Page created by Gordon Romero
November 2011
                                                                                     UNFCCC CLIMATE TALKS, DURBAN

The right flightpath to
reduce aviation emissions
The aviation sector recognises the growing and urgent need for society to
address the global challenge of climate change. It also emphasises that
aviation plays a vital role in promoting sustainable development and should
remain safe, affordable and accessible in order to ensure mobility on an
equitable basis to all sectors of society.
The international community thus          kind, the agreement formulates          In the short term, between 2010
has a common responsibility to            global targets for the sector, along    and 2020, aviation is committed
ensure that aviation can continue         with a set of principles for the        to improve its fuel efficiency
to deliver vital social and economic      use of economic measures, while         by an average of 1.5% per year,
benefits, while addressing aircraft       taking into account the specific        representing a further efficiency
CO2 emissions. The United Nation’s        needs of developed and developing       gain of 17% by 2020 or 2.2 billion
specialised agency for aviation,          countries. COP17 in Durban presents     tonnes of CO2 savings. To achieve
the International Civil Aviation          a unique opportunity to build on the    this, 12,000 new aircraft will have
Organization (ICAO) must continue to      successful outcome of the 37th ICAO     to enter service in this period, at
play a leading role in efforts to limit   Assembly and further strengthen         a cost of $1.3 trillion to airlines.
and reduce aviation emissions. ICAO       cooperation between governments         Furthermore, some infrastructure
has the expertise and experience to       and the aviation sector to jointly      and air traffic management efficiency
deal with this unique sector of the       address the climate change challenge.   improvements are dependent on
economy and can build on knowledge                                                direct government investments over
developed through previous work           As early as 2007, the global aviation   which the industry has little visibility
that, among other things, has seen        community adopted a four-pillar         and control.
aviation become the safest form of        strategy, which promotes and drives
travel on earth.                          efforts in four key areas: improved     From 2020, aviation will cap its net
                                          technology, efficient operations,       carbon emissions (through carbon
At the 37th ICAO Assembly in October      effective infrastructure and positive   neutral growth) and by 2050 it aims
2010, governments reached a global        economic measures. In 2009,             to halve its net emissions compared
agreement on a sectoral framework         the sector announced ambitious          to 2005 levels.
for addressing international aviation     collective targets for aviation
emissions. Being the first of its         emissions reductions.                   The aviation sector is determined
                                                                                  to be part of the solution but insists
                                                                                  it cannot be held responsible
 A position paper presented by the global aviation industry                       for more than its fair share of
                                                                                  emissions. Achieving its collective
                                                                                  targets is therefore contingent upon
                                                                                  other stakeholders – particularly
                                                                                  governments – playing a responsible
                                                                                  role as well.
Carbon-neutral                                 These fuels can be produced
                                                                                            Our climate targets
growth to be                                   sustainably to minimise impacts on
                                               food crops and fresh water usage. Tests
achieved from 2020                             flights have clearly demonstrated that
                                               the use of biofuel from these sources as
In 2008, airlines, manufacturers,
                                               “drop-in” fuels is safe and technically      We will improve our fleet fuel
air navigation service providers and                                                        efficiency by 1.5% per annum
airports came together in Geneva and           sound. Biofuels can be blended with
                                               existing jet fuel in increasing quantities   between now and 2020.
signed a commitment to a pathway to
carbon-neutral growth.                         as they become available.

Carbon neutral growth means that               Improved operational practices,
net CO2 emissions from aviation                including reduced auxiliary power            From 2020, net carbon emissions
would peak in 2020, stabilise                  unit usage, more efficient flight            from aviation will be capped
                                               procedures, and weight reduction             through carbon-neutral growth.
and then decline after that, while
accommodating increased air                    measures, could achieve further
transport demand. To achieve carbon
neutral growth from 2020, a multi-
                                               reductions in CO2 emissions.                 50%
                                                                                            By 2050, net aviation carbon
faceted approach is required with a            Infrastructure improvements present
                                                                                            emissions will be half of what they
strong commitment from all aviation            a major opportunity for CO2 reductions
                                                                                            were in 2005.
stakeholders: aircraft operators,              in the near term. Initial estimates by
manufacturers, fuel suppliers,                 the IPCC indicated 12% inefficiency
airports, and air navigation service           in global air transport infrastructure.
providers working together through             Since then 4% efficiencies have already
the four pillars of the aviation               been achieved. Full implementation of
industry strategy outlined below.              more efficient air traffic management
                                               and airport infrastructure could
Of the four pillars, technology has            provide substantial emissions
by far the best prospects for reducing         reductions through implementation of
aviation emissions. The industry is            measures such as the Single European
making great advances in technology            Sky and the Next Generation Air Traffic
such as: revolutionary new aircraft            Management system in the USA.
designs; new composite lightweight
materials; radical new engine advances;        While efforts from the first three
and the development of sustainable             pillars will go a long way to achieving
alternative jet fuels which could reduce       the goal of carbon neutral growth
CO2 emissions 80%, on a full carbon            from 2020, the aviation sector will
life-cycle basis. The sector is primarily      need to turn to the fourth pillar –
focusing on biofuels from second               smart economic measures – to
generation sources such as algae, non-         close the gap.
food crops and waste biomass.

 Mapping out the industry commitments

                       Known technology, operations           Economic measures                                     No action
                       and infrastructure measures
                                                              Net emissions trajectory
                       Biofuels and additional
                       new-generation technologies            ‘No actions’ trajectory

  improve fleet fuel
 efficiency by 1.5% per year
 from now until 2020                                                                                                Carbon
  cap net emissions from                                                                                          growth
 2020 through carbon                                   
 neutral growth

  by 2050, net aviation
 carbon emissions will be                                                                                          by 2050
 half of what they were in

 (Schematic, indicative diagram only)
A global approach                          Recognising the specific nature of
                                                                                    Recommendations for
for aviation                               the aviation sector, governments at
                                           the 37th ICAO Assembly (October          including aviation in a
                                           2010) demonstrated that multilateral     global climate change
Aviation is the ultimate global
                                           collaborative action by all States       framework
activity: it provides an interconnected
network of air services spanning           through a global sectoral approach
                                           under ICAO is the most appropriate       The global aviation sector
the entire globe, with aircraft - and                                               recommends:
their emissions - crossing continents      mechanism to effectively address
                                           international aviation emissions in a    1. Aircraft CO2 emissions should
and national jurisdictions on a daily                                                   be addressed as part of any
basis. Even flights that are purely        post-2012 framework.
                                                                                        post-2012 global climate
within a State’s boundaries can                                                         change agreement, through
have implications for international        To be effective, however, efforts to
                                           limit or reduce CO2 emissions from           the International Civil Aviation
aviation, as domestic flights often                                                     Organisation (ICAO).
serve as critical feeders for the          aviation should address all parts of
                                           the aviation supply chain. In addition   2. Emissions from aviation
international network. To avoid                                                         should be addressed through
a patchwork of overlapping and             to aircraft operators this includes
                                           for example aircraft manufacturers,          ICAO adopting a global and
potentially conflicting national and                                                    comprehensive approach that
regional policies, a framework for         fuel suppliers, air navigation service
                                           providers and airports, who directly         does not distort competition
addressing CO2 emissions from                                                           amongst aircraft operators,
aviation must be developed at a            influence aviation’s environmental
                                           performance through the design               treats aviation as one indivisible
global level.                                                                           sector rather than by country.
                                           and deployment of the products and
                                           services they supply.                    3. Aviation emissions should be
Further, although aviation is a                                                         accounted for in a dedicated,
relatively homogenous sector in                                                         global emissions inventory
terms of technology and efficiency         Lastly, governments have a
                                           responsibility to establish the right        for the sector to reliably track
levels, it is also a highly competitive,                                                progress against industry
R&D-intensive sector, largely              legal and fiscal frameworks to
                                           facilitate and increase investment           targets, avoid double counting
characterised by low entry barriers,                                                    and ensure emissions
thin revenue margins and a high            in cost-effective CO2 emissions
                                           reduction measures, including new            reductions are only paid for
exposure to external shocks. Policy                                                     once.
measures applied in other sectors          aircraft and engine technologies,
                                           more efficient air traffic management    4. The aviation industry can
may not necessarily translate to                                                        achieve carbon neutral growth
aviation. While the aviation sector has    infrastructure and low-carbon
                                           sustainable alternative jet fuels, and       from 2020 and work towards
many characteristics that make the                                                      reducing aviation net carbon
development of policy mechanisms           to enable the full and unrestricted
                                           access of the aviation sector to the         emissions by 50% in 2050,
to further reduce emissions more                                                        compared to 2005 levels.
challenging than for other fossil          global carbon market and use of
                                           available mitigation measures outside        These ambitious targets are
fuel consuming sectors, it has an                                                       contingent upon governments
unparalleled record of CO2 efficiency      the sector.
                                                                                        providing necessary
improvements.                                                                           investments for:
                                                                                          • modernisation of air traffic
                                                                                          • aerodynamic and
                                                                                             operations technology
                                                                                             research and development
                                                                                             through academic and
                                                                                             industry partners
                                                                                          • development and
                                                                                             commercialisation of
                                                                                             sustainable, second-
                                                                                             generation biofuels for use
                                                                                             in aviation

  For further information about the many ways the aviation industry is reducing its climate impact, check the
  cross-industry resource centre at

  To arrange a briefing from an aviation industry representative at COP17, please contact
Proposed targets and                         what measures to use to reduce and/
                                                                                      MEASURES TO ADDRESS AVIATION
guiding principles                           or mitigate its CO2 emissions to meet
                                                                                      EMISSIONS MUST BE GLOBAL
                                             its target, including fleet renewal,
                                             retrofits, operational improvements,
ICAO is the appropriate United
Nations body for setting and                 sustainable alternative fuels, as        Unilateral
administering aviation-specific
standards and targets to further
                                             well as certified carbon credits and
                                             potentially any tradable allowances      response
address CO2 emissions from
aviation and for developing a global
                                             obtained from the carbon markets.
                                                                                      measures are
framework for aviation to address            Geographic coverage - Due to
                                             the global, interconnected nature
                                                                                      not useful
climate change. Following adoption
of the groundbreaking ICAO                   of air transport, governments are        The safe, orderly and efficient
Assembly resolution of October 2010,         encouraged to equally apply the          functioning of today’s international
the aviation sector urges governments        parameters of a global framework         air transport system relies on
to support ICAO in the further               to both domestic and international       the adoption of commonly agreed
                                             aviation emissions, without              standards, rules and regulations.
development and implementation of
                                             distinction.                             The use of unilateral measures,
this agreement.
                                                                                      regulating foreign operators
                                             Interdependencies of measures            without the consent of their
In addition to the principles already                                                 governments, critically undermines
agreed by governments at the ICAO            - The key CO2 abatement
                                             opportunities for the aviation           this foundation. It also puts aviation
37th Assembly (see box next page),                                                    at risk of being caught in a web of
it is recommended that the further           sector are the implementation
                                             of new technologies, including           uncoordinated, costly and ineffective
development of the global framework                                                   measures and counter-measures
for aviation through ICAO reflects           low fuel burn aircraft and engine
                                             technologies, alternative fuels with     imposed by governments, which
the following targets and guiding                                                     will benefit no one but may harm
principles:                                  reduced life-cycle CO2 emissions,
                                             and ongoing improvements in              economies and environments
                                             operational efficiency and air traffic   worldwide.
Targets - In line with aspirational
goals already under discussion in            management systems and processes.
ICAO, a mid-term target to stabilise         While the aviation sector continues
net CO2 emissions from aviation              to explore and exploit the full range
from 2020 onward (carbon-neutral             of available abatement opportunities,
growth), subject to critical aviation        it is important to consider the
infrastructure and technology                interrelationships between the
advances achieved by the industry            various mitigation measures. For
and government, should be adopted.           example, some actions such as
                                             changing preferred runway usage
A long-term aspirational goal would          and reducing flightpath lengths near
be to reduce aviation net carbon             airports can adversely affect noise
emissions by 50% in 2050, compared           management procedures. Therefore
to 2005 levels.                              regulators, when formulating actions
                                             to address CO2 emissions from
Accounting for aviation emissions            aviation, must carefully consider and
- Aviation CO2 emissions should be           balance the overall possible impacts
accounted for in a dedicated global          of such actions.
emissions inventory for the sector,
not at a regional or national level. It is   But whatever the approach, all
essential that emissions from aviation       adopted measures should be
are accounted for only once, whether         technologically feasible, economically
from domestic or international               reasonable, socially responsible and
activities and that any market-              environmentally beneficial.
based measures addressing aviation
emissions are not duplicative. Above         The aviation sector believes that
all fair competition must be ensured         ICAO is uniquely qualified to provide
between aircraft operating on the            guidance and technical expertise to
same routes                                  develop CO2 mitigation measures and
                                             ensure that they do not adversely
Individual carrier responsibilities          impact on other sensitive aviation
- Responsibility for meeting the             areas such as noise and local air
collective industry CNG 2020 target          quality.
should take into account each
                                                                                      For more information:
carrier’s fuel efficiency performance.
Each carrier has the option to decide
Cost-effective economic measures          Administration - Effective
                                                                                     ICAO principles for market-
- Economic measures to address            administration of a global framework
                                                                                     based measures
CO2 emissions from aviation               requires implementation,
must be cost-effective and non-           management and oversight of the            The guiding principles for the
duplicative, while minimising             following processes: target setting,       design and implementation of
market distortions. These measures,       CO2 monitoring and reporting,              market-based measures (MBMs)
developed through ICAO, should            compliance and enforcement.                for international aviation, adopted at
be transparent, administratively          Administration should be undertaken        the 37th ICAO Assembly, Resolution
simple and implemented on the             by the organisation(s) able to do so in    37-19:
basis of consensus. They should also      the most efficient and cost-effective        a) MBMs should support
provide full and open access to the       manner and could involve both                sustainable development of the
global carbon market and recognise        government and industry bodies.              international aviation sector;
past and future achievements              As the designated United Nations             b) MBMs should support the
and investments in aviation fuel          body for international aviation, ICAO        mitigation of GHG emissions from
efficiency and in other measures          should have a central oversight role         international aviation;
to reduce aviation emissions. The         in this process. As is currently already     c) MBMs should contribute
aviation industry reiterates that         the case with regard to aviation noise       towards achieving global
economic measures should not              and non-CO2 emissions, ICAO should           aspirational goals;
impose an inappropriate economic          create and maintain a robust aviation        d) MBMs should be transparent
burden on aviation. Taxes, levies         CO2 emissions inventory, available on        and administratively simple;
and charges targeted at air transport     an equal access basis.                       e) MBMs should be cost-effective;
are environmentally ineffective and                                                    f) MBMs should not be duplicative
severely undermine the sector’s           Special needs of developing                  and international aviation CO2
ability to invest in further emissions    countries - The 37th ICAO Assembly,          emissions should be accounted for
reduction technology, operations and      held in October 2010, demonstrated           only once;
infrastructure measures.                  that political leadership can produce        g) MBMs should minimise carbon
                                          innovative solutions to recognise and        leakage and market distortions;
Use of revenues - Any eventual            accommodate states with special              h) MBMs should ensure the fair
revenues from economic measures           needs that have difficulty complying         treatment of the international
under a global framework to               with standards or recommended                aviation sector in relation to other
address aviation emissions should         practices. The de minimis provisions
                                                                                       i) MBMs should recognise past
be clearly earmarked for aviation         of the Assembly resolution should
                                                                                       and future achievements and
and environmental purposes. Such          be respected and the threshold and
                                                                                       investments in aviation fuel
revenues should be prioritised            its potential impacts on the aviation
                                                                                       efficiency and in other measures
for re-investment in additional,          industry and markets must be kept
                                                                                       to reduce aviation emissions;
cost-effective measures to further        under regular review.
                                                                                       j) MBMs should not impose
improve the emissions profile of                                                       inappropriate economic burden on
aviation, for instance by supporting                                                   international aviation;
the development and deployment                                                         k) MBMs should facilitate
of more fuel-efficient aircraft,                                                       appropriate access to all carbon
engines, infrastructure, low                                                           markets;
carbon sustainable jet fuels and                                                       l) MBMs should be assessed in
investment in air traffic management                                                   relation to various measures
technologies. Part of such revenues                                                    on the basis of performance
could be set aside for carbon offset                                                   measured in terms of CO2
projects within the sector.                                                            emissions reductions or
                                                                                       avoidance, where appropriate;
Use of carbon market instruments                                                       m) MBMs should include de
- For a global approach for aviation                                                   minimis provisions;
to be effective it must have an open                                                   n) where revenues are generated
architecture, i.e. aviation should have                                                from MBMs, it is strongly
unrestricted access to carbon market                                                   recommended that they should
instruments to meet its obligations,                                                   be applied in the first instance
on a par with other sectors. The full                                                  to mitigating the environmental
integration of aviation sector CO2                                                     impact of aircraft engine
emissions in the global emissions                                                      emissions, including mitigation
inventory should make this possible.                                                   and adaptation, as well as
                                                                                       assistance to and support for
                                                                                       developing States; and
                                                                                       o) where emissions reductions
                                                                                       are achieved through MBMs, they
                                                                                       should be identified in States’
                                                                                       emissions reporting.
2%                                                      
In 2010, the global aviation industry                   If aviation were a country, it would rank 21st in the world in terms
produced 649 million tonnes                             of gross domestic product (GDP), generating $425 billion of GDP per
of carbon dioxide. This is 2% of                        year, considerably larger than some members of the G20 (and around
the global total of over 34 billion                     the same size as Switzerland). By 2026, it is forecast that aviation will
tonnes produced by humans.                              contribute $1 trillion to world GDP.
Source: IATA Economics / IPCC, 2007                     Source: Oxford Economics, Aviation: the Real World Wide Web, 2009

Globally, the average occupancy
                                                        Alternative fuels, particularly
                                                                                                                 2.6 billion
                                                                                                                 2010: over 2.6 billion passengers
of aircraft is around 77%, greater                      sustainable biofuels, have been                          were carried by the world’s airlines.
than other forms of transport.                          identified as excellent candidates                       Source: IATA Economics

                                                        for helping achieve the industry

                                                        targets. Biofuels derived from
                                                        biomass such as algae, jatropha
                                                        and camelina have been shown
                                                                                                                 Around 80% of aviation CO2 is
                    40%                                 to reduce the carbon footprint of
                                                                                                                 emitted from flights of over 1,500

                                            30%         aviation fuel by up to 80% over
                                                                                                                 kilometres, for which there is

                                                        their full lifecycle.
                                                                                                                 no practical alternative mode of

Figures for aircraft are worldwide. Figures for other
                                                        Source: ATAG, the Beginner’s Guide to Aviation
                                                        Biofuels / Sustainable Oils and Honeywell UOP analysis
modes are UK averages.                                                                                           Source: IATA Economics

35%                                                                                                              
While air transport carries around 0.5% of the volume of world trade                                             Over 33 million people are
shipments, it is over 35% by value – meaning that goods shipped by air                                           employed worldwide in aviation
are very high value commodities, often times perishable or time-sensitive.                                       activities and related tourism.
Deliveries of fresh produce from Africa to the UK alone supports the                                             Of this, 5.5 million people work
livelihoods of 1.5 million people, while producing less CO2 than similar                                         directly in the aviation industry.
produce grown in the UK, despite the energy used in transport.                                                   Source: Oxford Economics, Aviation: the Real World
Source: Oxford Economics, Aviation: the Real World Wide Web, 2009                                                Wide Web, 2009

A jet aircraft coming off the
                                                        3 litres
                                                        The new Airbus A380, Boeing 787
                                                                                                                 1,715 airlines operate a fleet
production line today is over 70%                       and Bombardier CSeries aircraft                          of 23,000 aircraft serving 3,750
more fuel efficient per passenger                       use less than 3 litres of jet fuel                       airports through a route network
seat kilometre than one delivered                       per 100 passenger kilometres.                            of millions of kilometres managed
in the 1960s.                                           This matches the efficiency of most                      by 160 air navigation service
Source: ATAG Beginner’s Guide to Aviation Efficiency    modern compact cars.                                     providers.
                                                        Source: Manufacturers                                    Source: Oxford Economics, 2009

  An industry united

 This paper was developed by the following organisations, representing the combined global commercial aviation sector,
 and coordinated by the Air Transport Action Group:
   • Airports Council International, representing over 1600 airports serving 95% of the world’s passengers.
   • Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation, representing 54 air navigation service providers, serving over 85% of
      global air traffic.
   • International Air Transport Association, representing 230 airlines, flying 93% of scheduled international air traffic.
   • International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations, representing global commercial aircraft
      and engine manufacturers.
   • International Business Aviation Council, representing over 8,500 companies operating in the global business
      aviation community.
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