NEWS & VIEWS Guildwood Village - Guildwood Village Community Association

Page created by Earl Dominguez
NEWS & VIEWS Guildwood Village - Guildwood Village Community Association
Guildwood Village
                            NEWS & VIEWS
                            The official publication of the Guildwood Village Community Association
                                                                                        EDITION 3/4 • SUMMER 2018

Guildwood Day, What a Wonderful Day!
           e could not have asked for
           a better day to host our
           annual Guildwood Day and
for the community to come together
and confirm that even after 60 years,
the Guildwood Village Community
Association is showing no signs of
slowing down.
   I was fortunate to be asked to chair
this year’s event and things ran like
clockwork due to the many volunteers
we had including the Guildwood Day
Planning Committee, the students of
Laurier Collegiate, the local Scouts and
Girl Guides, our cooking crews and the
residents who assisted with games and
   I was also fortunate this year to have
my nephew, Aubrey, and his mother
travel here from Sudbury to
enjoy the festivities.
   I am told I am still a kid,
but I got to appreciate how
much fun Guildwood Day is for
kids and parents. Let’s recap
Aubrey’s day, through his                                                           Photo credit (from top and bottom):
eyes:                                       Guildwood Day fun: bouncy castle        James Gilchrist & Lori Clyke
   My day started early - I
could not sleep any more.                                                           Unlike other parades, I did not sit on
My mom and I got my bicycle                                                         sidelines but got to ride my bike in the
and headed over to the picnic                                                       parade and got to ride with other kids
tables just across the way                                                          and parents. I got see some vroom
from where I was staying. The                                                       vroom convertibles. I was told Tom the
staff of NYAD Day Care helped                                                       Barber was our Grand Marshall and he
me decorate my bicycle with                                                         got to ride in a green convertible. The
balloons and streamers. I was                                                       Honourable Mayor John Tory walked
ready to go but was told it                                                         in the parade as well with our other
was not time as folks were still enjoying   drums started to echo as the Highland   local elected officials. I did not have a
their pancake breakfast at Guildwood        Creek Pipe Band was warming up and      costume but did see people dressed up
Presbyterian Church.                        getting ready to lead the many floats   as butterflies and bees.
   The Sounds of Bag Pipes and              and marchers in this year’s parade.        Then the (cont’d on page 20)
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                                                 Guildwood Village
                                                 Community Association
 Contents                                        Executive Committee
                                                 President: Jim Whitney
 3    President’s Message                        Vice President: Bob Taylor-Vaisey
                                                 Past President & Events Coordinator: Dave Arnold
 5    GVCA Membership Drive Results              Treasurer: Kelly Cole
                                                 Secretary: Lynda Satelmajer
      Guildwood Gets New Signage
 7    The Evolution of Guildwood Village         Membership: Donna Milovanovic
                                                 News & Views: Julia Lipman Baker & Ellen Evered
 9    Spring Shoreline Clean-Up Report
      Living Green - Plastic Planet?             Advertising Coordinator: Julia Lakats
      Home Modifications and New Builds          Webmaster: Andrew Macklin
 10   Waving a Flag for Guildwood Village
                                                 Members at Large
 13   Details on the Butterflyway Project        Shelley Angus		       Andy Douglas
                                                 Audrea Douglas        James Gilchrist
 15   What’s On at Guildwood Library             Julia Lakats		        John Mason
                                                 Timo Puhakka		        Angela Vanderburg
 17   Dave Brooks Retirement                     Bruce Villeneuve      Brad Warren
                                                 Kathleen Wolfe		      Reg Wolfe
      What is CFUW?
                                                 Community Volunteers for Specific Activities
 20   Guildwood Day... (cont’d)                  Distribution Coordinators: Drew Baker & Gabe Evered
                                                 Clean-up Day: Lutchman Singh
 23   Message from Paul Ainslie, Councillor      Guildwood Day: James Gilchrist
                                                 Membership List: Dave Wilmot
 24   Church of the Holy Trinity
                                                 GVCA Hotline: 416.410.2755
 25   Message from Mitzie Hunter, M.P.P.         GVCA Website:
      Scarborough Bluffs United Church           Please check our website for News & Views
                                                 Editorial Guidelines and Advertising Guidelines.
 26   Guild Park Hosts a Summer of Festivals
                                                 Email to:
      and Fun
                                                 © Copyright 2018 Guildwood Village Community
 29   Elizabeth Simcoe Junior Public School      Association (GVCA). All print and electronic material
                                                 published in News & Views, including content, format
 31   Sir Wilfrid Laurier Collegiate Institute   and design, is protected by Canadian and worldwide
                                                 copyright laws.
 33   Guildwood Junior Public School             The GVCA reserves a non-exclusive license to use all
                                                 material submitted for publication in News & Views.
 35   Poplar Road Junior Public School           Material published in News & Views can be reproduced
                                                 freely for non-commercial use, when News & Views is
 37   St. Ursula Catholic School                 identified as the source.
 38   Jack Miner Senior Public School            The GVCA reserves the right to refrain from printing
                                                 unsigned letters and/or those that contain defamatory
 39   Cordelia the Cat: The Tale of Tails        statements or content that would otherwise be
                                                 considered inappropriate in a community newsletter.
 40   Guildwood Village Upcoming Events          Items contributed by local elected representatives are
                                                 published in News & Views as a public service and do
                                                 not necessarily reflect the GVCA’s views.
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                n this edition, I am going to share with     challenge, and for that we have a three-
                you one of the key things that make the      tiered system that includes over 100
                GVCA successful… it’s the community          volunteers delivering nearly 3,500 copies,
              volunteers!                                    four times each year. I should note that
                  Since becoming President, I have had       there are a number of community members
              the opportunity to participate directly with   who serve as both membership canvassers
              several GVCA teams and I have been             and News & Views deliverers.
              surprised by the number of people who              Guildwood Day also takes lots of
              contribute their time to make Guildwood        volunteers to make it a success. James
              a special place for their neighbours. The      Gilchrist chaired this year’s organizing
              following examples represent our largest       committee. This marked the 20th year
              volunteer groups, but there are many more      that Gerard and Judy Baribeau have run
              individuals and groups supporting the          the field activities, which were as popular

President’s   GVCA’s activities.
                  The membership drive involves
                                                             as ever. Scouter Bruce Villeneuve worked
                                                             from dawn to dark ensuring everything

              nearly 100 volunteer canvassers, 10 area       got where it needed to be. Local business
              coordinators and a small organizing            people Bryan Moore and Cory Chiaramida,
              committee, led by Donna Milovanovic.           together with their families and staff, ran
              Each spring this group fans out across the     a great BBQ. The students of Sir Wilfrid
              community, knocking on doors and selling       Laurier CI and the local Girl Guides were
              memberships. I am pleased to report            a great help. In total there were nearly 150
              that this year was another great year for      volunteers working hard to create those
              memberships and at last count we had           special Guildwood Day memories.
              1,600 memberships issued for 2018.                  So, to all of the volunteers who make
                  The News & Views is another area           Guildwood a wonderful community, and so
              where community volunteers come                much more than just where my house is, I
              together to help the GVCA. Community           say thank you.
              members at large, including the GVCA               PS. If you might like to volunteer, we
              executive, do their part by providing          have interesting opportunities! Please let
              interesting and informative content. Julia     me know and I would be happy to discuss
              Lipman Baker, together with Ellen Evered       with you.
              as graphic designer, takes on the editorial
                                                             - Jim Whitney
              duties, while Julia Lakats works with our      President, GVCA
              News & Views advertisers. Getting the
              final product to your doorstep is the next
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60th Anniversary GVCA
Membership Drive Concludes

      he 60th anniversary membership         Douglas (Outsource coordinators) and       membership table during the special
      drive 2018 was a great success         our business partners Maritime Travel      events and Guildwood Day.
      due to dedicated canvassers/           (Jennifer, Sharon and Maria), Muddy Paws      Thank you to Andrew Macklin
volunteers who sold memberships and          (Derrick), and Guildwood Physiotherapy     for designing the 60th anniversary
supportive community members who             (Timo) who also sold memberships.          membership card and to Dave Wilmot for
purchased GVCA memberships. We                  Memberships were also purchased         preparing all the canvasser sheets and
are 1600 strong and together we have         through PayPal, mail, Guildwood Day        updating the membership roster. Thank
a loud voice in matters that concern our     and evening BBQ and at our special         you to Gerard Baribeau for putting up the
community.                                   membership events (Valu-Mart member        signs around Guildwood advertising the
   The saying, “Many hands make light        appreciation day in March and the Valu-    membership drive and various events.
work” is very applicable to the success of   Mart plant sale in May). Thank you to      Notices were also posted on Facebook
the membership drive. The membership         Jim and Jane Whitney for taking care       and the GVCA e-newsletter.
committee (Jim Whitney, Dave Arnold,         of the PayPal purchases. Thank you to         This year canvasser names were
Andy & Audrea Douglas, Dave Wilmot,          Bryan Moore and staff at Valu-Mart for     entered in a draw for 10 Presidents
and Donna Milovanovic) would like to         partnering with the GVCA to organize the   Choice gift cards valued at $100. Many
thank the area coordinators Donna Tuttle,    special events.                            canvassers did more than one route. A
Andy Douglas, Donna Milovanovic, Judy           Thanks to Dave Arnold for organizing    heartfelt thanks to all the canvassers –
Baribeau, Elizabeth Miranda, Shirley         the Sheridan Nurseries plant event and     you are the best! The 10 lucky winners
Chung, Audrea Douglas, Robbie Rhodes         to the Sheridan Nurseries staff. Thank     were: Donna Tuttle, Dave Arnold, Carolyn
and Jean Witherspoon as well as all the      you to Audrea and Andy Douglas,            Beard, Shelley Angus, Allan Binning,
returning and new canvassers. This           Donna Milovanovic, Reg and Kathleen        Kathy Molony, Sherry Mikelic, Angie
year all routes were covered except for      Wolfe, Shelley Angus, Carol Ricketts,      Meecham, Gary Strutt, and Lucille Muffty.
10 and 20 Guildwood Pkwy. A special          Tina Villeneuve, Dave Arnold, Jim and      - Donna Milovanovic
thank you goes out to Audrea and Andy        Jane Whitney for taking shifts at the      Membership Committee Chair, GVCA

                                                                   Guildwood Gets
                                                                   New Signage

                                                                           ou may have noticed by now that Guildwood Village
                                                                           has three new community welcome signs!
                                                                              The signs show the stylized Guildwood Gates on
                                                                   a sky-blue background, along with the words “Welcome to
                                                                   Guildwood Village”, and were installed by the City of Toronto
                                                                   in three locations along the boundaries of Guildwood Village:
                                                                   • at the top of Guildwood Parkway, on the grass median just
                                                                     south of the Gates of Guildwood
                                                                   • along Morningside Avenue, south of the train tracks
                                                                   • at the north end of Livingston Road, near Westlake Road
                                                                       These community welcome signs are part of the City of
                                                                   Toronto’s Beautiful Street initiative. The GVCA began the
                                                                   project about a year ago to mark its 60th anniversary in 2018.
                                                                   The GVCA would like to thank all the City of Toronto officials
                                                                   and staff involved for their assistance.
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The Evolution of Guildwood Village
I. The Clarks’ Vision and Concept park system5. It was a version of a gated
                                                 community; hence, the Stanley Barracks
    Guildwood Village is a welcoming
                                                 gates at the top of the hill. Clark was
enclave. That was the original plan.
                                                 also a member of the Urban Planning
Today’s community sits on the first
                                                 Institute (Chicago) whose main driving
level of Lake Iroquis and until the early
                                                 force, Clyde Nichols, espoused the same
1900s was farmland. Most of today’s
                                                 concepts. Both Roundtree and Unwin
village was owned by four families: the
                                                 visited the Clarks as the idea started to
Humphries, the Eades, the Galloways
                                                 take shape.
and the McCains.
                                                     The Clarks had a compelling
    The 1920s brought the proposed
                                                 motivation to build a planned community.
development of a summer resort colony,
                                                 Significant increases in property taxes
cottages that became increasingly
                                                 for an area of 500 acres required a new
derelict1.   The idea fizzled out and
                                                 source of income. They saw the potential
Spencer and Rosa Clark began a
                                                 rapid rate of expansion of Toronto
methodical series of acquisitions to
                                                 eastward and the risk of amalgamation
“assemble the land from the highway to
                                                 after the Municipality of Metropolitan
the lake and from Scarborough Golf Club
                                                 Toronto was created. So, their focus:
Road on the west to Galloway Road on
                                                 … the planning of these lands was not
the east.”2 It was 500 acres and they
                                                 simply another subdivision but involved
secured all of them by 1955.
                                                 a whole community6.
    The seed for Guildwood Village
                                                     And, to support that vision, Sir
was sewn in 1935 in the brochure for
                                                 Raymond Unwin, the UK’s leading
Guildwoods School3. “… the gradual
                                                 urban planner, wrote Spencer Clark on
building of a garden village, all bring the
                                                 October 17, 1936, “I believe you have a
school into close relationship with many
                                                 site capable of being developed into
practical activities, clarifying and co-
                                                 a genuine garden city, housing a very
ordinating the world of learning and the
                                                 complete community as a satellite to
world of actual life.”
                                                 the larger City of Toronto. If the scheme
    The garden village concept (planned
                                                 could be realized, you would be setting a
communities) dates back to seminal
                                                 valuable example of the methods which
works by Ebenezer Howard in 1902,
                                                 town planners are agreed afford the best
B. Seebohm Rowntree in 1908 and Sir                                                            This is the first of a series of columns
                                                 prospects for the orderly development of
Raymond Unwin in 1909. The theme was                                                           about the evolution of Guildwood
                                                 large towns”7.
simple. Planned communities, like Welwyn
in the U.K., were more sustainable and
                                                     And so, it began. Next to come –          Village. Stay tuned for more on our
                                                 changing plans, negotiations, sequence        history in upcoming issues of News
attractive than uncontrolled growth and
                                                 of development and the team that made
there was a pronounced need to replace                                                         & Views and watch the GVCA’s
                                                 it happen.
slums in England with more affordable
                                                 Coming up this fall:                          commemorative 60th anniversary
and attractive housing.
                                                 II. The original design and its evolution     video about Guildwood Village at
    Spencer Clark and his team visited
several garden villages in the UK. The           - Bob Taylor-Vaisey                 
main theme of these communities was               Vice President, GVCA
cul-de-sacs, curvi-linear streets4 to
discourage fast traffic, and an elongated        5 “Initially the developers of Guildwood
                                                 Village planned an elongated park system
1 Lidgold, Carole M., The History of the Guild   running the entire development … .” Guild-
Inn, Brookridge Publishing House, 2006.,         wood Village, nd.p.9 UofW. SCA. GA182.
p.55                                             BHC, Guildwood Village, Box 3, Planning and
2 UofW. SCA. GA182. BHC ection. Guild-           Construction
wood Village, Box 3, Planning and Construc-      6 Guildwood Village, nd.p.5 UofW. SCA.
tion. Guildwood Village, nd. p.4                 GA182. BHC, Guildwood Village, Box 3, Plan-
3 Lidgold, op. cit., pp 195-198                  ning and Construction
4 Guildwood Village, nd.p.8 UofW. SCA.           7 UofW. SCA. GA182. BHC. Correspondence
GA182. BHC, Guildwood Village, Box 3, Plan-      with Unwin.
ning and Construction
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Shoreline                                       Living Green - Plastic Planet?
Clean-Up                                     OK, I can hear you thinking, not another plastic article. However,
                                             bear with me and imagine the following experience.

Report                                       You are on an exotic vacation. The sun is shining. You look to
                                             your left and you see a 2,000-year-old Roman amphitheatre. To
                                             your right you see a stunning view of the 16th and 17th century

                                             cobbled street warm with the sun. Laundry is strung from the
       hank you to everyone who joined
                                             balconies of the old apartments drying in the fresh air. You turn
       Friends of Guild Park at one of our
                                             around and see the Adriatic Sea so blue and clear you can see
       shoreline clean-ups this spring:
• April 22 Earth Day clean-up with           the pebbles at the bottom. You look down as the waves lap at
Scarborough Pokémon GO                       your feet and what do you see? One empty plastic bottle, three
• May 12 annual spring clean-up              pieces of styrofoam, one plastic bag and a hundred cigarette
• May 22 with the 527th Toronto Guides       butts.
and the 497th Toronto Pathfinders/
Rangers.                                     Protecting our planet starts with you!
    More than 4,550 items weighing           - Kathleen Wolfe
377 kg (829 lb) were removed
from      Guildwood’s      Lake    Ontario
shoreline. Items found included 212
beverage containers, 206 bottle caps,
170 food wrappers, 99 straws, 69 cups,
62 plastic bags, 126 pieces rusty rebar, 2
shopping carts, a tire, a big wooden box,
2,024 pieces of tiny trash (< 2.5 cm), and
564 pieces big trash (> 2.5 cm).
                                                     Home Modifications
    The Friends of Guild Park thanks
Bryan Moore of Valu-Mart for donating
                                                      and New Builds:
snacks and water for the participants        Key considerations for community members
of the May 12 clean-up. Also thank you
to City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and          In Guildwood, we are seeing some incremental growth
Recreation Division; the office of local
                                             in modifications to existing homes and the development of
City Councillor Paul Ainslie; and the
Toronto and Conservation Authority for       new ones. The GVCA Executive Committee commissioned
their support.                               me to assemble a document that explains some key
    Plan to join the Friends of Guild        considerations either for someone aspiring for a change
Park      on     Saturday,      September    requiring a minor variance or severance -- or opposing such
15 at their annual fall shoreline
                                             an application.
cleanup.       Secondary students can
earn volunteer hours and help clean             The document reviews the intent of the Planning Act, the
our Lake Ontario shoreline. For more         Provincial Policy Statement (2014), the Growth Plan (2017),
information:            the municipal Official Plan and the municipal zoning bylaw,
    Please put garbage and recycling         and recommendations on preparing for either side of an
into the appropriate bins to ensure Guild
                                             application. It is available on the GVCA website under
Park and Guildwood’s Lake Ontario
shoreline are safe, clean, healthy           ‘News and Updates’ at
environments for wildlife.                   Comments? Contact me at
                                             - Bob Taylor-Vaisey
                                             Vice President, GVCA
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Waving a Flag for Guildwood

         ow do you describe a thriving
         community on a piece of cloth that
         you hoist up a flagpole?
    If the community is Guildwood Village,
you find the things that local residents
are most proud of, turn those qualities
into simple, colourful symbols, then
follow classic design principles to create
a flag that tells the community’s story to
the world.
    That’s how the GVCA’s team of
volunteers created the new flag for
Guildwood Village. For the past year, the
team identified the distinctive features
of Guildwood Village, created more than
150 mock-ups, asked groups of residents        The new flag is a combination of icons that relate to Guildwood’s past, present
                                               and future.
and other people for ideas and feedback,
then refined all this input into a flag that
reflects our neighbourhood and keeps to        • Evergreen trees, which grow in the          • Guild
effective design guidelines.                   woods throughout the village                  • Wood
    The result is a rectangular flag divided   • A silhouette of a bungalow, one of the      • Village
into four equal-sized rectangles. Each         unique, original homes built in the village   • On the Bluffs
rectangle, called a “canton” by flag           • Symbols representing the sloping
experts, contains a stylized icon that’s       Scarborough Bluffs                                The flag design has an old style,
important to Guildwood’s past, present            Together these modern graphics             similar to the Royal Standard flag, long
and future. These include:                     convey our community’s unique story in        used by Queen Elizabeth II. Like that
• Stylized white columns from the site of      four panels:                                  traditional banner, the Guildwood Village
the former Guild of all Arts                                                                 flag includes many layers of meaning in
                                                                                             its symbols:
                                                                                             • The columns stand for the art,
                                                                                             architecture and creativity associated
                                                                                             with Guild Park. They also denote
                                                                                             stability and history.
                                                                                             • The trees represent our community’s
                                                                                             nature and green spaces. The evergreens
                                                                                             harken back to Guildwood Village’s
                                                                                             original 1957 crest, which is still in use.
                                                                                             • The bungalow is based on one of
                                                                                             the actual home designs built along
                                                                                             Guildwood’s first residential street, the
                                                                                             Avenue of Homes.
                                                                                             • The Bluffs image is updated from the
                                                                                             symbol used by artist Doris McCarthy in
                                                                                             her design of Scarborough’s original flag.
                                                                                                 The flag’s strong, bright colours are
                                                                                             both eye-catching and meaningful. The
                                                                                             four main colours reflect the four seasons:
                                                                                             red symbolizes the autumn color of the
                                                                                             maple leaf; green for the freshness of
                                                                                             spring; blue shows the summer hues
GVCA Flag Team member, Ulrik Westergaard, left, holding the new Guildwood                    of the sky and water; and white for the
Village flag with local City Councillor Paul Ainslie.                                        winter snow.
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    The colours also link Guildwood
Village to our country - the red from
Canada’s flag – and to our city – the blue
from Toronto’s flag
    Many Guildwood Villagers saw the
flag wave in public for the first time on
Guildwood Day, when the flag flew in the
popular parade and later at the gathering
behind Laurier high school.
    The flag gained extremely positive
reception – from kids in the parade, from
long-time Guildwood Village residents,
and from the elected representatives
attending Guildwood Day, including
Mayor John Tory, local City Councillors
Paul Ainslie and Gary Crawford, plus
                                               The GVCA Flag Team, from left, John Mason, Marsha Westergaard, Ulrik Wester-
federal MP John McKay.
                                               gaard, Audrea Douglas, Jane Whitney, Jack Henry and Leslie Heatherington.
    The flag is the result of work by a team
of talented GVCA members. Together,
                                               Guildwood truly Guildwood.                    The GVCA Executive Committee
they brought to the project their passion
                                                   Putting all this together, the          unanimously approved to adopt this flag
for Guildwood, their knowledge of
                                               Guildwood Village flag is designed to       design for the village.
local history, plus their expertise in
                                               reflect the pride that residents have for
design, marketing and communications.                                                      - The GVCA Flag Team: Audrea Douglas,
                                               our neighbourhood and shows the world
Thanks also to the many people who                                                         Leslie Heatherington, Jack Henry, John
                                               what makes Guildwood Village such a
provided ideas for the flag. This input                                                    Mason, Marsha Leverock Westergaard,
                                               special place.
helped confirm the features that make                                                      Ulrik Westergaard, Jane Whitney.
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What’s On at Guildwood Library Summer 2018

Programs                                   Local Art on Display                     Guildwood Library
TD Summer Reading Club                     Drop in to see what local artwork is
Come join the TD Summer Reading            on our walls.
Club!!                                        If you are interested in displaying   Monday      CLOSED
Members get a passport and stickers        your art please see the link below for   Tuesday     12:30 – 8:30
to keep track of their reading progress.   more information.                        Wednesday   10:00 – 6:00
                                           Thursday    12:30 – 8:30
Summer Wonder                              classes/exhibits/art-exhibit-space.jsp   Friday		    10:00 – 6:00
We will be having a weekly program
every Thursday from July 5th to            - Matthew Parish                         Saturday    9:00 – 5:00
August 16th, 2018.                         Guildwood Library                        Sunday      CLOSED
Please contact the branch for more
Book a Librarian
Get free one-on-one expert help.                          Recommended Books from
Book a free 30 to 60 minute
appointment with a staff member
                                                              Guildwood Staff
who can help you research any topic
                                                Matthew recommends:
or help you:
• Find great reads                              The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard by Jean-Luc Picard
• With basic computer help                      Ruth recommends:
• Set up your new tablet
• Search for a job                              The Favorite Sister by Jessica Knoll
• Browse and borrow library digital             Othilie recommends:
  download content (e-books,
  e-magazines, e-movies and e-music)
                                                Good Omens by Terry Pratchett
• Start or build a business                     Yvonne recommends:
• Find government sites and forms
                                                The Reason I Jump by Naoki Higashida
• Get citizenship and settlement
  information                                   Chicken Soup for the Soul: Touched by An Angel
                                                Helen recommends:
                                                Interview With A Vampire by Anne Rice
                                                Carolyn recommends:
                                                How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job by Dale Carnegie
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Dave Brooks Retires After More than Two
Decades as the Face of Softball in Guildwood

       fter more than 20 years of faithful service to the         Sadly, as the years went by, the numbers dropped and leagues
       community as a coach, convener and ultimately              in North Bendale, Seven Oaks, Port Union, Malvern and other
       President of Guildwood Softball, Dave Brooks is            communities either folded or merged into SEMSA, an early
hanging up the clipboard.                                         attempt to save the sport in the east end of Scarborough.
  When Dave first got involved in Youth Softball, the sport            By 2011 when SEMSA began to falter, Dave had two grown
was alive and robust at parks right across Scarborough --         children who were no longer playing the sport, but he refused
Guildwood alone had a league of more than 500 players.            to let Youth Softball disappear. In 2012 the Scarborough
                                                                  Softball Association (SSA) was born with Dave taking the lead
                                                                  once more. Since then Dave has been working tirelessly,
                                                                  recruiting a new executive committee, doubling the number
                                                                  of kids playing softball in south east Scarborough and seeing
                                                                  the sport grow in leaps and bounds as the kids come back to
                                                                  the diamonds.
                                                                      Earlier this year, Dave and his wife Sylvie welcomed their
                                                                  first grandchild into the world and will now embark on their
                                                                  next chapter with a move out of the community they have
                                                                  loved for so long to be closer to their growing family. His
                                                                  legacy is this: Dave Brooks is the man who kept Youth Softball
                                                                  alive in Guildwood and eastern Scarborough. On behalf of
                                                                  the SSA Executive and the many players you’ve coached over
                                                                  the years, a heartfelt thank you for all you’ve done, Dave!
                                                                  - Adam Robinson, President,
                                                                  Scarborough Softball Association

What is CFUW?

        he Canadian Federation of
        University Women Scarborough is
        a local club that should be known
to all informed people in Scarborough.
    The club’s motto is “The Power of
Women Working Together” and the start
of its annual program is in September.
The members meet once a month for
fellowship, club business and for a
presentation by a speaker from the
community. Diverse interest groups          women working together within CFUW             To learn more about CFUW
are formed at the start of the year that    Scarborough have put the idea of the        Scarborough       go     to     www.
range from book clubs to theatre visits     mission to work: amongst themselves, or contact Marilyn
to “making a difference” and many more.     attending volunteer positions and in the    at
      The main mission of CFUW is           creation of awards funds for students and
women’s rights and education. The           in club sponsored fundraising efforts.
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Guildwood Day, What a Wonderful Day! (cont’d)

parade was over and I asked, “is that it?” No, the festivities
continued behind Laurier Collegiate! I got to jump on the
bouncy castles multiple times, I got to fish and play mini putt
and got tickets for prizes. I burned a lot of calories with all
the bouncing, so I got to enjoy some ice cream and got my
face painted up like a tiger.
    The Robots are coming!! The students gave us
demonstrations of their robot, which kids and adults loved.
    We then moved onto an evening BBQ and got to listen
to two wonderful music acts, Broke Fuse and Sonic Square.
We lined up for some good eats; I had a hamburger, chips
and a drink. The food was delicious.
    I did not want this day to end but sadly the music stopped,
and the people started to pack up the lawn chairs that they
brought. The good news is this happens every year, and I                     Helen Dizon
will be back.

I want to extend a special thank you to our sponsors:
General Sponsor:
The Stone Cottage Pub
Bouncy Castle:
Julia Lakats, Re/Max All Stars Realty Inc
Water Station Sponsor:
Dee Peroff, Re/Max Crossroads Realty
Evening BBQ:
Cory Chiarameda, Re/Max Rouge River Realty
Bryan Moore, Moore’s Valu-Mart

   Finally, an event like Guildwood Day does not happen
overnight and we are already looking at ways to improve our
annual event. I appreciate any feedback from the community
to make next year’s event even better and we are always
looking for fresh faces to volunteer with the planning or
assisting during the day. If you are interested don’t hesitate
to contact me. Have a Great Summer!
- James Gilchrist, 2018 Guildwood Day Coordinator                 Stacy Hogan Bartholomew

                                                  Helen Dizon                Helen Dizon
summer 2018 - 21

Andrew Macklin

                                      Tug of War 2018
                      Battle lines were drawn (east and west of Livingston Rd.) and the
                   warriors ready for the annual Tug of War contest during the Guildwood
                   Day evening BBQ. This year the brawny west was victorious in three of
                   the contests; children 5 – 11 years, teens 12 – 16 years, and the women.
                   Thank heavens the men from the east dug in their heels and trounced
                   their opponents to prevent a western landslide. Of course, excess
                   numbers of participants on one side compared to the other, or the fact
                   that the bull horn operator was having technical difficulties, had no
                   bearing on the results. Thank you to Dave Wilmot, Dave Arnold and a
                   few others for taking care of the rope and set up. To all the enthusiastic
                   warriors - we will see you next year.
                   - Donna Milovanovic

James Gilchrist

                    Ellen Evered

Andrew Macklin    Ellen Evered
22 - guildwood village news & views
summer 2018 - 23

                         ear Guildwood Neighbours,            the park. The boardwalk also provides
                         It’s always a lot of fun to see      a safe path through the environmentally
                         everyone on Guildwood Day,           sensitive, natural forested areas. This
                 kicking off the start of the summer. Since   adds to the overall park experience
                 2006 I have been proud to represent the      which has been evolving throughout the
                 Guildwood area, working with everyone        years of planning. Please note bikes
                 to build a beautiful safe neighbourhood.     must be walked onto the boardwalk and
                 The successful restoration of the            throughout the park to ensure a safe
                 Guild Inn property has enhanced the          experience for all.
                 neighbourhood, bringing the Guild Park
                                                              Paving of Guildwood Parkway from
                 and Gardens back to its former glory.
                                                              Livingston Road to Galloway Road
                 The work, however, continues. The
                                                                 This will be done this summer
                 renovation approvals for the “Clark
                                                              to include road resurfacing with
                 Centre for the Arts”, formally known as
                                                              the installation of new curbs and
                 Building 191, located on the west side of
                                                              sidewalks. (It was delayed last summer
                 the property along with the log cabins
                                                              so all of the construction in the park
                 have been finalized. Construction is
                                                              could be completed)
                 scheduled to start before the end of the
                 year and programming is scheduled to           Toronto    Hydro     Reliability
                 start in 2020.                               Improvement will be working on
                                                              sections of Guildcrest Drive and
                 Eglinton East Light Rail Transit             Guildwood Parkway
                                                                 This will help improve our electricity
                    I am pleased City Council at our
                                                              system. The work will include the
                 May meeting reaffirmed support and
                                                              replacement of exiting electrical cables
                 approval of the project, including
                                                              and transformers on private property
                 extending it north of Highway 401. I
                                                              beginning in June 2018 to November
                 have been advocating to ensure the
                                                              2018. For further information contact
                 project remains on the list of priorities
                                                     or call 416-542-
                 for both the City and the Province. The
                                                              3366, reference Project Guildwood
                 updated plans include tunneling under
Paul Ainslie,    the     Kingston-Lawrence-Morningside
                 intersection. This project will bring
                                                                I welcome you to continue contacting
                 express transit to Scarborough East.         me by email and phone, or visit my
    Councillor   Signalized Crosswalk for Poplar
                                                              constituency office.

     Ward 43     Road School Approved
                    I would like to thank Principal Joanne
                                                              - City Councillor Paul Ainslie
                                                              Chair,    Government        Management
                 Simmons and the Parent Council for           Committee Chair, Toronto Zoo Board of
                 working with me to have the signalized       Management
                 crosswalk approved. Our work has             CONSTITUENCY OFFICE:
                 been successful, and I hope it will          Scarborough Civic Centre
                 help in creating a safer environment to      150 Borough Boulevard 2nd Floor
                 encourage students to again walk to          Scarborough, Ontario
                 school with confidence.
                                                              Phone: 416-396-7222
                 TTC Bus Stops along Guildwood                Email:
                 Parkway will not be removed                  Facebook: Councillor Paul Ainslie
                     I would like to thank everyone who       Twitter: cllrainslie
                 contacted me regarding the bus stops
                 on Guildwood Parkway. Our diligence
                 in this matter has been successful, as
                 the TTC has supported our requests not
                 to remove any of the bus stops.
                   The newly constructed raised
                 boardwalk opened in the Guild
                 Park and Gardens on April 20, 2018
                 providing visitors an enhanced view of
24 - guildwood village news & views
summer 2018 - 25
                                               representative. There was a lot at stake       with dementia. This will foster more active
                                               in this election. Thank you to all of you      lifestyles and this initiative is helping
                                               who took the time to knock on doors            programs be safe, inclusive, and fair. This
                                               with me, make phone calls, install signs,      has had an impact of the lives of forty
                                               and providing whatever time you had            people in the Scarborough-Guildwood
                                               from your busy schedules towards the           Community.
                                               campaign. Without your support we
                                                                                              Improving Quality of Life
                                               would not be where we are today. It is
                                                                                                  $416,000 in funding was received by
                                               crucial that we stay connected to our
                                                                                              the East Scarborough Storefront to help
                                               community and one of the ways that we
                                                                                              low-income residents find job opportunities
                                               can do that is vote. There is more work
                                                                                              and provide them with job training. This will
                                               to be done, and we have only just begun.
                                                                                              assist to connect local employers to the
                                                    Just recently I attended the Guildwood
                                                                                              skilled workforce they need.
                                               Theatre Festival. I am glad to see that they

     Mitzie Hunter,                            are moving forward with their season and
                                               continuing the important contribution
                                                                                              Improving Transit
                                                                                                  Starting in early 2019, GO Transit trips
                                               that they make to the vibrancy, life, and      will be $3.00 for PRESTO users who are
                  M.P.P.                       animation to Guild Park. I encourage you
                                               all to take advantage of the warm weather
                                                                                              travelling under 10km anywhere on the
                                                                                              GO Network. All GO Transit and Union-
           Scarborough-                        and explore what the Scarborough-
                                               Guildwood community has to offer. Please
                                                                                              Pearson Express trips anywhere within the
                                                                                              City of Toronto will be reduced to $3.00.
             Guildwood                         take the time to read some highlights
                                               from the Provincial Budget.
                                                                                              - Mitzie Hunter, M.P.P.
                                                                                              CONSTITUENCY OFFICE:
                                               Ensuring Quality Health Care

                                                                                              Phone: 416-281-2787
  hope you are all doing well. This has           The Ontario Trillium Foundation is
                                                                                              Fax: 416-281-2360
  been quite the exciting period; elections    investing $75,000 over 11 months to
  have come and gone once more, and            develop and implement a culturally
                                                                                              Twitter: @MitzieHunter
I am grateful to be back as your MPP           appropriate adult day program for those

Scarborough Bluffs United Church
Springboard to Music is a community                           shoes, jackets, purses, belts, etc. Linens,
music school that provides affordable          GIANT USED BOOK & A/V SALE                     towels, housewares, small appliances,
music lessons for kids Gr. 1 – 8 on Tuesdays   (no text books or magazines)                   home decor, toys, cutlery, tools, sporting
and Wednesdays at Scarborough Bluffs           September 22, 2018, 9 - 11:30 a.m.             goods and more. You never know
United Church. At the moment, we               Here’s your chance to stock up for             what you’ll find... ever watch Antiques
provide 103 private and class lessons          an entire winter of literary or viewing/       Roadshow??? Come early for best
every week in piano, guitar, hand              listening enjoyment. You’ll find hard          selection.
drumming, keyboard, vocal, and music           cover, soft cover, coffee table books,            If you would like to contribute any
and movement, some with subsidies.             cookbooks, children’s, teens, romance,         seasonal, good quality, clean items
Our board of directors is small, and           fiction, non-fiction, hobbies & crafts         mentioned above (particularly children’s
we would like to include a few new             books, etc., as well as audiobooks, CDs,       clothing), they may be dropped off at the
members from this community who                DVDs and VHS tapes.                            church from Sept 24th until Oct 17th. Call
hold a firm belief in the value of music           If you would like to clear your            the office at 416-267-8265 for available
education for children and expertise in        bookshelves and CD or DVD collections          times or to arrange for a pick-up of
business, marketing or fund-raising. If        to make room for your new purchases,           donations.
you are interested in being part of a          donations can be brought to the church         For more information about our
growing non-profit whose board meets           in September until the 20th or call 416-       congregation, worship services, and
five times a year and that sponsors two        267-8265 or e-mail scarboroughbluffs@          our activities, check out our website:
fundraisers – a gala luncheon in the fall, for pick-up. (Please no   
and a Rising Stars concert in February, as     textbooks)
well as several free one-hour concerts                                                        3739 Kingston Rd. (at Scar. Golf Club Rd.)
                                               RUMMAGE/GARAGE SALE                            416-267-8265
for our students and the local community       October 20, 2018, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.
- please send your resume to info@             Bargains and treasures galore! Clothing,
26 - guildwood village news & views

Guild Park Hosts a Summer of
Festivals and Fun

       et ready for Guild Park’s two
       most-popular festivals coming
       in July. After years of planning
and months of ongoing improvements,
Guild Park visitors can enjoy a series of
family activities along with many new
park features all summer long.

   The annual Guild Alive With Culture
Arts Festival takes place on the July
28-29 weekend. Organized by the
volunteers from the Guild Renaissance
Group and Councillor Paul Ainslie,
this event welcomes artists, artisans,
performers and community members
to Guild Park’s south garden (for full
details, see page 22).
   Be sure to drop by and meet the           Toronto Arts in the Parks brings Driftwood Theatre’s production of Roslynde (or As
volunteers at the GVCA/Friends of            Your Like It) to Guild Park.
Guild Park booth during the festival.
Limited copies of Carole Lidgold’s           production is the classic comedy           are now available through            www.
book, The History of the Guild Inn, will     Pygmalion. It runs Wednesdays    
be available for sale at the booth. On       through Sundays from July 11th
Sunday July 29, come by at 2 pm for          (preview night) to August 12th (final           Also returning to the Guild Park
the start of a free Sunday Stroll at Guild   performance).                              this summer is a one-night-only live
Park, a leisurely guided tour through           The GFT play was written by             performance of a Shakespeare classic on
parts of the grounds.                        George Bernard Shaw and it inspired        Tues. July 31. That’s when Toronto Arts
                                             the Hollywood blockbuster movie,           in the Parks brings Driftwood Theatre’s
   Also in July is the premiere of the       My Fair Lady. It’s full of chuckles and    production of Rosalynde (or As You Like
seventh season for Guild Festival            consequences as an upper-crust             It) to Guild Park. The evening performance
Theatre (GFT), the professional actors       English professor transforms a poor        starts at 7:30 and is free (with donations
group that performs at Guild Park’s          Cockney flower girl into a high society    welcome). Bring your chair or blanket.
historic Greek Theatre. This year’s          lady.
                                                                                            A series of new additions at Guild
                                                                      This     year’s   Park benefit not only these three events,
                                                                   production was       but also make visiting the site much more
                                                                   made     possible    convenient and enjoyable:
                                                                   by the strong        • A new water bottle refilling station
                                                                   support of the       is operating just south of the Greek
                                                                   local community      Theatre. This means park visitors have
                                                                   and        theatre   access to drinking water for the first time
                                                                   lovers        who    in about a decade.
                                                                   raised       more    • Additional public washroom facilities
                                                                   than $35,000 in      are installed in the park’s west parking
                                                                   early 2018. Be       area (south of the City of Toronto’s parks
                                                                   sure to enjoy        garage. The seasonal trailer more than
                                                                   and support live     doubles the number of public facilities
                                                                   theatre at Guild     available on-site.
                                                                   Park this summer.    • The boardwalk in Guild Park’s western
Crews working on underground wiring improvements                   Advance tickets      forest area has become a popular feature
summer 2018 - 27

since it opened this spring. About two              Guild Park’s gardens and walkways
dozen GVCA members enjoyed a guided              are being upgraded through the City’s
forest tour along the walkway as part of         separate horticultural plan and trails
Guildwood Day.                                   master plan. The horticulture plan is
• Underground wiring is now installed            incorporating many ideas raised by
along selected Guild Park trails to              the community and park users during
illuminate visitors’ way between the             public consultations sessions in May.
Greek Theatre and the parking areas.             These ideas include establishing
• Underground wiring is also in place in         pollinator gardens, allocating space
front of the Greek Theatre. This allows          for community-planted flower beds
hooking up sound and lighting equipment          and planting a medicine wheel garden.
without running heavy cables across the             The trails master plan is considering
audience area.                                   ways to build a formal look-out near
                                                 the top of the bluffs at Guild Park. This
    More long-term park improvements             could be located directly south of the
continue. Plans are getting finalized for        Guild Inn Estate (by the Terracotta
the $5.2 million Clark Centre for the Arts.      Gates) or near the end of the new
This involves redesigning the existing two-      Monument Walk (south of the pioneer
storey structure (at 191 Guildwood Pkwy.)        (Osterhout) log cabin).
into a three-level public facility with studio      For late summer, watch for news
space, galleries and meeting areas. If           about a tree stewardship program, a
work proceeds as expected, construction          native plant give-away program, plus
will begin by the end of this year and the       more walking tours though Guild Park.
Clark Centre will open late 2020.                Details will be available through the
                                                 GVCA’s social media network and at
                                                 - John P. Mason,
                                                 President of Friends of Guild Park

A newly-installed light base                     The boardwalk has become a popular feature since having opened in the spring
28 - guildwood village news & views

                                      a not-for-profit childcare centre based in Poplar Road Junior Public
                                             School with programming for 2.5 through 12 years old

                                       Full Time Preschool Spaces
                                        are Available for this Fall!
                                      For more information about programming
                                           please call or visit our website.

summer 2018 - 29

Elizabeth Simcoe Junior Public School

         n Thursday May 24, Elizabeth
         Simcoe JPS proudly presented
         Annie Jr.
    Over 75 students were a part of this
production. They were cast members,
back stage crew, chorus members and
set design.
    The     students     auditioned    in
December and rehearsals started
in January, right after the Christmas
break. Many hours were spent
rehearsing lines, learning songs and
choreography and painting awesome
back drops.
    Countless hours were volunteered by
parents and teachers. There is so much
talent in our little school. I am always
amazed at what these kids can do.
    This is the fifth play to be put on
at Simcoe in the past five years. Our
past productions include Peter Pan,
Return of the Glass Slipper, Alice in
Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz.
    Annie Jr, was such a fantastic show.
Our students showcased their many
talents and there are definitely stars in
the making at Simcoe. Even one of the
neighbourhood dogs had a role as Sandy.
    I would like to thank all the
parents, students and faculty in the
Simcoe community. Especially Cindy
Kosa - Music Director, Courtney
Russell - Set Design and Melissa
So – Choreographer. Their time and
commitment to the show made it the                         Simcoe goes Platinum!
huge success that it was.
    And finally, without the dedication     The ECO club from Elizabeth Simcoe JPS has been working very hard to
from the students, staff and parents we     become a platinum ECO school and they have finally achieved their goal! We
wouldn’t be able to put on productions      are very lucky to have the support of our students, staff and caretakers as well
like we have. I am excited about another    as our community volunteer, Mrs. Betty Boonstra.
production next year. Stay tuned to find    The following are a list of some of the initiatives that the students at Simcoe
out what it will be. Simcoe Shines!!        have participated in this year:
- Karlyn Tunbridge                          • Planting herbs				                        • milk bag collection
Stage Director                              • Walking Wednesday			                      • Vermi-composting
                                            • Bike to School week			                    • Mulching our trees
                                            • Reusable plates for pizza lunch		         • Sweater day
                                            • Compost/recycling during lunch            • Bag2School –clothing collection
                                            • Community clean up			                     • Earth hour
                                            • Earth Day rotation day
                                            • Bringing “clean air” plants to our school
                                            Way to go Elizabeth Simcoe!
30 - guildwood village news & views
summer 2018 - 31

Sir Wilfrid Laurier Collegiate Institute

   t has been an amazing year for
   Laurier full of events, school spirit,
   and achievement. We are proud of
our graduating students who were
able to flourish academically and
grow as leaders, now settling on
post-secondary plans for next year.
Final exams are coming up which our
students are preparing for and soon it
will be the summer break.
    On May 1st, several Laurier students
and teachers got together to help the
community and our planet by picking
up litter in the plaza. This initiative
allowed us to show the Guildwood
community we care about the well-
being of the neighbourhood and
Laurier students will continue to show
respect wherever we go.
    In early May, the TDSB Student
Senate held elections and we are
proud that all three Laurier candidates
have made it on the TDSB Student            Laurier’s annual Students vs. Teachers Basketball Game raised money for
Senate executive team. This is the          Me to We initiatives.
first time ever that all three candidates
from one school have made it on the             On Friday, May 25, Laurier’s Me         We also had our annual athletic
council! We are very proud that our         to We team held our annual Students      banquet, which was a chance for our
students are making a difference            vs. Teachers Basketball Game to          students to celebrate their athletic
in the community by advocating for          raise money for Me to We initiatives.    achievements and a great year
student voice. The student trustee,         It was very fun to watch the teachers,   together. The Laurier athletic council
Vice President, Conference Chair,           including our Principal, play against    also put together a fantastic BBQ lunch
and Communications Officer positions        our experienced student athletes at      to thank their coaches and staff for
are represented by respective Laurier       the basketball game. The students        their dedication and hard work. Laurier
students.                                   started off strong, but the teachers     sports have been at the peak of their
    We just held our student council        stepped up their defense, ending the     season this past May where we had
elections and we are proud of all the       game with a 59-59 tie. It was a great    several students compete at the City
candidates who ran. Our students were       experience to see the students and       Finals. Notable wins came from our
very creative with their speeches and       teachers compete for a good cause.       Junior boys’ rugby team and our girls
campaigns from rapping to singing               Laurier’s Mind over Matter team      water polo team.
songs, spoken word, and genuinely           held a Mental Health and Wellness           Overall, it has been a great year for
talking about their passion for Laurier.    fair. Ending the stigma and increasing   Laurier and we are excited to see what’s
Our newly elected council is now            support for Mental Health is one of      in store for next year. We welcome our
working hard to plan initiatives for next   our priorities. Several organizations    new freshmen students with open arms
year to engage the Laurier community.       from the community were represented,     and we can’t wait to see what legacy
    In the March Break of 2019, several     allowing students to see what programs   they will have at Laurier.
Laurier students will be going on a         are available for them and it gave       - Mathurah Ravigulan, Grade 11 student,
WE Service trip to Ecuador! It will be      them the chance to explore potential     Editor of the Laureate Newspaper
a once in a lifetime experience where       summer job opportunities.
we’ll be building a school to give back
to people who are less fortunate than
us and also learn about a new culture.
32 - guildwood village news & views

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summer 2018 - 33

Guildwood Junior Public School

          hat a wonderful and busy        Concert, and planting in our many          our upcoming Pumpkin Fest! Mark
          school year we have had         gardens around the school. Our sports      your calendars for Saturday, October
          at Guildwood Junior Public      teams participated in Golf in Schools,     13, 2018 from 11 am – 2 pm. Keep an
School! We welcomed our new               Wheelchair Basketball, Volleyball,         eye out for our flyers and, if you wish
Principal, Mrs. Leighton, and she was a   Handball,     Badminton,       Slo-Pitch   to help sponsor our event, please feel
great addition to our school. We would    Baseball, Ultimate Frisbee, Cricket        free to contact Stacey Halliday at 416-
like to thank our amazing teachers        and, of course, Track and Field. Special   543-6454 or at GJPSParentCouncil@
and support staff for another great       congratulations to our school mixed
year. Thank you also to our amazing       relay team who won 1st place at the           Have a great summer Guildwood
volunteers in the community who           Conference Finals! Amazing job Leah,       and we are all looking forward to
helped out during the school year.        Danylia, Daniel and Cade! Our Schools      seeing everyone in September!
    There always seems to be              Robotics Team had the opportunity to       - The GJPS Parent Council
something happening at the school.        attend the Toronto GoIT Competition
In the last few months of the school      and flex their STEM muscles in a
year, our school and students were        friendly robotics challenge against
busy with EQAO, a Fashion Takes           Grade 8 students.
Action Clothing Drive and Fashion         Way to go Kurt,
Show, a Dance-a-thon, Brushamania,        Elijah, Finn, Cade
Family Math Night, Ocean’s Alive, Zoo     and Josh!
at the School, Folk Dance Jamboree,           There is also a
Scientists in the School, our Spring      lot of buzz about
34 - guildwood village news & views

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   ❦   Creative make-overs for tired,
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   ❦   Scaled drawings for the
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   ❦   Seasonal container planting

       Together we can create your ideal garden!

                   LANDSCAPE DESIGN 416-505-4010
summer 2018 - 35

Poplar Road Junior Public School

  t’s hard to believe another amazing       beautiful message about kindness in
  year at Poplar Road is coming to an       our main hall, inviting every student in
  end. This one really has flown by         the school and daycare to participate
quickly with so many special events         by adding their colourful fingerprints to
and successes to celebrate.                 the design.
    As I wrote about earlier this fall,        Poplar Road has always been a
one of our themes this school year has      school committed to ‘Inclusion’. Our
been KINDNESS. Our students have            staff and students value diversity and
spent the year looking for ways to show     we reflect often on our goal of providing
their kindness and ‘choosing kindness’      opportunities for all to feel welcome
when faced with a challenging               and successful at our school. This
interpersonal situation. As a staff we      spring we held a special anti-bullying
couldn’t be prouder of our students for     event with Community Living Toronto,
their enthusiasm and application of this    had a wonderful week of Wheelchair
school-wide goal.                           Basketball, and each day we learned as
    We have also been deeply                a school how to say hello in one of the
touched by the contributions from our       many languages spoken in the homes of
community to some truly stunning and        our students and staff. In our classrooms
lasting tributes to our work. Our ‘Buddy    we have also made a commitment
Bench’ was beautifully crafted at Sir       to focusing on differentiating our
Wilfred Laurier Collegiate. The bench       instruction and focusing our planning
was constructed by Laurier student          on the development of the Global
Phillip Trajeevski under the direction of   Competencies that we know will                for our 56th Annual Strawberry Festival.
teacher Lucas Harrison. The artwork         serve our students well in the                Our school truly buzzes at this time of
was supervised by teachers Janie            future. As principal, I am very proud         the year with anticipation for all that we
Ravenhurst and Jennifer Rogers. We          of the incredible collaboration and           know the festival brings including all of
will be finding a permanent location        commitment to equity and excellence           you, our wonderful Guildwood Family.
for the bench outside next fall. We are     that is evident in all that the Poplar Road   Maplewood High School is supporting
also so thankful to Silvana Listur, our     staff plans and delivers to our students.     us again this year with their yummy
neighbour and friend, who painted the          As I type today, we are busy preparing     tarts, I believe all 700 were gone in
                                                                                          under two hours last year!
                                                                                              On a sad note, however, as a
                                                                                          committee we want to send our most
                                                                                          sincere condolences to the family and
                                                                                          friends of both Elizabeth (Rose) Kehoe
                                                                                          and Bob Edwards, who both passed
                                                                                          this year. Their kindness to Poplar
                                                                                          Road spanned numerous years and will
                                                                                          never be forgotten.
                                                                                              We wish everyone a wonderful
                                                                                          summer with many opportunities to
                                                                                          enjoy with family and friends.
                                                                                          - Joanne Simmons, Principal
36 - guildwood village news & views
summer 2018 - 37

St. Ursula Catholic School

      he everyday hustle and bustle of a     They recently participated in some extra-      Intermediate Girls Soccer Team
      school continues to be the case as     curricular activities ranging from track &        “On May 31st our intermediate girls’
      we learn and build new relationships   field to basketball, volleyball and soccer.    soccer team went to St. Malachy for our
here at St. Ursula. The teaching and         Below are voices of some of our team           soccer tournament. We played against St.
assessments as well reporting continues      captains:                                      Martin de Porres and St. Agatha. The team
apace as we work towards ensuring that       Track & Field Team                             played with great sportsmanship and they
the students who have been entrusted             St. Ursula’s track & field team did        played hard. We would like to thank our
into our care are not only successful but    very well this year. We finished in third      coaches, Ms. Polvere and Mr. D’Amico, for
understand what it is to be reflective and   place and qualified eight students to city     giving up their time to coach us, as well as
discerning believers.                        finals—a remarkable achievement for a          the parent volunteers who drove us to the
    As usual, our students have been         school of our size. My sincere thanks and      tournament. We are proud of the way the
engaged in other developmental aspects       gratitude goes to all the parents, teachers    team played and we are excited to see the
of learning outside of the classroom.        and family members who showed up to            team next year”. (Abai and Ella)
                                             cheer the students and to help drive our           I would like to use this opportunity to
                                             students home when our bus abandoned           thank our parent volunteer drivers who
                                             us. I am truly blessed to be working in a      drive us to and from these events, it
                                             community like this one.                       would be very challenging to attend these
                                             Intermediate Boys Soccer Team                  events without their help.
                                                 “As being the captains of the team,        Before & After School Care
                                             the experience at the soccer tournament          The before and after care programme
                                             was amazing, and we had a lot of fun.          continues to be of interest to some of our
                                             We put in a lot of effort as a team to         families. The Boys and Girls Club of East
                                             participate in this competition. We thank      Scarborough is currently in the process
                                             the coaches, Ms. Polvere and Mr. D’Amico,      of getting a license in order to run the
                                             for not only coaching us in soccer, but        programme at St. Ursula. The hope is that
                                             also in sportsmanship, attitude, effort,       they are able to secure a license in time
                                             and determination. We also thank the           for the beginning of the next school year.
                                             parent volunteer drivers for giving up their   I will continue to provide you with any
                                             time to drive us to the tournament at St.      updates as I get them.
                                             Malachy. We played our first game against
                                                                                              I wish you and your families a very lovely
                                             St. Martin de Porres, and we ended up
                                                                                            and peaceful summer.
                                             winning 4 –0. We also played against St.
                                             Agatha.” (Matty & Caleb)                       - George Danfulani, Principal
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