Page created by Jorge Sims
Media KIT

      Print + Online
      Magazine Profile                           2
      The PLAST TRADE FAIR GUIDE K 2019          8
      Circulation and Distribution Analysis      9
      Readership Structure Analysis          10/11
      Summary of Survey Method                  12
      Market & Contact                          13
      Schedule and Topic Plan               14-15a
      Online Advertising                     16-26
      General Terms and Conditions              27
2019    Media KIT

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:
                                                                                                                                                       Magazine Profile      1
 1 Title:                          PLASTVERARBEITER                                              11 Publisher                    –
 2 Profile in brief:
    PLASTVERARBEITER: The decision-maker magazine for efficient production and                   12 Advertisements: 	Ludger Aulich, Advertising manager
    increased market opportunities in the plastics processing industry - practice-based                               Klaus-Dieter Block, Media consultant
    information: well researched, easy to read and quick to implement.
    In these times of cost pressure and increasing globalization, Plastverarbeiter
                                                                                                 13 Editor: 	Dipl.-Chem. Ralf Mayer, Editor-in-Chief
    supports plastics processors in designing production in a cost and resource-efficient
                                                                                                              Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Simone Fischer, Editor
    way as well as recognizing new market opportunities at an early stage. Innovative
                                                                                                              Dr. Etwina Gandert, Editor
    products and production strategies are also presented, as are concrete practice
    problems. The current trend reports from digital market surveys are conveyed by a
                                                                                                 14 Volume analysis:                                 2017 = 12 issues
    high level of product transparency. Every copy is estimated to be read by a further
    4.1 people on average (initial readers and valued additional readers).                           Total volume:                                        1,121 pages   =   100.0 %
 3 Target group:                                                                                     Editorial section:                                    824 pages    =    73.5 %
    Primarily specialists and managers at plastics processing companies (as well as
    brand managers). Additionally: Manufacturers of plastics processing machines,                    Advertisement section:                                297 pages    =    26.5 %
    tool and mold engineers as well as providers of raw materials and additives.                     including job vacancies/classifieds ads                  2 pages   =     0.7 %
    88.1% of recipients are involved in purchasing and investment decisions.
                                                                                                                Publisher’s own advertisements              42 pages    =    14.4 %
 4	Publication:                   monthly
                                                                                                                Bound inserts                                6 pages    =     2.0 %
 5 Magazine format:                DIN A4
 6 Volume/year:                    Vol. 70/2019                                                      Supplements:                                             5
 7	Price annual subscription:
    domestic:                      € 189.00 (+ € 15.00 shipping costs and VAT = € 218.71)        15	Analysis of editorial content:                  2017 = 824 pages
    foreign:                       € 189.00 (+ € 30.00 shipping costs and VAT = € 234.76)        	Branch and sector news                                   20 pages    =     2.4 %
    single copy price:             €   19.50 (including VAT, not including shipping costs)         Business data/management                                127 pages    =    15.4 %
 8 Organ:	–                                                                                       Raw materials and additives                             122 pages    =    14.8 %
 9 Memberships/Participation:	Deutsche Fachpresse, IVW                                            Production and manufacturing technology,
10 Publishing company: 	Hüthig GmbH                                                               automation                                              310 pages    =    37.6 %
                                   Managing Director: Fabian Müller                                Tool and mold construction                              100 pages    =    12.1 %
                                   Publishing Manager: Rainer Simon                                Product development/R&D                                  37 pages    =     4.5 %
	  Address:                       Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg                                Quality assurance                                        50 pages    =     6.1 %
    Tel.:                          +49 6221 489-230                                                Editorial, contents, literature, guide, imprint          44 pages    =     5.4 %
    Fax:                           +49 6221 489-481                                                Cover/inside cover                                       14 pages    =     1.7 %
                                                                                                 		                                                        824 pages    =   100.0 %

1 Advertising rates in € (formats – see p. 5):
  Rates do not include VAT.

 Rates for b/w
                                   Basic rate    5 % discount       10 % discount   15 % discount   20 % discount
 1/1 page                          4,060.00       3,857.00            3,654.00        3,451.00        3,248.00
 2/3 page                          2,750.00       2,612.50            2,475.00        2,337.50        2,200.00
 1/2 page                          2,040.00       1,938.00            1,836.00        1,734.00        1,632.00
 Junior page                       2,350.00       2,232.50            2,115.00        1,997.50        1,880.00
 1/3 page                          1,430.00       1,358.50            1,287.00        1,215.50        1,144.00
 1/4 page                          1,070.00       1,016.50              963.00          909.50          856.00
 1/8 page                            550.00         522.50              495.00          467.50          440.00
 Total rates for
                                     2c rate     5 % discount       10 % discount   15 % discount   20 % discount
 2c advertisements
 1/1 page                          4,570.00       4,367.00            4,164.00        3,961.00        3,758.00
 2/3 page                          3,260.00       3,122.50            2,985.00        2,847.50        2,710.00
 1/2 page                          2,420.00       2,318.00            2,216.00        2,114.00        2,012.00
 Junior page                       2,730.00       2,612.50            2,495.00        2,377.50        2,260.00
 1/3 page                          1,810.00       1,738.50            1,667.00        1,595.50        1,524.00
 1/4 page                          1,330.00       1,276.50            1,223.00        1,169.50        1,116.00
 1/8 page                            810.00         782.50              755.00          727.50          700.00
 Total rates for
                                     4c rate     5 % discount       10 % discount   15 % discount   20 % discount
 4c advertisements
 1/1 page                          5,490.00       5,287.00            5,084.00        4,881.00        4,678.00
 2/3 page                          4,180.00       4,042.50            3,905.00        3,767.50        3,630.00
 1/2 page                          3,010.00       2,908.00            2,806.00        2,704.00        2,602.00
 Junior page                       3,320.00       3,202.50            3,085.00        2,967.50        2,850.00
 1/3 page                          2,400.00       2,328.50            2,257.00        2,185.50        2,114.00
 1/4 page                          1,660.00       1,606.50            1,553.00        1,499.50        1,446.00
 1/8 page                          1,140.00       1,112.50            1,085.00        1,057.50        1,030.00

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:
                                                                                                                                   Media KIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Advertising Rates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               List No. 57
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         valid as of 01.10.2018                     P
2    Surcharges                                                                                                             Loose inserts: (not subject to discount and only for total circulation)
     Preferential placements:                                                                                               Min. format 10.5 x 14.8 cm, min. weight per single sheet 150 g/m2
     Inside front cover 4c..........................................................€ 6,030.–                               Max. paper format 20.5 x 29 cm
     Outside back cover 4c.......................................................€ 6,030.–                                  up to 25 g weight ............................................................................................................... € 3,420.–
     Binding placements..........................................................10 % surcharge on basic rate               each additional 25 g weight............................................................................................. € 1,690.–
     Rates and conditions for cover placement on request.
                                                                                                                            Postage per 1,000 inserts:
     Color surcharges (not discountable):		2-color                                               4-color                    up to 25 g weight ...............................................................................................................   €    13.40
     1/1 and 2/3 page                                                               €   510.–   1,430.–                     up to 30 g weight ...............................................................................................................   €    18.80
     1/2 and 1/3 page                                                               €   380.–     970.–                     up to 35 g weight ...............................................................................................................   €    21.10
     1/4 and 1/8 page                                                               €   260.–     590.–                     up to 40 g weight ...............................................................................................................   €    22.60
     Surcharges apply to Euroscale colors...........................Special colors on request                               Delivery: Specimens to be supplied as of order placement,
     Format surcharges:                                                                                                     circulation up to 14 days prior to publication.
     Bled-off and gutter-bleed advertisements.................10 % on basic rate                                            Stick-on advertising media: (only for total circulation)
                                                                                                                            In conjunction with advertisement or bound insert..................................................                                 €   860.–
3 Discounts: for purchase within 12 months (always on basic rate).                                                         plus adhesive costs, min. format 6.0 x 7.5 cm at 150 g/m2
  Requency discount rate:		                          Quantity discount rate:                                                – for machine processing..................................................................................................          € 588.–
	  3 x publication............................ 3 %	  1.5 pages....................................... 3 %                   – for manual processing....................................................................................................         € 1,265.–
	  6 x publication............................ 5 %	  3.0 pages....................................... 5 %                   Postage per 1,000:...............................................................................................................   €     5.10
	  9 x publication............................ 10 %	  6.0 pages....................................... 10 %                 Positioning on request
  12 x publication............................ 15 %	  9.0 pages....................................... 15 %                 Delivery address, bound and loose inserts:
			                                                  12.0 pages....................................... 20 %                 Westermann Druck GmbH, Georg-Westermann-Allee 66, D-38104 Braunschweig
                                                                                                                            (clearly marked: “für PLASTVERARBEITER, Heft Nr. ...”)
4    Classified ads:
     Vacancies ads per mm   (1-column, 41 mm wide)                                                        € 3.90
     Job search ads per mm  (1-column, 41 mm wide)                                                        € 2.10        6   Contact: see p. 15b
     Wanted/for sale per mm (1-column, 41 mm wide)                                                        € 3.90
     Box number fee		                                                                                     € 16.00       7   Terms of payment:
                                                                                                                            Net within 30 days of invoice date,
5    Special advertising:
                                                                                                                            2 % discount in the case of advance payment or direct debit
     Bound inserts: must be delivered folded, untrimmed, without back stapling
                                                                                                                            Bank details:
                     Paper weight                 Min.                        up to                      up to              HypoVereinsbank
       Volume                                    weight                     120 g/m2                   170 g/m2             Account: 157 644 60
       2 pages                                  120 g/m2                   € 4,520.–                   € 4,700.–            Bank code: 700 202 70
                                                                                                                            IBAN: DE66 7002 0270 0015 7644 60
       4 pages                                   80 g/m2                   € 6,870.–                   € 7,060.–            BIC: HYVEDEMMXXX

2019   Media KIT

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:
                                                                                                                                                   Formats and
                                                                                                                                               technical details     F
    *Bleed formats quoted include 3 mm trim allowances
    Type area formats        Bleed formats

   1/1 page                  Junior page                       2/3 page                 2/3 page                           1/2 page                   1/2 page
   178 x 257 mm              126 x 178 mm                      vertical                 horizontal                         vertical                   horizontal
                                                               117 x 257 mm             178 x 169 mm                       86 x 257 mm                178 x 126 mm
   bleed                     bleed
   216 x 303 mm*             145 x 203 mm*                     bleed                    bleed                              bleed                      bleed
                                                               136 x 303 mm*            216 x 194 mm*                      105 x 303 mm*              216 x 149 mm*

                                                                                                                                                    Delivery of
                                                                                                                                                    bound inserts:
    1/3 page                 1/3 page                           1/4 page block          1/4 page vertical                  1/8 page block
    vertical                 horizontal                         86 x 126 mm             41 x 257 mm                        86 x 62 mm               Width: 210 mm
    56 x 257 mm              178 x 83 mm                                                                                                            + 4 mm trim inside
                                                                bleed                   bleed                              1/8 page vertical        + 3 mm trim outside
    bleed                    bleed                              105 x 149 mm*           60 x 303 mm*                       41 x 126 mm
    75 x 303 mm*             216 x 105 mm*                                                                                                          Height: 297 mm
                                                                1/4 page                                                   1/8 page                 + 5 mm trim top
                                                                horizontal                                                 horizontal               + 3 mm trim bottom
                                                                178 x 62 mm                                                178 x 29 mm
                                                                bleed                                                      bleed
                                                                216 x 85 mm*                                               216 x 52 mm*

Magazine format: DIN A4, width 210 mm, height 297 mm

2019    Media KIT

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:
                                                                                                                                                              Formats and
                                                                                                                                                          technical details     F
1   Magazine format: width 210 mm, height 297 mm, DIN A4                                         	
                                                                                                  3. Color advertisements: the customer must provide a color proof with digitally
    Type area:	width 178 mm, height 257 mm                                                       delivered masters for color advertisements. Failure to provide such proof shall result
                     Number of columns: 4 columns, column width: 41 mm                            in the customer forfeiting claims for compensation due to possible color deviations.
                                                                                                  4. Complaints must be asserted by the customer in respect of obvious defects not
2   Printing process:         Rotary offset                                                       later than two weeks after receipt of invoice. For non-obvious defects, the customer
    Binding process:          Adhesive binding                                                    must issue a complaint not later than one year after publication. If, despite prompt
                                                                                                  delivery of perfect copy and complaint in good time, the advertising material has
3   Data transfer:                                                   been reproduced with defects, the customer may demand a substitute placement
                                                                                                  appearance of the advertisement (subsequent fulfillment) without defects. Claims
4    ata formats: Delivery of data in PDF format, version 1.3 (PDF/X-1a), generated with
    D                                                                                             for subsequent performance are excluded if they subject the publisher to unreason-
    Acrobat Distiller as of version 4.0 and with screen modulated proof. Image data with          able expenses. If the publisher is given a reasonable deadline and allows it to expire,
    high resolution (at least 300 dpi), resolution for 60 screen, color model must always         the customer shall have the right to cancel the contract or obtain a reduction in
    be CMYK (no RGB or LAB elements). Bitmaps (barcode scans) should have at least 800            payment to the extent to which the purpose of the advertisement was impaired.
    dpi. The format must have original dimensions plus trim allowance and bleed marks.            Warranty claims from merchant customers expire 12 months after publication of
                                                                                                  the corresponding advertisement or insert.
5	Colors: For digitally delivered masters for color advertisements, the customer must            5. If defects in the print documents are not immediately apparent but become
   provide a color proof with Fogra Medienkeil Version 2.0 or 3.0 and a proof or meas-            apparent during the printing process, the customer shall have no claims in respect
   urement protocol (= certificate). If no such proof is provided, the customer has no            of inadequate publication quality.
   right to damage claims based on color deviations.                                              6. Customers failing to abide by the publisher’s recommendations regarding the cre-
                                                                                                  ation and transmission of digital print materials shall forfeit all claims relating to
6	Proof: According to FOGRA standard. With FOGRA Medienkeil 2.0 or 3.0 according to              publication of defective advertisements.
   standard, PSO_LWC_Improved_eci.icc for contents as a rule paper type 3 FOGRA 45L               7. The customer warrants that all files supplied are free of computer viruses. The pub-
   – according to standard, ISOcoated_v2_eci.icc for cover as a rule paper type 2                 lisher is authorized to delete files containing viruses. Such deletion shall not provide
   FOGRA 39L – according to standard.                                                             the basis for any claims by the customer. The publisher also reserves the right to claim
                                                                                                  damages if the computer viruses cause further damage at the publisher.
7   Data archiving: Data is archived, thus unmodified repeats are generally possible.             8. The publisher assumes no warranty for the accuracy of the quality or volume of
    However, no warranty for data is assumed.                                                     materials (bound inserts, inserts etc.) which the customer claims to have made
8 Warranty:
	1. The inclusion of advertisements in certain issues or editions or in certain positions       9   Contact:	Advertisement processing:
  is not guaranteed.                                                                                           Martina Probst
  2. The publisher warrants the printed, defect-free reproduction of the advertise-                            Phone: +49 6221 489-248
  ments corresponding to their representation on circulation paper, and requires the                           Fax: +49 6221 489-310
  delivery of suitable masters (see details in price list).                                                    E-mail:

                                                                                                  Media KIT                            MEDPLAST

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

Almost 50 percent of medical devices are made of plastic, and their share is rising
significantly. Special issue MedPLAST provides succinct and direct information to those
making investment decisions on the trends dominating the market, where the greatest
market opportunities lie, and what innovative products, technologies and strategies can
be used to produce medical devices efficiently in terms of costs and ressources, also in
Topics covered include the development, production and packaging of high-quality
medical devices and plastic parts for medical use. The information is practical, thoroughly
researched, easily readable and quick to apply.
                                                                                                                                  Additio n
Circulation:	12,500 copies                                                                                                       distribu nt
                                                                                                                                     im por ta
                                                                                                                                  at           s
Publication date:               April 30, 2019                                                                                           y vent
Advertising deadline:           April 3, 2019

Price advantage:
The special issue is published in A4 format. Type area and ad formats as for
PLASTVERARBEITER. As an advertiser in the trade journal PLASTVERARBEITER (in 2019),
you will receive a discount of 5 % on any ads you publish in MedPLAST.

 Advertisement formats                               Advertising rates 4c (in Euro)

 1/1 page                                                       € 3,960.–
 1/2 page                                                       € 1,990.–
 Junior page                                                    € 2,275.–
 1/3 page                                                       € 1,470.–
 1/4 page                                                       € 1,040.–
 1/8 page                                                       € 570.–

2019 Media KIT
                                                                                                                                               The PLAST
                                                                                                                                        TRADE FAIR GUIDE
                                                                                                                                                to K 2019

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

          Trade fair contacts

Following the successful premiere in 2013, the PLAST TRADE FAIR GUIDE will once again
be published for K Messe 2019 in Duesseldorf.
This medium, which is in great demand, is an ideal supplement to the issues of
the trade publication PLASTVERARBEITER. In light of the high expectations many
trade fair visitors have, the contents of this special edition is focused exclusively on
K Trade Fair 2019. The goal of the editorial staff was to provide optimal transparency
with regard to products and exhibitors by offering topically structured information.
Total circulation:	25,000 copies
Date of publication:               Oct. 10, 2019
Deadline for ads:                  Sept. 16, 2019
Distribution:                      Plastic-processing companies, trade fair visitors.
Geared toward the international trade fair audience, the PLAST trade fair guide will                        Transparency
be published in German and English
                                                                                                                                           Trade Fair News
 Advertising formats                                      Advertising rates 4c (in Euro)*
 1/1 page                                                            €    1,890
 1/2 page                                                            €      990
 Junior page                                                         €    1,170
 1/3 page                                                            €      770                              Contacts
 1/4 page                                                            €      590
*Advertising rates apply to customers of the trade publication PLASTVERARBEITER that place an ad of
                                                                                                                                 T one
the same size in the September and/or October issues of 2019. Introductory prices for other companies
upon request.

2019      Media KIT

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:
                                                                                                                                  and Distribution
                                                                                                                                          Analysis   2
1   Circulation monitoring:                                                            3    Geographical distribution analysis:

                                                                                        Economic region                            Percentage of copies
2   Circulation analysis:	Copies per issue                                                                                        actually distributed
                           on average for the period
                           July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018                                                                             %            copies

                                                                                        Germany                                    84.8          10,653

    Print run:                    12,846                                                Abroad                                     15.2           1,904

                                                                                        Copies actually distributed               100.0          12,557
	Number of copies
  actually distributed:           12,557       including abroad:        1,904
                                                                                        Breakdown of foreign circulation*          Percentage of copies
                                                                                                                                   actually distributed
	Copies sold:                        617      including abroad:          113                                                       %            copies
  – Subscribed copies:                614      including association
  – Other sales:                        3      member copies:                0          Austria/Switzerland                        63.6           1,210
  – Single copy sales:                  0
                                                                                        Other countries                            36.4              694

                                                                                        Copies actually distributed               100.0           1,904
    Free copies:                  11,940

	Residual, archive and
  specimen copies:                    289
                                                                                       * Publisher's statement

2019   Media KIT

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

1.1 Sectors / industries

 WZ 2008            Recipient groups                                                                                              Proportion of readers calculated
 Code               (according to industrial sector classification, WZ 2008)
                                                                                                                                   %                       recipients
 20                 Chemical industry                                                                                              6.0                         754
                    Plastics, raw materials production
                    Production of auxiliary materials and chemicals
 22                 Manufacture of rubber and plastic goods/users of plastics                                                     70.0                       8,790
                    Vehicle construction                               Electrical engineering/electronics
                    Construction sector                                Medical technology
                    Mechanical engineering                             Information and communication
                    Packaging industry                                 Household goods
                    Furniture/furnishing                               Sports and leisure industry
                    Precision mechanics and optics                     Agriculture
                    Toys and jewelry
 28                 Mechanical engineering                                                                                        13.0                       1,632
                    Plastics processing machines
                    Molds and tool construction
                    Other mechanical engineering
 46.12              Trade with technical chemicals                                                                                 4.0                         502
 71.12              Services for companies                                                                                         4.0                         502
                    Construction and engineering agencies

 72/85              Research, development, training                                                                                2.0                         251
                    Other                                                                                                          0.0                           0
                    Rounding difference                                                                                            1.0                         126
 Copies actually distributed                                                                                                     100.0                      12,557

 The detailed description of the survey method can be found on page 12

2019    Media KIT

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

1.2 Size of business unit:                                                                        2.1 Job feature: position in company

                                                          Proportion of readers calculated                                                          Proportion of readers calculated
                                                               %              recipients                                                                 %               recipients
    1 - 49 employees                                           34.0             4,269             Management function                                   77.0               9,669
  50 - 199 employees                                           38.0             4,772
                                                                                                  – Owners, CEOs, authorized representatives            31.0               3,893
 200 - 499 employees                                           17.0             2,135             –H ead of department, technical manager,
                                                                                                                                                        44.0               5,525
 500 and more employees                                        10.0             1,256               operational manager, production manager
                                                                                                  – Head of sales                                         2.0                251
 No details                                                     2.0               251
 Rounding difference                                           -1.0              -126             Technical staff                                       15.0               1,883
 Copies actually distributed                                 100.0             12,557             Commercial staff                                        6.0                753
                                                                                                  Other position                                          1.0                126
2.1 Job feature: field of activity (multiple responses)
                                                                                                  Position unknown                                        0.0                     0
                                                          Proportion of readers calculated        Rounding difference                                     1.0                126
                                                               %              recipients          Copies actually distributed                          100.0              12,557
Company management                                             37.0             4,646
Research and development                                       44.0             5,525
Design                                                         33.0             4,144
Work preparation                                               39.0             4,897
Manufacturing / production                                     48.0             6,027
Quality assurance                                              43.0             5,399
Materials management / purchasing / logistics                  42.0             5,274
Marketing / sales                                              37.0             4,646
No details                                                      3.0               377
                                                                                                          The detailed description of the survey method can be found on page 12
Copies actually distributed                                                    12,557

2019   Media KIT
                                                                                                                                                        Summary of
                                                                                                                                                     Survey Method

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

Summary of survey method

1.	Method:                                                                              5.	Survey period:
    Reader-structure analysis through telephone survey -                                     The telephone survey was carried out between Mar. 5 and Apr. 14, 2015
    sample survey
                                                                                         6.	Survey conducted by:
2.	Basic population:                                                                        teleResearch GmbH, Mannheim
    Basic population (recipients of the issues
    11-2014, 12-2014 and/or 1-2015):                      17,684                         In its design, implementation and reporting, this survey conforms to the cur-
    average no. of copies actually distributed:           12,300     =   100.0 %        rent version of the ZAW framework scheme for advertising media analyses
    Not included in the survey:                              326     =     1.8 %

3.	Sample survey:
    Net 254 interviews, quota sample, 14% were used                                        The detailed description of the survey method can be requested for
                                                                                           inspection from the publisher.
4.	Target person of the survey:                                                           Contact: Ludger Aulich, e-mail:
    The main reader at the institution was surveyed

2019  Media KIT                          Market & Contact

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

 Market & Contact (supply source)

 Term:                    12 calendar months

 Disposition:             Monthly

 Conditions:              The contract runs for 12 calendar months and
                          continues until terminated. Termination of
                          contract is possible up to a period of six weeks
                          prior to the end of the contract term.

 Size:                    Single-column, 41 mm wide;
                          Minimum height 10 mm (4 lines)

 Price per issue:         Per mm height	b/w € 3.00;
                                         color € 4.50

 Corrections:             Up until the advertising deadline for each issue

 Advertising deadline:    See publication schedule

 Increase your presence in the market: combine print and online!
As a supply source advertiser you receive an additional inexpensive
“Plus Entry” at on request. What is a “Plus Entry”?
You can enter the following in the database of our online portal: your com-
pany address plus telephone and fax number plus link to your homepage plus
logo plus free text on your product program. Price: as a supply source adver-
tiser you only pay € 100.– per year.

                                                                                                                                                                                      1                        2                        3                            4                            5                            6                            7                        8                             9                               10                             11                            12
                                                                                                                                                                                   January                  February                   March                        April                        May                         June                          July                    August                      September                         October                       November                      December
  Schedule and                                                                                                                                       Date of publication         Jan. 31, 2019            Feb. 27, 2019           March 27, 2019                April 30, 2019               May 29, 2019                June 28, 2019                July 30, 2019              Aug. 29, 2019                Sept. 20, 2019                   Oct. 10, 2019                  Nov. 28, 2019                 Dec. 17, 2019
     Topic Plan                                                                                                                                      Deadline for ads            Jan. 8, 2019              Feb. 4, 2019            March 4, 2019                April 3, 2019                May 6, 2019                 June 3, 2019                 July 5, 2019               Aug. 5, 2019                 Aug. 28, 2019                    Sept. 16, 2019                  Nov. 5, 2019                 Nov. 22, 2019
                                                                                                                                                     Trade fairs/          interplastica,            JEC World,               PIAE,                       Moulding Expo,               Rapid. Tech + FabCon 3.D,                                                           FachPack,                   K 2019 previews                K 2019,                          formnext,
                                                                                                                                                     Events                Jan. 29 - Feb. 1, 2019,   March 12-14, 2019,       April 3-4, 2019,            May 21-24, 2019,             June 25-27, 2019,                                                                   Sept. 24-26, 2019,                                         Oct. 16-23, 2019,                Nov. 19-22, 2019, Frankfurt
                                                                                                                                                                           Moscow, Russia            Paris, France            Mannheim                    Stuttgart                    Erfurt                                                                              Nuremberg                                                  Duesseldorf
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Oct. 22-24, 2019,
                                                                                                                                                                           VDI annual injection                               Hannover Messe,             Chinaplas,                                                                                                       Composites,                 Stuttgart                      MEDICA + COMPAMED,
                                                                                                                                                                           moulding meeting,                                  April 1-5, 2019,            May 21-24, 2019,                                                                                                 Sept. 10-12, 2019,                                         Nov. 18-21, 2019,
                                                                                                                                                                           Feb. 19-20, 2019,                                  Hanover                     Guangzhou, China                                                                                                 Stuttgart                                                  Duesseldorf
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Powtech,                    Control,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              April 9-11, 2019,           May 7-10, 2019,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Nuremberg                   Stuttgart
                   Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

                                                                                                                                                     Cover story           Plastics in               Plastics processing      Plastics in                 Trends in toolmaking         Automation and robotics     Plastics for                Recycling of plastics for   Plastics in the             Multi-component                Digitalisation in                Generative plastics           K 2019 – Innovations,
                                                                                                                                                                           consumer products         in cleanrooms            vehicle engineering         and mouldmaking                                          electrical engineering      all applications            packaging industry          applications with plastics     plastics processing              processing                    products, statements

                                                                                                                                                     Trend report on       Digital market overview Digital market overview Digital market overview        Digital market overview      Digital market overview     Digital market overview     Digital market overview     Digital market overview     Digital market overview        Digital market overview          Digital market overview
                                                                                                                                                     the digital market    with trend report       with trend report       with trend report              with trend report            with trend report           with trend report           with trend report           with trend report           with trend report              with trend report                with trend report
                                                                                                                                                     overview              MES systems             Standard parts,         Robotics/handling              Temperature control          Additives/colour batches    Crushing plants             Refrigeration technology    Mixing and                  Extrusion                      Injection moulding               3D printers and service
       Media KIT

                                                                                                                                                                                                   hot runners                                            units                                                                                                            metering systems                                                                            providers
                                                                                                                                                     Production and        Multi-component           Cleanroom technology     Injection moulding          Additive production          Injection moulding (2C)     Injection moulding          Extrusion                   Injection moulding                                                                          Injection moulding            Extrusion
                                                                                                                                                     manufacturing         injection moulding        Extrusion                Connection technology       Injection moulding           Film extrusion              Extrusion                   Presses                     Film extrusion                                                                              Extrusion                     Injection moulding
                                                                                                                                                     technology/           Extrusion                 Micro injection          Production cells            Extrusion                    Thermoforming               Thermoforming               Micro injection moulding    Printing/marking                                                                            Thermoforming                 Micro injection moulding
                                                                                                                                                     automation            Blow-moulding             moulding                 Reactive processing         Feeding/drying/              Blow-moulding               Crushing plants             Blow-moulding               Thermoforming                                                                               Reactive processing           Cleanroom production
                                                                                                                                                                           Feeding/drying/           Conveyor technology      PUR technology              metering/mixing              Printing/marking            Recycling/                  Surface technology          Cleanroom production                                                                        Laser technology              Production cells
                                                                                                                                                                           metering/mixing           Drying/metering/         Presses                     Cleanroom production         Surface technology          compounding/                Robotics/handling/          Robotics/handling                                                                           Surface technology            Feeding/drying/
                                                                                                                                                                           Additive production       mixing                   Thermoforming               Conveyor technology          Laser technology            granulating                 gripper                     Feeding/drying/                                                                             Crushing plants               metering/mixing
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Predictive maintenance   Lightweight construction    Predictive maintenance       Robotics/handling/          Connection technology       Predictive maintenance      metering/mixing                                                                             Additive production           Blow-moulding
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Additive production      Surface technology                                       gripper
                                                                                                                                                     Raw materials         Standard plastics         Elastomers               Technical plastics          Innovative PET, PP, TPE,     Standard plastics           Standard plastics           Standard plastics           Innovative PET, PP, TPE,                                                                    Standard plastics             Technical plastics
                                                                                                                                                     and additives         Elastomers                Bioplastics              Composites                  PUR packaging                Duroplastics                Composites                  Technical plastics          PUR packaging                The range of topics covered in the September and               Technical plastics            Bioplastics
                                                                                                                                                                           Composites                Additives                Additives/colour batches    Additives/colour batches     Elastomers                  TPE, PUR                    Compounds                   Bioplastics                  October issues includes all aspects of plastics processing.    Composites                    Composites
                                                                                                                                                                           Colour and master         Photopolymers            TPE, PUR                    Duroplastics                 Compounds                   Additives/colour batches    Bioplastics                 Compounds                    This is also reflected in the editorial pre-event reporting.   Compounds                     Additives/colour batches
                                                                                                                                                                           batches                                                                        Bioplastics                                                                                                      Additives                    In addition to new and proven techniques and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Compounds                Multi-component                                          Multi-component             Flame retardants            Recycled materials                                                                                                      TPE, PUR                      Flame retardants
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        applications, plastics processors and trade fair visitors
                                                                                                                                                                           PUR                       Flame retardants         products                                                 products                                                                            Colour and master batches                                                                   Colour and master batches     TPE, PUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        will also receive information on approaches to solving
                                                                                                                                                     Tools and moulds      Eroding                   Standard parts           Hot runner systems          Toolmaking/mouldmaking       Toolmaking                  Standard parts              Toolmaking                  Mouldmaking                  their daily industrial problems as well as an early            Report Formnext               Hot runner systems
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Standard parts               preview of the upcoming industry event.                        Toolmaking/mouldmaking        Temperature control units
                                                                                                                                                                           HSC processing            Hot runner systems       Temperature control units   Hot runner systems           Standard parts              Hot runner systems          Cooling systems
                                                                                                                                                                           Toolmaking                Tool changing systems    Mouldmaking                 Temperature control units    5-axis machining            Temperature control units   Temperature control units   Hot runner systems                                                                          Hot runner systems            Toolmaking/mouldmaking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tool changing systems        The articles will cover all topics of the value-added chain.   Temperature control units     HSC processing
                                                                                                                                                                           Standard parts            Tool cleaning            5-axis machining            Rapid tooling                Sensor systems              Mouldmaking                 Hot runner systems
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Product development, raw materials and additives,
                                                                                                                                                                           Hot runner systems        Laser sintering          Eroding                     Tool cleaning                Cutting/separating          Cutting/separating          Eroding                                                                                                                 Tool changing systems         Standard parts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        production technology and peripherals, toolmaking
                                                                                                                                                                           Cutting/separating                                 Sensor systems                                                                                                   Sensor systems                                           and mouldmaking as well as automation and quality              Rapid tooling
                                                                                                                                                     Quality assurance/   Measuring/testing          Image processing         3D measuring technology     Measuring/testing            3D measuring technology Measuring/testing               3D measuring technology Measuring/testing                assurance.                                                     Image processing              3D measuring technology
                                                                                                                                                     measuring technology Image processing           Rheological processes    Colour and gloss            Image processing             Colour and gloss        Image processing                Software solutions      Quality assurance                                                                               Software solutions            Quality assurance
                                                                                                                                                                          Quality assurance          CT processes             measuring, software         Software solutions (ERP,     measuring               QA strategies                   (ERP, MES, BDE, PPS,    Certification                                                                                   (ERP, MES, BDE, PPS,          Colour and gloss measuring
                                                                                                                                                                                                     QA strategies            solutions (ERP, MES,        MES, BDE, PPS, CAQ, SCM)     Sensor systems                                          CAQ, SCM)                                                                                                               CAQ, SCM)                     Image processing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BDE, PPS, CAQ, SCM)
                                                                                                                                                     Product development   Design systems            Rapid manufacturing      Light construction          Mould-flow simulation        PLM systems                 Design systems              CAD/CAM systems             Packaging design                                                                            Rapid prototyping             Reverse engineering
                                                                                                                                                                           PLM/CAD/CAM systems       Mould-flow simulation    simulation                  Rapid manufacturing          Reverse engineering         Mould-flow simulation       Simulation                  CAD/CAM systems                                                                             Rapid manufacturing           Rapid prototyping
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Vehicle design                                           Mould-flow simulation       PLM systems                 Lightweight construction    PLM systems                                                                                 CAD/CAM simulation            Mould-flow simulation
                                                                                                                                                     Special issues/                                                          Special section             Special issue (see page 7)                                                                                       CAR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Special section                                     Special issue
                                                                                                                                                     special sections                                                                                     on T4M and Medtec Live                                                                                                                                                 (see p. 8)
                                                                                                                                                    Subject to changes.

Your contacts in Germany and abroad
PUBLISHER                               EDITORIAL TEAM                                   ABROAD

Hüthig GmbH                             Editor-in-Chief:                                 Great Britain                           USA, ­Canada
Im Weiher 10                            Dipl.-Chem. Ralf Mayer                           Hüthig GmbH                             Hüthig GmbH
D-69121 Heidelberg                      Tel.: +49 6221 489-347                           Klaus-Dieter Block                      Klaus-Dieter Block                   Fax: +49 6221 489-481                            Im Weiher 10                            Im Weiher 10
                                        E-mail:                    D-69121 Heidelberg                      D-69121 Heidelberg
                                                                                         Tel.: +49 6221 489-301                  Tel.: +49 6221 489-301
ADVERTISING                             Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Simone Fischer                   Fax: +49 6221 489-481                   Fax: +49 6221 489-481
                                        Tel.: +49 6221 489-377                           E-mail:   E-mail:
Advertising manager:                    Fax: +49 6221 489-481
Ludger Aulich                           E-mail:                Austria                                 Denmark, Finland, Norway,
Tel.: +49 6221 489-230                                                                   Hüthig GmbH                             ­Sweden, Netherlands
Fax: +49 6221 489-481                   Dr. Etwina Gandert                               Klaus-Dieter Block                       Hüthig GmbH
E-mail:        Tel.: +49 6221 489-246                           Im Weiher 10                             Klaus-Dieter Block
                                        Fax: +49 6221 489-481                            D-69121 Heidelberg                       Im Weiher 10
Media consultant:                       E-mail:                Tel.: +49 6221 489-301                   D-69121 Heidelberg
Klaus-Dieter Block                                                                       Fax: +49 6221 489-481                    Tel.: +49 6221 489-301
Tel.: +49 6221 489-301                  Editorial assistant:                             E-mail:    Fax: +49 6221 489-481
Fax: +49 6221 489-481                   Christin da Costa Guerreiro                                                               E-mail:
E-mail:   Tel.: +49 6221 489-349                           Switzerland, Italy, Liechtenstein
                                        Fax: +49 6221 489-481                            interpress                              Hungary, Spain, Portugal,
Advertising assistant:                  E-mail:     Katja Hammelbeck                        Czech Republic, Slovakia
Christel Edinger                                                                         Ermatinger Str. 14                      Hüthig GmbH
Tel.: +49 6221 489-228                                                                   CH-8268 Salenstein                      Klaus-Dieter Block
Fax: +49 6221 489-481                                                                    Tel.: +41 71 55202-12                   Im Weiher 10
E-mail:                                                      Fax: +41 71 55202-10                    D-69121 Heidelberg
                                                                                         E-mail:          Tel.: +49 6221 489-301
Advertisement processing:                                                                                                        Fax: +49 6221 489-481
Martina Probst                                                                           France, Belgium                         E-mail:
Tel.: +49 6221 489-248                                                                   Agence Eychenne
Fax: +49 6221 489-310                                                                    Carolyn Eychenne                        China, Taiwan, Singapore
E-mail:                                                        13 impasse Verbois                      Hongping Zhao
                                                                                         F-78800 Houilles                        Project management
                                                                                         Tel.: +33 139581401                     E-mail:
                                                                                         Fax: +33 971705241

2019    Media KIT

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:
                                                                                                                                                          Profile      1

1 Website (URL):                                       7   Data delivery:	Sabine Greinus
                                                                                                            Tel.: +49 6221 489-598
2   Profile in brief:                                                                                       E-mail:
    Extensive internet provision in B2B communication for specialists and
    executives working in the plastics processing industry. Daily news,
    product and company database, market overviews, background reports,
    job market and topic-specific weekly newsletter with an average                         Facts
    3,200 subscribers.                                                                      Traffic1                             Content
3 Target group:                                                                             • 25,800 visits/month                • Technical articles
  Professionals and executives in the plastics processing industry.
                                                                                            • 44,316 page impressions/          • Market surveys
  Providers of raw materials and additives. Manufacturers of machines,
  equipment and tools for the plastics industry, as well as service                                                              • Product reports
  providers in the sector.                                                                  • 2.33 minutes average
                                                                                               dwell time                        • News
4   Publishing company:                 Hüthig GmbH
                                                                                            • 3,235 newsletter                  • Editorials
5   Editorial contact:	Dipl.-Chem. Ralf Mayer,                                                subscribers                       • Videos
                        Tel.: +49 6221 489-347                                                                                   • Market overviews
6   Contact – online advertising:	Ludger Aulich, Advertising Manager                                                                                  rarbeit
                                                                                                                                                plastve ertified
                                   Tel.: +49 6221 489-230                                                                                           IVW c
	Klaus-Dieter Block, Media Consultant
  Tel.: +49 6221 489-301
  E-mail:                                                                                                              1 Source:
                                                                                                                                                                 IVW, as of 04/2018

2019                                                                                    P
                                                                                                                                                                          Rates and
                                                                                                          Media KIT                                                         Formats

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

1 Rates and Advertising Formats
 Ad Format                                                    Format                                                  Bookable Channels                            Price in Euros per week/issue
 Full-Size-Banner                                         468 x 60 pixels                                                 Total rotation                                         260.–
 Superbanner (= Big-Size-Banner)                          728 x 90 pixels                                                 Total rotation                                         620.–
 Billboard Ad                                             800 x 250 pixels                                                Total rotation                                       1,100.–
 Skyscraper                                               160 x 600 pixels                                                Total rotation                                         530.–
 Sticky-Sitebar                             200 x 600 pixels (only HTML5/redirect-code)                                   Total rotation                                         580.–
 Content Ad                                               300 x 250 pixels                                                Total rotation                                         880.–
 Rectangle                                                300 x 250 pixels                                                Total rotation                                         590.–
 Halfpage Ad                                              300 x 600 pixels                                                Total rotation                                         620.–
 Wallpaper                                      728 x 90 and max. 160 x 900 pixels                                        Total rotation                                         880.–
 Partner-Site-Button                                      300 x 120 pixels                                                Total rotation                                         490.–
 Specials / Whitepaper                                     By agreement                                         Link in main navigation + sidebar                                200.–
 Specials / Microsite                                     400 x 280 pixels                                      Link in main navigation + sidebar                                200.–
 Specials / Microsite + Video                             By agreement                                   Link in main navigation, sidebar, company entry                         350.–
 Sponsored Post                               Text + max. 5 images (200 x 200 pixels)                 1 week integration on homepage in the article stream +                     950.–
                                                                                                                channel archiving for at least 1 year
 Sponsored Post plus                          Text + max. 5 images (200 x 200 pixels),                1 week of integration in top-article box on homepage +                   1,450.–
 Panorama View                                 1 panorama image (620 x 240 pixels)                    1 week integration in the article stream on homepage +
                                                                                                                channel archiving for at least 1 year
 Company / Product Video                              400 x 280 pixels, HTML5                                                 Video                                        4,200.– per year
 Newsletter / Content Ad                                  480 x 150 pixels                                                                                                       525.–
 Newsletter / Skyscraper                                  160 x 600 pixels                                                                                                       375.–
 Newsletter / Button                                      156 x 60 pixels                                                                                                        250.–
 Newsletter / Text Ad                 Image: max. 150 x 150 pixels | Text: max. 330 characters                                                                                   525.–
 Company entry / Standard                                                                                                Company entry                                           Free
 Company entry / Plus                                                                                                    Company entry                                     325.– per year
 Company entry / Premium                                                                                                 Company entry                                     520.– per year
 Job Vacancy Ad                                                                                                            Job market                                      495.– per month
 Market Overview Sponsorship                              900 x 250 pixels                                      Full rotation in a market overview                               480.–
 Market Overview Top Ranking           Editorial entry in consultation with the editorial team                  Top position in a market overview                                245.–
                                                                                                                                                 All prices in Euros without applicable value added tax.

2019     Media KIT

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:
                                                                                                                                              Formats and
                                                                                                                                           technical details   F
1 Banner Formats
You can book a wide variety of banner formats on Whether an animated gif or an HTML5 banner, the choice is yours.
The banner sizes are always displayed within the total rotation, with a maximum of one additional advertising partner at this placement.
Your campaign will be billed at the weekly fixed-price rate.

                               Full-Size-Banner                                             Superbanner                                      Billboard Ad
                               Format: 468 x 60 pixels                                      Format: 728 x 90 pixels                          Format: 800 x 250 pixels
                               Price/Week: € 260.–                                          Price/Week: € 620.–                              Price/Week: € 1,100.–
                               File type: jpg, gif, png,                                    File type: jpg, gif, png,                        File type: jpg, gif, png,
                               HTML5                                                        HTML5                                            HTML5
                               File size: max. 50 KB                                        File size: max. 50 KB                            File size: max. 50 KB

                               Skyscraper                                                   Sticky-Sitebar                                   Content Ad
                               Format: 160 x 600 pixels                                     Format: 200 x 600 pixels                         Format: 300 x 250 pixels
                               Price/Week: € 530.–                                          Price/Week: € 580.–                              Price/Week: € 880.–
                               File type: jpg, gif, png,                                    File type: HTML5/                                File type: jpg, gif, png,
                               HTML5                                                        redirect-code                                    HTML5
                               File size: max. 50 KB                                        File size: max. 50 KB                            File size: max. 50 KB
Rectangle                                                            Halfpage Ad                                                             Wallpaper
Format: 300 x 250 pixels                                             Format: 300 x 600 pixels                                                Format: 728 x 90 pixels
Price/Week: € 590.–                                                  Price/Week: € 620.–                                                     and a max. of 160 x 900
File type: jpg, gif, png,                                            File type: jpg, gif, png,                                               pixels
HTML5                                                                HTML5                                                                   Price/Week: € 880.–
File size: max. 50 KB                                                File size: max. 50 KB                                                   File type: jpg, gif, png,
                                                                                                                                             File size: max. 50 KB

Partner-Site-Button                                                  Specials / Whitepaper                                                   Specials / Microsite
Format: 300 x 120 pixels                                             Contains:                                                               Contains:
Price/Week: € 490.–                                                  • Name of whitepaper                                                    • Name of special
File type: jpg, gif, png,                                            • Short text/teaser:                                                   • Short text/teaser:
HTML5                                                                   approx. 50 characters                                                   approx. 50 characters
File size: max. 50 KB                                                • Long text: approx. 600                                               • Long text:
                                                                        characters                                                              max. 2,000 characters
                                                                     • PDF for download                                                      • max. 7 graphics
                                                                     • Company logo                                                            (jpg, gif, png)
                                                                        (180 x 20 pixels)                                                    Price/Week: € 200.–
                                                                     Price/Week: € 200.–

Specials / Microsite + Video                                         Company/product video
Contains:                                                            Format: 400 x 280 pixels
• Name of special                                                    File type: MP4, HTML5,
• Short text/teaser:                                                max. 5 minutes
   approx. 50 characters                                             Price per video: € 4,200.–
• Long text:                                                        Video production/once:
   max. 2,000 characters                                             on request
• max. 7 graphics                                                   Duration: 1 year
   (jpg, gif,png)
• Video (HTML5)
Price/Week: € 350.–

                      All prices in Euros without applicable value added tax | All banner formats up to max of 50 KB | File type for banner advertisement: HTML5, jpg, gif, png

                                                                                                  Media KIT
                                                                                                                                 Sponsored Post

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

Sponsored Post
A Sponsored Post is a sponsored advertising element on in the form
of a marked news article. It runs through the entire article stream on
the homepage and on a channel selected by the customer and is archived there for at
least one year.
The contents can be freely designed in terms of text and image. A Sponsored Post is also
fixed in third article position for a week on the homepage and is highlighted in gray.
The booking frequency of this form of advertising is strictly limited: A maximum of one
sponsored post a week is published.
As an option, a Panorama View can also be booked with a Sponsored Post.
The Sponsored Post is also shown for 1 week in the top-article box on the homepage.

Format: 	HTML content page, delivery of content as a Word document.
          Maximum of 5 images in png or jpg format.

Price:	€ 950.– (Sponsored Post)
        plus on request € 500.– (Panorama View)

   What we need from you:
   • Meaningful keywords relating to your topic
   • Clear allocation to a channel/sub-channel
   • Descriptive heading
   • Short, brief subheading (to supplement the heading)
   • Teaser (2 short sentences to attract attention)
   • Text incl. links (recommendation: max. 2 DIN-A4 pages)
   • Optional: Max. 5 images (jpg, png, gif)
   • Optional: Video (link to Youtube/Vimeo)
   • Panorama image (620 x 240 pixels)

All prices in Euros without applicable value added tax.                                            Example Sponsored Post

2019  Media KIT

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:
                                                                                                                                                 Profile       1
1      Name:                                                                             Button
                                                                                                                                 Format: 156 x 60 pixels
2 Profile in brief:
                                                                                                                                 Price:     € 250.–/issue
   Every Tuesday, the newsletter is sent to over 3,200 subscribers1.
   In addition to up-to-the-minute news, the newsletter presents selected                                                        File type: gif2, jpg, png
   technical articles and new products in defined categories.
                                                                                                                                 Content Ad
3 Target group:                                                                                                                 Format: 480 x 150 pixels
   Specialists and executives working in the plastics industry.
                                                                                                                                 Price:     € 525.–/issue
4      Publication:                     weekly                                                                                   File type: gif2, jpg, png

5      Editorial contact:	Dipl.-Chem. Ralf Mayer,                                                                               Skyscraper
                                                                                                                                 Format: 160 x 600 pixels
                           Tel.: +49 6221 489-347
                           E-mail:                                                                         Price:     € 375.–/issue
                                                                                                                                 File type: gif2, jpg, png
6      Contact – online advertising:	Ludger Aulich,
                                      Advertising Manager
                                                                                                                                 Text Ad (image + text)
                                      Tel.: +49 6221 489-230
                                      E-mail:                                                           Image: 150 x 150 pixels
                                                                                                                                 Text:	max. 330 characters
	Klaus-Dieter Block,                                                                                                            Price:     € 525.–/issue
  Media Consultant
  Tel.: +49 6221 489-301                                                                                                         File type: gif2, jpg, png
  E-mail:                                                                                          2
                                                                                                                                      ote: Animated gifs may not be
                                                                                                                                     displayed correctly in all e-mail
                                                                                                                                     services. Think about whether it is
7      Data delivery:	Sabine Greinus                                                                                                absolutely necessary for your gif to
                       Tel.: +49 6221 489-598                                                                                        be animated.
                                                                                                                                 All prices in Euros without applicable
    as of 4/2018                                                                                                                 value added tax

2019     Media KIT
                                                                                                                                                                                 Job Market

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

                                                                                                        • Publication on
The job market for technical specialists and management executives in industry                          • Also on a suitable specialist site
                                                                                                          (through matching procedure)
powered by
                                                                                                        • Presentation in at least one suitable
                                                                                                        • € 495.– for four weeks

Find well qualified employees with
Take advantage of the cumulative media power of the trade publishers "Hüthig" and "verlag
moderne industrie". Your job advert will be displayed on on one of 18 suitable         Jobware Plus
specialist sites in an editorial context. Your job advert may also appear in a suitable print
publication.                                                                                            • Additional publication on Jobware
                                                                                                          and Jobware's partner sites
At a glance                                                                                             • € 1,195.– for four weeks
• Two well-established publishing companies
• 18 specialist sites with around 1 million visits a month
• 18 subject-specific newsletters (at least once a week)
• Over 100,000 newsletter recipients                                                                    Online+Print
• ivw-certified                                                                                         • in addition 15% discount on a print advert
• In addition, 20 print trade magazines                                                                   (price on request) – the easy way of displaying a job advert
You can design an individual job advert in just a few clicks with our advertisement tool.
Alternatively send us your job advert as a Word or PDF document.                                       For further information:
We'll take care of the rest for you.                                                          • Phone: +49 6221 489-230 • is a permanent element of all specialist sites belonging to the major publishing companies "Hüthig" in Heidelberg and "verlag moderne industrie" in Landsberg

2019    Media KIT

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

Contacts via BusinessDirectory:
The business database on ideally complements traditional advertising formats. Over 25,000 companies are already registered in the BusinessDIRECTory. Your company
information, contact details and logos are also linked with your articles, news, product reports and events. Take advantage of additional contacts on the vertical information level.

                                                      Standard        Plus        Premium
 Display of your company profile with relevant
                                                         ✔             ✔             ✔
 search results.
 E-mail contact                                          ✔             ✔             ✔
 Address data                                            ✔             ✔             ✔
 Independent management of product program,
                                                                       ✔             ✔
 product groups and social media channels
 Telephone and fax numbers                                             ✔             ✔
 Link to homepage                                                      ✔             ✔
 Company logo                                                          ✔             ✔
 Profile image                                                         ✔             ✔
 Online statistics                                                     ✔             ✔
 Highlighting in search results                                        ✔             ✔
 Company logo in relevant market overviews                             ✔             ✔
 Image gallery                                                                       ✔
 Company profile                                                                     ✔
 Specific contact partners                                                           ✔
 Links to sales office or branches                                                   ✔
 Additional information as a file                                                    ✔
 Include company videos                                                              ✔
 Include whitepapers                                                                 ✔
 Price/year                                             Free         € 325.–      € 520.–
                                                                                                                                               All prices in Euros without applicable value added tax

                                                                                              Media KIT
                                                                                                                                               Digital Market Overviews

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

1	Web address (URL):                                                                                              Market Overview Sponsorship                                                                           Positioning:
                                                                                                                   Advertising message is exclusively positioned in the immedi-
2	Target group:                                                                                                   ately visible area of a market overview with full rotation via
   Investment decision-makers in the plastics-processing industry                          Sponsoring             a banner.
                                                                                                                   Format:                 900 x 250 pixels
3	Profile in brief:                                                                                               Price per week:         € 480.–
   The digital market overviews are a sector-specific search tool integrated into                                  Minimum duration: 4 weeks with dynamic filter and comparison functions. The service,                                  File type:              gif, jpg, png
   which is free-of-charge for decision-makers, is a useful tool in selecting and
   finding the right product or manufacturer.

4	An overview of the benefits for you:                                                                            Market Overview Top Ranking
   • Excellent targeting (pure target group)                                                                       Positioning:
                                                                                                                   The editorial product or company entry is shown as the first
   • Increased visibility thanks to new form of advertising
                                                                                                                   entry in a market overview in the list view according to the
   • High-quality editorial context                                                                                user's filter criteria. The form of advertising can be booked
   • Positioning of your advertising message in innovative decision-maker tool with                               by a maximum of three advertising customers.
      unique selling proposition                                                                                   Format:	180 x 120 pixels
                                                                                                                                             for logo and product image
5	Bookable forms of advertising:
                                                                                                                   Price per week:           € 245.–
    • Market Overview Sponsorship
                                                                                                                   Minimum duration: 4 weeks
    • Market Overview Top Ranking
                                                                                                                   File type:                gif, jpg, png
    • Logo integration: Added-value package via Plus and Premium entries
                                                                                                                   Logo Integration:
6	Bookable market overviews:                                                                                      Added-value package via Plus and Premium Entries
   • Injection-molding machines                                                                                    Positioning:
   • Extrusion systems                                                                                             If you book a Plus or Premium entry in our business database
   • Robots and handling systems                                                                                   (see p. 23), your logo will be displayed in a market overview
   • Temperature control systems                                                                                   appropriate to each of your entries.
   • Color and additive batches                                                                                    Format:                180 x 120 pixels for logo
   • Crushing plants                                                                                               Price of company
                                                                                                                   entry per year:        € 325.– / € 520.– (Plus / Premium entry)
   • Mixing and metering systems
                                                                                                                   Minimum duration: 1 year
Further bookable market overviews at:                                        File type:             gif, jpg, png

2019    Media KIT
                                                                                                                                                        Content Marketing

Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

                                                                                        New ways to reach the relevant target group:
                                 Native Advertising                                     content marketing
                                                                                        Content marketing is a communications strategy with the goal of increasing the sale
         Focused Target Group                                                           of products and/or the name recognition among the target audience by providing
                                                                                        value-adding content. We will put together a comprehensive and sustainable marketing
                                                                                        campaign on an industry-relevant topic on one or more of our quality websites. We will
                                                                                        use the reach of our portals to achieve a measurable success for you.
                                                                                        Your benefits at a glance:
                                                                                        • Excellent targeting (pure target group)
 Content Distribution                             Brand Awareness                       • More attention and clicks for your publications

                                                                                        • Natural integration in a high-quality editorial environment

                                                                                        • Branding for your company

                                                                                        • Backlink setup for search engine optimization
 Product Awareness
                                                                                        You can reach your target group with a tailor-made content marketing strategy.
                                                                                        Take this opportunity to position your messages in our portal's native environment.

                                                                                        Interested? For a customized quote, contact:

                                                       Customer Loyality
                                                                                                     Ludger Aulich
 Story Telling                                                                                       Tel.: +49 6221 489-230

2019    Media KIT

 Hüthig GmbH, Im Weiher 10, D-69121 Heidelberg, Phone +49 6221 489-301, Fax +49 6221 489-481, Internet:

                                                                                         New ways to reach the relevant target group:
                                                         I want to                       webinars
        I want to present                           tread new ground
         my company as                                 in customer                       A webinar is a seminar that takes place live over the internet. That means that webinar
        a modern partner.                              acquisition.                      participants are not merely viewing a recording, as is the case on video platforms such as
                                                                                         YouTube, but are there in real time, which gives them the opportunity to put questions
                                                                                         to the presenter during the broadcast.

                                                                    I want to            Your benefits at a glance:
                                                                 strengthen my           • Open up direct dialog with your target group
                                                                                         • Share competence
 I want to make
                                                                                         • Start an innovative method of gaining new customers
new contact with
    customers.                                                                           • Present yourself as a provider of solutions

                                                                                         Benefit from our strength in media (online + print) and
                                                                                         the editorial independence of our trade journals.
                                                           I want to act as
         I want to                                          an imparter of               We'll take your idea and turn it into an attractive webinar!
           convey                                            knowledge.                  We'll handle the technical creation and application for you.
                                                                                         Interested? For a customized quote, contact:

                                                                                                      Ludger Aulich
                                                                                                      Tel.: +49 6221 489-230

General Terms and Conditions for Advertisements, Supplements, Digital and Online Advertising                                                                          3. If an order is extended, the customer shall be entitled to a retroactive discount provided that the basic order was originally eligible for a discount.
                                                                                                                                                                      Said entitlement shall lapse if not claimed within one month of expiry of the advertisement year. If an order fails to reach the forecast order volume,
§ 1 Validity, Exclusivity                                                                                                                                             the excess discount granted shall be subsequently invoiced to the customer.
1. For the acceptance and publication of all advertising orders and follow-up orders these General Terms and Conditions are exclusively applicable,                   4. Unless otherwise agreed, following receipt of the invoice orders shall be paid for within the period specified in the price list. The so-called pre-
together with the publisher's price list valid at the time the contract is concluded, whose provisions constitute an integral element of the contract.                notification deadline after the SEPA Core Direct Debit has been shortened to four days. In the event of payment default, dunning and collection
The validity of any General Terms and Conditions of the customer is excluded to the extent that they do not conform with these General Terms and                      expenses shall be charged to the customer. In the event of payment default, the publisher shall be authorized to defer delivery on a current contract
Conditions.                                                                                                                                                           until payment is made, as well as require advance payment. In case of reasonable doubt concerning the customer's ability to pay, the publisher shall
2. These General Terms and Conditions apply mutatis mutandis to orders for supplements. Supplements shall only be accepted by the publisher                           be authorized, including during the term of an overall contract, to deviate from an originally agreed due date of payment and to make the publica-
following submission of a sample and checking by the publisher.                                                                                                       tion of further advertising material dependent on advance payment and the settlement of outstanding invoiced amounts. Erroneous invoices may
§ 2 Offer, Conclusion of Contract                                                                                                                                     be corrected by the publisher within six months of issue.
1. Conclusion in the meaning of the General Terms and Conditions set out below is a contract on the publication of one or more advertisements,                        5. All prices exclude statutory VAT amounts on the day the invoice is issued.
third-party supplements or other advertising media of an advertiser or other commercial inserts in printed form for the purposes of distribution.                     6. For orders from abroad which are not subject to VAT, the invoice shall be issued without VAT. The publisher is entitled to charge VAT retroactively
2. Orders for advertising material may be made in person, by telephone, in writing, by fax, by email or via the internet. The publisher is not liable                 should the tax authorities confirm that the advertising order is subject to taxation.
for transmission errors.                                                                                                                                              7. In the event of a decrease in circulation, if the customer has concluded a contract for multiple advertising materials it shall be entitled to a dis-
3. A contract shall not be deemed to exist until the publisher issues an order confirmation in writing. The price list valid at the time the order is                 count if, as an overall average for the advertisement year which commences with the first placement, circulation falls short of the average circula-
placed shall apply.                                                                                                                                                   tion quoted in the price list or elsewhere, or – if no circulation is specified – falls short of the average circulation sold (if sales figures are not avail-
4. At the publisher's due discretion it shall be authorized to decline orders and individual releases of advertisements that occur under an overall                   able, then the average actual circulation) in the previous calendar year. A decrease in circulation shall only constitute a defect entitling the cus-
conclusion of contract. This applies in particular if their contents violate laws or official provisions, or were considered objectionable by the German              tomer to a discount if a specified circulation was underachieved by at least 20%. Any other entitlement to price reductions on contracts is excluded
Press or Advertising Council in a complaints procedure, or if their publication is deemed unacceptable to the publisher due to their content, origin                  if the publisher has notified the customer of the reduction in circulation in such timely manner that the customer was able to withdraw from the
or technical format or, due to their format or presentation, would lead the reader to believe that they constitute editorial content, or if they contain              contract prior to publication of the advertising material. Said entitlements to price reductions for customers who are business persons lapse 12
advertisements by third parties. The publisher shall make its refusal known immediately upon acquiring knowledge of the relevant contents.                            months after publication of the advertising material.
§ 3 Contract Implementation                                                                                                                                           § 5 Warranty for Defects
1. Orders must be completed within one year of conclusion of contract, commencing with the first placement (publication) of the advertising                           1. No warranty is made for inclusion of advertising material in certain issues or editions, or in certain positions.
material.                                                                                                                                                             2. In the event the customer fails to follow the recommendations of the publisher regarding the creation and provision of copy, the customer shall
2. The customer shall supply the publisher in good time with all content, information, data, files and other materials (“copy ") that are necessary for               have no claims in respect of faulty publication. This shall also apply in the event that the customer fails to observe the other provisions of these
the advertising material, and these shall be complete, free of errors and viruses and shall conform to the contractual agreements. If copy is transmit-               General Terms and Conditions or the price list.
ted digitally to the publisher (e.g. by CD-ROM or e-mail) it must be exclusively sent in locked files, i.e. in files in which the publisher is unable to alter        3. Complaints must be lodged by the customer in respect of obvious defects not later than two weeks following receipt of invoice. For non-obvious
the contents. The publisher shall assume no liability for the faulty publication of advertising material which has been sent in open files (e.g. in files             defects, the customer must issue a complaint not later than one year after publication. In the event the advertising material has been reproduced
saved in Corel Draw, QuarkXPress, Freehand). Files which belong together must be sent or saved in a common directory (folder). In the event that                      with defects – despite prompt delivery of error-free copy and complaint in good time – the customer may demand a substitute placement appear-
the customer digitally transmits print copy for color advertisements, the customer shall, at the same time, supply a color proof and proof protocol                   ance of the material without defects (subsequent fulfillment), however only to the extent that the purpose of the advertising material was
or measurement protocol. Should the customer fail to comply with this stipulation it shall not be entitled to compensation in respect of any color                    adversely affected. Claims for subsequent fulfillment are excluded if they subject the publisher to unreasonable expenses. In the event the pub-
variations which may occur. The customer warrants that all files supplied are free of computer viruses. The publisher shall retain the right to delete                lisher is given a reasonable time limit and allows it to expire, or refuses to perform subsequent fulfillment, or if the customer cannot reasonably be
files containing computer viruses. No claims on the part of the customer shall derive from such action. The publisher also reserves the right to claim                expected to accept subsequent fulfillment or said fulfillment is unsuccessful, the customer shall have the right to withdraw from the contract or
damages if the computer viruses cause further damage at the publisher. The publisher shall immediately demand replacement of clearly unsuit-                          bring a claim for a price reduction, to the extent that the purpose of the advertising material has been adversely affected. Withdrawal for minor
able or damaged copy. Copy shall only be returned to the customer if specifically requested. Failing this, it shall become the property of the pub-                   defects is excluded. Warranty claims from business persons shall lapse 12 months following publication of the advertising material.
lisher. The obligation to store all documents which are sent expires three months after publication of the respective order.                                          4. In the event that defects in the copy are not immediately apparent but become apparent during processing, the customer shall bear the addi-
3. Costs for the production of ordered copy, films or drawings shall be borne by the customer, which shall also bear all costs for changes to origi-                  tional associated costs or losses incurred during production. In the event that defects in the copy are not obvious, the customer shall have no claims
nally agreed versions requested by the customer or for which the customer is responsible.                                                                             in respect of inadequate publication. The same shall apply to errors in repeated placements of advertising material if the customer fails to draw
4. Proofs shall only be supplied upon express request. The customer shall bear the responsibility for the correctness of the returned proof. In the                   attention to said errors in good time prior to publication of the next placement.
event that the proof is not returned to the publisher on time, the customer shall be deemed to have authorized the advertising material.                              5. The publisher accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the quantity or quality of the material supplied by the customer (bound inserts, sup-
5. Upon request the publisher shall furnish an advice of the advertising material together with the invoice. In the event that such an advice can no                  plements etc.).
longer be obtained, the publisher shall instead send confirmation that the advertising material has been published and distributed.
6. The design and labeling of advertorial styled advertising material must be agreed with the publisher in a timely manner prior to publication.                      § 6 Liability, Force Majeure
Text-style advertisements must be distinguishable from the magazine text by their typeface. The publisher shall be entitled to clearly label advertis-                1. Claims for damages by the customer against the publisher are excluded, irrespective of the legal grounds, in particular claims arising from delays,
ing materials as advertisements if they are not recognizable as such.                                                                                                 breach of contractual obligations, violation of the industrial property rights of third parties and tortious actions. This liability exclusion shall not
7. Replies sent to box number advertisements are kept up to four weeks following publication of the relevant advertisement and are sent to the                        apply in the event of intent or gross negligence on the part of the publisher, its representatives and vicarious agents, or in the event of ordinary
customer by regular mail (even if the said replies have been sent by express or registered mail). Notwithstanding this, the publisher assumes no                      negligence which leads to the breach of a contractual obligation which is material to the fulfillment of the contractual purpose, or in the event that
responsibility for the safekeeping and timely forwarding of the offers.                                                                                               the claims for damages arise from a warranty of quality. In the event the publisher is liable on the merits, the claim for damages is limited to the
8. The advertising deadlines and publication dates stated in the price list are non-binding for the publisher. The publisher is entitled to adjust them               foreseeable losses. This liability exclusion shall not apply in the event said damages were caused by intent or gross negligence by the publisher, its
at short notice to suit the production run.                                                                                                                           representatives and vicarious agents, or if claims for damages are based on the Product Liability Act, or arise in connection with injury to life, limb
9. Orders may only be canceled in good time, no later than the advertising deadline, and in writing, by fax or by e-mail. Customers must pay for                      or health. To the extent that the publisher's liability is excluded, this shall also apply to the personal liability of its employees, representatives, bod-
advertisements which have already gone to press. Otherwise, the publisher may demand reimbursement for any costs incurred until the cancella-                         ies and vicarious agents. All claims for damages against the publisher expire 12 months after the point in time at which the customer became aware
tion notification, in accordance with statutory regulations.                                                                                                          or should have become aware of the circumstances substantiating the claim.
10. The customer is responsible for the content and the legal permissibility of the advertising material. The customer indemnifies the publisher from                 2. In the event of force majeure and industrial dispute actions which are not the fault of the publisher, the publisher is freed from the obligation to
any claims of third parties stemming from the publication of the advertising material, including reasonable costs for legal defense. The publisher                    fulfill the order; no claims for damages shall arise from this.
is not obliged to verify whether advertising material affects the rights of third parties. In the event that the publisher e.g. becomes obliged by a                  § 7 Concession of Rights
court ruling to print a correction or revision due to the released advertising material, the customer shall effect payment for said publication as per                The customer warrants that it holds all rights necessary for the placement, publication and distribution of the advertising material. The customer
the currently valid price list.                                                                                                                                       shall grant the publisher the necessary copyright, usage and performance protection rights and other rights which permit the use of the advertising
11. Advertising agencies are obliged, in their offers, contracts and invoices to those running the advertisements, to adhere to the price list of the                 material for its intended purpose in the relevant advertising media, in particular the rights necessary for duplication, distribution, transmission,
publisher. The commission paid by the publisher is calculated based on the net charge to the customer, i.e. following deduction of any discounts,                     dispatch, processing, presentation in the public domain, storage in a database, retrieval from a database and provision for download, in terms of
bonuses and discounts due to defects. A commission shall only apply to orders from third parties. The commission is only paid to advertising agen-                    time, space and content and to the extent necessary for the execution of the contract. The aforementioned rights are in all cases granted without
cies recognized by the publisher and provided that the order is placed directly by the advertising agency, and that the said advertising agency is                    geographical restriction and confer authorization for placement by all known technical methods and in all known forms of advertising media.
responsible for furnishing the finished and ready-for-press printing copy and has registered its business as an advertising agency. The publisher is
entitled to refuse orders from advertising agencies if there are doubts as to the professional practice of the agency or its creditworthiness. Orders                 § 8 Data Protection
by advertising agencies shall be made in their name and at their own expense. To the extent that advertising agencies place orders, in the event of                   Data processing shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Federal Data Protection Act and the European General Data
doubt the contract shall be concluded with the advertising agency. If an advertiser is to be the customer, this must be agreed separately and with                    Protection Regulation. Hüthig GmbH shall collect, process and use the customer’s personal data. Further information on data processing and data
the name of the advertiser explicitly stated. The publisher is entitled to require the advertising agency to produce proof of its mandate.                            protection can be found in the data protection policy of Hüthig GmbH at
§ 4 Prices, Conditions of Payment, Discounts                                                                                                                          § 9 Out-of-court online dispute resolution
1. The price for the publication of advertising material is based on the price list valid at the time the order is placed. The publisher may apply prices             The European Commission has set up a platform for online dispute resolution. You can reach this at:
which differ from those in the price list for advertorial styled advertising material, supplements, special publications and collections, as well as for              Consumers can use the platform to resolve their disputes. We are neither willing nor obligated to participate in a dispute resolution procedure
advertising material ordered following the expiration of advertising deadlines. Price changes in respect of orders already placed may be applied to                   before a dispute resolution body unless there is a legal obligation to participate.
companies if the publisher has notified them thereof at least one month prior to publication of the advertising material. In the event of a price                     § 10 Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction
increase, the customer shall have the right to withdraw from the contract. The right of withdrawal must be exercised in written form within 14 days
                                                                                                                                                                      The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and excluding
of receipt of notification of any price increase.
                                                                                                                                                                      conflict of laws. The place of performance is the publisher’s registered office. The place of jurisdiction for lawsuits against merchants, legal persons
2. The discounts specified in the price list are granted solely to the customer and only for the advertising material placed over the course of one year
                                                                                                                                                                      under public law or special funds under public law shall be the publisher’s registered office.
("advertisement year"). Frequency discounts are only valid within an advertisement year. Unless otherwise agreed, the term commences with the
placement of the first advertising material.                                                                                                                          Status as at: July 2018

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