Trophic Level Isotopic Enrichment of Carbon and Nitrogen in Bone Collagen: Case Studies from Recent and Ancient Terrestrial Ecosystems

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International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 13: 46–53 (2003)
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/oa.662

                              Trophic Level Isotopic Enrichment of
                              Carbon and Nitrogen in Bone Collagen:
                              Case Studies from Recent and Ancient
                              Terrestrial Ecosystems
                              H. BOCHERENS* AND D. DRUCKER
                              Laboratoire de Paléontologie, Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution, Université Montpellier 2,
                              Montpellier, France

             ABSTRACT         Prey-predator collagen enrichment values for carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions are
                              investigated. New enrichment values are given for the well-monitored ecosystem of Bialowieza
                              primeval forest (Poland) for lynx and wolf. The impact of using different approximations in
                              calculating such enrichment values is discussed. Several case studies of ancient vertebrate
                              communities from Upper Palaeolithic sites in southwestern France are presented to check
                              whether the enrichment values estimated for these past ecosystems are consistent with those
                              measured in well-monitored modern ecosystems. The use of ranges of values rather than
                              average ones is recommended, tentatively 0 to 2‰ for δ 13 C and 3 to 5‰ for δ 15 N. Copyright
                               2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

                              Key words: collagen; carbon-13; nitrogen-15; mammals; trophic level

Introduction                                                            food resources in the diet of a given specimen,
                                                                        using its stable isotopic composition (e.g.,
The carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions                           Schwarcz, 1991). The most recent progress with
of collagen provide a proxy to reconstruct ancient                      these models has been to introduce the concentra-
trophic webs, and especially to decipher the rela-                      tion of carbon and nitrogen in the food resources
tionships between predators and their potential                         instead of using linear mixing models, and to take
prey. Indeed, numerous studies performed under                          into account the uncertainty of the isotopic com-
controlled conditions have shown that there is a                        position of the food resources (e.g., Phillips, 2001;
quantitative relationship between the carbon and                        Phillips & Greg, 2001; Koch & Phillips, 2002;
nitrogen isotopic compositions of the tissues of                        Phillips & Koch, 2002). However, these newest
a given terrestrial mammal and that of its aver-                        models still use the canonical value of 3‰ as the
age diet (e.g., DeNiro & Epstein, 1978, 1981;                           value for the trophic enrichment of δ 15 N values.
Ambrose & Norr, 1993; Tieszen & Fagre, 1993;                            Numerous studies have shown that this value is
Hilderbrand et al., 1996; Ambrose, 2000; Roth &                         variable in dietary experiments (e.g., Hare et al.,
Hobson, 2000; Jenkins et al., 2001).                                    1991; Hilderbrand et al., 1996; Hobson et al., 1996;
   Mathematical models have been developed in                           Ambrose, 2000), and this is also a key parame-
order to quantify the contribution of different                         ter that needs to be well constrained in order to
                                                                        make the models even more reliable for dietary
* Correspondence to: Laboratoire de Paléontologie, Institut des Sci-
                                                                        and palaeodietary reconstructions. A review of
ences de l’Evolution, UMR 5455 du CNRS, Université Montpellier
2, case courrier 064, Place Eugène Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier      published enrichment values under experimental
cedex 05, France.                                                       conditions yields a range of 3.7 to 6.0‰ for δ 13 C
Copyright  2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                                                            Accepted 25 September 2002
Trophic Level Isotopic Enrichment of Carbon and Nitrogen in Collagen                                                               47

values between diet and collagen, and a range of                     been performed on the well-monitored large
1.7 to 6.9‰ for δ 15 N values (Bocherens & Mari-                     mammals from the Bialowieza primeval forest in
otti, 2002). Taking such a large range into account                  Poland. These data will be used to discuss how
in the models would lead to large uncertainties in                   trophic enrichments can be calculated. Secondly,
the quantifications of dietary resources.                            case studies from Upper Palaeolithic sites in
   In this paper, we evaluate the enrichment values                  southwestern France will be presented to verify
deduced from collagen isotopic compositions                          that predators from Late Pleistocene ecosystems
of prey-predator pairs. Collagen presents the                        present enrichment values consistent with those
advantage of averaging the isotopic composition                      measured in modern ecosystems.
of the diet over long time periods. In the case of
predators, which consume mostly vertebrate prey,
the difference between the isotopic composition                      A case study in a well-monitored
of their collagen and that of their prey directly                    modern ecosystem: Bialowieza
reflects the isotopic enrichment linked to a trophic
step. Moreover, collagen can be preserved in                         primeval forest
ancient bones, thus it opens the possibility to
check the presumed trophic link between prey                         Bialowieza primeval forest is the last terrestrial
and predator in the past.                                            habitat in Europe that includes a suite of large wild
   However, few studies have been published                          mammals and it is probably one of the most thor-
on closely monitored modern faunas with well-                        oughly studied ecosystems. In particular, data are
defined terrestrial mammalian predators and their                    available on the relative contribution of each prey
possible prey in wild contexts (Table 1). Only                       species to each predatory species (Jedrzejewska
five cases meeting these criteria could be found,                    & Jedrzejewski, 1998), permitting a quantitative
and even if we missed a few, this is a low                           estimation of the isotopic enrichment.
number relative to the total number of trophic                          The studied bone material belongs to two
isotopic enrichment studies performed to date.                       predator species, boreal lynx (Lynx lynx) and
The difference between the isotopic values of                        wolf (Canis lupus) and their main prey, which
prey and predator collagen range from 1.2 to                         are ungulates such as red deer (Cervus elaphus),
2‰ and from 2.4 to 4.8‰, for carbon and                              roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), and wild boar (Sus
nitrogen respectively. It is noteworthy that such                    scrofa). The specimens died between 1959 and
studies usually consider one species of prey as the                  1999, and the year of death has been recorded for
main prey and neglect the contributions of other                     each specimen. During this 40-year period, the
possible prey (e.g., Schwarcz, 1991; Szepanski                       δ 13 C value of atmospheric CO2 has shifted from
et al., 1999). This uncertainty may affect the actual                around −7.5‰ (Friedli et al., 1986) to −8.5‰
enrichment value in these studies.                                   (extrapolating the exponential trend proposed by
   Due to this small number of studies and                           Feng, 1998). Such a difference is not negligible
to these uncertainties regarding actual prey-                        when calculating the difference between the
predator relationships, a detailed study has                         carbon isotopic composition of prey and predator
Table 1. Previously published isotopic enrichments between collagen of predators and their main prey in modern ecosystems

Site                           Predators (n)                      Prey (n)              13 C∗ 15 N∗              References

South Africa (C3 )      Lynx, jackal                   Hare, antelope                  ∼2†                  Van der Merwe (1989)
Ontario (Canada)        Wolf (10)                      Deer (16)                                   2.9      Schwarcz (1991)
Ontario (Canada)        Coyote (15)                    Deer (19)                                   2.7      Schwarcz (1991)
Interior Alaska (USA)   Wolf (50)                      Caribou (41)                      1.2       2.4      Szepanski et al. (1999)
East Africa             Carnivorous mammals (15)       Herbivorous mammals (193)                   4.8      Ambrose & DeNiro (1986)

∗  is isotopic enrichment between two taxa or tissues. 13 C
                                                                         predator-prey = δ Cpredator − δ Cprey .  Npredator-prey is
                                                                                           13              13            15
defined similarly.
† Value was not measured directly but was calculated using 
                                                             carnivore collagen-herbivore meat and herbivore collagen-herbivore meat .

Copyright  2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                                                  Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 13: 46–53 (2003)
48                                                                                               H. Bocherens and D. Drucker

collagen. Consequently, it has been necessary to                  killed in 1999. Taking into account this type of
set the δ 13 C values of each specimen to a similar               correction will become more crucial in the future
atmospheric δ 13 C value before calculating the                   studies since the isotopic shift of atmospheric
enrichment value between the carbon isotopic                      CO2 is due to increase.
composition of prey and predator collagen. A                         We compare estimates produced by different
correction factor for each specimen has been                      methods for calculating prey-predator isotopic
designed using the formula presented by Feng                      differences, including fairly crude methods typ-
(1998) and modified in order to obtain a δ 13 C                   ically used in studies of this sort (Tables 2
value of −7‰ for atmospheric CO2 , which is the                   and 3). One estimate is based on a ‘virtual’
average value for atmospheric CO2 during Upper                    prey that has an average isotopic value with
Pleistocene times (Leuenberger et al., 1992). The                 an equal contribution of each ungulate species.
modified correction formula is: 13 C = −7 −                      Another estimation is performed comparing col-
(−6.429 − 0.0060e0.0217(t−1740) ), where t is years               lagen isotopic compositions of each predator and
AD. This correction ranges from 0.1‰ for                          that of its main prey. Finally, the most realistic
specimens killed in 1959 to 1.1‰ for specimens                    estimate is provided by a detailed calculation

Table 2. Calculation of average prey per cent biomass for wolves from faeces and isotopic enrichment values between years 1986
and 1996 in Bialowieza forest

Taxon (n)                                % biomass in faeces % biomass in diet δ 13 C mean δ 13 C sd δ 15 N mean δ 15 N sd

Medium-sized mammals                              1.5                  1.5
Boar—Sus scrofa (4)                              14.7                 14.7            −21.1         0.4          1.9         0.7
Red deer—Cervus elaphus (6)                      16.5                 66.3†           −23.1         0.9          2.7         0.9
Roe deer—Capreolus capreolus (5)                  3.1                 15.6†           −23.3         0.6          2.1         1.8
Cervids (80% red deer, 20% roe deer)*            62.3
Weighted average of ungulates                                                         −22.8         0.8          2.5         1.0
Wolf—Canis lupus (5)                                                                  −21.8         0.5          6.1         0.3
wolf-red deer                                                                          1.3                      3.4
wolf-1/3 each ungulate                                                                 0.7                      3.9
wolf-weighted average of ungulates                                                     1.0                      3.6

∗ Proportions of red deer and roe deer in unidentifiable cervid remains from wolf faeces have been deduced from the proportions
of each cervid species amongst carcasses of wolf kills during the same period. Data are from Jedrzejewski et al. (2000).
† % red deer and roe deer in diet is calculated by adding estimated % roe and red deer in unidentifiable cervid remains in faeces
to % roe and red deer in identifiable remains in faeces.

Table 3. Calculation of average prey per cent biomass for lynx from faeces and isotopic enrichment values between years 1986
and 1996 in Bialowieza forest

Taxon (n)                               % biomass in faeces   % biomass in diet    δ 13 C mean   δ 13 C sd   δ 15 N mean   δ 15 N sd

Boar—Sus scrofa (4)                             0.5                   0.5            −21.1         0.4          1.9          0.7
Red deer—Cervus elaphus (5)                     5.9                  24.9†           −23.1         0.9          2.7          0.9
Roe deer—Capreolus capreolus (5)               12.7                  66.8†           −23.3         0.6          2.1          1.8
Cervid (26% red deer, 74% roe deer)∗           73.1
Other (mostly hare)                             7.8                   7.8
Weighted average of ungulates                                                        −23.2         0.7          2.3          1.5
Lynx—Lynx lynx (4)                                                                   −22.1         0.3          6.3          0.4
lynx-roe deer                                                                         1.2                      4.2
lynx-1/3 each ungulate                                                                0.4                      4.1
lynx-weighted average of ungulates                                                    1.1                      4.0

∗ Proportions of red deer and roe deer in unidentifiable cervid remains from lynx faeces have been deduced from the proportions
of each cervid species amongst carcasses of lynx kills during the same period. Data from Jedrzejewski et al. (2000).
† % red deer and roe deer in diet is calculated by adding estimated % roe and red deer in unidentifiable cervid remains in faeces
to % roe and red deer in identifiable remains in faeces.

Copyright  2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                                              Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 13: 46–53 (2003)
Trophic Level Isotopic Enrichment of Carbon and Nitrogen in Collagen                                           49

performed using the relative contribution of each          linked to the uncertainties inherent to enrichment
prey species to each predatory species, based on           calculations, even in modern ecosystems. The
ecological reports.                                        problem is to define the extreme values of
   The ecological data show that for both preda-           the range of enrichment values. The commonly
tors, one prey species dominates the biomass of            quoted ranges for enrichment values of 0 to
the consumed prey (∼66%), i.e. red deer for                2‰ for carbon and 3 to 5‰ for nitrogen seem
wolf and roe deer for lynx (Okarma et al., 1997;           reasonable compared to the enrichment values
Jedrzejewski et al., 2000). When the three main            estimated in the present paper.
ungulate species (boar, roe deer and red deer)                In the case of past ecosystems with no
are considered, more than 90% of the diet of               analogues in modern environments, such as
each predator is taken into account (Table 2).             those of the last glacial period (e.g., Guthrie,
For estimates in which the three ungulate prey             1982), a first step before using this range of
species are considered to contribute equally to the        values in modelling approaches is to verify that
predator’s diet, the contribution of boar is highly        such a range is consistent with the observed
over-represented, especially for lynx, and the con-        data. We thus tried to investigate isotopic
tribution of the main species is under-represented.        enrichment between predators and their likely
Estimates that consider only the main prey species         prey for Upper Pleistocene western European
for each predator are more realistic ecologically,         sites. In this context, most of the available faunal
and this is the method that is usually followed in         remains are coming from archeological sites, in
previously published work (e.g., Schwarcz, 1991;           which the main accumulation factor is human
Szepanski et al., 1999). Finally, the most accurate        activity. In such cases, comparing predator and
analysis considers the contribution of each species        prey isotopic compositions is complicated by
following the percentage in consumed biomass as            two factors: (1) the possible bias between the
determined by ecological studies. The difference           natural environment and the selection of animals
between the estimates given by the first method            by humans, and (2) the fact that the relative
(one third of each ungulate) relative to the second        abundance of different prey species is not due
method (only main prey) is larger than between             to the animal predator activity. Keeping these
the second method relative to the third (based on          complications in mind, we present some examples
the actual contribution of each prey). In the case         of such studies in chosen sites from southwestern
of nitrogen enrichment values of lynx, all three           France, dating from the Late Glacial Maximum.
approaches give very similar results, with a max-
imum difference of only 0.2‰, which is within
the range of analytical error. In conclusion, the          Case studies from Upper Palaeolithic
enrichment values obtained using the most pre-             sites in southwestern France
cise approach are similar for wolf and lynx, 1.0
and 1.1‰ for δ 13 C and 3.6 and 4.0‰ for δ 15 N            Three archeological sites, which range in age
respectively. In the case of a predator with a main        from 19,000 to 16,000 BP, have yielded faunal
prey species that contributes more than 50% in             assemblages including predators and their likely
biomass with isotopic signatures relatively close          prey and have been the object of isotopic
to those of other prey, the quantitative estimation        investigations (Drucker, 2001). This context
of enrichment values based on the main species is          is favourable to the application of isotopic
a satisfactory approximation.                              methodology, due to the good preservation of
   These results emphasize the importance of               bone collagen and to the occurrence of different
using ranges of enrichment values rather than              prey species that can be distinguished through
an average figure deduced from a review of                 their carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions,
the published data. In most cases, ecological              such as reindeer versus horse (Fizet et al., 1995;
data as detailed as in the Bialowieza primeval             Drucker et al., 1999, 2000a). The chosen layers
forest will not be available, especially for past          are the Solutrean level from Les Jamblancs
ecosystems. Thus using a relatively wide range of          (around 19,000 BP; Drucker et al., 2000b), the
isotopic enrichments will compensate for errors            Solutrean level from Combe-Saunière (around
Copyright  2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                                   Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 13: 46–53 (2003)
50                                                                                                  H. Bocherens and D. Drucker

19,000 BP; Geneste & Plisson, 1986), and the                          Table 5. Estimates for isotopic enrichment between collagen of
                                                                      wolf and its potential prey in the ancient ecosystem of Saint-
Middle Magdalenian layer from Saint-Germain                           Germain-la-Rivière (Middle Magdalenian layer ∼16,000 BP).
la Rivière (around 16,000 BP; Lenoir, 2000).                         Data are from Drucker (2001)
Samples from wolf and from the different ungulate
species have been selected in Les Jamblancs                           Taxon (n)                            δ 13 C   δ 13 C     δ 15 N   δ 15 N
                                                                                                           mean       sd       mean       sd
and Saint-Germain-la-Rivière, while samples from
rodents (ground squirrel Citellus superciliosus) and                  Horse—Equus sp. (3)              −21.0          0.1       4.2     0.2
lagomorphs (hare Lepus timidus) have been sampled                     Saiga—Saiga tatarica (11)        −19.6          0.3       4.0     0.5
                                                                      Reindeer—Rangifer tarandus (3)    19.1          0.0       3.5     0.3
from Combe Saunière 1 together with snowy                            Bovine—bos or bison (3)          −20.1          0.0       5.5     0.5
owl (Nyctea scandiaca). This last site offers the                     Average herbivores               −19.9                    4.3
opportunity to study a situation where small                          Wolf—Canis lupus (1)             −19                      8.7
                                                                       wolf-herbivores                  0.9                    4.4
mammals are the preferred prey. Indeed, modern
snowy owls consume mostly rodents, such as
lemmings, but also other kind of rodents and even                     Table 6. Estimates for isotopic enrichment between collagen of
arctic hares (Paquin & David, 1993).                                  snowy owl and its potential prey in the ancient ecosystem of
                                                                      Combe-Saunière I (Solutrean layer ∼19,000 BP). Data are from
   Collagen has been extracted from bone pow-                         Drucker (2001)
ders according to Bocherens et al. (1991). All
extracts have been checked for carbon and nitro-                      Taxon (n)                   δ 13 C       δ 13 C        δ 15 N     δ 15 N
gen content and C/N ratios in order to investigate                                                mean           sd          mean         sd
chemical purity. All extracts that contain less                       Hare—Lepus timidus (4)     −20.2          0.4           2.3       0.7
than 10% nitrogen and C/N ratios outside a                            Ground                     −20.9          0.4           1.9       0.9
range of 2.9–3.6 are not included in the discus-                        squirrel—Citellus
                                                                        superciliosus (5)
sion, since their isotopic composition may have                       Average prey               −20.6                        2.1
been shifted due to diagenetic alteration (DeNiro,                    Snowy owl—Nyctea           −19.8          0.2           5.1       0.6
1985; Ambrose, 1990). Only results from adult                           scandiaca (7)
                                                                      owl-prey                     0.8                       3.0
bones have been considered, since the nitrogen
isotopic composition of juvenile specimens can
be influenced by the consumption of milk from                            The average isotopic signatures of the speci-
their mother (e.g., Fogel et al., 1989; Hobson et al.,                mens are presented in Tables 4–6. Since modern
1996). Moreover, teeth have been avoided sys-                         wolf feeds mainly on large ungulates (Mech,
tematically for herbivores (except horse) and as                      1970), the calculation for average prey isotopic
much as possible for carnivores, since this tis-                      signatures is performed considering an equal con-
sue exhibits isotopic differences with bone of                        tribution of each ungulate species. The estimated
the same individual that can interfere with the                       enrichment values are 0.3 and 0.9‰ for car-
trophic determinations (Bocherens et al., 1994,                       bon and 5.5 and 4.4‰ for nitrogen in Les
1995; Bocherens & Mariotti, 1997).                                    Jamblancs and Saint-Germain-la-Rivière respec-
                                                                      tively (Tables 4 and 5). The 5.5‰ enrichment
Table 4. Estimates for isotopic enrichment between collagen
                                                                      value for nitrogen in Les Jamblancs is estimated
of wolf and its potential prey in the ancient ecosystem of Les        from collagen extracted from a tooth; this value
Jamblancs (Solutrean layer ∼19,000 BP). Data are from Drucker         can be corrected using the enrichment observed
et al. (2000b)                                                        between dentine and bone δ 15 N values of mod-
Taxon (n)                         δ 13 C   δ 13 C   δ 15 N   δ 15 N
                                                                      ern individual wolf, which range from 1.6 to
                                  mean       sd     mean       sd     2.1‰ (Bocherens, 1992, 2000). The estimated
                                                                      15 N-enrichment value between this fossil wolf
Horse—Equus sp. (4)              −21.1      0.2      2.4     0.9      and its potential prey is between 3.4 and 3.9‰.
Reindeer—Rangifer tarandus (5)   −19.6      0.1      3.9     1.1
Red Deer—Cervus elaphus (1)      −20.3               2.6              In the case of snowy owl, the enrichment val-
Bovine—bos or bison (3)          −19.9      0.1      4.7     0.4      ues are 0.8 and 3.0‰ for carbon and nitrogen
Average herbivores               −20.2               3.4              respectively (Table 6).
Wolf—Canis lupus (tooth) (1)     −18.9               8.9
 wolf-herbivores                  1.3               5.5                 These examples show that the ranges of
                                                                      enrichment values estimated from archeological
Copyright  2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                                                 Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 13: 46–53 (2003)
Trophic Level Isotopic Enrichment of Carbon and Nitrogen in Collagen                                                             51

site faunas are consistent with those measured             References
in the studied modern ecosystems. This is
encouraging for the future use of modelling                Ambrose SH. 1990. Preparation and characterization
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using this range of enrichment values.                       Journal of Archaeological Science 17: 431–451.
                                                           Ambrose SH. 2000. Controlled diet and climate
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reconstruction in modern ecosystems. No doubt              Ambrose SH, Norr L. 1993. Experimental evidence
these approaches will provide very fruitful infor-           for the relationship of the carbon isotope ratios of
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                                                             biochemistry: Implications for Pleistocene bears by
                                                             Bocherens et al.—Reply. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclima-
Acknowledgements                                             tology, Palaeoecology 128: 362–364.
                                                           Bocherens H, Mariotti A. 2002. Paléoenvironnements
                                                             et paléoalimentations: biogéochimie isotopique des
Most specimens have been kindly provided by                  vertébrés. In Géologie de la Préhistoire, Miskovsky JC
the Mammal Research Institute of Bialowieza                  (ed.). GEOPRE, Presses Universitaires de Perpignan:
(E. Szuma), except for one red deer specimen,                Perpignan, France; 1323–1344.
provided by the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle                Bocherens H, Fizet M, Mariotti A, Lange-Badré B,
of Paris (M. Mashkour and E. Pellé). We thank               Vandermeersch B, Borel JP, Bellon G. 1991. Isotopic
the Musée National de Préhistoire (Les Eyzies              biogeochemistry (13 C,15 N) of fossil vertebrate col-
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Géologie de Quaternaire (University Bordeaux 1)             including Neandertal Man. Journal of Human Evolution
for authorization to study ancient material. Many            20: 481–492.
thanks are due to Daniel Billiou for his assistance        Bocherens H, Fizet M, Mariotti A. 1994. Diet, physiol-
in analysing the collagen at the Laboratoire                 ogy and ecology of fossil mammals as inferred by sta-
                                                             ble carbon and nitrogen isotopes biogeochemistry:
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                                                             implications for Pleistocene bears. Palaeogeography,
6). The investigations of Upper Palaeolithic                 Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 107: 213–225.
faunas were financially supported by the PEH               Bocherens H, Fogel ML, Tuross N, Zeder M. 1995.
programme of the CNRS. We are grateful to                    Trophic structure and climatic information from
Dr Paul Koch and two anonymous reviewers                     isotopic signatures in a Pleistocene cave fauna of
for valuable comments on an earlier version of               Southern England. Journal of Archaeological Science 22:
this manuscript.                                             327–340.

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52                                                                                                H. Bocherens and D. Drucker

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