Preparing to Face the Next Global Challenge: Studying Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome - NET

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Preparing to Face the Next Global Challenge: Studying Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome - NET
Preparing to Face the Next
Global Challenge: Studying
Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome

Post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS) could affect up                                        Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome:
                                                                                           An Evolving Understanding
to 30% of patients who contract COVID-19. Symptoms are                                     The initial response to the COVID-19
wide-ranging and can be debilitating, but the full clinical                                pandemic focused on the development
                                                                                           of treatments for acute infection and,
picture is still being revealed. The challenges to conducting                              in parallel, preventative vaccines. The
clinical trials for this as yet undefined disease are myriad.                              first clinical studies investigating ther-
                                                                                           apeutic treatments focused on assess-
PPD is well-positioned to help sponsors overcome these                                     ment in severe hospitalized patients,
challenges and bring needed therapeutics to patients.                                      and most studies limited recruitment to
                                                                                           patients requiring ventilatory support,
                                                                                           many of whom were more than 10–14
                                                                                           days post-infection or onset of symp-
                                                                                           toms. The focus for data collection was
Wesley Hicks, M.B.B.S., M.R.C.P., M.F.P.M. Vice President and Global Therapeutic Head,     acute outcomes. Patients were typi-
Respiratory, Global Product Development, PPD                                               cally evaluated at days 14 and 28 and
Sudhakar Sridharan, M.D., Executive Medical Director, Global Product Development,          had either succumbed to the virus, re-
Immunology and Rheumatology, PPD                                                           mained in the hospital while recover-
Margaret Vernon, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Patient Affairs, Evidera                    ing, or returned home.
Andrew Burr, Ph.D. M.I.C.R., C.Biol., F.R.S.B., Vice President, Infectious & Respiratory
Disease Therapeutic Unit Head, PPD                                                         As the pandemic progressed, therapeu-
Cristina Nieto, Vice President, General Medicine Therapeutic Unit Head, PPD                tic development expanded, with a shift
Davide Garrisi, D.Ph.C., Executive Director, General Medicine, PPD                         toward the development of treatments

1   Decentralized Clinical Trials                                                                           
Preparing to Face the Next Global Challenge: Studying Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome - NET
that could be administered earlier in         can provide a great deal of information    new disability and 19% experiencing a
the outpatient setting to prevent the         about effects on long-term outcomes,       health-related change of occupation.9
worsening of the disease and its po-          while also helping build our under-
tential long-term effects.                    standing of post-COVID syndrome.           It is still too early to know how long
                                                                                         these symptoms will persist, what per-
The indications of a more drawn-out           As biopharma companies work to             centage of patients will have symp-
disease process or syndrome associat-         address the unmet medical needs of         toms at one year, two years, and lon-
ed with COVID-19 infection were first         patients with post-COVID syndrome,         ger, and whether some patients who
seen in patients who were not able            they will require clinical research or-    appear to have recovered from a post-
to resume normal life functions after         ganization (CRO) partners with broad       COVID syndrome might subsequently
recovering from the initial infection.        experience and innovative solutions.       relapse. It is also unclear how patients
Eventually, as some of these patients         We are encouraged by our early dis-        who have experienced complications,
recovered, the profusion of those             cussions with sponsors who are pur-        such as cerebrovascular accidents, or
“long-haul” patients drew the atten-          suing experimental treatments for          show evidence of myositis or lung fi-
tion of clinicians.                           these complex and perplexing sequel-       brosis will progress compared with pa-
                                              ae. We are committed to applying the       tients with these conditions from tradi-
The term post-acute COVID-19 syn-             full range of knowledge and expertise      tional etiologies.
drome (later abbreviated as post-             that PPD offers — clinical therapeutic
COVID syndrome) was adopted to                experience, data analysis capabilities,    In addition to the physical damage
describe the broad constellation of           and real-world evidence solutions — to     caused by the virus, patients with
symptoms, including exercise intoler-         advance therapeutic options for these      COVID-19 also may experience psy-
ance, dyspnea, chest pain, palpitations,      patients.                                  chological complications and even
chemosensory impairment, lymphade-                                                       post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
nopathy, appetite loss, fatigue, poor         Uncertainty About Long-Term Effects        The March U.K. study reported that
concentration, and pulmonary or cardi-        An early study found that 87.4% of         over 25% of discharged COVID-19 pa-
ac complications in patients who have         patients who had recovered from            tients had clinically significant symp-
recovered from the acute infection.1-5        COVID-19 reported persistence of at        toms of anxiety and depression, with
                                              least one symptom — particularly dys-      12% exhibiting symptoms of PTSD at
As time has progressed, more spon-            pnea and fatigue — at a mean evalu-        five-month follow-up.9 While this may
sors are including an extended                ation time of 60.3 days after onset of     be most evident for patients who have
post-treatment observation period             the first COVID-19 symptoms, with          been hospitalized and experienced
for trial participants at three-, six-, and   44.1% reporting a worsened quality of      traumatic healthcare interventions, the
12-month timepoints or longer. Simple         life.6 A later study found that 30% of     anxiety associated with an unpredict-
questionnaires, which are relatively          recovered COVID-19 patients reported       able disease course or the fear of in-
inexpensive to develop and execute,           persistence of at least one symptom        fecting others means that even patients
                                              (most commonly fatigue, loss of the        with mild disease may be left with a de-
                                              sense of smell or taste, or “brain fog”)   gree of trauma disproportionate to the
We are encouraged by our                      as long as nine months after the acute     acute illness they experienced.
early discussions with sponsors               disease phase.7
                                                                                         Bringing Experience to Address a
who are pursuing experimental                 Many post-COVID syndrome patients          Myriad of Challenges
treatments for these complex                  meet the clinical criteria for myalgic     CROs involved in post-COVID syn-
and perplexing sequelae. We                   encephalomyelitis, commonly referred       drome studies will need to have con-
                                              to as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).8     siderable    experience    supporting
are committed to applying the                 Based on data available to date, it ap-    COVID-19 therapeutic clinical trials,
full range of knowledge and                   pears that somewhere between 10%           bringing the necessary understanding
expertise that PPD offers —                   and 30% of people who have had             of who the potential participants are
                                              COVID-19 — whether mild or severe          and how to locate them. As one of the
clinical therapeutic experience,              and whether they tested positive or        first CROs to support COVID-19 trials,
data analysis capabilities, and               not — will develop these long-term         PPD is optimally positioned to support
real-world evidence solutions                 symptoms.7 A U.K. study published in       post-COVID syndrome studies.
                                              March 2021 found that 71% of COVID-19
— to advance therapeutic                      patients discharged from hospitals         Our COVID-19–specific experience,
options for these patients.                   had not fully recovered five months        which spans treatment to prophylaxis,
                                              later, with 20% exhibiting persistent      began early in 2020. We gained valu-
                                              symptoms that met the threshold for a      able experience encompassing a broad

2 Decentralized Clinical Trials                                                                          
Preparing to Face the Next Global Challenge: Studying Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome - NET
range of patient populations, inpatient
                                                                        and outpatient settings, study phases,
                                                                        trial designs, global geographical loca-
                                                                        tions, and types of drugs and drug for-
                                                                        mulations. PPD has demonstrated the
                                                                        ability to rapidly respond to changes
                                                                        in direction dictated by the evolving
                                                                        epidemiology of the pandemic and
                                                                        has been recognized by clients for its
                                                                        agility and speed.

                                                                        Lack of a Standardized Definition
                                                                        We may easily identify who has had
                                                                        COVID-19, but we still do not know how
                                                                        to definitively identify people suffering
                                                                        from post-COVID syndrome. This is due
                                                                        in part to the lack or a formal case defi-
                                                                        nition, though the medical community
Establishing a Case Definition                                          and academic researchers are actively
                                                                        progressing this issue. However, any
                                                                        proposed definitions likely will undergo
                                                                        numerous revisions before a universally
To establish a case definition, a   While this is a preliminary
                                                                        accepted case definition is adopted.
large quantity of patient data is   grouping, we expect this listing
needed, particularly in light of    to evolve, perhaps with the         A significant number of patients de-
the multiplicity of post-COVID      addition of other subgroups or      scribe disruptive neurologic symp-
syndrome manifestations. In         new combinations of symptoms.       toms, such as emotional detachment
                                                                        and cognitive disorders, tremors, ex-
an early attempt to describe        Cluster analysis of large data
                                                                        treme fatigue, phantom smells, diz-
post-COVID syndrome, distinct       sets may eventually identify
                                                                        ziness, and bouts of profound confu-
subgroups of patients have been     phenotypes within post-COVID        sion — generally termed “brain fog.”
identified, including:              syndrome sufferers or even          Patients may experience one or more
                                    predict which patients are at       of these symptoms but may lack an
•   Chronic fatigue syndrome                                            identifiable physical cause. This is
                                    greater risk of developing a
    patients with brain fog;                                            not unprecedented; the connection
                                    particular pattern of symptoms.
                                                                        between chronic neurologic condi-
•   Post-ventilator syndrome                                            tions and infectious viruses has been
                                    Medical claims and patient
    patients, whose symptoms                                            known for almost a century. It may be
                                    charts can be used to determine
    may include physical                                                helpful to differentiate these patients
                                    new diagnoses that follow a         with less well-understood symptoms,
    weakness, cognitive             COVID-19 diagnosis. However,        for whom conventional imaging and
    dysfunction, and                as many of the symptoms of          testing modalities appear normal,
    posttraumatic stress                                                from patients with lung fibrosis or ev-
                                    post-COVID syndrome can only
    syndrome;                                                           idence of cardiac damage and hence
                                    be identified and reported by
                                                                        a more obvious cause for their fatigue
•   Patients with true neurologic   patients themselves (fatigue,
                                                                        and breathlessness.
    symptoms, such as rigidity      pain/discomfort, dyspnea),
    and tremors, that likely        additional research that directly   Extended ICU stays are independently
    reflect effects of the virus    engages patients, either through    associated with prolonged or incom-
                                    qualitative (e.g., focus groups)    plete recovery and may be associated
    on the brain; and
                                    or quantitative (e.g., web-         with autonomic function disturbances
                                                                        (e.g., fatigue, lung and nerve damage)
•   Respiratory patients            based surveys) methods, will
                                                                        that also are recognized in patients with
    with lung damage and            be required to fully understand     post-COVID syndrome. For patients
    compromised lung function.      the patient experience of post-     who have had extended hospitalization
                                    COVID syndrome.                     or who required prolonged intubation

3 Decentralized Clinical Trials                                                          
Preparing to Face the Next Global Challenge: Studying Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome - NET
and ventilation, it may be difficult or
even impossible to distinguish the im-
pacts of COVID-19 from those of the             New Test for Past COVID Infections
interventions themselves.                       Can Potentially Increase the Prospective
PPD has worked with many different              Patient Pool
viral infections and infectious diseases,
as well as indications related to other
viral and post-viral symptoms, includ-          For a significant part of the pandemic, testing availability was
ing complications of HIV and post-HIV
                                                limited and rationed. Many patients were unable to obtain testing,
development of AIDS, as well as CFS. In
addition, we have extensive experience
                                                and others may have chosen not to be tested. This, coupled with a
in neurology, psychology, immunology,           relatively high percentage of suspected false-negative tests, could
and respiratory and cardiovascular dis-         reduce the pool of patients with confirmed post-COVID syndrome
eases, all of which may have relevant           eligible for clinical trials.
application to post-COVID syndrome
clinical development programs.                  The FDA’s recent granting of emergency authorization for a new
                                                T cell test could change this. The first-of-its-kind test uses T cells
PPD has extensive experience working            to detect whether someone was previously infected with SARS-
with patients under these conditions to         CoV-2, bringing clarity to these patients with suspected but not
enable understanding of their histories,        confirmed infection.
current symptoms, and the range of
impacts on their lives.

Lack of Disease-Specific Validated
Outcomes Assessment                         PROs or other clinical outcome assess-           For both orphan diseases and
Given the diversity of patients and         ments (COAs) likely will be required             COVID-19 itself, PPD has often had to
symptoms associated with post-              as primary efficacy endpoints in some            select and validate existing tools and
COVID syndrome, a wide range of             clinical trials evaluating treatments            rating scales/scoring methods for one
operational and medical scientif-           for post-COVID syndrome, particu-                sequela and apply it and make it more
ic experts will need to be involved         larly when the syndrome manifests in             relevant to the bigger picture. For in-
in clinical trials. Multiple endpoints      symptoms that only patients them-                stance, we have engaged with sponsors
will be needed within each patient          selves can report (e.g., fatigue, dys-           to adapt our FLUPRO patient-report-
subcategory based on the predom-            pnea, loss of appetite). Evidence of             ed outcomes instrument for evaluat-
inant symptoms. Initially, we expect        validity and reliability, as well as clinical-   ing the severity of flu symptoms. This
that established and accepted end-          ly important differences of these tools          tool was developed in collaboration
points, including patient-reported          in post-COVID syndrome, will need to             with the National Institutes of Health
outcomes (PROs), will be adopted            be established in order to enable their          for use in COVID-19 treatment and
from other conditions where we see          use as registrational endpoints for ac-          vaccine trials to evaluate treatment
clinical similarities.                      ceptance by regulatory authorities               benefit in terms of reduction in dis-
                                            (FDA 2009).                                      ease severity.

Our extensive experience                    The complexity of trial designs and              Defining Need and Value
                                            implementation of post-COVID syn-                Sponsors may recognize post-COVID
identifying the nuanced
                                            drome studies will require the services          syndrome as a legitimate disease with
information important to                    of CROs like PPD with extensive oper-            a strong unmet medical need. Howev-
various groups and then                     ational and scientific expertise across          er, work is still needed to understand
                                            multiple therapeutic areas involved in           the value associated with improved
developing evidence-
                                            treating these patients. A broad array           outcomes: this value proposition may
generation strategies to                    of resources will be needed for data             be different for payers, regulators, cli-
support tailored value                      analysis, including both epidemiologi-           nicians treating patients with post-
                                            cal experts and data scientists. These           COVID syndrome, and the patients
messages strongly positions
                                            trials will also require experience in           themselves. Mapping and understand-
PPD in accelerating this area.              the determination of practical and pa-           ing the often-conflicting priorities of
                                            tient-focused endpoints/outcomes that            various stakeholders is an important
                                            provide reliable and valuable results.           part of how development in this space

4   Decentralized Clinical Trials                                                                             
Preparing to Face the Next Global Challenge: Studying Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome - NET
proceeds. Our extensive experience         In addition to symptom or function           dedicated post-COVID clinics. As a
identifying the nuanced information        endpoints of interest to regulators,         large CRO, PPD can supplement sites
important to various groups and then       payers will look for measures that re-       from our extensive network of investi-
developing evidence-generation strate-     flect quality of life and economic im-       gators across therapeutic areas, includ-
gies to support tailored value messages    pacts, including utility measurements,       ing specialists in neurology, rheumatol-
strongly positions PPD in accelerating     work productivity, and activity impair-      ogy, and respiratory diseases, who may
this area.                                 ment determinations. Some payer bod-         be investigating and managing patients
                                           ies, such as the U.K.’s National Institute   with post-COVID syndrome.
Through advisory panels with payers        of Clinical Excellence (NICE), are inter-
across all key markets, our market ac-     ested in ascertaining patient input on       Finding and Recruiting Patients with
cess consultants gather clear insight      protocol designs and clinical trial op-      Post-COVID Syndrome
into what payers consider when as-         erationalization to ensure that clinical     While patients with post-COVID syn-
sessing products for reimbursement.        trials are patient centered, meaning         drome may be highly motivated, they
Our researchers focused on patient         they maximize benefits and minimize          may have difficulty remaining en-
involvement use a myriad of methods        burden for patients.                         gaged with a clinical trial due to the
to elicit patient preferences and prior-                                                debilitating nature of their symptoms
ities to help guide both development       Finding Sites to Support Post-COVID          (e.g., brain fog, severe fatigue, or per-
and uptake once on the market. By          Syndrome Trials                              haps even grief and depression.) Pa-
understanding what is important to         Selection of clinical personnel to treat     tients may not want to or be able to
each stakeholder, the right evidence       patients in a post-COVID syndrome            make regular visits to clinical trial sites.
can be generated for the right audi-       trial will present a new challenge.          A CRO with strong experience and in-
ence to optimize product approval,         Patients presenting with COVID-19            frastructure to support decentralized
access, and adoption.                      symptoms may have had minimal                trials and drive patient-centric solu-
                                           healthcare interaction at the time of        tions can provide relevant strategies
Both regulators and payers will expect     initial infection, and diagnosis may         that will benefit study design and make
that PROs used as important efficacy       have been via a walk-in test center          participation more feasible for patients
endpoints will be reliable, valid, and     not associated with delivery of care.        and their caregivers.
responsive in post-COVID syndrome          For patients requiring hospital care,
populations and to evaluate treat-         this may have been supported by an           With PPD’s experience in the develop-
ment benefits that are meaningful          acute care team, pulmonologist, or           ment of increasingly patient-centric tri-
to patients. Existing PROs and other       infectious disease specialist. Patients      als and running virtual and direct-to-pa-
outcome measures will be adapted for       with unresolved symptoms or who              tient studies, we are ideally positioned
use in post-COVID syndrome, but evi-       have not returned to their baseline          to support and encourage ongoing
dence still will need to be obtained to    level of functioning are most likely         patient participation in post-COVID
ensure that PROs included in clinical      to present to primary care providers.        syndrome trials. We know how to bring
trials are relevant, comprehensive, re-    Any referral to secondary care will          studies to patients using e-Consent,
liable, valid, and individualized to the   depend on the symptoms the patient           home-health nurses, video visits, and
symptom complex associated with            has and whether dedicated post-              electronic PROs, all within decentral-
the disease.                               COVID syndrome clinics are available.        ized trial designs. Our experience with
                                           Dedicated post-COVID clinics with            long-term follow-up of gene therapy
                                           access to a range of specialists may         patients is also directly applicable to
                                           become the optimal structure to eval-        post-COVID syndrome patients. We
                                           uate and manage these patients, giv-         keep the patient experience in mind
The complexity of trial designs
                                           en the potential for a broad range of        and identify solutions that optimize
and implementation of post-                clinical complications. Such dedicat-        efficiency and effectiveness with the
COVID syndrome studies                     ed post-COVID syndrome clinics are           goal of maintaining the necessary level
                                           being established in many countries,         of connection with the patient, the site,
will require the services of
                                           but this is not universal. Many of these     and the treating physician, while min-
CROs like PPD with extensive               clinics are in their infancy, and, ow-       imizing the burden across all of them.
operational and scientific                 ing to the lack of standardization of
                                           assessments for these patients, the          Other questions sponsors will need to
expertise across multiple
                                           range of specialists and services may        consider include:
therapeutic areas involved in              vary from center to center.                  •  How do we know when patients
treating these patients.                                                                   are suitable for a trial?
                                           Sponsors may not always have the             •  At what point do you assign pa-
                                           luxury of being able to recruit from            tients having reached a baseline

5 Decentralized Clinical Trials                                                                            
Preparing to Face the Next Global Challenge: Studying Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome - NET
level for the study?
•      If that point cannot be deter-
       mined, how should the inclusion/                            ABOUT THE AUTHORS
       exclusion criteria be established?
•      It is also important to identi-
       fy not only the symptoms, but                                             Wesley Hicks, M.B.B.S., M.R.C.P., M.F.P.M.
       whether there is active disease                                           Vice President and Global Therapeutic Head, Respiratory, Global
       that is potentially amenable to an                                        Product Development, PPD
Conclusions                                                                      LinkedIn:
With our enterprise-wide approach,
PPD is able to develop bespoke solu-
tions for each client and trial that will
allow optimum connectivity with the                                              Sudhakar Sridharan, M.D.
patient and continuous data collection                                           Executive Medical Director, Global Product Development, Immunology
to meet regulatory and payer needs,                                              and Rheumatology, PPD
both within and outside of standard
care. Our insights, together with our
proven and agile strategies, enable                                              LinkedIn:
us to bring all of the necessary com-
ponents and functions together to
offer a comprehensive solution that
can be personalized depending on                                                 Margaret Vernon, Ph.D.
the needs of each sponsor, regulators,                                           Senior Vice President, Patient Affairs, Evidera
and payers. We also bring a strong fo-
cus on prioritizing the needs of post-                                           Email:
COVID syndrome patients as we work                                               LinkedIn:
together to help them find resolution
of their long-term sequalae and resto-
ration of health.
                                                                                 Andrew Burr, Ph.D. M.I.C.R., C.Biol., F.R.S.B.
                                                                                 Vice President, Infectious & Respiratory Disease
                                                                                 Therapeutic Unit Head, PPD

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6 Decentralized Clinical Trials                                                                                               
Preparing to Face the Next Global Challenge: Studying Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome - NET Preparing to Face the Next Global Challenge: Studying Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome - NET
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