Practicematters Arizona | Spring 2020

Page created by Sherry Jensen
Practicematters Arizona | Spring 2020
Arizona | Spring 2020

               For the latest on COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease
               Control at
               For UnitedHealthcare benefits information and resources
               related to COVID-19, visit
               Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)
               frequently asked questions about COVID-19 guidance and
               requirements are at We encourage
               you to view the latest COVID-19 information from the
               Arizona Department of Health Services website.

      For More Information
      Call our Provider Services Center at 800-445-1638
Practicematters Arizona | Spring 2020
Important information for health care professionals and facilities

              Policy, drug and Protocol changes contained herein are effective and enforceable as of the dates
              indicated, pending notice from UnitedHealthcare to the contrary. Changes to these effective dates
              or updates to our business practices and policies as a result of COVID-19 will prevail and be posted
              on our care provider website as quickly as possible. As with any public health issue, we are working
              with and following guidance and protocols issued by federal, state, and local health authorities.

    We understand that it’s a confusing time. Right now, you need all the resources and information you can get.
    We’re working to keep you updated so you can focus on keeping Arizona residents healthy and safe.

    First and Foremost, Thank You.
    As the people on the front lines of COVID-19, we appreciate your efforts to fight this virus. To all health care
    professionals who are caring for sick patients and working around the clock to help find solutions — thank you
    for all you’re doing.

    Find the Up-To-Date Information You Need
    We’ll be regularly updating the National page with our actions on updating state-specific
    guidance at your state-specific page. We also suggest that you check your state’s
    COVID-19 site for the latest news and regulations.

    On our sites, you’ll find information:
    To Help Manage Your Business                               As You Work With Patients
     • Acceleration of Claim Payments                            • Expanded Telehealth Access and Reimbursement
     • Extension of Timely Filing Limits                         • Telehealth Coding Guide
     • CARES Act Information                                     • Member Cost-Share Waivers
     • Provisional Credentialing                                 • Assistance with Patient Discharge Planning
     • Requirements to Practice in a New Location                • Easier Access to DME and Supplies
     • Changes to Prior Authorization Requirements               • Suspension of HouseCalls and Optum at Home
     • Updates on Delayed Programs and Policies

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                        TX – Spring 2020
                           - Summer  2013                                        Provider Services
                                                                                 Customer  Service Center: 800-445-1638
Practicematters Arizona | Spring 2020
Important information for health care professionals and facilities

In This Issue...
    •   New Educational Resources for the 2020
        UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete® Plan

    •   UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete Benefit:
        Transportation Assistance – Helping Members
        in Arizona Get to Their Appointments

    •   Encouraging Good Oral Health for the Pediatric Patient

    •   Updated Ordering, Referring and Supervising
        Provider Billing Requirements

    •   Retro Authorization for Therapy
    •   Social Determinants Billing Guidelines

    •   The Division of Developmental Disabilities
        Plan of Care Signature Notice

    •   Evidence-Based Peer and Family Support

    •   Peer- and Family-Run Organizations

Practice Matters: AZ – Spring 2020                                   Provider Services Center: 800-445-1638
Practicematters Arizona | Spring 2020
Important information for health care professionals and facilities

                                                                  UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete
                                                                  Transportation Benefit: Helping
                                                                  Members in Arizona Get
                                                                  to Their Appointments
                                                                  The UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete® plan transportation
                                                                  benefit can help your patients get to their health care
                                                                  appointments. For the 2020 plan year, Arizona members
                                                                  are eligible for 24 one-way rides per year. Members can
                                                                  request rides to approved locations and back home again.

                                                                  Transportation coverage may include rides
                                                                  not covered by Original Medicare to:
    New Educational Resources
                                                                  •   Dental appointments
    for the 2020 UnitedHealthcare
                                                                  •   Vision appointments
    Dual Complete® Plan
                                                                  •   Podiatry appointments
    New resources for the 2020 UnitedHealthcare Dual
                                                                  •   Hearing appointments
    Complete plan are now available on the Arizona UHC
    On Air channel. These courses include valuable program        It’s Easy to Set Up a Ride
    information and meaningful updates for your office staff.
    Courses are pre-recorded and available online 24 hours        Non-emergency transportation services are provided by
    a day, seven days a week.                                     our service partner, MTBA. Rides should be scheduled
                                                                  three business days in advance of the desired pick-
    2020 courses include:                                         up time. Urgent transportations requests are available
                                                                  24 hours a day, seven days a week. Members or care
    •    Dual Special Needs Plans: An Introduction
                                                                  providers can call:
    •    Dual Special Needs Members: Who Are They?
    •    The UnitedHealthcare Dual Complete Plan in Arizona
    Simply sign in to Link with your Optum ID and                     6 a.m. – 7 p.m. local time, Monday – Friday
    begin watching.
                                                                             Visit >
              Visit to learn
                                                                             2020 Plan > 2020 UnitedHealthcare Dual
              more about the Dual Special Needs plans
                                                                             Complete® Plan Benefit Flyer to see a full list
              offered in your area.
                                                                             of benefits in your area.

4       Practice Matters: AZ
                          TX – Spring 2020
                             - Summer  2013                                            Provider Services
                                                                                       Customer  Service Center: 800-445-1638
Important information for health care professionals and facilities

    Encouraging Good Oral Health                                  •   After the screening, physicians should discuss
                                                                      the importance of visiting their dental home with
    for the Pediatric Patient                                         the parent or guardian – for both at-risk and
                                                                      healthy children. A dental home can offer early and
    Did you know that bacteria, such as Streptococcus
                                                                      periodic intervention, as well as risk assessment,
    mutans, causes tooth decay and is transmissible from
                                                                      anticipatory guidance and regular supervision. All
    parents or caregivers to children through the exchange of
                                                                      UnitedHealthcare Community Plan EPSDT members
    saliva? As a result, it is important to educate and caution
                                                                      are assigned a dental home. Members can call
    parents not to share cups, plates, spoons or straws with
                                                                      Member Services if they don’t know their dental home
    their child and avoid kissing them on the mouth.
    For those children at a moderate-high risk of tooth decay,    •   Applying a fluoride varnish is another helpful
    also known as caries, multifaceted preventive approaches          approach. An effective weapon in preventing
    include: early screening of young children, dietary               decay, fluoride can be used as a non-surgical
    evaluations, access to care and embracing a wide team             approach to treating disease by remineralizing the
    of health care professionals to collaborate and respond to        enamel. Applying varnish is both quick and easy.
    the diverse needs of local populations.                           It can be painted on in a couple of minutes and
                                                                      it maybe reimbursable under Arizona Medicaid.
    The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD)
                                                                      UnitedHealthcare Community Plan has additional
    recommends that a child visit the dentist by age 1 or
                                                                      resources for PCPs interested in adding fluoride
    within six months after the first tooth erupts. However,
                                                                      varnish to their practice.
    because most children visit their pediatrician or family
    physician for well-child visits before that first dental      •   Finally, physicians and their staff can help educate
    visit, physicians can be an important influence in setting        their patients and patient caregivers on the
    children on the path to good oral health.                         importance of good dental health in early childhood.
                                                                      For additional information, please contact your
    While the child’s dentist is responsible for performing a         Provider Advocate or the Clinical Practice Consultant
    comprehensive oral examination, primary care providers            assigned to your practice.
    (PCPs) can help assess a child’s dental health and
    recommend appropriate follow-up. A screening can
    identify children at risk and can be performed in about a     Ordering, Referring and
    minute using only a light and tongue blade. .                 Supervising Care Provider Billing
    Some things to look for:                                      Requirements for CMS-1500
    •    What is the general condition of the teeth? Are there    and 837P Electronic Claims
         white or brown spots? Decayed or broken teeth?
         Teeth that appear deformed or out of position?           In accordance with Chapter 5 and Chapter 10 of
                                                                  the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
    •    What do the gums look like? Are they pink? Red
                                                                  (AHCCCS) Fee-for-Service Provider Manual, as well
         and puffy? Is there noticeable plaque or other debris
                                                                  as the federal 21st Century Cures Act, an ordering,
         present? How is the child’s hygiene in general?
                                                                  referring or supervising care provider must be included on
    •    Are there other lesions or ulcerations present?          CMS-1500 and 837P claims.

                                                                                                         (continued on next page)

5       Practice Matters: AZ
                          TX – Spring 2020
                             - Summer  2013                                         Provider Services
                                                                                    Customer  Service Center: 800-445-1638
Important information for health care professionals and facilities

    (continued from previous page)

    Requirements for CMS-1500 Claims                              An ordering provider may be any of the following:**
    When submitting CMS-1500 claims, please be sure to            •   Certified nurse midwife
    include the following information:                            •   DO
    •    Box 17: Qualifier and referring provider name            •   Dentist
         (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
                                                                  •   MD
         o    If applicable, enter one of these qualifiers:
                                                                  •   Optometrist
              –    DN: Referring Provider
                                                                  •   Physician assistant
              –    DK: Ordering Provider*
                                                                  •   Psychologist
              –    DQ: Supervising Provider
                                                                  •   Registered nurse practitioner
    •    Box 17a: AHCCCS provider ID number for providers
         without a National Provider Identifier (NPI) number      **Note: AHCCCS provider type RP is not a valid
                                                                  provider type for purposes of using as a referring or
    •    Box 17b: NPI number
                                                                  ordering provider NPI. According to AHCCCS, the RP
         Example                                                  provider types are only valid for Fee-for-Service claim
                                                                  submissions that are sent directly to AHCCCS. They are
                                                                  not valid for claims processed by AHCCCS Managed
                                                                  Care Organizations (MCOs), including UnitedHealthcare
    *An ordering provider should be included on CMS-1500          Community Plan.
    claims billed with the following services:
                                                                  Requirements for 837P Electronic Claims
    •    97001-97546 (excluding 97151-97158)
                                                                  For 837P electronic claim requirements for ordering,
    •    Drugs (J-codes)                                          referring or supervising care providers, please see the
    •    Durable medical equipment (DME)                          current version of the 1500 - 837P Map from the National
    •    Enteral and parenteral therapy                           Uniform Claim Committee.

    •    Laboratory                                               Please note: If multiple providers are involved in one
    •    Medical and surgical supplies                            claim submission, enter one provider using the following
                                                                  priority order:
    •    Podiatrist services
                                                                  1. Referring Provider
    •    Orthotics
                                                                  2. Ordering Provider
    •    Prosthetics
                                                                  3. Supervising Provider
    •    Radiology
    •    Respiratory DME                                          Unless the services are listed above and require an
                                                                  ordering provider, then the priority order would be:
    •    Temporary K and Q codes
                                                                  1. Ordering Provider
    •    Vision (V-codes)
                                                                  2. Referring Provider
                                                                  3. Supervising Provider

                                                                                                         (continued on next page)

6       Practice Matters: AZ
                          TX – Spring 2020
                             - Summer  2013                                          Provider Services
                                                                                     Customer  Service Center: 800-445-1638
Important information for health care professionals and facilities

    (continued from previous page)

    Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Rural             Social Determinants of
    Health Clinics (RHCs) or Multi-Specialty Interdisciplinary
    Clinics (MSICs) that are currently required to submit         Health Billing Guidelines
    provider information in Box 19 are also required to submit
                                                                  The Arizona Healthcare Cost Containment System
    referring, ordering and supervising information in Box 17.
                                                                  (AHCCCS) has specific guidelines for listing social
    For more information, visit our FQHC and RHC Claim
                                                                  determinants of health codes on claims. According to
    Submission Guidelines.
                                                                  Chapter 4 of the AHCCCS Fee-for-Service Provider
                                                                  Billing Manual, social determinant ICD-10 diagnosis
    We’re Here to Help
                                                                  code(s) in code range Z55-Z65 must not be listed as
               If you have questions, please call Provider        the primary ICD-10 diagnosis code(s) on claims.
               Services at 800-445-1638. Thank you.               These codes may only be used as secondary or tertiary
                                                                  diagnosis codes.

    Retro Authorization for                                       What This Means for You
    Therapy Services                                              Starting Feb. 1, 2020, we will deny claims submitted to
                                                                  us with ICD-10 diagnosis codes Z55-Z65 listed as the
    UnitedHealthcare Community Plan would like to inform
                                                                  primary diagnosis code(s). If this happens, you’ll be
    our therapy provider network that we will not be allowing
                                                                  required to submit a corrected claim.
    retro authorizations for physical, occupational or speech
    therapies. Authorization requests can only be submitted
                                                                  Billing Resource
    for current or future dates of service.
                                                                  For more information about coding and reporting
    Prior Authorization Resources                                 guidelines, please see the following resources:
    •    Prior Authorization and Notification Lists               •   AHCCCS Social_Determinants_of_Health_ICD-
    • (Prior Authorization and
         Notification tool)                                       •   Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
                                                                      ICD-10-CM Guidelines, pages 17-18: ICD-10-CDM_
    We’re Here to Help                                                Official_Guidelines_for_Coding_and_Reporting
               If you have questions, please call Provider
                                                                  Please note: Coding and reporting guidelines may
               Services at 800-445-1638 for AHCCCS
                                                                  be updated at any time. Please review the coding
               Complete Care (ACC) and Developmental
                                                                  resources regularly to help ensure you’re following the
               Disabilities (DD) or 800-293-3740 for Arizona
                                                                  most current guidelines.
               Long-Term Care System (ALTCS). Thank you.
                                                                  We’re Here to Help
                                                                             If you have questions, please call Provider
                                                                             Services at 800-445-1638 for AHCCCS
                                                                             Complete Care (ACC) and Developmental
                                                                             Disabilities (DD) or 800-293-3740 for Arizona
                                                                             Long-Term Care System (ALTCS). Thank you.

7       Practice Matters: AZ
                          TX – Spring 2020
                             - Summer  2013                                           Provider Services
                                                                                      Customer  Service Center: 800-445-1638
Important information for health care professionals and facilities

    The Division of Developmental                                     Over the last 20 years, the practice of peer support in
                                                                      behavioral health has virtually exploded around the globe
    Disabilities Plan of Care                                         with an increase in recovering persons being hired to
    Signature Notice                                                  provide peer support. Estimates place the number of
                                                                      peer support staff currently to be over ten thousand in
    The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) held             the United States alone).1 Peer support was declared an
    a meeting to discuss the improvement and efficiency               evidence-based practice by CMS in 2007. Individuals who
    of the delivery of services in addition to enhancing the          receive peer support have reported overall increases in
    integration of care. One of the developments of the               their quality of life.2
    meeting and subsequent field analyst is the requirement
    of a certified plan of care (POC) for ongoing therapy             RI International (formerly Recovery Innovations of
    services, as well as the requirement of a prescription/           Arizona) employs hundreds of peer specialists to offer
    referral to initiate a therapy evaluation.                        peer advocacy services to individuals in the hospital.
                                                                      Their focus on recovery planning and recovery-oriented
    •    The member or their responsible party is responsible
                                                                      discharge plans has produced significant improvements,
         for obtaining the discipline-specific prescription or
         referral for a therapist to complete an evaluation.
                                                                      •       36% reduction in the use of seclusion
    •    The evaluating therapist will develop the POC and
         submit to the referring physician for certification (i.e.,   •       48% reduction in the use of restraints
         dated signature and NPI number). The certified POC           •       56% reduction in hospital readmission rates
         will then need to be returned to the therapist as
         it will serve as the prescription/referral for ongoing                     You can find more information on peer- and
         therapy services.                                                          family-run agencies at
    •    A recertification of the POC will also require a dated                     HealthcareAdvocacy/OIFA.html.
         signature as well as the NPI number.
                                                                          Davidson, L. et al, 2012
    As a valued provider, we appreciate the efforts in                2
                                                                          SAMHSA, 2016
    providing the medical prescription and the certification          3
                                                                          (RI International, 2016)
    of the subsequent POC. You will find UnitedHealthcare
    Community Plan’s guidelines regarding the POC in our
    Coverage Determination Guidelines available online.               Peer- and Family-Run
    Evidence-Based Peer                                               What Is a Family-Run Organization?
    and Family Support                                                Family-run organizations employ parents who have
    When an individual experiencing mental health                     real-life experience in the behavioral, medical and/or
    challenges receives “peer or family support” during their         DCS systems. They specialize in providing family support
    mental health need, we see a 56% reduction in hospital            services and can provide one-on-one support to you.
    readmission rates. In a 2013 study, 28.7% of respondents
    were not employed or had transitional/sheltered
    employment before Case for Peer Support (CPS) training.
    As a result of their work as CPSs, 60% of respondents
    transitioned off or reduced public assistance, which
    reduced their use of mental health care services.
                                                                                                                    (continued on next page)

8       Practice Matters: AZ
                          TX – Spring 2020
                             - Summer  2013                                                      Provider Services
                                                                                                 Customer  Service Center: 800-445-1638
Important information for health care professionals and facilities

    (continued from previous page)

    Family Support Services Can Help You:                             Reach Family Services/Alcanza Servicios de
    •    Connect with other family members with shared
         experiences                                                  (Phoenix)
    •    Navigate the child-serving systems
    •    Locate services/resources that are the “right fit” for
         the needs of the child and family                        What Is a Peer-Run Organization?
    •    Learn to be an advocate                                  Peer-run organizations are service provider owned,
    •    Gain new skills to care for your child                   operated and administrated by persons who have
                                                                  experience with mental health and/or substance
    •    Identify formal and informal support systems             use disorders. These organizations are based in the
    •    Develop a service plan                                   community and provide support services.
    •    Manage hospital-discharge planning                       AHCCCS members have the right to request services
    •    Feel supported during child and family team              and/or participate in programs provided at a peer-run
         meetings (CFT), Foster Care Review Boards (FCRB)         organization.
         and court hearings
                                                                  Peer-Run Organization Offer:
    •    Keep things consistent in your child’s care when case
                                                                  •   One-on-one peer support
         managers or therapists change
                                                                  •   Daily support groups
    •    Understand decision letters and how to submit
         appeals                                                  •   Social outings
    •    Help you deal with agencies that are not supportive of   •   Meals
         the needs of your child                                  •   Employment programs
    •    Find classes, trainings, support groups and more         •   Learning opportunities
                                                                  •   Health and exercise programs
         Caring Connections for Special Needs
                                                                  •   Creative arts
         (Benson, Sierra Vista, Payson, Douglas,
         Safford and Tucson)                                      •   Resources                                             •   Advocacy
                                                                  •   Volunteer opportunities
         Family Involvement Center (FIC)                          •   Youth and young-adult programs
         (Phoenix, Prescott, Flagstaff and Tucson)                •   Meeting new people
                                                                  •   Personal development
                                                                  •   Empowerment
         Mentally Ill Kids in Distress (MIKID)
                                                                  •   Extended hours and/or weekends
         (Phoenix, Tucson, Yuma, Casa Grande,
         Kingman, Nogales)

                                                                                                          (continued on next page)

9       Practice Matters: AZ
                          TX – Spring 2020
                             - Summer  2013                                            Provider Services
                                                                                       Customer  Service Center: 800-445-1638
Important information for health care professionals and facilities

     (continued from previous page)

     How to Access Services from a Peer-Run                           Hope Lives/Vive La Esperanza
     Organization                                                     Phoenix, Flagstaff
     1. Contact a peer-run organization in your area to learn
        what services they offer.                                     855-747-6522

     2. Request the service be added to your service plan             Wellness Connections
        at the peer-run organization of your choice. Once
                                                                      Sierra Vista, Douglas, Safford, Nogales
        the service has been requested, services should be
        initiated within 45 days.
     3. Here is a list of peer-run organizations:
                                                                      Coyote TaskForce – Our Place Clubhouse/Café
          Recovery Empowerment Network                                54 and Truck 54
          Phoenix                                                     Tucson
          602-248-0368                                                520-884-5553

          Helping Ourselves Pursue Enrichment                         Transitional Living Center Recovery (TLCR)
          (HOPE), Inc.
                                                                      Yuma, Casa Grande
          Tucson, Yuma                                      

          Northern Arizona Consumers Advancing
          by Empowerment (NAZCARE)
          Prescott, Benson, Globe, Show Low, Bullhead City,
          Kingman, Eagar, Parker, Yuma, Casa Grande,
          Apache Junction, Cottonwood


          Center for Health Empowerment Education
          Employment Recovery Services (CHEEERS)


          Stand Together and Recover (STAR) Centers
          Avondale, Phoenix, Mesa


10      Practice Matters: AZ
                          TX – Spring 2020
                             - Summer  2013                                         Provider Services
                                                                                    Customer  Service Center: 800-445-1638

        Practice Matters is a quarterly publication for physicians and other
        health care professionals and facilities in the UnitedHealthcare network.

CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.            1 East Washington
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© 2020 United HealthCare Services, Inc.                                        Phoenix, AZ 85004
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