The Complete Guide 2021 - DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS

Page created by Curtis Parker
The Complete Guide 2021 - DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS

The Complete Guide

   Grow Beautifully
The Complete Guide 2021 - DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS

                                                                                                                             Welcome! Now more than ever, we’re greeting spring
                                          At A Glance                                                                        this year with a desire to connect to nature by creating
                                                                                                                             beautiful outdoor spaces. At Monrovia, beauty is at
                                                                                                                             the center of everything we do. Our passion for plants,
                                                                                                                             meticulous selection of the plants we choose to grow,
                       WELCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1
                                                                                                                             and dedication to superior growing techniques means
                       SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2                                            every Monrovia plant is ready to thrive and grow
                                                                                                                             beautifully in your garden.
                       TOPIARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
                                                                                                                             Since 1926, we have been selecting and growing plants carefully, choosing only to
                       DISTINCTIVE TREES AND SHRUBS . . . . . . . . . . . . 14                                               grow the strongest varieties. Better plants bloom longer, provide increased disease
                                                                                                                             resistance, and fit better in today’s landscapes. We partner with breeders around the
                       WHAT WE LOOK FOR IN DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS. . . . 16                                                  world to bring these new and distinctively better varieties to North America, trialing
                                                                                                                             and growing them in our nurseries across the country. Only the top-performing
                       DISTINCTIVE PERENNIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
                                                                                                                             plants are then introduced to garden centers.

                       DISTINCTIVE VINES AND EDIBLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
                                                                                                                             Each year we choose the best performing, most beautiful plants to be designated as
                                                                                                                             Distinctive Selections. These perennials, shrubs, and trees are true showstoppers.
                       MEET THE MONROVIA PLANT HUNTERS . . . . . . . . . 25
                                                                                                                             This guide will take you through these special selections, offering a look at the
                       SHOP ONLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26                                        colors, forms, and landscape solutions that will be on trend for 2021 and beyond. As
                                                                                                                             you plan your gardening for this year, please keep our plants in mind. We hope you’ll
                                                                                                                             use as your resource for inspiring design ideas, plant care tips, and
                                                                                                                             new plant knowledge.
                         LOOK FOR THE         TO FIND MONROVIA EXCLUSIVES
                                                                                                                             Here’s to a brighter and more beautiful 2021!

                                                                                                                             KATI E TAMO NY
                                                                                                                             CHI E F MARKE TI NG OF F I CE R
                                                                                                                             MONROVI A

                                                         O N T H E COVE R: EVO LU T I O N ™ CO LO RI F I C ™ CONE F LOWE R

2˜   ˜M O N R OV I A                                                                                                                                                                                    DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS 2021˜   ˜1
The Complete Guide 2021 - DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS
Seaside Serenade Hydrangeas                                                             ®

                                                                                                                     TRULY NOTABLE IMPROVEMENTS THAT MAKE THIS SUMMER-BLOOMING SHRUB
                                                                                                                                         EVEN BETTER FOR LANDSCAPES AND CONTAINER GARDENS

                                                                                                                  Reliably rebloom t hroughout t he season                                               Improved tolerance to heat, humi di ty,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and wi nd
                                                                                                                    Compact habit ideal for foundat ion
                                                                                                                  plant ings, container gardens, and more                                                      Flowers last longer in the garden
                                                                                                                              Sturdier stems do not flop                                                                 and when cut

                         DISTINCT BEAUTY TO THE LANDSCAPE.

                                                                                                         S E N SAT I O N A L CO LO R                S U PE R B CU T F LOW E R                  EY E- CATC H I N G B LO O M S            P RET T Y P I N K
                                                                                                         CAP E H ATTERAS H Y D RAN G EA             CAP E LO O KO UT H Y D RAN G EA            F IR E IS LAN D H Y D RAN G EA           HA M PTONS HYDRA NGEA
                                                                                                                                        ZONE: 4–9                                  ZONE: 4–9                                ZONE: 4–9                           ZONE: 4–9

                                                                                                         CO M PACT, R E B LO O M I N G              LO N G - L AST I N G F LOW E R S           E XC E PT I O N A L LY H A R DY          CLASS I C AN D BEAUT I FUL
                                                                                                         M ARTH A’S VIN EYAR D H Y D RAN G EA       N EW P O RT H Y D RAN G EA                 BAR H AR BO R H Y D RAN G EA             CA P E COD HYDRA NGEA
                                                                                                                                        ZONE: 4–9                                 ZONE: 4–9    *Arborescens type            ZONE: 3–8                           ZONE: 4–9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   What is a Tetraploid?
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Many of our Seaside Serenade® Hydrangeas are Tetraploids.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tetraploid plants have more chromosomes, which makes
                                                                                                                                                                                                     them sturdier and stronger. For Hydrangeas, this means
                                                                                                                                                                                                     a shorter distance between the leaf nodes, keeping the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     plant compact. It also makes the stems, leaves, and flowers
                                                                                                                                                                                                     thicker and waxier, allowing the blooms to last much longer,
                                                                                                         D I SCOV E R E D I N JA PA N               R E PE AT B LO O M E R
                                                                                                                                                                                                     up to 3 months, on the plant.
                                                                                                         CAP E M AY H Y D RAN G EA                  O UTER BAN KS H Y D RAN G EA
                                                                                                                                        ZONE: 4–9                                 ZONE: 4–9

                                                 S E AS I D E S E RE N AD E ® N EW P O RT HY DRANG E A

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The Complete Guide 2021 - DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS
Grace N’ Grit Roses                                             ™
                                                                                                                                                                          Nitty Gritty Roses                                            ™

                                                THESE ROMANTIC ROSES GROW WITH THE EASE                                                                                                      ENJOY THE BEAUTY OF ROSES AS
                                                               OF FLOWERING SHRUBS                                                                                                                 A CAREFREE GROUNDCOVER

                                Se l f-c l ea n i n g a n d own -ro ot                   Strong ste ms a re pe rfe c t for cutti ng                    Beaut iful, light ly fragrant flowers                                             Excellent disease res i stance
                            Bl o o m ea r l y s u m m e r to a u tumn                         Prove n to thri ve coa st-to-coa st                            Rounded habit to 3 feet tall                                                  Self-cleaning and own- root
                        Grow we l l i n h ea t a n d h u m i d i ty, a nd                    Onl y 5 fe et ta l l a nd 4 fe et w i de :                    Blooms nonstop ear ly summer                                                     Outstanding “ fi l l er ” pl ant
                                  h ot, d r y s u m m e rs                                   Idea l for ga rde ns a nd conta i ne rs                                to autumn                                                                  in large contai ners

                  C LEAR YELLOW B LOOM S                                             ST R IK IN G COLOR                                         RU F F LY A N D R EGA L                                                      DA R K, BO L D B LO O M S
                  G RACE N’ GR IT ™ YELLOW ROSE                                      G RACE N ’ G R I T ™ PI N K BI COLOR ROS E                 N ITTY G R ITTY ™ R ED ROS E                                                 N ITTY G R ITTY ™ P IN K ROS E
                  5' tall, 4' wide. Full sun. Deciduous                  ZONE: 4–9   5' tall, 4' wide. Full sun. Deciduous          ZONE: 4–9   Fast growing; 3' tall, 4' wide. Partial to full sun. Deciduous   ZONE: 4–9   Fast growing; 3' tall, 4' wide. Partial to full sun. Deciduous   ZONE: 4–9

                  CO NTAINER OR LANDSCAPE                                            G LOW ING P INK                                            LU M I N ESC E N T CO LO R                                                   S U N N Y B LOSSO M S
                  G RACE N’ GR IT ™ R ED ROSE                                        G RACE N ’ G R I T ™ PI N K ROS E                          N ITTY G R ITTY ™ P EAC H ROS E                                              N ITTY G R ITTY ™ Y ELLOW ROS E
                  5' tall, 4' wide. Full sun. Deciduous                  ZONE: 4–9   5' tall, 4' wide. Full sun. Deciduous          ZONE: 4–9   Fast growing; 3' tall, 4' wide. Partial to full sun. Deciduous   ZONE: 4–9   Fast growing; 3' tall, 4' wide. Partial to full sun. Deciduous   ZONE: 4–9

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The Complete Guide 2021 - DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS
Summerlasting Crape Myrtles                                                      ®
                                                                                                                                                           Jazzy Jewel Tropical Hibiscus                             ®

                                            SUMMER STANDOUTS, THESE CRAPE MYRTLES ADD                                                                                        THIS COLLECTION OF SHRUBS ADDS BEAUTY AND A TOUCH
                                                      LONG-LASTING BEAUTY TO LANDSCAPES                                                                                                       OF THE TROPICS TO GARDENS EVERYWHERE

                                   F l owe rs a p p ea r ea r l i e r                                 Idea l i n be ds a nd borde rs                                            Long-last ing flowers                                             Improved resistance to pests and
                              a n d ex te n d th ro u g h s u m m e r,                                                                                                                                                                          disease, including bacterial leaf spot
                                                                                              Compa c t w i th exce l l e nt bra nc hi ng                             Naturally well-branched plants
                                  p rov i d i n g n o n sto p co l o r
                                                                                               — pe rfe c t for s hrub borde rs a nd                                         for more blooms                                                                 Ideal for la ndscapes or
                                 R i c h p u r p l e -b l a c k fo l i a g e                       s ma l l -s pa ce l a ndsca pes                                                                                                                                in contai ners
                                                                                                                                                                        Beautiful, long-flowering patio
                            h i g h l i g hts th e co l o r fu l fl owe rs                               Thre e s umme ry col ors                                           tropical in the north                                                         Glossy, deep green fol i age

                  P U RE WHIT E                                                        E A R LIEST F LOW E R ING                                            S E N SAT I O N A L B LO O M S W I T H H U ES O F R E D A N D PI N K            G LOW I N G B LOSSO M S W I T H A D EEP CRI MSON CEN T ER
                  SUMM E RL ASTING ® COCONU T CRAPE MYRTLE                             S U MME R L AST I N G ® RAS PBE R RY CRA PE MYRT L E                 JAZZY JEW EL ® RUBY H IB ISCUS                                                  JAZZY JEW EL ® G O LD H IB ISCUS
                  4' tall and wide. Full sun. Deciduous                   ZONE: 7–10   4' tall and wide. Full sun. Deciduous                  ZONE: 7–10    4' tall and 5' wide in the landscape. Full sun.                                 4' tall and 5' wide in the landscape. Full sun.
                                                                                                                                                            Evergreen in frost-free areas                                      ZONE: 9-11   Evergreen in frost-free areas                               ZONE: 9-11

                  LOADS O F BLOOMS                                                                                                                          ST R I KI N G W H I T E F LOW E R W I T H AT T E N T I O N G RA B B I N G       B E AU T I F U L D E E P O RA N G E- G O LD BLOOMS
                  SUMM E RL ASTING ® STRAWBER RY CRA PE MYRTLE                                                                                              RED CENTER                                                                      JAZZY JEW EL ® AM B ER H IB ISCU S
                  4' tall and wide. Full sun. Deciduous                   ZONE: 7–10                                                                        JAZZY JEW EL ® O PAL H IB ISCUS                                                 4' tall and 5' wide in the landscape. Full sun.
                                                                                                                                                            4' tall and 5' wide in the landscape. Full sun.                                 Evergreen in frost-free areas                               ZONE: 9-11
                                                                                                                                                            Evergreen in frost-free areas                                      ZONE: 9-11

6˜   ˜M O N R OV I A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS 2021˜   ˜7
The Complete Guide 2021 - DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS
Captivating Camellias                                                                                                                                  Chateau Rose of Sharon                            ™

                              SPELLBINDING BLOOMS FROM LATE AUTUMN THROUGH WINTER                                                                                                THESE ENCHANTING ROSE OF SHARON PROVIDE MONTHS OF BEAUTIFUL,
                                                            ON BEAUTIFULLY SHAPED PLANTS                                                                                       HOLLYHOCK-LIKE FLOWERS THAT COVER THE STEMS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM

                                                                                                                                                                                         Flowers nonstop ear ly summer                                                      Lush, deep green fol i age
                                       FOUR STANDOUTS OF THE MANY CAMELLIAS WE GROW
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to autumn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Adds height and scal e to beds
                                                                                                                                                                                          Masses of 3-inch-wide blooms
                                                                                                                                                                                            Graceful, vase-shaped habit                                            Bred in t he Loire Val l ey of France

                  U NIFOR M, D EEP-CRI M SON FLOWERS                                            ST UN N IN G R E D B LOOM S W IT H LONG B LOOM SE ASON
                  VEST I TO ROSSO ® CAMELLIA                                                    N U CCI O’S BE L L A ROSSA CA ME L L I A
                  Camellia japonica ‘MonBella’                                                  Camellia japonica ‘Nuccio’s Bella Rossa’
                  Midnight-red new foliage with crimson-red flowers! Up to 10' tall and wide.   Large crimson-red blooms open slowly over a long bloom season. Up to 8'
                  Partial shade to filtered sun                                  ZONE: 8-10     tall and wide. Full shade to partial sun                                       G O R G EO U S V I O L E T- B LU E B LO O M S                                LOV E LY PI N K B LO O M S W I T H RAS P BERRY CEN T ERS
                                                                                                PP #13,023                                                  ZONE: 8-10         C H ATEAU ™ D E VER SAILLES ROS E O F S H ARO N                              C H ATEAU ™ D ’AM BO IS E ROS E O F SHA RON
                                                                                                                                                                               Fast growing: 6' tall, 4' wide. Partial to full sun. Deciduous   ZONE: 5-9   Fast growing: 6' tall, 4' wide. Partial to full sun. Deciduous   ZONE: 5-9

                  FRAGRANT, D EEP-PINK FLOWERS                                                  SHOWY, SOF T-P INK F LOW E R S
                  PI N K-A- BOO ® CAMELLIA                                                      CH A N SON E T T E ’S BLU S H CA ME L L I A
                  Camellia sasanqua ‘Mondel’                                                    Camellia sasanqua ‘Monchatb’
                                                                                                                                                                               R OSY- PI N K B LOSS 0M S W I T H D E E P R E D C E N T E R S                C L E A R W H I T E B LO 0M S W I T H CRI MSON CEN T ERS
                  Fragrant! Sweetly scented blooms with bright yellow stamens. Up to            Showy and low growing with soft-pink flowers. Up to 3' tall by 8' wide. Full
                                                                                                                                                                               C H ATEAU ™ D E C H AM BO R D ROS E O F S H ARO N                            C H ATEAU ™ D E C H AN TILLY ROSE OF SHA RON
                  10' tall and wide. Filtered sun                                               shade to filtered sun
                  PP# 21,687                                                   ZONE: 7-10       PPAF                                                            ZONE: 7-10     Fast growing: 6' tall, 4' wide. Partial to full sun. Deciduous   ZONE: 5-9   Fast growing: 6' tall, 4' wide. Partial to full sun. Deciduous   ZONE: 5-9

8˜   ˜M O N R OV I A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS 2021˜   ˜9
The Complete Guide 2021 - DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS
Evolution Coneflower Series                       ™
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SunBelievable Sunflowers                             ™

                        BIGGER BLOOMS AND A TIDIER HABIT MAKE THESE NEW CONEFLOWERS                                                                                                                                THIS SUNFLOWER IS UNLIKE ANY YOU HAVE SEEN BEFORE.
                                                    IDEAL FOR POTS, BEDS, AND BORDERS                                                                                                                                                 ONE PLANT PRODUCES 1,000 BLOOMS!

            Lu s h fo liag e a n d stu rd y, u p r i g ht ste ms                                  Ea sy-to-grow pe re nni a l s bri ng bri ght color                                       Blooms cont inuously spr ing to first frost                      Great alter na te to M ums i n autumn
                 c reate a b ea u ti fu l ba c kd ro p fo r                                               l a te s pri ng through a utumn
                           oth e r p e re n n i a l s                                                                                                                                             Ster ile, so it has more energy for                       Att racts bees and ot her pol l i nators
                                                                                                   Sa i l s through s umme r ’s hea t a nd drought
                        Cu tt i n g g a rd e n esse nti a l a n d                                                                                                                                                    more flowers                              Holds up i n hot, dr y weat her
                                p o l l i n a to r favo r i te                                           Ava i l a bl e i n fi ve col orf ul va ri eti es

CH A R MING CO LO R VARIATI ONS                              G LOWING COLOR                                              LOV E LY R E LA X E D P E TA LS
Green-eyed flowers that mature to multiple shades of         Eye-catching rich red flowers are fabulous for cutting.     Lemon-yellow flowers with elegantly reflexed petals.
pink. 20" tall, 18" wide. Full sun            ZONE: 4-9      20" tall, 18" wide. Full sun                    ZONE: 4-9   20" tall, 18" wide. Full sun                  ZONE: 4-9

ATTRACTS PO L LINATO RS                                      LONG B LO OM ING
Coral-pink flowers fade to softer shades, for a two-tone     Bright, golden-yellow flowers appear nonstop through
look. 20" tall, 18" wide. Full sun               ZONE: 4-9   summer. 20" tall, 18" wide. Full sun           ZONE: 4-9

                                                                                                                                                                                   U N I Q U E S U N F LOW E R
                                                                                                                                                                                   S UN B ELIEVAB LE ™ B ROW N - EY ED G IR L H ELIAN TH US
                                                                                                                                                                                   Helianthus x annuus ‘Tmsnblev01’ PPAF
                                                                                                                                                                                   Compact habit to 32" tall and 40" wide. Full sun    ZONE: ALL

10˜   ˜M O N R OV I A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS 2021˜   ˜1 1
The Complete Guide 2021 - DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS
                                                                                                      2 BALL P O O D LE    3 BALL P O O D LE    CO NE
                        Topiary provide a statement in the garden. They
                        command attention, create a focal point and provide
                        a bit of drama. Statement plants are the difference
                        between an ordinary yard and a beautiful garden
                        space. Every garden needs one (or two!).

                        Growing beautiful, structural topiary is a labor
                        of love. It requires the skill of a craftsman and
                        patience — many take 8 years or more before they
                        are perfect enough to ship to a garden center.

                        We offer more than two dozen different topiary
                        shapes, made from our best, most reliable varieties.

                                                                                                      CUB E                D O UB LE S P IRAL   G LOB E

                                                                                                      AS IAN P O M P O N   PATIO TR EE          PY RA M I D
                                                                               S P I RA L TO PI ARY

12˜   ˜M O N R OV I A                                                                                                                                         DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS 2021˜   ˜1 3
The Complete Guide 2021 - DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS
VA R I EGAT E D FO L I AG E                        ST R I KI N G VA R I EGAT I O N                   E XC E PT I O N A L LY H A R DY                     D ROUGH T TOLERAN T
                                                                                                 M AG IC DAY D R EAM AB ELIA                        LUC KY LOTS AB ELIA                               VELVET VIKING ™ JAPANESE MAPLE                      SA FA RI A LOE
                                                                                                 Abelia x grandiflora ‘Opstal103’                   Abelia x grandiflora ‘Wevo01’                     Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Monfrick’             Aloe sp.
                                                                                                 This award-winning variety shows off               Perfect for giving a cool look to hot             This is the hardiest red cut-leaf Japanese          Compact repeat bloomers with showy
                                                                                                 trendy pink-variegated foliage and large,          summer gardens, Lucky Lots has silver-            maple we have ever seen! It offers deeply           flower spikes for months of color. Heat
                                                                                                 fragrant blooms that change from white             variegated leaves and scented summer              dissected red-purple foliage on a beau-             and drought tolerant, they are good

                                                                                                 to pink as they mature. Use it to dress            flowers. Unlike some other silver-varie-          tifully weeping dwarf tree. Exceptionally           choices for low-maintenance beds and
                                                                                                 up shrub borders, to add flair to mixed            gated abelia, the variegation is stable. It is    tough and cold tolerant. Full sun in cooler         borders. 3' tall, 3-1/2' wide. Partial to full
                                                                                                 containers, or plant with perennials. 2' tall      fantastic for foundations, hedges, contain-       regions. 3' tall, 5' wide. Partial to full sun.     sun. Evergreen. Four varieties available:
                                                                                                 and wide. Partial to full sun. Evergreen           ers. 3-1/2' tall and wide. Partial to full sun.   Deciduous (with striking fall color)                Safari Rose, Safari Orange, Safari Sunrise,

                           TREES AND
                                                                                                 PP #28,472                       ZONE: 6–9         Evergreen                                         PP #31,864                         ZONE: 4–9        Safari Sunset.                    ZONE: 9–11
                                                                                                                                                    PP #26,126                         ZONE: 7–9

                         PLANTS THAT ADD STRUCTURE, SCALE,
                        AND PRIVACY TO DEFINE GARDEN SPACES.

                                                                                                 B R I G H T A N D CO M PACT                        CO LO R - C H A N G I N G FO L I AG E             N A R R OW CO LU M N A R                            LOW MAI N T EN AN CE
                                                                                                 G O LD EN JAC K P OT ® BAR B ER RY                 LAVA N UG G ET ™ BAR B ER RY                      G R EEN TOW ER ® BOXWO O D                          PETITE PILLAR ™ DWARF BOXWOOD
                                                                                                 Berberis thunbergii ‘SMBTJ’                        Berberis thunbergii ‘SMBTM’                       Buxus sempervirens ‘Monrue’                         Buxus sempervirens ‘MonAlex’
                                                                                                 It offers bright gold, loose leaves on a           Orange-red new foliage ages to a deep             Tight columnar growth makes it perfect              Exceptional dwarf with natural columnar
                                                                                                 compact form. Little pruning needed to             burgundy. Small yellow spring flowers.            for tight spaces, privacy screens, and              form. Perfect for hedges, tight spaces and
                                                                                                 maintain its shape. It is ideal for a low          Rust-resistant. Use in low hedges and             topiary forms. Foliage will not turn brown          clipped into topiary forms. Requires little
                                                                                                 border. 2' tall and wide. Partial to full sun.     borders. 3' tall and wide. Partial to full        in winter. 9' tall, 2' wide. Partial to full sun.   pruning. 3' tall, 2' wide. Partial to full sun.
                                                                                                 Deciduous                                          sun. Deciduous                                    Evergreen                                           Evergreen
                                                                                                 PP #30,593                       ZONE: 4–8         PP #30,594                      ZONE: 4–8         PP #15,243                         ZONE: 5–9        PP #27,647                        ZONE: 5–9

                                                                                                 TO U G H B U T F RAG RA N T                        LOA DS O F B LO O M S                             STAYS CO M PACT                                     GREAT I N D OORS AN D OUT
                                                                                                 B LUE BALLO O N ® B LUEB EAR D                     LA BAR B E B LEUE ™ B LUEB EAR D                  JAD E WAVES ™ F ER N S P RAY FALSE                  CA M OU F L AGE ™ VA RI EGATED
                                                                                                 Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Korball’               Caryopteris x ‘SMCIPG’                            CY P R ESS                                          JA PA NESE A RA L I A

                                                                                                 This rounded, drought-tolerant shrub               Showy spring through fall because of its          Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘MonYur’                       Fatsia japonica ‘Variegata’
                                                                                                 features deep blue-purple flowers and fra-         golden-yellow foliage, it really shines in        This elegant and distinctive evergreen              Though it looks tropical, this hardy shrub
                                                                                                 grant, deer-resistant foliage. Late bloomer        late summer and autumn when it reveals            features curved limbs and fern-like foliage.        has unique foliage that melds yellow, lime,
                                                                                                 for perennial or wildlife gardens (bees and        clusters of deep-blue flower spikes. Com-         Improved over older varieties, it has a pyra-       and deep-green tones together to light dap-
                                                                                                 butterflies love it). 2-1/2' tall and wide. Full   pact for containers and borders. 3' tall and      midal form that is perfect for large planters       pled shade. Suitable as a houseplant in cold
                                                                                                 sun. Deciduous                     ZONE: 5–9       wide. Full sun. Deciduous                         or as an entryway accent. 8' tall, 4' wide.         zones. White flowers in winter. 8' tall and
                                                                                                                                                    PP #31,867                       ZONE: 5–9        Full sun. Evergreen.                                wide. Full shade to partial sun. Evergreen
                                                                                                                                                                                                      PP #29,503                       ZONE: 4–8                                          ZONE: 7–10
                                                               G RE E N M O U N TAI N BOXWOO D

14˜   ˜M O N R OV I A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS 2021˜                ˜1 5
The Complete Guide 2021 - DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS

                 What We Look for in
                 Distinctive Selections
      Every year Monrovia Craftsmen test hundreds of different plant
      varieties. These rigorous trials take place at our four nurseries
      in California, Oregon, Connecticut, and Georgia, as well as other
      trial locations across the country. To be chosen as one of our
      Distinctive Selections, a plant needs to be exceptional, not                                SILV E RY FOLIAG E                              E A R LY, B R IG HT B LO O M S                   F LO RALB ER RY ® ST. JO H N ’S WO RT           C R E A M Y-W H I T E B E R R I ES             FO R M A L A N D F U N                          COMPACT T ROP I CAL
      just beautiful. Each Distinctive Selections plant gives you the                             G UA R DI A N ® I N DI G O A R I ZON A          S PR I N GS H I N E ™ FOR SY TH IA               (S ER IES)                                      F LO RALB ER RY ® C H AM PAG N E               EM ERALD CO LO N N AD E ® H O LLY               BONSA I B LU E JACA RA NDA
                                                                                                  CYPR ESS                                        Forsythia x ‘SMFXGP’                             Hypericum sp.                                   B R I G H T Y E L LOW B E R R I ES             Ilex x ‘RutHol1’                                Jacaranda mimosifolia ‘Sakai01’
      opportunity to Grow Confidently, Responsibly, and Beautifully.
                                                                                                  Cupressus arizonica var. glabra ‘RutCup1’       Bright-yellow early spring blooms sheathe        This fuss-free collection of five spectac-      F LO RALB ER RY ® C H AR D O N N AY            A nonfruiting male holly, it is evergreen       This new dwarf Jacaranda makes the
                             GROW CONFIDENTLY                                                     This evergreen offers a magnificent up-         the stems from bottom to top on a                ular varieties offer multi-season interest      ST R I KI N G R E D B E R R I ES               and has a dense pyramidal form that             subtropical tree’s famed purple flowers
      We know the number one concern you probably have is success:                                right form and stunning silvery blue-green      compact, rounded shrub. Mixed borders,           with spring flowers and showy berries           F LO RALB ER RY ® P IN OT                      creates a superb hedge, screen, or wind-        available to smaller-scale gardens. Enjoy
                                                                                                  foliage. Notable disease resistance makes       foundations. Only 2' tall, 3' wide. Partial to   into fall. Excellent disease resistance. 3'     R OS E- PI N K B E R R I ES                    break. Quite tolerant of shearing for use       it as a focal point, in containers, or as
      will this plant thrive in my landscape? We believe that choosing
                                                                                                  it a winner. 18' tall, 14' wide; larger with    full sun. Deciduous                              tall and wide. Partial shade to full sun.       F LO RALB ER RY ® ROS É                        as topiary or formal accents. 12' tall, 6'      a large shrub. 12' tall, 8' wide. Full sun.
      the best varieties to grow is the first step to ensuring greater                            age. Full sun. Evergreen                        PP #31,531                       ZONE: 4–9       Deciduous                        ZONE: 5–9                                                     wide. Full sun. Evergreen                       Semi-evergreen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   R E D - BAC KE D DA R K G R E E N
      success in the garden. We select plants that grow stronger,                                 PPAF                                ZONE: 6–9                                                                                                                                                   PP# 23,905                       ZONE: 7–9      PP# 26,574                        ZONE: 9–11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FO L I AG E A N D R E D B E R R I ES
      healthier, and more beautifully from the start. We nurture those                                                                                                                                                                             F LO RALB ER RY ® SAN G R IA
      plants in a customized soil mix that helps develop a strong root
      system. This results in stronger plants that will hold up better
      to varying conditions.

                            GROW RESPONSIBLY
      Increasingly, gardeners tell us that they want to feel like they’re
      connecting to nature, helping nature succeed. Maybe you want
      to attract pollinators or support butterflies and birds. You may
      be interested in waterwise plants, or in plants that offer more
      than one benefit, or can transition from outdoors to indoors as
      seasons change. You also want to choose the right plant for the
      right place. When you choose a Monrovia plant, you know that it
      has been grown in harmony with nature and is meant to thrive
      in your region.
                                                                                                  N ORT HW EST ST UN N E R                        H E AT TOLE RA N T                               G O L D E N G R O U N D COV E R                 CO LO R F U L CO N I F E R                     E L EVAT E D EV E R G R E E N                   COMPACT AN D CULI N ARY
                            GROW BEAUTIFULLY                                                      CH A MPS E I ON T H E BE                        PI N K CA N DY H E BE                            S EA O F G O LD ® JUN IP ER                     JAZZY JEW EL™ AN D O R RA JUN IP ER            B UR LY B LUE ™ JUN IP ER                       L I TTL E RAGU ® SWEET BAY

      Many gardeners are looking for plants that stay compact, yet                                Hebe ‘Champseiont’                              Hebe ‘Tulpink’                                   Juniperus x pfitzeriana ‘Monsan’                Juniperus horizontalis ‘MonGeo’                Juniperus scopulorum ‘MonOliver’                Laurus nobilis ‘MonRik’
      still provide a big impact in the landscape. We carefully select                            This charming shrub for the Northwest           Its glossy, crimson-margined leaves turn         Ultra-hardy, this new Juniper bears             Wow! This evergreen features gold-             Offering more refined blue-grey foliage         A dwarf Sweet Bay, Little Ragu® has aro-
                                                                                                  features a compact, upright habit. Violet-      bronze-red in winter and pale-pink flower        outstanding golden-yellow foliage that          splashed green foliage spring to fall, then    color and a denser habit than older vari-       matic foliage on red-tinged stems. Enjoy
      plants for all types of landscapes, allowing homeowners to
                                                                                                  purple flowers age to white. It is wonderful    spikes appear in summer. Excellent heat          deepens to rich gold in winter. Tough and       purple-bronze needles with deeper gold         eties; Burly Blue™ Juniper is ideal fronting    it as a compact, easy-care shrub or small
      connect with nature in a way that beautifies and personalizes                               in rock gardens or borders. 18" tall, 24"       tolerance for a Hebe. 18" tall, 24" wide.        easy care, it is excellent for mass plant-      variegation in winter. It is a showy ground-   shrub borders, as a specimen, or as a           tree. Clip as a hedge or topiary and use in
      their space. Our Distinctive Selections bloom bigger, longer,                               wide. Partial to full sun. Evergreen            Partial to full sun. Evergreen                   ings and as a groundcover. 4' tall and wide.    cover for slopes and along driveways. 2'       low-maintenance, large-scale groundcover.       your favorite Mediterranean recipes.
      and provide more beauty in the landscape. Our wide selection                                PP #14,866                       ZONE: 6–11     PP #25,954                       ZONE: 7–11      Full sun. Evergreen                             tall, 6' wide. Full sun. Evergreen             2' tall, 8' wide. Full sun. Evergreen           8' tall and wide. Partial to full sun.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   PP# 17,622                       ZONE: 3–9      PP# 28,082                       ZONE: 3–9     PPAF                              ZONE: 3–8     Evergreen
      ensures that you will find the perfect plant for your need.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PP# 25,915                        ZONE: 8–11

U N I Q U E FOLIAGE                                REBLOOMING BEAUTY                              C R E AT IV E CONTA INE R P LA N T              P E R F ECT CUT F LOW E R                        N O RT H A M E R I CA N N AT I V E              D RA M AT I C A N D E XOT I C                  V E R SAT I L E A N D CA PT I VAT I N G         COMPACT AN D H ARDY
P LU M PASSI ON ® I MPROVED                        BLUE ENCHANTRESS ® HYDRANGEA                   CA N DY A PPL E ™ H YDRA N G E A                ST RAW BE R RY S H A KE ™                        R EJOYC E COAST LEUCOTH O E                     SIENNA SUNRISE® HEAVENLY BAMBOO                LITTLE O LLIE ® DWAR F O LIVE                   L I TTL E J OK ER ® NI NEBA RK
H Y D RANG E A                                     Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Monmar’                 Hydrangea paniculata ‘SMHPMWMH’                 H YDRA N G E A                                   Leucothoe axillaris ‘Rejoyce’                   Nandina domestica ‘Monfar’                     Olea europaea ‘Montra’                          Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Hoogi021’
Hydrangea aspera ‘Monpulsel’                       This fantastic rebloomer shows off striking    Candy Apple™ bears lime-green flowers           Hydrangea paniculata ‘SMHPCW’                    Here is a fine North American native            A shrub for all seasons, Sienna Sunrise®       This dwarf, non-fruiting variety is excep-      Seemingly indestructible once estab-
It bears bicolor lacecap summer flowers            ruby-black stems and big mophead flowers       on extra-sturdy stems age to nearly             Sturdy stems support large white pani-           alternative to boxwood or holly. It features    Heavenly Bamboo bears red new foliage          tionally heat-, drought-, and salt-tolerant.    lished, this compact dwarf variety shows
but the real show is its purple foliage with       that age to vintage cream-splashed green.      pure-white. It is a compact variety ideal       cles that mature to delicious pink. It is an     reddish new foliage, white flowers, and         that cools to lush green in summer. Fiery      In warm-winter climates, it is excellent as     off burgundy stems, dark-purple foliage,
rosy-purple undersides. It offers fall color,      It makes for an excellent cut flower. 5'       for containers, borders, and focal points.      excellent cut flower, and showstopper in         brilliant winter color. It is lovely natural-   highlights reappear in fall and winter. Use    formal hedge, trained as a single trunk         and pink flowers. North American native
too! 6' tall and wide. Partial shade to filtered   tall and wide. Partial shade to partial sun.   5' tall and wide. Partial shade to full sun.    containers and foundation plantings. 5' tall,    ized in woodland gardens. 3' tall and wide.     in mass plantings for a dramatic and col-      tree, or topiary. In cold areas, enjoy it as    that is excellent for pollinator gardens.
sun. Deciduous. Dan Hinkley Collection             Deciduous                                      Deciduous                                       4' wide. Partial shade to full sun. Deciduous    Partial sun. Evergreen                          orful effect. Partial to full sun. 4' tall,    a tabletop plant. 6' tall and wide. Full sun.   4' tall and wide. Partial shade to full sun.
PP #30,596                        ZONE: 7–10       PP# 25,209                      ZONE: 4–9      PP #28,758                       ZONE: 4-8      PP #28,699                        ZONE: 4-8      PPAF                               ZONE: 6–9    2' wide. Evergreen                             Evergreen                        ZONE: 8–11     Deciduous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PP# 14,693                        ZONE: 6–11                                                   PP# 27,986                       ZONE: 4–9

16˜   ˜M O N R OV I A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS 2021˜             ˜1 7
G LOW ING NATIV E                               EARLY SPRI NG COLOR                              SE NSAT IONA L ACC E NT SH RUB                  SP R IN G ST UNNE R                            CO M PACT H E D G E                             S E ASO N - LO N G I N T E R EST               I M PR OV E D C L ASS I C                     SOUT H WEST N AT I VE
A N G E L ® NI N E BARK                         ENCHA NTED FOR EST ® I MPI S H E L F ™           E N CH A N T E D FOR EST ® R I V E R            E N CH A N T E D FOR EST ®                     B R IG H T N ’ TIG H T ™ CARO LIN A             JAD E EN C H AN TR ESS ® C H ER RY             DAR KSTAR ® P UR P LE LEAF SAND               J OA N L I ONETTI TEX AS L I V E OA K
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Hoogi018’              PIER IS                                          N YMPH ™ PI E R I S                             GAY G OBL I N ™ PI E R I S                     LAUR EL                                         LAUR EL                                        C H ER RY                                     Quercus fusiformis ‘Joan Lionetti’
Angel® Ninebark is a stunning selection         Pieris japonica ‘Shy’                            Pieris japonica ‘River Run’                     Pieris japonica ‘Cabernet’                     Prunus caroliniana ‘Monus’                      Prunus laurocerasus ‘Monarone’                 Prunus x cistena ‘UCONNPC001’                 Joan Lionetti Texas Live Oak is an ever-
of a North American native that offers          One of the most elegant early-spring             Among the showiest Pieris varieties, it has     An elegant choice for dappled shade            Bright N’ Tight™ Carolina Laurel is an          Gardeners can enjoy year-round interest        An improvement on a tried-and-true favor-     green North American native that offers a
orange new foliage that matures to bur-         shrubs, its rosy-pink buds provide winter        huge clusters of showy buds that open           gardens, this Pieris produces pink pen-        impressive landscape shrub with shiny           from its glossy leaves, then take in its       ite, this new variety features an upright,    dense upward-reaching crown. It produces
gundy. White summer flowers enhance the         color before opening to bell-shaped              to white, bell-shaped flowers. Red new          dant-shaped flower clusters that bloom         foliage and white spring flowers. It adapts     fragrant, creamy-white flower spikes and       spreading habit, clean dark-red foliage,      few seedlings compared to the species.
show. 5' tall and wide. Partial shade to full   flowers. Brick-red new foliage on deep-red       foliage completes its appeal. Outstanding       from late winter into spring. Mass for a       well to occasional pruning. 10' tall, 8' wide   ornamental fruit. Only 3' tall, 6' wide.       and charming single pink flowers. 5' tall,    Ideal for warm regions of the Southwest.
sun. Deciduous                                  stems extends its seasonal appeal. 5' tall       foundation or accent shrub. 6' tall and         stunning show or line a fence. 7' tall, 5'     in 10 years. Partial to full sun. Evergreen     Evergreen. Partial shade to partial sun        4' wide. Partial shade to full sun            30' tall and wide. Full sun
PP# 28,059                       ZONE: 4–8      and wide. Partial sun. Evergreen                 wide. Partial sun. Evergreen                    wide. Partial sun. Evergreen                                                     ZONE: 7–11    PP #31,107                       ZONE: 6–9     PP# 29,575                       ZONE: 3–9    PP# 29,575                     ZONE: 3–9
                                                PP# 26,290                      ZONE: 6–8                                       ZONE: 6–8        PP# 29,130                     ZONE: 6–8

LO N G - LASTING BLO OMS                        BOXWOOD ALTERNATI V ES                           BOUNT Y FOR B UT T E R F LIES                   BOUN T Y FOR B UT T E R F L I ES               D I S E AS E R ES I STA N T                     G LOW I N G B LO O M S                         CO M PACT B E AU T Y                          D OUBLE T H E BLOOMS
E N C H AN T E D FOREST ® SU NSPR ITE ™         GOLF BALL PITTOSPORU M                           ROYA L CA PE ® PLU MBAG O                       W H I T E CA PE ® PLU MBAG O                   SO UTH ER N M O O N ® Y ED DA                   D O UB LE S H OT ® G RAP E AZALEA              DOUBLE SHOT® LAVENDER AZALEA                  DOUBLE SHOT® SALMON AZALEA
P I E RI S                                      Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Golf Ball’              Plumbago auriculata ‘Monott’                    Plumbago auriculata ‘Monite’                   H AW TH O R N                                   Rhododendron ‘RLH1-14P14’                      Rhododendron ‘RLH1-12P0’                      Rhododendron ‘RLH1-10P18’
Pieris japonica ‘Sincere’                       Get year-round beauty with its bright            Clusters of silvery-blue flowers practically    This tropical shrub produces large, profuse
                                                                                                                                                                                                Rhaphiolepis umbellata ‘RutRhaph1’              This compact reblooming azalea flowers         Elegant and easy to care for, this rebloom-   Showing off salmon-pink flowers in spring,
Clusters of dark rose-pink buds open in         green foliage and a rounded shape that           cover this shrub most of the year. Enjoy it     pure-white flower clusters most of the         This new variety sports exceptional             twice a year! Double Shot® Grape features      ing azalea offers excellent heat and cold     then again from midsummer to frost,
late winter to white blooms, that last over     seldom needs pruning to stay looking tidy.       as a groundcover, in containers, or trained     year. It is not fussy about soil given good    disease resistance and profuse, fragrant        single red-purple blossoms in spring and       tolerance. It does not require deadheading    Double Shot® Salmon is a beautiful
five weeks. Its glossy, fiery-red new foliage   Plant it in containers or as a low hedge         as a standard. Perfect annual in cold-win-      drainage. Annual in colder zones. 4' tall,     white spring flowers. It is excellent for       fall. It is ideal for use as a showy border,   to stay looking fresh. Double Shot® Laven-    addition to any yard. Enjoy it as a low
is not to be missed. Enjoy in the back of       in place of a boxwood in warm-winter             ter areas. Butterflies cannot resist it! 5'     6' wide. Full sun. Evergreen                   foundations and shrub borders. 6' tall,         informal hedge, or container accent. 3'        der has a compact habit making it useful      flowering hedge, to accent perennials
borders or as a hedge. 10' tall and wide.       areas. 4' tall and wide. Partial to full sun.    tall, 8' wide. Full sun. Evergreen              PP# 13,953                       ZONE: 9–11    8' wide. Partial to full sun. Evergreen         tall and wide. Full shade to partial sun.      just about anywhere in the landscape. 3'      in beds and borders, or as a foundation
Partial sun. Evergreen                          Evergreen                                                                         ZONE: 9–11                                                    PP# 20,730                       ZONE: 7–11     Evergreen                                      tall and wide. Full shade to partial sun.     planting. 3' tall and wide. Full shade to
PP# 29,148                       ZONE: 6–8      PP# 15,329                       ZONE: 8–11                                                                                                                                                     PP# 24,751                         ZONE: 6–9   Evergreen                                     partial sun. Evergreen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PP# 24,467                      ZONE: 6–9     PP# 24,493                        ZONE: 6–9

CO LORFU L EV ERGREEN                           D EER-RESISTANT COLOR                            LOA DS OF B LOOM S                              UNIQ UE M ESQ UIT E                            EY E- CATC H I N G CO LO R                      D O U B L E D U T Y T R O PI CA L              D I ST I N CT I V E ST E M S                  S H OWY S UCCULEN T
IC E E B LUE ® YE L LOW-WOOD                    CHEESEHEAD ™ POTENT I L L A                      G I N G E R S N A P ™ POT E N T I L L A         L ES L I E ROY MESQU I TE                      DOUBLE SHOT® WATERMELON                         WINGED PHOENIX ™ HARDY                         GOLDFINGER ™ HARDY SCHEFFLERA                 MOUNT EVEREST BIG BLUE
Podocarpus elongatus ‘Monmal’                   Potentilla fruticosa ‘SMPFMY’                    Potentilla fruticosa ‘Hachapp’                  Prosopis x ‘Leslie Roy’                        AZALEA                                          SCHEFFLERA                                     Schefflera taiwaniana ‘Hingdfnf ’             CHALKSTICKS

A beautiful alternative for Blue Spruce in      Gardeners in even the coldest zones              Gingersnap™ features flowers that do not        A fine choice for Southwestern gardens,        Rhododendron ‘RLH1-9P7’                         Schefflera taiwaniana ‘Monhinschf ’            This shrub bears beautiful compound           Senecio ficoides ‘Mount Everest’
the South, this evergreen’s new growth          can look forward to its bright golden-           fade and continue to appear throughout          it is thorn-free with an upright branching     Visible from yards away, beautiful Double       This hardy shrub adds a decidedly tropical     foliage and yellow stems provide distinc-     A trendy succulent, it shows off a mound-
emerges lime-gray-blue, then matures to         yellow blooms in spring. CheeseHead™ is          the summer. The blooms appear evenly            habit and blue-green, fern-like foliage that   Shot® Watermelon Azalea has elec-               flair to landscapes or containers. Its white   tive tropical texture to brighten shade       ing habit, upright stems, and upright
gray-blue-green. It is a beautiful pyramidal    compact, low-maintenance, and deer- and          from the top to the bottom of the shrub.        casts welcome dappled shade. Heat and          tric-purple flowers in spring and autumn        umbels produce purple fruit. Also suitable     gardens. Rare! 15' tall and wide. Partial     silvery-blue foliage. It is carefree and
conifer. 25' tall and wide. Partial to full     rabbit-resistant. 2' tall and wide. Partial to   Deer- and rabbit-resistant. 3' tall and wide.   drought tolerant. 30' tall and wide. Partial   that stand out against its lustrous, dark       as a houseplant. 15' tall and wide. Partial    shade to full sun. Evergreen. Dan Hinkley     exceptionally drought tolerant. Fantastic
sun. Evergreen                   ZONE: 9–11     full sun. Deciduous                              Partial to full sun. Deciduous                  shade to full sun. Semi-evergreen              green foliage. 3' tall and wide. Full shade     shade to full sun. Evergreen. Dan Hinkley      Collection                      ZONE: 7–10    for containers. 5' tall in landscape, shorter
                                                PP# 28,890                     ZONES: 3–8                                       ZONES: 3–8       PP# 23,360                       ZONE: 7–9     to partial sun. Evergreen                       Collection                                                                                   in containers. Partial to full sun. Evergreen
                                                                                                                                                                                                PP# 27,877                       ZONE: 6–9      PP #30,465                     ZONE: 7–10                                                    PP# 22,188                       ZONE: 10–11

18˜   ˜M O N R OV I A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS 2021˜              ˜1 9
CO MPACT AND ADAPTAB LE                       SPECTACULAR COLOR                               H A R DY A ND COM PACT                           C R E AT IV E COLOR
L IL’ FL I RT SPI RE A                        LIL’ SIZZLE SPIR EA                             WA L BE RTON ’S ® PLU MTAST I C                  COPPE R FL A ME ™ W I NTER S P IK E
Spiraea japonica ‘SMSJMLA’                    Spiraea japonica ‘SMSJMLG’                      S PI R E A                                       Stachyurus yunnanensis ‘Djhstcynis’
This dwarf shrub pairs burgundy new           Featuring bright-orange new foliage and         Spiraea japonica ‘Walplum’                       Its new spring growth is burnished with
foliage with deep-pink flowers in spring      hot-pink flowers in spring and summer,          Ideal for low-maintenance shrub borders,         copper-red tones that echoes color of leaf
and again in summer. It is an adaptable       this shrub is not easily overlooked. It         its flowers flush continuously from sum-         petioles. Soft-yellow spring blooms add

plant that thrives even in compacted clay.    tolerates full sun and poor, compacted          mer into fall and are offset by beautiful        to the appeal. 12' tall and wide. Partial
2-1/2' tall and wide. Partial shade to full   soils. 2-1/2' tall and wide. Partial shade to   purple-flushed new foliage that ages to          shade to full sun. Evergreen. Dan Hinkley
sun. Deciduous                                full sun. Deciduous                             deep green. Only 16" tall and wide. Full         Collection
PP #30,591                       ZONE: 4–9    PP #30,709                        ZONE: 4–9     sun. Deciduous                                   PPAF                            ZONE: 7–10

                                                                                              PPAF                            ZONE: 4–9

                                                                                                                                                                                                    GET TEXTURE, FORM, AND
                                                                                                                                                                                               A CALCULATED SEQUENCE OF COLORFUL
                                                                                                                                                                                                   BLOOMS IN THE LANDSCAPE.

FA N TASTIC FRAGRANCE                         STUNNI NG STRUCTURE                             P E T IT E P R IVACY                             AT T RACT B IR DS
L I TT L E DARL I N G ® L I L AC              EMBER WAV ES ® WESTE R N                        T I N Y TOW E R ® A R BORV I TA E                S PA R KL E R ® A R ROW WO O D
Syringa ‘SMSDTL’                              A R BORVITAE                                    Thuja x ‘MonPig’                                 V I BU R N U M

Here is a compact fragrant reblooming         Thuja x ‘MonPin’                                This new sport of Green Giant Arborvitae         Viburnum dentatum ‘SMVDE’
lilac! Flowers heavily in spring, with a      A stately evergreen, its foliage morphs         shows off an upright and more compact            Here is a North American native with
second, lighter fall bloom. Tolerates mild,   from yellow in spring to green in summer        habit. Use it for creating a dense, ever-        great fall color, white flowers, and blue-
periodic drought when established. 4' tall    and gold-tipped, orange-russet in cool          green privacy screen or to define the            black berries that delight birds. It is ideal
and wide. Full sun. Deciduous                 winter weather. It is a superb accent           back of a border. 20' tall, 5' wide. Full sun.   for every garden. 15' tall and wide. Partial
PP #31,830                       ZONE: 4–8    or screen. 25' tall, 8' wide. Full sun.         Evergreen                                        shade to full sun. Deciduous
                                              Evergreen                                       PP# 27,067                        ZONE: 5–9      PP# 28,092                        ZONE: 4–9
                                              PP# 25,363                         ZONE: 5–8

CO LO RFU L AND COMPACT                       STUNNI NG FOLIAG E                              B R IG HT A ND B E AUT IF UL
C R IMSON KI SSES ™ W E I GELA                COCO K RU NCH ® WEIGEL A                        G OL DE N JACKPOT ® W E I G E L A
Weigela ‘Slingco 1’                           Weigela florida ‘WFMOBLA’                       Weigela florida ‘MonRigney’
This standout new Weigela is covered with     Compact and lovely, it has ruby-red foliage     The brightest weigela we have seen, it
lipstick-red flowers with a white eye. It     and soft-red flowers into summer. Excep-        has amazing golden leaves and deep-pink
is a compact and reblooming variety for       tional hardiness makes for a tough shrub        long-lasting blooms. Enjoy in borders and
borders, low hedges. 3' tall and wide. Full   borders, mass plantings. 3' tall and wide.      foundation plantings. 6' tall and wide.
sun. Deciduous                                Full sun. Deciduous                             Partial to full sun. Deciduous
PP# 23,654                      ZONE: 4–9     PP# 27,661                      ZONE: 4–8       PP #29,991                      ZONE: 4–8

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   BA BY PETE ™ AGA PA NTHUS

20˜   ˜M O N R OV I A                                                                                                                                                                                                              DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS 2021˜   ˜2 1
CO LO R FO R S H A D E                          DA R K, D RA M AT I C CO LO R                   BRIGHTEN UP SHADE                             D OUBLE COLOR
B LO OMS LO NGER                                SPLASHY FOLI AG E                             IM P R ESSIV E A ND COM PACT                    G OR G EOUS B LOOM S
                                                                                                                                                                                            S IR EN S’ SO N G ™ O RAN G E D ELIG H T        S IR EN S’ SO N G ™ DAR K N IG H T              S P ICY LIM E FOAM Y B ELLS                   L EM ON P U F F SHASTA DA I SY
D O UB L E D I AMOND AGAPANTHU S                SU N STR IPE ® AGAPA NTH U S                  BA BY PE T E ™ AGA PA N T H U S                 PU R PL E POT I ON ® AGAPAN TH US
                                                                                                                                                                                            CO RAL B ELLS                                   H EUC H ERA                                     Heuchera ‘TNHERSL’                            Leucanthemum ‘Lemon Puff’
Agapanthus africanus ‘RFDD’                     Agapanthus africanus ‘MonKageyama’            Agapanthus praecox ssp. orientalis              Agapanthus inapertus ‘HinGrkop’
                                                                                              ‘Benfran’                                                                                     Heuchera ‘TNHEUSSOD’                            Heuchera ‘TNHEUSSDN’                            Zesty lime-colored foliage with splotched     Double flowers with lemony petals and
A beautiful dwarf Agapanthus, it features       Ideal for consumers who love variegated                                                       A beautiful perennial, it is a standout in
                                                                                                                                                                                            Peach-orange foliage with bright spring         Reddish blooms over lush purplish               veins and red stems. Evergreen in mild        golden centers. Incredible flower power
white double to semi-double summer flow-        foliage, this selection features broad        Compact early bloomer with blue clusters        the summer landscape with its clusters of
                                                                                                                                                                                            flowers Evergreen in mild climates; herba-      foliage lure hummingbirds. Evergreen in         climates; herbaceous in colder regions. 12"   for containers, beds, and borders. 18" tall
ers. It rarely sets seed for a longer bloom     leaves with green and cream marbling          on upright stems above wide, strap-like         unique, deep-violet blooms. 26" tall, 20"
                                                                                                                                                                                            ceous in colder regions. 18" tall, 15" wide.    mild winter areas; herbaceous in colder         tall and wide. Partial shade to partial sun   and wide. Full sun
period. Ideal in containers and borders. 12"    and wide, soft-yellow margins. Occasional     leaves. Rarely sets seed. 15" tall, 24" wide.   wide. Partial to full sun. Evergreen. Dan
                                                                                                                                                                                            Partial shade to partial sun                    regions. 18" tall, 15" wide. Partial shade to   PPAF                            ZONE: 4–9     PPAF                           ZONE: 4–9
tall. Partial to full sun. Evergreen            summer flowers. 20" tall, 24" wide. Partial   Partial to full sun. Evergreen                  Hinkley Collection
                                                                                                                                                                                            PPAF                            ZONE: 4–9       partial sun
                                  ZONE: 8–11    shade to partial sun. Evergreen               PP #21,705                     ZONE: 8–11       PPAF                             ZONE: 7–10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            PPAF                             ZONE: 4–9
                                                                                ZONE: 8–11

S E ASON- LO NG BLO OMS                         SU NSTAR ™ GOLD TICKS E E D                   SHA DE LOV ING                                  LA R G E , E A R LY B LOO M S                 CO M PACT C L ASS I C                           PO L L I N ATO R FAVO R I T ES                  H AR LEQ UIN ™ M AG EN TA
S UN STAR ™ T I CKSE E D (S ER IES)             Golden-yellow blooms feature a prominent      S H A N G R I -L A™ H E MS L EY’S BEG ON I A    CASCA DE ™ BLU S H L E N TEN ROS E            S H O RTSTO P S H ASTA DAISY                    H AR LEQ UIN ™ B EAR DTO N G UE                 Magenta-red flowers over a long season.
                                                red center. (Shown above.)                                                                                                                  Leucanthemum ‘Shortstop’                        S ER IES                                        H AR LEQ UIN ™ R ED
Coreopsis sp.                                                                                 Begonia hemsleyana ‘MonShayne’                  Helleborus ‘Monobyrn1’
                                                SU NSTA R ™ ORA NGE TICKS E E D                                                                                                             Classic daisy flowers on a compact plant        Penstemon sp.                                   Raspberry-red flowers are hummingbird
This new Coreopsis collection features                                                        This stunning hardy perennial offers            Stunning large blooms with deep pur-
                                                Yellow-orange flowers are streaked with                                                                                                     with a tight, low habit. Bright white petals    Bushy, compact habit and upright flower         magnets! (Shown above)
vivid blooms from late spring nonstop                                                         dark red stems and speckled leaves with         ple-pink petals from late winter through
                                                red.                                                                                                                                        with a rich yellow center. 15" tall and wide.   spikes even in poor, dry soils and full sun;    H AR LEQ UIN ™ P UR P LE
through summer. Mildew-resistant foliage                                                      brickred undersides. 18" tall and wide. Full    early spring. Deer- and rabbit-resistant!
stays looking good when older varieties         SU NSTA R ™ ROSE TICKS E E D                  to partial shade. Dan Hinkley Collection        22" tall, 24" wide. Full to partial shade     Full sun                                        perfect for Western gardens. 22" tall, 16"      Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds love
suffer. Perfect for adding cottage charm.       Creamy-white flowers with pink centers.                                      ZONE: 8–11       PP# 29,349                       ZONE: 4-9    PPAF                             ZONE: 4–9      wide. These varieties resist disease and        the purple flowers.
24" tall, 30" wide. Full sun   ZONE: 5–10                                                                                                                                                                                                   attract hummingbirds! Full sun                  H AR LEQ UIN ™ P IN K
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ZONE: 5–9       Its two-tone pink flowers add elegance to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            cottage and pollinator gardens!

O R NATE AND EYE- CATCHI NG                     DAZZ LING NATIVE                              LON G -B LOOM ING                               BOLD FOLIAG E                                 U N I Q U E A N D CO LO R F U L                 CO LO R B UR ST ™ O RAN G E                     S H O RT A N D STA LWA RT
CO RAL G LOW T E X AS YU CCA                    STRA IGHT U P R ED TEXAS YU CCA               BRA KE L I G H TS ® R E D YU CCA                S I R E N S’ SON G ™ DA R K N ’ B R IG H T    CO LO R B UR ST ™ CAP E F UC H S IA             Elegant coral-orange flowers continue to        LITTLE N IG H T EURO P EAN M EA DOW
Hesperaloe parviflora ‘Coral Glow’              Hesperaloe parviflora ‘Straight Up Red’       Hesperaloe parviflora ‘Perpa’                   CORA L BE L L S                               S ER IES                                        appear all summer. (Shown above)                SAG E

6' tall spikes of trumpet-shaped coral          All summer long it shows off red-pink         Vibrant blooms are a color improvement,         Heuchera ‘TNHEUSSDB’                          Penstemon sp.                                   CO LO R B UR ST ™ Y ELLOW                       Salvia x sylvestris ‘Little Night’
blooms over clumps of sword-shaped,             blooms. North American native notable         and it rarely sets seed for prolific flower-    Dark, ruffly foliage and hot-pink, late       Showy clusters of dangling, tubular,            Lemon-yellow flowers add a fresh look to        Tough charmer with purple-violet flower
gray-green foliage. North American native       for uniform shape and size. Excellent year-   ing over a long season. 2' tall and wide;       spring blooms. Evergreen in mild-winter       fuchsia-like flowers from midsummer to          the garden!                                     spikes on tight, mounding foliage in late
for waterwise gardens. 6' tall, 4' wide. Full   round texture. 4' tall and wide; blooms to    blooms up to 3' taller. Full sun. Evergreen     areas. 18" tall, 15" wide. Partial shade to   fall. May remain evergreen in mild-winter       CO LO R B UR ST ™ ROS E                         spring, often repeating late summer. 12"
sun. Evergreen                                  6'. Full sun. Evergreen                       PP# 21,729                      ZONE: 5–10      partial sun                                   areas. 3' tall, 2' wide. Partial sun            Ideal for containers and beds and borders       tall, 16" and wide. Full sun
PP #29,626                      ZONE: 5–9       PPAF                            ZONE: 5–9                                                     PPAF                             ZONE: 4–9                                      ZONE: 7–10    with pink-purple flowers.                       PP# 28,925                     ZONE: 4–9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CO LO R B UR ST ™ D EEP R ED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Bold red flowers attract scores of polli-

22˜   ˜M O N R OV I A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS 2021˜            ˜2 3
Meet the Monrovia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Plant Hunters
                                                                                                                                                                                                            The drive and passion to discover new and improved plant
                                                                                                                                                                                                            varieties takes our plant hunters around the globe.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            CEO JONATHAN PEDERSEN is responsible for some of
                                                                                                       LOA D E D W I T H B LO O M S                    B O U L E VA R D ® AC R O P O L I S ™
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the most significant plant introductions in the country in
                                                                                                       BO ULEVAR D ® C LEM ATIS                        produces an abundance of hot pink flowers.
                                                                                                       This groundbreaking clematis series fea-        B O U L E VA R D ® C H E VA L I E R ™ offers
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the past several years. A New Zealand native, he travels
                                                                                                       tures the ability to produce flowers from       large lavender-blue blooms.                          across the U.S. and the world, finding and working with top
                                                                                                       both leaf axils and stems. This creates         B O U L E VA R D ® O LY M P I A ™ stuns with         plant breeders. His goal is to provide the best new varieties
                                                                                                       a profusion of large blossoms along the         rich purple blooms. (Shown above)

                                                                                                       entire vine. They also have a long bloom                                                             to North American gardeners. He searches for plants that
                                                                                                                                                       B O U L E VA R D ® S AC H A ™ shows ruffled
                                                                                                       season: from early summer to early fall.
                                                                                                                                                       mauve-blue blooms.                                   provide solutions including longer bloom time, brighter colors,
                                                                                                       Compact. 5' tall and wide. Part to full sun.
                                                                                                                                                       B O U LE VAR D ® Y UAN bears light pink
                                                                                                                                                                                  ™                         and improved hardiness and disease resistance. Jonathan
                                                                                                                                       ZONE: 4–9

                             VINES AND
                                                                                                                                                       blooms banded with dark pink in the center.          is passionate about creating beautiful gardens, and has
                                                                                                                                                                                                            spent his career focused on discovering and improving the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            availability of the best plants.

                              EDIBLES                                                                                                                                                                       NEW PLANTS MANAGER GEORGIA CLAY brings a fresh
                                                                                                                                                                                                            new perspective on plant selection to Monrovia. Her energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and passion for plants is contagious. Her focus at Monrovia
                                                                                                                                                                                                            is to put each variety through its paces, making sure only the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            best are brought to market. Georgia recognizes the reasons
                           CLIMBING WITH BEAUTIFUL BLOOMS OR
                                                                                                                                                                                                            why we garden. She knows the joy and satisfaction creating a
                         RIPENING WITH SWEET FRUIT, THESE PLANTS                                                                                                                                            beautiful outdoor space can bring.

                             HAVE MULTIPLE LANDSCAPE USES.                                                                                                                                                  DAN HINKLEY is a true plant explorer. He has traveled the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            world over, including Nepal, Central America, China and
                                                                                                       E XOT I C F RAG RA N C E                        F RAG RA N T D O U B L E B LO O M S                  Tasmania, just to name a few, in search of unique varieties
                                                                                                       HEAVENLY ASCENT® HOLBOELLIA VINE                SUMMER SOUL® ARABIAN JASMINE                         for home gardeners. Monrovia is honored to partner with
                                                                                                       Holboellia brachyandra ‘HWJ1023’                Jasminum sambac ‘Monhariklia’                        this award-winning horticulturist. From lush tropicals, to
                                                                                                       Rare and exotic, this vine bears large,         The species used for jasmine tea, every-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            sensational foliage and showy flowers, the Dan Hinkley Plant
                                                                                                       white, melon-scented flowers in spring. If      one loves its scent. Exceptionally large,
                                                                                                       pollinated, it puts on a second show with       fragrant, fully-double flowers bloom nearly          Collection® brings the world to your garden. Dan’s plant
                                                                                                       its edible, purplish-blue fruit. Vigorous       year-round in warmer climates. In colder             hunting stories are the stuff of legend.
                                                                                                       twining stems to 20' tall, with support. Full   zones winter indoors. 8' tall, 4' wide.
                                                                                                       sun. Evergreen                   ZONE: 8–10     Partial to full sun. Evergreen                       Visit to find out more about Dan Hinkley.
                                                                                                                                                       PP #27,171                      ZONE: 9–11

                                                                                                       S E L F F E RT I L E                            A SO U T H E R N B LU E B E R RY                LOV E LY A N D PR O L I F I C                 SWEET EST FLAVOR
                                                                                                       SW EET N ’ SO LO ™ K IW I                       BO UN TIF UL™ D ELIG H T B LUEB ER RY           BO UN TIF UL B LUE® B LUEB ER RY              Z ESTF U L™ GRA P E (SERI ES)
                                                                                                       Actinidia deliciosa ‘Renact’                    Vaccinium corymbosum ‘ZF06-051’                 Vaccinium corymbosum ‘FLX-2’                  The Zestful™ series make tasty table
                                                                                                       The only high-quality fruiting kiwi we have     An excellent blueberry for warm climates,       As ornamental as it is delicious, Bountiful   grapes on fast-growing vines in warmer
                                                                                                       found that is self-fertile, this vigorous       this selection features outstanding heat        Blue® Blueberry is a self-fertile selection   regions. We are still trialing to see if there
                                                                                                       vine produces juicy fruits on a single plant    tolerance and only 300 to 500 hours of          that has stunning blue-green foliage. It      is additional hardiness. Climbs to 25' each
                                                                                                       once established. It typically fruits within    chill. It fruits early to midseason, bearing    is compact, making it perfect for use as      year. Full sun. Deciduous. Three varieties:
                                                                                                       three years. Sweet N’ Solo™ is positively       aromatic, sweet berries. Its new growth         a hedge or grown in a large container. It     Z ESTF U L™ GOL DEN CHA L I CE
                                                                                                       perfect for a trellis, pergola or south-fac-    emerges with red tones, adding ornamental       needs only 150–200 winter chill hours. 4'     Z ESTF U L™ LOL L I P OP
                                                                                                       ing wall. Climbs to 16.' Full sun. Deciduous    appeal. 3' tall and wide. Full sun. Deciduous   tall and wide. Full sun. Deciduous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Z ESTF U L™ WATERFA L L
                                                                                                       PP# 23,457                         ZONE: 7–9    PP# 29,437                       ZONE: 8–10     PP# 19,381                     ZONE: 6–10
                                                         BO U L EVARD ® AC RO P O L I S ™ CLE MATI S                                                                                                                                                                                  ZONE: 7–9

24 ˜   ˜M O N R OV I A                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS 2021˜              ˜2 5
                                    TO BUY PLANTS EASILY.

                        The convenience and speed of shopping for plants
                        online has made it possible for gardeners to find an
                        even greater selection of plants than ever before.
                        With our unique online Shop feature at,
                        we deliver the best of both worlds to you — endless
                        selection and local expertise. Choose your favorites
                        on our website, and we’ll deliver them to your local
                        garden center for pick up. Pairing our meticulously
                        grown plants with local advice and inspiration helps
                        your garden thrive. Visit to start your
                        online plant shopping experience.

                                                                                                                                      202 1 I S THE YEA R OF THE SUNFLOWER.
                                                                  M O U N T EVE REST B I G B LU E C H ALKSTI CKS
                                                                                                                   MONROVIA.COM   PRESE NTI NG SUNBELIEVA BLE ™… SEE PAGE 11
26˜   ˜M O N R OV I A                                                                                                                              DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS 2021˜   ˜2 7
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