Target the Specialty's Most Influential Buyers - American Society for Dermatologic Surgery

Page created by Erik James
Target the Specialty's Most Influential Buyers - American Society for Dermatologic Surgery

                                                  Leverage your marketing
                                                  campaign with ASDS solutions
                                                  that deliver results

Target the                                                      ASDS Annual Meeting

Specialty’s                                                     Website Banners

Most Influential
Buyers                                                          Currents Magazine

      American Society for Dermatologic Surgery      Phone   847-956-0900
      5550 Meadowbrook Drive, Suite 120              Fax     847-956-0999
      Rolling Meadows, IL 60008                      Web
Target the Specialty's Most Influential Buyers - American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
Make ASDS an integral part
of your marketing mix
If dermatologic surgeons are your target market, these ASDS opportunities
deliver your message to the full spectrum of dermatology decision makers. Banner Advertising
Traffic Jan. 1 – Dec. 18, 2017:
607K sessions • 1,152,322 pageviews • 508K users
2-month run from date of acceptance / posting
Space Reservation / Materials:
Accepted year-round                                                                                                                              2017 ASDS Annual Meeting Preview

                                                                                                                September-October 2017

                                                                                                                2017 ASDS Consumer Survey results

Currents Magazine
                                                                                                                            Seven in 10 consumers considering
                                                                                                                            cosmetic procedures

Distribution: Total print and electronic distribution is nearly 6,300 dermatologic surgeons
and residents. Currents is published bimonthly and mailed to 4,300 practicing cosmetic
and reconstructive dermatologic surgeons. A resident-focused version of Currents is also
produced bimonthly and distributed electronically to almost 2,000 dermatology residents
in the U.S. and Canada.
                                                                                                                                             Election results            Long-term tax planning
                                                                                                                Supported in part by

See page 4 for space reservation and materials deadlines.
                                                                                                                an unrestricted grant from

                                                                                                                                             Members elect new           Advantages of real estate
                                                                                                                                             Society leaders             and life insurance

ASDS Annual Meeting
Preliminary Program / Registration Brochure
Distribution: Published in late May and distributed to nearly 6,100 cosmetic and
reconstructive dermatologic surgeons, including all practicing ASDS members and residents.
Space Reservation due: May 2, 2018
Materials due: May 16, 2018

ASDS Annual Meeting Final Program                                                              Also available at the ASDS Annual Meeting:

Distribution: Published in early October and distributed at the meeting in                     Hotel Door Drop &
the physician registration bags to an expected 1,200 medical attendees.                        Registration Tote Bag Insert
Space Reservation due: Aug. 15, 2018                                                           Space Reservation due: Sept. 12, 2018
Materials due: Aug. 31, 2018                                                                   Materials due: Oct. 5, 2018

           Launching a new product? Call Dana Brown at 847-956-9136 to discuss a custom advertising package specifically
           designed for your new product launch.
           Dermatologic Surgery is the official journal of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, the American College of
           Mohs Surgery, the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and The Dermatologic & Aesthetic Surgery International
           League. For advertising rates and publication dates, contact Karl Franz of Wolters Kluwer at

 For information and space reservations, contact:                    Dana Brown, Trade Show and Ad Sales Specialist
                                                           , phone 847-956-9136, fax 847-956-0999
Target the Specialty's Most Influential Buyers - American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
ASDS Banner
              Advertise on the ASDS website to align your brand more closely with ASDS objectives
              and events. Get your brand in front of ASDS members and prospective customers!

From Jan. 1 - Dec. 18, 2017, the ASDS website had:
• 607K sessions • 1,152,322 pageviews • 508K users

Banner ads will be accepted throughout the year and will run
for a 2-month period from the date ad materials are received
and posted on the website.

     • Skyscraper ads only
     • 120w x 600h pixels
     • 40kb maximum file size
     • .gif or .jpg file format
     • Click-through URL
                                                                                     $2,500 per
     • Alternate text (100 characters max) to be embedded behind image
                                                                                     2-month period
     • Animation suggestion of four frames
       (no limits except for 40kb size restriction)
     • Images will be marked as advertisements
     • Flash advertising is not accepted

ASDS Annual Meeting page:                                    View a sample banner ad:
Education and Training page:                
Residents and Fellows-in-Training page (viewing restricted to members only)        or

Member Center page (viewing restricted to members only)

 For information and space reservations, contact:       Dana Brown, Trade Show and Ad Sales Specialist
                                              , phone 847-956-9136, fax 847-956-0999
ASDS Currents
           ASDS members rely on Currents, our bimonthly news
           magazine, to keep them up-to-date on relevant socieconomic,
           legislative and practice management news as well as important
society news, including upcoming deadlines and ASDS Annual Meeting information.

CIRCULATION                                                                                                     2017 ASDS Annual Meeting Preview

Total print and electronic distribution is nearly 6,300 dermatologic
surgeons and residents. Currents is published bimonthly and mailed to
4,300 practicing cosmetic and reconstructive dermatologic surgeons.            September-October 2017

A resident-focused version of Currents is also produced bimonthly and
distributed electronically to almost 2,000 dermatology residents in the        2017 ASDS Consumer Survey results
                                                                                           Seven in 10 consumers considering
U.S. and Canada.                                                                           cosmetic procedures

     ROB POSITIONS                                   RATES
     Ad Unit                                             4-C
     Full Page (ROB)                                  $2,445
     1/2 Page Vertical (ROB)                           1,500
     1/2 Page Horizontal (ROB)                         1,500
     1/4 Page (ROB)                                    1,100

     PREMIUM POSITIONS                                                         Supported in part by
                                                                               an unrestricted grant from
                                                                                                            Election results            Long-term tax planning
                                                                                                            Members elect new           Advantages of real estate
     Inside Front Cover		                             $2,800                                                Society leaders             and life insurance

     Inside Back Cover		                               2,700
     Back Cover (1/2 Page Hoirzontal Only)		           2,000
     Bellyband 		                                      8,500
       Includes bellyband printing plus
       one 4-color ROB page.

                                            Issue                         Space Reservation Due                                       Ad Materials Due
                                            January / February 2018       Dec. 1, 2017                                                Dec. 13, 2017
  Inquire about frequency discount          March / April 2018            Jan. 18, 2018                                                Jan. 26, 2018
           on multiple ads!                 May / June 2018               March 22, 2018                                               March 29, 2018
                                            July / August 2018            May 23, 2018                                                 May 30, 2018
                                            September / October 2018*     July 16, 2018                                                July 23, 2018
                                            November / December 2018      Sept. 10, 2018                                               Sept. 18, 2018
                                            January / February 2019       Nov. 19, 2018                                                Nov. 26, 2018
                                                                                                     *Special ASDS Annual Meeting Preview Issue

 Send space reservation to:         Dana Brown, Trade Show and Ad Sales Specialist
                          , phone 847-956-9136, fax 847-956-0999
 Send ad materials to:     (30MB max; for larger files, call for ftp instructions)
                                    ASDS c/o Anne Allodi Designs, Inc., 2609 School Dr., Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
                                    phone 847-342-9092
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery

Annual Meeting
• Preliminary Program / Registration Brochure
• Final Program
                  Build your brand name and direct physicians
                  to your exhibit booth by advertising in these                                      CIRCULATION
                  prominent publications!                                                            Preliminary Program:
                                                                                                     Published in late May and
• The Preliminary Program / Registration Brochure features sessions                                  distributed to nearly 6,300 cosmetic
and events that will take place at the Annual Meeting. Prospective                                   and reconstructive dermatologic
attendees receive this program as a helpful registration tool in planning their                      surgeons, including all practicing
participation at the upcoming conference. The mailing date is late May 2018.                         ASDS members and residents.
• The Final Program features the entire scientific program for the                                   Final Program:
conference, including abstracts and reference materials, making it                                   Distributed at the meeting in the
useful to attending physicians for years to come. It will be distributed                             physician registration bags to an
at the meeting in the physician registration bags to an expected                                     expected 1,200 attendees.
1,200 medical attendees.

 ROB POSITIONS                                                 RATES
                                                       Preliminary     Final
 Ad Unit                                                Program      Program

 Full Page B&W (ROB)                                       $1,100    $1,300    Please Note:
 Full Page 4-Color (ROB)                                    2,300     2,500    The Preliminary Program / Registration Brochure is
                                                                               saddle stitched and the Final Program is spiral bound.
 1/2 Page B&W (ROB horizontal / vertical)                    800      1,000
 1/2 Page 4-Color (ROB horizontal / vertical)               1,800     2,000

 PREMIUM POSITIONS (4-COLOR ONLY)                                                                   Preliminary Program /
                                                                               DEADLINES            Registration Brochure   Final Program
 Inside Front Cover                                        $2,600    $2,800
                                                                                                        May 2, 2018         Aug. 15, 2018
 Inside Back Cover                                          2,500     2,700    Reservation Due

 Back Cover                                                 2,700     2,900    Ad Materials Due         May 16, 2018        Aug. 31, 2018
 Opposite Table of Contents                                 2,400     2,600
                                                                               Publication Date         Late May 2018       Oct. 11, 2018
 Opposite Welcome Letter                                    2,400     2,600
 Bellyband                                                  8,500       n/a
  Includes bellyband printing plus one 4-color ROB page.

 Send space reservation to:                      Dana Brown, Trade Show and Ad Sales Specialist
                                       , phone 847-956-9136, fax 847-956-0999
 Send ad materials to:                  (30MB max; for larger files, call for ftp instructions)
                                                 ASDS c/o Anne Allodi Designs, Inc., 2609 School Dr., Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
                                                 phone 847-342-9092
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery

Annual Meeting
• Hotel Door Drop Insert
• Registration Tote Bag Insert

             Get noticed right from the start of the meeting               CIRCULATION
             with inserts in these high-profile vehicles!                  Hotel Door Drop:
                                                                           Distributed to the ASDS official room
                                                                           block (estimated 700 rooms) at the
• Hotel Door Drop Insert: The Door Drop provides a convenient
                                                                           JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resport & Spa
and unique way to reach your target audience and put your
                                                                           on Wednesday evening, Oct. 10, 2018.
company information or product samples in the hands of
attendees before the exhibit hall opens!                                   Registration Tote Bag:
                                                                           Distributed at the meeting to an expected
• Registration Tote Bag Insert: Drive traffic to your booth                1,200 medical registrants.
and promote your company by including a product sample
or promotional piece in the physician tote bags, given to
every medical registrant.

   DEADLINES                                                      INSERTS			                           RATES
   Space Reservation Due       Sept. 12, 2018                     Hotel Door Drop Insert               $3,000
   Printed Inserts Due         Oct. 5, 2018                       Registration Tote Bag Insert         $2,500

 Send space reservation to:       Dana Brown, Trade Show and Ad Sales Specialist
                        , phone 847-956-9136, fax 847-956-0999
 Send ad materials to:   (30MB max; for larger files, call for ftp instructions)
                                  ASDS c/o Anne Allodi Designs, Inc., 2609 School Dr., Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
                                  phone 847-342-9092
To facilitate production for our advertisers, all ASDS print publications
have the same trim size. Fractional unit availability varies by publication.

Ad Units                       Non-Bleed               Bleed             Live Area
Full Page                       7.5” x 10”         8.5” x 11.125”     7.75” x 10.375”
1/2 Page Vertical              3.625” x 10”        4.25 x 11.125”     3.75” x 10.375”      BANNER ADVERTISING
1/2 Page Horizontal              7.5” x 5”          8.5” x 5.5”        7.75” x 5.25”       MECHANICAL
1/4 Page*                      3.625” x 5”              n/a                 n/a
   *1/4 page ads are available only in Currents.                                           • Skyscraper ads only
                                                                                           • 120w x 600h pixels
Premium Positions                                                                          • 40kb maximum file size
Inside Front Cover              7.5” x 10”         8.5” x 11.125”     7.75” x 10.375”      • .gif or .jpg file format
Inside Back Cover               7.5” x 10”         8.5” x 11.125”     7.75” x 10.375”      • Click-through URL
Back Cover                      7.5” x 10”         8.5” x 11.125”     7.75” x 10.375”      • Alternate text
Opposite Table of Contents      7.5” x 10”         8.5” x 11.125”     7.75” x 10.375”        (100 characters max)
                                                                                             to be embedded behind image
Opposite Welcome Letter         7.5” x 10”         8.5” x 11.125”     7.75” x 10.375”
                                                                                           • Animation suggestion of four
Bellyband Accompanying Ad* 7.5” x 10”              8.5” x 11.125”     7.75” x 10.375”        frames (no limits except for
   *Bellybands will be custom sized for each publication at time of space reservation.       40kb size restriction)
                                                                                           • Images will be marked
                                                                                             as advertisements
MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS                                                                  • Flash advertising is not
• Electronic files required. Preferred format is PDF/X-1a. View specifications at or
• Ads with critical color requirements MUST be accompanied by a hard-copy                  Send banner advertising
  color-accurate contract proof to SWOP standards. Without a contract proof,               space reservation and
  color accuracy CANNOT be guaranteed.                                                     ad materials to:
• Convert all colors to CMYK (except black text). No 5th / PMS colors.                     Dana Brown, Trade Show and
• Maximum ink density is 300%.                                                             Ad Sales Specialist
• All images must be 300 dpi and embedded in ad.
                                                                                           phone 847-956-9136
• All fonts must be outlined or embedded.
                                                                                           fax    847-956-0999
• Reversed text must be a minimum of 10 points.
• Include crop marks, trim marks, center marks and color bars in the PDF, outside
  the printing area.
• Assistance with ad creation is available at an additional charge.

 Send space reservation to:              Dana Brown, Trade Show and Ad Sales Specialist
                               , phone 847-956-9136, fax 847-956-0999
 Send ad materials to:          (30MB max; for larger files, call for ftp instructions)
                                         ASDS c/o Anne Allodi Designs, Inc., 2609 School Dr., Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
                                         phone 847-342-9092
Advertising Space Reservation Form
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
5550 Meadowbrook Drive, Suite 120 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Phone: 847-956-0900 • Fax: 847-956-0999

Company Name_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bill to / Agency_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Name __________________________________________________________      Title _____________________________________________________________

Billing Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City_______________________________________________________     State / Province ____________________________   ZIP / Postal Code__________________

Phone _________________________________________________________________       Fax _____________________________________________________________

Email __________________________________________________________________

Indicate Publication Title:
    ❑ ASDS Banner Advertising — Indicate 2-month period _______________________________________________________
    ❑ ASDS Currents — Indicate issue date(s) ___________________________________________________________________
    ❑ ASDS Annual Meeting Preliminary Program / Registration Brochure (published late May 2018)
    ❑ ASDS Annual Meeting Final Program (published Oct. 11, 2018)

Indicate Ad Size:
    ❑ Full page                 ❑ Half page vertical             ❑ Quarter page		              ❑ 120 x 600 pixels (banner ads only)
    ❑ 2-Page spread             ❑ Half page horizontal           ❑ Bellyband

Indicate Color:
    ❑ 4-color                   ❑ Black & white

Indicate Preferred Position:
    ❑ Inside Front Cover
    ❑ Inside Back Cover
    ❑ Back Cover
    ❑ Opposite Table of Contents
    ❑ Opposite Welcome Letter
    ❑ Doctor Resources Page (banner ads only) ____________________________________________________________________

Special Instructions________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Total Ad(s) Cost $__________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    No agency commission. No cash discount. Advertisements will be invoiced upon publication. All payments are due upon receipt
    of the invoice and should be made payable to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. ASDS reserves the right to hold the
    advertiser and / or its agency jointly liable for all monies due. Acceptance of an ad space order / contract does not obligate ASDS
    to publish the copy submitted. Signing this agreement indicates firm space commitment in accordance with the corresponding
    rate card. A faxed, signed copy of this agreement also is binding.

Authorized Signature _________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________

   Send space reservation to:                Dana Brown, Trade Show and Ad Sales Specialist
                                   , phone 847-956-9136, fax 847-956-0999
   Send ad materials to:            (30MB max; for larger files, call for ftp instructions)
                                             ASDS c/o Anne Allodi Designs, Inc., 2609 School Dr., Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
                                             phone 847-342-9092
Hotel Door Drop /
Registration Tote Bag Inserts
Space Reservation Form
ASDS Annual Meeting • Oct. 11-14, 2018
JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa • Phoenix, AZ
Space Reservation due: Sept. 12, 2018

Company Name______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Name___________________________________________________________      Title __________________________________________________________


City_______________________________________________________    State/Province______________________________   Zip/Postal Code________________

Phone__________________________________________________________________      Fax___________________________________________________________

Email___________________________________________________________________     Booth Number_________________________________________________

❑ Yes, we would like to submit a Hotel Door Drop Insert* – Cost is $3,000
  A bag containing product literature and / or product samples will be delivered directly to the Society’s official room block at
  the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa on Wednesday evening, Oct. 10, 2018, putting your company in the forefront
  as attendees plan their trip to the exhibit hall opening on Thursday. The door drop provides a convenient and unique way
  to reach your target audience and puts your company information in the hands of attendees before the exhibit hall opens!
  (Quantity needed will be approximately 700.)

❑ Yes, we would like to submit a Registration Tote Bag Insert* – Cost is $2,500
  Drive traffic to your booth and promote your company by including a product sample or promotional piece in the physician
  tote bags, given to every medical registrant. (Quantity needed will be approximately 1,200.)

    *Important note: Instructions for shipping inserts directly to the hotel will be provided upon approval
    of your insert. Samples of inserts should be emailed to Dana Brown at by Sept. 21, 2018 for
    ASDS approval prior to printing. Finished piece may be no larger than 8.5” x 11” in size.

 Payment in full is due at the time this application is submitted. Preferred payment method:
 ❑ Check for $_____________ payable (in U.S. Funds) to American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Mail with this application to:
   American Society for Dermatologic Surgery • 5550 Meadowbrook Drive, Suite 120 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

 ❑ Please charge $_______________ to my credit card:               ❑ VISA       ❑ MasterCard        ❑ American Express          ❑ Discover
  Card #______________________________________________                    Exp. Date____________           Billing Zip Code______________
  Cardholder Name__________________________________________                        Signature____________________________________

   If paying by credit card, you may fax this application to the ASDS office at 847-956-0999

FOR ASDS USE ONLY: Date Received ________________ Payment in Full _________________

  Send space reservation to:             Dana Brown, Trade Show and Ad Sales Specialist
                               , phone 847-956-9136, fax 847-956-0999
  Send inserts to:                       Instructions for shipping inserts directly to the hotel will be provided upon approval
                                         of your insert. All inserts must be submitted to Dana Brown at ASDS for approval
                                         by Sept. 21, 2018.

The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) seeks to promote                Comparative advertisements may include the use of a competitor’s
the art and science of dermatologic surgery. ASDS welcomes advertising in            name and the description of a comparable product or service, including
its publications as an important means of keeping the profession informed            price, if the comparison is made in a manner that is not false or
of new and improved products and services. It is in all our interests that           misleading.
such advertising be factual, tasteful, professional and intended to provide
                                                                                     It is the responsibility of the advertiser to comply with the laws and
useful product and service information.
                                                                                     regulations applicable to the marketing and sale of the manufacturer’s
As a matter of policy, ASDS sells advertising space in its publications when         products, including, but not limited to, any applicable rules and
the inclusion of advertising material does not interfere with the purpose            regulations of the Food and Drug Administration. Acceptance of
of those publications. The Society reserves the right to accept or reject            advertising in ASDS publications should not be construed as a
advertising at its sole discretion for any product or service submitted              guarantee that the manufacturer has complied with such laws and
for publication. ASDS will not be bound by any condition appearing on                regulations. By submitting advertising copy, advertisers certify that
insertion orders / contracts or copy instruction submitted by or on behalf           such copy and the advertised product(s) are in accord with applicable
of the advertiser, when such condition conflicts with any position in the rate       government laws and regulations (e.g., equal opportunity laws, FDA
card or with ASDS policy.                                                            regulations pertaining to advertising of drugs and devices).
The following standards apply to all publications of ASDS in which               5. Evidence to support claims, including complete scientific and technical
advertising space is sold, including but not limited to Currents, ASDS              data, whether published or unpublished, concerning the product’s
Annual Meeting Preliminary Program / Registration Brochure and the ASDS             safety, operation and usefulness may be required. Samples of the
Annual Meeting Final Program.                                                       product are not to be submitted. All claims of fact must be fully
                                                                                    supportable and should be meaningful in terms of performance or any
The inclusion of an advertisement in ASDS publications is not to be
                                                                                    other benefit. Advertisers should avoid the use of claims whose validity
construed or publicized as an endorsement or approval by ASDS, nor may
                                                                                    depends upon extremely fine interpretations of meaning. This does
the advertiser promote that its advertising claims are approved or endorsed
                                                                                    not exclude the use of normal qualifiers, such as footnotes, which may
by ASDS. The fact that an advertisement for a product, service or company
                                                                                    be necessary to render a claim true. The advertisement may cite in
has appeared in an ASDS publication shall not be referred to in collateral
                                                                                    footnotes references from scientific literature, provided the reference is
                                                                                    truthful and is a fair representation of the body of literature supporting
                                                                                    the claim made.
General Eligibility Requirements
                                                                                 6. Guarantees may be used in advertisements provided the statements
1. Products or services eligible for advertising in ASDS publications shall         that are “guaranteed” are considered truthful, supportable and could
   be germane to, effective and useful in the practice of dermatologic              be used whether or not they are guaranteed. However, no guarantee
   surgery.                                                                         should be used without disclosing its conditions and limitations.
2. Products and services offered by responsible advertisers that are of          7. Advertisements containing testimonials or those that quote the names,
   interest to dermatologic surgeons or the dermatology profession as a             statements or writings of any individual, public official, government
   whole are eligible for advertising in the Society’s publications. Alcoholic      agency, testing group or other organization must be accompanied by a
   beverages and tobacco products are not eligible for advertising nor are          written consent for use from the quoted individual/entity. Promotion of
   ads for information regarding investment opportunities.                          individual physician or practice names will not be allowed.
3. Advertisements will not be accepted if they conflict with ASDS
   programs or appear to violate ASDS policy, or if the advertisements           Placement Policy
   are indecent, offensive or otherwise inappropriate in either text or
                                                                                 With the exception of preferred positions, placement of ads will be at the
   artwork, or contain attacks of a personal, racial or religious nature.
                                                                                 sole discretion of ASDS. Preference will be given to 2017 advertisers and by
4. In general, ASDS allows comparative advertising that is fair and can be       date of receipt of the space reservation.
   substantiated adequately. However, comparative advertising is strictly
   reviewed because of the potential that it unfairly attacks a competitor or    Payment Policy
   is misleading. See Copy Guideline #3.
                                                                                 No agency commission. No cash discount. Advertisements will be invoiced
                                                                                 upon publication. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice.
Guidelines for Advertising Copy
1. The advertiser and the product or service being offered should                Cancellation Policy
   be clearly identified in the advertisement. In the case of drug
                                                                                 Space reservations canceled prior to reservation deadlines will be released
   advertisements, the full generic name of each active ingredient shall
                                                                                 without obligation. Cancellations made after reservation deadlines will be
                                                                                 billed at the full amount.
2. Artwork, format and layout should be such as to avoid confusion with
   editorial content of the publication. The word “advertisement” may be         Conclusion
                                                                                 As a matter of policy, ASDS periodically reviews its advertising standards
3. Advertisements should not be deceptive or misleading. Unwarranted             with the objective of keeping pace with changes that may occur in the
   disparagement or unfair comparisons of a competitor’s products or             dermatology industry and in the profession. This practice of continuous
   services will not be allowed.                                                 review and re-evaluation will improve and ensure the relevancy, timeliness
                                                                                 and appropriateness of the advertising content of ASDS publications.
4. Except in unusual circumstances, comparative advertising must
                                                                                 Should you require further information, please contact Dana Brown at
   be supported by two independent, double-blind clinical studies.
   Such studies must be conducted among panelists representative
   of the population for whom the product is intended. All citable               American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS)
   comparative studies related to an advertising claim should be taken           5550 Meadowbrook Drive, Suite 120
   into consideration. If other comparative studies give conflicting results,    Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
   advertising claims not reflecting this conflict are unacceptable.             Phone 847-956-0900 Fax 847-956-0999
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