The Descriptive Analysis of Air Pollutant Impact in Select Indian Cities

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International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                            Vol.7; Issue: 4; April 2020
Research Paper                                                                E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

 The Descriptive Analysis of Air Pollutant Impact in
                Select Indian Cities
      Bheemanagoudru Shivalinganagouda Sruthi1, Ponnaluru Srinivasa Sasdhar2
        Research Scholar. Department of Studies and Research in Economics, V.S.K University, Ballari.
   Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University, JnanaSagara
                                             Campus, Ballari.
                           Corresponding Author: Bheemanagoudru Shivalinganagouda Sruthi

ABSTRACT                                                    Keywords: Air pollution in India, ARIMA
                                                            model, trends and patterns of PM2.5 levels.
Air pollution has significant impacts on Human
Health. PM2.5 stands for Particulate Matter                 INTRODUCTION
measuring 2.5 microns or less in diameter                           Air pollution has become a serious
suspended in the air. PM2.5 can cause                       problem in India. Seven out of the top ten
significant negative health impacts such as                 most polluted cities in the World in 2018 are
Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD), and Lung
                                                            Indian Cities (World Air Quality Ranking
cancer. In India, 1.4 million people die each
effect due to a health problem caused by air                report). PM2.5 stands for Particulate Matter
pollution. Heart disease 18,819 (2015), lung                measuring 2.5 microns or less in diameter
cancer 732,921 (2016) and 13% chronic                       suspended in the air. The major sources of
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are                    particulate matter pollution are combustion
some of the major problems is observed in                   (vehicular emissions industry emissions,
India. The objective of this study will be                  residential and commercial biomass
achieved using a Model estimated by ARIMA                   burning) and through reactions of other
methodology. ARIMA methodology provides                     airborne pollutants. PM2.5 can cause
predicts prediction and forecasting abilities so            significant negative health impacts, as it can
that pollutant levels will be forecasting over              penetrate easily into the human respiratory
time. We consider an Auto-Regressive
                                                            system, affecting various organ systems.
Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model to
explain the variability of particulate matter               Respiratory problems such as asthma, lung
(PM2.5) levels across six different cities in               cancer, and cardiovascular problems such as
India, using the daily observation data provided            Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) are some of
by the Central Pollution Control Board of India.            the notable effects of PM2.5. WHO
Results from our model indicate that statistically          estimates     that     long-term    risk    of
significant differences exist in pollutant levels           cardiopulmonary mortality increases by 6–
between Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad,               13% per 10 µg/m3 of PM2.5 exposures. The
Vijayawada, and Vishakhapatnam. Seasonality                 Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health
in pollutant levels is also significant. Mean               Reports Air pollution accounts for 1.81 out
levels of pollutants are generally higher during            of 2.51 million deaths in India. Centre for
winter months and lower around the monsoon
                                                            Science and Environment (CES) estimates
season for all the south Indian cities. Results
from our model could be useful for                          that more than 2.7 million people in India
understanding and predicting the air pollutant              have died from heart disease aggravated by
trends and patterns of south Indian cities. The             exposure to air pollution. The objective of
results can be of vital importance for                      this study is to estimate trends and patterns
environmental policy designs.                               of Particulate Matter 2.5 Concentration
                                                            levels in Indian cities. We estimate an Auto-
                                                            Regressive Integrated Moving Average

                      International Journal of Research and Review (                               265
                                         Vol.7; Issue: 4; April 2020
Bheemanagoudru Shivalinganagouda Sruthi The descriptive analysis of air pollutant impact in select
Indian cities

(ARIMA) model to explain the variability of             onset Laden et al. (2006) Pope et al. (2002)
particulate matter (PM2.5) levels across                Cardiovascular and lung cancer mortality
various cities in India.                                were each positively associated with
        Air pollution has a significant effect          ambient PM2.5 concentrations. Reduced the
on human health in India. Air pollutants are            PM2.5 concentrations were associated with
a long-term exposure to PM2.5 increases the             reduced mortality risk. Measurements of
Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) mortality                  pm2.5, we quantify the magnitude of the
George D. et al (2015) Particulate matter 2.5           influence of agricultural fire emission on
exposure in the first trimester of pregnancy            surface air pollution in Delhi. Air pollution
affects gestational age at birth and increases          is not only a threat to public health, which
the risk of preterm birth Hackmann (2015).              affects social stability but also a bottleneck
Exposure to PM2.5 explains the occurrence               to the economic development of many
of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases              places. The haze-fog pollution has negative
Peng et al (2008). Air pollutant levels                 effects on the environment, climate, human
change in accordance to the weather of any              health, economic and other aspects, such as
given place. It has been found that                     chronic diseases, respiratory and cardiac
concentration levels of pollutants vary                 diseases, visibility reduction, damage of
significantly in summer and between                     natural and agricultural systems and traffic
weekdays and weekends in the case of New                accidents in the land, waterways, and air.
York City DeGaetano and Doherty (2004).                 Che, H (2013) Tao, J (2014). Diesel
PM2.5 concentrations exhibit seasonality,               vehicles are the most significant impact on
with maximum levels in post-monsoon                     human health like a breathing problem, high
season and minimum levels in pre-monsoon                pressure, eye irritation and even lung
season [Mohan and Kandya (2006),                        diseases (Dr. Indrajit Roy Chowdhury
Kulshrestha and Satsangi et al (2009),                  2015). The seasonal ARIMA model
SrimuruganandamBathmanabhan            et    al         provides      reliable     and      satisfactory
(2010), Tiwari S et al (2012). PM2.5                    predictions for the air quality parameters
concentration trends rapidly increased in               and expected to be an alternative tool for
Delhi and other cities Pal et al (2018). Air            practical assessment and justification
pollutant concentration pm2.5 is the most               Inderjeet Kaushik et al (2007). Monika
dominant pollutant during 95% of the winter             Singh et al (2007) using the selected
and 68% of monsoon days in New Delhi                    ARIMA models and Neural Network and
Shovan Kumar Sahu (2017). Crop stubble                  then compared them to find which generally
burning contributes to the severe pollution             reveals its application and signifying its use
in Delhi H Cusworth et al (2018). PM2.5 are             as a modelling technique for determining
residential biomass fuel use for cooking and            the future values of concentration of
heating is the largest single sector                    pollutants and its use in different areas.
influencing outdoor air pollution across
most of India Venkataraman, C. et al                    MATERIALS & METHODS
(2018). Following the literature, we estimate                   This study develops an econometric
the pm2.5 concentration levels in specific              model using data obtained from the Central
cities. PM2.5 has a significant association             Pollution Control Board. The data spans
between PM2.5 exposure and increased risk               over two-years with observations recorded
of all-cause, cardiovascular and lung cancer            on a daily basis from 2016 to 2017. A total
mortality Zanobetti et al (2009) Lepeule et             of 169997 observations were recorded in the
al (2012). Peters et al. (2001) In this author          dataset on six cities in India. This data set
found that significant and independent                  organized into the database in SAS. This
associations      between      heart     attack         data has been analyzed using SAS SQL and
occurrence and both two-hour and twenty-                SAS IML routines.
four-hour PM2.5 concentrations before

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                                         Vol.7; Issue: 4; April 2020
Bheemanagoudru Shivalinganagouda Sruthi The descriptive analysis of air pollutant impact in select
Indian cities

        Descriptive    statistics    of    the          million in 1951. to 210 million in 2015.
concentration of PM2.5 are presented it can             Two-wheeler vehicles account for 73.5%,
be observed that the mean levels are                    while four-wheeled vehicles accounted for
generally higher during winter months and               13.6%. Buses account for 1% and goods
lower around the monsoon season for all the             vehicles to 4.4% of total registered vehicles.
south Indian cities. The minimum value of               The total number of registered vehicles up
0.95 units was observed in Vijayawada                   to 2015 in respect of these cities was 66,244
during 2017 and a maximum value of                      thousand. Of these, Delhi (13.36%)
19556.16 units was observed in Bangalore                recorded the highest number of registered
during 2016 across the entire study area.               motor vehicles, followed by Bangalore
The variability in pollutant levels is high in          (8.40%), Chennai (7.45%) and Ahmadabad
the months of July and August across all the            (5.16%), Mumbai (3.88%).
cities. Months of January, February, and
April have minimal variability in pollutant             Statistical Analysis
levels. Bangalore experienced good air                  Equation 1 shows a general regression
quality for nine months from March to                   model that can be used to estimate the
December. However, the month of May the                 concentrations of PM2.5.
air quality was moderate. Pollutant levels in                        ………Equation 1
Delhi are consistently higher than the rest of
the cities. Delhi experienced Satisfactory                       Dependent Variable ytis the PM2.5
(with AQI between 51 to 100) air quality in             concentration at time t and mt is the
June to September and Moderate air quality              conditional mean function or the mean value
(with AQI between 101 to 200) for January               of concentrations at time t. etis the error
to May. Months of November and                          term at time at time t which is distributed
December experienced Poor (with AQI                     normally with mean 0 and variance of σ2t.
between 201 to 300) to Very poor (with                  Regular model simply assume that the error
AQI between 301 to 400) air quality. Most               (σ2t) is stationary over time. Estimation was
occurrences of Severe air quality (with AQI             done in SAS using Base SAS and SAS SQL.
between 401 to 500) were observed in                    An ARIMA model consists of three
November.         Chennai         experienced           parameters of p, d andq describing the order
Satisfactory air quality for most of the                of autoregressive (AR) Integrated (I) and
months and good air quality for July August             moving average (MA) in the model. Since
and     September     months.      Hyderabad            the original time series of the PM2.5
experienced good air quality from May to                concentrations is nonstationary, its trend is
November. Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada                  captured in the model using an integer
cities experienced good or satisfactory air             variable which starts at one for the first
quality for the most part of the year.                  month and increases incrementally by one
        Vehicular exhaust is among the                  unit(microns) afterwards. Furthermore, to
principal sources of PM2.5. It could be                 capture any possible seasonal pattern,
observed that the number of registered                  eleven dummy variables representing each
motor vehicles in India has increased                   month are added into the model. Thus, the
steadily from year to year. The number of               equation of the ARIMA model for the time
registered vehicles increased from 0.3                  series of concentration is as follow:
                                                                                       …….. Equation   2

       Autoregressive Integrated Moving                 number of times the data have been
Average is calculated using the Equation 2.             differenced. q is the order of the MA
p is the order of AR operator. d is the                 operator. c is the intercept. φi is the

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Indian cities

coefficient of the ith AR operator. ϴj is the                   parameter values are presented in Table 1.
coefficient of the jth MA operator. Mk is a                     Models of PM2.5 for Bangalore, Chennai,
dummy variable which is 1 if the                                and Delhi follow the same multiplicative
observation belongs to month k and zero                         seasonality patterns with a significant MA
otherwise. Βk is the coefficient of the binary                  term (8th lag). AR1 parameters are all
variable of month k. Different models with                      positive and statistically significant and are
various combinations of the p, d, and q are                     less than unity in magnitude. Parameter
studied and the best model was determined                       estimate representing the mean of PM2.5 is
based on the Akaike Information Criterion                       not statistically significant, given the
(AIC) and Schwarz’s Bayesian criterion                          differenced nature of the model. MA
(SBC). The coefficients of the model are                        parameter estimates of Hyderabad and
determined using Conditional Least Square.                      Vijayawada have 4th seasonal lag as
                                                                significant and positive. MA parameter
RESULT                                                          estimates of Visakhapatnam include a 12th
        The results indicate that the ARIMA                     seasonal lag. Root Mean Square errors from
(1, 1, 1) was a better fitting model based on                   predictions are small in magnitude for all
AIC or SBC criteria. The estimated                              the estimated models.

                              Table 1: Conditional Least Square Estimation of ARIMA Model
                 Bangalore                                    Chennai
                 Variable      Parameter Estimate    P value Variable      Parameter Estimate    P value
                 MU            -0.00014             0.1334    MU           -                    -
                 MA1,1(1)      0.77208
Bheemanagoudru Shivalinganagouda Sruthi The descriptive analysis of air pollutant impact in select
Indian cities

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