The Eye of the Beholder'- Designing for Colour-Blind

Page created by Jerry Patel

                                         Christine Rigden

      ‘The Eye of the Beholder’—
       Designing for Colour-Blind
      Colour-blind computer        Introduction                               Most colour-blind people have a
                                                                              deficiency with either red or green,
                users see things   Have you ever wondered how                 and by focussing on the worst case
                                   different the world could seem to          scenario for these groups, maximum
       differently from most       someone with a colour-vision defi-         inclusiveness can be obtained.
                                   ciency? Have you ever wondered                ‘The basics of colour vision’
 people, but this is seldom        whether they can understand your           introduces how colour vision works,
    considered in the design       Web page, or follow the colour cues in     in the simplest terms. ‘Problems with
                                   your software?                             colour vision’ looks at how colour
    of software or web pages.          If it is not your problem, you have    vision deficiency happens. The
                                   probably never considered it. However,     section on ‘The colour transforma-
          This article offers a    one man in 12 has some degree of           tions’ explains the theory behind the
                                   colour-vision deficiency, or colour        palettes, and ‘Using the new palettes’
         simple technique for      blindness (it is rare in women). The       describes their application, and ‘Lack
                                   colour choices we make in software and     of precision in colour displays’ looks
                simulating the     Web design can make life more difficult    at some of the technical issues with
                                   for these people, if we are uninformed.    monitors. The ‘Glossary’ covers the
            differences, to help       In good design, colour should never    basic colour-vision terms, and words
    designers and developers       be the primary cue for information.        which appear there are in bold
                                   The options should be clear without        italics when they are first used.
      avoid disadvantaging         colour, and the colour is simply added
                                   as a means of emphasis.                    The Basics of Colour Vision
                    their users.       Yet, colour becomes more and more
                                   a part of our everyday work, espe-         We perceive colour via photosensitive
                                   cially with computers increasingly         cells in the eye, the rods and cones.
                                   supporting a greater range of colours.     The cones normally contain pigments
                                   Often it is simply decorative, but         tuned to receive wavelengths in three
                                   colour cues are frequently used as the     parts of the visible spectrum (Table 1).
                                   primary means of informing the user        This gives us trichromatic vision.
                                   how to interpret information.              They can be referred to as Red, Green
                                       Published algorithms enable us to      and Blue, although r (rho), g (gamma)
                                   calculate how colours appear to            and b (beta) are sometimes used to
                                   individuals with certain types of          avoid confusion with the common
                                   colour vision deficiency. However, the     understanding of the colour names.
                                   mathematics is fairly complex, and             The wavelengths given are for
                                   designers and developers need an           peak receptivity, although they also
                                   easier way to see how their choices        receive light spread 100 nm or more
                                   impact colour-blind users.                 either side of the peak, to a diminish-
                                       This article offers a method for       ing extent. Rods receive light at
                                   representing images as perceived           around 500 nm, but only as lightness.
                                   with a colour deficiency, so designers         The brain further processes the
                                   can produce interfaces which avoid         colour received by the eyes, and there
                                   causing problems for their users.          are also further psychological issues,

2                                                         British Telecommunications Engineering, Vol. 17, Jan. 1999

Table 1 Comparison of Cone Names and Visible Spectrum Colours                                                                          tions are not known) and 0.003% of
                                                                                                                                       men are totally colour blind. This
Name                  Alias              Symbol      Wavelength                   Colour 1                       Proportion
                                                                                                                                       article does not deal with these rarer
rho                   red                r           590 nm                       yellow-orange                  60%                   conditions.
                                                                                                                                          The red and green forms of colour
gamma                 green              g           550 nm                       yellowish green                30%                   deficiency are caused by a recessive
beta                  blue               b           440 nm                       bluish violet                  10%
                                                                                                                                       gene on the X chromosome, and are
                                                                                                                                       therefore more common among men.
                                                                                                                                       Only 0.4% of women have any sort of
but this article deals only with the                                  of the shift in sensitivity are referred                         colour vision deficiency, most of them
initial stage.                                                        to as anomalous trichromats. The                                 being the red or green forms.
                                                                      visual effect covers the continuum
Problems with Colour Vision                                           from normal trichromatic vision to                               The Colour Transformations
                                                                      dichromatic vision, so the common
In a person who is a dichromat, one                                   expression ‘colour blind’ is less                                The work described in this article
of the pigments is missing. This is                                   appropriate to this group. (See                                  relates to the most common deficien-
usually red or green, although                                        Figure 1.)                                                       cies with red and green. These deficien-
sometimes blue. A quarter of colour-                                      Eight percent of Caucasian men are                           cies are also very similar to each other,
blind people are dichromats.                                          colour blind1. This is made up of 1%                             in terms of colour perception. It also
    For the other three-quarters, either                              red-blind (protanope) and 1.1% green-                            deals with dichromatic vision, as that
the red-sensitive cones have had their                                blind (deuteranope) dichromats; 1%                               is calculable and represents the ‘worst
tuning shifted towards the green part                                 red-insensitive (protanomolous)                                  case’ scenario. If one designs for
of the spectrum, or the green peak is                                 trichromats, and 4.9% green-insensi-                             dichromats, the lesser degrees of colour
shifted towards the red wavelengths.                                  tive (deuteranomolous) trichromats.                              deficiency will be well accommodated.
All three sets of cones still work, so                                Only 0.002% of men are blue-blind                                    Interestingly, a red or green
they are still trichromats, but because                               (tritanopia—tritanomalous condi-                                 deficiency does not simply affect how
                                                                                                                                       one perceives red or green. Any
Figure 1—Relation between trichromats and dichromats                                                                                   colours that vary from each other by
  TRICHROMATS                                    ANOMALOUS TRICHROMATS                                            DICHROMATS           the amount of red or green they
                                                                                                                                       contain will also appear different. In
                                                       LESS AND LESS RED                                                NO RED
                                                                                                                                       addition, because protanopes are less
                                                                                                                                       sensitive to light at the red end of the
                                                                                                                                       spectrum, colours in this area appear
        ALL THREE COLOURS                                                                                                              darker to them. Deuteranopes do not
                                                                                                                                       see this luminosity difference, as the
                                                                                                                                       other cones and rods compensate.
                                                     LESS AND LESS GREEN
                                                                                                                                           Another interesting aspect is that
                                                                                                                                       colours perceived by protanopes and
                                                                                                                                       deuteranopes are broadly similar,
Figure 2—The CIE Yu*v* colour space, with confusion lines for protanopes (left)                                                        with just a slight greenish cast to the
and deuteranopes (right) (included with permission from HCI Resources Network)                                                         protan palette, and an orangey cast
                                                                                                                                       to the deutan palette.
      0·7                                                             0·7                                                                  In colour science, the visible
               COLOUR LINE                                                        COLOUR LINE                                          spectrum can be represented in a
      0·6                                                             0·6
                                                                                                                                       diagram known as a CIE chromatic-
      0·5             D65                                             0·5                                                              ity diagram†. In Figure 2, the outer
                                                                                        D65                                            triangular shape represents visible
      0·4                                                             0·4                                                              wavelengths. The lines that are
 v*                                                              v*
      0·3                                                             0·3
                                                                                                                                       roughly horizontal through this space
                                                                                                                                       (confusion lines) indicate the colours
      0·2                                                             0·2                                                              that dichromats get confused. Every
      0·1                                                             0·1
                                                                                                                                          † The colours displayed on a
      0·0                                                             0·0                                                              computer monitor are a subset of this
         0·0    0·1     0·2   0·3        0·4   0·5   0·6   0·7              0·0   0·1     0·2   0·3        0·4    0·5      0·6   0·7
                                    u*                                                                u*
                                                                                                                                       space, indicated by triangles in the

British Telecommunications Engineering, Vol. 17, Jan. 1999                                                                                                                    3

Standard                                   Protan                                     Deutan

Figure 3—The look of the Web-safe palette, and how it compares to the transformed palettes

colour along a given line looks the        Standard
same as all the other colours along
that line. The point at which the          Protan
Colour line crosses them represents
the perceived colour for that confu-       Deutan
sion line.
    The position of any colour relative    Figure 4—The transformation when applied to the 16-colour palette
to these lines can be calculated. The
relation between colours in a CIE          results in the *.pal format (as used       Using the New Palettes
chromaticity diagram and colours for       by Paintshop Pro). Figure 3 gives a
given monitor phosphors is known, so       visual representation of how the           There are two basic approaches to
RGB equivalent values can be               palettes compare‡ for the 216 colours.     using these palettes:
generated for a monitor with known         Figure 4 shows the corresponding
chromaticity coordinates3. It can, in      transformation of the old Windows          l apply them to images, to approxi-
theory, be done with as many colours       16-colour palette.                            mate how they appear to
as one cares to calculate (within the          A striking feature of these two           protanopes and deuteranopes; and
gamut for the monitor), but the work       transformed palettes is how similar
in this article is based on the stand-     they are. The transformations are all      l use the understanding of the
ard 216-colour† web-safe palette4, 5.      roughly divided into yellows/ochres,          transformed palettes to select
    Values were calculated according       and blues. The protan palette seems           colours which work together
to established algorithms3, and            to have the slightest greenish cast,          safely for the Web site’s naviga-
palette files were created from the        whereas the deutan palette has a              tional scheme.
                                           slight orange cast. Both red and
                                           green vanish from the palettes, as            For the first approach, the basic
    † There are 216 colours considered     well as purples and oranges.               Web-safe palette is loaded or applied
‘safe’ to use on Web pages, because            One can work out easily whether        to an image or screen capture. Save
they are common to most of the             a given RGB value falls into the           the files into a convenient directory.
computing platforms available. When        yellows or blues group. In general, if     In PaintShop Pro, choose Colors -
other values are used, any system          the Red value is greater than the          Load palette…, and select web-
running 256 colours will substitute        Blue, it appears in the yellows group,     safe.pal. ‘Nearest colour’ should be
the specified colours for those it has     and if Red is less than Blue it            used for flat-colour images such as
available. Backgrounds will change         appears in the blues group. A colour       gifs, and ‘error diffusion’ for photo-
colour, and flat colours in gifs will      generally appears neutral when             graphs†. (Other commercial paint
dither. Using the Web-safe palette         Green equals Blue, more or less            programs have similar functions.)
gives better visual control over what      regardless of the value for Red.              Two copies are then made of the
the end user sees. The web-safe                The transformed Web colours are        image. To one copy, apply protan.pal
palette includes all colours (and no       available as *.pal files and/or *.gifs     in the same way, but this time select
others) which have RGB values made         which can downloaded from the              the dialogue option ‘Maintain
up of 0, 51, 102, 153, 204, and 255 (or    colour pages at http://                    indexes’. Apply the deutan.pal file to
33, 66, 99, CC, FF in Hex).                 the second copy. The resulting images
    ‡ Please note that printed colour      colours/. Certain pages within the         are a visual approximation of how it
may look quite different from screen       site also ‘list’ the Web colours visu-     would look to a protanope or deuter-
colour, and these printed images will      ally, alongside their transformed
not be a totally accurate reproduction     colours, so that a direct comparison          † This will also show how the
of how the colours look on screen.         may be made. They are shown all            image will look when viewed on a
For more clarity, see the images on        together, and are divided into blues,      256-colour monitor, if it has not
the Web site.                              yellows, and neutrals as well.             already been checked.

4                                                                 British Telecommunications Engineering, Vol. 17, Jan. 1999

Using standard palette                    Using protan palette                       Using deutan palette

Figure 5—Example transformations of a photograph

anope. Figure 5 gives an example of           For example, for the colour site       that are adequately different from
how this would work on a photo-           where these files are kept, a prima-       each other when transformed.
graph.                                    rily monochromatic colour scheme           Early work suggests that only up
    It is important that the Web-safe     was chosen. By using a mid-tone            to four colours may be chosen
colours are in their correct index        colour for the navigation panel, a         which can be clearly differentiated.
positions, in order to correlate with     colour could be chosen for un-             When more colours are used, make
the transformed palettes. If in doubt,    followed links which was contrasting       sure their differentiation is less
re-map to the Web-safe palette            enough to be readable there as well        important.
supplied with the others.                 as in the main page. To be easily             Keep in mind cultural meanings
    For the second approach, the          distinguished from a green un-             also, when choosing how to represent
designer starts with the sort of colour   followed link, the followed links          information with colour.
scheme they are considering, based        colour was chosen from among cooler           The two essential points to
on the non-functional requirements        colours, while still toning with the       remember are:
of the site, aesthetics, and the          main colour scheme. Figure 6
general ‘feel’ being sought. They can     illustrates how these compare.             l Make sure that any text has a
then look at the corresponding                The colour differences in the             good luminosity (brightness)
colours in the transformed palettes,      lighter shades are marginally more            contrast with its background, for
and use that information to help          visible to anomalous trichromats,             readability. Do not put a mid-tone
them choose the most suitable             while the mid-tone and darker shades          against a mid-tone. Large areas of
colours in the primary palette which      are more consistently confused.               text for reading need to ensure
will also ‘work’ in the transformed           Multiple colours will create              greater contrast than text in a
palettes.                                 greater difficulty in finding shades          navigation bar.

Figure 6—Sample colour selection based on a monochrome palette, showing how it looks normally, followed by how it appears
with the protan (bottom left) and deutan (bottom right) palettes

British Telecommunications Engineering, Vol. 17, Jan. 1999                                                               5

l Make sure that the colours chosen         1998 from the World Wide Web:          deuteranope dichromat with
    for followed and un-followed links       deuteranopia.
    are far enough apart. It is safest      coldef.html.                           deuteranomaly ‘green insensi-
    if they fall on either side of the                                             tive’ anomalous condition.
    colour division in the palette, so   4 WEINMANN, LYNDA; and HEAVIN,            tri- Latin for ‘third’, and referring
    that one colour is transformed         BRUCE. . New Riders Publishing,          tritan relating to problems with
    one is in the yellows group.           1997. Browser-safe colours also         blue reception.
                                           explained on Lynda’s Web page at        tritanopia condition where the
   Then double-check their effective-          blue (third) pigment is missing, ‘blue
ness by taking a screen capture of                                                 blind’.
your choices (as in Figure 6), and       5 SIEGEL, DAVE. Images on the Web—        tritanope dichromat with tritano-
applying the transformed palettes to       Use the Netscape Colour Cube.           pia.
them.                                      Retrieved from the World Wide           tritanomaly theoretically the ‘blue
                                           Web, Nov. 1998: http://                 insensitive’ anomalous condition, but
Postscript on Colour                         the condition is not known to exist.
Displays                                   images.html.
A prevalent concern about doing this     6 POYNTON, CHARLES. Poynton’s Color
kind of work in the past has been the      FAQ: 19. Is RGB always device-                              Christine Rigden
lack of precision involved. The            dependent? Retrieved from the                               Networks and
colours on every computer monitor          World Wide Web, June 1998:                                  Information Services,
are going to be slightly different,                                    BT UK
according to the gamma setting and         ~poynton/notes/
the colours of the RGB phosphors.          colour_and_gamma/
This makes it impossible to come up        ColorFAQ.html#RTFToC19.
with a single ‘true’ RGB value for any
specific real-world colour, and makes    Glossary                                  Christine Rigden is part of BT’s User
it difficult to manage accurate colour                                             Centred Design Group. Her work
reproduction on screen.                  trichromat a person who has               involves all aspects of designing
    However, in practical terms, RGB     three colour reception pigments           interfaces for usability, but particu-
is used to define colour in software     functional to some degree.                larly developing guidelines for the
and on the Web, without concern for      dichromat a person who has only           conceptual design of software user
the chromaticity values. Modern          two of the three pigments functional.     interfaces and Web sites. She also
monitors are becoming more similar       anomalous trichromat a person             offers interface evaluations and
than they used to be, as manufactur-     who is a trichromat, but one pigment      design tutorials. Christine joined BT
ing becomes more standardised.           is dysfunctional, or anomalous.           in 1988 as a Drawing Office assist-
Therefore, in spite of a lack of real    pro- Latin for ‘first’, and referring     ant, working in graphic design. She
precision, these transformations are     to red (first of the trio RGB).           was sponsored to the BT Women’s
a valid and practical means of           protan relating to problems with          Bridging Course (Chelmsford) and
ensuring that an interface does not      red reception.                            subsequently to the University of
cause problems for colour-blind          protanopia condition where the            Essex as a mature student, and
individuals.                             red (first) pigment is missing, ‘red      graduated in 19994 with a B.Sc.
                                         blind’.                                   (Hons.) in Information and Business
References                               protanope dichromat with                  Systems Technology.
1 HUNT, R. W. G. Measuring Colour.       protanomaly ‘red insensitive’
  Ellis Horwood Ltd, Chichester,         anomalous condition.
  1987.                                  deu- Latin for ‘second’, and
                                         referring to green (second of the trio
2 TRAVIS, DAVID. Effective Colour        RGB).
  Displays: Theory and Practice.         deutan relating to problems with
  Academic Press, 1991.                  green reception.
                                         deuteranopia condition where the
3 HCI Resources Network. Colour          green (second) pigment is missing,
  Vision Deficiencies. Retrieved May     ‘green blind’.

6                                                              British Telecommunications Engineering, Vol. 17, Jan. 1999
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