Papua New Guinea: Maritime and Waterways Safety Project

Page created by Monica Sanders
Social Monitoring Report

Semi-annual Report
July 2021

                  Papua New Guinea: Maritime and
                    Waterways Safety Project

Prepared by National Maritime Safety Authority for the Asian Development Bank.

This social monitoring report is a document of the Borrower. The views expressed herein do not
necessarily represent those of ADB Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary
in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of
or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank
does not intend to make any judgements as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.
National Maritime Safety Authority
                Maritime and Waterways Safety Project

Project Number: 44375-013
Loan Number:   2978-PNG: Maritime and Waterways Safety Project

                     Social Monitoring Report

                                   Period Covering:

                                 January – June 2021

               Prepared by: National Maritime Safety Authority

                                     Date: July 2021

ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 4

1.     INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 5

1.     PROJECT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................ 7

2.     METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................... 7

3.     COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM (CEP) .................................................................................. 8

4.     GENDER .................................................................................................................................................. 9

5.     ACTIVITIES UPDATES FROM JANUARY TO JUNE 2021 ..................................................................... 9

6.     OUTPUTS FOR ACTIVITIES JANUARY – JUNE 2021 ........................................................................ 11
I)     NAVAIDS .................................................................................................................................................... 11
II)    LAND ACQUISITION PROCESS ..................................................................................................................... 11

7.     GRIEVANCE REDRESS ........................................................................................................................ 12

8.     CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................... 13

9.     RECOMMENDED ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................................. 13

10. APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................ 13

APPENDIX A: STATUS OF CEP AND LANDS ACTIVITIES FOR PACKAGES 1, 2 & 3 ............................. 13

APPENDIX B: ANNUAL PAYMENTS SCHEDULE – CLC & LEASE; PACKAGE 1 & 2 ............................... 25
TABLE 1: NUMBER OF CLCS & FEMALE PARTICIPANTS ......................................................................................... 29
TABLE 2 – A: PAYMENTS EXECUTION: .................................................................................................................. 29
TABLE: 2 – B: JANUARY – JUNE 2021 – FIELD TRIPS ............................................................................................ 29
TABLE 3 – A: UPDATED STATUS AND PROGRESS OF THE 3 PACKAGES .................................................................. 29

TABLE 3 – B: LAND ACQUISITION DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................... 29


ADB     Asian Development Bank
ARB     Autonomous Region of Bougainville
BSP     Bank South Pacific
COA     Certificate of Alienability
CALC    Community and Lands Coordinator
CD      Community Development
CDO     Community Development Officer
CEP     Community Engagement Program
CLC     Community Lighthouse Committee
CLO     Customary Lands Officer
DOR     Deed of Release
DLO     District Lands Officer
DLPP    Department of Lands & Physical Planning
FPIC    Free, Prior and Informed Consent
GESI    Gender Equity and Social Inclusive
GoPNG Government of Papua New Guinea
LARF    Land and Resettlement Framework
LIR     Land Investigation Report
LAE     Lease Agreement Execution
LLG     Local Level Government
MWSP Maritime and Waterways Safety Project
Navaid Navigational aid
NMSA National Maritime Safety Authority
PA      Provincial Administration
PIU     Project Implementation Unit
PLO     Provincial Lands Officer
PNG     Papua New Guinea
SPS     Safeguards Policy Statement
SP      Survey Plans
VC      Valuation Certificate
VGO     Valuer General’s Office


1. The Maritime and Waterways Safety Project is jointly funded by the Government of Papua New
   Guinea (GoPNG) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) through Loan 2978-PNG. The Loan
   Agreement was signed on the 29th of January 2013. The Executing Agency is the National
   Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA).

2. The Maritime and Waterways Safety Project (MWSP) aims at improving safety and efficiency of
   international and national shipping in coastal areas and waterways in Papua New Guinea (PNG)
   by replacing, installing and maintaining navigational aids (navaids), improving maritime safety
   information infrastructure, improving maritime safety practice of communities, and providing
   efficient project management and capacity development.

3. The MWSP originally involved the maintenance of 99 existing navigational aids and installation of
   33 new ones across the 14 provinces in PNG. However, as a result of customary land issues at a
   number of sites the total number of navaids from the last reporting period remained unchanged
   (104) that is: 36 replacements and 68 new leased sites. Total number of sites for package one
   and package two after the installations are as follows:

            a. Package 1;
        -   45 installed
        -   3 abandoned
            b. Package 2;
        -   9 installed
        -   11 abandoned

4. The project is expected to have limited and or minor land acquisition of mostly of sea-bed, reefs,
   or foreshore.

5. According to ADB reporting requirement as stipulated in its Safeguards Policy Statements 2009
   (SPS 2009), the MWSP Project Management Unit through its community development team will
   submit a social safeguard monitoring report on semi-annual basis on safeguard matters, although
   there is no displacement of people or assets for this project.

6. This social safeguard monitoring report covers project activities from January to June 2021. There
   were few field visits to the navaid sites and the affected communities for package 2 during this
   period. These trips were undertaken by the Project team and officers from the Department of
   Lands and other government departments to complete all outstanding tasks as tabulated under
   heading 5 – “Activities Updates from January to June 2021 - paragraph 33”.

7.    Due to Covid 19 Pandemic, recommendations of preventive measures were put up by health
     organization and the state for safety of all populations. By doing so, all departments and
     companies have responded in different ways like implementing restrictions to certain facilities and
     services thus resulting in global social and economic disruption in the country and worldwide. This
     limits data and information collections for this reporting period.

8. The following paragraphs describe in brief the project background, social safeguard requirements,
   resettlement processes, land acquisition processes and the community engagement programs,
   which involves two field visits to each community per navaid site as a minimum and one courtesy
   visit to the respective provincial government administrations, where the navaids will be installed.

9. A short overview is given on implementation of project activities during the reporting period. A
   table is attached in Appendix A, which summarises the main outcomes and outputs per
   community, lists all signed agreements in regards to land acquisition and other social safeguard
   requirements, any land disputes in the communities, planned mediation processes and further
   steps on how to overcome these problems.

10. A monitoring of the consultation process has started whereas resettlement and social
    assessments in communities have been initiated as a prerequisite for installation of planned
    navaids. Any socio-economic impact of people’s life in regard to project activities is now being
    monitored for package 1 and 2 sites after the first installation of the navaid and first installment of
    land lease payments to customary landowners and Community Lighthouse Committees (CLC).


11. The Project has four main outputs:

  I.    Originally the project requires the installation of 33 new navaids, replacement of 99 existing
        navaids, and maintenance of installed and replaced navaids as located in the various Maritime
        Provinces. The number of new navaids to be installed and navaids to be replaced has
        remained unchanged of 76 and 28 respectively as per December 2020 report.

  II.   Improvement of safety information, infrastructure, comprising hydrographic surveys,
        installation of five (5) new AIS transponders and the replacement of five (5) others, and
        installation of four (4) tide gauges.

 III.   Improvement of maritime safety practice of communities, comprising of community
        engagement programs for maritime safety awareness activities and small craft safety training

IV.     Provision of efficient project management and capacity development, comprising of
        establishment of a Project Implementing Unit (PIU), support to manage and implement the
        project, and engagement and training of staff in operating the safety and hydrographic
        information infrastructure of NMSA.

12. The impact will be safer and enhanced access to socioeconomic opportunities for communities in
    PNG and regional and international stakeholders. The project is expected to produce benefits for
    rural and remote populations as well as the national and international population.

13. The Project has been classified B under ADB SPS (2009) for environment and social category.
    Framework documents have been prepared to describe the safeguard requirements for the
    project. NMSA as executing agency has overall responsibility to comply with safeguard

14. The PIU of the project employed two Community and Land Coordinators (national, whole project
    duration) and a Gender, Community and Lands Specialist (international - intermittent) as part of
    the community development team.


15. Social safeguards and resettlement in this project include inter alia a community engagement
    programme (CEP) and land acquisition of customary land both on and under sea. Involuntary
    resettlement and displacement of people will not be required as most navaids will be installed in
    the seabed or on locations on land, which mark a cliff or a rock. In most cases, no vegetation or
    asset is removed.

16. The resettlement process involves land acquisition of customary land on a lease basis for 20 years.
    Most sites are under water and will be leased from the local traditional landowners. The proposed
    size of land under water is 20m x 20m and on land 10m x 10m. The lease is signed between
    NMSA and respective landowners. The Land Investigation Report (LIR) is initiated by officers
    from Department of Lands and Physical Planning (DLPP) and provincial land officers. Land
    acquisition processes follow legal procedures of PNG government as disclosed in the Land Act
    1996 (currently under review).


17. The CEP comprises of several phases of stakeholder consultations, which have to be followed
    before any installation of the navaid can proceed.

18. The first phase includes courtesy visits to the provincial administrations. The main aim of these
    visits is to introduce the project to the Provincial Administrator (PA), Governor and respective
    officers from Lands, Law and Justice, Planning and Local Level Government. The project team
    expects to get information from the lands officers about the communities located nearest to the
    planned site to identify the right landowners.

19. After receiving information from the lands officers and provincial administrations, the team
    conducts first visits to communities. The main purpose of these visits is to conduct awareness
    about the installation of the navaid/beacon and the project. The first consultation with communities
    is done by the community, environment and engineering project teams. Officers from provincial
    and national lands divisions/department, a surveyor and a valuer also join the team.

20. Whilst the community team conducts the awareness about the project, the engineering team
    assesses the sites with local permission and attendance. It is crucial that people in villages accept
    the installation of the navaid and that elder, councilors and landowners gives their permission to
    the project team to inspect the sites. By accepting and understanding the purpose of the project,
    community representatives sign a Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) form, which is a
    precondition of continuing project activities. The form is pre - signed by NMSA CEO; one original
    is within the community and the other original remains in the project office.

21. A checklist retrieved from the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework (LARF) is filled
    during each community visit and a due diligence report prepared for each site.

22. During community meetings, the MWSP CD team also discloses grievance redress mechanisms
    and explains further steps of the community programme. All awareness material about the project
    is prepared by the CD team and distributed in community meetings, which are recorded and filed
    in the office. Main emphasis is laid on gender balance, when it comes to decision making for the
    navaid installation, land issues and representation in public discussions.

23. The second phase of community consultations is focused around land acquisition and community
    representation by forming a Community Lighthouse Committee (CLC). The Community
    Lighthouse Committee is established to monitor the lighthouse and to ensure that no vandalism
    acts occur to the lighthouse. The investigation of the legitimate Land Owners is also being
    implemented during second phase of community consultation. The Land Acquisition process
    follows after LOs identification in sequence.

24. The CLC is responsible for the security of the lighthouse and to report any outage or damage of
    lights. It is bounded by the Community Security and Lighthouse Monitoring Agreement (CSLMA).
    The term of this agreement is for twenty (20) years.

25. Fees are paid once the lighthouses are installed and are tested to be functioning. Whilst the LIR
    is conducted by officers from DLPP and provincial/district lands offices with assistance from the
    NMSA CD team, the whole process around forming of CLC is solely the responsibility of the
    National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA) CD Team. Village Councillors and Ward Recorders
    assist the team in retrieving information through community profiles and collecting socio -
    economic baseline data through survey questionnaires.

26. Awareness about safe practice at sea for small craft operators and community members are part
    of the awareness programme during the second visits. These trips last approximately two to three
    days per community. Distribution of HIV/AIDS material and a short introduction on transmission,
    background and social impact is done by Community and Lands Coordinators, who have been
    trained and certified during the inception phase of the Project.


     The project has a Gender Action Plan, which was modified in a workshop with relevant
     stakeholders in 2015. It lays strong emphasis on developing equal gender participation in decision
     making processes and consultations on the community, administrative and management level
     whenever possible. Cultural constraints and differences especially in decision making processes
     about landownership in matrilineal and patrilineal societies were discussed and appropriate
     amendments done. The GAP identifies and addresses gender issues in project activities and
     formulates indicators for outputs and impacts. Regular monitoring is provided and updates on the
     GAP are submitted in the Quarterly Reports. The CD team implements gender awareness in
     community consultations and visits to the provincial administrations. Women are encouraged to
     express their opinions about the proposed navaid installations and are active members of the
     community lighthouse committee (CLC) and signatories to the committee account.

     The CLC agreement, which is signed by NMSA and the CLC executive members includes a clause
     that 20% of funds spent for communal activities must benefit women and girls. At the end of each
     year, the CLCs have to prepare reports, which then will be monitored by NMSA. So far, civil works
     for navaids package 1 and package 2 has been completed. For package 2, out of the 20 proposed
     sites only 9 sub-projects were installed. From the 9 installed sites only six sites have established
     the CLC while other 3 are considered as replacement with no availability of lease and CLC records.
     As for package 1, the initial proposed sites were 48 of which only 45 sites were installed and 3
     sites abandoned. From the 45 installed sites we have established 31 CLC for new sites excluding
     18 replacements. Construction for package 3 is still pending since the contract was awarded and
     signed by Nawae Construction Ltd in February 2020.

Table 1: Number of CLCs & Female Participants

 Package    Province                    Total Number   Total Number   Female Participants
                                        of Community   of CLC
 1          Milne Bay Province          20             27             46
            Central Province            3              4              4
 2          New Ireland Province        1              1              2
            East New Britain Province   3              3              6
            Buka                        2              2              6
 3          Manus                       2              1              2
            Sandaun                     1              1              2
            East Sepik                  1              1              2
            Madang                      5              6              1
            Morobe                      4              4              6
            Oro                         12             8              16
            Milne Bay                   8              6              14

27. According to the GAP, a gender policy should be established for NMSA. Consultations took place
    with external stakeholders and selected NMSA staff before meetings were held within NMSA to
    solicit views and opinions on a gender policy for NMSA. After the consultation meetings, a
    workshop was conducted to initiate the first stages of preparing the policy. It was during this time
    that the name of this policy was agreed upon, namely, National Maritime Safety Authority Gender
    Equity and Social Inclusive (NMSA GESI) Policy.


28. Again, due to Covid 19 Pandemic, recommendations of preventive measures were put up by
    health organization and the state for safety of all populations. By doing so, all departments and
    companies have responded in different ways like implementing restrictions to certain facilities and
    services thus resulting in global social and economic disruption in the country and worldwide. This
    limits data and information collections for this reporting period.

29. The project has three proposed navaid packages distributed over 12 Maritime Provinces in Papua
    New Guinea. After the list was updated 104 installations are planned in total. Package 1 includes
    48 navaids, 44 in Milne Bay Province and 4 in Central Province. Package 2 is geographically
scattered over the New Guinea Islands Region with total of 20 navaids listed including
                Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARB), New Ireland (NIP) and Manus (MP); East New Britain
                (ENB) and West New Britain (WNB) Provinces. Package 3 comprises of main coastline of Papua
                New Guinea that includes six provinces. The six provinces are as follows; Morobe, Madang, East
                Sepik, West Sepik, Manus, Oro and Milne Bay; the total number of navaids sites in package 3 is

         30. As agreed and understood that all payments for landownerships and community engagement
             program components are to be paid after installation for sub-projects based on the condition of
             the lights if they are working.

         31. As such first and second payments were executed successfully for both components – lease
             payments for land owners and CLC for package 1 and as same for installed sites in package 2 as
             illustrated on the table below.

         Table 2 – a: Payments Execution:

                                         Lease & CLC Payments
Year     Province      Total   Total          Total   Total    Valuation     Survey    COA       Lease     CLC       Comments
                       Sites   Community      LIR     CLC      Certificate   Plans               Payment   Payment

1        Milne         44      20             26      27       26            26        26        19        22        LIR: -3 disputed & 1
         Bay                                                                                                         incomplete
                                                                                                                     CLC: -1, was not paid due
                                                                                                                     to unavailability of the
         Central       4       3              4       4        4             4         0         3         3         LIR: 1- Lease Reps not
                                                                                                                     CLC: 1- was not paid due
                                                                                                                     to unavailability of the
         Buka          2       2              2       2        2             2         2         2         2
2        New           1       1              1       1        1             1         1         1         1
         East          3       3              3       3        3             3         3         3         1         CLC: 2- Committees failed
         New                                                                                                         to report spending of year
         Britain                                                                                                     1 CLC payment to NMSA.

         32. The safeguard monitoring report covers project activities from January to June 2021. There were
            few field visits to the navaid sites and the affected communities for package 1, 2 and 3 during this
            period. These trips were undertaken by the Project team and officers from the Department of
            Lands and other government departments to complete all outstanding tasks as listed in the table

         Table: 2 – b: January – June 2021 – Field Trips

    Location - Province        Purpose of the Trip                                               Duration/ Dates     Comments
    East New Britain           Initiate New Lease Agreements for Vulcan Point & Pidgeon                              Mediation certificates
                               Island Lighthouses after resolution of disputes and Payments      16 – 20/02/2021
                               for Vulcan Point & Raluana CLCs on provision of 2019 acquittals
                               and completion of NMSA Lease Agreements with the three Land
                               Owner groups.
    Milne Bay                  Meet with Customary Lands Officer - Caspar Woi and two                                Land Acquisition
                               customary land owners reps of two Island communities              04 – 05/03/2021
                               (Panapompom and Kumwageiya) regarding the land
                               investigation reports and the outstanding Lease and CLC's
    Madang                     Signing of the FPIC forms                                                             Community         Security
                               Establishing CLC for sites in Biliau Island & Nui Tinin Island    10 – 15/05/2021     Lighthouse      Monitoring
                               Communities.                                                                          Agreement
    NIP &ENBP                  Liaise with BSP and facilitate opening of bank accounts for 1                         Opening Bank Accounts:
                               CLC & LO group in Kavieng and 3 CLC & LO groups in                01 – 11/06/2021          - LO’s
                               Rabaul/Kokopo and (2) Complete Lease Agreements for Vulcan                                 - CLC’s

Point & Pidgeon Island Lighthouses using NMSA Lease
                  Agreement Forms.

33. The list of confirmed sites has been changed due to various reasons. The issues in communities,
    which could not be solved by mediation or during consultations therefore led to cancellation of
    these sites (see in detail Appendix A). Most navaids are new as they require new structures to be
    installed thus the increase from 33 to 76 new navaids, while the number of navaids to be replaced
    has reduced to 28 navaids as these are existing structures.

34. Land and resettlement activities in the reporting period focused on Payments Execution for CLC
    and Lease and the NMSA Lease Agreement Signing with respective Landowners of navaid sites
    in package one (1) first payments, package two (2) second payments and the State. All NMSA
    Lease Agreement with landowners are pending for signing for both contracts package 1 & 2. The
    PIU team are in preparation to revisit all sites for both contract and get the respective landowners
    to sign the NMSA Lease Agreement.

    I)       Navaids

35. The table below summarises the status and progress of the two packages with completion in
    installing aids to navigation. Table also capture on-going contract updates for navaid package 3.

Table 3 – a: Updated Status and Progress of the 3 Packages

                                Table 3: Updated Status and Progress of the 3 Packages (1, 2& 3)
                 Province          Installed Sites #    Abandoned Sites # LIR Disputes          Comments
                                                                                                Payment 1 completed
                                                                                                Disputing sites refered for
Navaids Package 1 Milne Bay                          41                     3                 3 Payment 2 due September 2021
                                                                                                Payment 1 completed
                 Central                              4                                         Payment 2 due December 2021

                                                                                             Payment 1 & 2 Completed
Navaids Package 2 New Ireland                        1                    4                  Payment 3 due August 2021
                                                                                             Payment 1 & 2 Completed
                 East New Britain                    3                    0                  Payment 3 due August 2021
                 West New Britain                    2                    1                  Not Available
                                                                                             Payment 1 completed
                                                                                             Payment 2 & 3 due November 2021
                 Buka                                2                    6

Navaids Package 3 West Sepik
                  East Sepik
                                                                                             Contract Package 3 pending NPC
                  Miline Bay

    II)      Land Acquisition Process

    As of June 2021, the project has in total;

36. 65 LIRs initiated of which 64 are signed and stamped and copies are available in the project office.
      Only one LIR which is yet to be stamped and signed and is currently with the land owners for
      correction purposes;
  37. 60 Valuation Reports registered with the outstanding of 5 V/reports – Budibudi (1) and Central (4).
      As for the Survey Plans, the total number of SP received from DLPP and copies in the project
      office stands at 64. Outstanding survey – 1 for Budibudi Island.

  38. Certificate of Alienability (COA) as per last reporting period, the total number of COAs submitted
      by DLPP to MWSP remained unchanged. A total of 57 COAs received so far; package 1 with 22
      COAs for Milne Bay Province, (15) COAs for package two and 20 COAs for package 3. The
      outstanding COA’s are of the 8 sites in Milne Bay Province Package 1.

  39. From the last reporting period, the total number of registered survey plans have increased to 64
      while Valuation Reports increased to 60 which the copies are in the MWSP office. However, for
      the Certificates of Alienability and the Lease Instruments remained unchanged. Copies of 57
      COAs and 57 Lease Instruments are also in the MWSP office. The table in Appendix A gives
      details of the status of land acquisition process.

  Table 3 – b: Land Acquisition Documents

Outstanding        Package & Community            Site name        Location           Comments
documents          Province
1 LIR (yet to be   Pk 1- Milne    West Panaeati   Holuga           Alotau Province    1 LIR is yet to be
collected)         Bay                                                                endorsed due to
                                                                                      changing and
                                                                                      amending of name
1 Survey yet to    Pk 1 – Milne   Budibudi        Tamaris Reef     The first SP was   Coordinates
be done            Bay                                             cancelled.         collected      during
                                                                                      payment trip.
5 Valuations &     Pk 1 – Milne   Budibudi        Tamaris Reef     Awaiting SP        Pending
COAs (yet to be    Bay
                   Pk 1 - Milne   Gavuone         Galu’Uvale       DLPP               In progress
                   Bay            Gavuone         Managavaro
                                  Kelerakwa       Rinaloo
                                  Kupiano         Kupiano
                   Pk 1 – Milne   West Panaeati   Mahawan          DLPP               In process
                   Bay                            Lenana
                                  Panapompom      Holuga           Alotau Province    Correcting of LO’s


  40. In the last two years the project team had been executing payments for both components – CLC
      & Lease in cash. The exercise of cash payment is very dangerous and risky for the officers
involved. To addressed this issue, project had written to the BSP Head Quarters in Port Moresby
    liaising with responsible corporate managers in assisting opening of bank accounts for all installed
    sites under both packages; 1 & 2.

41. Attempts being made by officer in charge visiting BSP branch – provincial level in trying to assist
    the Landowners and the Community Lighthouse Committees for certain sites in Kavieng and
    Kokopo for the same (opening of bank accounts); response received was very poor as today BSP
    Banks requests for necessary documents from individuals or groups to open bank accounts.

42. The Payments were executed for most sites without disputes being raised and most communities
    were very appreciative that a government agency can bring this service to them without them
    having to work for it. With that appreciation, the communities together with the owners were urged
    to continue looking after the lights because they are put there for purposes of security and safety
    for traversing vessels, dinghy and people who go out fishing and diving. Disputing sites of lease
    components were advised to seek mediation and find legitimate landowners to receive the lease


43. Social safeguard monitoring and reporting follows the same described pattern of activities. The
    most unpredictable component in the community engagement programme is the land acquisition
    as landownership is a main cultural identity; families and clans in communities have different
    opinion and interests, which should be treated sensitively.

44. Part of the land acquisition process which the project is directly involves with have been completed
    which includes the initial visits for the LIR and site assessments for the surveyors and valuer. All
    LIRs have completed by the respective PLOs/ CLOs. Now the rest of the process is within DLPP
    and other line government agencies before the lease instruments can be issued.


45. The PMU CALCs will continuously follow-up with respective officers within DLPP with the LIRs
    and valuation reports. The CALCs will ensure that all documents required by the officers are
    delivered to them.

46. For the abundant sites, the PMU CALCs will make continuous connection with the locals advising
    on Contractor’s plan. If the sites were to be moved for contractor’s accessibility for installation,
    the CLACs will advise the affected communities on the next step to be taken if necessary.

47. Engagement with the communities are important for the protection of the lights all arrangements
    must be uniform to the existing sites and as such;

      1. Payment regime must be improved so that the amounts paid are K2640.00 to CLC and an
         additional K1,000.00 for well-kept and sites not vandalised after the first year and K2,640.00
         for Lease payments as per the Lease Agreement (NMSA)

      2. Execute the NMSA Lease Agreement together with the documents executed by the DLPP
         because of the binding effect to sustain annual payments to owners, and

      3. Bank accounts for both the CLC and owners needs to be established due to the risk involved
         when a lot of money is being carried by the team into the communities.


Appendix A: Status of CEP and Lands Activities for Packages 1, 2 & 3
List of Navaids and Updated CEP and Land Acquisition Status:

Package 1: 48 sites   Milne Bay & Central: 22 communities, 30 LIRs, 29 SPs, 25 VCs, 22 COAs
                      0 LAE

Package 2: 20 sites   NGI: 14 communities, 15 LIRs, 15 SPs, 15 VCs, 15 COAs, 15 LAE

Package 3: 36 sites   Momase Region, 33 communities, 20 LIRs, 20 SPs, 20 VCs, 20 COAs,
                      0 LAE

Total:                104 sites, 69 communities, 65 LIRs, 60 SPs, 60 VCs, 57 COAs, 15 LAE

Province     No       Sites /English        Community     FPIC         CLC               LIR            Survey Plans   Valuation    C. of A. No:          Action
     Area                 Traditional                       Signed      Signed           Initiated          Registered      done          (COAs)           Comments

                                                                               PACKAGE 1
Milne Bay       1.   Gigipwala Point/          Taulu       31.07.15   18.11.15     18.11.15                27.05.16       11.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Dawson Strait        Nuwakasawei Reef                                 Gigipwala    Gigipwala     Point     Portion 90C    Done        25/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                                                                      Point        (Nuwakasawei                                                       execution.
Milne Bay       2.   Sebulugomwa               Bwaiowa     01.08.15   17.11.15     17.11.15                27.05.16       11.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Dawson Strait        Point/ Upo’Apoai                                 Sebulugom    Sebulugomwa Point       Portion 93C    Done        27/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                     Reef                                             wa           (Upo’ Apoai Reef)                                                  execution.
Milne Bay       3.   Dobu Island N-end         Dewasiya    01.08.15   16.11.15     16.11.15                27.05.16       11.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Dawson Strait        /Bwawabwawa Reef                                 Dewasiya     Dobu         Island     Portion 89C    Done        33/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                                                                                   (Bwawabwawa                                                        execution.
Milne Bay       4.   Waiope Island/            Neumara     01.08.15   15.11.15     15.11.15                06.05.16       11.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Dawson Strait        Kwadidi Reef                                     O’ayobe      Kwadidi        Reef     Portion 92C    Done        26/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                                                                                   (Waiope Point)                                                     execution.
Milne Bay       5.   Cape Doubtful S-end       Eluiya      01.08.15   14.11.15      14.11.15               27.05.16       11.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Dawson Strait        Niugoma’ala Reef                                 Niugoma’ala   Niugoma’ala Reef       Portion 46C    Done        34/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                                                                                    (Cape     Doubtful                                                execution.
Milne Bay       6.   Cape Doubtful        N-   O’oiyana    02.08.15   12.11.15      12.11.15               27.05.16       11.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Dawson Strait        end/ Lalai                                       Lalai         Cape Doubtful (Lalai   Portion 43C    Done        22/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                                                                                    Reef)                                                             execution.
Milne Bay       7.   Yadayadala/               Sapilai     01.08.15   13.11.15      13.11.15               11.05.16       11.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Dawson Strait        Yadayadala                                       Yadayadala    Yadayadala Point       Portion 44C    Done        20/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                                                                                    DISPUTE                                                           execution. -
Milne Bay       8.   Sanaroa Island W-         Udaudana    02.08.15   11.11.15      11.11.15               27.05.16       11.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Dawson Strait        end/                                             Sanaroa       Yauyana                Portion 45C    Done        32/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                     Yauyana                                          Island W –    DISPUTE                                                           execution.
Milne Bay       9.   Losuia Pile No.3/         Kavataria   03.08.15   13.02.15      Not conducted          N/A            N/A         N/A             No LIR conducted due
Kiriwina Isl         Wayayu                                           Wayayu                                                                          to advice from DLO
Province    No        Sites /English   Community     FPIC        CLC             LIR      Survey Plans   Valuation   C. of A. No:          Action
     Area                 Traditional                  Signed     Signed         Initiated    Registered      done         (COAs)           Comments

Milne Bay      10.   Losuia Pile No.2/    No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Replaced with pile
Kiriwina Isl         Losuia Pile No.2     community
Milne Bay      11.   Losuia Pile No.6/    No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Replaced with pile
Kiriwina Isl         Losuia Pile No.6     community
Milne Bay      12.   Losuia Pile No.10/   No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Replaced with pile
Kiriwina Isl         Losuia Pile No.10    community
Milne Bay      13.   Losuia Pile No 1     No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light
Milne Bay      14.   Losuia Pile No 4     No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light
Milne Bay      15.   Losuia Pile No 5     No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light
Milne Bay      16.   Losuia Pile No 7     No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light
Milne Bay      17.   Losuia Pile No 8     No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light
Milne Bay      18.   Losuia Pile No 9     No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light
Milne Bay      19.   Losuia Pile No 11    No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light
Milne Bay      20.   Losuia Pile No 12    No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light
Milne Bay      21.   Losuia Pile No 13    No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light
Milne Bay      22.   Losuia Pile No 14    No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light
Milne Bay      23.   Losuia Pile No 15    No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light
Milne Bay      24.   Losuia Pile No 16    No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light
Milne Bay      25.   Losuia Pile No 17    No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light
Milne Bay      26.   Losuia Pile No 18    No          N/A       N/A        N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A            Existing pile;
Kiriwina Isl                              community                                                                                    replacement of light

Province     No       Sites /English      Community     FPIC         CLC              LIR      Survey Plans   Valuation    C. of A. No:          Action
     Area                 Traditional                     Signed      Signed          Initiated    Registered      done          (COAs)           Comments

Milne Bay       27.   Nuratu Island/         Kumwageia   09.08.15   10.02.16     10.02.16         14.09.16       10.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Kitava Island         Nuratu Island                                 Nuratu       Nuratu           Portion 95C    Done        38/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                                                                    Island                                                                   execution.
Milne Bay       28.   West Passage/          West        06.08.15   05.02.16     05.02.16         14.09.16       10.07.18    In process      Awaiting awarding of
Deboyne               Mahawan                Panaeati               West                          Portion 50C    Done                        COA and Lease
Islands                                                             Passage                                                                  Instrument
Milne Bay       29.   West Passage/          West        06.08.15   05.02.16     05.02.16         14.09.16       10.07.18    In process      Awaiting awarding of
Deboyne               Lenana                 Panaeati               West                          Portion 49C    Done                        COA and Lease
Islands                                                             Passage                                                                  Instrument
Milne Bay       30.   Redlick Passage/       Panapompo   06.08.15   05.02.16     05.02.16         14.09.16       10.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Deboyne               Rara Island            m                      Redlick      Rara             Portion 217C   Done        39/12 - 2017    done and ready for
Islands                                                             Passage –                                                                execution.
Milne Bay       31.   Redlick Passage/       Panapompo   06.08.15   05.02.16     12.09.16         14.09.16       10.07.18    Not yet         LIR is in
Deboyne               Holuga                 m                      Redlick                       Portion 216C   Done                        Panapompom Village
Islands                                                             Passage –
Milne Bay       32.   Hobwaiwala 1/          East        06.08.15   05.02.16     05.02.16         14.09.16       10.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Deboyne               Hobwaiwala 1           Panaeati               Hobwaiwala   Hobwaiwala 1     Portion 47C    Done        35/12 - 2017    done and ready for
Islands                                                             1                                                                        execution.
Milne Bay       33.   Hobwaiwala 2/          East        06.08.15   05.02.16     05.02.16         14.09.16       10.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Deboyne               Hobwaiwala 2           Panaeati               Hobwaiwala   Hobwaiwala 2     Portion 48C    Done        37/12 - 2017    done and ready for
Islands                                                             2                                                                        execution.

Milne Bay       34.   Jomard      Entrance   Brooker     07.08.15   01.02.16     01.02.16         14.09.16       10.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Jomard                (Bramble      Haven    Island                 Aimekumek    Aimekumekuna     Portion 97C    Done        19/12 - 2017    done and ready for
Passage               Entrance S-end)/                              una                                                                      execution.
Milne Bay       35.   Jomard      Entrance   Brooker     07.08.15   01.02.16     01.02.16         14.09.16       10.07.18    12.12.17        Lease instrument
Jomard                (Bramble      Haven    Island                 Nevenak      Nevenak          Portion 98C    Done        21/12 - 2017    done and ready for
Passage               Entrance N-end)                                                                                                        execution.

Province    No        Sites /English        Community         FPIC         CLC               LIR          Survey Plans    Valuation     C. of A. No:          Action
     Area                 Traditional                           Signed      Signed           Initiated        Registered       done           (COAs)           Comments

Milne Bay      36.   Jomard     Entrance       Brooker         07.08.15   01.02.16      01.02.16             14.09.16        10.07.18     12.12.17        Lease instrument
Jomard               (Uruba Reef S-end)/       Island                     Urubwal       Urubwal              Portion 100C    Done         24/12 - 2017    done and ready for
Passage              Urubwal                                                                                                                              execution.
Milne Bay      37.   Jomard      Entrance      Brooker         07.08.15   01.02.16      01.02.16             14.09.16        10.07.18     12.12.17        Lease instrument
Jomard               (Uruba Reef N-end)/       Island                     Ungi          Ungi                 Portion 99C     Done         40/12 - 2017    done and ready for
Passage               Ungi                                                                                                                                execution.
Milne Bay      38.   Gadogadowa       Island   Gadogadow       08.08.15   20.11.15      20.11.15             27.05.16        11.07.18     12.12.17        Lease instrument
China Strait         Point/                    a                          Bwatasiuna    Gadogadowa Point     Portion 94C     Done         28/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                     Bwatasiuna                                                         /Bwatasiuna                                                       execution.
Milne Bay      39.   Kwato Island (1)/         Gouwali         08.08.15   21.11.15      21.11.15             27.05.16        11.07.18     12.12.17        Lease instrument
China Strait         Weku’Isuaina Point                                   Isuhina       Kwato 1 Island       Portion 210C    Done         30/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                                                                                        (Weku’Isuaina                                                     execution.
Milne Bay      40.   Kwato Island (2)/         Gouwali         08.08.15   21.11.15      21.11.15             27.05.16        11.07.18     12.12.17        Lease instrument
China Strait         Enakabwasa reef                                      Kwato # 2     Kwato           2,   Portion 211C    Done         31/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                                                                                        Enakabwasa Reef                                                   execution.
Milne Bay      41.   Gesila Island/            Kihikihiuna     08.08.15   22.11.15      22.11.15             27.05.16        11.07.18     12.12.17        Lease instrument
China Strait         Lei Motumotu                                         Leimotumot    Gesila     Island,   Portion 212C    Done         36/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                                                                          u             Leimotumotu Reef                                                  execution.
Milne Bay      42.   Igwali Island /           Iguali Island   08.08.15   24.11.15      24.11.15             06.06.16        11.07.18     12.12.17        Lease instrument
China Strait         Kawanataumayau                                       Gunahine      Igwali      Island   Portion 209C    Done         29/12 - 2017    done and ready for
                     Reef                                                 (Iguali)      (Kawanataumayau                                                   execution.
Milne Bay      43.   Tamaris          Reef/    Budibudi        21.09.15   08.02.16      08.02.16                             In process   Not yet         Survey to be done
Budibudi             Tamaris Reef                                         Tamaris       Tamwalias
Milne Bay      44.   Cannac Islet/             Budibudi        21.09.15   08.02.16      08.02.16             14.09.16        10.07.18     12.12.17        Lease instrument
Budibudi             Cannac Islet                                         Canna Islet   Cannac               Portion 213C    Done         23/12 - 2017    done and ready for
Island                                                                                                                                                    execution.
Central        45.   McFarlane Harbour         Gavuone         10.09.15   25.02.16      25.02.16             Date:10.09.19   In process   In process      Awaiting awarding of
Province             Marshall Lagoon 1/                                   Galu Uvale    Galuwale             Portion 911C                                 COA, LI & VR

Province   No       Sites /English       Community     FPIC         CLC              LIR          Survey Plans    Valuation     C. of A. No:          Action
    Area               Traditional                      Signed      Signed          Initiated        Registered       done           (COAs)           Comments

Central      46.   McFarlane Harbour       Gavuone     10.09.15   26.02.16     26.02.16             Date:10.09.19   In process   In process      Awaiting awarding of
Province           Marshall Lagoon 3/                             Mawagevar    Managavaro           Portion: 912C                                COA, LI & VR
                   Managavaro                                     o
Central      47.   McFarlane Harbour       Kelerakwa   10.09.15   26.02.16     26.02.16             Date:10.09.19   In process   In process      Awaiting awarding of
Province           Marshall     Lagoon                            Rinaloo      Wanepai              Portion 913C                                 COA, LI & VR
Central      48.   McFarlane Harbour       Kupiano     10.09.15   26.02.16     26.02.16             Date:10.09.19   In process   In process      Awaiting awarding of
Province           Marshall Lagoon 5/                             Kupiano      Marshal Lagoon No.   Portion 914C                                 COA, LI & VR
                   Kupiano                                                     4G
ARB          1.    Cape Hanpan (North      Hanpan      21.02.16   23.08.16     23.08.16             14.03.18        22.03.18     27.07.18        Lease Executed
                   Buka)/                                         Kokoe        Kokoe Reef           Portion 375C    Done         55/7 - 2018     26.02.2019
                   Cape Hanpan/ Kokoe

ARB          2.    Buka Passage Beacon     Novahnek    22.02.16   27.05.16     27.05.16             14.03.18        22.03.18     27.07.18        Lease Executed
                   No.2/                                          Koteikanak   Koteikanak           Portion 374C    Done         49/7 - 2018     27.02.2019

ARB          3.    Carola        Landing   Karola      23.02.16   01.06.16     01.06.16             14.03.18        22.03.18     27.07.18        Lease Executed
                   Beacon No.6/ Karola                            Karola       Karola Reef          Portion 373C    Done         51/7 - 2018     27.02.2019
                   Reef                                           (Tulung,
                   (also Tulung)                                  Beacon 6)
ARB          4.    Hetau         Passage   Hetau and   23.02.16   01.06.16     01.06.16             14.03.18        22.03.18     27.07.18        Lease Executed
                   Beacon No.1/ Wapu       Pororan                Wapu         Wapu Reef            Portion 376C    Done         52/7 - 2018     27.02.2019

ARB          5.    Hetau        Passage    Hetau and   23.02.16   01.06.16     01.06.16             14.03.18        22.03.18     27.07.18        Lease Executed
                   Beacon No.2/            Pororan                Kulu         Kulu Reef            Portion 372C    Done         53/7 - 2018     27.02.2019
ARB          6.    South       Channel     Karola      23.02.16   01.06.16     01.06.16             14.03.18        22.03.18     27.07.18        Lease Executed
                   Beacon No.3/                                   Tulum        Tulum Reef           Portion 378C    Done         50/7 - 2018     27.02.2019

Province     No       Sites /English       Community      FPIC         CLC              LIR         Survey Plans    Valuation    C. of A. No:          Action
     Area                 Traditional                       Signed      Signed          Initiated       Registered       done          (COAs)           Comments

ARB             7.    South        Channel    Karola       23.02.16   01.06.16     01.06.16            14.03.18        22.03.18    27.07.18        Lease Executed
                      Beacon No.1/                                    Diwau        Diwau Reef          Portion 377C    Done        48/7 - 2018     27.02.2019
                      Diwau Reef
ARB             8.    Nissan Island South     Gerei        24.02.16   14.06.16     14.06.16            16.11.17        25.01.18    27.07.18        Lease Executed
                      Point/                                          Tanakulu     Tanakulu Reef       Portion 12C     Done        54/7 - 2018     21.05.2019
                      Tanakulu Reef
New Ireland     9.    Feni Island/            Pikan        25.02.16   15.06.16     15.06.16            16.11.17        25.01.18    27.07.18        Lease Executed
Province              Pikan/ Waranguspik                              Kofon        Waranguspik Reef    Portion 60C     Done        30/7 - 2018     22.05.2019
New Ireland     10.   Tanga                   Sindaodu     26.02.16   16.06.16     16.06.16            16.11.17        25.01.18    27.07.18        Lease Executed
Province              Islands/Malendok/                               Titem        Mulemo Reef         Portion 798C    Done        27/7 - 2018     23.05.2019
                       Mulemo                                         (Mulemu)

New Ireland     11.   Tench Island/           Tench        27.02.16   18.06.16     18.06.16            16.11.7         25.01.18    27.07.18        Lease Executed
Province              Tangisnakuru                                    Tangisna     Tangisnakuru Reef   Portion 11C     Done        26/7 - 2018     25.05.2019

New Ireland     12.   Eloaua Island/          Eloaua/Loa   28.02.16   20.06.16     20.06.16            16.11.17        25.01.18    27.07.18        Lease Executed
Province              Ekatakumatanalu         ua                      Ekatakumat   Ekatakumatanalu     Portion 799C    Done        28/7 - 2018     26.05.2019
New Ireland     13.   Tingwon Island /        Tingwon      29.02.16   21.06.16     21.06.16            16.11.17        25.01.18    27.07.18        Lease Executed
Province              Vangatang                                       Vangatang    Vangatang Reef      Portion 799C    Done        29/7 - 2018     27.05.2019

East      New   14.   Raluana Point/          Ialakua      15.03.16   05.08.16     05.08.16            16.11.17        25.01.18    27.07.18        Lease Agreement
Britain               Tagirgir Point                                  Tagirgir     Tagigir             Portion 1821C   Done        32/7 - 2018     Signed successfully.
East      New   15.   Vulcan Point/           Tavana       15.03.16   21.06.16     21.06.16            16.11.17        25.01.18    27.07.18        Lease Agreement
Britain               Kuraiara                                        Kuraira      Kuraiara – Vulcan   Portion 1820C   Done        33/7 - 2018     Signed successfully.
                                                                                   Beach                                                           13.02.2019

East      New   16.   Pidgeon Island Point/   Palakuvur    15.03.16   04.08.16     04.08.16            16.11.17        30.07.18    Not necessary   Sublease Agreement
Britain               Pupuongon                                       Pupongan     No LIR necessary    Portion 1822    Done                        to be signed with
                                                                                                                                                   NMSA and the
                                                                                                                                                   current Lease Holder

Province       No       Sites /English      Community         FPIC         CLC                   LIR      Survey Plans    Valuation    C. of A. No:          Action
     Area                   Traditional                         Signed      Signed               Initiated    Registered       done          (COAs)           Comments

West        New   17.   Kimbe Beacon No.03     Kimbe           N/A        N/A              N/A               N/A             N/A         N/A             Harbour area, no
Britain           18.   Kimbe Beacon No.02     Harbour                                                                       N/A         N/A             community
                  19.   Kimbe Beacon No. 06                                                                                  N/A         N/A             engagement required
                  20.   Kimbe Beacon No. 05                                                                                  N/A         N/A
Package 3
Manus             1.    Wuwulu                 Onne        &   03.11.16   03.11.2016       03.11.16          14.03.18        17.07.18    27.07.18        Lease instrument
                        Hafo´Aina Reef         Auna                       E’eba            E’eba             Portion 20C     Done        31/7 - 2018     done and ready for
                                                                                           Hafo`Aina Reef                                                execution.
Sandaun           2.    Vanimo Point/ Mena     Lidoi/Vanim     22.02.17   09.08.17         09.08.17          26.06.18        05.03.19    27.09.18        Lease instrument
                        Bihei                  o                          Mena             Mena              Portion 186C    Done        65/9 - 2018     done and ready for
ESP               3.    Vokeo Island           Bajor,          N/A        07.11.2016       07.11.16          16.11.17        17.07.18    27.07.18        Lease instrument
                        Vatmare Rock           Nanao       &              Vokeo Island     Vatmare           Portion 11C     Done        40/7 - 2018     done and ready for
                                               Gaa                                                                                                       execution.
Madang            4.    Rasch Passage -        Riwo            07.03.17   27.05.17         27.05.17          05.09.17        N/A         N/A             Sites been disputed
                        Beacon      East/                                 Rasch            On hold           Portion 1685C                               and then agreed that
                        Labekmal                                          Passage      –                                                                 only CLCs will be
                                                                          East                                                                           formed
Madang            5.    Rasch Passage -        Siar            07.03.17   27.05.17         27.05.17          05.09.17        N/A         N/A
                        Beacon West/ Dam                                  Rasch            On hold           Portion 1686C
                        Passage                                           Passage      –
Madang            6.    Rasch Passage Shoal/   Riwo/Siar       07.03.17   27.05.17         27.05.17          05.09.17        N/A         N/A
                        Tab                                               Rasch            On hold           Portion 1684C
Madang            7.    Madang Port            N/A             N/A        N/A              N/A               N/A             N/A         N/A             In Port Area
                        Madang Resort-MTS                                                                                                                Biliau community
                        Jetty’s Point                                                                                                                    challenges ownership
Madang            8.    Madang Port            N/A             N/A        N/A              N/A               N/A             N/A         N/A             of Madang ports
                        Jetties Point                                                                                                                    area;
Madang            9.    Madang Port            Nui Timin       N/A        N/A              N/A               N/A             N/A         N/A             the community was
                        Nui Timin Island                                                                                                                 not ready and will
Madang            10.   Madang Port            Biliau          N/A        N/A              N/A               N/A             N/A         N/A             form CLCs, when
                        Nui Island
Province   No        Sites /English       Community      FPIC         CLC               LIR      Survey Plans   Valuation    C. of A. No:          Action
    Area                Traditional                       Signed      Signed           Initiated    Registered      done          (COAs)           Comments

Madang       11.   Madang Port              Biliau       N/A        N/A          N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A             installation takes
                   Biliau Island S-end                                                                                                        place;
                                                                                                                                              No LIR as sites are
                                                                                                                                              within Madang Ports
Morobe       12.   Nessup Channel Buoy      N/A          N/A        N/A          N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A             Replacing existing
                                                                                                                                              lighthouses from
Morobe       13.   Nessup        Channel    N/A          N/A        N/A          N/A               N/A            N/A         N/A             Replacing existing
                       Buoy                                                                                                                   lighthouses from
Morobe       14.   Umboi Island Port        Birik        20.11.16   20.11.16     20.11.16          16.11.17       29.03.18    27.07.18        Lease instrument
                   Kaskas Reef                                      Kaskas                         Portion 295C   Done        43/7 - 2018     done and ready for
Morobe       15.   Umboi           Island   Mbula        20.11.16   20.11.16     20.11.16          16.11.17       29.03.18    27.07.18        Lease instrument
                   Starboard                                        Yoryor                         Portion 294C   Done        42/7 - 2018     done and ready for
                   Yoryor Reef                                                                                                                execution.
Morobe       16.   Kaide Reef               Eya          30.03.17   01.09.17     01.09.17          05.09.17       6.08.18     27.07.18        Lease instrument
                                                                    Kaide                          Portion 30C    Done        41/7 - 2018     done and ready for
Oro          17.   Rainu Reef No. 4/        Ajuwan/Fua   02.04.17   05.09.17     05.09.17          05.09.17       05.03.19    27.09.18        Lease instrument
                   Siwasiu                  r                       Siwasiv                        Portion 123C   Done        66/9 - 2018     done and ready for
Oro          18.   Rainu Reef No. 3/        Komabun      02.04.17   04.09.17     04.09.17          05.09.17       05.03.19    27.09.18        Lease instrument
                   Wapat 2 Reef                                     Wabat (1)    Under             Portion 122C   Done        68/9 - 2018     done and ready for
                                                                                 Rainu/Wanigela                                               execution.
Oro          19.   Rainu Reef No. 2/        Komabun      03.04.17   04.09.17     04.09.17          05.09.17       05.03.19    27.09.18        Lease instrument
                   Wabat 1 Reef                                     Wabat (2)    Under             Portion 121C   Done        67/9 - 2018     done and ready for
                                                                                 Rainu/Wanigela                                               execution.
Oro          20.   Wanigela Reef (No        Rainu/Wani   03.04.17   04.09.17     04.09.17          05.09.17       05.03.19    27.09.18        Lease instrument
                   18)/                     gela                    Under        Under             Portion 115C   Done        69/9 - 2018     done and ready for
                   Rifok                                            Rainu/Wani   Rainu/Wanigela                                               execution.

Province   No       Sites /English         Community     FPIC         CLC                LIR      Survey Plans   Valuation    C. of A. No:          Action
    Area               Traditional                        Signed      Signed            Initiated    Registered      done          (COAs)           Comments

Oro          21.   Collingwood      Bay      Yuayu       03.04.17   25.11.17      25.11.17          05.09.17       11.07.18    27.07.18        Lease instrument
                   No.4/                                                                            Portion 119C   Done        47/7 - 2018     done and ready for
                   Arabanua                                                                                                                    execution.
Oro          22.   Collingwood      Bay      Ganjiga     03.04.17   24.11.17      24.11.17          05.09.17       11.07.18    27.07.18        Lease instrument
                   No.3/ Susimata Reef       Uiaku                  under                           Portion 118C   Done        46/7 - 2018     done and ready for
                                                                    Ganjiga and                                                                execution.
Oro          23.   Collingwood    Bay        Marua       04.04.17   23.11.17      23.11.17          05.09.17       11.07.18    27.07.18        Lease instrument
                   No.2/                     Airara                 Under                           Portion 116C   Done        44/7 - 2018     done and ready for
                   Karagowan Reef                                   Marua and                                                                  execution.
Oro          24.   Collingwood         Bay   Sinapa      04.04.17   22.11.17      22.11.17          05.09.17       11.07.18    27.07.18        Lease instrument
                   No.1/                     Koniasi                Under                           Portion 117C   Done        45/7 - 2018     done and ready for
                   Garandi Reef                                     Sinapa and                                                                 execution.
Oro          25.   Star Reef Passage -       N/A         N/A        N/A           N/A               05.09.17       N/A         N/A             No community
                   Suhail Reef                                                                      Portion 126C
Oro          26.   Star Reef Passage -       N/A         N/A        N/A           N/A               05.09.17       N/A         N/A             No community
                   Enif Reef                                                                        Portion 124C
Oro          27.   Star Reef Passage -       N/A         N/A        N/A           N/A               05.09.17       N/A         N/A             No community
                   Arcturus Reef S-end                                                              Portion 129C
Oro          28.   Star Reef Passage -       N/A         N/A        N/A           N/A               05.09.17       N/A         N/A             No community
                   Arcturus Reef N-end                                                              Portion 128
Oro          29.   Star Reef Passage -       N/A         N/A        N/A           N/A               05.09.17       N/A         N/A             No community
                   Menkar Reef N-end                                                                Portion 127C
Oro          30.   Star Reef Passage -       N/A         N/A        N/A           N/A               05.09.17       N/A         N/A             No community
                   Vega Reef                                                                        Portion 125C
Milne Bay    31.   Sidney Islands Reef       Iarame      05.04.17   21.11.17      21.11.17          05.09.17       6.08.18     27.07.18        Lease instrument
                   No.4                      Sirimo                                                 Portion 10C    Done        37/7 - 2018     done and ready for
                   Oraora Reef                                                                                                                 execution.
Milne Bay    32.   Sidney Islands Reef       Iarame      05.04.17   20.11.17      20.11.17          05.09.17       6.08.18     27.07.18        Lease instrument
                   No.3                      Sirimo                                                 Portion 9C     Done        36/7 - 2018     done and ready for
                   Didimana Reef                                                                                                               execution.

Province   No       Sites /English      Community     FPIC         CLC               LIR      Survey Plans   Valuation    C. of A. No:          Action
    Area               Traditional                     Signed      Signed           Initiated    Registered      done          (COAs)           Comments

Milne Bay    33.   Sidney Islands Reef    Pem         05.04.17   19.11.17      19.11.17         05.09.17       6.08.18     27.07.18        Lease instrument
                   No.2                   Tototo                                                Portion 8C     Done        35/7 - 2018     done and ready for
                   Meiyoboga                                                                                                               execution.
Milne Bay    34.   Sidney Islands Reef    Magabara    05.04.17   18.11.17      18.11.17         05.09.17       6.08.18     27.07.18        Lease instrument
                   No.1                   Keruasi                                               Portion 7C     Done        34/7 - 2018     done and ready for
                   Kukunaki Reef                                                                                                           execution.
Milne Bay    35.   Jabbering Reef South   Tapio       05.04.17   17.11.17      17.11.17         05.09.17       6.08.18     27.07.18        Lease instrument
                   Nagira                 Woruka                 Under         Under Tapio      Portion 6C     Done        38/7 - 2018     done and ready for
                                                                 Woruka                                                                    execution.
Milne Bay    36.   Jabbering Reef North   Tapio       05.04.17   17.11.17      17.11.17         05.09.17       6.08.18     27.07.18        Lease instrument
                   Tapikosikosira         Woruka                 Under Tapio   Under Tapio      Portion 5C     Done        39/7 - 2018     done and ready for
TOTAL        104

Appendix B: Annual Payments Schedule – CLC & Lease; Package 1 & 2

                             -   Payment 1.

                                                                    PAYMENT                            PAYMENT
PACKAGE               No.                   SITE NAMES              AMOUNT         CLC NAMES           AMOUNT         DATES     STATUS           COMMENTS
                  1         ENGLISH              LOCAL                   $
Milne Bay
                       1    Gigipwala Point      Nuwakasawei Reef   2'400.00       Gigipwala Point     2'400.00        Sep-20
                       2    Point                Upo’ Apoai Reef    2'400.00       Sebulgomwa          2'400.00        Sep-20
                            Dobu Island N-
                       3    end                  Bwawabwawa Reef    2'400.00       Dewasia             2'400.00        Sep-20
                       4    Waiope Island        O’ayobe            2'400.00       O'ayobe             2'400.00        Sep-20
                            Cape Doubtful S-
 Dawson Strait
                       5    end                  Niugoma’ala        2'400.00       Niugoma'ala         2'400.00        Sep-20
                                                                                                                                                 Due to non -
                            Cape Doubtful N-                                                                                    CLC package on   availability of the
                       6    end                  Lalai Reef         2'400.00       Lailai                         0    Sep-20   hold             CLC memb ers
                       7    Yadayadala           Yadayadala Point              0   Yadyadala           2'400.00        Sep-20   Disputed         LIR not paid
                            Sanaroa Island W-                                      Sanaroa Island W-
                       8    end                  Yauyana Point                 0   end                 2'400.00        Sep-20   Disputed         LIR not paid
                                                                                                                                LIR not          Due to advice
                            Losuia Pile No.3                                                                                    conducted        from District
                                                                                                                                CLC still        Lands Officer -
Kiriwina Island        9                         N/A                           0   Wayayu                         0    Sep-20   outstanding      Kiriwina
Kitava Island         10    Nuratu Island        Nuratu             2'400.00       Nuratu Island       2'400.00        Sep-20
                                                                                   West Passage
 Deboyne Island             West Passage         Mahawan
                      11                                            2'400.00       North               2'400.00        Sep-20

West Passage
                       West Passage
                  12                       Lenana               2'400.00       North               2'400.00       Sep-20
                                                                               Redlick Passage/
                       Redlick Passage
                  13                       Rara Island          2'400.00       Rara Island         2'400.00       Sep-20
                                                                               Redlick Passage/                                             LO package on
                       Redlick Passage     Holuga
                  14                                                       0   Holuga              2'400.00       Sep-20   LIR Incomplete   hold
                  15   Hobwaiwala 1        Hobwaiwala 1                    0   Hobwaiwala 1                   0   Sep-20                    Site Abandoned
                  16   Hobwaiwala 2        Hobwaiwala 2         2'400.00       Hobwaiwala 2        2'400.00       Sep-20
                       Jomard Entrance
                       (Bramble Haven
Jomard Passage    17   Entrance S-end)     Aimekumekuna         2'400.00       Aimekumekuna        2'400.00       Sep-20
                       Jomard Entrance
                       (Bramble Haven
                  18   Entrance N-end)     Nevenak              2'400.00       Nevenak             2'400.00       Sep-20
                       Jomard Entrance
                       (Uruba Reef S-
                  19   end)                Urubwal              2'400.00       Urubwal             2'400.00       Sep-20
                       Jomard Entrance
                       (Uruba Reef N-
                  20   end)/               Ungi                 2'400.00       Ungi                2'400.00       Sep-20
Chaina Strait     21   Island Point        Bwatasiuna                      0   Bwatasiuna                     0   Sep-20   Site abondoned
                  22   Kwato Island (1)    Weku’Isuaina Point   2'400.00       Isuhina             2'400.00       Sep-20
                  23   Kwato Island (2),   Enakabwasa Reef                 0   Kwato # 2           2'400.00       Sep-20   disputed
                                           Lei Motumotu
                       Gesila Island
                  24                       Reef                 2'400.00       Lei Motumotu        2'400.00       Sep-20
                       Iguali Island/      Igwali Island
                       Baewa Lonaguda      (Kawanataumayau
                  25                       Reef)                2'400.00       Gunahine (Iguali)   2'400.00       Sep-20
Budibudi Island   26   Tamaris Reef        Tamwalias Shoal      2'400.00       Tamaris Reef        2'400.00       Sep-20
                  27   Cannac Islet        Cannac                          0   Cannac Islet                   0   Sep-20   Site Abandoned

                        Harbour Marshall
                   28   Lagoon 1           Galuwale            2'640.00       Galu Uvale       2'640.00       Dec-20
                        Harbour Marshall
                   29   Lagoon 3           Managavaro          2'640.00       Managavaro       2'640.00       Dec-20
   Province                                                                                                                          Both the CLC rep
                        McFarlane                                                                                                    and the LO's rep
                        Harbour Marshall                                                                               Payments on   were not present
                   30   Lagoon 2           Wanepai                        0   Rinaloo                     0   Dec-20   hold          during executions
                        Harbour Marshall
                   31   Lagoon 5           Kupiano             2'640.00       Kupiano          2'640.00       Dec-20

NGI Regions
                        Hetau Passage
                    1   Beacon No. 2       Kulu Reef           2'400.00       Kulu             2'400.00       Jun-19
                        Buka Passage
                    2   Beacon No. 2       Koteikanak Reef     2'400.00       Koteikanak       2'400.00       Jun-19
New Ireland             Tanga Island/
Province            1   Malendok           Mulemo Reef         2'400.00       Titem (Mulemu)   2'400.00       Jun-19

                    1   Raluana Point      Tagirgir Reef       2'400.00       Tagirgir         2'400.00       Jun-19
East New Britain                           Kurairai - Vulcan
    Province        2   Vulcan Point       Beach               2'400.00       Kuraira          2'400.00       Jun-19
                        Pidgeon Island
                    3   Point              Pupuongan           2'400.00       Pupuongan        2'400.00       Jun-19

-   Payment 2.

                                                               PAYMENT                     PAYMENT
PACKAGE           No.                   SITE NAMES             AMOUNT         CLC NAMES    AMOUNT         DATES    STATUS          COMMENTS
              2             ENGLISH            LOCAL                $

                            Hetau Passage                                                                          Payment on      CLC - no acquital's provided for
                        1   Beacon No. 2       Kulu Reef                  0   Kulu                    0            hold            second payment.
                            Buka Passage       Koteikanak                                                          Payment on      CLC - no acquital's provided for
                        2   Beacon No. 2       Reef                       0   Koteikanak              0            hold            second payment.
                                                                                                                   10% increased
New Ireland                 Tanga Island/                                     Titem                                in 2020         Paid difference of K260.00 first
Province                1   Malendok           Mulemo Reef     2'900.00       (Mulemu)     2'900.00       Jun-20   January         year payment

                                                                                                                   no payments     CLC - no acquital's provided for
  East New              1   Raluana Point      Tagirgir Reef   2'900.00       Tagirgir                0   Jun-20   executed        second payment.
   Britain                                     Kurairai -
  Province              2   Vulcan Point       Vulcan Beach    2'900.00       Kuraira      2'900.00       Jun-20
                            Pidgeon Island
                        3   Point              Pupuongan       2'900.00       Pupuongan    2'900.00       Jun-20

Table 1: Number of CLCs & Female Participants

Table 2 – a: Payments Execution:

Table: 2 – b: January – June 2021 – Field Trips

Table 3 – a: Updated Status and Progress of the 3 Packages

Table 3 – b: Land Acquisition Documents
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