Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY

Page created by Jaime Chen
Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
Parish STAFF

    28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103
  Phone: (718) 278-1611
Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
           Mass Schedule                                              July 4, 2021
Saturday, July 3: St. Thomas; First                     My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made
Saturday                                                              perfect in weakness.
                                                                                                       — 2 Corinthians 12:9
5pm:   Rosa Rondeaw,                                   ***********************************************************************
       Pawla & Marianu Cauchi,                         NO BAD NEWS
       Cutajar & Portelli Family,                               There are many times when we say, “Tell me
       Giuseppe Sacino, Pietro Biasi,                  what I want to hear, and don’t confuse me with facts.”
       Donatella Biasi                                 And we don’t take kindly to someone who might be
Sunday, July 4: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary          bold enough to snuff out our expectations.
Time; Independence Day                                          The biggest problem with such an attitude is not
7:45am:  Anthony Trani                                 that we miss out on the truth or the facts, but that we
9:00am:  Sorianos Family (Thanksgiving),               miss out on the new and surprising gifts others can give
         Ludmila Vardanian                             us. Like the townspeople in today’s Gospel story, we
10:30am: Martha Zambrano, Piedad Carpio,               too often refuse to allow others to display the talents
         Patricia Pinto, Jony Solorsoano               that can be good news for us.
12:00pm: Leonard Lanzone                                    Today’s readings call for hospitality and faith and
Monday, July 5; St. Anthony Zaccaria; St.              discernment. Hospitality opens the doors of our hearts
Elizabeth of Portugal                                  and minds to the “stranger” among us, no matter how
12:00pm: Joanne Ganjhi                                 familiar he or she may seem to be. Faith enables us to
Tuesday, July 6; St. Maria Goretti                     accept the gifts of others, no matter how alarming or
8:00am:    Edelmiro Colon                              “strange” they may seem to be. Discernment helps us
Wednesday, July 7                                      discover the prophets in our midst, no matter how
12:00pm:    Yolanda Lazaric,                           amazing they may seem to be. Hospitality, faith, and
            Soriano’s Family (Thanksgiving),           discernment—cultivate these. Then, nobody can bring
            Maria Camilleri, Ruby Tobar                bad news.
Thursday, July 8                                       READINGS FOR THE WEEK
8:00am:    Joseph Pompey                               Monday:    Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91:1-4, 14-15ab; Mt 9:18-
Friday, July 9: St. Augustine Zhao Rong and                       26
Companions                                             Tuesday:   Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b, 15;
12:00pm: Kate Milovcic                                            Mt 9:32-38
Saturday, July 10: Blessed Virgin Mary                 Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a;
8am:   Frank Giambrone (Special Intention)                        Ps 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19; Mt 10:1-7
5pm:   Giuseppe Peras, Nora McDonald, Anthoy Nastasi   Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Ps 105:16-
Sunday, July 11: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary                     21; Mt 10:7-15
Time                                                   Friday:    Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28,
7:45am:  Richard Fravola                                          39-40; Mt 10:16-23
9:00am:  Annuziata & Ermano Bagatta, Giuseppe &        Saturday: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Ps 105:1-4, 6-7;
         Gerarda Sacino                                           Mt 10:24-33
10:30am: Ana Milbia Buitvago,                          Sunday:    Am 7:12-15; Ps 85:9-14;
         Soriano’s Family (Accion de Gracias)                     Eph 1:3-14 [1:3-10]; Mk 6:7-13
12:00pm: Frana Grgas                                   ***********************************************************************
                                                       Please note the parish office will
                                                       be closed on Monday July 5th in
                                                       observance of Independence
                                                       Day. The parish office will
                                                       reopen Tuesday July 6th at 9am.
                                                       SUNDAY’S READINGS
                                                       First Reading — They shall know that a prophet has
                                                       been among them (Ezekiel 2:2-5).
                                                       Psalm — Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for
                  Prayer Intentions                    his mercy (Psalm 123).
             The Sick and the Homebound                Second Reading — I am content with weaknesses and
                  Maria Carmen Rosa                    hardships for the sake of Christ (2 Corinthians 12:7-10).
                                                       Gospel — “Where did this man get all this? Is he not
     Those Who Have Entered into Eternal Life          the carpenter, the son of Mary?” (Mark 6:1-6a).
    Laura Fosco, Gabriela Kostialova, Robert Marek,
       Raul Perez Fernandez, Concetta Gagliardo
Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
Welcome to our new
                           Pastor, Father Vincent

                            Welcome to our new
                             Parochial Vicar,
                            Alessandro Linardi

                            Welcome to Father
                            Edward Cassar, in

   We wish you many
blessings and prayers as
 you all begin your new
journey at St. Joseph RC
Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo                                                         Food Pantry
                Ordinario                                                  Our Food Pantry is open every Thursday from
            4 de julio de 2021                                             8:00 to 10:00am, to assist any parishioner that is in need
Te basta mi gracia, porque mi poder se manifiesta en                       of food. To register please bring a NYC Benefit card.
                     la debilidad.                                         Please Note: The Secure Food Deposit Box…
                                                    — 2 Corintios 12:9
************************************************************************   Located in the front lobby of our church on the Rectory
NO MALAS NOTICIAS                                                          side. Please deposit all dry food (pasta,
Hay muchas veces cuando decimos: “Dime lo que quiero                       rice, beans, cans and bottles) there. This
escuchar, y no me confundas con datos”. Y no vemos con                     will assist us in securing that your food
buenos ojos a alguien que podría ser lo suficientemente                    donations go directly to the needy.
audaz y acabe con nuestras expectativas.                                   Please do not donate expired food.
El mayor problema con esa actitud no es que nos
perdemos la verdad o los hechos, sino que nos perdemos
los regalos nuevos y sorprendentes que otros nos pueden
dar. Al igual que la gente del pueblo en el relato del
Evangelio de hoy, nosotros también a menudo nos
negamos a permitir que otros muestren los talentos que
pueden ser una buena noticia para nosotros.
Las lecturas de hoy piden hospitalidad, fe y
discernimiento. La hospitalidad abre las puertas de nuestro
corazón y nuestras mentes a los “forasteros” entre
nosotros, no importa lo familiar que él o ella puede
parecer. La fe nos permite aceptar los dones de los demás,
no importa cuán alarmante o “extraños” nos puedan
parecer. El discernimiento nos ayuda a descubrir a los
profetas entre nosotros, no importa lo increíbles que
puedan parecer. Hospitalidad, fe y discernimiento –
cultívalos. Así, nadie podrá traerte malas noticias.
El Vino
Mientras que el pan nos da la fuerza, el vino nos da la
alegría. Su consumo no es tan esencial como el agua, pero
al compartirlo hace sacra la vida aún más, refirma la
amistad y significa también la vitalidad humana. El vino
es la plenitud de la vida, es símbolo de la felicidad y
prosperidad. Siendo el nuevo Israel, la Iglesia, es el nuevo
vino que en ofrenda se presenta ante el altar. En el
Antiguo Testamento el mismo pueblo de Dios fue
comparado con una viña (Isaías 5:1 – 7). Al presentar el
vino con el pan al altar, estamos simbolizando nuestra
humanidad total, en sus procesos de cambio y aspiraciones
más profundas. Este vino que ofrecemos, nos recuerda lo
más íntimo y sagrado de un ser humano: su sangre y con
ella la vida en todo sentido. Como cristianos, beberemos
este mismo vino, siendo ya Sangre del Señor, porque con
esta acción estamos dispuestos a beber su cáliz, a
compartir su suerte, a asumir su cruz. Ofrecer pan y vino
en el altar es ofrecer nuestra propia vida a hacernos pan
para que todos coman; vino para que todos tengan vida en
Nuestro Señor prefiere esperar al pecador durante años
que dejar al pecado esperando por un instante.
                                           —San Pedro Julián Eymund
Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
The Annual Catholic Appeal seeks to raise a minimum of $8 mil-
                                            lion to provide programs and ministries throughout the Diocese
                                                    and support the local efforts of parishes like ours.
                                                      The goal at St. Joseph’s Church is $50,048.

           As of June 24th, 91 families have pledged $35,551. The ACA has received $29,879.99.
Once we exceed our goal, we will then receive 100% of all funds raised above this figure directly back to
                                                our parish.

         For questions regarding the Annual Catholic Appeal, please contact the Parish Office at
Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
Se hace ropa a la medida y                                                                                      Grow in your faith,
                                                               alteraciones en general.                                                                                        find a Mass, and
                                                                      Se Habla Español
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453100 St Joseph Church                                                                                                              For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY Parish STAFF - St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | Astoria, NY
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