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Review—Recent Advances in Carbon Nanomaterials as Electrochemical
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Review-Recent Advances in Carbon Nanomaterials as Electrochemical Biosensors - IOPscience
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020 167 037555

                            Review—Recent Advances in Carbon Nanomaterials as
                            Electrochemical Biosensors
                            Ravinder Kour,1 Sandeep Arya,2,z Sheng-Joue Young,3,* Vinay Gupta,4 Pankaj Bandhoria,5
                            and Ajit Khosla6,*,z
                              Department of Physics, Government Degree College for Women, Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir 184102, India
                              Department of Physics, University of Jammu, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir 180006, India
                              Department of Electronic Engineering, National Formosa University, Yunlin 63201, Taiwan
                              Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Masdar campus, Abu Dhabi 54224,
                              Department of Physics, Government Gandhi Memorial Science College, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir 180001, India
                              Department of Mechanical System Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University, Yamagata,
                            992-8510, Japan

              In the last three decades, a lot of scientific research has been carried out in the field of Carbon nanomaterials all over the world due
              to their significant electronic, optical, mechanical, chemical and thermal properties. The zero, one, two and three dimensional
              Carbon nanomaterials (i.e. fullerenes, Carbon nanotubes, Graphene, Carbon quantum dots, Carbon Nanohorns, Nanodiamonds,
              Carbon Nanofibres and Carbon black) have exhibited such inherent features that can be easily exploited in the development of
              advanced technology for sensing applications. The employment of nanomaterials within sensors has paved new way and
              opportunities for the detection of analytes or target molecules. Carbon nanomaterials based electrochemical biosensors have
              reported biocompatibility, better sensitivity, better selectivity and lower limits of detection to detect a wide range of chemical to
              biological molecules. In this paper, a comprehensive review has been made to cover recent developments in the field of Carbon
              based nanomaterials as electrochemical biosensors. The characteristic features of a variety of nanomaterials like fullerenes, Carbon
              nanotubes, Graphene, Carbon quantum dots, Carbon Nanohorns, Carbon Nanodiamonds, Carbon Nanofibres, Carbon black etc.
              have been discussed along with their synthesis methods. The recent application of all these nanomaterials as electrochemical
              biosensors for the detection of various biomolecules have been highlighted; the future prospects and possibilities in this field have
              been outlined.
              © 2020 The Author(s). Published on behalf of The Electrochemical Society by IOP Publishing Limited. This is an open access
              article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY,
              by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse of the work in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. [DOI: 10.1149/

              Manuscript submitted September 10, 2019; revised manuscript received January 13, 2020. Published January 31, 2020. This paper
              is part of the JES Focus Issue on Sensor Reviews.

    The Carbon nanomaterials have laid down their historical                                             Carbon Based Nanomaterials
footprints in the field of scientific research with the first investiga-
                                                                                        The Carbon atoms, possessing a valency of four, have the ability
tions on fullerenes and related compounds during mid-eighties.
                                                                                    to form single, double and triple covalent bonds among themselves
Since then there has been a remarkable increase in the vast scientific
                                                                                    or with other elements. Not only this, they have got the ability to
research all over the world to innovate technology to study and
                                                                                    form long chains of atoms, thus exhibiting the phenomenon of
develop this wonderful class of materials for a wide range of
                                                                                    polymerization. The Carbon atoms do posses such an electronic
applications. Several new classes of nanomaterials have been
                                                                                    structure and atomic size that makes them capable to exhibit distinct
investigated and reported since then with inherent intrinsic features
                                                                                    physical structures with distinct physical properties in spite of the
for their viable application in the development of sensing and bio
                                                                                    same chemical composition. The Carbon atoms can undergo sp, sp2,
sensing devices. The Carbon has been used for the electrochemical
                                                                                    sp3 hybridizations with a narrow band gap between their 2s and 2p
electrodes due to its unique electrochemical properties i.e. a large
                                                                                    electronic shells.1–3 The diamond with sp3 hybridization and
potential window, low cost, a very small background current. The
                                                                                    graphite with sp2 hybridization are the two widely known allotropic
biocompatibility of Carbon nanomaterials has revolutionized the
                                                                                    forms of Carbon. The geometrical structure of the particles in
field of electrochemical detection of various analytes or targets.
                                                                                    nanomaterials is the basic criterion for their classification. The
The electrochemical analysis has been used for the qualitative and
                                                                                    particles can have shapes of tubes, horns, spheres or ellipsoids. The
quantitative determination of amount of electro active analytes.
                                                                                    tube or horn shaped particles are called as Carbon nanotubes (CNTs)
These methods have been highly accurate, reliable and cheap. The
                                                                                    or Carbon nanohorns (CNHs) respectively; the spherical or ellip-
various characterization techniques have been employed for getting
                                                                                    soidal nanoparticles are present in fullerenes.4–6 The CNMs find vast
the electrochemical response like cyclic voltammetry (CV),
                                                                                    technical applications in micro and nanoelectronics, gas storage,
Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV), Square Wave Voltammetry
                                                                                    production of conductive plastics, composites, paints, textiles,
(SWV) or Pulsed Amperometry (PA).
                                                                                    batteries with enhanced life times, biosensors, etc. attributed to their
    In this paper, a comprehensive study has been made to highlight
                                                                                    low toxic nature and large scale production for use.7,8 The fullerene,
the characteristic features of a variety of nanomaterials along with
                                                                                    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), Graphene, Carbon Nanodiamonds
the methods employed for their synthesis. The recent developments
                                                                                    (CNDs) and Carbon dots (CDs) are the most significant allotropic
in the field of Carbon based nanomaterials for their use as
                                                                                    modifications of the nanocarbon.9 The 0D nanodiamonds, 1D
electrochemical biosensors have been thoroughly discussed along
                                                                                    nanotubes, 2D Graphene nanosheets can act as a prototype for the
with the future prospects and possibilities in this field.
                                                                                    nano composites.

                                                                                        Fullerenes.—The allotropic modification of Carbon, known as
                                                                                    fullerene, was discovered in 1985 by H. W. Kroto, R. F. Curl, and
                                                                                    R. F. Smalley.10 It was the first nanomaterial to be successfully
  *Electrochemical Society Member.
                                                                                    isolated. The characteristic feature of fullerenes is the formation of a
    E-mail:;                         number of atomic Cn clusters (n > 20) of carbon atoms on a
Review-Recent Advances in Carbon Nanomaterials as Electrochemical Biosensors - IOPscience
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020 167 037555

spherical surface. The carbon atoms form covalent bonds with each         SWCNTs depend upon the roll-up vectors (n, m). If the roll-up vectors
other in the sp2 hybridization in fullerenes. They are most commonly      n-m = 3q where q is any integer/zero, the SWCNTs are metallic. If
present on the surface of the sphere at the vertices of pentagons and     n-m = 3q, the SWCNTs are semi conductive in nature.35,36 If n = m,
hexagons. C60 is the fullerene that has been extensively studied and      the nanotubes are known as armchair. If m = 0, they are known as
investigated. It has highly symmetric spherical molecules consisting      zigzag, otherwise they are known as chiral.
of 60 carbon atoms, present at the vertices of 20 hexagons and 12             Also, the SWCNTs can exhibit electrical conductivity or semi
pentagons or 60 Carbon atoms comprising of 12-five member rings            conductive properties that depend upon the diameter of the
and 20-six member rings.11 The diameter of fullerene is 0.7 nm.12         tubes.37–41 The armchair SWCNTs have electrical conductivity
Fullerenes have been used in the medical field such as in cancer           more than that of copper whereas zigzag and chiral SWCNTs do
therapies, MRI and for gynecological malignancies.13–17                   display semi conductive properties for their use in sensor
                                                                          fabrication.40,42 The MWCNTs are composed of multiple Carbon
   Synthesis.—Fullerenes are basically 0D form of Graphitic carbon        layers with inconsistent chirality and can display extraordinary
and can be visualized as an irregular sheet of Graphene being curled      mechanical attributes instead of exceptional electrical characteris-
up into a sphere by adding pentagons at its structure. They come in       tics. These nanomaterials do posses such characteristic feature that
various forms and sizes ranging from 30 to 300 Carbon atoms. They         makes them potential candidates for use in technological fields. The
can be synthesized by employing methods such as electric arc-             CNTs have been used as an electrode in electrochemical reactions
discharge, electron beam ablation and sputtering.18,19 Fullerenes are     due to their significant electron transfer capabilities.43 They can be
also present in the soot of combustion flames20–22 and can also be         used in electrochemical sensors as they do have the ability to make
synthesized by using Graphitic electrodes.23,24 Fullerenes were           electron transfer possible in chemical reactions at the electrode
firstly synthesized by evaporating Graphite electrodes in a Helium         interface.44–47 The CNTs find immense applications in the field of
atmosphere.25,26 However, the practical use of fullerenes is limited      nano-electro-mechanical systems.48–50 Table I shows the values of
due to their high synthesis cost and low yields of the methods            significant physical, electronic and mechanical characteristic fea-
currently available for their production.                                 tures of CNTs.

    Carbon nanotubes.—One of the allotropic modifications of                   Synthesis.—The CNTs have been synthesized by using Carbon
carbon, known as Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were discovered in               arc discharge, Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) and laser
1991 by the Japanese scientist S. Ijima.27 In CNTs, each carbon           ablation methods.52–54 The Carbon arc discharge with a suitable
atom with 3 electrons forms trigonally coordinated s bonds to three       catalyst was firstly used to synthesize SWCNTs or MWCNTs with a
carbon atoms by using sp2 hybridization.27–29 CNT is basically one        high yield and better control over the size of the synthesized
layer of Graphene rolled in the form of a hollow tube seamlessly.         nanotubes.27,55,56 The CVD method has resulted in the production
The rolled Graphene sheets stacked in cylindrical/tubular structures      of CNTs with smaller diameters and lower yield but finer quality.57
with a diameter of several nanometers is the characteristic feature of    The Laser ablation method gives a lower yield and much smaller
carbon nanotubes. The CNTs can have variable length, diameter, the        diameter but much finer quality.58,59 The metallic and semi
number of layers and chirality vectors (symmetry of the nulled            conductive CNTs can be synthesized through selective
Graphite sheet). Based on their structures, CNTs can be divided into      functionalization,60 selective destruction by electrical heating61 or
two basic groups: single walled Carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and             separation by density gradient ultra centrifugation.62 The CVD has
multi-walled Carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs).30,31 The SWCNTs                   been used to produce high quality SWCNTs and MWCNTs in
have a diameter around 1–3 nm and a length of few micrometers             vertically aligned array by using transition metal nanoparticle
whereas MWCNTs have a diameter of 5–25 nm and a length around             catalysts.63,64 They have been synthesized on a very large scale by
10 μm. However, recently the synthesis of CNTs with a length of           using arc discharge and CVD methods (Co-Mo Catalysts). The CVD
550 nm has been investigated and reported.32 The CNTs have                method needs simple equipment and mild temperature and pressure
excellent physical properties like rigidity, strength and elasticity as   conditions and is more suitable for the large scale production of
compared to other fibrous materials. They do posses high value of          CNTs than the other two methods.65
aspect ratio (length to diameter ratio) than other materials. The high        The metallic and quasi crystalline substrates have been used to
aspect ratios of CNTs may vary from 102 to 107. The larger aspect         synthesize vertically aligned arrays of CNTs.66,67 The synthesis of
ratio comes out for SWCNTs than MWCNTs as a consequence of                CNTs has been reported by pyrolysing metal carbonyls in the
their smaller diameter. Not only this, they do posses high thermal        presence of other hydrocarbons.68,69 The transition metals present in
and electrical conductivities in comparison to other conductive           Graphite electrodes have produced CNTs with more product output
materials. The strength of CNTs is 10–100 times larger than the           and reproducibility.70 The transition metal catalysts along with CVD
strong steel at a fraction of steel weight.33                             method have been researched to get good quality CNTs in vertically
    The one layer of Graphene in CNTs can be rolled in different          aligned arrays.71,72 The CVD synthesis employs the use of catalysts
ways. Based on the rolling of Graphene sheets, the CNTs are               in substrates on which nanotubes grow. The metallic nanoparticles
classified as zigzag, armchair, chiral, depending on the number of         are employed as catalysts and their size depends on the diameter of
unit vectors in the crystal lattice of Graphene along two directions in   the nanotubes to be synthesized (0.5–5 nm for SWCNTs, 8 to 10 nm
honey comb structure. The chirality has a significant effect on the        for MWCNTs). The nanoparticles Ni, Co, Fe have been used as nano
properties of CNTs. The electrical properties of SWCNTs are a             catalysts for the synthesis of CNTs. The CVD reactors use inert gas
function of their chirality or hexagon orientation with respect to the    methane for SWCNT production and ethylene for MWCNTs. In case
tube axis. The chirality decides whether a particular CNT is metallic     of SWCNTs, the substrate is heated up to 850 °C–1000 °C and
or semiconducting in nature.34 The electrochemical properties of          550 °C–700 °C for MWCNTs synthesis. The thermal decomposition
                                                                          of hydrocarbons produces Carbon which is dissolved in the metal
   Table I. Significant physical, electronic and mechanical character-     nano catalyst. When a certain concentration of Carbon is attained, its
   istic features of CNTs.51                                              semi-fullerene cap is formed that acts as a basic unit for the growth
                                                                          of the nanotube. The continuous flow of Carbon from the hydro-
   Specific surface area                          200–900 m2J−1            carbon source to the catalyst particle is maintained. Finally, the
   Specific gravity                               0.8–2 g−1cm−2            CNTs are obtained after purification process and removal of
   Electrical conductivity                       2 × 10−2−0.25 Scm−1      catalysts from the tips and surface of nanotubes. The research is
   Thermal conductivity                          6600 Wm−1K−1             going on for the last step so that high quality of the synthesized
   Elastic Modulus                               >1 TPA                   material may be obtained.73,74 After the production of CNTs there is
   Tensile strength                              >100 GPa                 a need to purify the material to remove the amorphous carbon
Review-Recent Advances in Carbon Nanomaterials as Electrochemical Biosensors - IOPscience
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materials. Although, arc discharge and laser ablation methods                   Graphene is a semiconductor material with zero band gaps,
produce SWCNTs in a high quantity but they suffer from drawbacks            ambipolar electric field with charge carrier mobility more than
also as there is a need to evaporate C-atom from solid state source at      15000 to 20000 cm2 Vs−1 at room temperature. It possesses
a very high temperature (>3000 °C) and the nanotubes bundle                 excellent mechanical, physical, chemical and thermal properties
together during the formation which limits their applications.75–77         and is transparent to light up to 97.7%. That’s why it is a potential
The length of CNT depends on the time taken for their growth. The           candidate for the application in highly sensitive electrochemical
diameter of synthesized SWCNTs varies from 0.7 to 3 nm78 and 10             sensors.86–89 The mobility of electrons in the layers of Graphene is
to 200 nm for MWCNTs.79 The different types of drugs can be                 one hundred times more than that in Silicon.90 That’s why it is
effectively loaded on the internal and external surfaces of CNTs due        predicted that one day it will replace Silicon in the electronic
to their large surface area.80,81                                           industry. Graphene finds immense application in sensors due to its
                                                                            large specific surface area and high charge carrier mobility.91,92
    Graphene.—It is a 2D allotropic form of Carbon comprising of a          Table II shows the values of significant physical, electronic and
single layer of Carbon atoms. The Carbon atoms exhibit a hexagonal          mechanical characteristic features of Graphene.
crystal lattice joined to each other by s and p bonds in sp2
hybridization with an interatomic distance of 0.142 nm of Carbon               Synthesis.—The Graphene was firstly isolated in 2004 at the
hexagons. The Graphene was first explored, searched by a Canadian            University of Manchester by Novaselov and Geim by isolating
theoretical physicist, P. R. Wallace in 1947 whereas the samples            individual Graphite layers by applying the peeling off method with a
were later investigated by a Dutch-British physicist A. Geim and a          scotch tape.82 This method produces a high quality Graphene devoid
Russian-British physicist K. Novoselov.82–84 Although, the theore-          of any defect. However, the small size of the sample restricts its use
tical investigations on the Graphene have been conducted exten-             for lab research only and not for commercial applications. The
sively, the real material has been synthesized only recently. The           peeling of Graphite in solvents like N-methyl pyrrolidone94 and
research on the characteristic features of Graphene is still going on.      surfactant sodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate solution95 has been
It do possess extremely high mechanical rigidity and a high thermal         reported. Due to the small fabrication cost and less number of
stability. The electrical properties of this carbon allotrope basically     processing steps, this technique has been widely used for the large
distinguish from the properties of 3D materials. Graphene is a              scale synthesis of Graphene. The layered Graphene has been
building block of other allotropes of carbon as it can be wrapped up,       fabricated by employing CVD peeling off from Graphite,82 the
rolled up cylindrically or stacked up to get 0D fullerenes, 1D carbon       epitaxial route,96 solvothermal production,97 liquid phase
nanotubes and 3D Graphite respectively.85 Thus it depicts the               exfoliation,94 microwave assisted exfoliation98 and other oxidation
structural element of some other Carbon allotropes such as full-            techniques.99,100 The Graphene can also be synthesized from the
erenes, CNTs and Graphite. The Graphene rolled into 0D bucky-               reduction of Graphene oxide but the synthesized material has large
balls, 1D nanotube and stacked up into 3D graphite is shown in the          number of defects101 whereas the Graphene synthesized from
Fig. 1.85                                                                   Graphite consist of a small density of defects.102

Figure 1. Graphene rolled into 0D buckyballs, 1D nanotube and stacked up into 3D Graphite, Reprinted with permission from Ref. 85 (Copyright (2007)
Springer Nature).
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   Table II. Significant physical, electronic and mechanical character-    are chemically stable, their photo luminescent behavior can be used
   istic features of Graphene.                                            for the several in-vivo and in-vitro applications.127 The CNDs are
                                                                          the potential fluorescent probes for use as biomarkers and in bio
   In plane modulus                            1̃ TPa               87    labeling studies.128
   Strength                                    130
                                                 ̃     GPa          87
   Specific surface area                        2630 m2 g−1          93        Synthesis.—The CNDs are synthesized artificially by the detona-
   Thermal conductivity                        5000̃    W mK−1      93    tion of explosive to produce these nanoparticles.129 As diamond
   Electron mobility at room temperature       105   ̃ cm 2
                                                            Vs−1    93    exhibits fluorescence due to the presence of a complex defect (N-V),
                                                                          containing nitrogen (N) and a vacancy (V), the fluorescent CNDs
                                                                          can be synthesized by doping of N vacancies by means of electron
                                                                          irradiation and annealing in the free space.130 The scientific
    The CVD technique has been applied for the synthesis of               investigations have reported the fluorescent CNDs consisting of
Graphene modified electrodes and devices to be used in electro-            roughly 400 Carbon atoms and Silicon vacancies that have the
chemical sensors. The Graphene has also been fabricated by the use        potential for use in sensing applications.131
of transition metal substrates like Ni,103,104 Po,105 Pt,106 Cu107 on a       The CNDs can be functionalized by the covalent or non-covalent
very large scale. As a consequence of a very low stability of Carbon      method to provide extra stability to them.132 The covalent modifica-
in Copper, the CVD growth of Graphene over Copper results in a            tions of CNDs have produced stable complexes of drugs, whereas
highly crystalline Graphene layers.108 The Epitaxial Graphene can         with non-covalent methods, the drugs can be easily attached to the
be synthesized by graphitization of doped SiC single crystal wafers       CNDs but with decreased stabilities. Since the covalent modifica-
at high temperature as well as of undoped crystals of SiC.109,110         tions of CNDs involve complex processes133,134 due to which the
    Graphene Oxide (GO) has been produced by the chemical                 non-covalent method is widely used to build CND based drug
oxidation of Graphite at a very low production cost. The                  delivery systems. The colloidal behavior of the nanodiamonds can
Hummers method has been employed for the growth of GO as it               be enhanced by transforming the surface of CNDs.135 A number of
takes very small time for the growth and does not dissolve harmful        functional bio molecules and drugs have been attached on the
chemicals.99 The synthesis of Graphene oxide (GO) has also been           surface of CNDs by non-covalent methods.136 The thermal induction
reported by making use of potassium permanganate and concen-              and plasma treatment methods have been employed to attach
trated Sulphuric acid as oxidation agent and for peeling off              chlorine, ketonic and carboxylic groups on their surface.137–139
Graphite.99 The acidic treatment accounts for the hydrophilic                 The surface modified CND films were used to absorb small
character of GO. The GO sheets can be dispersed well in water.11          molecules like alkyl alcohol, Sulphonic acids, thiols and complex
The GO can be reduced back to Graphene by using chemical                  structures like DNA and enzymes.140–144 Using alkyl chains, fluorine
reduction methods such as by the direct addition of reducing agents       and Si, the covalent attachment on the surface of CNDs is
like hydrazine111 or by thermal reduction at high temperatures.112        feasible.145–147 It has been reported that the ketonic, carboxylic
    The solution growth of Graphene has been reported to produce          and amino groups can modify the surface of CNDs.148–153 These
GO in which Graphite is oxidized due to which an aqueous colloidal        groups are further changed by a chemical modification in order to
form of GO flakes is produced. As a result, the basal plane                functionalize the CND particle. A functionalized CND particle with
of the Graphene is functionalized with hydrophilic functional             alkyl group can be distributed in the organic solvents uniformly
groups.113–115 GO has a high density of oxygen functional groups          whereas the non-modified CNDs can be dispersed in water but not in
(carboxyl, hydroxyl, carbonyl, and epoxy) at its basal plane and its      organic solvents. A functionalized CND particle with a Silane
edges due to which it forms a colloidal solution in water and polar       coupling reagent can transform a glass substrate.154 The functiona-
solvents and is a novel Graphene material.                                lization of CNDs results in the fluorescent behavior without N-V
                                                                          defects. The protein and biotin- supported CNDs were investigated
   Reduced graphene oxide (rGO).—The electrochemical reduction            in order to increase their affinity towards the biological molecules.
method has also been applied to obtain reduced Graphene oxide             These modified CNDs have the potential to be used for drug delivery
(rGO).116 Various reduction methods have been employed to reduce          systems.155 The fluorescent CNDs can be used for designing
Go partially to form reduced Graphene oxide (rGO) by using laser          nanosensors due to the presence of N-V centers.156 The CNDs can
radiation,117 annealing118 and chemical methods.119 However, the          be very easily functionalized with biomolecules after undergoing
harsh use of chemicals for oxidation degrades the properties of           purification by the ozone gas.157,158
Graphene by damaging the basal plane of the Graphene. That’s why
peeling off of Graphene from Graphite is done under suitable                  Carbon nanohorns.—Carbon Nanohorns (CNHs) are one of the
solvents and surfactants.94,95 The Graphene has a tendency to             allotrope of Carbon consisting of closet cages of Carbon atoms with
aggregate into Graphite in some solvents. Thus it is difficult and         a diameter of 2–5 nm and length 40–50 nm.159 They are more
challenging to prepare pure and uniformly dispersed single layer          beneficial to use than CNTs as they can be synthesized at a larger
Graphene in the solvents. The mechanical peeling of the Graphite is       scale at room temperature without any use of metal catalysts. They
done to obtain pure 2D Graphene by making use of the adhesive             can be synthesized by using arc discharge of Carbon rods,160 laser
tapes4 that has lesser density of defects. The structures of Graphene     ablation of pure Graphite161 and Joule heating. The CNHs do posses
based nanomaterials are shown in the Fig. 2.120                           high surface area and good porosity which can be exploited for their
                                                                          potential application in the field of biosensing.161,162
    Carbon nanodiamonds.—Another allotrope of carbon, Carbon
Nanodiamonds (CNDs) is the nanoparticles with the crystal structure          Carbon dots.—The Carbon Dots (CDs) are zero-dimensional
of Diamond, and exhibit excellent properties of diamond.121,122 The       CNMs consisting of Carbon atoms with a size below 10nm. These
CNDs consist of a crystalline Diamond core which is surrounded by         materials do possess significant electronic and optical properties as
a anion like amorphous Graphite shell.123 They do possess very            exhibited by Quantum Dots.163 They do possess low toxicity,
small size, large surface area and large adsorption capacity for the      stability and biocompatibility for their application as electrochemical
attachment of chemical to biological molecules.124,125 They exhibit       biosensors.164–166 The CDs have been synthesized by using laser
exceptional hardness, thermal conductivity, refractive index, coeffi-      ablation method applied to the Carbon atoms.167 The various
cient of friction, insulation characteristics and have very low           processes like pyrolysis,168 hydrothermal synthesis,169 electroche-
toxicity.126                                                              mical methods170 and microwave synthesis171 have been used to
    The CNDs display fluorescence due to the presence of a complex         synthesize CDs. They can also be prepared by using the soot of the
defect N-V, containing nitrogen (N) and a vacancy (V). Since CNDs         candle flame.172
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Figure 2. Structures of Graphene based nanomaterials (a) Carbon atoms in pure Graphene with sp2 hybridization (b) Graphene Oxide (GO) (c) Reduced
Graphene Oxide (rGO) (d) Graphene Carbon Quantum Dot (GCQD), Reprinted from120 (CC BY-NC 4.0).

   CDs can be classified into Carbon Quantum Dots (CQDs) and                   is further divided into three types based on the way in which the
Graphene Quantum Dots (GQDs). The CQDs and GQDs have a                        catalyst is employed i.e. Substrate method, Spray method and Gas
diameter range from 1 to 10 nm. The GQDs consist of Graphene                  phase flow catalytic method.
layers of size less than 10 nm. They can be synthesized by using                  During PECVD method, the high energy electrons present in the
thermal plasma jet technique with low fabrication cost. They can be           plasma collide with the gas molecules. As a result, they transfer their
an alternative to the nanodiamonds.173–176                                    kinetic energy to them, thereby, causing excitation, ionization and
                                                                              decomposition which results in production of CNFs.184–186
    Carbon nanofibres.—Carbon Nanofibres (CNFs) are cylindrical                     During electro spinning process, the polymers like silk, DNA,
wire shaped nanostructures in which graphene sheets are piled in              collagen and polyester have been used to obtain CNFs. The
different arrangements such as ribbon-like, platelet or herringbone.          polymeric solution is firstly subjected to a potential of very high
The length of CNFs varies in order of micrometers and can be up to            volts for getting charged, then to a spinning port where it is moved at
10 μm whereas their diameters vary from 10 to 500 nm. Their                   a very fast rate. As a result, the nanofibres get deposited at the
mechanical strength and electric properties are just like that of             collecting plate in the form of a mat. The fiber mat undergoes
CNTS.177 As a consequence of stacking of graphene sheets with                 oxidation and is carbonized in nitrogen atmosphere to produce
different shapes in different arrangements, CNFs have more edge               CNFs.187–190 The CVD produces CNFs with impurities which
sites on their outer walls in comparison to CNTs. The presence of             require a further complicated purification process whereas electro
edge sites makes it feasible to transfer electrons with electro active        spinning produces CNFS through a very easy process with high
species in solution and the detector substrate.178,179 The CNFs do            purity.191,192 The Fig. 3 shows the SEM images of alignment of
possess attributes like good electrical conductivity, large surface           CNFs grown on a Silicon substrate in plasma growth process in the
area, biocompatibility and easy fabrication process that are vital for        presence of electric field (a) & (b) and CNFs exposed density (c).193
electrochemical sensing applications. Moreover, CNFs can be easily
functionalized to suit a particular detection mechanism.                         Carbon black.—The Carbon black (CB) is a nanomaterial
                                                                              prepared from the combustion of petroleum products. They are the
    Synthesis.—The CNFs can be prepared by employing arc                      nanoparticles spherical in shape and are strongly bonded to each
discharge180 and laser ablation181 methods. The thermal chemical              other to form aggregates. The size of Carbon black particles varies
vapour deposition (CVD),Plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposi-               from 3.0 to 100nM. The significant physical, electronic and
tion(PECVD) and electro spinning have also been employed for the              mechanical characteristic features of Carbon black are given in
preparation of CNFs.182 During thermal CVD method, a compound                 Table III. The conductivity of Carbon black can be enhanced by
containing hydrogen and carbon is thermally decomposed by                     heating up to 7000 °C because more number of electrons in sp2
employing a metal catalyst at a constant temperature.183 This method          hybridization state with delocalized pi-bonds is available for the

Figure 3. SEM images of CNF array. (a) & (b) Alignment of CNFs grown on a Silicon substrate in plasma growth process (c) CNFs exposed density, reprinted
with permission from.193
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   Table III. Significant physical, electronic and mechanical charac-     and crystalline properties for a particular application. The CNMs
   teristic features of Carbon black.                                    based surfaces can be easily tailored by means of functionalization
                                                                         by a large number of covalent and non covalent methods which
   Surface area                   15–1000 m2g−1               195,196    enhances their electrochemical sensing capabilities. These materials
   Electrical conductivity        1.0–2 × 103 Sm−1            197        are also highly biocompatible. The CNT sensors do posses the
   Thermal conductivity           0.2–0.3 Wm−1K−1             198        ability to transport electrons faster, highly sensitive and are
   Young’s Modulus                1–50 MNm−2                  199        capable of detection even at very low limits. The Graphene has
   Tensile strength               20–50 MPa                   200        also been effectively used for the electrochemical sensing due to
                                                                         their significant electron transport features as described in the
                                                                         Table no I and II. The CNT or Graphene based electrochemical
                                                                         sensors have higher sensitivity, higher selectivity, fast electron
conduction of current.194 Due to their large surface area; a large       transfer rate and low limits of detection. The doping can significantly
number of oxygenated groups are formed at the edges of the Carbon        influence the electronic, mechanical and conducting properties of
black nanoparticles. It is the presence of sp2 hybridized Carbon atom    CNTs. Not only this, the distinct forms of CNMs have a varying
edge planes and oxygenated groups over the Carbon black nanoma-          density of states. The density of states of CNMs based electrode
terials that make them capable to attach biomolecules on their           determines the electron transfer capabilities with the target mole-
surface to act as electrochemical biosensors. They can be used for       cules. For a faster electron transfer process, the energy of electrons
the detection of analytes for the biosensing applications.               in the electrode should be equal to that in the redox reaction. A
                                                                         higher density of state enhances the possibility of existence of
   Synthesis.—The Carbon black nanoparticles can be prepared by          electrons with enough high energy needed for their transfer to the
employing furnance, channel and acetylene processes.201,202 The          redox system.207 The density of states for CNMs varies with their
preparation process is very easy and has low cost. The properties of     structure and can be adjusted by making changes in their atomic
Carbon black can be easily tailored by introducing other materials       bonding structures. It also depends upon the tube diameter in case of
such as polymers203 or metallic nanoparticles into them for better       CNTS. The density of states can be increased by peeling off CNTs in
electrochemical sensing applications.204                                 a controlled manner.208
                                                                             The controlled oxidation of MWCNTS can enhance their
                             Biosensors                                  electrochemical performance by modifying their electronic structure.
    Biosensors have been extensively used for the detection of           The inorganic particles can be strongly chemically coupled to the
biological molecules, pathogens and other disease causing agents         CNMs to change the electronic structure of each individual
in the healthcare field. The biosensors are basically chemical sensors    component to provide synergistic electro catalytic activities to the
which make use of the recognition properties of the biomolecules in      resulting hybrid systems.209
its sensitive layer. The CNMs have been extensively used for                 The planar geometry of Graphene and tubular geometry of
providing immobilization aid to the recognition molecules in the         nanotubes makes it possible to expose the surface atoms for forming
biosensors. A typical biosensor consists of three parts (i) a            chemical bonds with a large number of molecules of the target
recognition molecule that can be an enzyme, protein, antibody or         material for the biosensing applications. Every atom on the surface
DNA etc. (ii) a transducer element which records the interaction as a    of Graphene is exposed due to its high exceptional surface area.
signal between the analyte or target and the recognition molecule        Thus, the high molecular functionalization is feasible in Graphene in
(iii) a signal processor. An electrochemical biosensor is attached       comparison to other carbon nanomaterials.
with sensitive biological molecules on the surface of solid electrodes       The CNMs do possess a high surface to volume ratio, electrical
by employing recognition properties of biomolecules in order to hold     conductivity and mechanical strength that makes them potential for
the target molecules on the surface of electrode. As a result of this    use in electrochemical biosensors.210–212 The large surface area
process, a reaction signal is converted into an electrical signal like   electrical, thermal conductivity and strength of CNTs make them
voltage, current, impedance etc. which can be easily detected. Most      suitable for use in electrochemical biosensors.51 The basal planes of
of the biosensors that have been developed are electrochemical in        Graphene play a major role in electrochemical process than the edge
nature. The electrochemical biosensors are potentiometric, ampero-       planes.213,214 The Carbon nanostructures have the outstanding photo
metric or conductometric depending upon the signal generated from        thermal response. The photo thermal technique has been used to
the electrochemical process which can be a resistance, current or        reduce/eliminate the size of tumors.215,216
voltage signal respectively. The electrochemical biosensors have
been used to study the qualitative as well as the quantitative aspects          Carbon Nanotubes as Electrochemical Biosensors
of the detected molecule. The electrochemical biosensors are highly         The CNTs have been widely explored for their use in the
sensitive to ensure detection, highly selective to avoid the inter-      electrochemical sensing of biomolecules for various biomedical
ference of other species, small in size, easy to use and cost            applications as shown in the Fig. 4.217–220 The properties of CNTs
effective.205,206                                                        can be customized to suit their potential as biosensors. The
                                                                         antibodies and enzymes can customize the features of CNTs in the
           Why CNMs for Electrochemical Biosensors                       electrochemical biosensors. The characteristics of CNTs as biosen-
    The CNMs have been extensively used for the electrochemical          sors can also be tailored by the peptides and nucleic acids as they do
biosensors due to their large surface area due to which many             have the inherent capability to be acquainted with bio-elements or
detection events can occur simultaneously on their surface and           biomolecules. The method of analysis i.e. invivo or invitro deter-
also, the attachment of the biomolecules is possible very easily.        mines the design of a biosensor. The biomolecules are attached on
These materials have such electronic, optical, physical and mechan-      the surface of CNTs in order to prepare the surface for a particular
ical properties which make them potential candidates for use in          detection process. The various biomolecules such as enzymes,
biosensors. Their charge storage and electron transfer properties can    proteins or nucleic acids have been extensively used in the CNT
be engineered for the electrochemical applications. These materials      biosensors for this purpose.
have low cost, wide potential range over which the CNMs electrode
can operate, high electro catalytic activities for a large number of        Covalent or non-covalent functionalization of CNTS.—The
redox-active chemical and biological systems. The electrochemical        physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles can be engineered
performance of the biosensors can be optimized by modifying the          by subjecting them to functionalization, by attaching some mole-
structure of these molecules to engineer their electronic, chemical      cules on their surface.222 The CNTs are not soluble in aqueous
Review-Recent Advances in Carbon Nanomaterials as Electrochemical Biosensors - IOPscience
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020 167 037555

Figure 4. CNTS as biosensors for different applications, Reprinted with permission from221 (Copyright 2014, Elsevier).

solutions but when they undergo oxidation in a mixture of acids, the            studied and investigated. The SWCNTs modified with diazonium
carboxylic groups attach to the surface and side walls of the                   have displayed the highest electron transfer in cellobiose hydro-
nanotubes making them soluble in aqueous solutions. Thus, functio-              genase from phanerochaete Sordida with small values of lactose
nalization has proved to be a boon to the CNTs for modifying their              oxidation potential.231
physical and chemical properties.222,223 The functionalization of                   However, the covalent functionalization of CNTs has an influ-
CNTs with chemicals or suspension in a surfactant containing                    ence on its intrinsic properties as the change in CNT surface by
solution results in decrease in their bundle formation.224                      covalent attachment can cause hybridization to change from sp2 to
    The most commonly used tailoring technique for CNTs in order                sp3. As a consequence of it, the mechanical strength and electrical
to enhance their electrochemical sensing performance (sensitivity               properties could be hampered due to the decrease in conjugation
and selectivity) are covalent or non-covalent functionalization. The            abilities of the CNTs.232,233
biomolecules are attached to the surface of CNTs by covalent or                     The non-covalent functionalization of CNTs has been significant
non-covalent functionalization. In covalent functionalization, the              for attaching the biomolecules on CNTs as it does not affect the
various chemical functional groups like carboxylic and amine groups             intrinsic properties of CNTs. As a consequence of that the mechanical
are attached to the surface and side walls of CNTs by certain                   and electrical properties are not affected.232,233 The CNTs are non-
chemical processes. These functional groups on the CNTs react with              covalent functionalized as a result of pi-pi electrostatic interactions
the functional groups present in the bimolecular structure resulting in         between the CNTs and the biomolecules.233,234 The adsorption of
the formation of a covalent or a non-covalent bond. The CNT                     aromatic molecules and benzene derivatives on the surface of
functionalized with poly (amidoamine) dendrimer through covalent                SWCNTs has been achieved due to the establishment of pi-pi
functionalization has been used for the attachment of glucose                   interactions between the CNTs and the benzene derivatives.235 The
oxidase and Horseradish peroxidase.225 The use of covalent func-                aromatic compounds have been employed for attaching the biomole-
tionalization for the attachment of biomolecules on CNTs for                    cules on the surface of CNTs by non-covalent functionalization such as
sensing glucose,225,226 H2O2,227 aflatoxin,228 carcinoembroyonic                 ferrocane,236–238 anthracene,239–241 pyrene242–244 etc for the develop-
antigen detection229 have been reported. The amine functionalized               ment of electrochemical biosensors. The non-covalent functionalized
CNTs interact with the amino groups on biomolecules such as                     CNTs by aromatic compounds have been used for the bioelectroca-
enzymes, proteins and nucleic acids. The glutaraldehyde, active ester           talysis of oxygen,239,242,245–248 glucose biosensors,236,237,249 H2O2
or epoxy has been used to attach the amine containing biomolecules              detection,250 ethanol biosensor,251 and trichloroacetic acid
to the CNTs.226,229                                                             biosensor.252 The polymers have been employed for the non-covalent
    An electrochemical immunosensor has been developed for the                  functionalization of CNTs for use in biosensors. The polymers like
detection of carcinoembryonic antigen in saliva and serum in which              polypyrroles,253,254 glycolipids,255,256 polyethyleneimine257–260 have
monoclonal anti-carcinoembryonic antigen antibodies are attached                been used for the non-covalent functionalization of CNTs. The
on polyethylene amine treated MWCNTs side walls by using                        commonly used tailoring techniques for CNTs have been functiona-
covalent functionalization with the help of glutaraldehyde.229                  lization with conducting polymers,261–263 mixing with surfactants or
    The vertically aligned SWCNTs are attached on a GCE with a                  polyelectrolyte,264–266 using metal oxides or nanoparticles,267–270
covalent bonding230 or on a gold surface by diazonium has been                  adding enzymes56,266,271–275 and doping with heteroatom.55,276
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020 167 037555

    Detection of dopamine.—The first use of CNT electrochemical            of detection of approx. 100 nM and 1 μM has been reported for the
biosensor was reported in 1996 where it was used for the detection        functionalized electrode and as-fabricated electrodes respectively.
of dopamine.220 The CNT biosensor exhibited better detection in           The functionalized SWCNT electrode exhibited better selectivity to
comparison to other Carbon based sensors due to the fact that there       dopamine in the presence of ascorbic acid and uric acid than the as-
was the presence of pores due to the packaging of CNTs as a result        fabricated electrodes.280
of which its surface area was increased for the attachment of
dopamine.277 The formation of oxygen containing groups at the                 CNT based glucose biosensors.—The CVD synthesized CNT
surface of nanotube during oxidation process has also a significant        fibers has been used as a sensing electrode to detect the presence of
effect on the detection process with CNTs. The multi-walled carbon        glucose. The CNT based biosensors have exhibited a very fast
nanotubes have been mixed with bromoform to obtain a paste which          amperometric response to the presence of glucose.281–283 The
is packed into a glass tube forming a CNT Carbon paste sensor. The        glucose based CNTs have been extensively investigated and
CV and DPV characterization techniques have been employed to              reported.284
study the oxidation of dopamine by the traditional Carbon sensor and          A glucose biosensor has been fabricated by using phase separa-
CNT based carbon paste sensor.220                                         tion method by employing MWCNT-grafted chitosan (CS)-nanowire
    The dopamine has also been detected in the presence of ascorbic       (NW) to which glucose oxidase is attached to obtain the biosensor.
acid by employing MWCNTs functionalized with Sodium dedecyl               The electrochemical detection of glucose was done by employing
sulphate on a Ta substrate. The DPV was employed to detect the            cyclic voltammetry and amperometry. The fabricated biosensor
dopamine in the presence of ascorbic acid. However, the detection         exhibited a high sensitivity of 5.03 μA/mM in a concentration range
levels were in the micrometer range i.e. limit of detection is 3.75 μM    of 1–100 mM and a low response time to the detection of glucose.
for dopamine in the presence of ascorbic acid with range from             The MWCNTs-CS-NW facilitates the conduction of electrons
0.02mM to 0.2 mM which restricts the applicability of the sensor for      between glucose oxidase and target molecules.285 In another study,
the practical use.264 The modification of a MWCNTs electrode with          Glucose oxidase was attached on CNT nanoelectrode ensembles by
RuO2 has an influence on the enhancement of limit of detection             covalent bonding with the formation of amide linkages between their
using DPV than the MWCNTs. A much higher concentration of                 amine residues and the carboxylic acid groups present on the tips of
dopamine, ascorbic acid and uric acid in the μM to mM range have          CNTs. The release of H2O2 from the enzymatic reaction of glucose
been tested using this investigation and the electrode is highly          oxidase upon the glucose and oxygen on CNT nanoelectrodes causes
selective to the presence of dopamine, ascorbic acid and uric acid.267    the detection of glucose.286
    The Over Oxidized polypyrrole (OPPY)-MWCNT-modified                        In another study, a biosensor employing Ni-nanoparticles dis-
Glassy Carbon Electrode (GCE) has reported an enhanced sensitivity        persed in vertically aligned CNTs grown on Si/SiO2 substrate has
to the detection of dopamine. The electrochemical deposition has          been reported in which the Ni-nanoparticles have deposited uni-
been employed to tailor MWCNTs with cadmium oxide (CdO)                   formly inside and on the top of the CNT forest. The fabricated
nanoparticles of size approx. 50 nm diameters. The resulting CdO/         biosensor exhibited a sensitivity of 1433μAmM1cm2 with a limit of
MWCNT sensor does not exhibit any signal response to uric acid,           detection 2 μM over a linear range between 5 μM to 7 μM.287 In
ascorbic acid and dopamine up to 100 μM but it has a better               another study, CuO nanoparticles deposited on the side walls and
selectivity for H2O2.269 The enzyme laccase has also been used to         tips of vertically well-aligned MWCNTs array by a two step electro
detect the presence of dopamine in the presence of ascorbic acid and      deposition method has been investigated. The CuO-modified
3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl acetic acid (DOPAC). In this technique, the          MWCNT electrochemical biosensor exhibited a limit of detection
limit of detection of 0.4 μM has been reported with high                  of 800nM and a very high sensitivity of 2190 μAmM−1cm−2 with a
selectivity.271 The Tyrosinase and Nafion has been employed for            linear range response up to 3.0mM glucose concentration with rapid
the detection of dopamine by using MWCNTs but the limit of                response and good stability.288 The Pt nanoparticles loaded CNTs
detection was reported to be very low of 0.5 μM.266 The doping of         composites have been prepared under hydrothermal conditions by
CNTs with certain elements can customize their electronic proper-         polymerization reaction of glucose and reduction deposition of a
ties, conductivity and mechanical strength.276 The doping of CNTs         platinum source in the pores of anodic alumina membranes. The
with Boron for the detection of dopamine is significant due to the         fabricated electrode has been used as a amperometric sensor for the
presence of more functionalized groups at the defect sites of CNTs        low potential detection of H2O2. The as-prepared Pt-CNT glucose
and presence of extra edge plane sites.55 The limit of detection of 1.4   biosensor displayed a limit of detection of 0.055mM with a linear
nM has been reported in Boron doped CNTs which has been                   range of 0.16–11.5 nM glucose concentration with a very high
enhanced by incorporating Boron in CNTs. The SWCNTs functio-              sensitivity and selectivity.289 Another CuO-MWCNTs fabricated
nalized by over-oxidized polypyrrole has been electro-copolymer-          biosensor exhibited a high sensitivity of 2596 μAmM−1cm−2 to the
ized on the surface of the electrode.262,263 The films of over-oxidized    detection of glucose with a limit of detection of 0.22 μM in a linear
polypyrrole allowed the cations of dopamine to pass through them          range over a concentration up to 1.2 mM.290
but repelled ascorbic acid and serotonin thus exhibiting better
selectivity.261 The use of untreated DWCNT has been reported to               CNT based enzymatic biosensors.—The CNT based electroche-
be the best choice for the development of amperometric sensors. The       mical biosensors have been fabricated by using dehydrogenase
CV, XPS and BET analysis have shown that the smaller length               enzymes such as alcohol-dehydrogenase,291 phosphatase,292 D-
DWCNTs are more effected by the acid functionalization which              fructose dehydrogenase and glucose dehydrogenase. A biosensor
decreases the electro active area of the respective modified electrode     employing alcohol-dehydrogenase enzyme along with MWCNT and
due to which the amperometric sensitivity in the detection of             poly (vinyl alcohol) has reported a response time of about 8 s for the
dopamine and catechol on the functionalized DWCNTs modified                ethanol detection. The electro oxidation of NADH which is
electrode is decreased.278                                                produced during the enzymatic activity produces a current that is
    The MWCNTs, SWCNTs, GO, rGO and CQDs have been                        taken into account for generating the response by the biosensor.291
employed for the electrode modification in the detection of dopa-          Other electrochemical biosensors have been fabricated by using
mine. However, due to the presence of one type of nanostructures,         acetyl cholinesterase, alkalinephosphatase, organophosphorus hy-
these materials almost provide same sensitivity and linear range of       drolase and urease enzymes. The voltammetric biosensors have been
detection for dopamine. The linear range and lower limit of detection     fabricated by attaching urease and acetyl cholinesterase enzymes on
can be improved by employing the hybrid or composite materials of         the surface of the SWCNT modified electrode by means of sol-gel
Carbon nanostructures.279 The electrochemical functionalization           material for the detection of urea and acetylthiocholine
plays a very important role in increasing limit of detection and          respectively.291 In another study, alkaline phosphatase enzyme is
sensitivity in dopamine sensor with the SWCNT electrode. The limit        attached on the surface of CNTs in the presence of streptavidin by
Review-Recent Advances in Carbon Nanomaterials as Electrochemical Biosensors - IOPscience
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020 167 037555

using layer by layer method.293 The lactate level monitoring is             anti-PSA antibodies have been reported to detect PSA.311 The
significant for the use in biotechnology, food processing and in             immunosensors have been reported for the detection of osteopontin
sports medicine. The amperometric detection of the level of lactate         that causes prostate cancer. They have been fabricated on the glass
has been done by using CNT and mineral oil paste having lactate             substrate which is coated with SWCNTs with attached osteopontin
oxidase.292                                                                 molecules on their surface.312 Another biosensor, A CNT (EDC/
    The electronic structures of SWCNTs have an influence on the             NHS functionalized) transistor and an antibody which is a hybrid to
detection in CNTs enzymatic biosensor. The [FeFe]-hydrogenase               the genetically engineered antibody have been used for the detection
enzyme from clostridium acetobutylicum when attached to metallic            of osteopontin.313 The DNA strands functionalized MWCNTs and
SWCNTs have reported better electro catalytic activity.273 This is          SWCNTs have been reported for the detection of PSA in the blood
because of the better coordination between clostridium acetobuty-           samples with more sensitivity and selectivity.314 The electroche-
licum redox-active sites and the electron surface.273 The glutamate         mical biosensors used for the detection of prostate cancer biomarker
hydrogenase was attached to the top of CNTs by covalent bonding to          using nanoparticles have been briefly reviewed and reported.315
fabricate a glutamate biosensor that has been able to display the limit
of detection up to 10 nM. The CNT electrodes are better candidates              Detection of blood cholesterol level.—The amount of blood
for the fabrication of enzymatic biosensors with a high sensitivity         cholesterol level has been detected by the amperometric electro-
and high selectivity.274                                                    chemical biosensors.316–318 The amperometric biosensors employing
    An electrochemical biosensor for the determination of tyrosine          sol gel chitosin/silica and MWCNTs organic-inorganic nanohybrid
has been reported. The sensor was fabricated by dissolving poly-            composite material has been reported for the detection of cholesterol
sulfone (PSF) in dichloromethane and depositing it on a GCE. The            in the blood.318 The cholesterol oxidase enzymes are used for the
nitric acid functionalized MWCNTs are drop coated on the PSF                oxidation of cholesterol to 4-cholesten-3-one producing hydrogen
layer. The Tyrosinase enzyme (TyOx) is deposited on MWCNT/                  peroxide. The electrochemical detection of level of H2O2 produced
PSF/GCE after cross linking with glutaraldehyde. The characteriza-          during the enzymatic activity gives the level of cholesterol in the
tion of the biosensor has been done by using the CV and electric            blood. An amperometric cholesterol biosensor has been fabricated
impedance spectroscopy. The biosensor exhibited a very low limit of         through layer by layer deposition of (poly (diallyl dimethyl
detection 0.3 nM and a very high sensitivity 1.988 μAμM−1cm−2 to            ammonium) chloride) and cholesterol oxidase enzyme on a
detect the tyrosine.294 The doping of CNTs by nitrogen has an               MWCNT electrode modified by the gold nanoparticles. A protective
influence on the electrochemical performance for the detection of            coating of non conducting (poly (o-phenylenediamine) film has been
H2O2 and has been used to make H2O2 based enzymatic biosensor at            produced over it by means of the electrochemical methods. A limit
a lower potential.295,296                                                   of detection of 0.2 mM to the detection of cholesterol has been
    The Hydrogen peroxide biosensors have been fabricated by using          reported by the fabricated biosensor.316
enzyme horseradish peroxidase(HRP) in which the enzyme is
attached on the surface of MWCNTs with the aid of mediator                      Detection of cancer cells.—A poly dopamine coated CNT
methylene blue and by crossing linkage between HRP and BSA                  functionalized by the folic acid has been used for the detection of
composite film.297,298 A hydrogen peroxide detector has been                 HeLa and HL60 cancer cells.319 The biosensors have been reported
reported by employing CNTs modified with Pt nanoparticles                    to detect O2 released from HeLa cells which have been fabricated
fabricated by means of chemical reduction method on the surface             from the hollow Carbon cubic (HCC) and porous Carbon cubic
of a waxed graphite electrode.299 The glucose oxidase was attached          (PCC) nanomaterials. The etching of zeolitic imidazolate framework
on the side walls of SWCNTs in order to detect the presence of              K-8(ZIF-8) with tannic acid followed by calcinations process
glucose. The glucose oxidase attached SWCNTs exhibited an                   produces HCC nanomaterials whereas PCC nanomaterials were
enhancement in conductance upon adding glucose and thus acting              obtained by direct pyrolysis of ZIF-8. The HCC and PCC are
as a biosensor for the enzymatic activities.56                              attached on the surface of Screen printed Carbon electrode (SPCE).
                                                                            The HCC based sensor have exhibited a limit of detection 207 nM
    Detection of proteins.—The cellular prion protein has been              whereas the PCC electrode have reported a limit of detection
detected by making use of a fluorescent-label aptamer which involves         140 nM to detect the O2 released from HeLa cells. The selectivity
the quenching of the fluorescence by non-covalent modification of the         of the biosensors has been examined by studying the amperometric
MWCNTs with the aptamer. But the quenching is restored in the               response in the presence of interfering agents like 4-acetaimido-
presence of cellular prion protein. The biosensor exhibited a limit of at   phenol, uric acid, ascorbic acid, D-glucose and dopamine. The
least 4.1 nM. The sensor demonstrated outstanding selectivity for the       biosensors displayed very small current response to them, thereby,
cellular prion protein in the presence of amino acid and other              exhibiting excellent selectivity.320 The synthesis of Hollow Carbon
proteins.300 The SWCNTs optical biosensor has been reported for             Cubic (HCC) and Porous Carbon Cubic (PCC) nanomaterial and
the detection of protein-protein interaction with limit of detection 10     various steps involved in the detection of superoxide anions in HeLa
pM.301 The insulin has been detected by SWCNTs upon functiona-              cell are shown in Fig. 5.320
lization with insulin-binding aptamer.302 The CNT electrochemical               The surface ITO electrode coated with an assembly of CNT
biosensors for the detection of nucleic acids have been investigated        multilayer and antibodies to the epithelial cell adhesion molecules
vastly and have been brought in notice.303–308                              have been used to detect the cancer cells of liver.321 The Au-Ag
                                                                            alloy coated MWCNTs have been used for the detection of volatile
    Detection of prostate specific antigen.—A highly sensitive               biomarkers of the gastric cancer cells MGC-803.322 The femtomolar
electrochemical biosensor based on CNT-bioconjugates and                    level gastric cancer biomarker miRNA-106a has also been detected
SWCNT forest platform has been reported for the detection of                and reported.323
prostate specific antigen (PSA) detection by using horseradish                   The carcinoembryonic antigen has been detected by the CNT
peroxidase (HRP)/secondary antibody ratio. The device exhibited a           based electrochemical immunosensor employing gold nanoparticles-
limit of detection of 4 pgmL−1 in 10 μl calf serum without any              encapsulated dendrimers as a sensor surface with the attachment of
dilution.309 With the replacement of SWCNTs with gold nanopar-              two enzymes Glucose oxidase and horseradish peroxidase. The
ticles customized MWCNTs, the limit of detection of PSA changed             electron transfer is facilitated by the encapsulation of gold nano-
to 0.40 pgmL−1,thereby, significantly enhancing the sensitivity and          particles in the interior structure of the device. The immunosensor
selectivity of detection.310 The CNT based biosensors have been             has exhibited a wide concentration range from 10 pgmL−1 to
coated with the antibodies for the detection of the biomolecules/           50 ngmL−1 and the limit of detection has been reported to be lower
disease causing agents. The CNTS-arrayed electrodes coated with             as compared to the ELISA test.324
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