The impact of land conversion on plant biodiversity in the forest zone of Cameroon

Page created by Miguel Olson
Biodiversity and Conservation 11: 2047–2061, 2002.
        2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

The impact of land conversion on plant biodiversity
in the forest zone of Cameroon

 Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I, P.O. Box 812, Yaounde,
Cameroon; 2 Botanical Institute of the University of Bonn, Nibelungenallee 19 a, D-60318 Frankfurt am
Main, Germany; 3 Department of Biology, Higher Teachers’ Training College, University of Yaounde I,
P.O. Box 047, Yaounde, Cameroon; 4 National Herbarium of Cameroon, P.O. Box 1601, Yaounde,
Cameroon; 5 Institut de la Recherche Agricole pour le Developpement and Humid Forest Ecoregional
Center, International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, P.O. Box 2008, Messa, Yaounde, Cameroon;
* Author for correspondence (e-mail: stefan.engwald@; fax: 149 -69 -90502864)

Received 13 April 2001; accepted in revised form 10 December 2001

Key words: Biodiversity, Cameroon, Carbon sequestration, Land conversion, Primary forest, Secondary

Abstract. Floristic surveys were carried out in different land use systems (primary and secondary forest,
fallows of different ages, cocoa plantations, crop fields) within the forest zone of Cameroon, to assess the
impact of land conversion on above-ground plant biodiversity. Beside various diversity studies, plant
density was measured and diameter at breast height was estimated. The results showed that the forest
areas, which represent the historic biodiversity of the region, preserve the greatest number of species (160
species in primary forest and 171 in secondary forest). Our results indicate the relatively great importance
of secondary forests as refuge areas for primary forest plant species that may function as a starting point
for possible regeneration of original biodiversity. Species richness is reduced progressively from the
original forest (160 spp.) and secondary forests (171 spp.), to Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) fallow
fields (149 spp.), to an old fallow field (139 spp.), to a cocoa plantation (116 spp.) and to the farmland (64
spp.), where only weeds and crops contribute essentially to plant biodiversity. Also the number of species
that are used for non-timber products (construction, food and medicines) decreased with increased land


Tropical deforestation proceeds at a rate of 154 000 km 2 year 21 (Aldhous 1993)
with approximately 0.32 Gt C year 21 being lost to the atmosphere due to land
conversion from forest to other uses in Africa (Brown et al. 1993). The classification
of Letouzey (1985) showed that the Cameroonian rain forest is subdivided into three
important types: the evergreen rain forest, the mesophyllous rain forest and the
semi-deciduous forest. These types of forests are subjected to shifting cultivation,
the creation of industrial tree plantations and timber operations. Thenkabail (1999)
identified seven classes of land use systems that derived from these transformations
in the semi-deciduous rain forest areas. In 1993, Duguma signalled the existence of
the following types of land use system in the semi-deciduous rain forest zone:

•   Groundnut-based mixed food crop fields
•   Plantain-banana crop fields
•   Cocoa-fruit trees and plantain fields
•   Fallow field (more than 10 years old)
•   Forest land controlled by households
•   Cucumeropsis pepo based mixed food fields
•   Home gardens
•   Other monocultural fields
•   Horticultural fields

   We conducted a floristic survey in the southern part of Cameroon in primary and
secondary forests, a cocoa plantation, an old fallow field, a young Chromolaena
odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Rob (Asteraceae) fallow field, and in a groundnut-
based mixed food crop field. The other crop stands listed above were not included in
this study. Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Rob, also cited sometimes as
Eupatorium odoratum L. (Balick et al. 2000), is a widely distributed neotropical
shrub introduced into many parts of the tropics. It forms pure stands in disturbed
areas, grasslands, fallows and forestry plantations, spreading rapidly due to its
efficient short- and long-distance dispersal abilities.
   The objective of this study was to elucidate the impact of land conversion on plant
biodiversity. This impact can be noticed not only by analysing species richness.
Different land use characteristics also strongly affect vegetation structure and
carbon sequestration.


Site selection

This study was implemented within a semi-deciduous rain forest region where seven
villages were selected (Figure 1). These villages belong to three general areas,
which form the ASB Benchmark: (1) Yaounde, at the northern extreme, with no
original forests remaining. (2) Mbalmayo, at the centre of the benchmark, where
most of the forest has been logged and where slash-and-burn cultivation is a
common feature. (3) Ebolowa, to the south, which is partially logged due to a few
populations that practise slash-and-burn agriculture, but still with some primary
forest areas remaining.
   The study area is situated between the geographical co-ordinates 28359 N and
48159 N and 118489 E and 118159 E. The altitude varies between 450 and 715 m
above sea level. The mean annual precipitation reaches 1820 mm.
   The soil is a typical Ferralsol haplique (FAO classification) and the pH varies
from 4.29 to 5.43 (Kotto-Same et al. 1997). The texture is made of clayey and sand,
while the change horizon is silty. The original tree vegetation of the study area is not
uniform: the evergreen species only occur in the southern part, whereas the north
part is characterized by semi-deciduous species (for a more detailed description see
also Zapfack et al. 1996).

Figure 1. Map of Cameroon and the three study areas with the forest margins benchmark. The benchmark
is subdivided into three blocks: Yaounde, Mbalmayo, and Ebolowa.

Plant diversity, ecological data and tree biomass determination

Three quadrats of 625 m 2 (25 3 25) were established at each of the main land use
systems found in the zone. They comprise: primary forest (Forest I), secondary
forest (Forest II), fallow (old fallow and C. odorata fallow which are younger than
the first), crop and cocoa fields. Altitude and the geographical co-ordinates of each
quadrat were identified. The 625 m 2 was further subdivided into five blocks of 125
m 2 each (5 3 25). Inventories were made from the first block to the last.
    All woody species with a diameter above 2.5 cm were measured and other
vascular species, including herbs and epiphytes, were only listed for species
richness, not counted. Their diameter at breast height (DBH) as well as their full
height were measured or estimated and basal area was calculated.
    Life forms of woody species have been reported sensu Raunkiaer (1934). Their
leaf size was classified after Webb et al. (1976). Due to the negligible number of
other leaf forms, only picophyllous, leptophyllous, nanophyllous, microphyllous,
platiphyllous, and macrophyllous leaves have been classified in Figure 5.
    Scientific and vernacular names (the latter given by a traditional local prac-
titioner) were annotated. Uses of each species (medicinal plants, nutritive, fertilizers,
timber etc.) were also determined. Species that could not be identified in the field
were collected, pressed in between newspaper and conserved in alcohol for later
identification and storage in the National Herbarium of Cameroon (YA), and Royal
Botanic Garden Kew (UK).
    Tree biomass estimates were assigned using the allometric approach of Brown et
al. (1989) applying the equation for moist life zones based on diameter (adj R 2 5

Data compilation and analysis

Data on floristics were subjected to a factor analysis in order to determine the
affinity between land uses. Only species composition has been taken into account in
order to identify the floristic affinity between the land use systems. In this study,
three of the most common indices have been calculated to describe and compare the
floristic diversity of the various land use forms: the Shannon–Weaver Index (H9),
the diversity index of Simpson (D) and the equitability of Pielou ´       ´
                                                                       (Pielou 1966;
Daget 1976; Dajoz 1982; Frontier and Pichod-Viale 1993). H9 tends to be weighted
slightly towards less abundant or rare species, while D takes mostly into account the
more abundant or dominant species. These two indices are complementary and
considered together they give a good description of the a -diversity of communities.
We also performed the Sørensen Index (CC s , Equation 1) of floristic similarity in
combination with the number of shared species (Brower and Zar 1977).
       CC s 5]]                                                                  (1)
with a 5 species number of releve´ 1; b 5 species number of releve´ 2; c 5 number
of shared species in both relevees.
   The Sørensen Index gives a strong importance to the shared species and puts them
into relation with the mean species number of both. The results multiplied with 100
correspond to the percentage of floristic coincidence.


Taxonomic diversity

Four hundred and forty-six species were recorded in the different land use types
surveyed during this study. The number of species recorded in each type of land use
is given in Table 1. The secondary forest comprised the highest number of species.
Nevertheless, the most diverse land use system considering diversity indices was the
C. odorata fallow with a Shannon–Weaver Index of 7.04 and a Simpson Evenness
Index of 0.008. The Pielou   equitability is 0.97 (Table 1).
   The most abundant plants at the farmland were herbaceous weeds; hence in the
fallow dominated by C. odorata, other herbs occurred in its understory. A few
pioneer species of semi-woody character were also found casually in this type of
land use system. The old fallow carried mostly pioneer species, among them shrubs,
lianas and many species in the Marantaceae. In the primary and secondary forests,
large trees formed the canopy with shrubs and herbs in the understory.

Floristic comparison and b -diversity

Considering the Sørensen Index (CC s ), the floristic similarity of the studied areas
decreased with the increase of human impact on these study sites (Table 2).

Table 1. Diversity parameters for the different land use systems. Total species number 5 446.
                     Primary        Secondary       Chromolaena         Old         Cocoa        Farmland
                     forest         forest          plantation          fallow
Species number       160            171             149                 139         116          64
H9                   6.64           6.68            7.04                6.47        4.39         5.99
D                    0.02           0.02            0.009               0.02        0.24         0.016
12D                  0.98           0.98            0.992               0.98        0.76         0.984
EQ                   0.91           0.9             0.97                0.91        0.64         0.99
H9 – Shannon–Weaver Index; D – Simpson Index; EQ – Pielou   ´   equitability; 12D – Simpson’s
dominance. 12D has been calculated to confirm the value of EQ. Values lower than 0.8 mean high
abundance of one or two species and the value of 12D must be close to EQ.

Table 2. Sørensen Index (CC s ) and number of shared species between land use systems.
CC s                                       For I             For II               Jac                 Co
For II                                     41.8
Jac                                        31.5              43.2
Co                                         18.1              29.6                 46.0
Cul                                        12.5              27.8                 40.3                47.6
Number of shared species
For II                                     67
Jac                                        44                65
Co                                         25                51                   69
Cul                                        27                49                   60                  76
For I – primary forest; For II – secondary forest; Jac – old fallow; Co – C. odorata field; Cul – farmland.

Comparing the primary forest (For I) with all other analysed land use systems, the
floristic affinities reduce from nearly 42% (within the secondary forest For II) to
12.5% (farmland). The highest similarity in floristic composition occurs between
the C. odorata fallow and the farmland.
   The factor analysis obtained after the input of data on floristic composition of
each vegetation type reveals – following the X-axis – an opposition of the Forests I
and II to the fallow fields and the farmland (Figure 2A, B). The three analysed
factors can explain a total of 83.9% of the variances (the different percentages for
each factor are given in Figure 2A and B). X-axis was positively influenced mainly
by Forest I, which harboured almost 160 species. It was negatively influenced by 64
species of the farmland. We thus notice a decreasing gradient of species richness
from primary forest to the farms. The cocoa fields comprised numerous species
more related to this kind of vegetation use: Pteris spp., Laportea ovalifolia,
Ampelocissus bombycina, Pethersianthus macrocarpus. This explains its isolation
in relation to the other vegetation types. The same observation can be made on the
figure obtained from axes 1 and 3 (Figure 2B). Some species are more related to
particular land uses than others (Tables 3 and 4). They are characteristic for their
habitats and may function as indicators of the type of land conversion.

Figure 2. Factor analysis of land use systems of the Cameroonian semi-deciduous rain forest based on
floristic data. (A) Performance of axes 1 and 2; (B) Performance of axes 1 and 3. For I – primary forest;
For II – secondary forest; Jac – old fallow; Cac – cocoa fields; Cul – farmland.

Vegetation structure and basal area

The distribution of trees within diameter classes and the total number of stems are
given in Table 5 for each vegetation type. The primary and secondary forests show
the highest stem densities of all study sites. Their regeneration capacity seems to be
high: they consisted mainly of juvenile trees and treelets within the 5 cm diameter
class. The lowest density was recorded in the farmland. Among the different types
of vegetation, only secondary and primary forests exhibit a classical tree distribution
into diameter classes; all other vegetation types had an irregular distribution of
   The value of the basal area was calculated by means of diameter measurements of
all stems. Basal area of the secondary forest was 44.9 m 2 ha 21 and 39.2 m 2 ha 21 for
the primary forest. The lowest value was obtained in the farmland with 0.07 m 2 ha 21
(Figure 3).

Life form

The proportion of life forms (sensu Raunkiaer 1934) in different land uses indicates

Table 3. Non-timber forest products identified in the five land use systems in the Cameroonian
semi-deciduous rain forest area.
Species                        For I For II Jac Co    Cul Vernacular name Uses
Cola acuminata            1
Coula edulis              1          1         1                             Edible fruits
Vitex grandifolia         1          1                                       Edible fruits
Albizia adiantifolia                       1 1   1         Sayem             Medicine, feet oedema
Artropteris sp.                              111           Zing              Green vegetable
Costus afer                          1     1 1   1         Mien              Female fertility
Posinistalia              1          1       1             Akeng             Stomach ache
Piper guineense           1          1       1             Ondods            Spices
Paullinia pinata          1                                Aloum             Medicine
Vernonia stelulifera                                  1                      Hypertension
Pycnanthus angolense                 1     1 1        1 Eteng                Stomach ache
Irvingia gabonense        11         1                  Aandoofan            Female fertility – fruits sold
Enantia chlorantha        11         1                                       Hepatitis
Picralima nitida          1                                Ebam              Malaria
Tabernanthe iboga         1                                                  Malaria
Diospiros conocarpa       1                                Ovinefan          Sculpture
Polyalthia suaveolens     1                                                  Insecticides
Megaphynium macrostachyum 1          1     1 1             See               Leaves used as packing paper
Sarcophynium priogonium   1          1     1 1             See               –
Maranthochloa purpurea    1          1     1 1             See               –
Calamus deeratus          1                                Nlon              Providing
Eremospatha wenlandiana   1                                Nlon              –
Ricinodendron heudelotii  1          1     1 1                               Spices (seeds)
For I – primary forest; For II – secondary forest; Jac – old fallow; Co – C. odorata field; Cul – farmland;
1 denotes present; 11 abundant; 111 most abundant.

the predominance of the chamaephytes in all sampled habitats (Figure 4). The
phanerophytes were best represented in the pristine forest compared to other land
use systems. Therophytes were absent in the primary forest and showed relative
abundance in the crop fields. Hence, only a few individuals in all of the six study
sites represented cryptophytes.

Leaf size

Microphylls and mesophylls are the most abundant leaf sizes in the six land use
systems (Figure 5). The picophylls and megaphylls are poorly represented.

Carbon sequestration

Figure 6 points out a strong decrease in tree biomass (expressed as Carbon t / ha)
from primary forest to farmland, along a gradient of disturbance, respectively of


In the fallow fields, the cocoa fields and the farmland, the species preserved by

Table 4. Tree species peeled or collected for medical purposes by the local peoples.
Genus                   Species             For I      For II      Cac       Jac       Co   Cul
Aframomum               sp.                                                            2
Aidia                   micrantha           3
Albizia                 adianthifolia                              2
Albizia                 sp.                                                            2
Alchornea               cordifolia                                           6
Allanblackia            floribunda                                           5
Blighia                 welwitschii         5          4
Chytranthus             sp.                 6
Cleistopholis           patens                                               2
Cola                    lepidota                       10
Combretum               sp.                                                            3
Dacryodes               edulis                                               2
Dialium                 guineense           7          3
Dichostemma             glaucescens         7
Dioscorea               sp.                                                  3         2
Drypetes                afranensis          4
Elaeis                  guineensis                                           2
Ficus                   exasperata                     3           3                        2
Ficus                   mucuso                                               3         2
Garcinia                mannii              3
Heisteria               zimmereri           3
Ipomoea                 sp.                                                                 2
Irvingia                gabonensis          3
Landolphia              sp.                 7
Macaranga               assas                                                3
Macaranga               grandis                                              5
Margaritaria            discoidea                                  2         2
Markhamia               lutea                                                3
Microdesmis             puberula            4
Milicia                 excelsa                                    2
Millettia               sp.                 7          9                                    2
Penianthus              longifolius                    8
Pentaclethra            macrophylla         3                                6
Persea                  americana                                            3
Petersianthus           macrocarpus                    3
Phyllanthus             sp.                                                            3
Plagiostyles            africana            5
Polyalthia              sauveolens          4          3
Pycnanthus              angolensis                     4
Rinorea                 sp.                 6
Rothmannia              hispida                        5
Rothmannia              sp.                            8
Salacia                 sp.                 6
Sida                    sp.                                                            2
Solanum                 sp.                                                            2    2
Sorindeia               sp.                 5          4
Tabernaemontana         crassa                         14
Terminalia              superba                                                        2

Table 4. (continued)
Genus                   Species               For I      For II       Cac       Jac       Co        Cul
Tetracera               alnifolia             3
Tetrorchidium           didymostemon                                            10
Theobroma               cacao                                         77
Trichilia               monadelpha                       4
Triplochiton            scleroxylon                      3
Uapaca                  paludosa              3
Uncaria                 africana                                                2
Vernonia                conferta                                      2
For I – primary forest; For II – secondary forest; Cac – cocoa fields; Jac – old fallow; Co – C. odorata
field; Cul – farmland (numbers represent the quantity of nominations of plants by locals).

farmers are normally either medicinal species, fertilizers, nutritive or timber. Many
non-timber forest products were found in those three land use systems (Table 3).
Marantaceae (Marantochloa purpurea, Sarcophrynium prionogonium and Megap-
hrynium macrostachyum) and Sterculiaceae are used for packing paper and ropes
(string) as well as ‘Kola’ and aphrodisiacs. Many of the forest species are the source
of fruits that are sold at local markets (Coula edulis, Vitex grandifolia). Gnetum
aficanum (Okok), little known by the local population but highly requested on the
international market, was seen in the Mengomo, in Forest II. Its popularisation
might contribute to increase the standards of living of the peasants. About 60–70%
of the trees is peeled off for medical purposes in the cocoa farms, fallow fields and
the farmland (Table 4).


In terms of species richness the farmland ranges at the lowest end of all study sites,
but by far the lowest values were observed in the cocoa field due to the dominance
of one species, Theobroma cacao. Most of the values obtained here are higher than
those reported by White (1992), Sokpon (1995), Sonke´ (1998) and Sonke´ and
Lejoly (1998).
   Rather unexpectedly, the species richness of the secondary forest (Forest II)
exceeds all others of our study areas. Particularly, pioneer species and those
characteristically belonging to secondary forest are responsible for the high species
number: Macaranga spp., Musanga cecropioides, Terminalia superba, Ceiba
pentandra, Triplochiton scleroxylon. This might be evidence for the importance of
secondary forests as a starting point for a possible regeneration of original
   The proportion of shared species of each surveyed vegetation area with the total
flora (446 spp.) ranges between 14% in the farmland and 38% in the secondary
forest. This and the relatively low Sørensen indices seem to be evidence for a high
species turnover and therefore a high b -diversity.
   However, the primary forest (Forest I) hosts the highest number of ‘original’

Table 5. Distribution of tree diameter classes within the land use systems.
Diameter class center (cm)   Primary forest          Secondary forest     Old fallow          Chromolaena odorata field   Cocoa          Farmland

                             No               %      No            %      No           %      No                  %       No      %      No         %

5                            2008             72.7   1920          73.7   1144         70.6   8                   12.5    1208    77.5   8          100
15                           456              16.5   360           13.8   376          23.2   16                  25      232     14.9   0          0
25                           112              4.1    160           6.1    0            0      24                  37.5    32      2.1    0          0
35                           88               3.1    72            2.8    16           0.9    0                   0       24      1.5    0          0
45                           24               0.9    40            1.5    40           2.6    8                   12.5    24      1.5    0          0
55                           32               1.2    8             0.3    0            0      0                   0       16      1      0          0
65                           0                0      0             0      16           0.9    0                   0       8       0.5    0          0
75                           8                0.3    16            0.6    0            0      0                   0       16      1      0          0
85                           8                0.3    16            0.6    0            0      0                   0       0       0      0          0
95                           24               0.9    0             0      16           0.9    0                   0       0       0      0          0
105                          0                0      16            0.6    16           0.9    8                   12.5    0       0      0          0
Total                        2760             100    2608          100    1624         100    64                  100     1560    100    8          100

Absolute number of stems and percentage per 625 m 2 .

Figure 3. Basal area (in m 2 / ha) of six land use systems in the semi-deciduous rain forest of Cameroon.

Figure 4. Distribution of life forms among the following land use systems: For I – primary forest; For II
– secondary forest; Cac – cocoa field; Jac – old fallow; Co – C. odorata field; Ba – banana field; Cul –
farmland. ph – phaneropyte; ch – chamaephyte; hc – hemicryptophyte; c – cryptophyte; th – therophyte.

Figure 5. Proportion of leaf size in the six land use systems of the Cameroonian semi-deciduous rain
forest. pi – picophyll; le – leptophyll; na – nanophyll; mi – microphyll; pl – platiphyll; ma – macrophyll
(due to the neglectable number of species other leaf forms have not been classified). For I – primary
forest; For II – secondary forest; Cac – cocoa field; Jac – old fallow; Co – C. odorata field; Ba – banana
field; Cul – farmland.

species that belong exclusively to undisturbed forest vegetation. At species level, we
notice that about 12% of the woody species found in the primary forest can also
occur in the secondary forest, but most of them as seedlings. It is almost as diverse
as Forest II. This pristine forest, which was used as the point of reference, includes
species that probably have reached their growth climax. The understory is covered
with many lianas, and very few seedlings were observed. The high humidity and the

Figure 6. Biomass (Carbon in t / ha) per five land use systems in the Cameroonian semi-deciduous rain
forest area. For I – primary forest; For II – secondary forest; Co – C. odorata field; Jac – old fallow; Cul
– farmland.

rapid decrease of light transmission below the level of canopy closure permit the
regeneration of species restricted to primary forest (dispersed by wind and animals)
and the progressive elimination of pioneer species. Succession in tropical rain
forests generally involves the following different steps: forest gaps are first colon-
ized by herbaceous and woody pioneer species. Continuously, these species are
replaced by secondary forest tree species, followed later on by typical elements of
the primary forest. In our case, secondary forest also holds seedlings of primary
forest species and sometimes those of pioneer plants. In contrast, the primary forest
does not bear many seedlings but many shrubs.
   Reduction of species number from forest to farmland comprises a total of 37.4%
as far as species richness is concerned (not species identity). This is considerably
more than the species loss reported by Turner et al. (1994) in a study of plant species
extinction in Singapore. They recorded a decrease of species number for inland
forests of 29% due to logging activities and land conversions. But their extinction
rates differed enormously between different habitats (coastal region 39%; open sites
5%) and for different life forms (trees 19%, shrub species 34%, herb species 23%,
climbers 23%, epiphytes 62%).
   In the young fallow fields as well as in the farmland the herbaceous plants
dominate. Seedlings of species that are purely from the primary forest are almost
absent. This can be explained by the fact that micro-organisms of the soil –
responsible for the growth of the dominant diaspores from the forest – were
eliminated in the course of burning. This can be noticed in particular between the
clumps of C. odorata.
   With regard to species richness, the cocoa fields occupy an intermediate position
between the forest areas and the farms. Here, many of the ‘primary forest species’
were left standing in the course of burning, fruit trees were planted and other species
(seedlings) were protected for further multiple uses. Species richness of herbaceous
plants in the cocoa farm highly depends on the period of the year. They are
frequently cut in order to care for a good yield.
   The values of the basal area are similar to those of Malaisse (1984) in the
Democratic Republic of Congo and those of Devineau (1984) in Ivory Coast. Those
different values confirm the idea that the basal area is a good tool to classify the
vegetation structure (Malaisse 1984).
   Among all the types of land use, and despite their low diversity indices, the cocoa
fields are the most protected land use systems. They are in fact the gardens where the
medicinal plants are collected in case of urgency, while Forests I and II are being
more oriented towards hunting and gathering. The species discovered in all study
sites as medicinal plants (46) are less important compared to the 120 species that
Fujisaka et al. (1995) assessed in the Amazonian forest.


Using the primary forest as the point of reference, our present study of the diversity
of different types of land use has shown that:

• The secondary forest yielded most of the encountered plant species, despite
  effects of slight human impact.
• The primary forest, which has not yet been affected neither by slash-and-burn
  agriculture nor by other forms of anthropogenic disturbance, is the second most
  diverse area, but the richest in non-timber products (e.g. medicinal plants,
• The floristic similarity between the studied areas declines along a gradient of
  anthropogenic disturbance. Similarity of species composition between primary
  and secondary forest is almost 42%. The primary forest held only 36% of the
  total flora. These two observations indicate a relatively high b -diversity.
• The farmland, which suffered recently from continuous burnings, is markedly
  poorer in species richness. Large trees are absent and they do not dispose of
  many useful species (non-woody secondary forest products).
• The fallow fields, still more diverse than the farms, show a progressive succes-
  sion towards the forest.
• The cocoa fields have a potential richness in terms of medicinal and edible plants
  that could increase the peasant’s revenues. A good management in this area may
  assure the amelioration of the standards of living of the peasants and stabilize
  them in order to protect the forest. Management strategies should include the
  selection and reintroduction of original forest species into plantations of cocoa


This study was partly supported by grants from IRAD/ IITA / WAU and the IRAD/
ASB Projects. We are very grateful to Prof. Brussaard, co-ordinator of ‘Soil macro-
fauna diversity, density and function along a land-use gradient in the humid forest
zone of southern Cameroon’, for helpful suggestions and constructive criticism that
improved the manuscript. We thank our colleagues of the Cameroon National
Herbarium (YA) for their help on plant identification and conservation. We owe
special thanks to two anonymous reviewers.


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