Oral allergy syndrome to jackfruit (Artocarpus integrifolia)

Page created by Jesse Hartman
Attergy 1997:52:428-431                                                                              Copyrigiit © Miini3 mm with
By means of RAST inhibition studies with rBet v                 the presence of a negative response to the glycerol
1 and rBet v 2, we could demonstrate specific                   control was considered to be positive and scored
sensitization to jackfruit.                                     as +, a wheal >5-10 mm as -(--H, and a wheal >10-
                                                                15 mm as + + +.
Case report
A 30-year-old man from the Philippines, living for              Total and specific IgE
many years in Switzerland, had suffered since 1989
from seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma from               Total and allergen-specific IgE was measured by
spring until late summer. He noted the appearance               the Pharmacia CAP System FEIA, according to the
of OAS after contact with raw apple, peach, and raw             manufacturer's instructions.
celery. Recently, he had also experienced itching and             Jackfruit ImmunoCAP was provided by the
burning in the mouth and throat after eating jackfruit.         Pharmacia Research Forum.

OAS to jackfrnit

Fig. 1. Positive prick-to-prick test to jackfruit {Artocarpus integrifolia).

RAST inhibition                                                         Table 1. Specific IgE to inhalants and foods (Pharmacia CAP)

RAST-inhibition experiments with the patient's                                                               CAP class                    kU/l

serum were performed with recombinant (r)Bet v
1 and rBet v 2 and with jackfruit according to Yman                     Birch                                                             52
et al. (20). rBet V 1 and rBet v 2 were provided by                     Hazel                                                             43
Biomay Produktions- und Handelsgesellschaft                             Alder                                                             35
mbH, Salzburg, Austria.                                                 Beech                                                             23
                                                                        Oak                                                               17
                                                                        Ash                                                                1.5
Results                                                                 Olive                                                              2.4
                                                                        Grass mix                                                         41.5
The routine SPT were + + -I- positive for birch and                                                                                        1.6
+ + positive for alder, ash, hazel, grass mix, and
mugwort pollen, but negative for house-dust mites,                                                                                         8.2
storage mites, animal danders, cow's milk, and                          Apple                                                              3
hen's egg white.                                                        Kiwi                                                               1.1
   The prick-to-prick testing ehcited strong wheal-                     Melon                                                              0.9

and-flare reactions (+-I-, wheal > 7 mm) to apple,                      Carrot                                                             51
peach, celery and jackfruit (-t- + +, wheal >10mm)                      Celery                                                             4.5

(Fig. 1 shows the prick-to-prick reaction with jack-                    Parsley                                                            1.7

fruit in respect to the histamine control and the                       Jackfruit                                                          8.2

jackfruit itself).
Wiithrich et al.

      1.2 T

        1 --


                                                                                                                        - Jackfruit
      0.6 4-                                                                                                            - Bet V 1
                                                                                                                        - Bet V 2
      0.4 -

      0.2 -

                                      0.0001            0.001            0.01              0.1
                                                   inhibitor cone.
Fig. 2. tnhibition experiments with rBet v 1 and rBet v 2 in jackfruit-positive serum. Neither rBet v 1 nor Bel v 2 (profilin) could
inhibit specific IgE response to jackfruit, whereas jackfruit extract dose-dependently inhibited positive jackfruit response.

  The total IgE level was 640 kU/1. The RAST                         avocado (25), and lychee (12) has been described
CAP (Table 1) showed multiple sensitization to                       in recent years. Jackfruit (Artocarpus integrifolia)
different pollens and various fruits and vegetables                  belongs to the Moraceae family (mulberry) and to
as well as to jackfruit (CAP class 3, 6.1 kU/1).                     the genus Artocarpus (breadfruit tree). Other
   In the RAST-inhibition experiments, neither                       members of this family are Morus nigra (common
rBet V 1 nor rBet v 2 could inhibit the specific IgE                 mulberry), Castilla elastica (caoutchouc tree), and
response to jackfruit (Fig. 2).                                      Brosinum galactodendron (milk tree).
                                                                        To our knowledge, this is the first report des-
                                                                     cribing an allergic reaction to jackfruit. Surpris-
Discussion                                                           ingly, the sensitization to jackfruit in this case is not
Patients with allergy to pollens frequently suffer                   likely to be explained by cross-reactions between
from various clinical symptoms after eating differ-                  Bet V 1 and Bet v 2 analogs. Whether the reaction
ent foods. Well-known examples are the association                   to jackfruit is species-specific or whether other
between birch-pollen allergy and allergic reactions                  cross-reacting allergenic components of protein or
in the mouth and throat (OAS) after ingestion of                     carbohydrate nature exist (26), should be investi-
raw fruits and vegetables. This phenomenon is mainly                 gated further.
due to the existence of cross-reactive allergens in
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