No. G 25 Thursday 21 June 2018 - - reglii

No. G 25 Thursday 21 June 2018 - - reglii
Victoria Government Gazette
      By Authority of Victorian Government Printer

   No. G 25 Thursday 21 June 2018

1328    G 25     21 June 2018                                            Victoria Government Gazette

                                    TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Private Advertisements                                   Roberts Beckwith Partners             1333
                                                         SLM Law                               1333
Dissolution of Partnership
                                                         Slocombe Brand Lawyers Pty Ltd        1333
    Brew Bar 360 Collins Street               1330
                                                         Stidston Warren Lawyers               1333
    Haintz Pharmacy                           1330
                                                         Suzanna Maria D’Alessandro            1334
    The Unexpected Duck                       1330
                                                         Suzanne Lyttleton Lawyers             1334
Estates of Deceased Persons                              The Probate Professionals             1334
    Aughtersons                               1330
                                                     Sales by the Sheriff
    Basile & Co. Pty Ltd                      1330
                                                         John Soer                             1334
    Basile Pino & Co.                         1330
    Comlaw		                                  1330   Government and Outer Budget Sector
    De Marco Lawyers                          1331   Agencies Notices                          1336
    Equity Trustees Wealth Services Limited   1331   Orders in Council                         1411
    Hicks Oakley Chessell Williams            1331
    Joliman Lawyers                           1331
                                                         Health Services:
    Kerr & Thomas                             1332
                                                         Public Administration
    Lawson Hughes Peter Walsh                 1332
    Macpherson Kelley                         1332   Obtainables		                             1414
    McCluskys Lawyers                         1332
    Mahons with Yuncken & Yuncken             1332
    Parke Lawyers                             1332
    Perpetual Legal Services Pty Ltd          1333

                                     Advertisers Please Note
                                      As from 21 June 2018
                    The last Special Gazette was No. 290 dated 20 June 2018.
                    The last Periodical Gazette was No. 1 dated 16 May 2018.

                                       How To Submit Copy
                          • See our webpage
                          • or contact our office on 8523 4601
                              between 8.30 am and 5.30 pm Monday to Friday
Victoria Government Gazette                                    G 25   21 June 2018            1329

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    As of 1 July 2018, new fees apply to the Victoria Government Gazette concerning the
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1330    G 25    21 June 2018                                           Victoria Government Gazette

                             PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS
                  NOTICE OF                        of this notice, after which date they will distribute
      DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP                   the assets, having regard only to the claims of
    Notice is hereby given that the partnership    which they then have notice.
previously existing between Your Location Pty      Dated 13 June 2018
Ltd, ACN 164 093 092, and Holdings Wisest Pty
Ltd, ACN 165 333 219, carrying on a business       BASILE & CO. PTY LTD, legal practitioners,
as ‘Brew Bar 360 Collins Street’ at Ground         consultants and conveyancers (Vic. and NSW),
Floor, 360 Collins Street, Melbourne, has been     46 Wellington Street, Kerang, Victoria 3579.
dissolved from 4 October 2017.                     RB:GR:18249.
Suite 2, 1004 Doncaster Road,
East Doncaster 3109.                                   Re: Estate NORMA SOUTH, deceased.
                                                       In the estate of NORMA SOUTH of
                                                   Northaven, 84 Shadforth Street, Kerang, in the
     DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP                    State of Victoria, widow, deceased.
   Gregory Weller ceased to be a partner of
Haintz Pharmacy effectively 13 February 2018.          Creditors, next-of-kin and all other persons
                                                   having claims against the estate of the said
                                                   deceased are required by Phyliss Whitting, the
     DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP                    executor of the Will of the said deceased, to send
   Notice is hereby given that the partnership     particulars of such claims to her, in care of the
heretofore subsisting between M. Livingston        undermentioned solicitors, within two months
and G. McDonald, under the partnership name        from the date of publication of this notice, after
‘The Unexpected Duck’, ABN 89 522 325 684,         which date they will distribute the assets, having
and carrying on the business of cafe hospitality   regard only to the claims of which they then
has been dissolved with effect on and from         have notice.
15 March 2018.
                                                   BASILE & CO. PTY LTD, legal practitioners,
                                                   46 Wellington Street, Kerang, Victoria 3579.
    DORA JOAN MULHALL, late of
134 Monbulk–Seville Road, Silvan, Victoria
3795.                                                  Re: PATRICIA DOWELL, deceased.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having           Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,   claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
who died on 12 November 2017, are required         who died on 10 August 2017, are required by
by the personal representative, Shane Dunand       the trustees, Peter Michael Dowell and Andrew
Mulhall, to send particulars to him, care of the
undermentioned solicitors, by 28 August 2018,      Irving Dowell, to send particulars to them, care
after which date the personal representative may   of the undermentioned solicitors, by 20 August
convey or distribute the assets, having regard     2018, after which date the trustees may convey
only to the claims of which he then has notice.    or distribute the assets, having regard only to the
AUGHTERSONS,                                       claims of which the trustees have notice.
267 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood 3134.              BASILE PINO & CO., solicitors,
                                                   213 Campbell Street, Swan Hill 3585.
late of 32 Christie Avenue, Nanun, Queensland,         SELWYN FRANCIS BRUDENELL, late
deceased.                                          of Wattle Lodge, 209 Bay Street, Brighton,
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having       Victoria.
claims in respect of the abovenamed deceased,
who died on 28 March 2018, are required by             Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
the executors, Tracy Joan Sekac, Sheryl Eleanor    claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
Dowling, to send particulars of such claims to     who died on 28 December 2009, are required
them, in care of the undermentioned solicitors,    by the executor, John Francis Brudenell, to send
within two months from the date of publication     particulars to him, care of the undermentioned
Victoria Government Gazette                                       G 25    21 June 2018           1331

solicitors, within 2 months from the date for         particulars to the trustee by 21 August 2018, after
the publication of this notice, after which date      which date the trustee may convey or distribute
the administrator may convey or distribute the        the assets, having regard only to the claims of
assets, having regard only to the claims of which     which the trustee then has notice.
he then has notice.                                   EQUITY TRUSTEES WEALTH
COMLAW, barristers and solicitors,                    SERVICES LIMITED,
216 Glenhuntly Road, Elsternwick, Victoria 3185.      18 View Street, Bendigo, Victoria 3550.

    Re: LLOYD GEORGE JONES, late of                       Re: Estate of ISOBEL SCOWN.
8 Maude Avenue, Glenroy, Victoria, storeman,              Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
deceased.                                             claims against the estate of ISOBEL SCOWN,
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having          late of 2A Warburton Road, Camberwell,
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,      Victoria, home duties, deceased, who died on
who died on 6 March 2018, are required by the         5 January 2018, are requested to send particulars
trustee, Debra Prytherch, to send particulars         of their claims to the executor, care of the
to the trustee, care of the undermentioned            undermentioned lawyers, by 23 August 2018,
solicitors, within 60 days from the publication       after which date they will distribute the assets,
hereof, after which date the trustee may convey       having regard only to the claims of which they
or distribute the assets, having regard only to the   then have notice.
claims of which the trustee has notice.               HICKS OAKLEY CHESSELL WILLIAMS,
DE MARCO LAWYERS,                                     lawyers,
794A Pascoe Vale Road, Glenroy 3046.                  The Central 1, Level 2, Suite 17, 1 Ricketts Road,
                                                      Mount Waverley, Victoria 3149.
28 Harrison Rise, Drysdale, Victoria 3222,                Re: Estate of CARMELA MARIA BASILE,
retired bank manager, deceased.                       deceased.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having              Creditors, next-of-kin or others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,      claims in respect of the estate of CARMELA
who died on 6 August 2017, are required by            MARIA BASILE, late of San Carlo Home for
the trustees, Equity Trustees Wealth Services         the Aged, 570 Plenty Road, South Morang,
Limited, ACN 006 132 332, and Valerie Joan            in the State of Victoria, housewife, deceased,
Bishop, care of the address below, to send            who died on 16 January 2018, are to send
particulars to the trustees by 21 August 2018,        particulars of their claim to the executors, care
after which date the trustees may convey or           of the undermentioned legal practitioners, by
distribute the assets, having regard only to the      21 August 2018, after which the executors will
claims of which the trustees then have notice.        distribute the assets, having regard only to the
EQUITY TRUSTEES WEALTH                                claims of which they then have notice.
SERVICES LIMITED,                                     JOLIMAN LAWYERS,
Level 1, 575 Bourke Street, Melbourne,                Beveridge Dome, 194–208 Beveridge Street,
Victoria 3000.                                        Swan Hill 3585.

    MAXWELL JOHN TRAHAIR, late                            Re: Estate of HARRY NEVILLE FRENCH,
of 47 Harpin Street, East Bendigo, retired,           deceased.
deceased.                                                 Creditors, next-of-kin or others having claims
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having          in respect of the estate of HARRY NEVILLE
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,      FRENCH, late of 21 Marraboor Street, Swan
who died on 9 March 2018, are required by the         Hill, in the State of Victoria, retired accountant,
trustee, Equity Trustee Wealth Services Limited,      deceased, who died on 13 April 2002, are to
ACN 006 132 332, of the address below, to send        send particulars of their claim to the executor,
1332    G 25     21 June 2018                                            Victoria Government Gazette

care of the undermentioned legal practitioners,      Court, Glen Waverley, Victoria, retired, and
by 21 August 2018, after which the executor will     Catherine Jennifer Petersen of 7 Sandra Court,
distribute the assets, having regard only to the     Knoxfield, Victoria, public servant, to send
claims of which they then have notice.               particulars of their claims to them, care of the
JOLIMAN LAWYERS,                                     undersigned, by 21 August 2018, after which
Beveridge Dome, 194–208 Beveridge Street,            date they may convey or distribute the assets,
                                                     having regard only to the claims of which they
Swan Hill 3585.
                                                     then have notice.
                                                     MACPHERSON KELLEY,
    Re: INGEBORG WOLFGRAMM, late of                  Level 22, 114 William Street, Melbourne 3000.
Apartment 434, Tabulam and Templer Homes
for the Aged, 31–41 Elizabeth Street, Bayswater,
Victoria 3153.                                           BARRY COVELL HOPKINS, late of
                                                     14 Windsor Avenue, Wyndham Vale, Victoria,
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having         clerk, deceased.
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
                                                         Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
who died on 1 December 2017, are required
                                                     claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
by the administrator, Clive Rumberg, to send         who died on 12 May 2018, are required by the
particulars of their claim to him, care of the       executor to send particulars of their claims to
undermentioned solicitor, by 21 August 2018,         the undermentioned lawyers by 13 August 2018,
after which date the said administrator may          after which date the executor may convey or
convey or distribute the assets, having regard       distribute the estate, having regard only to the
only to the claims of which he then has notice.      claims of which she has notice.
KERR & THOMAS, lawyers,                              McCLUSKYS LAWYERS,
672 Mountain Highway, Bayswater 3153.                111 Bay Street, Port Melbourne, Victoria 3207.

    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having             Re: Estate of BEVERLEY CONSTANCE
claims in respect of the estate of ALAN              LEACH, late of Arcare Parkview Malvern East,
NICHOLAS AVERELL HAMILTON, late                      1287 Dandenong Road, Malvern East, deceased.
of 228 Canterbury Road, St Kilda, Victoria,              Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
engineer, deceased, who died on 12 October           claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
2014, are required by the administrator, David       who died on 7 April 2018, are required by the
James Hughes, to send particulars of their claims    trustees to send particulars to the trustees, care of
to the said executor, care of the undersigned        the undermentioned solicitors, by 21 September
solicitor, by 21 August 2018, after which date       2018, after which date the trustees may convey
the executor will convey or distribute the assets,   or distribute the assets, having regard only to the
having regard only to the claims of which the        claims of which the trustees then have notice.
administrator then has notice.                       MAHONS with Yuncken & Yuncken, solicitors,
LAWSON HUGHES PETER WALSH, lawyers,                  177 Surrey Road, Blackburn 3130.
Level 2, 533 Little Lonsdale Street,                 SM:CH2180589.
Melbourne 3000.
                                                           NOTICE TO CREDITORS UNDER
                                                                  TRUSTEE ACT 1958
    GILLIAN TANIA KRUGER, late of                                (SECTION 33 NOTICE)
6 Stanfield Court, Glen Waverley, Victoria,              LORNA WINSOME PALMER, late of
retired, deceased.                                   11 Diana Street, Croydon, Victoria, telephonist,
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having         deceased.
claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed        Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
deceased, who died on 1 October 2017, are            claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
required by the executors, Maree Ellen Kruger        who died on 24 February 2018, are required
of 6 Stanfield Court, Glen Waverley, Victoria,       by Lee Palmer, the executor of the Will of the
retired, Michael Anthony Kruger of 6 Stanfield       deceased, to send particulars of their claims to
Victoria Government Gazette                                        G 25    21 June 2018           1333

her, care of the undermentioned solicitors, by             Re: DEBRA MAREE HERMANN, also
29 August 2018, after which date the executor          known as Debra Maree Nelson and Debbie
may convey or distribute the assets, having            Maree Nelson, late of 18 Queens Avenue, Colac,
regard only to the claims of which she then has        Victoria, retail worker, deceased.
                                                           Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
PARKE LAWYERS,                                         claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
8 Market Street, Ringwood, Victoria 3134.              who died on 4 March 2017, are required by the
                                                       deceased’s personal representatives, Kristopher
    VINCENT EVANGELISTI, also known as                 David Nelson and Stuart Lester Holbery, to
Vincenzo Evangelisti, late of 16 Fernhill Street,      send particulars of their claims to care of the
Glen Waverley, Victoria, retired, deceased.            undermentioned lawyers, by 21 August 2018,
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having           after which date the personal representatives
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,       may convey or distribute the assets, having
who died on 3 December 2017, are required by           regard only to the claims of which they then
Perpetual Trustee Company Limited, ACN 000             have notice.
001 007, of 35/525 Collins Street, Melbourne,          SLM LAW, lawyers,
Victoria, the executor, to send particulars to it by   119 Murray Street, Colac 3250.
31 August 2018, after which date it may convey
or distribute the assets having regard only to the
claims of which it then has notice.                        Re: JOHN CALLIS, late of 19 Hopetoun
PERPETUAL LEGAL SERVICES PTY LTD,                      Road, Toorak 3142.
35/525 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000.           Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
                                                       claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
    Re: BARRY CHARLES HANDS, deceased.                 who died on 2 September 2017, are required
                                                       by the executors, Nicholas Adam Slocombe
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,       Brand and Philip James Gleeson, care of the
who died on 29 January 2018, are required by the       undermentioned solicitors, to send particulars
trustees, Elizabeth Mary Hands and Steph Otte,         of their claim to them within two months from
to send particulars of such claims to them, in care    the date of this publication, after which date the
of the below mentioned lawyers, by 22 August           executors may convey or distribute the assets,
2018, after which date the trustees may convey         having regard only to the claims of which they
or distribute the assets, having regard only to the    then have notice.
claims of which they then have notice.                 SLOCOMBE BRAND LAWYERS PTY LTD,
ROBERTS BECKWITH PARTNERS,                             Level 2, 4 Bank Place, Melbourne, Victoria 3000.
16 Blamey Place, Mornington, Victoria 3931.
                                                           WENDY MARGARET LEARY, late of
    Re: ROBIN CHARLES ARTHUR NELSON,                   329 Myers Road, Merricks North, Victoria,
deceased.                                              deceased.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having               Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,       claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
who died on 29 January 2018, are required by
                                                       who died on 17 August 2016, are required
the trustees, Robert William Bruton, Beverley
                                                       by Sam Stidston, the administrator, to send
Lorraine Bruton and Roger Clifford Nelson, to
send particulars of such claims to them, in care       particulars to him, care of the undermentioned
of the below mentioned lawyers, by 22 August           solicitors, by 16 August 2018, after which date
2018, after which date the trustees may convey         the executor may convey or distribute the assets,
or distribute the assets, having regard only to the    having regard only to the claims of which he
claims of which they then have notice.                 then has notice.
16 Blamey Place, Mornington, Victoria 3931.            Suite 1, 10 Blamey Place, Mornington 3931.
1334    G 25     21 June 2018                                            Victoria Government Gazette

    Re: RINA JOSEPHINE D’ALESSANDRO,                      VERNA WING HAN HO, late of
late of 181 Rosanna Road, Rosanna, in the State       2/10 Rosamond Crescent, Doncaster East,
of Victoria, chef, deceased.                          Victoria, supply chain manager, deceased.
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having              Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,      claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed
who died on 4 December 2017, are required by          deceased, who died on 30 January 2013, are
the executor, Suzanna Maria D’Alessandro, in
the Will called Suzanna Maria D’Alessandro,           required by the executor, Clive Paul Sim, care
also known as Suzanna Maria Thomas, of                of The Probate Professionals, PO Box 7188,
142 Beverley Road, Rosanna, in the said State,        Doncaster East, Victoria, to send particulars of
licensed conveyancer, to send particulars of their    their claims to him not more than two months
claims to her by 23 August 2018, after which          from the date of publication of this notice, after
date the executor may convey or distribute the        which date the executor may convey or distribute
assets, having regards only to claims to which        the assets, having regard only to the claims of
she then has notice.                                  which he then has notice. Probate was granted in
SUZANNA MARIA D’ALESSANDRO,                           Victoria on 28 November 2016.
142 Beverley Road, Rosanna, Victoria 3084.            Dated 12 June 2018
                                                      THE PROBATE PROFESSIONALS,
    Re: MARY MAY YOUNG, late of                       19 Tunstall Square Doncaster East, Victoria 3109.
55 Creswell Road, Marcus Hill, widowed,               Phone: (03) 9857 7522.
deceased.                                             Email:
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims in respect of the estate of the deceased,
who died on 15 November 2015, are required                CARMEL ELIZABETH KNIGHTS, late of
by the administrator, Suzanne Mary Lyttleton, to      Aurrum, 27 Smith Street, Healesville, Victoria,
send particulars to her, by a date not later than     pensioner, deceased.
two months from the date of publication hereof,           Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
after which date the administrator will convey or
distribute the assets, having regard only to the      claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed
claims of which she then has notice.                  deceased, who died on 13 April 2017, are
                                                      required by the executor, Melinda Elizabeth
PO Box 2181, St Kilda West 3182.                      Knights, care of The Probate Professionals,
Telephone: 9646 4477.                                 PO Box 7188, Doncaster East, Victoria, to send
                                                      particulars of their claims to her not more than
                                                      two months from the date of publication of this
    MURIEL ELIZABETH CLARKE, late of                  notice, after which date the executor may convey
240 Edward Road, Chirnside Park, Victoria,            or distribute the assets, having regard only to the
business proprietor, deceased.                        claims of which she then has notice. Probate was
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having          granted in Victoria on 28 September 2017.
claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed     Dated 12 June 2018
deceased, who died on 17 July 2017, are required
by the executor, David Boots, care of The             THE PROBATE PROFESSIONALS,
Probate Professionals, PO Box 7188, Doncaster         19 Tunstall Square Doncaster East, Victoria 3109.
East, Victoria, to send particulars of their claims   Phone: (03) 9857 7522.
to him not more than 2 months from the date of        Email:
publication of this notice, after which date the
executor may convey or distribute the assets,
having regard only to the claims of which he              ADVERTISEMENT OF AUCTION BY
then has notice. Probate was granted in Victoria                       THE SHERIFF
on 21 September 2017.                                     On Thursday 26 July 2018 at 1.30 pm in
Dated 14 June 2018                                    the afternoon, at Level 6, 446 Collins Street,
THE PROBATE PROFESSIONALS,                            Melbourne (unless process be stayed or
19 Tunstall Square, Doncaster East, Victoria 3109.    satisfied).
Phone: (03) 9857 7522.
Email:                All the estate and interest (if any) of John
                                                      Soer of 1 Daniel Solander Drive, Endeavour
Victoria Government Gazette                           G 25   21 June 2018   1335

Hills, sole proprietor of an estate in fee simple
in the land described on Certificate of Title
Volume 9757 Folio 021, upon which is erected
a residential home and known as 30 Lexton
Avenue, Dandenong, will be auctioned by the
    The Sheriff is unable to provide access to
this property.
    Terms: 10% deposit on the fall of the
hammer. Balance within 14 days unless as stated
in particulars of sale in contract of sale. Payment
is by cheque only.
    Please visit Sheriff’s Office Real Estate
Section website at
sheriffrealestate for an information sheet on
Sheriff’s Auctions, a contract of sale and any
other enquiries.
1336    G 25     21 June 2018                                         Victoria Government Gazette

                           GOVERNMENT AND OUTER BUDGET
                             SECTOR AGENCIES NOTICES
                           GREATER SHEPPARTON CITY COUNCIL
                                       Road Discontinuance
    Pursuant to section 206 and Clause 3 of Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1989,
the Greater Shepparton City Council, at its meeting on 15 May 2018, formed the opinion that
discontinuing the three unused crown road reserves abutting the south, east and west of the Pine
Lodge Cemetery, as shown hatched on the plan below, are not required for public use as roads and
resolved to discontinue the road status.
    Upon closure, the portion of road reserves will be transferred to and consolidated with the Pine
Lodge Cemetery, being Certificate of Title Volume 11766 Folio 117 to form part of the cemetery
land for burial purposes.

                                                                             PETER HARRIOTT
                                                                           Chief Executive Officer
Victoria Government Gazette                                     G 25    21 June 2018           1337

    This notice replaces the notice published in the Victoria Government Gazette G48 dated
30 November 2017, page 2655.
                                    ROAD DISCONTINUANCE
    Pursuant to section 206 and Schedule 10, Clause 3 of the Local Government Act 1989, the
Mornington Peninsula Shire Council has formed the opinion that the section of road adjacent to 69
Strachans Road, Mornington, and as shown hatched and cross-hatched on the plan below, is not
reasonably required as a road for public use.
    The Shire has resolved to discontinue the section of road, subject to the right, power or interest
held by South East Water over the land shown cross-hatched on the plan below, and to sell it by
private treaty to the owner of the abutting property.

                                                                                     CARL COWIE
                                                                             Chief Executive Officer
1338    G 25    21 June 2018                                         Victoria Government Gazette

                               HOBSONS BAY CITY COUNCIL
                                     Road Discontinuance
    Pursuant to section 206 and Schedule 10, Clause 3 of the Local Government Act 1989, the
Hobsons Bay City Council, at its ordinary meeting held on 12 June 2018, resolved to discontinue
part of the Government Road known as Jubilee Street, Newport, adjoining 15 Challis Street,
Newport, shown hatched on the plan below.

                                                                        AARON VAN EGMOND
                                                                         Chief Executive Officer

    Moonee Valley City Council, in accordance with clause 224 of the Local Government Act
1989 does by publishing this notice, state that any sworn police officer stationed at the following
       Moonee Ponds Police Station
       Flemington Police Station
       Avondale Heights Police Station
from 1 July 2018 until this law becomes invalid, or if the member ceases to be stationed at any of
the above listed locations, or ceases to be employed by Victoria Police, enforce the provisions of
the Activities and General Amenities Local Law 2018 in its entirety.
                                                                            BRYAN LANCASTER
                                                                           Chief Executive Officer
Victoria Government Gazette                                      G 25    21 June 2018           1339

                                     Local Government Act 1989
                                              Section 119(3)
    At its meeting on 12 June 2018 Moonee Valley City Council resolved to adopt the Activities and
General Amenities Local Law 2018.
Purpose of the Local Law
    The proposed Local Law will replace the General Purposes Local Law 2008 and come into
effect on 1 July 2018.
    The purpose of the Activities and General Amenities Local Law is to:
(1)     regulate and control uses and activities on Council land and roads so that Council is aware
        of uses or activities which may:
        (a)	be detrimental to the amenity of the area or the enjoyment of facilities on land or
        (b)	cause damage to Council and community assets;
        (c)	create a danger or expose others to risk;
        (d)	interfere with the safety and convenience of people travelling on or using Council
               land or roads; and
        (e)	impede free and safe access for people, in particular those with sight and movement
               impairment or disabilities.
(2)     manage, regulate and control activities and uses on any land which:
        (a)	may be dangerous, cause a nuisance or be detrimental to the amenity of the area or the
        (b)	  are directed at maintaining neighbourhood harmony and a healthy and safe
               environment for residents and visitors;
        (c)	promote community expectations and demands about their lifestyle and the availability
               of goods and services provided to them; and
        (d)	create a sense of community pride in the municipal district and promote Moonee
               Valley City as a place to live and do business.
(3)     identify activities and uses that are not permitted so as to achieve the purposes in subclauses
        (1) and (2); and
(4)     provide for the administration of Council’s powers and functions so that they can be applied,
        having regard to the objectives in subclauses (1) and (2), in a fair and practicable way.
General purport of the Local Law
    The adopted Local Law will achieve its purpose by a number of measures including:
        prescribing uses and activities that will require a permit such as using a footpath for outdoor
        dining and displays of goods, undertaking any commercial activity on Council land or
        roads including commercial recreation uses, busking, fundraising, street parties, festivals or
        events, placing temporary advertising signs on Council land or roads, using Council roads
        for works, keeping excess numbers of animals, carrying out building works, and camping
        on (private) land;
1340    G 25     21 June 2018                                          Victoria Government Gazette

       identifying uses and activities which must comply with conditions or requirements in
       the Local Law including in some instances, compliance with Council policies, such
       as requirements applying to keeping animals or animal management in public places,
       requirements on owners or occupiers of commercial premises, the use of Council land,
       numbering properties and waste collection;
       designating areas where certain activities and uses may be carried out or not carried out, such
       as busking, ‘smoke free areas’ and ‘alcohol free areas’;
       identifying uses and activities that are prohibited in certain circumstances, such as allowing
       land or buildings to be kept in a way that is unsightly or detrimental to the general character
       and amenity of the neighbourhood, or that could be a danger or a risk to people or property
       in the vicinity, behaving on Council land or on a road in a way that could harm or injure
       another person or which interferes with another person’s reasonable enjoyment of that land
       or which could damage Council and community assets, leaving or parking an unregistered or
       abandoned vehicle on a road or Council land or leaving or parking certain types of vehicles
       longer than the period permitted under the Local Law; and
       providing for the administration and enforcement of the Local Law through a permit system,
       creating appeal and representation rights and prescribing offences for contravention of
       certain provisions in the Local Law.
   Copies of the adopted Local Law and the accompanying incorporated documents can be
obtained from the Moonee Valley Civic Centre, 9 Kellaway Avenue, Moonee Ponds, or can be
viewed on Council’s website at
                                                                              BRYAN LANCASTER
                                                                             Chief Executive Officer

                           MEETING PROCEDURE LOCAL LAW 2018
    Notice is hereby given that the Moreland City Council, at its meeting held on 13 June 2018,
resolved to make a new Meeting Procedure Local Law 2018.
    The objectives of the Local Law are to:
    provide the procedures governing the conduct of Meetings;
    provide for the election of the Mayor and a Deputy Mayor;
    set the rules of behaviour for those participating in, or present at, Meetings;
    provide for the appointment of Councillor office holders and assignments as members of
    committees established by the Council or as Council representatives to external committees and
    provide for the use of Council’s Common Seal; and
    revoke the Meeting Procedure Local Law 2014.
    A copy of the Local Law is available for inspection at Moreland Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street,
Coburg, and on Council’s website,
    Anyone requiring further information can contact Sally Curran, Unit Manager Governance, on
9240 1111.
                                                                             NERINA DI LORENZO
                                                                              Chief Executive Officer
Victoria Government Gazette                                    G 25    21 June 2018           1341

     Planning and Environment Act 1987                 The planning authority must make a copy of
      BANYULE PLANNING SCHEME                      every submission available at its office for any
                                                   person to inspect, free of charge, for two months
   Notice of the Preparation of an Amendment
                                                   after the Amendment comes into operation or
                Amendment C123                     lapses.
    The Minister for Planning has prepared                                      STUART MENZIES
Amendment C123 to the Banyule Planning                                                       Director
Scheme.                                                                      State Planning Services
    The land affected by the Amendment is
within the Ivanhoe Activity Centre.
                                                        Planning and Environment Act 1987
    The Amendment proposes to implement
mandatory maximum building height controls              MOORABOOL PLANNING SCHEME
to part of the Ivanhoe Activity Centre on a           Notice of the Preparation of an Amendment
permanent basis by amending the Design and                         Amendment C86
Development Overlay Schedule 11 of the                 The Moorabool Shire Council has prepared
Banyule Planning Scheme.                           Amendment C86 to the Moorabool Planning
    You may inspect the Amendment, any             Scheme.
documents that support the Amendment and the           The Amendment affects a number of parcels
explanatory report about the Amendment, free       throughout the Municipality.
of charge, at the following locations: during
office hours, at the offices of the planning           The Amendment proposes to correct a number
                                                   of mapping anomalies by rezoning privately
authority, 8 Nicholson Street, Melbourne;
                                                   owned land consistent with surrounding land,
during office hours, at the office of the
                                                   rezoning publicly owned land consistent with
Banyule City Council, Ivanhoe Service Centre,
                                                   its use and correcting the location of a heritage
275 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe; and at
the Department of Environment, Land, Water
and Planning website, www.planning.vic.                You may inspect the Amendment, any            documents that support the Amendment and the
a-planning-scheme/planning-documents-on-           explanatory report about the Amendment, free of
exhibition                                         charge, at the following locations: during office
                                                   hours, at the office of the planning authority,
    Any person who may be affected by the          Moorabool Shire Council, 15 Stead Street,
Amendment may make a submission to the             Ballan; Lerderderg Library – Customer Service,
planning authority about the Amendment.            215 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh; Darley Civic
Submissions must be made in writing giving the     and Community Hub, 182 Halletts Way, Darley;
submitter’s name and contact address, clearly      and at the Department of Environment, Land,
stating the grounds on which the Amendment         Water and Planning website, www.delwp.vic.
is supported or opposed and indicating what
changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make.
                                                       Any person who may be affected by the
    Name and contact details of submitters are     Amendment may make a submission to the
required for the planning authority to consider    planning authority about the Amendment.
submissions and to notify such persons of the      Submissions must be made in writing giving the
opportunity to attend any public hearing held to   submitter’s name and contact address, clearly
consider submissions.                              stating the grounds on which the Amendment
    The closing date for submissions is 5 pm,      is supported or opposed and indicating what
20 July 2018.                                      changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make.
    A submission must be sent to the                   Name and contact details of submitters are
Department of Environment, Land, Water and         required for Council to consider submissions
Planning, ‘Amendment C123 to the Banyule           and to notify such persons of the opportunity to
Planning Scheme’, Planning Implementation,         attend Council meetings and any public hearing
PO Box 500, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002, or      held to consider submissions. The closing date
via email to planning.implementation@delwp.        for submissions is 23 July 2018. A submission                                         must be sent to the Moorabool Shire Council.
1342    G 25     21 June 2018                                         Victoria Government Gazette

    A submission can be made:                           Any person who may be affected by the
1. via email to           Amendment may make a submission to the
                                                    planning authority about the Amendment.
2. via post to Moorabool Shire Council,
    PO Box 18, Ballan, Victoria 3342.               Submissions must be made in writing giving the
                                                    submitter’s name and contact address, clearly
    The planning authority must make a copy of      stating the grounds on which the Amendment
every submission available at its office for any    is supported or opposed and indicating what
person to inspect, free of charge, for two months   changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make.
after the Amendment comes into operation or
lapses.                                                 Name and contact details of submitters are
                                                    required for Council to consider submissions
                         ANDREW GOODSELL            and to notify such persons of the opportunity to
 Manager, Strategic Planning and Development
                                                    attend Council meetings and any public hearing
                                                    held to consider submissions. The closing date
     Planning and Environment Act 1987              for submissions is Monday 16 August 2018.
     WHITTLESEA PLANNING SCHEME                         A submission must be sent to: Chief
  Notice of the Preparation of an Amendment         Executive Officer, City of Whittlesea, Locked
                                                    Bag 1, Bundoora MDC 3083.
                Amendment C203
                                                        The planning authority must make a copy of
    The City of Whittlesea Council has prepared     every submission available at its office for any
Amendment C203 to the Whittlesea Planning           person to inspect, free of charge, for two months
Scheme.                                             after the Amendment comes into operation or
    The land affected by the Amendment is           lapses.
280 Bridge Inn Road, Mernda.                                                   SIMON OVERLAND
    The Amendment proposes to:                                               Chief Executive Officer
    rezone part of 280 Bridge Inn Road, Mernda,
    from a Farming Zone (FZ) to a General
    Residential Zone (GRZ1);                            Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
                                                    claims against the estate of any of the
    delete the Environmental Significance
                                                    undermentioned deceased persons are required
    Overlay (ESO1 and ESO5) from part of the
    site;                                           to send particulars of their claims to State
                                                    Trustees Limited, ABN 68 064 593 148, of
    apply a Development Plan Overlay (DP027)        1 McNab Avenue, Footscray, Victoria 3011, the
    to the land rezoned GRZ1;                       personal representative, on or before 22 August
    apply a Vegetation Protection Overlay           2018, after which date State Trustees Limited
    (VPO1) to the land rezoned GRZ1; and            may convey or distribute the assets, having
    introduce a site-specific control at Clause     regard only to the claims of which State Trustees
    52.03 – Specific Sites and Exclusions,          Limited then has notice.
    and an Incorporated Document at Clause          CAMPBELL, William Francis, late of
    81.01 – Incorporated Documents to allow             35 Warner Street, Indented Head, Victoria
    the subdivision of the land into three lots         3223, deceased, who died on 24 March 2018.
    and the use and development of the lot with
    an area of approximately 30 hectares for a      CLEGHORN, Betty, late of TLC The Belmont
    vineyard, winery and function centre with an        Residential Aged Care, 235 High Street,
    associated liquor licence.                          Belmont, Victoria 3216, deceased, who died
                                                        on 29 March 2018.
    You may inspect the Amendment, any
documents that support the Amendment and the        MUSICKA, David, late of 11 Burn Street,
explanatory report about the Amendment, free            Ararat, Victoria 3377, deceased, who died on
of charge, at the following locations: during           28 April 2018.
office hours, at the office of the planning         SALAZAR, Ignacio, late of Mercy Place
authority, City of Whittlesea, located at               Wyndham, 39 Deutgam and Greaves Street,
25 Ferres Boulevard, South Morang; and at               Werribee, Victoria 3030, deceased, who died
the Department of Environment, Land, Water              on 24 July 2017.
and Planning website,         Dated 13 June 2018
Victoria Government Gazette                                    G 25    21 June 2018          1343

    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having        FURNELL, Leonora Anne, late of Unit 92,
claims against the estate of any of the                K2 Apartments, Raleigh Street, Windsor,
undermentioned deceased persons are required           Victoria 3181, deceased, who died on
to send particulars of their claims to State           11 March 2018.
Trustees Limited, ABN 68 064 593 148, of            JELKIC, Ivan, late of Unit 40, 1 Holmes Street,
1 McNab Avenue, Footscray, Victoria 3011, the          Northcote, Victoria 3070, deceased, who
personal representative, on or before 23 August        died on 23 February 2018.
2018, after which date State Trustees Limited       LANGRIDGE, Wilma Elsie, late of Warrawee
may convey or distribute the assets, having            Community Nursing Home, 854A Centre
regard only to the claims of which State Trustees      Road, Bentleigh East, Victoria 3165,
Limited then has notice.                               deceased, who died on 14 April 2018.
DAVIS, Peter Warren, late of Unit 11, 73 Queens     PARNCUTT, Bernard John, late of Southern
    Road, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, deceased,          Cross Care Mordialloc Home, 10 Brindisi
    who died on 9 September 2017.                      Street, Mentone, Victoria 3194, deceased,
GARNER, Bradley Charles, late of 4 Wilson              who died on 7 October 2017.
    Street, Camperdown, Victoria 3260,              SCHWERKOLT, Arthur Ernest, late of
    deceased, who died on 13 April 2018.               110 Wantirna Road, Ringwood, Victoria
                                                       3134, deceased, who died on 2 November
NASEA, Jon, late of Argyle Court Hostel,               2017.
    81–83 Argyle Avenue, Chelsea, Victoria
    3196, deceased, who died on 12 May 2018.        Dated 18 June 2018
SAVILLE, Francis John, late of Carnsworth
    Nursing Home, 10 A’Beckett Street, Kew,                        Adoption Act 1984
    Victoria 3101, deceased, who died on                I, Denise Harrison, as a delegate of the
    21 March 2018.                                  Secretary to the Department of Health and
WEICHMANN, Kathryn, late of 43 Durrant              Human Services under section 17(5) of the
    Street, Brighton, Victoria 3186, deceased,      Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 and in
    who died on 22 December 2017.                   relation to section 5 of the Adoption Act 1984,
                                                    approve the following person as counsellor for
Dated 14 June 2018                                  the purposes of the Adoption Act 1984.
                                                    Miriam Bush
    Creditors, next-of-kin and others having
claims against the estate of any of the             Dated 19 March 2018
undermentioned deceased persons are required                                 DENISE HARRISON
to send particulars of their claims to State                              Director, Child Protection
Trustees Limited, ABN 68 064 593 148, of                                             South Division
1 McNab Avenue, Footscray, Victoria 3011, the
personal representative, on or before 27 August                    Adoption Act 1984
2018, after which date State Trustees Limited
                                                        I, Denise Harrison, as a delegate of the
may convey or distribute the assets, having
                                                    Secretary to the Department of Health and
regard only to the claims of which State Trustees   Human Services under section 17(5) of the
Limited then has notice.                            Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 and in
BAINES, Dawn Mary, late of 17 Railton Grove,        relation to section 5 of the Adoption Act 1984,
    Preston, Victoria 3072, deceased, who died      approve the following person as counsellor for
    on 25 April 2018.                               the purposes of the Adoption Act 1984.
COONEY, Susan Mary, late of 7 Spear Court,          Laura Illsley
    Glen Waverley, Victoria 3150, deceased,
    who died on 26 February 2018.                   Dated 29 May 2018
FRETTER, Karlie, late of 472 Canterbury Road,                                DENISE HARRISON
                                                                          Director, Child Protection
    Vermont, Victoria 3133, deceased, who died
                                                                                     South Division
    on 11 March 2018.
1344     G 25     21 June 2018                                           Victoria Government Gazette

Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012             Club of Bentleigh & Surroundings Inc.; Grey
                  SECTION 135                          Street Netball Club Inc.; Guangxi Association
                                                       Inc.; Guru Nanak Sports & Cultural Academy
    On 22 May 2018 I issued a notice
                                                       Inc.; Hampton Senior Citizens Centre Inc.;
under section 135(2) of the Associations
                                                       Honda Sports Car Club of Victoria Inc.; Hope
Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (the Act)
                                                       for Iraqi Children Organisation Inc.; HWIC
to the incorporated associations listed below,
                                                       Women’s Association Inc.; Iraqi People
requesting them to show cause as to why their
                                                       Association Inc.; Islamic Information & Services
incorporation should not be cancelled.
                                                       Network of Australasia Inc.; Kazakhstan Society
    I am now satisfied that the incorporation of       of Australia Inc.; Kestrel Yacht Association
the below listed incorporated associations should      Inc.; Keyline Foundation Inc.; Lakes Entrance
be and are hereby cancelled in accordance with         Summer Music Festival Inc.; Latin American
section 135(3) of the Act.                             Golden Girls Inc.; LMS Church of Samoa
100k North Arts Inc.; Adoptive Families                Deer Park Inc.; Macedonian-Australian Fishing
Association of Victoria Inc.; Altona United            Group Inc.; Malibu Dreaming Ski Club Inc.;
Soccer Club Inc.; Amancay Chilean Folkloric            Mallee Sudanese Community Mildura Inc.;
Group Inc.; Association of Srilankan Cricket           Mana Barmoota Ifaa Oromoo Islama/The
Fans in Australia Inc.; Australia Asia International   Oromo Islamic Light School Inc.; Mansfield
Business Association Inc.; Australia Association       Car Club of Victoria Inc.; Many Australian
of Nail Industry Professionals Inc.; Australia         Photographers Group Inc.; Maribyrnong Cricket
Bangladesh Council of Victoria Inc.; Australia         Club Inc.; Mastino Napolitano Club of Victoria
China Friendship Association for Culture               Inc.; Melbourne Singhs Inc.; Melbourne Turkish
& Economy Inc.; Australia China Property               Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc.;
Association Inc.; Australian 145 Association           Melton Saints Cricket Club Inc.; Merryland
Inc.; Australian and New Zealand Scientific            Bilingual School Association Inc.; Mirboo
Exploration Society Inc.; Australian Roller            North School and Community Gymnasium Inc.;
Canary Society Inc.; Baarmutha Residents               Moriarty’s Project Inc.; Mpowerplay Youth
Association Inc.; Bayside Pool League Inc.;            Events Inc.; Mulgrave Cook Islands Christian
Bethanga Adult Riding Club Inc.; Black & Tans          Fellowship Inc.; Noble Park Traders Association
Foxhounds Inc.; Bluebirds Cricket Club Inc.;           Inc.; Northern District Racing Association
Bosnian-Hercegovinian Community Association            Inc.; Novatech Melbourne Futsal Club Inc.;
– Geelong, Vic. Inc.; Broderick Social Golf Club       Nowa Nowa Mens Choir Inc.; Organisation
Inc.; Business Computing Support Network Inc.;         for the Prevention of Child Exploitation Inc.;
Capo Powerlifting Australia Inc.; Care Central         Outdoor Quest Group Inc.; Port Fairy Squash
Inc.; Centre for African Australian Women’s            Club Inc.; Portarlington Gymnastics Club Inc.;
Issues Inc.; Cobram Table Tennis Association           Propodollah Catchment Land Care Group Inc.;
Inc.; Collaborative Development Institute Inc.;        Qantas Crew 2 Heavy Maintenance Social Club
Collingwood Taxi Social Club Inc.; Community           Inc.; Rainbow Cricket Club Inc.; Red Cliffs
in Harmony Inc.; Cook Islands Rugby League             Tigers Baseball Club Inc.; Reservoir United
Association Australia Inc.; Corio Hockey Club          Soccer Club Inc.; Rowville United Football
Inc.; Corrections Victoria Angling Club Inc.;          Club Inc.; Roxburgh Social & Sport Association
Dawa Diverse Australian Womens Association             Inc.; Royale Driffield Sky Dogs Inc.; Save our
Inc.; Dinka Agar and Jurbeil Community                 Children’s Services Inc.; Secondary Catholic
Association in Victoria Inc.; Dj’s Rainbows            Sports Association Inc.; Serviceton Recreation
and Butterflies Association Inc.; Dunmore              and Sports Association Inc.; Sheep Hills
Sustainable Water Group Inc.; East Gippsland           Golf Club Inc.; Sir Samuel Moggs Society
Pelicans Inc.; Eastern United Soccer Club Inc.;        Inc.; Sixers Basketball Club Inc.; Soli Social
Epic Soccer Club Inc.; Everflowing Rivers              Indoor Sports Club Inc.; Somali Support and
of Living Waters Ministries Inc.; Federation           Advocacy Group Inc.; South West Community
of Australian Hellenic Culture Inc.; Frankston         Neighbourhood Centre Inc.; Southern Force
Toastmasters Club Inc.; Friends of Hattah Inc.;        Rugby League Football Club Inc.; Spiritual
GCTV Inc.; Golden Plains Environment and               Science Research Foundation Inc.; Springvale/
Amenity Alliance Inc.; Greek Senior Citizens           Noble Park Athletic Club Inc.; St Joseph’s
Victoria Government Gazette                                    G 25    21 June 2018          1345

Athletic Club Inc.; Sunraysia Against Casino’s Inc.; Syga Inc.; Te Arahi Roopu Kapahaka Inc.;
Thai Craft & Culture Association of Australia Inc.; The Bayside Slimmers Inc.; The Essaouira
Foundation Inc.; The Friends of Interact Australia Inc.; The Geelong Hospital Medical & Dental
Officers Alumni Association Inc.; The Gully Pool Room Pool Club Inc.; The Heidelberg Mutual
Child Minding Group Inc.; The Social Awareness Society Inc.; The Solid Fuel and Wood Heating
Association (Victoria) Inc.; The South Gippsland Farm Management Society Inc.; The Spa Country
Landscape Guardians Inc.; The Van Council of Victoria Inc.; The Victorian Association for Freedom
of Information Professionals (VAFIP) Inc.; Thirumaraikala Manram – Cparts Team, Melbourne
Inc.; Two Bays Netball Region Inc.; United Gabooye Community Association of Australia Inc.;
United Somali Women’s Organisation in Victoria Inc.; Upper Yarra Conservation Society Inc.;
Victoria Korean Language Institute Inc.; Victorian & Murray Valley Vine Nurseries Association
Inc.; Victorian Accident Towing Association Inc.; Victorian Indoor Soccer (Futsal Five-A-Side
Association Inc.; Victorian Radio Broadcasters Inc.; Victorian Sheepbreeders Association – Stawell
Inc.; Wallan Junior Netball Club Inc.; Walpeup Golf Club Inc.; Wangaratta Tigers Junior Rugby
League Club Inc.; Warracknabeal Darts Association Inc.; Warriors Futsal Club Inc.; Warrnambool
Gymnastic Club Inc.; Wedderburn Highland Dancing Society Incorporated; Westend Warriors Inc.;
Whitehorse Futsal Club Inc.; Willow Bend Riding Club Inc.; Willow Park Association Inc.; Yarra
Valley Obedience Dog Club Inc.; Yea Pony Club Inc.; Youth Salvation Majdi Riak Ministries Inc.
Dated 21 June 2018
                                                                                DAVID JOYNER
                                                                              Deputy Registrar of
                                                                        Incorporated Associations
                                                                                    PO Box 4567
                                                                        Melbourne, Victoria 3001

                              Co-operatives National Law (Victoria)
    On application under section 601AA of the Corporations Act 2001 (the Act), notice is hereby
given under section 601AA(4A) of the Act, as applied by section 453(a) of the Co-operatives
National Law (Victoria), that, at the expiration of two months from the date of this notice, the
name of the co-operative listed above will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be removed from
the register of co-operatives and its registration will be dissolved.
Dated at Melbourne 21 June 2018
                                                                                   DAVID JOYNER
                                                                    Deputy Registrar of Cooperatives

                           Education and Training Reform Act 2006
    Pursuant to section 2.6.29 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (‘the Act’) a
person who is registered as a teacher under Part 2.6 of the Act ceases to be so registered and is
disqualified from teaching in a school if the person is convicted or found guilty in Victoria or
elsewhere of a sexual offence as defined by the Act.
    On 8 June 2018, Anastasia Theodoropoulos also known as Natasha Theodore, 25 year old
female, being a person who was convicted of sexual offences in Victoria, being twelve counts of
committing an indecent act with a 16 or 17 year old child under her care, supervision and authority,
contrary to section 49(1) of the Crimes Act 1958 as in force in June 2017; and three counts of
sexually assaulting a 16 or 17 year old child under her care, supervision or authority, contrary to
section 49E(1) of the Crimes Act 1958, ceased to be a registered teacher in accordance with section
2.6.29(1) of the Act and was disqualified from teaching in a school or an early childhood service in
accordance with section 2.6.29(3) of the Act.
1346    G 25     21 June 2018                                         Victoria Government Gazette

                                        Electoral Act 2002
    In accordance with section 51(5)(e) of the Electoral Act 2002 (the Act), I hereby give notice of
the following change to the Register of Political Parties.
Name of registered political party: Australian Country Party.
New registered officer: Costantino Di Biase.
New address: 88 Barkly Street, Dunolly, Victoria 3472.
Dated 18 June 2018
                                                                        WARWICK GATELY, AM
                                                                   Victorian Electoral Commission

                                            Electoral Act 2002
    In accordance with section 49 of the Electoral Act 2002 (the Act), I hereby give notice of the
following application for registration of a political party.
Name of party: Sustainable Australia (VIC).
Abbreviation of party name: Sustainable Australia.
Name of proposed registered officer: William Bourke.
Address of proposed registered officer: 20 Burlington Street, Crows Nest, New South Wales
The application is signed by the secretary of the party.
    Any person who believes that the party should not be registered because:
        it is not an eligible political party under the provisions of Part 4 of the Act;
        the application is not properly completed as required under section 45 of the Act; or
        the party’s name is not allowable under section 47 of the Act,
may object by writing to the Victorian Electoral Commission, Level 11, 530 Collins Street,
Melbourne, Victoria 3000, by Monday 23 July 2018.
    Details of any objections will be made available to the applicant.
    Enquiries to: Katrina Collins on telephone (03) 8620 1145.
Dated 16 June 2018
                                                                        WARWICK GATELY, AM
                                                                   Victorian Electoral Commission

                            Essential Services Commission Act 2001
                            NOTICE OF PRICE DETERMINATIONS
   The Essential Services Commission (Commission) gives notice under section 35(2) of the
Essential Services Commission Act 2001 (Vic.) that it has made a determination in respect of
the prices which the following regulated entities may charge for prescribed services during the
applicable regulatory period, or the manner in which such prices are to be calculated or otherwise
Barwon Region Water Corporation, Central Gippsland Region Water Corporation, Central
Highlands Region Water Corporation, City West Water Corporation, Coliban Region Water
Corporation, Gippsland and Southern Rural Water Corporation, Goulburn Valley Region Water
Corporation, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water Corporation, Lower Murray Urban and Rural
Water Corporation, North East Region Water Corporation, South Gippsland Region Water
Corporation, Wannon Region Water Corporation, and Western Region Water Corporation.
Victoria Government Gazette                                      G 25    21 June 2018          1347

    In each case the applicable regulatory period is from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2023 except in the
cases of:
        North East Region Water Corporation for which the regulatory period is from 1 July 2018 to
        30 June 2026.
        South Gippsland Region Water Corporation and Western Region Water Corporation for
        which the regulatory period is from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2020.
    Each determination:
(a)     gives effect to a decision made by the Commission on 13 June 2018 in accordance with
        clause 10 of the Water Industry Regulatory Order 2014 (Vic.) and, in the case of Lower
        Murray Urban and Rural Water Corporation also a decision made under rule 29 of the Water
        Charge (Infrastructure) Rules 2010 (Cth);
(b)     specifies the maximum prices which the regulated entity may charge for prescribed services
        during the regulatory period, or the manner in which such prices are to be calculated,
        determined or otherwise regulated, and also specifies the maximum revenue in the cases of
        Gippsland and Southern Rural Water Corporation and Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water
(c)     facilitates the achievement of the Commission’s objectives in the Essential Services
        Commission Act 2001 (Vic.) and the Water Industry Act 1994 (Vic.); and
(d)     reflects the requirements in the Water Industry Regulatory Order 2014 (Vic.) or the Water
        Charge (Infrastructure) Rules 2010 (Cth) as applicable.
    The determinations take effect from 1 July 2018.
    The determinations and accompanying final decision papers are available on the commission’s
website located at Alternatively, copies may be obtained by
calling the Commission on 1300 664 969.
Dated 19 June 2018
                                                                            DR RON BEN-DAVID

                                       Fisheries Act 1995
                                         NOTICE 2018
    I, Travis Dowling, Chief Executive Officer of the Victorian Fisheries Authority, as delegate of
the Minister for Agriculture and having undertaken consultation in accordance with section 3A of
the Fisheries Act 1995, make the following Fisheries Notice:
Dated 14 June 2018
                                                                             TRAVIS DOWLING
                                            Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Fisheries Authority
1.     Title
       This Fisheries Notice may be cited as the Fisheries (Western Port/Port Phillip Bay Fishery
       Catch Limit) Notice 2018.
2.     Objectives
       The objective of this Fisheries Notice is to fix and enforce annual catch limits for the taking
       of certain species of fish under a relevant access licence.
3.     Authorising provision
       This Fisheries Notice is made under section 152(1)(a) of the Act.
4.     Commencement
       This Fisheries Notice comes into operation on the day it is published in the Government
       Gazette and the Victorian Fisheries Authority Internet site, in accordance with the requirements
       of section 152(5) of the Act.
1348      G 25       21 June 2018                                                      Victoria Government Gazette

5.      Revocation
        Unless sooner revoked, this Fisheries Notice is automatically revoked twelve (12) months
        after the date on which it comes into operation.
6.      Definitions
        In this Fisheries Notice –
        licensing year means a period from 1 April in any year to 31 March of the following year
        relevant access licence means a Western Port/Port Phillip Bay Fishery Access Licence;
        relevant catch period means either the period from 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2014
        (inclusive), or the period from 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2014 (inclusive), whichever period
        reflects a higher average annual catch in kilograms based on the record of catch history for
        the relevant access licence as recorded in the Integrated Catch and Effort System maintained
        by the Victorian Fisheries Authority;
        specified amount means the annual average catch (not including anchovy, pilchard or sprat),
        in kilograms taken by the holder of a relevant access licence for the relevant catch period; and
        the Act means the Fisheries Act 1995.
7.      Annual catch limit – general
        (1)     A holder of a relevant access licence must not take more than 11 tonnes or the specified
                amount (whichever is greater) of any species of fish, in a licensing year, subject to the
                further catch limits specified in clause 8.
        (2)     The catch limit specified in clause 7(1) does not apply to the following species of fish:
                (a)    anchovy;
                (b)    pilchard;
                (c)    sprat.
8.      Annual catch limits – specific
        (1)     A holder of a relevant access licence may only take up to the quantity of fish specified
                in Column 2 in the table below, for each corresponding species of fish specified in
                Column 1 in the table below, in a licensing year.
                  Column 1                                Column 2
                  Species                                 Quantity
                  Calamari                                Y x 3,000 (kilograms)
                  Flathead (all species)                  Y x 3,000 (kilograms)
                  King George whiting                     Y x 4,500 (kilograms)
                  Snapper                                 Y x 11,000 (kilograms)
        (2)      For the purposes of the above table:
                 Y        =        The annual catch limit for a relevant access licence calculated
                                   in accordance with clause 7 of this Fisheries Notice divided by
                                   11,000 kilograms.
9.      Total catch limit specified in the Regulations continues to apply
        This Fisheries Notice applies in addition to regulation 219K of the Fisheries Regulations
Note: It is an offence under section 68A of the Act to take more fish than the catch limit for that species of fish. Various
penalties apply.
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