On Blockchain Architectures for Trust-based Collaborative Intrusion Detection

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This paper is a preprint; it has been accepted for publication in 2019 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES), 8-13 July 2019, Milan, Italy
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                                            On Blockchain Architectures for Trust-based Collaborative Intrusion Detection

                                                  Nicholas Kolokotronis∗ , Sotirios Brotsis∗ , Georgios Germanos∗ , Costas Vassilakis∗ and Stavros Shiaeles†
                                                   ∗ Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Peloponnese, 22131 Tripolis, Greece
                                                                              Email: {nkolok, brotsis, germanos, costas}@uop.gr
                                                † Centre for Security, Communications and Networks Research, Plymouth University, Plymouth PL4 8AA, UK
                                                                                  Email: stavros.shiaeles@plymouth.ac.uk

                                           Abstract—This paper considers the use of novel technologies                                                          Establishing and maintaining mutual trust between the
arXiv:2109.03635v1 [cs.CR] 8 Sep 2021

                                        for mitigating attacks that aim at compromising intrusion                                                            IDS nodes is a prerequisite for maintaining a high-level
                                        detection systems (IDSs). Solutions based on collaborative intru-                                                    of security, as nodes that turn malicious may degrade the
                                        sion detection networks (CIDNs) could increase the resilience
                                        against such attacks as they allow IDS nodes to gain knowledge                                                       overall security provided by a CIDN. To achieve this high-
                                        from each other by sharing information. However, despite the                                                         level of security, continuous monitoring of nodes’ behavior
                                        vast research in this area, trust management issues still pose                                                       is necessary, together with the implementation of a trust
                                        significant challenges and recent works investigate whether                                                          model for mutual evaluation, based on previous behavior
                                        these could be addressed by relying on blockchain and related                                                        [2]. Apart from the credibility of the CIDNs’ nodes, the
                                        distributed ledger technologies. Towards that direction, the
                                        paper proposes the use of a trust-based blockchain in CIDNs,                                                         trustworthiness of external hosts (IP sources) may also be
                                        referred to as trust-chain, to protect the integrity of the                                                          measured. In this way, incoming traffic to the network can be
                                        information shared among the CIDN peers, enhance their                                                               pre-filtered through packet filtering mechanisms and large-
                                        accountability, and secure their collaboration by thwarting                                                          scale attacks, like DDoS attacks, can be more efficiently
                                        insider attacks. A consensus protocol is proposed for CIDNs,                                                         mitigated [3]. Towards that direction, blockchain technology,
                                        which is a combination of a proof-of-stake and proof-of-work
                                        protocols, to enable collaborative IDS nodes to maintain a                                                           which has already found several applications in the security
                                        reliable and tampered-resistant trust-chain.                                                                         domain [4] could be combined with a CIDN in order to
                                                                                                                                                             achieve trusted distributed coordination needed among its
                                           Keywords-Blockchain; security; collaborative intrusion de-
                                        tection; trust management; insider threats.                                                                          IDS peers [5], [6].
                                                                                                                                                                In this paper, we propose an novel architecture for a
                                                                                                                                                             distributed CIDN that includes mechanisms for evaluating
                                                                        I. I NTRODUCTION                                                                     the credibility of a CIDN’s nodes and realizing trust-based
                                           Cyber-security is an increasingly important aspect in the                                                         packet filtering of incoming traffic by external IP sources,
                                        era of the Internet of things (IoT). The highly complex                                                              depending on the trustworthiness of the latter. These mech-
                                        ecosystem of billions heterogeneous devices of weak se-                                                              anisms are supported by blockchain technology, so as to
                                        curity defenses may be exploited by attackers to launch                                                              ensure transparency and accountability, whilst improving
                                        distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, to steal per-                                                          robustness against insider threats, as the integrity of in-
                                        sonal data or gain full access and control to networks.                                                              formation shared among the IDS nodes is guaranteed. Our
                                        Such incidents are getting more sophisticated and take place                                                         contributions are summarized as follows.
                                        on a continuous and non-discriminatory basis. Intrusion                                                                   •    A new trust management scheme is proposed that can
                                        detection systems (IDSs) constitute the basic line of defense                                                                  be used in a CIDN to evaluate the credibility of IDS
                                        against cyber-attacks, as they can detect suspicious behavior                                                                  peers and the trustworthiness of external IP sources.
                                        and deliver informative security alerts. For the recognition                                                                   The modeling of trust allows weighting differently the
                                        of large-scale and complex attacks, collaboration among                                                                        recently observed behavior, as in [7], to adjust trust
                                        the stand-alone IDSs has been developed [1]. The term                                                                          model’s sensitivity to behavioral variations.
                                        collaborative intrusion detection networks (CIDNs) refers to                                                              •    A blockchain solution is designed for storing the trust
                                        such network of communicating IDSs that exchange security                                                                      scores disseminated by the CIDN nodes along with
                                        alerts and other data, where the credibility of peers in a                                                                     evidence justifying these scores to enhance the overall
                                        CIDN is crucial.                                                                                                               security and identify misbehaved IDS nodes.
                                                                                                                                                                  •    A novel consensus protocol is proposed that combines
                                                     This project has received funding from the European Union’s                                                       proof-of-work and proof-of-stake protocols, based on
                                                     Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant                                                        [8], [9], [10], and [11], to facilitate the secure mainte-
                                                     agreement no. 786698. The work reflects only the authors’                                                         nance of the blockchain by the CIDN nodes.
                                        view and the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of
                                        the information it contains.                                                                                         The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II
we provide the background on intrusion detection systems,
collaborative intrusion detection and blockchain technology.           Malicious                     network
Section III formalizes the proposed architecture for a trust-          CIDN
based and blockchain-enhanced CIDN. Section IV presents
in more detail our approach on achieving consensus among
the CIDN peers on the information stored on the blockchain.             network
Section V presents how our model reacts in an adversarial                                 Internet
environment and Section VI summarizes our contributions                                                        NIDS

and outlines future work directions.                                                          network                       HIDS

   This section provides background information on col-                    Figure 1.   Example of a distributed CIDN topology.
laborative intrusion detection, trust management schemes
and their applications in CIDNs, as well as, on blockchain
protocols and consensus mechanisms along with the recent          of such attacks within a distributed CIDN, it is suggested
proposals for their use in CIDNs.                                 that information from only trusted peers should be taken
                                                                  into account. Thus, different schemes of trust management
A. Collaborative intrusion detection                              among CIDN nodes have been developed. Duma et. al
   Intrusion detection systems are widely used to ensure the      [18] suggested that the IDS nodes continuously monitor the
security of networks and hosts by collecting and analyzing        behavior of their CIDN peers and evaluate the quality of the
data for ongoing threats. Detection by an IDS may be either       security-related information that they share to estimate their
anomaly-based or signature-based [12], [13]. IDSs may also        credibility. Then, any data contributed by a CIDN node is
be classified into host-based (HIDS), where only one device       taken into consideration depending on the node’s calculated
is monitored, and network-based (NIDS), where the network         credibility.
traffic is monitored and analyzed [5]. Nevertheless, as stand-       Apart from measuring the credibility of a CIDN’s nodes,
alone IDSs are not able to identify large-scale attacks, the      calculating and maintaining the trustworthiness of external
use of CIDNs has been proposed [14]. A CIDN consists              IP sources has also been proposed [3]. By filtering their
of several monitors, for collecting and sharing security-         incoming packets according to a collaborative trust-based
related data, as well as analysis units for extracting threat     scheme, large-scale DDoS attacks can be mitigated. The
intelligence information [15].                                    packet filtering mechanism is based on maintaining a table
   There are three widely adopted architectures concerning        of blacklisted (i.e. untrusted) IP sources whose packets
the deployment of CIDNs, namely centralized, decentralized        are immediately dropped, without further inspection and
and distributed [16]. Nodes of a centralized CIDN are             analysis, thus reducing the workload of detection units. The
only connected to a central unit that is responsible for          challenge in the case of distributed CIDNs is that there is
the analysis of the collected data. If this single unit stops     no central trusted authority to support the establishment of
functioning, then the overall protection system collapses;        trusted coordination between the CIDN peers [6]. In the
this is the case of a single point of failure (SPoF) [14].        sequel, we address this challenge by proposing a solution
A decentralized CIDN consists of nodes with a topological         that relies on the blockchain technology, in order to secure
structure (e.g. hierarchical), so that the analysis units work    the information on the trustworthiness of external hosts
as filters forwarding correlated data to the higher levels of     shared by CIDN peers.
the network; bottlenecks have also been observed in such
                                                                  C. Distributed ledgers
architectures. On the other hand, the nodes of a distributed
CIDN, as illustrated in Fig. 1, are designed to both collect         The blockchain was introduced with the Bitcoin as part of
and analyze data; therefore, all the CIDN nodes have the          the solution that tackles in a distributed fashion the double-
ability to communicate in a peer-to-peer (P2P) fashion            spending problem in a trustless P2P network [10]. To achieve
and achieve significant performance gains towards detecting       this, the solution relies on cryptographic schemes ensuring
attacks [17].                                                     the immutability of the data records that are stored on the
                                                                  distributed ledger, referred to as transactions Tx. Moreover,
B. Trust management                                               a security through transparency approach is taken, based on
   Several types of insider attacks are encountered within        which all nodes’ transactions are publicly announced, hence
the CIDN framework, the predominant of which is that              allowing anyone to verify their validity. A hash function, e.g.
of malicious nodes that on purpose share fake data with           SHA–256, is the core cryptographic primitive upon which
their peers to significantly deteriorate the performance of the   the security of the whole blockchain construction relies.
CIDN, and thus a network’s security [14]. For the mitigation         Hash functions are involved in digitally signing Tx with
the private key of the originator (a CIDN peer in our                                         collaborative trust-based packet filtering
context); therefore, its authenticity is verified by using the                                                          trust             CIDN

                                                                                              intrusion detection
                                                                                              monitoring engine
                                                                          CIDN                                       calculation      collaboration
associated public key that is also included in the blockchain.                                                         engine          component
A number of new Tx is packed into a block, containing links
to past Tx appearing on the blockchain, and is subsequently                                                         blacklisted IPs   trust
                                                                                                                    lookup table      chain
appended to the structure. In addition to the above, a
                                                                                                                     trust-based       blockchain
block commonly includes the hash of the previous block, a                                                           packet filter      consensus
timestamp proving that the data to store exist at a particular
time instant and are authentic, as well as, a Nonce value that
is used according to the consensus mechanism.
    The mutual agreement on the validity of a newly created         Internet                                                          network
block is performed according to a consensus protocol. This                                            traffic
also ensures that tampering or removal of the blocks on the
ledger is impossible, thus making the whole data structure        Figure 2. High-level view of the collaborative trust-based IDS, enriched
immutable. There is a plethora of different mechanisms that       with a trust-chain.
have been proposed for achieving consensus; the protocols
being relevant to this work are proof-of-work [10] and proof-
of-stake [11], [19].                                              engine is used to keep track of the behavior of the various
    Once transactions are validated and inserted into a block,    entities involved (members of N and M ), while the packet
it is exponentially hard for an adversary to alter the contents   filter is the component where incoming data filtering takes
of that block after it is being appended to the blockchain. In    place. Part of the latter are also a list of blacklisted IP
fact, the success probability of such an attack exponentially     addresses and a set of signatures, against which the incoming
decreases with the number of blocks that have to be altered       packets are compared to. Incoming packets may be dropped
by an adversary targeting at a specific block of some depth       if their source IP address is blacklisted. In addition, the
in the chain [20]. The maintenance of the ledger, i.e. the        trust calculation engine continuously updates the blacklist by
validation of new transactions, their aggregation into blocks,    collecting alerts from the detector and side information from
and the chaining with the structure, is carried out by a class    the CIDN peers about the trustworthiness of the external
of network nodes (i.e. a subset of the CIDN in our context)       host. The binary decision on inclusion or exclusion of the
that depends on the type of the blockchain. Distributed           host into the blacklist, thus its trustworthiness, relies on
ledgers can be classified as permissionless or permissioned       the comparison against a threshold ζ ∈ (0, 1). Therefore,
depending on whether the block generation process is open         the IDS node handles only the accepted packets, practically
to all network nodes.                                             reducing the load of an IDS during operation. The collab-
                                                                  oration component communicates with the other peers to
              III. P ROPOSED ARCHITECTURE                         transfer security-related data.
   In this section we present the proposed distributed CIDN           The last component, which is a key contribution of this
model for realizing a trust-based packet filtering mechanism      work on the CIDN architecture proposed in [3], is the so-
that relies on the blockchain technology is presented.            called trust-chain. It is comprised by the specific blockchain
                                                                  structure along with the associated consensus protocol that
A. CIDN model                                                     are described in detail in Sections III-C and IV respectively.
   Let us assume a CIDN whose members, i.e. the peer IDS          This structure is where the information shared about the
nodes, comprise the set N . Furthermore, let M be the set of      trustworthiness of the external hosts is stored.
the external network hosts (in the form of IP addresses) that
                                                                  B. Trust engine
are collectively monitored by the CIDN. We use Mi ⊆ M to
denote the subset of IPs monitored by the IDS node i ∈ N ,           In order to deal with internal and external attacks from
and we define Ni = N \ {i}. The high-level architecture is        misbehaving nodes, two types of trust scores are considered
illustrated in Fig. 2, where the primary building blocks of the   that characterize the credibility of an IDS peer (member of
proposed solution are: (a) the intrusion detection monitoring     the CIDN) and the trustworthiness of an external host. The
engine; (b) the CIDN collaboration component; (c) the trust       above notions were also used in [14], [2], but the subsequent
calculation engine; (d) the trust-based packet filter; and (e)    formulation of the trust model differs in many aspects. To be
the blockchain component referred to as trust-chain.              more precise, main design choices of [7] are adopted as the
   The baseline functionality of an IDS, part of a CIDN, is       trust model proposed therein was shown to be quite robust
structured upon the first two components, the intrusion de-       in an adversarial environment. The parameters used are
tection monitoring engine and the collaboration component.           • the forgetting factor λ ∈ (0, 1) controlling the weight
Similarly to the scheme proposed in [3], the trust calculation          given to past behavior;
•   the severity level φ > 0 defining the punishment of an       packet is normal or malicious. At regular intervals, every n
      IDS node that avoids giving feedback to challenges;          data packets, the trust calculation engine computes a belief
   • the credibility threshold θ ∈ (0, 1) that determines the      about the type of the next packet; assuming that k out of the
      IDS nodes whose data on the trust-chain are trusted;         n packets were detected to be normal, then the probability
   • the initial trust score τ ∈ [0, 1] assigned to a new IDS
                                                                   that the (n + 1)th packet is normal equals [3]
      node when entering the CIDN network.                                  trj (ip) = Pr(n + 1 = normal      k normal )
The credibility of an IDS node i ∈ N relies on its responses                           1+k                                     (5)
to challenges (alert priorities) that are sent out periodically                      =
following a probability distribution and are indistinguishable
from real alerts. The format of the challenges may adhere to       when the distribution of observing k normal packets (out of
the intrusion detection message exchange format (IDMEF)            the n packets) is the Binomial distribution. This score is the
standard [21]. The responses given to these challenges are         observation of the IDS node j, as measured during the last
used to compute the requesting node’s j satisfaction level         monitoring interval, and is referred to as the instantaneous
satj (i) ∈ [0, 1], which depends on the gap between the            trust score trj (ip) ∈ (0, 1) of the external host ip. Likewise,
actual and the expected responses [14], [2]. These values are      the IDS node j may calculate the long-term or accumulated
combined using a forgetting factor to derive an accumulated        trust score trids
                                                                                  j (ip) of the host using the expression
satisfaction level γj (i) ∈ [0, 1] as follows
                                                                             trids                                 ids
                                                                              j (ip) = 1 − λ · trj (ip) + λ · trj (ip)         (6)
       γj (i) = 1 − λ · satj (i) + λ · γj (i) , i ∈ Nj . (1)
                                                                   that incorporates the past knowledge that the IDS has about
Honest IDS nodes always respond correctly to challenges, if        the particular host. However, in order to take advantage of
information about the matched item exists, or they respond         the collective knowledge that the whole CIDN has about ip,
with Unsure otherwise. Let us define the variable ansj (i) ∈       the IDS node j utilizes the individual trust scores that have
{0, 1} that equals 1 if and only if an Unsure response is          been computed locally by other credible peers of the CIDN.
given by the IDS node i to j. To avoid having malicious IDS        This process yields the combined trust score trcidn (ip) whose
nodes abuse the ability to respond with Unsure, instead of         computation is based on the weighted combination
forcing to guess the challenge’s correct answer (thus leading                                   X
to a decreased satisfaction level), the quantity αj (i) ∈ [0, 1]                  trcidn
                                                                                    j    (ip) =   wj (i) · trids
                                                                                                             i (ip)           (7)
is computed recursively by the expression                                                      i∈N
      αj (i) = 1 − λ · ansj (i) + λ · αj (i) , i ∈ Nj (2)          summarizing the trustworthiness of host ip using the CIDN’s
                                                                   knowledge, as aggregated by the IDS node j. In the final
and accounts for the percentage of the Unsure responses that       step of the above process, the IDS updates its internal value
IDS node i gives to j. Then, according to j, the credibility       trids
                                                                     j (ip) with the one computed in (7). The host’s IP is added
crdj (i) ∈ [0, 1] of the IDS node i is computed based on the       to the blacklist if trids
                                                                                         j (ip) ≤ ζ, and excluded otherwise.
severity of punishment φ for providing Unsure answers
                                                                      The above sequence of steps is also illustrated in Alg. 1;
                          φ                                      this is a typical adopt-then-combine scenario for performing
   crdj (i) = 1 − αj (i) · γj (i) − τ + τ , i ∈ Nj (3)
                                                                   in-network processing in diffusion networks, an approach
whereas crdj (j) = 1, for all j ∈ N , by definition. From (3)      that has proven to be resilient in adversarial environments
we obtain that crdj (i) = τ when the IDS node i constantly         [7]. Two phases have been realized in Alg. 1: during the first
responds with Unsure. Assuming that only IDS peers whose           phase, the IDS nodes augment the local knowledge about
credibility exceeds a threshold θ are taken into account when      an external host and disseminate it in the CIDN, whereas
incorporating the knowledge acquired by the whole CIDN,            in the second phase, the IDS nodes aggregate the updated
the relative weight given by j to the IDS node i ∈ N is            knowledge (in the form of a trust score) received from their
                                                                  peers. In the sequel, this algorithm is extended in order to
             0 ,
                     ,                   if crdj (i) < θ
                                                                   allow a secure realization of the information sharing via the
   wj (i) = crdj (i)
                               crdj (l) , otherwise        (4)     trust-chain.
                        l∈N :
                       crdj (l)≥θ                                  C. Trust-chain structure
where we clearly have i∈N wj (i) = 1 amongst the nodes                In order to provide a more accountable trust management
comprising the collaborative intrusion detection network N .       framework, the IDS node j retains some evidence evj (ip)
   In order to determine the trustworthiness of an external        after measuring the trustworthiness of an external host ip to
host ip ∈ Mj , the IDS node j monitors the traffic that is         justify the scoring (e.g. alerts having been disseminated to
received by the particular host and detects whether a data         the CIDN during the previous monitoring interval). Hence,
Algorithm 1. Distributed computation of IPs’ trust in a CIDN in a typical   Algorithm 2. Distributed computation of IPs’ trust in a CIDN with the
adaptive diffusion scenario.                                                use of trust-chain.
input: CIDN nodes N , list of IPs M                                         input: CIDN nodes N , list of IPs M
initialization: trids
                  j (ip) ← τ        . ∀ j ∈ N, ip ∈ Mj                      initialization: trids
                                                                                              j (ip) ← τ        . ∀ j ∈ N, ip ∈ M
 1: for t ← 1, 2, . . . do                                                   1:    for t ← 1, 2, . . . do
 2:   for all j ∈ N, ip ∈ Mj do                                              2:      for all j ∈ N do
 3:     measure trj (ip)                                   . from (5)        3:        for all ip ∈ Mj do
 4:     update accumulated trids
                             j (ip)                        . from (6)        4:          measure trj (ip)                            . from (5)
 5:     send trids
               j   (ip)                                . to all i ∈ N        5:          update accumulated trids
                                                                                                                j (ip)               . from (6)
 6: end                                                                      6:        end
                                                                             7:        build Txj from Cj , Lj , Ej
 7:  for all j ∈ N, ip ∈ Mj do
                                                                             8:        broadcast Txj                              . to all i ∈ N
 8:    receive trids
                   i (ip)                           . from all i ∈ N
                                                                             9:      end
 9:    compute combined trcidn    j (ip)                  . from (7)
10:    trids
         j   (ip) ←  tr cidn
                        j    (ip)                                           10:     generate block B                                . from (10)
11: end                                                                     11:     manage trust-chain                     . consensus protocol
12: end                                                                     12:     for all j ∈ N do
output:     trids
              j (ip)                            . ∀ j ∈ N, ip ∈ Mj          13:       extract Txi from B                       . from all i ∈ N
                                                                            14:       read Ci , Li , Ei from Txi
                                                                            15:       for all ip ∈ Mj do
the IDS node j ∈ N maintains the following lists                            16:         compute combined trcidn   j (ip)             . from (7)
                                                                           17:         trids
                                                                                          j   (ip) ← tr cidn
                                                                                                        j    (ip)
               Cj = crdj (i) : i ∈ Nj                                       18:       end
               Lj = trids                                                           end
                          (ip) : ip ∈ Mj                             (8)    19:
                    j                                                      20:    end
               Ej = evj (ip) : ip ∈ Mj
                                                                            output: trids
                                                                                      j (ip)                                 . ∀ j ∈ N, ip ∈ M
in addition to the IDS nodes in Nj and external hosts in Mj
that are monitored. The transaction Txj is disseminated to
all CIDN members, when differences on the credibility of
                                                                            last block on the trust-chain, a counter ctr ≤ q (where q is
the IDS nodes or the trust-scores of the IP hosts occur, (see
                                                                            the maximum number of attempts to generate a block) and
step 8 of Alg. 2) and has the following structure
                                                                            a target value Vids . Thus, the header is structured as
   Txj = IDTx || IDids || Nj ||Cj || Mj ||Lj ||Ej || SigTx .                      HdrB = IDB || IDids || Stamp || Hashold || ctr ||Vids     (11)
Each transaction Txj is given a unique identifier IDTx                      where Vids , along with other information, allows members of
and apart from the lists, which constitute the transactions’                the CIDN to validate the credibility of the IDS node acting as
payload, information is embedded about the identity IDids of                a leader and generating the block B. The trust-chain secure
the IDS and the signature SigTx that is computed with the                   process of sharing information on credibility, trustworthiness
IDS node’s private key. All the transactions in the CIDN                    and the associated evidence is illustrated in Alg. 2.
during the last monitoring period are denoted as
                                                                                          IV. T RUST- CHAIN ’ S CONSENSUS
                        Tx = {Txj : j ∈ N }                          (9)       In this section we present the details of electing an IDS
gathering the information that is disseminated to the CIDN.                 node that is credible enough for generating the next block in
A number of IDSs having been found to be credible nodes,                    the trust-chain. We propose a solution combining the PoW
attempt to generate the new block B that will be appended                   and PoS protocols to achieve consensus [22], [8], where the
into the trust-chain and then validated by all the CIDN. This               PoS protocol extends that of Nxt [11]. High-level functions
process is detailed in Section IV and corresponds to step 11                that realize the core functionality of the proposed solution
of Alg. 2. The block B, which is comprised of a header and                  are presented below.
a payload (i.e. all the transactions Tx defined in (9))
                                                                            CheckEligibility IDj , D, crd(j), Hashold , Tx checks if an
                          B = HdrB || Tx                            (10)        IDS node j is eligible for generating the next block; it
                                                                                takes as input the identity of the IDS, a system parameter
is signed with the leader’s private key. The block’s header                     D, the average credibility placed on j from the CIDN,
HdrB contains information on the block’s unique identifier                      the hash value of the previous block and the payload; it
IDB , the leader’s identity IDids , a time-stamp that verifies                  computes a hash value Gj that is used next and outputs
the block’s generation time Stamp, the hash Hashold of the                      a Boolean value (True or False).
GenerateBlock Gj , Stamp, ctr, D0 , Stakej , Timej
                                                         adds a   To achieve consensus, the IDS nodes brute-force (14) using
    new block B in the trust-chain; the input to this function    the available computational resources by continuously trying
    are the hash value Gj provided by the CheckEligibility        different values for ctr and comparing the first r bits of the
    function, a time-stamp verifying the block’s generation       hash resulting from H(·) with Vj , where
    time, a counter ctr, a target value D0 (different from D),
    the jth node’s stake Stakej , and the time elapsed Timej                        Vj = D0 · Stakej · Timej .               (15)
    since the last block generated by j. It outputs a Boolean     Then, an IDS node j generates the next block if and only if
    value (True or False).                                        both (13), (14) hold. In addition to the time elapsed since the
ValidateBlock B, D, D0 with input the block B and the
                                                                  IDS node j has generated the last block, its winning chance
    target difficulties D, D0 , validates block B and returns     is linked to its ability in detecting the trustworthiness of the
    True if and only if the output of the CheckEligibility and    external hosts monitored so as to improve the accuracy of
    the GenerateBlock functions are both True.                    the trust-based packet filter employed by each CIDN node.
Resolve fork1 , . . . , forkz
                                returns the unique fork to work   This is captured by the uncertainty that the IDS j has when
    on, assuming that a number z of forks has been detected.      assigning a trust score x = tridsj (ip). Thus, we let

    This is the case where multiple IDS nodes satisfy the
                                                                                    Stakej =          1 − H2 (x)              (16)
    conditions of the election process for generating the next                                x∈Lj
                                                                  where the index x runs through all the trust scores in the list
According to the philosophy of PoS (resp. PoW) protocols,         Lj while H2 (x) = −x log2 (x) − (1 − x) log2 (1 − x) is the
the node with the highest stake (resp. computational power)       binary entropy function. By definition, the closer to 1/2 the
is more likely to generate the next block. The combination        trust scores in Lj are, the less useful they will be in arguing
of PoW and PoS protocols in trust-chain leads to a hybrid         about the trustworthiness of a host.
mining-election method for achieving consensus, where the            Since a combined PoW and PoS consensus protocol is
likelihood of a credible IDS j being elected as the leader        proposed, a new block is more accurate if it is generated by
increases with both its computational power and stake. This       a credible node. Furthermore, the efficiency of the leader to
explains the inclusion of a counter ctr into the block B as       monitor and calculate the trust values of the external hosts is
given in (11). The advantage of the combination is that it        more important than its computational power. Therefore, the
prevents situations in which a credible IDS node with large       wining chain, when forks occur, is the one that possesses the
stake is in position to ceaselessly generate all the blocks.      highest accumulated stake by the most credible nodes and
   In the context of collaborative intrusion detection that is    thus avoid insider attacks based on computational power.
based on credibility placed between IDS nodes, each peer
can take advantage of its behavior and its contribution to the          V. D ISCUSSION ON TRUST- CHAIN ’ S SECURITY
CIDN. The information in the list Cj , maintained by every           A trust management scheme combined with the properties
IDS node j on the other peers’ credibility, is disseminated to    of the blockchain can adequately improve the collaboration
the CIDN through the trust chain and the average credibility      among IDS nodes. Nevertheless, malicious behavior, can
score for j ∈ N is then computed as follows                       possibly degrade the efficiency of the entire system. In this
                                                                  section, we describe a number of attacks and present how
                                              
                         1        X
                                                                  the proposed system provides proper defenses against them.
             crd(j) =          1+      crdl (j)          (12)
                        |N |                                      Thwarting insider attacks is a challenging task in collabora-
                                                                  tive security mechanisms; they distribute false information to
at each time interval. It is then used to decide whether j is     manipulate the outcome of a system’s or peer’s aggregation
considered to be credible enough by the whole CIDN to be          function. Attackers may penetrate a CIDN while acting as
elected as a leader for the next block generation. Thus, IDS      credible parties, to perform some security-related tasks, and
node j first computes the output Gj of a hash function G(·)       thus disturb and obstruct the normal decision-making of the
and then checks if the credibility condition is satisfied         whole system. These attacks may be categorized according
          Gj = G IDj , Hashold , Tx < D · crd(j)          (13)    to three different criteria.
                                                                     • Type of attack: the attacks can be subdivided into (a)
based on a target D and the average credibility score placed            those targeting at the identities of the CIDN nodes, (b)
on node j by the CIDN. Note that it is important to adjust              those being related to the data exchanged amongst the
D as a loose difficulty target so as to allow many IDS nodes            nodes, and (c) the attacks that target the routing of data
with high average credibility to participate in the following           among the nodes.
process and satisfy the mining-election condition
                                                                  •   Attacker’s behavior: in case of multiple attackers, they
           Prefix H Gj , Stamp, ctr , r < Vj .           (14)           can either act independently, i.e. the malicious actions
taken serve each attacker’s own purposes, or they may         a group of malicious nodes works together may have a great
      collaborate with each other, leading to collusive attacks.    impact on the security of the network and the blockchain.
  •   Attacker’s intelligence: in the simplest scenario and in      Adversarial nodes can use their resources and become the
      most works in the literature, the attackers’ behavior is      only block generators in the network thus forcing the honest
      static as they just repeat a particular type of malicious     nodes to work for nothing [20]. However in our hybrid PoW
      action. At the extreme end, attackers can be intelligent      and PoS protocol, the adversary needs to control not only a
      and they change their tactics strategically to avoid being    great portion of the hashing power, but also a large portion
      detected or to maximize the attack’s impact. Finally, the     of the total network’s stake and the majority of credible IDS
      attackers may behave irrationally, thus preventing their      nodes. Each valid block has to be created by an authenticated
      behavior being predicted.                                     and credible IDS node based on different parameters (stake,
                                                                    hashing power, as well as time elapsed since the last block
The proposed solution relies on blockchain technology to            creation). In the worst case scenario, where an adversary is
build the so-called trust-chain, which aims at protecting the       able to create a malicious block and fork the trust-chain, the
integrity of the information shared among the CIDN peers,           Resolve function is utilized and returns the fork created by
enhance their accountability, and secure their collaboration        the most credible nodes with the highest accumulated stake.
by thwarting insider attacks. The proposed consensus proto-         Therefore, a collusion attack is highly unlikely to occur.
col, which is a combination of the PoS and PoW protocols,              Since the security of the proposed blockchain mechanism
enables collaborative IDS nodes to maintain a reliable and          is of utmost importance, a plethora of fundamental properties
tampered-resistant trust-chain. The prominent attacks in our        need to hold, such as persistence, liveness, chain quality, and
setup include Sybil, betrayal and collusion attacks.                the common prefix property [4], [24]; their formal analysis
   In a Sybil attack, malicious IDS nodes create several fake       is outside the scope of the present work and constitutes part
identities to gain larger influence on alert dissemination and      of ongoing research. If all true, the ability of the adversaries
aggregation and block the propagation of certain messages           to alter trust-chain’s evidentiary data would be considerably
[14], [20]. In our system, the IDS members are authenticated        limited.
and newcomers (possibly fake nodes) have to contribute to
the CIDN to gain credibility before given the opportunity to                             VI. C ONCLUSIONS
generate the next block of the trust-chain. Assuming that all          In this paper, a distributed trust management framework
IDS nodes have the same hashing power, then the probability         for CIDNs was proposed. More precisely, each IDS shares
that one is elected to generate the next block is proportional      trust-related information about IDS nodes and external hosts
to its stake as well as the average credibility placed on it by     with other CIDN members by using an adopt-then-combine
the CIDN.                                                           approach; this information is securely aggregated according
   During a betrayal attack, a (usually highly) credible node       to the source IDS’s credibility, which is computed based on
gets compromised and subsequently turns malicious. Then,            the responses given to challenges. The security-related data
it can either act independently or in collaboration with other      that have to be exchanged between members of the CIDN
malicious IDS nodes [23]. To defend this attack, a forgetting       is stored on a blockchain, referred to as trust-chain, to avoid
factor and a severity punishment are implemented into our           tampering from malicious nodes. A combined PoW and PoS
scheme so that the credibility of a malicious node drops fast       protocol was proposed, according to which a credible IDS
enough after few abnormal actions. In this case, the average        node with higher computational power and larger stake has
credibility placed on a specific peer is reduced, abbreviating      an increased probability of being elected for the generation
its opportunity to create the next block. In addition, a counter    of the next block.
ctr has been included in the block generation process so as            Ongoing work focuses on the theoretical aspects of secu-
to enable the participation of only credible IDS nodes, while       rity, namely to study a series of attacks having been reported
preventing nodes with large stake from generating sequences         in both domains (trust management and blockchain), so as to
of consecutive blocks in the trust-chain.                           fully understand the impact of various parameter choices on
   In a collusion attack a set of dishonest IDS nodes might         the proposed solution’s security and the dynamics governing
cooperate to tamper the trust-chain. This can be done either        the trust score evolution. Simulations on the proposed system
by intentionally broadcasting malicious messages (i.e. alerts,      and privacy issues are open problems that will be presented
trust-scores about the IP hosts and the IDS nodes and false         in detail in a forthcoming work.
evidence) throughout the CIDN network, or by using their
power (hashing or stake) to generate an adversarial block.                                  R EFERENCES
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