Text Data Augmentation: Towards better detection of spear-phishing emails

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Text Data Augmentation: Towards better detection of
                                                            spear-phishing emails

                                                             Mehdi Regina, Maxime Meyer, and Sébastien Goutal

                                                                              Vade Secure
arXiv:2007.02033v2 [cs.CL] 25 Mar 2021

                                                   Abstract. Text data augmentation, i.e., the creation of new textual data from an
                                                   existing text, is challenging. Indeed, augmentation transformations should take
                                                   into account language complexity while being relevant to the target Natural Lan-
                                                   guage Processing (NLP) task (e.g., Machine Translation, Text Classification).
                                                   Initially motivated by an application of Business Email Compromise (BEC) de-
                                                   tection, we propose a corpus and task agnostic augmentation framework used
                                                   as a service to augment English texts within our company. Our proposal com-
                                                   bines different methods, utilizing BERT language model [7], multi-step back-
                                                   translation and heuristics1 . We show that our augmentation framework improves
                                                   performances on several text classification tasks using publicly available models
                                                   and corpora as well as on a BEC detection task. We also provide a comprehensive
                                                   argumentation about the limitations of our augmentation framework.

                                         1      Introduction

                                         Generalization, i.e., the ability of models to predict accurately from unseen data2 , is
                                         paramount for supervised learning applications. However, models generalization is of-
                                         ten hindered by a lack of data, the acquisition of annotated data being costly. Data
                                         augmentation, which consists in creating new samples from existing ones, helps solve
                                         this problem by increasing samples diversity and reinforcing data characteristics such
                                         as invariances.
                                             Ubiquitous in computer vision and audio analysis, data augmentation contribution
                                         to benchmark results is significant [40,46]. Data augmentation methods usually involve
                                         relatively simple operations (e.g., image rotation, frequency modulation) leveraging
                                         data continuity and knowledge about invariances regarding the final task (e.g., object
                                         detection, voice recognition). In NLP however, data augmentation has had limited ap-
                                         plication. Guaranteeing augmented texts intelligibility, grammatical correctness and rel-
                                         evance to a given NLP task is a difficult challenge often involving domain or corpus de-
                                         pendent methods [23, 54]. Indeed, text processing operates in a discrete space of words
                                         and copes with natural language complexity (e.g., polysemy, ambiguity, common-sense
                                         knowledge [34]).
                                              Approach to solve a problem employing a practical method that is not guaranteed to be opti-
                                              Training data as well as unseen data are supposed to be sampled from an unknown distribution.

    Recently, language representation models [7, 28, 57] leveraging transfer learning
have emerged, improving model generalization on NLP tasks. For instance, BERT [7]
or XLNet [57] have been successfully finetuned improving state-of-the-art NLP results
without requiring data augmentation. However, text augmentation still seems relevant
in domains where annotated data cost is particularly high. It is the case of Business
Email Compromise (BEC) detection.
    BEC are among the most advanced email attacks relying on social engineering and
human psychology to trick targeted victims [18, 33, 41]. They convey attacks through
their textual content (e.g., impersonation, request of payment or sensitive information)
almost indistinguishable from legitimate ones, evading traditional email filtering meth-
ods [17, 27, 37, 38]. This elaborate and targeted content drives the rarity of BEC [5, 13].
For these reasons, such emails are particularly difficult to detect, collect and can lead
to substantial financial losses [10, 26]. We address BEC detection with different com-
ponents to extract and analyze information from an email. One of these components
includes an email text classifier trained on an annotated corpus (see Section 4). This
corpus made of BEC and benign email texts is unbalanced because of a limited amount
of BEC.
    We developed an augmentation framework that can be easily used in different con-
texts such as our BEC detection use case but also sentiment analysis with Stanford Sen-
timent Treebank (SST-2) [48] or question classification with Trec REtrieval Conference
(TREC-6) [29]. Examples of augmentations are presented in Table 1.

Dataset                   Original text                         Augmented text
                  the entire movie establishes            the whole movie creates a
                  a wonderfully creepy mood                wonderfully scary mood
TREC-6        What is the secret of the universe?     What is the mystery of the cosmos?
              Have you got a minute? I need you        Do you have a minute? You have
    BEC      to complete a task for me discreetly.       to do a task for me discretly.
            P.S : I am in a meeting and can’t talk.    P.S: I’m IAM and I can’t speak.
                             Table 1: Augmentation examples

    In this paper, we propose a corpus and task agnostic framework that can be easily
used to augment any English text corpus without the need to train or finetune models.
Our framework leverages an ensemble of methods (Section 3) combined for the first
time, to the best of our knowledge. We assess the contribution of our framework to
different datasets in Section 4. Finally, we provide a discussion on the limitations of our
framework in Section 5.

2     Related Work

Text augmentation is usually applied in a discrete space of words, in which a simple
change implies to change a whole word. Such changes lead to the use of word replace-
ment methods to augment texts. Those replacements are valid if they preserve data

characteristics which can be achieved in supervised learning settings guaranteeing aug-
mented texts compatibility with their labels3 .
    Preserving text meaning through the augmentation may be sufficient to satisfy label
compatibility in many contexts. Thus, some works rely on WordNet to find synonyms
replacements [11,52], while others leverage word embeddings and latest language mod-
els such as BERT [25,54]. Our work benefits from both methods. Besides word replace-
ments, other operations at word level have been explored such as word dropout or word
swap [52]. However, these operations do not guarantee sentence readability or syntax
validity, potentially bringing discrepancy between augmented texts and original ones.
    Natural language generation [25, 42] can also be used to augment text, however
guaranteeing label compatibility implies control over the generation process. Paraphrase
generation has been widely studied and may provide sufficient control over the gen-
eration process. For instance, Gupta et al. [12] use a Variational Autoencoder (VAE)
[21, 45] conditioned on the original text, and Li et al. [31] propose to use a generator
and evaluator network with a supervised training and Reinforcement Learning fine-
tuning. These works have shown promising results but there is still a gap in terms of
readability and relevance between generated and ground truth paraphrases. Moreover,
these architectures can be complex to implement (e.g., several training phases, multiple
    An alternative to paraphrase generation is back-translation [9]. Machine translation
has significantly improved in the last years with the growing use of Neural Machine
Translation (NMT) [2, 55]. NMT relies on Seq2Seq models [3, 28, 43] compressing the
source language text before generating the target language text. Through multiple com-
pressions and generations, back-translation allows to generate paraphrases. This method
has already been successfully used for text augmentation [47, 56]. We implemented our
version of a multi-step back-translation.
    Some works also explore augmentation in word embedding space [11, 58]. In such
a space, texts are represented as a concatenation of continuous word vectors referred to
as word embeddings. This continuous text representation can then be used to feed NLP
models. Similarly to computer vision where noise can be applied to augment images
[19] in the continuous pixel space, Zhang and Yang [58], and Giridhara et al. [11]
study the addition of noise in the continuous word embedding space. Noise or small
variations can occur on image pixels due to sensor uncertainty or adversarial attacks [1],
consequently noise-based augmentation improves model robustness to small variations.
However, in natural language, the word embedding for a same word in a same context
will not vary as it is the output of a deterministic model. We argue that adding noise to
words embeddings may bring discrepancy as augmented word embeddings cannot exist
    It is possible to combine different text augmentation methods. For instance, Girid-
hara et al. [11] combine augmentation at word level and word embedding level, and Wei
and Zou [52] combine different simple text editing methods. As in computer vision,
we argue that combining different augmentation methods helps to improve augmented
texts diversity. Our proposed framework uses an ensemble of augmentation methods
combining words replacements and back translations (see Section 3.2).
     Tag associated to each data sample in regards to a supervised task.

3      Method

We propose a new data augmentation framework that combines different methods while
ensuring that augmented texts are good candidates to improve the original dataset and
the generalization of machine learning models trained on it.
     Our proposed augmentation framework generates an augmentation pipeline for each
augmentation attempt. An augmentation pipeline consists of a normalization module
that tokenizes the input text, an augmentation module made of a random sequence of k
methods that augments the text and a validation module that filters out the augmented
text candidate. At the end of the pipeline the augmented text may be kept or discarded.
We parameterize the number of generated augmentation pipelines for each input text
with a constant (e.g., 10). Consequently, the number of kept augmented texts per input
is limited and may vary.
     This architecture is flexible as we can easily tune, activate, or deactivate the different
modules. We now describe each module in details.

3.1     Normalization module

Normalization is the first step of an augmentation pipeline. It parses an input text into
separate tokens representing words or punctuation and ensures correct encoding for
those tokens. Our normalization module relies on spaCy4 and provides characteristics
about each identified token (e.g., Part-Of-Speech (POS) tag, Named Entities Recogni-
tion, stemming). These characteristics are leveraged by our augmentation methods.

3.2     Augmentation module

We propose to combine several methods including multi-steps machine translation,
words replacement leveraging BERT [7] and Wordnet, abbreviations and misspellings
generation based on heuristics.
   The number k of methods used in the augmentation module of a pipeline is a pa-
rameter (e.g., a random variable in our case, a constant, a function of text length, etc.).
Thus a sequence of k augmentation methods is built picking methods one by one at
random with replacement. Augmentation methods are then applied successively in the
sequence order transforming the input normalized text into an augmented text.

Words replacements: The goal of words replacements is to modify an existing text
while preserving its syntax and meaning. Doing so, we reduce the risk for an augmented
text to be grammatically incorrect and incompatible with its label. We now describe
three types of words replacements that we implemented in our framework.

     https://spacy.io/, an open source library for NLP in python and cython.

Semantic-based replacements: With the objective of preserving the original text mean-
ing, we want to replace words by synonyms or near-synonyms [49]. Leveraging pre-
trained BertForMaskedLM base uncased from HuggingFace’s package [7], we devel-
oped two different methods to increase replacements diversity. These methods make
use of both spaCy and BERT WordPiece tokens as we developed a mapping between
these two tokenization techniques.
    For the first method, we randomly mask 10% of WordPiece tokens excluding tokens
with spaCy POS tags corresponding to pronouns, determinants and proper nouns. We
then use pretrained BERT to output a probability distribution over the vocabulary for
each masked word. By masking less than 10% of tokens, most of the text context is
preserved which mitigates the risk of inaccurate probability predictions. Eventually we
choose the replacement candidate sampling over the distribution due to the inherent
uncertainty of masked word prediction, leveraging Nucleus Sampling with a threshold
of 95% [14]. To mitigate the risk of inconsistent replacements, we added constraints on
syntax and contextual semantic continuity. Thus a replacement is accepted if it preserves
the original word POS tag (e.g., strict equality) and if the cosine similarity between
its embedding and the original word embedding is high enough, i.e., above a given
    For the second method, we use both WordNet [36] and BERT. We first perform a
selection of words to replace, exactly as done in the first method. For each selected
word, we obtain a list of replacement candidates using WordNet synsets and the word
POS tag. As previously, we compare candidates and original word embeddings with
cosine similarity, refining the list. Eventually a replacement is randomly chosen from
the refined list.
    As mentioned in Section 2, other works use language models for words replace-
ments in text augmentation context [23, 25, 54]. However, these methods are not corpus
agnostic as language models are finetuned, conditioning replacements on text labels.
Our methods do not involve any finetuning and can directly be used on any text corpus.

Abbreviation-based replacements : Abbreviations are quite common in natural lan-
guage, so a word or group of words may be replaced by an abbreviation and vice versa
(e.g., “IMO” for “In my opinion”). We perform replacements from expanded to abbre-
viated form and inversely, relying on word-pair dictionaries. To ensure that our method
remains corpus independent, and to preserve texts meaning, we exclude from those
dictionaries abbreviations whose expanded forms differ depending on the texts context
(e.g., “PM” → {“Post Meridiem”, “Project Manager”, etc.}.

Misspelling-based replacements : Misspellings are quite common in natural language
and they are often accidental. We replace a word by a misspelled version relying on a
heuristic to simplify misspellings occurrence and letter replacements. This heuristic can
be used on any English text and is detailed in Appendix A. Moreover, in fraud detection
context, misspellings are important as they can be used to convey a sense of urgency, or
to evade security technologies [15, 51].

Multiple steps of translation: We propose a method relying on multiple steps of trans-
lation using a strongly connected graph. An example of such a graph is given in Ap-

pendix B - Figure 4. Each node Li represents a language, and each edge M Tij repre-
sents a machine translation engine able to translate from Li to Lj . We generate a cycle
from the English node and passing through several intermediate languages, achieving
a multi-steps back-translation. Numerous constraints can be applied to generate a cycle
(e.g., its length, its edge’s performance) affecting back-translated texts validity (e.g.,
label compatibility) and diversity.
    In our settings, we use Google Translate engine5 (GT) for all edges, considering
only the best performing translation pairs from and to the English language according to
the empirical evaluation available at teachyoubackwards.com6 . We also limit the cycle
maximum length to 3 (i.e., simple and 2-steps back-translation possible) in our experi-
ments. For instance, a path may be: English → Spanish → Danish → English. As
mentioned in teachyoubackwards evaluation, it is likely that GT does not use a direct
translation for non-English pairs (e.g., Spanish → Danish), but instead uses English
language as a pivot (e.g., Spanish → English → Danish). Leveraging multi-step
back-translation, we push further towards back-translated texts diversity while mitigat-
ing the risk of invalidity selecting best English translation pairs.

3.3     Validation module
Ideally an augmentation should ensure label compatibility and bring added value to the
dataset. Making the assumption that diverse paraphrases satisfy these objectives, our
validation module goal is to discard augmented texts that are too dissimilar or redundant
when compared to the original text. For this purpose, our validation module consists of
two steps: a first step where dissimilar texts are identified by a classifier and a second
step where redundant texts are detected by an heuristic.

Dissimilar text detection: To discard dissimilar augmented texts, we train a text pair
logistic regression classifier on paraphrases corpora to predict if two texts have the
same meaning (i.e., similar) or not (i.e., dissimilar). Corpora used are Quora Question
Pairs [4], Microsoft Research Paraphrases Corpus [8] and an internal email text pairs
dataset (see Appendix F). An augmented text is kept and considered for redundancy
detection only if it is classified as similar to the original text, otherwise it is discarded.
    Each input text pair is mapped to a feature vector using a set of similarity metrics.
We initially performed a performance study of metrics different enough to increase their
potential synergy, considering metrics based on n-grams co-occurrence [16,39], metrics
leveraging WordNet [30,35] or language models [6,44]. This study highlighted a limited
complementarity between metrics as most of accuracy is captured by Sentence-bert
[44]. Thus, in our framework, we combine 3 metrics [35, 39, 44], slightly improving
over Sentence-bert accuracy alone without impacting the computation time.

Redundant text detection: To detect redundancy, we rely on a heuristic, scoring each
similar augmented text based on the transformations applied (e.g., +1 for each word
     https://www.teachyoubackwards.com/empirical-evaluation/. The list of languages is provided
     in Appendix.

change). Each score is re-scaled based on the original text length (e.g., number of to-
kens). Example of a score computation is given in Appendix C. A similar augmented
text is considered redundant and discarded if its re-scaled score is too low, i.e., under a
given threshold.
    To tune this threshold, we rely on our internal text pairs dataset. As detailed in
Appendix F, each text pair is labeled according to 4 levels of similarity, going from
near-duplicate to dissimilar. Using the described heuristic, we compute for each pair
the re-scaled score comparing one text to another. Ranking text pairs with re-scaled
scores, the threshold optimizes the F1 score associated with near-duplicate detection
among pairs classified as similar by the previously described classifier.

4      Experiments
In this section, we evaluate the contribution of our augmentations to classification tasks
commonly used in text augmentation state-of-the-art. Additionally, we study our aug-
mentations added value in BEC detection use case with different settings, varying the
number of augmented texts or using a finetuned language model for better classification

4.1     Datasets
To perform our experiments, we use SST-2 [48] and TREC-6 [29] public datasets as
well as our private dataset for BEC detection. SST-2 is made of movie reviews with
two labels (positive or negative). TREC-6 is a multi-label questions dataset, each label
corresponding to a question type (e.g., Abbreviation, Locations, Entities).
    Our BEC detection dataset is composed of anonymized texts extracted from emails,
labeled as suspicious through different typologies (e.g., ceofraud, w2fraud) or nonsus-
picious (see Appendix D). This dataset is highly unbalanced as BEC are not common.
Class imbalance is a known issue in Machine Learning [24] as most models assume
data to be equally distributed which results in poor performances on minority classes.
To address this imbalance, we only augment minority classes (i.e., BEC typologies)
samples referred as BEC* in Table 2.

                                   Dataset   c    l     N       |V |
                                    SST-2    2   19   9 613   16 185
                                   TREC-6    6   10   5 952    9 592
                                    BEC      6   48   1 224    8 042
                                    BEC*     5   38    115     1 153
                                   Table 2: Datasets statistics

     Table 2 contains for each dataset the number of classes c, the average text length7
l, the total number of texts N , and the vocabulary size |V |. These datasets are diverse
     Average number of words per text rounded to the nearest integer.

in terms of samples number and text length allowing us to study the impact of these
factors on the added value of our augmentations. Intuitively we expect a stronger added
value on a small dataset with long texts. Indeed, the space of possible augmentations
for a text is constrained by its length. Moreover, a model trained on a large-scale dataset
may achieve good generalization without data augmentation.
    Besides the number of samples and the text length, the complexity of the classifica-
tion task must be taken in account. As mentioned in Section 2, augmented texts must be
compatible with their labels to be relevant. If the natural language task is complex, aug-
mented texts may hardly ensure label compatibility which would reduce augmentation
added value. We argue that we also have diversity in term of task complexity: TREC-6
questions are divided into semantic categories, questions are short and objective; SST-2
implies figurative language; BEC classification is sensitive to syntax and semantic as
a suspicious email will contain a request on some specific topics (e.g., payment, shar-
ing of sensitive information, etc.). Thus we analyze the resilience of our augmentation
framework to different kinds of classification tasks and complexities.
    We only augment the train split of each dataset. For the public classification tasks,
we use TREC-6 and SST-2 provided train/test splits. For our BEC detection task, we
apply a 70%/30% stratified split.

4.2   Models

To study our augmentation contribution on different text classification tasks, we use
the CNN for sentence classification [20]. This model has smaller capacity8 than recent
language models [7, 57], however it has been widely used in text augmentation state-
of-the-art [23, 54, 58]. For the BEC dataset, we also assess our augmentation contribu-
tion finetuning BertForSequenceClassification base uncased implemented in Hugging-
Face’s [53]. Following Kim [20] we train our classification models using early stopping
on a development set (dev set). For SST-2 the dev set is provided, for TREC-6 and BEC
detection datasets we generate it with respectively a 90%/10% and 80%/20% stratified
split of the train set.

4.3   Data augmentation

We augment each dataset using our framework. As mentioned in Section 3, the number
of kept augmented texts per input varies. We generate 10 augmentation pipelines for
each text sample, which gives enough augmented texts for our experiments. The average
number of augmented texts per sample (i.e., the augmentation factor) is recorded in
Table 3.
    We argue that the difference between augmentation factors is driven by the average
text length (see l in Table 2). Consequently, the augmentation contribution potential is
higher on BEC than on SST-2 or TREC-6.

                                          Dataset Augmentation factor
                                          TREC-6        7.2
                                           SST-2        8.8
                                           BEC*         9.2
                             Table 3: Average augmentation factor per dataset.

             0.9                                              0.8




             0.7                               Originals                                        Originals
                                             Augmentations                                    Augmentations
                                                Merged                                           Merged
            0.65                                              0.6
                   0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9   1          0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9   1
                              Originals proportion                             Originals proportion
                             (a) TREC-6                                          (b) SST-2

Fig. 1: Performances on SST-2 and TREC-6 as a function of dataset size. Points show
average results, bands the standard deviation considering different model initialization
                             and data downsampling seeds.

4.4           Impact of data size
We analyze our augmentation contribution on public datasets through different data
regimes. For this purpose, TREC-6 and SST-2 datasets are augmented. Figure 1 de-
picts the results obtained by training the CNN [20] on three types of data: Originals,
corresponding to text samples from TREC-6 or SST-2 datasets; Augmentations, corre-
sponding to augmented texts outputted by our framework using samples from Originals;
Merged, containing all samples from Originals and Augmentations. The proportion of
Originals samples used to create datasets varies from 10% to 100%. For each propor-
tion, a new data trio (Originals, Augmentations, Merged) is generated. For instance,
we may consider a 10% subsampling of TREC-6, i.e., Originals, from this subsample
output augmented texts, i.e., Augmentations, and combine the subsample and related
augmented texts into a single dataset Merged. Evaluation is performed on provided test
sets. Figure 1 validates that most of our augmented texts preserve label compatibility
on different task complexities as there is no significant performance drop when train-
ing models solely on augmented samples (i.e., Augmentations). Figure 1 also shows the
contribution of our augmentation, especially in low-data regimes. This is depicted by
the positive and decreasing performance gap between Merged and Originals.
      Measure of the complexity, richness, flexibility of the space of functions that can be learned
      by a machine learning model.

4.5     Impact of augmented data size on an imbalanced corpus

                                         0.9          Merged

                     Balanced accuracy



                                               0     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                                                   Max augmentations or duplications number
                                                            per original sample

Fig. 2: Augmentation factor impact on BEC corpus. Points show average results, bands
           the standard deviation using different model initialization seeds.

    To improve our email text classifier generalization for BEC detection, we augment
our BEC corpus on minority classes. Merged is the dataset containing BEC corpus and
all related augmented texts. On average 9.2 augmented texts are generated for each
sample (Table 3), which significantly increases minority classes weight in the learn-
ing phase. To dissociate classes weight effect from our augmentation contribution, we
created BEC “duplicated” corpus (Duplicated) where each minority class sample is du-
plicated to replicate the number of augmented texts in Merged. To analyze the impact
of the number of augmented texts per sample, we capped9 this number from 0 to 10 and
trained CNN [20] on each data type (i.e., Original, Duplicated and Merged), results are
shown in Figure 2.
    Augmentation contribution is significant in this small-scale dataset (see Table 2) as
we can notice a large gap between Merged and other data types. Moreover, the contri-
bution increases with the cap, first strongly then moderately after a cap of 2 augmented
texts per sample. The performance growth shows our framework ability to produce both
diverse and label compatible augmented texts. However, the growth slowdown may in-
dicate that diversity among augmented texts becomes harder to maintain as their num-
ber increases. Yet, it may also be explained by other factors (e.g., model capacity). For
this reason, we analyzed text samples with their related augmentations. This analysis
(examples in Appendix E) shows that diversity among augmented texts can further be
     A cap only limits the maximum number of augmented texts per sample to a given value, it
     does not constrain the minimum number of augmented texts.

4.6     Our use case with class imbalance

                              Dataset    CNN [20]
                             Original     0.562          0.903
                            Duplicated    0.619          0.912
                            Augmented     0.834          0.960
                         Table 4: BEC detection balanced accuracy

    In this experiment, BertForSequenceClassification is considered in addition to CNN
[20]. As mentioned previously, language models have improved NLP state-of-the-art on
various tasks10 . Leveraging self-supervised pretraining and Transformer architecture
[50], these models learn and transpose language concepts to specific tasks, achieving
excellent generalization.
    Table 4 regroups the best results obtained when varying the cap of the augmented
texts number per sample. As shown previously (Figure 2), augmentation is key for CNN
model generalization, with a contribution well above classes weight. With BertForSe-
quenceClassification, while being less significant, augmentation still has a positive im-
pact over class weights. Thus we exemplified that even with recent pretrained language
models such as BERT, data augmentation stays relevant in low-data regimes.

5      Further analysis

5.1     Corpus agnostic framework

We designed our augmentation framework to be corpus agnostic in order to address
the diversity of use cases within our company. Initially motivated by the task of BEC
detection, the development of our framework evolved towards an internal service to aug-
ment English texts in several contexts (e.g., BEC detection, security awareness training,
fraud simulation). Being corpus agnostic may degrade the quality of augmented texts
as it prevents the use of context specific methods, such as model finetuning [23,54]. We
propose several workarounds to mitigate this risk.
     First, as detailed in Section 3, we constrain words replacements. Replacement can-
didates must preserve their initial POS tags and are filtered based on the cosine similar-
ity of BERT embeddings. These constraints reduce inconsistent replacements. However
they are not optimal as BERT embeddings are not optimized for cosine similarity mea-
surements which suppose that all dimensions have equal weights11 , and the POS tag
preservation constraint may discard some valid replacements.

    Additionally, we developed a validation module called at the end of the pipeline
(Section 3) to reduce the risk of compromising labels. This module is further discussed
in following subsections. Results presented in Section 4 have shown, in different con-
texts, that our framework produces label compatible augmentations despite being cor-
pus agnostic.

5.2     Augmentations and diversity

                                     Fig. 3: 2D visualization.

    To ease the analysis of augmentation impact on data diversity, we propose a visu-
alization of augmented areyouavailable class from BEC corpus (Figure 3), projecting
each text to an embedding space [44] and leveraging t-SNE [32] for 2D visualization12 .
    Visualization suggests that augmented texts, while bringing diversity, are restricted
to the neighborhood of original samples they relate to. The challenge of diversity is to
expand these neighborhoods while preserving augmented texts validity. We argue that
using an ensemble of augmentation methods helps increase diversity. Our experiments
(Section 4) exhibit the ability and limitations of our framework to continuously produce
diverse augmented texts. Diversity improvement will be addressed in future work by
modifying our existing methods (e.g., translation paths addition, words replacements
sampling change) and investigating new ones involving for instance natural language
     2D visualization implies a loss of information about data representation due to the significant
     dimension reduction.

5.3     Augmentations validation
It is important to ensure that augmented texts have enough diversity while preserving
data characteristics, which is a challenge as our augmentation framework is corpus ag-
nostic. Indeed, we cannot guarantee that our transformations always preserve data char-
acteristics. For this purpose, we use a validation module constraining our augmented
texts to be paraphrases of the samples they relate to. We made the assumption that
paraphrasing original texts brings sufficient control to prevent data poisoning in most
contexts. Moreover, our validation module also discards detected near duplicates of
original texts to augment data diversity (Section 3). However, this validation module
is not an oracle. Paraphrase detection models tend to fail on sentence pairs that have
lexical overlap but different meaning [59] which can easily occur in augmentation con-
text. In future work, we will investigate language models finetuning which have shown
top performance on paraphrase detection13 and consider Paraphrase Adversaries from
Word Scrambling corpus [59] as an additional data source.

5.4     Task influence
Similarly to what is done for image or sound augmentation, it is relevant to analyze how
data is processed and what we know about the task before designing augmentation. Our
framework being corpus and task agnostic, this preliminary analysis is not possible.
Moreover, constraining augmented texts to be valid paraphrases of original texts may
not prevent data poisoning for all tasks. For example, if the task is authorship attribu-
tion (i.e. determining the writer of a text), using back-translation to augment texts may
poison the data, altering some writer style characteristics (e.g., vocabulary distribution,
syntax representation). The modular design of our framework brings flexibility help-
ing to cope with some specific contexts, for instance we may not consider multi-step
back-translation in case of authorship attribution.

6      Closing remarks
In this paper we present a new text augmentation framework that is corpus and task
agnostic. This framework combines several augmentation methods and can be eas-
ily applied to different NLP projects. Experiments have shown that our augmentation
improves significantly machine learning models generalization in different low-data
regime contexts. Our analysis on limitations provides guidelines for future work such
as the addition of new methods (e.g., natural language generation) or the improvement
of existing ones (e.g., replacements monitoring, validation module) aiming towards bet-
ter augmented texts diversity and validity.

We are grateful to Tatiana Ekeinhor, Thomas Gendron, Antoine Honoré, Paolo Pinto,
and Damien Riquet for their reviews and involvement in the augmentation framework

development. Finally we would like to acknowledge Fatima Qachfar’s contribution to
obtain early results on the use of language models.

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A      Misspelling replacements heuristic

Below is the code of the main function behind our misspelling replacements heuristic.
A token has a probability of 0.01 to be picked for misspelling replacement.

def generate_misspellings(picked_token):
   word = picked_token.string

      # default misspelling types
      misspelling_types = ["transposition", "extra", "mistyping",

      # optional misspelling type
      has_doubles = any(word[i] == word[i + 1] for i in
          range(len(word) - 1))
      if has_doubles:

      # pick misspelling
      misspelling_type = random.choice(misspelling_types)
      misspelled_word = apply_misspelling(word, misspelling_type)
      picked_token.string = misspelled_word
      return picked_token

      The table below described apply misspelling() action for each misspelling type:

Input token Misspelling type Output token                       Description
   winter    transpostion       witner                   Swap two adjacent letters
   winter        extra         winterr                     Repeat a letter twice
                                                        Replace a letter by an adja-
     winter       mistyping         wimter
                                                      cent letter in QWERTY layout
misspelling        missing         misspeling      Remove a letter in case of double letters
                                                    Replace a group of letters by another
 dependent         phonetic        dependant
                                                     which has the same pronunciation
                              Table 5: apply misspelling() actions

B      Example of multistep translation graph

Based on teachyoubackwards14 study, we chose the following list of languages: Afrikaans,
Chinese, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Por-
tuguese, Spanish. All these languages show relatively good translation performances
from and to English, i.e, BARD ≥ 40, T ARZAN ≥ 50, F AIL ≤ 35. On Figure 4,

the following set of languages {English, Dutch, Danish, Spanish} is considered.
GT which stands for Google Translate engine is used for all translations. For each
back-translation, a cycle is generated from English node. In the example represented
on Figure 4, the generated path is : English → Spanish → Danish → English.



                            English       GT
                                          GT          Dutch
                                                                GT      GT



                            Fig. 4: Example of translation graph

C      Example of augmentation scoring

In Table 6, we show an example of score computation for the redundancy detection
heuristic. In this case, the re-scaling is done by dividing the score by the number of
SpaCy tokens in the original text.

Step                 Text                             Transformation           Score   Rescaled
           “Kindly pay the attached
 0        invoice today and forward               NA / Original text           s←0      12
            remittance once paid.”
                                          Translation: 5 words changed
       “Pay the enclosed invoice today                                                  5
 1                                         in input (Kindly, attached,        s←s+5    12
                                                                                            ≈ 0.42
        and send it in when it’s paid.”
                                           forward, remittance, once)
       “Pay the enclosed invoice ttoday        Misspelling: 1 word                      6
 2                                                                            s←s+1    12
                                                                                            = 0.50
        and send it in when it’s paid.”     changed in input (today)
                               Table 6: Augmentation scoring

D      BEC corpus labels

Table 7 describes BEC corpus classes.

E      Redundancy among augmentations
An analysis of augmented texts relative to randomly selected original texts pointed out
a limited diversity. Table 8 gives examples of very similar augmented texts.

F      Internal text pairs dataset labels
Labels correspond to different levels of similarity considering texts pairs meaning and
lexical overlap. We define:
•    0: texts have different meaning and low lexical overlap.
•    1: texts have different meaning and significant lexical overlap.
•    2: texts have same meaning with low to moderate lexical overlap.
•    3: texts have same meaning and are nearly identical (i.e., high lexical overlap).

   In the context of text pair classification, labels 0 and 1 can be grouped under dis-
similar, labels 2 and 3 under similar.
   To build the corpus, we first extracted email texts from our professional mailboxes.
These email texts have been manually anonymized. We also extracted texts from public
email corpora such as Enron [22], DNC15 , Podesta16 . Then for each selected text, we
handcrafted new texts in order to form pairs for the defined labels. Samples from our
corpus are given in Table 9.


     Label                         Definition                             Example
                Short email asking for the availability
                        of the recipient, usually with a
                     sense of urgency. One of the goal
                      of this kind of email is to initiate
                                                              “I need you to get a task done
                     a communication with the victim
areyouavailable                                                   for me promptly. Let me
                      without using suspect keywords.
                                                               know if you are unoccupied”
                      BEC detection technologies may
                        whitelist an email address after
                          a couple of emails have been
                          exchanged, hence this trick.
                       CEO fraud is a threat consisting
                     in the impersonation of a position
                                                             “Please process immediately a
                    of authority (e.g., CEO) asking an
                                                           wire transfer payment to $45,000.It
                      employee to transfer money to a
   ceofraud                                                    is an urgent invoice from the
                    fraudulent bank account. It usually
                                                              business attorney. Banking in-
                       targets finance department. The
                                                               structions attached. Thanks”
                      threat relies on the fear of failing
                      to please an authoritative power.
                   Gift card scam is a threat consisting “Hi, I have a request, I’m planning to
                  in the impersonation of an executive surprise some of the staff with gifts,
                  requesting the purchase of gift cards    are you available to get a purchase
                   for a special occasion. The message        done for me? I will appreciate
                will often tell the victim to stay quiet, your assistance and confidentiality.
                 trying to make it appear as a surprise.       Email me once you get this.”
                    Payroll fraud is a threat consisting
                  in the impersonation of an employee
                        asking to change direct deposit      “I have recently changed banks
                         information. It usually targets      and need to change my direct
  payrollfraud         HR or finance departments. The        deposit for payroll. I need your
                     goal for the fraudster is to replace   prompt assistance in this matter
                       in the payroll system the imper-      and when this will take effect.”
                       sonated employee bank account
                         by a fraudulent bank account.
                     W-2 fraud is a threat consisting in      “I have an important meeting
                     the impersonation of an executive      at 10:30 and I need the W-2s of
    w2fraud             asking for documents (e.g., W-        the staff ASAP. Please upload
                        2 forms) containing employees          the files to https://drop.box.it
                confidential information, such as SSN.      for security purposes. Thanks!”
                   This label corresponds to all emails
                    we decided not to flag in our BEC
                     detection context, i.e., emails that
                      do not belong to previous labels.
                                                                “I will pay this invoice per
                         There are two types of emails
 nonsuspicious                                                 Randy. If you need anything
                        in this category: benign emails
                                                             else just let me know. Thanks.”
                      that have similar topics (invoice,
                    sense of urgency, etc.), and benign
                    emails that do not have any similar
                        topics (majority of the corpus).
                           Table 7: BEC corpus labels definition

  Dataset         Original sample              Augmentation1                 Augmentation2
             “I need you to initiate a
                                            “I want you to initiate a    “I want you to initiate a
           wire transfer in the sum of
                                           54 300 USD wire transfer      transfer of 31,987 EUR
           $45,250 to the account be-
                                            to the ACCT below. I’m         to the account below.
           low. I am boarding a flight
                                             boarding the plane and      I’m boarding the plane
BEC Corpus and this needs to be done
                                            I have to do it now. Can     and I have to do it now.
           right now. Can you please
                                              you do this? Send the       Can you do this? Send
            get this done? Send con-
                                              transfer confirmation        transfer confirmation
             firmation of the transfer
                                             immediately. Thanks”         immediately. Thanks”
               immediately. Thanks”
                  “I have important          “I have an important
                                                                         “I have an important re-
                request i need you to        request I need you to
                                                                        quest, you must deal with
BEC Corpus      handle immediately.         deal with immediately.
                                                                         it immediately. Confirm
                Kindly confirm your           Plesae confirm your
                                                                        your availability. Regards”
               availability. Regards”       availability. Regards.”
                  “I need you to get                                       “I need you to do the
                                            “I need you to do a job
                 a task done for me                                       job for me right away.
BEC Corpus                                  for me right away. Let
             promptly. Let me know                                          Please let me know
                                           me know if you are free”
              if you are unoccupied”                                        if you are not busy”
                “about as exciting to
                                              “Just as exciting as
              watch as two last place                                   “It’s as exciting as the last
                                            the last two basketball
  SST-2     basketball teams playing                                     two basketball teams on
                                                team on the last
                 one another on the                                     the last day of the season”
                                              day of the season”
             final day of the season”
            “it will guarantee to have
                                             “it ensures you leave      “it ensures that you leave
  SST-2       you leaving the theater
                                           the theater with a smile”     the room with a smile”
           with a smile on your face”
                “it is a likable story ,     “it’s a pleasant story,          “it is a pleasant
              told with competence”              skillfully told”           story, sillfully told”
            “What does the double-O            “What does dou-             “What does the dou-
                  indicate in 007 ?”          ble O 007 mean?”              bled O 007 mean?”
             “How can I give myself             “How do I do a                “How can I do a
               a French manicure ?”           French manicure?”             French manicure?”
                       Table 8: Redundancy among augmentations

             0                     1                       2                       3
                                                  (“Can you please
                                                                           (“Can you please
      (“Can you please      (“Can you please      send me the SSN
                                                                           send me the SSN
      send me the SSN       send me the SSN       of all employees
                                                                           of all employees
      of all employees       of all employees     ASAP. Thanks”,
                                                                           ASAP. Thanks”,
      ASAP. Thanks”,         ASAP. Thanks”,        “This is urgent,
                                                                           “Could you send
     “Spring is coming,   “Would you send me     could you send me
                                                                            me the SSN of
      my favorite time     the picture we took   the social security
                                                                             all employees
        of the year.”)    with all employees?”) numbers of the whole
                                                                          ASAP. Thank you”)
                                                   staff? Thanks”)

                         (“Kindly pay the
                                                (“Kindly pay the        (“Kindly pay the
   (“Kindly pay the       attached invoice
                                                 attached invoice        attached invoice
   attached invoice     today and forward
                                               today and forward       today and forward
  today and forward remittance once paid.”,
                                            remittance once paid.”, remittance once paid.”,
remittance once paid.”,  “Please reject the
                                                 “Please pay the         “Please pay the
  “The shipment will      attached invoice
                                                joined invoice by    attached invoice today
 be sent as soon as we     asap and send
                                             eod and send me the      and forward me the
receive confirmation.”)  me confirmation
                                              associated receipt.”) remittance once paid.”)
                            once done.”)

                          (“Are you at work?”,   (“Are you at work?”,
 (“Are you at work?”,                                                     (“Are you at work?”,
                              “Are you at             “Are you in
“Coming home soon.”)                                                       “you’re at work?”)
                              the gym?”)             the office?”)

                                                   (“I have important      (“I have important
   (“I have important     (“I have important
                                                 request I need you to    request I need you to
 request I need you to request I need you to
                                                 handle immediately.      handle immediately.
  handle immediately.    handle immediately.
                                                     Kindly confirm          Kindly confirm
     Kindly confirm         Kindly confirm
                                                   your availability.”,    your availability.”,
   your availability.”,   your availability.”,
                                                  “Are you available?     “I have an important
   “I am learning that      “I am booking
                                                     There is a very      request I need you to
     you are going to        the restaurant
                                                   important request      handle immediately.
transfer?! Why is that? immediately, confirm
                                                      I want you to          Please confirm
   I am kind of sad.”)   your availablility.”)
                                                     take care of.”)          availability.”)

                             Table 9: Internal text pair samples
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