Supplementary Materials for - Odontoblast TRPC5 channels signal cold pain in teeth

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Supplementary Materials for - Odontoblast TRPC5 channels signal cold pain in teeth

                                  Supplementary Materials for

                    Odontoblast TRPC5 channels signal cold pain in teeth

 Laura Bernal, Pamela Sotelo-Hitschfeld, Christine König, Viktor Sinica, Amanda Wyatt, Zoltan Winter, Alexander Hein,
   Filip Touska, Susanne Reinhardt, Aaron Tragl, Ricardo Kusuda, Philipp Wartenberg, Allen Sclaroff, John D. Pfeifer,
    Fabien Ectors, Andreas Dahl, Marc Freichel, Viktorie Vlachova, Sebastian Brauchi, Carolina Roza, Ulrich Boehm,
                           David E. Clapham*, Jochen K. Lennerz*, Katharina Zimmermann*

             *Corresponding author. Email: (D.E.C.); (J.K.L.);

                                Published 26 March 2021, Sci. Adv. 7, eabf5567 (2021)
                                            DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abf5567

The PDF file includes:

       Figs. S1 to S10
       Tables S1 to S4
       Legends for movies S1 and S2

Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:

(available at

       Movies S1 and S2
Supplementary Materials for - Odontoblast TRPC5 channels signal cold pain in teeth
Supplementary Materials

Supplementary Figures

Figure S1 – Functional compartments in teeth.

Functional compartments in teeth. Teeth are complex organs. To fulfill their main function (fracture
food), teeth require a very hard, highly mineralized surface enamel that acts as a barrier. In contrast to
bone, teeth lack regenerative properties and the mineralization process is maintained by highly
specialized tissues. The layer underneath the enamel is called dentin and makes up the majority of the
tooth. Dentin is a dense extracellular calcium matrix that is formed and maintained by odontoblasts, a
post-mitotic cell layer located at the outer surface of the soft tooth pulp.

Odontoblasts extend a tubular-shaped process (66) into the fluid-filled dentin channels where their
secretory function helps maintain the specific ion and protein content of dentin. In primates some of the
odontoblast processes are “enamel spindles” (27) that span the dentin-enamel boundary. The
odontoblasts live in the highly vascularized pulp that supplies nutrients and oxygen. To maintain the
tooth’s integrity the pulp is supplied with a dense and highly specialized nerve plexus (of Raschkow)
that is composed of Aβ-, A- and C-fibers. These ramifications of the trigeminal systems enter the pulp
through the tooth root and branch to form the subodontoblastic nerve plexus that is separated from the
odontoblasts by a cell-free Zone of Weil. Thus, the plexus lies between the cell-free and cell-rich pulp
zones where it monitors painful sensations and regulates inflammatory events. From the Raschkow
plexus some sensory axons radiate to the odontoblast layer and terminate in the surrounding tubules of
predentin and dentin.
Supplementary Materials for - Odontoblast TRPC5 channels signal cold pain in teeth
Figure S2 – Comparison of cold response parameters in A- and C-fibers.

Comparison of cold response parameters in A- and C-fibers. a. The majority of tooth nociceptors
were C-fibers (n=33/45). b-d. Cold response magnitude (b), peak firing frequency (c), and activation
threshold temperature (d) of the cold responses did not differ between A- and C-fibers.
Supplementary Materials for - Odontoblast TRPC5 channels signal cold pain in teeth
Figure S3 – Effect of TRPC5 modulation on tooth nociceptors.

Effect of TRPC5 modulation on tooth nociceptors. a, b. Representative recordings from tooth pulp
nociceptors of jaw-nerve preparations from (a) C57BL/6J and (b) TRPC5-/- mice shown as instantaneous
frequency (middle) and waveform (bottom). ML204 applied at 3 µM reduced the cold response in
C57BL/6J but not TRPC5-/- mice. c. Original recording from a TRPM8-/- tooth pulp nociceptor in the jaw-
nerve preparation, illustrating sensitization to cold by 50 µM riluzole and reversal after washout. The
horizontal bars indicate application of riluzole and its washout. A second fiber was recruited to the
recording during the riluzole treatment and is marked by a rectangle in the gap-free voltage trace. The
spike shape recognition algorithm excluded this additional fiber from the IFP trace. Arrows: spontaneous
bursts between two cold stimuli increased after riluzole application. Shown are instantaneous frequency
(circles represent action potentials), the original voltage trace, and, at the top, the bath and stimulus
temperature. For further information on ML204 and riluzole see Table S3.
Supplementary Materials for - Odontoblast TRPC5 channels signal cold pain in teeth
Figure S4 – Effect of TRPM8 modulation on tooth nociceptors.

Effect of TRPM8 modulation on tooth nociceptors. a-c. Box plots of cold response magnitude (a),
average peak frequency (b), and threshold temperature (c), of cold responses from tooth cold
nociceptors before and after application of 100 µM menthol (statistical significance was identified by a
two-sided Student’s t-test for dependent samples: n.s. (not significant) p=0.06; *, p2.2 IQR. d. TRPM8-blocker PF-05105679 had no effect on cold responses (n=5).
Representative recording from a tooth pulp nociceptor in C57BL/6J blocked by HC-070 (100 nM) and
HC-030031 (100 µM), but not TRPM8-blocker, PF-05105679 (100 nM), illustrated as instantaneous
frequency with bath and stimulus temperatures. Insets: action potential waveform average. The
arrowhead signifies action potentials evoked by 3 subsequent electrical stimuli. After 45 min wash-out
of HC-070 and HC-030031, cold sensitivity returned. Horizontal bars indicate the application of the
respective compounds. For further information on PF-05105679, HC-070 and HC-030031 see Table
Supplementary Materials for - Odontoblast TRPC5 channels signal cold pain in teeth
Figure S5 – Dental primary afferent neurons in culture as model to
analyze tooth nociceptor physiology.

Dental primary afferent neurons in culture as model to analyze tooth nociceptor physiology.
Illustration of mouse head, jaws and their innervation. Dental primary afferent neurons (DPAN) are
labeled by surgical application of Neurotrace® (DiI) to the tooth pulp of the maxillary molars (7). The
cavities are closed with dental cement and DiI is transported to the trigeminal ganglion within 5 days.
Dissociation of the trigeminal ganglion neurons yields fluorescent DPANs in culture, which we subjected
to ratiometric calcium imaging using Fura-2 AM (Suppl. fig. S6), transcriptomic analysis (Suppl. table
S1), and stereology analysis in trigeminal ganglia (Suppl. fig. S7).

Figure S6 – Characteristics of TRPC5-activated DPAN cold responses.

Characteristics of TRPC5-activated DPAN cold responses. a. Ratiometric calcium imaging with Fura
2AM of mTRPC5-transfected HEK293T cells. Intracellular calcium was reversibly increased after
changing temperature from 37°C to 10°C. When the cells were treated with TRPC5 agonist riluzole the
cold-induced calcium increase was 3.7 fold higher as compared to activation by cold alone. Average of
n=192 cells. b. Slope of the cold-induced total activity from C57BL/6J, TRPC5-/-, TRPM8/A1-DKO, and
mTRPC5-transfected HEK293T cells. Lines, medians; squares, mean; boxes, interquartile range (IQR);
whiskers, 2.2-fold IQR; crosses, outliers. c. Cold responses (± SD) of TRPM8/A1-DKO (n=23) had
slower rises than menthol-sensitive C57BL/6J (n=17; p=0.0001) and menthol-sensitive
TRPC5-/- neurons (n=13; p=7E-07), but were similar in slope (p=0.9) to mTRPC5-transfected HEK293T
cells (n=53).
Figure S7 – TRPA1 expression in mouse teeth and DPANs.

TRPA1 expression in mouse teeth and DPANs. a, Cut-away image of a molar tooth illustrating
location of sections b and d. b. TRPA1 reporter mouse molar tooth section from coronal pulp, with c,
network of intercalated TRPA1+ pulp cells in contact with sensory nerves. d. TRPA1 in predentinal
odontoblasts. e. Red retrograde labeled DPAN (arrowheads) in a multiphoton stack through a whole
maxillo-mandibular portion of a TG from a TRPA1 reporter mouse. Of 307 DPANs, 33 were TRPA1+.
Circles represent average value of positive cells per mouse (11 TG, 6 mice).
Figure S8 – Histopathology of normal and pulpitic human teeth.

Histopathology of normal (a) and pulpitic human teeth (b-e). a, Normal human tooth pulp (p) exhibits
loose connective tissue with non-dilated blood vessels (arrowhead). Pulpal nerve fibers (arrow) form the
Raschkow plexus, located underneath the odontoblastic layer (od). Tomes fibers and thin nerve endings
traverse through the predentin (pd, outlined) and enter dentinal tubules (d). b, Dilated blood vessels and
extravasated red blood cells are diagnostic of pulpitis (arrowheads). c, A mixture of acute inflammatory
and extravasated red blood cells fill the tooth pulp. d, Large cavitation and extensive pulpitis involves
the entire pulp (not shown) and extends into the root (arrowhead). e, Marked extravasation and
abundant serous exudate, demarcated from the adjacent pulp that shows fibrosis, hyperemia and
several nerve twigs. The odontoblastic layer is focally effaced (arrowheads). All images were H&E-
Figure S9 – Double labeling for TRPC5 and TRPM8 indicates differences
in fiber composition in normal and pulpitic human teeth.

Double labeling for TRPC5 and TRPM8 indicates differences in fiber composition in normal (a-c)
and pulpitic human teeth (d-g). a, Cross-section of the root (plane of section indicated in main Fig.
8a) shows 3 fiber populations: TRPC5+ (red), TRPM8+ (green) and a few TRPC5+/TRPM8+ fibers.
Note that some fibers lack both TRPC5 and TRPM8 staining (arrow). b, Longitudinal sections through
the root pulp confirm these fiber populations. c, A thin pulpal TRPM8+ neuron in the sub-odontoblastic
sensory plexus of Raschkow of normal teeth. d, Cross-section of a pulpitic tooth root (plane of section
indicated in Fig. 8f) shows an increase of TRPC5+ fibers (red) over the TRPC5/TRPM8 double-positive
population (yellow, arrows); only a minority of TRPM8+ fibers (green, arrowhead) remained. e,
Longitudinal sections confirm a reduced number of TRPM8, and numerous TRPC5+ fibers. The
diameters of these neurons are consistent with thinly myelinated nerves. f, Pulp adjacent to pulpitic
region exhibits a higher proportion of TRPC5+ staining when compared to TRPM8. Although greatly
reduced, a few TRPM8 fibers remain (arrow). g, TRPC5+ (red) nerve fibers (PGP9.5, green) are
detected adjacent to extravasated red blood cells; note that not all pulpal nerve fibers are TRPC5+, but
TRPC5+ fibers were increased in normal vs. pulpitic tooth (compare main Fig. 8).
Figure S10 – Eugenol from clove oil blocks TRPC5.

Eugenol from clove oil blocks TRPC5. a. To quantify TRPC5 eugenol block, we recorded currents
from TRPC5 expressed in HM1-HEK cells in the presence of 100 µM Carbachol (CCh) by addition of
0.001 mM, 0.01 mM, 0.1 mM, 0.5 mM, 1mM and 2 mM eugenol. Starting from 0.1 mM, significant
reduction in current density was observed (n=4-6) at holding potentials of +80 and -80 mV. b. The dose-
response relationship for eugenol on carbachol-activated TRPC5 (right) was determined at a holding
potential of +120 mV. The IC50 was 172 µM. Maximal DMSO in solution did not exceed 0.2%, which did
not affect TRPC5 (not shown).
Supplementary Tables

Table S1 – Transcriptome from DPANs.
In retro-labelled DPANs from C57BL/6J mice the mRNA reads were analyzed from pooled cells in
batches of four x 10-20 cells. We identified >10,000 transcripts. TPM: transcripts per kilobase million;
n.d. not detected.

   Gene                                    Description                                    TPM

 Trpa1        transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily A, member 1          84.53

 Trpm8        transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8           9.00

 Trpc5        transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 5           n.d.

 Trpv1        transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 1          57.77

 Trpv2        transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 2          93.61

 Scn1a        sodium channel, voltage-gated, type I, alpha                                 2.63

 Scn2a        sodium channel, voltage-gated, type II, alpha                                3.52

 Scn9a        sodium channel, voltage-gated, type IX, alpha                               46.31

 Scn10a       sodium channel, voltage-gated, type X, alpha                                12.78

 Scn11a       sodium channel, voltage-gated, type XI, alpha                               19.62
Table S2 – Specification of mice used in experiments.
The respective genotype, number and age of mice are indicated for the different experiments. We
used adult male C57BL/6JCrl mice, congenic TRPA1-/- (48) congenic TRPM8-/- (49) and congenic
TRPC5-/- (50) mice. CON, control group; DPI, dental pulp injury group.

         Experiment                         Strain           ♀       ♂        Age (days ± SD)

Sucrose consumption test         C57BL/6JCrl         CON     10      /             93 ± 24

                                                     DPI     10      /             90 ± 20

                                 TRPM8-/-            CON      4      /              70 ± 3

                                                     DPI      4      /             80 ± 12

                                 TRPA1-/-            CON      6      /             78 ± 14

                                                     DPI      6      /             77 ± 16

                                 TRPC5-/-            CON      7      /              65 ± 5

                                                     DPI      7      /              65 ± 3

Jaw-nerve extracellular          C57BL/6JCrl                 18     14             91 ± 18
                                 TRPM8-/-                     1      /               119

                                 TRPA1-/-                     4      3             82 ± 12

                                 TRPC5-/-                     4      4             74 ± 12

                                 TRPC5/A1-DKO                 3      3             88 ± 19

Calcium Imaging                  C57BL/6JCrl                  /     13             62 ± 10

                                 TRPC5-/-                     5      4              99 ± 9

                                 TRPM8/A1-DKO                 6      3            165 ± 76

                                 TRPC5/M8-DKO                 6      -              85 ± 6

                                 TRPC5/A1-DKO                 -     10            105 ± 33

Retrograde labeled trigeminal    TRPC5 reporter               3      2             126 ± 8
                                 TRPA1 reporter               2      4            118 ± 24

Mouse molar tooth sections       TRPC5 reporter               2      /              94 ± 0

                                 TRPA1 reporter               2      /             106 ± 0

DPAN RNA-Sequencing              C57BL/6JCrl                  3      /              76 ± 0

Patch Clamp Recordings           TRPC5 reporter               6      8            102 ± 39
Table S3 – Pharmacological compounds used in experiments.
  The respective concentrations are indicated for the experiments with calcium imaging (CaI),
  electrophysiological recordings from trigeminal neurons or HEK cells (PC) or the jaw-nerve
  preparation (JN).

  Compound            Supplier         Solvent           Concentration                IC50 Values/ Citation

    Menthol         Sigma-Aldrich   1 M or 0.1 M in        JN: 100 µM                   EC50: 101 ± 13 µM and 196 ±
                                                                                         22 µM in TRPM8-expressing
                                       ethanol         CaI: 500 µM (37°C)
                                                                                         CHO cells or Xenopus laevis
                                                                                          oocytes, fluorometric assay.

Carvacrol (98%)     Sigma-Aldrich   1 M in DMSO            CaI: 300µM                EC50: 100 – 200 µM in HEK-293
                                                                                      cells expressing mouse TRPA1
in 5-isopropyl-2-
                                                                                       at similar extracellular calcium
  methylphenol                                                                               concentration used here.

   Carbachol        Sigma-Aldrich   1 M in DMSO            PC: 100µM                EC50: 5 – 20 µM in CHO or U293
                                                                                      cells expressing the human M1
                                                                                             muscarinic acetylcholine
                                                                                                      (HM1) receptor.

    Riluzole        Sigma-Aldrich     100 mM in               50 µM                     EC50: 9.2 ± 0.5 μM in TRPC5
                                                                                           expressing HEK-293 cells,
                                                                                                   fluorometric assay.

   Englerin A         Carl Roth       100 mM in         PC: 100 - 1000 nM                     EC50: 7.6 nM in TRPC5
                                                                                           expressing HEK-293 cells,
                       GmbH            DMSO
                                                                                                  fluorometric assay.

    Eugenol         Sigma-Aldrich   1 M in DMSO         PC: 0.001 - 2 mM              IC50 illustrated in Suppl. fig. 10

    ML204              Tocris         100 mM in             JN: 3 µM                                    IC50:
Table S4 – Primary antibodies used in experiments.
 The following antibodies were used for immunohistochemistry in mouse (m) and human (h) tissues.

Name       Host         Antigen Characteristic       Source                 Dilution and Validation

TRPM8      rabbit       short peptide from N-        Previously CosmoBio             h 1:50
                        terminus of TRPM8            KAL-KM060, gift from              (17)
                                                     Makoto Tominaga

TRPC5      Mouse –      Synthetic peptide amino Neuromab 75-104                      h 1:200
           clone        acids 827-845 of human                                         (17)
           N67/15       TRPC5

PGP9.5     rabbit       Full length native protein   Chemicon                       h 1:2000
                                                     International, Inc                (17)

PGP9.5     guinea pig   Full length native protein   Abcam ab5898                    h 1:200

beta III   rabbit       anti-human, conjugated       Abcam ab201740                 m 1:100
Tubulin                 to Alexa Fluor® 594                                 HAP1-TUBB3 knockout cells

Anti-GFP rabbit         conjugated to Alexa 488      Invitrogen A-21311             m 1:100
                                                                            See manufacturer’s website

Anti-GFP llama          VHH Single Domain,           Abcam ab192863                 m 1:100
                        conjugated to Alexa 488                              GFP-transfected and non-
                                                                             transfected NIH3T3 cells
Supplementary Movies

Movie S1 – TRPC5+ odontoblasts in the coronal pulp at the base of the
pulp chamber.

                  TRPC5+ odontoblasts in the coronal pulp at the base of the pulp
                  chamber. In the radicular tooth pulp, TRPC5+ odontoblasts (green) are
                  densely packed. They are organized in a columnar cell layer, and swathed
                  by nerve axons (red, beta III tubulin). Three-dimensional reconstruction of
                  Fig. 7b as an animated z-stack (76 planes with a dimension of 18.1 µm and
                  an area of 108.4 µm2).

Movie S2 – TRPC5+ odontoblasts at the border between coronal and
radicular pulp.

                  TRPC5+ odontoblasts at the border between coronal and radicular pulp.
                  The TRPC5+ predentinal odontoblasts are fewer in coronal than in radicular
                  tooth pulp. Pyriform-shaped (green), their processes are accompanied by
                  sensory nerves (red, beta III tubulin). Three-dimensional reconstruction of
                  Fig. 7c as an animated z-stack (acquisition of 81 planes with a dimension of
                  19.3 µm and an area of 108.4 µm2).

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