to be completed by the device Manufacturer or Authorised Representative

     UDI Device Identifier:        (GS1-GTIN)

     Device Description:
                  (GMDN Code / Group if available)

     Authorised Representative:

 1     a)    When was this Model first placed upon the market ?
       b)    Is this Model still in production ?                                            NO      YES            if NO, when did production cease ?
       c)    Does this Form cover a range of Model variants ?                               NO      YES            if YES, list of Models attached to this Form ?                     YES
       d)    Does this Form cover Accessories ?                                             NO      YES            if YES, list of Accessories attached to this Form ?                YES
       e)    Has a Device brochure and specification been attached to this Form ?                                                                                                     YES

 2     a)    Is the Device CE-marked, for its intended use, to all currently applicable EC Directives ?                                                                  NO           YES
       b)    - if YES, have the EC Declaration/s of Conformity been attached to this Form ?                                                                                           YES
       c)    Which EC Directive/s apply ?
             Medical Devices Directive                                                           Classification?                                                (1, 1-m, 1-s / IIa / IIb / III)

             Active Implantable Devices Directive
             In-Vitro Diagnostics Medical Device Directive                                           Category?                                           (general / self-test / List-A / List-B)

             - which Directive/s?
       c)    Has this included Notified Body conformity assessment ?                                                                                                     NO           YES
             - Notified Body identification number & name:
       d)    Is the manufacturer currently certified to any management / quality sys tem Standards ?                                                                     NO           YES

             - which Standard/s ?                                                                                                                    (eg: EN-ISO-9001, 13485, 14001, etc.)

             - Certification Body:

 3           If not CE-marked, (or if ‘off-label’ use is proposed for a CE-marked Device), then -
       a)    Is this a Medical Device for ‘Clinical Investigation’ ?                                                                                                    NO            YES
             - if YES, quote the MHRA ‘no objection’ reference
             - if YES, has a copy of the MHRA’s notice of ‘no objection’ been attached to this Form ?                                                                                 YES
       b)    Is this an In-Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device for ‘Performance Evaluation’ ?                                                                               NO            YES
             - if YES, has a copy of notification to MHRA been attached ?                                                                                                             YES
       c)    Is this a ‘custom-made’ Medical Device ?                                                                                                                   NO            YES
             - if YES, name the prescribing Medical Practitioner:

       d)    - if NO to 2(a), and to 3(a) (b) and (c), then provide justification of the Device’s status (e.g.: MHRA-approved humanitarian grounds)-
                                                                                                                                                          Page 20 of 30
Page 1 of 4

              Page 21 of 30
4   a)   To what date is manufacturer support for this Model guaranteed ?
         - does this include availability of parts and supply of consumables / accessories ?                                                                                               YES
         - does this include product support, as detailed below, (training, maintenance, repair, etc.) ?                                                                                   YES
    b)   What is the Device warranty period?                                                                    Have warranty details been attached to this Form ?                         YES
    c)   What is the recommended working lifetime for this Device?                                          (‘not applicable’ for disposable Devices)

    d)   Have details for end-of-life waste management of the Device been attached to this Form ?                                                                                          YES
    e)   Does the manufacturer / supplier have a robust system for notification of Device alerts / upgrades to a named hospital representative ?                                           YES

5   a)   Can an additional User Manual be provided (electronic format) ?                                                                                                                   YES
    b)   Can a Technical Manual be provided (electronic format) ?                                                                                                               NO         YES
    c)   Is identical loan equipment normally available in the event of equipment failure ?                                                                                     NO         YES
    (Any conditions or costs associated with 5(b) or 5(c) should be included in the response to 7(b))

                                                                                                                                                 Commissioning & Deployment

6   a)   Has a protocol for post-delivery inspection and acceptance testing of Device function and safety been attached to this Form ?                                                     YES
    b)   Does the Device have particular installation requirements and / or require ancillary services or other prerequisite arrangements ?                                     NO         YES
         - if YES, then have details of all installation requirements been attached to this Form ?                                                                                         YES

                                                                                                                                                                         Technical Support

7   a)   Is this a disposable non-serviceable device ? (- if YES, proceed to Section 8)                                                                                                    YES
    b)   Does the manufacturer or an authorised servicing agent provide a maintenance / repair and technical support service ?                                                  NO         YES
         - if YES, then have details of all service contract options been detailed, fully costed and attached to this Form ?                                                               YES
         - where is the servicing facility located ?
         - are all servicing staff verifiably trained and competency assessed for the servicing tasks that they perform ?                                                                  YES
         - are qualification / competency records of servicing staff available upon request ?                                                                                              YES
    c)   Is the servicing organisation currently certified to any management system Standards ?                                                                                 NO         YES
         - which Standard/s ?                                                                                                                                 (eg: EN-ISO-9001, 13485, 17025, etc.)

         - Certification Body:
    d)   Do the contract alternatives offered in 7(b) include an option for in-house equipment servicing by hospital staff ?                                                    NO         YES
         - if YES, have details of the availability of spare / replacement parts to support equipment servicing been attached to this Form ?                                               YES
         - if YES, have details of information / test equipment / tooling / software required for equipment servicing been attached to this Form ?                                         YES


8   a)   What level of Device decontamination is required ? - (for multi-component systems identify all applicable levels)
                     none                                cleaning                               disinfection                                             sterilisation
         - if answer is not ‘none’, have validated decontamination instructions been attached to this Form?                                                                                YES
         - for sterilisable Devices, do these instructions meet the requirements of EN-ISO-17664 ?                                                                                         YES
    b)   Does the device require processing / reprocessing before / between uses ?                                                                                              NO         YES
         - if YES, have all decontamination process requirements for special equipment, tools and materials been detailed in attached information ?                                        YES
         - if YES, have any special post-processing Device storage requirements been detailed in the attached information ?                                                                YES
         - is there a limit to the number of Device reprocessing cycles ?                 NO        YES                      if YES, what is the limit ?
         - are Devices uniquely identifiable ?                                            NO        YES                                                                   state if ‘Single-Use’
         - is this an implantable Device ?                                                NO        YES

                                                                                                                                                                               Data Security

9   a)   Does the Device store or transmit patient information that will require information governance measures ?                                                              NO         YES
         - if YES, then have details of information capture / encryption / storage / transmission / deletion been attached to this Form ?                                                  YES
    b)   Does the Device interface, by wired or wireless connection, with Information technology (IT) equipment or network systems ?                                            NO         YES
         - if YES, then have details of Device IT software / hardware compatibility requirements been attached to this Form ?                                                              YES
         - if YES, then have details of provisions made for Device IT cybersecurity been attached to this Form ?                                                                           YES

                                                                                                                                                             Particular Requirements

10 a)    Does the Device present particular hazards that require special safety management measures ?                                                                           NO         YES
         (eg: ionising / non-ionising radiation; contamination / infection; hazardous materials; hazardous mechanical / electrical energy; etc.)
             - identified hazards:
         - if YES, then have details of the nature of identified hazards been attached to this Form ?                                                                                      YES

                                                                                Page 2 of 4
                                                                                                                                                                  Page 21 of 30
b)          Does the Device require particular performance quality assurance measures ? (eg: calibration, qualification, PoCT controls, etc.)               NO   YES
                        - QA measures:
                - if YES, then have details of quality assurance requirements been attached to this Form ?                                                           YES

11 a)        Is competency-based user training available from the manufacturer or an authorised provider ?                                                      NO   YES
             - if YES, have details of user training offered (amount / content / assessment / duration / location / cost / etc.) been attached ?                     YES
    b)       Is competency-based technical (equipment servicing) training available from the manufacturer or an authorised provider ?                           NO   YES
             - if YES, have details of technical training offered (amount / content / assessment / duration / location / cost / etc.) been attached ?                YES
    c)       Is competency-based decontamination / reprocessing training available from the manufacturer or an authorised provider ?                            NO   YES
             - if YES, have details of decontamination training offered (amount / content / assessment / duration / location / cost / etc.) been attached ?          YES
    d)       Are qualification / competency records of training providers available upon request ?                                                                   YES
    e)       If other additional support facilities are available, (eg: helpdesk, literature, website resources, etc.), have details of these been attached ?        YES

Please ensure that all necessary supplementary information, (as indicated by shaded boxes               in the Form above) accompanies this Form.

      1.c) List of all Model variants covered by this Form                                                                          ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE
     1.d) List of all Accessories covered by this Form                                                                              ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE
      1.e) Device brochure / specification                                                                                          ATTACHED
     2.b) EC Declaration/s of Conformity                                                                                            ATTACHED
      3.a)       MHRA’s notice of ‘no objection’ for Medical Device ‘Clinical Investigation’                                        ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE
     3.b)        Notification to MHRA for In-Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device ‘Performance Evaluation’                               ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE
     4.b) Warranty details                                                                                                          ATTACHED
     4.d) Details for end-of-life waste management of the Device                                                                    ATTACHED
      6.a)       Protocol for post-delivery Device inspection / acceptance testing                                                  ATTACHED
     6.b)        Details of installation requirements                                                                               ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE
     7.b) Service support contract options for maintenance / repair                                                                 ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE
         7.d) Availability of spare / replacement parts                                                                              ATTACHED           NOT APPLICABLE
                   Information / test equipment / tooling / software required for Device servicing                                   ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE
      8.a)       Validated decontamination instructions / protocols                                                                 ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE
         8.b)     Requirements for special reprocessing equipment, tools and materials                                               ATTACHED           NOT APPLICABLE
                   Details of special post-processing Device storage requirements                                                    ATTACHED           NOT APPLICABLE
         9.a)     Details of patient information capture / encryption / storage / transmission / deletion                            ATTACHED           NOT APPLICABLE
         9.b)     Details of Device IT software / hardware compatibility requirements                                                ATTACHED           NOT APPLICABLE
                   Details of provisions made for Device IT cybersecurity                                                            ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE
    10.a)        Details of particular hazards that require special safety management                                               ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE
    10.b)        Details of particular performance quality assurance measures required                                              ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE
    11.a)        Details of user training offered                                                                                   ATTACHED
    11.b)        Details of technical training offered                                                                              ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE
    11.c)        Details of decontamination training offered                                                                        ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE
    11.e) Details of any additional support facilities offered                                                                      ATTACHED            NOT APPLICABLE

We agree that the NHS organisation will be entitled to rely upon the contents of this Form and its attachments, and that subsequent non-compliance with the
statements contained herein will entitle the NHS organisation to seek redress.



  Email:                                                                                            Telephone:
  Signature:                                                                                        Date:

                                                         PAQ Form (Part-I) – Declaration Reference No.:

                                                                                      Page 3 of 4
                                                                                                                                                    Page 22 of 30
                                                                  for completion by the device Supplier
                                                          (eg: Manufacturer, Authorised Representative or other)

Previous sections in PART I provided general product information; this PART II addendum provides details specific to particul ar transaction/s for
supply of the product:-


               This statement is to be read in conjunction with product information provided in PAQ FORM (Part-I) Declaration Reference No.:


14 a)     On what basis will the product be supplied, (including Devices for clinical investigation / research) ?
                     purchase ?                exchange ?              rental / lease ?                   loan ?          donation ?
   b)     For supply by loan or donation, other than Devices for clinical investigation / research -
          Is the Supplier on the Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) Master Indemnity Agreement (MIA) Register ?                           NO      YES
          (Note: unregistered Suppliers are advised to register for the MIA Overarching Agreement with the DHSC)
          - if YES, has a Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) MIA Call-Off Agreement Form been attached ?                                          YES
                                  DHSC MIA registration number:
          - if NO, has an Indemnity Insurance Certificate (for local indemnity agreement with the customer) been attached ?                              YES
   c)     For supply by loan or donation of Devices for clinical investigation / research -
          Has confirmation of Health Research Authority (HRA) approval, including indemnity arrangements, been attached ?                                YES
   d)     Is the particular item to be supplied a pre-used product ?                                                                             NO      YES
          - if YES, has usage and full service history been attached to this Form ?                                                                      YES
15 a)     Are there any outstanding Field Safety Corrective Actions / Field Safety Notices relating to this product?                             NO      YES
          - if YES, are issued Notices / Alerts attached to this Form ?                                                                                  YES



 Email:                                                                                         Telephone:
 Signature:                                                                                     Date:

                                                                                  Page 4 of 4
                                                                                                                                         Page 23 of 30
Appendix 3                    Procurement of Medical Devices
                                    Do you know where to order your item from?


                  Complete the appropriate                              Please review our procurement
                procurement request or email                             process which can be found
                candi.procurement@candi.nhs.                                          here
                        uk if not listed                      

                              Please ensure you
                             refer to 6.2 and 6.3 of
                                this policy when                          Review product needed in
                                                                            Appendix 1 and order
                                 accepting and                          appropriately, if not listed email
                                 receipting new                         candi.procurement@candi.nhs.
                             equipment or devices                                      uk

 If you require further advice, contact the medical devices team via:
                                                                                                        Page 24 of 30
You can also read