Page created by Jay Santiago

                   SIRF2019 1
                                                                                                If you’re reading this then you’re already
                                                                                                interested in SIRF, and why wouldn’t you be,
                                                                                                it’s the UKs finest street arts festival. Audiences
                                                                                                come back year after year and their feedback
                                                                                                is always positive. It’s simple really; carefully
                                                                                                selected performances from all over the world,
                                                                                                some newly created for SIRF and some just
                                                                                                new to our shores, squeezed cheek by jowl
                                                                                                into Stockton’s town centre, in 4 fizzing days
                                                                                                of creativity. There’ll be dancing on shipping
                                                                                                containers and in camper vans, on tight ropes
                                                                                                and atop poles, there’ll be theatre under water
                                                                                                and high above your heads, there’ll be satire,
                                                                                                storytelling and seriousness – and a bit of pyro!
                                                                                                In his first year as SIRF’s Artistic Director, the
                                                                                                hugely experienced Jeremy Shine has prepared
                                                                                                us a feast, and Stockton Council and Arts
                                                                                                Council England are going Dutch so it’s all free.
                                                                                                Come, sit down and enjoy.
Brought to you by:
                                                                                                Reuben Kench
                                                                                                Director of Culture,
                                                                                                Events & Leisure,
                                                                                                Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
We’d also like to say a huge thank you to all our partners, performers,
volunteers, contributors and supporters who help make SIRF a success.
                                                                                                This programme lists all the companies appearing at
                                                                                                the festival this year, conveniently grouped by location.
                                                                                                You’ll also find a handy timetable and map showing
                                                                                                all the locations at the back of the programme.
                     SIRF is a partner in Without Walls, working with festivals and artists
                     to bring a fantastic range of outdoor arts to people in towns and cities          Shows for              Ticketed shows -
                     across the UK. This year we are presenting 14 new shows that have                 children and           see listings for
                     been supported by Without Walls for 2019.                                         their adults           more information
                                                                                                Show times are approximate and subject to change,
                                                                                                especially in the case of bad weather. Visit the
                                                                                                website and follow us on social media for any last
                                                                                                minute changes.

                                                                                                  /stocktonfestival           sirf_stockton
                                                                                                                     SIRF2019 3
STOCKTON                                                               RAJASTHAN                          Filling the High Street with
                                                                                                          spectacular, colourful and

HIGH STREET                                                            HERITAGE                           vibrant sounds will be The
                                                                                                          Rajasthan Heritage Brass Band.
                                                                       BRASS BAND                         Their heady and hypnotic music

                                                                       (INDIA)                            will transport you to the golden
                                                                                                          sands and the Indian Thar
                                                                       Stockton High Street     
                                                                       Thursday 1 August,
                                                                       6pm and 7:30pm

The Festival begins with an early evening launch as
street artists and strolling bands bring colour and
carnival to Stockton High Street.                                      MOTIONHOUSE
Evening timetable:                                                     WILD
6:00pm Rajasthan Heritage Brass Band
                                                                       Stockton High Street               Wild is also being performed
6:30pm Generik Vapeur                                                  Thursday 1 August,                 Thursday 1 August; 1:15pm
7:30pm Rajasthan Heritage Brass Band                                   7:45pm                             Friday 2 August at 1:15pm
7.45pm Motionhouse                                                                                        and 4:15pm
                                                                       WILD, the daring new dance-        Supported by Without Walls and

GENERIK VAPEUR (FRANCE)                                                circus production from
                                                                       Motionhouse, explores our
                                                                                                          commissioned by a number of festivals
                                                                                                          and organisations.
Drôles d'oiseaux et art blaxon                                         disconnect with the natural
                                                                       environment. In our increasingly
Stockton High Street              Join the hubbub as the music         urban lives, is the wild still
Thursday 1 August,                gets into full swing and the cars    shaping our behaviour?

6:30pm                            are transformed into a painted       Performers use powerful
                                  sea of colour. The hullaballoo       physicality and daring feats
5 4 3 2 1 Go!
Follow a troop of 20 performers
                                  builds to a spectacular full
                                  throttle creation of a giant sized
                                                                       to move through an intriguing
                                                                       forest of giant poles.             HIGH STREET
                                  rainbow as we welcome the start
and a train of seven white cars   of SIRF’s 32nd festival.
as they progress along Stockton
High Street.

4 SIRF2019                                                                        SIRF2019 5

 Hotel Watercage
5 Stockton Riverside
  Sunday 4 August,

 A remarkable aerial
 performance by Theater Tol
 which portrays the battle
 between the head and the
 heart. The characters of Hotel
 Watercage appear to have lost
 each other forever because
 they have become out of touch
 with themselves. The world
 around them judges them from
 afar, deprives them of their
 freedom, and condemns them
 to isolation. The realisation
 that they are not alone in their
 imprisonment empowers them
 to redress their predicament.
 These soulmates find each other
 and together, they fight to find
 the key to happiness and leave
 their past behind to a flourish
 of pyrotechnics provided by


 6 SIRF2019            SIRF2019 7
STOCKTON                            SISUS SIRKUS (FINLAND)                                                VINCENT
 RIVERSIDE                           Mosh Split                                                            GLOWINSKI
                                    5 Stockton Riverside                trapezes, skipping rope, pair      (BELGIUM)
                                      Friday 2 August and               acrobatics and Washington          Human Brush
                                      Saturday 3 August,                trapeze. When the doors of
                                      8:30pm                            the van open, toilet paper will   5 Stockton Riverside
                                                                        become a huge, hypnotic skirt       Friday 2 August and
                                     This energetic show is built       and vacuum cleaners turn into       Saturday 3 August,
                                     around a crazy camper van,         hair dressers! This is what         10:15pm
                                     flexible legs and a 10-metre-      Mosh Split is made of!
                                     high truss structure - featuring                      Vincent Glowinski is a living
                                     two simultaneously swinging                                           paintbrush using his body to
                                                                                                           create patterns and images that
                                                                                                           are recorded, multiplied and
                                                                                                           projected onto a giant screen by
                                                                                                           a suspended camera. The body,
                                                                                                           lit like a photo in a darkroom,
                                                                                                           leaves traces of pictures that
                                                                                                           grow and disappear. From the
                                                                                                           motion, rolling and vibrating of
                                                                                                           his body all sorts of shapes and
                                                                                                           figures emerge – other worldly
                                                                                                           skeletons, unknown vertebrate
                                                                                                           species and images reminiscent
                                                                                                           of old cave paintings or
                                                                                                           confusing X-ray details.
5 Stockton Riverside
  Friday 2 August
  and Saturday 3 August,

 Inspired by ancestral Japanese
 origami techniques, Origami
 turns a 40 foot shipping
 container into a shifting
 performance space. Dancer
 Satchie Noro slowly evolves on
 the mechanical structure as it
 folds up from triangle to square
 and rectangle. Origami is a
 duet between a machine and a
 dancer, an industrial romance in
 which a symbol of globalisation,
 a container, embraces the
 fragile scale of the human body.

 8 SIRF2019                                                                         SIRF2019 9
STOCKTON                                                                DOROTHY’S SHOES
 HIGH STREET                                                             Ragroof Tea Dance
                                                                        1 High Street Plinth
                                                                          Sunday 4 August,

                                                                         Fancy a whimsical Waltz, a         dance displays, and mistress
                                                                         cheeky Cha Cha or a jazzy Jive?    of the dance Dorothy’s Shoes’
                                                                         The Ragroof Tea Dance              trademark Instant Dance
                                                                         welcomes every one of all          Classes, which guarantee to get
                                                                         ages and abilities to trip the     everybody moving.
                                                                         light fantastic. Join us for an    All welcome – experienced
                                                                         afternoon of dancing delights,     dancers and absolute beginners
                                                                         featuring a DJ playing authentic   alike. No dance partner needed.
                                                                         music from the 1920s to 1950s,
                                                                         vintage costumes, glorious         dorothysshoes

 Full Circle
2 High Street Fountain
  Friday 2 August,
  2pm and 4:30pm
  Saturday 3 August,
  2pm and 5pm                       AXIAL DANCE
 Full Circle is a mischievous,
 experimental show performed       2 High Street Fountain
 in the round. A series of odd       Friday 2 August,
 actions intrigue the audience,      3:15pm and 6pm
 drawing them into a circle. The     Saturday 3 August,
 audience become more than           3:15pm and 6:30pm
 a group of strangers, through
 helping the performers they        This is a human story rather
 become a team. Now invested        than a love story… with water.
 in where the show is going,        Two characters meet, the first, a
 although they don’t know           positive soul who reaches out to
 where that is, they ultimately     the second to draw them into a
 will decide how things end         better world. Water and human
 and for one audience member        touch are essential elements
 this decision will have            in this story, where life forces
 consequences.                      play crucial roles. Created and
 A slow and intriguing              choreographed for Stockton’s
 performance with suspense,         central water fountain by Ruth
 hilarity and unforeseeable
 consequences. Just how many
                                    Jones of Axial Dance.
 buckets do they need?
                                                                                                             HIGH STREET
 10 SIRF2019                                                                        SIRF2019 11
JOLI VYANN                               JOSS ARNOTT DANCE
 STOCKTON                                                   Lance Moi En L’Air’                      PULSE!                                                       STOCKTON
 HIGH STREET                                               2 High Street Fountain                   1 High Street Plinth            3 High Street South           HIGH STREET
                                                             Sunday 4 August,                         Saturday 3 August,               Sunday 4 August,
                                                             2:45pm and 6:45pm                        1:15pm and 5:30pm                1:15pm and 4:45pm

                                                            A show about the sensitivity and         A brand-new dance and live music experience created
                                                            connection between two people,           for the streets. Performed entirely around a unique 3.5m
                                                            bringing about compatible                high percussion wheel, designed by Eleanor Bull and
                                                            contradictions. Can we be strong         engineered by Rolls-Royce. This adrenaline-fuelled show
                                                            whilst relaxed? Heavy whilst             is a combination of rhythmical flare and heart-in-mouth
                                                            light, grounded whilst levitated,        choreography for all the family to enjoy.
                                                            submissive whilst in control? It         Audio description is available for download.
                                                            explores a mixture of strength 
                                                            and weakness. Can we be
                                                            dropped into the air? Humanity           Supported by Without Walls and commissioned
                                                                                                     by a number of festivals and organisations
                                                            emerges, and acrobatic prowess
                                                            speaks between bodies. In a
                                                            mixture of abandonment and
                                                                                                                                                                 KAPOW DANCE
                                                            accountability this piece is
                                                            sensitive, where bodies just
                                                            fit together.                                                                                        THEATRE
                                                            Supported by Without Walls and
                                                            commissioned by a number of festivals
                                                                                                                                                                2 High Street Fountain
                                                            and organisations                                                                                     Saturday 3 August,
                                                                                                                                                                  1:30pm and 4:30pm
                                                                                                                                                                  Sunday 4 August,
                                                                                                                                                                  1:30pm and 6:15pm

                                                                                                                                                                 ADRIFT tells the story of two
 INITIATIVE.DKF                                                                                                                                                  women lost at sea on a moving
 Scalped                                                                                                                                                         wooden raft. In this journey
                                                                                                                                                                 across oceans, we witness the
3 High Street South                                                                                                                                              danger, courage and struggles
  Sunday 4 August,                                                                                                                                               of the characters as they
  2pm and 3:45pm                                                                                                                                                 battle the odds and learn to
                                                                                                                                                                 live together in this small and
 A mix of fashion and otherness, Scalped is an outdoor                                                                                                           unpredictable landscape.
 dance theatre exhibition piece focusing on black                                                                                                                Performed in the round, using
 women’s hair in professional spaces and western                                                                                                                 dance, physical theatre and
 society. In a world of consistent judgement and literal                                                                                                         circus, Kapow have captured
 poking and prodding, we play on the idea that life is                                                                                                           a risky, exciting and dynamic
 a fashion show. The piece includes nods to Grace                                                                                                                journey, mixed with a sensitivity
 Jones whose career embodies breaking free from                                                                                                                  and uncertainty which can be
 expectations and the boundaries faced by black                                                                                                                  understood by many.
 women. The overriding message is of self-acceptance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Supported by Without Walls and
                                                                                                                                                                 commissioned by a number of festivals
 Supported by Without Walls and commissioned                                                                                                                     and organisations
 by a number of festivals and organisations

 12 SIRF2019                                                                                                                            SIRF2019 13
MIMBRE                                                                        RAMSHACK-
                                                                                                                                                             LICIOUS                               STOCKTON
                                                                              2 High Street Fountain                                                         The Band at the                       HIGH STREET
                                                                                Friday 2 August,                                                             End of the World!
                                                                                2:45pm and 5.15pm
                                                                                Saturday 3 August,                                                          2 High Street Fountain                 Their simple existence, struggle
                                                                                2:45pm and 6pm                                                                Saturday 3 August,                   and joy is unravelled and played
                                                                                                                                                              8:30pm                               out through a series of beautiful
                                                                               All female acrobatic theatre                                                                                        striking imagery and audience
                                                                               company Mimbre return this                                                   3 High Street South                    interactions ranging from
                                                                               year with a brand new outdoor                                                  Sunday 4 August,                     gentle to manic. Be prepared
                                                                               show, collaborating with three                                                 5pm and 8:30pm                       as they take you into the next
                                                                               new choreographers to mix                                                                                           phase switching over to the new
                                                                               their trademark acrobalance                                                   Five musicians arrive, dressed        dawn, into the next frequency
                                                                               movement and techniques                                                       in punk marching band attire          of consciousness. A humorous
                                                                               with new styles. Lifted is a                                                  and with the intensity of the         and emotional re-styling of the
                                                                               choreographic indulgence that                                                 inevitable end of the world           traditional street band.
                                                                               celebrates and explores the                                                   burning through their eyes. 
                                                                               expressions and impressions
                                                                               that appear when three strong                                                                                       Supported by Without Walls and
                                                                               women move, lift and balance                                                                                        commissioned by a number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                   festivals and organisations
                                                                               each other.

                                                                               Supported by Without Walls Supported
                                                                               by Without Walls and commissioned by a
                                                                               number of festivals and organisations


 Sirin (Hope is the Thing with Feathers)                                                                                 SAFETY CATCH THEATRE
3 High Street South                women. It is inspired by human                                                        Doctor! Doctor!
  Sunday 4 August,                 ambition to possess and tame                                                                                              still standing, holding the           Join the performers before
  3:15pm and 7:15pm                the unknown.                                                                         1 High Street Plinth                 only equipment left. An artful,       the show for immersive and
                                                                                         Friday 2 August,                   farcical love triangle set in         interactive activities including
 Through narrative aerial                                                                                                 3:30pm and 6:30pm                  a clapped out community               a medical test lab, and DIY
 choreography, two compelling      Supported by Without Walls and                                                         Saturday 3 August,                 ambulance. Can the audience in        surgery lessons.
 performers tell a love story
                                   commissioned by a number of                                                            3:30pm and 7pm                     the waiting room help them cure
                                   festivals and organisations
 like no other. Drawn from the                                                                                           The satirical slapstick medical     all in this national health crisis?
                                   Newton’s Ladder are returning
 ancient myth of man falling in                                                                                          roadshow – with the last Doctor,    Surgical demonstration gone
                                   with a full scale show having previously
 love with a beautiful bird-like   performed this show at SIRF17                                                         Nurse and Paramedic                 wrong meets old-time travelling
                                                                                                                                                             medicine show.

 14 SIRF2019                                                                                                                                                               SIRF2019 15
                                                                                                   That Parking Show
                                                                                                  3 High Street South               spaces. But what really fuels the   choices and the contents of the
                                                                                                    Sunday 4 August,                road rage? Witness a hilarious,     boot, as Tangled Feet explore
                                                                                                    2:30pm and 4:15pm               acrobatic and absurdist mix of      the lighting rod of our daily
                                                                                                                                    parking row meets full-blown        frustrations. Bonnets pop, roofs
                                                                                                   There are three certainties in   war as two cars vie for one         peel open and everything (and
                                                                                                   life: death, taxes and people    parking spot. As cars collide so    everyone!) starts to unhinge.
                                                                                                   getting angry about parking      do the occupants, their musical

                                                                                                                                                                        HIGH STREET

 Les Gloriables
2 High Street Fountain        Inspired by “Les Miserables”,     Josephine has promised to build
  Friday 2 August,            legendary French actress Gloria   a barricade. Expect a master
  3:45pm and 7:15pm           Delaneuf has created a life-      class in mutiny – French style
  Saturday 3 August,          changing piece of theatre with    – complete with berets and
  3:45pm and 7:45pm           the power to reunite Europe.      baguettes.
                              She has dreamed a dream, and
                              her hapless assistant
                                                                Supported by Without Walls and
                                                                commissioned by a number of
                                                                festivals and organisations

 16 SIRF2019                                                                                                                                    SIRF2019 17
STOCKTON                                                                                                                        UPSWING
 HIGH STREET                                                                                                                     Catch Me
                                                                                                                                1 High Street Plinth
                                                                                                                                  Friday 2 August,
                                                                                                                                  3pm and 5:45pm
                                                                                                                                  Saturday 3 August,
                                                                                                                                  3:15pm and 5:45pm

                                                                                                                                 With an intergenerational cast, Catch Me playfully pokes at our
                                                                                                                                 expectations of the relationship between age and genders. Blending
                                                                                                                                 dance, circus, sound and design trickery to ask powerful questions
                                                                                                                                 about how we value others and what they are capable of.

                                                                                                                                 Supported by Without Walls and commissioned by a number of festivals and organisations

 Slapstick & Slaughter
1 High Street Plinth
  Saturday 3 August,
  2:30pm and 4:45pm

2 High Street Fountain
  Sunday 4 August,
  5:30pm and 7:45pm

 Two men recklessly attempt
 to confront the absurdity of               STOPGAP DANCE
 war in just 40 minutes, using
 their bodies, their voices
 and the surrealist toolbox of         Frock
 DADAism. Playful, physical and
 blackly comedic, SLAPSTICK           1 High Street Plinth
 & SLAUGHTER examines how               Saturday 3 August,
 the barbaric chaos of WW1              2pm and 4:15pm
 manifested itself in the nihilistic,   Sunday 4 August,
 nonsensical art that grew              1:30pm and 5pm
 from it.
 This show splatters big ideas on      Brace yourself for an uplifting dance riot. Six striking dancers revel
 a small canvas, exploring art’s
 reaction to the war’s wholesale
                                       in 21st Century freedoms of self-identity. Watch a clash of eras, a
                                       collision of partner work and a blend of genders from Stopgap’s                                                                         STOCKTON
 destruction of lives, the old
 order and old hypocrisies and
                                       virtuosic inclusive cast. This ‘Punkish’ dance invites you to think
                                       about your unconscious bias and reminds us why difference can and                                                                       HIGH STREET
 finding echoes in equally absurd      should be celebrated today.
 modern conflicts.                             Supported by Without Walls and commissioned by a number of festivals and organisations

 18 SIRF2019                                                                                                                                          SIRF2019 19
STOCKTON                                                                                                           FROLICKED                         to uncover a series of hidden
                                                                                                                                                       locations whilst exploring
  HIGH STREET                                                                                                        Quest for the Tees Tusk           familiar and not so well-known
                                                                                                                                                       features of the town centre.
                                                                                                                            Free but ticketed,         Complete the hunt and you’ll
                                                                                                                            tickets available from     win a small prize AND be in
                                                                                                                            SIRF Central as below:     with a chance to win a one-off
                                                                                                                                                       original, framed illustration of
                                                                                                                  10 Friday 2 August, Saturday 3       the town’s hidden (and not so
                                                                                                                     August and Sunday 4 August        hidden) wonders!
                                                                                                                     Mornings; 10:45am, 11am,
                                                                                                                     11:15am and 12pm -
                                                                                                                     all tickets available from 10am
                                                                                                                     on day of performance             Practical Information
                                                                                                                     Afternoons; 2:45pm, 3pm,
                                                                                                                                                       1) The Treasure Hunt will
                                                                                                                     3:15pm and 3:30pm –
                                                                                                                                                       take between 45-75 minutes
                                                                                                                     all tickets available from 2pm
                                                                                                                                                       depending on your skill at
                                                                                                                     on day of performance
                                                                                                                                                       deciphering the clues.
                                                                                                                     The Quest for the Tees Tusk is    2) The route is fully accessible
                                                                                                                     Frolicked theatre company’s       and approximately 2 km.
                                                                                                                     newest puppet-filled, puzzle-     3) It’s suitable for all ages
                                                                                                                     fuelled adventure for the whole   from 7 years old
                                                                                                                     family. You’ll encounter a cast
                                                                                                                                                       4) Teams can comprise 2-5
                                                                                                                     of colourful characters as you
                                                                                                                                                       people at least one of whom
                                                                                                                     use your powers of deduction
                                                                                                                                                       should be an adult.

  COMMUNITY                           The Carnival begins with
                                      a parade of hundreds of
                                                                        12pm: The Parade begins on
  CARNIVAL                            performers from local schools
                                      and community groups, many
                                                                        Church Road before turning left
                                                                        onto Stockton High Street. It
  Tales of the Tees Valley            dressed in colourful costumes,    will travel along the High Street
                                      celebrating the Tees Valley.      passing the Town Hall and The
10 SIRF Community Carnival            Thousands of people are
                                                                        Shambles before turning into
  Stockton High Street and                                              Tower Street and looping back
                                      expected to line the route
  Stockton Riverside                                                    along Riverside Road.
                                      for the vibrant parade as the
  Saturday 3 August,
                                      procession passes along
  12pm-3:30pm                                                           12.30pm-3.30pm: The
                                      Stockton High Street leading
                                                                        Parade will arrive on Stockton
                                      to the Riverside where you can
  This year’s SIRF Community                                            Riverside for an afternoon of
                                      enjoy an afternoon of free live
  Carnival will celebrate all that                                      performances, including live
                                      music, family entertainment and
  is unique and wonderous about                                         music, family entertainment
                                      workshops following the parade.
  our beautiful towns. Our Tales of                                     and workshops.
  the Tees Valley theme will bring                                      Supported by HLF as part of Great Place
  together 40 community groups                                          Tees Valley
  for a spectacular parade not to
  be missed.

  20 SIRF2019                                                                                                                                                     SIRF2019 21
PARISH                                                                                                                                                                              BALLOONATIC
 GARDENS                                                                                                                                                                             The Bonkers Balloon

                                                                                                                                                                                    7 Parish Gardens
                                                                                                                                                                                      Friday 2 August,
                                                                                                                                                                                      2:15pm and 3:45pm
                                                                                                                                                                                      Saturday 3 August,
                                                                                                                                                                                      2:30pm and 4:15pm

                                                                                                                                                                                     The Bonkers Balloon Show
                                                                                                                                                                                     does what it says on the tin! A
                                                                                                                                                                                     completely off the wall, unique
                                                                                                                                                                                     show filled with comedy, circus
                                                                                                                                                                                     fun, music, magic and lots
                                                                                                                                                                                     and lots of balloons. A simple
 FULLY BOOKED THE                                                                                                                                                                    balloon gets turned into an
 THEATRE      FABULARIUM                                                                                                                                                             alien, a helicopter and an air
                                                                                                                                                                                     guitar, audience members
 Once Upon a Wall                     Reynard The Fox                                                                                                                                are transformed into balloon
                                                                       immediately blame the fox.                                                                                    creatures in front of your very
7 Parish Gardens                     7 Parish Gardens                  Reynard must do everything                                                                                    eyes, and a magic trick makes a
  Friday 2 August,                     Saturday 3 August,              he can to prove his innocence                                                                                 balloon appear from nowhere.
  2:45pm and 4:15pm                    1:45pm and 3:30pm               and avoid certain death, as                                                                         
  Sunday 4 August,                     Sunday 4 August,                well as maintaining his devious
  2:30pm and 4:15pm                    1:45pm and 3:30pm               persona. Will the gift of his silver

 A new interactive dance-theatre      The tale of Reynard the Fox
                                                                       tongue be a shade too bright
                                                                       against his roguish red fur to           APOCALYPTIC CIRCUS
 show for children and families.      follows the woodlands most       save his own tail?                       My House
 Join Hum-T on her fast-paced         infamous scoundrel who prides
 dancing adventure through the        himself on being the trickster   Performed on their traditional         7 Parish Gardens                     Saturday 3 August,
 streets of Lost Sandwiches.          of the forest. But when the      wooden cart, the show features           Friday 2 August,                   1:15pm, 3pm and 4:45pm
 Build a giant wall, throw down       Woodland Court announces         storytelling, puppetry, original         1:45pm and 3:15pm                  Sunday 4 August,
 some signature moves, and            the theft of the King’s Crown    live music and The Fabularium’s                                             1:15pm and 3pm
 watch one very large egg             Jewels the animal kingdom        bespoke animal headpieces.
 scramble to the top. Kids and                               
 adults alike join in the fun on                                                                                Welcome to “My House”! Come        we create to feel at home and
 the egg-venture of a lifetime,                                                                                 close and look in through the      how we must compromise to live
 dancing the sizzling bacon                                                                                     enticing doors and windows.        alongside others.
 dance, hip-hopping with the                                                                                    If you are patient enough you      After the show everyone is
 Royal Rebels and helping an                                                                                    might find out who lives here!     welcome to explore and play
 egg to see the Sunnyside of life.                                                                              “My House” is a circus theatre     (carefully) in the structure.
                                                                                                                experience for little people and
 An egg. A wall. A very big fall.                                                                               their families. This magical,                                                                                     quirky structure, invites people   Supported by Without Walls and
                                                                                                                                                   commissioned by a number of
                                                                                                                to come close and almost           festivals and organisations
                                                                                                                become part of the performance.
                                                                                                                The show exploring, in a playful
                                                                                                                way, what habits and routines

 22 SIRF2019                                                                                                                                                SIRF2019 23
PARISH                        LIBERTIVORE                                                         EXPLORE
GARDENS                       (FRANCE)                                                            STOCKTON
                                                              body. It questions the place of
                             7 Parish Gardens                 humans in nature. The bodies
                               Friday 2 August and            mutate, move and interact
                               Saturday 3 August,             with the environment, evoking
                               8pm                            animal, mineral and plant life.
                                                              Prepare to experience morphing
                              Phasmes, a sensuous two-        figures galloping between
                              person performance that         headless creatures, delicate
                              invents a new acrobatic         insects, creeping aliens and
                              language, developed from the    architecture.
                              raw, tactile and transmutable

                                                                                                  RAY LEE
                                                                                                             Free but ticketed;   tour across Stockton to a secret     Important information
                                                                                                             Tickets available    location, guiding you by sound       1) Starting points are 5-15
                                                                                                             from SIRF Central    alone. Your job is to keep the       minutes walk from SIRF Central
                                                                                                  one hour before advertised      sphere happy by going in the         – all but one are fully accessible
                                                                                                  starting time                   right direction. Remember, only
                                                                                                                                  the sphere knows where you           2) Walking distance is
                                                                                                                                                                       between 1 and 2 km
                                                                                                10 Starts at SIRF Central         are being taken! If you go the
                                                                                                   Friday 2 August and            right way it will let you know by    3) Each sphere can be used for
                                                                                                   Saturday 3 August,             making a ‘happy’ sound, but if       1 person or small groups
                                                                                                   11:45am, 1:45pm,               you start to go the wrong way it     4) Please allow 45-60 minutes
                                                                                                   5pm and 7pm                    will sound sad.                      for this performance
                                                                                                                                                                       5) No minimum age but under
                                                                                                  A sonic mystery-tour.
                                                                                                                                  Supported by Without Walls and       16’s must be accompanied by
                                                                                                  Let Ray Lee’s magic sonic       commissioned by a number of          an adult
                                                                                                  spheres take you on a mystery   festivals and organisations

24 SIRF2019                                                                                                                                   SIRF2019 25
  THE OTHER                                                                                                                   ACTION D’ESPACE (FRANCE)
  WAY WORKS                                                                           ARC                                     First Cry
  A Moment of Madness                                                                                                       11 Secret Location,
                                                                                                                               meet outside ARC
             Free but ticketed;                                                                                                Saturday 3 August and
             Tickets available                                                                                                 Sunday 4 August,
             from SIRF Central                                                                                                 12pm and 4pm
  one hour before advertised
  starting time                                                                                                               When you arrive at the secret location, two men and two women
                                                                                                                              appear. They speak of children...of what it is like to be a mother, a
10 Starts at SIRF Central                                                                                                     father. What it is to procreate or decide not to; to have children or not
   Friday 2 August, Saturday 3                                                                                                to, destiny, nature, love, chance, necessity...They become silent, live
   August and Sunday 4 August,                                                                                                life through dance, skim by us in an outdoor ballet. They slip their
   1:45pm, 5pm and 7:30pm                                                                                                     hands in ours, recognise us, we are from the same tribe and we also
                                                                                                                              go forth. They cling to our arms, scream into our bodies, confide
  As the press gather for a big                                                                                               to us doubts and convictions, tell us eye to eye their vibrant truth.
  announcement on the new                                                                                                     Different lives, common destinies, life then death.
  environmental bill, a politician’s                                                                                
  future hangs in the balance.
  Thrust into the heart of a spy                                                                                              Important information
  thriller, you’ll navigate the
                                                                                                                              1) The route is fully accessible and is approximately 1 km from ARC
  political scandal of the decade.
  Staking out a multi-storey car                                                                                              2) Please allow approximately 90 minutes from departure time
  park, you must use every mode                                                                                               3) The audience may be required to follow performance as it moves
  of surveillance to hunt down          LO-GIUDICE                                                                            through the site
  facts and intercept evidence.
  As agents of the state you will       DANCE                                                                                 The company receives the backing of French Ministry of Culture and Communication
  expose a complex network              L’uomo                                                                                (General Direction for Artistic Creation, Regional Direction for Cultural Affairs); Occitanie
  of corruption that threatens                                                                                                Regional Council, Hérault Departmental Council and the City of Montpellier.
  to destroy the UK’s path to          4 Green Dragon Yard
  environmental progress.                Saturday 3 August and             Sunday 4 August,
                                         2pm and 4pm                                  DEBORDANTE                              movement, their silhouettes
                                                                                                                              emerge, the landscape is
  Practical Information
  1) Limited capacity - 24 tickets      L’uomo (Italian for ’The Man’)                (FRANCE)                                transformed around them.
                                                                                                                              Some of them progress faster
  available per show, a maximum         is a short dance theatre duet                 Far                                     than others, retreat, leave.
  of 2 tickets per person               that tells a story of two men                                                         They amalgamate, form a
  2) Participants will need to be       struggling to articulate their               5 Infinity Bridge (Stockton side)        group, supporting each other,
  able to get in and out of a car       feelings for one-another, created              Saturday 3 August and                  then separate becoming again
  that remains static.                  using real-life accounts from                  Sunday 4 August,                       solitary individuals.
                                        LGBTQ people about public                      10am and 7.30pm              
  3) Each car has maximum
                                        displays of affection.
  capacity of 4 people
                                        Caught between a place where                  If you look carefully, you will see     Important information
  4) Minimum age; 16 but under          moments driven by the heart-                  in the distance, bodies appear          1) The Infinity Bridge is
  18’s must be accompanied by           felt become entangled with the                and detach from the landscape.          approximately 1 km from
  an adult                              discomforts of prejudice, L’uomo              Like a mirage they appear               Stockton High Street
  5) Please allow 75 minutes from       examines and highlights the                   blurry, their gestures vague.

                                        concerns same-sex couples can                 They are getting closer and we          2) Please allow 15 minutes to
  advertised starting time
                                        still face when holding hands or              can distinguish more precise            walk each way

  6) Walking distance
  approximately 1 km
                                        showing affection in public.
                                                                            YARD                                                                                                         BRIDGE
  26 SIRF2019                                                                                                                                          SIRF2019 27
HIGH STREET                                                                                         PLUNGE BOOM
(WALKABOUT)                                                                                         BOING
                                                                                                    High Street Walkabout
                                                                                                    Saturday 3 August,
                                                                                                    11am and 2pm

                                                                                                    BOING is a character who
                                                                                                    makes noises but never speaks.
                                                                                                    His whole body is full of sound
                                                                                                    that’s literally bursting to get
                                                                                                    out - be it from his fingers or
                                                                                                    his feet. A cheeky chap with an
                                                                                                    insatiable curiosity for the world
                                                                                                    around him, BOING invites you
                                                                                                    to see & hear the world from his
                                                                                                    own unique perspective. A show
                                                                                                    for all ages combining humour
                                                                                                    with pathos.

                                                                                                    Supported by Without Walls and
                                                                                                                                         BACK CHAT
                                                                                                    commissioned by a number of
                                                                                                    festivals and organisations          BRASS
                                                                                                                                         High Street Walkabout             their brassy twist on classic
                                                                                                                                         Saturday 3 August,                tunes combined with electrifying
                                                                                                                                         2:30pm                            showmanship will ignite the
                                                                                                                                                                           street. Wielding their horns
                                                                                                                                         Back Chat Brass are an instant    whilst roaming the street they
                                                                                                                                         favourite. With a nod to their    won’t fail to get your toe tapping
                                                                                                                                         roots in pop, funk and hip hop,   and the party started.

KAMCHÀTKA                    Roaming around the town
                             centre, you may come across,
                                                                 The spectator becomes an active
                                                                 part of the exchange. Shall
(CATALUÑYA/                  eight lost characters. Carrying
                             their own suitcase you’re left to
                                                                 we build our future with the
                                                                 Kamchàtka members or should
SPAIN)                       decide if they are passers-by or    we reject them? Kamchàtka
                             immigrants. Naïve and curious,      is the first part of a trilogy –
High Street Walkabout        their emotions are barely           the Company will return with
Saturday 3 August,           contained, they know nothing        Habitaculum in 2020 and Fugit
11am and 3:30pm              about our norms, rules or way       in 2021
Sunday 4 August,             of life. The game they play is so
1:15pm and 4:30pm            subtle it could be mistaken
                             for reality.

28 SIRF2019                                                                                                                                        SIRF2019 29

                                                                                                                        TICKERTAPE PARADE
                                                                                                                                                                      glitter; where boundaries                  and original songs.
                                                                                                                      8 Church Road                                   are forgotten and everyone                 Fantabulosa! is open to anyone,
                                                                                                                        Friday 2 August and                           and anyone can be whoever                  young and old, who wants to
                                                                                                                        Saturday 3 August                             they want to be. Join some                 experience the joys and freedom
                                                                                                                        2:30pm and 5pm                                of the UK’s leading drag                   of self-expression. Age Range:
                                                                                                                                                                      artists for a queer-positive               3-8 (but fabulous for adults too)
                                                                                                                        Step into the unforgettable                   participatory family drag show   
                                                                                                                        magic of Fantabulosa! - a                     for public spaces encompassing
                                                                                                                        fantastical pop-up world of                   interactive storytelling, lipsync,         Supported by Without Walls and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 commissioned by a number of

                                                                                                                        imagination, storytelling and                 performance, dress-up, games               festivals and organisations

 ROAD                                                                                                                                                                                                           WILD N BEETS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Buck A Brenda
                                                                                                                                                                                                               8 Church Road
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Friday 2 August
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1:30pm and 4pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Saturday 3 August
 ELEPHANTS LAUGH                                                                                                                                                                                                 2pm and 4pm

 (REPUBLIC OF KOREA)                                                                                                                                                                                            Join country and western lovers,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Beryl and Cyril, for ‘Buck-
 MULJIL                                                                                                                                                                                                         A-Brenda’, the wheelchair
                                                                                                                                                                                                                wobbling game of chance.
8 Church Road                       each Haenyeo endures a critical     we are all immersed in the                                                                                                              Based on the popular family
  Friday 2 August and               moment of breathlessness            same sea. Nobody can choose                                                                                                             game ‘Buckaroo’, teams take it
  Saturday 3 August,                at least twice. Only those          the conditions of life themselves.                                                                                                      in turns to place objects on our
  10pm                              who are determined to risk                                                                                                                  burdened Brenda. But be careful
                                    their lives can overcome such                                                                                                                                               as you go, one flip, and that’s it!
                                    brief moments of crisis. The        Commissioned by Ansan Street Arts
                                                                        Festival, Seoul Street Arts Creation Center                                                                                             Disability politics meet ‘Dallas’
 The Korean word ‘MULJIL’ refers    crossroads of life and death that   and supported by Arts Council Korea.                                                                                                    in this rip-roaring, participatory
 to diving activities by Haenyeo,   Haenyeo encounter when diving                                                                                                                                               performance for all ages!
 female divers of Jeju Island.      exists in our daily lives and                                                                                                                                     
 When diving for shellfish,         although separated like islands,
                                                                                                                      Supported by Without Walls and commissioned by a number of festivals and organisations

 30 SIRF2019                                                                                                                                                                           SIRF2019 31

 Please note; The Courtyard has a limited
 capacity of 200 people and we may have to
 turn people away during busy periods.

9 The Courtyard
  Friday 2 August and
  Saturday 3 August, 8:30pm
  Sunday 4 August, 8:15pm
                                               THE SPORTHORSES                                                            PRESQUE
                                               AND THE GUGGENHEIM BOX                                                     SIAMOISES
                                               (SWITZERLAND)                                                              (FRANCE)
 Between 250kg of straw and
 125kg of human mass, two
 people play around through                    Rock the Box                                                               Au point du jour
 movement, balance, humour
 and composition of space,                    9 The Courtyard                                                                      Tickets £2 to cover
 exploring the peculiarities of                 Friday 2 August and                                                                cost of breakfast.
 human relationships.                           Saturday 3 August,                                                                 Limited capacity of 46
 ENVÀ (in Catalan) is a thin wall               7pm and 9.45pm                                                                     tickets for both days
 that is constructed to separate                                                                                          will be available at 5:30pm on
 spaces. People often build                    Clip-clop, here come the Sporthorses with a thrilling DIY electronic       Thursday 1 August from SIRF
 mental walls that protect us                  concert the Guggenheim Box. Prepare to see dancing, jumping and            Central (Tickets needed for
 from a serious emotional danger               air drumming. Generating music by crossing light barriers that             children over 3yrs – Babes in
 regarding others. We spend our                trigger a modular synthesised sounds and samples, The Sporthorses          arms free)
 lives looking for a way to free               create a musical experience like no other.
 ourselves and all we need is to                                                                                         9 The Courtyard
 knock that wall down.                         ‘The Box’ includes self-made electric instruments such as a fiddle, a       Saturday 3 August                       guitar and a one-string bass, filter stations and flashing Blinksy. The     and Sunday 4 August, 10am
                                               electronic sounds will make your dancing shoes move, your heart
 Project selected by the Funds for creation    gallop and your imaginary spaceship take off! And after the Show:          If good things have an end,
 of the cooperation project De Mar a Mar,      you can have a go - Clip Clop - you rock the Box!                          they also have a beginning.
 in the frame of the POCTEFA programme.
 With the support of La Central del Circ,                                                     At the point of the day (Au
 La Grainerie, Hameka. With the support
 of INAEM, Generalitat de Catalunya
                                                                                                                          Point du Jour) invites you in the
 departament de Cultura, Institut Ramon                                                                                   early morning to take time to
 Llull, Xarxa Transversal.                                                                                                celebrate the day ahead with
                                                                                                                          some toast, good coffee and
                                                                                                                          maybe a juggled egg.
                                                                                                                          Counter contortions and
                                                                                                                          convoluted services: getting up
                                                                                                                          on the right foot is an acrobatic
                                                                                                                          story! Curiosity awakened -
                                                                                                                          appetite for the day comes...
                                                                                                                          Good morning!

 32 SIRF2019                                                                                     SIRF2019 33

regular visitor, or Located   on Stockton High Street
                    this is your one stop shop for    SIRF
this is your first  more   information about the      We’re committed to ensuring
                    festival, merchandise and
SIRF, we are here tickets.
                                                      that SIRF is as accessible as                  FESTIVAL                            GETTING TO SIRF
                                                      possible for everyone.
to help you make    SIRF  Central,  Rediscover        Find out more on our website
                                                                                                     VILLAGE                             Buses: Stockton Town Centre
                                                                                                                                         is well served by buses from
                                                                                                                                                                              Driving: There is ample car
                                                                                                                                                                              parking within easy walking
                    Stockton, 134b High Street,       or visit SIRF Central for more                 Location 6 on map                   across the Tees Valley.              distance to Stockton Town
the most of your    Stockton-on-Tees TS18 1LP         information.                                   The Festival Village is situated    Train: Stockton station is 5         Centre. Please see website for
Festival visit:                                       • S IRF buddy service                         at the crossroads of SIRF -         minutes walk from the Town           a list of the available car parks
                                                                                                                                                                              along with any road and parking
                             THE TEAM ON
                                                                                                     between High Street, Riverside      Centre. Thornaby station is
                                                                  • A
                                                                     ccess lanyards                 and Parish Gardens - location 6     just across the river - it’s a 15    restrictions in-place during the
• Choose your shows                                                                                                                                                          festival.
                             THE STREET                           • D
                                                                     isabled access                 on map. A place to sit and chat     minutes walk to the Town Centre
• Get the latest updates                                                                            with family and friends, or make    and there are frequent buses
   at or      Our incredibly friendly and          • B
                                                                     SL performances                new ones whilst grabbing a          from outside the station as well
                             helpful Visitor Experience Team        • T
                                                                       ickertape Parade (page       snack from a top class range of     as a taxi rank.
   follow us on social                                                                               street food stalls.
                             in their orange SIRF t-shirts will       31), all Saturday shows                                                                             Berwick
   media                     be located at all our venues so
• Come prepared for         do ask them for;                     • T
                                                                     ouch tours
                                                                    • K
                                                                       apow (page 15),
                                                                                                     NCT &
   all weathers - bring a                                                                                                                                                    Alnwick
                             • Directions and other useful           available on all shows,
   raincoat, sunscreen          information                           must be booked in
   and sunglasses too!       • Programmes
                                (if you need another one)
                                                                      advance at SIRF Central
                                                                                                     SLING LIBRARY                                                               Newcastle upon Tyne
• Take time out of your                                                                             Location 7 on map
   busy Festival day to      • Guiding you around the            SIRF TICKETS                       SIRF & National Childbirth
   enjoy our Festival           Festival, providing support,      All but one SIRF19 shows are       Trust (NCT) have teamed up to                                      Durham
   Village and sample           advice and recommendations        FREE and for most of them you      offer a pop up family tent within                                                  Stockton-on-Tees
                                on what to see                    can just turn up for the start.    Parish Gardens. The space will
   some of the best food                                                                                                                                        Darlington
                             • Helping you navigate the          However there are four shows       offer baby changing facilities,
   and drink our town has                                         with a limited capacity – these    space and seats for breatfeeding
                                festival with up-to-date
   to offer                     information if anything           are clearly marked with a T sign   mums. There will also be an
                                                                  with information about when to     opportunity to hire a sling from
  Enjoy!                        changes
                                                                  get your tickets for each from     Teesside Sling Library to help
                                                                  SIRF Central.                      you get around the festival and
                                                                                                     for tired little legs.
                                                                  SIRF19 ticketed shows:
                                                                  • Frolicked, page 21
                                                                                                      For further information:
                                                                  • R
                                                                     ay Lee, page 25
                                                                                                      Visit                                                        /stocktonfestival
                                                                  • T
                                                                     he Other Way Works,             General enquires, Accessible SIRF & SIRF Central: 01642 528130              @sirf_stockton
                                                                    page 26
                                                                                                      Follow us on social media                                                   sirf_stockton
                                                                  • P
                                                                     resque Siamoises, Page 33

34 SIRF2019                                                                                                                                          SIRF2019 35






                                         5            4
     8                                                             3
     9                                       6
     11                              7           1

     P                           8

36 SIRF2019                                    SIRF2019 37

   VENUE                           6.00pm     6.15pm     6.30pm    6.45pm       7.00pm    7.15pm    7.30pm 7.45pm 8.00pm           8.15pm
                                   Rajasthan Heritage                                               Heritage                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tickertape
           High Street                                   Generik Vapeur pg4                                   Motionhouse pg4
                                   Brass Band pg4                                                   Brass                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Parade
                                                                                                    Band pg4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 31

   VENUE                           10.00am    10.15am    10.30am   10.45am      11.00am   11.15am   11.30am   11.45am   12.00pm 12.15pm 12.30pm 12.45pm 1.15pm              1.30pm     1.45pm     2.00pm     2.15pm        2.30pm   2.45pm     3.00pm 3.15pm        3.30pm     3.45pm        4.00pm     4.15pm       4.30pm
           High Street Plinth                                                                                                                                     Motionhouse pg4                                                                                   Safety Catch pg15                   Motionhouse pg4
           High Street Fountain                                                                                                                                                                   Avanti Display pg10               Mimbre pg14          Axial Dance pg10      Spitz & Co pg16                       Display
                                                                                                                                                                                       Apocalyptic Circus    Balloonatic            Fully Booked Theatre Apocalyptic Circus    Balloonatic              Fully Booked Theatre
           Parish Gardens
                                                                                                                                                                                       pg23                  pg23                   pg22                 pg23                  pg23                     pg22
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pre-show Tickertape                                               Post-show Ticker-
           Church Road                                                                                                                                                      Wild N Beets pg31                         Tickertape Parade pg31                                                 Wild N Beets pg31       Tickertape
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Parade pg31                                                       tape Parade pg31
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Parade pg31
                                                                                                              Ray Lee pg25                                                             Ray Lee pg25                                 Frolicked pg21
           Ticketed shows -
           start SIRf Central
                                                                   Frolicked pg21                                                                                                      The Other Way Works pg26

           High Street Walkabout                                                                                                            Balloonatic pg23

   Continued...                                                                                                                                                            All information is correct at time of print and is subject to change at short notice due to unforeseen
                                                                                                                                                                           circumstances such as bad weather. Please check our website and social media for latest information

   VENUE                           4.30pm     4.45pm     5.00pm    5.15pm       5.30pm    5.45pm 6.00pm       6.15pm    6.30pm     6.45pm   7.00pm     7.15pm     7.30pm    7.45pm     8.00pm     8.15pm     8.30pm        8.45pm   9.00pm     9.15pm    9.30pm     9.45pm     10.00pm 10.15pm 10.30pm 10.45pm
           High Street Plinth                                                                                           Safety Catch pg15
           High Street Fountain    Avanti Display pg10             Mimbre pg14                      Axial Dance pg10                                   Spitz & Co pg16

           Stockton Riverside                                                                                                                                                                                Sisus Sirkus pg8                            Furinkai pg8                        Vincent Glowinski pg9

           Parish Gardens                                                                                                                                                              Libertivore pg24

                                   Pre-show Tickertape                                              Post-show Ticker-
           Church Road                                 Tickertape Parade pg31                                                                                                                                                                                                  Elephants Laugh pg30
                                   Parade pg31                                                      tape Parade pg31
                                                                                                                                            The Sporthorses and                                                                                                     The Sporthorses and
           The Courtyard                                                                                                                                                                                     Amer i Á frica pg32
                                                                                                                                            the Guggenheim Box pg33                                                                                                 the Guggenheim Box pg33

                                                         Ray Lee pg25                                                                       Ray Lee pg25
           Ticketed shows -
           start SIRf Central
                                                         The Other Way Works pg26                                                                                 The Other Way Works pg26

38 SIRF2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SIRF2019 39
   VENUE                              10.00am    10.15am    10.30am    10.45am     11.00am    11.15am   11.30am   11.45am   12.00pm 12.15pm 12.30pm 12.45pm 1.00pm                 1.15pm       1.30pm     1.45pm    2.00pm     2.15pm       2.30pm     2.45pm        3.00pm   3.15pm      3.30pm     3.45pm      4.00pm      4.15pm      4.30pm
                                                                                                                                                                                  Joss Arnott                                                                                  Upswing
           High Street Plinth                                                                                                                                                                                        Stopgap pg18            Desperate men pg18                        Safety Catch pg15                      Stopgap pg18
                                                                                                                                                                                  Dance pg13                                                                                   pg19
           High Street Fountain                                                                                                                                                                 Kapow pg13           Avanti Display pg10                Mimbre pg14            Axial Dance pg10       Spitz & Co pg16
           Green Dragon Yard                                                                                                                                                                                         Lo-Giudice Dance pg26                                                                        Lo-Giudice Dance pg26

           Stockton Riverside                                                                                                                                          Community Carnival and Aftershow pg20

           Parish Gardens                                                                                                                                                         Apocalyptic Circus pg23 The Fabularium pg22                Balloonatic pg23       Apocalyptic Circus pg23 The Fabularium pg22               Balloonatic pg23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Post-show Ticker-                              Tickertape
           Church Road                                                                                                                                                                                               Wild N Beets pg31       Tickertape Parade pg31                                               Wild N Beets pg31
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           tape Parade pg31                               Parade
           The Courtyard              Presque Siamoises pg33

                                                                                                                  Ray Lee pg25                                                                             Ray Lee pg25                                 Frolicked pg21
           T icketed shows - start
            SIRF Central
                                                                       Frolicked pg21                                                                                                                      The Other Way Works pg26
           Explore -
                                                                                                                            Action d’espace pg27                                                                                                                                                                  Action d’espace pg27
           start at ARC
                                                                                   Kamchatka pg28                           Community Carnival pg20                                                                                                                                        Kamchatka pg28
           H igh Street
                                                                                   Balloonatic pg23                                                                                                                  Plunge Boom pg23
                                                                                   Plunge Boom pg29                                                                                                                                          Back Chat Brass pg29
           Infinity Bridge            dante
                                      Cie pg27

   Continued...                                                                                                                                                                   All information is correct at time of print and is subject to change at short notice due to unforeseen
                                                                                                                                                                                  circumstances such as bad weather. Please check our website and social media for latest information

   VENUE                              4.30pm     4.45pm     5.00pm     5.15pm      5.30pm     5.45pm    6.00pm    6.15pm    6.30pm    6.45pm       7.00pm     7.15pm   7.30pm     7.45pm        8.00pm     8.15pm    8.30pm     8.45pm      9.00pm      9.15pm      9.30pm     9.45pm     10.00pm 10.15pm 10.30pm 10.45pm 11.00pm
                                                                                  Joss Arnott Upswing
           High Street Plinth                    Desperate men pg18                                                                                Safety Catch pg15
                                                                                  Dance pg13 pg19

           High Street Fountain       Kapow pg13            Avanti Display pg10                         Mimbre pg14         Axial Dance pg10                                      Spitz & Co pg16                    RamShacklicious pg15

           Stockton Riverside                                                                                                                                                                                        Sisus Sirkus pg8                               Furinkai pg8                      Vincent Glowinski pg9
                                                 Apocalyptic Circus
           Parish Gardens                                                                                                                                                                       Libertivore pg24
                                      Pre-show Tickertape                                               Post-show Ticker-
           Church Road                                    Tickertape Parade pg31                                                                                                                                                                                                          Elephants Laugh pg30
                                      Parade pg31                                                       tape Parade pg31
                                                                                                                                                   The Sporthorses and                                                                                                         The Sporthorses and
           The Courtyard                                                                                                                                                                                             Amer i Á frica pg32
                                                                                                                                                   the Guggenheim Box pg33                                                                                                     the Guggenheim Box pg33

                                                            Ray Lee pg25                                                                           Ray Lee pg25
           Ticketed shows -
             start SIRF Central
                                                            The Other Way Works pg26                                                                                   The Other Way Works pg26
           Infinity Bridge                                                                                                                                             dante
                                                                                                                                                                       Cie pg27

40 SIRF2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SIRF2019 41
   VENUE                            10.00am    10.15am    10.30am   10.45am       11.00am   11.15am    11.30am   11.45am   12.00pm 12.15pm 12.30pm 12.45pm 1.00pm               1.15pm        1.30pm    1.45pm     2.00pm      2.15pm      2.30pm     2.45pm     3.00pm     3.15pm    3.30pm    3.45pm      4.00pm     4.15pm       4.30pm
           High Street Plinth                                                                                                                                                                 Stopgap pg18         Dorothy’s Shoes pg11

           High Street Fountain                                                                                                                                                               Kapow pg13                                              Joli Vyann pg12

                                                                                                                                                                                Joss Arnott                                                                                 Newton's
           High Street South                                                                                                                                                                                       Initiative.dkf pg12     Tangled Feet pg17                                    Initiative.dkf pg12    Tangled Feet pg17
                                                                                                                                                                                Dance pg13                                                                                  Ladder pg14

           Green Dragon Yard                                                                                                                                                                                       Lo-Giudice Dance pg26                                                                    Lo-Giudice Dance pg26
                                                                                                                                                                                Apocalyptic                                                Fully Booked          Apocalyptic                                           Fully Booked
           Parish Gardens                                                                                                                                                                               The Fabularium pg22                                                           The Fabularium pg22
                                                                                                                                                                                Circus pg23                                                Theatre pg22          Circus pg23                                           Theatre pg22
           The Courtyard            Presque Siamoises pg33

                                                                    Frolicked pg21                                                                                                                                                                    Frolicked pg21
           Ticketed shows -
           start SIRF Central
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Other Way Works pg26
                                                                                                                                                                                Theatre Tol
           Explore - start at ARC                                                                                          Action d’espace pg27                                                                                                                                                             Action d’espace pg27
                                                                                                                                                                                Page 6
           High Street Walkabout                                                                                                                                               Kamchatka pg28
           Infinity Bridge          dante
                                    Cie pg27

   Continued...                                                                                                                                                                 All information is correct at time of print and is subject to change at short notice due to unforeseen
                                                                                                                                                                                circumstances such as bad weather. Please check our website and social media for latest information

   VENUE                            4.30pm     4.45pm     5.00pm    5.15pm        5.30pm    5.45pm     6.00pm    6.15pm    6.30pm     6.45pm      7.00pm   7.15pm    7.30pm     7.45pm        8.00pm    8.15pm     8.30pm      8.45pm      9.00pm     9.15pm     9.30pm     9.45pm    10.00pm 10.15pm 10.30pm 10.45pm 11.00pm
           High Street Plinth                             Stopgap pg18

           High Street Fountain                                                   Desperate men pg18             Kapow pg13           Joli Vyann pg12                            Desperate men pg18

                                               Joss Arnott                                                                                                 Newton's
           High Street South                               RamShacklicious pg15                                                                                                                                    RamShacklicious pg15
                                               Dance pg13                                                                                                  Ladder pg14

           Green Dragon Yard

           Stockton Riverside                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Theatre Tol pg6

           Parish Gardens

           The Courtyard                                                                                                                                                                                Amer i Á frica pg32

           Ticketed shows -
           start SIRF Central
                                                          The Other Way Works pg26                                                                                   The Other Way Works pg26

           Explore - start at ARC

      High Street Walkabout        Kamchatka pg28
           Infinity Bridge                                                                                                                                           dante
                                                                                                                                                                     Cie pg27

42 SIRF2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SIRF2019 43
      Ever watched a show at SIRF
      and thought ‘I’d like to try
      that?’ Well you can;
      Next year SIRF and ARC in
      partnership will be launching a
      new street theatre group for young
      people aged 18 - 24, if you’d
      like to be part of this,
      please register your interest
      on our website by sending us a
      message via the ‘Contact’ section

44 SIRF2019
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