Page created by Douglas Stone
                           (PIDS) ACTIVITY PROJECT
                                       Quarterly Progress Report
                                                          FY2021 – Q2
                                               May 1, 2021 to July 31, 2021

                                                                                   Contract #: 72066921C00002
                                     Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR): Kokulo Yorgbor / Jeff Juaquellie

                                                                                      Submitted by Synergy International Systems Inc.

                                                                                                          Timothy Lann – Team Leader
                                                                                                    Larry Kanwee – PIDS Administrator

This document was produced for review and approval by the United States Agency for International Development/Liberia (USAID/Liberia).
Quarterly Performance Report
FY2021 Quarter 2 Report
(May 1, 2021 – July 31, 2021)
PIDS Activity Project (PAP)
Contract #72066921C00002

Timothy Lann – Team Leader
Larry Kanwee – PIDS Administrator

Submitted to:
August 10, 2021
List of Acronyms

         AOR Agreement Officer’s Representative
        CDCS Country Development Cooperation Strategy
         COR Contracting Officer’s Representative
          DIS Development Information Solution
        ePIDS Electronic Performance Indicator Database System
          GIS Geographic Information System
            IP Implementing Partner
         MEL Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
         PAP PIDS Activity Project
         PIDS Performance Indicator Database System
         POC Person of Contact
         PPD Program and Project Development Office (USAID)
          PPR Plan Performance Review
        QPFR Quarterly Performance Financial Review
           SIS Synergy International Systems Inc.
       USAID United States Agency for International Development
Table of Contents

1.             Summary of the Program ..............................................................................................4
     1.1.      Summarized Program Description .................................................................................................. 4
     1.2.      Program Description/Introduction ................................................................................................. 4
     1.3.      Q2 Major Accomplishments............................................................................................................. 5
2.             Q2 Program Implementation and Achievements ........................................................6
     2.1.      Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................ 6
     2.2.      Quarterly Achievements per Sub-Component ............................................................................ 7
3.             Planned Tasks and Next Steps for FY2021.Q3 ---- August – October 2021 .......... 11
4.             Annexes ....................................................................................................................... 12
     Annex 1: List of Current Activities in PIDS ............................................................................................. 12
     Annex 2: Indicator Results .......................................................................................................................... 14
     Annex 3: List of Site Visits Reports Submitted ....................................................................................... 16
     Annex 4: Data Entry Phases Report ......................................................................................................... 20
     Annex 5: PIDS Training Participants ......................................................................................................... 21
     Annex 6: List of Reports Generated ......................................................................................................... 22
1.   Summary of the Program

   1.1. Summarized Program Description
  Name of the Project:            Performance Indicator Data System (PIDS) Activity Project (PAP)
  Effective dates of the Project: February 1, 2021 – February 4, 2022
  Implementing Partner:           Synergy International System Inc.
  Contract Number:                72066921C00002
  Name of COR:                    Kokulo Yorgbor / Jeff Juaquellie
  Geographical coverage           Liberia
  Reporting period:               May 1, 2021 – July 31, 2021

   1.2. Program Description/Introduction
    The PIDS Activity Project (PAP) is a 1-year program (the option period has been exercised
through February 2022) designed to support USAID/Liberia and its implementing partners. The
project is being implemented through a contract to Synergy International Systems Inc. The primary
purpose of the PAP is to support USAID/Liberia by maintaining and improving the existing PIDS
functionalities, ensuring continuation of the performance monitoring activities, as well as helping
USAID/Liberia transition several of their performance indicator functionalities and operations to the
Development Information System (DIS).

     PIDS is the first online data monitoring system for USAID/Liberia, automating the annual
performance review and informing Mission-level decision making. The system has allowed for Mission
users to achieve 100% data collection from Implementing Partners and has fully automated the data
aggregation for the Mission’s annual Performance Plan and Report and indicator-associated data, such
as the last date when the Data Quality Assessment was conducted. The PIDS site visit report module
has a set of questions to help guide USAID staff to check for mandatory compliance during each site
visit, automatically distributing a copy of the final report to Mission teams for effective knowledge
sharing and provides a user-friendly overview of quarterly site visit compliance status by activity.

    In addition to supporting USAID/Liberia by maintaining and improving the functionality of PIDS,
Synergy is providing technical assistance, consulting, and training / capacity building services in the
Mission-wide transition of indicator reporting to the Development Information Solution (DIS).
USAID/Liberia continued the transition to DIS this quarter as USAID began piloting the global
information system across several Missions in Asia and Africa.
    This report covers the period from May 1, 2021 – July 31, 2021, and provides information related
to the implementation processes and major accomplishments by the program.
1.3. Q2 Major Accomplishments
Synergy has delivered the following major accomplishments and key results within this reporting period
according to the following indicators:

 Indicators                                         Achievements

 #1 -- Number of USAID and IP Staff Trained on Synergy trained 6 USAID and IPs staff in PIDS.

 #2 -- Number of Reports Generated (Production of Synergy generated 17 different reports, including
 these reports is based on request from USAID/Liberia) PPR and QPFR reports.

 #3 -- Number of Maps Generated (Production of Synergy produced 2 map reports.
 maps is based on request from USAID/Liberia)

 #4 -- Number of Site Visit Reports Submitted by 30 Site Visit Reports have been submitted.

 #5 -- Number of Indicators submitted by the IP At time of reporting, Synergy has achieved 91% of
 and certified by the COR/AOR in PIDS by activity IPs indicator data entry within PIDS for this
                                                  quarter. This data entry and verification process
                                                  is still ongoing at time of report submission.

 #6 -- Status of Data Review for Accuracy and In close collaboration and co-design with the
 Formatting to Ensure Compatibility and Migration Mission, Synergy has completed all the Phases of
 per DIS Guidance                                 the DIS data migration (up to Milestone G – Non
                                                  PPR Indicators) to enable USAID/Liberia to be live
                                                  in the DIS Production Stage. Full DIS rollout is on
                                                  track for a Q4 country-wide launch.

 #7 -- Continued Maintenance of Secure PIDS Synergy maintained the hosting and stability of
 System                                     the PIDS and ePIDS.

                                                    Synergy updated the user PIDS/ePIDS manuals to
                                                    respond to requests from the Mission.

                                                    Synergy conducted the initial re-design survey of
                                                    the PIDS Site Visit and DQA forms. PIDS Site
                                                    Visit re-design will be a Q3 priority.
2.   Q2 Program Implementation and Achievements

2.1. Executive Summary
PIDS has been implemented in accordance with the USAID/Liberia Country Development
Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) and exists to create data-driven insights for use by USAID and
targeted national and implementing partners for program improvement, learning, accountability,
policymaking, and resource allocation decisions. The system is also designed to be a simple and
efficient, evidence-based program management tool that serves as the main hub for consolidating
performance indicator data and generating information for use in performance management and
reporting. More specifically, PIDS is intended for serving as a Mission-wide management
information system that functions to streamline and automate performance monitoring and
reporting. The system’s main objective is to improve decision-support, work planning and
resource allocation. It also serves as a centralized information hub that stores all data pertaining
to the mission’s activities and performance results.

In Q2 of 2021, Synergy provided ongoing consulting services, technical support, hosting, and
maintenance of the PIDS, and the mobile app, electronic PIDS (ePIDS). Synergy also provided
maintenance and operational support to the USAID/Liberia ArcGIS Online platforms. The Mission
has relied on PIDS to prepare the PPR for USAID/Washington, and to prepare for the DIS data
migration. Synergy continues to manage these various platforms for USAID/Liberia that enhance
learning, reporting, and knowledge sharing. Five new users’ accounts were created, and one new
Mission activity was also created as it was awarded. A total of 26 PIDS weekly trainings (called
PIDS Hours) were conducted, and six new USAID and IP staff participated in several of these
sessions. Synergy also designed specific “new user” trainings and office hours to help ensure
younger/newer staff feel completely comfortable working in the PIDS and ePIDS environment.
New USAID standard indicators were created in PIDS to support the new activities reporting
requirements. Finally, 24/7 system support was provided through emails, phone calls, and social
media (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger & Skype).

In addition to continued maintenance and management of existing PIDS functionality, the strategic
purpose of this project is to help USAID/Liberia navigate a changing technological landscape as
DIS is rolled out across USAID Missions worldwide, and to maintain a dynamic data ecosystem,
ensuring USAID/Liberia staff are optimally managing reporting requirements across the different
M&E, GIS, and performance management systems. Responding to this high-level strategic
objective, Synergy worked alongside the Mission during Q2 to successfully complete and submit
the DIS Milestone G (Non-PPR Indicators) for onboarding into the DIS. Synergy also returned
the DIS Milestone F (Activities Location) Template during this period. In Q3, Synergy will work
to ensure the continued smooth transition of PIDS to DIS. DIS is scheduled to fully launch
country wide in Q4 of 2021 and Synergy has organized for key Mission and IP DIS user training
sessions in August and September of 2021 to ensure a smooth transition.
2.2. Quarterly Achievements per Sub-Component
Maintenance and Management of PIDS

PIDS now has 30 activities. Nine activities are exclusively for site visit reporting purposes, while 21
are for both site visit and indicator data reporting (Table 1 below shows the activities and their offices,
also refer to Annex #1 for the full activity breakdown). There are 112 active PIDS users. 61 are
USAID staff, while 51 IP staff. There are 1,741 active indicators in PIDS. 351 are USAID standard
indicators, while 1,413 are IP custom indicators.

                                Table 1: Offices and their activities

                                     Office             Activity
                                    DO1-EG                 8
                                   DO2-DRG                 3
                                  DO3-Education            3
                                   DO3-Health             15
                                      PPD                  1

A few times during Q2 data errors were found in PIDS. For example, at one point, batch/multiple
certification for monthly reporting was briefly found to contain errors, and there was briefly an
issue with loading data in the DO-3 HEALTH category. Synergy responded and resolved these
errors within 24 hours, ensuring no service disruption.

Provision of Support to USAID/Liberia and IPs to Promote Effective Data Planning,
Collection, Management, and Reporting

During the reporting period Synergy provided technical support to the IPs through PIDS
specifically in the areas of data planning and indicator / results framework alignment to effectively
enter and retrieve indicator data for analysis and reporting. Synergy also provided ongoing PIDS
and ePIDS technical support.

In addition to technical support and as part of user centered PIDS re-design and improvement
efforts, Synergy’s PIDS Administrator Larry Kanwee conducted PIDS Improvement Sessions
during the start of Q2. These sessions brought together some USAID and IP staff in two separate
sub-sessions. The purpose of these sessions was to gather feedback on areas where Synergy
could focus efforts in upgrading PIDS to improve the services it provides to the Mission. The
feedback, such as input character limitation, switching disaggregation, etc. enabled Synergy to
improve user’s experience and mitigate the challenges users had with data entry and reporting.

Data Entry

A total of 257 indicators were set for reporting for FY2021 Q2. 91% of the indicator data was
entered, while 9% is ongoing data entry. Of the total data entered, 14% has been certified by the
appropriate CORs/AORs, 79% is still awaiting CORs/AORs certification, and 6% is needed to
be verified by their IPs for onward certification by the CORs/AORs. Data certification is still
on-going at the time of report submission. See Annex #2: Indicator Results for the full activities
and indicators report.

                                 Figure 1: Indicators Data Entry Phases

Site Visit Reporting

During this period, a total of 30 site visit reports were submitted by USAID staff. In Q2, all reports
were submitted using the PIDS desktop version. These site visit reports were also generated for the
Mission and submitted to the PPD for the Quarterly Performance Financial Review (QPFR). This
QPFR report highlighted all the site visits completed, reports submitted in PIDS, and any issues related
to each visit. Annex 2: List of Site Visit Reports Submitted shows the various categories and other
attributes of the reports.

                                  Figure 2: Site Visit Reports Submitted

PIDS Training

Synergy delivered weekly PIDS training called “The PIDS Hours”. These 2.5-hour sessions are held
separately for USAID staff on Wednesdays (9:30am-12:00pm) and for IP staff on Thursdays (9:30am-
12:00pm). Additionally, there are also one-on-one sessions for anyone who has conflicting
arrangements. During this reporting period, Synergy proactively reached out to newer PIDS users
encouraging them to attend both basic and advanced training sessions. In addition, general PIDS
support was provided 24/7 daily.

During this period, a total of 6 people (3 Mission staff and 3 IP staff) received PIDS training. 2 of the
USAID staff were new (including program office staff), while 1 IP staff was from a newly awarded
project. Annex 4: PIDS Training Participants shows the details of those who participated in the Q2

Synergy also continued to provide ad-hoc PIDS training and support to the Mission and IP staff through
emails, phone calls, and social media (WhatsApp & Skype).

PIDS Re-Design Survey – Phase I

In Q2, Synergy focused on re-designing the PIDS Site Visit and DQA forms to improve ease of access,
user experience, and the resulting operational data-driven insights that the Mission receives because
of these forms. Timothy Lann, Sayed Mostafa, and Larry Kanwee designed a virtual survey which 15
Mission and IP PIDS users responded to. The team also followed up with each survey respondent
individually to gather more information about their specific insights and questions.

Key insights from the initial re-design survey are as outlined below:
       o 86% of survey respondents expressed a desire to see multiple site visit forms either for
           each activity, or for each programmatic sub-sector. The current PIDS site visit form is
           standard across all activities.
       o 86% of survey respondents also expressed a desire to see site visit forms with questions
           more specific to their programmatic line of work (Education, Health, etc.) and have an
           option of which parts of the Site Visit form are mandatory vs optional to respond to.

In Q3, the Synergy team will focus efforts on implementing the Site Visit and DQA form
improvements. Team Leader Timothy Lann will conduct a needs assessment in-country with Larry
Kanwee to finish the re-design process. The Synergy software team will implement these identified
and designed Site Visit / DQA improvements, and they will be rolled out and live in PIDS by Q4 of
2021. These improvements will highlight the continued operational value of PIDS working in tandem
with DIS to provide a comprehensive programmatic picture for USAID/Liberia.

Reporting and Advanced GIS Analysis/Mapping

Through this project, Synergy analyzes and reports on compelling and actionable quantitative,
qualitative, and geographic data to USAID through reports, data visualizations, maps, and other
outputs to meet USAID reporting and analysis needs. Synergy also continues the maintenance
of the USAID Liberia ArcGIS web-based mapping platform to create web maps/apps for the
Mission’s technical offices. During this period, Synergy produced 2 maps. One (Absolute Poverty
by Districts) was created for the Mission’s ongoing Unconditional Cash Transfer (UCT) activity,
while the other map (Donor Geographic Coverage) was created for the USAID Community
Health Activity (USAID CHA) (see below). Production of these reports/maps are based on
USAID ad-hoc request.

Throughout this quarter, Synergy’s PIDS Administrator Larry Kanwee has been working closely
with the VSFS intern to provide mentorship and create new map layers from the latest DHS
data. This effort seeks to build more in-house and robust GIS analysis capacity for USAID.

Finally, to have all USAID/Liberia current activities mapped, Synergy has gathered the locations
of all USAID active activities and uploaded them in PIDS and the GIS mapping platform. This
exercise is vital to the DIS data migration process as this location data will also be transferred
to DIS to map all the current USAID/Liberia programs.

        Figure 3: Household Income and Expenditure Survey: Absolute Poverty by Districts in Liberia

Development Information Solution (DIS) Data Transition

Synergy provided intensive support to USAID/Liberia’s DIS data migration team. Synergy
generated 285 PPR indicator data reports from PIDS for DIS Milestone G. Synergy also provided
GIS data support on Milestone F (Activity Locations). Due to Synergy’s involvement, USAID
Liberia remains well on track for a country-wide DIS launch by the end of 2021.

3.   Planned Tasks and Next Steps for FY2021.Q3 ---- August – October 2021

•    Complete PIDS Site Visit and DQA Form Re-Design and needs assessment
•    Begin software development on revised PIDS Site Visit forms
•    Discuss potential for PIDS and DIS data-driven research/exploration/inquiry project with a Mission
     program team
•    Submit PIDS Activity Project revised workplan for contract option period
•    Train USAID and IP users on data entry in DIS
•    Finalize USAID/Liberia’s DIS transition in preparation for a 2021 Q4 launch
4.   Annexes

Annex 1: List of Current Activities in PIDS

 No.         Development Objectives / Activities                          No.    Development Objectives / Activities
 1           DO-1: ECONOMIC GROWTH                                        4      DO-3: HEALTH
 1.1         FTI - Forestry Training Institute Construction Project       4.1    BA - Breakthrough ACTION
 1.2         GGGE - Ganta Gbarnga -Grid Extension Activity                4.2    EpiC (formerly LINKAGES)
             InfraWASH - Network Expansion Oversight and WASH in
 1.3                                                                      4.3    FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization
                 Health Facilities
                                                                                 FARA 2.0 - Fixed Amount Reimbursement
 1.4         LEPDA - Liberia Economy Policy and Dialogue Activity         4.4
                                                                                    Agreement 2.0
                                                                                 GHSC-PSM - Global Health Supply Chain-
 1.5         OSGA - Liberia Off-Grid Solar Market Development Program     4.5
                                                                                   Procurement and Supply Management
 1.6         RLFIL - Rural Liquidity and Financial Inclusion in Liberia   4.6    HP+ - Health Policy Plus
                                                                                 HSSA - Integrated Health Systems Innovation
 1.7         UCT - Unconditional Cash Transfers                           4.7
 1.8         WATIH - West African Trade and Investment Hub                4.8    IDDS - Infectious Disease Detection & Surveillance
                                                                                 MHPSS-HSSA - Health System Strengthening for
 2           DO-2: DEMOCRACY, RIGHTS & GOVERNANCE                         4.9
                                                                                   MHPSS in Liberia
 2.1         C4P - Connect for Peace                                      4.1    NPI EXPAND - New Partnerships Initiative EXPAND
             CDRP - Community Dialogue for Conflict Mitigation and               PEER - Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in
 2.2                                                                      4.11
               Reconciliation                                                       Research
             INSPIRES - Illuminating New Solutions and Programmatic
 2.3                                                                      4.12   PQM+ - Promoting the Quality of Medicines Plus
                Innovations for Resilient Spaces
STAIP - Strategic Technical Assistance for Improved
2.4   RG3 - Liberia Revenue Generation for Governance and Growth   4.13      Health Systems Performance and Health
3     DO-3: EDUCATION                                              4.14   USAID CHA - USAID Community Health Activity
3.2   MM-SFP II - School Feeding Program II                        4.15   VL - Vector Link (Integrated Vector Control)
3.3   PYPP II - President’s Young Professionals Programs II        5      Program Office
3.4   RL - Read Liberia                                            5.1    PAP - PIDS Activity Project
Annex 2: Indicator Results

                                                                                      FY 2021 May. -
                                 Disaggr    Baseline
Indicator          Frequency                              Target Comment                                 Actual Comments
                                 egation     Value
                                                                                     Target   Actual

                                                       PIDS training is routinely
Number of                                              provided every
USAID and IP                                           Wednesday & Thursday,                           6 Users were trained this
                   Quarterly     USAID &       0                                       0         6
staff trained on                                       one-on-one training is also                     quarter
                                 IP Staff
PIDS                                                   available to USAID and IPs
                                                       Report generation is
Number of                        USAID &               based on request.                               17 PIDS data reports were
                  Quarterly                    0                                       0        17
reports generated                IPs                   Therefore, one cannot be                        created this quarter
                                                       sure of a target
                                                       Map generation is based
Number of maps                   USAID                 on request. Therefore,                          2 interactive web maps
                   Quarterly                   0                                       0         2
generated                        DOs                   one cannot be sure of a                         were created this quarter
                                                       Each activity
                                                                                                       EG - 7; DRG-6;
Number of site                                         COR/AOR/AM should
                                                                                                       EDUCATION-3; HEALTH
visit reports                    USAID                 submit a site visit report
                   Quarterly                   0                                       30       30     14. In total, 30 created via
submitted by                     DOs                   per quarter. There are 30
                                                                                                       PIDS, and 0 created via
activity                                               activities that reported
                                                       this period
At the time of reporting,
                                                                                    233 indicators were
                                                                                    entered, 10 indicators
                                                                                    were waiting for
                                                                                    verification, 185 indicators
Number of
                                          The number of indicators                  were waiting for
                                          expected to report this                   certification. Q2
submitted by the
                    Quarterly   N/A   0   period. Quarterly and         257   37    certification and data
IP and certified by
                                          semi-annual indicators for                entry was ongoing at
the COR/AOR in
                                          the period                                time of report
PIDS by activity
                                                                                    submission. Q1
                                                                                    certification and data
                                                                                    entry (ongoing at time
                                                                                    of Q1 report submission)
                                                                                    is now complete.
Number of data
review for                                                                          There were 285 initial
accuracy and                                                                        custom indicators that
                                          285 indicators were
formatting to                                                                       were generated from
                    Quarterly   N/A   0   targeted to submit for the    285   353
ensure                                                                              PIDS. 353 were entered
                                          DIS migration this quarter.
compatibility and                                                                   into the Milestone G
migration per DIS                                                                   Template of the DIS.
Annex 3: List of Site Visits Reports Submitted

                                                                                  Used Visit Start   Visit End
             Site Visited            Activity      Conducted by         County   ePIDS?   Date         Date

                                                  Jusu Wendell
FTI Construction site             FTI                                 Bomi              26/05/2021   26/05/2021
Water Pipeline Network Expansion
                                   InfraWASH      Jusu Wendell
and WASH Infrastructures in Health                                                      2/6/2021     10/6/2021
                                   Construction   Holmes
FTI Construction                  FTI             Dadley D. Toe                         16/06/2021   16/06/2021
Virtual site visit                RLFIL           Paul Oliver                           25/06/2021   25/06/2021
FTI Construction Site             FTI             Dadley D. Toe                         14/07/2021   14/07/2021
FTI Construction Site             FTI             Dadley D. Toe                         28/07/2021   28/07/2021
Health centers in Lofa County                     Kokulo Y. Yorgbor                     2/6/2021     5/6/2021

                                                  Kolanah Choko
YMCA - Liberia Head Office        CDRP                                                  13/05/2021   13/05/2021
Gbarnga, Bong County              RG3             Roosevelt Tule                        27/05/2021   30/05/2021
Virtual via Facebook at Green
                                  INSPIRES        Jemel Liverpool     Margibi           28/05/2021   28/05/2021
Carpet Hall, Kakata City

Virtual Meeting with DAI          RG3             Roosevelt Tule                        18/06/2021   18/06/2021
Connect for Peace (C4P) Activity                 Kolanah Choko
                                     C4P                                         22/06/2021   22/06/2021
Head Office                                      Sando
Virtual meeting with the RG3 Chief
                                     RG3         Roosevelt Tule                  24/06/2021   24/06/2021
of Party


Bong County                          MM-SFP II   Anthony Davies    Bong          3/5/2021     7/5/2021

PYPP Conference Room                 PYPP II     Mardea Nyumah     Montserrado   29/05/2021   29/05/2021

Duoplay, Beeplay, Beyleglay, New
Yourpea, Byeavor, Zuatuo, Duo-
Gorton, JW Pearson Extension,
                                  AQE            Miriam D. White                 7/6/2021     11/6/2021
Saywah Doe, and Gbeivonwea Public
Schools in 7 districts in Nimba

Bong County                          MM-SFP II   Anthony Davies    Bong          3/5/2021     7/5/2021


Bong County                          MM-SFP II   Anthony Davies    Bong          3/5/2021     7/5/2021

PYPP Conference Room                 PYPP II     Mardea Nyumah     Montserrado   29/05/2021   29/05/2021

Duoplay, Beeplay, Beyleglay, New
Yourpea, Byeavor, Zuatuo, Duo-
                                  AQE            Miriam D. White                 7/6/2021     11/6/2021
Gorton, JW Pearson Extension,
Saywah Doe, and Gbeivonwea Public
Schools in 7 districts in Nimba


Food and Agriculture Organization   FAO        Fatma Soud            Montserrado   5/5/2021     5/5/2021

G. W. Harley Hospital               IDDS       Fatma Soud            Nimba         5/5/2021     5/5/2021

Lofa & Nimba Counties               STAIP      Shelly Wright                       23/05/2021   29/05/2021

Bong County CHT, Gbarnla and
                                    STAIP      Miatta S. Sonkarlay                 24/05/2021   26/05/2021

CHT, and Bong County FLB,           GHSC-PSM   Miatta S. Sonkarlay                 24/05/2021   26/05/2021

CHT, Gbartala and Gbarnla Clinics   FARA 2.0   Miatta S. Sonkarley                 24/05/2021   26/05/2021

Sinyea and Raymond's Town           BA         Miatta S. Sonkarlay                 24/05/2021   26/05/2021

Mercy Medical Clinic, St Joseph
                                               Simmie S. Nyanfor,
Catholic Hospital and Benson        HP+                              Montserrado   26/05/2021   26/05/2021
Gbartala, Palala, Belefanai,
Gbarlatuah, Naama, Totota, Belemu, USAID-CHA   Jannie Horace         Bong          27/05/2021   31/05/2021
Invitation to visit Grand Bassa
                                    FARA 2.0   Samuel Ayamba                       3/6/2021     3/6/2021
Virtual visit to the PEER Liberia
                                    PEER         Shelly A. Wright    Montserrado   3/6/2021     8/6/2021
Grand Bassa: Liberia Government     EpiC
                                                 Titus Koikoi        Grand Bassa   10/6/2021    11/6/2021
Hospital & ArcelorMittal Hospital   (LINKAGES)
Healthcare Federation of Liberia
                                    NPI EXPAND   Simmie S. Nyanfor   Montserrado   28/06/2021   28/06/2021
Liberia Medicines and Health
Products Regulatory Authority       PQM+         Simmie Nyanfor      Montserrado   14/07/2021   14/07/2021
(LMHRA) Laboratory
Annex 4: Data Entry Phases Report

                                                               Number of    Number of       Number of
                                 Number of      Number of
                                                               Indicators    Indicators     Indicators
Acronym         Project Sector   Reporting    Indicators Not
                                                               With Data    Waiting for    Waiting for
                                 Indicators     Submitted
                                                                Entered     Verification   Certification
GGGE            EG                    6             0               6
                EG                    7             0              7
LADA            EG                   20             7              13            9              4
LEPDA           EG                   13             0              13                           13
RLFIL           EG                    1             0              1
UCT             EG                    1             1
C4P             DRG                   8             0              8
CDRP            DRG                   2             0              2
RG3             DRG                   1             0              1
SP3             DRG                  15            15
AQE             EDUCATION             7             0              7
MM-SFP II       EDUCATION             1             0              1
PYPP II         EDUCATION             4             0              4
RL              EDUCATION             4             0              4                            4
BA              HEALTH               70             0              70                           70
FARA 2.0        HEALTH               21             0              21                           21
GHSC-PSM        HEALTH               12             1              11            1              9
STAIP           HEALTH               34             0              34                           34
USAID CHA          HEALTH                 24                0                 24                               24
VL                 HEALTH                                   0
PAP                Program Office         6                 0                 6                               6
                TOTAL                    257               24                233           10                185

Annex 5: PIDS Training Participants

      Name             Entity   New      Activity/Office           Position         Sex                 Contact
                       USAID            Health              Project Management
                                No                          Specialist (M&E) (MEL    M
Stephen Gbanyan                                             POC)                          sgbanyan@usaid.gov

                                                            Private Enterprise
                       USAID    Yes                                                  M
Jeffery Zahka                           Economic Growth                                   jzahka@usaid.gov
Amanda Holmes          USAID    Yes     PPD                 Program Officer          F    amholmes@usaid.gov

                         IP     No      Breakthrough Action M&E Advisor              M
Ben Kitson                              Liberia                                           jkitson@ba-liberia.org

                         IP     No                          M&E Specialist           F
Cynthia Weah                            GHSC-PSM                                          CLewis@ghsc-psm.org
Alfred George            IP     Yes     USAID CHA           M&E Specialist           M    Alfred.George@rescue.org
Annex 6: List of Reports Generated

                               Report Type                                  Quantity             Submitted To

PIDS data entry tracking report;                                        6              All Offices & PPD
                                                                                       GHSC-PSM, STAIP, InfraWASHM &
Data Certification Reports                                              4
Generated LEGIT five years (2017-2021) implementation data for Thomas
Kanneh                                                                                 Chris Gaukler, PPD
Data entry report for LEPDA                                             1              Joe-Hoover Gbadyu, LEPDA COR
QPFR Reports                                                            2              All Offices & PPD
Data Entry Workflow Report                                              1              Mission MEL Specialists
Indicator Report Generated on CDRP & C4P                                1              Mulbah Forkpa (ACOR)
Generated Custom Indicators Report for DIS Milestone G Template         1              Chris Gaukler
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