The Response of Healthy Men to Treadmill Exercise

Page created by Oscar Moreno
The Response
                            of Healthy Men to Treadmill Exercise

SUMMARY Heart rates, blood pressures, and functional                                indicated measurements are individually described by the use of
responses to submaximal, maximal and postexertional treadmill test-                 percentiles. These data provide the practicing clinician with an ac-
ing are presented for a group of 704 healthy, asymptomatic air-                     curate and complete description of the response of healthy men to
crewmen referred to the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine. The                      treadmill exercise.

THE INTERPRETATION OF ELECTROCARDIO-                                                to submaximal, maximal, and postexertional treadmill
GRAPHIC CHANGES in response to exercise testing is of                               testing. In addition to diagnostic use, these reference values
established value in the early detection, diagnosis, and sub-                       serve as a basis for monitoring individuals during treadmill
sequent management of coronary atherosclerotic heart dis-                           testing to assure patient safety. Finally, this study may
ease (CAD).'` The major emphasis placed on inter-                                   provide the basis for subsequent studies which seek to es-
pretation of the exercise electrocardiogram (ECG) has,                              tablish discriminant values that separate healthy individuals
however, tended to de-emphasize the value and significance                          from those with specific health disorders.
of other commonly acquired exercise performance
measurements (i.e., heart rate, blood pressure, and func-                                               Materials and Methods
tional capacity). These latter measurements are currently at-
tracting renewed attention as part of an effort to improve the                        The United States Air Force School of Aerospace
overall sensitivity and specificity of exercise testing. Recent                     Medicine (USAFSAM) provides a clinical consultation ser-
reports have suggested that maximal oxygen consumption,6                            vice for the evaluation of referred, ambulatory aircrewmen
functional aerobic capacity estimated from maximal tread-                           with a broad spectrum of suspected or manifested medical
mill time,7 8 maximal and submaximal heart rate and blood                           disorders. These medical disorders, though mild and usually
pressure,9-" and the maximal heart rate-blood pressure                              asymptomatic, are potentially serious in view of modern air-
product,'2 may also be useful indices for identifying the                           crew responsibilities. All individuals in the present study
presence and/or severity of CAD in patients.                                        were aircrewmen referred to this service.
   The value of any measurement in providing useful diag-                              All referred aircrewmen are given a complete and com-
nostic information from treadmill testing depends upon: a)                          prehensive medical evaluation at the USAFSAM. This
the accuracy and completeness with which the measurement                            medical evaluation includes a history and physical examina-
has been made in healthy individuals (the reference values);                        tion by flight surgeons, internists, ophthalmologists, and
and b) the effectiveness with which certain limits of the                           ENT consultants, with further specialist work-ups where in-
measurement (discriminant values) separate healthy in-                              dicated. Extensive clinical laboratory studies are completed.
dividuals from those with known health disorders.'3                                 Additional procedures routinely accomplished include chest,
Previously published studies have reported reference values                         abdominal and sinus X-rays, resting ECG and VCG, max-
based on the response of healthy individuals to treadmill                           imal treadmill exercise testing, at least four hours of Holter
testing. Unfortunately, a majority of these studies were                            ECG monitoring, and spirometry.
based on a small sample size, and statistics based on them                             More then 2500 aircrewmen were seen at the USAFSAM
are less likely to provide a true estimate of population                            Consultation Service between 1973 and 1975; each of the in-
parameters than is a comparable study based on a larger                             dividual medical records and results of the USAFSAM
number. In the remaining few studies with a larger sample                           evaluation were reviewed for the purpose of identifying a
size, data for both submaximal and postexertional treadmill                         subgroup of healthy individuals. We excluded all individuals
responses are fragmentary and incomplete. Hence, the prac-                          with acute or chronic medical disorders or with any condi-
ticing clinician has not had a complete and readily available                       tion that might affect functional capacity. Additionally, men
set of reference values for use with his application of tread-                      with bundle branch block, significant Q waves, significant
mill exercise testing.                                                              ventricular arrhythmias, hypertension, on medication of any
   The purpose of the present report is to establish a com-                         kind, or with any abnormality brought out by treadmill test-
plete set of reference values for the response of healthy men                       ing, were excluded. Men below age 25 or above age 54 were
                                                                                    excluded because their numbers were too small to provide
                                                                                    meaningful data. This left a subgroup of 704 healthy,
   From the Internal Medicine Branch/NGI, USAF School of Aerospace                  asymptomatic aircrewmen; the treadmill test results from
Medicine, Brooks AFB, Texas.
  The research reported in this paper was conducted by the personnel of the         these 704 men serve as a basis for the present report.
Clinical Sciences Division, USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Aerospace               Maximal treadmill testing was conducted in the morning
Medical Division, AFSC, United States Air Force, Brooks AFB, Texas                  with each individual fasting and well rested. This was the
  Dr. Froelicher's present address is Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center,             subject's first treadmill test and initial experience with tread-
Lackland AFB, Texas.                                                                mill walking. Ambient temperature was typically main-
  Address for reprints: Roger A. Wolthuis, Ph.D., Internal Medicine Branch,
NGI, USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, Texas 78235.                    tained in the range of 23 to 26°C. Multichannel ECG data
  Received May 10, 1976; revision accepted August 16, 1976.                         were continuously collected using fluid column silver/silver
154                                                                             CIRCULATION                                 VOL 55, No 1, JANUARY 1977

chloride electrodes and associated ECG electronic equip-                                       subsequently used to calculate the median (50th percentile)
ment as previously described.'4 Blood pressure was                                             and the 10th and 90th percentile limits for each stated
measured at regular intervals in the left arm by auscultation;                                 measurement at selected treadmill protocol times. We chose
Phase V (disappearance of sounds) was taken as the dia-                                        this nonparametric approach in presenting our data because
stolic endpoint. Expired air was collected at full minute in-                                  the use of percentiles 1) does not require an assumption of a
tervals as maximum treadmill effort was approached; air                                        normal distribution of the population reported, and 2) this
collection was accomplished using a standard mouthpiece                                        type of presentation is easily understood by most people.
and nose clip, Koegel's valves and turret,'5 and weather                                       Our specific use of the 10th and 90th percentiles was an ar-
balloons. Gas volumes were measured with a Tissot                                              bitrary choice and provides relatively conservative limits for
spirometer corrected for pressure and temperature. Expired                                     the response of healthy men to treadmill exercise. Finally,
gas analysis for carbon dioxide and oxygen was performed                                       linear regression equations were computed for maximum
with Beckman LB-l and E-2 instruments, respectively; these                                     heart rate on age and maximum oxygen consumption on
instruments were calibrated daily with gases analyzed by the                                   age.
micro Sch6lander technique.                                                                                                Results
   The treadmill testing procedure included initial periods of
supine rest (2 min), quiet standing (3 min) and hyperven-                                         For the 704 individuals that were studied, median (50th
tilation (0.75 min); then followed a treadmill walk at 3.3                                     percentile) age was 37 years, with 26 and 47 years as the 10th
mph with 1% grade increases each minute until a maximum                                        and 90th percentiles. Median height was 178 cm, with the
effort had been performed.'6 Individuals were not allowed to                                   10th and 90th percentiles at 170 and 185 cm, respectively.
support their weight on treadmill handrails during the test.                                   Median weight for the study population was 78 kg, with 67
All individuals were cooperative and gave what they and the                                    and 89 kg being the 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively.
monitoring physician considered a maximal effort. Max-                                         These heights and weights are remarkably similar to those
imum effort was followed by an 8-min supine recovery                                           published for a non-service-related male population;'7 our
period.                                                                                        lower median age is characteristic of military populations in
   All measurement data from each individual treadmill test                                    general.
were entered into a computer data base. This data base was                                        Supine rest (control period) and submaximal treadmill ex-

                        CONTROL                   SUB - MAXIMAL RESPONSE

            200F                                                                              -190   -
 HEART                                    r 141 -3
 lbpm)                                     K102]

            40                                                                                                 FIGURE 1. Control and submaximal treadmill
                                                                                                               exercise measurement data are shown as median
            220r                                                                              - 208-           (U) with 10th and 90th percentiles. Submaximal
                                                                                                               data are presented for the 5, 10 and 15 percent
SYSTOLIC                                   7174 L-:                                                            grade within the Balke-Ware treadmill protocol;
  BLOOD                                                                                                        the relationship between these three grades and
PRESSURE                                                                                                       other treadmill protocol stages is depicted at the
 lmmHgl                                                                                                        bottom of the figure.
                        z140              1   *2                                                                  The numbers of subjects with complete data for
                          110                                                                                  each of the measurements are 698 for control;
                                                                                                               699, 700, and 503, respectively, for three sub-
                                                                                                               maximal responses.
            100 _
DIASTOLIC                 90      X           90                        90-90
                     L 68

                                              5     PERCENT rGRADE,      10      AT 3.3 MPH     t5

                                          mEI            ,
                                                             ,B    | BRUCE |

                                               [0                 i~]   McHENRY
EXERCISE RESPONSE OF HEALTHY MEN/Wolthuis et al.                                        155

ercise test data are presented in figure 1. The control period           Supine treadmill recovery data are shown in figure 3. As
heart rate and blood pressure data are in the expected range;         expected, heart rate and blood pressure data show a fall at
the slight elevations in diastolic blood pressures are probably       recovery minute two and a further fall at minute five from
due to anticipation of the treadmill test. Next, submaximal           values attained during maximal exercise.
treadmill test data are given for 5, 10 and 15 min (or 5, 10,            All blood pressures were measured by auscultation, and
and 15% grade) of the Balke-Ware treadmill protocol; time             our presentation of these data should not obscure the lack of
and treadmill percent grade are numerically the same within           accuracy inherent with this technique when applied to exer-
this protocol. As shown, heart rate and systolic blood pres-          cising subjects.19- 20 On the other hand, auscultation is the
sure increased with time and workload, with the increase              method typically used during clinical exercise testing and is
tapering off as maximum effort is approached. Diastolic               felt to be of value.1' Within these limitations, the present
blood pressure stayed constant or fell slightly with increas-         data are designed to provide a range of expected values for
ing effort. The relationship between the Balke-Ware sub-              these conditions.
maximal workload levels and other well-known treadmill                   All patients were classified with respect to physical ac-
protocol stages is shown at the bottom of figure 1.18                 tivity (i.e., active, moderately active, or sedentary) on the
   The response at maximal effort during treadmill testing is         basis of a questionnaire.21 Linear regression equations were
shown in figure 2; these data are presented by age decades.           computed by activity status for maximum heart rate on age
The observed drop in maximal heart rate, maximal oxygen               and maximum oxygen consumption on age. The maximal
consumption, and maximal treadmill time with increasing               heart rate/age relationship was not statistically different
age is consistent with changes noted in earlier studies. Max-         between the three activity groups, and we have thus
imal systolic blood pressure and pressure-rate product                presented a single regression equation based on the total
change little across the three age decades studied, while             data (table 1). On the other hand, regression equations of
diastolic pressure increases slightly.                                maximal oxygen consumption on age differed in intercept
                                                                      but not slope for the three activity groups; we have presented
                               MAXIMAL [last minutel RESPONSE         separate intercepts and a common slope for this
                  220 _                                               relationship. In all cases, maximal heart rate and maximal
                     FIs^3 [200                   194                 oxygen consumption declined with age, a finding consistent
    HEART                     F        ]         F                    with earlier reports. However, the low correlation
    1bpm)         10L'162--
                                175J             L17i0                coefficients and high variability about each of the regression
                                                                                                       RECOVERY RESPONSE
                              r11 r24                      26                       160        r


                                                                         RATE                                             --116
                                                                         (bpm)                          1021                .'I
                                                                                     80 L                            -88J
  DIASTOLIC                       90
  PRESSURE         540_
    JmmHg)PRSURE60L           L -60-I
                                                                                    200                 194-
  PRESSURE-        50                             4                     BLOOD
                                  40 -            4         39
                                                           L 1
                                                                       PRESSURE                                           m158n
                                                   92                   (mmHg)                         -140-
 (HR x SBPI   10320L
                                                                                    120 L                            L-120J
            Ol     50          [48             ][4%74
 (cc/kg - min)                    34                       2*9
                                                                                     90s                 690
                   20 L   20t~~~~~                 31-
                                                                       DIASTOLIC           |
                   25                                                    BLOOD             |
  BALKE MAX                       21    -

                                                   20        19
   TIME (min)
                                                                        (mmHg)       60    L
                                                                                                         60                60
      TIE(ioiL                L1                           [12                                                       L

                 AGE GR:P:     :25-34             235-4     45-54                                  I    min.2        I|   min.5 |
FIGURE 2. Maximal response treadmill exercise measurement             FIGURE 3. Postexertional treadmill exercise measurement data
data are shown as median (-), with 10th and 90th percentiles, for     are shown as median (-), with 10th and 90th percentiles, for
each of three age decades.                                            minutes 2 and 5 of the recovery period.
  The numbers of subjects with complete data for each of the             The numbers of subjects with complete data for each of the
measurements shown are (from left to right) 287, 317, and 100.        measurements shown are 692 and 698.
156                                                             CIRCULATION                          VOL 55, No 1, JANUARY 1977

TABLE 1. Linear Regression Equations for Maximal Oxygen                ent study between physical activity groups, in part because
Consumption on Age, by Activity Status, and for Maximal                of genetic and other biological differences, and also because
Heart Rate on Age                                                      of inadequacies in the available methods for classifying
(For active)        VO = 50.6 - 0.17 X age (N = 99)                    physical fitness. Given these limitations and the desire to
(For mod active)    VO2 = 45.8 - 0.17 X age (N = 258)                  keep our main data presentation simple and easy to use, the
(For sedentary)     VO, = 43.2 - 0.17 X age (N = 34-5)                 reference values in figures 1, 2 and 3 are presented without
                  rpooled = -0.24      SEl"Epoolekd = 5.30
(For all)           HR = 204 - 0.6 X age            (N = 704)          regard to physical activity.
                  rpooled= -0.40       SEEpoole(d = 10.12                 Finally, learning to walk the treadmill more efficiently
 Abbreviations: HR = heart rate; VO   =   oxygen consumption.          leads to lowered heart rates at submaximal workloads and
                                                                       an increase in maximal treadmill performance without im-
                                                                       provement in cardiovascular status or physical fitness. This
lines, also demonstrated previously,'4 preclude the predic-            learning can be done by allowing an individual to perform a
tive usefulness of these relationships.                                series of treadmill tests.24 Individuals used in the present
                                                                       study were receiving their first treadmill test; repeat users
                           Discussion                                  were excluded for the reasons given.
Comparison with Other Healthy Populations
                                                                       Responses Outside the 10th and 90th Percentiles
   The report by Bruce and colleagues, based on 1275
healthy individuals, is the only previous sizable study pre-              The 10th and 90th percentiles were arbitrarily presented;
senting both control and submaximal treadmill response                 these are conservative reference values for the response of
data.'7 Mean heart rate and blood pressure values for the              healthy men to treadmill exercise. Since 20% of our healthy
control period are essentially the same as our median con-             population lay outside these limits, patients falling outside
trol period data shown in figure 1. Further, mean heart rate           these limits may well be normal. However, our reference
and blood pressure values from the Bruce protocol stage 1              values help to exclude individuals having subclinical con-
are similar to the 5% grade values we have demonstrated.
                                                                       ditions that compromise treadmill performance. Thus, men
Ellestad has graphically presented submaximal heart rate               with responses lying outside these limits should be evaluated
and blood pressure data over a series of age decades.2" The            since they may be at increased risk for having a health
average responses seem to agree with our median responses;
his 95% confidence values cannot be directly compared with                Elevated heart rate values at submaximal exercise, max-
the percentile limits presented here.                                  imal exercise, or recovery, could be due to vasoregulatory
   The response of heart rate and oxygen consumption to                asthenia2" or to any condition that decreases peripheral
maximal treadmill exercise are presented in figure 2 and               resistance. Prolonged bed rest could also explain such heart
show agreement with other studies.6' 116, 2 The maximal
                                                                       rate elevations.26 A relatively low heart rate at any point
blood pressure and pressure-rate product values presented              during submaximal work could be due to physical condition-
by Bruce and colleagues'7 are also in agreement with those             ing and/or an enlarged heart with enhanced stroke volume,
shown in figure 2. Recovery heart rate data presented in               or it could be due to drugs such as propanolol. Ellestad has
figure 3 are very similar to those published from this                 reported chronotropic incompetence, which he defines as a
laboratory on a smaller series." Visual inspection of the              heart rate below the age-adjusted 95% confidence limits for
recovery data graphically presented by Ellestad across an 8
                                                                       his treadmill protocol.22 His data demonstrate that
min recovery period22 again is quite similar to those                  chronotropic incompetence carries an increased risk for
presented in this report.                                              CAD, even if there is a normal electrocardiographic
                                                                       response to the treadmill test.9
Some Important Variables Affecting Treadmill Testing                      Systolic blood pressure has been seen to rise above the il-
                                                                       lustrated limits in hypertensives." Such elevations have not
   Age, physical fitness, and subject's treadmill experience           been associated with any complications or ominous im-
are  all known to have an effect on the treadmill measure-             plications in our laboratory. An inadequate blood pressure
ments presented. With respect to age, there were some                  rise can be due to aortic valve disease or left ventricular im-
statistically significant age group differences within the             pairment. The heart rate-blood pressure product at maximal
separate measurements during control, submaximal exer-                 exercise has been considered a measure of left ventricular
cise, and recovery periods. However, the differences were              function.'2 An excessive elevation could cause a false
small and were not considered important for the purposes               positive exercise test because of a physiological imbalance
for which these data are presented. With the exception of              between myocardial blood supply and demand. We have not
maximal heart rate and oxygen consumption, differences in              seen this occur in our laboratory. Low values could be due to
response to maximal exercise across the age decades were               left ventricular dysfunction, outflow obstruction, poor
also small. Our presentation of the maximal measurement                patient cooperation, or medication.
data by age decades was largely prompted by precedence                    Maximal oxygen consumption has been considered a
and the desire to permit comparison with other published               valuable measurement since it noninvasively estimates max-
studies.                                                               imal cardiac output27 and is an index of work capacity and
   With regard to physical fitness, individuals with a high            maximal cardiovascular function.6 However, its practical
level of fitness are known to have lower heart rates at sub-           diagnostic value is limited because of biological variability,
maximal workloads, higher maximal oxygen consumptions,                 the expense of measuring it accurately, and limitations in es-
and quicker drops in recovery heart rate than sedentary in-            timating it from treadmill time'4' 20, 28 or by using some
dividuals. However, we observed much overlap in the pres-              automated commercial devices. Possibly, determination of
EXERCISE RESPONSE OF HEALTHY MEN/Wolthuis et al.                                                                     157

an individual's maximal treadmill workload may be a more                              MC: Value of exercise testing for screening asymptomatic men for latent
accurate and/or adequate measure of maximal cardio-                                   coronary artery disease. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 18: 265, 1976
                                                                                   6. Mitchell JH, Blomqvist G: Maximal oxygen uptake. N Engl J Med 284:
vascular function.                                                                    1018, 1971
  Recovery heart rates return to near basal levels faster in                       7. Bruce  RA, Kusumi F, Hosmer D: Maximal oxygen intake and
individuals who are physically fit.2" The rate of change                               nomographic assessment of functional aerobic impairment in cardiovas-
                                                                                       cular disease. Am Heart J 85: 546, 1973
toward basal is also dependent upon the integrity of the car-                       8. Bruce RA, Kusumi F, Niederberger M, Petersen JL: Cardiovascular
diovascular system and the health of an individual.                                    mechanisms of functional aerobic impairment in patients with coronary
                                                                                       heart disease. Circulation 49: 696, 1974
                                                                                    9. Ellestad MH, Wan MKC: Predictive implications of stress testing.
Relevance of Regression Data                                                           Follow-up of 2700 subjects after maximum treadmill stress testing. Cir-
                                                                                       culation 51: 363, 1975
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declined with age as has been shown by many investigators.'8                           stress tests in angiographically documented coronary artery disease. Cir-
                                                                                       culation 49: 348, 1974
Lester and colleagues reviewed the studies of maximal heart                        11. Thomson PD, Kelemen MH: Hypotension accompanying the onset of ex-
rates and presented their results in a group of 190 male                                ertional angina. A sign of severe compromise of left ventricular blood
volunteers ranging in age from 15 to 75.23 They found a                                 supply. Circulation 52: 28, 1975
                                                                                   12. Bruce RA, Fisher LD, Cooper MN, Gey GO: Separation of effects of
regression slope of -0.41 beats/min/year for both active                                cardiovascular disease and age on ventricular function with maximal ex-
and sedentary subjects, -but active subjects had a lower max-                          ercise. Am J Cardiol 34: 757, 1974
                                                                                   13. Sunderman FW Jr: Current concepts of "normal values," "reference
imal heart rate at any age. Other investigators have                                    values," and "discrimination values" in clinical chemistry. Clin Chem 21:
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beat/min/year.18 Our decline of -0.61 beats/min/year but                           14. Froelicher VF, Thompson AJ, Yanowitz F, Lancaster MC: Treadmill ex-
                                                                                        ercise testing at the USAFSAM: Physiological responses in aircrewmen
without an effect of activity status numerically lies between                           and the detection of latent coronary artery disease. AGARDOGRAPH
these values. Maximal heart rate has clinical importance                                No. 210, 1975, NASA, Langley Field, Virginia 23365
since many clinicians use heart rate-targeted submaximal                           15. Lenox J, Koegel E: Evaluation of a new low resistance breathing valve. J
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   The analysis of maximal oxygen consumption regressed                                 Force personnel. US Armed Forces Med J 10: 675, 1959
                                                                                   17. Bruce RA, Gey GO Jr, Cooper MN, Fisher LD, Peterson DR: Seattle
on age showed a decline with age as found by other in-                                  heart watch: Initial clinical, circulatory and electrocardiographic
vestigators.6' 14 Dehn and Bruce reviewed both cross-sec-                               responses to maximal exercise. Am J Cardiol 33: 459, 1974
tional and longitudinal studies of maximal oxygen con-                             18. Fox SM III, Naughton JP, Haskell WL: Physical activity and the
                                                                                        prevention of coronary heart disease. Ann Clin Res 3: 404, 1971
sumption and presented their results in a group of 86 healthy                      19. Henschel A, De La Vega F, Taylor HL. Simultaneous direct and indirect
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                                                                                   20. Nelson RR, Gobel FL, Jorgensen CR, Wang K, Wang Y, Taylor HL:
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                                                                                   21. Froelicher VF Jr, Thompson AJ Jr, Noguera I, Davis G, Stewart A,
tion and age is likely due to the fact that multiple factors                            Triebwasser JH: Prediction of maximal oxygen consumption. Com-
besides age are involved; i.e., genetic make-up, current and                            parison of the Bruce and Balke treadmill protocols. Chest 68: 331, 1975
previous activity status, blood volume, hematocrit, cardio-                        22. Ellestad MH: Stress testing: Principles and Practice. Philadelphia, FA
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                            Acknowledgment                                         24. Froelicher VF Jr, Brammell H, Davis G, Noguera I, Stewart A, Lan-
                                                                                        caster MC: A comparison of the reproducibility and physiologic response
  The authors express their appreciation to Mrs. Rosa Linda Rodriguez for               to three maximal treadmill exercise protocols. Chest 65: 512, 1974
her support with the manuscript preparation.                                       25. Friesinger GC, Biern RO, Likar I, Mason RE: Exercise electrocardiog-
                                                                                         raphy and vasoregulatory abnormalities. Am J Cardiol 30: 733, 1972
                                                                                   26. Saltin B, Blomqvist G, Mitchell JH, Johnson RL, Wildenthal K, Chap-
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