Page created by Evelyn Sherman
Navigating taxation
2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
September 2020


In this publication, all currency references are
in Ghana Cedi (GH¢), which was
approximately US$0.18 as at 31 August 2020.

Although we have taken all reasonable       This guide has been prepared for
care in compiling this publication,         quick reference, and action should
we do not accept responsibility for any     not be taken on the strength of the
errors or inaccuracies that it              information contained herein without
may contain.                                obtaining professional advice.

Office locations in Ghana
 Accra office                Takoradi office             Sierra Leone office
 PwC Tower                   No. 13, GK Ntow Street      Number 117 Jomo
 Plot no. A4 Rangoon Lane,   South Chapel Hill           Kenyatta Road
 Cantonments City            Takoradi – Ghana
 PMB CT 42 Cantonments
                                                         +232 (0) 78361701
 Accra – Ghana               Telephone:
                             +233 (0) 312028416
 Telephone:                                              +233 (0) 312028410
 +233 (0) 302761500          Facsimile:
                             +233 (0) 312028410
 +233 (0) 302761544          Email:
 Email:                                                Website:

A brief profile of PwC

About us – Global                                 PwC Ghana
overview                                          We offer professional services to both
PwC firms provide industry-focused                the private and public sectors in the
assurance, tax and advisory services              following industries:
to enhance value for our clients.
We’re a network of firms in                       • Consumer and industrial products
157 countries with more than                        and services
276,000 people who are committed                  • Energy, utilities and resources
to delivering quality in assurance,
advisory and tax services.                        • Financial services
                                                  • Government and public sector
Our global values                                   (including donor agencies and
We are driven by our global values of
Act with integrity, Make a difference,            PwC Ghana is a member firm of
Care, Work together and Reimagine                 PricewaterhouseCoopers International
the possible. We strive to deliver what           Limited, each member firm of which
we promise, work together as a team,              is a separate legal entity. Ghana is an
and become a more purpose-led and                 established market with high levels
values-driven firm.                               of economic activity and very good
                                                  growth prospects. PwC Ghana is
In Africa, PwC is the largest provider            located in Accra and Takoradi, with a
of professional services, with close to           branch office in Sierra Leone, and has
400 partners and over 9,000 people                over 300 employees and 13 resident
located in 34 countries. This enables             partners/directors.
us to provide clients with seamless
and consistent service, wherever they
are located on the continent.

Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
Audit and Assurance Services                Our risk assurance services consist
                                            of a portfolio of inter-related solutions
Our audit approach is tailored              developed around the themes of
to suit the size and nature of your         risk, controls and assurance, and
organisation and draws upon our             use skills and competencies that are
extensive industry knowledge.               fundamental to the delivery of a
As leaders in the development of            high-quality financial audit.
non-financial performance reporting,
we help our clients respond to the          The risk assurance services we offer
need for greater transparency,              manage the following four areas of risk:
improved corporate governance
and business models based on                • Financial/Commercial;
the principle of sustainability.
Every engagement is considered              • Operational;
unique and is executed to ensure            • Organisational; and
value creation. We assist shareholders
and other stakeholders by providing an      • Compliance/Regulatory.
independent opinion and reports that
add credibility to financial information.
We assist audit committees in
discharging their corporate governance
and compliance responsibilities. We
provide clearance to group auditors
so that they are able to meet group
reporting requirements. And we assist
management by providing observation
and advice on financial reporting and
business issues.

Tax and company secretarial                       Advisory services
services                                          We help organisations to work smarter
PwC is the leading provider of tax                and grow faster. We consult with our
services worldwide. We understand                 clients to build effective organisations,
your business and economic                        innovate and grow, reduce costs,
environment and we combine this                   manage risk and regulation and
with specialist tax knowledge to                  leverage talent. Our aim is to support
help you navigate complexity.                     you in designing, managing and
We provide services in the areas                  executing lasting beneficial change.
of direct tax, indirect taxes, transfer           We offer services in the following
pricing, international tax and mergers            areas:
and acquisitions, tax reporting and
strategy, people and organisation and             • transaction;
company secretarial and immigration               • business recovery;
                                                  • people and change;
As regards to accounting, we assist               • forensics and investigative;
                                                  • finance and accounting; and
• preparing the monthly cash book;                • strategy and operations.
• recording monthly bank
  transactions;                                   Sustainability and climate
• keeping other subsidiary ledgers;               change services
  and                                             Organisations today operate in a
• preparing the trial balance income              complex environment with growing
  statement and balance sheet.                    pressures from many angles.
                                                  These include the need for
                                                  transparency from stakeholders;
                                                  consumer pressure (licence to
                                                  operate); growing and changing
                                                  risks to business models and supply
                                                  chains; and increased competition for
                                                  efficiency and growth opportunities
                                                  attained through access to new
                                                  products and markets.

Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
PwC Ghana Business
Our sustainability experts help our
clients in defining their sustainability   For PwC, developing people and
strategy, advising on policy,              sharing knowledge are central to how
operational change, risk management,       we do business. We believe it is pivotal
reporting, monitoring and assuring         to the achievement of growth in our
their progress – all through a             firm, our clients’ businesses, industries
sustainability lens. We help our clients   and the broader economy.
integrate environmental, social and
governance issues into their operations    PwC’s Business School is not
and embrace the challenges of today’s      a traditional learning institution.
business environment as opportunities      Due to our deep experience in our
for long-term and sustainable growth.      industry and our knowledge of our
                                           clients and the industries in which
                                           they operate, we are subject matter
                                           experts in a variety of areas. PwC’s
                                           Business School is therefore focused
                                           on delivering relevant learning and
                                           development solutions based on this
                                           knowledge, as well as offering public
                                           courses on selected topics and a wide
                                           range of bespoke training solutions
                                           tailored to the needs and capacity
                                           of organisations.

                                           For more information on the Business
                                           School please visit our website:

Resident Partners/Directors

Vish Ashiagbor                                    Edward Gomado
Country Senior Partner                            Assurance                  

Michael Asiedu-Antwi                              Ayesha Bedwei
Assurance Leader                                  Tax            

George O Kwatia                                   Nelson Opoku
Tax Leader                                        Internal Firm Services                   

Eric Nipah                                        Abeku Gyan-Quansah
Advisory Leader                                   Tax                      

Oseini Amui                                       Hayfron Aboagye
Assurance                                         Assurance                   

Maxwell A Darkwa                                  Kingsley Owusu-Ewli
Assurance                                         Tax                

George K Arhin
Assurance and Business School

Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
Table of contents

Introduction                                        Life insurance business                   11
                                                    Taxation of retirement funds              11
A brief profile of PwC
                                                    Payments sourced from Ghana               11
Direct taxation                              1      Income attributable to a permanent
  Income liable to tax                       1      establishment                             12
  Resident persons                           1      Branch profit tax                         12
  Income sources                             1      Relief from double taxation               12
  Taxation of individuals                    2      Double tax treaties                       12
  Monthly tax rates                          2      Treaty tax rates                          13
  Income from employment                     2      Withholding tax under domestic tax laws   14
  Personal relief                            2      Exempt income                             15
  Contributions to retirement benefit               Anti-avoidance schemes –
  schemes                                    2      Income splitting                          15
  Interest incurred by an individual on             Transfer pricing                          15
  residential premises                       3      Thin capitalisation                       16
  Non-cash benefits                          3      Administrative procedures – Furnishing
  Taxation of loan benefits                  4      of returns of income                      16
  Non-taxable benefits/income                4      Cases where a return is not required      16
  Taxation of overtime and bonus             4      Statement of estimated tax payable        16
  Payment to temporary and casual                   Payment of tax                            16
  workers                                    4      Offences and penalties                    17
  Pay-as-you-earn                            5
                                                  Indirect taxation                           18
  Employer returns                           5
                                                    Value Added Tax, National Health
  Modified taxation                          5
                                                     Insurance Levy & Ghana Education
  Year of assessment (individuals and
                                                    Trust Fund Levy                           18
  partnerships)                              5
                                                    Scope                                     18
  Corporate tax                              6
                                                    Standard (invoice credit) scheme          19
  Rates of tax                               6
                                                    Group registration                        19
  Year of assessment (companies)             6
                                                    Tax representative                        19
  Basis period                               6
                                                    Exempt supplies                           19
  Deductions allowed                         6
                                                    VAT, NHIL and GETFL incurred              20
  Deductions not allowed                     6
                                                    VAT flat rate scheme                      20
  Capital allowances                         6
                                                    Withholding of VAT                        21
  Carry-over of tax losses                   7
                                                    Returns                                   21
  Mineral royalties                          7
                                                    Refunds                                   21
  Ring-fencing of financial institutions,
                                                    Penalties                                 21
  petroleum and mineral operations           8
                                                    Fiscal Electronic Devices                 22
  Dividends                                  8
                                                    Communication service tax                 22
  National Fiscal Stabilisation Levy         8
                                                    Special petroleum tax                     23
  Free-zone developers/enterprises           8
                                                    Customs and excise taxes                  23
  Young entrepreneurs                        8
                                                    Import duties                             24
  Private universities                       8
                                                    Special import levy                       24
  Manufacturers and assemblers of
                                                    African Union import levy                 24
  automobiles                                9
                                                    ECOWAS levy                               24
  Taxation of gifts                          9
                                                    Export and Import levy                    24
  Realisation of assets and liabilities      9
                                                    Import duty exemptions                    24
  Telecommunications and transportation
                                                    Administrative charges                    24
  business                                   9
                                                    Advance Eco levy                          25
  Change in control                         10
                                                    Export duties                             25
  Taxation of banking business              10
                                                    Excise duties                             25
  Taxation of insurance companies –
                                                    Excise tax stamp                          25
  General business                          10
                                                    Environmental tax                         25
  Withholding tax on premium payments       10
                                                    Airport tax                               25

Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
Direct taxation

Income liable to tax                 A partnership is resident for a year if
                                     any of the partners resided in Ghana
In Ghana, income tax is levied in    at any time during that year.
each year on the income of both
resident and non-resident persons.   A company is resident if it is
                                     incorporated under the Companies
Resident persons are taxed on        Act, 2019 (Act 992), or management
their worldwide income while         and control of the company is
non-resident persons are taxed       exercised in Ghana at any time
on income which has a source in      during the year.
Ghana. Generally, income has a
source in Ghana if it accrues in     A Ghanaian permanent
or is derived from Ghana.            establishment is treated as a
                                     resident company for the purposes
Resident persons                     of income taxation.
An individual is resident for tax
                                     Persons not meeting the above
purposes if that individual is:
                                     criteria are non-resident persons.
• present in Ghana for an
  aggregate period of 183 days or    Income sources
  more in any 12-month period that   The chargeable income of a person
  commences or ends during the       for any year is the total of that
  year;                              person’s income for the year from
• a citizen who is temporarily       each business, employment, and
  absent from Ghana for a period     investment less the total amount of
  of not more than 365 continuous    deduction allowed to that person.
  days where that citizen has a
  permanent home in Ghana; or
• an employee of the Government
  of Ghana who has been posted

                                                                   PwC | 1
Taxation of individuals
Monthly tax rates
The table below indicates the new monthly income tax bands and rates
generally applicable to the chargeable income of resident individuals:

    Year       Chargeable         Rate          Tax          Cumulative   Cumulative
    2020        income             %          payable         income         tax
                  GH¢                          GH¢              GH¢         GH¢
First              319.00              0            0           319.00           0
Next               100.00              5         5.00           419.00        5.00
Next               120.00            10         12.00          539.00         17.00
Next             3 000.00           17.5       525.00         3 539.00      542.00
Next            16 461.00            25      4 115.25        20 000.00     4 657.25
Exceeding      20 000.00             30

The chargeable income of non-resident individuals is generally taxed at a
flat rate of 25%.

Income from employment                        Contributions to retirement
An individual’s income from                   benefit schemes
employment for a calendar year                Statutory contributions towards
is the gains and profits of that              retirement are categorised under
individual from the employment for            a three-tier scheme, as follows:
that year or a part of the year.
                                              • First tier – A mandatory basic
Personal relief                                 social security scheme;
Personal relief ranging from                  • Second tier – A mandatory fully
GH¢600 to GH¢2,000 (per category)               funded and privately managed
is available to individuals who meet            occupational pension scheme;
the qualifying criteria. Individuals            and
with disabilities are also entitled
to 25% of their non-investment                • Third tier – A voluntary fully
assessable income as personal                   funded and privately managed
relief.                                         provident fund and personal
                                                pension scheme.

2 | Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
The general mandatory monthly          Interest incurred by an
pension contribution rates are as      individual on residential
follows:                               premises
• For employers: 13% of the            Mortgage interest incurred by an
  employee’s salary; and               individual on a loan employed in the
                                       construction or acquisition of one
• For employees: 5.5% of the           residential premises may be claimed
  employee’s salary.                   as a deduction against the income
                                       of that individual.
The employer is responsible for
remitting the total mandatory
                                       Non-cash benefits
contributions within 14 days from
the end of the month in which the      Except where specifically exempt
deduction is expected to have          or otherwise stated, non-cash
been made. The contributions are       benefits received from employment
remitted to the Social Security and    are recognised at market value and
National Insurance Trust (SSNIT)       taxed.
and an approved trustee, as
appropriate.                           Accommodation facilities and
                                       vehicle-related benefits are
Exemption from tax is available        specifically provided for and valued
for contributions made to the          as follows:
mandatory and voluntary pension

Facility provided                     2020
Provision of accommodation            Value (% of TCE)

Accommodation with furnishing         10%
Accommodation only                    7.5%

Furnishing only                       2.5%
Shared accommodation                  2.5%

Provision of means of transport       Value (% of TCE)

Fuelled vehicle with driver           12.5% up to GH¢600 per month
Vehicle with fuel                     10% up to GH¢500 per month

Vehicle only                          5% up to GH¢250 per month
Fuel only                             5% up to GH¢250 per month

                                                                     PwC | 3
Taxation of loan benefits                     • Redundancy pay;
Interest on concessionary loans               • Pension;
granted by an employer to an                  • Capital sum paid to a person
employee may be deemed as a                     as compensation or gratuity for
taxable benefit.                                personal injury suffered by that
                                                person or because of the death
Non-taxable benefits/income                     of another person;
The following benefits and income             • Interest paid to an individual by a
are generally not taxable:                      resident financial institution or on
                                                bonds issued by the Government
• A discharge or reimbursement of               of Ghana; or
  proper business costs incurred
  on behalf of the employer;                  • Interest and dividends paid
                                                or credited to a member of an
• A discharge or reimbursement of               approved unit trust or mutual
  the employee’s dental, medical,               fund scheme.
  or health insurance expenses if
  the benefit is available to each            Taxation of overtime and
  full-time employee on equal
                                              Reduced income tax rates apply on
• Relocation costs for recruiting a
                                              the taxation of overtime and bonus
  non-resident individual to come
                                              payments subject to meeting certain
  and work in Ghana based on
  certain conditions;
• On-site accommodation provided              Payment to temporary and
  by an employer engaged timber,              casual workers
  mining, building, construction,
  farming business or petroleum               Payment to a temporary worker is
  operations to employees;                    generally taxed using the applicable
                                              income tax rates and bands for
• Payment made to employees                   individuals. Payment to a casual
  on a non-discriminatory basis               worker is subject to 5% final
  which by reason of the size, type           withholding tax.
  and frequency of the payment is
  unreasonable or administratively
  impracticable for the employer
  to account for or allocate to an

4 | Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
Pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) is a system
of withholding income tax from
payments made by employers to

Under the PAYE system, the
employer deducts tax from an
employee’s taxable income at
source and remits the tax to the
Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) by
the 15th day of the month following
the month in which the deduction
was or should have been made.

Employer returns
An employer must file an Employer’s
Annual Tax Deduction Schedule
with the GRA, disclosing income
paid to and tax withheld from each
employee, within four months of the
end of the calendar year.

Modified taxation
Individuals whose only source of
income in the year is from one
business may opt to be taxed under
the presumptive tax scheme based
on instalment or turnover, subject to
certain conditions.

Year of assessment
(individuals and partnerships)
The year of assessment and
accounting period for both
individuals and partnerships are the
calendar year.

                                        PwC | 5
Corporate tax
Rates of tax                                  Deductions allowed
Income tax rates applicable                   Expenses that are wholly,
to companies differ according                 exclusively and necessarily incurred
to industry, location and type                in the production of income are
of business. The general rates                allowed as a deduction for tax
applicable to entities which do not           purposes.
qualify for incentives include:
                                              Examples of allowable expenses are
                                              as follows:
Entity/Activity               2020

Companies – general              25%          • capital allowance for the year;
Companies engaged                35%          • bad debts (under certain
in mining or upstream                           conditions);
petroleum business
                                              • tax losses brought forward for a
                                                specified number of years;
Year of assessment
(companies)                                   • repairs and improvements under
                                                certain conditions;
The year of assessment is the
calendar year.                                • losses incurred on the realisation
                                                of business or investment assets
Basis period                                    and liabilities;

The basis period of a company or              • incentives for hiring recent
trust is the accounting year of the             graduates; and
company or trust.                             • financial costs under certain
A company or a trust may choose
a particular accounting year. Once            Deductions not allowed
chosen, an accounting year cannot
be changed unless approval                    In general, expenses that are of
in writing is obtained from the               a capital nature or not wholly,
Commissioner-General of the GRA.              exclusively and necessarily incurred
                                              in the production of income are not
                                              deductible. Examples of expenses
                                              that are not deductible include
                                              domestic and excluded expenditure.

                                              Capital allowances

6 | Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
Capital allowances
Capital allowances are granted to persons who own depreciable assets and
use those assets to produce income from business.

Capital allowances granted to a person are to be taken in the year granted and
cannot be deferred. Depreciable assets are grouped in the following classes for
the purpose of capital allowances:

Class     Assets included                             Rate (%)           Basis
1         Computers and data-handling equipment            40            Reducing
          with peripheral devices                                        balance
2         Automobiles, trailers, construction and          30            Reducing
          earth-moving equipment, plant and                              balance
          machinery used in manufacturing
          Plantation capital expenditure
3         Locomotives, water transportation                 20           Reducing
          equipment, aircraft, office furniture and                      balance
          Equipment not included in another class
4         Buildings, structures and works of a              10           Straight-
          permanent nature                                               line
5         Intangible assets                           Over useful life

An importer or manufacturer of excisable goods shall be granted 50% capital
allowance on machinery and equipment imported for the purpose of affixing
excise tax stamps.

Carry-over of tax losses
Tax losses can be carried forward for three or five years depending on the
industry/sector of operation.

Mineral royalties
Subject to any fiscal stability agreement, the mineral royalty rate is 5% of the
total revenue earned from minerals (excluding petroleum and water) obtained
from mining operations by a holder of a mining lease, restricted mining lease or
small-scale mining licence.

                                                                                     PwC | 7
Ring-fencing of financial                     • Breweries;
institutions, petroleum and                   • Inspection and valuation
mineral operations                              companies;
The chargeable income of financial            • Companies providing mining
institutions, petroleum or mineral              support services;
operations is calculated separately
for each financial service, petroleum         • Shipping lines; and
right or mineral operation.                   • Maritime and airport terminal
Generally, unless exempt or subject           Free-zone developers/
to a double tax treaty, dividends             enterprises
paid by a resident company are                Companies registered to operate as
subject to a final withholding tax            free-zone developers/enterprises
of 8%.                                        enjoy a ten-year income tax holiday.
                                              Once the ten-year tax holiday has
National Fiscal Stabilisation                 expired, the tax rate on the export
Levy                                          of goods and services is 15%. Any
                                              other income is taxed at 25%.
The National Fiscal Stabilisation
Levy (NFSL) is a quarterly levy
chargeable on the accounting                  Young entrepreneurs
profit before tax of some specified           Business income of young
companies and institutions. The rate          entrepreneurs operating in certain
of this levy is 5% and it is applicable       industries is exempt from tax for five
from 2013 to 2024 calendar years.             years. Depending on the location of
                                              the business, the corporate income
The affected companies and                    tax rate is increased to up to 15%
institutions are:                             for the next five years and then up
                                              to 25% thereafter. Such businesses
• Banks (excluding community and              can also carry forward tax losses for
  rural banks);                               five years.
• Non-banking financial institutions;
                                              Private universities
• Insurance companies;
                                              Private universities are exempted
• Telecommunications companies;               from taxes if 100% of profit after tax
                                              is ploughed back into the business.

8 | Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
Manufacturers and                       Telecommunications and
assemblers of automobiles               transportation business
Business income of registered           Payments received by a person who
manufacturers and assemblers            carries on a business of transmitting
of knocked-down automobiles             or receiving messages by cable,
under the Ghana Automotive              radio, optical fibre or satellite or
Manufacturing Development               electronic communication from
Programme are exempted from tax         an apparatus located in Ghana,
for a period ranging between three      whether or not the messages
to ten years subject to meeting         originate, terminate or are used in
certain conditions.                     Ghana, are liable to a withholding
                                        tax rate of 15%.
Taxation of gifts
                                        Similarly, payments received by
A gift received by an entity            a person who conducts a business
in respect of business or an            of carrying passengers, cargo,
investment is included in the           mail or other movable assets that
assessable income of the entity and     are embarked in Ghana (other than
taxed at the applicable corporate       transhipment), including the rental
tax rate.                               of containers and related equipment
                                        that are incidental or supplementary
Realisation of assets and               to the transportation business, are
liabilities                             liable to a withholding tax rate
The gains or losses from the            of 15%.
realisation of business or investment
assets and liabilities are included     For a non-resident, the withholding
in the assessable income of the         tax is treated as a final tax.
entity and taxed at the applicable
corporate tax rate.

                                                                     PwC |PwC
                                                                           9 | 9
Change in control                             Taxation of insurance
Any change in the underlying                  companies – General
ownership of an entity that exceeds           business
50% and takes place at any time               The business of a general insurance
within a three-year period triggers           company is taxed on premiums and
a number of consequences for the              proceeds derived and any reserve
entity, such as:                              for unexpired risk deducted in the
                                              previous period, less:
• deemed disposal of the assets
  and liabilities of the entity at            • Proceeds incurred;
  market value and reacquisition at
  the same value; and                         • Premium incurred under a
                                                contract of reinsurance; and
• non-deductibility of financial
  costs, losses and bad debts                 • Reserve for unexpired risk as at
  incurred before the change.                   the end of the accounting year.

Taxation of banking business                  The corporate income tax rate is
                                              applied to the result.
A person engaged in banking
business is required to determine             Any other business activity of
income or loss from the banking               a person engaged in general
business separately from any other            insurance business is required to be
business activity and keep separate           tracked and taxed separately.
books of account for each business.
Specific provision for a debt claim           Withholding tax on premium
is deductible if the Commissioner-            payments
General is satisfied that it is indeed
a bad debt.                                   Premiums paid to a resident
                                              insurance company under an
                                              insurance contract are exempted
                                              from withholding tax.

                                              Premiums paid to a non-resident
                                              person for insurance with a source
                                              in Ghana attract a 5% withholding

10 | Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
Life insurance business
A person engaged in a life insurance   • Interest paid by a resident person
business is required to determine        (including a Ghanaian permanent
income from the life insurance           establishment) or paid in relation
business separately from any other       to a debt obligation secured by
business activity.                       real property located in Ghana;
                                       • Payments made in respect of
The business of a life insurance
                                         natural resources located in
company is taxed as follows:
• Step 1: Exclude from income          • Rent paid for the use of, right to
  premiums and proceeds derived.         use, or forbearance from using an
                                         asset situated in Ghana;
• Step 2: Do not deduct from
  income and do not include in         • Royalties paid for the use of, right
  the cost of an asset or liability      to use, or forbearance from using
  premiums and proceeds incurred.        an asset in Ghana;
                                       • Premiums and proceeds for
The corporate income tax rate is
                                         general insurance paid to cover
applied to the result.
                                         risk in Ghana;
Taxation of retirement funds           • Payment in respect of acquiring
                                         a domestic asset or incurring a
Retirement contributions received        domestic liability or the realisation
by a retirement fund are exempt          of that asset or liability;
from tax. Retirement payments
made by the retirement fund are not    • Payment made in respect of an
deductible.                              activity conducted or forbearance
                                         from conducting an activity in
Payments sourced from                    Ghana;
Ghana                                  • Payments for employment or
The following are some of the            services rendered in Ghana,
payments considered as having            regardless of the place of
been sourced from Ghana:                 payment; or paid by the
                                         Government, regardless of the
• Dividends paid by a tax resident       place of performance; and
  company;                             • Any other payments brought
                                         into or received in Ghana by a
                                         resident person.

                                                                    PwC | 11
Income attributable to a                      Double tax treaties
permanent establishment                       Double tax treaties (DTTs) provide
The income and liability of a                 relief from the double taxation of
permanent establishment are                   income that accrues to residents
calculated as if the permanent                of contracting states within either
establishment is separate from its            of the jurisdictions covered by the
owner and arrangements between                treaty. Ghana has DTTs with France,
the two are recognised.                       Germany, the United Kingdom,
                                              South Africa, Italy, Belgium, the
The income of a Ghanaian                      Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark,
permanent establishment is subject            Singapore, Mauritius, the Czech
to tax in the same manner as a                Republic*, Ireland*, Morocco* and
resident company.                             Malta*.

The foreign income of a foreign
permanent establishment is exempt
from tax in Ghana.

Branch profit tax
The net profit of a branch is deemed
as repatriated profits and attracts a
final withholding tax of 8%.

Relief from double taxation
A resident person (excluding a
partnership) can claim foreign tax
credit for any income tax they pay
to a foreign country in respect of
a foreign-sourced income to the
extent that the foreign-sourced
income is included in the assessable
income of that person.

12 | Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
Treaty tax rates
Tax rates applicable under the terms of these treaties are as follows:

      Country/       Dividend1        Dividend2        Royalty       Technical or        Interest
       Type of                                                       Management
      income                                                          Service fee
                          %               %                %                 %               %
    France                  7.5            15.0             12.5             10.0            12.5
                            7.5            15.0             12.5             10.0            12.5
    Germany                 5.0            15.0              8.0                 8.0         10.0
    South Africa            5.0            15.0             10.0             10.0      10.0 (5.0%
                                                                                          for non-
    Belgium                 5.0            15.0             10.0             10.0            10.0
    Italy                   5.0            15.0             10.0             10.0            10.0
                            5.0            10.0              8.0                 8.0          8.0
    Switzerland             5.0            15.0              8.0                 8.0         10.0
    Denmark                 5.0            15.0              8.0                 8.0          8.0
    Singapore               7.0              7.0             7.0             10.0              7.0
    Mauritius               7.0              7.0             8.0             10.0              7.0
                            6.0             6.0              8.0                 8.0         10.0
    Morocco*                5.0            10.0             10.0             10.0            10.0
    Ireland*                7.0              7.0             8.0             10.0              7.0
    Malta*                  6.0             6.0              8.0             12.0              7.0

* Not yet in force

       Dividends, where the recipient holds at least 10% or 25% of shares.
       Dividends, in any other case.

                                                                                           PwC | 13
Withholding tax under domestic tax laws
Income                                                                           Rate %
Resident persons
Interest (excluding individuals and resident financial institutions)                8

Dividends                                                                           8

Rent on residential properties                                                      8

Rent on non-residential properties                                                  15

Fees to resident individuals as invigilators, examiners and part-time teachers      10
or lecturers, and endorsement fees to individuals
Fees or allowances to directors, managers, board members and trustees               20
who are resident individuals
Commission to insurance, sales, canvassing and lotto agents who are                 10
Supply of goods exceeding GH¢2,000 per annum                                        3

Supply of works exceeding GH¢2,000 per annum                                        5

Supply of services by an entity exceeding GH¢2,000 per annum                       7.5

Supply of general services by an individual                                        7.5

Payments to petroleum subcontractors                                               7.5

Payments for unprocessed precious minerals                                          3

Royalty, natural resource payments                                                  15

Non-resident persons
Dividends                                                                           8

Royalties, natural resources payments and rents                                     15

Management and technical service fees                                               20

Goods, works or any services                                                        20

Repatriated branch after tax profits                                                8

Interest income (excluding individuals)                                             8

General insurance premiums                                                          5

Income from telecommunication and transportation business                           15

Payments to petroleum subcontractors                                                15

14 | Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
A withholding agent is required to     • Income of an approved unit trust
prepare and provide the withholdee       or mutual fund; and
with a withholding tax certificate
                                       • Income of an approved Real
within 30 days of the month of
                                         Estate Investment Trust.
                                       Anti-avoidance schemes –
Exempt income
                                       Income splitting
The following types of income are
exempt from taxes:                     Income splitting includes transfers
                                       of income or assets (including
• Gain from life insurance when the    money) to an associate that result in
  proceeds are paid by a resident      the transferee receiving or enjoying
  insurer;                             the income from that property
                                       in order to reduce the combined
• The income of a non-resident         tax liability of the transferor and
  person from a business that          transferee. Income splitting is not
  operates ships or aircraft, if       permitted under the laws of Ghana.
  the Commissioner-General
  is satisfied that an equivalent      Transfer pricing
  exemption is granted by that
  person’s country of residence to     Ghana’s Transfer Pricing
  persons resident in Ghana;           Regulations (TPRs) require that
                                       transactions conducted between
• A dividend paid to a resident        persons who are in a controlled
  company by another resident          relationship (e.g. parent-subsidiary,
  company when the company             associates, relatives, etc.) be done
  receiving the dividend controls at   at arm’s length. The TPRs also cover
  least 25% of the voting power in     transactions between an employer
  the company paying the dividend.     and employee.
  This exemption does not apply to
  certain special industries;          A transaction is conducted at arm’s
• Interest or dividend on an           length if the terms of the transaction
  investment paid or credited to a     do not differ from the terms of a
  holder or member of an approved      comparable transaction between
  unit trust scheme or mutual fund;    independent persons.

• Interest and gains realised by a     The acceptable methods under the
  non-resident person on bonds         TPRs are similar to those contained
  issued by the government of          in the guidance of the Organisation
  Ghana;                               for Economic Co-operation and
• Gains from the realisation of        Development (OECD) on transfer
  GSE-listed securities;               pricing.

                                                                    PwC | 15
At the end of the year, taxpayers             Cases where a return is not
who conducted business with                   required
other persons with whom they have
controlled relationships are required         Unless the Commissioner-General
to:                                           requests so in writing, a return shall
                                              not be filed by:
• Complete and file annual transfer
  pricing returns; and                        • a non-resident person who has
                                                no tax payable for the year; or
• Should have supporting
  documentation or information                • a resident individual who has
  on transactions with connected                no tax payable on his or her
  persons.                                      chargeable income for the year.

Thin capitalisation                           Statement of estimated tax
A company is deemed as being
thinly capitalised if the ratio of its        A person who is required to directly
debt to equity is greater than 3:1.           pay tax in instalment is required to
Thin capitalisation does not apply to         file an estimate of tax payable for
financial institutions.                       the year with the Commissioner-
                                              General by the date for payment of
Administrative procedures                     the first tax instalment.
– Furnishing of returns of
income                                        Payment of tax
                                              Tax instalment payments are
A return of income should be filed
                                              generally due by the last day of
with the GRA within four months of
                                              the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth
the end of each accounting period.
                                              months of the basis period where
Subject to approval by the                    the accounting period is a 12-month
Commissioner-General, multiple                period.
extensions may be granted to file a
                                              Withholding tax is due 15 days after
return at a later date other than the
                                              the end of each calendar month that
compliance due date. Extensions
                                              a tax is withheld.
granted shall not exceed 60 days
from the date the return was
                                              In any other case, tax is due on
originally due to be filed.
                                              the date stated in a notice of

16 | Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
Offences and penalties
Penalties and interests apply for
non-compliance and, in some
cases, criminal sanctions exist for
the income tax offences.

                                      PwC | 17
Indirect taxation

Value Added Tax, National Health Insurance Levy &
Ghana Education Trust Fund Levy

In Ghana, Value Added Tax (VAT),              The liability for VAT, NHIL and
National Health Insurance Levy                GETFL is in the case of:
(NHIL) and Ghana Education Trust
Fund Levy (GETFL) are charged on              • a taxable supply, by the taxable
any supply of goods and services                person making the supply;
that is a taxable supply and is made          • imported goods, by the importer;
by a taxable person in the course of
its taxable activity.                         • an imported service, by the
                                                receiver of the service under
A taxable activity means an activity,           certain conditions; and
whether or not for a pecuniary profit,        • the supply of telecommunication
carried on by a person in Ghana                 services or electronic commerce
or partly in Ghana that involves                for use in Ghana, by the non-
the supply of goods or services to              resident person making the
another person for consideration.               supply or its agent.

Except for exempt goods and                   Except for supplies considered to
services, VAT, NHIL and GETFL are             be zero-rated or subject to a flat rate
generally charged on the following:           of 3% (for wholesalers and retailers
                                              of goods), the standard rate of VAT
• the supply of goods and services            is 12.5%, the NHIL is 2.5% and the
  made in Ghana; and                          GETFL is 2.5%.
• imports of goods and services.

18 | Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
NHIL and GETFL are calculated on          Group registration
the value of the taxable supply of
                                          Group registration is possible but
the goods, services or imports, with
                                          subject to approval of a written
VAT charged on the value of the
                                          application by members of the
taxable supply inclusive of NHIL and
                                          proposed group of businesses.

A taxable person is a person              Tax representative
who is registrable for VAT and/or         A taxpayer may appoint a person
who has been registered by the            as his representative in dealings
Commissioner-General and issued           with the GRA subject to conditions
with a certificate of registration. The   approved by the Commissioner-
effective date of registration as a       General.
taxable person is the date specified
on the certificate of registration        Exempt supplies
or, in the case of persons who are
registrable but not yet registered for    Some supplies that are specifically
VAT, from the beginning of the tax        exempt are listed below:
period immediately following the
tax period in which the obligation to     • Agricultural inputs;
register arose.                           • Water, excluding bottled or
                                            packaged water;
Standard (invoice credit)
                                          • Electricity within specified limits;
                                          • Textbooks, approved
The general mandatory registration
                                            supplementary readers,
turnover threshold for taxable
                                            newspapers, atlases, charts,
supplies over a 12-month period is
                                            maps and music;
                                          • Education services, and
                                            laboratory and library equipment
                                            for use in rendering such

                                                                       PwC | 19
• Medical services and medical                VAT, NHIL and GETFL
  supplies;                                   incurred
• Certain pharmaceuticals, active             A VAT registered business, which
  ingredients and selected inputs;            principally makes taxable supplies,
• Domestic transportation;                    may recover up to 100% of the
                                              VAT incurred on goods or services
• Machinery and parts of                      purchased for the business, subject
  machinery designed for use in               to meeting certain conditions.
  certain specified activities;               The 2.5% NHIL and the 2.5% GETFL
• Crude oil and hydrocarbon                   are however not recoverable as an
  products;                                   input tax deduction against output
• Accommodation in a dwelling, or
  land for agricultural use and civil         There is a time limit of six (6) months
  engineering public works;                   within which to claim VAT incurred
• Goods specifically designed for             on goods and services procured.
  the disabled;
                                              VAT flat rate scheme
• Financial services;
                                              There is a flat rate scheme
• Imported plant and machinery                (3% VAT) applicable to taxable
  designed specifically for use in            supplies made by wholesalers
  the automobile industry and kits            and retailers in the course of their
  by an automobile manufacturer               taxable activity. The scheme does
  or assembler subject to meeting             not cover manufacturers and service
  certain conditions; and                     providers and does not cover the
• Management fees charged                     supply of any form of power, heat,
  by a local fund manager for                 refrigeration or ventilation. All other
  management of a licensed private            VAT provisions apply to the flat
  equity fund, venture capital fund           rate scheme, except for the right
  or a mutual fund.                           to deduct input tax. The provisions
                                              of the NHIL and the GETFL do not,
The full list and detailed descriptions       however, apply to the scheme.
of exempt items are provided in the
relevant VAT legislation.

20 | Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
Withholding of VAT                      VAT, NHIL and GETFL on imported
                                        goods are paid when the associated
The Commissioner-General has
                                        duties are paid. The return and
appointed some persons as
                                        payment of VAT, NHIL and GETFL
VAT withholding agents. These
                                        on imported services are due within
agents are required to withhold
                                        21 days of the month following the
from payments for standard rated
                                        month in which the services were
supplies 7% of the taxable output
value for VAT purposes, i.e. the
taxable value inclusive of NHIL and     VAT withholding returns are filed by
GETFL, and issue a Withholding          the 15th day of the following month
VAT Credit Certificate at the time of   to which the returns relate and tax
payment.                                withheld is paid by the due date.

Returns                                 Refunds
Registered businesses are generally     Businesses can apply for VAT
required to submit monthly returns      refunds in accordance with the
showing:                                provisions of the relevant VAT
                                        legislation. Refund claims must
• VAT charged on supplies;
                                        satisfy relevant conditions.
• the taxable value of supplies sold
  that were exempt or relieved from     Penalties
                                        There is a comprehensive system of
• VAT incurred on the purchase of       penalties and interest payable for:
  goods and services;
                                        • the incorrect declaration of VAT,
• the net VAT payable or credit; and
                                          NHIL and GETFL;
• NHIL and GETFL charged on
                                        • the late submission of returns;
                                        • late payments; and
VAT, NHIL and GETFL returns and
                                        • infringements of the provisions of
payment (if any) are ordinarily due
                                          the VAT laws.
by the last working day of the month
after the month to which the returns

                                                                    PwC | 21
Some monetary penalties resulting from non-compliance are given in the table

Offence                                         Sanctions
Failure to register                             Up to twice the amount of tax on taxable
                                                supplies until the application is filed
Failure to issue (proper) tax invoices          Up to GH¢1,200, plus the higher of GH¢500
                                                and triple the amount of tax
Late filing of VAT return                       GH¢500 plus an additional GH¢10 per day

Making a claim for a refund which you are       Twice the original refund request, plus
not entitled to                                 interest
Late payment of tax                             125% of the Bank of Ghana monetary
                                                policy rate, compounded monthly, and
                                                applied to the amount outstanding
General penalty                                 Up to three times the amount of tax

Fiscal Electronic Devices                        Communications service tax
With the passage of the Taxation (use            Communication service tax (CST)
of Fiscal Electronic Device) Act, 2018           is payable by users of electronic
(Act 966), there are plans to implement          communication services (ECS)
a Fiscal Electronic Device (FED)                 provided by a person permitted
system to replace the current manual             or authorised under the Electronic
invoicing system for VAT. The GRA is             Communications Act, 2008 (Act 775)
expected to fully implement the rollout          and its Regulations.
of the FED system over a two-year
period.                                          Users of ECS include individuals and
                                                 corporate entities, as well as the ECS
                                                 providers themselves.

22 | Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
The rate of CST is 5% and this is        Special petroleum tax
chargeable on ECS and recharges
                                         Persons licensed to operate as oil
made by ECS providers. Charges
                                         marketing companies are required
for ECS include those made for
                                         to charge a Special Petroleum
monetary and non-monetary
                                         Tax at specific rates per litre
consideration (e.g. promotions and
                                         or kilogramme on the following
bonuses). CST is also applicable to
                                         petroleum products:
interconnection services.
                                         • Petrol;
ECS providers in Ghana are
ordinarily required to collect tax and   • Diesel;
account to the GRA on a monthly
                                         • Liquefied petroleum gas;
                                         • Natural petroleum gas; and
The due date for filing this monthly
                                         • Kerosene.
return is the last working day of the
month following the month to which
                                         The tax is administered by the GRA
the tax return and payment relate,
                                         and should be remitted by the last
unless the Commissioner-General
                                         working day of the month following
directs otherwise.
                                         the month of transaction.
If a CST return is not filed by the
due date without justification, a        Customs and excise taxes
penalty of GH¢2,000 applies, with        Ghana enacted the Common
an additional penalty of GH¢500 for      External Tariff (CET) classification
each day the return is not submitted.    system as the binding customs duty
                                         regime in 2016.
If an extension approval has not
been granted by the Commissioner-        The CET sets out the various
General of the GRA, interest             duties and administrative charges
at 125% of the statutory rate is         applicable to imports and exports
imposed on CST that is not remitted      and also outlines the rates of excise
to the GRA by the due date.              duties applicable to excisable goods
                                         manufactured or imported into the

                                                                      PwC | 23
Import duties                                 ECOWAS levy
Typically, import duties range                An Economic Community of West
between 0% and 35%, depending                 African States (ECOWAS) levy of
on the nature (description) of the            0.5% is imposed on imports of
item imported as specified in the             goods from non-ECOWAS Member
CET.                                          States into ECOWAS member
                                              states. Funding raised through
Import duties are generally levied on         the ECOWAS levy is primarily
the cost, insurance and freight (CIF)         used in financing the activities of
value of the item imported.                   the ECOWAS Commission and
                                              Community institutions.
NHIL of 2.5% and GETFL of 2.5%
are also applied to the CIF (used             Export and Import levy
for customs purposes) and import
duty amounts, whilst VAT of 12.5%             A 0.75% Export and Import (EXIM)
is applied on the CIF, import duty,           levy applies on all imports of goods
NHIL and GETFL inclusive amount.              into Ghana. Proceeds from the EXIM
                                              levy are subsequently allocated
                                              to the Ghana EXIM Bank and the
Special import levy
                                              Ghana Export Promotion Agency.
A special import levy of 2% applies
on the importation of certain goods.          Import duty exemptions
The levy applies in addition to
the import duties and mandatory               There are special import duty
statutory or administrative charges.          exemptions for some privileged
                                              persons, organisations and
This levy is expected to expire by            institutions (e.g. diplomatic
December 2024.                                missions) as well as for persons
                                              belonging to certain specific
                                              industries (such as mining, oil and
African Union import levy
                                              gas, and free-zone entities).
An African Union (AU) import levy
of 0.2% applies on eligible imports           Administrative charges
of goods from Non-AU Member
States into AU member states for              There are statutory administrative
consumption within the member                 charges ranging between 0.4%
state. The AU levy is mainly to               and 3.45% of the value of goods
provide a reliable and predictable            imported. These charges may
source of funding for the AU and              apply regardless of any import duty
some of its specialised agencies.             exemptions.

24 | Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
Advance Eco levy                        Excise tax stamp
An Advance Eco levy is required         Excise tax stamps are to be affixed
to be paid by all exporters of used     to specific excisable goods which
electrical and electronic equipment     are manufactured in or imported
and tyres imported into Ghana.          into the country.
Specific rates of levy are applicable
for each item in accordance with the    They apply to tobacco products,
HS Code classification.                 alcoholic and non-alcoholic
                                        carbonated beverages, bottled
Export duties                           water and other goods specified by
                                        the minister responsible for finance,
Exports usually attract 0% duty,        before sale or before entry into the
except in some cases for specific       market.
classes of goods.
                                        Environmental tax
Excise duties
                                        An environmental excise tax of
Excise duties generally range           10% applies to specified locally
between 0% and 175% of the ex-          manufactured and imported plastic
factory price and apply to products     and plastic products.
such as beer, spirits, tobacco
products, etc.
                                        Airport tax
                                        Airport tax is levied on local and
                                        foreign travels. The tax is GH¢5 for
                                        local travel and US$60–US$200 for
                                        foreign travel.

                                                                    PwC | 25














Navigating taxation – 2020 Ghana Tax Facts and Figures
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