Principal's Message - ORMS PTA

Page created by Shawn White
Principal's Message - ORMS PTA
Principal’s Message

Dear Oklahoma Road Middle Families:

Wow—what a spring and summer we have had! I still can’t believe that we will have such an unprecedent-
ed start to the school year. Even though we will be starting the year virtually, please know that as a staff we
are all very committed to getting to know and being able to support all of our students the best we can. We
know there will certainly be challenges as we start this school year in a virtual setting, so we continue to ask
for your patience with any bumps we may encounter along the way and would love to hear any feedback
that you have with regard to your son/daughter’s online learning. Teachers will work together when they
return, to learn about and brainstorm ways to help build a positive online learning environment with their
students. We truly believe that one of the most important factors in middle school is building a positive
relationship with our students, and so we want you to know that we will continue to strive to do this in our
online environment as well. With that said, as we start the school year, hopefully your son/daughter can
share some fun icebreakers or activities they complete within their google classrooms to help not only get to
know their teachers, but also their classmates. If at any time, your child shares concerns regarding their
experience whether it be in our virtual environment or when they do get to come back to ORMS, please
don’t hesitate to reach out to a counselor or administrator so that we can find a way to best support your

This newsletter has a great deal of important information that will be helpful to you and will be a wonderful
resource to reference throughout the school year. We included some resources and information that will be
useful as we start the year virtually, but also kept some information regarding topics that will be important
for when our students are able to return to the building. Student homerooms and schedules will be posted
on Home Access Center around mid-August. Within this newsletter are the list of teachers by team, with
the team leaders being listed as the first person in each team.

Once the school year gets underway, we will be sending weekly connection letters home to you on Fridays
that will contain some valuable resources, any updates we may have to share, and also some technology
tips for you and your child.

Although we know there will be some challenges we continue to face as we begin this school year, I’m real-
ly excited to get to know our new students and to see all of our students continue to meet with success and
watch them grow and mature into young adults. We are so proud of everything our students accomplished
in the spring as they faced a lot of unknowns and adversity when they jumped into online learning, and I
know they will continue to amaze us with their knowledge, creativity and wit as we enter a new school

I’m looking forward to an exciting and again unprecedented, yet successful school year. If you have any
questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at any time. We know that it takes a village
to help our children reach their fullest potential, so we value being able to work with our families to support
your son/daughter’s social/emotional needs while also providing them the best education possible.


Janel Fosnot
Principal's Message - ORMS PTA
Volume 21, Issue 1
ORMS Twister Talk                                                                                                           August 2020
Janel Fosnot, Principal                              Oklahoma Road Middle School                                             410-751-3600
                                                         6300 Oklahoma Road                                            410-751-3604 (Fax)
Jeffrey Hopkins, Assistant Principal                    Sykesville, MD 21784                              

  Beth Prestianni
      6th Grade
  8th Grade (L - Z)

    Kayla Geho
     7th Grade
  8th Grade (A-K)                                                  Student Login Information
                              Technology Services will NOT be updating student passwords prior to the start of school as we have
                              done in previous years. Students will continue to use the same username and password they used last
                              school year.
     ORMS Mission                          Suggestions for your student when starting the year Virtually
                              1.)       Encourage your child to check their email in outlook at everyday
 Oklahoma Road Middle         2.)       Encourage your child to log into each of their Google Classrooms Daily for live Google
 School provides an envi-               Meets, to check the Stream on their Classroom Page, and to look for updated assignment
  ronment of respect and                information
 collaboration where stu-     3. )      Encourage students to ask their teachers questions via google chat / messaging through
 dents develop skills and               google/email
   knowledge to become
         responsible                          Strategies for Staying Organized During Virtual Learning
   citizens and persevere     1.)       Encourage your child to make a calendar outlining all of their google meets for the day/week
    through challenging       2.)       Encourage your child to make a list of what assignments they need to complete each day
  learning opportunities.     3.)       Encourage your child to look at the feedback provided by teachers on each assignment (this
                                        will be on their actual assignment when it is returned and they will receive an email with the
                                        feedback as well)

                    Attendance                                                  BACK-TO-SCHOOL NIGHT
  Your child will have a separate google class-                We will be holding a virtual back-to-school night for all students
                     room for                                 and families on September 2, 2020. You will receive an email with
  attendance that they will need to sign in each             the links to each event within the next week or so. If you are unable
                                                              to view the event at the live, scheduled time—they will be recorded
    day to account for being marked present.                 so that you can watch them at another time that works best for your
   If they are going to be absent, please email                                                family.
   their absence and reason for the absence to:              Administration and Related Arts Teachers will send a pre-recorded                                 video for you to watch whenever works best for you.
                                                                               4:00 –4:45 8th Grade Teams 5 & 6
                                                                               5:00 - 5:45 7th Grade Teams 3 & 4
                                                                               6:00 - 6:45 6th Grade Teams 1 & 2

             Home Access Center                    Homework Hotline                              Website
               Home Access Center is             The Homework Hotline is available Please check out ORMS website as
           Carroll County Public Schools’       on the ORMS website for students to it is a great source for information.
           parent portal. It allows parents’/     access their homework. There are
         guardians to login and view infor-      also valuable resources here related
         mation pertaining to their child(ren). to distance learning and technology              middle/oms//
          You can find Home Access on the                     questions.
                   ORMS Website.      
Principal's Message - ORMS PTA
6th Grade Team 1                          8th Grade Team 5                                PE/Health
Jess Morgan - STEM Rm 251                 Sean Connor - S. Studies Rm 190           Todd Muschik - PE Rm 817
Renee Cudney—Math Rm 250                  Shannon Gore - Science Rm 171             Cindy Minarcin - Health Rm 150
Jenn Hurff - ELA Rm 252                   Logan Toomey - Math Rm 191                Deb Janyska - PE/Adapt PE Rm 817
                                                                                    Danielle Webber - PE Rm 816
Beth Feinstein - S. Studies Rm 253        Meredith Veilleux - ELA Rm 192
Karen Soltis - Science Rm 271             Lauren Hubbard—Humanities Rm 193
                                          Emily Mello—Spanish Rm 152                         Special Education
        6th Grade Team 2                                                            Kim Dobrzykowski - LFI Teacher Rm 177
Kim Eason - Math Rm 290                                                             Heidi Anderson - Speech Rm 407
                                                  8th Grade Team 6
Bethany Mazalewski - S. Studies Rm 292                                              Gabrielle Glorioso - Sch. Psychologist Rm 406
                                          Kelli Peterson - Math Rm 166              Danielle Johnson - Resource Teacher Rm 408
Forest Heacock - Science Rm 269
                                          Joyce Abbott - ELA Rm 153                 Sherrill Lane- 6th Resource Rm 293
Kim Piazza - ELA Rm 291
                                          Chris Eberle - S. Studies Rm 151          Cami Masenheimer- 7th Resource Rm 323
        7th Grade Team 3                  Mike Pallett - Science Rm 169             Alexandra Stitely- 8th Resource Rm 301

Trish Runkles– Math Rm 322                Lauren Hubbard—Humanities Rm 193
Jen Rutters - S. Studies Rm 320           Emily Mello—Spanish Rm 152                               Resource
Jen Lamb - Science Rm 314                                                           Carolyn Cherry - Media Specialist
                                                      Related Arts                  Donna Bahorich - Reading Specialist Rm 405
Carol Ritter ELA Rm 321
                                                                                    Danielle Stultz—Math Resource Rm 266
                                          Vicki Williams - Tech Ed Rms 500/515
        7th Grade Team 4                                                            Jackie Keffer - Media Clerk
                                          Krista Herbert - FACS Rms 505/510
Joanne Penny - ELA Rm 302                                                           Alaina Peik - GT Teacher Rm 277
                                          Nick Chalk - Instr. Music Rm 121          Karen Shimek - ESOL Rm 265
Brian Anderson - Math Rm 304
                                          Michelle Novak - Art Rm 201
Marilynn Buss - S. Studies Rm 303
                                          Jeff Morrison - Vocal/Gen. Music Rm 118
Maggie Kramme - Science Rm 306

                                                 Home Access Center
 Home Access Center is Carroll County Public Schools’ parent portal. It allows parents/guardians to login and view
information pertaining to their child. The Home Access Center is provided for the express use of the parents of
Carroll County Public School District students to assist in the communication of important educational
information. The goal of the Home Access Center is to assist you in effectively communicating with the teachers,
staff, and administration about your student.

 Parents can each have their own user name and password. They do not need to share an account. If
both parents provided the same email address on the emergency card, then they will have one login to Home
Access Center using that email address as their user name.

 Go to the Carroll County Public Schools’ website at and click the Home Access Center link
located in the ‘Students and Parents’ section. There is also a link on the ORMS website

 Unfortunately, you must have an email address in order to have a Home Access Center account. You can setup a
free email account online through a variety of websites.

 If you have changed your email address, you must notify your child’s school so they can update the system and
your Home Access Center account.
Principal's Message - ORMS PTA
Period Schedules for Enhanced Virtual Model
 6th Grade Team 1
 Period 1        Period 2         Period 3        Period 4        Lunch           Period 5        Period 6 -       Period 7 -        FLEX
                                                                                                     RA               RA
  8:30 –        9:15 – 9:50        9:55 –            10:35 –      11:10 -          12:10 –          12:50-           1:25 –          2:00 –
   9:10                            10:30              11:10        12:10            12:45            1:20             1:55            2:30

Synchro-         Synchro-      Synchronous     Synchronous                      Synchronous        Synchro-         Synchro-        Synchro-
 nous In-        nous In-       Instruction     Instruction                      Instruction       nous In-         nous In-        nous In-
struction        struction     9:55 – 10:15    10:35 – 10:55                    12:10 – 12:30      struction        struction       struction
8:30- 8:50      9:15 – 9:35                                                                         12:50 –        1:25 – 1:40      2:00-2:30

 6th Grade Team 2
  Period 1           Period 2         Period 3/4         Lunch           Period 5       Period 6 -           Period 7 -            FLEX
                                                                                           RA                   RA
    8:30 –            9:25 –            10:15 –          11:00           12:00 –         12:50-               1:25 –               2:00 –
     9:20             10:10              11:00             –              12:45           1:20                 1:55                 2:30
 Synchronous        Synchronous       Synchronous                       Synchronous     Synchronous          Synchronous         Synchronous
  Instruction        Instruction       Instruction                       Instruction     Instruction          Instruction         Instruction
   8:30- 8:55        9:25 – 9:50      10:15 – 10:40                     12:00 – 12:25   12:50 – 1:05          1:25 – 1:40          2:00-2:30

7th Grade Teams 3 & 4
  Period 1          Period 2         Period 3 –         Period 4 –          Lunch          Period 5            Period 6            FLEX
                                        RA                 RA
   8:30 –            9:25 –           10:20 –            10:55 –            11:25 –           12:25 –        1:15- 2:00            2:00 –
    9:20             10:15             10:50              11:25              12:25             1:10                                 2:30
 Synchronous       Synchronous       Synchronous        Synchronous                       Synchronous          Synchronous       Synchronous
  Instruction       Instruction       Instruction        Instruction                       Instruction          Instruction       Instruction
   8:30- 8:55       9:25 – 9:50      10:20 – 10:35      10:55 – 11:10                     12:25 – 12:50         1:15– 1:40         2:00-2:30

8th Grade Teams 5 & 6
Period 1         Period 2      Period 3        Period 4          Lunc          Period 5         Period 6          Period 7          FLEX
 – RA             - RA                                             h
 8:30 –           9:05 –           9:40–        10:25 –          11:05          12:05 –          12:45-            1:25 –           2:00 –
  9:00             9:35            10:20         11:05             –             12:40            1:20              2:00             2:30
 Synchro-         Synchro-        Synchro-    Synchronous                     Synchronous        Synchro-          Synchro-        Synchro-
  nous In-        nous In-        nous In-     Instruction                     Instruction        nous In-         nous In-        nous In-
 struction        struction       struction   10:25 – 10:45                   12:05 – 12:25      struction         struction       struction
 830 – 8:45      9:05 – 9:20        9:40 –                                                      12:45 – 1:05      1:25 – 1:45      2:00-2:30
Principal's Message - ORMS PTA
Covid-19/Virtual Learning Resources
Covid Resources:

   1. Keeping Children Healthy While School's Out
   2. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
   3. Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation during an Infectious Disease Outbreak
            1. Taking Care Of Your Behavioral Health
Homework Resources:

    1. Help Your Child Do Schoolwork at Home
    2. Apps That Act Like Math and Science Tutors for Homework Help

Learning Challenges Resources:

    1. Low-Tech DIY Strategies for Learning
    2. 17 Apps to Help Kids Stay Focused

Mental Health/Mindfulness/Social-Emotional Resources:

    1. Tips for Parents and Caregivers-Teletherapy.pdf
    2. What Parents Need to Know about Remote Mental Health Therapy for Kids
    3. How to Find a TeleHealth Mental Health Provider for your Child:
    4. Simple Steps to Help You Cope With nxiety
    5. Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress
    6. Signs of Depression During Covid-19
    7. Treatment for Depression
    8. How Mindfulness Can Help During COVID-19
    9. Parent Guide to Resilience: Homepage
    10. Mistakes can be good if we learn from them!
    11. What is Growth Mindset: Activities & Printable Prompts
    12. Managing Anxiety Around COVID-19 on Vimeo
    13. Caring for Your Coronavirus Anxiety
    14. Tips for Helping School-Age Children After Disasters
Principal's Message - ORMS PTA
15. About Child Trauma
   16. Taking Care of Yourself
   17. Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for Youth High School & College Age
   18. Family Resource: Recognizing and Managing Stress in Youth

Substance Use and Abuse Resources:

   1. The Risks of Marijuana Use During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Summer Resources:

   1. 14 Summer Activities to Continue Teaching Social-Emotional Learning
   2. Summer Activity Guide
           summer activity guide          Ages 10-12
           summer activity guide          Ages 13-15
           summer activity guide          Ages 16-18
   3. Resources for Families and Programs During School Closures

Technology Resources:

   1. Mindful Use of Technology (the first article is for teens and the second article is meant for parents)
  and https://
   2. Student Tips for Participating in Online Learning (Zoom)
   3. Zoom Tips for Educators: Teachers AND Students

Virtual Learning Resources:

   1. Helping Kids Cope While Sheltering in Place
   2. Parents: Supporting Learning From Home During Covid-19
   3. A Parent's Guide to Virtual Learning: 4 Actions To Improve your Child's Experience with Online Learning
   4. Online At-Home Library-Bookshare (10,000+ free books)
            Here for Students during COVID-19
   5. Research-Based Activities for Home Learning
   6. Resource on Developing a Schedule and Expectations for At-Home Learning:
            Supporting Families with PBIS at Home
   7. Virtual Field Trips with Rangers at State Parks in CA
   8. Live Online Classes for ages 4-18 free
            Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice
   9. Learn to Draw Online: Free Online Drawing Websites
   10. Online Art Classes for Kids: Free! Use Anywhere
   11. Creative Writing Prompts for Kids: 150+ Pgs Free Prompts
   12. Gratitude Journal Prompts: Free Journal Templates
   13. Virtual Field Trips to Art Museums, Cultural Locations, and Travel Destinations Around the World:
            Google Arts & Culture
Principal's Message - ORMS PTA
14. 4-H at Home-examples of activities include a huge variety of topics including Learningto Tye a Tie,
       STEM activities, Coloring relaxation sheets, a Chefs Cookbook, Building Bridges, Wildlife Print Cast-
       ing, and Exercise Dice and PE options-ALL FREE!
            4-H at Home
   15. AutoDraw by Google Creative Lab

Social-Emotional Learning Resources:

   2. Daily SEL Lessons:
   6. Sample Lessons:
Sourced by:

Monica Kastner,
Naples Junior Senior High School
Principal's Message - ORMS PTA
Our school nurse, Kate Messier is amazing, and we are very happy to welcome her to ORMS this year!
7th Grade Immunizations
Incoming 7th grade students need two additional immunizations in order to start 7 th grade. At this point, we are being informed by
the state that this is required even though we are starting the year virtual. The required immunizations are the Tdap (tetanus,
diphtheria, pertussis booster) and the MCV4 (meningitis vaccination). If your child has already received these immunizations,
please forward the updated immunization record to the school via fax (410.751.3604 or email
If your child has not received these immunizations, please make arrangements for him/her to receive them. Feel free to call the
school with any questions. Be sure to include Oklahoma Road Middle School and your student’s name in any communication or

Medication Procedures
If you anticipate your child needing medications during school hours, please be sure to fill out a medication permission form
appropriately and have an authorized adult bring the medication to school. CCPS prohibits any students transporting medication to
school. Please be aware that any medications, except Advil and Tylenol, must have a doctor’s order for the medication to be
administered in school. Doctor’s orders are also required if you wish to give your child any other dosage than what is recommended
by the manufacturer. This would include giving a child under the age of 12 adult strength Advil and Tylenol, or giving a higher than
recommended dosage.

Please remember that any medications not picked up from last year were destroyed and medication order forms are only good for
one year. New medication forms must be completed each year. If you have urgent or serious medical concerns, please contact your
school nurse.

If you are without medical care, the Carroll County Health Department can help. They provide many services for free or at reduced
fees. Some services include free immunizations, reduced-fee dental programs, physician services, women’s health and prevention
programs. Contact the school nurse for further information or call the Carroll County Health Department at (410) 857-5000; they
are a great resource for our community.

Although physicals are not required for school entrance, they are encouraged to be done every year. If your child has had a recent
physical, please have an updated copy sent to school for your child’s records, so the school system can better serve him/her.

As you are filling out the Emergency Cards, please do not neglect to fill out all medical information on the card, including your
physician and dentist. This information is to benefit your child if he/she should need medical services at school or if your child
needs to be transported to a medical facility.

                            Medication @ School

              Students may not transport medications of any kind to
          school. The medicine must be brought to school by a parent
            or guardian and given to the school nurse with the CCPS
                                  Medication Form
             signed by the doctor, with the exception of Ibuprofen &
                            The medication forms are on
                                   ORMS website.
Principal's Message - ORMS PTA
Removal Of Students During                                          VISITORS TO THE BUILDING
        the School Day                                     All visitors must ring the main entrance buzzer to
  ***Important Information***                              request entry. Visitors must have a pre-arranged appointment
                                                           to enter the school at this time. Visitors will need to review
                                                           COVID screening questions and will need to show a valid pho-
During the school day, students are to be removed          to identification card before a visitor’s badge is issued
from school only into the custody of their legal           in the office.
guardian or to an individual listed on the emergency
card with the written permission from the
registered parent/legal guardian. In cases where a
court order granting joint legal custody is on file with
the school, the student may only be removed from
school with permission from the registered parent or
the parent with arranged physical custody according                                EMERGENCY CARDS
to the documentation provided by the registered
parent.                                                     Once students return to the building, each student will receive only one (1)
                                                            copy of his/her emergency card. It is critical the preprinted information
Please understand that for students whose parents live      is carefully reviewed by a parent/guardian. If the card reflects
in two different locations but do not have court            incorrect information you are asked to make note of the revisions on
documents, the enrolling parent is considered the           the card. All emergency cards must be signed by a parent/guardian
primary registered parent and would need to provide         and returned to the school, within three (3) school days.
written permission for the non-primary parent to pick
up the student during the school day.
                                                            In addition, it is extremely important for parents to update their child’s
As stated above, a student may not be released to           information throughout the school year. This can be done by providing
an individual listed on the emergency card without          written documentation to the school. A change of residence, however,
written permission from the registered parent/              will require proper documentation. This accurate information will allow
legal guardian. The emergency contact list is a list        the school nurse, guidance counselors, team leaders, administrators and
of individuals to contact when the registered parent/       classroom teachers to have the accurate information needed to remain in
legal guardian is not able to be reached in cases where     close communication with parents and guardians.
the child becomes ill or other emergencies. Being
listed as an emergency contact does not grant
permission to pick-up the student without the               Thank you, in advance, for your prompt attention to this procedure!
appropriate authorization.

                                                                                  CHANGE OF ADDRESS
      Oklahoma Road Middle School
                                                            State and County attendance regulations require the school to maintain
                                                            accurate up to date enrollment information for each student; therefore, when
                       Hours                                you have a change of address it is mandatory you provide the school with
                                                            one of the following:
Students Arrive:           7:55am
                                                            •   A signed lease/rental agreement on a home/apartment in which the
Homeroom:                  7:55 - 8:25am                        parent/legal guardian is currently residing
FLEX:                      8:25 - 9:00am                    •   A current rent receipt
                                                            •   A recent utility bill
Classes:                   9:00am - 2:55pm
                                                            •   A mortgage statement/bill
Wave 1 Dismissal:          3:00pm                           •   A signed settlement document
Wave 2 Dismissal:          3:05pm                           •   A Property tax bill from the current fiscal year indicating “primary
Parent Pick-up and
                                                            •   A Deed
Walkers Dismissal:         3:05pm                           •   A Residence Verification Statement accompanied by an acceptable
                                                                proof of residence, as indicated above for the owner/leasee of the
                                                            •   Real Property Data Search Report listing parent/guardian name and
                                                                 “principal residence”.
Principal's Message - ORMS PTA
STUDENT AGENDA/HANDBOOK                                                             BOOK BAGS
 The first day students are in the building, students
 will receive an Agenda Book courtesy of the            Students may use book bags to transport books to and from school;
 PTA, unless your family picked one up prior to the     however, students must leave their book bags in their lockers during
 school year starting. This book will contain           the school day. This is for the safety of all students and staff. Students
 information specific to Oklahoma Road Middle           will be given sufficient opportunities to visit their locker throughout the
 School and is a place to write daily assignments.      day so that they will not need to carry all of their books. These locker visit
 Students must carry this book with them to each        times will be determined by each individual team. Students can carry gym
 class and home each night.                             bags or small plastic bags for their gym clothes.

 The Carroll County Public School Student/Parent
 handbook is
 available on the CCPS
 website.                                                                           GYM UNIFORM
                                                          All students must wear a gym uniform during P.E. class consisting of a
                                                          gray t-shirt, black gym shorts and gym shoes.

                                                          Students will have an opportunity to purchase an ORMS gym uniform
                                                          the first week of school through our Physical Education Department. The
                                                          cost will be $10.00 for the shirt, $8.00 for the shorts.

                                                          You do not have to buy the uniforms at ORMS. You can purchase a plain

                                     SERVICE-LEARNING INFORMATION
The Service-Learning Graduation Requirement requires students to earn a minimum of 75 service-learning hours prior to graduation
from high school. Students in Carroll County can begin earning service-learning hours the summer after fifth grade and have until
their senior year to accumulate their hours. JUNIORS must have a minimum of 55 service-learning hours by the end of their JUNIOR
year in order to have SENIOR status. Students earn hours for service-learning activities within designated courses as outlined in the
Carroll County Service-Learning Guidelines as well as by independently volunteering in the community.

Remember the following guidelines when choosing a volunteer opportunity:

         •   You may not be paid for your service.
         •   You may not earn service-learning hours providing service to a for-profit business. (Nursing Homes are an exception.)
         •   You may not earn service-learning hours for service in preparation for a worship service, or during a worship service or
             religious education activity. Service, such as helping with church dinners and mission work, is acceptable.
         •   Fulfilling family obligations, i.e., babysitting, grass cutting etc. is not acceptable.
         •   Service-Learning Reflection Forms can be completed online but must be filled out within ONE YEAR from the time the
             service is completed.

Service-Learning forms can be found by accessing the following website:
If you are not sure whether an activity will count towards the Service-Learning Requirement, please contact Mrs. Veilleux at

                                          ADA ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT
    Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or the provision of
    services, programs or activities. Persons needing auxiliary aids and services for communication should contact the Commu-
    nications Office at 410-751-3020 or, or write to Carroll County Public Schools, 125 North Court
    Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157. Persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, may use Relay or 7
    -1-1. Please contact the school system at least one (1) week in advance of the date the special accommodation is needed.

    Information concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act is available from the Director of Facilities Management, (410)
    751-3177, or the Communications Officer, (410) 751-3020, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157.
Please understand that students should not arrive before 7:55 a.m. because there is no supervision available
prior to this time. Morning homeroom officially starts at 8:20 a.m. Students arriving after 8:25 a.m. will be
marked TARDY. The first class period begins at 8:25 a.m.

Dismissal will be as follows:
3:00pm – First wave dismissed.

3:05pm – Second wave will be dismissed along with walkers & parent pick up.

(Once the school year begins, the times may vary due to unanticipated changes in transportation routes.
Future newsletters will provide updated information.)

The Transportation Services Department (TSD) is pleased to announce that regular education school bus routes will be
delivered to schools and posted on the CCPS website around August 15. Estimated pick up and drop off times for every
bus stop (a.m. and p.m.) will be provided. All times are estimates and parents should be encouraged to have their
student(s) at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the listed pick up time for the first week of school. Once the school
year begins, the times may vary due to unanticipated changes in transportation routes. Bus routes will continue to be
updated on the CCPS website through the first month of school.

If you have questions regarding your child’s bus route please contact the Transportation Services Department at

Students riding buses should arrive at their designated bus stops at least ten minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up
time. Students must ride the same bus to and from school each day. They must also get on and off at the same bus stop
each day.

Permission to ride a bus other than a student’s assigned bus is only granted in emergency situations. Permission
to ride a different bus can be granted only by the school’s administration. Both sets of parents must submit these
requests in writing and in advance. Further, a written request from a parent or guardian is required whenever a
student will be traveling home by a means different than what is typical for that student (i.e., walking home
instead of taking the bus, parent pick up, etc.). These requests must be sent to the office first thing in the
morning for administrative approval.

All walkers and bike riders crossing Oklahoma Road are to cross at the crosswalk located at the north entrance of the school parking
lot. Students entering from the back of the school should follow the blacktop path from Hemlock Drive. Students will not be
allowed to cross Rt. 26 unless a letter of permission from a parent or guardian is on file in the school office. For safety reasons, it is
always a good idea for students to walk with a friend using only the sidewalks and/or pathways provided. At no time should
students “cut” across or be on private property without the owner’s permission to do so.

Parent pick-up and drop-off will continue to be at the parking lot to the right of the school. For the safety of all students, please be
patient and follow the instructions of the designated school staff at this location. Student drop-off or pick-up is not permitted in
the front parking lot between 7:45 a.m. and 8:20 a.m. and 2:50 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. due to bus traffic in this area at these times.

        BUS RIDER INFORMATION                              •    One AM and one PM stop location shall be allowed for each transport-
                                                                ed student. Exceptions will be made only in case of an emergency or
Video/audio cameras are placed on school                        when an extenuating circumstance exists and shall be approved by the
buses to protect students and staff and to                      Principal.
provide for a safe and orderly environment.
The privacy of students and the recording are •                 Parents are responsible for the supervision of students while walking to
kept secure and are reviewed only by the                        or from school or while walking to, from, or waiting at the bus stop.
authorized Carroll County Public School •                       Pupils may not ride buses other than those to which they are regularly
Personnel.                                                      assigned, without approval by the principal, following a written request
                                                                by the parent.

Lunch Times When We Are In School
       Grade 6:   12:00- 12:30pm
       Grade 7:   11:00 - 11:30am
       Grade 8:   12:45- 1:15pm

             Meal Prices
         Breakfast        $1.75
         Regular Lunch    $2.75
         Adult Lunch      $3.50
         Milk             $0.60
To place money on an account you can submit the slip below to the school cafeteria
with cash or check made out to Oklahoma Road Middle School.

You can also go online to: and set up a student internet
account for free. To set up an account you will need to use your student’s PIN. You
can use the online website to make a credit card payment to your child’s account.
The credit card processor charges a fee of $2.00 per credit card transaction if you
use the service. You can deposit into multiple children’s accounts with one transaction
fee. With the account you will be able to view your child’s cafeteria balance and view
purchase activity.

Cafeteria Pricing:     Breakfast Elementary - $1.50 Full Paying/$.30 Reduced
                       Breakfast Secondary - $1.75 Full Paying/$.30 Reduced

                       Lunch Elementary - $2.50 Full Paying/$.40 Reduced
                       Lunch Middle School - $2.75 Full Paying/$.40 Reduced
                       Lunch High School - $3.00 Full Paying/$.40 Reduced

                       Milk - $.60                       Snacks - $.30 - $1.50

                         Detach and send in with check or cash to the cafeteria

Student’s name: ________________________________ Student’s PIN: _________

Amount enclosed: $___________ Homeroom Teacher: ______________________

____ Please place ALL of the money on the General Account to purchase either
     breakfast, lunch, milk or snacks


____ Please place on the Account, but I want to specify how much for each category

      $______________ for Breakfast and/or Lunch

      $______________ for Milk and/or Snacks

                                Permission to Photograph, Videotape or Audiotape

        Throughout the school year, the Carroll County Public School System frequently covers school activities and

may use your child’s photograph, video image, or voice for educational, informational, or public relations purposes, with

or without identification by name.
           If you do not wish to have your child’s voice reproduced on tape or to have his/her image appear in such things
as a video or a photograph, or on the school or school system website or social media, please notify the school principal
   in writing. It is assumed that parents and guardians consent to their children being audiotaped, photographed, vide-
 otaped, or having their image placed on a school website or social media by the school system unless such notification
                                                           is received.

        There are also occasions when the media cover certain school events (such as when a government leader visits

a school). If you do not wish to have your child’s name or likeness published by the media, you should address your

concerns directly to the school involved so that the media is so advised. Please be advised that the school system has

no control over the media when they are covering activities such as sporting events and musical programs that are open

to the public.

                                Use of Student Work on Websites or in Publications

        There may be times throughout the year when the Carroll County Public School System wishes to display stu-

dent work on school websites, social media, or in publications. If you do not wish to have your child’s art, poetry, writing,

etc. appear on school websites, social media, or in publications, please notify the school principal in writing. It is as-

                                        NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION
   The Board of Education of Carroll County does not engage in discrimination that is unlawful or contrary to Maryland State
   Department of Education guidance on the basis of age, color, genetic information, marital status, mental or physical disabil-
   ity, ancestry or national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

   The Board of Education of Carroll County is firmly committed to creating equal employment and educational opportunities
   for all persons by providing an environment that supports optimal academic achievement and productive work and is free
   from any form of unlawful discrimination, including access to school facilities, educational programs, and extracurricular

   The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Director of Human
   Resources, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, (410) 751-3070.
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