Organic fertilization influences nematode diversity and maturity index in coffee tree plantations using an agroforestry system - Exeley

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Organic fertilization influences nematode diversity and maturity index in coffee tree plantations using an agroforestry system - Exeley
Article | DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2021-054                                                                     e2021-54 | Vol. 53

Organic fertilization influences nematode diversity
and maturity index in coffee tree plantations using an
agroforestry system

JOL Vieira Júnior1,*, RC Pereira1,
RL Soto2, IM Cardoso3,
EA Mondino4, RLL Berbara5 and                    Abstract
E Sá Mendonça6                                   In conventional coffee farming, soil fauna can be negatively affected
 Department of Entomology and                    by the intensive management practices adopted and the use of
Plant Pathology, Universidade                    an agroforestry system (AFS) is an alternative to reduce these
Estadual Norte Fluminense Darcy                  impacts. In coffee AFS, soil nutrition is provided mainly using organic
Ribeiro, Campos dos Goytacazes,                  fertilizers. This soil management favors the microbiota and can alter
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.                          the population dynamics of some organisms. Our objective was to
                                                 evaluate the effect of organic fertilizers on the nematode community
 Centro de Edafologia y Biología                 in coffee AFS and to determine their impact on soil ecology. Soil
Aplicada del Segura, Murcia, Spain.              samples were collected from three coffee AFS and a nearby Atlantic
 Universidade Federal de Viçosa,                 rainforest fragment. Nematodes were extracted from the samples and
Viçosa, Brazil.                                  identified to the genus. The identified populations were compared
                                                 using several community and diversity indices to determine the
 Laboratório de Nematología
                                                 environmental conditions of the systems under evaluation. No
                                                 differences in total abundance among nematode communities were
Ruta Nac. 226 Km. 73,5-CC 276,
                                                 found in the four areas evaluated. Regarding trophic groups, the
(B7620WAP) Balcarce, Buenos
                                                 coffee AFS treated with either cow manure or poultry litter favored
Aires, Argentina.
                                                 the trophic group of bacterivores. Plant-parasitic nematodes were
 Universidade Federal Rural do Rio               more abundant in soils of both the naturally fertilized coffee AFS and
de Janeiro, Seropédica, Rio de                   the Atlantic rainforest fragment. The maturity and structural indexes
Janeiro, Brazil.                                 indicated that the Atlantic rainforest fragment and the naturally
                                                 fertilized coffee AFS had similar ecological functions. On the other
 Universidade Federal do Espírito
                                                 hand, soils fertilized with cow manure were less diverse, had higher
Santo, Alegre, Brazil.
                                                 dominance in the community, and showed less ecological stability.
*E-mail:                       The nematode communities found in the AFS were similar to those
This paper was edited by                         seen in the forest fragment indicating that is possible to produce
Maria Viketoft.                                  coffee sustainably without negatively affecting soil quality.

Received for publication
November 13, 2020.                               Keywords
                                                 Agroecology, Agroforestry systems, Coffea arabica, Ecology,
                                                 Ecological indices, Organic farming, Management.

Intensive soil management practices, such as deep                  reduce the environmental impact caused by intensive
turnover, use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides              agriculture. Incorporation of different tree species into
may lead to an imbalance in soil biodiversity and                  coffee plantations may promote social, economic,
negatively affect the functionality of agroecosystems              and environmental benefits as this contributes to
(Wall et al., 2015). Hence, some farmers have begun                production diversity, increased family income, and
managing their crops in agroforestry systems (AFS)                 increased organic matter in the soil (Jackson et al.,
using agroecological and organic approaches to                     2012).

© 2021 Authors. This is an Open Access article licensed under the Creative                                                  1
Commons CC BY 4.0 license,
Nematodes communities in coffee agroforestry systems: Vieira Jnior et al.

    In coffee AFS, soil nutrition is provided from              History and characterization of the study
organic fertilizers such as cow manure, poultry litter          areas
and plant residues when necessary. The proper
incorporation of these fertilizers improves soil quality        In the 1980s, this rural property was used for corn and
and microbial activity (Jannoura et al., 2014). These           bean cultivation and cattle raising. At that time, burning
fertilizers can also change the population dynamics of          practices were frequent. The coffee plantations
some organisms such as nematodes (Jannoura et al.,              began in 1999. Chemical fertilizers were applied to
2014; Falkowski et al., 2019).                                  the coffee tree plantations between 1999 and 2001.
    Soil nematodes can have different habits and are            After that, chemical fertilizers were gradually replaced
classified as either free-living (bacterivores, fungivores,     by organic fertilizers. In 2003, other species of trees
predators, and omnivores) or plant-parasites (Ferris,           were incorporated inside the coffee plantations, and
2010). These organisms play an important ecological             since then, the transition from solely coffee plantations
role in regulating the soil microbiota, mineralization, and     to AFS began. Farmers planted trees, especially fruit
nutrient cycling (Bongers and Ferris, 1999). Nematodes          trees, randomly grown within the coffee plantations.
are sensitive to changes in mulching and respond                Other management changes also occurred: farmers
rapidly to agricultural practices such as fertilization         stopped weeding spontaneous growing plants,
(Ferris, 2010; Oka, 2010). Studies on the diversity             started tilling the soil, and stopped using pesticides.
of nematodes in agricultural areas have resulted in a           Currently, two coffee plantations are certified as
growing interest in this field as these organisms can           organic by BCS Öko-Garantie, a German certification
act as bioindicators for agroecosystems (Neher, 2001).          organization. One of the plantations is fertilized using
    Depending on the fertilizer used, the availability          poultry litter and the other one with cow manure. In a
of soil nutrients is altered and this reflects on the           third plantation, a natural farming system (only plant
nematode community (Yeates et al., 2009; Zhang                  residues are added to the tilled soil) was adopted and
et al., 2019). Organic fertilization can provide nutrients      the crop has been certified by the Shumei Japanese
for the development of bacterial-feeding nematodes              organization of natural farmers.
and reduce the numbers of some plant-parasitic                      The experimental design was carried out in coffee
nematode species (Renco and Kovacik, 2012).                     plantations using three different organic fertilizer
Although the effects of fertilization on the abundance          treatments (natural fertilizer (NF), poultry litter (PL), cow
and diversity of soil nematodes have been widely                manure (CM)) and in a fragment forest (FF). The 25,000
studied, the impact of organic fertilization on complex         square meters of Atlantic forest fragment is considered
agroecosystems, such as AFS, is unknown (Zhang                  as a remnant of the forest and does not present
et al., 2019). Thus, the objectives of this study were          recent signs of anthropogenic disturbances, except for
to (1) evaluate the effect of soil fertilization using          activities involving removal of fallen branches that were
either poultry litter, cow manure, or plant residues            used for fertilizing natural coffee plantations.
on nematode communities in coffee AFS and (2)                       The naturally fertilized coffee plantation was
determine the level of anthropic disturbance in the             comprised of an area of 8,000 square meters, with
agroecosystem by comparing it to that of a nearby               2.3 × 1.2 meters spacing between coffee trees. In
undisturbed rainforest fragment.                                this system, coffee trees were last pruned in 2011.
                                                                Such plantations are mostly cultivated together
Materials and methods                                           with the following plant species: banana (Musa
                                                                sp.); capoeira-branca (Solanum argenteum); royal
Study site                                                      palm (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana) and pinto
                                                                peanut (Arachis pintoi). Plant residues already
This work was carried out at a rural property within            present in coffee plantations are used as fertilizers,
the municipality of Araponga, Zona da Mata in Minas             including banana pseudostem, capoeira-branca
Gerais state, Brazil (20º 38´ 39.76´´ S, 42º 3´ 0.27´´W),       trunks, pinto peanuts, and leaf litter from the nearby
located at an altitude of 1,315 m. The region’s climate         forest fragment. Fertilization is performed by placing
is mesothermal and annual rainfall varies from                  the plant material in a circle on the soil around the
1,280 mm to 1,800 mm. The terrain is mountainous;               coffee tree, and the coverage is based on the size of
declivity is between 20 and 45%, with prevalence                the crown. This is performed once in November and
of latosols. This rural property had three coffee               again 45 days later. In total, approximately 70 tonnes
plantations (Coffea arabica L. cv. Red Catuaí) using            ha-1 of residues are used per year in the plantations.
the agroforestry system and was close to an Atlantic                The coffee plantation fertilized with poultry litter
rainforest fragment.                                            comprised an area of 4,000 square meters, with 1.5 × 3.0


m plant spacing. Fertilization was performed by placing          Soil analyses
the fertilizer on the soil in a circle around the coffee tree,
and coverage was based on the size of the crown. This            Physical analyses of soil total porosity, microporosity,
was carried out once in December and again after 45              macroporosity, soil moisture, and chemical analyses
days after the first application. A total of 44.5 tonnes ha-1    of soil macronutrients, organic matter, C:N ratio,
of composted poultry litter, obtained from neighboring           and pH from the four areas evaluated were carried
farms, was used per year in this plantation. To compost          out. In each experimental plot were samples were
poultry litter, this material was assembled in layers            collected from the soil layer at a depth of 0–10 cm
interspersed with manure and coffee bean peels from              with the aid of a volumetric ring. The methods used
the intended plantation. The material was moistened              in the physical and chemical soil analyses were
at least once a week and turned in every 30 days. The            according to Donagema et al. (2011). The collection
entire process takes 90 days. The predominant tree               of soil samples for physical and chemical analyses
species in the area are “guatambu” (Aspidosperma                 was simultaneous with the collection of samples for
polyneurum); “capoeira-branca” (Solanum argenteum)               nematological analyses.
and banana (Musa sp.). Except for the banana trees
that are planted around the coffee tree plantations as a         Sampling, extraction, and identification
physical wind barrier, the other species were randomly           of nematodes
distributed in the plantations.
     The coffee tree plantation fertilized using composted       Soil samples for estimation of nematode populations
cow manure comprised an area of 15,000 square                    were collected from the three coffee plantations and
meters, with 3.0 × 1.5 m plant spacing. Fertilization            the Atlantic forest fragment. For each fertilization
was performed by placing the fertilizer on the soil in           treatment, five coffee trees were randomly selected
a circle around the coffee tree, and coverage was                and the soil at the base of the plant was sampled in
based on the size of the crown. This was performed               a zigzag pattern. In each area, five soil samples were
once in December and again after 45 days after the               collected at a depth of 0–20 cm in September 2015
first application. In total, approximately 13.2 tonnes ha-1      using a volumetric ring with a 2.5-cm diameter. A
of composted cow manure from the rural property was              total of 12 samples were collected and homogenized
used per year in the plantation. For composting, the             as a mixed sample for each coffee tree selected
manure was heaped in a pile, moistened every week,               (Huising et al., 2008) (Figure 1). Samples were then
and turned every 30 days. The entire process takes 90            transferred into plastic bags, sealed, and labeled
days. In this area, the main tree species were avocado           for subsequent extraction and identification of
(Persea gratissima) and banana (Musa sp.).                       nematodes.

                Figure 1: Sampling method for nematodes present in the soil in each coffee plantation.

Nematodes communities in coffee agroforestry systems: Vieira Jnior et al.

    Extraction of nematodes was performed using                 was calculated as the percentage value of the
the flotation method with a sucrose solution (Jenkins,          number of genera that belong to a particular taxon
1964). Soil samples (100 cc) were first passed through          or trophic group in relation to the total number of
a 2-mm mesh sieve to remove stones and roots.                   nematodes present in a sample using the following
Sieved soils were then placed in a beaker containing            equation: pi = (n/N) × 100, wherein n was the number
1,000 mL of water, and suspensions were manually                of nematodes from each genus and N was the total
stirred for a minute. Then, stirring was interrupted            number of nematodes in each sample (Cares and
for 20 s so that thicker particles could settle and the         Huang, 2008).
supernatants were then transferred to a 400-mesh                     To compare the diversity and dominance
sieve. The retained material was then washed and                between the areas, the Shannon (H´) and Simpson
transferred to Falcon tubes (50 mL) and centrifuged             (Ds) indexes were calculated. The Shannon index
for 5 min at 1,008 × g, and the supernatants were               applies equal weight to rare and abundant genus
discarded. Then, a sucrose solution (460 g of sucrose           (Shannon, 1948) using the equation H´ = −∑ pi × LN
per liter of water) was added to the tubes, and the             (pi), wherein pi is the relative abundance and LN is the
mixture was centrifuged for one minute at 112 × g.              logarithmic function. The Simpson index measures
Suspensions were then passed through a 400-mesh                 the probability of two randomly selected nematodes
sieve and washed under running water to remove the              from a sample belonging to the same species. This
sucrose. Nematodes retained by the sieve were then              index is calculated using the equation Ds = ∑ (pi)²,
transferred to Falcon tubes (50 mL) containing 10 mL            wherein pi was the relative abundance of nematodes
of water. The tubes were kept in an incubator for               in a sample (Simpson, 1949).
5 min at a temperature of 64°C, resulting in the death               The specific indexes for nematodes that were
of the nematodes; however, the nematodes were not               developed by Bongers (1990), Maturity (MI), Maturity
deformed by this process. Then, they were fixed by              2–5 (MI 2–5), and Plant Parasites (PPI) indexes,
the addition of 1 mL of formaldehyde solution and               and by Ferris (2010), Basal (BI), enrichment (EI), and
stored at 4°C in a refrigerator.                                structure (SI) indexes were calculated to obtain the
    Suspensions containing nematodes were pipetted              environmental conditions of the areas studied.
into flat glass Petri dishes (60 diameter × 15-mm                    To calculate the maturity indexes, all soil
height) that were then placed under a binocular                 nematodes except plant-parasitic ones were con­
stereoscope (Bel Photonics®, model SZ) to count                 sidered. MI 2–5 was based on the calculations for
the nematodes. Nematodes were picked up using                   the nematode groups that had a c-p value between
a needle and transferred to microscope slides                   2 and 5; therefore, plant-parasitic and nematodes
(Precision Glass®, 26 × 76 mm) containing a drop of             with a c-p value of 1 are excluded. The Maturity
water + formaldehyde at a ratio of 10:1.                        Index is considered a measure of environmental
    A double layer of matt varnish (Acrilex®) was               disturbance, and low MI values indicate disturbed
applied to each slide to fix the coverslips in place            and enriched environments while high MI values
(Paiva et al., 2006). To seal the space between the             indicate stable environments (Bongers, 1990). Due to
slide and coverslip, a double layer of colorless nail           the functionality of plant-parasitic nematodes in the
polish (Risqué®) was then applied. Nematodes were               agroecosystem, this group is used to calculate the
observed using an optical microscope (40 × objective)           level of anthropic disturbance using PPI (Bongers,
(Motic®-A210 model) and identified to the genus level           1990). The equation used to calculate MI, MI 2–5
using standard keys (Andrássy, 2005; Chaves et al.,             and PPI is ∑[v(i) x pi], where v(i) corresponds to the
1995; Jairajpuri and Wasim, 1992; Siddiqi, 2000), and           c-p value of the nematode family and pi the relative
classified into five trophic groups based on feeding            abundance of that family in the sample (Bongers,
habits: bacterivores, plant-parasites, fungivores, omni­        1990).
vores, and predators.                                                The Basal Index (BI), Enrichment Index (EI), and
                                                                Structure Index (SI) are based on the importance of
Ecological parameters and indices of                            functional guilds of nematodes as indicators and are
                                                                descriptors of food web conditions. Basal food webs
communities and ecosystems                                      are those which are diminished due to stress, scarce
The effect of fertilization on the nematode communities         availability of resources, contamination, or other
was assessed by calculating total abundance,                    harsh environmental conditions. Nematodes present
trophic abundance, and relative abundance. Trophic              in these food webs are represented by bacterial and
abundance is the abundance of nematodes within                  fungal feeding taxa from the c-p2 class of the MI.
the different trophic groups. Relative abundance                Enriched food webs are those with high availability


of resources due to the occurrence of a disturbance               of C:N was observed in PL and CM (F(3,19) = 20.24,
event. Opportunistic bacterial feeding nematodes                  p < 0.001) (Table 2).
from the c-p1 class are predominant in these food                      A total of 2139 nematodes were collected and
webs. Fungal feeding nematodes from the c-p2 class                classified into the five trophic groups: plant-parasites,
might increase when more complex resources, such                  bacterivores, fungivores, omnivores, and predators
as with a higher C:N ratio, becomes available, or                 (Table 3). No differences in total nematode abundance
when fungal feeding activity is enhanced in detriment             were found when comparing the evaluated areas
to bacterial feeding activity. Structured food webs are           (F3,19 = 2.26, P = 0.125).
those with more resources available. Nematode taxa                     Regarding the trophic groups, the abundance of
from the c-p3 class are present in less structured food           plant-parasitic nematodes was higher in the soil from
webs, while structure in the community will be greater            naturally fertilized coffee plantations and the Atlantic
when nematode taxa from the c-p4 and c-p5 classes                 forest fragment (F3,19 = 18.58, P = 0.0001) (Table 3).
are present. These indexes were obtained through                  Bacterivorous nematodes were more abundant in
the NINJA platform (Sieriebriennikov et al., 2014) and            plots that had been fertilized with composted poultry
to characterize the conditions of the studied areas,              litter and cow manure, than plantations were natural
the data were plotted according to Ferris (2010).                 fertilizer was used and in soil from the forest fragment
                                                                  (F3,19 = 30.96, P = 0.0001). Fungivorous nematodes
Statistical analysis                                              were more abundant in soil from the forest fragment
                                                                  and the naturally fertilized plantation than in the other
The values obtained for the attributes from the                   plantations (F3,19 = 9.52, P = 0.001). No differences
physical and chemical soil analyses were submitted                were found with respect to omnivorous (F3,19 = 4.40,
to analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA), and                      P = 0.019) and predatory nematodes (F3,19 = 1.49,
when the results were statistically significant, they             P = 0.254) (Table 3).
were compared using the Tukey test (p < 0.05). The                     We identified 23 nematode genera distributed into
chemical attributes for phosphorus (P) and potassium              21 families (Table 4). Bacterivorous nematodes from
(K) did not follow a normal distribution, therefore the           the genus Acrobeles were significantly more abundant
averages obtained were submitted to non-parametric                in plantations fertilized with cow manure (H3,19 = 9.15,
Kruskal–Wallis analysis, and compared using Dunn’s                P = 0.02) as well as the genus Rhabditis which was
method (p < 0.05).                                                also more abundant in areas where cow manure was
    The calculated abundances, diversity, and                     used (H3,19 = 17.86, P =
Nematodes communities in coffee agroforestry systems: Vieira Jnior et al.

Table 1. Physical characterization of soil samples collected at a depth of 0–10 cm
from the following areas in Araponga, Minas Gerais, Brazil: forest fragment (FF) and
coffee plantations naturally fertilized (NF), fertilized with poultry litter (PL) or cow
manure (CM).

                                                      Physical attributes (%)

           Textural class                    TP                   Micro               Macro                   SM

 NF       Clayey                      56.02 ± 1.08           34.79 ± 0.99           21.23 ± 1.55          25.80 ± 1.43
 PL       Clayey                      59.23 ± 1.68           36.83 ± 0.90           22.40 ± 1.13          27.23 ± 0.94
 CM       Clayey                      58.51 ± 1.01           33.27 ± 1.22           25.26 ± 1.79          30.12 ± 1.18
 FF       Clayey                      59.34 ± 1.95           32.12 ± 2.75           27.21 ± 2.59          25.67 ± 1.08
Notes: * Macro, macroporosity; Micro, microporosity; SM, Soil moisture; TP, total porosity. **Values are means ±
s.e.m.; none of the results were significantly different using analysis of variance (p < 0.05).

(MI 2–5) also a showed significant difference                     manure and poultry litter (Figure 2D). The enrichment
(F3,19 = 7.75; P = 0.002, Figure 2B), where the poultry           index showed higher values in soil from the coffee
litter fertilized plantation showed a lower value (2.16)          plantation fertilized with poultry litter, followed by cow
than the other areas. Regarding the plant-parasitic               manure, naturally fertilized plantation, and the fragment
nematode index (F3,19 = 1.99; P = 0.157), no differences          forest (Figure 2E). The forest fragment, natural coffee
were observed between the areas (Figure 2C).                      plantation, and poultry litter plantation had the highest
     Significant differences were detected in the basal           structure index. Coffee plantations fertilized with cow
index (F3,19 = 79.75, P =

Table 3. Average values (± standard error) for the total abundance of nematodes per
100 g of dry soil from an Atlantic forest fragment (FF), a naturally fertilized (NF) coffee
plantation, poultry litter (PL) fertilized coffee plantation, and a coffee plantation
fertilized with cow manure (CM).

 Feeding habits                       FF                      NF                     PL                    CM

 Bacterivores                    108 ± 2.73b            170 ± 1.14b             380 ± 7.72a             378 ± 5.83a
 Plant-parasites                 270 ± 5.03a            287 ± 3.37a             183 ± 3.12b             128 ± 1.28b
 Fungivores                       84 ± 2.83a             51 ± 5.16a              32 ± 1.12b              13 ± 0.97b
 Omnivores                        11 ± 0.54ns
                                                           9 ± 0.37ns
                                                                                  2 ± 0.41ns
                                                                                                         2 ± 0.83ns
 Predators                        10 ± 0.73ns              9 ± 0.37ns             8 ± 0.24ns             4 ± 0.25ns
 Total                           483 ± 7.20   ns
                                                        526 ± 5.63    ns
                                                                                605 ± 9.09   ns
                                                                                                        525 ± 4.59ns
Notes: Values followed by the same letter on the same line did not differ when using the Tukey test (p < 0.05);
  Non-significant by analysis of variance.

an agroecosystems with a high level of ecological              incorporation of animal manure in the soil, leading to
disturbance. The naturally fertilized coffee plantation,       increased food resources for bacterial feeders, which
observed in quadrant B, presents similar food web              contribute to the decomposition of organic matter
characteristics to the forest fragment (Figure 3).             (Jiang et al., 2013).
                                                                   The abundance of fungivores is favored by
Discussion                                                     organic matter with high concentrations of lignin and
                                                               cellulose (organic carbon sources) (Liu et al., 2016)
The total abundance of nematodes when comparing                (Table 3). These compounds are commonly found in
the coffee AFS and the Atlantic rainforest fragment            plant residues from the forest litter, including branch
indicated that there were similarities in the agro­            and trunk residues. The forest litter used in the soils
ecosystem communities. This result was also observed           of naturally fertilized coffee tree plantations contains
in similar studies (Franco-Navarro and Godinez-Vidal,          minor levels of lignin and cellulose because it has
2017; McQueen and Treonis, 2020). Even if soil fertility       been partially decomposed or is mostly comprised of
practices are used, these disturbances are not enough          leaf residues. Fungivorous nematodes are sensitive to
to change the distribution of nematode communities in          ammoniacal acids released in the soil by compounds
agroecosystems (Marinho et al., 2014). The presence            with a low C:N ratio (Oka, 2010), justifying the lower
of the trees in the coffee plantations is an important         abundance of this trophic group in the soil fertilized
factor that contributes to regulating soil temperature,        by poultry litter and cow manure.
reducing exposure of coffee plants to direct sunlight,             The genus Rhabditis was present in the greatest
and, consequently, making the environment more                 abundance in soils fertilized using poultry litter and
stable and similar to natural ecosystems (Gomes et al.,        cow manure, and the higher abundance of Acrobeles
2016).                                                         was observed in coffee plantation fertilized with
    Plant-parasitic and bacterivorous nematodes                cow manure. These genera belong to groups of
are usually the dominant trophic groups in natural             opportunistic nematodes and rapidly respond to the
ecosystems and agricultural plantations (Grabau                incorporation of organic fertilizers from animal origin in
et al., 2019; Hu et al., 2014). They often exhibit a           the soil and are usually more abundant in agricultural
negative relationship in the soil (Liu et al., 2016),          areas (Brmež et al., 2018; Carron et al., 2015; Van den
because of the release of compounds and organic                Hoogen et al., 2020). The abundance of members
acids combined with high nitrogen levels present               of this family contribute to the mineralization and
in fertilizers of animal origin, which inhibit the             regulation of nutrients such as nitrogen, which is then
abundance of plant-parasitic nematodes (Oka, 2010).            available for the trees (Ferris et al., 1998; Sãnchez-
On the other hand, bacterivores are favored by the             Moreno et al., 2011).

Nematodes communities in coffee agroforestry systems: Vieira Jnior et al.

Table 4. Mean relative abundance of nematode genera found in soil samples from an
Atlantic forest fragment (FF), a naturally fertilized (NF) coffee plantation, a poultry litter
(PL) fertilized coffee plantation, and cow manure (CM) fertilized coffee plantation.

 Families                          Genera                               FF         NF                  PL         CM

 Bacterivores                                                                                 Areas
 Alaimidae                         Alaimus                            0.01ns      0.02ns              0.00ns      0.00ns
 Bunonematidae                     Bunonema                           0.00   ns
                                                                                  0.00   ns
                                                                                                      0.01   ns
 Cephalobidae                      Acrobeles                          0.09b       0.10b               0.10b       0.18a
                                   Cephalobus                         0.05   ns
                                                                                  0.04   ns
                                                                                                      0.02   ns
 Diplogastridae                    Diplogaster                        0.00   ns
                                                                                  0.00   ns
                                                                                                      0.03   ns
 Panagrolaimidae                   Panagrolaimus                      0.00ns      0.01ns              0.03ns      0.01ns
 Plectidae                         Plectus                            0.01ns      0.01ns              0.02ns      0.02ns
                                   Wilsonema                          0.00ns      0.01ns              0.00ns      0.01ns
 Prismatolaimidae                  Prismatolaimus                     0.01   ns
                                                                                  0.01   ns
                                                                                                      0.00   ns
 Rhabditidae                       Rhabditis                          0.05b       0.12b               0.38a       0.49a
 Teratocephalidae                  Teratocephalus                     0.00ns      0.01ns              0.02ns      0.00ns

 Plant-parasites                                                                              Areas
 Anguininae                        Ditylenchus*                       0.03ns      0.02ns              0.04ns      0.01ns
 Criconematidae                    Criconema                           0.15a      0.08a               0.02b       0.01b
 Hoplolaimidae                     Helicotylenchus                    0.21b       0.35a               0.20b       0.17b
 Longidoridae                      Longidorus                         0.03ns      0.01ns              0.02ns      0.02ns
 Pratylenchidae                    Pratylenchus                        0.07a      0.04a               0.01b       0.00b
 Trichodoridae                     Trichodorus                        0.02   ns
                                                                                  0.02   ns
                                                                                                      0.00   ns
 Tylenchidae                       Tylenchus                          0.05ns      0.03ns              0.04ns      0.02ns

 Fungivores                                                                                   Areas
 Aphelenchidae                     Aphelenchus                         0.14a      0.07b               0.05b       0.02b
 Diphtherophoridae                 Diphtherophora                     0.02   ns
                                                                                  0.01   ns
                                                                                                      0.00   ns
 Tylencholaimellidae               Tylencholaimellus                  0.01ns      0.01ns              0.00ns      0.00ns

 Onivores                                                                                     Areas
 Dorylaimidae                      Dorylaimus                         0.03   ns
                                                                                  0.02   ns
                                                                                                      0.00ns      0.00ns

 Predator                                                                                     Areas
 Mononchidae                       Mononchus                          0.02   ns
                                                                                                      0.01ns      0.01ns
Notes: Values followed by the same letter on the same line did not differ when using Dunnett’s method (p < 0.05).
*Ditylenchus specimens found in soil can be plant-parasitic and/or fungivorous.

    The genera Criconema is a plant-parasitic                   of organic matter, such as natural vegetation and
nematode that is very sensitive to environmental                agroecosystems with low anthropogenic disturbance
disturbances, and its population is favored by soils            (Caixeta et al., 2016). The genus Helicotylenchus,
covered with plants and in those with a high content            which is abundant in the soil of naturally fertilized


Table 5. Average values (± standard error) of Shannon and Simpson indices of
nematode communities in soil samples from an Atlantic forest fragment (FF),
a naturally fertilized (NF) coffee plantation, a poultry litter (PL) fertilized coffee
plantation, and cow manure (CM) fertilized coffee plantation.

                                                                Areas evaluated

 Diversity indexes                   FF                        NF                   PL                     CM

 Shannon (H’)                   2.34 ± 0.03a            2.24 ± 0.03a            2.09 ± 0.04a           1.95 ± 0.06b
 Simpson (Ds)                  0.14 ± 0.002b           0.17 ± 0.006b           0.20 ± 0.002b           0.33 ± 0.002a
Notes: Values followed by the same letter on the same line did not differ when using the Tukey test (p < 0.05).

coffee plantations and the forest fragment, is usually          bacteria under nutrient enrichment conditions (DuPont
a very common plant-parasitic nematode and is                   et al., 2009). The similarity of the PPI between areas
present at high densities in annual and perennial               may be associated with the high C/N ratio found in
plantations and natural ecosystems (Tomazini                    agroecosystems soils. The lower N availability causes
et al., 2008). As expected, considering the source              plants to produce less root volume, thus reducing the
of the residues used to fertilize the soil of the coffee        availability of resources for plant-parasitic nematodes
plantations, the results indicated a greater similarity         (Ugarte et al., 2013).
between soils of naturally fertilized plantations and               The SI combined with EI indicated that coffee crops
the Atlantic forest fragment. The presence of these             fertilized with poultry litter and cow manure have similar
plant-parasites, as well as other opportunistic trophic         characteristics. According to Ferris (2010), these
groups, is favored by a high organic matter content             agroecosystems have soils with moderate disturbance
and high root density (Ritzinger et al., 2010). The             characteristics, enriched with nitrogen, and with a
genus Aphelenchus belongs to the fungivores trophic             balanced decomposition channel, although with bac­
group and is associated with soils containing high              terial decomposition. The soil of the forest fragment
recalcitrant organic matter levels, abundant in habitats        and the naturally fertilized coffee plantation showed low
with advanced stages of ecological succession (Niles            disturbance, with a food web characteristic of mature
and Freckman, 1998; Porazinska et al., 1999).                   soil. The position near quadrant C indicated that the
    The crop fertilized with cow manure showed less             ecosystem is close to an undisturbed environment,
diversity and greater genera dominance, for example             with a decomposition channel dominated by fungi
like Rhabditis. This area had the lowest density of trees       (Figure 2). These results also suggest that the soil
among the agroecosystems studied. These results may             condition of the crops is associated with the way they
be associated with the greater availability of litter in the    are managed. Agroecological management without
soil, which favors the abundance, diversity, and richness       the use of chemical inputs (fertilizers and pesticides),
of communities of soil organisms (Moço et al., 2009).           no soil disturbance, constant employment of organic
    MI values close to two, as found in the forest fragment     residues from trees, and management of spontaneous
(2.23) soil and the soil from the naturally fertilized          herbaceous vegetation, favored the quality of the soils
coffee (1.98) plantation (Figure 2), indicated that these       of agroecosystems (Mulder et al., 2003).
environments were in an ecological succession stage.                According to the faunal profile results, it can be
Values between one and two, as obtained for the soils           inferred that the application of animal waste fertilizers
of coffee crops fertilized with animal manure (CM  =  1.43,     stimulated the bacterial channel. Although they are
PL = 1.41), indicated that these agroecosystems present         characterized as disturbed agroecosystems, it can
high ecological disturbance due to the enrichment               be stated that due to the biodiversity present in AFS,
of the soil with organic fertilizers (Bongers, 1990;            these areas in the long term may be closer to quadrant
Bongers and Ferris, 1999). The lowest values for MI             B, which indicates an environment with lower eco­
2–5 and the basal index were found in crops fertilized          logical disturbance (Ferris, 2001). Furthermore, the
with poultry litter, suggesting a food web dominated by         faunal profile confirms the hypothesis that there is

Nematodes communities in coffee agroforestry systems: Vieira Jnior et al.

               Figure 2: Average values ​​(± standard error) of (a) the maturity, (b) the maturity 2–5, (c) the plant
               parasitic, (d) the basal, (e) the enrichment, and (f) the structure indexes. Values followed by the
               same letter did not differ when using the Tukey test (p < 0.05).


             Figure 3: Food web analysis of coffee crops fertilized with cow manure (CM), poultry litter (PL),
             plant residues (NF), and in a forest fragment (FF). Quadrant A: enriched and structured
             agroecosystem; quadrant B: mature and structured environment; quadrant C: mature and stable
             environment, fertile soil; and quadrant D: degraded and depleted soil. (Ferris, 2010).

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