Survival of Animal Tissue Cells in Primary Culture in the Absence of Serum - Applied and Environmental ...

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APPLiED MIcRoBIoLOGy, Jan. 1973, P. 49-54                                                          Vol. 25, No. 1
Copyright 0 1973 American Society for Microbiology                                             Printed in U.S.A.

     Survival of Animal Tissue Cells in Primary
          Culture in the Absence of Serum
Cell Biology Section, Laboratory of Virology and Rickettsiology, Division of Biologics Standards, National
                             Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20014
                                    Received for publication 21 July 1972

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            The ability of cells from tissues of several species of animals to survive in
          primary culture without serum was tested. Of the species tested, cells from the
          kidneys of Macaca mulatta (rhesus) and Cercopithecus aethiops (vervet)
          monkeys and chicken embryo cells not only survived under these conditions, but
          indeed developed into confluent monolayer cultures. The addition of either
          serum or its globulin or albumin fraction enhanced the development of cell
          monolayers and permitted those cells unable to survive in the absence of-serum
          to do so. Certain specific protein trypsin-inhibitors not of serum origin were
          unable to provide conditions necessary for cell survival or growth when used in
          place of serum proteins.

  In most mammalian cell culture systems,                 number of animal species to cultural conditions
serum protein is incorporated into the medium             devoid of serum.
to insure optimal cell growth. The protein may
be in the form of either whole serum or serum                     MATERIALS AND METHODS
components (e.g., protein growth factor [13],               Preparation of serum fractions and growth
alpha globulins [11], fetuin [201 and albumin             media. A fetal calf serum with demonstrated growth-
 [15, 25D, or both. Although continuous cell              promoting properties was used as the control serum.
lines have been used extensively in estab-                A portion of the serum was separated into its
lishing nutritional requirements, little use              albumin and globulin fractions by two successive
                                                          precipitations with 50% saturated ammonium sul-
has been made of primary cell cultures in this            fate. The salt was removed from the fractions by
regard. Healy and Parker (10) were able to grow           dialysis against Hanks balanced salt solution
newly explanted mouse embryo cells in a se-               (HBSS). The protein solutions were either concen-
rumless chemically defined basal medium. Ru-              trated by evaporation or diluted with HBSS back to
bin and Hatie (23) and Levinthal and Rubin                the original volume of the serum. All operations were
(12) noted that chicken embryo cells grown                performed aseptically at 4 C.
without serum did not exhibit the increase in                The serum protein fractions and 1% (w/v) solutions
cell size nor the formation of numerous polyri-           of egg-white albumin and soybean trypsin inhibitors
bosomes and differential cytoplasmic struc-               in HBSS were used as substitutes for 10% whole
                                                          serum in Eagle minimum essential medium
tures, fibrils, and microtubules as did serum-            (MEME), except as noted.
stimulated cells. Rappaport (21) and Wallis et               The undiluted solutions of fetal calf serum, globu-
al. (26) have reported the successful cultivation         lin, albumin, soybean trypsin inhibitor, and egg-
of primary cultures of monkey kidney cells in             white albumin contained 34.49, 9.13, 15.75, 6.56, and
the absence of serum. The latter investigators            6.19 mg of protein per ml, respectively, by Kjeldahl
(26) suggest that one role of serum proteins in           determinations.
cell culture medium is that of inhibiting the                Preparation of primary cell cultures. Cells were
action of tryptic enzymes, synthesized by the             dispersed from the kidneys of guinea pigs, young
cells themselves and released into the culture            rabbits and hamsters, juvenile Macaca mulatta
medium.                                                   (rhesus) and Cercopithecus aethiops (vervet) mon-
   Because of these and other observations, it            keys, and from whole embryos of chickens, mice, and
                                                          hamsters by a method previously described (17). The
became of interest to examine more closely the            cells were washed several times with Dulbecco saline
ability of cells to survive at 37 C in the absence        after removal from the trypsin solution by centrifuga-
of serum. This communication describes our                tion. Washed cells were counted and diluted appro-
results in subjecting primary cells from a                priately in MEME or saline without serum and
50                                   ORR, BAKER, AND CHEESMAN                                 APPL. MICROBIOL.
inoculated into 2-oz (ca 0.06 liter) prescription bot-   fraction benefited about equally well all of the
tles containing the particular fluid under study.        primary cells. However, trypsin inhibitors not
   Inoculated cell cultures were incubated at 37 C for   of serum origin, when used in place of serum
2 to 8 days as indicated in the different experiments.   proteins, failed to provide any beneficial effects
After removal of the fluids, the cultures were rinsed
briefly with saline, and the cells were dispersed with   for cells unable to survive in serumless me-
0.25% trypsin. Viable cells were counted in a hemocy-    dium.
tometer using the trypan blue dye-exclusion method.         The observation that certain primary cells
In certain experiments, samples of incubated cul-        appeared capable of being propagated in
tures were taken for determining the number of           MEME without serum (Fig. 1) led us to exa-
viable cells every 2nd day as described above. In        mine further this growth potential by experi-
other experiments, cells were allowed to remain          ments designed to separate cell attachment
undisturbed before they were dispersed, counted,         and spreading from actual cell multiplication.
and subcultured at a split ratio of 1: 2.

                                                                                                                 Downloaded from on February 17, 2021 by guest
   In addition, rhesus and vervet monkey kidney cells
                                                         Trypsinized primary cells were inoculated as
were seeded in several synthetic or chemically de-
                                                         previously described into culture vessels con-
fined media (Table 1) both with and without the          taining saline as well as MEME. Some of the
addition of serum for 5 days. Finally rabbit kidney      vessels in each group contained 2% serum.
and chicken embryo cells were used to examine the        Inoculated cells were allowed 48 hr to settle and
influence of inoculum size on their ability to be        adhere to the vessel surface before being re-
sustained in serum-free medium.                          moved by decanting the fluids. Those cells that
                                                         had attached themselves to the vessels were
                                                         rinsed with saline, and some cultures were used
  Primary cells from the several species of              for determining the number of attached viable
animals tested varied in their capacity to               cells. Photomicrographs were taken also at this
survive in the absence of serum (Fig. 1). It             time. The remaining cultures were refed with
appeared that cultures of chicken embryo and             the respective fluids and further incubated for
both species of monkey kidney cells developed            an additional 6-day period. Photomicrographs
to about the same degree in Eagle medium with            again were taken and compared with those
or without serum. Most of the cells from the             taken earlier. In addition, the number of viable
other species of animals were less consistent in         cells in the cultures were counted.
their ability to grow in the absence of serum.              Representative results from these experi-
Hamster embryo, hamster kidney, and guinea               ments are shown in Fig. 2-4. In all instances,
pig kidney cells were never successfully main-           under the most optimal conditions employed,
tained in serumless medium, and maintenance              more than 50% of the primary cells failed to
of rabbit kidney cells under such conditions             attach to the vessel surface in 4.8 hr. Moreover,
was poor and erratic. Medium containing ei-              it is apparent that not only does MEME
ther whole serum or its globulin or albumin              without serum enhance cell survival over that

 TABLE 1. Percent of inoculated cells attached and viable after 5 days incubation in various synthetic mediaa
                                             Vervet monkey kidney cells            Rhesus monkey kidney cells
          Medium             Reference     With 2% fetal                Or~~~~~~Wih22% fetal
                                                                              With               Withu serum
                                            calf serum                          calf serum
MEME .................3                      77±1.4           69   +   3.0     99     4.1        59    1.5
Waymouth MAB87/3 with-
  out insulin ............  6                86 X 3.0         24       0.9     88     3.8        24    0.5
Waymouth MAB87/3 with
  insulin ...............   6                83 2.6           25 0.7           46     2.5        18 0.3
Medium 199 ............    19                71 1.7           28 1.0           37     1.3        15 0.3
RPMI 1640 ..............   18                59 1.7           27 1.0           45     2.5        16 0.2
NCTC 109 ..............     4                48 ±0.4          19 ± 0.9         67 ±   4.1        13 0.1
Ham's F-12 .............    8                56 1.5           18 0.7           41     1.9        10 0.1
HEPESb Hanks BME ...       27                53 ± 2.6         12 0.1            16    1.0         5 ±
VOL. 25, 1973                   SURVIVAL OF CELLS WITHOUT SERUM                                            51

 FoJ                                     III-,.   IInn 1 n                                      1z
       a 0 XIPtii 5ruert

         3.0 _
                                             GUINEA PIG
                                                                            KID NEY


                                                                                                                Downloaded from on February 17, 2021 by guest
                  CHICK EMBRYO           VERVET MONKEY          RHESUS MONKEY
                                             KIDNEY                   KIDNEY
  FIG. 1. Inoculum multiplication indexes of primary cell cultures from seven species of animals after 7 days
in MEME without serum, with 10% serum, or with trypsin inhibitors. Quadruplicate bottles were each
inoculated with 7 ml of suspension containing 3 x 106 cells/mI. Indexes of inoculum multiplication were
    140     from the expression /C,/C1: where C,. = final cell count; C, = initial cell count.
                                                                                            9Eg ht
             + 2%/FCS /                                        1C
       200 _/
                                             /                 160


             3:                          /                 1   14       |                   X    _ L

   ~20                          /

   (1)~                     /            SAIN +2%C                                        MEMMEdys


             0     2        8iFIG. 3. Survival of cells in medium and in saline
                      TIME (days)                         with and without serum. Maintenance of vervet
  FIG. 2. Survival of cells in medium and in saline       monkey kidney cells. See legend to Fig. 2.
with and without serum. On day 2, all cells which
had not adhered werexremoved by decanting the             found in saline, but indeed allowed some cell
fluids, after which fresh fluids of the respective type
were added to the cultures. Numbers represent                   ilcto           oocree          nteasneo
averages from three cultures. Maintenance of mouse        serum.
embryo cells. Triplicate bottles were each inoculated       The growth potential of all primary cells kept
with 7ml ofcell suspension containing atotal of18 x       in serum-free conditions for 7 days was ex-
106 cells.                                                amined further by transferring the same num-
52                                         ORR, BAKER, AND CHEESMAN                                      APPL. MICROBIOL.
                                                           TABLE 2. Relationship between inoculum size and
                                                             survival of primary chicken embryo and rabbit
                                                             kidney cells in medium with or without seruma
                                                                            No. of viable cells recovered after 5 days
                                                              No. of                    growth in medium with:
                                                           viable cells   5% Fetal calf serum                 No serum
                                                 MEME       inoculated
                                            +   2% FCS >     x 106/ml     Rabbit         Chicken        Rabbit       Chicken
                                                                          kidney         embryo         kidney       embryo
                                                               7.0        9.5 ±   1.1   7.7 ±   1.3   0.9 ±
VOL. 25, 1973               SURVIVAL OF CELLS WITHOUT SERUM                                                     53
   Some earlier findings on the role of serum in    and clearer demonstration of the presence of
tissue culture systems have been reviewed (14).     adventitious agents.
Recently, Wallis and co-workers (26) postu-           In addition, the omission of serum from cell
lated that one role of serum in the growth of       culture medium denies cholesterol-requiring
monkey kidney cell cultures is to inhibit pro-      mycoplasmas their optimal growth conditions
teolytic enzymes synthesized by the cells them-     (22) and eliminates one source of contaminat-
selves. Shodell and Rubin (24) found that           ing mycoplasmas (1) and viruses (16) from
serum was needed to stimulate mitotic activity      tissue culture systems.
in chicken embryo cells. Our results partially
confirm and extend the observations of Wallis                          ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
et al. and may disagree with those of Shodell          We are grateful to the Laboratory of Pathology, Division
and Rubin in that we found that primary cells       of Biologics Standards, National Institutes of Health, for
                                                    providing the tissues and to Joseph P. Davis of our section for
of monkey kidneys and chicken embryos do not        technical assistance.

                                                                                                                        Downloaded from on February 17, 2021 by guest
require serum for initial growth in vitro. How-
ever, the protease claimed by Wallis and co-                             LITERATURE CITED
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autolysis could not be inhibited by certain                  plasma arginini from commercial bovine sera and its
known specific trypsin inhibitors of nonserum                 implication in contaminated cell cultures. Proc. Soc.
                                                             Exp. Biol. Med. 138:432-437.
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   In addition to whole serum, either the globu-              protein requirements of mouse fibroblast cells (strain
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Survival of Animal Tissue Cells in Primary
          Culture in the Absence of Serum
                     HENRY C. ORR, JAMES BAKER, AND JUDY 0. CHEESMAN
 Cell Biology Section, Laboratory of Virology and Rickettsiology, Division of Biologics Standards, National
                              Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20014

  Volume 25, number 1, p. 53, column 1, line 9: Delete "partially." Lines 14 and 15: Change
"However, the protease claimed by Wallis..." to read "We further confirm that the protease
claimed by Wallis.. ."

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