Variational Autoencoder-Based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction with an Interpretable Latent Space

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Variational Autoencoder-Based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction with an
                                                               Interpretable Latent Space
                                                             Marion Neumeier1 *, Andreas Tollkühn2 , Thomas Berberich2 and Michael Botsch1

                                            Abstract— This paper introduces the Descriptive Variational
                                         Autoencoder (DVAE), an unsupervised and end-to-end trainable
                                         neural network for predicting vehicle trajectories that provides
                                         partial interpretability. The novel approach is based on the
                                         architecture and objective of common variational autoencoders.
arXiv:2103.13726v2 [cs.LG] 24 Jun 2021

                                         By introducing expert knowledge within the decoder part of the                   Fig. 1. A cooperative context, including spatial and temporal dimensions,
                                                                                                                          describes the interaction of road users.
                                         autoencoder, the encoder learns to extract latent parameters
                                         that provide a graspable meaning in human terms. Such an in-
                                         terpretable latent space enables the validation by expert defined
                                         rule sets. The evaluation of the DVAE is performed using the                     is currently also focusing on AI-based vehicle trajectory
                                         publicly available highD dataset for highway traffic scenarios.
                                         In comparison to a conventional variational autoencoder with                     prediction. Predicting the intended motion of other traffic
                                         equivalent complexity, the proposed model provides a similar                     participants is a crucial task for safe driving of autonomous
                                         prediction accuracy but with the great advantage of having                       vehicles. Wrong predictions can cause fatal outcomes and
                                         an interpretable latent space. For crucial decision making and                   therefore non-interpretable models cannot be trusted blindly.
                                         assessing trustworthiness of a prediction this property is highly                Data-driven models, however, manage to capture the high
                                                                                                                          complexity of the cooperative context within traffic sce-
                                                               I. I NTRODUCTION                                           narios. The cooperative context describes the situational
                                            One major drawback of deep learning models is the lack                        interactions between traffic participants, as illustrated for
                                         of interpretability. Although data-driven approaches achieve                     example in Figure 1. For predicting trajectories, a lot of
                                         outstanding performance in various tasks, it is hard to trust                    information lies within these interactions. The aim of this
                                         their predictions due to lacking information on their internal                   work is to introduce a NN, that is able to capture the
                                         logic. A potential risk is, for example, that datasets may                       cooperative context of a scenario and also to provide a partial
                                         comprise misleading correlations that a Neural Network                           intrinsic interpretability. Interpretability is a major aspect
                                         (NN) starts to rely on erroneously during training. As a                         towards the usage and acceptance of ML for safety critical
                                         result, the prediction accuracy for the available data might                     applications.
                                         be statistically satisfactory but the basis for the model’s                         Contribution. The paper contributes towards establishing
                                         decision is highly incorrect. A widely known example for                         interpretability within NNs. Exemplarily, it tackles the chal-
                                         a falsely learned conclusion is the Husky or Wolf classifier.                    lenge of how to design a long-term prediction model for
                                         [19] Detecting such a fallacy by just testing the network and                    vehicle trajectories that provides partial interpretability. The
                                         examining the raw data is hard or extremely time-consuming.                      central aspects are:
                                         Therefore, currently a lot of scientific investigation is done
                                         to fathom the functionality and decision-making basis of                            •   A variational autoencoder-based architecture with an
                                         NNs. The objective of this research area is to provide                                  interpretable latent space is introduced. The concep-
                                         more insight about why and how Machine Learning (ML)                                    tion enables an unsupervised method to generate inter-
                                         based judgments are made. Thereby, literature differentiates                            pretable latent spaces.
                                         between two different (but related) purposes: Explainabil-                          •   The approach presents a way to easily validate ML
                                         ity and Interpretability. [8] While explainability refers to                            models in safety critical applications, by using the
                                         post-hoc techniques for gaining comprehension of existing                               interpretable latent space and physics-based rules.
                                         Artificial Intelligence (AI) models and/or their decisions,                         •   The proposed architecture is applied and tested for the
                                         interpretability aims for an intrinsic understanding in human                           task of vehicle motion prediction on highways.
                                         terms. In this work the latter is pursued.                                       The content is organized as follows: Section II provides a
                                            Due to the great success of AI in solving real-life chal-                     review on the background and current state of the research
                                         lenges, lots of research in the field of autonomous driving                      fields. Section III introduces the concept of the proposed
                                           *We appreciate the funding of this work by AUDI AG.                            model. Section IV presents the performance of the approach
                                           1 Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, CARISSMA Institute of Automated
                                                                                                                          for vehicle trajectory prediction and the comparison to base-
                                         Driving (C-IAD), 85049 Ingolstadt                                                line models. Finally, a conclusion regarding the architecture
                                         {marion.neumeier, michael.botsch}
                                           2 AUDI   AG, 85057 Ingolstadt                                                  and results is drawn. In this work vectors are denoted as bold
                                         {andreas.tollkuehn, thomas.berberich}                                    lowercase letters and matrices as bold capital letters.

                                         ©2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media,
                                         including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers
                                         or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. DOI: t.b.a
II. R ELATED WORK                               is enormously limited. A lot of research has been done
   The following section highlights relevant information re-         in developing new techniques to improve prediction per-
garding the paper’s key topics and includes references to            formance. An extensive survey on different approaches for
recent and related publications that inspire this work.              motion prediction was done by Lefèvre et at. [17]. While
                                                                     some methods try to improve model-based approaches, e. g.
A. Interpretability of ML                                            by introducing maneuver recognition modules [12], data-
   In [7] the concept of interpretability is introduced as ”The      driven approaches gain increasing importance. [10] [16] [20]
ability to explain or to present in understandable terms             Following the great success in many time series predic-
to a human.” The aim of interpretability is to create a              tion tasks, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) NNs are also
model with a comprehensible internal logic or interface.             widely used in predicting paths and trajectories of traffic
The most straightforward way to accomplish interpretability          participants. [2] [18] [6] [23] [4] The pioneering work of
is to use interpretable-by-nature models like, e. g., decision       Alahi et al. [1] on pedestrian trajectory prediction is based
trees. [3] These models do provide global comprehension              on LSTMs. Each trajectory in a scenario is the input to a
on a modular horizon. Generally, existing approaches that            separate LSTM, capturing the individual motion property.
provide interpretability can be distinguished by their scope         The pooled hidden-states of all LSTMs are shared among
and are categorized in model-agnostic vs. model-specific and         their neighbouring units in order to jointly reason about the
local vs. global techniques. [11] Interpretability is a domain-      future trajectories. Deo and Trivedi adapted this approach
specific concept. It is an extremely subjective idea and, thus,      for vehicle predictions on highways. [6] They constitute a
not trivial to formalize. [3] The success of making a model          model that concludes the future trajectory of vehicles based
interpretable is hinge on the background of each individual          on an autoencoder architecture. Each cell of a grid-based
user due to different cognitive abilities and biases. [8] What       representation of a traffic scenario is encoded by a separate
is interpretable by a person with domain specific knowledge          LSTM and then passed through convolutional layers. The
might not be interpretable by a non-expert. Therefore, an            latent representation is processed by a LSTM decoder to pre-
overall general notion cannot be established or would be             dict the trajectory. These data-driven approaches, however,
inadequate. [21] [3] In comparison to accuracy metrics, it           do not provide insight on the internal logic. Hu et al. [13]
is difficult to evaluate the aspects of interpretability in a fair   claimed to propose an interpretable prediction model, since
manner. Due to this lack of a common evaluation criteria and         he is ”[...] able to explain each sampled data point and relate
the ambiguity in the meaning of interpretability regarding           it to the underlying motion pattern”. In his work, a LSTM
ML, benchmarking is difficult to carry out in practice.              is used to extract important features of the recent trajectory
   In literature several works can be found that claim their         and the driving intentions are determined by a Dynamic Time
architecture to be at least partially interpretable. Wu et al.       Warping Module. Drawbacks of it are, that it is limited to
[24] proposed an autoencoder-setup for reconstructing scenes         only consider two interacting agents in any situation and
with a similar strategy as the one presented in this work.           reference trajectories need to be defined manually.
They introduce an encoder-decoder network to learn an
                                                                     C. Autoencoder
interpretable representation of scenes by implementing the
decoder as a deterministic rendering function. The encoder              An Autoencoder (AE) is a NN that is trained to reproduce
extracts expressive information of a picture (e. g. number           a model‘s input to its output and, thus, the learning process
of objects) within the latent space and the decoder maps             is regarded as unsupervised. [9] Instead of learning just to
this naturally structured scene description into an image in         copy the input, AEs master to extract sensitive features,
order to recreate the input picture. Their approach, however,        which enable to reconstruct the input. The architecture of
holds the drawback that the training process has to be semi-         any AE can be decomposed into two main parts: an encoder
supervised at least. In comparison, the proposed model of            and a decoder. The encoder part performs the mapping of
this work does not require any labels, hence, can be trained         an input x to an internal representation z ∈ RZ represented
unsupervised.                                                        by the function z = f θ e (xx). This internal representation z is
   Based on the same idea but the objective of variational au-       usually referred to as the latent space. The decoder computes
toencoders, a comparable approach for education assessment           a reproduction r of the input by applying the function r =
was proposed in [5]. In this work, the decoder is replaced by        gθ d (zz) onto the latent space representation z . Dissimilarity
a multidimensional logistic 2-parameter model, that allows           between the input data and the model‘s reproduction is
to interpret the latent space.                                       penalized and used as the learning objective. A frequently
                                                                     used loss function for evaluating dissimilarity is the Mean
B. Motion Prediction Models                                          Squared Error (MSE)
   Motion prediction of vehicles can be categorized in two
                                                                           LAE (xx) = ||xx − gθ d ( fθ e (xx))||2 = ||xx − gθ d (zz)||2 .   (1)
main objectives: short-term predictions (< 1 s) and long-
term predictions (≥ 1 s). [17] Conventional vehicle dynamic          Based on the reconstruction error of Eq. 1 the AE parameters
models, e. g., single-track models, do perform well in short-        θ e are θ d learned.
term predictions. [22] Yet, when it comes to predicting                 Undercomplete Autoencoder. By setting up an encoder-
trajectories within longer prediction periods their suitability      decoder architecture, where at least one internal layer has
a smaller dimension than the input space, the model can                                        x           encoder
not just copy the input to the output. These realizations                                                 data-driven
of AEs are called undercomplete autoencoders. [9] Such                                                                            z
architectures are forcing the AE to determine more efficient                                   r           decoder
representations of the input data. The underlying idea is that
this latent space holds (almost) the same information as the                                             model-based
input but the information density is increased due to the                  Fig. 2.    The proposed architecture uses a model-based decoder, that
reduced dimensionality.                                                    generates an interpretable latent space. Due to the application, the common
   Variational Autoencoders. The idea of VAEs is to encode                 AE objective of reconstructing the input is adapted to a prediction task.
the input into a conditional distribution over the latent vector
p(zz|xx) instead of a single latent vector z . The true distribution
p(zz|xx), however, is intractable. Therefore, the goal of a VAE            As illustrated in Figure 2, the decoder solves a subtask of
is to infer the true conditional density of latent variables               the overall problem through a model-based consideration.
p(zz|xx) through the stochastic encoder qφ (zz|xx) given the               Its computational steps embody explicit equations with a
observed data x . VAEs have been introduced by [14]. This                  predefined number of Z parametrizable variables. This
paragraph summarizes their main aspects. Usually the (non-                 descriptive computing block uses the latent space z ∈ RZ
obligatory) key assumptions are made, that                                 as input to its decoding function. Conventionally, the goal of
                                                                           VAEs is to reconstruct the network’s input: By penalizing
   • the prior pθ 1 (zz ) = N (zz ; 0 , I) over the latent space z is
                                                                           the prediction according to Eq. 2, the encoder parameters
       a multivariate Gaussian distribution with zero mean and
                                                                           φ are adapted. In comparison to conventional VAEs, the
       a diagonal covariance matrix, containing only ones in
                                                                           decoder parameters θ 2 do not have to be learned. This setup
       the diagonal, and
                                             x) = N (zz; µ , σ 2 I) and    forces the encoder to extract latent parameters that have a
   • the proposal distribution qφ (zz |x
                                                                           semantic meaning and enable a mathematical interpretation.
       the conditional probability pθ 2 (xx|zz) are assumed to be
                                                                           Depending on the implemented functions in the decoder, the
       a multivariate Gaussians with a diagonal covariance.
                                                                           latent space takes on the corresponding semantics of the
Due to the consideration of the latent features as distribu-               parameters in the deterministic mapping. Hence, the latent
tions, the optimization objective of the VAE is carried out                space is interpretable. The proposed architecture is referred
according to Eq. 2.                                                        to as the Descriptive Variational Autoencoder (DVAE).
               LVAE (xx) = − DKL qφ (zz|xx)||pθ 1 (zz)                     Encoder: The encoder is a conventional NN whose network
                                                                     (2)   parameters are optimized during training. Its architecture
                            + Eqφ (zz|xx) [log pθ 2 (xx|zz)]
                                                                           depends on the task complexity and application.
The loss function consists of two components: a Kullback-                 Decoder: The implementation of the decoder as a descriptive
Leibler divergence term DKL qφ (zz|xx)||pθ 1 (zz) acting as a              computing block allows to have an interpretation of the
regularization term and an expected reconstruction error                   latent space. This also holds, when minor learning tasks
Eqφ (zz|xx) [log pθ 2 (xx|zz)]. In the Gaussian case the term DKL          remain within the decoder. According to the task, it’s internal
can be integrated analytically. The expected reconstruction                computations are based on domain knowledge.
error, however, can not be computed directly and is there-                    Note, that in comparison to the VAE the assumption
fore commonly estimated through sampling. Computing the                    regarding the latent distribution of the DVAE has to be
gradient of the expectation term Eqφ (zz|xx) [log pθ 2 (xx|zz)] then       consistent with the expected distributions. As soon as the
faces a general issue since its backpropagation path includes              latent space has a semantic interpretation, the latent prior
a random node and sampling processes do not have gradients.                pθ 1 (zz) can not be chosen arbitrarily.
To bypass this problem a mathematical operation, called the
reparameterization trick, is used. During the training phase               A. Application
optimization is done by jointly adapting the encoder and                      Since this paper’s application is a prediction task, the
decoder parameters φ and θ 2 . Due to the sampling process,                optimization objective of the DVAE is adapted: Instead
the reconstruction will not be an exact representation of the              of reconstructing the input, the architecture is trained to
input instance but rather constitute a (similar) new encoded               correctly predict the long-term trajectory of a vehicle driving
data point within the latent space.                                        on a highway. Vehicle dynamic has been intensively studied
                                                                           over the last decades and provides a lot of useful knowledge,
                           III. M ETHOD                                    e. g., that cars are non-holonomic systems. The movement
   The proposed model’s functionality is based on the ob-                  patterns vehicles carry out can be easily described by specific
jective of VAEs due to the mentioned benefits. Since the                   equations when their intention is known. Detecting intentions
VAE’s latent features are not interpretable by nature, a                   within a traffic scenario, however, is a highly complex task
conceptual adaption is applied in order to attribute it with               and formulating a general policy is hardly possible. There-
a meaningful semantic: Instead of relying solely on a data-                fore, it makes sense to assign intention recognition to be
driven learning process for the encoder-decoder structure, the             solved by a data-driven model. Predicting the corresponding
decoder’s inner functionality is based on expert knowledge.                motion, on the other hand, can be handled by a model-
based approach. The goal is to combine these two aspects                      mon course behavior of vehicles can be done: the general
through the introduced approach. While the encoding part                      movement of vehicles on highways can be approximated
is designed in a conventional way (data-driven), the decoder                  by a s-shaped curve. As a representative for a s-shaped
is implemented by domain knowledge in the field of vehicle                    function the sigmoid function is used because it provides
dynamic: It consists of model-based equations to compute the                  beneficial characteristics that fortify its usability: monotony
trajectory of a vehicle driving on a highway. During training,                and smoothness. These two properties resemble the average
the predicted trajectory is compared to the actually executed                 behavior of movements in traffic: vehicle occupants usually
trajectory and parameters of the encoder are optimized                        prefer comfort and, hence, pursue monotone/smooth move-
iteratively. For a mathematical consideration of the motion                   ments. However, its native characteristic does not allow to
dynamics, a 2D vehicle fixed coordinate system is introduced                  represent the needed complexity of real trajectories. To allow
for each vehicle: The x-axis runs horizontally in direction of                more flexibility for the predictions, the sigmoid function is
the main vehicle motion, the y-axis is perpendicular to the                   extended by two additional scaling parameters λ and µ. Eq. 4
longitudinal center plane and oriented to the left. (cf. Figure               represents the customized sigmoid function σc (τ), which is
1)                                                                            used to approximate the lateral path of the target vehicle.
    1) Encoder: The encoder of the VAE is aligned to recent
works of [1] and [6] for data-driven motion prediction. The                                        σc (τ) = λ                            (4)
input is an observation sequence of a defined number of                                                          (1 + e−µτ )
vehicles participating at the cooperative context. Each vehicle               The parameters describing the function are λ for scaling the
or possible neighbourhood position, respectively, is assigned                 amplitude, µ for scaling the length, and τ for selecting a
to a single LSTM. The hidden states of all LSTMs, which                       evaluation position or time step, respectively. Note, that the
are said to hold the encoded intentions of each vehicle, are                  sigmoid function is a zero centred function. To make use
then fed into a Feedforward Neural Network (FNN). The                         of its complete s-shaped course, the vector containing all
bottleneck of the network is represented by the latent space                  evaluation positions τ has to be zero centred as well. Hence
z with the distribution parameters µ , σ ∈ RZ with Z = 3.                     τi , the i-th entry of τ , is definded as
After sampling, the latent parameters are denoted z1 , z2 and                                         τi = ti − 0.5tpred .                   (5)
z3 . The distribution assumptions commonly used in the VAE
are appropriate for the setup and no further adaptions are                    The resulting τi refers to the prediction time instance ti and
necessary.                                                                    the resulting value of the customized function σc (τi ) to the
    2) Decoder: The implemented decoder for the trajectory                    lateral vehicle position at ti . The sign of the parameter λ in-
prediction consist of two decoupled computational chains                      dicates the direction of the movement and the absolute value
that address the longitudinal (x-axis) and lateral (y-axis)                   indicates how far the vehicle moves into the corresponding
movement. Given a latent representation, the descriptive                      lateral direction. A parameterization by zero specifies that
decoder predicts the 2D spatial trajectory Ĉ        C = [x̂x, ŷy] for the   no lateral movement is predicted. The stretching value is
defined prediction horizon tpred .                                            applied in order to define a varying smoothness of the s-
    Longitudinal Movement Prediction: The longitudinal                        shaped path. The smaller its value, the smoother the path will
trajectory of a vehicle is predicted through a constant ac-                   be. For values close to zero a linear function is approximated.
celeration model. Based on the fact that no initial spatial or                This depicts the scenario of keeping up the lane. To avoid
temporal offset (x0 , t0 = 0) is considered for the predictions,              a positional jump for the initial prediction step τ0 due to
the distance traveled at any time step ti can be determined                   scaling, the (potential) zero-offset in the prediction has to
through                                                                       be subtracted. The equation for the lateral trajectory, thus,
                                                                              results in
                   x̂(ti , ax ) = v0,xti + 0.5axti2 .                   (3)
                                                                                                             1                      1
                                                                                     ŷ(ti , λ , µ) = λ              ) + (−λ )              , (6)
For computation of the spatial predictions within the pre-                                              (1 + e−µτi )           (1 + e−µτ0 )
diction period, let t = [t0 ,t0 + ∆t,t0 + 2∆t, . . . ,tpred ]T be the         where λ = z2 and µ = exp(z3 ), with µ ∈ R+     0 . By inverting
vector containing the timestamps ti . The time increment ∆t                   the sign of the exponent, the sigmoid function would be
and the prediction horizon tpred define the total number of                   mirrored around the y-axis. This flexibility is unnecessary
prediction points P. The initial longitudinal velocity v0,x is                and therefore suppressed by setting µ = exp(z3 ).
parameterized as the most recent velocity information before                     3) Backpropagation: For using gradient based learning
the prediction. The latent parameter z1 is interpreted and                    approaches, the backward path of the decoder has to be
used to provide the longitudinal acceleration z1 = ax . During                determined. It results in the following partial derivatives 7-9.
training, the encoder learns to provide the most probable
acceleration for the latent parameter z1 given the cooperative                                     δ x̂(ti , ax = z1 )
                                                                                                                       = 0.5ti2              (7)
context information.                                                                                        δ z1
   Lateral Movement Prediction: Since in this work the
                                                                                        δ ŷ(ti , λ = z2 , µ)        1              1
use case is limited to highway scenarios, the vehicles are                                                    =             −
expected to perform only small steering maneuvers such as                                         δ z2          1 + e−µτi 1 + e−µτ0
changing the lane. A simplified assumption for the com-                                                       = σc (τi ) − σc (τ0 )          (8)
Unsupervised                   Validation with                            At each timestep the relative spatial coordinates of the
               Learning                     Expert Knowledge                            surrounding road users w. r. t. the predicted agent are given.
   X1                               z1
                                                                                        The motion information of the j-th ( j = 1, ..., N) participating
                                    ...              W             Prediction           road user is represented as ξ j = [xx j,rel , y j,rel , v j,x,rel , v j,y,rel ] ∈
   XN                               zn                             (Trajectory)         RO×4 , with O being the total number of observed times-
                                           Smart Watch Dog
                                                                                        tamps. The input matrix of a single road user ξ j contains the
          Possible Approaches to Generate Watch Dog for Validation
                                                                                        relative distances and velocities within the observation period
          1. Bounds for the latent space parameters based on
                                                                                        tobs = 3 s up to the current time step t0 . During observation,
             physical constraints.                                                      the origin of the used coordinate frame is fixed within the
          2. Physical model of the relation between the latent parameters.              target vehicle’s origin. Thus, the observation information of
          3. Evaluate the predicted trajectory by checking if the
             vehicle will stay on the road and avoid collisions.                        the predicted agent includes only its absolute velocities ξ 0 =
                                                                                        [vv0,x,abs , v 0,y,abs ] ∈ RO×2 . The highway traffic scenario data
                                                                                        D = {(X1 , C1 ), . . . , (XM , CM )} includes the stacked dynamic
                                                                                        observations Xm = [ξξ 0 , ξ 1 , . . . , ξ N ] ∈ RO×(2+4N) and the tar-
Fig. 3.   Expert-assisted validation based on the interpretable latent space.           get trajectory Cm = [xx, y ] ∈ RP×2 . By processing the input
                                                                                        relations, the model predicts the most probable trajectory of
          δ ŷ(ti , λ , µ = ez3 )                                                       the target vehicle Ĉ       C = [x̂x, ŷy] ∈ RP×2 within the prediction
                                  =λ ez3 σc (τi ) (1 − σc (τi )) τi                     period from t0 to tpred = 5 s.
                     δ z3                                                         (9)
                                   − σc (τ0 ) (1 − σc (τ0 )) τ0                         B. Compared Methods
B. Validation through the Interpretable Latent Space                                       The experiment includes a comparison of the proposed
   Through the descriptive design of the decoder, the latent                            DVAE with benchmarking networks: a conventional VAE, an
space allows a certain physical interpretation. Due to this                             AE with the descriptive decoder (DeAE) and a model-based
interpretation, predictions of the NN can be validated by                               approach. Note here, that the main scope is not to compare
using expert knowledge regarding the latent space. Based                                the approach to the currently best performing trajectory
on the physical interpretation of each parameter, application                           prediction networks or even outperform them. The scope
dependent rules can be introduced in order to validate the                              here is to introduce an unsupervised prediction concept that
network prediction. In Figure 3 the general concept of the                              provides interpretability, show its feasibility and evaluate
validation conditioned on the latent space is illustrated. In                           the potential of its prediction performance. An improvement
this work, the latent parameters that allow evaluation are λ ,                          of the performance and comparison to other supervised
µ and ax . These parameters define the predicted trajectory.                            trajectory planning methods is planned for future work.
By introducing rules for these interpretable parameters of                              The compared data-driven methods (DVAE, VAE, DeAE)
the NN, wrong trajectory predictions can be easily detected                             share a common encoder architecture. Meaning, all layer
which allows to accelerate validation.                                                  dimensions and amount of neurons within the encoder part
                                                                                        are equal. However, the latent space determination between
                            IV. E XPERIMENTS                                            VAE- and AE-based approaches differ naturally. Figure 4
   The proposed DVAE is benchmarked against three dif-                                  depicts the data-driven setups according to the network
ferent approaches for trajectory prediction. For training and                           complexity. The transpose of the observation sequence of
testing the publicly available highD dataset [15] is used due                           the target vehicle ξ 0 is input to a LSTM of the dimension
to its extend of application-oriented scenarios. The dataset                            [Input×hidden×output: 2 × 8 × 64]. Each of the other N
provides traffic observations of different German highways.                             surrounding vehicles provides its transposed input matrix
Each recorded highway section is about 420 m long and                                   ξ j ∈ R4×O to the corresponding LSTM of the dimension
captures both driving directions. To force the model to                                 [Input×hidden×output: 4 × 16 × 64]. In order to extract the
conclude from traffic patterns instead of absolute position                             cooperative context information, the hidden states of all
information, the global description of the highD dataset is                             LSTMs are passed onto a FNN with four layers of the
transformed into local (vehicle centered) descriptions. The                             decreasing dimensions 136 − 64 − 64 − 18. From this point
resulting data format is aligning with the problem definition                           onwards, the implementations differ:
explained in the following. Experiments were implemented                                   • I) Descriptive Variational Autoencoder (DVAE): The
in Python 3.7.6, using PyTorch 1.4.0, and executed in Ubuntu                                 values of the last layer’s 18 neurons are transformed
19.10 on a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 and 32 GB memory.                                         into a space with six values, representing the distribution
                                                                                             parameters µ , σ ∈ R3 . Through sampling from this dis-
A. Problem Definition                                                                        tribution, an element of the desired latent space z ∈ R3
   The experimental task is to predict the trajectory of a                                   is generated. The decoder is the descriptive computing
single target vehicle in a highway scenario, given motion                                    block. In total, the DVAE provides 30.020 learnable
observations of the target vehicle and its environment. In                                   parameters.
total, N = 8 positional neighbouring road users (and the                                   • II) Variational Autoencoder (VAE): The values of the
target vehicle itself) are considered in the prediction process.                             last layer’s 18 neurons are transformed into a space
Variational Autoencoder
                                                                                                                        I) DVAE
                                                                                                     computing block

                                                                                                           LSTM         II) VAE



                                                                                                     deterministic      III) DeAE
                                                                                                   computing block

Fig. 4. Architecture of the compared methods for trajectory prediction. All networks have the same encoder setup and only their decoding parts are
dissimilar. Determination of the latent space, however, naturally differs between VAEs and AEs.

    with six values, representing the distribution parameters                             D. Implementation Details
    µ , σ ∈ R3 . Through sampling from this distribution, an                                  The networks are trained using the Stochastic Gradient
    element of the desired latent space z ∈ R3 is generated.                              Descent (SGD) algorithm and a learning rate of α = 0.001.
    The latent space is forwarded through another two layers                              For training and testing, the first nine subdatasets of the
    with 16 and then 64 nodes. The resulting output serves                                original highD dataset are preprocessed. The preprocessed
    as input to two separate LSTMs [Input×hidden×output:                                  dataset holds M = 130 000 samples, of which 2/3 are used
    64 × 125 × 125], one for the longitudinal trajectory and                              for training and 1/3 for testing. Maneuver types are equally
    the other one for the lateral trajectory. After each LSTM                             distributed. In total E = 5 training epochs are carried out.
    another layer is appended, supplying 125 nodes each,                                  For the testing phase, the sampling step of the DVAE as
    in order to produce the desired output dimension P. In                                well as of the traditional VAE implementation are turned
    total, the VAE provides 214.613 learnable parameters.                                 off and the computed mean is used instead. According to
  • III) Descriptive Autoencoder (DeAE): The three di-
                                                                                          the data frequency of the highD dataset the time increment
    mensional latent space is computed from the 18 neurons.                               is set to ∆t = 1/25 Hz = 0.04 s and, hence, O = 75 and
    The decoder is the descriptive computing block. In total,                             P = 125. For classification the thresholds are set to tλ =
    the DeAE provides 29.963 learnable parameters.                                        0.85 and tµ = 0.25. Both values were gathered through
The model-based approach is implemented as follows.                                       evaluating the parameter distribution resulting from a curve-
  • Constant Velocity (CV) model: The CV model predicts                                   fitting of the target trajectories w. r. t. Eq. 6. By extracting
    the target vehicle’s trajectory according to Eq. 10 and                               the optimal parameterization for different instances of the
    11. Within the prediction horizon tpred the position is                               training dataset, the true distribution p(zz) over latent space
    computed using the constant decoupled velocities vx and                               parameters can be approximated.
    vy . The latest available velocity information is used and
    initial offset (x0 , y0 ) is set to zero.                                                                          V. R ESULTS
                          x̂CV (ti ) = x0 + v0,xti                                 (10)      This section mainly addresses a performance evaluation of
                                                                                          the predictions and based on this, stresses the usefulness of
                          ŷCV (ti ) = y0 + v0,yti                                 (11)
                                                                                          interpretability of the latent space.
C. Classification
                                                                                          A. Comparison of Methods
   An simple application of the unsupervised technique is to
use the interpretable latent space for classifications. Based on                             For evaluation of the trajectory prediction, the Empiri-
the physical meaning of the parameters in the latent space                                cal Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF) is used. The
a classifier can be implemented using simple rules. Due to                                ECDF is an empirical estimation of the cumulative distribu-
the inherent semantic of the parameters, a mathematical in-                               tion function and defined as
terpretation is practicable. The classifier predicts whether the                                                            1 n
target vehicle will carry out a lane change and distinguishes                                                     f (e) =     ∑ 1 (eyi ≤e) ,          (12)
                                                                                                                            n i=1
the maneuver classes C: Keep Lane (KL), Lane Change Left
(LL) and Lane Change Right (LR). Therefore, the thresholds                                  where n is the total number of instances and 1 (ey ≤e) the
tλ and tµ on the parameters defining the latent movement are                              indicator of the event eyi ≤ e, that the lateral prediction error
introduced and the following logic is applied:                                            eyi is less than or equal to a fixed error value e. This metric
   IF (µ < tµ ) OR (abs(λ ) < tλ ) then C ← KL                                            is commonly applied to asses positioning errors. When an-
   ELSE IF (λ > tλ ) then C ← LL                                                          alyzing prediction performance w. r. t. reference predictions,
   ELSE C ← LR .                                                                          it makes sense to investigate the (empirical) distribution of
                                                                                          the prediction errors. Validation is purposely restricted to
ECDF of lateral prediction errors (5s)                                  f                               Histogram λ
 Cumulative probability

                                                                                                                                                           0.096; -0.2; 0.35
                                                                                                             0.8               -5.22; -1.2; 2.34
                                                                                                                                                                 6.0; 1.28; 2.25

                                                                                    CV                             0
                                                                                                                                     -4                0                       4         λ

                                                        Error e [m]
                                                                                                  Fig. 6. Reference histogram of the latent parameter λ with a skew normal
                                                                                                  distribution approximation (shape; location; scale).
Fig. 5. The lateral prediction performance, evaluated through the ECDF
metric, of the descriptive methods is similar to the prediction accuracy of
the conventional VAE.
                                                                                                                            Prediction error of latent parameter λ
                                                           Predicted maneuver                        DVAE
                                     DVAE /
                                      DeAE          LL                 KL                LR
                                      LL       0.71 / 0.87        0.28 / 0.11       0.01 / 0.02

                                      KL       0.10 / 0.26        0.79 / 0.58       0.11 / 0.16                        -2             0                 2                      4         6
                                                                                                                                                    Error [m]
                                      LR       0.00 / 0.02        0.21 / 0.15       0.79 / 0.83

                                                                                                  Fig. 7. Mean, distribution and range of prediction errors of the parameter
                                                      TABLE I                                     λ according to the used network.
                                PERFORMANCE OF THE DVAE AND D E AE.
                                                                                                  and µ. This is done in a non-causal fashion, which is why
                                                                                                  it can’t be used in prediction systems. The reference data
the lateral motion. Generally, longitudinal motion prediction                                     shows that the maneuver boundaries are at the threshold of
is less complex and less related to the cooperative context.                                      tλ = ±0.85, as already used for the classification. In order
Therefore it has no priority in this work. Figure 5 shows the                                     to achieve a proper maneuver classification, the intersection
ECDF of the lateral trajectory prediction errors, caused by                                       of the distinct hypotheses (LCR, KL, LCL) are required
each implementation. The error e on the x-axis indicates the                                      to be learned correctly. Hence, if the parameter range for
Euclidean distance between the prediction and the reference                                       which the parameter λ indicates that the vehicle keeps the
trajectory. For evaluation, a percentile of 95 % is marked.                                       lane is learned inaccurately (e. g. broader than it actually is)
As it can be seen, the long-term trajectory prediction of the                                     the resulting classification performance is excessively non-
implemented ML models are almost 50 % more accurate                                               uniform among the classes. This is the case for the DeAE.
than the CV predictions. The slope of the CV model’s                                              Since the DVAE is based on a variational loss function,
CDF is much more shallow and, hence, implies a much                                               that explicitly addresses the latent parameter distribution, the
lower overall confidence in its forecasts. More interesting is                                    hypotheses intersections can be learned accurately easier. To
the fact that the performance of all ML models is almost                                          stress this aspect and, accordingly, the superiority of the
the same: the prediction error is ∼ 2.85 m or smaller at                                          DVAE, the absolute prediction errors of the parameter λ
95 % of the predictions. The VAE does perform slightly                                            resulting from both models are evaluated in Figure 7. The
better than the descriptive models but also provides much                                         classification accuracy is depending on the prediction error
more degrees of freedom; 300 additional nodes and two                                             for λ . The DeAE’s prediction of the parameter λ has a larger
complex LSTMs. Comparing the descriptive methods by                                               maximal error, a greater variance in the error distribution and
the ECDF, the performance of the implemented DeAE and                                             is biased. Hence, the DVAE’s prediction for parameter λ is
DVAE is similar and non of them is clearly superior.                                              more accurate in general which is an important fact regarding
When examining their performance in the simple threshold-                                         a prediction validation based on the interpretable latent space
based classification, an interesting result arises. While both                                    as explained in the following. Note, that both models did
models provide an average prediction accuracy of 76 %, the                                        not have access to the reference data of Figure 6 i. e.,
DeAE is noticeable worse in detecting KL-maneuvers with                                           the DVAE and DeAE are trained completely unsupervised.
an accuracy of 58 % as can be seen in the confusion matrix                                        According to the goal, that the model should be able to learn
in Table I. This issue is due to the distinct learned latent                                      an interpretable latent space in an unsupervised manner, it
parameter distributions with respect to the classification                                        was not intended to preprocess the data in order to then
boundaries. Figure 6 illustrates the reference distributions                                      use the resulting physical values for a supervised learning.
of the parameter λ . It is computed by applying a curve-                                          Such an unsupervised approach holds the advantage of being
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