Real Property Portfolio Optimization - Improving and Modernizing Management of the Federal Real Property Portfolio to Optimize Space, Financial ...

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Real Property Portfolio Optimization - Improving and Modernizing Management of the Federal Real Property Portfolio to Optimize Space, Financial ...
Real Property
                           Improving and Modernizing Management
                           of the Federal Real Property Portfolio to
                           Optimize Space, Financial Resources and
                           Energy Impact
Real Property Portfolio Optimization - Improving and Modernizing Management of the Federal Real Property Portfolio to Optimize Space, Financial ...
Real Property Portfolio Optimization - Improving and Modernizing Management of the Federal Real Property Portfolio to Optimize Space, Financial ...

The Regulatory Environment for Real Property Management

Real Property Challenges and Solutions

Federal Real Property Optimization Maturity Model

Case Studies


           Real Property Portfolio Optimization Federal Management Solutions Offering   3
Real Property Portfolio Optimization - Improving and Modernizing Management of the Federal Real Property Portfolio to Optimize Space, Financial ...
PwC has long assisted federal agencies in managing their real property
                                portfolios to comply with reporting and management requirements for the
                                real property assets, energy usage, workforce support and other relevant
                                factors. We have helped agencies mature their processes in order to make
                                informed decisions on use and allocation of real property. That information
                                includes complete inventory of buildings, structures and land, with
                                necessary detail on size, use, useful life, condition, and various aspects of
                                construction and energy use. Facility managers, financial officers and
                                agency heads need to understand key information about this significant set
                                of assets in order to make most efficient use of the portfolio they have, use or
                                inhabit. PwC is the partner to help federal agencies manage their real
                                property portfolios.

                                                                                        avoidance measures such as telework.
                                                                                        The Memorandum also requires agencies
                                                                                        to identify real property cost reduction
                                                                                        opportunities that yield at least $3 billion
The Regulatory Environment for                                                          in federal cost savings by the end of FY
                                                                                        2012. These cost savings are expected
Real Property Management                                                                to result from reduced operating,
                                                                                        maintenance, and energy expenses from
                                                                                        disposals or other consolidation efforts.

                                                                                        Federal real property management
                                               The Federal government has               appeared as an issue on the GAO High
                                               identified the need for more effective   Risk List in 2003. Prior to this, the
                                               real property management, as it          government had also made various
                                               recognizes the significant financial     attempts to improve federal asset
                                               resources invested in these assets.      management of its extensive holdings.
                                               President Barack Obama issued the        The House Government Reform
                                               Presidential Memorandum, “Disposing      Committee passed H.R. 2548, the
                                               of Unneeded Federal Real Estate -        Federal Property Asset Management
                                               Increasing Sales Proceeds, Cutting       Reform Act of 2003, though it never
                                               Operating Costs, and Improving           became law as the Congressional Budget
                                               Energy Efficiency” in June 2010.         Office (CBO) expressed concerns over
                                               The Memorandum directs agencies          the Act’s financial burden.
                                               to accelerate efforts to eliminate       In February 2004, President George
                                               excess properties and identify other     W. Bush issued Executive Order (EO)
                                               cost-savings opportunities through       13327, “Federal Real Property Asset
                                               increased efficiency in utilization,     Management,” which borrowed
                                               space, consolidation, and cost           several key provisions from H.R. 2548

4   Real Property Portfolio Optimization Federal Management Solutions Offering
Real Property Portfolio Optimization - Improving and Modernizing Management of the Federal Real Property Portfolio to Optimize Space, Financial ...
Figure 1: Real Property Regulatory Environment through 2010

and mandated that executive branch          Energy, and Transportation                      assets within many transportation
departments and agencies improve their      Management” in January 2007, which              focused agencies. This type of activity
real property asset management. EO          directed federal agencies to conduct            signals an interest in the incoming
13327 instructed agencies to promote        their environmental, transportation, and        Congress on these issues as well.
efficient and economical use of real        energy-related activities under the law         The actions of the last two
property, increase agency accountability    in support of their respective missions in      administrations and Congress express
and management attention to real            an environmentally, economically, and           the need for improvement in Federal
property reform, and establish clear        fiscally sound, integrated, continuously        real property asset management. This
real property goals and objectives.         efficient, and sustainable manner.              collection of regulations and guidance
Major provisions of EO 13327 included       Recognizing the interdependency of              places significantly increased demands
the following: (1) creation of the          effective real property asset management        on federal agencies to dispose of
Senior Real Property Officer position       and the reduction of greenhouse gas             excess real estate, make more efficient
at major landholding agencies, (2) the      emissions, President Obama issued               use of existing assets, eliminate
development and implementation of           EO 13514, “Federal Leadership in                ineffective lease arrangements,
agency asset management plans, and (3)      Environmental, Energy, and Economic             explore innovative approaches to
the creation of the Federal Real Property   Performance” in October 2009. EO                space management, and reduce
Council (FRPC) which issues annual real     13514 expanded on energy reduction              annual operating costs of existing
property reporting guidelines. Agencies     requirements in EO 13423 and included           assets with a focus on environmental
are to use their asset management plans     provisions for managing existing                responsibility and sustainability.
and other data collected with respect to    buildings to reduce energy, water, and          Satisfying these demands poses a
inventory and performance to determine      materials consumption in an effort to           number of challenges, and PwC’s
the extent to which their real property     improve sustainability.                         experience in providing real property
holdings are lacking, sufficient, or in                                                     solutions can help federal agencies
                                            In fall 2010, the House of Representatives
excess to carry out their respective                                                        achieve success in meeting them.
                                            Republican staff of the Committee
                                            on Transportation and Infrastructure
President Bush issued EO 13423,             released a report on opportunities for
“Strengthening Federal Environmental,       cost savings associated with real property

                                                         Real Property Portfolio Optimization Federal Management Solutions Offering   5
“Past attempts at reducing the Federal Government’s
                                                 civilian real property assets produced small savings and
                                                 had a minor impact on the condition and performance of
                                                 mission-critical properties. These efforts were not
                                                 sufficiently comprehensive in disposing of excess real
                                                 estate and did not emphasize making more efficient use of
                                                 existing assets.”
                                                   - President Obama, Memorandum -- Disposing of Unneeded Federal
                                                     Real Estate, June 10, 2010

Figure 2: Federal Real Property Optimization Maturity Model

6       Real Property Portfolio Optimization Federal Management Solutions Offering
• Has the agency determined its real
                                                                                               property asset needs, based on current
                                                                                               and future mission and workforce?
                                                                                             • Does the agency have the proper
                                                                                               processes, procedures, controls and
Real Property Challenges                                                                       systems in place for collecting sufficient,
                                                                                               timely, complete, and accurate real
and Solutions                                                                                  property data in accordance with the
                                                                                             • Has the agency committed adequate
                                                                                               resources to meet current goals,
                                                                                               properly monitor performance, and
                                                                                               drive continuous improvement for
                                                                                               effective real property management?

                                                                                             • Has the agency calculated its carbon
                                                                                               footprint as it relates to real property?
    The requirements stemming from          • Identifying, prioritizing and gaining
    the Presidential Directives and           funding for deferred maintenance               • Does the agency have the information
    OMB guidance present Federal              and/or major construction to improve             necessary to make trade-off or planning
    agencies with resource and cost           overall safety, efficiency and usability         decisions on cost saving measures?
    challenges, reporting challenges,       • “Greening” specific to energy efficiency       PwC has created a federal real property
    and implementation challenges.            and other environmentally sound                optimization maturity model, shown
    Each agency has its own agency            aspects of real property assets                in Figure 2 (to the left). This model
    specific issues and challenges
                                            • Right-sizing the portfolio to fit usage,       illustrates how agencies with a mature,
    depending on the complexity of the
                                              taking into account personnel factors          or “optimized” approach are those where
    real property portfolio, the maturity
                                              such as telework                               asset management business goals and
    of its real property management
                                            • Having a comprehensive, data-rich              objectives are established, tracked and
    practices and the overall control
                                              inventory that allows managers to make         reported regularly to senior leadership.
    environment as it relates to real
                                              decisions                                      These agencies make business decisions
    property management.
                                                                                             based on current asset data, and they can
                                            • Having policies, processes and controls
    Challenges may relate to the                                                             quickly take actions such as identifying
                                              in place to effectively manage the
    following:                                                                               like kind exchanges, implementing cost
                                              risk involved with the valuation,
                                                                                             reduction measures in alignment with
    • Identifying excess and creating         maintenance and use of the portfolio
                                                                                             strategic plans, and making relocation
      opportunities for disposal
                                            The extent to which an agency is in a            decisions. These agencies have a 5-10
    • Restructuring the budget or                                                            year space management plan, a deferred
                                            position to address these challenges
      funding priorities to accomplish                                                       maintenance budget program and a risk-
                                            will depend on its responses to these
      disposals                                                                              based real property management plan.
                                            fundamental questions:

                                                          Real Property Portfolio Optimization Federal Management Solutions Offering       7
Federal Real Property Optimization
                                              Maturity Model

                                                                                  Real Property Portfolio Management
                                                                                  • Define Asset Inventory and

>   “PwC has several clients whom we have helped
    mature their processes towards optimization.
                                                                                  • Assess Inventory
                                                                                  • Initiate Real Property Sustainability

    For these clients, PwC brings to bear a total                                 • Allocate indirect costs
                                                                                  • Assess Construction Allowance
    solution that facilitates mature real property                                  Inducement
    portfolio management. The stages of the maturity                              • Assess Organizational Structure
                                                                                  • Define Requirements
    model are shown below, with a sample of key
                                                                                  • Assess Human Capital Implications
    activities that PwC helps agencies with each                                  • Assess Technology
    stage, depending on an agency’s needs:
                                                                                  Real Property Portfolio Management
                                                                                  • Create Real Property Inventory Data
                                                                                  • Remediate Financial Audit Issues (if
                                                                                  • Calculate Carbon Footprint
                                                                                  • Create / Refine Performance Metrics
                                                                                    and FRPP Submission
                                                                                  • Define Technology Requirements

8    Real Property Portfolio Optimization Federal Management Solutions Offering
Measure                                    Optimize                                        • We design sound, repeatable and
Real Property Portfolio Management         Real Property Portfolio Management                risk-based processes for identifying
• Calculate and Implement Capitalization   • Use Standard Operation Procedures               and collecting required data such that
  Procedures                                 (SOPs)                                          the data are reliable and useful for
• Implement Space Management               • Implement Cost Reduction Strategies
                                             and Align Facility Management with            • We have globally-recognized expertise
• Implement Lease Management
                                             Strategic Plans                                 in calculating carbon footprint and
• Develop Business Cases                                                                     analyzing real property energy usage
                                           • Act on Disposal, Relocation and
• Implement Facility Management                                                              metrics, and helping organizations
                                             Consolidation Plans
                                                                                             act on that data to improve energy
• Incorporate into A-123 Process and
                                           • Fully Leverage Technology for                   efficiency.
  Leverage Results
                                             Reporting and Decision-Making
• Create Policies and Procedures for                                                       • We have data management solutions
  Managing Sustainability of Real                                                            that allow our clients to consolidate
                                           Throughout this process, we bring the             data from multiple systems onto a
  Property and Incorporate Them into the
                                           following experience:                             shared platform for ease of reporting
  Organization’s Activities
                                           • We help agencies create reporting               and decision making
• Implement Maintenance Management
                                             and performance measurements                  • We have financial management
• Define Asset Level Performance             to allow agencies to plan strategically,        experience to assist agencies in
• Implement / Modify Technology              reduce costs, and prudently invest              properly valuing, reporting, and
                                             for efficient operations in a properly          planning related to real property,
Integrate                                    conditioned and efficiently utilized            and to help align clients policies
Real Property Portfolio Management           portfolio that supports the mission.            and procedures with sound
                                             Managing performance measurements               financial management.
• Integrate Real Property Policy Review
                                             allows agencies to drive positive results
• Implement Real Property Cost Savings                                                     • Our facility management capabilities
                                             and sustain excellence.
  Plan                                                                                       help facility managers identify and
                                           • Our strategic planning and capital              prioritize projects related to upkeep,
• Integrate Energy-Efficiency / Carbon       projects experience allow us to help            maintenance, energy efficiency and
  Emission Data into Management              agencies make informed decisions                facility use.
  Decision-Making                            about their real property holdings and
• Assess and Manage Risk                     encourage alignment between real
• Integrate Performance Tracking             property and mission goals.

                                                        Real Property Portfolio Optimization Federal Management Solutions Offering    9
Case Studies
                                                 Following are just a few examples of how PwC collaborated with
                                                 agencies in addressing real property management challenges.

                                                                                Department of Defense (DoD)

                                                                                PwC provided Real Property and Property, Plant &
                                                                                Equipment management expertise to formulate DoD
 Department of Transportation (DOT),                                            Real Property Policy and Procedures and integrate Real
 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)                                          Property accountability and valuation procedures with
                                                                                the DoD Financial Management Regulations.
 PwC supported the development of both strategic and                            Key Accomplishments:
 operational documents that directed the transformation
                                                                                • Provided financial management and real property
 of the real property information management processes.
                                                                                  subject matter experience to develop and recommend
 The transformation consisted of developing data
                                                                                  changes to DoD Financial Management Regulations and
 generation processes to cost effectively model selected
                                                                                  Federal Acquisition Regulations
 assets, develop visual reporting dashboards to manage at
 the “right costs, condition, and size” and support disposal                    • Supported DoD’s pilot programs compliance assessment
 decision making.                                                                 with Real Property Inventory Requirements and other
 Key Accomplishments:
                                                                                • Supported real property requirements and initiatives
 • Developed the Real Property Asset Management                                   of the President’s Management Agenda, Federal Real
   Plan, Three-Year Timeline, and System Framework                                Property Council, and Office of Management and
   documents                                                                      Budget
 • Conducted analyses to identify common areas for                              • Assessed Real Property accountability and valuation for
   measurable performance improvement and recommend                               the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Financial Statement
   assets for disposal                                                            Audit
 • Developed an automated real property performance                             • Assisted DoD to determine baseline values for real
   dashboard                                                                      property historical costs and provide for accountability
 • Defined requirements and established a business case                           and compliance. Identified weaknesses in human
   for the consolidation, integration, and replacement of                         capital, knowledge management, and compliance with
   DoT’s real property systems                                                    real property management policies and procedures

 As a result of this common effort, DoT was recognized                          PwC successfully supported DoD’s Defense Business
 by the Federal Real Property Council (FRPC) as one                             Transformation process to standardize and
 of the top five Federal agencies in disposal of real                           streamline business processes, and correct financial
 property assets.                                                               management weaknesses.

10      Real Property Portfolio Optimization Federal Management Solutions Offering
U.S. Department of the Interior (Interior),                                  General Services Administration (GSA),
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS)                                           Public Buildings Service
The PwC team assisted with conducting on-site                                GSA is implementing innovative, green solutions in
inspections, collecting pertinent real property asset                        federal buildings through the American Recovery and
data and digital photographs, estimating repair and                          Reinvestment Act funding, and by striving to become a
system replacement costs, field verifying or developing                      zero environmental footprint (ZEF) organization. The
floor and roof plans, and uploading the data for selected                    Recovery Act granted GSA $4.5B to help convert federal
properties into the NPS Facility Management Software                         buildings into high-performance green buildings (HPGB).
System (FMSS).                                                               The GSA Recovery program management office (PMO)
                                                                             faced challenges in defining a streamlined process to
Key Accomplishments:                                                         track HPGB project information for reports, assess
• Developed a comprehensive Five-Year Space                                  project status towards sustainable design, and create a
  Management Plan to help the Service efficiently and                        structure for managing strategic information to encourage
  effectively manage asset life-cycles                                       collaborative progress towards GSA’s sustainability
• Developed the Real Property Financial Management                           goals. PwC developed an IT based solution to consolidate
  Handbook to drive accurate financial management and                        project data while facilitating a management process that
  reporting of real property assets                                          engages multiple stakeholders to collaborate and provide
                                                                             input into the design and construction of all Recovery
• Identified trends, underlying root causes attributable to
                                                                             projects nationwide. The PwC team worked with
  significant asset valuation variances
                                                                             experts in architecture, engineering, and construction
The Five-Year Space Management Plan was completed                            management to define performance benchmarks for
ahead of schedule and received formal recognition from                       sustainable projects to adhere to GSA’s guidelines and
the Department for the quality of the plan. The effort was                   minimum performance criteria (MPC).
recognized by stakeholders from multiple programs for
                                                                             Key Accomplishments:
the progress made in managing financial information for
real property assets, and for the establishment of internal                  • Created a tool that serves as one of GSA’s primary tools
controls to encourage better valuation of assets.                              to track and report on progress toward its Recovery Act
                                                                               goals by collecting performance metrics, project status
                                                                               data, and compliance with MPCs.
Department of the Interior,
                                                                             • Provided valuable information for reporting to external
National Park Service (NPS)                                                    stakeholders such as GAO, OMB, Congressional
                                                                               Offices, and the White House and numerous internal
PwC helped with analyzing the existing improvement                             stakeholders. The Recovery PMO is able to field a range
assessments and assisted in developing management                              of questions about the nature and progress of Recovery
tools and guidance for use in determining changes to                           work, satisfying the higher threshold for transparency
assessment valuations in the field.                                            and accountability within GSA’s Recovery Program.
Key Accomplishments:                                                         • Allowed the Recovery PMO to project how the portfolio
• Performed comprehensive facility condition                                   will benefit from implementing sustainable design (in
  assessments on critical assets including calculation of                      energy efficiency, renewable energy production, waste
  replacement values                                                           diversion, and cost reductions).

• Created cost estimates for reinvestment to improve                         • Established a multi-user process for the Recovery PMO
  assets to ‘right condition’                                                  to review individual projects’ design elements and
                                                                               encourage compliance with the MPCs. This process
• Recommended a technology solution to                                         mitigates project risks and allows the PMO to influence
  programmatically manage and align real property asset                        and guide project decision-making towards sustainable
  inventory data throughout NPS                                                design goals
As a result of these efforts, NPS received a complete data
set of facility condition assessments, cost projections for
improving asset conditions and accurate replacement
values. Further, PwC assisted NPS in identifying areas
of needed improvement in compliance with current
regulations, potential alternatives, and understanding
risks associated with proposed changes.

                                                              Real Property Portfolio Optimization Federal Management Solutions Offering   11

For more information about
PwC’s ongoing support of
Federal agencies in increasing
the cost-effectiveness and energy
efficiency of their real property,
in maturing real property
portfolio management processes,
and in seeking and finding the
right information to effectively
manage assets, please contact us:

Karen Wilson
(703) 610 7546

Michael Donoghue
(703) 918 -1238

Christopher Stansbury
Managing Director
(703) 918-1045

© 2011 PwC. All rights reserved. “PwC” and “PwC US” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership, which is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International
Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity. This document is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors.
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