Payload: Instrument Control Unit - IL CONTRIBUTO ITALIANO ALLA MISSIONE PLATO - Inaf

Page created by Lynn Richardson
Payload: Instrument Control Unit - IL CONTRIBUTO ITALIANO ALLA MISSIONE PLATO - Inaf
Rosario Cosentino

Payload: Instrument Control Unit
Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011

On behalf and with extensive inputs from the ICU Team:
INAF (Italy): Rosario Cosentino, Anna Maria Di Giorgio, Stefano Pezzuto,
University of Florence (Italy): Mauro Focardi, Maurizio Pancrazzi, Emanuele Pace
University of Vien (Austria): Franz Kerschbaum, Roland Ottensamer.
Payload: Instrument Control Unit - IL CONTRIBUTO ITALIANO ALLA MISSIONE PLATO - Inaf
Payload: Instrument Control Unit - IL CONTRIBUTO ITALIANO ALLA MISSIONE PLATO - Inaf
                               R. Cosentino (FGG)

                                              Subsystem Engineering
                                               E. Pace (Uni. Firenze)
          R. Cosentino (INAF­FGG)

    ICU Hardware                                            ICU Software
M. Focardi (Uni Firenze)                                S. Pezzuto (INAF­IFSI)

                 Electronics                  Data Compression


Payload: Instrument Control Unit - IL CONTRIBUTO ITALIANO ALLA MISSIONE PLATO - Inaf
Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
Payload: Instrument Control Unit - IL CONTRIBUTO ITALIANO ALLA MISSIONE PLATO - Inaf
Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
Payload: Instrument Control Unit - IL CONTRIBUTO ITALIANO ALLA MISSIONE PLATO - Inaf

    MEUs                                   F­
   (4 N­DPU)                              DPUs

                   AEUs          F­AEU
                                                   ● 4 MEU (the 16 normal DPU are
                                                   gathered in 4 group of 4 DPUs)
                                                   ● 2 Fast DPU
               Memory and IO Unit
                                                   ● 4 Ancillary Electronic Unit

     Memory Unit                         ICU       ● 1 Fast Ancillary Electronic Unit
                                                   ● 1 MEU-PSU

      Processor Unit                  Power
                                    Supply Unit
                                                   Each unit include 2 router (main
                SpW interface to SVM               and redundant)

                       S/C SVM

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
Payload: Instrument Control Unit - IL CONTRIBUTO ITALIANO ALLA MISSIONE PLATO - Inaf

                                               ● Handle the communications with spacecraft
 MEUs                                          ● Receive and process telecommands for the ICU:
(4 N­DPU)                              DPUs    the received commands shall be validated prior to
                                               their execution
                                               ● Format and transmit cyclic and sporadic HK

                AEUs          F­AEU            telemetry (HKTM)
                                               ● Format and trasmit the scientific payload

                                               telemetry packets (PLTM)
                                               ● Manage the SpaceWire network

                                               • Receive the onboard time (Central Time
            Memory and IO Unit
                                               Reference) from the S/C, handle the time
                                               stamping of the data transmitted in HKTM and
  Memory Unit                         ICU      forward the CTR to the DPUs.
                                               • Produce state and diagnosis information (cyclic
   Processor Unit                  Power       status, progress event).
                                 Supply Unit   • receive the spacecraft time code from the S/C
                                               and forward it to the DPUs
             SpW interface to SVM              • Schedule the DPU tasks (by the way of
                                               commands sent to the DPUs)
                                               • Manage the data flow
                    S/C SVM                    • Manage the mode transitions
                                               • Manage the Software parameters
                                               • Manage the maintenance of the ICU software
                                               • Manage the maintenance of the DPU software
Payload: Instrument Control Unit - IL CONTRIBUTO ITALIANO ALLA MISSIONE PLATO - Inaf
   Functional characteristics (observation and configuration
        Network architecture and management (SpaceWire)
        Data volume and TM budget
        Hardware architecture
        ICU: new design
        PROCESSOR Module
        MEM & I/O Board
        ICU mechanical assembly
        ICU Budget (mass and power)
        SW structure
        Model philosophy
        Objective of the definition phase
        ICU Development Plan

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
Payload: Instrument Control Unit - IL CONTRIBUTO ITALIANO ALLA MISSIONE PLATO - Inaf
   receive the flux, the centroids and the imagettes (F-DPU: every
        2.5 s ; N-DPU: every 25 s);
       compress the imagettes: a compression factor 2 and 3 is
       detect outliers (flux and centroid) by comparing the data
        corresponding to the same star and coming from N-groups
        telescopes (N=8 or N=16 or N=32);
       stack the valid flux and centroids;
       compute the mean and the std dev of the stacked
        measurements at a cadence depending of the sample category
        (50 sec. or 600 sec): F-DPU: K ≤ 20; N-DPU: K ≤ 2 (50 s) or K ≤
        24 (600 s);
       bufferize and compress photometric and centroid data: a factor
        of ~ 2 is guaranteed;
       format and transmit to the SVM the scientific packets (PLTM).

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
Payload: Instrument Control Unit - IL CONTRIBUTO ITALIANO ALLA MISSIONE PLATO - Inaf
 Send the star catalogue and other configuration parameters to DPU
      Cross check between data from telescopes of the same LoS (verify the
     consistency of the list and positions of all the stars).
      Schedule the DPU tasks
      Compress full-frames images from DPUs
      Packetization and trasmission to SVM of all the data sent by DPU which
     allow to valid on-ground operation:
              Far field’ full images
              List of background window position and background intensities
              Parameters for candidate and reference stars
              List and position of reference stars
              Distortion matrix
              Selected parameters of all the targets (position, mask, …)

        No storage of data (only temporary buffering)
        periodically or loss of the Los

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
   The active ICU is responsible for managing the SpaceWire
           network: ICU is a remote network manager.

          The active ICU configures the routers (routing table, link speed,
           etc.): the logical addressing will be used (no path addressing).

          The active ICU manages (configures / monitors/ controls) its own
           routers and the MEU routers.

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
 32 normal telescopes + 2 fast telescope
 4 detectors each telescope (4510X4510 CCDs)
 Data volume = 212 Gb/day (imagettes, photometric data,
  centroid data, raw images)
 Presently the TM rate is 106 Gb/day
 ICU shall compress data by a factor 2 at least

  ICU shall manage an input data­rate from N­DPU and F­DPU of about 12 Mbps
  and an output data­rate to the SVM of about 1.5 Mbps. These data rates can be
  easily managed by the standard SpW link, running up to 100 Mbps.

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
     o Storing large amount of data (to achieve a compression
       factor of 2)
     o Handle a large number of SpW links

     Proposed Hardware characteristics:
     o a routing unit for an efficient management of the SpW
       network and a wide internetworking capabilities,
       implementing two or three routers
     o a processor unit (i.e. a motherboard with power processing
     o a memory unit for data storage and buffering with one or
       more SpW links to manage and configure them
     o a power supply unit with redundancy.

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
ICU box EID­B constraints:
                                                                      Volume: 250 x 240 x 220 mm3,
                                                                      Mass: 6.8 Kg

                                                                       3 “stacked” Units:
                                                                       Processor Unit
                                                                       Memory & I/O Board
                                                                       Power Supply Unit

                                                                       Back panel (or mother board)
                                                                        for signals routing and cross­

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
C&C_A _N           EG S EC & C _ A _ R                                                                                                  28V
                                                                                                                                                                 O n /O f f          P r im a r y P o w e r
                                                                                                                                                                  HPC                         Bus

                                                                     R 4_ A

                                                                  A T7910

                                                                                                                                                                 P r o c e s s o r S u p p ly
                                                                                                                                                                         B o ard A

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Contribution from Thales Alenia
                                                                                                                                           C o n d itio n in g

                                                          C &C and TC &TM
                                                                                                                       M UX

                                                               FPG A
                                                                                                M o n ito r in g                                                    S e c o n d a r y V o lta g e s A

                            BootPRO M                                                                    N O R F la s h E E P R O M
                                                                                                                 6 4 M B y te

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Space Italy:
                             1 2 8 K B y te
                               ( 4 x 3 2 K x8 )                                                                 ( 2 x 1 6 M x1 6 c u b e s )
                                                                  LEO N2
                                                                                                           8 M B yte x IC U
                                                                  A T697F                                  8 M B yte x D P U s
                                SRA M                                                                      3 2 M B yte x S ta r C a ta lo g u e
                           8 M B y te + E d a c                                                            1 6 M B yte S p a r e
                           ( 5 x 2 M x8 c u b e s )

                                                      P ro c es s o r B o ard A

IN _ 1 _ A
IN   _2_   A
                                                      M E M & IO B o a r d A
IN   _3_   A
IN   _4_   A
                                                                                                                                S pW

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    11 SpW links
IN   _5_   A
IN   _6_   A
                A T7910

                              W R _ C tr l
                               FP G A
                                                               M E M _ C tr l
                                                                 FPG A
                                                                                                                   R D _ C tr l
                                                                                                                    FP G A
                                  A                                 A                                                  A
IN   _7_A
IN   _8_A                                                                                                                       S pW
IN   _9_A                                                                                                                        I/F

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2 PSU (M + R);
IN   _10_A
IN   _11_A

                A T7910
                                                           8 G b it S D R A M
                                                              (2 5 6 M x 3 2 )
                                                          [( 4 + 2 ) x 2 G b it C u b e s ]                                                                                                                     
                                                      P L A T O IC U
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2 discrete command lines and a main power
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    line (28V) from SVM to ICU­PSU A/B.
IN _ 1 _ B                                                   8 G b it S D R A M
                  R1_B                                         (2 56 M x 32 )
IN   _2_   B                                               [( 4 + 2 ) x 2 G b it C u b e s ]
IN   _3_   B
IN   _4_   B
IN   _5_   B                                                                                                                    S pW
IN   _6_   B
                 A T7910
                              W R _ C tr l                     M E M _ C tr l                                      R D _ C tr l
                               FP G A                            FPG A                                              FP G A
                                  B                                 B                                                  B
IN   _7_B
IN   _8_B
                                                                                                                                S pW
IN   _9_B                                                                                                                        I/F
IN   _10_B
IN   _11_B
                                                      M E M & IO B o a r d B
                A T7910

                                                      P ro c es s o r B o ard B

                                SRA M                                                                    N O R F la s h E E P R O M
                           8 M B y te + E d a c                                                                  6 4 M B y te
                           ( 5 x 2 M x8 c u b e s )                                                             ( 2 x 1 6 M x1 6 c u b e s )
                                                                  LEO N2
                                                                  CPU_B                                    8 M B yte x IC U
                            BootPRO M                             A T697F                                  8 M B yte x D P U s
                                                                                                           3 2 M B yte x S ta r C a ta lo g u e
                             1 2 8 K B y te                                                                1 6 M B yte S p a r e
                               ( 4 x 3 2 K x8 )

                                                                                                                                                                    S e c o n d a r y V o lta g e s B
                                                                                                                                           C o n d itio n in g

                                                          C &C and TC &TM
                                                                                                                       M UX

                                                               FPG A
                                                                                                M o n ito r in g

                                                                                                                                                                 P r o c e s s o r S u p p ly
                                                                                                                                                                         B o ard B
                                                                  A T7910

                                                                     R 4_ B

                                                                                                                                                                 O n /O f f                   28V
                                                                                                                                                                  HPC                P r im a r y P o w e r
                                                      C&C_A _N           EG S E           C&C_A _R                                                                                            Bus

               Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
 The Processor Module board is built around a LEON 2 (AT697F) radiation tolerant
      single chip microprocessor based on SPARC V8 architecture.

     Microprocessor includes on chip an Integer Unit (IU), a Floating Point Unit (FPU), a
      Memory Controller and a DMA Arbiter.

     Fault tolerance is supported using parity on internal/external buses and EDAC on the
      external data bus.

     Several Processor Modules could be implemented for a homogeneous or
      heterogeneous multiprocessor systems with multitasking capabilities thanks to RTEMS
      OS, in order to appropriately process and compress digital data.

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
 128 KByte Boot PROM is provided for the bootstrap & initialization SW.

      64 MByte NOR Flash (2X16Mx16 cubes) is provided to store on board the ICU and N­
     DPU Application SW and star catalogue. The memory can be fully patched and dumped
     during flight by means of telecommands.

      8 MByte SRAM (2Mx32 with EDAC) is provided for Application SW execution.

     Both FLASH and SRAM are protected by the processor EDAC correcting any single bit
     error and signaling any double bit error detected.

     FLASH memory can be switched off when not accessed for long time in order to improve
     their data retention performance and to minimise consumption. The FLASH On/Off switch
     is commanded through a GPIO line of the Processor.

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
The Processor Module host a 8x SpaceWire Router ASIC (ATMEL AT7910E) as baseline.
   Up to 4 SpW links are accessible from outside whilst the remaining 4 SpW links are used
   for connection and cross strapping with other modules internal to the unit.

   The SpW Router ASIC acts also as network terminal node thanks to the two 8 bit wide
   parallel ports it provides.

   4 external SpW links could be used for both Command & Control purposes and/or for
   transfer of low/medium data rate packets from/to SpW sources (e.g. the satellite central on­
   board computer). A SpW link is foreseen for EGSE pourposes.

   The Router interfaces an ACTEL RTAX2000S FPGA responsible for communication and
   control procedures, for clock division and distribution and for On­Board reference Time
   production and syncronization (by means of Time­code SpW packets from OBC).

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
The Memory Module (MM) is based on SDRAM memories and it can be powered on/off and
   controlled by the Supervisor module (M or R). Req’s are 8Gb.
   It consists of three main blocks:

   ⇒ Power Distribution and On/Off circuitry;
   ⇒ The Memory Controller FPGA (ACTEL RTAX2000S);
   ⇒ The SDRAM Memory Array;

   The Processor Module handles all the digital I/Fs of the MM and all the operations on the
   memory array: initialisation, writing, reading, refresh, scrubbing and the local redundancy

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
The I/O module consist of the following blocks:

       ⇒2 SpW routers in charge of the SpW I/F with the PLATO DPS, Nom/Red Supervisor
       module and with the SpW router to the SVM;
       ⇒The Input WRC FPGA and the Output RDC FPGA in charge of managing data packets
       writing on or reading from the MM;
       ⇒Power Distribution and On/Off circuitry;

       The SpW router ASIC receives SpW packets from PLATO DPS via 6+5 SpW links and
       routes them via its two parallel output ports to the WRC FPGA, which stores them into the
       Memory Array throungh the MEMC FPGA.

       The RDC FPGA retrieves TM packets allocated inside the Memory Array, formats and
       forward them to the SpW I/F included in the RDC FPGA.

       The operations of the SpW routers on the I/O Module can be configured, controlled,
       monitored by the operational Processor Module via SpW I/F (e.g. routing table
       programming for logical addressing, speed selection…etc).

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
The Motherboard is the mean through which the Nominal and Redundant Daughter­boards are
  connected and exchange the power and signal lines each other.

  Thanks to the use of a motherboard PCB there are no wire connections inside the unit.

  All the I/O connectors are directly mounted on the relevant PCB modules.

  The Motherboard is equipped with straight connectors and lies on the ICU bottom panel while
  the Daughter­boards are inserted through the top of the unit and plug into the Motherboard
  through right­angle connectors.

  All the Modules are implemented on “extended” double Eurocard PCBs (200 mm x 233 mm).

  Mass 300 g.

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
The ICU is composed by N nominal + N redundant daughter­board modules perpendicularly
  plugged onto a mother­board that lays on the unit bottom.

  The motherboard is fixed by screws to the unit bottom plate.

  Each daughter­board is provided with motherboard connectors on one of the 233mm side
  and with the external I/O connectors on the opposite side.

  The daughter­boards are stiffened by a mechanical frame on which the external I/O
  connector are fixed and that are screwed to the unit upper panels.

  The lateral sides of the modules are equipped with card­lock retainers that are used to fix
  the boards to the unit lateral panels.

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
mar­11                n. Brd
                                                                       Mass [g]            T. Mass [g]
                                                 Box                     2000       1          2000
                                                 Power Supply Module     1150       2          2300
                                                 Processor Module        600        2          1200
         February 2011                           TC/TM                   700        2          1400
                                                 I/O module              500        2          1000
                                                 64 Gbit                 350        2           700
                                                 motherboard             250        1           250
                                                                                   Tot.      8850

                                                            apr­11                n. Brd
                                                                       Mass [g]            T. Mass [g]
                                                 Box                     1700       1          1700
                                                                         1100       2          2200
                                                 Power Supply Module
                                                                         550        2         1100
         April 2011                              Processor Module
                                                                         600        2         1200
                                                 Memory & I/O Module
                                                                         300        1          300
                                                                                  Tot.       6500

                                                                 2350 g less
Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
  The dimension of a (manufactured) unit composed of:
  • 2 Power Supply modules (1N+1R)
  • 2 Processor modules (1N+1R)
  • 2 Memory & Input/Output modules (1N+1R)


  ⇒ 260 x 250 x 251 mm [L x W x H] not considering the mounting feet
  ⇒ 260 x 278 x 251 mm [L x W x H] including the mounting feet
  In March the dimension was:

  ⇒ 340 x 253 x 251 mm [L x W x H] not considering the mounting feet
  ⇒ 340 x 278 x 251 mm [L x W x H] including the mounting feet

    This data is NOT fully compliant but very close to the PLATO ICU dimensions reported in
    the EID­B document and in the URD (220 mm x 250 mm x 240 mm).
Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
The ICU (Main + Redundant) overall power budgeis 19.8 W x 2 maximum

                                          Max power consumption [W]     global mass [g]

              Power Supply Module                      2.9W           85% min efficiency
              Processor Module                         6.1W
              I/O & Memory Module                     10.8W           8Gbit
              Motherboard                               ­­­
              total max primary
              power consumption                       19.8W

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
There are 4 kinds of SW available to the ICU:
 Bootstrap SW (BSW)
 Operating system (OS)
 Drivers
 Application SW (ASW)

   BSW and drivers provided by the ICU HW
   OS depends on the adopted microprocessor; real
    time OS commercially available, like RTEMS.
   Drivers will be developed such that they will be
    integrated in the OS.
   The ASW is under responsibility of IFSI-INAF.
   The code shall be written in C; some module may
    be required to be written in Assembly.
Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
   PLATO Payload development is based on
     tests on Qualification Models (QM)
     Acceptance tests on a Flight models (FM).

   Models sequentially built and tested:
     Breadboards or EBBs  see later (industrial plan)
     Structural and Thermal Model (STM)
     Engineering Models (EM) (2 models)
     Qualification Model (QM)
     Flight Model (FM)
     Spare Model

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
   ICU architecture
                           Detailed architecture
                           Software design
                              ▪ Software Requirement Specification
                              ▪ Software Interface Control Document
                              ▪ Interface document

                         Docs
                           Draft at the DPS meeting on January 2011
                           Final release on April 2011
                           October 2011  selection
                           December 2011  PDR

Il contributo italiano alla missione PLATO -Palermo 2-3 Maggio 2011
Activities/Milestones            Start       End                         remarks

ICU Pre­Definition Phase              Nov. ‘10   Jan. ‘11

                                                             Specification Freezing Architecture Detailed
ICU Definition Phase                  Feb. ‘11    Apr. ‘11
ICU Implementation Phase Kick­Off      T0  01 Oct. ‘11

ICU Detailed Design                   Oct. ‘11   Dec. ‘11    Detailed Design Documentation & Analysis

Preliminary Design Review (PDR)       T0 + 3  02 Jan. ‘12

Electrical, Mechanical and Software
                                      Jan. ‘12   Mar. ‘12∗
Detailed Design
ICU STM MAIT                          Apr. ’13   Jun. ‘13    Structural & Thermal Model

                                                             EM partially completed, delivered temporally
                                                             to ESA and returned to industry at the
ICU Bread Boarding                    Apr. ‘12   Jun. ‘12∗   completion of the test. The test procedures
                                                             had to be defined and communicated to
                                                             ICU­TEAM as soon as possible.
Activities/Milestones    Start       End                              remarks

                                                      2 deliverable units, internally not redounded,
ICU EM MAIT                    Apr. ‘12   Dic. ‘12    based on extended temperature range EEE parts,
                                                      Fit & Form compatible with FM

Critical Design Review (CDR)   T0 + 12  Oct. ‘12

                                                      1 deliverable unit fully equipped, internally
                                                      redounded, based on extended temperature
ICU QM MAIT                    Oct ‘12    June. ‘13   range EEE parts, same type and same
                                                      manufacturer of FM, Fit, Form & Function
                                                      compatible with FM.

Qualification Review (QR)      T0 + 21  July ‘13

                                                      1 deliverable unit fully equipped, internally
ICU FM MAIT                    July ‘13   Apr. ‘14    based on QML­Q EEE parts (t.b.c. according to
                                                      PA Plan), or higher level in case the reliability goal
                                                      is not met with QML­Q.

Acceptance Review (AR)         T0 + 30  Apr. ‘14
                                                      1 board per type (or a set of EEE Parts to
ICU Spare Set                  July ‘13   Mar. ‘14
                                                      manufacture a board per type)
ICU mechanical assembly

All panels are made of surface­treated aluminium alloy (Alodine) and externally painted in
black (except Bottom panel) to improve radiating exchange with the environment.

The thickness of the panels is designed to cope with the heat dissipation needs; in particular
the thickness of the lateral panels increases from top to bottom to facilitate the heat sink.
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