New FACTs on Episcopal Church Growth and Decline - The Episcopal Church

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New FACTs on Episcopal Church Growth and Decline - The Episcopal Church
Growth and Decline
A look at the dynamics of growth and decline
in Episcopal congregations based on the
2014 Survey of Episcopal Congregations, in
conjunction with the Faith Communities
Today (FACT) ecumenical/interfaith survey

                                   C. Kirk Hadaway
                                   A Publication of

                                   the Domestic and Foreign Missionary

                                   New York, New York, 2015

New                                           A RE GR OW IN G ; MA N Y A R E S TAB L E IN

                                              AT T EN DAN CE         AND       ME MBER SH IP ;

                                              OT H ER S    A RE   D ECL IN IN G .    WHY DO

FACTs                                         C ON GRE GAT ION S

                                              E XP E R IENC E L OSSE S ?
                                                                            T H R IV E      OR

On                                            In seeking answers to this question, many sources
                                              of congregational growth and decline are
Episcopal                                     considered, including:
                                                 The setting and demographic makeup of
Church                                             the congregation;
                                                 The congregation’s identity;
Growth and                                       The congregation’s worship;
                                                 The congregation’s programs and activities;
Decline                                            and
                                                 The congregation’s leadership

                                              Much of what you will see here are factors that
                                              help congregations grow, but in some cases the
                                              focus will be on decline—things that declining
                                              churches tend to exhibit and growing churches are
Introduction ............................ 1   more likely to avoid.

Context and Composition ........ 2            Findings are based on Parochial Report data and
                                              the 2014 Survey of Episcopal Congregations,
Identity and Orientation.......... 7          which was completed by 762 congregations out of
The Character of Worship ...... 12            an initial sample of 1,100. Growth is measured by
                                              change in average Sunday attendance (ASA) from
Program and Recruitment ..... 17              2009 to 2013 using a 3-category growth/decline
                                              variable. Growing churches grew by at least 10%
Leadership ............................ 23
                                              in ASA (20% of the sample).              Plateaued
Putting it all Together ........... 28        congregations experienced change in ASA of +5%
                                              to -7.4%. Declining churches declined by 10% or
                                              more (45% of churches). Churches were sampled
                                              randomly within these populations. Churches with
                                              moderate growth (5.5% to 9.9%) and moderate
                                              decline (-7.5% to -9.9%) were excluded in order to
                                              examine the characteristics of churches that were
                                              more clearly growing, plateaued or declining.
                                              Churches were weighted by size, as measured in
                                              2009, and represent the size distribution of all
                                              Episcopal churches in the United States.
Context and Composition
All congregations have a context, the                                    but many of the churches there are doing
environment where they minister, which                                   well. And this is part of the odd context of the
includes their regional setting and their local                          West, where overall levels of religiosity are
community.        Congregations are also                                 lower than other regions, but where the
communities themselves, with rich social                                 religiously engaged segment of the population
fabrics. As such, the growth/decline profile of                          is quite active—resulting in more rapidly
a church is necessarily affected by where                                growing churches than in other parts of the
they are located, the composition of the                                 country.
congregation and how the congregation
reflects or does not reflect its community                            The Northeast and Midwest are much less
context.                                                              hospitable environments for Episcopal
                                                                      churches. Both share population stability or
                                                                                          even decline in some
                                          Figure 1. Region and    Growth                  areas,     but      these
                                   40%                                                    characteristics       are
Percent of congregations growing

                                                                                          more endemic to the
                                                                                          Midwest. Both areas
                                   30%                                                    are less “religious”
                                                                                          than     the      South,
                                   25%                            23%
                                                                                          particularly          the
                                   20%               17%                                  Northeast. And unlike
                                                                                          the      West,        the
                                                                                          Northeast lacks a
                                   10%                                                    large         religiously
                                                                                          engaged      subculture
                                                                                          and many booming
                                   0%                                                     churches.
                                         Midwest   Northeast     South          West
                                                       Census Region
                                                                                                  Not        surprisingly,
                                                                                                  congregations located
Not all regions are equally fertile for the                              in newer suburbs are more likely to
growth of Episcopal congregations. Figure 1                              experience growth than congregations in any
shows that churches in western states are                                other type of local community. Congregations
most likely to experience growth, followed by                            are least likely to grow in rural areas and
churches in the South. The Northeast and                                 small towns. Newer suburbs are where the
the Midwest are where growth is least likely                             greatest population growth is occurring, of
and decline is most widespread. Growth in                                course. New people move into new housing
the South and West is undoubtedly related to                             and often look for a worshipping community
population     growth      through    “Sunbelt”                          nearby. Population growth is not a dominant
migration, but historically, the South has also                          feature in the other locations.            Thus,
been better for growth because the population                            congregations cannot rely on an increasing
is more likely to be active in churches than                             supply of newcomers, but must do ministry
other areas of the country. Religious                                    within a stable or declining population. This is
observance remains more normative in the                                 particularly true in older suburbs, where many
South. The Episcopal Church has fewer                                    churches became accustomed to population
churches in the West than in any other region,
Context and Composition

     Percent of congregations growing            Figure 2. Location, Location, Location?

                                                                                                                30%         28%

                                              Rural area                                       Town or       Downtown      Older          Older        Newer
                                               or small                                       small city     or central residential     suburb of     suburb of
                                                town                                                            city    area of city       city          city

                                              Place Where Congregation's Principal Place of Worship is Located

growth through new housing, but had to                                                                                     by maturity and sometimes death.            For
adjust to the lack of easy growth once the                                                                                 congregations, unlike most other living things,
area became more stable in population.                                                                                     eventual decline and death are not inevitable.
                                                                                                                           The Episcopal Church has congregations
Not too many years ago, growth was least                                                                                   started in the 17th Century that are still alive
likely among churches in downtown areas of                                                                                 and thriving.
larger cities. This is no longer the case, and
many downtown areas have experienced a                                                                                     But very much like other organisms, initial
revival. The churches that remain downtown                                                                                 growth tends to be the fastest, and as shown
are somewhat more
likely to be growing                Figure 3.                                                                         Newest Congregations Grow More
than     churches     in       70%
locations other than
                                                           Percent of congregations growing

newer suburbs.                 60%

Congregations        are                                                                        50%
living things.     They
are born (or “planted”)                                                                         40%
and many flourish and                                                                                                                               29%
grow, rather than                                                                               30%                                                             26%
withering in unfertile                                                                                                                 19%
                                                                                                20%          17%
soil. Like people (or
plants), there is also a                                                                        10%
tendency             for
congregations to have                                                                             0%
something resembling                                                                                       1600-1900 1901-1945 1946-1964 1965-1980 1981-1995 1996-2009
a life cycle of birth
                                                                                                                      Year Congregation Organized or Founded
and growth, followed

Context and Composition
in Figure 3, growth is most likely among                                          Black congregations are growing and only
congregations organized since 1995. New                                           18% of Anglo churches are growing.
organizations of all types tend to be more
focused on establishing themselves as viable                                      Although predominantly Black congregations
institutions and are able to incorporate new                                      (which make up 5% of all Episcopal
people more easily than older organizations.                                      congregations) have some characteristics
Clearly, however, the early growth that comes                                     which might suggest greater growth
easily does not last forever, or even much                                        possibilities (more lively worship; clearer
past 15 years in most cases. Churches                                             purpose), they also tend to be older than
formed prior to 1900 are least likely to grow,                                    Anglo churches (in terms of origin and
but the differences in growth possibilities do                                    members) and are less engaged in
not vary a great deal by founding date among                                      evangelism and recruitment, on average.
older congregations.                                                              There are not enough Latino, Asian, Native
Despite the tendency of new congregations to                                      American and multi-racial/ethnic churches in
grow, the impact of these congregations on                                        the survey sample to separate them out, but
the level of attendance in the Episcopal                                          as a group, their growth profile is much more
Church is relatively small—simply because                                         positive than Anglo or Black congregations.
there are so few of them. The same is true for                                    Additional data from the Parochial Report
churches in newer suburbs (many of which                                          indicates that growth is most likely among
are new or relatively new). There are                                             Latino, Asian and multi-racial/ethnic churches.
relatively few of them as well. Among the                                         These churches tend to be newer, have
three contextual factors addressed thus far,                                      younger members, more lively worship and
the most pervasive, independent effect on                                         are more engaged in evangelism and
growth and decline is provided by region.                                         recruitment.

Much like other mainline
denominations in the United
                                                                          Figure 4. Race, Ethnicity and Growth
States, the vast majority of
Episcopal congregations are
                                 Percent of congregations growing

predominantly white (non-
Hispanic/Latino) or “Anglo”                                         40%
(86%). And as is also the
case     in    all   mainline                                       30%
denominations,            pre-
dominantly white churches
                                                                    20%        18%                17%
are less likely to grow and
more likely to decline. In the
Episcopal Church, unlike                                            10%
most       other     mainline
denominations, the growth
profile of predominantly                                                      White              Black         Asian, Hispanic,
Black          congregations                                                                                  Native American or
resembles               Anglo                                                                                    Multi-Racial
congregations. Only 17% of                                                Predominant Racial/Ethnic Group in Congregation

Context and Composition
                                                                                     denominations and most
            Figure 5. Age Structure of the USA                                       Jewish groups.
             and The Episcopal Church: 2014
     35%                                                                             Figure 5 shows that 31%
                    USA                                                        31%   of    Episcopal   church
     30%            TEC                                                              members are age 65 and
                                                                   24%               older, as compared to
                          21%                                                        only 14% of the American
                                                       20% 19%   20%
     20%                                                                             public. By contrast, 26%
              16%                                                                    of Americans are age 19
                                                                                     or younger, as compared
     10%                                                                             to     only    16%     of
                                                                              Of     course,     not   all
          children &   young adults median adults middle age seniors (65+)
                                                                              Episcopal churches are
            youth        (20-34)      (35-49)       (50-64)                   primarily composed of
                                    Age Group                                 older persons. But many
                                                                              churches skew toward an
Episcopal Church members are older on
                                                          older age profile. Overall, one quarter of
average than the American public.              The
                                                          Episcopal congregations have a membership
differences are greatest among the oldest and
                                                          that is 50% or more elderly (age 65+). And in
youngest age categories. Proportionately, we
                                                          almost     three   quarters    of     Episcopal
have many more persons age 65 or older and
                                                          congregations over half of the membership is
many fewer children, youth and young adults
                                                          age 50 or over.
than the general population. This is due, in
part, to the cumulative effects of a low birth            The larger the proportion of older people in
rate following the baby boom era among a                  the church, the less likely is the church to
highly        educated,
predominantly white                   Figure 6. Aging Congregations Don't Grow
constituency. But the
Episcopal Church has
                            Percent of congregations

also failed to retain             70%
many of the children              60%
of its members over
                                  50%       47%
the years.        These                                                         43%
trends      are      not          40%
exclusive      to    the                                    30%
Episcopal Church, or                              20%                      20%
to mainline Protestant
                                  10%                                                      8%
denominations,       but
they      are      more            0%
extreme           among                    35% or less       36-50%         51-75%       76% or more
mainline,                                    Percent of Members who are 50 Years Old or Older
predominantly white,
highly        educated                          Congregations Growing      Congregations Declining

Context and Composition
grow and the more
likely is it to decline         Figure 7. Young Adults, Children, Youth and
(see     Figure      6).                                 Growth
Among        Episcopal     45%
churches         where
over three quarters                                                                   37%

                       Percent of congregations growing
of members are age         35%
50 or older, 68%
are declining and          30%
only       8%      are
growing. Growth is
much              more                                20%
prevalent       among
Episcopal churches         15%
where               the               10%
proportion of those
ages 50 and up is           5%
35% or less of
membership.        The      0%
“tipping point” in                 10% or less      11-20%          21-35%       36% or more
terms of likelihood                Percent of Regular Participants who are Age 34 or Younger
of decline seems to
be where over half                                If larger proportions of older adults lead to
of members are 50 years old or older.             growth problems, larger proportions of
Decline or plateau is the norm among              younger adults lead to growth opportunities.
churches with predominantly older (age 50+)       The congregation that is able to attract
members.                                          younger adults is somewhat exceptional. To
The presence of older adults (age 50 or older)            be sure, such churches are most often found
is not problematic in and of itself. Healthy              in the newer suburbs and are thus able to
congregations include a wide range of ages.               reach that increasingly elusive commodity in
But a congregation where most of the                      American society: married couples with
members are older tends to have a cluster of              children in the home. Yet the fact that such
characteristics that inhibit growth. Not only             congregations are also able to reach younger
are few, if any, children being born to                   adults in general—people who are less
members, but such congregations often lack                frequent attendees—implies that they have
a clear sense of mission and purpose, vibrant             qualities that go beyond an advantageous
worship and involvement in recruitment and                location. They tend to be more exciting,
evangelism. They are also more likely to be               innovative and are more involved in
small and to be located in rural areas and                recruitment. They want to reach people and
smaller towns.                                            make the effort to do so.

Identity and Orientation
It is well known that most
conservative, evangelical             Figure 8. Why Conservative Churches are
and sectarian religious
bodies       have      been
growing (until recently in        45%

                             Percent of congregations growing
some        cases)      and       40%
mainline denominations                                                                          34%
have been in decline
since the mid-1960s.              30%
The Episcopal Church              25%                                    22%         22%
was something of a
mainline anomaly from                        15%
the early 1990s through           15%
2001 when consistent              10%                       8%
growth       in     average
Sunday              worship
attendance              was        0%
recorded. After 2001,                       Very        Somewhat      Moderate    Somewhat Very Liberal
                                        conservative Conservative                 Liberal or     or
however,        membership                                                       Progressive Progressive
and attendance decline
returned to the Episcopal                       Theological Outlook of Most Active Members
Church. The continuing
disparity in growth between mainline and              (particularly those that are “somewhat
most conservative evangelical denominations           conservative”); whereas the most liberal
reinforces the widely held view that                  churches are most likely to grow and least
theological differences are the key to                likely to decline. It should be added that this
understanding why so many mainline                    is not one of the strongest relationships with
churches are declining and why so many                growth—as can be seen in the relatively small
evangelical churches are growing. But the             differences between several categories in
facts are not quite so simple.                        terms of percent growing. Nevertheless, the
                                                      correlation is significant and may also seem
Within           conservative      evangelical        counter-intuitive.
denominations, the minority moderate and
somewhat liberal churches are actually more           Not surprisingly, there are proportionately
likely to grow than very conservative                 more conservative Episcopal churches in the
congregations.        Among most mainline             South and proportionately more liberal
denominations there is a “curvilinear”                churches in the Northeast. And it is in these
relationship between conservatism and                 two regions where the relationship between
church growth; with more conservative and             theological liberalism and growth is the
more liberal churches growing and moderate            strongest. In the South, for instance, 39% of
churches most likely to decline. Interestingly,       the most liberal churches are growing and
the Episcopal pattern in 2014 is more similar         17% are declining, whereas only 14% of the
to the conservative evangelical pattern. As           most conservative churches are growing and
shown in Figure 8, conservative Episcopal             52% are declining. In the West, growth is
congregations are least likely to grow                almost non-existent among the relatively few

Identity and Orientation
                                   churches where members
                                   are more conservative.                                                    Figure 9. Purpose-Driven Growth

                                                                   Percent of congregations growing
                                   Much more important to
                                   the growth profile of a              40%
                                   congregation       are  the          35%
                                   religious character of the           30%
                                   congregation       and   its
                                   sense of mission and
                                                                        20%                                     18%
                                   purpose. Churches that
                                   are clear about why they             15%                      12%
                                   exist and what they should           10%        8%
                                   be doing are most likely to           5%
                                   be growing congregations.
                                   They do not grow because                    Disagree         Unsure         Agree       Strongly Agree
                                   they have been at their
                                   location for a century or                  "Our Congregation Has a Clear Mission and Purpose"
                                   two nor because they
                                                                                        Without a clear purpose, congregations often
                                   have an attractive building where they
                                                                                        resemble inward-looking clubs or clans where
                                   worship.        They grow because they
                                                                                        fellowship among friends is the primary
                                   understand their reason for being and make
                                                                                        reason for being. The strong correlation
                                   sure they do the things well that are essential
                                                                                        between growth and having a clear mission
                                   to their lives as communities of faith.
                                                                                        and purpose is seen in Figure 9. Growth is
                                                                                                        very unlikely if a church has
                                                                                                        no definable purpose (other
                                            Figure 10. Spiritual Vitality and Growth                    than existing) or if it takes its
                                   45%                                                                  purpose for granted. The
                                                                                                        nature of purpose will vary
Percent of congregations growing

                                                                                            36%         among churches, of course,
                                   35%                                                                  but the key is to have one.

                                   30%                                                                                               Essential to all churches as
                                                                                                                                     worshipping             religious
                                                                                                                                     communities is a sense of
                                   20%                                                                                               spiritual life, rather than
                                                                                                            16%                      simply human relationships
                                   15%                                                                                               and        organizational/ritual
                                                                                                                                     activity. So in Figure 10 we
                                   10%                        7%
                                               7%                                                                                    look at the extent to which a
                                    5%                                                                                               congregation is considered to
                                                                                                                                     be “spiritually vital and alive.”
                                    0%                                                                                               Relatively     few     churches
                                            Disagree       Unsure                                           Agree   Strongly Agree
                                                                                                                                     disagree      with     such     a
                                                                                                                                     designation         and        no
                                            "Our Congregation is Spiritually Vital and Alive"                                        congregation             strongly

Identity and Orientation
                           disagrees that they are spiritually vital and             basic aspect of Christian practice: “living out
                           alive, but many are unsure or agree only                  one’s faith in their daily life,” those
                           somewhat. This question gets at the essential             congregations where the emphasis was
                           character of a congregation and, as such, it is           lacking or only marginal were very likely to be
                           highly related to growth and decline.                     in decline. Over 60% of the churches that
                                                                                     said they had some, a little or no emphasis on
                           Although the vast majority of congregations               living out one’s faith in daily life were in
                           agree that they are spiritually vital, there is a         decline. Having such a basic emphasis did
                           large difference with respect to growth on                not guarantee growth, but lacking it nearly
                           whether they strongly agree or simply agree.              guaranteed decline or plateau.
                           As with many areas of church life,
                           congregational leaders are not particularly              Congregations are living communities and are
                           likely to downgrade their own congregation,              constantly in flux. Any sense of constancy is
                           so frequently the key to understanding what is           an illusion or the result of a desire to keep
                           going on with respect to vitality is the degree          things from changing. But change is inevitable
                           to which a congregation rates themselves                 as towns and neighborhoods change and as
                           highly.                                                  people join, become more active, give birth,
                                                                                                       become less active, drop
                                                                                                       out, move away or die.
                                    Figure 11. Living Out One's                Faith and               Vital organizations are
                                               Growth/Decline                                          those that adapt and
                            80%                                                                        adaptation         requires
                            70%                                                                        purposeful change rather
                                                           62%                                         than drift.
Percent of congregations

                                                                                                    Figure 12 shows that
                            50%                                            46%
                                                                                                    congregations that are
                            40%                                                                     willing to change to meet
                                                                                                    new challenges also tend
                            30%                                                    26%              to         be         growing
                                                                  18%                               congregations.           Most
                            20%                     16%
                                                                                                    congregations believe that
                                     8%                                                             they are willing to change,
                                                                                                    which       is      somewhat
                              0%                                                                    surprising       given     the
                                    Not at all or a   Some        Quite a bit         A lot
                                        little                                                      obvious       resistance    to
                                         Emphasis on Living Out One's Faith in Daily Life
                                                                                                    change   in  churches   across
                                                                                                    America. But among the
                                       Growing Congregations      Declining Congregations           minority      of     Episcopal
                                                                                                    congregations that doubt
                           Since so many Episcopal churches are
                                                                                their ability to change, growth is very unlikely.
                           declining, for some survey questions the
                                                                                Only 7% of congregations that are unwilling to
                           association with change in average Sunday
                                                                                change and 11% of congregations that were
                           attendance is more a matter of what churches
                                                                                unsure experienced growth in worship
                           are not rather than what they are. Thus,
                           when asked about their emphasis on a rather

Identity and Orientation
                                                                                                    declined     in      worship
                                         Figure 12. Living Things Change                            attendance over the past four
                                   45%                                                              years.
Percent of congregations growing

                                   40%                                      Figure 13 looks at the impact
                                                                            of various degrees of conflict
                                                                            on      attendance       decline.
       30%                                                                  Congregations were asked
                                                                            about seven areas over
                                              22%                           which conflict sometimes
       20%                                                                  occurs:       finances,       how
       15%                                                                  worship        is     conducted,
                                 11%                                        priorities of the congregation,
       10%         7%                                                       the priest’s leadership style,
         5%                                                                 decisions of the vestry (or
                                                                            Bishop’s             committee),
         0%                                                                 disagreements between the
                Disagree        Unsure       Agree        Strongly
                                                                            priest and lay leaders,
                                                                            actions          of      General
              "Our Congregation is Willing to Change to Meet New
                                   Challenges"                              Convention, and other areas
                                                                            of conflict (which could be
  Congregations are social groups and one               written-in).      Responses for each area of
  thing that all social groups (families,               conflict were “no,” “the conflict was not
  friendship networks, clubs, companies, etc.)          serious,” and “it was a serious conflict.” In
  have in common is the possibility for internal        addition,       respondents        could     indicate
  conflict.   Members disagree with specific            outcomes of the conflict in terms of people
  decisions that were made or
  with the direction of the                      Figure 13: Conflict and Decline
  organization.        Sometimes           70%
                                                         Percent of congregations declining

  people become angry, argue,                                                                        62%
  fight, hold grudges, stop                60%
  attending       or       withhold
  contributions. Some conflicts
  are minor and represent                  40%      35%
  differing      opinions        or
  displeasure with some aspect             30%
  of church life, but other                20%
  conflicts are serious fights that
  are unpleasant for all and               10%
  create a situation in which
  some people leave and                          No conflict     Minor    One area 2-3 areas 4 or more
  visitors are unlikely to join.                                conflict of serious of serious areas of
  Congregations       that    have                                         conflict     conflict    serious
  experienced serious conflict                                                                      conflict
  are more likely to have                          Conflict  in Congregation   in Past  Four   Years

Identity and Orientation
leaving the church or withholding donations.        Conflict over finances was the most frequently
The latter two outcomes were typically              mentioned area of conflict, but most of the
associated with serious conflict.                   conflict in this area was minor. The priest’s
                                                    leadership style was the most frequently
In prior surveys dealing with conflict in           mentioned area of serious conflict and it was
Episcopal congregations, the issue of               one of three areas of conflict most strongly
ordaining gay or lesbian priests or Bishops         associated      with   decline  in     worship
was raised. In 2005 and in 2008 this was the        attendance, along with how worship is
most frequently cited source of conflict, by far.   conducted       and    actions  of    General
Since 2008, however, lingering conflict over        Convention.
this issue has become less frequent and less
salient for congregations. So in 2014, a more       Many other areas of conflict were described
generic reference to “actions of General            by churches in addition to those offered as
Convention” was used.                               options. The most frequently stated were
                                                    about the following: sexual orientation (same-
Not surprisingly, congregations with no             sex blessings or same-sex marriage, hiring a
conflict (23% of Episcopal congregations)           gay priest), staff conflict, and important
were least likely to be in decline. Decline was     decisions about the continuing life of the
also not pervasive among the 39% of                 parish (such as merging the congregation
Episcopal congregations with only minor             with another, moving the place of worship, or
conflict.   However, among churches with            a building project).
serious conflict, more than half were in
decline. And if a congregation had more than        Serious conflict remains a strong independent
one area of serious conflict, decline was even      source of decline and impediment to growth,
more likely.                                        but as will be seen in the final section of this
                                                    report, it is no longer the strongest factor
                                                    associated with growth or decline.

The Character of Worship
    Worship is the central event in the life of                          percentage with four or more services is
    Christian congregations.      The community                          smaller.
    gathers, they hear scripture read and homilies
    preached, pass the peace, participate in the                        In general, the more worship services a
    Eucharist, sing, pray, and engage in other                          congregation has, the more likely it is to have
    worship-related activities. There is variation                      grown. Only 15% of churches with one
    within and among denominations and faith                            Sunday service grew between 2009 and
    traditions in the manner, style and frequency                       2013, as compared to 38% of congregations
    in which these elements take place, but for                         with four or more services. Since very few
    the most part there is less variation among                         churches have four or more services and the
    Episcopal congregations than in most other                          vast majority of Episcopal congregations have
    religious bodies.                                                   one or two services, the key finding here is
                                                                        that churches with only one service are very
                                                                                        unlikely to grow, but churches
                                         Figure 14. Worship Services   and              with two or more services are
                                                     Growth                             more likely to experience
Percent of congregations growing

                                   40%                                     38%

                                                                         A       stronger      relationship
                                                                         between        services       and
        30%                                                              attendance growth deals with
        25%                      23%                                     the type of services a
        20%                                                              congregation has, in addition
                    15%                                                  to simply its number of
                                                                         services. As shown in Figure
        10%                                                              15, churches that have
         5%                                                              Morning Prayer on Sunday, a
                                                                         combination of Morning Prayer
                1 (or fewer)       2           3            4+           and Rite I or Rite II, or only
                                                                         Rite I, are very unlikely to have
                 Regular Worship Services on a Typical Weekend
                                                                         experienced any growth (only
    If weekday services are excluded, most                               6%) and most are declining in
    Episcopal congregations hold either one             worship attendance. Growth is a bit more
    (45%) or two (38%) regular “Sunday” worship         likely (but still infrequent) among churches
    services, including services on Saturday            that have a combination of Rite I and Rite II
    evening. If a congregation holds its primary        services. This includes churches with only
    service on a weekday (this is very rare), that      one service which alternates its rites weekly
    service also is considered a “Sunday service.”      and churches that have more than one
    Only 13% of Episcopal congregations have            Sunday service. The proportion of churches
    three weekend worship services and another          growing     increases        among       Episcopal
    3% have four or more. Episcopal                     congregations that have only Rite II services.
    congregations differ from most other                Again, these can be churches with any
    Protestant denominations in that more               number of services.
    Episcopal congregations have at least two
                                                        Churches featured in the next two columns of
    weekend      worship     services,  but    the
                                                        Figure 15 have at least one regular (weekly or
The Character of Worship
                                                                                                                Celebrate! (a liturgy for
                                              Figure 15. Worship Service Types and                              young children and their
                                                         Growth/Decline                                         parents), Messy Church
                                      80%                                                                       Family        Eucharist,
Percent of Episcopal Congregations

                                                  69%                                              70%          Family Table, Out of the
                                                                                                                Box, Welcome Table
                                      60%                                                                       (with discussion and
                                                                        51%                                     food), Pray and Play,
                                      50%                                                                       Summer         Worker’s
                                                                                                                Service         (Evening
                                                                                   32%    32%                   Jamaican service for
                                      30%                                                                       locals    who       work
                                                                    19%                                         Sunday   morning),   and
                                      20%                15%
                                                                                               12%      13%     “S6” (Super Speedy
                                      10%      6%                                                               Summer           Sunday
                                                                                                                Service with Supper).
                                       0%                                                                       Churches with either
                                               Morning Rite 1 and Only Rite 2 One non- Two or        Non-       one or two non-typical
                                              Prayer or   Rite 2               typical more non- English or
                                             Only Rite 1                       service     typical Bilingual    services are similar in
                                                                                          services  service     their growth profile, but
                                                                                                                churches with two or
                                                 Regular Worship Services Held on a Typical Weekend
                                                                                                                more         non-typical
                                                         Growing churches       Declining churches              services are less likely
                                     nearly weekly), non-typical service. The key                               to be declining (only
                                     distinction here is that at least one regular           12%). Of course, some of the non-typical
                                     service was “different” from the
                                     typical Rite I or Rite II service.                                              Figure 16. Vibrant & Engaging
                                     In some cases these non-                                                40%
                                                                          Percent of congregations growing

                                     typical services were traditional
                                     services such as compline,                                              35%
                                     evensong, Taizé, candlelight                                            30%
                                     services    with   chant     and                                                                               24%
                                     meditation, or “family oriented”
                                     services followed by a meal. In                                         20%
                                     other cases, the services were
                                     more “contemporary” or were
                                     “imaginative” in some way.                                              10%         7%
                                     Many       churches      feature
                                     contemporary      or    blended
                                     music. Other churches have a                                            0%
                                     folk Eucharist, gospel Eucharist                                                Not at all to Somewhat      Quite well    Very well
                                     or    Jazz    Vespers.    Some
                                                                                                                   How well does "Vibrant and Engaging" describe your
                                     churches also are featuring a                                                    worship service with the largest attendance?
                                     “named” service, such as

The Character of Worship
services may include the Rite II
liturgy. But these are not the
                                                                                                                     Figure 17. Drums, Percussion and
usual Rite II service. Something                                                                                                  Growth
is added in terms of style,                                                                               60%

                                         Percent of congregations growing
substance or a connection to a
meal or other event following the                                                                         50%                                           47%

service.                                                                                                                                                            40%
Even more likely to grow than
congregations with either non-                                                                            30%
typical traditional, imaginative or
contemporary worship services                                                                             20%         17%         17%
were congregations that held
services in a language other                                                                              10%
than English—ether fully in
another language or a bilingual                                                                                0%
service. Most of these churches                                                                                      Never      Seldom    Sometimes     Often     Always
(70%) were growing and only                                                                                               How often are drums or other percussion
13% were declining.                                                                                                  instruments a part of your congregation's worship
In terms of the character of
worship          in     Episcopal                                                                                        American drums, timpani, tambourines, and
congregations, churches that describe their                                                                              so forth. For Episcopal churches the use of
worship as “vibrant and engaging” were most                                                                              drums, other percussion instruments and
likely to grow. This was also the case for                                                                               acoustic instruments is more strongly related
churches that described their worship as “fun                                                                            to growth than electric guitars and other
and joyful.” There is a sense of life in the                                                                             instruments    typically  associated     with
worship of growing churches that is less                                                                                 contemporary worship.
evident in most non-growing churches. Part
of this vitality may be related to a
                                                                                                                       Figure 18. Reverence and Lack of
critical mass of people creating a
sense of community celebration,
                                                                            Percent of congregations growing

but, of course, vibrant worship is
                                          40%                                                                             36%
also possible in smaller churches.
As was shown above in Figure 15,                                                                               30%
growing churches tend to have at                                                                               25%
least one service that is non-typical.                                                                                                                19%
                                                                                                               20%                                                 17%
Partly this is about the use of music.                                                                         15%
Drums and other percussion
instruments, for instance, are
strongly related to growth. Drums
do not necessarily imply a praise
                                                                                                                      Slightly to not Somewhat     Quite well    Very well
band with a drum set.             But                                                                                      at all
sometimes it does. In other cases                                                                                         How well does "it is reverent" describe your
drums mean African or Native                                                                                             worship service with the largest attendance?

The Character of Worship
                             The key seems to be doing something                                             with a different character. Churches that have
                             different from very traditional worship with a                                  added a different type of service or that
                             particularly solemn tone.       For Episcopal                                   changed an existing service “a lot” in the past
                             churches,     characterizing     worship    as                                  three years were much more likely to grow
                                                                                                                              than churches which did not
                                        Figure 19. Changing Worship,                                      Growing             change their services or only
                                                    Congregations                                                             changed them somewhat.
Percent of congregations growing

                                                                                                      One of the more interesting
                                 30%                                                                  relationships with growth and
                                                                                                      decline      concerns      the
                                                                                                      participation of children and
                                 20%                                  18%
                                           17%                                                        youth in worship. A question
                                                                                                      was asked about how often
                                 10%                                                                  children or youth are engaged
                                                                                                      in worship leadership roles,
                                                                                                      including doing the readings,
                                        No change Changed a Changed Changed a Added a                 speaking,      and      music.
                                                         little    moderately     lot     different   Congregations that involved
                                                                                           type of    children in worship leadership
                                                                                                      roles (beyond the typical
                                           During the past 3 years, has your congregation
                                        changed the format or style of one or more weekend            acolyte role) were more likely
                                                              worship services?                       to experience growth and
                                                                                                      congregations that did not
                             “reverent” is related to decline, as is always or
                                                                                      were much more likely to experience decline.
                             nearly always using kneelers. It is not that
                                                                                      Involving children did not ensure growth. As
                             churches with vibrant, engaging worship lack
                                                                                      shown in Figure 20, only 28% of churches
                             any sense of reverence. But if being reverent
                             and all the word implies is
                             what characterizes worship                           Figure 20. Seen and Heard?
                             rather than vibrancy and                 45%
                                                             Percent of congregations growing

                             joy, the result is not likely to         40%
                             be growth. Most Episcopal                35%
                             churches are not growing
                                                                      30%                                          28%        27%
                             and most of the churches
                             that are not growing feature             25%
                             a basic Rite II service or               20%                              18%
                             alternate between a basic                                    14%
                             Rite I and Rite II service.              10%
                             Having     a    non-typical,                                       5%
                             contemporary             or                                        0%
                             imaginative service usually                                               Never      Seldom    Sometimes      Often      Always
                             means that a church has                                                 How often do children or youth read or engage in other
                             changed its worship service                                             worship leadership activities during your congregation's
                                                                                                                       worship services?
                             or added a new service

The Character of Worship
that “often” involve children and 27% of those   Controlling for the proportion of children in the
which “always” involve children in worship       congregation reduces the strength of the
were growing. But among churches that            relationship with growth somewhat, but it
never involve children, only 11% were            does not disappear.        In fact, it actually
growing and 74% were declining. Of course,       becomes stronger among churches with
in order to involve children and youth in        some, but not many, children. Churches with
worship a congregation must have children        a lot of children tend to involve them in
present—and some congregations have few,         worship as a matter of course. But among
if any children.                                 churches with a smaller number of children,
                                                 their level of involvement in worship is
                                                 strongly associated with growth.

Program and Recruitment
                  A coffee hour follows worship services in the           St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, in Montclair,
                  vast majority of Episcopal congregations                New Jersey the coffee hour featured all sorts
                  (93%). In many churches the coffee hour                 of food and drink.        There was ham on
                  features drinks (including coffee, of course),          biscuits, homemade cookies and brownies,
                  light snacks and casual conversation among              quiches, cider, punch, etc. It was quite a
                  members. If a church has visitors who find              spread, prepared by different teams each
                  their way to the coffee hour, they sometimes            week. Essentially it was an after-church
                                                                                            brunch with coffee and
                             Figure 21. Coffee Hour Community                               dessert. With food placed on
                      35%                                                                   tables in the center of the
Percent of congregations growing

                                                                              30%           room, people gathered at
                                                               27%                          round tables surrounding the
                      25%                                                                   food to eat and talk.
                                                                                            Children     were      running
                      20%                                                                   around somewhat wildly.
                                                                                            Visitors were drawn into the
                      15%                                                                   chaos, sitting at the crowded
                                 9%                                                         tables with newer and older
                                                                                            members and with some
                       5%                                                                   members who were on the
                                                                                            lookout for visitors. It was
                       0%                                                                   impossible to be ignored in
                            No coffee hour A typical or a Vibrant coffee Chaotic coffee
                                                                                            the setting and no one was.
                                            formal coffee      hour           hour
                                                hour                                        In this church and in many
                                                                                            others that do something
                                              Describe your coffee hour
                                                                                            similar, the coffee hour
                  feel awkward, as if they are attending a party          creates community and provides an initial
                  without knowing anyone. To visitors, the                entry for visitors into the life of the
                  gathering may seem stilted and formal, but to           congregation.
                  members it is not. Churches that do not have
                  a coffee hour at all tend to be declining rather        So, although “chaotic” sounds bad and
                  than growing, as do churches that describe              somewhat       non-Episcopalian,      24%      of
                  their coffee hour as “typical” or “formal.”             Episcopal congregations described their
                                                                          coffee hours as “chaotic” and these
                  In studying        vital, growing       Episcopal       congregations were more likely to be growing
                  congregations it was observed that many had             and less likely to be declining than any other
                  a coffee hour that was much different from the          type of congregation.
                  average congregation (in any denomination).
                  Rather than sedate clusters of members                  Although it may seem mundane, a vitalized
                  standing around or sitting at tables drinking           coffee hour is a tangible thing that a
                  coffee for a few minutes, these churches had            congregation can do that helps it develop a
                  lively conversation that drew in newcomers.             sense of community and draws new people
                  They were vibrant rather than stilted                   into it.
                  situations.      In some rapidly growing
                  congregations the coffee hour was almost                Attracting and incorporating new members
                  chaotic, but in a good way. For instance, at            requires desire and intentionality, but it also
Program and Recruitment
requires action and                              the involvement of                                    life of the church is a matter of making
existing members.                               Recruitment success                                    contact. This begins at worship in the
results not just from                           official programs and                                  character of the welcome people receive.
events, but from the                            behavior of members                                    Some churches have members assigned to
                                                                                                                    greet people, and the greeting
                                      Figure 22. Recruiting New                                    Members          can be warm and genuine or it
 Percent of congregations growing

                                    45%                                                                             can be perfunctory.         Most
                                                                                                   39%    40%       churches ask newcomers to fill
                                                                                                                    out a card and put it in the
                                                                                                                    offering plate, but sometimes
                                                                                                                    newcomers find the cards
                                    25%                                                   21%                       missing    or   there    is    no
                                    20%                                                                             meaningful follow-up later in the
                                    15%                                                                             week.
                                    10%   8%
                                                                    Making contact is also not just
                                                                    about those who attend worship
      0%                                                            services. Many congregations
             Not at all A little    Some Quite a bit A lot
                                                                    also make sure they collect the
             "To what extent are your congregation's members
                                                                    names,    mailing   or   email
                    involved in recruiting new members?"
                                                                    addresses of persons who
who promote the congregation and invite               attend special events or support groups or
others to attend worship and other events. As         visit their web site. In order for people to
many studies have shown, the primary way              know the congregation cares about their
people first connect with a congregation is           presence, the congregation must know that
through a pre-existing relationship with              they attended and make an effort to contact
someone who is already involved.                      them—through several reinforcing ways.

Figure 22 shows the very
strong relationship between                                                                     Figure 23. Letting Them Know You Care
                                                       Percent of congregations growing

recruitment activity on the                                                               45%
part of members and                                                                       40%
                                                                                          35%                                                          33%
growth. Where members
are involved “quite a bit” or                                                             30%
“a lot,” growth is quite likely.                                                          25%
By         contrast,         for                                                                                              19%
                                                                                          20%                     16%
congregations           where                                                             15%
members are involved only
“some,” “a little” or “not at                                                                       4%
all,” very few congregations
are growing and many are
                                                                                                 No visitors    Minimal Some efforts     Warm          Warm
declining.                                                                                      or no efforts   efforts to to contact greeting and greeting and
                                                                                                 to contact      contact     visitors some effort    multiple
For the most part, reaching                                                                                      visitors              to contact    efforts to
newcomers              and                                                                                                                            contact
incorporating them into the                                                                           Character of greeting and follow-up with visitors

Program and Recruitment
Congregations which say they have no             Typically, these traditional approaches were
visitors or make no effort to contact the        either not very effective, costly, or both. A
visitors that they have are highly unlikely to   little over ten years ago many churches
experience any growth. As seen in Figure 23,     began to set up web sites for their
churches that expend some or minimal effort      congregations and to collect email addresses
to contact visitors, but
that do not go out of              Figure 24. Technology, Social Media and
their way to greet                                      Growth
them warmly in the
worship service are
more likely to grow           40%
                         Percent of congregations growing

than churches which
do nothing. In most           35%
cases, these visitors         30%
are welcomed during
announcements,                25%                                               23%
asked to fill out a                                                  19%
card, and receive a
note, call or follow-up       15%              12%
email within the next
week or two.                  10%       7%

A     much      stronger
association          with        0%
growth can be found                    None or      2           3         4         5          6+
among churches that                     only 1
greet people warmly                       Number of Newer Technologies Used by Congregation
and         individually
                                                     for their members. In 2005 when a similar
before or during worship and that also make
                                                     survey was conducted, simply having a
one or more efforts to contact the visitor after
                                                     church web site was strongly related to
the service. The more types of contact a
                                                     growth—because it created a 24-hour portal
church uses to reinforce the greeting, the
                                                     into the church which allowed for greater
more likely it is to grow.
                                                     communication with members and a more
It is important for a church to communicate          visible presence for non-members who may
with its visitors. It is also important that a       have been either looking for a church or
church communicate with its members,                 wanted to check out a church before they
regular participants and potential members in        attended.
the community. For contacting members,
                                                     In 2015, simply having a website is not rare or
there were once only printed newsletters and
                                                     cutting-edge.      The vast majority of
bulletins, calling trees, and announcements
                                                     congregations have web sites and for this
during worship. To reach out to potential
                                                     reason the relationship between simply
members in the community, many churches
                                                     having a site and growth is not very strong.
relied on mass mailing, flyers, newspaper ads
                                                     Now, the issue is whether the web site is
and even radio and television spots.
                                                     regularly updated and whether more active

Program and Recruitment
                              means of electronic communication are used.           Although nearly all Episcopal congregations
                              The effect of technology for communication is         see themselves as friendly and welcoming to
                              cumulative. The more things are done by a             newcomers and as good at incorporating
                              church, the more it is likely to grow. Figure 24      newcomers into the life of the church, the
                              shows that churches that use many kinds of            actual process from a welcome, to
                              platforms (6 or more) are most likely to grow.        engagement, to membership can be tricky
                                                                                                               and not always
                                         Figure 25. Special Events, Fellowship                                 successful.     Vital,
                                                      Activities and Growth                                    growing Episcopal
                                                                                                               congregations are
Percent of congregations growing

                                                                                                               strong, welcoming
                                 50%                                                               47%         communities which
                                                                                                               thrive through the
                                 40%                                                                           active involvement
                                                                                                               of members and
                                 30%                                                                           potential members.
                                                                                                               A             central
                                                                     19%                                       component           of
                                 10%                                                                           development         is
                                                                                                               special events and
                                  0%                                                                           fellowship activities.
                                          Never        A few    5-10 a year Monthly More than At least         And this is also true
                                                                                     monthly but weekly        for             small
                                                                                      less than
                                                                                       once a                  congregations that
                                                                                        week                   cannot afford to hire
                                                                                                               speakers or hold
                                          How many special events or fellowship activities were held in                    concerts.
                                                                    the past year?
                                                                                                               Congregations that
                              A growing church will have both an active                                        rarely, if ever, hold
                              website and a related Facebook page. In               special events or fellowships are not likely to
                              addition to listing services, staff, leadership, a    grow and almost three quarters are declining.
                              calendar and special events, a visitor to the         As shown in Figure 25, the more crowded is
                              site can see photos and videos of events,             the special events and fellowship calendar,
                              stream the current service or watch a prior           the more likely is a church to grow. For some
                              service or homily. There will be links to             churches such activities are weekly events
                              newsletters and one can sign up for e-                and 47% of these churches were growing and
                              newsletters and emails from the church.               only one church in our sample experienced
                              While at church, you can access the Wi-Fi             decline.
                              system and follow the order of service, with          Special events and fellowships vary from truly
                              readings and songs, on your iPad, tablet or           special, major events that may occur only
                              smartphone. There is no need to write out a           once or annually, to more mundane, even
                              check and put it in an offering plate. Your           traditional activities that occur more
                              pledge for the month is deposited                     frequently.
Program and Recruitment
St. Ann’s Episcopal Church in Windham,               retreats, concerts. And for churches with a
Maine, just outside of Portland is a vital,          rich, chaotic coffee hour, this event is a
growing church with a wide variety of special        weekly fellowship opportunity in its own right.
events and fellowship activities, many of            Through regular fellowship apart from
which are organized by the “Fun and                  greetings at Sunday worship, community is
Fellowship” committee.” These include a              initiated, developed and reinforced. In vital
Potluck and Chili Challenge and Family Game          growing churches, people do not come to
Night, a kayak/canoe summer cruise down              worship and go home without personal
the river to “pray and play,” a Mardi Gras           interaction with others.
celebration with a potluck and variety show, a
“Field Day and Fiesta Luncheon,” Christmas           Growing churches emphasize Sunday school.
Caroling with holiday cheer, an annual potluck       In Episcopal churches, Sunday school
with movie, and a church-wide excursion to           typically involves the children and not all
see a local minor league baseball game (the          Episcopal churches have a lot of children. So
Sea Dogs). In addition to these fellowship           is the relationship between an emphasis on
events, the church holds a “family Sunday            Sunday school and growth simply a result of
service” monthly with a heavy involvement of         the proportion of children and youth in a
children in worship, followed by a meal. There       church? The answer is “no.” There is a strong
is a Christmas fair, and to raise money for the      correlation between an emphasis on Sunday
Christmas fair, wine tastings are held—              school and growth even in churches with
becoming fellowship activities of their own.         relatively few younger members.             The
There is the typical Shrove Tuesday pancake          strongest correlation between an emphasis
breakfast, a weekly “lunch and liturgy” on           on Sunday school and growth is found for
Tuesdays and a monthly family breakfast on           churches with a moderate proportion of
Sunday morning. Even outreach becomes a              children and youth.
chance               for
fellowship     through              Figure 26. Sunday School and Growth
the Monday Meals
program         serving         45%
                         Percent of congregations growing

elderly and needy               40%                                                      37%
persons      in     the         35%
community with food
                                30%                                       27%
and lively fellowship
with members and                25%
their children.      St.        20%                        18%
Ann’s is not a                  15%
wealthy church and
not too many years                         4%
ago it was led by a              5%
part-time        rector.         0%
Other churches with                        No       Some emphasis        A lot of   A specialty of
a rich calendar of                                                     emphasis   the congregation
events              and
                                            Sunday School and Emphasis on Sunday School
fellowships feature
lectures, workshops,

Program and Recruitment
Almost all congregational programs are            One of the strongest correlates of growth
related to growth to some degree. Be it           comes from the emphasis a congregation
prayer and meditation groups, Bible studies,      places on adult religious formation. For
parenting or marriage enrichment, pastoral        churches where this activity is a specialty of
care, youth activities, young adult activities,   the congregation, 36% are growing, as
outreach, community service, etc., churches       compared to only 6% of churches which do
that do more are more likely to be growing.       not have adult religious formation classes.
This is not just a matter of size, although       Other strong correlates of growth include the
larger churches do have more activities and       emphasis on Children’s activities (other than
programs. Still, the key factor seems to be       Sunday school), youth activities and
whether or not a church puts a lot of             programs, young adult activities and
emphasis on program areas, outreach, or           programs, and parenting or marriage
other ministries beyond holding regular           enrichment activities.      Still, among these
worship services.                                 various program activities, an emphasis on
                                                  Sunday school has the strongest independent
                                                  effect on the likelihood for growth.

                                     Leadership is important to sustaining the             have priest and worship is typically led by lay
                                     health of a congregation. Historically, the           leaders (some licensed) or deacons. Of the
                                     norm was for a congregation to have a full-           approximately       13%      of      Episcopal
                                     time paid priest, and in slightly over half of        congregations that only use supply priests, a
                                     Episcopal congregations (56%) the traditional         deacon or a worship leader, 79% experienced
                                     model is still present. However, as the               decline in worship attendance.
                                     median       attendance      of     Episcopal
                                     congregations dropped and the costs of                Decline was also widespread among
                                     paying insurance and retirement benefits              churches with a solo part-time priest. These
                                     increased, more churches shifted to part-time         churches included congregations that shared
                                     clergy, or they rely on supply clergy or lay          a full time priest (but who was part-time in
                                     worship leaders.                                      each of the congregations they served).

                                                                                                              Decline was less likely in
                                                 Figure 27. Priest Status and Decline                         the “normative,” church
                                     90%                                                                      with a solo, full time, paid
Percent of congregations declining

                                                                                                  79%         priest. The growth/decline
                                                                                                              profile of these churches
                                     70%                                                                      was not as positive as
                                     60%                                                                      churches with multiple
                                                                                                              priests, but it was much
                                                                                                              better than churches with a
                                     40%                                        37%
                                                                     32%                                      part-time priest or supply
                                     30%                  26%                                                 priests.
                                     20%       14%                                                            Although it is increasingly
                                     10%                                                                      difficult     for    smaller
                                                                                                              churches to support a solo
                                              Multiple Multiple Multiple Solo Full Solo Part Supply or        full-time priest, a part-time
                                             Full-Time Priests Part-Time  Time      Time     Worship          priest or supply priest is
                                              Priests (Full and Priests   Priest    Priest    Leader          likely to lead to further
                                                                Priest Status in Congregation
                                                                                                              The median Episcopal
                                     Not surprisingly, churches with multiple                                 rector, vicar, dean or
                                     priests were most likely to have grown and            priest-in-charge (not counting interims, supply
                                     least likely to have declined between 2009            priests, curates or associates) is 59 years of
                                     and 2013.       In terms of the percentage            age. The age of a congregation’s priest is
                                     growing, it did not matter if all priests were all    strongly related to growth and decline.
                                     full-time, a combination of full and part- time       Churches with priests age 49 and younger
                                     or even the rare situation where all priests          are most likely to grow, followed by churches
                                     were part-time.                                       with priests age 50-59.

                                     On the other side of the leadership spectrum          The likelihood of growth decreases greatly
                                     were churches that had no priest, other than a        among older age cohorts of priests leading
                                     supply priest. Some of these churches rarely          congregations. Only 17% of churches with

                                                                                                                                          were also declining. To a
                                         Figure 28. Age of Priest and Growth                                                              certain extent, the decline
                                   45%                                                                                                    may be a result of
                                                                                                                                          frequent clergy turnover in
Percent of congregations growing

                                          35%                                                                                             some congregations, but
                                   35%                                                                                                    the effect of a recent call
                                   30%                                                          28%                                       is so pervasive that it
                                                                                                                                          speaks more to problems
                                   25%                                                                                                    in     the      period     of
                                   20%                                                                                                    transition—from          the
                                                                                                                                          resignation of a priest, the
                                   15%                                                                               13%                  hiring of an interim (or a
                                   10%                                                                                          9%        succession       of   supply
                                                                                                                                          priests), the interim period
                                                                                                                                          (including the search), the
                                   0%                                                                                                     hiring of a new priest and
                                          39 or    40-49                        50-59                      60-65    66-70     71 or       the adjustment to a new
                                         Younger                                                                              Older
                                                                                                                                          leadership situation. The
                                                                                                Age of Priest
                                                                                                                                          transitional period tends to
                                                                                                                                          be one of decline. Decline
               priests age 60-65 are growing and the
                                                                                                                      becomes much less likely several years after
               proportion growing is even lower among
                                                                                                                      the transition is made.
               congregations led by priests in their late 60s
               or in their 70s. Of course,
               some of the older priests
                                                           Figure                                                     29. Year Priest Called and Decline
               are retired clergy that
               serve congregations while          80%
               receiving         retirement
                                                           Percent of congregations declining

               benefits.    But retirement                                                                                                                       64%
               status in and of itself is not     60%
               strongly associated with                                                                                                                 51%
               serving a declining parish.        50%
               The association is primarily                 41%                                                         40%
               with age.                          40%
                Calling a new priest can                                                          30%
               be problematic for many
               congregations.            The
               majority    of     Episcopal                                                       10%
               congregations that called a
               new priest (not an interim)                                                            0%
               in 2013 or in the first half of                                                             Earliest to 2000 to   2005 to   2008 to     2011 &   2013 &
               2014 were declining and                                                                       1999       2004      2007      2010        2012     2014
               slightly  over      half     of
                                                                                                                                  Year Priest Called
               congregations that called a
               priest in 2011 and 2012

                                           Figure 30. Tenure of Current Priest and Growth/Decline
                                           80%                                                Growing Congregations         Declining Congregations

Percent of congregations

                                                   59%                                        58%
                                                                                                      50%           52%
                                40%                                                                                         35%                         36%
                                                                                                            34%                      32%
                                                                                                                      27%               28%     29%
                                20%                                                                                                           17%     16%
                                      8%                                                                                                                      9%

                                       Supply Interim 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years                                          8-10 11 years
                                      clergy or priest or less                                                                                        years or more
                                      no priest                     Tenure of Current Priest

            As seen earlier, decline is most likely when a       churches in decline is lower among
            congregation has no priest or only uses              congregations with long-tenured clergy, but
            supply clergy (including long-term supply            the percentage growing is also quite low.
            situations). Figure 30 shows that decline is         That is because so many churches with long-
            also widespread among churches with interim          tenured priests are on stable plateaus—
            priests and among churches where the new             neither growing nor declining very much.
            priest has been there one year or less. The
            likelihood of growth
            increases with tenure                   Figure 31. Not Generating Enthusiasm and
            through four years.                                             Decline
            After four years of            70%
                                                         Percent of congregations declining

            tenure,           fewer
            congregations       are
            growing and more are           50%
            declining. In churches                                               43%
            where the priest has           40%
            led the congregation                                                                      31%
            for 11 years or more,
            39% of congregations           20%
            are declining and only
            9% are growing. As             10%
            compared to churches
            with an interim or a            0%
                                                   Somewhat to not at all Describes quite well Describes very well
            new      priest,    the
            percentage           of                How well does "generate enthusiasm“ describe your priest?

                                                                                              worker,”        “knows
                           Figure 32. Clear Vision and Growth/Decline                         how to get things
             70%                                                                              done,”       and     “is
                                                                                              friendly            and
             60%                               57%                                            engaging.”          The
Percent of congregations

                                                                                              lowest correlations
                                                                                              with growth were
                                                                                              found for “knows
                                                                                              the      Bible      and
                                                                          30% 31%
             30%                                                                              theology,”       “cares
                                                         22%                                  about          people,”
             20%                                                                                                “good
                        8%               9%
             10%                                                                              leader,” and “is a
                                                                                              person of deep
              0%                                                                              faith.” Lest one
                    Slightly or not at   Describes     Describes quite Describes very
                            all          somewhat           well             well             assume that it
                                                                                              doesn’t          matter
                    How well does "has a clear vision for the congregation"                   whether or not a
                                        describe your priest?
                                                                                              priest knows the
                                                                                              Bible or is a person
                           Growing Congregations         Declining Congregations
                                                                                              of      faith,     such
         Priests lead congregations in a variety of                                           characteristics are
         ways. Gifts vary, as does the focus of                   basic to being a priest and lack much
         ministry and the ability to provide leadership.          variation. Indeed, the four items with the
         Unfortunately, it is not possible to create truly        lowest correlation with growth were among
         objective ratings of ministerial performance             the characteristics that nearly all priests said
         using a survey of this type. But a number of             fit them “very well” or “quite well.” But the
         subjective questions were asked that were                characteristics that are most strongly
         completed by either the priest or another                correlated with growth are different. Not all
         church leader.          Although prone to self-          priests are able to generate enthusiasm, get
         depreciation or exaggeration, the fact that              people to work together or have a clear vision
         relatively strong correlations exist between             for the congregation. Even fewer describe
         the ratings and growth, suggests that they               themselves as “charismatic leaders.” These
         have some validity and that most priests are             are leadership skills and many church leaders
         answering the questions honestly. A large                lack them or fail to use them. The ratings that
         number of characteristics were tested. The               were widespread among priests and that also
         characteristics most strongly related to growth          significantly related to growth were being an
         and decline (in descending order of strength)            “effective preacher,” and “is friendly and
         were: “generates enthusiasm;” “has a clear               engaging.” Only 5% of Episcopal parish
         vision for the congregation;” “is a charismatic          priests say that they are just “somewhat”
         leader;” and “knows how to get people to                 friendly and engaging and 6% say that being
         work together.” Lower, but still significant             “an effective preacher” describes them
         correlations with growth were found for                  “somewhat” or “slightly.”
         “effective preacher,” “evangelistic,” “hard

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