The Dunelmian The Magazine of Durham School 2016-17 Edition Floreat Dunelmia - Old Dunelmian

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The Dunelmian The Magazine of Durham School 2016-17 Edition Floreat Dunelmia - Old Dunelmian


The Dunelmian

                                                                  R H A

                                                                                       H O O


                                                 The Dunelmian
                                                 The Magazine of Durham School 2016-17 Edition
                                                               Floreat Dunelmia
The Magazine of Durham School, 2016-17 Edition
The Dunelmian The Magazine of Durham School 2016-17 Edition Floreat Dunelmia - Old Dunelmian

                                     Speech Day 2017
                                          A celebration of
                                          Durham School’s
                                        achievements in the
                                       2016/17 Academic Year.

     If a child lives with                                                Durham School is a hub of
    encouragement, he or                                                  creativity, both in terms of
       she learns to be                                                 performing arts, literature, art,
          confident.                                                        design and technology.

                                      Durham School offers a
                                      wide academic range of
                                     subjects taught inside and
                                       outside the classroom.

    Our School has a well                                                 Our co-curricular activities
deserved reputation for sports,                                         complement our curriculum to
   participation, individual                                             help give pupils confidence
 competition and teamwork.                                                         for life.

                                     Old Dunelmians
                                  “And so shall we, whate’er we be,
                                    whether lawyer lacking fee, or
                                   priest, or scribe, or bold hussar,
                                       sing Floreat Dunelmia!”

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The Dunelmian The Magazine of Durham School 2016-17 Edition Floreat Dunelmia - Old Dunelmian

                                                                                                                                    Durham's only silver awarded AA rated and 4 star hotel. Set in a unique location, surrounded by

                                                                                                                                      350 acres of private grounds with two 18 hole Championship golf courses, a purpose built
                                                                                                                                                luxury on site spa complex, four bars and award winning restaurants.
                                                                                                                                     This stunning combination of superb facilities make Ramside Hall the number one choice for
    Editor: Andrew Beales          Welcome from Headmaster Kieran McLaughlin                                                                                 a business event or relaxing overnight stay.
    Produced by: Remember Media
    Photography: Various sources   As we reflect on another year of Durham School life what becomes clear is that lessons of
    including KG Photography,      the past must inform the future. It may be true that there is not a brick or a book that was
    Mark Wilkinson Photography     present when we were re-founded in 1414. We are not even in the same location. But what
    and Gillman and Soame          has persisted through the years, encapsulated in the bodies and souls of those Dunelmians
                                   who have gone before us, is our set of values.
    The Dunelmian Magazine
    Quarryheads Lane,              We have spent some time recently reflecting on those values and how we can instil and
    Durham City,                   continually reinforce them in all the members of our community. We have settled on the
    DH1 4SZ                        acronym MARK. Moral Integrity, Ambition, Responsibility and Kindness.
    0191 386 4783
    Reg Charity Number 1023407     We want all of us to make the right choices; to stand up for what we believe in and what
                                   we think is right. We want Dunelmians to be properly ambitious, to better themselves by
                                   working hard to build on their strengths and tackle their weaknesses. We want Dunelmians
                                   to be responsible members of the community; to look after themselves and others; to take
                                   pride in what they do and not settle for “second best “ or “just OK.”

                                   We want Dunelmians to be kind; we want them to be tolerant of others, respectful of their
                                   differences and to help each other when times are hard. We want to see that in classrooms,
                                   on the games field but particularly in the houses; they are the heartbeat of the school, and
                                   positive relationships are crucial here. Such values nurture friendships that last a lifetime.
                                   This edition of the Dunelmian is a celebration of those values, friendships and
                                   achievements, academic or otherwise.
                                                                                                                                 | 0191 386 5282
                                                                                                                                                 Ramside Hall Hotel Golf & Spa | Carrville | Durham | DH1 1TD
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The Dunelmian The Magazine of Durham School 2016-17 Edition Floreat Dunelmia - Old Dunelmian
S P E E C H    D A Y                                                                                                                           S P E E C H    D A Y

    Headmaster Kieran                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Headmaster Kieran
    McLaughlin, Chairman                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         McLaughlin
    of Governors Alasdair
    MacConachie, Guest Speaker                                                                                                                      Joe Stelling each gaining 9 A*s. It is a fantastic achievement by
    Professor Jerry Murphy MSc                                                                                                                      the year group, and one which reflects tremendous hard work
    (Med Ed) MB BS DM FRCP                                                                                                                          and dedication from the pupils, parents and of course staff. Our
    (Ed + Lond)                                                                                                                                     staff are hugely committed to the success of our pupils; they are
                                                                                                                                                    incredibly generous with their time and the pupils sat here now
                                                                                                                                                    know that whenever they need extra help, their teachers will be
                                                                                                                                                    there to give it to them.

                                                                                                                                                    WWI REMEMBERED
                                                                                                                                                    Elsewhere the cultural life of the school was rich, with speakers
                                                                                                                                                    on topics from the Peruvian rainforest to French poetry. A
                                                                                                                                                    particular highlight was the premiere of The Wear at War, a
                                                                                                                                                    film focussing on local Durham soldiers –including OD Noel
                                                                                                                                                    Hodgson – and their stories. It was filmed partly at school and           Mrs Vanessa Turnbull leaves us at the end of this year and we
                                                                                                                                                    featured some of our pupils reading Hodgson’s works. In the               thank her for her contribution to the department and school over
                                                                                                                                                    same vein, our annual remembrance service took on an added                the past two years. Mark Gardner joined us as an IT technician
                                                                                                                                                    resonance this year in what was also the 90th anniversary of the          back in 2004, drafted in to develop our burgeoning school
                                                                                                                                                    consecration of the Chapel.                                               network and improve the infrastructure of computers across the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              school. As time went on Mark pursued his interest in teaching IT

                                        Speech Day
                                                                                                                                                    It is hard to imagine Durham School without a chapel, but back            as well as administering it, and gradually increased his teaching
                                                                                                                                                    in the early part of the 20th century most religious services were        load with us.
                                                                                                                                                    either held in Big School during the week, or every Sunday
                                                                                                                                                    morning in the Cathedral itself. It was Canon Richard Budworth            Eventually he moved on from his network responsibilities,
                                                                                                                                                    who first decided that the School should have a chapel to                 becoming Head of ICT in 2009. Mark is a great teacher,
                                                                                                                                                    commemorate those pupils, and indeed staff who died in the                hugely popular with the pupils and respected by the staff. He
                         Extracts from Speech Day Address 2017 by Headmaster Mr Kieran McLaughlin                                                   Great War.                                                                is incredibly giving of his time, devoting hours at lunchtime,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              afterschool and even during the holidays to helping pupils
                                                                                                                                                    There’s no doubt that World War 1 had a profound effect on                grappling with the tortures of ICT coursework. Mark has been
                                                                                                                                                    Budworth. It’s important to remember that the school then barely          a stalwart of Poole House, and he will be sorely missed by
    The future of education is the subject of much speculation                 Review of the Year 2016-17                                           numbered 200.                                                             the boys and the House staff. Mark leaves us to pursue other
    nowadays. According to the Bank of England, as many as                                                                                                                                                                    opportunities and devote himself to the admirable task of foster
    fifteen million jobs may simply disappear over the next twenty             RECORD BREAKING A LEVELS                                                                                                                       parenting, and we wish him well.
    years because of the twin forces of artificial intelligence                The year for us began in August and what a way to begin the                                         Guest Speaker, Prof. Murphy
    and automation – a scary thought - and scarier still for                   year, with another record-breaking set of results at the School.                                              addresses guests                 Jonathan Webb joined us as Academic Deputy head in 2012
    teachers to work out how to prepare youngsters for this                    Our A level percentage at A*-B – the grades which allow access                                                                                 after an illustrious career at some of the lesser northern schools,
    brave new world.                                                           to the Russell Group universities – was for the third year running                                                                             most recently Pocklington where he was Head of History and
                                                                               well into the 60s, with 62% securing one or other of those                                                                                     Director of Teaching and Learning. Jonathan arrived at Durham
    And what about teachers themselves? Will they be one of those              grades. Almost a third of the grades awarded were at A or A*                                                                                   and immediately set about making a difference: he changed the
    who find their jobs redundant? If you Google “classroom of the             level which are needed for the very best institutions. Of course,                                                                              structure of the school day and the nature of the timetable; he
    future” you will find plenty of people who will describe it to you:        these statistics mask the stories of the 79 individuals who took                                                                               revamped appraisal and teaching standards; he increased the
    rows and rows of children in virtual reality headsets, working             those exams, and achieved the grades they needed to take them                                                                                  use of data and the monitoring of pupils. All of these measures,
    at their own pace with access to a library the size of a small             into the next stage of their educational career. Two – Ben O’Neill                                                                             and more, had a significant impact on the school’s academic
    city, steering their own path through a world of wonder and                and Stephanie Peng - went to Cambridge, one – Kirstie Kirkley                                                                                  life, not to mention results, and the healthy picture I mentioned
    knowledge, to find true wisdom.                                            – to study medicine, Beth Snegir to a prestigious drama school,                                                                                to you at the beginning of my speech is due in no small measure
                                                                               four others off to read law and so on.                                                                                                         to Jonathan’s work over the past five years. Jonathan is a proper
    It sounds hard to believe and I, for one, do not believe it. The                                                                                                                                                          scholar, an academic who wears his intellect lightly, a colleague
    school of the future will look, I would argue, remarkably like the         However, and I make no apologies for repeating myself on                                                                                       whose wisdom, wit and charm have been huge assets to me
    school of the past. Education is not just about the accumulation           this, what is equally gratifying to see is those pupils whose        At the time around 536 ODs were serving in the forces and the             and the School; of course, he is also a great teacher, and
    of facts.                                                                  achievements are, on the face of it, more modest but also            fatality rate at Durham School was just under 20%. Almost half            pupils have benefited much from his teaching of History and
                                                                               represent the realisation of a life’s ambition, with a future in     of 98 ODs we commemorate were pupils at the School during                 Politics. Jonathan leaves us to take up his richly deserved
    Of course, that is important, but education is about what you              careers such as computer animation or midwifery. Those scenes        Budworth’s time and their loss was very difficult for him to deal         headship at Ripon Grammar School, just a stone’s throw from
    do with those facts – thinking critically, writing persuasively,           on results day are great to witness and I am sure we will see        with. It says much about the man that Budworth contributed a              where he currently lives, and I wish him the very best of luck
    and arguing logically and compellingly. Schools are about                  them again in August of this year.                                   significant proportion of the £10,000 cost of the chapel. It’s an         with that move.
    people – developing relationships with them, understanding and                                                                                  extraordinary achievement and a proper legacy for a great man.
    respecting difference and working as a team, about developing              RECORD GCSE RESULTS                                                                                                                            We also bid farewell to a number of governors this year.
    both a moral code and a resilience - facing and overcoming                 It was the Y11s last year however who were the stars of the show     SAYING GOODBYE                                                            Simon Hackett stepped down in January when he undertook a
    challenges, learning from our mistakes and growing as people.              with almost half of GCSE grades awarded at A* or A. 48% is the       Our resident tutors, Charlie Stubbings, Hannah Intjore and                sabbatical from his post as Principal of St Mary’s College. His
    No virtual classroom of pupils operating in isolation can                  highest percentage of those grades ever recorded at the school;      Alexander Landert do great work in the houses and I wish them             sense of moral compass and mission was much appreciated, as
    replicate that.                                                            twelve pupils attained straight A*-A grades; Ben Pulman and          well with their future studies and careers.                               was his expertise in the area of child protection ad online safety.

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The Dunelmian The Magazine of Durham School 2016-17 Edition Floreat Dunelmia - Old Dunelmian
S P E E C H    D A Y                                                                                                                           S P E E C H    D A Y

    Outgoing Chairman, Alasdair MacConachie, and                                                                                                                                                                                                             Alexander Smith, Head of School
    Incoming Chairman Rob Ribchester

                                                                              of the School over that time I am reminded of the thoughts of
                                                                              one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century - Trigger,       Flourishing
                                                                              the character from Only Fools and Horses. In one of his more
                                                                              pensive moods, Trigger is explaining to Del Boy that as a road-
                                                                              sweeper he has just received a commendation from the council
                                                                              for saving them money by using the same broom for 20 years.
                                                                              When asked how he has managed to keep it for so long, Trigger
                                                                              replies “by looking after it - this old broom has had 17 new          Extracts from Head of School
                                                                              heads and 14 new handles.”                                            Alexander Smith’s Speech Day
                                                                              Richard Dawkins explains the idea in a slightly different way.
                                                                              He invites us to think back to a memory from our childhood,
                                                                              something we can remember very clearly, something that we
                                                                              can hear, or smell as if you were really there. After all, you
                                                                              were really there at the time weren’t you? How else would you
                                                                              remember? The bombshell is that actually, you were not really
    Andrew Martell leaves us after five years as a governor with              there – there isn’t a single atom in your body now that was
    particular expertise on the financial side. He has been a                 present when that event took place. Whatever you are is not
    member of the Finance and general purposes committee and                  just whatever you are made of.
    Audit committee. His eye for detail, high standards and ethical
    approach have been much valued in those bodies, and his                   We want Durham School to make its mark. What marks
    financial acumen has meant the Burkitt trust, which pays for              a Dunelmian is Moral Integrity, Ambition, Responsibility
    the scholarships awarded to some of the Sixth Form, is in rude            and Kindness.
    health. We wish him a long and happy retirement.                                                                                                It seems like only yesterday that we all arrived at Durham               has an identity of its own but is still part of the whole school
                                                                              Whilst the MARK acronym may be new, the values aren’t, and            School. Some like me, seven years ago, and some only a year              community. However, whether we are best friends in school or at
    Gillian Kerr is one of our longest serving governors. Gillian’s           I will finish with an illustration of that. I was delighted to be     ago. However, I have truly felt that our Y13 group has been              games, most of these ties are put to one side when it comes to
    industrial and engineering expertise have stood us in great stead         presented earlier this term with a copy of a book of sermons of       given its chance to flourish and become its own important                House events.
    when looking at our working practices and her international               one of my illustrious predecessors, Canon Luce. It is a collection    cog in the machine that is Durham School.
    experience has been very useful to us in working with our                 of Sunday sermons he gave in Chapel – yes, we used to have                                                                                     This year at The Sage was no exception and the sight of
    overseas partners. Her common sense and plain speaking will               Chapel on Sundays... I was struck by what he said in what was         It is these thoughts of chances to flourish that I want to               people walking up to the stage in their whole Houses was
    be much missed and I wish her the best of luck for the future.            the equivalent of the today’s leavers’ service back in 1940 to        concentrate on today as we come to the end of our time here.             great. The intricacy of the part songs and range of instrumental
                                                                              the young men, as it was then who were leaving Durham, many           We all know the school motto: Floreat Dunelmia. I want my                performances was brilliant. Pupils may deny it but they are
    CHANGE AT THE TOP                                                         of whom were going off to war. I’m not going to read it all, but I    thoughts to apply not only for those leaving school today but            proud and nervous to represent their House when it comes to
    As you will have seen from his letter two days ago, Alasdair              think you will see what I mean from this extract:                     also for all returning next year.                                        singing, certainly a skill that is not everyone’s forte. This was
    MacConachie steps down as Chair of Governors this summer.                                                                                                                                                                certainly hammered home with me when in Y7, only a few
    Alasdair has been a huge help to the school over his time at it.          Each one of you, I hope and think, will have come to feel             Floreat Dunelmia; when we say it, sing it or read it in the Quad         weeks after joining the school I found myself in part song with
    He has steered the ship through some rocky waters – he took               affection, perhaps love for the School. Gratitude for all that        above the Luce Theatre doors on the way to lessons, what does            the bearded first team prop who shall remain nameless, who
    over at a tough time financially for the school and navigated             she has been and given to you, pride in her good name and             it mean? Do we ever wonder? We certainly should.                         was quite a presence.
    it through a prolonged recession.                                         fame; each one of you I hope and think takes away with you            Pop ‘flourish’ into Google and the various definitions speak of
                                                                              the determination to be worthy of her, to do nothing to sully         growing, prospering and developing in a healthy, vigorous way            School House was perfecting their rendition of Numb by Linkin
    The financial robustness we see now is due to the work he has             her good name, to do all you can to add to her fame.                  especially as a result of a an encouraging environment.                  Park and said person would take the lead with his good and
    done and, to use his favourite word, the grip he has possessed.                                                                                 For me and I think every pupil past and present, this environment        throaty voice. A passionate man, I will never forget the wind
    The other great asset Alasdair possesses is a large address book          Some of you I expect are feeling that you are ready to move           is Durham School. This year, at the Sage, both the concert               past my head when he slightly stumbled on a note in practice
    and he has worked hard to strengthen the governing body, its              on; you are looking forward to the wider freedom, the less            and the house music provided us with an opportunity to push              and took his anger out on the nearest chair dispatching it across
    expertise and its experience so that I feel the benefit of proper         restricted routine of life after School. We should hold ourselves     ourselves, stretch ourselves, grow and, perhaps, sort out some           the School House common room with ease. I saw not only the
    support and challenge in the job that I do. Many thanks Alasdair          ready to face, without hesitation, the challenge of change,           deep-rooted rivalries. We must look at what this event amongst           passion of the man but the passion of everyone in that part song
    for your work over the past thirteen years, and I am glad that            the challenge to our character and the capacities which new           the variety of other house events gives us. On the surface, as far       and in fact everyone involved in House music. His consideration
    we aren’t seeing the last of you at school events and occasions.          circumstances present.                                                as House Music is concerned, what do we see? We see lessons              and concern for everyone involved was infectious and it was
                                                                                                                                                    in lining up, trying to sing (not shout or grumble), and how to          after this experience that I felt settled in an environment where
    Our new Chairman, Rob Ribchester OD (P, 1992-99), takes                   So, I would say to those that are leaving. Do not let yourself feel   actually tum up to a rehearsal.                                          I too had already been pushed to flourish by the school within
    up a strong inheritance; the future will hold challenges but              too much regret that your time is over, life has greater things                                                                                my first term.
    we believe in what we do. The product of a Durham School                  instore for you than she has yet revealed to you. Greater tasks       If we think back to the definition of flourish, we had some very
    education is visible in Rob and I look forward to working                 to match your growing powers, greater opportunities of service,       good examples in our hours of practice of vigorous grumbling             Even though in the past seven years, Dr Alderson has assured
    with him.                                                                 greater knowledge of her deepest secrets. So face the coming          despite the encouraging environment!! But if we look deeper,             us every year that we have clearly been robbed, I cannot deny
                                                                              days in the spirit of adventure. Go forth from Durham in good         things like house spirit really come to the forefront. We are all        that it is the entertainment, the laughs, the camaraderie, the
    VALUES                                                                    heart. What, though the hill be steep, rise up and run.               in it together. Durham School is a community and within that             late-night pizza deliveries and the House togetherness that
    The lessons of the past, and Durham School has a proud 603-                                                                                     we have what you could call five sub-communities, our Houses,            make this an amazing event. Looking back, it is important to
    year history, must inform the future. When I think of the history         Floreat Dunelmia                                                      in which we form friends and memories for life. Each element             reflect on what we have learnt and the memories we have

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The Dunelmian The Magazine of Durham School 2016-17 Edition Floreat Dunelmia - Old Dunelmian
S P E E C H    D A Y                                                                                                                            S P E E C H    D A Y

                                                                                                                     The Outgoing Monitor Team

     made at events like these, but just as importantly to relish and                                                                                 debates in the university chambers. I’d certainly call those              slight moaning. However, I know it is valued and respected
     enjoy every minute. Every year, you appreciate more that it is an                                                                                experiences flourishing. However, coming to the end, it is                by myself, pupils and staff even when one who shall remain
     honour to work for the House and it is clear that those pupils                                                                                   important that we do not forget everything that has made our              nameless sleeps through his tea duty on a weekly basis and I
     who put so much time and effort into that really flourish in other                                                                               time so special. It’s true that time does fly when you’re having          end up doing it!
     walks of life. It takes a lot of self-motivation. The school makes                                                                               fun and these past seven years have been a blast. I can vouch
     us think on our feet and organise our lives and this really does                                                                                 for a lot of us in saying that we are indeed indebted to the              I would also like to take this opportunity to wish Georgina and
     ready us to really flourish at the next challenge, whatever that                                                                                 school for what it has done for us and the opportunities and              her team luck next year, I am confident that you will lead both
     might be.                                                                                                                                        challenges it has presented us with.                                      firmly and fairly upholding the values of the school in the job.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This time last year, I sat where you are I was wished better luck
     For me, sport has been a big part of my life and Durham School                                                                                   In addition, it is right at this stage to mention the massive             than Kirsty had with the privilege of growing a beard! I only
     has encouraged my love for any form of sport. I have tried                                                                                       contribution of all staff. I am not sure how many rushed emails           arrive clean shaven today because of how out of hand my beard
     many sports here, and have had the opportunity to represent the                                                                                  I have sent or silly questions I have wanted to ask but there has         was. So, continuing the tradition I wish you luck in it too.
     school in several countries in Europe. I have sometimes found                                                                                    always been someone to answer - and as well as the pupils,
     myself in at the deep end of a situation, race or session that, in         out and had a chance to think about it I sat in the vast fields for   the staff are just as important a cog in Durham School and                Before I conclude, from a pupil’s perspective I feel it is right
     hindsight, shows just how well the encouraging environment I               a while and could see why I valued joining the CCF so much.           form a key part of the heartbeat of the School.                           that we pay our respects to the Chairman for his 13 years of
     described earlier has enabled me to deal with it.                          Apart from the camaraderie, events and ridiculously cheap trips,                                                                                service and wish him all the best in the next steps of his life.
                                                                                it has taught me so much. Finding myself in that field or talking     One overarching thought I would commend to the ‘next                      Always ready with a shake of the hand and a question of how
     I am often asked: ‘what’s the best thing about the school?’                to regular serving and past soldiers and the general who was in       generation’ as it were, is the question of not only what can the          things are going, you always put a pupil at ease. Therefore,
     I don’t know what any other pupil answers but I would always               command of the SAS and British forces in the Gulf War, General        school do for you but what can you do for the School. Your                Mr M. from the pupils, thank you.
     say that it is the chance and encouragement to balance                     Sir Peter de la Billiere, taught me more than anything to think       House, your classmates and friends. Durham is a community,
     academic with extracurricular activity and the opportunities               on my feet. Discipline, being gritty and realising that sometimes     and is about so much more than the fabric of the buildings or             I opened by saying how you don’t know what you have until you
     that brings.                                                               you’ve just got to get on with stuff, despite bog experiences!        the taking of exams. It is a machine or perhaps a better term,            can’t have it any longer and how this feels so true as we leave.
                                                                                That’s learning, that’s experiences… and that is opportunity.         a heartbeat that needs its network of different people to keep            Let’s not leave such feelings until we are leaving, let’s cherish
                                                                                This year I am sure many of you have been involved in a project       it going, developing, growing and flourishing, with one thing             what we have and make the most of every opportunity this
                                                                                to find what the school’s key values are. The initial Compass         in common in this case being a Dunelmian.                                 school gives us. Leave thinking, I couldn’t have done any more!
                                                                                research has found that the dominant values of this school are                                                                                  It is now important for both leavers and people returning to
                                                                                moral integrity, ambition, responsibility and kindness.               Every Head of School whatever they say could not do without               school to look forward to the future with an open and fresh
                                                                                                                                                      the support and encouragement of the Monitors. A year ago,                mind ready to seize any opportunity given. So, to the people
                                                                                I believe that these values are not just something we strive for      we were appointed and today marks when we officially hand                 returning, keep going and learn that it will be hard work, but
                                                                                but something we already have. Some people may think that             over our roles to our successors with fresh eyes and thoughts.            it’s worth it! To those leaving, remember what you have learnt
                                                                                some of these values are sometimes missing from their or their        I genuinely thank you all for the work you have put in this year          here and what you are leaving behind, look forward and
                                                                                friends’ own experiences and this is where we all have to find        and notably Matthew and Charlotte, my deputies. The work we               remember that you will always be a Dunelmian. But to
                                                                                the strongest part of our character and challenge people and          all do in positions of responsibility as monitors and heads of            everyone, let Durham flourish!
                                                                                circumstances. Throughout the year, we hear the school song           houses is often unsung and unseen. I can assure everyone here
                                                                                belted out at various events in voices I am sure only Mr Muttit       that Astroturf duty was not enjoyed and did not go without                Floreat Dunelmia.
                                                                                could find fault in. One, which particularly stuck in my head,
                                                                                was at the dinner where the Y13 were kindly invited by the
                                                                                OD Lodge to dine with them.
     I have been involved in several other schools like Durham
     whether through family, friends or my own experience and I truly           It was an occasion where Dunelmians old and new all came
     believe that we are unique.We are a relatively small school but            together with that past school experience being the one thing
     successfully cover a huge range of things that come together               they have in common, which turned out to be so much more.
     to make our school a community from so many walks of life:                 In the last verse of the song we have the tradition of getting
     whether it’s music, sport, drama or CCF. In my experience of               as high as possible to sing it and seeing a 90-year-old man
     North East schooling, this is rare. We are not an exam factory, a          clambering onto his chair not only worried me slightly but really
     rugby college or drama school, but we are an ambitious group               highlighted how special these words are to us as a community
     of rounded individuals who are good at managing time and                   and which still resonated with him after all these years.
     being proactive. It is hard to describe without it sounding cliché.
     Some may say it is an overused phrase, but a school like this is           Before writing this, it was hard to narrow down my examples
     a family and with a number of us living and working together               of my opportunities to flourish because I think the school has
     throughout the many weeks of not only this year but the last               presented me with so many and I’ve been thinking about what
     seven, I cannot think of a more suitable phrase.                           everyone else’s experiences are as well. This reminds me of a
                                                                                UCAS form because I find myself leaving out so many good
     One final example of my chance to flourish was on CCF                      parts of my school career. When we had to write our forms, it
     summer camp last year at Catterick Garrison where I found                  came as a surprise to some of us how much we had actually
     myself waist deep in a bog at 1am, with the Yorkshire Regiment             done. Many of my peers were disappointed to have to leave
     doing company-level attacks about a mile away.                             out so school highlights. like sports trips to America, France or
     So that’s roughly several hundred regular soldiers. I must admit           Antigua, drama performances in professional theatres, music
     that upon falling in the bog I wasn’t best pleased but when I got          performances in a world heritage site or concert hall or                                                                                                                     The Speech Day Prize Winners 2017

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                                                                     F O R W A R D

                                                                                                                                                Aleksandre Gorgadze, Y12

                                        Looking Forward
       Durham School has produced some of the country’s most distinguished academics, business and community
         leaders – and it intends to produce many more, as Development Director, Andrew Beales, explains….
      For six centuries Durham School has honed the brains and
      bodies of its young people to ensure they fulfil their potential               Professor Ward-Thompson
      in whichever field they choose, be it academia, business,
      sport or the arts.

      This year, Durham School appointed Andrew Beales, one
      of the UK’s most experienced education development
      professionals, to deliver an overarching strategy to ensure
      the school continues to be at the forefront of academic
      and extracurricular excellence in the years to come.

      “Durham is an academically excellent school with inspirational
      teachers and a broad range of facilities,” says Andrew, who                       “Many of our most distinguished
      is also a member of the board of trustees for the Institute of
      Development Professionals in Education.
                                                                                      ex-pupils, including Professor Ward-
                                                                                     Thompson, have been King’s Scholars”
      “Whatever their strengths, our pupils come away with the
      confidence to make the most of the opportunities they have              bursaries we need to continue to engage with our parents,
      in life.”                                                               alumni and friends in the wider community.”

      At the heart of the blueprint for the next decade is a continued        Durham School’s determination to ensure its expertise is as
      emphasis on academic excellence, including science,                     accessible to as many young people as possible is not new –
      technology, engineering and mathematics, the so-called                  indeed, goes back to the foundation of the School in 1414.
      STEM subjects.
                                                                              The School’s founding charter talks about “teaching poor
      “We have a very strong track record in the sciences,”                   persons gratis and receiving moderate stipends from those
      says Andrew, “and not just those eminent Victorian                      who are willing to pay”. This aim was bolstered by Henry VIII
      figures remembered in our school prizes, such as Henry                  in 1541 when he founded the School’s prestigious ‘King’s
      Tristram FRS.                                                           Scholarships’.

      “More recent Old Dunelmians include internationally                     “King’s Scholarships have a long and illustrious history of
      renowned astronomer and planetary scientist Professor Derek             recognising and rewarding academic talent,” says Andrew.
      Ward-Thompson FRAS, Director of the ‘Jeremiah Horrocks
      Institute of Maths, Physics and Astronomy of the University             “Many of our most distinguished ex-pupils, including Professor
      of Central Lancashire’ and Professor Quentin Anstee FRCP,               Ward-Thompson, have been King’s Scholars.
      Professor of Experimental Hepatology & Consultant Physician
      at the University of Newcastle.                                         “To be a King’s Scholar – or the holder of any of the
                                                                              many available scholarships at Durham School - is a great
      “Both Quentin and Derek are among an increasing number                  achievement and recognises great potential. Professor
      of ODs helping to inspire future generations.                           Anstee for example received one of our prestigious

                                                                              Burkitt Scholarships.”
      “We believe it is important that pupils study all three sciences
      alongside creative subjects such as Design and Technology.              “For pupils starting next academic year, we are awarding
                                                                              38 scholarships across a range of subjects.
      “STEM subjects embrace the development of critical thinking
      skills, utilising logical thought processes such as engineering         “Seven will be King’s Scholars, and a further seven sixth
      design and scientific method across subject areas.                      form Burkitt Scholarships. Our Peter Lee Scholarship is also
                                                                              awarded to a sixth form student of Chinese ancestry who is
      “To ensure this continued success we need to build on our               academically and musically gifted.”
      tradition of inspirational teachers, provide high class facilities
      and have the right bursaries and scholarships in place to               Durham School is a charity, non-selective, and receives no
      enable talented young people to study here.                             state support at all. “We currently invest around £1m a year in
                                                                              bursaries and scholarships and, in the coming years, we hope
      “To provide the next generation of labs, classrooms and                 to continue to develop these programmes,” said Andrew.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Chapel and Masters’ Green

      From the Chaplain                                                                                                                                                                                    “It has been a particular joy to establish a
                                                                                                                                This year has seen the establishment of a Charity Committee.
                                                                                                                                This has involved pupils from each house taking on
                                                                                                                                responsibility for selecting the charities that we support as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                           relationship with Zambezi Sunrise Trust”
                                                                                                                                school and coming up with fundraising ideas. The Michaelmas
                                                                                                                                term saw Christmas candy canes sold in aid of the Zambezi              Gillette OD, which works with Schools in Zambia. It has been
      The Chapel remains, both physically and spiritually,      This year it was a joy to see five pupils and one member of     Sunrise Trust.                                                         a real joy seeing the money we have raised contribute towards
                                                                staff confirmed in the Chapel by the Bishop of Jarrow with                                                                             the building of a new, much needed school in Zambia.
      at the very heart of Durham School. The ninety-eight
                                                                full ceremony. The service was full of joy and a momentous      The Easter term saw a twelve-hour non-stop football match
      steps up to Chapel never get any easier to climb,         occasion for those involved.                                    in aid of Lion’s RAW, and the Trinity term saw a charity cricket       Special thanks this year go to Stavros Gidopoulos and the
      and yet week in, week out, the whole community                                                                            match in aid of Cricket Beyond Boundaries. In total, we have           Charity Committee, Mr Muttitt and the Chapel Choir, and
                                                                Our usual round of Cathedral Services included a spectacular    managed to raise over £4,600 in aid of charities this year,            the School Monitors who work tirelessly to keep the Chapel
      makes its pilgrimage up the holy hill and encounters
                                                                Carol Service, Choral evensong sung beautifully by the School   which is a huge achievement. It has been a particular joy to           running smoothly.
      something bigger than itself.                             Choir, and inspiring talks by Canon Sophie Jelley and Canon     establish an ongoing relationship between the school and
                                                                Sue Pinnington MBE.                                             the Zambezi Sunrise Trust. This a new charity, set up by John          Father Simon

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         Cooking at Caffinites

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Performing at House Music Festival, Sage Gateshead

      The Caffinites                                                            stuck in and giving it our all made it a memorable event in
                                                                                my opinion.

                                                                                Personally, I do not believe in the phrase “it’s the taking part
                                                                                                                                                          “Teamwork and the determination to
                                                                                                                                                            continue trying no matter what”
      This year in The Caffinites has been one of many
                                                                                that counts”, therefore, we shall now look at our performances
      highs, both in the regular workings of the House                          in tug-of-war and rowing. Two spectacular events we                House rowing, as expected, ended up in a resounding
      and in House competitions.                                                approached unsure of how we would perform.                         victory over 2km on the ergo. House tug-of-war on the
                                                                                                                                                   other hand was not so predictable and due to true grit and
      This year Caffinites were winners of the House Music                      As a rower, I was hopeful of the win in House rowing, and          determination by all competing ended up in a victory over
      competition at the Sage. It has been many years since The                 then on the other hand we have tug-of-war, of which we             both Houses.
      Caffinites last lifted the trophy. A shock to many but credit             have no expertise in - and certainly did not have the biggest
      to all the lads putting effort in to come away with such an               team physically.                                                   This teamwork and the determination to continue trying
      achievement and it’s fair to say that this year we were not                                                                                  no matter what is what I believe really encompasses the                                                     House Tug of War Team
      robbed of the win.                                                                                                                           morals and spirit of The Caffinites. I could go on listing
                                                                                                                                                   other House events at which we excelled at but these are
      Next, it was House Cross Country. We have pedigree in this                                                                                   definitely my top picks.
      event having won in previous years and it’s safe to say we
      did not disappoint again coming away with the overall win                                                                                    There are no words I can use to explain how proud I am of
      on what I remember was a damp but memorable day.                                                                                             the House and all those in it over the past academic year.
                                                                                                                                                   It has been a true pleasure to have been Head of House
      As well as these two whole-House events, other House                                                                                         of what I can safely say without bias is the best House
      events such as rowing, tug of war and basketball cannot                                                                                      in Durham School and I will miss the House and school
      go unmentioned. Basketball is not our strong point as a                                                                                      dearly. Now I am passing the role to Max, who I’m sure will
      House, however the coming together as a team to try a                                                                                        enjoy it as much as I have and I’m sure the glory and the
      sport that many of us had never seen in ‘real time’ before                                                                                   spirit will remain and flourish.
      was spectacular.
                                                                                                                                                   Floreat Dunelmia!
      Unfortunately, we did not get the win in this event however,                                                           Clan Activities                                                                                                                              House Blade
      the spectacle of clueless running around the court, getting                                                                                  Alasdair Richardson, Head of House

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MacLeod F1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MacLeod Girls at
                                                                                                             Sports Day 2017                                                                                         Ski Trip                    Sportswomen's Dinner

     MacLeod House                                                                                                             Throughout the year, the girls arranged cake sales to help
                                                                                                                               raise money for the Indian girl we sponsor to go school. It
                                                                                                                               gives the girls a great sense of helpfulness and happiness
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Before House BBQs we completed the year with an inter-house
                                                                                                                                                                                                           event. This included House rounders, football, tug-of-war,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           table tennis and swimming and the MacLeod girls came
     Time has flown by in MacLeod House over                                                                                   when we receive our updates from India.                                     out on top in all events. The House Swimming was a great
     2016 and 2017. It has been filled with amazing                                                                                                                                                        success for the House winning every event and breaking
                                                                                                                               In February, we had one of the biggest inter-house events,                  14 records.
     memories from all of the girls that certainly we                                                                          House Music. This year we chose to sing ‘Can’t Stop the
     will treasure forever.                                                                                                    Feeling’ for our House song, which was conducted by Jo                      We would like to thank Mrs Piñan, our Y13 tutor, for all her
                                                                                                                               Heron. We achieved the highest scoring Part Song section                    support and advice and wish her luck in the following years
     House Cross Country in December was a tough run in incredibly                                                             singing a rendition of Adele’s ‘Send My Love’, which was                    at Durham School. Mrs Thompson was of course part of
     cold conditions with a frozen ground making it a difficult run.                                                           supported, arranged and conducted by Georgina Brown.                        MacLeod’s success and her inspiration and diligence kept the
     MacLeod secured the win for the Junior run and Swainston,                                                                 Even if the overall result wasn’t what we wanted, the girls                 girls enthusiastic towards any challenge, as well as Mrs Abbott
     but coming close behind Pimlico in the Dunelm.                                                                            tried their best and made it a great experience.                            for her care towards the girls in the House. This year has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                           incredible for Y13s and we are sad to leave our second home.
     House Christmas Suppers are a highlight of every year before                                                              For House Netball and House Hockey in March the girls chose                 Even the little things make MacLeod unique, such as
     the break for Christmas. Mrs Thompson and the rest of the                                                                 a strong team for both, including those who have never played               the lunch time Dominos that the Sixth Form girls regularly
     MacLeod family made sure it was enjoyable; one of many nights                                                             the sports before. This showed amazing house spirit and                     enjoyed and the post-Dunelm hot chocolates in the common
     to cherish and remember during our time at school.                                              House Tug of War Team     commitment that we are immensely proud of.                                  room. It creates a unique sense of community that’s hard to
                                                                                                                                                                                                           replicate. This was indeed a very successful year and looking
     At the beginning of the New Year we welcomed Mrs Summers                                                                  Sport’s Day saw MacLeod winning overall for the girls for                   back on these memories it is easy to say that it has been
     to MacLeod House as a music teacher and Y12 tutor, whilst                                                                 another year. Also this year, many Macleod girls have achieved              a privilege to be part of MacLeod. We will greatly miss the
     Mrs Murray went on maternity leave and welcomed a new baby                 “Amazing house spirit and commitment           individual awards with special mentions to Emma Reed as                     school, its staff and our House.
     girl. Mrs Summers was a great addition and we enjoyed having                  that we are immensely proud of”             swimming captain and being awarded Dedication for Sport;
     her here, especially during House Music where she gave us a                                                               Jo Heron for being awarded Sports Woman of the Year and                     MacLeod moto: Hold Fast.
     helping hand. We also had Sharon as our Matron, whom the                                                                  Kari Dougall for her performance in shooting for the U18
     girls love to talk to every day.                                                                                          England team.                                                               Natasha Mansell & Fiona Sime

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                                                                                                                                                   Pimlico Bake-Off Winners, 2017

                                                                                                                      Pimlico House at the
                                                                                                                    Tug of War competition

     Pimlico House                                                           Letty Peng and Emily Bullock for their musical direction and
                                                                             Charlotte Etherington and Nurul Fadilah for their organisation
                                                                             of the House. We performed our instrumental and part song
                                                                             pieces brilliantly and when it came to our Unison piece, a blip
     This year once again has flown by, but we have                          in the music failed to un-nerve us and we continued perfectly.                                                                               House Monitor Team 2016-17
                                                                             Unfortunately, our best was not good enough to win the overall
     packed a huge amount in, achieved great success
                                                                             trophy however our House Song impressed the adjudicator.
     and worked extremely hard. The School Monitor                                                                                                                                      We thank our Tutor team of Miss Parkin (now Mrs Brownlee)
     team of Charlotte Etherington, Selena Li, Nurul                         Pimlico House is well known for a good celebration and                                                     (Y13), Miss Hinde (Y12), Mrs Eccleston (Y11), Mr Wardle
     Fadilah and I along with our House Monitors,                            following our Christmas dinner in Big School, we enjoyed a                                                 (Y10), Miss Buist (Y9) and Miss Baylis and Miss Little (Y7&8).
                                                                             speech by Mrs Rochester, the awarding of colours and our                                                   We also thank Mrs Wood for her help as Deputy Housemistress
     Jayne Etherington and Helena Campbell, worked
                                                                             House Entertainment, which was deemed the best for quite                          Dunelm Run, 2016         and Miss Dean as our Resident Tutor. We also say goodbye
     hard to ensure all our new girls settled in well.                       a while; a David Attenborough-style documentary about the                                                  to Mrs Wood and also to Miss Baylis and Mr Wardle. Mrs
                                                                             creatures (girls) who live in the Pimlico habitat and their strange                                        Rochester and Matron are always here for us and they have
     Our first House event in December was the Dunelm Run,                   habits. Girls and staff were rolling around the floor in laughter.                                         unending patience. Thank you to you all.
     a really hard challenge on a cold, crisp day. Our younger               Our House BBQ in the summer had a Coachella theme, which
     runners competed first with Grace James in Y7, storming to              was well received by girls and staff. After speeches, we all                                               One job the House staff enjoyed doing was judging the Pimlico
     impressive victory and the fastest time of the day amongst all          enjoyed games, a chocolate fountain, a photo booth and                                                     Bake Off Competition in February. Girls from all years, baked
     the girls in school. In our inters, Libby Houston was the victor        face painter.                                                                                              some wonderful cakes and the competition was really tough.
     and in the senior event, Orla Jackson finished first, closely                                                                                                                      Well done to our winner, Daisy Sullivan and to Katie Colborn,
     followed by Imogen Hurst, Heidi Rochester, Megan Brown                           “House BBQ in the summer had a                                                                    Asia Koltai-Newton and Elise Robinson-Towers on their
     and Zara Hudson. We won the overall trophy and the senior                                                                                                                          amazing cakes.
     event but narrowly lost the Removes and the Inters.                                     Coachella theme’
                                                                                                                                                                                        I would like to thank everyone in Pimlico for another enjoyable
     Our participation in House Swimming at Freemans Quay in                 Feel Good Week in February saw everyone in the House                                                       and successful year and I wish Sophie Atkinson, Beryl Yan,
     February was very impressive. Sophie Atkinson won our only              having a secret friend, who they had to make feel good each                                                Imogen Hurst, Beata Juricova and Zara Hudson the best of
     event in the backstroke. Our teamwork and willingness to                day. Gifts of cupcakes, balloons, sweets, notes, stationary,                                               luck as Monitors next year. I know the House will be in good
     compete showed true House spirit; every single girl in Y7-Y9            photos and toiletries were shared. Girls also enjoyed a pizza                                              hands and the Pimlico spirit will only strengthen.
     volunteered for the team along with our older girls.                    and film night during this week.
                                                                                                                                                                                        DESTITUTUS VENTIS, REMOS ADHIBE
     The big event of the year for Houses was the House Music                As always in Pimlico we are grateful for the kindness and                                                  If the wind will not serve, take to the oars
     Festival at the Sage, Gateshead. I thank Helena Campbell,               support shown to us girls by our House Staff and tutors.                  Juniors, Dunelm Run, 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                        Anu Krishna, Head of House

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                                                                                                                Pranav Sambamoorthi as
                                                                                                                         The Mad Hatter

     Poole                                                                                                                                       Individual successes: Sam Newton was selected for the National
                                                                                                                                                 Independent Schools England Rugby squad. Rob Milbanke and
                                                                                                                                                 Sam Newton played for the North of England; and
                                                                                                                                                 Dylan Fleming-Jones also enjoyed his game for the Lambs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        On Sports Day there were plenty of excellent overall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        performances in both track and field, and we achieved a ream
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of winners’ and runners-up certificates.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Stand-out individual performances from Callum Brown, Na’il

                                                                                                                                                 at Saracens.                                                           Goodwin, Conor Dougall, Ewan Greenlaw, Joe Stelling, Danny
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Paterson and Rob Milbanke.
                                                                                                                                                 The Sevens: Rob Milbanke, Harvey Jackson, Sam Newton and
                                                                                                                                                 Will Jewitt were particularly impressive. U18 competition at           Poole victories in Inter House Olympiad for senior table tennis,
                                                                                                                                                 Rosslyn Park: Harry Jackson, Sam Newton, Nathan Bushnell,              dream team of Jonty, Will, Putter, Harry and Steven. In the junior
     The great family atmosphere of Poole
                                                                                                                                                 Rob Milbanke, Kyle Elliott and Will Jewitt helped the team beat        team Oscar Priestley won both his matches.
     House was given a further boost                                                                                                             Michaelhouse, Bede’s and Esher College.                                In the intermediate rowing the Poole team won comfortably,
     this year with the arrival of our kind,                                                                                                     Hockey: Lukas van Houcke and Henry Hudson, Magnus Oliver,              helped by some impressive rowing from both Raphael and
     caring, new matron, Elaine who                                                                                                              Will Priestley and Will Panter, Cameron Fyfe, Henry Hudson,            Ewan. The Senior Rugby was also won by Poole.
                                                                                                                                                 Danny Paterson and Lukas van Houcke.
     always goes the extra mile.
                                                                                                                                                 Basketball was revitalised as a sport with most of the first team      The House Music this year was held back until February. While
                                                                                                                                                 Poole boys. Zee, Stephen, Liam, Kevin and Aleks all enjoyed an         we were disappointed to be pipped into second place, we knew
                                                                                                                                                 exciting games.                                                        we performed very well.Thanks to Henry Hudson for planning
                                                                                                                                                 Our cricketing namechecks: Will Jewitt, Sol Bell, Jonny                and rehearsing everything, to Will Gray for his support with
                                                                                                                                                 Bushnell and Nathan Bushnell, Jonty Megginson and Cameron              organisation and rehearsals, and to the whole House for their
                                                                                                                                                 Fyfe. For the U15s; Robbie Fyfe, Under 13s Callum Brown and            effort and dedication, particularly those involved in part-song
                                                                                                                                                 Will Priestley.                                                        and instrumental performances.

                                                                                                                                                 In athletics events there were some star performances from             The most dramatic match in all the house competitions was the
     Thank also to our monitors; Will Gray who has been a superb             from the junior debating competition to the Top of the Bench        Conor Dougall, Ewan Greenlaw, Jack Moralee, Nat Stanford,              final of the Senior House Rugby. The Y10 Poole team had won
     Head of House, Tom Edge, Henry Hudson and Lukas van                     Chemistry competition. Congratulations to Jeff, Stephen,            Ollie Sullivan, Joe Hogan and Josh Bland.                              both their matches very comfortably to win their tournament;
     Houcke as school monitors, and to Jonty Megginson, Alex Kerr,           David and Isaac who all achieved the gold award in the                                                                                     the Y11 team had absolutely torn Caffinites apart in their first
     Adi Hitchins and Liam Leung as house monitors for making it             maths challenge; congratulations to Will Priestley for winning      As ever, there was plenty of rowing throughout the year.               game. The outcome of the whole competition came down to the
     such a pleasant year.                                                   the chemistry section of the Science Fair with his                  Alex Kerr returned from his first competitive sculls experience at     senior final, Poole against School. This was among the closest
                                                                             nanotechnology work. Activities Week highlights included the        Wansbeck with a big smile and a winner’s cup. Great efforts all        and most hard-fought match of any house match for many
     In the Autumn term we welcomed several Russian boys to                  Soapbox Challenge, the Vikings Visit, trips to Robin Hood’s Bay,    season from Alex Kerr, Alex Jones, Joe Stelling and Filip. Paddy       years. Sam Newton deserves credit as captain, but there were
     the House: It seemed as if we had barely said ‘da svidahnia’,           Centre for Life trip,  Aerial Extreme and Zombie Apocalypse -       Kell and Tom Panter, Raphael Hoffman. Giacomo Barbavara                also superb individual performances from Adi Hitchins, Harry
     when we were welcoming some young Chinese boys into the                 and of course Lightwater Valley.                                    and Lorenzo Previati joined Will Panter and Alex Mitchelson            Jackson, Niall Pace, Nathan Bushnell, Will Jewitt and Kyle Elliot.
     house. They really enjoyed themselves finishing their visit with                                                                            to win the John Short trophy, ably coxed by Joe Stelling. Our          It was a very exciting year in Poole once again, and thanks to all
     a heart-warming concert of traditional music and dancing.               We enjoyed art trips to Liverpool and Edinburgh, a politics trip    performance in the House competitions was exceptionally strong         the teachers, the tutors of Poole House, and the house staff who
     In the summer term, we welcomed Italian boys, Lorenzo and               to London, which included everything from a visit to the House      this year. The boys competed brilliantly in the House Cross            have given the boys much kindness and support over the years
     Giacomo, who made a very positive impression in the house.              of Lords to a Jack the Ripper tour, the Duke of Edinburgh           Country with half the top ten places in both the Swainston and         to help them succeed. Filip Topic takes over from Will Gray as
     Y13’s success was down to the way they gelled together                  practice expedition at Aysgarth Falls, and the Geography trip       the Dunelm, and we won the Dunelm event overall, the first time        the Head of House next year, and we wish good luck in the role.
     as a year group, whether revising on picnic tables on                   to Barcelona.                                                       for several years. Congratulations to Conor Dougall for winning
     the front lawn or in our study rooms: they achieved the second                                                                              the Swainston by a very comfortable margin.                            Mr D Reith, Senior Housemaster
     best A level results the school has ever had.                           Drama and Music were again particular highlights this year.
                                                                             School play The Crucible was outstanding. Well done to all
     There were plenty of entertaining moments throughout the                those Pooleites involved, especially Alex Gorgadze.                                                                                                                          Poole House at Sports Day
     year. Who could forget Kevin Zhao’s beautiful performance on            The junior play Alice in Wonderland was also a triumph,
     the Chinese flute at House Suppers, the staff’s ludicrous fancy         perhaps especially Pranav as the Mad Hatter, Joe as the King
     dress rendition of YMCA, or Jonas Laycock’s hilarious ‘Accents’         of Hearts, and Na’il as the March Hare. Poole boys also
     routine? House BBQ was a fantastically fun event, though there          performed well in the Chadeyron Music competition, and in
     was a sad moment when we said farewells to Mr Younger, who              the Christmas Concert, Pranav’s beautiful reading being one
     leaves us to become Housemaster of School House, and to Mr              memorable moment.
     Gardner, who is retiring from teaching.
                                                                             Time to namecheck the Pooleites who impressed on the
     Boarders enjoyed a very broad range of activities this year. Trips      sports field: In the Rugby season: Kyle Elliott, Sam Newton,
     to Bowes Museum, High Force and Hadrian’s Wall, First Aid               Harry Jackson, Will Jewitt, Nathan Bushnell, Rob Milbanke, Adi
     training, ice skating, a local Exit game, clay pigeon shooting,         Hitchins and Niall Pace all gave regular, excellent performances.
     ten-pin bowling, golf, an all-day charity football match and            Hawks and the U17 matches: Jonty Megginson, Niall                                                                                                                        “There were plenty of
     go-karting (where Jonty beat Mr McMillan). There were also              Greenlaw, Lucas Wood, Dylan Fleming Jones, Archie O’Dair
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      entertaining moments
     the usual favourite trips to the Metrocentre, Dalton Park, York         and Robbie Hall.
     and Newcastle.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    throughout the year”
                                                                             Contributions from: Filip Topic, Alex Gorgadze,Jonas Laycock.
     Y13 took time to get involved a the vast range of events                In the U15 team: Phil Greenbank, Ewan Lydiatt, Nat Stanford,
     including: Careers Fair, talks and debates and competitions             Ewan Greenlaw, Jonny Bushnell, Conor Dougall

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                                                                                                                                                      being led by Alex Smith and the latter by Aydin Simsek. Both            until the boys were eclipsed by a yet more impressive squad of
                                                                                                                                                      did an excellent job of picking a song as well as arranging and         athletes in the staff event; Messers Clayton, Dias, and Rumble
                                                                                                                                                      organizing practices. The Part song chosen was ‘Everything’ by          provided Dr Alderson with a much-needed head start on his
                                                                                                                                                      Michael Bublé, with Alex Smith bringing together the strongest          rivals to help Bungites retain the ginger baton for the seventh
                                                                                                                                                      voices from the entire age range of the House: William Palmer-          consecutive year.
                                                                                                                                                      Muttit (LR), Jonathan Anstee (Shell), John Moody (UV), Stavros
                                                                                                                                                      Gidopulous, Alex Dryden (LVI), Aydin Simsek, George Grewal              As this was scheduled to be Dr Alderson’s last year as
                                                                                                                                                      and Cameron Wright (UVI). Unfortunately again for the House,            housemaster, we knew we had to do something special to mark
                                                                                                                                                      a somewhat unfair ending occurred, with Alex Dryden’s fantastic         the occasion; in the famed Bungite Barbecue would be where
                                                                                                                                                      finale being disrupted by premature clapping. Nonetheless, the          we made our mark. In previous years, there has always been a
                                                                                                                                                      boys regained composure well and finished strongly, coming              theme announced by Dr Alderson, with notable highlights my
                                                                                                                                                      third. For the final installment of the House Music categories,         time being the Star Wars theme of 2016, or the Hawaiian theme
                                                                                                                                                      the instrumental, Aydin Simsek chose ‘Birdland’ by the Weather          of 2013. For this year, Dr Alderson had chosen Lederhosen
                                                                                                                                                      Report, scoring an excellent 28/30. Again many similar faces to         as the theme. However, we boys had other ideas. The entire
                                                                                                                                                      the part song took to the stage for this section, including William     House kept the secret of a rebellion of the theme, and that we
                                                                                                                                                      Palmer-Muttit (LR), Jonathan Anstee (Shell), Piers Oxenham              would instead all be dressing up as Dr Alderson for the final
                                                                                                                                                      (Shell), James Mcnaughton-Jones (UV), Alex Smith and Simon              day: complete in tweed jackets, offensively bright chinos and, if
                                                                                                                                                      Turnbull (UVI). Overall, House Music was not such a successful          you wished, a toy black Labrador or two. I will never forget the
                                                                                                                                                      endeavor, but the pure commitment to rehearsals and the spirit          look on Dr Alderson’s face as he walked through the door to
                                                                                                            School House Sofa in the Quad             of the House was something that I know I will never forget.             find a sea of 130 people wearing masks of his own face and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              all wearing clothing, identical to his everyday wear. The fact that
                                                                                                                                                      In the period following the disappointing loss of House Music,          he was dressed in tight dungarees and knee-high alpine socks

     School House                                                              On a slightly more sombre note, one of the most compelling
                                                                               days of the year came in early November, Remembrance Day.
                                                                               The Chapel service was particularly poignant and relevant to
                                                                               those in the senior end of the House, as it was our predecessors
                                                                                                                                                      School House was sure to put it right with some sporting
                                                                                                                                                      achievements. The perfect place to start was the Dunelm
                                                                                                                                                      Run in perfect winter conditions. All ran excellently, and one
                                                                                                                                                      boy’s contribution is no greater than another’s; nevertheless,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              made this even funnier. I would like to thank all the boys and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              tutors in the House for helping me to arrange and keep this

     Throughout my previous six years in the School                            who would have signed up to fight for their country and do their       particular mention must go to the Removes on gaining first
     House, each has left me with a feeling of success,                        duty. The service creates an unparalleled sense of community           place. Joe Nordli [UVI], Piers Oxenham [Shell], and Oliver
     and to report that the 2016-17 year was any different                     in the School, which I know many were moved by, as we                  Chapman [UR] are to be commended on their excellent
     would be a lie.                                                           remembered those names carved into the walls around us.                performances; Mr McCarron was the first member of staff home
                                                                               With Christmas approaching fast, arguably the best-loved               with Dr Alderson chomping at his heels. Overall, Bungites
     The House was led by a strong group of monitors, with Dominic             House event was nearing with it: House suppers and House               gained second place, and the grit of the boys in the House
     Scott, Aydin Simsek, Simon Sebban and Simon Turnbull                      Entertainment. For the juniors, this consisted of a Christmas          on display was commendable and attests to their collective
     appointed as School Monitors and Alex Smith taking the reins as           dinner in Big School with plenty of good company from teachers         determination of character, typical of Bungites, with ever-strong
     Head of School. Having this group of boys to support me made              and fellow pupils alike, followed by a movie. For the seniors, this    inter-House encouragement.
     the House a pleasure to lead, particularly during the Christmas           meal was followed by some ‘quality’ entertainment - a particular
     term - traditionally unparalleled in its chaos, and this year was         highlight being a video of some of the international pupils’           Among the other competitions in the School year, the basketball            Tribute to Dr Alderson at House Music
     no exception. The 24 new faces in the House quickly learned               conversations in their mother tongues being translated for the         turned out to be one of the most rewarding. Captained by our
     the ropes, as Dr. Alderson’s swift roll call style was learned and        rest of the House to understand. This ensured comedic results          very own basketball prodigy, Jackie Zhang (LVI), Bungites beat
     perfected to a fine art within the first few weeks.                       that rendered pupils and teachers alike in stitches. Following this,   the Caffinites and drew with Poole House, whose team consisted          secret so well. However, special thanks must go to Mrs Alderson,
                                                                               the VI Form was then invited back to Private Side for an evening       almost entirely of first-team basketball players, to win on points      who kept her husband as far from suspicion as she could,
     The first event of the year, only a week in, was the annual               of games and good company. This was unquestionably a perfect           difference, retaining the trophy for the fourth consecutive year.       despite it meaning she also had to dress in lederhosen.
     participation of the UVI and staff in the Great North Run. On             way to finish the term.                                                A particular mention of note in terms of sports goes to                 It is with a heavy collective heart that the Bungites lose their
     the pupils’ side Aydin Simsek, Dominic Scott and Alex Smith                                                                                      Cameron Nordli-Kelemeti for his selection to play for England’s         housemaster of nine years, a housemaster who has been
     all completed the circuit along with a strong staff contingent            As the looming threat of the House Music competition drew              U18 rugby team on numerous occasions throughout the second              respected, revered and valued by countless pupils in his time
     of Mr Sturt, Ms Hinde, Mr Macarron, Mrs Alderson and Dr                   closer, the solidarity of Bungites grew with the newer members         half of the year.                                                       in the house. The School House could not have evolved into
     Alderson. All recorded respectable times in support of Tommy’s            becoming more comfortable and confident in rehearsals.                                                                                         the splendid place that it is today without him. Current and Old
     charity, raising over £8 000. Seeing the hard training that the           Inevitably, new talents and levels of experience were brought          Exams approached fast and as the senior pupils battened down            Bungites alike wish him the best of luck in his new role within
     boys and staff put in to their preparation for this brilliant cause       to the forefront of the House. With no better a place to display       the hatches to prepare for these, the dynamic of the House              the School and hope he enjoys it (almost) as much as being
     made the House proud.                                                     this than the Sage, Gatehead, our chosen song for the unison           changed to accommodate with this as it became [at least                 our Housemaster. I am sure that Mr Younger will continue the
                                                                               was the well-known banger ‘Country Roads’. The entire VI               slightly] quieter and more suited to revision.                          evolution of the House with a fresh perspective, and I wish him
     It is not often that ODs, and especially Old Bungites, break              Form was confident that this song would capture the audience’s                                                                                 the best of luck on behalf of Bungites.
     the news; however, in October a film crew from the BBC came               attention, fire up the well-known spirit of the House and propel       The final week of the year is always brimming with events and
     to interview a previous housemaster and English teacher I                 us to victory. Alas, fiery spirits do not necessarily make for the     preparations for the House Barbecue on the last day. Sports day         I offer my best wishes to the boys who have left us as Old
     remember particularly fondly, Hugh Dias, for a programme                  most tuneful of efforts. Despite my wearing of a cowboy hat            was the final competition for the House. With some very close-          Dunelmians this year, and good luck to those remaining in
     about Alexander Armstrong’s life. In the interview, Alexander             while conducting, we were only awarded last place for the              run events [pun intended], it was gratifying to see the House           Bungites for 2017-18. Finally, It only remains for me to wish
     reminisces about his times at Durham and, in particular, his              unison, a feat which has plagued the School House multiple             claim victory at Sports’ Day with some outstanding performances         Stavros Gidopulous the very best of luck in what I have found to
     penchant for mimicry of the teachers, something which has                 times during the last seven years. The more musically talented         across the ages. Once again, the Senior Relay team triumphed,           be one of the School’s most rewarding positions.
     certainly become a tradition of sorts with no better place to             among the House were selected through a series of rigorous             providing an excellent finish to the day, and setting a new
     showcase it than the nearing house entertainment.                         processes to learn the part song and instrumental, the former          School record of 46.87 seconds. This was an astonishing feat            Will Bowles, Head of House

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