Reaching higher Rising investment despite uncertainty - Q1 2019 - JLL Indonesia

Page created by Seth Kennedy
Reaching higher Rising investment despite uncertainty - Q1 2019 - JLL Indonesia
Asia Pacific Property Digest
Q1 2019

Reaching higher
Rising investment despite uncertainty
Reaching higher Rising investment despite uncertainty - Q1 2019 - JLL Indonesia

                                                   14   Hong Kong
                                                   15   Beijing
                                                   16   Shanghai
                                                   17   Shenzhen
                                                   18   Taipei

Feature                                            19

                                                        Singapore          Retail
                                                   23   Bangkok            36   Hong Kong
04   Optimism still prevails despite               24   Jakarta            37   Beijing
     uncertainties                                 25   Kuala Lumpur       38   Shanghai
05   Investors thronging to Asia Pacific’s         26   Manila             39   Shenzhen
     property market                               27   Ho Chi Minh City   40   Tokyo
08   Technology and prosperity drive               28   Delhi              41   Seoul
     office demand in Shenzhen
                                                   29   Mumbai             42   Singapore
09   Fair winds set for 'City of Sails' offices:
                                                   30   Bengaluru          43   Bangkok
     a closer look at Auckland
                                                   31   Sydney             44   Jakarta
10   Multifamily rental housing on the rise
     in Korea                                      32   Melbourne          45   Delhi
11   E-retailers are pushing the store             33   Brisbane           46   Sydney
     frontier in Singapore                         34   Auckland           47   Melbourne
Reaching higher Rising investment despite uncertainty - Q1 2019 - JLL Indonesia
Editor's Note
Real estate investment volume across Asia Pacific in 2019 kicked off to a healthy start, hitting yet another
record high.

Within the office sector, tech companies, professional and financial services firms and flexible space providers
continue to drive demand.

3PL firms and manufacturers remain the strongest sources of industrial leasing demand across most markets.

While in the retail sector, landlords and retailers are having to adapt to keep up with changing market

For more detail by asset class, view this report online at

The Asia Pacific research team hopes that you find this publication valuable, and we welcome your feedback.

                      Dr Megan Walters
                      Head of Research – Asia Pacific

49                                    59                                     67
Residential                                                                  Hotels
      Hong Kong
                                      Industrial                             68    Hong Kong
52    Shanghai                        60    Hong Kong                        69    Beijing
53    Singapore                       61    Beijing                          70    Shanghai
54    Bangkok                         62    Shanghai                         71    Tokyo
55    Jakarta                         63    Tokyo                            72    Singapore
56    Manila                          64    Singapore                        73    Bangkok
57    Sydney                          65    Sydney                           74    Jakarta
58    Melbourne                       66    Melbourne                        75    Sydney
Reaching higher Rising investment despite uncertainty - Q1 2019 - JLL Indonesia
4 – Features


               Optimism still prevails despite uncertainties
               Economic indicators at the start of the year have shown mixed results as concerns about slowing global demand remained
               front and centre against a backdrop of ongoing China-US tensions and geopolitical risks. However, fears of a major slowdown
               appear to have been somewhat overdone. The US economy is expanding at a decent pace, China's growth beat expectations
               in the first quarter, while a change in tone by the US Fed is giving central banks around the world more room to buoy
               economic momentum.

               Exports still under pressure               Looser monetary conditions                 Resiliency through the uncertainty
               Softer Chinese import demand, in           The US Federal Reserve held rates          Though there has been evidence
               particular, is presenting challenges       steady in April, highlighting the shift    pointing to an improvement in the
               for many markets while at the same         to a patient approach to interest          second half of the year, the global
               time a slowdown in segments of the         rates as inflation stays low. The policy   economy is at a delicate period where
               technology industry is adding further      reversal by the Fed along with subdued     downside risks still a present major
               downward pressure, most notably            inflationary pressures have opened         hurdle to momentum—especially
               in North Asia. After a surprising          the door for a more supportive stance      if China-US trade tensions escalate
               jump during March, Chinese exports         by central banks. In China, looser         further and send jitters through
               declined in April which contributed to a   monetary policy has started to slowly      markets. Fortunately, a less restrictive
               flat performance during the first fourth   take effect to the benefit of some,        policy stance by central banks in the
               months of the year.                        albeit any major loosening seems           absence of inflationary pressures
                                                          unlikely barring any major negative        alongside likely expansionary fiscal
               A recent flare up in tensions have seen
                                                          events as the government has shown         measures by some governments
               the US raise tariffs on USD 200 billion
                                                          more willingness to accept slower          should help bolster domestic demand.
               worth of Chinese goods and China
                                                          growth. In the face of risks at home
               has announced counter measures.
                                                          and abroad, the Reserve Bank of India
               Although more negotiations are
                                                          cut its policy rate in April as it seeks
               reportedly planned between the two
                                                          to support the economy and similar
               countries, any reversal in tariffs would
                                                          steps were taken by central banks
               be slow to unwind and this situation
                                                          in Malaysia, New Zealand and the
               will remain a key overhang on global
                                                          Philippines in early May.
               markets until a final deal is signed and
Reaching higher Rising investment despite uncertainty - Q1 2019 - JLL Indonesia
5 – Features
Table 1: Outlook for Major Economies

                                        Real GDP
         Country                     (y-o-y change)                                              2019 Outlook
                                2018           2019F

            China                6.6            6.3    Downward pressure to persist but supportive macro policies should help bolster domestic demand.

                                                       Weak exports and slowing investment to lead to modest growth. Looming GST hike could weigh on
            Japan                0.8            0.5
                                                       consumer spending, although planned government measures may help offset the impact.

                                                       Fiscal stimulus and accommodative monetary policy to help sustain strong growth. Financial sector
            India                7.4            7.0
                                                       challenges to still present headwinds.

                                                       Slowdown in global trade and ICT demand to see sluggish export performance persist. Pick up in
            South Korea          2.7            2.1
                                                       fiscal spending to buoy the economy.

                                                       Government expenditures should help counter downward pressures from subdued consumer
            Australia            2.8            2.2
                                                       spending and a weak residential market.

                                                       Buoyant private consumption and healthy investment growth to underpin steady economic
            Indonesia            5.2            5.0

                                                       Macroeconomic headwinds to weigh on exports and domestic demand. Increased government
            Hong Kong            3.0            1.8
                                                       spending likely to provide some support to growth.

                                                       Exports and manufacturing to face a challenging global backdrop. Fortunately, domestic demand to
            Singapore            3.2            2.3
                                                       be aided by supportive macro policies.

Source: Oxford Economics, May 2019


Investors thronging to Asia Pacific’s
property market
The Asia Pacific region saw a record-setting investment performance in the first quarter underpinned by strength in China—
where volumes more than doubled from a year earlier. The amount of capital seeking exposure to real estate continues to
rise, despite economic and political uncertainty remaining at the forefront. Office leasing volumes, on the other hand, were
impacted by the uncertainty with some MNCs delaying decision making. Despite ongoing concerns about the macroeconomic
environment, underlying commercial property market fundamentals look solid and poised to sustain healthy levels of activity.

Economic uncertainty and low                           Supply volumes pick up although                    Rents move higher across many
vacancy impact leasing volumes                         vacancy generally trends down                      markets
Gross leasing volumes declined 20%                     India and China delivered nearly 60% of            Declining vacancy has bolstered landlords’
year-on-year in Asia Pacific in 1Q. Delhi              all new additions in 1Q, with Bengaluru            position to raise rents in Singapore, with
again was the regional leasing volumes                 alone accounting for a quarter of the              q-o-q growth accelerating in 1Q. Despite
leader, but strong activity levels were                total completions. Jakarta also saw a              a large supply pipeline, Tokyo conditions
also recorded in Tokyo, Bengaluru and                  wave of new supply enter the market to             continued to tilt in favour of landlords
Manila. Occupier demand was relatively                 account for 15% of the 1Q total. Despite a         and rent growth maintained an uptrend.
broad based but financial, professional                healthy volume of completions, vacancy             Relatively balanced supply and demand
services, and tech firms continued to stand            dropped in three-fifths of the tracked Asia        saw Delhi and Mumbai SBD rents edge up,
out. Flexible space providers were still               Pacific markets. The tighter vacancy was           while Sydney recorded a modest q-o-q
expanding aggressively in some markets                 led by markets such as Singapore and               rise in rents with growth dampened by
while focusing on improving centre                     Seoul, which continued to record good              incentives edging up over the quarter. In
occupancy and profitability in others,                 absorption levels.                                 Hong Kong, rents trended higher despite
particularly Mainland China.                                                                              vacancy rising in the overall market as it
Reaching higher Rising investment despite uncertainty - Q1 2019 - JLL Indonesia
still remains at a very low level. Slowing     improvement in confidence. In Hong                                  in volumes in China which more than
6 – Features

               demand led to a quarterly rental decline       Kong, the primary sales market picked up                            doubled y-o-y. Amongst the other major
               in Shanghai, although there was a big          momentum over the course of the quarter                             markets, South Korea maintained its
               divergence in performance between              as reasonably priced projects piqued                                momentum from last quarter, increasing
               submarkets and buildings.                      buyers interest. Buying sentiment in                                28% y-o-y while Singapore also registered
                                                              Singapore continued to be clouded by last                           a 71% improvement in volumes. The
               Capital values rise, albeit at a slower        July’s cooling measures as well as lingering                        combined strength of these markets more
               pace                                           global economic uncertainty with sales of                           than offset declines in Australia, Japan and
               Sustained investor interest in tandem with     private residential homes remaining tepid.                          Hong Kong.
               rental growth has pushed capital values
               higher across many markets. Buoyant            Another record performance for                                      The office sector made up half of all
               market conditions and optimism about           investment volumes                                                  transaction volumes, close to the long-
               the outlook supported continued growth         Real estate investment volumes across                               term average. Retail and industrial
               in Singapore’s capital values. In Tokyo,       Asia Pacific kicked off 2019 in a healthy                           properties made up 18% and 13%
               investor expectations and rent growth          state, hitting yet another record high for a                        respectively. Cross-border purchasers
               helped lift capital values, holding market     first quarter to reach USD 44.9 billion, up                         stepped up interest in regional real estate
               yields stable. The strong investment           14% y-o-y. This is also a 5% increase over                          with a heavy net purchasing bias. These
               demand and healthy fundamentals held           the final quarter of last year, which is a                          cross-border purchasers made up 30% of
               Sydney CBD yields flat as they are likely at   traditionally strong quarter.                                       total volumes, the highest level in 12 years
               a cyclical trough.                                                                                                 when compared to annual percentage
                                                              This was mainly supported by the spike                              figures.
               Evolving customer demands push
               landlords and retailers to adapt
               Overall leasing activity continued to be       Figure 2: Office Rental & Capital Value Changes, Yearly % Changes, 1Q19
               driven by F&B, sportswear, cosmetics and
               children-related brands in China’s tier 1
               markets. Catering to a growing number
               of tech-savvy consumers, landlords             15
               and retailers maintain a focus on tech-
               driven services to enhance the customer        10
               experience. Mass market retailers such
               as cosmetics, pharmacy and F&B were             5
               still the key drivers of demand in Hong
               Kong and leasing activity in the core
               area was again dominated by renewals.
               In Singapore, F&B and activity-based
               retailers were the most active. Challenging     -5
               conditions in Australia have seen most
               retailers maintain a cautious stance with a    -10
               focus on existing stores.
























               3PLs strong source of logistics


               demand                                                                                           Rental Values            Capital Values
               Manufacturers comprised a significant
                                                              Figures relate to the major submarket in each city
               portion of demand in Shanghai, while cold      Source: JLL (Real Estate Intelligence Service), 1Q19
               chain solution providers are also emerging
               as a key driver. Robust demand remained
               in Tokyo, with labour market shortages         Figure 3: Direct Commercial Real Estate Investment 2009-1Q 2019
               supporting the movement towards more
               technologically integrated and automated       180
               industrial facilities. A market where the
               3PL demand wavered was Hong Kong;
               amid the US-China trade tensions,              140
               3PLs adopted a wait and see approach.
               Consolidation and expansion by 3PL firms       120
               underpinned demand in Singapore’s
               logistics market. Industrial demand
               in Sydney and Melbourne remained                                                                                                                                 1Q 2019
                                                               80                                                                                                              $44.9 bill
               firm, supported by broadly positive                                                                                                                             14% y-o-y
               macroeconomic fundamentals.                     60

               Mixed signals for residential                   40
               sentiment                                       20
               Mortgage rates in Shanghai for first-time
               home buyers continued to fall in 1Q, after       0
               dropping for the first time in close to two            2009        2010      2011         2012        2013       2014    2015        2016   2017        2018       2019
               years in December 2018. This coupled                       Japan      China           Australia          Hong Kong        South Korea        Singapore             Other
               with a cut in the transaction tax and
               stamp duty, helped support a gradual           Figures refer to transactions over USD 5 million in office, retail, hotels and industrial.
                                                              Source: JLL (Real Estate Intelligence Service), 1Q19
Reaching higher Rising investment despite uncertainty - Q1 2019 - JLL Indonesia
7 – Features
   Figure 4: Rental Property Clocks, 1Q19

    Grade A Office                                                                           Prime Retail

                                                   Beijing                                                         Tokyo*, Auckland       Hong Kong*
                      Hong Kong, Tokyo
                                                                 Kuala Lumpur                                   Shenzhen                               Wellington

               Sydney                                                                                                                                             Kuala Lumpur
                                 Growth                  Rents                                                           Growth               Rents
 Manila, Melbourne               Slowing                 Falling                                                         Slowing              Falling
                                                                               Guangzhou         Guangzhou,
                                                                                              Jakarta, Manila
Canberra, Wellington             Rents                Decline                 Jakarta                                     Rents              Decline
           Auckland              Rising               Slowing                                                             Rising             Slowing
            Bengaluru,                                                     Shenzhen                     Mumbai,
      Ho Chi Minh City                                                                                   Bangkok
                Bangkok, Delhi
                   Adelaide, Chennai                         Seoul                            Melbourne (Regional), Chennai
                    Hanoi, Mumbai, Perth Brisbane                                                                                         Singapore, SE Queensland (Regional),
                                                                                                                                          Sydney (Regional), Seoul*

   Note: Clock positions for the office sector relate to the main submarket in each city.    *High Street Shops/Multi-level High Street

    Prime Residential                                                                        Prime Industrial

                                                   Hong Kong, Manila                                                                      Hong Kong
                    Kuala Lumpur                                 Shanghai                                           Tokyo


                                 Growth                  Rents                                                           Growth               Rents
                                 Slowing                 Falling                                                         Slowing              Falling
Jakarta, Singapore*                                                                          Manila, Sydney
                                  Rents                  Decline                                                          Rents              Decline
                                  Rising                 Slowing                                   Melbourne,             Rising             Slowing
                  Beijing                                                                           Shanghai

                                                                                                     (Business Park)
                                                                                                                                          Singapore (Logistics)

   *Luxurious                                                                                *Logistics space (Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Greater Tokyo)

   Source: JLL, Real Estate Intelligence Service, 1Q19

   Optimism still prevails despite                                   the interest rate environment likely creates
   uncertainties                                                     new opportunities for investors in select
   There is likely to be ongoing pressure in
   the office leasing market as uncertainty
   related to the US-China trade situation
   and slow decision-making from MNCs
   lingers. Nonetheless, the positive long-
   term outlook for the region will continue to
   support underlying demand fundamentals
   and leasing volumes should hold up well.                          About the author
                                                                     Dr Megan Walters joined JLL in 2010 and in October 2016 was
   With a significant weight of capital                              appointed as Head of Research – Asia Pacific. In this role, Megan
   targeting real estate in the region,                              leads a team of 170 professional researchers in the region, which
   investment activity is expected to remain                         forms part of a network of over 400 researchers in 65 countries
   healthy as deleveraging, fund expiries and                        around the globe.
8 – Features

               Technology and prosperity drive office
               demand in Shenzhen
               China’s overall economic growth for 2019            Figure 1: The pace of expansion by technology-driven companies
               is expected to slow down mainly due to
               headwinds caused by US-China trade tensions
               and slower domestic credit growth. Despite
               this, Shenzhen, which has been likened to the
               country’s Silicon Valley, located in south China,
               is anticipated to achieve a better economic
               performance. High tech, financial services
               and culture-related businesses are to lead
               growth and drive the city’s economy. The
               latest whitepaper, 'Shenzhen’s Tech Prosperity
               Drives Office Demand' published by JLL, offers
               an in-depth analysis on the latest trends in
               Shenzhen’s fast-evolving office leasing market.

               Shenzhen has been a magnet for socio-
               economic experiments and technological
               innovation since economic reform in 1980s.
               Particularly, Shenzhen’s R&D capacity
                                                                   Source: JLL
               increased significantly over the decade.
               By 2017, R&D spending accounted for
               around 4% of the city’s overall GDP, a              of RMB 265 per sqm per month, the highest     collaborative. Instead of flooding the office
               proportion comparable to that achieved              after Beijing and Shanghai.                   market, the huge upcoming supply will
               in tech-oriented countries such as Israel                                                         well satisfy a range of space needs, such as
               and Finland. Moreover, it is worth nothing          The tech industry is among the most active    upgrading, expansion and relocation.
               that China’s Central Government linked              ones exploring expansion options in the
               Hong Kong, Macau and 9 Pearl River                  Shenzhen office market. Demand for office     The long-term outlook for the tech industry
               Delta cities including Shenzhen into an             expansion is supported by the growth of       is attractive. Technology will further
               integrated economic hub in 2017, namely             existing sectors and emergence of new         strengthen Shenzhen’s competitiveness,
               Greater Bay Area (GBA). It is no doubt that         sectors. New businesses proliferate and       enabling it to rival global gateway cities
               a historic technological sea change in the          many companies keep expanding and             and regions such as London, New York,
               GBA is on the horizon. This will likely see         multiply their employee numbers. This         and Silicon Valley. Start-ups, particularly
               the area play a pivotal role in leading China       results in a surging need for larger, more    unicorns, and established enterprises
               towards its new services and innovation-led         standard office environments.                 in the tech industry will ensure surging
               growth model. Indeed, technology and the                                                          office demand. Owners and investors are
                                                                   Technology will shift more innovative         advised to evaluate tech companies’ needs
               prosperity of Shenzhen’s office market are
                                                                   business activities from business park to     holistically and take advantage of such
               interwoven interestingly.
                                                                   Grade A office buildings, and it will make    future growth.
               Shenzhen has evolved into the third-largest         the typical workplace more productive and
               office market in Mainland China in just 15
               years. Over the period, Grade A office stock        About the author
               has grown by eight times to around                  Silvia Zeng is JLL’s Head of Research for South China, based in
               7 million sqm at the end of 2018. Annual net        Guangzhou. Having more than 10 years’ experience, Silvia leads our
               absorption has jumped by six times during           research teams in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, providing real estate
               2005-2018. Over the 15-year period, rents           research and consulting to our clients.
               have soared by 243% to a GFA-based level
9 – Features
Fair winds set for ‘City of Sails’ offices: a closer
look at Auckland
“Ladies and gentleman, it is my pleasure     if anything. Population growth may be              Figure 1: Auckland office transactions
to introduce you to the next big thing in    slowing on the back of easing net migration        over NZD 5 million
international office investment…             in the short term, but the population
please give it up for… AUCKLAND,             surge in recent years and a further 37% of                    $2.5
NEW ZEALAND!”                                expected future growth by 2043 in Auckland
                                             alone should continue to underpin                             $2.0
Ok, so perhaps in reality property won’t     underlying demand for construction and
ever quite generate the same buzz as a       new property.

stadium tour band, but it isn’t all that                                                                   $1.5
long ago that New Zealand was tagged         The case for international investment
by Paul Bloxham, HSBC’s chief economist      in offices has been coming                                    $1.0
for Australia and New Zealand as a “rock     Putting two and two together doesn’t
star” economy. In all seriousness though,    always equal four, but there has been a very
in terms of institutional grade office       clear upward trend in the scale of office
investment, Auckland has gone global in      investment in Auckland in recent years, so
the last 18 months and is making itself      trend conclusions aren’t controversial. We                     $0
heard.                                                                                                    05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
                                             track investment sales of in excess of NZD                 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
                                             5 million and this straightforward graph           Source: JLL
And about time too. Invesco (buying
                                             (Figure 1) needs little interpretation in
125Q, Chorus and 50% of the ANZ Centre)
                                             terms of Auckland’s direction of travel.
and Blackstone (the VXV Portfolio) have                                                         over 55,000 sqm of high-grade space),
invested over a combined NZD 1.15            Keeping a weather eye on the horizon               the pipeline is naturally restricted by land
billion in offices and have, between them,                                                      availability and construction cost. This is
                                             But while there are strong winds and
smashed through Auckland’s international                                                        creating opportunity.
                                             Auckland is traversing over the waves at
investor glass ceiling. More inflow of
                                             a great rate of knots, it isn’t all likely to be
investment will undoubtedly follow and                                                          With such an attractive and dynamic
                                             plain sailing (yes, only one sentence but
yields have naturally sharpened.                                                                market from so many different points of the
                                             four nautical clichés). Prime office space
                                             vacancy rates are low – and likely to get          compass, Auckland is on the international
Why New Zealand? Why now?                                                                       radar for very good reason. On balance,
                                             lower – and a shortage of quality space is
In a world where global media headlines                                                         our conclusion and forecast is as this blog’s
                                             creating some market imbalance. But, for
have been dominated by economic                                                                 title suggests, “Fair winds set for ‘City of
                                             investors, that’s a good problem to have.
uncertainty throughout 2018, New                                                                Sails’ offices” as our view is investors will
                                             New development takes time and post
Zealand’s economy and property                                                                  not want to (yes, you’ve guessed it)… miss
                                             Commercial Bay and One55 Fanshawe
investment market has continued to                                                              the boat…
                                             Street (both largely pre-let and adding
quietly, confidently and purposefully
propel itself forward with little fuss or
undue self-promotion.

With an official economic growth rate of     About the author
2.8% (to year-end December 2018), New        Paul Winstanley is Head of Research and Consultancy for
Zealand has outperformed many key            JLL New Zealand. With over 20 years of property related
trading partners around the world and        experience across the disciplines of valuation, property
2019 should be no different according to     management and strategic consulting, he is also a
commentator forecasts. The investment        specialist in residential investment at scale and mixed-use
case for New Zealand at a structural level   developments. He is a Fellow of RICS.
remains strong and robust, and more so
10 – Features

                Multifamily rental housing on the rise in Korea
                Like most Asian markets where individuals        allocation in the residential market are         maintenance services, 24/7 security service,
                prefer to reside in owner-occupied houses        driving these institutional investors to tap     as well as having more appealing amenities
                rather than in rental homes, Korea’s             into the sector.                                 and communal spaces.
                residential real estate market has been
                dominated by individual ownerships.              Demographic shifts drive demand                  To add, the national and city government
                Due to this, developers and construction         From a demand perspective, millennials           has recently raised the stake for investors by
                companies in Korea have been preoccupied         have been a strong driving force behind          launching initiatives to introduce enterprise
                with selling lots to owners prior to             rental housing. Unlike the older generation,     managed rental housing – “Newstay” and
                construction. This is one of the reasons why     millennials in Korea do not perceive home        “2030 Youth Housing”. Even though there
                multifamily rental properties, operated by       ownership as a requirement. The younger          are restrictions such as on rental escalations,
                real estate companies, never fully emerged       generation are gravitating towards rental        these government schemes offer benefits
                until recently.                                  housing more than ever due to high ownership     such as higher floor area ratio, reduction
                                                                 costs along with the rise of single family       in tax, and financial support. Following the
                Players tapping into multifamily                 households.                                      announcement of these schemes, several
                Multifamily rental housing is gaining traction                                                    special asset managers were created to
                from conglomerates and developers such           Apart from demographic shifts, the demand        work on government backed residential
                as Lotte, KT and KT&G. Many of these             for institutionally managed multifamily          development projects.
                players are drawn to this segment as they        assets can be attributed to the fact that
                                                                 young people prefer enterprise run rental        Just like the logistics sector, the multifamily
                are seeking greater efficiencies from their
                                                                 housing models over other residential            sector is still in its infancy stages and
                existing real estate portfolios. They do this
                                                                 formats such as officetels (office and hotel     vastly underrepresented in the real estate
                by renovating old retail venues or unused
                                                                 mix) and studio apartment complexes              portfolios managed by financial institutions
                sites for residential projects. Simultaneously
                                                                 as each unit is owned and managed                and investors. However, robust market
                prominent investors such as GIC, Koramco,
                                                                 individually. In officetels, many services are   fundamentals, keen interest from investors
                and IGIS have recently established their
                                                                 often rendered poorly by individual owners       and developers, and recent government
                foothold in the segment by making notable
                                                                 whereas tenants living in institutionally        support signals a bright future ahead for this
                bets on residential projects in Korea. Tight
                                                                 owned multifamily homes tend to be more          sector.
                competition in other real estate asset
                classes, low vacancy risk and massive under      satisfied with building management and

                                                                 About the author
                                                                 Jisoo Hong is a Research Analyst based in Seoul. Jisoo is responsible
                                                                 for data collection, quarterly office presentations, tenant surveys,
                                                                 and writing the Seoul office and retail reports for JLL's Korea Property
11 – Features
E-retailers are pushing the store frontier
in Singapore
Just over a year since the opening of its      customers can try its collections in-store.      gift bar and a café. Naiise has two other
4,603-sq ft flagship store at the heart of    The store houses an expanded range of            stores at Wisma Atria and I12 Katong.
Singapore’s shopping belt area in 313@         product offerings from a curated selection
Somerset, local online fashion retailer        of lingerie brands including Perk by Kate,       One landlord is the first mover on this shift
Love Bonito, opened a 3,555-sq ft store at     Eberjay, Timpa, Addiction Lingerie and           to physical retail. CapitaLand recently
JEM. The move was to expand the physical       Commando.                                        established a 11,000-sq-ft “phygital”
platform to promote customer awareness                                                          multi-label concept store, NomadX at Plaza
and facilitate connection with customers.      E-retailers are discovering that online          Singapura, which offers plug & play retail
The stores allowed its female fans to attend   platforms have become extremely                  units, available on a short lease, to enable
workshops and for trained staff to advise      competitive and more saturated as niches         online retailers to have an in-store presence
customers on the appropriate style and         are rapidly becoming filled. In an effort to     to trial new concepts and products and to
right fit for various body types, with the     drive growth and expand market share,            respond to customer feedback in a cost-
overall aim of building new and repeat         e-retailers are making a stronger push in        efficient way. The units are integrated with
business.                                      the physical store frontier, particularly        smart technologies to encourage product
                                               in the Orchard shopping belt and the             discovery by customers and to enhance
Similarly Reebonz, a Singapore-based           suburban malls in Singapore. Their aim is        the shopping experience. Alibaba’s Taobao,
e-commerce luxury retailer, established a      to build brand equity and enhance sensory        alongside other e-fashion businesses
physical showroom and store for product        experience to differentiate from their           including Digital Fashion Week, evenodd,
display and arrangements of private            competitors.                                     Révolte and Style Theory, has embraced
viewings to gain customer trust and to                                                          this concept, establishing their first physical
reduce friction to purchasing higher value     Not just limited to fashion, homegrown           outlets in Singapore at NomadX.
luxury goods online. Currently, Reebonz        multi-label online design retailer, Naiise,
offers private viewings of select premium      has similarly established physical stores        As more e-retailers experiment with
items via appointment at a showroom in         to build brand equity and experience and         blending the convenience of online retailing
the head office at Tampines in Singapore,      to drive retail revenue. Recently, Naiise        with sensory experiences in physical stores
as well as operating a store in Sydney.        expanded its physical presence to include        to differentiate from competitors, more
                                               a 9,000-sq ft retail showcase at Design          online brands will emerge in the physical
Recently, local online lingerie retailer,      Orchard which will be launched in May            world. This shift will benefit the physical
Perk by Kate, opened its first 330-sq ft       2019, as well as a new concept store at          real estate world.
physical store at Telok Ayer Street, where     Jewel@Changi, offering a fully customised

                                               About the author
                                               Angelia Phua is a Director for JLL, based in Singapore. She guides a
                                               team of analysts in undertaking consultancy projects, including real
                                               estate market studies, highest and best use studies and planning
                                               studies. She oversees research in the retail sector in Singapore and is
                                               involved in strategic research work.
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                                    “Vacancy rates creep
                                    higher as demand for
                                    Grade A offices slows.”
14 – Office

                                                                                                                                              sq ft per month,                  Stage in Cycle
                                    Denis Ma, Head of Research,                                       Rental Growth Y-O-Y
                                           Hong Kong                                                        8.1%
                                                                                                                                            net effective on NLA                Growth
                                                                                                                                            HKD 130.1                           Slowing

               Financial Indices                                                                  Office market posts negative net absorption in 1Q19
                                                                                                  •     Weak demand led to the occupier market contracting by 217,500 sq ft in
                                                                                                        1Q19, recording negative net absorption for the first time since 2Q17. The
                             160                                                                        vacancy environment in the city's core-area markets led to the bulk of leasing
                             150                                                                        requirements being met in decentralised locations.
                                                                                                  •     Supermarket chains ALDI and WM Morrison became the latest companies
                             130                                                                        to relocate their offices to Kowloon East, taking advantage of the higher

                             120                                                                        availability of space in the submarket. In both instances, the moves were
                             110                                                                        underpinned by lower rents on offer and the opportunity to consolidate
                             100                                                                        multiple offices under the one roof.
                              90                                                                  FY2019/20 Land Sale Programme to deliver 8.8 million sq ft
                               4Q14       4Q15        4Q16    4Q17       4Q18       4Q19
                                                                                                  •     Chinachem’s One Hennessy in Wanchai and LVGEM’s NEO in Kwun Tong were
                                      Rental Value Index      Capital Value Index                       issued with occupation permits and were major contributors to the overall
                                                                                                        vacancy rate increasing to 4.8% in 1Q19.
               Arrows indicate 12-month outlook
               Index base: 4Q14 = 100                                                             •     The government released its FY2019/20 land sale programme, which includes
               Financial Indicators are for Central.                                                    seven commercial/hotel sites capable of providing a total GFA of up to 8.8
               Source: JLL
                                                                                                        million sq ft. The list also includes the highly anticipated site above the West
                                                                                                        Kowloon Terminus of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen-Guangzhou High Speed Rail
               Physical Indicators                                                                      Link.

                             350                                                    7             Rental values advance even as leasing demand slips
                             300                                                    6
                                                                                                  •     The slight rise in vacancy failed to dent the negotiating positions of landlords
                                                                                                        with overall rentals growing 0.9% q-o-q in 1Q19. A relatively quiet strata-titled
                             250                                                    5                   sales market, on the other hand, led to capital values trending down by 0.4%
              Thousand sqm

                             200                                                                        q-o-q in 1Q19 as vendors softened on asking prices.

                                                                                    3             •     PAG has reportedly acquired Mapletree Bay Point in Kwun Tong from Mapletree
                             100                                                                        Investments for HKD 8.58 billion (HKD 12,994 per sq ft). This is the second-
                              50                                                                        highest transaction ever recorded in the submarket after LVGEM’s HKD 9.0
                               0                                                    1                   billion acquisition of 8 Bay East in 2017.
                              -50                                                   0
                                      14     15      16      17     18      19F                   Outlook: Rents to grow in 2019, albeit at a slower pace
                                       Take-up (net)              Completions                     •     Though vacancy rates are expected to continue to rise they still remain below
                                       Future Supply              Vacancy Rate                          the critical point where landlords will adjust their rental expectations. As
                                                                                                        such, we still expect rents to grow 0-5% in 2019 though downside pressure is
               For 2014 to 2018, take up, completions and vacancy rates are year-end
               annual. For 2019, take-up, completions and vacancy rate are as at 1Q19,                  expected to gradually increase over the course of the year.
               while future supply is for 2Q19 to 4Q19.
               Physical Indicators are for the overall market.                                    •     Along with the potential for higher borrowing costs and weakened sentiment,
               Source: JLL                                                                              capital values are forecast to retreat in the range of 5-10% over the next 12
                                                                                                        months as investors demand higher yields to cover these risks.

                                                                                                  Note: Hong Kong Office refers to Hong Kong's overall Grade A office market.
                                                                                                           “IT companies remain active
                                                                                                           amid economic uncertainty,
                                                                                                               but are taking a more

                                                                                                                                                                              15 – Office
                                                                          Stage in Cycle
                                                                                                              conservative approach.”
    Rental Growth Y-O-Y                       sqm per month,

                                             net effective on GFA          Rents                             Mi Yang, Acting Head of Research,
                                                RMB 398                    Stable                                          Beijing

Demand picks up slightly, but IT expansion activity slows                                   Financial Indices
•     Demand picked up slightly in 1Q19, but rental budgets across sectors were                           150
      noticeably lower than recent quarters. As such, overall demand failed to meet
      landlord expectations, causing destocking to occur at a slower pace.                                140

•     Supported by favourable policies, the IT sector continued to expand, but                            130
      at a more conservative pace than in previous quarters. Due to heightened                            120

      economic concerns, some tenants reduced rental budgets, putting
      expansions plans from end-2018 on hold.                                                             110

No new projects complete in the quarter
•     No new projects were completed in 1Q19, benefitting landlords under                                  90
      increased pressure to fill vacant spaces in the slower economic climate. Great                       80
      Wall Financial Centre in Lize was delayed from entering the market in the                              4Q14       4Q15        4Q16   4Q17       4Q18      4Q19
      quarter as infrastructure projects remained incomplete.                                                       Rental Value Index      Capital Value Index

•     The overall vacancy rate was stable at 4.7%. With IT demand strongest in              Arrows indicate 12-month outlook
                                                                                            Index base: 4Q14 = 100
      Zhongguancun, the submarket recorded a further decrease in vacancy as the             Financial Indicators are for the CBD.
      rate dipped to 0.8%, nearing its historic low (0.5%).                                 Source: JLL

Rents hold steady despite tenants’ lower rental budgets
•     As tenants exhibited lower rental budgets under the current economic                  Physical Indicators
      environment, most landlords waited for tenants with larger budgets and/
                                                                                                          1,000                                                 8
      or pedigrees; they preferred to hold out for quality tenants with higher
      affordability rather than filling remaining vacancies more quickly, leading to                                                                            7
      flat rental growth (-0.2% q-o-q).                                                                                                                         6
                                                                                           Thousand sqm

•     Domestic IT giants were active: transacted a project in Zhongguancun                          600                                                  5   Percent

      and plans to convert it into an incubator, while a nearby project was said                           500                                                  4
      to be under negotiation – for the same purpose – by ByteDance. The                                   400                                                  3
      low-vacancy and high-rent office market has led some rapidly expanding                               300
      companies to purchase entire buildings in order to meet their requirements.                          200
                                                                                                           100                                                  1
Outlook: CBD Core Area faces further risk of delay                                                           0                                                  0
                                                                                                                    14      15     16      17      18     19F
•     Due to ongoing infrastructure challenges, the CBD Core Area faces further risk                                 Take-up (net)              Completions
      of delay. But select landlords are pursuing project-level solutions to counter                                 Future Supply              Vacancy Rate
      pending delays, committed to opening in 2019.
                                                                                            For 2014 to 2018, take-up, completions and vacancy rates are year-end
•     TMT companies are expected to be the dominant source of leasing demand                annual. For 2019, completions, take-up and vacancy rates are as at
                                                                                            1Q19, while future supply is for 2Q19 to 4Q19.
      for the Grade A leasing market in 2019. But as more firms work with lower             Physical Indicators are for the overall market.
      rental budgets, the Grade B market may attract an increasing number of                Source: JLL
      TMTs, particularly as comparatively large amounts of lettable space remain

Note: Beijing Office refers to Beijing’s overall Grade A office market.
                           “Emerging submarkets
                        outperform in terms of leasing
16 – Office

                                                                                                                                                sqm per day,                            Stage in Cycle
                                   Daniel Yao, Head of Research,                                       Rental Growth Y-O-Y
                                               China                                                         1.0%
                                                                                                                                             net effective on GFA                        Rents
                                                                                                                                               RMB 10.4                                  Falling

               Financial Indices                                                                   Leasing activity stays strong in emerging Qiantan and Xuhai Bund
                                                                                                   •     Leasing demand softened in 1Q19 in the traditional CBD as concerns about a
                                                                                                         slowing economy led to tenants becoming increasingly cost-sensitive. In the
                             130                                                                         Pudong CBD, net take-up declined due to the rising competition from emerging
                                                                                                         areas. In the Puxi CBD, demand was stable and mainly driven by professional
                             120                                                                         service firms and retailers.
                                                                                                   •     The decentralised market continued to see strong demand, with strong net take

                                                                                                         up of 133,000 sqm in 1Q19. Emerging CBDs such as Qiantan and Xuhui Bund have
                             100                                                                         attracted strong interest from healthcare, TMT, and manufacturing firms seeking
                                                                                                         cost saving and expansion opportunities.
                                                                                                   Two projects add 228,900 sqm
                              80                                                                   •     Gubei SOHO delivered 57,851 sqm, leading Puxi CBD vacancy to rise 0.7
                               4Q14       4Q15        4Q16    4Q17       4Q18       4Q19
                                                                                                         percentage points (ppts) to 10.1%. Pudong CBD vacancy increased 0.8 ppts q-o-q
                                      Rental Value Index      Capital Value Index
                                                                                                         to 12.9%, as several large tenants relocated to the decentralised locations to save
               Arrows indicate 12-month outlook		                                                        costs or move into self-use projects.
               Index base: 4Q14 = 100
               Financial Indicators are for the CBD.		                                             •     In the decentralised market, The Gate reached completion with a total GFA of
               Source: JLL
                                                                                                         171,000 sqm. Despite of the large amount of new space, strong demand kept the
                                                                                                         vacancy rate flat at 23.3%.
               Physical Indicators                                                                 Greater divergence in building-level performance
                             700                                                    12             •     Slowing demand has led rents to decline in 1Q19. Pudong CBD rents decreased
                                                                                                         by 1.4% q-o-q and Puxi CBD rents edged down by 0.5% q-o-q. Rents were
                             600                                                    10                   relatively stable in the decentralised market. The market saw a greater divergence
                             500                                                                         in performance, not just between submarkets, but even between individual
              Thousand sqm

                                                                                                         buildings in the same submarket.

                                                                                                   •     Foreign investors are actively seeking opportunities to increase their capital
                                                                                    4                    allocations to China, taking advantage of the current window in which the
                             200                                                                         domestic financing environment remains tight.
                             100                                                    2
                                                                                                   Outlook: Decentralised take-up to continue to be strong
                               0                                                    0
                                      14     15      16      17      18     19F                    •     While there will be no new supply in the Pudong CBD in 2019, available space
                                       Take-up (net)              Completions                            in existing projects combined with competition from decentralised areas is
                                       Future Supply              Vacancy Rate                           likely to cause landlords more negotiable on rental terms. In the Puxi CBD, asset
                                                                                                         performance is expected to further diverge in the face of rising competition.
               For 2014 to 2018, take-up, completions and vacancy rate are year-end
               annual. For 2019, take-up, completions and vacancy rate are as at 1Q19,             •     In the decentralised market, new stock is expected reach 1.3 million sqm in 2019,
               while future supply is for 2Q19 to 4Q19.
               Physical Indicators are for the CBD.                                                      76% higher than last year. Despite the surge in new additions, rents are expected
               Source: JLL                                                                               to stay flat due to strong demand, which is mainly driven by fast-growing TMT
                                                                                                         firms along with CBD tenants that have large size requirements.

                                                                                                   Note: Shanghai Office refers to Shanghai’s overall Grade A office market, consisting of Pudong, Puxi and
                                                                                                   decentralised areas.
                                                                                                                  “The issuance of the GBA’s
                                                                                                                  master blueprint will inject
                                                                                                                   new opportunities in the

                                                                                                                                                                                   17 – Office
                                                                            Stage in Cycle
    Rental Growth Y-O-Y                      sqm per month,

                                               net on GFA                   Decline                                   Silvia Zeng, Head of Research,
                                             RMB 274                        Slowing                                            South China

Sentiment recovering along with stabilisation of the economy                                   Financial Indices
•     Overall sentiment has improved in 1Q19 with an increase of inquiries on the                       120
      leasing market. Due to the credit market easing, directly affected industries
      such as banking and finance were particularly active in 1Q19.
•     With the Greater Bay Area's (GBA) pro-development and financial reform
      policies through reinforcing internationalisation, Shenzhen has become a

      global anchor by attracting overseas companies. Amazon and BCG both                               100
      signed new leases in 1Q19.                                                                             95

A small uptick in vacancy with four new completions                                                          90

•     New additions in Shenzhen have been consistent with four new completions                               85
      in 1Q19, which covered a total of 282,000 sqm. Half of the completions are                             80
      located within the Nanshan area.                                                                         4Q14        4Q15        4Q16   4Q17       4Q18       4Q19
                                                                                                                       Rental Value Index     Capital Value Index
•     Overall vacancy rates edged up slightly by 1.3 percentage points to 16.0% in
      1Q19, due to the fact that newly completed buildings were still in the phase of          Arrows indicate 12-month outlook
                                                                                               Index base: 4Q14 = 100
      leasing out their inventories.                                                           Financial indicators are for Futian.
                                                                                               Source: JLL
Rising capital values stimulated by easing credit market
•     The existing landlords in Futian substantially lowered their rents in order to
      attract more tenants, while other districts also experienced rental declines.            Physical Indicators
      Therefore, the overall rental value decreased by 2.4% compared to last
                                                                                                         2,000                                                      18
                                                                                                         1,800                                                      16
•     Due to the relaxation in domestic credit supply and liquidity injection, the                       1,600                                                      14
      lower financing cost has boosted investors’ confidence. The highest historic                       1,400
                                                                                              Thousand sqm

      transacted price was recorded in Shenzhen, as the OCT Tower with a GFA of                          1,200
      150,754 sqm was purchased by China Life.                                                           1,000
Outlook: Rents edge down as incoming stock drives up vacancy                                                 600                                                    6
                                                                                                             400                                                    4
•     The issuance of the GBA’s Outline Development Plan will likely stimulate
                                                                                                             200                                                    2
      demand, signalling a less pessimistic outlook. Whereby, the easing of the
                                                                                                                  0                                                 0
      credit market should help boost confidence further to recover the leasing and
                                                                                                                        14      15     16     17     18     19F
      sales activities.                                                                                                  Take-up (net)             Completions
•     Nevertheless, over the short term, rents are expected to edge down over the                                        Future Supply             Vacancy Rate
      next 12 months as a significant volume of future office supply will likely drive         For 2014 to 2018, take up, completions and vacancy rates are year-end
      up vacancy and lower the overall rental value.                                           annual. For 2019, take-up, completions and vacancy rate are as at 1Q19,
                                                                                               while future supply is for 2Q19 to 4Q19.
                                                                                               Physical Indicators are for the overall market.
                                                                                               Source: JLL

Note: Shenzhen Office refers to Shenzhen's overall Grade A office market.
                               “Limited availability of
                             stock drives rental growth.”
18 – Office

                                   Jamie Chang, Head of Research,                                                                                 ping per month,          Stage in Cycle
                                                                                                       Rental Growth Y-O-Y
                                             Taiwan                                                                                                  net on GFA            Growth
                                                                                                              1.7%                               NTD 3,316                 Slowing

               Financial Indices                                                                   Occupier demand focuses on space released in 2018
                                                                                                   •     As newly completed buildings reach full occupancy and no new additions
                                                                                                         are planned, new leases in 1Q19 mainly derived from space released from
                                                                                                         tenant upgrade and relocation activity. Only small lease deals were seen in the
                             120                                                                         remaining space in the new buildings.
                                                                                                   •     The quarterly net absorption was recorded at 7,638 ping, which was slightly
                                                                                                         higher than the average of past ten first-quarters. The overall vacancy continued

                                                                                                         to drop by 1.0 percentage point to 4.4%.

                             100                                                                   Supply pipeline is limited with no significant additions expected
                                                                                                   •     No new supply was delivered to the office market in 1Q19.
                              90                                                                   •     Only one new project is expected to enter the market this year providing 4,272
                               4Q14       4Q15        4Q16    4Q17       4Q18       4Q19                 ping of lettable space.
                                      Rental Value Index      Capital Value Index

               Arrows indicate 12-month outlook
                                                                                                   Limited availability of stock fuels rental growth
               Index base: 4Q14 = 100                                                              •     Decreasing vacancy, limited availability of space and leases closed on higher
               Financial Indicators are for Xinyi.
               Source: JLL                                                                               floors of remaining space in new buildings pushed the overall rent upwards.
                                                                                                         The average rent increased 0.9% to NTD 2,753 per ping per month.
                                                                                                   •     Overall yield and capital value remained flat as investment activity slowed.
               Physical Indicators                                                                       Quarterly direct real estate transactions totalled NTD 14.7 billion, which is
                                                                                                         slightly lower than the average of the past 10 first quarters. Conversely, total
                             250                                                    12
                                                                                                         land transactions was recorded at NTD 41.6 billion, the highest single-quarter
                                                                                    10                   figure on record.
                                                                                    8              Outlook: Robust leasing demand and land investment ahead
              Thousand sqm


                                                                                                   •     After the large influx of office supply and large-scale take-up in 2018, as well
                                                                                                         as the absence of new large-scale additions over the next four years, limited
                                                                                    4                    space availability is likely to foster more significant rental growth. The growth
                              50                                                                         is projected to be around 3% this year and is expected to increase even more
                                                                                                         rapidly thereafter.
                               0                                                    0              •     Investors from a variety of business sectors have continued to channel their
                                      14     15      16      17      18     19F
                                                                                                         funds to real estate in order to retain monetary value. As available en-bloc
                                       Take-up (net)              Completions
                                       Future Supply              Vacancy Rate
                                                                                                         properties with decent returns are limited, funds are likely to flow to alternative
                                                                                                         property niches and private-and-public partnership projects.
               For 2014 to 2018, take-up, completions and vacancy rate are year-end
               annual. For 2019, take-up, completions and vacancy rate are as at 1Q19,
               while future supply is for 2Q19 to 4Q19.
               Physical Indicators are for the overall market.
               Source: JLL

                                                                                                   Note: Taipei Office refers to Taipei’s overall Grade A office market.
                                                                                                                 “Office leasing market
                                                                                                                  sees strong forward
                                                                                                                  commitment rates.”

                                                                                                                                                                            19 – Office
                                             tsubo per month,        Stage in Cycle
    Rental Growth Y-O-Y                                                                                    Takeshi Akagi, Head of Research,
                                               gross on NLA          Growth                                            Japan
                                           JPY 38,719                Slowing

Robust demand leads to strong pre-commitment                                               Financial Indices
•     According to the Tankan Survey in March, the business sentiment of large                       150
      manufacturers was 12 points, 7 points lower compared with the previous
      survey in December, reflecting a deceleration in overseas economies. The                       140
      business sentiment of large non-manufacturer also declined by 3 to 21 points,
      a relatively modest deterioration.                                                             130

•     Net absorption in 1Q19 totalled 125,000 sqm, increasing slightly compared                      120
      with the previous quarter. Given the limited space in existing buildings, robust
      demand coming from the information and communication, professional                             110
      services and financial services sectors has been absorbing future supply.
Vacancy rate continues to reflect 1%                                                                     90
•     New supply totalled 127,000 sqm in 1Q19, increasing the total stock by 1%                           4Q14       4Q15        4Q16   4Q17       4Q18       4Q19
      q-o-q and 7% y-o-y. Four buildings, including Nihonbashi Muromachi Mitsui                                  Rental Value Index     Capital Value Index
      Tower (NLA 67,000 sqm), Shibuya Solasta (NLA 28,000 sqm) and Abema                   Arrows indicate 12-month outlook
      Towers (NLA 19,000 sqm), entered the market.                                         Index base: 4Q14 = 100
                                                                                           Source: JLL
•     The vacancy rate stood at 1.0% at end-1Q19, remaining flat q-o-q and
      decreasing 170 bps y-o-y. While vacancy tightened in Akasaka/Roppongi,
      increases were recorded in the submarkets of Otemachi/Marunouchi.
                                                                                           Physical Indicators
Rent and capital value growth continues
                                                                                                         700                                                  5
•     Rents averaged JPY 38,719 per tsubo per month at end-1Q19, increasing
      1.4% q-o-q and 4.4% y-o-y. Rental growth was in line with that of the previous                     600
      quarter, driven primarily by Shibuya and Akasaka/Roppongi.                                         500
                                                                                          Thousand sqm

•     Capital values increased 1.9% q-o-q and 8.8% y-o-y in 1Q19. Growth was                             400                                                  3

      driven by rental increase across submarkets. Cap rates were stable. Grade A
      transactions in the quarter included Dai-ichi Life Group-led joint acquisition                                                                          2
      of a portion of Toranomon 2-chome Project Office Tower, due in 2023 for an                         200
      undisclosed price.                                                                                                                                      1

Outlook: Rental growth to slow; capital value growth to quicken                                            0                                                  0
                                                                                                                 14      15     16      17      18     19F
•     According to Oxford Economics, Japan’s real GDP is forecast to grow by                                      Take-up (net)              Completions
      0.7% and the CPI is likely to rise by 0.9% in 2019. Rising trade tensions and                               Future Supply              Vacancy Rate
      uncertainties in the global economy remain as downside risks.
                                                                                           For 2014 to 2018, take up, completions and vacancy rates are year-end
•     Upcoming supply to be delivered in 2019 and 2020 is equivalent to 130% and           annual. For 2019, take-up, completions and vacancy rate are as at 1Q19,
                                                                                           while future supply is for 2Q19 to 4Q19.
      200% of the previous 10-year average. However, demand has been catching              Source: JLL
      up, absorbing the incoming stock up to 2022. As such, rise in vacancy shall
      be limited and we expect to rental growth. Further rent growth and cap rate
      compression shall accelerate capital value growth.

Note: Tokyo Office refers to Tokyo's 5 Kus Grade A office market..
                               “Historically low vacancy
                                 rates and expanding
                                 investment market.”
20 – Office

                                                                                                                                                 tsubo per month,        Stage in Cycle
                               Yuto Ohigashi, Director - Research,                                       Rental Growth Y-O-Y
                                            Japan                                                             11.2%
                                                                                                                                                   gross on NLA           Rents
                                                                                                                                                JPY 21,437                Rising

               Financial Indices                                                                     Net absorption picks up amid limited supply
                                                                                                     •     According to the March Tankan survey for Greater Osaka, the business
                                                                                                           sentiment index for large manufacturers was 8 points, decreasing by 9 points
                             240                                                                           q-o-q on the back of the slowdown in overseas economies. The index for non-
                             220                                                                           manufacturers was 13 points, a decrease of 6 points q-o-q.
                                                                                                     •     Net absorption totalled 11,000 sqm in 1Q19, a pick-up from the negative net

                             180                                                                           absorption recorded in 4Q18. Healthy demand came from information and
                             160                                                                           communication, education and real estate sectors, amid extremely limited
                             140                                                                           available stock. This was reflected in a sub-3% vacancy trend for nine-
                             120                                                                           consecutive quarters.
                             100                                                                     Vacancy rate reflects virtually no vacancy in the market
                               4Q14       4Q15       4Q16    4Q17          4Q18        4Q19
                                                                                                     •     No new supply entered the market in 1Q19, with none scheduled for the rest of
                                                                                                           the year.
                                      Rental Value Index         Capital Value Index
               Arrows indicate 12-month outlook                                                      •     The vacancy rate stood at 0.5% in 1Q19, decreasing 60 bps q-o-q and 50 bps
               Index base: 4Q14 = 100                                                                      y-o-y, marking the third-lowest level since JLL started tracking in 2004. The
               Source: JLL                                                                                 decrease in part reflected the take-up at a building in Namba, which was
                                                                                                           completed in the previous year.

               Physical Indicators
                                                                                                     Double-digit rental growth for fourth-consecutive quarter
                                                                                                     •     Rents averaged JPY 21,437 per tsubo per month in 1Q19, increasing 3.6% q-o-q
                             160                                                       9                   and 11.2% y-o-y. Rental growth accelerated for the second-consecutive quarter
                             140                                                       8                   amid robust demand and extremely limited supply.
                             120                                                       7             •     Capital values grew 5.1% q-o-q and 25.8% y-o-y, marking the 22nd-consecutive
                                                                                       6                   quarter of growth. Cap rates were stable in 1Q19. Notable transactions in the
              Thousand sqm


                                                                                       5                   quarter included the acquisition of Sankei Real Estate (J-REIT) of a portion of
                                                                                       4                   Breeze Tower for JPY 8.6 billion or at an NOI cap rate of 4.7% upon its listing in
                                                                                       3                   March.
                              40                                                       2
                              20                                                       1
                                                                                                     Outlook: Rent and capital value growth to continue
                               0                                                       0             •     Although economic growth for Osaka is expected to be limited in 2019 amid
                                      14     15      16     17         18     19F                          global headwinds; however, underlying demand for Osaka's office sector is
                                       Take-up (net)                Completions                            expected to remain healthy.
                                       Future Supply                Vacancy Rate
                                                                                                     •     With no new completions scheduled in 2019, net absorption should remain
               For 2014 to 2018, take up, completions and vacancy rates are year-end                       constrained by the lack of available space. Vacancy rate shall remain at very
               annual. For 2019, take-up, completions and vacancy rate are as at 1Q19,
               while future supply is for 2Q19 to 4Q19.                                                    low levels and underpin positive rent growth momentum. Capital values should
               Source: JLL                                                                                 also rise, reflecting rent growth and further compression of cap rates.

                                                                                                     Note: Osaka Office refers to Osaka's 2 Kus Grade A office market.
                                                                                                          “Yeouido and Gangnam
                                                                                                             record positive net
                                                                                                          absorption; CBD records

                                                                                                                                                                           21 – Office
                                                                   Stage in Cycle
                                                                                                          negative net absorption.”
    Rental Growth Y-O-Y                      pyung per month,

                                            net effective on GFA   Decline                               Sungmin Park, Head of Research,
                                          KRW 91,665               Slowing                                           Korea

Demand for Gangnam shows strong net take-up                                              Financial Indices
•     Overall net absorption recorded 20,530 pyung, with positive take-ups in                      120
      Yeouido and Gangnam. Hyundai Auto Ever signed a lease with Luceen Tower
      in Gangnam at around 5,300 pyung to consolidate. Mirae Asset Life Insurance
      entered a large-size lease (around 2,800 pyung) with GT Tower. In Yeouido IFC
      signed leasing deals with Biersdort, BFIN and P&G.                                           110

•     Samsung Life Taepyungro in CBD secured a large-scale contract with Boram.
      However, net absorption for CBD reverted to negative territory because
      Kumho and Hyundai Engineering scaled back their existing occupied spaces.                    100

Vacancy decreases with decent take-up in Gangnam
•     Seoul's vacancy rate dropped to 11.5% with a solid take-up. Gangnam saw the                      90
      largest take-up as vacancy decreased to 4.6% with a strong take-up occurring                      4Q14       4Q15        4Q16   4Q17       4Q18       4Q19
      at key Grade A buildings such as Gangnam N Tower, GT Tower and the ASEM                                  Rental Value Index     Capital Value Index
      Tower.                                                                             Arrows indicate 12-month outlook
                                                                                         Index base: 4Q14 = 100
•     No new Grade A supply came online during the quarter.                              Financial Indicators are for the CBD.
                                                                                         Source: JLL
Rental performance is stable in 1Q19
•     Seoul's rents in 1Q19 increased 0.6% q-o-q, as many landlords at Yeouido
      and Gangnam raised headline rents at the start of the year. CBD rental             Physical Indicators
      performance continued to be weak with a slight uptick in rent-free period,
                                                                                                       300                                                  14
      although net rent increased.
                                                                                                       250                                                  12
•     The largest deal concluded during 1Q19 was NH Investment’s acquisition of
      Seoul Square in CBD for KRW 988.2 billion. Another notable transaction was                       200
                                                                                        Thousand sqm

      the Samsung SDS Tower West Campus in Jamsil for KRW 628 billion by Ryu                                                                                8

      Kyung PSG Asset Management.                                                                      150
Outlook: Net absorption and rental growth to be stable                                                 100
•     Overall net absorption is expected to be moderate, to some extent. With                           50                                                  2
      an economic slowdown and tight space coupled with limited stocks, the
      Gangnam submarket should experience slower take-up. The strong leasing                             0                                                  0
                                                                                                               14      15     16      17      18     19F
      momentum should continue for the Yeouido submarket but is likely to lose                                  Take-up (net)              Completions
      some steam later in 2019.                                                                                 Future Supply              Vacancy Rate
•     Rental growth is likely to soften, amid sticky vacancies and new supplies          For 2014 to 2018, take up, completions and vacancy rates are year-end
      for CBD and Yeouido. Meanwhile, with low vacancy and limited stocks,               annual. For 2019, take-up, completions and vacancy rate are as at 1Q19,
                                                                                         while future supply is for 2Q19 to 4Q19.
      coupled with strong underlying demands, Gangnam should continue to see a           Physical Indicators are for the overall market.
      contraction in rent-free periods, translating into a decent rental performance     Source: JLL
      down the line.

Note: Seoul Office refers to Seoul’s Grade A office market.
                               “Grade A CBD rents soar
                              past recent peak to reach
                              a decade-high as demand
22 – Office

                                 and supply diverge.”                                                                                                                                   Stage in Cycle
                                                                                                       Rental Growth Y-O-Y                     sq ft per month,
                               Tay Huey Ying, Head of Research,
                                                                                                                                            gross effective on NLA                     Growth
                                          Singapore                                                                                            SGD 10.6                                Slowing
               Financial Indices                                                                   Singapore remains an attractive office location
                                                                                                   •     The leasing market stayed abuzz with enquiries from a wide range of industries
                                                                                                         such as financial institutions, technology and business services companies.
                                                                                                         They comprise a mix of new entries, expansions and renewals.
                                                                                                   •     Corporates remained keen to set up offices in Singapore as evidenced by Dyson’s
                             110                                                                         decision to relocate its headquarters from Britain to Singapore. The Indonesian

                                                                                                         government also announced plans to open a new office in Singapore to attract
                             100                                                                         even more investment from its neighbours and top investment sources.

                                                                                                   Vacancy approaches frictional level amid stock contraction
                                                                                                   •     18 Robinson and Anson House’s conversion of a car park floor to office space
                              80                                                                         received temporary occupation permits (TOPs) in 1Q19. As the withdrawal of
                               4Q14       4Q15        4Q16    4Q17       4Q18       4Q19                 space in Chevron House for refurbishment exceeded these completions, the
                                      Rental Value Index      Capital Value Index                        overall Grade A CBD stock contracted in 1Q19. No further completions are
               Arrows indicate 12-month outlook		                                                        expected in the rest of 2019.
               Index base: 4Q14 = 100
               Financial Indicators are for the CBD.		                                             •     Firm demand amid stock shrinkage led to vacancy rates inching down,
               Source: JLL		                                                                             approaching frictional level in 1Q19.

                                                                                                   CBD Grade A rents soar past recent peak to reach a decade high
               Physical Indicators                                                                 •     The creeping down of vacancy towards a frictional level has emboldened
                                                                                                         landlords to be aggressive in terms of asking rents. This has brought about an
                             250                                                    12
                                                                                                         acceleration in quarter-on-quarter growth in rents, pushing them past the recent
                                                                                    10                   peak to a 10-year high.
                                                                                    8              •     The relentless rise in rents amid limited stock kept investors upbeat about the
              Thousand sqm

                             150                                                                         office sector, underpinning another quarter of growth in capital values.

                             100                                                                   Outlook: 2019’s rent growth could match or even exceed 2018’s
                                                                                                   •     The recently announced CBD incentive scheme that awards 25-30% more plot
                              50                                                    2                    ratio for the conversion of eligible office assets in selected areas primarily in
                                                                                                         the Shenton Way submarket, to mixed use, has raised the possibility of more
                               0                                                    0
                                      14     15      16      17      18     19F                          withdrawals for redevelopment.
                                       Take-up (net)              Completions                      •     The prospects of further stock withdrawal could place landlords in an even
                                       Future Supply              Vacancy Rate
                                                                                                         stronger position in lease negotiations, thus giving rents more upside than before.
               For 2014 to 2018, take-up, completions and vacancy rates are year-end                     It could also slow down the growth of CBD office inventory and improve the
               annual. For 2019, completions, take-up and vacancy rate are as at 1Q19,                   outlook for the asset class, thus supporting a stronger appreciation in asset value
               while future supply is for 2Q19 to 4Q19.
               Physical Indicators are for the CBD.			                                                   than projected earlier.
               Source: JLL

                                                                                                   Note: Singapore Office refers to Singapore’s CBD Grade A office market in Marina Bay, Raffles Place, Shenton
                                                                                                   Way and Marina Centre.
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