Residential swimming pool in a class of its own - Schlüter-Systems

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Residential swimming pool in a class of its own - Schlüter-Systems

                                       Residential swimming pool
                                       in a class of its own

The renovation of swimming             haul. “In order to determine        Accordingly, the construc-      additional components in
pools places high demands              the exact current status and        tion work also had to ad-       the swimming pool and the
on waterproofing since even            then come up with a match-          dress these faulty areas as     hot tub – all completely wa-
the smallest flaw can cause            ing modernization concept,          part of the renovation – nat-   terproof.
substantial damage.                    we initially carried out the        urally in accordance with       Because of these require-
Such problems can be avoid-            necessary component ex-             the existing building con-      ments, the entire struc-
ed from the outset with a              plorations,” explains civil en-     tours, window arrangements,     ture was covered with the
complete waterproofing sys-            gineer Dirk Brede, who over-        and spatial distribution.       Schlüter®-KERDI membrane to
tem from a single source –             saw the building project as         For example, due to the         create a bonded waterproof-
while creating a gorgeous              a technical expert through-         fixed height between the        ing assembly.
swimming pool.                         out the construction.               reinforced concrete slab        “In my opinion, this mem-
                                       “During the course of this ex-      and the floor-to-ceiling win-   brane has many advantag-
Although the swimming pool             amination, we realized that         dows, only a custom-made        es over liquid waterproofing,
and spa area in a private              the necessary waterproof-           overflow chute made of re-      especially with regard to the
home in Hamburg featured               ing, along with thermal insu-       inforced concrete could         wall surface made of glass
superior equipment, the in-            lation and sloping, had not         be installed. The client also   mosaics,” explains Brede. “Fur-
stallation had become quite            been done properly when             wanted to install massage       thermore, the waterproofing
outdated.                              the swimming pool and its           jets, air bubble plates, and    assembly had to be integrat-
The client therefore was in-           surroundings were originally        underwater lighting, which      ed into the overflow chute.
terested in a complete over-           installed.”                         required mounting some 35       The matching prefabricat-

  Previous tile covering in the pool                       Demolition / raw concrete                          KERDI / tile installation

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Residential swimming pool in a class of its own - Schlüter-Systems

ed system components were
easy to use and guaranteed
a permanent seal in this area
as well.”
Overall, some 360 m² of KER-
DI were installed in the Ham-
burg swimming pool; expertly
bonded with the two-compo-
nent sealing adhesive KERDI-
Some 270 meters of KERDI-KE-
BA seaming tape were used
as well.
The corresponding prefabri-
cated parts, which also are
made from the bonded wa-
terproofing material, offered         Project: Residential swimming pool, Hamburg
                                      Construction management/technical expert: Dipl.Ing. Dirk Brede, Cuxhaven
perfect solutions for corners,
                                      Tile installation: Fliesen Weber GmbH, Zeven
existing building compo-
                                      Swimming pool construction: Krause Schwimmbadtechnik GmbH, Stade
nents, and connections.               Bonded waterproofing, ceramic thermal comfort floor, shower drain: Schlüter-Systems KG

          KERDI / tile installation                               KERDI / tile installation

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Residential swimming pool in a class of its own - Schlüter-Systems


   Schlüter®-KERDI is a crack-bridging polyethylene wa-   assembly with tiles and paving, Schlüter®-KERDI fea-
   terproofing membrane featuring a fleece fabric on      tures national technical approval (abP) as well as Eu-
   both sides to ensure effective bonding with the tile   ropean Technical Assessment (ETA).
   adhesive.                                              Furthermore, Schlüter®-KERDI complies with the newly
   It is adhered to level surfaces with a suitable tile   published German standard 18534 for waterproofing
   adhesive.                                              indoor applications.
   Tiles are then installed directly onto the membrane,   The matching drain systems also have the correspon-
   using the thin-set method. As a bonded waterproofing   ding technical approval.

Swimming pool                         ing properties of pools and            reliable system components,           water-based ceramic ther-
renovation as                         their surroundings, which in           to rule out potential problems        mal comfort floor Schlüter®-
a “crowning                           this case also included a hot          from the start.                       BEKOTEC-THERM.
achievement”                          tub and shower. “Any flaw in           The tile installing company           “The thin-layer structure of
                                      the waterproofing will defi-           Weber from Zeven and Krause           the system enables a par-
Due to the permanently warm           nitely lead to damage, since           swimming pool installations           ticularly fast response of the
air temperature and relative          there is no drying process of          from Stade brought decades            floor heating system,” says
humidity values around 55-            the kind that would occur in a         of experience in swimming             Schlüter product consultant
63%, swimming pools place             residential home in the sum-           pool construction and a high          Mario Mazanek about the
high demands on the water-            mer months,” explains Brede.           level of technical knowledge          functional principle of BE-
proofing and vapour-proof-            “Thus, an existing fault would         to the construction project.          KOTEC-THERM.
                                                        continue to                                                “Thanks to the low screed
                                                        expand."             Comfortable                           coverage, the heat reach-
                                                        That makes           throughout                            es the surface more quick-
                                                        it all the                                                 ly than in conventional sys-
                                                        more impor-          For a true spa feeling through-       tems. In renovation projects
                                                        tant to seek         out the swimming pool struc-          such as in this case, where
                                                        out the nec-         ture, the pool surroundings,          we had to adhere to a
                                                        essary    ex-        changing rooms and show-              specified assembly height,
                                                        pertise,   in        er as well as the porch and           the thin layers of course are
                                                        addition to          toilet were equipped with the         a crucial advantage.” In ad-

Ready-to-use swimming pool                                  BEKOTEC                                                   Completed shower

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Residential swimming pool in a class of its own - Schlüter-Systems

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dition, the system saves signif-   perature in a very short time       pools. The project in Hamburg      and tablet along with the wa-
icant time during installation     – with a temperature increase       resulted in a swimming pool        ter attractions.
because no lengthy drying          by 4°C after just 15 minutes of     with attached spa that meets       A large-format television set
and functional curing is re-       operation.                          the highest demands and of-        with an excellent acoustic
quired. As soon as the screed      “Due to its low assembly            fers maximum comfort with its      system is so well integrated
is ready to bear weight, the       height – the heating cables         numerous attractions.              into the overall structure that
bonded uncoupling assem-           are installed in the uncou-         This also includes a show-         a deep bass beat causes the
bly can be installed, followed     pling membrane – the sys-           er with various rain simula-       water surface to vibrate.
by the installation of tiles.      tem is an option for projects       tions, in which the shower         The successful completion of
The system also offers advan-      where other surface heating         drain was carried out with the     this project is impressive proof
tages in terms of design since     systems are not suitable. That      Schlüter®-KERDI-LINE system.       of the membranes’ suitabili-
the screed doesn’t require         makes DITRA-HEAT-E an ideal         Additional project installa-       ty to create a bonded water-
joints, and no wall radiators      solution for wall areas as well,”   tions included a steam room        proofing assembly in a swim-
are needed.                        says Mazanek.                       and sauna as well as a hot         ming pool.
The building also includes         The system features a certif-       tub with massage jets and air      The use of the Schlüter®-KERDI
a sauna and steam room,            icate of national technical         bubble plates in the actual        waterproofing        membrane
where the electric floor and       approval (abP) as a bond-           swimming pool.                     and its system components
wall heating system Schlüter®-     ed waterproofing assembly,          The pool also features under-      ensured that the owner will
DITRA-HEAT-E was installed for     which is an important con-          water lighting with different      enjoy this swimming pool in a
additional comfort. It reach-      sideration for sensitive envi-      light scenarios, which can be      class of its own for many years
es the desired surface tem-        ronments such as swimming           controlled by smart phone          to come.                      5

          Completed hot tub                                                                   Details of the pool

                                                                                          image source: Technical Expert Office Dirk Brede
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Residential swimming pool in a class of its own - Schlüter-Systems Residential swimming pool in a class of its own - Schlüter-Systems Residential swimming pool in a class of its own - Schlüter-Systems Residential swimming pool in a class of its own - Schlüter-Systems Residential swimming pool in a class of its own - Schlüter-Systems Residential swimming pool in a class of its own - Schlüter-Systems
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