STUDENT HANDBOOK 2021 Academic Year - Ikon Institute of Australia

Page created by Roland Newman
STUDENT HANDBOOK 2021 Academic Year - Ikon Institute of Australia
2021 Academic Year

Student Handbook
This handbook provides general information relevant
to your study at Ikon. For course specific
information, see the Ikon website (and Canvas for
subject materials once enrolled).

Ikon Institute makes every effort to ensure that the
information in this handbook is correct at the time
of publication but reserves the right to make
changes when necessary.

You will be notified of changes that are essential to
your studies via email and we recommend that you
check the accuracy of other information with the
Student Experience Team prior to making any
decisions regarding your enrolment.

Student Experience
 1300 000 933

ETHICAL GUIDELINES ......................................................................................................................... 1
  Responsibilities ..................................................................................................................................................... 1

ADMISSION ........................................................................................................................................ 2
  Admission Criteria ................................................................................................................................................ 2
  Recognition of Prior Learning ............................................................................................................................... 2
  Tuition Fees ....................................................................................................................................................... 2

GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 3
  Equal Opportunity for Students ........................................................................................................................... 3
  Where to find information .................................................................................................................................... 3
  Grievance & Appeals Process .............................................................................................................................. 3
  Code of Conduct .................................................................................................................................................. 3

ACADEMIC YEAR ................................................................................................................................ 4
  Key Academic Dates ............................................................................................................................................ 4
  Census Dates........................................................................................................................................................ 4
  Key Contacts ........................................................................................................................................................ 4

PARTICIPATING IN DECISION MAKING .............................................................................................. 5

CAMPUS INFORMATION .................................................................................................................... 5
  Campus Locations ................................................................................................................................................ 5
  Student ID Cards .................................................................................................................................................. 5
  Transport Concession Cards ................................................................................................................................ 5
  Campus Rules ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
  Lost Property ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
  Emergency Evacuation ......................................................................................................................................... 6
  Emergencies ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
  Useful Telephone Numbers ................................................................................................................................. 6

IT & LEARNING SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................... 7
  Computer Network and Internet Access, Use and Safety .................................................................................... 7
  Learning Management System ............................................................................................................................. 7
  Software ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
  Equipment Safety and Protocol ........................................................................................................................... 7

MANAGING YOUR ENROLMENT ........................................................................................................ 8
  Study Workload .................................................................................................................................................... 8
  Deferring Enrolment ............................................................................................................................................. 8
  Suspending Enrolment ......................................................................................................................................... 8
  Withdrawing from a Course or Subject ................................................................................................................ 8
  Suspension and Cancellation ............................................................................................................................... 8
  Transferring between Courses ............................................................................................................................. 8
  Change of Personal Details .................................................................................................................................. 8
  Attendance ........................................................................................................................................................... 8

ACADEMIC SERVICES & SUPPORT...................................................................................................... 9
  Orientation ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
  Timetables ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
  Wellbeing ............................................................................................................................................................. 9

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Academic & Learning Support ............................................................................................................................. 9
  Counselling .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
  Confidentiality ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
  Records................................................................................................................................................................. 9
  ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
  APA Referencing ................................................................................................................................................ 10
  Submitting Assessments .................................................................................................................................... 10
  Short Extensions ................................................................................................................................................. 10
  Longer Extensions for Special Consideration..................................................................................................... 10
  Late Submission ................................................................................................................................................. 10
  Copyright ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
  Academic Integrity ............................................................................................................................................. 11

ACADEMIC PROGRESSION ............................................................................................................... 11
  Rules of Progression ........................................................................................................................................... 11
  Satisfactory Academic Progress ......................................................................................................................... 11

SAFE ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................................................................... 12
  Health & Safety................................................................................................................................................... 12
  Personal Safety ................................................................................................................................................... 12
  Reporting an Incident ......................................................................................................................................... 12
  Privacy ................................................................................................................................................................ 12

PLACEMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 13
  Insurance ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
  Official Clearances and Extra Curricula Training ................................................................................................ 13
  Placement Conduct ............................................................................................................................................ 13

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ............................................................................................................ 14
  Student Visa Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 14
  Overseas Student Health Cover ......................................................................................................................... 14
  Your Rights Under the ESOS Act........................................................................................................................ 14
  Health and Safety ............................................................................................................................................... 14
  Cost of Living ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
  Working in Australia ........................................................................................................................................... 14

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ETHICAL GUIDELINES                                                     Act with honesty and integrity, including copyright
                                                                       issues and submission of original work, contributing
                                                                       to a constructive classroom environment, seeking
                                                                       personal support, counselling and supervision as
Ikon’s ethical guidelines express the values and                       directed by Ikon and as necessary and to continue
principles which are integral to, and characteristic of,               to behave in a professional manner.
the organisation. It is intended to assist students and
staff to act in ethically accountable ways while on                •   Maintain professional competence and use the
campus, on placement, and into their professional life.                knowledge and training received to practice to your
Ikon aims to produce graduates who are able to                         best ability; commit to keeping yourself, children,
develop their own potential, and whose knowledge,                      your clients and others safe, which may include
skills and practice contribute to an international                     refusing service; setting and maintaining
community of people committed to social change,                        appropriate boundaries in keeping with the
community building, learning and healing.                              professional body relevant to your course; do not
                                                                       pursue, nor allow, inappropriate relationships with
Ikon contributes through the delivery of quality                       clients.
educational programs and is committed to the basic
values of:                                                         •   Commit to ongoing professional development
    • Human dignity and worth                                          and supervision, including membership in relevant
    • Honesty and integrity                                            professional associations.
    • Ethical practice
    • Personal and professional growth
    • Respect
    • Courtesy
                                                                   Ikon Institute of Australia
    • Competence
                                                                   Ikon will support you to achieve your course outcomes
In carrying out their duties, particularly while preparing         and:
or undertaking placement, staff and students are
                                                                   •   Provide you with a quality education and a positive
expected to comply with Ikon’s policies. It is also
                                                                       student experience
expected that students and staff will:
                                                                   •   Prepare you for professional practice
•       Respect diversity by practicing non-discrimination
        on all levels, including spiritual, gender, personal,      •   Provide support services and a safe learning
        political, culture, sexuality, religion, other’s beliefs       environment
        and practices.                                             •   Provide access to study and information resources

•       Honour the confidentiality of information provided         •   Be available to provide with you individual
        to them by peers, staff, clients, families, colleagues         assistance with your r studies
        etc. by disclosing personal information only with
        consent or as required by law; and practicing clear        Students
        communications with peers, colleagues and social           You are expected to maintain satisfactory academic
        conversations.                                             progress and:

•       Behave in a respectful and courteous manner,               •   Work to the best of your ability and make genuine
        including punctuality in class, on placement, with             attempts to complete course requirements, submit
        clients; understanding the expectations of                     assessment tasks by the due date, maintain regular
        placement      organisations     (eg   appropriate             attendance, and actively engage in learning
        behaviour, dress code and hygiene habits); and                 activities
        respectful treatment of property and environments.
                                                                   •   Work in a manner consistent with the principles of
                                                                       academic integrity
                                                                   •   Conduct themselves in a professional manner in
                                                                       both the classroom and placement settings

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Tuition Fees
                                                           The indicative tuition fees for each course of study at
                                                           Ikon can be found at the ‘Course Fees’ tab under the
Admission to a course of study at Ikon Institute of        Study with Us section of the institution website access
Australia is based on the principles of academic merit,    via
access and equity, fairness and the right to recognition
of prior learning.                                         Course Tuition Fee Payment Options

Ikon will give all applicants the opportunity to prove     Students must meet the liability for tuition fees by
themselves capable of completing the course they           Census Date each trimester (based on study load).
have applied for and provide a duty of care to each        You have four options for the payment of your subject
applicant to ensure they are not placed in a situation     fees:
in which it is unlikely they will succeed.
                                                               a)   paid in full upfront on invoice

Admission Criteria                                             b)   paid by instalment via direct debit
                                                               c)   defer your entire tuition fee liability through
Applicants will be admitted into a course of study at               FEE-HELP assistance
Ikon where they meet the following criteria:
                                                               d)   paid part upfront and the balance deferred
a)    satisfy the admission criteria for the Applicant              through FEE-HELP assistance
      Group most relevant to their circumstances
b)    satisfy any course specific admission criteria       Tuition Fee Payments by Direct Debit Instalments
      relevant to their chosen course
                                                           If paying fees in instalments via direct debit you need
c)    meet the published English Language                  to ensure that the required level of funds is available
      Proficiency requirements for the course              in your accounts so that their monthly payments can
d)    be 18 years of age at commencement                   be accommodated.

e)    satisfy all conditions of admission (or              Direct debit payments will be processed on the 15th
      readmission) as outlined in the Letter of Offer      day of each month. If the required funds are not
                                                           available at the time of processing and Ikon incurs a
f)    agree to abide by the conditions of enrolment as     fee, the fee will be passed on to you.
      outlined in the Offer Acceptance Declaration
                                                           To change payment arrangements, contact Finance
If you have any questions about applying for a course      via by the 1st day of the
of study at Ikon, contact Admissions on 1300 000 933       month to avoid any additional fees or penalties.
                                                            1300 000 993
    Domestic Student Admission Policy
    International Student Admission Policy                FEE-HELP Loan Assistance

                                                           Domestic students who do not choose to pay their
Recognition of Prior Learning                              course fees upfront, have access to the Government
                                                           FEE-HELP loan assistance plan to pay their fees. FEE-
Students may be eligible for subject exemptions in         HELP is available to full-time and part-time domestic
recognition of learning from previously completed          students enrolled in a course of study at Ikon.
                                                           You must meet the eligibility criteria as defined in the
Recognition of Prior Learning is an assessment             Higher Education Support Act 2003 and complete the
process used to determine the extent to which a            eCAF form prior to Census Date. You will also need a
student has achieved the required learning outcomes        Tax      File    Number       (TFN).            Contact
of a subject to receive credit towards a course of study to obtain a FEE-HELP
at Ikon. This may result in the grade of ‘Subject          application form.
Exemption’ (CE) in that subject.
                                                           For more information about the loan scheme, visit:
Application for course credit should be lodged as
soon as possible. Applications may not be accepted
after the course has commenced. The application fee        information/help-publications
is $500 per subject (unless otherwise stated).   
Contact Student Experience for an application form.
                                                               Deferral, Withdrawal, Fee Refund & Assurance Policy
    Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Policy
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Tuition Fee Refunds                                           materials are available in Canvas one week prior to the
                                                              first day of class. Students receive a login to Canvas
Ikon will issue a refund of tuition fees paid for             as part of the enrolment process.
education not delivered where:
•       An offer of a place is withdrawn.                     Grievance & Appeals Process
•       Ikon cancels a course.                                Ikon will take all reasonable steps to ensure decisions
•       The student fails to meet course progression          are fair, objective and consistently applied in
        requirements and is subsequently not permitted        accordance with policy, legislation and regulation.
        to continue the course. The student is eligible for   Ikon recognises, where reasonable grounds exist, to
        a full refund of any pre-paid tuition fees for        appeal against decisions and will ensure grievance
        subjects not yet attempted.                           and appeals are dealt with quickly and impartially.

•       A student withdraws from a subject on or before       The Ikon grievance framework is a four-stage process
        census date.                                          designed to determine complaints, grievances and
                                                              appeals with fairness and protection for all parties.
In any other circumstances, a refund of tuition fees
paid upfront may be considered if verifiable                  You are encouraged to seek resolution informally with
compassionate and compelling circumstances                    the person/s directly involved before initiating a
preventing you from continuing in your course.                formal grievance resolution.
                                                              Stage 1:   Make an informal approach
     Deferral, Withdrawal, Fee Refund & Assurance Policy
                                                              Stage 2:   Lodge a formal grievance
                                                              Stage 3:   Lodge an internal appeal
                                                              Stage 4:   Make an external appeal

GENERAL INFORMATION                                           During the grievance process, you are required to
                                                              continue your r studies until a resolution is reached.
                                                                  Grievance & Appeals Policy, Formal Grievance Form,
Equal Opportunity for Students                                     Application to Appeal Form

Ikon is committed to ensuring that all students and           Code of Conduct
prospective students feel comfortable and respected.
Ikon policies and the Student Code of Conduct                 In all interpersonal interactions with other members of
prohibit discriminatory practice of any kind.                 Ikon’s community, you are expected to:
Ikon encourages and facilitates access for applicants         1.   Honour this code of conduct and comply with the
from under-represented and/or disadvantaged                        policies and procedures of Ikon.
groups, including:
                                                              2.   Honour the confidentiality          of   information
        •     Part or full-time carers                             provided by other students.
        •     Persons with disabilities
                                                              3.   Respect the political, spiritual and personal beliefs
        •     Persons experiencing mental or physical
                                                                   of others and recognise the benefits of individual
              health concerns
                                                                   learning styles, needs and points of view
        •     Mature-age applicants                                expressed in the classroom.
        •     Single parents
        •     People for whom English is a second             4.   Attend class appropriately dressed.
              language                                        5.   Treat other students, staff and members of the
        •     Persons who identify as LGBTI                        community with respect and courtesy.
                                                              6.   Refrain from intimidating or bullying behaviour
Where to find information                                          towards others and from harassing, discriminating
                                                                   against, or vilifying others on the basis of gender,
Ikon policies, procedures and codes of conduct are                 race, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, age, disability,
available on the website            beliefs, opinions or background.
procedures/ and can be accessed via the Student Hub           7.   Use computer equipment, systems and network
in Canvas.                                                         provided by Ikon in an appropriate manner.
Students should make themselves aware of the relevant         8.   Act with honesty, integrity, respect and courtesy.
policies and the requirements of the course in which
they are enrolled.                                            9.   Comply with directions given by Ikon staff to
                                                                   promote good order and management.
Subject outlines, assessment requirements and reading
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Key Academic Dates
                                                          Key Contacts
Trimester 1, 2021
Orientation Week *                     8-12 February
                                                           1300 000 933
Teaching Starts *                      15 February
Census Date *                          9 March
Teaching Ends                          7 May
Exam Week                              10-14 May          Student Experience
Inter-Trimester Break                  17-28 May           1300 000 933
* Faculty of Education:
 Orientation Week                      22-26 February     You may also speak to           your   campus-based
 Teaching Starts                       1 March            Student Experience Advisor.
 Census Date                           19 March
                                                          Wellness Support
Trimester 2, 2021                                          1300 000 933
Orientation Week                       24-28 May          
Teaching Starts                        31 May             Appointments can be booked via the Student Hub.
Census Date                            22 June
Teaching Ends                          20 August          Academic Support
Exam Week                              23-27 August
Inter-Trimester Break                  30 Aug - 10 Sept    1300 000 933
Trimester 3, 2021                                         Appointments can be booked via the Student Hub.
Orientation Week                       6-10 September
Teaching Starts                        13 September       Campus Counsellors
Census Date                            5 October           1300 000 933
Teaching Ends                          3 December         
Exam Week                              6-10 December
                                                          Appointments can be booked via the Student Hub.

Census Dates                                              International Students
The census date is the last date you can finalise or       1300 000 933
withdraw from a subject, suspend your enrolment           
or cancel your enrolment without it affecting your
grades.                                                   Heads of School
Census dates are also the deadline for the payment        Counselling
of your tuition fees. If you withdraw from a subject,
                                                          Dr Tra-ill Dowie
suspend or cancel your enrolment after a census
date you are financially liable for the tuition fees       1300 000 933
and may not be eligible for a refund.                     

Each subject in your course has a census date,
based on the session in which it is taught. Census        Education
dates are published in the Schedule of Fees and can       Julie Michlmayr
be accessed via and on the Key
Dates page of the website -         1300 000 933
Contact the Student Experience Team to make
changes to your study load or enrolment.

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PARTICIPATING IN                                          If you need to move interstate, just let us know and we
                                                          can arrange for you to enrol in our campus in your new
DECISION MAKING                                           state, seamlessly.

                                                          Student ID Cards
At Ikon, there are opportunities for students to
participate in a range of decision-making                 All students are issued with a student ID card that
opportunities, including being a member of the            provides both photographic identification and
Teaching and Learning Committee and the Academic          evidence of student status for public transport
Board.                                                    concessions.
                                                          Photos are taken during orientation and the ID cards
As a student representative on our Academic Board,        are prepared at the head office in Adelaide and then
you will actively participate in high-level decision-     available with the Student Experience
making, enabling you to develop a deep
understanding of the complexities of academic             You should contact Student Experience to replace
management and acquire the skills of governance and       your lost or stolen student identification card.
compliance that are the basis on which all decisions at
Ikon are made. If such an opportunity interests you,      Transport Concession Cards
please speak to a member of the Student Experience
team on your campus.                                      Full-time domestic students may be eligible for
                                                          concession rates for public transport. Eligibility and
                                                          application processes differ in each State.

CAMPUS INFORMATION                                        The campus Student Experience Team is happy to
                                                          help you to obtain your travel card.

Ikon campuses around Australia:                           Information about campus facilities, transport
                                                          options and location can be found on the website
Campus Locations

Adelaide Campus                                           Campus Rules
Level 3, 127 Rundle Mall
Adelaide SA 5000                                          •   You are required to carry your Student ID card
                                                              with you at all times whilst on campus.
 1300 000 933
                                                          •   You are expected to dress appropriately.
Brisbane Campus
                                                          •   Smoking on campus premises is prohibited.
Level 4, 243 Edward Street
                                                              Do not loiter or smoke on pavements or areas
Brisbane QLD 4000
                                                              outside entrances or nearby public areas.
 1300 000 933
                                                          •   The consumption of alcohol or use of illegal
                                                              substances on campus is considered misconduct.
Sydney Campus
                                                              These activities will result in disciplinary
Level 1, 65 York Street
                                                              procedures, which may include expulsion
Sydney NSW 2000
                                                              (cancellation of your enrolment).
 1300 000 933
                                                          •   Food and beverages are not permitted in
Melbourne Campus                                              classrooms. They may only be consumed in
Level 6, 601 Bourke Street                                    designated areas, before or after class.
Melbourne VIC 3000                                        •   Mobile phones, and other electronic devices are
 1300 000 933                                                to be switched off (or on vibrate) and hidden from
                                                              view during class time.
Perth Campus                                              •   Laptops and tablet computers are allowed for
Unit 12, 40 Lord Street                                       note taking only i.e. other activities such as
East Perth WA 6004                                            checking personal email or surfing the web during
 1300 000 933                                                class is inappropriate and disrespectful.

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•       Participate in classroom discussion in a                 Warden or Emergency Services Officer.
        constructive manner and avoid side conversations
                                                             •   Permit only non-bulky personal items, such as
        with classmates during class.
                                                                 purses, wallets or handbags, to be carried into the
•       Disruptive behaviour is not permitted while              emergency exits for an evacuation other than a
        classes are in session. The lecturer reserves the        bomb threat.
        right to ask a student to leave the classroom.
•       Respect classmates and lecturers and the views
        expressed by others. This includes verbal and
                                                                             If you are witnessing an emergency
        physical behaviour as well as messages via email,
                                                                             or a crime, dial 000. This number is
        text or social media platforms.
                                                                             free, and it will direct you to the
•       Posters and notices may only be displayed on the                     police, fire and ambulance services.
        notice boards with campus approval.
                                                                             Stay calm, don’t panic, and contact
•       Students are subject to all policy and regulations                   the campus Student Experience
        which may be in force at the time, including those                   team as soon as possible.
        laid down by Ikon and those governing the
        building and its facilities.
                                                             Useful Telephone Numbers
Lost Property                                                Police Assistance Line (24 hrs) 131 444

Campus Administration is responsible for managing            Crime Stopers (24 hrs) 1800 333 000
lost and found property. If you have lost or found           Health Direct Australia (24 hr health advice) 1800 022
property on campus, please see your Campus                   222
Administration Team.
                                                             Legal Advice Hotline (7am to midnight, 7 Days) 1300
Ikon takes no responsibility for lost or damaged             636 846
property on campus.
                                                             Poisons Information Centre 13 11 26
Emergency Evacuation
                                                             Australian Taxation Office 13 28 65
Each campus building has an evacuation plan and              Fair Work Ombudsman 13 13 94
map showing the emergency exits, evacuation and    
assembly routes, and safety points.
                                                             Overseas Students Ombudsman 1300 362 072
In the case of an evacuation, Ikon appointed fire  
wardens will lead you through the evacuation process
to safely leave the building and assemble at the             Department of Home Affairs 131 881
designated safety points.                          

Follow instructions from fire wardens, safety officers,      Australian Human Rights Commissions 1300 656 419
and emergency services personnel. Do not return to 
the campus unless instructed to do.                          Rape Crisis and Sexual Assault Hotline
In the case of an evacuation, the fire wardens will:              Adelaide 1800 817 421
•       Ensure all emergency exits are clear.                     Brisbane 1800 010 120
•       Lead occupants in single file down any stairs to          Melbourne 1800 806 292
        the Assembly Area. Please keep calm and avoid
        running or lagging behind.                                Perth 1800 199 888

•       Assist any person who falls or trips or is less           Sydney 1800 424 017
        mobile.                                              1800 RESPECT NATIONAL COUNSELLING
                                                             HELPLINE 1800 737 732
•       Ensure the noise level is kept to a minimum.
•       Ensure all evacuees stay together.
•       Allow room for emergency services personnel
        who may also be using the emergency exits.
•       Prevent any person from re-entering the floor or
        building, unless authorised to do so by the Chief
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                                                             Ikon does not make a practice of monitoring email,
                                                             personal web sites, or files and data stored on
Computer Network and Internet Access, Use                    computers or traversing the network. However, Ikon
and Safety                                                   reserves the right to access and monitor all activity,
                                                             and so users should have no expectation of privacy
The computer network is the property of Ikon and is          when using institutional computer equipment.
to be used only for legitimate educational and
business purposes. You have a responsibility to use
computer resources and the internet in a professional,       Learning Management System
lawful and ethical manner. Abuse of the computer
network or internet may result in disciplinary action.       Courses at Ikon are delivered on campus or online and
                                                             are structured to provide you the opportunity to
Students are reminded and cautioned that even                collaborate and learn with the support of your peers,
innocuous web search requests can result in contact          and to interact with academic staff.
with offensive, sexually explicit, and inappropriate
material. Unsolicited e-mails can pose similar risks.        Courses are designed to include components where
Students and staff accessing the internet do so at their     you are required to complete online activities or
own risk and understand and agree that Ikon is not           access e-readings in preparation for class. This model
responsible for material viewed or downloaded by             allows class time to focus on discussion, practicing
users from the Internet. Ikon has the right to utilise       skills, and utilising the expertise of your lecturer.
hardware and software that makes it possible to              •    Teaching materials and online learning activities
identify and block access to internet sites containing            are accessed via the Learning Management
sexually explicit or other material deemed                        System known as Canvas.
                                                             •    Timetables and assessment results are accessed
                                                                  via the Student Management System (known as
Frivolous Use                                                     Wisenet).
Computer resources are not unlimited. Network                •    Library resources are accessed via the Library
bandwidth and storage capacity have finite limits, and            Network through Canvas.
all users connected to the network have a
responsibility to conserve these resources. As such,         You will receive a login to these systems as part of the
users must not deliberately perform acts that waste          enrolment process. System login details are received
computer resources or unfairly monopolise resources          via an email from
to the exclusion of others. Unless required as part of
course work, these acts include, but are not limited to,     If you do not receive your login details, contact
sending mass mailings or chain letters, spending             Student Experience.
excessive amounts of time on the internet, playing           [It could also be sitting in a Junk Folder].
games, engaging in online chat groups or other social
media, uploading or downloading large files,
accessing streaming audio and/or video files or              Software
otherwise creating unnecessary loads on network
traffic associated with non-business-related uses of         You will need to have access to:
the Internet.
                                                             •   Microsoft Word
                                                             •   Adobe Reader
Virus Detection
                                                             •   Email (Outlook, Gmail etc.)
Files obtained from sources outside the institute,
including disks brought from home, files downloaded          Equipment Safety and Protocol
from the Internet, newsgroups, bulletin boards, or
other online services; files attached to e-mail, and files   Items such as personal computers, laptops and mobile
provided by customers or vendors, may contain                phones are the student’s responsibility and should not
dangerous computer viruses that may damage the               be left unattended at any time. All students must
computer network. If you suspect a virus has been            bring with them some form of digital storage device
introduced into the network, notify Student                  like a USB stick or other portable hard drive. You are
Experience immediately.                                      responsible for the safety and security of your work
                                                             and it is recommended that you back up data

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MANAGING YOUR                                                        International students should be aware that
                                                                     changing their study load or deferring,
ENROLMENT                                                            suspending or cancelling your enrolment
                                                                     may affect your course duration and, the
                                                           length of your student visa. Ikon is required to report
                                                           changes to an international student’s enrolment to the
Study Workload                                             Department of Home Affairs via PRISMS (as per ESOS
                                                           Act and National Code 2018).
Study workload is the number of hours you should
expect to spend on learning activities to achieve the
requirements of your course and maintain satisfactory      Suspension and Cancellation
                                                           You are expected to maintain a high standard of
Study workload includes teaching hours (face-to-face       academic honesty and integrity. Ikon reserves the
or online delivery) plus the hours spent away from the     right to suspend or cancel your enrolment where there
classroom completing readings, online learning             has been a serious breach of academic integrity or
activities, assessments, and group work.                   misconduct.
Ikon recommends students spend 3 hours on self-
study for each hour of teaching per subject per week       Transferring between Courses
i.e.. a total workload of 30 hours per week (for a full-
time study load).                                          If you wish to transfer to another course of study at
                                                           Ikon, a formal transfer request must be lodged with
Deferring Enrolment                                        Student Experience. You may be required to attend
                                                           an interview with the Head of Faculty depending on
If you wish to defer your enrolment and delay the          the nature of the course transfer request. Contact
commencement of of your studies with Ikon, you are         Student Experience to request a transfer form. It is
required to lodge a written request with Student           important that any transfers are processed prior to
Experience     outlining  the    new    proposed           Census Date to avoid academic and financial penalty.
commencement date.
                                                           Change of Personal Details
Suspending Enrolment
                                                           If you change your personal details - address, email,
If you wish to suspend your enrolment to take a leave      mobile number etc, it is important that you provide
of absence from your course of study, you are required     your new details to Student Experience. You can do
to lodge a written request with Student Experience         this via the Learner App or by email to
outlining the reasons and the proposed return date.

Withdrawing from a Course or Subject                       Attendance

If you wish to cancel your enrolment or withdraw from      Classes are an essential part of the education program
your course, or withdraw from a subject to reduce your     at Ikon. If you do not attend class, whether in class or
study load, you are required to lodge a formal             online, or participate in learning activities, you may
application with Student Experience outlining the          not be able to meet all requirements of your course
reasons for withdrawal.                                    and at risk of failing.

Please contact Student Experience to make changes          Ikon expects students to attend class, to arrive on time
to your enrolment. A meeting will be arranged with a       and remain for the duration. If you arrive more than 10
Student Experience Advisor prior to formally               minutes late, you may not be admitted (this is at
submitting your application.                               discretion of the lecturer).

It is important that any changes to enrolment are done     Student attendance is recorded in an online roll.
prior to Census Date to avoid academic and financial       Holidays, employment and personal appointments
penalty.                                                   should be arranged so your attendance is not
                                                           affected. If you plan to be absent from class for an
   Deferral, Withdrawal, Refund & Assurance Policy        extended period of time you should contact Student

                                                              Attendance Policy

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ACADEMIC SERVICES &                                      difficulties, study     techniques,
                                                         information skills and referencing.
                                                                                                research     and

SUPPORT                                                  Reach out to ask for help and make an appointment
                                                         via the Student Hub in Canvas.

Orientation                                              Special Needs

It is compulsory for all new students to participate     At Ikon we are committed to providing appropriate
in the orientation program.                              and reasonable adjustments to students with a
                                                         disability or chronic health condition. If you have a
Orientation begins the week prior to the Course          disability, illness, injury or health condition that
Commencement Date. You will be advised of the            impacts on your academic studies, or if you care for
day/time via an email from the Enrolment team.           someone who does, speak with a member of the
Additional orientation sessions are provided on an as    Student Experience Team so that we can work with
needs basis. If you are unable to attend your session,   you to provide practical, individualised supports to
it is important to contact the Enrolment team as soon    assist you to succeed with your studies.
as possible to make alternative arrangements.
                                                         Transition into higher qualifications can be a stressful
Timetables are published in advance of each trimester    time. The pressure of work, assessment deadlines or
and are available for download from the website and      the prospect of an exam may become cause feelings
the Student Hub in Canvas. Your personal class           of stress and anxiety, becoming difficult to manage.
schedule is available in your Learner App.               As the learning builds, concepts become more
                                                         difficult, and it may feel overwhelming at times. Events
Please note that timetables may change during the        at home can also cause difficulties and make the
first 3 weeks of classes as student numbers and          process of studying stressful.
preferences are finalised. You should check for
updates your timetable regularly during this period.     Your mental wellbeing is as equally important as your
                                                         physical wellbeing and so Ikon offers all students
                                                         access to private sessions with Campus Counsellors
                                                         who are trained in therapeutic practice.
Student welfare and wellbeing contributes to a           You are required to give 48 hours’ notice if cannot
positive student experience and so Ikon offers all       attend your appointment.
students access to a Wellbeing Coordinator to link you
                                                         If things do become difficult, you don’t need to tough
to the best avenues for support. The wellbeing service
                                                         it out or go it alone. Our Student Experience Team
is a collaboration with internal support and other
                                                         and Academic Support Officers are here to help.
professional services to develop strategies to promote
                                                         Make an appointment via the Student Hub in Canvas.
a healthy wellbeing.

Appointments can be booked online via the Student
Hub in Canvas. Or you can approach a member of the
Student Experience team or the Wellbeing                 Service provided by Campus Counsellors is
Coordinator.                                             confidential. Confidentiality does not apply in
                                                         instances where you are considered to be at risk of
                                                         harming yourself or others or where you agree to liaise
Academic & Learning Support
                                                         with another mental health professional or members
                                                         of staff at Ikon.
Asking questions is a normal part of learning. Chances
are, if you have a question in class, someone else
probably wants to know the same thing. So be brave
and ask!
                                                         All records created within the counselling service are
From time to time, you might want to clarify your        stored securely. Case notes will be kept for a minimum of
understanding of a concept or an assessment task.        seven years, then shredded, burned or destroyed through
You can also speak to your teacher after class.          a confidential waste system when no longer required.
Other times you may need a longer, personalised           Record Management & Personal Information Policy
session. Ikon offers individual learning support
services in lots of areas, such as academic writing
techniques,     computer     applications, learning

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Short Extensions
                                                             If you experience illness, or other difficulty beyond
                                                             your reasonable control, you may request a short
The achievement of learning outcomes for all subjects        extension to submit your assessment.           A short
are measured through assessment. Assessment tasks            extension up to seven calendar days may be granted
may include essays, reports, examinations, practical         at the discretion of the lecturer. Application does not
work, class participation, presentations, case studies       guarantee the request will be granted.
and group work.
                                                             A Short Extension Request Form should be lodged via
The assessment task, weighting, due date and                 email to on or before 5:00pm
marking criteria are outlined in the subject outline.        three business days before the assessment due date.
You must make a reasonable attempt in all assessment         Request forms can be downloaded from the Canvas
tasks in order to be eligible to complete the subject        Policy Library (via the Student Hub) or the Ikon
and must achieve a combined result of at least 50% to        website.
pass the subject.                                            Requests must be genuine and made with good
Failure to complete an assessment task or failure to         intent. Submitting a request to gain academic
submit by the due date has consequences including            advantage is an act of academic misconduct.
late penalties and the grade of Fail.                        You will be advised of the decision via email.
Assessments are marked and returned electronically
Feedback for each assessment task is provided with           Longer Extensions for Special Consideration
final grades published at the end of each trimester.
                                                             If you need a longer extension, or have missed an
                                                             assessment due to circumstances beyond your
APA Referencing                                              control, you may be eligible for special consideration.
                                                             Grounds for special consideration may include illness,
You must not use other people’s ideas and/or work            injury, misadventure, death of a close family member,
and pass them off as you own. Doing this is                  experiencing or witnessing an accident or crime.
considered plagiarism and an act of academic
misconduct.                                                  An Application for Special Consideration, with
                                                             relevant supporting documentation, should be
Cite all sources of information as a detailed reference      lodged via email to
list at the end of an assignment, and as in-text citations   Application forms can be downloaded from the
when quoting or paraphrasing somebody else’s work            Canvas Policy Library (via the Student Hub).
within an assignment.
                                                             Application should be made as early as possible but
Ikon uses APA 7 Referencing (American Psychological          at least three business days prior to the assessment
Association, 7th Edition).                                   due date. Application does not guarantee the request
                                                             will be granted.
Academic Support is available to help with writing
essays, grammar, logic and referencing. The APA              Applications must be genuine and made with good
Referencing Guidelines can be downloaded from the            intent. Submitting an application to gain academic
Student Hub in Canvas.                                       advantage is an act of academic misconduct.
                                                             You will be advised of the decision via email.
Submitting Assessments
                                                             Late Submission
All assessments must be submitted via Canvas unless
otherwise stated in the subject outline or assessment
brief.                                                       Where a short extension or special consideration is
                                                             denied, the set assessment due date stands.
Text-based assessment work must be submitted in
word or PDF format. File size is limited to 5MB              An assessment is considered late if submitted after
(compressing file images will help minimise file size).      11:59pm if the set due date or agreed extension date.
Assessments must be submitted with an Assessment             A late penalty of 5% of the total mark per day up to
Cover Sheet. Assessment Cover Sheets can be                  7 calendar days will be applied. If you have not
downloaded via Canvas.                                       submitted by 11:59pm of the 7th day, you will receive a
                                                             mark of zero and a grade of Fail for that assessment.
Assessments must be submitted by 11:59pm of the
due date (or the agreed extension date) or late                  Assessment Policy
penalties will apply.                                             Academic Integrity Policy

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Ikon and its students are required to comply with the
Copyright Act 1968-73. It applies to any materials
(printed, electronic, audio, visual). Under the
Copyright Act you may not infringe copyright in
someone else’s material you are including in your            Rules of Progression
scholarly work (essay or report), if you are using the
material for the purposes of research or study and           Eligibility to graduate requires the          successful
your use of the material is ‘fair’. If it does not involve   completion of all subjects in the course.
the taking of more than a ‘reasonable portion’ (less         Some subjects require pre-requisite knowledge and
than 10%) it is deemed fair, and you are not required        cannot be undertaken until the specified subjects from
to get permission from the author/creator to                 a previous trimester have been completed.
reproduce their material, but you are required to cite       Placement subjects must be completed in order.
its origin through appropriate referencing.
                                                             A typical full-time load is three subjects per trimester.
If you are not sure how to do this, speak to your            However some courses have a different structure and
teacher or an Academic Support Officer.                      this may vary from trimester to trimester.
                                                             Variations to study load will be considered on a case
Academic Integrity                                           by case basis, but the maximum number of subjects a
                                                             student can take under an accelerated load is four per
Ikon sets assessment tasks with the expectation that         trimester. The minimum number of subjects per
work submitted is the sole effort of the student (or the     trimester in a full-time load is two, unless there is a
efforts of assigned students for group tasks).               single final subject required to graduate.

Students and staff are expected to maintain high             Should a student fail an attempted subject they will be
standards of academic integrity by exhibiting the core       required to re-enrol in the subject in a subsequent
values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and             trimester (at the subject fee at the time of re-
responsibility. A behaviour that breaches these core         enrolment). A subject may only be attempted twice.
values is considered academic misconduct.
Academic misconduct is any act that breaches the             Satisfactory Academic Progress
core values of academic integrity to give a student, or
a group of students, an unfair academic advantage.           Satisfactory academic progress means completing the
For example copying the work or ideas of others,             requirements of the course and achieving a minimum
paying someone to complete an assessment, or in any          grade of ‘Pass’ in all subjects. Students are considered
way misleading academic staff about your ability,            to be making satisfactory academic progress when
knowledge or skills. Other terms for acts of academic        they have:
misconduct include cheating, collusion, fabrication,
                                                             •   completed all assessment tasks in a subject
fraud, misrepresentation and plagiarism.
                                                             •   passed 50% or more of attempted subjects in
Academic misconduct is a serious offence and will be
                                                                 a trimester
dealt with according to the severity of the instance
and the Academic Integrity Policy.                           •   passed subjects being attempted for the second
It is your responsibility to acknowledge all sources             time
used in your work. You may discuss general principles        Failing a subject may delay your academic progress as
with others to understand a topic or the requirements        you will need to complete the remaining subjects over
of an assessment task, but you are responsible for           additional trimesters, depending on the number of
submitting an individual piece of work.                      subjects that need to be retaken. The order that you
Unicheck software is used to check all assessments for       attempt the remaining subjects will be determined by
plagiarism, contract cheating and collusion. The             Ikon with consideration for learning and the limitations
software highlights common text and provides a               of the timetable.
similarity score with other submitted documents.             It can be difficult sometimes to keep up with your
                                                             studies. It is important to remember there are many
     Academic Integrity Policy                              strategies to get you back on track. Ikon can help, you
      Student Academic Progress Policy                       don’t need to go it alone.
      Attendance Policy
                                                                 Student Academic Progress Policy
                                                                  Deferral, Withdrawal, Refund & Assurance Policy

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Reporting an Incident
                                                           You are encouraged to report all incidents of crime
                                                           such as such as theft, assault, domestic abuse,
Health & Safety                                            stalking, sexual or other harassment, or a medical
                                                           emergency, fire or bomb threat.
A key element of the Ikon community is the provision
                                                           Speak to Student Experience or the Wellbeing
of a safe and supportive environment. In doing so,
                                                           Coordinator on campus so that we can provide you
Ikon is committed to:
                                                           the appropriate support and understand any
•       Observing, implementing and fulfilling the         continued areas of risk to other students.
        requirements under the Work Health and Safety
                                                           Incidents and/or emergencies that should be reported
        Act 2011.
                                                           to Ikon include:
•       Ensuring staff, students and contractors receive
                                                           •   where a person may have collapsed or requires
        the appropriate health and safety training to
                                                               first aid assistance
        enable them to work and study safely.
                                                           •   any accident involving death or serious injury
•       Ensuring management, staff and students carry
        out their health and safety responsibilities.      •   any situation or circumstance where students or
                                                               staff do not feel safe, including incidents of sexual
•       Ongoing development and improvement of
                                                               assault or harassment, or bullying
        institutional health and safety systems.
                                                           •   any situation where students believe they are
Every member of the Ikon community must be able to             being followed or stalked
pursue their activities in an atmosphere based on
mutual respect, inclusion and dignity. Harassment,         •   any instance of aggression, including severe
bullying and violence of any nature are unacceptable,          verbal or psychological aggression
unlawful and contrary to a safe work and learning          •   an off-campus event
environment. Sexual assault is a crime and will be
reported to the police.                                    All reports will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Ikon takes all complaints of harassment or                 Counselling is available if you have been adversely
discrimination seriously. Everyone has a responsibility    affected by a critical incident.
to not engage in or encourage harassment, bullying
or intimidating behaviour.                                 Privacy
Safety is the responsibility of us all. Ongoing and
active dialogue about health and safety ensures a safe     Ikon is committed to the protection of your privacy in
environment. Be aware and report all incidents and         compliance with the Commonwealth Privacy
safety risks to campus staff.                              Amendment (Private Sector) Act (2000). Ikon’s Privacy
                                                           Policy aims to protect the privacy of its employees,
First Aid supplies are kept on site at each campus.        students and community in relation to the collection,
     Work Health & Safety Policy                          protection and disclosure of personal information.
      Contingency & Emergency Planning Policy              Ikon collects personal information about students
                                                           before and during the process of admission.
Personal Safety                                            Information collected is restricted to that which is
                                                           needed to satisfy Ikon’s legal and regulatory
                                                           obligations, and to discharge its duty of care in areas
Have a safety plan - plan your day, look at transport
                                                           such as public health and child protection.
options, and ensure someone will know when you are
late travelling home. Other safety tips include:           Personal information collected is treated as
                                                           confidential. You may seek access to your personal
•       Keep alert for the unexpected
                                                           information collected by Ikon by contacting Student
•       Be aware of what is happening around you
                                                           Experience. Access may be denied if it will have an
•       Don't take unnecessary chances                     unreasonable impact on the privacy of others, or
•       Know where you are going                           where access may result in a breach of the Ikon’s duty
•       Walk in groups of two or more after dark           of care. Ikon will not disclose your information to third
•       Stay in well-lit areas                             parties without your written consent.
•       Carry a personal alarm
•       Be prepared to scream and shout if attacked           Record Management & Personal Information Policy

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