RANGE AND PASTURE MANAGEMENT GUIDE - Effective. Reliable. Sustainable Pasture Management Solutions - Corteva Canada

Page created by Roberto Morgan
RANGE AND PASTURE MANAGEMENT GUIDE - Effective. Reliable. Sustainable Pasture Management Solutions - Corteva Canada

                       Effective. Reliable.
                     Sustainable Pasture
                   Management Solutions.
RANGE AND PASTURE MANAGEMENT GUIDE - Effective. Reliable. Sustainable Pasture Management Solutions - Corteva Canada

MANAGEMENT PLAN            P. 2


SHRUBS AND TREES           P. 6


Reclaim™ II                P. 12
Restore™ II                P. 14
Grazon™ XC                 P. 16
Tordon™ 22K                P. 17


RANGE AND PASTURE MANAGEMENT GUIDE - Effective. Reliable. Sustainable Pasture Management Solutions - Corteva Canada
RANGE AND PASTURE MANAGEMENT GUIDE - Effective. Reliable. Sustainable Pasture Management Solutions - Corteva Canada
                                                                   improved grass production is 24 to 36 months away,
                                                                   whereas a herbicide solution can give you results within
                                                                   the same season.

                                                                   Using fire management for brush and
                                                                   tree control
                                                                   Fire management is a natural and effective strategy for
                                                                   increasing pasture productivity; however, caution must be
                                                                   exercised to limit the risk of a fire that cannot be controlled
                                                                   and can become an unnecessary liability.

                                                                   Making a change for the better
                                                                   You can make a positive change to the health and
An integrated pasture management plan to increase                  productivity of your pastures by implementing an
grass productivity employs techniques such as grazing              integrated pasture management program that will assist
rotations, herbicides, fertility analysis, mechanical brush        you to control the weeds, brush and trees that crowd
management and regular pasture health assessments.                 valuable grass. With a little planning and forethought, you
To reduce weed, brush and tree encroachment over the               can increase your grass production, which leads to higher
long term, herbicide applications are often part of the            profits and a sustainable grazing resource for the future.
plan. Herbicides offer a long-term, proactive strategy with        No doubt you have already observed different levels of
lasting results, and are a highly effective alternative to         grass production on your range and pasture land. Annual
short-term quick fixes such as mowing and cultivation.             rainfall, soil quality, erosion, shade and the type of existing
Before choosing a herbicide, consider the severity of your         vegetation all work together to affect grass productivity.
problem, the cost of lost production and the level of effort       For example, certain areas of your land may consistently
you’re prepared to put into rejuvenation. But be aware that        produce valuable grass while other areas have reduced
when grass production is declining, there is a high cost           productivity due to encroachment from weeds and brush.
associated with doing nothing and ignoring the problem.            Start improving your grass stands by analyzing these factors:
Each pasture has a life of its own. In some, weeds encroach        • Grazing management plan – Are you sticking to your
from the perimeters while in others, weeds and brush                 rotational grazing plan? Do you limit the time stock grazes
consistently crowd out more and more grass. And in many,             the stand?
trees and woody species spread over larger and larger              • Grass stand fertilization – Have you soil tested in areas of
portions of land.                                                    poor grass production?
                                                                   • Moisture management – Can you improve snow
Breaking up permanent pasture is costly
                                                                     trapping techniques?
With today’s herbicide solutions available to control
weeds, brush and trees while increasing grass productivity,        • Grass species – Is it time to introduce new species
breaking up permanent pasture should be considered                   through replanting or overseeding?
only as a last resort. A mechanical approach is very costly,       • Weed and brush control – Are weeds and brush steadily
increases soil degradation and erosion, and in most cases            encroaching on your pasture land? Are stocking
will require re‑seeding of grass. In the best case scenario,         rates declining?

RANGE AND PASTURE MANAGEMENT GUIDE - Effective. Reliable. Sustainable Pasture Management Solutions - Corteva Canada
Fewer weeds, more grass                                                                      Research on 14 pasture and rangeland locations across
When weeds and brush start to take over pasture and                                          the prairie provinces shows that in the first year Reclaim              TM

rangeland, grass production suffers. However, when you                                       herbicide was applied, grass production increased by
take definite measures to control both weeds and brush,                                      an average of 101 percent or 1,318 lb./ac dry matter. The
grass production increases not only the first year, but in                                   second year following treatment, the average increase
subsequent years as well.                                                                    was 77 percent or 873 lb./ac dry matter.

   Increase in grass one year after treatment with Reclaim
                            9,000 –

                            8,000 –                      119%

                            7,000 –
Lb./ac grass (dry matter)

                            6,000 –

                            5,000 –

                            4,000 –                             104%

                            3,000 –                                                18%
                            2,000 –
                                                                                                               53%        116%         89%
                            1,000 –
                                                                                                60%                                                  16%

                                           1              2     3      4           5             6             7           8            9             10
                                       Site location                                            Untreated: Average Grass Yield: 1,610 lb./ac
                                                                                                Treated: Average Grass Yield: 2,928 lb./ac
                                                                                                Treating with Reclaim increased grass yield on average
                                                                                                1,318 lb./ac dry matter one year after treatment.
                                      Treated       Untreated

   Increase in grass two years after treatment with Reclaim
                            3,000 –

                                                         119%                48%
                            2,500 –
Lb./ac grass (dry matter)

                            2,000 –                                                                                                     67%

                            1,500 –

                            1,000 –

                             500 –


                                                          1                  2                           3                              4

                                                Site location                                    Untreated: Average Grass Yield: 1,185 lb./ac
                                                                                                 Treated: Average Grass Yield: 2,058 lb./ac
                                                                                                 Treating with Reclaim increased grass yield on average 873 lb./ac
                                      Treated       Untreated                                    dry matter two years after treatment.

   Source: 2008-2010 Dow AgroSciences field trials across Western Canada. Pasture conditions and grazing management influence grass
   response in different geographic areas.

RANGE AND PASTURE MANAGEMENT GUIDE - Effective. Reliable. Sustainable Pasture Management Solutions - Corteva Canada

More grass is a valuable contributor to the bottom line of          Forage utilization rate – Dry Matter (DM)
every ranch operation.                                              Untreated area:
Increase grass production and you can:                              50% x 1,185 lb./ac DM = 592.5 lb./ac DM

• Graze your cattle longer in the fall and turn them out            Treated area:
  earlier in the spring. More grazing days reduce winter feed       50% x 2,058 lb./ac DM = 1,029 lb./ac DM
  costs and contribute directly to the bottom line.                 Based on average grass production increase two years
• Graze more cattle on the same number of acres. Higher             following treatment with Reclaim™.
  stocking density also increases competition for feed              Livestock forage requirements – Animal Day (AD)
  between animals so each animal spends more time                   • The amount of forage an animal will consume in a day
  grazing and less time wandering.                                    is termed an “Animal Day.”
More grass also contributes to:                                     • Cattle will consume 1.5% to 3% of their body weight per
• Better herd condition.                                              day on a dry matter basis.

• Higher weaning weights.                                           • A cow/calf pair will consume approximately 2.5% to 3%.

• Less time and fewer equipment costs associated with               • The calf is included with the cow until the calf is
  finding or producing feed.                                          approximately 600 lb.

• Fewer weeds imported in bales of hay.                             1,350 lb. cow x 3% DM intake/day =
                                                                    40.5 lb./cow/day.
• Improved ability of pastures to withstand drought.
                                                                    Animal Days per Acre (ADA) for treated versus untreated
• Improved grass vigour.
                                                                    – based on a 1,350 lb. cow:
More grass equals increased grazing efficiencies
                                                                    592.5 lb./ac DM
The grazing animal should not harvest every pound of
                                                                    40.5 lb./ac DM
forage produced – some must be left behind to ensure
                                                                    = 14 animal days/ac (ADA)
vigorous re-growth. Typical utilization rates* for Alberta
conditions are 50 percent, giving rise to the “take half,           Treated:
leave half” principle.                                              1,029 lb./ac DM
                                                                    40.5 lb./ac DM
                                                                    = 25 animal days/ac (ADA)

RANGE AND PASTURE MANAGEMENT GUIDE - Effective. Reliable. Sustainable Pasture Management Solutions - Corteva Canada
Calculating stocking rate on an 80 acre pasture
using ADA:
80 ac x 14 ADA = 1,120 Animal Days
80 ac x 25 ADA = 2,000 Animals Days
If the goal is to graze for 120 days, the stocking rate is:
                                                                                  Untreated pasture
1,120 Animal Days
120 days of grazing
= 9.3 cows can be grazed on 80 ac for 120 days
2,000 Animal Days
120 days of grazing
= 16.6 cows can be grazed on 80 ac for 120 days

                                                                                  Treated pasture

                                                                                  *All calculation formulas are from the Pasture Planner booklet produced by
                                                                                    the West Central Forage Association.

      “Where we have sprayed with Grazon* nothing                                  “I have implemented a program for my
      grows there except grass.                                                    pastures that includes spraying, fertilizing and
      Before we used Grazon, we were running 200                                   grazing management. By spraying Grazon*
      to 300 head and now we run about 700 head.                                   productivity has doubled from what it was so
      We want to leave the calves on the cows a little                             I can graze more cattle than I could before on
      longer so they get a little heavier. Because of the                          these pastures.
      grass and good rotations, the calves come out                                I plan on using Reclaim*** now. It covers a larger
      heavier in the fall and are ready for the feedlot.                           weed spectrum and it is supposed to do a good
      Driving around the country I see pastures that                               job on buckbrush. With the test plots I have seen
      could be running 20 to 30 more cows if they were                             you can really see where the product was and
      just cleaned up a bit. Grazon is a great product –                           wasn’t applied.
      really, what would a guy do without it!”                                     Pasture management is important. These
                                                                                   products allow you to control the weeds
      Ben Holfer                                                                   that the cows don’t eat and still get more
      Farm Boss, Sunnybend Colony, Westlock, AB                                    productive grass.”

                                                                                   Don Bonham
      *Grazon is available in a convenient new formulation – Grazon XC.
                                                                                   Delburne, AB
      ***Reclaim is available in a convenient new formulation – Reclaim II.

RANGE AND PASTURE MANAGEMENT GUIDE - Effective. Reliable. Sustainable Pasture Management Solutions - Corteva Canada

                                                                   TORDON™ 22K

                                                                                                                                                           TORDON™ 22K
                                                      GRAZON™ XC

                                                                                                                                              GRAZON™ XC
                        RESTORE™ II

                                                                                                                RESTORE™ II
                                      RECLAIM™ II

                                                                                                                                RECLAIM™ II






BROADLEAF WEEDS,                                                                     BROADLEAF WEEDS,
SHRUBS AND TREES                                                                     SHRUBS AND TREES

ABSINTH WORMWOOD                          x                                          DAISY FLEABANE                 x

ANNUAL SOW THISTLE          x             x
                                                                                     DANDELION               season-long            x            x
ANNUAL SUNFLOWER                          x

ASPEN                                                    x                           DIFFUSE KNAPWEED        suppressed           ∆∆                           x

BABY'S BREATH                             x                                          DOG MUSTARD                    x               x

BALL MUSTARD                              x                                          FALSE FLAX                     x

BALSAM POPLAR                                       suppressed                                                                top growth
                                                                                     FIELD BINDWEED          season-long

BIENNIAL WORMWOOD    season-long          x
                                                                                     FIELD PEPPER-GRASS                             x
BIRCH                                                    x                           FIELD SCABIOUS                                 x
BITTER SNEEZEWEED           x                                                        FIREWEED                                       x
BLACK HENBANE                             x                                          FLIXWEED                       x               x
BLUEBUR                     x             x                                          FULLER'S TEASEL                x

BLUE LETTUCE         season-long                                                     GOAT'S BEARD                   x               x

                                                                                     GREEN SMARTWEED                                x
BROWN KNAPWEED                            x

BULL THISTLE                x                                                        GUMWEED                 season-long            x

BURDOCK                     x             x              x                           HAIRY BUTTERCUP                x
CANADA FLEABANE             x             x              x                           HAIRY FLEABANE                 x
CANADA GOLDENROD            x             x              x                           HAIRY GALINSOGA                                x
CANADA THISTLE              x             x              x             x             HAWKWEED                       x               x
CHICKWEED                   x             x                                          HEAL-ALL                       x
COCKLEBUR                   x             x
                                                                                     HEDGE BINDWEED          season-long            x
                                                                                     HEMP-NETTLE                                    x
COMMON GROUNDSEL            x             x
                                                                                     HOARY ALYSSUM                                  x
COMMON PLANTAIN             x                            x

COMMON PURSLANE             x                                                        HOARY CRESS             season-long            x

COMMON RAGWEED              x             x              x                           HORSENETTLE                    x               x

COMMON TANSY         suppressed           x                                          JAPANESE KNOTWEED                              x

For control of
                                                                                                                                         weeds, shrubs and trees

                                                                             TORDON™ 22K

                                                                                                                                                                         TORDON™ 22K
                                                                GRAZON™ XC

                                                                                                                                                            GRAZON™ XC
                                    RESTORE™ II

                                                                                                                           RESTORE™ II
                                                  RECLAIM™ II

                                                                                                                                            RECLAIM™ II






BROADLEAF WEEDS,                                                                               BROADLEAF WEEDS,
SHRUBS AND TREES                                                                               SHRUBS AND TREES

MUSK OR NODDING THISTLE                 x             x                                        SMARTWEED                       x
                                                                                               (PENNSYLVANIA & GREEN)
MUSTARDS (EXCEPT DOG                    x
& TANSY)                                                                                       SPOTTED KNAPWEED                x                x                            x

NARROW-LEAVED                                                                                  STINGING NETTLE                 x
                                        x             x
                                                                                               STINKWEED                       x                x

OAK-LEAVED GOOSEFOOT                    x             x                                        STORK’S-BILL                                     x

ORANGE HAWKWEED                                    ∆∆∆                                         SWEET CLOVER                    x                x              x

OX-EYE DAISY                            x             x                                        TALL BUTTERCUP                  x                x

                                                                                               TALL IRONWEED
PASTURE SAGE (FRINGED SAGE)                           x                          x
                                                                                               TANSY RAGWORT                   x
PEPPERGRASS                             x
                                                                                               TARTARY BUCKWHEAT        season-long             x
PERENNIAL PEPPERWEED                                  x
                                                                                               TROPICAL SODA APPLE             x

PERENNIAL SOW THISTLE                   x             x                          x             TROPIC CROTON                   x

                                                                                               TUMBLEWEED                                       x
PINEAPPLEWEED                           x
                                                                                               VELVETLEAF                      x
PLANTAIN                                              x
                                                                                               VETCH                                            x              x
PLUMELESS THISTLE                       x             x
                                                                                               VOLUNTEER ALFALFA                                x
POVERTY WEED                                                                     x
                                                                                               VOLUNTEER CANOLA                x                x
PRAIRIE SAGE                                          x
                                                                                               WESTERN RAGWEED                 x                x
PRAIRIE WILD ROSE                                     x            x
                                                                                               WESTERN SNOWBERRY                                x         suppressed
PRICKLY LETTUCE                         x             x            x                           (BUCKBRUSH)
PROSTRATE PIGWEED                       x             x                                        WILD BUCKWHEAT                                   x
PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE                                    x                                        WILD CARAWAY                                     x
PUSSYTOES                                             x                                        WILD CARROT                                      x              x
RED CLOVER                                                         x                           WILD MUSTARD                                     x
REDROOT PIGWEED                         x             x                                        WILD PARSNIP                                     x

RUSSIAN KNAPWEED                  suppressed          x                          x             WILD RADISH                     x                x

                                                                                               WILD STRAWBERRY                                  x
RUSSIAN PIGWEED                         x
                                                                                               WILD SUNFLOWER                  x
RUSSIAN THISTLE                         x             x
                                                                                               WILLOW                                                          x
SCENTLESS CHAMOMILE                     x             x                          x
                                                                                               YELLOW HAWKWEED                               ∆∆∆
SHEEP SORREL                            x
                                                                                               YELLOW ROCKET              < 4 leaf
SHEPHERD’S PURSE                        x             x
                                                                                               YELLOW STARTHISTLE              x                x
SHRUBBY CINQUEFOIL                                    x
                                                                                               YELLOW TOADFLAX                                                  *            x
SILVERBERRY (WOLF WILLOW)                             x

These tables are meant as a guide. Always read and follow label directions.

∆∆Apply when plants are actively growing with the optimum time of application occurring from rosette to the bolting stages of development or in the fall
∆∆∆ Apply to plants in the bolting stage of development
*For control of leafy spurge and toadflax under less than optimum growing conditions, use a recommended surfactant such as Intake Adjuvant at the rate
  of 0.25 percent by volume (250 mL per 100 L of water)


At first glance a pasture may look green and healthy, but upon closer inspection, you may find weeds that are robbing
valuable forage from your pastures and profitable weight gain from your cattle. Left untreated, weeds can rob a pasture
of up to 63 percent of forage yield, while invasive weeds can rapidly take over a pasture – both significant reasons to
know what is going on in your pastures and how to identify unwanted species.
Invasive plants are those that can thrive and spread aggressively, to the extent that they are believed to cause damage
to the environment. They have the ability to reduce the quality and quantity of forage available by making them less
accessible or attractive to grazing animals and by competing with desirable range plants.

                  Absinth wormwood — weed, invasive                                                    Reclaim™ II herbicide (20 ac/case)
                  Treat in the juvenile stage, when actively growing. Best timing: early to mid-June. Restore™ II herbicide (1 L/ac)
                  Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake™ at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.               Grazon™ XC herbicide – Control has been
                                                                                                       observed when applied at 1.9 L/ac for a
                                                                                                       wide variety of susceptible species.

                  Aspen, white poplar — tree                                                           Grazon XC herbicide (2.5 L/ac)
                  Ensure active growth with no insect or disease pressures. Apply at full leaf until
                  August on trees up to 12' in height.
                  Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Grazon XC for ground
                  application and 1% v/v for aerial application.

                  Birch — tree                                                                         Grazon XC herbicide (2.5 L/ac)
                  Ensure active growth with no insect or disease pressures. Apply at full leaf
                  until August.
                  Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Grazon XC for ground
                  application and 1% v/v for aerial application.

                  Canada thistle — weed, invasive                                                      Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
                  Spray once all thistles have emerged, prior to flowering – typically in mid-June     Grazon XC herbicide (1.9 L/ac)
                  to late July. For infestations that have been established for over two years,        Restore II herbicide (1 L/ac)
                  either broadcast or spot applications may be required in subsequent years to
                  manage the problem and to remove heavy infestations.
                  Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.

                  Common tansy — weed, invasive                                                        Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
                  Apply from rosette to bolt.                                                          Grazon XC herbicide – Control has been
                                                                                                       observed when applied at 1.9 L/ac for a
                  Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.                wide variety of susceptible species.

Identification of
                                                                                           weeds, shrubs and trees

Dandelion — weed                                                                 Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
Apply anytime from early spring when rosettes are first emerging up to the end   Grazon XC herbicide (1.9 L/ac)
of flowering – typically late May to mid-July.
Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.

Hawkweed species — weed, invasive                                                Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
Apply when actively growing, prior to flowering.                                 Restore II herbicide (1 L/ac)
Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.

Hound’s tongue — weed, invasive                                                  Reclaim II herbicide – Control has been
                                                                                 observed when applied at 20 ac/case
Apply when actively growing, prior to flowering.
                                                                                 for a wide variety of susceptible species.
Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.            Restore II herbicide – Control has been
                                                                                 observed when applied at 1 L/ac for a
                                                                                 wide variety of susceptible species.

Leafy spurge — deep-rooted perennial, invasive                                   Tordon™ 22K herbicide (spot spray)
Apply when actively growing when in full true flower, prior to seed set.         Grazon XC herbicide (1.9 L/ac)
Grazon XC will provide seasonal control of leafy spurge. Subsequent
treatments may be required.
Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Grazon XC.

Low everlasting sage (pussy-toes) — weed, invasive                               Grazon XC herbicide – Control has been
                                                                                 observed when applied at 1.9 L/ac for a
Apply when actively growing, prior to flowering.
                                                                                 wide variety of susceptible species.
Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.            Reclaim II herbicide– Control has been
                                                                                 observed when applied at 20 ac/case for
                                                                                 a wide variety of susceptible species.

Ox-eye daisy — weed, invasive                                                    Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
Apply when actively growing, prior to flowering.                                 Restore II herbicide (1 L/ac)
Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.            Grazon XC herbicide – Control has been
                                                                                 observed when applied at 1.9 L/ac for a
                                                                                 wide variety of susceptible species.

Pasture sage (fringed) — weed                                                    Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
Apply when actively growing, prior to flowering.                                 Grazon XC herbicide – Control has been
                                                                                 observed when applied at 1.9 L/ac for a
Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.            wide variety of susceptible species.


       Prairie sage — weed                                                                  Reclaim™ II herbicide (20 ac/case)
       Apply when actively growing. Early to mid-June is ideal.                             Grazon™ XC herbicide – Control has been
                                                                                            observed when applied at 1.9 L/ac for a
       Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake™ at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.               wide variety of susceptible species.

       Scentless chamomile — weed, invasive                                                 Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
       Apply when actively growing, prior to flowering.                                     Restore™ II herbicide (1 L/ac)
       Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.                Grazon XC – Control has been observed
                                                                                            when applied at 1.9 L/ac for a wide
                                                                                            variety of susceptible species.

       Shrubby cinquefoil — shrub                                                           Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
       Apply to actively growing plants, after full leaf expansion. The best timing
       is early/mid-June to early July.
       Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.

       Silverberry (wolf willow) — shrub                                                    Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
       Apply to actively growing plants after full leaf expansion, but prior to the
       development of a waxy cuticle on the leaf of the shrub – typically early June to
       Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.

       Spotted knapweed — weed                                                              Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
       Apply prior to flowering in the spring – typically late May to June. Application     Restore II herbicide (1 L/ac)
       during the summer will provide control; however, either broadcast or spot            Grazon XC herbicide – Control has been
       applications may be required in subsequent years to manage the problem and           observed when applied at 1.9 L/ac for a
       to remove heavy infestations.                                                        wide variety of susceptible species.
       Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.

       Tall buttercup — weed, invasive                                                      Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
       Apply anytime from early spring when rosettes are first emerging up to the later     Restore II herbicide (1 L/ac)
       stages of flowering – typically late May to mid-July.                                Grazon XC herbicide – Control has been
       Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.                observed when applied at 1.9 L/ac for a
                                                                                            wide variety of susceptible species.

       Western snowberry (buckbrush) — shrub                                                Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
       Apply to actively growing plants after full leaf expansion, but prior to the
       development of a waxy cuticle on the leaf of the shrub – typically June to mid-
       July. Late springs will delay full leaf out and applications should be delayed.
       Control will be reduced if applied later in the season, past mid-July, once plants
       have hardened off.
       Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.

Identification of
                                                                                              weeds, shrubs and trees

White cockle — weed, invasive                                                        Reclaim II herbicide – Control has been
                                                                                     observed when applied at 20 ac/case
Apply when actively growing, prior to flowering.
                                                                                     for a wide variety of susceptible species.
Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.

Wild caraway — weed, invasive                                                        Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
Apply when actively growing, prior to flowering.                                     Restore II herbicide – Control has been
                                                                                     observed when applied at 1 L/ac for a
Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.                wide variety of susceptible species.

Wild rose — shrub                                                                    Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
Apply to actively growing plants, after full leaf expansion – typically June
to mid-July.
Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.

Wild strawberry — weed                                                               Reclaim II herbicide (20 ac/case)
Apply when actively growing.
Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Reclaim II.

Willow — tree                                                                        Grazon XC herbicide (2.5 L/ac)
Ensure active growth with no insect or disease pressures. Apply at full leaf until
August, before trees are 12’ tall.
Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Grazon XC for ground
application and 1% for aerial application.

Yellow toadflax — deep-rooted perennial, invasive                                    Tordon™ 22K herbicide (broadcast – 1.8 L/
                                                                                     ac; spot spray – 3.6 L/ac where no more
Apply when actively growing, when the majority of the population is flowering,
                                                                                     than 50% of an acre is treated)
prior to seed set. Grazon XC will provide seasonal control of yellow toadflax.
Subsequent treatments may be required.                                               Grazon XC herbicide (1.9 L/ac)

Add a non-ionic surfactant such as Intake at 0.25% v/v to Grazon XC.


                                           Reclaim™ II herbicide delivers the most trusted extended
                                           control of broadleaf weeds and brush.

Product description                                                  Target timing to the most problematic plants. For example,
Reclaim II is a selective broadleaf weed and shrub control           if your primary target is buckbrush, timing will likely be
herbicide for use in rangeland and permanent pasture.                earlier (June 1 to July 15). If the primary target is Canada
It provides extended control of shrubs and broadleaf                 thistle, wait long enough for the majority of thistles to
weed species.                                                        emerge (July 1 to July 30). Call the Solutions Center for any
                                                                     questions on weed staging in your fields.
Guidelines for use                                                   Environmental stresses such as severe drought or extended
One case of Reclaim II will treat 20 acres. Reclaim II is            periods of heat may decrease efficacy.
registered for ground, aerial and spot application methods.
                                                                     Refer to the product label for complete use directions.
For best results, apply Reclaim II in a minimum of 20 gal/
ac (80 L/ac) of water by ground and 5 gal/ac (20 L/ac) of
                                                                     Grazing restrictions
water by air. Reclaim II requires the addition of a non-ionic
                                                                     There are no grazing restrictions for livestock, but there is
surfactant such as Intake™ at 0.2 percent v/v or 2 L per
                                                                     a seven day grazing restriction for lactating dairy animals.
1,000 L spray solution.
                                                                     Withdraw all animals three days prior to slaughter. Reclaim II
Most warm and cool season rangeland and pasture                      works like a natural growth-regulating hormone found
grasses are tolerant of Reclaim II applications at the               only in plants and not in livestock and wildlife. Cattle do
registered rate. Do not spray if injury to existing forage           not metabolize Reclaim II – when ingested, Reclaim II is
legumes cannot be tolerated. Do not apply Reclaim II                 rapidly excreted from the body in the urine and does not
within the drip line of desirable trees, and take appropriate        accumulate in the animal.
measures to prevent application or drift onto plants and
trees that are not intended for control.                             Results
                                                                     Reclaim II is absorbed by the leaves and roots,
Extended weed and shrub control                                      translocating throughout the plant, causing the plant
The following broadleaf weeds, invasive plants and shrubs            to be controlled. Most susceptible weeds and shrubs
are controlled for up to 24 months after application as              will be controlled within four to eight weeks following
indicated on the label:                                              an application. When compared with other methods of
• Canada thistle1
                               • Silverberry                         pasture rejuvenation, Reclaim II provides timely, increased
• Dandelion                      (wolf willow)
                                                                     grass production and extended weed and shrub control.
• Pasture sage                • Western snowberry
   (fringed sage)                (buckbrush)
                               • Wild rose                           Tank mixes
• Prairie sage
                                                                     For control of low growing brush such as western snowberry
• Shrubby cinquefoil
                                                                     and wild rose, as well as tree species such as willow and
                                                                     poplar growing in the same area, Reclaim II can be tank
                                                                     mixed with Grazon™ XC herbicide. Please contact your
Reclaim II should be applied after the target weed and
                                                                     Corteva Agriscience™, Agriculture Division of DowDuPont,
shrub species have emerged and prior to plant growth
                                                                     representative for rate recommendations and timing.
ceasing and leaves hardening off. Shrub species will
develop a waxy cuticle on the leaf surface resulting in
reduced uptake and control later in the season.

                                                                      Removal of competing vegetation may result in new Canada thistle

                                                                      shoots emerging.

Reclaim™ II

Weeds and                • Cow cockle                       • N
                                                               arrow-leaved          •    Stork’s-bill
shrubs controlled        • Cudweed                                                    •    Sweet clover
                         • Curly dock                       • Oak-leaved goosefoot    •    Tall buttercup
•   Absinth wormwood
                         • Dandelion                        • Orange hawkweed**       •    Tartary buckwheat
•   Annual sow thistle
                         • Dog mustard                      • Ox-eye daisy            •    Tumbleweed
•   Annual sunflower
                         • Field bindweed*                  • Pasture sage            •    Vetch
•   Baby’s breath
                         • Field peppergrass                • Perennial pepperweed    •    Volunteer alfalfa
•   Ball mustard
                         • Field scabious                   • Perennial sow thistle   •   Volunteer canola**
•   Biennial wormwood
                         • Fireweed                         • Plantain                     (all varieties)
•   Black henbane
                         • Flixweed                         • Plumeless thistle       •    Western ragweed
•   Bluebur
                         • Goat’s-beard                     • Prairie sage            •    Wild buckwheat
•   Brown knapweed
                         • Green smartweed                  • Prickly lettuce         •    Wild mustard
•   Buckbush
                         • Gumweed                          • Prostrate pigweed       •    Wild radish
•   Burdock
                         • Hairy galinsoga                  • Purple loosestrife      •    Wild rose
•   Canada fleabane
                         • Hawkweed                         • Pussytoes               •    Wild strawberry
•   Canada goldenrod
                         • Hedge bindweed                   • Ragweed                 •    Wolf willow
•   Canada thistle
                         • Hemp-nettle                      • Redroot pigweed         •    Yellow starthistle
•   Chickweed
                         • Hoary cress                      • Russian knapweed
•   Clover
                         • Horse nettle                     • Russian thistle         * All varieties of volunteer canola
•   Cocklebur                                                                         ** Suppression
                         • Kochia (Non ALS resistant        • Scentless chamomile
•   Common groundsel
                           biotypes)                        • Shepherd’s purse
•   Common ragweed
                         • Lady’s-thumb                     • Shrubby cinquefoil
•   Common tansy
                         • Lamb’s-quarters                  • Spotted knapweed
•   Corn spurry
                         • Musk thistle                     • Stinkweed


                                                          Restore™ II herbicide is an easy-to-use, broad spectrum
                                                          product for the control of invasive broadleaf weeds.

Product description                                                        Weeds controlled or suppressed
Restore II is a systemic, post-emergence broadleaf                         •   Absinth wormwood         • Mouse-eared chickweed
herbicide designed for the management of a broad                           •   Annual sow thistle       • Musk or nodding thistle
spectrum of broadleaf weeds and invasive species in                        •   Biennial wormwood        • Mustards
rangeland and permanent grass pastures. It contains a                      •   Bitter sneezeweed           (except tansy, dog
                                                                                                           mustards are controlled at
Group 4 active ingredient that works like a natural growth-                •   Bluebur                     the 2.12 L rate)
regulating hormone found only in plants. Mammals do not                    •   Blue lettuce             • Narrow-leaved
metabolize Restore II.                                                     •   Bull thistle                hawk’s-beard
                                                                           •   Burdock                  • Oak-leaved goosefoot
Guidelines for use                                                         •   Canada fleabane          • Ox-eye daisy
Restore II is a co-formulated solution packaged in two                     •   Canada goldenrod         • Pennsylvania ragweed
                                                                           •   Canada thistle           • Peppergrass
9.7 L jugs. One case treats 20 acres. Apply in a minimum
                                                                           •   Canola (all varieties)   • Perennial sow thistle
of 20 gal/ac total spray solution for ground applications
                                                                           •   Cocklebur                • Pineappleweed
and 5 gal/ac solution for aerial applications. For backpack
                                                                           •   Common broomweed         • Plumeless thistle
applications to small areas, create a 0.24 percent solution
                                                                           •   Common chickweed         • Prickly lettuce
with 10 L of water. Thoroughly and uniformly wet the foliage
                                                                           •   Common plantain          • Prostrate pigweed
of all target plants but not to the point of runoff.
                                                                           •   Common purslane          • Redroot pigweed
Apply to actively growing weeds, after emergence, prior                    •   Common ragweed           • Russian pigweed
to flowering. Application timing to provide control of all                 •   Cudweed                  • Russian thistle
species of weeds must occur when all target species have                   •   Curly dock               • Scentless chamomile
emerged. Plants that have not emerged at the time of                       •   Daisy fleabane           • Sheep sorrel
application will not be effectively controlled (especially                 •   Dandelion                • Shepherd’s purse
perennial weeds).                                                          •   False flax               • Spotted knapweed
                                                                           •   Field bindweed           • Stinging nettle
Most warm and cool season rangeland and pasture
                                                                           •   Flixweed                 • Stinkweed
grasses are tolerant of Restore II applications at the
                                                                           •   Fuller’s teasel          • Sulphur cinquefoil
registered rate. Do not spray if injury to existing forage
                                                                           •   Goat’s-beard             • Sweet clover
legumes cannot be tolerated. Do not apply Restore II                       •   Green smartweed          • Tall buttercup
within the drip line of desirable trees, and take appropriate              •   Groundsel                • Tall ironweed
measures to prevent application or drift onto plants and                   •   Gumweed                  • Tansy ragwort
trees that are not intended for control.                                   •   Hairy buttercup          • Tartary buckwheat
                                                                           •   Hairy fleabane           • Tropical soda apple
                                                                           •   Hawkweed                 • Tropic croton
                                                                           •   Heal-all                 • Velvetleaf
                                                                           •   Hedge bindweed           • Western ragweed
                                                                           •   Hoary cress              • Wild radish
                                                                           •   Horsenettle              • Wild sunflower
                                                                           •   Knotweed                 • Yellow rocket
                                                                           •   Kochia                   • Yellow starthistle
                                                                           •   Lamb’s-quarters
                                                                           •   Leafy spurge

Refer to the product label for complete use directions.

Restore™ II

Timing multiple species
Timing application to a broad range of weeds may be
challenging since emergence and growth stages may
occur at different stages throughout the season. Keep the
following in mind as you make your timing decision:
• Target your timing on the most problematic weed. For
  example, if your primary target is absinth wormwood,
  timing will likely be earlier (May 15 to June 15). If the
  primary target is Canada thistle, you need to wait long             “Six years ago we helicopter-sprayed Grazon* on about
  enough for the majority of the thistles to emerge (July 1 to        500 acres. We had a major infestation of knapweed
  July 30).                                                           and smaller areas of burdock and hound’s-tongue.
                                                                      The pasture was very thin amongst the knapweed but
• Apply Restore II when the primary target weed is most
                                                                      since we sprayed, it’s now very healthy and thick. There
  actively growing. If environmental stresses such as severe
                                                                      is a distinct line between where we sprayed and where
  drought or extended periods of heat are inhibiting
                                                                      we missed that can be seen one kilometer away, down
  growth, this may decrease efficacy.
                                                                      the road. Because of the thicker pasture, the invasive
• Restore II can only control weeds and root systems that             weeds have not been able to come back.
  get treated; if some weeds have not emerged at the time
                                                                      The extra pasture that has grown in these areas has
  of application, these weeds will not have the same level
                                                                      extended our grazing period by two whole weeks. I am
  of control as weeds that were fully emerged.
                                                                      very happy with the product.”
Grazing restrictions                                                  Doug Simons
There are no grazing restrictions for livestock, but there is         Manager, Copper Creek Ranch, Princeton, BC
a seven day grazing restriction for lactating dairy animals.
Withdraw all animals three days prior to slaughter. Restore
II works like a natural growth-regulating hormone found
only in plants and not found in livestock and wildlife.
Mammals also do not metabolize Restore II – when
ingested, Restore II is rapidly excreted from the body in
the urine, and thus does not accumulate.                              “We run a cow calf operation west of Didsbury, Alberta.
                                                                      We used Restore** on 100 acres of tame pasture to
Results                                                               control tall buttercup, thistles and dandelion and it
Restore II herbicide is absorbed by leaves and roots,                 worked great. We’ve noticed a lot thicker grass in the
translocating throughout the plant, causing the plants                pasture and the cattle have more to graze.
to be controlled. Depending on the weed species, you                  We have a bigger window for grazing, and because
can expect to see results within hours or days. Plant                 we don’t have any invasive species in our pasture
growth will stop within 24 to 48 hours after treatment.               we’ve improved our profitability. If you let the invasive
Most annual, susceptible weeds will be controlled within              species in, before too long you’ll have decreased the
four to eight weeks following application. A successful               pasture’s productivity.”
application of Restore II will provide a notable improvement
                                                                      Darcy Coleman
in grass production.
                                                                      Didsbury, AB

                                                                      Grazon is available in a convenient new formulation – Grazon XC™
                                                                      **Restore is available in a convenient new formulation – Restore II.

Products                                                                                                                              Grazon™ XC

                                            Grazon™ XC herbicide is the trusted solution for tree and
                                            broadleaf weed control in pasture.

Product description                                                    Weeds and trees controlled
Grazon XC is effective against a broad spectrum of                     • Aspen                    •   Dandelion              •   Toadflax
undesirable trees and weeds in permanent pastures. It                  • Balsam poplar*           •   Dock                   •   Vetch
provides long-lasting control and is most effective on                 • Birch                    •   Fleabane               •   Wild carrot
                                                                       • Burdock                  •   Goldenrod              •   Wild prairie rose
foliage of actively growing plants. The unique chemistry
                                                                       • Canada thistle           •   Leafy spurge           •   Wild rose
moves through the plant to control even the roots. This is             • Common                   •   Plantain               •   Willow
especially important when looking to control biennial and                ragweed                  •   Prickly lettuce
perennial species.                                                     • Common yarrow            •   Sweet clover
                                                                       Refer to the product label for complete use directions.
Guidelines for use
Grazon XC is labeled for use at 1.9 L/ac for weed control,             Timing multiple species
and up to 2.5 L/ac for tree control. A non‑ionic surfactant            Timing a broad range of weeds may be challenging since
such as Intake™ at 0.25% v/v for ground application and                emergence and growth stages may occur at different
1% v/v for aerial application should be added to achieve               times throughout the season. Keep the following in mind as
optimal control of tree species. Grazon XC can be applied              you make your timing decision:
by ground or air. Apply in a minimum of 20 gal/ac
                                                                       • Target your timing on the most problematic weed. For
(80 L/ac) of water by ground or 5 gal/ac (20 L/ac) of water
                                                                         example, if your primary target is Canada thistle, you
by air. Use coarse sprays to minimize drift. For backpack
                                                                         need to wait long enough for the majority of the thistles
applications to small areas, create a 0.67 percent solution
                                                                         to emerge (July 1 to July 30).
of Grazon XC in water for weed and shrub control, or a
2 percent solution of Grazon XC in water for tree control              • Apply Grazon XC when the primary target weed is most
(67 mL of Grazon XC per 10 L of water). For all applications,            actively growing. If environmental stresses such as severe
coverage of the targeted foliage is very important.                      drought or an extended period of heat are inhibiting
                                                                         growth, this may decrease efficacy.
Do not apply Grazon XC within 1.5 times the height of
                                                                       • Grazon XC can only control weeds and root systems that
desirable trees, and take appropriate measures to prevent
                                                                         get treated; if some weeds have not emerged at the time
application or drift onto plants and trees that are not
                                                                         of application, these weeds will not have the same level
intended for control. Do not spray if injury to existing forage
                                                                         of control as weeds that were fully emerged.
legumes cannot be tolerated. Most warm and cool season
rangeland and pasture grasses are tolerant to Grazon XC.
For control of leafy spurge and yellow toadflax under less-
                                                                       Grazing restrictions
                                                                       When applying Grazon XC there are no grazing restrictions
than-optimum growing conditions, use a recommended
                                                                       for livestock, but there is a seven day restriction for lactating
surfactant such as Intake at 0.25 percent v/v (250 mL per
                                                                       dairy animals. Withdraw meat mammals from areas treated
100 L water). Subsequent treatments may be required
                                                                       with Grazon XC at least three days before slaughter.
to achieve complete control.

                                                                       Tank mixes
                                                                       For control of low growing brush such as western snowberry
                                                                       and wild rose, as well as tree species such as willow and poplar
                                                                       growing in the same area, Grazon XC can be tank mixed with
                                                                       Reclaim™ II herbicide. Please contact your Corteva Agriscience™
                                                                       Agriculture Division of DowDupont representative for rate
                                                                       recommendations and timing.

Products                                                                                                                            Tordon™ 22K

                                          Tordon™ 22K herbicide provides the longest lasting control
                                          of deep-rooted perennial weeds such as leafy spurge
                                          and toadflax.

Product description                                                  Weeds controlled
Tordon 22K is effective against deep-rooted, perennial               •   Canada thistle                       •   Poverty weed
broadleaf weeds due to its systemic activity. It translocates        •   Diffuse knapweed                     •   Russian knapweed
throughout the weed’s roots, providing control.                      •   Field bindweed                       •   Scentless chamomile
                                                                     •   Leafy spurge                         •   Spotted knapweed
Guidelines for use                                                   •   Pasture sage                         •   Toadflax
Tordon 22K can be used as a broadcast spray at a rate                •   Perennial sow thistle
of 1.8 L/ac. Tordon 22K can ONLY be applied by ground                For spot treatment where less than 50 percent of the hectare is treated, a rate
                                                                     of 3.6 L/ac may be used.
application equipment. Apply at a rate of 1.8 L/ac in 160 to
                                                                     To control infestations, plan for a sequential treatment in one or two years
324 L/ac of water using a broadcast sprayer. For backpack            following initial application.
applications to small areas create a 0.5 percent solution            Refer to the product label for complete use directions.
of Tordon 22K in water. For example, mix 50 mL of Tordon
22K with 10 L of water. Apply the mixture to achieve total           Timing
coverage of target plants. Apply the solution to the weeds           Tordon 22K may be applied on rangeland and pasture
and an area around the infestation to avoid “donuting”               to control weeds when fully developed green leaves are
(runners sending up shoots outside the treated area).                present and the weeds are actively growing. For control of
Use coarse sprays to minimize drift. For all applications,           leafy spurge, application should be timed when the plants
coverage of the weed foliage is very important.                      are in true flower stage, which occurs when the green
Most warm and cool season rangeland and pasture                      flowers are present inside of the yellow bracts. Application
grasses are tolerant to Tordon 22K; however, grass vigour            in late summer or in periods of dry weather when plants are
may be reduced for a period of up to two years while the             not actively growing may result in unsatisfactory control.
active ingredient is metabolized by the grass. Be sure to
prevent spray drift by taking necessary precautions, as              Grazing restrictions
even small amounts could damage desirable vegetation.                There are no grazing restrictions for livestock, but there is
Do not spray on areas where damage to legumes cannot                 a six‑week restriction for lactating dairy animals. Wildlife
be tolerated.                                                        grazing treated vegetation will not be adversely affected.
Tordon 22K is persistent in the soil. Very permeable (over
40 percent sand) soils should not be treated if shallow
                                                                     Initially, target plants will show limited visual activity
(less than 6 feet) underlying aquifers are present. Observe
                                                                     following an application of Tordon 22K. Effects including
precautions described on the product label to minimize
                                                                     twisting of stems and cupping of leaves can be observed
spray drift during application.
                                                                     between 45 to 60 days following an application.
Do not apply Tordon 22K within 1.5 times the height of
desirable trees, and take appropriate measures to prevent
application or drift onto plants and trees that are not
intended for control. See page 20 under Buffers.

You’d be surprised. Certainly burning, mowing and re-                 Choose your method of application
seeding are all options; however, when deciding what                  As you build your grass management plan, there are a
method is right for your operation, it’s important to consider        variety of application methods to choose from based
cost, convenience, effectiveness and physical disruption on           on the species you want to control and the density of
your pasture’s grass stand and to your cattle operation.              infestation.
There are pros and cons to each.
• Controlled burning isn’t always “controlled” and poses
                                                                      Ground broadcast
                                                                      Ground application is an excellent way to control weed
  a risk to environmental and personal safety – an
                                                                      infestations and shorter brush infestations on even terrain.
  increased risk of wildfire and hazardous health conditions.
                                                                      • Keep the boom high enough to clear foliage and provide
• Brush suckers and invasive weeds move back in almost
                                                                        suitable coverage, but low enough to minimize the
  immediately after removal.
                                                                        chance of drift.
• Mowing makes the pasture look better temporarily, but
                                                                      • Carefully calibrate your equipment to ensure
  often makes the problem worse by encouraging undesirable
                                                                        precise application and economical use of your
  root systems to spread and shoot up new growth.
                                                                        herbicide investment.
• Ripping up and re-seeding is expensive, hard on
                                                                      • GPS guidance and foam markers can help you to avoid
  equipment and sometimes unsuccessful, taking valuable
                                                                        skips or excessive overlaps.
  pasture out of production.
                                                                      • Coverage is critical to this method’s effectiveness – using
Herbicides designed to improve grass production
                                                                        a minimum water volume of 20 gallons per acre will
in rangeland and permanent pastures can be a highly
                                                                        ensure best coverage.
effective and convenient alternative – one definitely worth
looking into for your grazing management plan.                        • For optimum results, wait for the full population to emerge
                                                                        with leaves fully expanded, and when plants are actively
                                                                        growing (typically before flowering).

Ninety percent control – Even with the outstanding control of undesirable vegetation that range and pasture products
provide, there may be some weeds and shrubs present following an application. What does 90 percent control look like?

                             Untreated                                                     90% control

                                                 
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                                                 
                                                
                                                 
                                                
                                                 
                                                
                                                 
                                                
                                                 

With fixed-wing and rotary aircraft, apply Reclaim™ II,
                                                                                   Restore™ II and Grazon™ XC herbicides in 5 gallons
                                                                                   of total spray volume per acre for best coverage
                                                                                   and results.

                                                                                   Treating dense infestations and large areas
                                                                                   If your target vegetation includes hard-to-control perennial
                                                                                   weeds, shrubs and trees, make sure to keep water volumes
                                                                                   up to maximize coverage of weeds.

                                                                                   Timing an application can be a challenge, and it is
                                                                                   important that you time the application based on
                                                                                   weed growth and staging. Because range and pasture
Aerial broadcast
                                                                                   herbicides are growth inhibitors, target weeds must be
Aerial application is the most feasible and cost-effective
                                                                                   actively growing at the time of application for effective
way to treat large areas when dense brush growth and
                                                                                   control. Only weeds and shrubs that have emerged at the
rough pasture terrain limit your ability to reach target
                                                                                   time of application will be controlled. Application to weeds
species with ground application equipment. Plant
                                                                                   and shrubs under conditions of extreme moisture stress will
height can also prohibit access, even with moderate
                                                                                   reduce the long-term level of control.
brush infestations.

      “On the community pasture we use Grazon*                                           “We have been using Grazon* for four seasons
      for brush control. Cost-wise, it’s beneficial                                      on our community pastures. Depending on the
      because you save time and money over using                                         situation we use various pasture management
      a Cat and breaking up the land. We have a                                          methods to control unwanted vegetation
      lot of buckbrush in the clearings so we will use                                   including bulldozing, mowing, burning and
      Reclaim*** on that this year.                                                      chemical treatments. When we apply Grazon
      It’s important that we take care of the pasture.                                   to poplar and willow regrowth, we find that it
      The more grass there is the better the condition                                   gives us better and longer-term control. We also
      the pasture will be which means we are able to                                     use it to control buckbrush (western snowberry),
      run a few more AUMs on it and get a few more                                       burdock and other undesirable plant species.
      days out of it.”                                                                   Grazon knocks out any competitive weeds plus
      Doug Hess                                                                          the woody species, which gives us improved
      President, Minburn PGR                                                             forage production and improves the health of
                                                                                         the pasture.”
                                                                                         Darrell Skrypnyk
                                                                                         Construction and Services Coordinator,
                                                                                         Agri Environmental Services Branch (AESB),
                                                                                         Brandon, MB
      *Grazon is available in a convenient new formulation – Grazon XC.
      ***Reclaim is available in a convenient new formulation – Reclaim II.

Corteva Agriscience™ Agriculture Division of DowDuPont range and pasture products are effective tools in managing
weeds and brush in permanent pasture and grazed rangeland. Understanding precautions, restrictions and how to
steward range and pasture products properly is important to ensure satisfactory results and to protect desirable species
and the environment.

                                                                                            IDEAL TIME
                           WEED                                                              TO APPLY

Application timing
Herbicide application should be made after the majority of the target weed populations have emerged and are
actively growing.
• The ideal timing for application will generally be in June through mid-July with the exception of Canada thistle which
  enters its ideal timing in mid- to late July when the majority of plants have emerged.
• Timing varies from season to season due to environmental conditions that influence growth and plant staging.
• When targeting shrubs such as buckbrush or wolf willow, they must be fully leafed out prior to an application.

Hay, soil and manure                                                           Buffers
management                                                                     • Reclaim™ II and Restore™ II
• Soil from treated                                                              herbicides should NOT                  DRIP LINE          DRIP LINE

  areas should                                                                   be used over the top of
  never be moved                                                                 desirable trees. They should
  to areas where                                                                 only be used up to the drip                      NO SPRAY

  sensitive plants                                                               line (outermost edge of the
                         Rangeland & Permanent
  may be planted           Pasture for Grazing
                                                                                 tree canopy) of desirable trees. Use additional caution around lateral
  within five years.                                                             root systems, shallow rooting species and those that propagate
• Manure from                               Manure, Hay,
                                                                                 vegetatively through layering.
                                          Compost & Bedding
  consuming treated                                                            • Grazon™ XC and Tordon™ 22K               TREE HEIGHT

  grass should                                                                   herbicides should NOT be
  never be used for          Rangeland,                      Gardens,
                                                                                 used over the top of desirable         1.5 X TREE                 1.5 X TREE

  compost or around
                          Permanent Pasture             Yard Sites, Cropland
                                                                                 trees. Applications should               HEIGHT                     HEIGHT

  susceptible plants.                                                            remain a distance of 1.5 times                         NO SPRAY

                                                                                 the height of desirable trees at
• Clippings from
                                                                                 all times.
  grass that have
  been treated with Corteva Agriscience                                        • Do not apply Grazon XC or Tordon 22K to coarse texture soils
  range and pasture herbicides should                                            (>40 percent sand) with a high water table (within 1.8 metres or 6 feet
  never be used for composting                                                   of the soil surface).
  or mulching.                                                                 • Do not apply Grazon XC or Tordon 22K within 30 metres
                                                                                 (approximately 100 feet) of an open water body (does not include
                                                                                 dugouts) or as per provincial regulations.

Grazing and Cutting Restrictions                                                       Re-Seeding and Grass Tolerance
                    • N
                       o grazing restrictions for livestock.
                      Seven-day grazing restriction for                                                     • Newly seeded grass should not be sprayed
                      lactating dairy animals for Restore™ II,                                                until secondary root development and
                      Reclaim™ II or Grazon™ XC herbicides;                                                   a minimum of four leaf surfaces have
                      six weeks for Tordon™ 22K herbicide.                               NEWLY SEEDED
                                                                                                              established – well past the seedling stage.
                    • W
                       ithdraw all animals three days prior
                      to slaughter.                                                      NEWLY SEEDED
                                                                                                            • Safe to established grasses.
• If forage must be removed from an area treated with                                                      • Grasses may be seeded 10 months
  Restore II, Reclaim II, Grazon XC or Tordon 22K, do not cut                            NEWLY SEEDED
                                                                                            GRASS             following an application.
  the forage within 30 days of application.                                               ACTIVELY
                                                                                          GROWING           • Legume re-establishment may be affected
• If livestock is being moved from a pasture treated with                                                    for up to five years.
  Corteva Agriscience™ range and pasture herbicides                                       ACTIVELY
                                                                                          GROWING           • Soil organic matter, rainfall and temperature
  to a legume-based pasture it is recommended that
                                                                                                              all affect the rate of degradation.
  animals be grazed on an untreated, non legume-based                                     ACTIVELY
  pasture for three days when treating with Restore II or                                NOT ACTIVELY
  Reclaim II and seven days when treating with Grazon XC                                  GROWING
                                                                                                            • Avoid applications under stress conditions
  or Tordon 22K.                                                                                              when grass is not actively growing (hot
                                                                                         NOT ACTIVELY
                                                                                          GROWING             or cold weather, excessive moisture, or
Range and pasture products are designed for permanent pasture and
rangeland where grazing is the method of harvest. The manure or compost                                       drought) as grass injury, including leaf
from an animal fed treated forage should only be used on appropriate use sites           NOT ACTIVELY
                                                                                          GROWING             discolouration and stunting of growth,
where the loss of broadleaf plants, including legumes, can be tolerated.
                                                                                                              in the season of application may result.

Broadcast and spot spraying
                                                Broadcast Application                                                    Spot Application
                                                20 gal/ac water volume                                                  Mixing in 10 L water

 Restore™ II                    20 ac/case                                                             24 mL
 Reclaim™ II                    20 ac/case PLUS 0.2% v/v non-ionic surfactant                          2.3 g (1 tsp) Reclaim II A
                                                                                                        17 mL Reclaim II B
                                                                                                        20 mL surfactant
 Grazon™ XC                     1.9 L/ac for weed control                                              67 mL (i.e. 0.67% solution)
                                 Tree rates: contact Corteva Agriscience
 Tordon™ 22K                    1.84 L/ac                                                              50 mL (i.e. 0.5% solution)
 For Backpack/Spot Application:
  Thoroughly and uniformly wet the foliage, but not to the point of runoff.

  Apply to foliage until wet, up to the point of runoff.

 Maximum one application per year for all treatments.

Water volumes                                      Rainfast
Ground: Minimum 20 gal/ac
Aerial: Minimum 5 gal/ac                                                 ?

For more information about Corteva Agriscience™
                     range and pasture solutions please
                      visit our website at corteva.ca, or
                call our Solutions Center at 1-800-667-3852.

    Trademarks or Service Marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or
®, TM, SM

Pioneer and their affiliated companies or their respective owners.
All other products are trademarks of their respective companies.
© 2018 Corteva Agriscience.
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