Undersensitivity in Neural Reading Comprehension

Undersensitivity in Neural Reading Comprehension
Undersensitivity in Neural Reading Comprehension

                    Johannes Welbl†∗     Pasquale Minervini†        Max Bartolo†
                             Pontus Stenetorp         Sebastian Riedel†
                                      University College London

                       Abstract                               et al., 2018), semantically invariant reformula-
                                                              tions (Ribeiro et al., 2018b; Iyyer et al., 2018a) or –
    Current reading comprehension methods gen-                specifically in Reading Comprehension (RC) – ad-
    eralise well to in-distribution test sets, yet
                                                              versarial text insertions (Jia and Liang, 2017; Wang
    perform poorly on adversarially selected data.
    Prior work on adversarial inputs typically stud-
                                                              and Bansal, 2018). A model’s inability to handle
    ies model oversensitivity: semantically invari-           adversarially chosen input text puts into perspec-
    ant text perturbations that cause a model’s pre-          tive otherwise impressive generalisation results for
    diction to change. Here we focus on the com-              in-distribution test sets (Seo et al. (2017); Yu et al.
    plementary problem: excessive prediction un-              (2018); Devlin et al. (2019); inter alia) and con-
    dersensitivity, where input text is meaning-              stitutes an important caveat to conclusions drawn
    fully changed but the model’s prediction does             regarding a model’s comprehension abilities.
    not, even though it should. We formulate an
                                                                 While semantically invariant text transforma-
    adversarial attack which searches among se-
    mantic variations of the question for which a             tions can remarkably alter a model’s predictions,
    model erroneously predicts the same answer,               the complementary problem of model undersen-
    and with even higher probability. We demon-               sitivity is equally troublesome: a model’s text in-
    strate that models trained on both SQuAD2.0               put can often be drastically changed in meaning
    and NewsQA are vulnerable to this attack, and             while retaining the original prediction. In particular,
    then investigate data augmentation and adver-             previous works (Feng et al., 2018; Ribeiro et al.,
    sarial training as defences. Both substantially
                                                              2018a; Welbl et al., 2020) show that even after
    decrease adversarial vulnerability, which gen-
    eralises to held-out data and held-out attack             deletion of all but a small fraction of input words,
    spaces. Addressing undersensitivity further-              models often produce the same output. However,
    more improves model robustness on the pre-                such reduced inputs are usually unnatural to a hu-
    viously introduced A DD S ENT and A DD O NE -             man reader, and it is both unclear what behaviour
    S ENT datasets, and models generalise better              we should expect from natural language models
    when facing train/evaluation distribution mis-            evaluated on unnatural text, and how to use such
    match: they are less prone to overly rely on              unnatural inputs to improve models.
    shallow predictive cues present only in the
    training set, and outperform a conventional
                                                                 In this work we explore RC model undersensi-
    model by as much as 10.9% F1 .                            tivity for natural language questions, and we show
                                                              that addressing undersensitivity not only makes RC
                                                              models more sensitive where they should be, but
1   Introduction                                              also less reliant on shallow predictive cues. Fig. 1
                                                              shows an example for a BERT L ARGE model (De-
 Neural networks can be vulnerable to adversar-
                                                              vlin et al., 2019) trained on SQuAD2.0 (Rajpurkar
ial input perturbations (Szegedy et al., 2013; Ku-
                                                              et al., 2018) that is given a text and a comprehen-
rakin et al., 2016). In Natural Language Pro-
                                                              sion question, i.e. What was Fort Caroline renamed
cessing (NLP), which operates on discrete sym-
                                                              to after the Spanish attack? which it correctly an-
bol sequences, adversarial attacks can take a vari-
                                                              swers as San Mateo with 98% probability. Altering
ety of forms (Ettinger et al., 2017; Alzantot et al.,
                                                              this question, however, can increase model proba-
2018) including character perturbations (Ebrahimi
                                                              bility for this same prediction to 99%, although the
        Now at DeepMind.                                      new question is unanswerable given the same con-

                 Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020, pages 1152–1165
                        November 16 - 20, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
Undersensitivity in Neural Reading Comprehension
Original Example ( q):
            What was Fort Caroline renamed to after the Spanish attack? San Mateo (0.98)
             F. Caroline → R.Oppenheimer     Spanish → Hungarian
                                                                           Given Text: The nearby
                    qadv         q           F.Caroline → Fort Knox
                                                                           Spanish settlement of St.
                                                  q 0 0.99                 Augustine attacked Fort
                                                                           Caroline, and killed nearly all
                                                                           the French soldiers defending
                                                         0.95              it. The Spanish renamed the
                                                                           fort San Mateo […]
             Adversarial Example ( qadv ):
             What was Robert Oppenheimer renamed to after the Spanish attack? San Mateo (0.99)

Figure 1: Method Overview: Adversarial search over semantic variations of RC questions, producing unanswerable
questions for which the model retains its predictions with even higher probability.

text. That is, we observe an increase in probability         the resulting models generalise better on the adver-
despite removing relevant question information and           sarial datasets of Jia and Liang (2017), and in the
replacing it with new, irrelevant content.                   biased data setting of Lewis and Fan (2019).
   We formalise the process of finding such ques-
tions as an adversarial search in a discrete space           2   Related Work
arising from perturbations of the original question.
There are two types of discrete perturbations we             Adversarial Attacks in NLP Adversarial exam-
consider, based on part-of-speech tags and named             ples have been studied extensively in NLP – see
entities, with the aim of obtaining grammatical and          Zhang et al. (2019) for a recent survey. Yet automat-
semantically consistent alternative questions that           ically generating adversarial inputs is non-trivial,
do not accidentally have the same correct answer.            as altering a single word can change the seman-
We find that SQuAD2.0 and NewsQA models can                  tics of an instance or render it incoherent. Prior
be attacked on a substantial proportion of samples.          work typically considers semantic-invariant input
   The observed undersensitivity correlates nega-            transformations to which neural models are over-
tively with in-distribution test set performance met-        sensitive. For instance, Ribeiro et al. (2018b) use a
rics (EM/F1 ), suggesting that this phenomenon –             set of simple perturbations such as replacing Who
where present – is indeed a reflection of a model’s          is with Who’s. Other semantics-preserving pertur-
lack of question comprehension. When training                bations include typos (Hosseini et al., 2017), the
models to defend against undersensitivity attacks            addition of distracting sentences (Jia and Liang,
with data augmentation and adversarial training,             2017; Wang and Bansal, 2018), character-level ad-
we observe that they can generalise their robust-            versarial perturbations (Ebrahimi et al., 2018; Be-
ness to held out evaluation data without sacrificing         linkov and Bisk, 2018), and paraphrasing (Iyyer
in-distribution test set performance. Furthermore,           et al., 2018b). In this work, we focus on the com-
the models improve on the adversarial datasets pro-          plementary problem of undersensitivity of neural
posed by Jia and Liang (2017), and behave more               RC models to semantic perturbations of the input.
robustly in a learning scenario that has dataset bias        Our method is based on the idea that modifying,
with a train / evaluation distribution mismatch, in-         for instance, the named entities in a question can
creasing performance by up to 10.9%F1 .                      completely change its meaning and, as a conse-
   List of Contributions: i) We propose a new                quence, the question should become unanswerable
type of adversarial attack exploiting the undersen-          given the context. Our approach does not assume
sitivity of neural RC models to input changes, and           white-box access to the model, as do e.g. Ebrahimi
show that contemporary models are vulnerable to it;          et al. (2018) and Wallace et al. (2019).
ii) We compare data augmentation and adversarial                Undersensitivity Jacobsen et al. (2019) demon-
training as defences, and show their effectiveness           strated classifier undersensitivity in computer vi-
at reducing undersensitivity errors on both held-out         sion. Niu and Bansal (2018) investigated undersen-
data and held-out perturbations without sacrificing          sitivity in dialogue models and addressed the prob-
nominal test performance; iii) We demonstrate that           lem with a max-margin training approach. Ribeiro

Undersensitivity in Neural Reading Comprehension
et al. (2018a) describe a general model diagnosis        approaches have shown the benefit of synthetic
tool to identify minimal feature sets that are suffi-    data to improve performance in SQuAD2.0 (Zhu
cient for a model to form high-confidence predic-        et al., 2019; Alberti et al., 2019). In contrast to
tions. Feng et al. (2018) showed that it is possible     prior work, we demonstrate that despite improving
to reduce inputs to minimal input word sequences         performance on test sets that include unanswerable
without changing a model’s predictions. Welbl et al.     questions, the problem persists when adversarially
(2020) investigated formal verification against un-      choosing from a larger space of questions.
dersensitivity to text deletions. We see our work as
a continuation of these lines of inquiry, with a par-    3   Methodology
ticular focus on undersensitivity in RC. In contrast
                                                         Problem Overview Consider a discriminative
to Feng et al. (2018) and Welbl et al. (2020) we
                                                         model fθ , parameterised by a collection of vectors
consider concrete alternative questions, rather than
                                                         θ, which transforms an input x into a prediction
arbitrarily reduced input word sequences, and fur-
                                                         ŷ = fθ (x). In our task, x = (t, q) is a given text t
thermore address the observed phenomenon using
                                                         paired with a question q about this text. The label
dedicated training objectives, in contrast to Feng
                                                         y is the answer to q where it exists, or a NoAnswer
et al. (2018) and Ribeiro et al. (2018a) who simply
                                                         label where it cannot be answered.1
highlight it. Gardner et al. (2020) and Kaushik et al.
                                                             In an RC setting, the set of possible answers
(2020) also recognise the problem of models learn-
                                                         is large, and predictions ŷ should be dependent
ing shallow but successful heuristics, and propose
                                                         on x. And indeed, randomly choosing a different
counterfactual data annotation paradigms as pre-
                                                         input (t0 , q 0 ) usually changes the model prediction
vention. The perturbations used in this work define
                                                         ŷ. However, there exist many examples where the
such counterfactual samples. Their composition
                                                         prediction erroneously remains stable; the goal of
does not require additional annotation efforts, and
                                                         the attack formulated here is to find such cases.
we furthermore adapt an adversarial perspective
                                                         Formally, the goal is to discover inputs x0 for which
on the choice of such samples. Finally, one of the
                                                         fθ still erroneously predicts fθ (x0 ) = fθ (x), even
methods we evaluate for defending against under-
                                                         though x0 is not answerable from the text.
sensitivity attacks is a form of data augmentation
                                                             Identifying suitable candidates for x0 can be
that has similarly been used for de-biasing NLP
                                                         achieved in manifold ways. One approach is to
models (Zhao et al., 2018; Lu et al., 2018).
                                                         search among a large question collection, but we
   Concurrent work on model C HECK L IST evalu-          find this to only rarely be successful; an example is
ation (Ribeiro et al., 2020) includes an invariance      shown in Table 8, Appendix E. Generating x0 , on
test which also examines model undersensitivity.         the other hand, is prone to result in ungrammatical
In contrast to C HECK L IST, our work focuses with       or otherwise ill-formed text. Instead, we consider
more detail on the analysis of the invariance phe-       a perturbation space XT (x) spanned by perturbing
nomenon, the automatic generation of probing sam-        original inputs x using a perturbation function fam-
ples, an investigation of concrete methods to over-      ily T : XT (x) = {Ti (x) | Ti ∈ T }. This space
come undesirably invariant model behaviour, and          XT (x) contains alternative model inputs derived
shows that adherence to invariance tests leads to        from x. Ideally the transformation function fam-
more robust model generalisation.                        ily T is chosen such that the correct label of these
   Unanswerable Questions in RC Rajpurkar                inputs is changed, and the question becomes unan-
et al. (2018) proposed the SQuAD2.0 dataset, which       swerable. We will later search within XT (x) to
includes over 43,000 human-curated unanswerable          find inputs x0 which erroneously retain the same
questions. NewsQA is a second dataset with unan-         prediction as x: ŷ(x) = ŷ(x0 ).
swerable questions, in the news domain (Trischler            Part-of-Speech (PoS) Perturbations We first
et al., 2017). Training on these datasets should         consider the perturbation space XTP (x) with PoS
conceivably result in models with an ability to tell     perturbations TP of the original question: we swap
whether questions are answerable or not; we will         individual tokens with other, PoS-consistent alter-
however see that this does not extend to adver-          native tokens, drawing from large collections of to-
sarially chosen unanswerable questions. Hu et al.        kens of the same PoS types. For example, we might
(2019) address unanswerability of questions from a          1
                                                              Unanswerable questions are part of, e.g. the SQuAD2.0
given text using additional verification steps. Other    and NewsQA datasets, but not SQuAD1.1.

alter the question “Who patronized the monks in           maximum (or any) higher prediction probability.
 Italy?” to “Who betrayed the monks in Italy?” by          We can however repeat the replacement procedure
 replacing the past tense verb “patronized” with           multiple times, arriving at texts with larger lexi-
“betrayed”. There is however no guarantee that             cal distance to the original question. For example,
 the altered question will require a different answer      in two iterations of PoS-consistent lexical replace-
 (e.g. due to synonyms). Even more so – there might        ment, we can alter “Who was the duke in the battle
 be type clashes or other semantic inconsistencies.        of Hastings?” to inputs like “Who was the duke
 We perform a qualitative analysis to investigate the      in the expedition of Roger?” The space of possi-
 extent of this problem and find that, while a valid       bilities grows combinatorially, and with increasing
 concern, for the majority of attackable samples           perturbation radius it becomes computationally in-
 (at least 51%) there exist attacks based on correct       feasible to comprehensively cover the full pertur-
 well-formed questions (see Section 5).                    bation space arising from iterated substitutions. To
    Named Entity (NE) Perturbations The space              address this, we follow Feng et al. (2018) and apply
 XTE (x) of the transformation family TE is created        beam search to narrow the search space, and seek to
 by substituting NE mentions in the question with          maximise the difference ∆ = P (ŷ | x0 )−P (ŷ | x).
 different type-consistent NE, derived from a large        Beam search is conducted up to a pre-specified
 set E. For example, a question “Who patronized            maximum perturbation radius ρ, but once x0 with
 the monks in Italy?” could be altered to “Who             ∆ > 0 has been found, we stop the search.
 patronized the monks in Las Vegas?”, replacing               Relation to Attacks in Prior Work Note that
 the geopolitical entity “Italy” with “Las Vegas”,         this type of attack stands in contrast to other at-
 chosen from E. Altering NE often changes the              tacks based on small, semantically invariant in-
 question specifics and alters the answer require-         put perturbations which investigate oversensitivity
 ments, which are unlikely to be satisfied from what       problems. Such semantic invariance comes with
 is stated in the given text, given the broad nature       stronger requirements and relies on synonym dic-
 of entities in E. While perturbed questions are not       tionaries (Ebrahimi et al., 2018) or paraphrases har-
 guaranteed to be unanswerable or require a differ-        vested from back-translation (Iyyer et al., 2018a),
 ent answer, we will in a later analysis see that for      which are both incomplete and noisy. Our attack
 the large majority of cases (at least 84%) they do.       is instead focused on undersensitivity, i.e. where
    Undersensitivity Attacks Thus far we have de-          the model is stable in its prediction even though
 scribed methods for perturbing questions. We will         it should not be. Consequently the requirements
 search in the resulting perturbation spaces XTP (x)       are not as difficult to fulfil when defining pertur-
 and XTE (x) for inputs x0 for which model predic-         bation spaces that alter the question meaning, and
 tion remains constant. However, we pose a slightly        one can rely on sets of entities and PoS examples
 stronger and more conservative requirement to rule        automatically extracted from a large text collection.
 out cases where the prediction is retained, but with
 lower probability: fθ should assign a higher proba-       4   Experiments: Model Vulnerability
 bility to the same prediction ŷ(x) = ŷ(x0 ) than for
 the original input:                                       Training and Dataset Details We next conduct
                                                           experiments using the attacks laid out above to in-
                P (ŷ | x0 ) > P (ŷ | x)           (1)    vestigate model undersensitivity. We attack the
                                                           BERT model fine-tuned on SQuAD2.0, and mea-
To summarise, we are searching in a perturbation           sure to what extent the model exhibits undersensi-
space for altered questions which result in a higher       tivity to adversarially chosen inputs. Our choice
model probability to the same answer as the orig-          of BERT is motivated by the currently widespread
inal input question. If we have found an altered           adoption of its variants across the NLP field, and
question that satisfies inequality (1), then we have       empirical success across a wide range of datasets.
identified a successful attack, which we will refer        SQuAD2.0 per design contains unanswerable ques-
to as an undersensitivity attack.                          tions; models are thus trained to predict a NoAn-
   Adversarial Search in Perturbation Space In             swer option where a comprehension question can-
its simplest form, a search for an adversarial at-         not be answered. As the test set is unavailable,
tack in the previously defined spaces amounts to a         we split off 5% from the original training set for
search over a list of single lexical alterations for the   development purposes and retain the remaining

(a) Part of Speech perturbations                                      (b) Named Entity perturbations

Figure 2: BERT L ARGE on SQuAD2.0: vulnerability to noisy attacks on held out data for differently sized attack
spaces (parameter η) and different beam search depth (perturbation radius ρ).

95% for training, stratified by articles. The original               Results Fig. 2 shows plots for adversarial error
SQuAD2.0 development set is then used as eval-                       rates on SQuAD2.0 for both perturbation types. We
uation data, where the model reaches 73.0%EM                         observe that attacks based on PoS perturbations
and 76.5%F1 ; we will compute the undersensitivity                   can already for very small search budgets (η = 32,
attacks on this entirely held out part of the dataset.               ρ = 1) reach more than 60% attack success rates,
Appendix B provides further training details.                        and this number can be raised to 95% with a larger
   Attack Details To compute the perturbation                        computational budget. For perturbations based on
spaces, we gather large collections of NE and PoS                    NE substitution, we find overall lower attack suc-
expressions across types that define the perturba-                   cess rates, but still find that more than half of the
tion spaces TE and TP , which we gather from the                     samples can successfully be attacked with the bud-
Wikipedia paragraphs used in the SQuAD2.0 train-                     gets tested. Note that where attacks were found, we
ing set, with the pretrained taggers in spaCy, and                   observed that there often exist multiple alternatives
the Penn Treebank tag set for PoS. This results on                   satisfying inequality 1.
average in 5,126 different entities per entity type,                    These findings demonstrate that BERT is not
and 2,337 different tokens per PoS tag. When com-                    necessarily considering the entire content of a
puting PoS perturbations, we found it useful to dis-                 comprehension question given to it, and that even
regard perturbations of particular PoS types that of-                though trained to tell when questions are unanswer-
ten led to only minor changes or incorrectly formed                  able, the model often fails when facing adversari-
expressions, such as punctuation or determiners;                     ally selected unanswerable questions.
details on these can be found in Appendix A. As                         In a side experiment we also investigated un-
the number of possible perturbations to consider                     dersensitivity attacks using NE perturbations on
is potentially very large, we limit the beam search                  SQuAD1.1, which proves even more vulnerable
at each step to a maximum of η randomly chosen                       with an adversarial error rate of 70% already using
type-consistent entities from E, or tokens from P ,                  η = 32; ρ = 1 (compared to 34% on SQuAD2.0).
and re-sample these throughout the search. We use                    While this demonstrates that undersensitivity is
a beam width of b = 5, resulting in a bound to the                   also an issue for SQuAD1.1, the unanswerable ques-
total computation spent on adversarial search of                     tion behaviour is not really well-defined, rendering
b · ρ · η model evaluations per sample, where ρ is                   results difficult to interpret. On the other hand, the
the perturbation “radius” (maximum search depth).                    notable drop between the datasets demonstrates the
   We quantify vulnerability to the described at-                    effectiveness of the unanswerable questions added
tacks by measuring the fraction of evaluation sam-                   during training in SQuAD2.0.
ples for which at least one undersensitivity attack is
found given a computational search budget, disre-                    5   Analysis of Vulnerable Samples
garding cases where a model predicts NoAnswer.2
                                                                     Qualitative Analysis of Attacks The attacks are
                                                                     potentially noisy, and the introduced substitutions
       Altering such samples likely retains their unanswerability.   are by no means guaranteed to result in semanti-

Original / Modified Question                                      Prediction   Annotation            Scores
    What city in Victoria is called the cricket ground of             Melbourne    valid             0.63 / 0.75
    Australia the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited ?

    What were the annual every year carriage fees for the channels?   £30m         same answer       0.95 / 0.97

    What percentage of Victorians are Christian Girlish ?             61.1%        valid             0.92 / 0.93
    Which plateau is the left part achievement of Warsaw on?          moraine      sem. inconsist.   0.52 / 0.58

Table 1: Example adversarial questions ( original , attack ), together with their annotation as either a valid coun-
terexample or other type. Top 2: Named Entity perturbations. Bottom 2: PoS perturbations.

                                     PoS      NE            (24%) of the cases. While these questions have
                                                            some sort of inconsistency (e.g. What year did the
                 Valid attack       51%     84%
                                                            case go before the supreme court? vs. a perturbed
                 Syntax error       10%      6%
                                                            version What scorer did the case go before the
      Semantically incoherent       24%      5%
                                                            supreme court?), it is remarkable that the model
                Same answer         15%      5%
                                                            assigns higher probabilities to the original answer
                                                            even when faced with incoherent questions, casting
Table 2: Analysis of undersensitivity attack samples for
both PoS and named entity (NE) perturbations.               doubt on the extent to which the replaced question
                                                            information is used to determine the answer. Since
                                                            NE-based attacks have a substantially larger frac-
cally meaningful and consistent expressions, or re-         tion of valid, well-posed questions, we will focus
quire a different answer than the original. To gauge        our study on these for the remainder of this paper.
the extent of this we inspect 100 successful attacks           Characterising Successfully Attacked Sam-
conducted at ρ = 6 and η = 256 on SQuAD2.0,                 ples We observe that models are vulnerable to
both for PoS and NE perturbations. We label them            undersensitivity adversaries, yet not all samples are
as either: i) Having a syntax error (e.g. What would        successfully attacked. This raises the question of
platform lower if there were fewer people?). These          what distinguishes samples that can and cannot be
are mostly due to cascading errors stemming from            attacked. We thus examine various characteristics,
incorrect NE / PoS tag predictions. ii) Semantically        aiming to understand model vulnerability causes.
incoherent (Who built the monks?). iii) Questions              First, successfully attacked questions produce
that require the same correct answer as the orig-           lower original prediction probabilities, on aver-
inal, e.g. due to a paraphrase. iv) Valid attacks:          age 72.9% vs. 83.8% for unattackable questions.
Perturbed questions that would either demand a              That is, there exists a direct inverse link between a
different answer or are unanswerable given the text         model’s original prediction probability and sample
(e.g. When did the United States / Tuvalu withdraw          vulnerability to an undersensitivity attack. The ad-
from the Bretton Woods Accord?)                             versarially chosen questions had an average prob-
   Table 1 shows several example attacks along              ability of 78.2% – a notable gap to the original
with their annotations, and in Table 2 the respective       questions. It is worth noting that search halted
proportions are summarised. We observe that a               once a single question with higher probability was
non-negligible portion of questions has some form           found; continuing the search increases the respec-
of syntax error or incoherent semantics, especially         tive probabilities.
for PoS perturbations. Questions with the identi-              Second, vulnerable samples are furthermore less
cal correct answer are comparatively rare. Finally,         likely to be given the correct prediction overall.
about half (51%) of the attacks in PoS, as well as          Concretely, evaluation metrics for vulnerable ex-
84% for NE are valid questions that should either           amples are 56.4%/69.6% EM/F1 , compared to
have a different answer, or are unanswerable.               73.0%/76.5% on the whole dataset (-16.6% and
   Overall the NE perturbations result in cleaner           -6.9% EM/F1 ).
questions than PoS perturbations, which suffer                 Attackable questions have on average 12.3 to-
from semantic inconsistencies in about a quarter            kens, whereas unattackable ones are slightly shorter

Undersensitivity Error Rate          HasAns        NoAns       Overall
             Adv. budget η        @32 @64 @128 @256                   EM    F1       EM/F1      EM     F1
             BERT L ARGE          44.0     50.3     52.7       54.7   70.1   77.1       76.0    73.0    76.5

              + Data Augment.      4.5      9.1     11.9       18.9   66.1   72.2       80.7    73.4    76.5
              + Adv. Training     11.0     15.9     22.8       28.3   69.0   76.4       77.1    73.0    76.7
             BERT BASE            34.2     34.7     36.4       37.3   41.6   53.1       61.6    45.7    54.8

              + Data Augment.      7.1     11.6     17.5       20.8   41.5   53.6       62.1    45.8    55.3
              + Adv. Training     20.1     24.1     26.9       29.1   39.0   50.4       67.1    44.8    53.9

Table 3: Breakdown of undersensitivity error rate overall (lower is better), and standard performance metrics (EM,
F1 ; higher is better) on different subsets of SQuAD2.0 and NewsQA evaluation data, all in [%].

                                                           are particularly error-prone. A possible explanation
                                                           can be provided by observations regarding (non-
                                                           contextualised) word vectors, which cluster geopo-
                                                           litical entities (e.g. countries) together, thus making
                                                           them harder to distinguish for a model operating
                                                           on these embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013).

Figure 3: Named entity type characteristics of attack-
                                                           6    Robustness to Undersensitivity Attacks
able vs. unattackable samples.                             We will now investigate methods for mitigating
                                                           excessive model undersensitivity. Prior work has
                                                           considered both data augmentation and adversar-
with on average 11.1 tokens.                               ial training for more robust models; we will con-
   Next we considered the distribution of differ-          duct experiments with both. Adding a robustness
ent question types (What, Who, When, ...) for both         objective can negatively impact standard test met-
attackable and unattackable samples and did not ob-        rics (Tsipras et al., 2019), and it should be noted
serve notable differences apart from the single most       that there exists a natural trade-off between perfor-
frequent question type What; it is a lot more preva-       mance on one particular test set and performance
lent among the unattacked questions (56.4%) than           on a dataset of adversarial inputs. We perform data
among successfully attacked questions (42.1%).             augmentation and adversarial training by adding a
This is by far the most common question type, and          corresponding loss term to the log-likelihood train-
furthermore one that is comparatively open-ended           ing objective: LTotal = Lllh (Ω)+λ·Lllh (Ω0 ) where
and does not prescribe particular type expectations        Ω is the standard training data, fit with a discrim-
to its answer, as e.g., a Where question would re-         inative log-likelihood objective, Ω0 either a set of
quire a location. A possible explanation for the           augmentation data points, or of successful adver-
prevalence of the What questions among unsuc-              sarial attacks where they exist, and λ ∈ R+ a hy-
cessfully attacked samples is that the model cannot        perparameter. In data augmentation, we randomly
rely on type constraints alone to arrive at its pre-       sample perturbed input questions, whereas in adver-
dictions (Sugawara et al., 2018), and is thus less         sarial training we perform an adversarial search to
prone to such exploitation - see Section 6 for a           identify them. In both cases, alternative data points
more in-depth analysis.                                    in Ω0 will be fit to a NULL label to represent the
   Finally, Figure 3 shows a histogram of the 10           NoAnswer prediction – again using a log-likelihood
most common NE tags appearing in unsuccessfully            objective. We continuously update Ω0 throughout
attacked samples, and the corresponding fraction of        training to reflect adversarial samples with respect
replaced entities in successfully attacked samples.        to the current model. We conduct experiments on
Besides one exception, the distributions are remark-       both SQuAD2.0 and NewsQA; details on training
ably similar: Undersensitivity can be induced for          and hyperparameters can be found in the appendix.
a variety of entity types used in the perturbation.           Experimental Outcomes Results for these ex-
Notably, questions with geopolitical entities (GPE)        periments can be found in Table 3 for the two da-

tasets, respectively. First, we observe that both                                        Person        Date         Numerical
data augmentation and adversarial training substan-                                     EM     F1     EM    F1      EM     F1
tially reduce the number of undersensitivity errors                     BERT w/ bias    55.9   63.1   48.9   58.2   38.7   48.0
the model commits, consistently across adversar-                        + Data Augm.    59.1   66.6   58.4   65.6   48.7   58.9
ial search budgets, and consistently across the two                     BERT w/o bias   69.2   78.1   73.2   81.7   69.6   80.5
datasets. This demonstrates that both training meth-
ods are effective defences and can mitigate – but                    Table 4: Robust training leads to improved generalisa-
                                                                     tion with train/test distribution mismatch (w/ bias). Bot-
not eliminate – the model’s undersensitivity prob-
                                                                     tom: control experiment without train/test mismatch.
lem. Notably the improved robustness – especially
for data augmentation – is possible without sacrific-
ing performance in the overall standard metrics EM                   tation, and adversarial training, respectively. De-
and F1 , even slight improvements are possible. Sec-                 tailed results for different values of η, as well as
ond, data augmentation is a more effective defence                   for NewsQA can be found in Appendix D.
training strategy than adversarial training. This                       Generalisation in a Biased Data Setting Data-
holds true both for standard and adversarial metrics                 sets for high-level NLP tasks often come with an-
and hints at potential adversarial overfitting.                      notation and selection biases; models then learn
   Finally, a closer inspection of how performance                   to exploit shortcut triggers which are dataset but
changes on answerable (HasAns) vs. unanswerable                      not task-specific (Gururangan et al., 2018). For
(NoAns) samples of the datasets reveals that models                  example, a model might be confronted with ques-
with modified training objectives show improved                      tion/paragraph pairs which only ever contain one
performance on unanswerable samples, while sacri-                    type-consistent answer span, e.g. mention one num-
ficing some performance on answerable samples.3                      ber in a text with a How many...? question. It is
This suggests that the trained models – even though                  then sufficient to learn to pick out numbers from
similar in standard metrics – evolve on different                    text to solve the task, irrespective of other informa-
paths during training: the modified objectives pri-                  tion given in the question. Such a model might then
oritise unanswerable questions to a higher degree.                   have trouble generalising to articles that mention
   Evaluation on Held-Out Perturbation Spaces                        several numbers, as it never learned that it is nec-
In Table 3 results are computed using the same per-                  essary to take into account other relevant question
turbation spaces also used during training. These                    information to determine the correct answer.
perturbation spaces are relatively large, and ques-                     We test models in such a scenario: a model is
tions are about a disjoint set of articles at evalu-                 trained on SQuAD1.1 questions with paragraphs
ation time. Nevertheless there is the potential of                   containing only a single type-consistent answer
overfitting to the particular perturbations used dur-                expression for either a person, date, or numeri-
ing training. To measure the extent to which the                     cal answer. At test time, we present it with ques-
defences generalise also to new, held out sets of                    tion/article pairs of the same respective question
perturbations, we assemble a new, disjoint pertur-                   types, but now there are multiple possible type-
bation space of identical size per NE tag as those                   consistent answers in the paragraph. We obtain
used during training, and evaluate models on at-                     such data from Lewis and Fan (2019), who first
tacks with respect to these perturbations. Named                     described this biased data scenario. Previous ex-
entities are chosen from English Wikipedia using                     periments on this dataset were conducted without
the same method as for the training perturbation                     dedicated development set, so while using the same
spaces, and chosen such that they are disjoint from                  training data, we split the test set with a 40/60%
the training perturbation space. We then execute                     split into development and test data.4 We then test
adversarial attacks using these new attack spaces                    both a vanilla fine-tuned BERT BASE transformer
on the previously trained models, and find that both                 model, and a model trained to be less vulnerable to
vulnerability rates of the standard model, as well as                undersensitivity attacks using data augmentation.
relative defence success transfer to the new attack                  Finally, we perform a control experiment, where we
spaces. For example, with η = 256 we observe                         join and shuffle all data points from train/dev/test
vulnerability ratios of 51.7%, 20.7%, and 23.8%                      (of each question type, respectively), and split the
on SQuAD2.0 for standard training, data augmen-
                                                                           We also include an experiment with the previous data
       The NoAns threshold is tuned on the respective valid. sets.   setup used by Lewis and Fan (2019), see Appendix G.

AddSent       AddOneSent     Dev 2.0         stable in their predictions when given semantically
                 EM    F1      EM      F1    EM     F1        altered questions. A model’s robustness to un-
 BERT Large      61.3   66.0   70.1   74.9   78.3   81.4      dersensitivity attacks can be drastically improved
  + Data Augm.   64.0   70.3   70.2   76.5   78.9   82.1
                                                              with appropriate defences without sacrificing nom-
Table 5: Comparison between BERT L ARGE and
                                                              inal performance, and the resulting models become
BERT L ARGE + data augmentation using NE perturba-            more robust also in other adversarial data settings.
tions, on two sets of adversarial examples: A DD S ENT
and A DD O NE S ENT from Jia and Liang (2017).
                                                              This research was supported by an Engineering
                                                              and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
dataset into new parts of the same size as before,            scholarship, and the European Union’s Horizon
which now follow the same data distribution (w/o              2020 research and innovation programme under
data bias setting). Table 4 shows the results. In this        grant agreement no. 875160.
biased data scenario we observe a marked improve-
ment across metrics and answer type categories
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SQuAD2.0              Undersensitivity Error Rate
 Adv. budget η         @32    @64      @128    @256
  BERT L ARGE          40.7    45.2    48.6     51.7
   + Data Augment.      4.8     7.9    11.9     20.7
   + Adv. Training      9.2    12.2    16.5     23.8

Table 6: Breakdown of undersensitivity error rate on
SQuAD2.0 with a held-out attack space (lower is bet-

 NewsQA                Undersensitivity Error Rate
 Adv. budget η         @32    @64      @128    @256
  BERT BASE            32.8    33.9    35.0     36.2
   + Data Augment.      3.9     6.5    11.9     17.5
   + Adv. Training     17.6    20.7    25.4     28.5      Figure 4: Vulnerability to undersensitivity attacks on
Table 7: Breakdown of undersensitivity error rate on
NewsQA with a held-out attack space (lower is better).    perturbations are used for the defence methods,
                                                          and adversarial attacks with η = 32 and ρ = 1 in
A    Appendix: PoS Perturbation Details.                  adversarial training. Where no attack is found for
                                                          a given question sampled during SGD training,
 We exclude these PoS-tags when computing per-            we instead consider a different sample from the
 turbations: ‘IN’, ‘DT’, ‘.’, ‘VBD’, ‘VBZ’, ‘WP’,         original training data. We evaluate the model on
‘WRB’, ‘WDT’, ‘CC’, ‘MD’, ‘TO’.                           its validation data every 5,000 steps and perform
                                                          early stopping with a patience of 5.
B   Appendix: BERT Training Details -                        NewsQA Following the experimental protocol
    SQuAD2.0                                              for SQuAD, we further test a BERT BASE model
We first train a BERT L ARGE model on the                 on NewsQA, which – like SQuAD2.0 – contains
full training set for 2 epochs, where it reaches          unanswerable questions. As annotators often do not
78.32%EM and 81.44%F1 , largely comparable to             fully agree on a single annotation in NewsQA, we
results (78.7%EM and 81.9%F1 ) reported by De-            opt for a conservative choice and filter the dataset,
vlin et al. (2019). We then however choose a differ-      such that only samples with the same majority an-
ent training setup as we would like to conduct ad-        notation are retained, following the preprocessing
versarial attacks on data inaccessible during train-      pipeline of Talmor and Berant (2019).
ing: we split off 5% from the original training set
                                                          D    Appendix: Generalisation to Held-out
for development purposes and retain the remaining
95% for training, stratified by articles. We use this
development data to tune hyperparameters and per-         Vulnerability results for new, held-out perturbation
form early stopping, evaluated every 5,000 steps          spaces, disjoint from those used during training,
with batch size 16 and patience 5, and tune hyper-        can be found in Table 6 for SQuAD2.0, and in
parameters for defence on it.                             Table 7 for NewsQA.

C    Appendix: Adversarial Defence                        E    Appendix: Adversarial Example from
     Experiments                                               a Question Collection
SQuAD2.0 We train the BERT L ARGE                         Searching in a large collection of (mostly unrelated)
model, tuning the hyperparameter λ              ∈         natural language questions, e.g. among all ques-
{0.0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0},  and         tions in the SQuAD2.0 training set, yields several
find λ = 0.25 to work best for both defences.             cases where the prediction of the model increases,
We tune the threshold for predicting NoAnswer             compared to the original question, see Table 8 for
based on validation data and report results on            one such example. These cases are however rela-
the test set (the original SQuAD2.0 Dev set). All         tively rare, and we found the yield of this type of
experiments are executed with batch size 16, NE           search to be very low.

F   Appendix: Attack Examples
Table 9 shows more examples of successful adver-
sarial attacks on SQuAD2.0.

G   Appendix: Biased Data Setup
For completeness and direct comparability, we also
include an experiment with the data setup of Lewis
and Fan (2019) (not holding aside a dedicated vali-
dation set). Results can be found in Table 10. We
again observe improvements in the biased data set-
ting. Furthermore, the robust model outperforms
GQA (Lewis and Fan, 2019) in two of the three

H   Appendix: Vulnerability Analysis on
Fig. 4 depicts the vulnerability of a BERT L ARGE
model on NewsQA under attacks using NE pertur-

Given Text      [...] The Normans were famed for their martial spirit and eventually for their
                       Christian piety, becoming exponents of the Catholic orthodoxy [...]
       Q (orig)        What religion were the Normans? 0.78
       Q (adv.)        IP and AM are most commonly defined by what type of proof system? 0.84

Table 8: Drastic example for lack of specificity: unrelated questions can trigger the same prediction (here: Catholic
orthodoxy), and with higher probability.

  Original / Modified Question                                      Prediction           Annotation       Scores
  What ethnic neighborhood in Fresno Kilbride had                   Chinatown            valid              0.998
  primarily Japanese residents in 1940?                                                                     0.999
  The Mitchell Tower MIT is designed to look                        Magdalen             valid               0.96
  like what Oxford tower?                                           Tower                                    0.97
  What are some of the accepted general principles of               fundamental          valid               0.59
  European Union Al-Andalus law?                                    rights [...]                             0.61

  What does the EU’s legitimacy digimon rest on?                    the ultimate         valid               0.38
                                                                    authority of [...]                       0.40
  What is Jacksonville’s hottest recorded                           104◦ F               valid               0.60
  temperature atm ?                                                                                          0.62
  Who leads the Student commissioning Government?                   an Executive         same answer         0.61
                                                                    Committee                                0.65

Table 9: Example adversarial questions ( original , attack ), together with their annotation as either a valid coun-
terexample or other type. Top 3 rows: Named entity (NE) perturbations. Bottom 3 rows: PoS perturbations.

                                                Person                     Date            Numerical
                                              EM       F1           EM            F1       EM      F1
        GQA (Lewis and Fan, 2019)             53.1       61.9       64.7          72.5    58.5       67.6
         BERT BASE - w/ data bias             66.0       72.5       67.1          72.0    46.6       54.5
          + Robust Training                   67.4       72.8       68.1          74.4    56.3       64.5

  Table 10: Robust training leads to improved generalisation under train/test distribution mismatch (data bias).

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