Response element sequence modulates estrogen receptor and affinity and activity

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Response element sequence modulates estrogen
receptor  and  affinity and activity
P C Kulakosky, M A McCarty, S C Jernigan, K E Risinger and C M Klinge
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky 40292, USA

(Requests for offprints should be addressed to C M Klinge; Email:

The relationship between estrogen receptor (ER)–estrogen response element (ERE) binding affinity and
estradiol (E2)-induced transcription has not been systematically or quantitatively tested. We examined the
influence of ERE palindrome length and the 3′ ERE flanking sequence on ERα and ERβ affinity binding
in vitro and on the induction of reporter gene activity in transfected cells. The addition of one nucleotide
in each arm of the 13 bp ERE palindrome, forming a 15 bp ERE palindrome, increased ERα and ERβ
affinity and transcription. In contrast, the addition of an AT-rich flanking sequence from genes highly
stimulated by E2 had little effect on affinity or reporter gene activity. Notable differences between ERα and
ERβ include: both Kd and transcriptional induction were generally higher for ERα than ERβ, better
correlation between ERE palindrome length and transcriptional induction for ERα than ERβ, and a better
correlation between (ER–ERE) Kd and transcriptional induction for ERα than for ERβ.
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2002) 29, 137–152

Introduction                                                                 affect the efficiency of transcriptional activation of
                                                                             estrogen-regulated genes, it is important to
Nuclear receptor binding to their response                                   determine the quantitative relationship between
elements obviously impacts their function as                                 ER–ERE affinity and transcriptional response.
transcriptional activators for genes containing these                        There are several conspicuous gaps in the literature
response elements. Despite the fact that this has                            surrounding the affinity of ER–ERE interactions
been known for some time (Klein-Hitpass et al.                               (Klinge 2001). First, there are no studies that
1986), it is still not clear if or how the affinity of                         directly compare ER–ERE binding affinity and
either estrogen receptor  (ER) or estrogen                                 transcriptional activation. Second, since the
receptor  (ER) binding to estrogen response                                discovery of a second ER, ER (Kuiper et al. 1996),
element (ERE) affects the magnitude of transcrip-                             there have been neither published studies com-
tional activation. Without this information, it will                         paring the affinity of ER and ER to the same
be difficult to determine if ER binding affinity is the                          EREs, nor studies directly comparing transcrip-
major factor that controls induction of target gene                          tional activation by ER and ER from the same
transcription by allowing higher stability of ER                             ERE-containing promoter. Because tissue-specific
interaction in the promoter region or whether some                           and developmental regulation of ER and ER
other parameter is more important in activating                              gene expression could control response to estrogens
transcription. Additional proposed effects of the                             it is important to compare both affinity and
ERE sequence on transcription include ER-                                    transcriptional activation of both of these receptor
induced DNA bending (Nardulli et al. 1993, 1995)                             forms.
and alteration of ER conformation (Wood et al.                                  In this study, we used quantitative electro-
1998, 2001, Klinge et al. 2001) which could, in                              phoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) to compare
turn, alter the ability of the ER to recruit                                 the affinities of ER and ER binding to a
co-activators (Klinge 2000). Since ER–ERE bind-                              consensus ERE derived from the Xenopus vitello-
ing affinity is one of several interactions that might                         genin A1 and A2 and the chicken apo-VLDLII

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138   P C KULAKOSKY   and others   · ERE length impacts ER function

      genes (Peale et al. 1988) and several variants of this     plasmids were isolated using Qiagen mega preps
      ERE designed to examine how individual nucleo-             (Chatsworth, CA, USA) and digested with HinfI
      tides within and adjacent to the ERE impact ER             and XhoI. The pGL3-pro plasmid sequence
      binding affinity. We used the same EREs to measure           surrounding the EREs is as follows: HinfI-ATCGA
      estradiol (E2)-induced transcription in reporter           TAGTACTAACATACGCTCTCCATCAAAAC
      gene-transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1)            AAAACGAAACAAAACAAACTAGCAAAATA
      cells. We found that the 13 bp ERE palindrome,             GGCTGTCCCCAGTGCAAGTGCAGGTGCC
      considered to be the minimal ERE (Klein-Hitpass            AGAACATTTCTCTATCGATAGGTAC-(ERE
      et al. 1988, 1989) had a markedly lower affinity for         from Table 1)-CTTACGCGTGCTAGCCCGG
      both ER and ER than the 15 bp ERE palin-                 GC-XhoI. The target ERE-containing oligomers
      drome. Furthermore, E2 stimulated greater tran-            were separated on polyacrylamide gels, electro-
      scriptional activity from longer palindromes and was       eluted from gel slices and ethanol precipitated
      paralleled by a lower EC50 for both ER and ER            (Klinge et al. 1997b). The sizes of the oligomers used
      expression plasmid DNA. Both binding to and                were 202 bp for EREc13, 166 bp for EREc15,
      transcription from all EREs tested were roughly            168 bp for EREc17, 169 bp for EREc19, 170 bp
      parallel for ER and ER and generally lower for           for EREc19,3, 172 bp for EREc19,5, 177 bp for
      ER. We found that addition of an A-T rich                 EREc19,10, and 186 bp for EREc19,19. The
      sequence 3 to the 15 bp consensus ERE palindrome           resulting DNAs were fill-in labeled with [32P]-
      had no significant effect on ER-ERE binding affinity          dTTP (3000 Ci/mmol from NEN, Boston, MA,
      or on E2-induced reporter gene transcription in            USA) using the DNA polymerase I Klenow
      transiently transfected CHO-K1 cells.                      fragment (exo-) from New England Biolabs. The
                                                                 labeled ERE restriction fragments were separated
                                                                 from unincorporated nucleotides using spin col-
      Materials and methods                                      umns (Centri-Spin-20; Princeton Separations,
                                                                 Adelphia, NJ, USA). Radiolabel incorporation
      Preparation of reporter plasmids
                                                                 efficiency and purification were monitored with
      The sequences of select synthetic single-stranded          either paper or cellulose thin-layer chromatography
      oligonucleotides are given in Table 1. Annealed,           developed with 50% ethanol in water. The
      double-stranded ERE-containing oligomers were              concentration of the resulting labeled DNAs was
      ligated into the SacI, KpnI sites of the pGL3-             determined with Picogreen reagent using the 
      Promoter (pGL3-pro; Promega, Madison, WI,                  DNA standard included in the Molecular Probes
      USA) vector. EREc13 and EREc19,19 were                     kit (Eugene, OR, USA). The specific activity was
      excised from pGEM-7Zf(+) with SacI and KpnI and            calculated after liquid scintillation counting in
      ligated into the same sites in pGL3-pro as reported        EcoScint A (National Diagnostics, Atlanta, GA,
      earlier (Klinge et al. 1997b, Klinge 1999). Thus,          USA) or Cerenkov counting with a Wallac 1409
      EREc13 and EREc19,19 have an additional                    scintillation counter.
      plasmid flanking sequence: 5 -CCC-EREc13-or-
      EREc19,19 (sequences in Table 1) -GGGTTCGA
      AATCGATAAGCTTGGATCCGGAGAGCT-3 .                            Preparation of ER and ER
      ER does not bind to an oligomer restricted from           The cDNA for rat ER in pCMV5, generously
      pGEM-7Zf(+) containing this sequence (Anolik               provided by Dr J-A Gustaffson (Kuiper et al. 1996),
      et al. 1996) nor to the pGL3-pro region surrounding        was modified by PCR to better conform to base
      the EREs (not shown). All ERE-containing                   biases near the translation starts in the Autographa
      pGL3-pro plasmids were sequenced to ensure the             californica multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus
      identity of the cloned ERE sequences.                      (AcMNPV) genome open reading frames (Ayres
                                                                 et al. 1994) and to remove upstream non-coding
                                                                 regions. The upstream region and first part of the
      Preparation of radiolabeled restriction
                                                                 open reading frame were sequenced and then
      fragment EREs
                                                                 subcloned from the PCR 2·1 plasmid (Invitrogen,
      For EMSA, the EREs were restricted from the                San Diego, CA, USA), from the plasmid EcoRI site
      pGL3-pro plasmid. The amplified pGL3-pro                   to the first HindIII site in the open reading frame,

      Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2002) 29, 137–152                                      
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                                                                                                                        Table 1 Name, DNA sequence, affinity of ER–ERE binding, and fold-induction of reporter gene activity from synthetic sequence-variant EREs. The
                                                                                                                        underlined nucleotides constitute the palindromic ERE half-site. The affinity of ER–ERE binding was measured directly in EMSA as described in
                                                                                                                        Materials and methods. The Kd values are the mean± S.E.M. of the number of separate experiments indicated in parentheses. Within each EMSA, each
                                                                                                                        reaction was performed in quadruplicate as described in Materials and methods. The fold-induction of luciferase/-gal activity was determined in
                                                                                                                        transiently transfected CHO-K1 cells expressing either ER or ER as described in Materials and methods. The values are the mean± S.E.M. of the
                                                                                                                        number of separate experiments indicated in parentheses. Within each experiment, each treatment was performed in triplicate

                                                                                                                                                                                                      ER             ER              Fold induct       Fold induct
                                                                                                                                      Sequence:                                                       (Kd in nM)      (Kd in nM)       E2ER             E2ER

                                                                                                                        EREc13        5′-CTGGTCACTCTGACCGG-3′                                         1·08±0·04 (3)   1·72±0·19 (3)    2·01±0·2 (18)     1·57±0·14 (16)
                                                                                                                        EREc15        5′-TAGGTCAGAGTGACCTAG-3′                                        0·11±0·02 (3)   0·13±0·04 (4)    3·18±0·5 (7)      2·04±0·29 (6)
                                                                                                                        EREc17        5′-CCAGGTCAGAGTGACCTGAG-3′                                      0·18±0·01 (3)   0·25±0·01 (3)    3·51±0·23 (4)     2·30±0·44 (6)
                                                                                                                        EREc19        5′-TCAGGTCAGAGTGACCTGAAG-3′                                     0·25±0·05 (4)   0·41±0·05 (4)    3·37±0·53 (6)     2·83±0·29 (7)
                                                                                                                        EREc19,3      5′-TCAGGTCAGAGTGACCTGAGCT-3′                                    0·11±0·01 (3)   0·45±0·01 (3)    3·17±0·25 (8)     2·38±0·39 (6)
                                                                                                                        EREc19,5      5′-TCAGGTCAGAGTGACCTGAGCTAA-3′                                  0·25±0·05 (4)   0·34±0·06 (3)    4·01±0·78 (8)     2·12±0·33 (6)
                                                                                                                        EREc19,10     5′-TCAGGTCAGAGTGACCTGAGCTAAAATAA-3′                             0·10±0·01 (4)   0·19±0·00 (2)    3·70±0·84 (8)     2·01±0·45 (5)
                                                                                                                        EREc19,19     5′-TCAGGTCAGAGTGACCTGAGCTAAAATAACACATTCAG-3′                    0·11±0·02 (6)   0·64±0·14 (4)    3·79±0·31 (22)    2·23±0·35 (13)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ERE length impacts ER function
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ·P C KULAKOSKY

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140   P C KULAKOSKY   and others   · ERE length impacts ER function

      into the Novagen minimal baculovirus transfer              interference between samples. Similar samples were
      plasmid, pBAC-1 (Novagen, Madison, WI, USA).               loaded on the same gel to maximize exposure of
      The final immediate upstream sequence was                  lower activity samples. Gels were loaded to
      5 -AATTCGGCTTACATG-3 . The transfer plas-                  optimize detection of the weakest bands in each gel.
      mid was completed by subcloning the remainder of           On each gel, compared with ERE concentrations
      the open reading frame (HindIII-HindIII) from              near the Kd, at the lowest DNA concentrations
      pCMV5-rat ER. pBAC-1-ER was co-transfected               higher volumes of the reaction mixture were loaded
      into IPLB-Sf21AE cells with BacVector-3000 viral           to maximize activity in the free DNA fraction. At
      DNA (Novagen). Recombinant virus plaques were              the higher DNA concentrations, relatively high
      cloned by repeated plaque purification in Tn368            amounts of radioactivity were loaded to increase
      cells. Cloned virus was screened by [3H]E2 binding         activity in the bound fraction band. Dried EMSA
      (72 Ci/mM; NEN) and adsorption to hydroxy-                 gels were analyzed using a Packard Instruments
      apatite (BioRad, Hercules, CA, USA) (Pavlik &              InstantImager and associated software, Packard
      Coulson 1976). A recombinant AcMNPV contain-               Imager for Windows v2·04 (Packard, Meriden, CT,
      ing the coding sequence for wild-type recombinant          USA). The proportion of radioactive DNA in each
      human ER was generously provided by Dr                    band of interest was used to calculate bound and
      Nicholas J Koszewski of the University of Kentucky         free fractions. In some assays, to minimize the
      (Obourn et al. 1993). ER was produced in 75 cm2            potential inaccuracy in determining the small
      cell culture flasks with IPLB-Sf21AE cells grown           bound [32P]ERE fraction at the highest ERE
      in TNMFH medium (Gibco, Grand Island,                      concentration, the reaction mixtures were divided
      NY, USA or Mediatech) with 10% heat-treated                and loaded in duplicate gel lanes. The averages of
      fetal bovine serum. Nuclear extracts of ER and            these duplicate lanes were calculated for those
      ER were prepared from IPLB-Sf21AE insect                  reaction mixtures before non-linear regression.
      cell-infected recombinant baculovirus as described         Individual data points were fitted to a hyperbolic
      previously (Klinge et al. 1998). The concentration         curve (one site binding model) (GraphPad Prism
      of ER was determined by hydroxyapatite assay and           version 3·0 for Windows; GraphPad Software, San
      is reported as dimer concentration (2 M E2/M ER).          Diego, CA, USA). Statistical analyses were
                                                                 performed using Student’s t-test or by one-way
                                                                 ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s post-hoc test using
                                                                 GraphPad Prism.
      Protein–ERE binding reactions were buffered with
      20 mM Tris (pH 7·5) and included labeled ERE
                                                                 Cell culture, transient transfection and reporter
      oligomer, 10% glycerol, 17-estradiol-liganded ER,
      0·75 g/l bovine serum albumin, 0·02 g/l poly
      d(I-C), 110 mM KCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM                        CHO-K1 cells were purchased from ATCC
      dithiothreitol, and 0·5 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl            (Manasas, VA, USA) and maintained in Iscove’s
      fluoride. Antibodies in select reactions were used to      modified Dulbecco’s medium (IMDM; Gibco BRL,
      identify specific bands: ER-specific monoclonal           Grand Island, NY, USA) supplemented with
      anti-ER antibody H222, a gift from Abbott                 heat-treated 10% newborn calf serum. All other
      Laboratories (Chicago, IL, USA) or ER-specific            cell culture reagents were purchased from Gibco
      antibody (Y19) purchased from Santa Cruz                   BRL. For transient transfection, CHO-K1 cells
      Biotechnology (Santa Cruz, CA, USA). Four                  were plated in 24-well plates at 2105 cells/well
      replicates of each of nine concentrations (36 points)      with IMDM (without phenol red) supplemented
      were prepared for each Kd estimation. Each such            with 10% charcoal-stripped newborn calf serum.
      estimate, for every ERE, was repeated three to four        The cells were transfected when 80% confluent
      times. Binding reactions were incubated for 1 h at         with 0·25 µg reporter construct containing the
      20 C. The samples from each saturation binding            ERE, 0·05 µg pCMV -galactosidase (-gal), 5 ng
      analysis were fractionated on four, 4% non-                pCMV-ER or pCMV-ER (graciously provided
      denaturing polyacrylamide gels, buffered with               by Dr B S Katzenellenbogen and Dr J-A
      0·5TBE, at 222 V for 3 h at 4 C. One lane was            Gustafsson respectively). For experiments to deter-
      skipped between samples to eliminate spillover             mine the EC50 values for ER expression plasmids,

      Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2002) 29, 137–152                                     
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ERE length impacts ER function       ·   P C KULAKOSKY        and others 141

i.e. the amount of ER or ER plasmid required to       13 bp palindrome and EREc15 has a 15 bp
achieve 50% maximal luciferase activity for each        palindrome. Addition of nucleotides from the 38 bp
ERE reporter, cells were transfected with 0·25 µg       consensus ERE, called EREc38 in previous studies
ERE-reporter plasmid, 50 ng -gal plasmid, and          (Anolik et al. 1996, Klinge et al. 1996, 1997, 1998,
0·5–25 ng pCMV-ER or pCMV-ER plus a                   2001a, Klinge 1999a,b, Tyulmenkov et al. 2000),
compensatory amount of pCMV5 so that the total          which has a 19 bp palindrome and a 19 bp AT-rich
amount of DNA transfected was constant. For             region immediately flanking the end of the 3 ERE
experiments to determine the EC50 values for the        half site in the palindrome (Peale et al. 1988), gives
concentration of E2 to achieve half-maximal             the EREc19 series. Addition of the consensus
stimulation of ERE reporter activity, cells were        AT-rich region to the EREc19 resulted in
transfected with 0·25 µg ERE-reporter plasmid           EREc19,3,        EREc19,5,      EREc19,10,        and
(pGL3-pro-luciferase), 50 ng -gal control plasmid,     EREc19,19 (where the number following the
and 5 ng of pCMV-ER or pCMV-ER. Cells                 comma indicates the number of nucleotides added
were subsequently treated with ethanol or E2 to         from the 20 bp AT-rich consensus sequence in
give concentrations ranging from 1 pM to 1 µM.          EREc38 which is called EREc19,19 in this
The transient transfections were performed using        report).
Transfast (Promega) as previously described                Figure 1 shows one of three assays performed to
(Klinge 1999b, Klinge et al. 1999, 2001a). Cells        measure the interaction of ER with EREc19,10.
were treated, in triplicate, 24 h later with ethanol    ER binds EREc19,10 with relatively high affinity,
(EtOH, vehicle), 10 nM E2 (Sigma, St Louis, MO,         i.e. Kd =0·10 nM (Table 1). Figure 2 is represen-
USA), 100 nM 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT)                 tative of four assays for ER–EREc13 binding
(Research Biochemicals International, Natick, MA,       which was, by contrast, a relatively low affinity
USA), or both E2 and 4-OHT. Cells were                  interaction, i.e. Kd =1·72 nM (Table 1). Figure 3
harvested 30 h later and luciferase and -gal           shows the plotted quantitative data from the gels
activities assayed (Klinge 1999b, Klinge et al. 1999,   shown in Figs 1 and 2.
2001a). All data for transient transfections were          For all of the EREs tested, the Kd estimate for
normalized by -gal to account for transfection         ER–ERE interaction was lower than for ER,
efficiency. Statistical analyses were performed using     although the difference was not always statistically
Student’s t-test or one-way ANOVA followed by           significant (Table 1). The affinity of both ER and
Dunnett’s post-hoc test using GraphPad Prism.           ER for EREc13 was much lower than for the
EC50 values were determined for non-linear              EREs containing 6 or 7 bp half sites (P
142   P C KULAKOSKY   and others   · ERE length impacts ER function

       Figure 1 Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) for determination of ERα–EREc19,10 affinity. E2-occupied
       recombinant human ERα (1·6 nM) was incubated with the indicated concentrations (bars above gel lanes) of
       [32P]-labeled EREc19,10 oligomer as described in Materials and methods. The four replicates of the highest DNA
       concentration were each divided in half and ERα-specific antibody H222 (H) added to two samples. The resulting
       supershift of the specific ERα–ERE complex is indicated by the arrow. The remaining two divided samples were
       run in duplicate gel lanes, as indicated. EMSA details are provided in Materials and methods. Gels are displayed
       with a linear intensity scale with each gel’s intensity and contrast optimized independently of the other three gels.
       These four gels are from one experiment of the three experiments performed to determine the Kd for
       ERα–EREc19,10 interaction.

      increased the Kd for ER binding (P
ERE length impacts ER function       ·   P C KULAKOSKY        and others 143

Figure 2 EMSA for determination of ERβ–EREc13 affinity. E2-occupied recombinant rat ERβ (7·0 nM) was
incubated with [32P]-labeled EREc13 oligomer as described in Materials and methods and in Fig. 1. Y indicates the
lanes into which reactions that contained ERβ-specific supershifting antibody to identify ERβ-specific bands were
loaded. These four gels are from one experiment of the three experiments performed to determine the Kd for
ERβ–EREc13 interaction. The arrow indicates specifically supershifted ERβ–ERE complex.

   Figure 4 shows a summary of the transient               EREs than ER (Mosselman et al. 1996, Cowley &
transfection experiments performed for ER and             Parker 1999, Hall & McDonnell 1999, Jones et al.
ER. Transcriptional activity was induced by E2            1999, Tyulmenkov et al. 2000, Klinge et al. 2001a).
from each ERE and the estrogen antagonist                    As anticipated, EREc13, which bound ER and
4-OHT inhibited E2-induced transcription, demon-           ER with the lowest affinity (Table 1), produced
strating the specificity of transcription for ER.          the lowest E2-induced transcriptional activity for
4-OHT did not stimulate reporter activity from any         both ER and ER (P
144   P C KULAKOSKY   and others   · ERE length impacts ER function

                                                                 palindrome length beyond 15 bp did not signifi-
                                                                 cantly alter transcription compared with EREc15.
                                                                 Compared with EREc19, extension of the consensus
                                                                 AT-rich sequence by 4 or 6 bp (EREc19,3 and
                                                                 EREc19,5) had no significant effect on ER- or
                                                                 ER-induced transcription. Therefore the AT-rich
                                                                 3 flanking region in the consensus ERE does not
                                                                 impact ER-induced transcription under these assay
                                                                    To ascertain whether the differences in transcrip-
                                                                 tional activity detected between ER and ER in
                                                                 transiently transfected CHO-K1 cells were due to
                                                                 differences in the levels of expression of ER or
                                                                 ER, we evaluated the EC50 values for the
                                                                 concentration of E2 required to achieve half-
                                                                 maximal induction of luciferase activity for ER
                                                                 and ER (Table 2). If the level of ER and ER
                                                                 expression is equivalent, the EC50 values for E2
                                                                 should be similar (An et al. 1999). The data in
                                                                 Table 2 indicate that EC50 values for the EREs
                                                                 tested was similar, indicating equivalent levels of
                                                                 ER and ER expression. We note the trend for
                                                                 slightly lower EC50 values for ER versus ER,
                                                                 reflecting the higher affinity binding of E2 for ER
                                                                 than ER (Kuiper et al. 1997). For both ER and
                                                                 ER, there was a linear relationship (Pearson’s
                                                                 correlation R2 =0·96 and 0·98, P
ERE length impacts ER function        ·   P C KULAKOSKY        and others 145

Figure 4 Effect of ERE sequence on E2-induced reporter activity with ERα and ERβ. CHO-K1 cells were co-transfected
with (A) pCMV-ERα or (B) pCMV-ERβ plus the indicated pGL3-ERE-promoter reporter vector and pCMV-β-gal as
described in Materials and methods. Twenty-four hours after transfection, the cells were treated with ethanol, 10 nM E2,
100 nM 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT), or 10 nM E2 plus 100 nM 4-OHT. The fold-induction of luciferase activity
(luciferase/β-gal) is expressed relative to the activity detected upon addition of EtOH which was set to 1. The data
shown are presented as means± S.E.M. for 4–22 independent experiments, in which each treatment was performed in
triplicate. In (A and B) asterisks indicate values that are significantly different from the EtOH values (P
146   P C KULAKOSKY   and others   · ERE length impacts ER function

      Table 2 Determination of EC50 values for E2-induced
      ERE-driven reporter gene expression. The sequences of
      the EREs are provided in Table 1. For experiments to
      determine the EC50 values for E2 activation of luciferase
      activity, i.e. the concentration of E2 required to achieve
      50% maximal luciferase activity for each ERE reporter,
      CHO-K1 cells were transiently transfected with 0·25 g
      ERE-reporter plasmid (pGL3-pro-luciferase), 50 ng -gal
      control plasmid, and 5 ng of pCMV-ER or pCMV-ER
      as described in Materials and methods. EC50 values
      (nM) were determined from triplicate measures of 8
      different E2 concentrations by nonlinear regression with
      a one-site binding equation using GraphPad Prism. R2
      ranged from 0·62 to 0·98

                          ER                  ER
                          (EC50 in nM)         (EC50 in nM)
                                                                   Figure 5 Correlation of EC50 for E2 concentration and
      Name                                                         ER–ERE binding affinity. CHO-K1 cells were
      EREc13              2·08                 1·93                co-transfected with the indicated amount of expression
      EREc15              0·21                 0·16                vector for ERα or ERβ plus the indicated
      EREc17              0·03                 0·03                pGL3-ERE-promoter reporter vector and pCMV-β-gal as
      EREc19              0·16                 0·33                described in Materials and methods. Twenty-four hours
      EREc19,3            0·11                 0·20                after transfection, the cells were treated with ethanol or
      EREc19,5            0·08                 0·14                0·1–25 nM E2. Cell lysates were assayed for luciferase
      EREc19,10           0·09                 0·12                and β-gal activities 30 h after treatment. Data for EC50
      EREc19,19           0·22                 0·47                (the concentration of E2 (nM) required to achieve 50%
                                                                   maximum luciferase activity) and Kd from Table 2 for
                                                                   both ERα and ERβ (open and solid circles, as
                                                                   indicated) were plotted and tested for correlation. There
                                                                   was a significant correlation (R2 =0·97 and 0·98) for
      Saturation of transcriptional response to ER                ERα and ERβ respectively between Kd and EC50 (E2 in
      and ER                                                      nM) in transiently transfected CHO-K1 cells (P
ERE length impacts ER function        ·   P C KULAKOSKY        and others 147

             Figure 7 Determination of effect of ERE palindrome length on EC50 values for ERα and
             ERβ transactivation. (A) CHO-K1 cells were co-transfected with the indicated amount of
             pCMV-ERα or pCMV-ERβ plus the indicated pGL3-ERE-promoter reporter vector and
             pCMV-β-gal as described in Materials and methods. Twenty-four hours after transfection,
             the cells were treated with ethanol or 10 nM E2. The fold-induction of luciferase activity
             (luciferase/β-gal) is expressed relative to the activity detected upon addition of EtOH which
             was set to 1. The data shown are presented as means± S.E.M. for triplicate determinations.
             (B) Data for EC50 (ng of ER expression vector required to achieve 50% maximum
             luciferase activity) and Kd from Table 2 for both ERα and ERβ were plotted and tested for
             correlation. There was a significant correlation (R2 =0·90) between ERα Kd and EC50 (ng
             ERα expression vector) for EREc13, EREc15, EREc17, and EREc19 in transiently
             transfected CHO-K1 cells (P
148   P C KULAKOSKY   and others   · ERE length impacts ER function

      Table 3 EC50 values for ER or ER expression              of transcription from different estrogen target
      plasmid concentration in transiently transfected cells.    genes. Now, with the discovery of ER (Kuiper
      The sequences of the EREs are provided in Table 1.
      CHO-K1 cells were transfected with 0·25 g                 et al. 1996), non-ERE targets of ER transactivation
      ERE-reporter plasmid (pGL3pro-luciferase), 50 ng -gal     e.g. AP-1 and Sp1 sites (reviewed by Klinge 2001),
      control plasmid, and 0·5–25 ng of pCMV-ER or              the identification of new estrogen target tissues
      pCMV-ER as described in Materials and methods.
      Cells were treated with 10 nM E2. Details of the           (Ciana et al. 2001), and the rapidly increasing
      transient transfection and assays for luciferase and       number of known co-activators and co-repressors
      -gal activities are described in Materials and methods.   (Klinge 2000), that assumption requires systematic
      EC50 values (ng) were determined by nonlinear
      regression with a one-site binding equation using          evaluation. New models for controlling estrogen-
      GraphPad Prism using 8 different concentrations of ER      regulated genes must include competition of ER
      expression vector                                          and ER for the same EREs in tissues expressing
                          ER                   ER              both proteins, such as normal and neoplastic
                          (EC50 in ng)          (EC50 in ng)     human breast (Iwao et al. 2000), ovary (Hiroi et al.
                                                                 1999), and prostate (Hess et al. 1997, Bonkhoff et al.
      Name                                                       1999, Hiroi et al. 1999, Lau et al. 2000, Pelletier
      EREc13              1·4                   2·48             et al. 2000).
      EREc15              0·478                 1·71
      EREc17              0·024                 1·84
                                                                    Enhancer and promoter regions of ER-regulated
      EREc19              0·031                 2·43             genes are large and the ER binding site is larger
      EREc19,3            0·024                 2·23             than the minimal 13 bp ERE palindrome as
      EREc19,5            0·063                 1·44             defined by Klein-Hitpass et al. (1988). It is
      EREc19,10           0·017                 2·32             important to determine the contribution of
      EREc19,19           0·492                 1·24
                                                                 nucleotides within the ERE that influence ER
                                                                 binding affinity and transcriptional response. Here
                                                                 we report the first set of determinations of relative
      between Kd and EC50 for ER. However, there                binding affinities of ER versus ER for the same
      was a significant correlation (R2 =0·90, P
ERE length impacts ER function       ·   P C KULAKOSKY        and others 149

and methods) compared with a phosphor-based                palindromic ERE oligomers from 8 nM to 200 nM
detector.                                                  when the last nucleotides in the EREc15 were
   Most studies quantitating ER–ERE binding                symmetrically exchanged, i.e. from 5 -AGGTCAC
affinity have used short synthetic oligomers                 AGTGACCT-3 to 5 -TGGTCACAGTGACCA-
(Murdoch et al. 1990, Augereau et al. 1994, Arnold         3 (Boyer et al. 2000). Similar symmetrical purine-
et al. 1996, Anderson et al. 1998, Driscoll et al. 1998,   to-pyrimidine/pyrimidine-to-purine nucleotide ex-
Boyer et al. 2000). Here we used longer restriction        changes within the 13 bp ERE palindrome resulted
fragments in which the ERE is embedded within              in comparable decreases in binding affinity (Boyer
plasmid DNA, a situation that more closely                 et al. 2000). Together, these data indicate that each
approximates the context of an ERE within a gene           base pair within the 15 bp ERE palindrome
promoter, but eliminates the confounding effect of          contributes to ER binding affinity (reviewed by
binding sites for other transcription factors,             Klinge 2001).
therefore giving a neutral background. In previous            Previously, we compared ER binding affinity and
studies, we determined that the Kd for ER                 transcriptional activity from the non-palindromic
interaction with non-specific plasmid DNA is in            EREs from the promoters of the pS2, progesterone
excess of 450 nM (Klinge et al. 1992). More                receptor, and c-fos genes, EREc19,19, and direct
recently, we showed that addition of poly(dI-dC)           and indirect repeats of the ERE half-site (Klinge
did not affect the affinity of ER–ERE binding, but           et al. 2001a, Tyulmenkov & Klinge 2001b). We
slightly decreased ER–ERE binding affinity                  reported that the affinity of ER–ERE binding
(Tyulmenkov & Klinge 2001a). Theoretically, our            correlated with transcriptional activity. Here we
use of long ERE oligomeres has the disadvantage of         report the first comparison of ER and ER
biasing the high affinity binding measurement with           affinity and transcriptional activity from the same
the ‘sea’ of low affinity sites; however, the Kd for         palindromic EREs. Differences in E2-induced
ER binding to EREc19,19 determined here is                transcription were not proportional to the differ-
very similar to that reported for ER binding to           ence in ER binding affinity between the 13 and
this same ERE as a 38 bp oligomer (Driscoll et al.         15 bp ERE palindromes. The small changes in
1998). Further, any effect of low affinity, non-              reporter induction caused by relatively large
specific ER-DNA binding is constant, given the             differences in ER binding affinities indicate that ER
identical plasmid DNA sequence flanking the                binding affinities have relatively little effect on
EREs. Our assay has a distinct advantage over              transcriptional response. This might be expected if
approximations using short annealed oligonucleo-           the assays were performed under conditions in
tides which have problems including simple length          which the reporter plasmids were saturated with
and end effects on ER binding affinity.                       ER since, by analogy to enzyme kinetics, a large
   The observation that addition of one nucleotide         change in Kd would cause a relatively small change
in each arm of the minimal EREc13 to form                  in Vmax. Nonetheless, there was a significant
EREc15 increased ER binding affinity is in                   correlation between ER binding affinity and
concordance with crystal structure studies showing         transcription. In contrast, ER binding affinity did
that bacterially expressed ER DNA binding                 not correlate with reporter activity in transiently
domain (DBD) contacts bases outside the minimal            transfected cells.
13 bp ERE palindrome in the 19 bp Xenopus                     A comparison of the amount of ER expression
vitellogenin A2 ERE (Schwabe et al. 1990, 1993).           plasmid required to achieve 50% of the maximal
DNase I footprinting showed that ER protected             luciferase activity (EC50) for each ERE revealed a
22 bp of DNA centering on the ERE palindrome in            significant correlation between the affinity of
ERE19,19 (Driscoll et al. 1996). Similar DNase I           ER–ERE binding and the EC50, confirming the
footprinting patterns for ER interaction with the         relationship between affinity and the simpler
EREs in the promoters of the Xenopus vitellogenin          transcriptional activation assays. Again there was
A2 and B1, pS2, and oxytocin genes have been               no correlation between Kd for ER–ERE binding
reported (Wood et al. 1998, 2001). Interestingly,          and EC50. These differences between ER and
measurement of ER–ERE interaction by fluor-               ER in the transiently transfected cells are not due
escence anisotropy showed a reduction in affinity            to differences in the levels of receptor expression
ER interaction with short (approx. 35 bp) 15 bp           since EC50 values for E2 concentration for ER                                             Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2002) 29, 137–152
                                                                                 Downloaded from at 01/19/2021 01:30:17AM
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150   P C KULAKOSKY   and others   · ERE length impacts ER function

      and ER for each ERE are similar. Another                  Acknowledgements
      possible explanation for the lack of correlation with
      ER is that we used rat ER versus human ER               We thank Drs Eva Enmark, Eckardt Treuter, and
      both for the transient transfection experiments and        Jan-Ake Gustafsson for providing ER plasmids.
      Kd determinations. While other investigators have          We thank Dr K Cameron Falkner for his help with
      reported no differences in the transcriptional              construction of the ER transfer plasmid and Dr
      activity of long or short forms of human ER (Hall         Valentyn V Tyulmenkov for his assistance in
      & McDonnell 1999, Delaunay et al. 2000), and the           statistical evaluation of the data. This work was
      rat ER is highly conserved relative to the human          supported by NIH R01 DK 53220 and a
      ER (Kuiper et al. 1996, Moore et al. 1998), to the        University of Louisville School of Medicine
      best of our knowledge there is no direct comparison        Research Grant to C M K. M A M and S C J were
      of the transcriptional activity of human versus rat        supported by NIH Grant T35 BM08561.
      ER. Comparison of the amino acid (aa) sequence
      of human ER versus rat ER revealed 58 aa
      differences of which eight differences are non-
      conserved (data not shown). The non-conserved aa           An J, Ribeiro RC, Webb P, Gustafsson JA, Kushner PJ, Baxter JD
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