2018 UK Wine Report CATEGORY DEVELOPMENT & INSIGHT - Accolade Wines

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2018 UK Wine Report CATEGORY DEVELOPMENT & INSIGHT - Accolade Wines
UK Wine Report
2018 UK Wine Report CATEGORY DEVELOPMENT & INSIGHT - Accolade Wines
c a t e g o ry d ev elop m en t & insight                                                                                                             w w w .a cco la d e - w i n e s .co m | UK r ep or t 2 0 1 8   03

                                                SOURCES                             Foreword                                                                              “ Like wine itself, the
                                                                                                                                                                              market is characterised
                                                                                                                                                                              by subtle nuances
            Executive summary
                                                                                    this is a fascinating time                                                                and changing moods.
                                                WineNation segmentation 2017
                                                WineNation Consumer
                                                                                                                                                                              The onus is on us
 7          UK drinks landscape                 Research 2017
                                                Nielsen Scantrack Epos sales data
                                                                                    to be in the wine trade                                                                   to understand those
 8          Wine Nation portraits               to 30th December 2017
                                                Kantar WorldPanel data to                                                                                                     nuances ”
10          Sizing up the Wine Nation           31st December 2017
                                                CGA on-trade sales data to

12          Occasions, motivations & missions   7th October 2017
                                                Mintel Still, Sparkling and
16          On-trade facts & figures            Fortified Wine UK, October 2016
                                                Ciatti Global Market Report
18          Off-trade facts & figures           HMRC

            The Food for Tonight opportunity    Copyright © 2018 Accolade Wines     Despite some exceptional political and economic pressures        The research presented in this report goes deep into the

20          Wine Nation at a glance
                                                All rights reserved                 and a gradual social shift that sees consumers growing
                                                                                    increasingly mindful of their alcohol consumption, there are
                                                                                                                                                   psyche of the adult drinks market and I’m proud of the insight
                                                                                                                                                   we’re able to deliver as a result of it. There are clear changes

22          A big role for brands
                                                                                    new opportunities emerging all the time for marketing this
                                                                                    wonderful wine in creative and inspiring ways.
                                                                                                                                                   taking place in the UK wine industry, and as we respond to
                                                                                                                                                   those changes, we are developing new dimensions to

24          Category vision                                                           This report is a demonstration of our determination to
                                                                                    take those opportunities. Wine is the most widely consumed
                                                                                                                                                   Accolade Wines that are leading the way in helping the
                                                                                                                                                   market to evolve.

28          Pricing, tax & Legislation                                              alcoholic beverage in the UK, drunk by 60% of the nation’s
                                                                                    adults, and the industry contributes £9.1billion to the

30          Wine harvest report                                                     Treasury. Like wine itself, the market is characterised by
                                                                                    subtle nuances and changing moods. The onus is on us in the

32          News from Accolade Wines                                                wine trade to understand those nuances and respond to those
                                                                                    moods. We can only do that by knowing our consumers                                                           Ade McKeon
                                                                                    inside out.
                                                                                                                                                                   General Manager, Accolade Wines UK & Ireland
2018 UK Wine Report CATEGORY DEVELOPMENT & INSIGHT - Accolade Wines
c a t e g o ry d ev elop m en t & insight                                                                                                                         w w w .a cco la d e - w i n e s .co m | UK r ep or t 2 0 1 8   05

2017 was a year of change
for the UK wine industry
Volumes fell but value rose overall,        increase in wine duty since 2013,         MARKET TRENDS
influenced in part by rising prices and
taxes but also by a discernible shift
                                            taking the tax on a 75cl bottle of wine
                                            to £2.16. But there are other drivers
                                                                                      The boom in sales of Prosecco has driven        “ In the on-trade, the
among consumers towards choosing            behind the increase in sales value for
                                                                                      a 23.3% growth in on-trade volumes of
                                                                                      sparkling wine - and an 11.7% decline
                                                                                                                                       country of origin on the
quality over quantity. This report          wine, as our research reveals.            in Champagne sales. The renewed                  rise was New Zealand,
                                                                                                                                       which gained 13.3%
combines reliable data from various           Our Wine Nation survey gathered         popularity of gin, up 24% by volume in
sources and overlays it with insight        data from 8,000 regular wine drinkers     the off-trade and 19% in the on-trade,
gleaned from our own research to            and uncovered valuable insight into       has had a similar effect on sales of spirits,    while France fell
provide an in-depth picture of the UK
wine market as it stands.
                                            their needs and motivations when it       pushing off-trade volumes up by 1.8%,
                                                                                      with a 5% increase in value.
                                                                                                                                       by 4.0% ”
                                            comes to buying wine. A second piece
  In January 2017 the average price         of research logged information from         French wine continued to dominate
of a bottle of wine broke the £5.50         a more general sample of adults,          on-trade values but the origin on the rise
point for the first time, due largely       including non-wine drinkers, giving us    was New Zealand, which gained 13.3%
                                                                                      while France fell by 4.0%. In the off-trade,
to the effect of Brexit, and in March       a better understanding of the untapped
                                                                                      Australia led the way with sales worth
the Chancellor announced the biggest        potential market for wine.
                                                                                      £1.17bn, up 1.5% on 2016, but again
                                                                                      New Zealand was the star performer,
                                                                                      increasing value by 12.2%.
2018 UK Wine Report CATEGORY DEVELOPMENT & INSIGHT - Accolade Wines
c a t e g o ry d ev elop m en t & insight                                                                                                                                                                                        w w w .a cco la d e - w i n e s .co m | UK r ep or t 2 0 1 8   07

                                                                                                                                               UK drinks
  In retail we detected four opportunity           Our research enables us to segment           THE OUTLOOK
areas: the ‘Food for tonight’ shopping          the market and pinpoint the needs and                                                                                                                                                                          PR OSE CCOMAN IA
                                                                                                FOR ACCOLADE

mission, where shoppers can be persuaded        motivations that drive each segment to
to buy a bottle of wine as they choose          buy wine. The largest segment by far is         Accolade Wines continues to supply the
their ingredients for the evening meal;         the Newbies (those new to wine drinking),       leading brands, including Hardys, Kumala,
Perfect For, exploring pack formats which
play a part in convenient options for
                                                averaging 18-24 in age, 77% female and
                                                preferring to drink white wine. At the
                                                                                                Echo Falls, Stowells and, in the on-trade,
                                                                                                Jack Rabbit, and in 2017 held 11% of           What are you drinking?                                                                                        SPARKLING WINE IS THE ONLY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ALCOHOLIC DRINK CATEGORY TO HAVE
in-home and outdoor occasions, with             other end of the scale are the Experts,         volume sales and 9.6% of value sales. But                                                                                                                 SEEN INCREASED PURCHASE IN 2017,
Wine on Tap transforming the image of           aged 55+ on average, predominantly              with volumes falling, we need to respond                                                                                                                    WITH 8.7% VALUE GROWTH IN THE
                                                                                                                                               The purchase of beer, wine and spirits          growth of 1.8% and still wine value was
boxed wine; No and Low alcohol wine,            male and favouring red wine. While              to the evidence of our research and steer                                                                                                                   OFF-TRADE AND A MASSIVE 22.7%
                                                                                                                                               is falling – down 1.6% to the end of            up 0.8%. This is being driven by off-trade                           IN THE ON-TRADE
catering for the growing population of          Newbies make up 28% of the Wine Nation          a path away from volume towards the
                                                                                                                                               2017 – although spirit volumes alone            sales, where still wine values rose 2.2%.
teetotal adults and occasions when alcohol      population and Experts just 5%, those           power of the brand.
control is high; and the blurring of brand      figures are more or less reversed when it                                                      are up 1.4%, driven by the gin trend.                                                                              FLYIN G KIWIS
                                                                                                   We will continue to offer consumers their

categories, i.e. established drinks brands      comes to their off-trade value.                 favourite brands in formats that suit them,
                                                                                                                                               Wine sales make up a significant                QUALITY NOT QUANTITY
moving into unfamiliar categories, like our                                                     beginning with 50cl. We have strengthened      chunk of that contraction, with still
                                                   The opportunity to capture new wine                                                                                                         Consumers are also choosing quality over
own Echo Falls Summer Berries Vodka.            drinkers and help them develop into             our fine wine offering through the launch      wine volumes down 2.2% and total
                                                                                                                                                                                               quantity, handpicking better wines for
                                                more confident, regular wine buyers will        of our recently acquired Fine Wine             Champagne down a bubble-bursting                specific occasions and being prepared to                   WHILE MOST OF THE BIG ORIGINS SAW
                                                be realised by tapping into those four          Partners, and now offer an exciting range      17.6%. The outlier is sparkling wine                                                                      VOLUME FALL, NEW ZEALAND ENJOYED
PRODUCT, MESSAGE,                                                                                                                                                                              pay a bit more to get a brand and style
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         DOUBLE-DIGIT OFF-TRADE GROWTH OF
                                                key opportunity areas and delivering the        of outstanding wines, particularly wines       (read Prosecco), which has bucked the           they know that they and their friends
LOCATION                                        right product, with the right message, in       from Australia, which will appeal to the       trend remarkably with 7.8% volume
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11.1% AND WAS THE ONLY REGION IN
                                                                                                                                                                                               will like. The rise of the discounters, Aldi              GROWTH IN THE ON-TRADE, WITH 6.7%
In the off-trade, convenience stores and        the right location. That means exploring        high-spending Expert end of the market.        growth and a 13.8% increase in value.           and Lidl, and the work they have put in
discounters are enjoying notable growth         different pack formats, including 50cl,         And, having broken new ground with                                                             to promoting premium wines has been a
and we have seen some interesting               magnums, pouches and Wine on Tap,               the launch of Echo Falls Summer Berries                                                        contributory factor.
initiatives in their tactics for selling        making it easy and attractive to choose         Vodka in 2017, we will investigate further     MORE MODERATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                 In the on-trade, dry led outlets have
wine, bringing higher quality wines into        wines of a higher quality and price point,      opportunities for blurring categories.         The general fall in volumes reflects a          seen a slight rise of 0.3% in sales values,
consideration for more consumers with           as well as offering No and Low alcohol            With new measures like Scotland’s            consumer shift in attitude to alcohol.          showing that, while Prosecco and gin are
some heavily discounted promotions. In          wines, and positioning these wines              Minimum Unit Pricing being introduced          Around 20% of UK adults are teetotal and        enjoying a boom in pubs and bars, when it
the on-trade, it’s the dry led establishments   intelligently in local convenience stores,      this year and financial pressures              that figure is rising by 0.2% a year. There
                                                                                                                                                                                               comes to eating out, wine still holds sway.                        WINE MAKES
where wine holds sway and there is              to catch the ‘Food for Tonight’                 on households, the beer, wine and              is also a general trend towards moderation
a growing opportunity to introduce              shopping mission.                               spirits trade is not going to get any          in both frequency and quantity, driven by         The job is to democratise wine, helping                         UP JUST OVER A
customers to wines at a higher                                                                  easier. However, with the right kind of        concerns over health, cost and personal         young consumers to find what they like
                                                  In all these cases, brands play a key role,
                                                                                                                                                                                               quickly and easily and to ease them
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 FIFTH OF TOTAL
price point.                                    giving consumers confidence that they can       knowledge, the power is in our hands to        image. The effect of Brexit on population
                                                                                                score some significant successes.              growth and the value of the pound is also       towards choosing wine more frequently as                            BWS VALUE
                                                quickly and easily choose a wine that they
                                                know to be of a consistent quality and of                                                      a contributory factor, particularly for wine,   their knowledge and interest grow.
                                                a style that they enjoy at a price they are                                                    being predominantly an import business.
                                                happy to pay.                                                                                  While volumes are down, however, values
                                                                                                                                               are up. The total BWS market saw value          Source: Nielsen Scantrack / CGA
2018 UK Wine Report CATEGORY DEVELOPMENT & INSIGHT - Accolade Wines
c a t e g o ry d ev elop m en t & insight                                                                                                                            w w w .a cco la d e - w i n e s .co m | UK r ep or t 2 0 1 8   09

                                                                                                  NEWBIES                                      ECONOMISERS                                lowest after Economisers and, like them,
                                                                                                                                                                                          they buy on trust. You’ll find them buying
                                                                                            Just beginning to take an interest in        The lowest spenders of all wine
                                                                                                                                                                                          wine in their regular top-up shops at the
                                                                                            wine, Newbies are starting to buy wine for   buyers, Economisers base their choice
                                                                                                                                                                                          supermarket or discounter, or stocking up
                                                                                            formal occasions, parties and unplanned      mainly on price, past experience and
                                                                                                                                                                                          online, looking for familiar origins and
                                                                                            social events. They know very little about   recommendation. They have little wine
                                                                                                                                                                                          varietals, usually Australian, Spanish and
                                                                                            wine and want to be guided when they         knowledge or interest, usually partaking

                                                                                                                                                                                          Chilean red.
                                                                                            shop. Their wine shopping missions tend      no more than once a week, but they like
                                                                                            to be a regular monthly shop or a specific   to be sure they’re getting good value for
                                                                                            mission to buy wine for tonight.             money. They take advantage of offers at                 ENGAGED EXPLORERS
                                                                                                                                         their supermarket and local convenience          Regular wine drinkers with an interest
                                                                                                                                         shop, or may visit a discounter if they          in expanding their knowledge, Engaged
                                                                                                  STRONG PROSPECTS                       have a specific need for wine.                   Explorers buy wine for daily consumption
                                                                                            Still relatively new to the game, Strong                                                      as part of their regular and top-up
                                                                                            Prospects have developed a keen
                                                                                                                                               CONFIDENT                                  shops, both in-store and online. They’re
                                                                                            interest in wine and want to be seen as                                                       receptive to expert recommendations and
                                                                                            knowledgeable. They will drink wine a              ENTHUSIASTS
                                                                                                                                                                                          promotions and enjoy new discoveries, but
                                                                                            few times a week and tend to buy it on       Interest is high, knowledge is high and          they like to apply their own knowledge
                                                                                            their way home from work, as well as         growing, and they regard wine as the             and experience and are drawn to New

of the UK wine consumer
                                                                                            stocking up in their regular monthly shop.   drink of choice for social occasions, meals      World reds and recognised brands.
                                                                                            They like to broaden their knowledge and     and relaxation. Confident Enthusiasts are
                                                                                            experiment, especially if they can find      keen to learn about wine of all styles,
                                                                                            something to impress their friends.          including fortified, sparkling and dessert
Wine Nation is an exclusive Accolade Wines     determine purchase choice, and thus target
                                                                                                                                         wine, but will have their favourites and         Experts are very knowledgeable about
project, which has been running since 2006,    specific consumer groups more effectively.
                                                                                                  OCCASIONALS                            tend towards the big name brands. They           wine and will drink fortified, sparkling
charting the habits of the UK’s regular wine   The eight segments range in their wine
                                                                                                                                         do a lot of their wine shopping specifically     and dessert wines, as well as reds and
drinkers (people who drink wine at least       knowledge and interest from Newbies,         As the name suggests, Occasionals are        for that day’s consumption and are very          whites, but mostly reserve it for drinking
twice a month) to create a clear picture of    just embarking on their wine journey, to     infrequent drinkers, saving their wine       receptive to labels.                             with food or for celebrations. They tend to
the when, where, why and how much of           Confident Enthusiasts and Experts. When      consumption for special occasions, but                                                        stock up on specific missions to specialist
wine consumption. This market makes up         and why they choose to drink wine, where     they regard the quality of the wine as                                                        wine shops but will occasionally pick up a
54% of the adult population and by dividing    and when they buy and what influences        important and choose carefully to match            ROUTINERS
                                                                                                                                                                                          wine on spec during a regular food shop,
it into eight distinct segments, we are able   their purchase choice are all revealed in    the wine to the occasion, guests and food.   Wine is a staple for Routiners, though they      if it looks like something new
to identify the patterns and influences that   the Wine Nation study.                       Most of their buying is done during top-up   don’t regard it with any great reverence.        and interesting.
                                                                                            shops or specific wine-buying missions       They drink it most days and have a broad
                                                                                            to trusted shops offering quality wine at    repertoire, but their spend per bottle is the
                                                                                            good value.
2018 UK Wine Report CATEGORY DEVELOPMENT & INSIGHT - Accolade Wines
c a t e g o ry d ev elop m en t & insight                                                                                                                        w w w .a cco la d e - w i n e s .co m | UK r ep or t 2 0 1 8       11

Sizing up
                                                                                                                                                                                        WINE SEGMENT MIGRATION

the wine nation                                                                                                            Educate me                                          CONFIDENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Engage me
                                             OFF-TRADE VALUE
                                                                                NEWBIES MAKE UP A QUARTER
                                                                               OF THE REGULAR WINE DRINKING
  STRONG PROSPECTS                   18       ENGAGED EXPLORERS          18      POPULATION BUT AREN’T YET                                                                                                                     EXPERTS

  OCCASIONALS                        18       CONFIDENT ENTHUSIASTS      17       SPENDING MUCH ON WINE                                             ENGAGED

  ENGAGED EXPLORERS                  10       ROUTINERS                  14
  CONFIDENT ENTHUSIASTS               9       STRONG PROSPECTS           13
  ROUTINERS                           9       OCCASIONALS                 5                                                            PROSPECTS

  ECONOMISERS                         8       ECONOMISERS                 5      EXPERTS ARE THE SMALLEST
  EXPERTS                             4       NEWBIES                     5     BUT MOST VALUABLE SEGMENT
                                                                                      FOR OFF-SALES

                                                                                                                           Tell me                                                                    Inspire me
Newbies make up the largest cohort of the    ON-TRADE VALUE
UK’s regular wine drinkers but contribute                             Share%
the least value to off-trade sales. The       STRONG PROSPECTS           27
challenge is clearly to encourage Newbies’
                                              CONFIDENT ENTHUSIASTS      18    STRONG PROSPECTS ARE THE BIG
embryonic interest in wine and develop                                          SPENDERS FOR THE ON-TRADE
them into more confident, regular wine        ENGAGED EXPLORERS          17
                                                                                                                                                                                                            This shows the typical
consumers, so that they become the more       EXPERTS                    12     WHILE EXPERTS HAVE THE MOST
                                                                                                                            NEWBIES                                                                         migration paths of the Wine
high-spending Strong Prospects, Routiners,    ROUTINERS                   9     WINE KNOWLEDGE, CONFIDENT                                                                                                   Nation segments and how
Engaged Explorers, Confident Enthusiasts                                        ENTHUSIASTS SHOW THE MOST                                                                                                   the sentiments change as
                                              NEWBIES                     9
and Experts. The graph on the right shows                                                INTEREST                                                                                                           knowledge and interest
how consumers tend to migrate from one        OCCASIONALS                 6                                                                                                                                 develop. Not all consumers
                                                                                                                                                                                                            complete the journey, but
segment to another.                           ECONOMISERS                 2     NEWBIES CAN QUICKLY BECOME
                                                                                                                                ECONOMISERS                                                                 stop off at the point they find
                                                                               CONFIDENT EXPLORERS. THE TRICK
                                                                                                                                                                                                            most comfortable.
                                                                                   IS TO KEEP THEM THERE

2018 UK Wine Report CATEGORY DEVELOPMENT & INSIGHT - Accolade Wines
c a t e g o ry d ev elop m en t & insight                                                                                                                                                                   w w w .a cco la d e - w i n e s .co m | UK r ep or t 2 0 1 8   13

Consumer Insights
                                                                                                                                                      FORMAL/FAMILY                               FORMAL OCCASION                                   PARTY/CELEBRATION
                                                                                                                                                      SUNDAY LUNCH                                PLANNED -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Motivations: Have fun,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  WITHOUT FOOD
                                                                                                                                                       Motivations: Quality                                                                        socialise and celebrate.
                                                                                                                                                       time with nearest                           Motivations: Have fun                           Prominent segments:
                                                                                                                                                       and dearest.                                and connect with others.                        Newbies, Strong

occasions, motivations & missions                                                                                                    Prominent segments: Strong Prospects,
                                                                                                                                     Occasionals and Economisers.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Prominent segments: Newbies, Strong
                                                                                                                                                                                  Prospects and Occasionals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Prospects and Occasionals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mission: Last-minute top-up shop from
                                                                                                                                     Mission: Regular monthly shop,               Mission: Regular monthly or top-up             local convenience store, discounter or
WHY PEOPLE DRINK                             Strong performer: Chilled wines.                             UNPLANNED SOCIAL           specialist wine shop or online with good     shops. Some potential to catch shoppers        specialist wine shop.
                                             Known favourites. Trusted brands.                            OCCASION AT HOME           range and value for money.                   with offers.                                   Strong performers: Popular wines that
New to Wine Nation, we have defined          Competition: Hot drinks.                                     WITHOUT FOOD               Strong performers: Wines that                Strong performers: Good quality wines          impress, offering good value when bought
eight types of occasion when consumers       Top tip: Position wines near ready meals,                                               impress and go well with food, based on      that impress from well-known brands.           in quantity.
choose to drink wine. Each has its own                                                                     Motivations: Wind
                                             with signage to catch shoppers just before                                              recommendations, advertising                 Competition: All other drinks categories.      Competition: All other drinks categories.
motivations and each consumer segment                                                                      down and have fun.
                                             they enter the store.                                                                   and tastings.                                Top tip: Stock a good range of premium         Top tip: Make sure chilled wines are
tends towards a different combination of                                                  Prominent segments: Newbies,
                                                                                                                                     Competition: Soft drinks.                    brands and highlight offers on aisle ends.     available.
occasions. By understanding the drivers                                                   Occasionals and Economisers.
                                                                                                                                     Top tip: Promotions and clear
behind these occasions and adding this                       INFORMAL EVENING/            Mission: The most convenient outlet
                                                                                                                                     information to help choice go a long way.
information to what we know about the                        LUNCHTIME MEAL               with a wide range of quality brands and                                                                 DINNER PARTY
eight consumer segments, we can begin to                                                  good value for money.                                                                                   (MORE THAN 6                     GIFTING
                                                              Motivations: Habit or
pinpoint the most effective sales strategy                                                Strong performers: Deals on favourite                       FORMAL LUNCHTIME/                           PEOPLE)
                                                              chance to spend quality                                                                                                                                              Buying wine as a gift applies on a
                                                                                          brands and wines that impress.                              EVENING MEAL
for each wine-drinking occasion.             time with friends or family.                                                                                                                           Motivations: Socialise         number of these occasions. Buying
                                                                                          Competition: Cider, vodka and whisky.                       (4-6 PEOPLE)
                                             Prominent segments: Routiners,                                                                                                       and celebrate.                                   habits vary, however, depending on
                                                                                          Top tip: Promote deals at front of store
                                             Experts and Engaged Explorers.                                                                            Motivations: Celebrate     Prominent segments: Newbies, Strong              whether the wine is a contribution
                  THE DRINK AT THE                                                        and influence in advance through emails
                                             Mission: Regular monthly shop, both in-                                                 and have fun.                                Prospects and Engaged Explorers.                 to the occasion or a thank you. Wine
                  END OF THE DAY                                                          and tastings.
                                             store and online.                                                                       Prominent segments: Newbies, Strong          Mission: Regular monthly shop and                taken to a celebration is more likely
                Motivations: Wind            Strong performers: Preferred                                                            Prospects and Experts.                       specific shop for the occasion from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   to be picked up on the way at a local
                down and relax or            varietals and brands, with food matching                                                Mission: Regular monthly shop,               convenience store or specialist wine shop.
                treat yourself.                                                                                                                                                                                                    convenience store or petrol station,
                                             important.                                                                              specialist wine shop and online store, and   Strong performers: Wines that impress
Prominent segments: Confident                                                                                                                                                                                                      whereas the thank you is more
                                             Competition: No strong competitor.                                                      impulse purchases when shopping for          and complement food from recognised
Enthusiasts, Routiners, and Economisers.     Top tip: Strong, clear communication                                                    other things.                                brands.                                          likely to be bought from a local
Mission: Daily shop from local               about the occasion in aisle will                                                        Strong performers: Wines that impress        Competition: All other drinks categories.        specialist. The wine itself needs to be
                                                                                             THE DRINK AT THE END OF THE DAY IS
convenience store.                           influence choice.                                THE MOST POPULAR WINE OCCASION         from respected brands.                       Top tip: Build a reputation for attractive       sufficiently prestigious and trusted
                                                                                             FOR ALL SEGMENTS EXCEPT EXPERTS,        Competition: Soft drinks.                    offers on a good range of premium wines.         recommendations count for a lot,
                                                                                              WHO PREFER THEIR EVENING DRINK         Top tip: Make it easy to find known                                                           but promotions will still sway the
                                                                                                        WITH A MEAL
                                                                                                                                     brands and present food matching                                                              final choice. Appealing packaging is
                                                                                                                                     notes clearly.                                                                                also important.
2018 UK Wine Report CATEGORY DEVELOPMENT & INSIGHT - Accolade Wines
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Consumer Insights
                                                                                                        WHAT’S HITTING THE SPOT?
                                                                                                                                                                                                  PROSECCO IS THE THIRD MOST
                                                                                                        As interest and knowledge develop,                                                      POPULAR WINE STYLE AFTER STILL
                                                                                                        tastes change from rosé, popular among                                                 RED AND WHITE FOR ALL SEGMENTS
                                                                                                        Newbies, to the fine wines, particularly                                                     EXCEPT ECONOMISERS

occasions, motivations & missions
                                                                                                        reds of specific origins and vintages, that
                                                                                                        capture the interest of Experts.

                                                                              ● NEWBIES
                                                                                                        TYPES OF WINE PEOPLE DRINK
                                                                              ● STRONG PROSPECTS
                                                                              ● OCCASIONALS
                                                                                                                                        White%        Red%   Rosé%
                                                                              ● CONFIDENT ENTHUSIASTS
                                                                              ● ROUTINERS                NEWBIES                           64          47     64
Young women drive entry into the wine                                         ● ENGAGED EXPLORERS
market and continue to dominate as their                                      ● ECONOMISERS              STRONG PROSPECTS                  73          69     55
interest grows towards Confident Explorer                  PROPORTION OF      ● EXPERTS
level. At the other end of the age scale,
the Experts, Economisers and Engaged
                                                           FEMALE MARKET                                 CONFIDENT ENTHUSIASTS             87          75     57
Explorers are predominantly male and
aged over 55.                                                                                            ROUTINERS                         72          74     35

                              Male% Female% Mode Age                                                     OCCASIONALS                       70          68     40

 NEWBIES                        23          77   18 - 24
                                                                                                         ENGAGED EXPLORERS                 73          77     39
 STRONG PROSPECTS               28          72   35 - 44
 CONFIDENT ENTHUSIASTS          38          62   35 - 44
                                                                                                         ECONOMISERS                       69          54     34

                                                                                                                                                                                         “ Red wine continues to be
 ROUTINERS                      50          50   45 - 54
 OCCASIONALS                    56          44   45 - 54                   PROPORTION OF
 ENGAGED EXPLORERS              65          35      55+                     MALE MARKET
                                                                                                         EXPERTS                           86         100     50
                                                                                                                                                                                             regarded as the acme of
 ECONOMISERS                    70          30     55+                                                                                                                                       quality wine by Experts.
                                                                                                                                                                                             It is the only style that
                                                                                                        Source: Wine Nation
 EXPERTS                        79          21      55+

                                                                                                                                                                                             scores with 100% of any
                                                                                                                                                                                             one category ”
2018 UK Wine Report CATEGORY DEVELOPMENT & INSIGHT - Accolade Wines
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                                                                                                                                                                                          AC C O L A D E O N TO P                     KE E P YOU R B OTTLE
                                                                                                                                                                                        THE TOP FIVE SUPPLIERS OFFERING            WHILE SINGLE SERVE VOLUMES HAVE
                                                                                                                                                                                       A BROAD RANGE OF STRONG BRANDS,              FALLEN ACROSS THE BOARD, WINE
                                                                                                                                                                                         COUNTRIES AND PRICE POINTS IS               BY THE BOTTLE HAS DONE WELL,
                                                                                                                                                              COUNTRY OF               DOMINATED BY ACCOLADE, WITH FIVE             SHOWING STRONG VALUE GROWTH
                                                                                                                                                                                        TIMES MORE VOLUME SHARE THAN
                                                                                                                                                             ORIGIN VOLUME

facts & figures
                                                                                                                                                                                               ITS NEAREST RIVAL
                                                                                                                                                                 SHARE                                                                      750ML         BOTTLES

                                                      WINE BREAKDOWN                                                                                                                   ACCOLADE WINES
                                                                                                                                                                                       CONCHA Y TORO
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Volume Share%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   +12.2%      VALUE GROWTH

                Volume     Volume       Value                           Volume       Volume        Value
                Share%    Change%      Change%                          Share%      Change%       Change%                                                                              TREASURY WINE ESTATES          1.9
 TOTAL BWS       100         -2.6           +0.8        STILL WINE       87.4          -7.1            -2.2                                        ● FRANCE                            INTERNATIONAL WINE SERVICES    1.0
 WINES*           7.1        -5.0           -0.5        SPARKLING         9.5         +23.3          +22.7                                         ● ITALY                             PERNOD RICARD                  0.7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              VOLUME GROWTH
 SPIRITS         2.2         -0.6           +3.2        CHAMPAGNE         2.4         -11.7            -9.3                                        ● AUSTRALIA

 LADs            90.7        -2.5           +0.2        OTHER             0.8          -7.2            -6.8         PINOT PICKS UP                 ● USA

                                                                                                                                                   ● CHILE
                                                                                                                                                   ● SPAIN
                                                      WHITE WINE DOMINATES                                                                                                                                                         STILL WINE HAS SEEN A SLIGHT VALUE
● SPIRITS                                                                                                                                          ● SOUTH AFRICA
                                                      VOLUME SHARE                                             VOLUME RISE SETS PINOT NOIR APART   ● NEW ZEALAND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      INCREASE IN DRY LED OUTLETS
                                                                                                                    FROM OTHER TOP 5 REDS
                                                                                                                                                   ● ARGENTINA

                                                                                                                                                   ● OTHER COUNTRIES

                                                                                                               VOLUME SHARE MAKES MERLOT KING         KIWI VALUES SOAR                                                                   ALL RIGHT JACK
            BWS VOLUME

                                                                                                                                                      13.3%                                                                           +4.6%
                                                                                                                        OF THE REDS

                                                                                                                 OF WHITE SALES COME FROM THE
                                                                                                                                                       NEW ZEALAND WINE ADDED
                                                                                                                                                   SIGNIFICANT VALUE AND GAINED 6.7%
                                                                                                                                                   IN VOLUME. ARGENTINIAN WINE SAW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     JACK RABBIT WAS THE LEADING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ON-TRADE BRAND BY VOLUME AND THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ONLY ONE IN THE TOP 10 TO SEE
                                                        WHITE           RED           ROSÉ                       TOP THREE GRAPES: PINOT GRIGIO,        VALUE GROWTH OF 6% AND                                                             A RISE IN VOLUME
                                                                                                               SAUVIGNON BLANC AND CHARDONNAY           ITALIAN VALUE GREW 0.2%
                                                                                               Source: CGA
                                                   * includes still, sparkling, Champagne and fortified wine
2018 UK Wine Report CATEGORY DEVELOPMENT & INSIGHT - Accolade Wines
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Off-trade                                                                                                                                                      Buying for tonight
facts & figures                                                                                                                                                targeting the food for tonight mission
                                                                                                                 WHILE VALUE HAS FALLEN AT
The year-on-year off-trade sales figures             75CL VALUE SHARE BY PRICE                                  THE BUDGET END OF THE PRICE                    On average, shoppers make 273            key, both in terms of location (close
for 2017 show that, while the volume                                                                         SPECTRUM, WINES ABOVE £6 A BOTTLE                 shopping trips each year and nearly      to home or work) and store size
                                                     BAND - GROCERY MULTIPLES                                 HAVE SEEN VALUE INCREASE, MOST
of wine sales has fallen (except where                                                                                                                         90% of them are quick missions – to      (smaller than supermarket). By placing
                                                                                                             NOTABLY IN THE £7-£9.99 PRICE BAND
Prosecco has driven growth in sparkling              ● LY                                                                                                      pick up a meal for tonight, a specific   favourite brands by the ready meals
wine sales), value is up. As consumers                                               30.4    29.7                                                              item or a top-up. However, wine is in    and promoting food matching, there is
                                                     ● TY            28.2
drink less frequently, they are                                              26.4                                                                              less than 10% of food for tonight or     a good opportunity to catch shoppers
nevertheless spending more, choosing                                                                                                                           top-up missions, which presents an       with tonight’s meal and relaxation
brands of known quality.                                                                                       19.8                                            enormous opportunity.                    in mind, particularly Newbies and
  The popularity of Prosecco has
                                                                                                                                  16.3                                                                  Confident Enthusiasts.
impacted on Champagne sales and the
gin trend has driven a rise in spirits                                                                                                                         MISSIONS PER YEAR
sales that poses a challenge to wine.                        3.9                                                                            3.4     3.9                                Total   Wine
                                                                                                                                                                 MAIN SHOP             29.4    10.0
                                                     £3.99 OR LESS   £4.00 - £4.99   £5.00 - £5.99     £6.00 - £6.99     £7.00 - £9.99    £10 OR MORE                                                   MISSION TENDENCIES
                                                                                                                                                                 TOP-UP SHOP          142.1     9.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                        WHEN WINE DRINKERS TEND TO BUY THEIR WINE
                                                                                                                                                                 FOOD FOR TONIGHT      43.4     3.6
VALUE SALES                                                                  VOLUME SALES
                                                                                                                                                                 SPECIFIC JOURNEY      57.7    17.6
                    Value (£m)    Share     Growth                                          Volume (‘m 9L cases)       Share     Growth                                                                  REGULAR DAILY SHOP                               Strong Prospects
                      2017        2017                                                               2017              2017                                                                              REGULAR WEEKLY SHOP       Economisers, Experts, Engaged Explorers
 TOTAL BWS           16.485                  3.6%                              TOTAL BWS             373.9                       -0.6%                           A largely untapped target for wine      REGULAR MONTHLY SHOP                   Newbies, Strong Prospects
 STILL WINE           5.551        33.7      2.6%                              STILL WINE            83.3              22.3      -1.1%                         sales is the Food for Tonight mission,    TOP-UP SHOP              Routiners, Occasionals, Engaged Explorers
 SPARKLING WINE        851         5.2         8.7                             SPARKLING WINE        10.2               2.7         6.2                        which has seen an increase in value
                                                                                                                                                                                                         FOOD FOR TONIGHT                  Newbies, Confident Enthusiasts
                                                                                                                                                               share of 8.4% for the total grocery
 CHAMPAGNE             293         1.8       -10.6                             CHAMPAGNE              1.1               0.3       -20.4                                                                  SPECIFIC WINE SHOP                               Newbies, Experts
                                                                                                                                                               market and 2% for still wine. This is
 SPIRITS              4.196       25.5         5.0                             SPIRITS               23.6               6.3         1.8                                                                  SPECIFIC SHOP (NON-WINE)       Occasionals, Economisers, Experts
                                                                                                                                                               a quick shop, where convenience is
                                                                                                                         Sources: Nielsen Scantrack / Kantar
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Wine Nation
at a glance
                                                                                              CONFIDENT ENTHUSIASTS


                                                                                                                                                                              FITS WITH THE AMOUNT OF MONEY
                                                                                                                                                                                     I WANTED TO SPEND

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         THE WINE WAS SUITABLE FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               THE OCCASION

                                                                                                                                                                                          1ST WHITE                                 1ST RED
                                                                                                                                                                                          2ND ROSÉ                                  2ND WHITE

                                                                                                                                                                                          3RD PROSECCO                              3RD PROSECCO

                                              STRONG PROSPECTS                                                                  EXPERTS       55+
                                                                                                                                                                                 STRONG PROSPECTS                         ENGAGED EXPLORERS

                                                                                                                                                                                 THE WINE HAD APPEALING                 IT WENT WELL WITH THE FOOD
                                                                                                                                                                                       PACKAGING                               I WAS HAVING

                                                                                             ENGAGED EXPLORERS   55+                                                                      1ST WHITE                                 1ST RED
                                                                                                                                                                                          2ND RED                                   2ND WHITE
                                                                                                                                                                                          3RD PROSECCO                              3RD PROSECCO

                                                                         ROUTINERS   45-54                                                                                           OCCASIONALS                               ECONOMISERS

                         NEWBIES      18-24                                                                                     Size of roundel reflects market share,
                                                                                                                                                                                 IT IS WHAT I KNOW OTHER              FITS WITH THE AMOUNT OF MONEY
                                                                                                                                as detailed below. Male/female share is
                                                                                                                                                                                  PEOPLE DRINK AND LIKE                      I WANTED TO SPEND
                                                                                                                                indicated round the perimeter, the lighter
                                                                                                                                colour representing female. The box on the                1ST WHITE                                 1ST WHITE
                                                                                                                                right shows top three style preferences for
                                                                                                                                                                                          2ND RED                                   2ND RED
                                                                                                   OCCASIONALS   45-54          each segment and top reasons for buying.
                                                                                                                                                                                          3RD PROSECCO                              3RD ROSÉ

                                                                                                                                ● NEWBIES                            24%
                                                                                                                                ● STRONG PROSPECTS                   18%      CONFIDENT ENTHUSIASTS                               EXPERTS

                                                 ECONOMISERS   55+                                                              ● OCCASIONALS                        18%
                                                                                                                                                                                 THE WINE HAD APPEALING                 IT WENT WELL WITH THE FOOD
                                                                                                                                ● ENGAGED EXPLORERS                  10%               PACKAGING                               I WAS HAVING

                                                                                                                                ● ROUTINERS                           9%                  1ST WHITE                                 1ST RED
                                                                                                                                ● CONFIDENT ENTHUSIASTS               9%                  2ND RED                                   2ND WHITE

                                                                                                                                ● ECONOMISERS
                                                                                                                                                                                          3RD PROSECCO                              3RD PROSECCO
                                                                                                                                ● EXPERTS                             4%

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The falling appeal
A big role for brands
                                                                                                                                                 TOP 10 ON-TRADE BRANDS
                                                                                                                                                 BY VALUE SHARE

                                                                                                                                                 JACK RABBIT
                                                                                                                                                                    Value share%
                                                                                                                                                                                   Volume share% Price per 175ml
                                                                                                                                                                                        3.2               £2.42
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of promotions
brands & promotions
                                                                                                                                                 STOWELLS               1.2             1.7               £2.71
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The proportion of wine volumes offered on promotion in
                                                                                                                                                 BLOSSOM HILL           1.1             1.7               £2.40
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2017 fell slightly from 46% to 43%, as retailers took 1.5%
                                                                                                                                                 HARDYS                 1.0             1.6               £2.46    off the overall value of total discounts and cut volumes of the
Well-known brands play an important         price of a 175ml glass among the top 10                 As growth areas like Food for Tonight,       FETZER                 0.8             1.3               £2.50    most popular Temporary Price Reduction (TPR) promotions
role in the migration of consumers from     brands was more than £1 less than the                Perfect For… and No and Low introduce                                                                             by almost 10%.
                                                                                                                                                 OLIVER & GREGGS        0.6             0.9               £2.62
one Wine Nation segment to another. In      overall average, suggesting that value is            new, unfamiliar products to the market,                                                                             The only promotions to see an increase in volume were
                                                                                                                                                 CONCHA Y TORO          0.5             0.5               £3.34
the early stages of their wine drinking     becoming less of a driver for consumers              it is the known brands that are most                                                                              Multibuys, as Y for £x offers and Meal Deals had volumes cut
                                                                                                                                                 ECHO FALLS             0.4             0.7               £2.34
life, as Newbies or Strong Prospects, the   drinking out.                                        likely to succeed in this space and we                                                                            by 15.9% and 1.7% respectively. Discount values did increase
familiarity and reliability of the brand                                                         expect to see a shift back towards the          FOOTSTEPS              0.4             0.6               £2.92
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in those promotional categories, by 2.5% and 2.4% respectively,
gives buyers confidence and encourages                                                           bigger brands that will be leading              INVENIO                0.4             0.5               £3.39    but it was Multibuys that received the biggest push, with a
them to start exploring other varietals.                                                         the way.                                                                                                          small increase in discount value but a 26% rise in volume.
                                                                                                                                                 Overall on-trade price per 175ml was £3.79
Later in the journey, when knowledge                                                                                                                                                                                 Multibuys are more likely to appeal to the Experts, Engaged
and interest are higher, the brands         TOP 10 OFF-TRADE BRANDS                                                                              Source: CGA                                                       Explorers and Routiners, especially when buying for everyday
play less of a part in terms of building    BY VALUE SHARE                                                                                                                                                         occasions, while lower volume consumers like Newbies and
confidence but can still provide the                                  Value share% Volume share% Price per 75cl
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Strong Prospects are more likely to go for price reductions
engagement to introduce consumers to                                                      5.3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   because they usually buy only one bottle at a time. The fall
                                             HARDYS                       5.0                            £5.24
new styles or formats.                                                                                                                                                                                             in TPR volumes is further reflection, however, that value is
                                             ECHO FALLS                   3.0             3.3            £4.95
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   becoming less of a driver and shoppers are more prepared

                                                                                                                                                                      “ Value is becoming
  In 2017, the leading brands lost           BLOSSOM HILL                 2.8             2.8            £5.49                                                                                                     to buy wine off promotion.
volume across the board and private          BAREFOOT                     2.6             2.4            £6.06
label gained share of both volume and
value, as consumption fell and spend
                                             MCGUIGAN                     2.6             2.7            £5.34                                                           less of a driver and                      VOLUMES ON                              DISCOUNT VALUES
increased. The average off-trade spend
                                             CASILLERO DEL DIABLO         2.2             1.9            £6.32                                                           shoppers are more                         PROMOTION
on a 75cl bottle of still wine was £5.56,    YELLOW TAIL                  2.0             1.8            £6.18
                                                                                                                                                                         prepared to buy wine                        Promo type   2017 (,000L)   Change%     Promo type 2017 (,000L)   Change%

                                                                                                                                                                         off promotion ”
marginally less than the average price       GALLO FAMILY VINEYARDS       1.9             2.0            £5.44                                                                                                       TPR           218.834        -9.6       TPR             28        -10.0
of £5.67 among the top 10 brands.            CAMPO VIEJO                  1.8             1.5            £6.91                                                                                                       MULTIBUY       52.544       +26.1       MULTIBUY       28.6       +28.2
In the on-trade, however, the average        ISLA NEGRA                   1.8             2.0            £4.84                                                                                                       Y FOR £X       34.130       -15.9       Y FOR £X       21.2       +13.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MEAL DEAL      23.820        -1.7       MEAL DEAL      46.0        +5.5
                                             PRIVATE LABEL                24.1            26.6           £5.03

                                             Overall off-trade price per 75cl was £5.56                              Source: Nielsen Scantrack                                                                     Source: Kantar Worldpanel
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                                                                                     “ More than a fifth of

                                                                                                                                      These occasions often happen midweek,                    They will welcome the opportunity to
                                                                                         UK adults drink 250ml                      when consumers are busy and stressed                       try wines they might not normally
                                                                                         or less of wine per                        and looking to unwind with their partner,                  stretch to in 75cl bottles, and to buy

                                                                                         occasion ”
                                                                                                                                    but moderating their consumption. They                     their favourite wines more frequently
                                                                                                                                    don’t want to drink a 75cl bottle between                  due to the lower price point.

                                                                                         LightSpeed / Mintel report 2016            them but feel the wine will be wasted if                      In order to successfully target these                       WINE DRUNK
                                                                                                                                    they leave some in the bottle.                             segments, 50cl has to fulfil certain
                                                                                                                                                                                               criteria. First, the product should be a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ON A TYPICAL
                                                                                                                                      The opportunity, therefore, is to offer
                                                                                                                                    wine in 50cl bottles. This is in line with                 trusted brand or varietal to make their                         OCCASION
With wine consumption falling               that adults drink, both alcoholic and      We categorised nine drinking
                                                                                                                                    the ‘Perfect for…’ strategy (see over),                    choice easy. As shoppers are not currently
but spend increasing, the drivers           non-alcoholic, to understand where       needstates, from wanting to stay in
                                                                                                                                    where the packaging is designed to                         thinking about it, wine must be positioned
for growth will be bringing in new          wine sits within the attitudes of the    control (often with no or low alcohol) to
                                                                                                                                    make the consumer’s decision as easy as                    outside the wine aisle, ideally by the
consumers, creating new occasions           wider adult market.                      partying and letting loose with friends.
                                                                                                                                    possible, and strongly targeted to catch                   ready meals, to target the ‘Food for
and encouraging trade-up to premium                                                  For two of these needstates consumers
                                                                                                                                    the rise in shopping missions for Food for                 tonight’ mission, and it should come with
                                                                                     prefer wine to any other choice of drink:
brands, to drive penetration, frequency                                                                                             Tonight, as covered on page 19.                            the message ‘Perfect for…a midweek

and spend respectively. This requires                                                ●    Meal enhancement                                                                                     meal with my partner.’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ● I DO NOT DRINK WINE

                                                                                                                                      There are a number of consumer                                                                            ● 250ml OR LESS
a good understanding of the whole                                                         Relaxing with my partner
                                                                                                                                    benefits to the 50cl offer:                                                                                 ● 251ml - 400ml
potential wine buying population and
                                                                                       These occasions are predominantly            ●   Just enough for two (no wastage)                                                                        ● 401ml - 550ml
their needs in order to identify the                THE BIGGEST GROWTH IN            midweek evenings at home, when
                                                                                                                                        Easy to carry home                                                    THE 50CL FORMULA                  ● 551ml - 750ml OR MORE
incentives that will capture newcomers          OFF-TRADE VALUE SHARE IS IN THE
                                                                                     drinkers want to maintain control over the

and derive greater value from existing                  £7.00-9.99 BAND                                                                 Lower price point
                                                                                     number of drinks and amount of alcohol         ●
                                                                                                                                                                                                             FOR DRINK AT THE
wine shoppers.                                                                       they consume.                                      Suited to the occasion

                                                                                                                                    ●                                                                       END OF THE DAY AND
   A survey commissioned by Accolade                                                   The downturn in consumption is
                                            This insight, when combined with Wine                                                     As well as satisfying the need for                                         EVENING
Wines at the end of 2017 gathered           Nation, is enabling us to define clear   reflected in the fact that more than a fifth   moderation without wastage, the lower                           STRONG         MEAL
information from 5,511 consumers            consumer types and their ‘needstates’               of UK adults drink 250ml or         price point encourages consumers to trial                     AND ENGAGED                 BUYING ON
                                                                                                less of wine per occasion. That                                                                                              IMPULSE, FOR            OF WINE DRINKERS WOULD DRINK
on a specific drinks occasion that          – the motivations and occasions that                                                    and trade up to better quality wines when                      EXPLORERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               TONIGHT              WINE AT HOME MORE OFTEN IF THERE
occurred within the previous three          influence why, when, where, with whom               makes the standard 75cl bottle      they want to treat themselves, against the                                                                       WAS A WIDER RANGE OF SMALLER-
                                            and with what (ie food or not food)                 impractical for the most popular    need to unwind at the end of the day.
months. Extending the scope beyond                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SIZED BOTTLES
                                            they drink. With this deeper level of               wine drinking occasion, the           This will appeal particularly to Strong
Wine Nation, this research captured

                                            understanding we are able to identify               drink at the end of the day.        Prospects and Engaged Explorers, who are                                MID-TIER   50CL SCREW-
lighter drinkers - potential converts to                                                                                                                                                                     BRAND      CAP BOTTLE
more regular wine consumption - and         behavioural patterns that can help us                                                   looking to broaden their wine knowledge
gathered data for all cold beverages        predict more accurately the influences                                                  and are prepared to pay higher prices if
                                            and strategies that could drive                                                         they feel they’re getting good value.                                                                             OF WINE SHOPPERS WELCOME
                                            penetration, frequency and spend.                                                                                                                                                                       SUGGESTIONS OF CHEAPER WINES IN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         THEIR FAVOURITE STYLE

                                                                                                                                    Source: Mintel: Still, Sparkling and Fortified Wine, UK, October 2016
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                                                                                                                                           BRAND EXTENSION
                                                                                                  H OW LOW CA N YO U G O ?
                                                                                                                                           The rise in spirits sales presents an
                                                                                                                                           interesting opportunity for trusted

                                                                                                                                           wine brands to branch out into other

                                                                                           W IN
                                                                                                                                           categories. Our research has identified the

                                                         CONVENIENCE                                                                       key characteristics and qualities sought
                                                                                                                                           from a drink. This enables us to translate
                                                          SHOP VALUE
                                                                                                                                           these characteristics from favourite wines
PERFECT FOR…                                                SHARE                                                                          into a category such as vodka, with
                                                                                                                                           the brand creating the connection that
The trending Food for Tonight mission,
                                                                                                                                           persuades consumers to try it.
the Replenishment Shop and the Specific
                                                                                                                                             Jack Daniels and Stella Artois have
Wine Shop are more likely to take place
                                                                                                                                           both moved into cider and Accolade
in convenience outlets. Both quick and
                                                                                                                                           Wines made a similar move
local, these impromptu missions are an
                                                                                                                                           with Echo Falls Fruit
opportunity to catch consumers with
                                                                                                                                           Fusions. Having found
inspiring formats and eye-catching offers.
                                                                                                                                           that Echo Falls drinkers
   When they come to choose wine for                                            AC
                                                                                     CO                                                    are big consumers of
any occasion, most consumers want the                                                                                                      vodka, we explored this

process to be made easy. The ‘Perfect for…’

                                                                                                                                           idea further in October
proposition short-cuts a major aspect of

                                                                                           W IN
                                                                                                                                           2017 with the launch

the buying decision by presenting wine in                                                                                                  of Echo Falls Summer

a format that is demonstrably suited to the                                                                                                Berries Vodka.
occasion. Just as the 50cl bottle is suited              SHOP VOLUME
to the drink at the end of the day, larger                  SHARE                                    OF ADULTS DON’T DRINK WINE
formats are perfect for picnics, sporting

events and other outdoor occasions, as
shown by the striking rise in value sales of
still wine in 1.5l serves - up 7.3% compared
to 2.6% for the total market. This has been
                                                                                                           ARE TEETOTAL
widely reported as a magnum boom but
much of the 1.5l category is made up of                                                             THERE IS A LARGE AND GROWING
Wine on Tap (wine boxes), which is                                                                POTENTIAL MARKET FOR NO AND LOW
driving growth.                                                                                             ALCOHOL WINE
                                               Sources: Nielsen Scantrack / CGA / Wine Nation
c a t e g o ry d ev elop m en t & insight                                                                                                                                                                         w w w .a cco la d e - w i n e s .co m | UK r ep or t 2 0 1 8            29

Pricing, tax &
                                                                                                                                        TAX ON WINE                                        AVERAGE OFF-                                          AVERAGE ON-
                                                                                                                                        (per 75cl, as of 13 March 2017)                    TRADE PRICES                                          TRADE PRICES
                                                                                                                                                                          Duty(£)   YoY%   (Price per 75cl)                                      (Price per 175ml)
                                                                                                                                          STILL WINE                       2.16     +3.8                         2017    Change(£)                                           2017   Change(£)

UK drinks landscape                                                                                                                       SPARKLING WINE                   2.10     +4.0     TOTAL STILL WINE    5.56            0.20              TOTAL STILL WINE          3.79       0.19
                                                                                                                                          5.5% - 8.5% abv
                                                                                                                                          SPARKLING WINE                   2.77     +3.7     WHITE               5.50            0.19              WHITE                     3.71       0.20
                                                                                                                                          8.5% - 15% abv
2017 began with the average price of        indeed risen in the off-trade. This is to    THE EFFECT OF MINIMUM                                                                               RED                  5.77           0.23              RED                       4.02       0.22
a 75cl bottle of wine rising above the      be expected as prices inflate but there is                                                    FORTIFIED WINES                  2.89     +4.0
                                                                                         UNIT PRICING                                                                                        ROSÉ                5.05            0.16              ROSÉ                      3.30       0.00
£5.50 mark for the first time in UK         evidence that wine drinkers are looking
history. The effect of Brexit – pushing     upmarket in their choice. By looking         Looking ahead, the postponement of
                                                                                         the Budget until the autumn means no                                                                AUSTRALIA           5.39            0.24              FRANCE                    3.96       0.21
down the value of the pound and             at value share per price band we can
                                                                                         further tax rises for a few months but                                                              ITALY                5.12           0.19              ITALY                     3.78       0.09
driving up the cost of imports – was to     see that value has actually fallen in the
                                                                                         Brexit is likely to continue to push import
send wine prices up by 3% in the 12         bottom three price bands, including                                                                                                              FRANCE              7.00            0.35              AUSTRALIA                 3.44       0.24
                                                                                         prices up. Meanwhile, the industry is
weeks to the end of 2016, compared to       the most popular £4-4.99 and £5-5.99         grappling with the challenge posed by the                                                           USA                  5.64           0.23              USA                       2.89       0.09
1% over the previous two years. Then        bands, but risen in the next three           impending introduction of Minimum Unit                                                              CHILE               5.43            0.11              CHILE                     3.57       0.19
                                                                                                                                          A 75cl bottle of wine with an ABV
in March the Chancellor added another       bands, with a 23.7% value increase in        Pricing (MUP) in Scotland.                     of 14% amounts to 10.5 units. At a                   SPAIN                5.28           0.08              SPAIN                     4.76       0.04
8p in duty with the biggest tax increase    the £7-9.99 band.                               On 15 November 2017 the UK Supreme          minimum price of 50p per unit, the lowest            SOUTH AFRICA        4.90            0.14              SOUTH AFRICA              3.67       0.16
since 2013.                                   This trend is echoed somewhat in the       Court declared lawful the Scottish             permissible price for that bottle will be            NEW ZEALAND          7.20           0.07              NEW ZEALAND               4.90       0.29
  Duty on wine has risen by 50% in          on-trade performance of New Zealand          Parliament’s intention to impose a             £5.25. This will affect wines at the value
                                                                                                                                                                                             ARGENTINA           6.13            0.37              ARGENTINA                 4.01       0.60
the last 10 years, from £1.46 on a 75cl     wines. In 2017, New Zealand overtook         minimum price of 50p per unit of alcohol.      end of the price scale, notably own label
bottle of still wine in 2008 to £2.16       Spain as the highest priced origin in        This legislation will now come into force      and bigger pack sizes. It may also affect            GERMANY             4.40            0.14

in 2017. While the wine industry has        the on-trade, at an average £4.90 for        on 1 May. It is not a tax but an enforced      the relative price of reds versus whites,
                                                                                         charge, designed to curb excessive             reds tending to have a higher alcohol               £4.19      £4.33   £4.49     £4.74      £4.98      £5.24     £5.37       £5.37    £5.35     £5.56
tried to absorb the rising costs as much    a 175ml glass, yet sold 6.7% more
                                                                                         drinking of low-priced alcohol. As such,       content. So MUP will certainly pose a
as possible in its pricing, the effect is   volume while also achieving the best
                                                                                         its effect will not be felt on wine as much    challenge for the wine industry - and if
inevitably being seen in the shops, bars    value gain of 13.3%. Evidently price is
                                                                                         as it is on other beverages, but there will    the legislation is later rolled out across the
and restaurants.                            not dissuading customers from buying         still be an impact, not least because of the   whole of the UK, as has been suggested,                         44%    43%       43%            43%    43%       43%         43%       43%       43%
  The rising prices have hit sales          quality when the product is right.           range in alcohol content in wine.              the impact will be magnified.
volumes but values have held, and                                                                                                                                                                              57%       57%            57%    57%       57%         57%       57%       57%
                                                                                                                                                                                             54%        56%

                                                                                                                                                                                             2008       2009   2010      2011           2012   2013      2014        2015      2016     2017
                                                                                                                                        Sources: Nielsen Scantrack / CGA / HMRC
                                                                                                                                        www.gov.scot                                       ● DUTY & TAX        ● WINE
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Wine Harvest
                                                                                                                                  CALIFORNIA                                                            SOUTH AFRICA
                                                                                                                                  The 2017 crush was slightly down on that of 2016 at somewhere         A severe drought, which has lasted four years, threatened to
                                                                                                                                  between 3.9 and 4.0 million tons, due to high temperatures            decimate South Africa’s 2017 crop but, at approximately 1.1

                                                                                                                                  during the growing season, but the quality was good. California       billion litres, it was up on 2016, thanks to some astute water
                                                                                                                                  has an ample supply of red wine for export and prices are stable,     management in the bulk wine areas. However, with the drought
                                                                                                                                  but Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc are in tighter supply.             continuing into 2018, the likelihood of South Africa replenishing
                                                                                                                                                                                                        its depleted stocks this year looks slim.
                                                                                                                                  Following the poor harvest of 2016, brought on by the effects of
                                                                                                                                  El Niño, Chile experienced an even lower yield in 2017 of 949.2       In August, severe heat and water shortages brought predictions
                                                                                                                                  million litres, doing nothing to alleviate the inflated prices. The   of the smallest harvest France had ever experienced: 37.2 million
                                                                                                                                  2018 harvest looks better at an estimated 1.1 billion litres, but     hectolitres. By October that estimate had fallen to 36.9 million
The last nine months have seen some            Hopes that South Africa would           bastion of stability in global pricing     that’s still low by pre 2016 standards.                               hectolitres – an 18% drop on the five-year average. Bordeaux
dramatic changes in the global wine         continue to meet this demand were          terms - it’s just about the only origin                                                                          yields were down 33% but the quality was high. This year France
market, due to falling bulk wine            dashed by a severe drought, which has      that hasn’t seen significant price         SPAIN                                                                 is on course for a better harvest.
supplies, brought about by a round of       left the country on course for a 2018      increases and an adequate supply
                                                                                                                                  A drier than average 2017 saw a harvest of 18-20 million
adverse weather conditions, which have      vintage that’s 20% down on last year.      following a decent harvest in 2017 is
                                                                                                                                  hectolitres in Spain’s bulk wine producing region of La Mancha,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND
had a domino effect around the wine            Australia and New Zealand offer         likely to prompt renewed interest in its
                                                                                                                                  down from 24-25 million in 2016. The damage caused to the             The 2017 crush in Australia was 1.93 million tonnes, an increase
growing world.                              some relief but not much. Australian       exports, particularly Cabernet.            vines by the drought is expected to restrict the 2018 harvest to      of 5% on 2016, driven by a rise in reds of 12%. This year’s crop
   A particularly poor harvest in Chile     wine is being imported into China at an       In global terms the last nine months    average at best and prices, which rose in 2017, may well remain       looks like being average at best. In New Zealand the crush was
in 2016 put pressure on stocks, which       unprecedented rate - up 63% year on        has seen a drastic swing from a buyer’s    high for a while.                                                     down 9% on 2016, with Marlborough down 6% at 302,396
was exacerbated in 2017 by one of the       year - meaning there’s not as much as      to a seller’s market. As a consequence,                                                                          tonnes. This year heavy rain has struck the North Island late in
poorest harvests that Europe has seen       usual for the rest of the world. And the   the focus is shifting towards premium      ITALY                                                                 the piece but Marlborough growers are quietly confident of an
for years. Heavy frost in northern Italy    2017 harvest in New Zealand was down,      wines and the opportunity to put value                                                                           improved harvest.
and a combination of frost and drought      meaning prices were up.                    back into the category.                    Heavy frosts, particularly in the north of the country, impacted
                                                                                                                                  on Pinot Grigio and Prosecco varietals, reducing yields by an
in Spain saw stocks dwindle and prices         An enthusiastic market for New             Our global reach and relationships
                                                                                                                                  estimated 23% on 2016 and pushing prices up by more than
climb, sending buyers racing to South       Zealand Sauvignon Blanc is the US,         with suppliers put us in a position to
                                                                                                                                  20%. This year there should be no problem with lack of ground
Africa to buy up stocks of 2017 vintage     which is in short supply of both           weather the storm in terms of ensuring     water, following plenty of snow and rain over winter, and Italy
white wine and pushing prices up            Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay.            adequate supplies to sustain our           looks on course for a better harvest, although the risk of frost
there by 20%.                               Otherwise, however, California is the      brands and our customers.                  will remain until early May.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Source: Ciatti Global Market Report
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from Accolade Wines
            The next two years will be      potential of those segments of the Wine    LITTLE AND LARGE                            CONTINUING SUPPORT OF                           As well as marketing in cricket
            a period of exploration for     Nation population. It’s an audience                                                                                                  grounds during 2017, Hardys ran an
                                                                                       This spring we release our new range        ENGLISH CRICKET
            Accolade, as we build on our    that also enjoys drinking vodka, so the                                                                                              on pack promotion where consumers
                                                                                       of wines in 50cl, perfect for sharing       Hardys’ partnership with England Cricket,
            pre-eminence in the branded     obvious strategy on paper was to release                                                                                             could win cricket tickets every 24
                                                                                       in the evening. By offering customers       which began in 2014, was renewed in
            wine market to release a        a vodka under the Echo Falls brand.                                                                                                  hours. This was communicated with a
                                                                                       wine in a bottle that suits their volume    2017. The three year sponsorship deal will
            range of innovative products,   In reality, it was much more of a leap.                                                                                              limited edition cricket front label and
                                                                                       requirements, we expect to grow the         see Hardys as the official wine partner for   promotional neck flag. Sponsored TV
            designed in response to the     Nevertheless, we sensed an opportunity     midweek wine-buying category, reversing     all England Cricket events and celebration    coverage, PR and social media campaigns
            changing consumer habits        and went for it.                           the recent trend. Among the 50cl range      matches. We see cricket as a natural          reached more than 2.5 million people.
            revealed in our research.         The response was phenomenal,             you’ll find Kumala Reserve Chenin           environment for the brand, with its long
                                                                                       Blanc and Shiraz, Hardys William Hardy                                                      The current agreement takes in the
            Blurring brand categories,      particularly among women aged 18-24,                                                   history, steeped in heritage and tradition,   highly anticipated 2019 Ashes series, as
                                                                                       Langhorne Creek Shiraz and Chardonnay       and the sport provides Hardys with the
            as Stella Artois did when       with the promo video getting nearly                                                                                                  well as this summer’s home test series
                                                                                       and Mudhouse Sauvignon Blanc white          opportunity to increase its brand exposure
it moved into cider, is a trend that is     379,655 views and 46,812 reactions,                                                                                                  against Pakistan and India, where Hardys
                                                                                       and rosé.                                   with UK fans.
set to grow and last year we decided        comments and shares on social media.                                                                                                 will continue the great work with a full
                                                                                         At the other end of the format scale        We are working at all levels of the
to test the market with one of our          One excited follower on Twitter                                                                                                      programme of marketing activities.
                                                                                       comes Festifalls, our Wine on Tap dual      game, championing grassroots cricket
most popular brands. Echo Falls is a        proclaimed: ‘Echo Falls Summer Berries
                                                                                       wine box, perfect for festivals, picnics,   across the country up to using the profile
very approachable, fruity wine, and         Vodka is the best thing that’s happened
                                                                                       barbecues and other outdoor events.         of Stuart Broad as our ambassador,
a favourite with Newbies and Strong         all year x’. We are now exploring other    Wine on Tap is a more enticing              bringing the Hardys brand closer to the
Prospects. As such, it represents an        opportunities to blur our leading          presentation of the familiar wine box       sport’s supporters.
excellent vehicle for us to leverage the    brands into other drinks categories.       and the larger format is aimed at
                                                                                       providing customers with a simple,
                                                                                       reliable choice from a brand they
                                                                                       know and trust.
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                                                                                                                                                                                      “ Accolade Park is a
                                                                                                                                                                                          truly magical place to
                                                                                                                                                                                          go to work every day ”
                                                                                                                                                                                          Richard Lloyd, General Manager,
                                                                                                                                                                                          European Operations and Supply Chain

                                                                                       ACCOLADE PARK                                   Guiding all elements is our bespoke
                                                                                                                                       Lean Business Model which ensures we
                                                                                       Fundamental to our planned initiatives          understand and deliver value in the eyes
                                                                                       is our unique packaging facility, Accolade      of our customer. Underpinning the pillars
                                                                                       Park. Laid out over 80,000sq.m in Bristol,      is The Spirit of Accolade Park which
                                                                                       it is the largest wine warehouse,               develops and connects the talents of all
                                                                                       distribution and innovation centre in           that work there.
                                                                                       Europe, employing 500 people and
                                                                                                                                          We transfer our wine expertise into a
                                                                                       producing the equivalent of 25 million 9L
                                                                                                                                       truly diverse product and format range.
                                                                                       cases per year. Customers benefit from the
PREMIUM AND FINE WINE                          This adds some of the rarest and most                                                   Continued investment means the capability
                                                                                       flexibility to deliver single bottles to full
                                            sought after New World wines to our                                                        to pack multiple formats, from pouch,
                                                                                       loads, seven days a week.
Accolade Wines has always had a             prestige collection, with a particularly                                                   PET, 187ml, 250ml, 375ml, 50cl, 75cl and
strong culture of fine wines and winery                                                   As we respond to changing consumer           Wine on Tap from 1.5l to 10l. The bottling
                                            strong Australian contingent including
ownership, with prestige labels like                                                   demands, Accolade Park is our trump card.       lines are capable of turning out 1,200
                                            Petaluma, Stonier, St Hallett, Croser
Houghton, Grant Burge, House of Arras                                                  The facility operates on the basis of four      bottles of wine every minute; in addition,
                                            and Reynella. FWP wines will be priced
and Hardys’ own ‘Eileen Hardy’ range                                                   strategic pillars: Agility, Diversification,    it’s environmentally friendly, utilising
                                            between £10 and £80 and part of our
among our top-end portfolio. In February                                               Differentiation and Cost & Cash. Our            sustainable initiatives throughout the
                                            marketing focus will be to raise
2017 we made a significant addition to                                                 product and service offering coupled            complete supply chain.
                                            awareness of the regional diversity of
this range when we bought Fine Wine                                                    with our ability to diversify at speed,
                                            the wines of Australia, a country
Partners (FWP) from Lion Nathan, and                                                   differentiates us from the competition.
                                            comparable to the size of Europe,
this January we launched FWP in the UK      with very diverse climates, soils and
and Ireland.                                winemaking styles. There is a clear
                                            appeal in this for the Experts and
                                            Engaged Explorers.
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