No point of failure MINE NETWORKS - Rajant Corporation

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No point of failure MINE NETWORKS - Rajant Corporation
MINE NETWORKS_proof 21/08/2018 12:29 Page 1

                      MINE NETWORKS

             No point of failure
                                                                                                                       Nokia says all the top mining houses are now
                                                                                                                       looking at LTE, it is just a matter of time given
                                                                                                                       the move to autonomous and remote

                                                                                                                          Some argue that the best solution is to
                                                                                                                       deploy LTE but as a hybrid, retaining WiFi for
                                                                                                                       non mission critical comms. White told IM: “LTE
g                                                                                                                      promises some significant improvement over
                                                                                                                       traditional Wi-Fi networks, particularly in the
                                                                                                                       area of predictability. The ability to limit
                                                                                                                       possibilities of interference through licensed
                                                                                                                       spectrum provides much of this predictability,
                                                                                                                       but the underlying communication protocol also
                                                                                                                       provides improvements over WiFi in this area.
                                                                                                                       One of the biggest challenges with LTE,
                                                                                                                       however, is in spectrum. In remote regions of
           As mines go digital and robotised, communication                                                            Australia, it is possible to acquire private LTE
           networks are having to handle vast quantities of data and                                                   spectrum licenses to operate. However, in North
           analytics meaning new solutions are needed to ensure                                                        America particularly, all spectrum set aside for
           connectivity is never lost, reports Paul Moore                                                              LTE is owned by the LTE service providers who
                                                                                                                       have a very different consumer based model for
                                                                                                                       commercialising that spectrum, that typically
                 rends in the networks market include            access was a big problem for LTE, but private         does not lend itself well to the miner's needs.”

           T     companies offering “network agnostic”
                 options and increasing influence of
           network integrators that put together the
                                                                 LTE solutions are now being offered by the
                                                                 major players, and crucially, the hardware
                                                                 involved in LTE has become smaller and much
                                                                                                                          If a customer can obtain a license for a chunk
                                                                                                                       of LTE spectrum (the single largest challenge to
                                                                                                                       deploying LTE), it is typically a rather small
           components in a solution for the mine moving          less costly. In contrast to WiFi, LTE is based on a   channel, which limits the throughput available
           with the times to offer the latest technology;        tightly scheduled and network-supervised air          over the LTE network. A hybrid solution helps
           and of course increasing network demands              interface that has better spectrum efficiency and     solve this problem. Using LTE for the
           being created by autonomous equipment and             more control over the quality of service offered      communications that truly require the higher
           the demand for real time machine analytics and        to application device traffic. Nokia, Ericsson and    levels of Quality of Service, while using another
           machine health monitoring.                            Huawei are the big providers, but as stated,          solution, such as standards based WiFi, a client
              3D-P VP CTO Ron White told IM: “Full               integrators are taking their technology and           meshing based solution, as well as a true
           autonomy is a challenge that only the largest of      implementing it for the mine’s customised             distribution layer network, allows the network
           miners are attacking today. However, most             needs in many cases. LTE started in Australia in      to provide the best of both worlds. The
           mines are looking into some level of autonomy,        mining through a Nokia LTE network and Cisco          distribution layer can be used to connect fixed
           typically starting with a simpler solution like       core (the LTE was then Alcatel-Lucent before          or nomadic sites, camera's, etc. WiFi access can
           remote control for drills or dozers. In any           Nokia acquired it) providing a 4G solution for        be used for non-autonomous mobile systems,
           autonomy situation, however, the wireless             Rio Tinto, which is still operating but LTE is now    freeing up all available bandwidth on the LTE
           network is critical to success. The latest wireless   being looked at by most of the big mining             network for the critical autonomous
           solutions offer greater bandwidth, faster             houses. Nokia is currently installing another         communication.”
           roaming, and in some cases, the ability to            major LTE network in Chile for a major copper            A hybrid solution also is note limited to WiFi
           provide some protection for the network from          mine. And the first underground solution was          as Nokia can offer solutions with a lightly
           interference, through licensed spectrum.              recently delivered by Ericsson and Ambra              licensed spectrum like CBRS, maintaining a pure
           Predictability becomes one of the largest             Solutions at Agnico Eagle LaRonde gold mine in        LTE solution using carrier aggregation to provide
           requirements in these autonomy ready                  Canada.                                               enough bandwidth.
           networks. Real-time analytics and safety are two                                                               Also, Ambra Solutions argues on the
           other significant drivers of wireless network                                                               spectrum issue: “The LTE technology offers one
           improvements, however, to a lesser degree than                                                              of the best ratio of bits/hertz. It means that with
           autonomy as many of today's networks can                                                                    a small carrier, we can achieve a high
           handle these applications, when the network is                                                               bandwidth. For example, the new 64x64
           properly designed and maintained.”                                                                          Massive MIMO and beamforming technologies
              WiFi was never designed for the harsh                                                                    allow the transfer of over 430 Mbps down and
           conditions of open pits and underground mines,                                                              128 Mbps up per sector on a single 10 Mhz
           so is now struggling to keep pace. This is where                                                            carrier.
           LTE networks are coming in. LTE is based on IP,                                                                3D-P argues that in the open pit world, and
           which allows users to host all communications                                                               particularly in North America, the driver for LTE
           on a single LTE and a fixed IP/Multiprotocol                                                                has been full autonomy. “Those mines who are
           Label Switching (IP/MPLS) network, resulting in       Miners can integrate multiple                         not moving to full autonomy within the next five
                                                                 applications directly on one 3D-P Intelligent
           substantial design, management and                    Endpoint to reduce on-board technology clutter        years can be well served by other solutions
           maintenance savings. Previously spectrum              and manage network access and utilisation             today, without the additional challenges like

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                  MINE NETWORKS

                                                                                                               decisions easier. A powerful single network also
                                                                                                               helps close the gap between operations and IT.
                                                                                                               We like to call it ‘beyond connectivity.’ Nokia’s
                                                                                                               mine of the future vision is a roadmap linked to
                                                                                                               connectivity but that evolves into other
                                                                                                               elements beyond just connectivity itself.” Other
                                                                                                               major industries already use LTE and have done
                                                                                                               for years, and this is helping drive growth in
                                                                                                               mining as well, as part of a growing LTE
                                                                                                                  Todays solutions moving from 4G to 5G need
                                                                                                               a high bandwidth network, with a first level
                                                                                                               connecting all the IoT devices at a pit scale,
                                                                                                               where WiFi is starting to really struggle. Nokia
       The Ambra/Ericsson LTE solution at LaRonde is        control operation of mining machinery, dispatch    private LTE can either replace WiFi or
       now a benchmark for future deep mining LTE           systems, emergency notification systems,           complement it in a hybrid solution where the
                                                            access control systems, automated collection of    LTE handles mission critical applications with
       spectrum availability” that LTE creates.” 3D-P       data, ventilation fan monitoring and gas           low latency and high quality of service. This
       Intelligent Endpoints (IEP's) were deployed on       detection systems.                                 might include offices, accommodation and
       some of the first LTE deployments in mining, as         In every LTE network Ambra is designing, all    catering areas in the mine that don’t need to
       a rugged client for the LTE network.                 the LTE components are fully redundant and         use LTE. Though in these cases an LTE small cell
                                                            deployed in a high-availability mode. Like the     can create a type of local WiFi bubble.
       LTE deployed at LaRonde                              big LTE carriers, the mining customer cannot          Laguna told IM that most of the top 40
       Ericsson and Ambra Solutions have recently           afford downtime and a single point of failure.     miners in the world are now actively looking at
       worked together to deliver Canada’s deepest                                                             LTE due the fact they are pursuing elements of
       underground LTE network for the Agnico Eagle         Nokia on the LTE future                            automation and teleremote operation and the
       mining site, LaRonde in Abitibi, Quebec. Located     IM spoke to Jaime Laguna, Nokia Global             more automated the site, the more applicable
       3 km below the surface, the LTE network will         Program Sales Leader for Mining. He had this to    and needed it is. Safety is a big topic as well as
       provide data and voice mobility services across      say: “We are a global telecoms company and for     asset tracking and video surveillance. Greenfield
       the site and enable several Internet of Things       mining we had to look at how our technology        mines are getting private LTE from the outset,
       (IoT) use cases to improve safety and mining         could help them overcome their challenges.         while at brownfield sites, they are still looking
       operations.                                          They told us they needed to optimise               at technology revamps, many starting with
          LTE cellular networks can provide data and        productivity but also needed to be safe as well    higher precision and autonomous drilling.
       voice mobility services over low frequency           as environmentally sustainable.”                   Autonomous retrofitting is big business now too
       bands that allow a better propagation than any          Laguna agreed on the major driver for mining    but needs the power of an LTE network.
       other available technology, delivering faster,       networks today being automation, offering             Nokia told IM that it is working with top
       more advanced wireless technology. The               reliability in a network but also connecting       suppliers of fleet management systems and
       network in LaRonde is utilising band 5 at 850        many more devices at the same time. But he         autonomous truck manufacturers to ensure the
       MHz. Ambra is the only Canadian operator             also referred to the need for convergence –        interoperability of the application, the LTE
       deploying private LTE networks in underground        consolidating different network types into one,    network and machine hardware.
       mines.                                               such as combining voice and data and removing         As well as the Chile LTE installation, Nokia
          The solution is based on the latest Ericsson      legacy systems. Nokia technology can provide       has proof of concept studies underway at sites
       Radio System portfolio of basebands and radio        this offering operational simplicity. “We looked   in Asia and Australia including installing smaller
       units, software upgradable to provide Massive        at how to guarantee seamless network               scale LTE networks to prove results, especially
       IoT capabilities for sensor-based applications       evolution and remove the complexity of multiple    where a mining customer is trialling
       and support 5G New Radio (NR) capability.            networks in one mine. LTE is a powerful single     autonomous trucks. Even the major equipment
          Eric L’Heureux, CEO, Ambra Solutions, says:       network to which more services can be added,       OEM test mines are trialling LTE to help them
       “The LTE technology is the most cost effective       allowing existing communications networks to       understand its potential. In Canada Nokia is
       and reliable solution to provide real-time           naturally evolve into 5G. We can sometimes         working with a major mining innovation centre
       coverage to several kilometres of underground        achieve this with the legacy products through      on an underground LTE network; allowing
       tunnels. A single LTE radio can cover up to 6 km     software changes rather than hardware              customers to conduct visits to see its
       of tunnel, whereas it would take over 60 active      changes.” Nokia also says it is the only LTE       performance.
       Wi-Fi access points to cover the same area.”         manufacturer that is committed to deliver an          In terms of what LTE requires, it has a control
          LTE networks open a new suite of capabilities     end to end solution including integration with     base known as a microcore, effectively the core
       and possibilities to cost effectively enable smart   third parties.                                     of the network containing all the information on
       mining-related tasks for open pits or                   Laguna says that Nokia’s offering and           network users. Beyond this depending on
       underground mines. Unlike other options, LTE         technology allows it offer pit to port solutions   requirements you have macrocells, small cells
       networks allow the use of IoT sensors and            as well as both open pit and underground LTE.      and mini macros (intermediate). But the ratio
       devices to monitor, operate, and collect data        “We understand the need for mission critical       when compared to WiFi nodes can be 10 times
       throughout the mining site, for example related      mining operations, where real time data back to    less. Rio Tinto replaced 40 nodes with five LTE
       to air quality monitoring. This includes remote      an ROC makes up to the minute production           cells. In an average mine one macrocell can

       16 International Mining | SEPTEMBER 2018
No point of failure MINE NETWORKS - Rajant Corporation

cover the whole mine, maybe with one small cell
in the base of the pit. The power transmission of
the radio equipment is also far better, at 40-60W,
whereas WiFi is limited to 250W.

Ambra’s LTE journey
Ambra Solutions in Canada is now one of the
leading integrators for LTE solutions in mining, as
detailed in the recent LaRonde project. The
telecoms company started 12 years ago
deploying mesh WiFi but has always been
hardware agnostic. Uniquely, and what has
boosted its growth in the LTE space, is that it is
now both an integrator and a carrier, having
invested in its own spectrum in Canada. Eric
L’Hereux told IM: “We deployed a lot of WiFi
mesh in the 2.4 and 5.8 GHz bands, which works
fine for the existing FMS and dispatch systems.       configures everything to the mine’s need before        Newtrax solutions leverage any existing UG
But with autonomous equipment it really is            shipping the solutions as a kit ready for              network infrastructure and enhance network
                                                                                                             connectivity at the face with the MineHop™
impossible to create a reliable network with WiFi     deployment, which most of the big miners can do
                                                                                                             battery-powered wireless multihop mesh
as it was not designed for outdoor use where          themselves having their own telecoms                   network
there are numerous obstructions. Wireless mesh        departments. Ambra is also working with OEMs
networks do offer a solution but they are             like Sandvik and Caterpillar to help them migrate      jumbos and production drills never saw real-time
restricted the 802.11 technology and require          their equipment to LTE via a kit.                      network access, increasingly mines want to know
many more radio nodes and trailers to power              He concludes: “We are seeing the largest            how they are working in real time, while semi
them, while using proprietary algorithms. WiFi        mines go to LTE first as they are most likely to be    and fully autonomous machines are completely
starts losing bandwidth connectivity at -85dB,        testing autonomy and have the largest mine             network reliant. The lack of real-time access to
whereas LTE goes down to -115dB, a massive            areas to cover. And yes it is mainly open pit for      drilling machine data has actually begun to
difference; meaning LTE antennas can listen to        now. But underground, LTE is also better as the        become a bottleneck in otherwise digitally
really small frequencies while using far less         low frequencies work better in tunnels – a single      advanced operations. Using MineHop™, even
infrastructure. For an effective open pit LTE         LTE access point replaces 60-80 WiFi access            though it has a low bandwidth to conserve
network you can use one antenna/cell either side      points. Underground WiFi cost is about C$70-           power, allows a subset of the most crucial and
of the pit and cover more than 7 km. These            75/metre compared to LTE at C$30-35 /per               important production and availability data to be
connect to the core, which is a computer than         metre. WiFi needs optic fibre and more power,          accessed in real time. This type of information
acts like a router interface connecting the           while for LTE one cell in a centralised location per   might include, if the drill is working or not, its
antennas and the network. LTE is also highly          level is often enough. LTE is also easy to install     fuel levels if it is a diesel machine, is it drilling or
secure, using SIM cards to authenticate users. It     and deploy and can be done by non IT                   bolting. The customer can decide the data they
is also the only solution that provides end of end    professionals. Five years ago LTE cores were           want to see.
quality of service. While wireless mesh slows         expensive and radio units large. Today this has           Newtrax solutions leverage any existing
down with more users, LTE devices all have their      all changed and as in open pit all the                 network infrastructure and enhance network
own timeslot to talk meaning synchronised             underground miners are looking at it. We have          connectivity with the MineHop™ battery-
constant latency.”                                    had numerous delegations visit LaRonde to see          powered wireless multihop mesh network and
   L’Hereux says that most big open pits are still    what has been achieved there.”                         MineProx™ ad hoc peer-to-peer network.
using WiFi but are migrating to LTE to benefit                                                               Purpose-built to fill the gaps in existing
from not having to relocate trailers, as well as      Newtrax and underground connectivity                   communications systems in underground mines,
having a licenced band and top Q0S. “LTE can          Newtrax is primarily an underground specialist,        these unique network extensions can cost-
connect anything – 5G technology and multiple         and told IM it also definitely sees a shift in         effectively cover all parts of the mining process,
IoT sensors and push to talk; and we see it           attitudes towards underground networking               including the face, for real-time identification of
dominating mining in the near term.” Ambra is an      technology. Mines are now struggling to access         productivity bottlenecks and early warnings of
integrator, using its own spectrum it takes Nokia     the data they need underground in a timely             safety, health and environmental hazards.
and Ericsson technology/cores and tests and           fashion. While traditionally, the development            But equally, Newtrax is now positioned as

                                                                                                 The world leader
                                                                                                    in private
                                                                                                  LTE networks
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                  MINE NETWORKS

       “network-agnostic" and can integrate with and        The Rajant LX5 is a rugged, wireless
                                                            device that forms a mesh network
       extend any network a mine chooses to                 when used in conjunction with other
       implement, whether that be leaky feeder, WiFi or     BreadCrumb systems
       LTE, all of which are in the mix in today’s
       underground market. To fill the gaps of              wireless infrastructure.
       connectivity underground, Newtrax systems’ 900       Hundreds can be quickly
       MHz frequency hopping spread spectrum RF             linked, self-configuring as
       links provide an omnidirectional range up to 500     part of a fully mobile, high
       m which can be extended to more than 1 km with       bandwidth network.
       directional antennas. There are no wires for             Kinetic Mesh® networks utilise Rajant’s
       power or communication therefore there is no         patented peer-to-peer InstaMesh networking
       risk of them being damaged by mining activity.       technology to perform real-time evaluation and        along with an increasing focus on safety, which
       The battery-powered wireless nodes are usually       direct traffic via the fastest pathways between       includes keeping people safe but also avoiding
       hung from the drift roof for easy installation and   any wired, wireless, or in-motion points.             safety related stoppages. Technology and
       can be spaced at 100 m or more for many              InstaMesh is able to dynamically optimise             digitalisation are helping take people out of the
       kilometres depending on the customer data            performance as network characteristics change,        equation and all the big miners are looking at
       needs. Being battery powered means not being         whether nodes are added or subtracted,                forms of digital operations, particularly trying to
       dependent on wired power, and the latest             frequencies are opened or blocked, or the assets      achieve 100% guaranteed connectivity to data.
       batteries mean very long life. The Newtrax           it connects are moved over large areas. When a        There has been a huge increase in personnel
       Proximity Detection System however uses the          user changes, moves, or disables a device in the      tracking system installation as well as far more
       MineProx™ ad hoc peer-to-peer network created        network, that change only needs to be managed         video surveillance both above and below ground.
       by the software embedded in miner’s cap lamps,       locally, not propagated throughout the network.       This all means much more pressure on mine
       so that when they get close to a machine in the          As a completely distributed protocol,             networks.” Mason says Rajant now actively
       working area, the data can be transferred to the     InstaMesh® responds rapidly to network                works against a product roadmap that assists
       network. MineHop™ nodes can also go on               topology changes to ensure robust fault               miners on their journey to more remotely
       machines themselves. The technology is machine       tolerance, high throughput and low latency.           operated, digitised and autonomous operations.
       OEM agnostic, meaning data from say drills from      Unlike traditional meshing technologies, which        From Rajant’s point of view this means that a
       two or more OEMs can be unified and delivered        rely on a single stationery controller node to        mission critical network with no point of failure is
       in the same way to the mine management. This is      manage decisions across the network, every            critical. Rajant’s solution is not dependent on
       useful in itself in making it more easy to compare   node in a Kinetic Mesh® network can act               WiFi, its wireless mesh is a multiple radio node
       different OEM machine performance. Finally as        independently. The InstaMesh protocol                 to multiple radio node design. Mines can
       MineHop™ is extending an existing network,           seamlessly connects fixed, wireless, and mobile       maintain multiple routes to connectivity in a way
       Newtrax works with the network providers and         nodes together and will dynamically redirect          that WiFi cannot. Rajant argues that legacy WiFi
       integrators, to ensure a full solution for the       traffic between the next best available points if     mesh and even LTE in the mining area still have
       customer.                                            any one peer is compromised or obstructed.            to communicate with a central connector/switch
          Patrice Corneau, Newtrax Product Owner, told         This self-healing capability not only provides     which can become a point of failure, whereas it is
       IM: “Mine operators don’t have WiFi right up to      for no single point of failure, but enables network   running a multi frequency network with no point
       the working area as electricians and technicians     nodes to seamlessly switch between available          of failure, while LTE uses much fewer nodes in an
       have not had time to implement it. MineHop™ is       radio frequencies based on best-path analysis at      environment with many potential obstructions to
       easy to deploy and provides quick connectivity to    the node level.                                       signals. Rajant provides a mine area system, that
       working areas, crucial in today’s market where          “InstaMesh® always prefers the fastest path to     then links to whatever onward connectivity is in
       operators want real time analytics and are also      any destination, based on the state of the            place, but Rajant still believes it is unequalled for
       operating teleremote and increasingly                network at the time at which each packet needs        reliability in the defined InstaMesh® network.
       autonomous equipment. To date our system is          to be transmitted. Each node learns and                  Rajant technology is offered to the mining
       working in over 85 hard rock mines globally          constantly reevaluates the best link to use for       market directly but also through integrators such
       across Canada and the US, Chile, Brazil,             each destination in real time by analysing every      as 3D-P who incorporate the Rajant hardware
       Australia, Russia and elsewhere.” Recent             packet flowing through it. This approach allows       and software into their overall customer solution,
       contract awards include with Gold Fields. A          the Kinetic Mesh® network to make extremely           often with enhanced functionality and
       Newtrax Personnel and Equipment Tracking             fast decisions and react immediately to changing      ruggedised housings. Finally, the company is
       solution, running on the patented MineHop™           network conditions, without consuming                 conducting extensive trials of InstaMesh®
       network, will be deployed on all of the St Ives      excessive bandwidth for overhead messages.”           underground both with mines themselves and
       Invincible mine underground equipment, and              Finally, while InstaMesh® leverages a              equipment OEMs; all part of the same drive for
       used by all underground miners.                      proprietary algorithm, it is fully compatible with    more efficiency that has been seen in surface
                                                            802.11 standards. The protocol sends packages         mining.
       Rajant – optimised wireless mesh                     over Layer 2. If your voice, video, and data             Rajant says it recently received some insightful
       Rajant Corporation is well known in the industry     communications can be sent over Ethernet, it can      feedback from a customer in South America who
       for its wireless mesh networks, used at many         be sent over the Kinetic Mesh® network.               decided to switch to LTE last year for multiple
       large open pit mines. High functionality, easy-to-      Chris Mason, Rajant Director of Sales for          technologies they use in the pit. Rajant believes
       install BreadCrumb® nodes work in concert with       Europe, Middle East, and Africa told IM: “We are      this customer’s inputs are particularly relevant
       InstaMesh® to enable voice, video and data           seeing consistent pressure on mine efficiencies       especially as they see more mines in Peru and
       communications that operate over a common            and a desire to spend less dollars per tonne          Brazil that are choosing LTE yet have not had a

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                  MINE NETWORKS

       single successful installation. Their key points       the mine, ensuring they will get the performance,           laid out in the MINER Act passed in 2006. This
       were the following: “Investments in LTE in Latin       maintainability, and scalability they require.”             led to the development of the ACCOLADE®
       America are being analysed and scrutinised                On the continuing role for mesh technology,              wireless miner mesh radio system and later the
       carefully resulting in further delays in these         Ron White told IM: “There is absolutely a place             development of SENTINEL™, which is an ad-hoc
       investments due to two primary factors – low           for client meshing solutions such as Rajant's               wireless digital network for communications and
       bandwidth and hidden costs. For example, for           Kinetic Mesh even when a customer decides LTE               tracking but which was designed and optimised
       every 20 MHz of spectrum that is obtained, the         is the right choice for their mobile fleet. When            for underground coal mines. Today, IWT argues
       estimated traffic for a mining topology with the       3D-P designs networks that will utilise a client            that SENTINEL continues to outperform and has
       associated geography is between 40 and 80              meshing solution, the customers’ requirements               a lower cost of ownership than WiFi and leaky
       Mbps of upload traffic. This fact alone                are first taken into consideration. Many smaller            feeder based systems. Key attributes are that it
       demonstrates that LTE on its own cannot be the         mines, with limited technology requirements are             is relatively low in power usage but also low in
       sole solution for mining companies but will be a       able to take full advantage of a client meshing             bandwidth, which means in terms of the main
       component of an overall mine-wide connectivity         solution, with very limited infrastructure                  goal of one network for voice/texting and
       solution. In all likelihood, there will be two or      deployed. Other customers may require nearly                continuous tracking of people it offers good
       possibly three networks running in parallel.           100% coverage and a high bandwidth                          redundancy. The IWT solution differs from wired
       Second is the cost factor and we know how              requirement. For these customers, our designs               solutions in that all of the tracking and comms
       significant that is for all mines who feel the         are always a multi-layered (hybrid) network,                data is handled (transmitted) wirelessly. The IWT
       productivity pressure to deliver more with less        which allows us to keep the traffic on the mobile           mesh nodes, which act like repeaters and are
       every day. In this same example, the initial cost      links dedicated for mobile devices, and other               installed in the escapeways, can run on AC lines
       for this LTE investment for a fleet of 100 is $3.5     traffic to take advantage of solutions that are             with battery backup to allow the system to
       million to $4.5 million plus an annual cost of         more appropriate to that traffic type. As far as            remain functional if main power is lost, or can be
       $400,000-500,000 in support service. These             that client meshing layer goes though, the                  battery-powered. Infrastructure for the working
       networks are not only mission critical and             overall network design is focused on one-hop                section is battery-powered. The use of portable,
       complex to support and with carrier class              connectivity (client to infrastructure), even when          battery powered devices also means the system
       equipment that requires specific services to           client meshing is available. In other words, the            can easily keep pace with even a rapidly
       ensure the guarantee. There are technical              network is designed in such a way that the                  advancing mine development area.
       aspects of the infrastructure required for this        mobile fleet will be able to communicate directly              SENTINEL is a single network that provides
       network which contribute to the additional costs       to infrastructure, rather than relying on meshing           voice communications, texting, and tracking
       making it even more expensive resulting in the         through neighbouring clients to find the network.”          using wireless communications but can also
       need to build out an MPLS type network over the           He adds: “Deploying a client meshing solution            handle data for tasks such as longwall moves,
       LTE access network. And with growing demands           in this manner may seem counter intuitive,                  critical machine health data, environmental data
       for surveillance and remote monitoring on the          although in the end, it provides extremely high             and mine rescue. And while underground coal
       rise, a complete LTE network with even six             reliability and performance, while solving a few            remains a major part of the IWT business, it has
       thermal video cameras that each consume 14             of the challenges typical wireless networks have            now taken this model into salt, trona and
       Mbps becomes too much of an investment.                in the mobile open pit environment. For example,            limestone mines as well as the tunnelling
       However, today LTE is gaining strength and by          a few of these challenges include communication             market, which do not require an IS solution but
       2020-2022 will be in most of the mining                around shovels, particularly in drop cuts, and in           in mine design operate in a similar way to coal.
       companies; but not as a sole connectivity              deploying nomadic (typically solar trailer)                 However, they will tend to employ many fewer
       solution but running in parallel with other            repeaters in an area that can cover this section of         miners, so not as many radios are needed. Many
       networks and segmenting the services.”                 the pit, without the frequent moves required by             large metallic hard rock mines have optic fibre
                                                              blasting. Client meshing allows the solar trailer to        extensively in the mine, and some of the advanced
       3D-P and mine customised solutions                     be placed in an area that will limit the requirement        coal longwalls do as well – these mines send a lot
       3D-P is a radio agnostic systems integrator and        to frequently relocate it, and also allows the              of machine data directly via fibre. But the majority
       focuses on choosing the appropriate technology         equipment working around the shovel, which                  of coal mines using room and pillar and other
       for its customers through the following lenses.        would often be blocked from connectivity by the             methods many have limited underground
       First understand the challenges of the                 shovel itself or from the terrain in a drop cut area,       networking infrastructure, so an IWT solution
       environment, including ruggedisation                   to mesh through the shovel, or other queueing               offers them a lower cost but just as effective
       requirements, the effects of mobility and the          trucks, to establish connectivity. It is a critical piece   option. The same is true of many smaller metallic
       mining environment on RF requirements, etc.            of the puzzle that raises overall network                   mines. And a number of mid-tier gold mines have
       Second, understand the requirements of the             connectivity and performance to the highest level.”         poor wired networks for the last mile before the
       application. “Mining applications are significantly                                                                working face. These customer challenges have led
       different beasts as compared to typical                IWT Wireless – adapting to the                              IWT into new markets like Mexico both for its coal
       applications used in office or consumer                customer need                                               and metallic mining industries. IWT Vice President
       environments. The communication requirements           As a company, Virginia-based Innovative Wireless            Phil Carrier tells IM: “A lot of our time is spent
       for these applications demand that the network         Technologies (IWT) is over 20 years old now, and            trying to understand each customer’s use case –
       be designed differently than those networks that       over its history has offered all kinds of wireless          what data, tracking and services are they trying to
       are designed for those more typical applications.      solutions to industrial customers, from Bluetooth           get where in the mine.”
       These design requirements change depending on          to private mobile radio options. This diversity of             To enable handling of more machine data, IWT
       not only the applications the mine will utilise, but   experience saw the company enter the mining                 says its new HDRMesh™ solves many of the data
       also the technology chosen. With this information      business in 2007, primarily to address the                  retrieval issues facing underground operations
       we then choose the appropriate technology for          requirements for IS comms and tracking systems              today. “Traditional Wi-Fi-based solutions do not

       20 International Mining | SEPTEMBER 2018
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MINE NETWORKS_proof 21/08/2018 12:30 Page 6

                  MINE NETWORKS

       reliably transmit in non-line-of-sight conditions,                                                           latency and jitter so that autonomous vehicles
       and lack the range for continuous coverage.                                                                  can be safely operated underground. The
       Traditional wired data solutions are difficult to                                                            network can also be installed and maintained by
       maintain, difficult to advance and often do not                                                              any internal tradesperson, eliminating the need
       survive the mining process.” IWT’s data solution                                                             for costly outside fibre-optic contractors, an
       is composed of a series of rugged High Data Rate                                                             internal specialist, or expensive tools. The
       (HDR) wireless nodes that ‘hop’ data from mine                                                               network is fully Cisco compliant so that the client
       equipment to the mine’s fibre backbone.                                                                      can use all their existing software tools to
       Information critical for the mine’s productivity and                                                         support it from surface or even remotely in
       safety is communicated in real-time to decision                                                              another city or country. Maestro expects to have
       makers at the surface. Each node contains IWT’s                                                              50 installations by the end of 2018.
       proprietary high data rate mesh component and a
       Wi-Fi Client Access Point. Superior range allows       Maestro recently introduced Plexus Powernet,          Matrix and N-Connex
                                                              which uses copper coaxial cable to get data
       for fewer nodes for a cost efficient system.                                                                 Last year, Matrix Design Group, LLC announced a
                                                              from the mine face to surface faster
          Finally, legislative rulings over the last few                                                            distribution partnership agreement with
       years have not specifically addressed the              critical. Maestro says it has come up with a          Northern Light Technologies (NLT) for distribution
       communication capability of mine rescue                solution that borrows from an old method of           and service of the N-Connex system. Matrix N-
       practices. Teams still face the challenge of           delivering TV channels and the Internet to the        Connex is an award-winning networking system
       communicating among themselves in apparatus            home: a copper coaxial cable network. As              designed specifically for harsh environments,
       areas and by relaying messages through the             outlined in March 2018 in Northern Ontario            integrating voice and high-speed data
       briefing officer to/from a command centre. This        Business: “Currently, modern mines use fibre-         communications, asset and personnel tracking,
       process of relaying information from the team to       optic communication networks underground for          control and automation, video surveillance,
       the fresh air base and then to the command             voice, data, video and autonomous vehicle             condition monitoring and other solutions into a
       centre and back again is prone to errors. With         applications. The fibre cable is fragile and prone    single modular, Wi-Fi and Ethernet based
       IWT’s patented mesh network communication              to breakage from blast concussion and damage          platform. The network is a simple, high-speed
       technology, the SENTINEL system provides a             from mobile equipment. Fibre splicing and             network suitable for underground metal/non-
       solution to this unmet need by connecting              termination is very delicate and requires an ultra-   metal mines, tunnels, prep-plants and other
       rescuers tying in and eliminating or reducing the      clean environment and expensive equipment. In         heavy industries. “N-Connex is fast. It delivers
       need to relay messages along the command               short, getting fibre-optic networks in the ‘last      gigabit data throughput speed. Run all the data
       structure. IWT’s SENTINEL system inherently            mile’ of the mine is difficult, time-consuming and    through it you want – including teleops,
       supports reverse RFID tracking. This capability        expensive. The Plexus PowerNet is the latest          autonomous vehicles and video. N-Connex is
       provides the command centre personnel                  creation from Maestro that is being touted as yet     easy to maintain. If a module fails, you can plug
       locations inside the mine as the effort                another way for mines to incorporate digital          in a spare to minimise downtime and do this with
       progresses. It affords the command group a real        innovation. It is the world’s first coaxial gigabit   existing personnel. N-Connex is easy to expand
       time picture of the positions and status of            network designed to be a simple and efficient         and repair, and offers a lower total cost of
       rescuers. And as working teams advance and             means of getting data from the underground            ownership to operators.” It is fully compatible
       retreat when conditions become unsafe, leaving         workings back to the command centre.”                 with 802.3 and 802.11 Ethernet and WiFi devices
       permissible methane and CO monitors behind                  Data and power are combined on the same          for voice, tracking, atmospheric monitoring
       provides the command structure insight into            cable, so the network powers the end point            (AMS), data and video systems. Wi-Fi solutions
       conditions rescuers will face upon return. This        devices to eliminate additional infrastructure and    include voice and data support for private calls,
       information gives the command group more data          reduce installation cost and time. The cable and      PTT broadcasts, tablets, laptops and
       to base decisions about re-entering the mine.          fittings are already designed to withstand a lot of   smartphones. Matrix is now the exclusive sales
       The SENTINEL Mine Rescue system has the                punishment. VP of Development and Technology,         and service distributor of NLT N-Connex in the
       intrinsic ability to provide the infrastructure for    David Ballantyne, said while working on this          US, Europe and Africa. IM
       remote, permissible, battery powered sensing.          problem he was looking at coaxial
       The IWT system has now become the standard             cables, which had been designed to
       for US Federal and State mine rescue teams as          transfer information over long
       well as in many mining company mine rescue             distances. Those same cables can
       operations. Going forward, IWT says it is looking      also withstand a wide range of
       at how LTE is evolving, and it does see options        temperature and weather conditions,
       for example to incorporate LTE small cells             making them ideal for mines, where
       underground, to provide something similar to a         blasting happens almost daily and
       local 5G network, similar to a WiFi hotspot.           temperatures become increasingly
                                                              hotter as they go deeper into the
       Maestro launches Plexus Powernet                       mine. Mine operations can now add
       Maestro Digital Mine has recently introduced           devices on the same cable without
       Plexus Powernet, which uses copper coaxial             adding another separate power to
       cable to get data from the mine face to surface        each device. This approach also
       faster. As mines rely more on real-time                reduces capital costs by 40 to 70%.
                                                                                                                    Matrix N-Connex is an award-winning
       information and advanced diagnostics, the need         Along with high bandwidth requirements, it is
                                                                                                                    networking system designed specifically for
       for pervasive connectivity has become more             important for the network to have ultra low           harsh environments

       22 International Mining | SEPTEMBER 2018
No point of failure MINE NETWORKS - Rajant Corporation
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