CSI-based Indoor Localization - Kaishun Wu Member, IEEE Jiang Xiao, Student Member, IEEE, Youwen Yi Student Member, IEEE, Dihu Chen , Xiaonan Luo ...

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CSI-based Indoor Localization - Kaishun Wu Member, IEEE Jiang Xiao, Student Member, IEEE, Youwen Yi Student Member, IEEE, Dihu Chen , Xiaonan Luo ...
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

         IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. XX, NO. X, XXXX 2012                                                                                    1

                                          CSI-based Indoor Localization
               Kaishun Wu Member, IEEE Jiang Xiao, Student Member, IEEE, Youwen Yi Student Member, IEEE,
                                   Dihu Chen , Xiaonan Luo, Lionel M. Ni Fellow, IEEE

                 Abstract—Indoor positioning systems have received increasing attention for supporting location-based services in indoor environ-
                 ments. WiFi-based indoor localization has been attractive due to its open access and low cost properties. However, the distance
                 estimation based on received signal strength indicator (RSSI) is easily affected by the temporal and spatial variance due to the
                 multipath effect, which contributes to most of the estimation errors in current systems. In this work, we analyze this effect across the
                 physical layer and account for the undesirable RSSI readings being reported. We explore the frequency diversity of the subcarriers in
                 OFDM systems and propose a novel approach called FILA, which leverages the channel state information (CSI) to build a propagation
                 model and a fingerprinting system at the receiver. We implement the FILA system on commercial 802.11 NICs, and then evaluate its
                 performance in different typical indoor scenarios. The experimental results show that the accuracy and latency of distance calculation
                 can be significantly enhanced by using CSI. Moreover, FILA can significantly improve the localization accuracy compared with the
                 corresponding RSSI approach.

                 Index Terms—Indoor localization, Channel State Information, RSSI, Physical Layer.


         1      I NTRODUCTION                                                                 variance of RSSIs collected from an immobile receiver in
                                                                                              one minute is up to 5dB. Second, RSSI is easily varied by
         L     O calization is one of the essential modules of many
               mobile wireless applications. Although Global Posi-
         tioning System (GPS) works extremely well for an open-
                                                                                              the multipath effect. In theory, it is possible to establish
                                                                                              a model to estimate the separation distance using the
                                                                                              received power. In reality, however, the propagation of
         air localization, it does not perform effectively in indoor
                                                                                              a RF wave is attenuated by reflection when it hits the
         environments due to the disability of GPS signals to
                                                                                              surface of an obstacle. In addition to the line-of-sight
         penetrate in-building materials. Therefore, precise in-
                                                                                              (LOS) signal, there are possibly multiple signals arriving
         door localization is still a critical missing component
                                                                                              at the receiver through different paths. This multipath
         and has been gaining growing interest from a wide
                                                                                              effect is even more severe in indoor environments where
         range of applications, e.g., location detection of assets
                                                                                              a ceiling, floor and walls are present. As a result, it is
         in a warehouse, patient tracking inside the building of
                                                                                              possible for a closer receiver to have a lower RSSI than
         the hospital, and emergency personnel positioning in a
                                                                                              a more distant one. Consequently, a simple relationship
         disaster area.
                                                                                              between received power and separating distance cannot
            A great number of researches have been done to
                                                                                              be established. Therefore, this time-varying and vulner-
         address the indoor localization problem. Many range-
                                                                                              able RSSI value creates undesirable localization errors.
         based localization protocols compute positions based on
                                                                                                 We argue that a reliable metric provided by commer-
         received signal strength indicator (RSSI), which repre-
                                                                                              cial NICs to improve the accuracy of indoor localiza-
         sents the received power level at the receiver. According
                                                                                              tion is in need. Such metric should be more temporal
         to propagation loss model [1], received signal power
                                                                                              stable and provide the capability to benefit from the
         monotonically decreases with increasing distance from
                                                                                              multipath effect. In current widely used Orthogonal Fre-
         the source, which is the foundation of the model-based
                                                                                              quency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems, where
         localization. Most of the existing radio frequency (RF)-
                                                                                              data are modulated on multiple subcarriers in different
         based indoor localization are based on the RSSI val-
                                                                                              frequencies and transmitted simultaneously, we have a
         ues [1]–[5]. More related work is in the supplemental
                                                                                              value that estimates the channel in each subcarrier called
         file. However, we claim that the fundamental reasons
                                                                                              Channel State Information (CSI). Different from RSSI,
         why RSSI is not suitable for indoor localization are
                                                                                              CSI is a fine-grained value from the PHY layer which
         from two aspects: First, RSSI is measured from the RF
                                                                                              describes the amplitude and phase on each subcarrier in
         signal at a per packet level, which is difficult to obtain
                                                                                              the frequency domain. In contrast to having only one
         an accurate value. According to our measurement in
                                                                                              RSSI per packet, we can obtain multiple CSIs at one
         a typical indoor environment as shown in Fig. 1, the
                                                                                              time. More importantly, the CSIs over multi-subcarriers
                                                                                              will travel along different fading or scattering paths
         • The authors are with Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
           Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. Some
                                                                                              on account of the multipath effects. It then naturally
           preliminary results of this work were presented in the Proceedings of IEEE         brings in the frequency diversity attribute of CSI, which
           INFOCOM 2012.                                                                      each subcarrier has different amplitudes and phases. By
                                                                                              exploiting the frequency diversity, we can construct a

Digital Object Indentifier 10.1109/TPDS.2012.214                          1045-9219/12/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE
CSI-based Indoor Localization - Kaishun Wu Member, IEEE Jiang Xiao, Student Member, IEEE, Youwen Yi Student Member, IEEE, Dihu Chen , Xiaonan Luo ...
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. XX, NO. X, XXXX 2012                                                                                              2

                  0.4                                                                          2     P RELIMINARIES
                 0.35                                                                          In this section, we introduce the CSI value which is
                                                                                               the foundation of FILA design. And the background
                                                                                               information of the OFDM system can be found in sup-

                                                                                               plemental file.

                 0.15                                                                          2.1    Channel State Information
                  0.1                                                                          Based on OFDM, channel measurement at the subcarrier
                 0.05                                                                          level becomes available. Nowadays, adaptive transmis-
                                                                                               sion systems in wireless communication always improve
                   −34         −32         −30         −28         −26         −24             the throughput by utilizing some knowledge of the chan-
                                                                                               nel state to adapt or allocate transmitter resources [6].
                          Fig. 1: Temporal variance of RSSI.                                      Channel state information or channel status informa-
                                                                                               tion (CSI) is information that estimates the channel by
                                                                                               representing the channel properties of a communica-
unique “fingerprinting” indicating each location on the                                        tion link. More specifically, CSI describes how a signal
radio map. According to these advantages, it is favorable                                      propagates from the transmitter(s) to the receiver(s) and
to leverage the CSI to improve the performance of indoor                                       reveals the combined effect of, for instance, scattering,
location fingerprinting. And thus, designing a precise                                         fading, and power decay with distance. In summary,
tracking/localization system becomes possible.                                                 the accuracy of CSI greatly influences the overall OFDM
  Based on CSI, in this paper, we present the design and                                       system performance. It is worth pointing out that accord-
implementation of FILA, a novel cross-layer approach                                           ing to the definition of CSI, only OFDM-based WLAN
based on OFDM for indoor localization using WLANs.                                             systems can demonstrate the frequency diversity in CSI
                                                                                               since they use multiple subcarriers for data transmission.
  In summary, the main contributions of this paper are                                         In another word, other modulation schemes like DSSS
as follows.                                                                                    cannot provide this value.
  1) We design FILA, a cross layer approach that en-                                              In a narrowband flat-fading channel, the OFDM sys-
     ables fine-grained indoor localization in WLANs.                                          tem in the frequency domain is modeled as
     FILA includes two parts, the first one is CSI-based                                                                      y = Hx + n,                                   (1)
     propagation model and the second one is CSI-
     based fingerprinting. To the best of our knowledge,                                       where y and x are the received and transmitted vectors,
     FILA is the first to use fine-gained PHY layer                                            respectively, and H and n are the channel matrix and
     information (CSI) in OFDM to build a propaga-                                             the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) vector, re-
     tion model so as to improve indoor localization                                           spectively.
     performance. And it is also the first time to take ad-                                      Thus, CSI of all subcarriers can be estimated according
     vance of the combination of the fine-grained PHY                                          to (1) as
     layer information CSI with frequency diversity and                                                                 Ĥ = ,                        (2)
     multiple antennas with spatial diversity for indoor
     location fingerprinting.                                                                  which is a fine-grained value from the PHY layer that
  2) We implement FILA in commercial 802.11 NICs                                               describes the channel gain from TX baseband to RX
     and conduct extensive experiments in several typ-                                         baseband.
     ical indoor environments to show the feasibility of
     our design.                                                                               3     S YSTEM D ESIGN
  3) Experimental results demonstrate that FILA sig-                                           In this section, we first give an overview of the system
     nificantly improves the localization accuracy as                                          architecture. Challenges in the system design are pre-
     compared to the corresponding traditional RSSI-                                           sented in the supplemental file.
     based approach.

  The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In                                           3.1    System Architecture
Section. 2, we introduce some preliminaries. This is                                           FILA system is built based on the current communi-
followed by the system architecture design in Section 3.                                       cation system and thus compatible to the under layer
In Section 4, we demonstrate the CSI-based propagation                                         design. More precisely, no modification is required at
model. In Section 5, we illustrate the methodology of                                          the transmitter end (TX–the AP), while only one new
CSI-based fingerprinting. The implementation of FILA                                           component for CSI processing is introduced for localiza-
and experimental evaluations are presented in Section 6.                                       tion purposes at the receiver end (RX–the target mobile
Finally, conclusions are presented and suggestions are                                         device). Fig. 2 demonstrates the detailed design of the
made for future research in Section 7.                                                         system architecture. For traditional packet transmission
CSI-based Indoor Localization - Kaishun Wu Member, IEEE Jiang Xiao, Student Member, IEEE, Youwen Yi Student Member, IEEE, Dihu Chen , Xiaonan Luo ...
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. XX, NO. X, XXXX 2012                                                                                   3

     TX                            Distance                          RX
                                                                                    4     CSI- BASED           PROPAGATION MODEL
Stationary                    RF Signal Propagation               Mobile            In this section, we leverage the fine grained CSI value in-
                                                                                    stead of RSSI to build a propagation model and address
             AP Location
             Information                                                            the indoor localization issue. The CSI-based propagation
                                                                                    model can be built based on three following steps.
                               CSIeff (2)’ Distance                                    1) CSI Processing: First, we need to mitigate estima-
           (2) Process CSI
                                       Calculator      +       (3) Locate RX
                                                                                          tion error by effectively processing the CSI value
               CSI                                                                        denoted as CSIef f . This is known as the prerequi-
            (1) Collect CSI                                                               site of the ongoing two steps.
                Channel                                                                2) Calibration: Afterwards, we develop a refined in-
                                                                                          door propagation model and a fast training algo-
                                                                                          rithm to derive the relationship between CSIef f
               OFDM                      OFDM                     Normal
RX           Demodulator                Decoder                    Data
                                                                                          and distance.
                                                                                       3) Location Determination: By receiving the APs coor-
          Localization Block                                                              dinates in network layer and CSIef f values from
                                                                                          physical layer, we apply the revised propagation
                     Fig. 2: System Architecture.
                                                                                          model and trilateration method to accomplish the
                                                                                          localization. This part is in the supplemental file.

in wireless communication, only the demodulated signal                              4.1    CSI Processing
is exported to the decoder for message content retrieval.                           For wireless communication, attenuation of signal
However, a prerequisite in FILA localization system is                              strength through a mobile radio channel is caused by
that it should be able to export the CSI value after the                            three nearly independent factors: path loss, multipath
normal demodulation process. Such that we devise a                                  fading, and shadowing. The path loss characterizes the
localization block to exploit the CSI information.                                  property that the signal strength decays as the distance
   In our designated localization block, the CSI collected                          between the transmitter and receiver increases, which is
from 30 groups different subcarriers will firstly be pro-                           the foundation of our CSI-based localization. Multipath
cessed. After running the proposed algorithm, we can                                fading is a rapid fluctuation of the complex envelope of
obtain the effective CSI in an efficient time constraint.                           received signal caused by reception of multiple copies
Then the effective CSI will be used to estimate the                                 of a transmitted signal through multipath propagation.
location of the target object. As mentioned in the pre-                             Shadowing represents a slow variation in a received
vious section, CSI value is the channel matrix from RX                              signal strength due to the obstacles in propagation path.
baseband to TX baseband which is needed for channel                                 Therefore, before establishing the relationship between
equalization. Therefore, there is no extra processing over-                         CSI and distance, we need to mitigate the estimation
head when obtaining the CSI information. Nevertheless,                              error introduced by multipath fading and shadowing.
RSSI is obtained at the receiver antenna in the 2.4 GHz
radio frequency before down convert to the IF and
baseband. Therefore, the free space model that built                                4.1.1 Time-domain Multipath Mitigation
for RSSI-based localization approaches can’t be directly                            The first concentration of our design is that the sys-
applied to process the CSI value. We need to refine such                            tem must be capable of dealing with the challenge of
radio propagation model according to the CSI informa-                               operating over a multipath propagation channel. Since
tion and compute the distance based on the proposed                                 multipath effect will introduce Inter-Symbol-Interference
one. Finally, as the AP location information is obtained                            (ISI), cyclic prefix (CP) is added to each symbol to
from the network layer while CSI is collected from the                              combat the time delay in OFDM systems. However,
physical layer, we then use the simplest trilateration                              the CP technique is helpless for the multiple reflections
method to obtain the location. For the fingerprinting, we                           within a symbol time.
leverage the CSI values including different amplitudes                                 For narrow-band systems, these reflections will not be
and phases at multiple propagation paths, known as the                              resolvable by the receiver when the bandwidth is less
frequency diversity, to uniquely manifest a location. We                            than the coherence bandwidth of the channel. Fortu-
then present a probability algorithm with a correlation                             nately, the bandwidth of 802.11n waveforms is 20MHz
filter to map object to the fingerprints.                                           (with channel bonding, the bandwidth could be 40MHz),
  In our FILA system architecture design, CSI is only                               which provides the capability of the receiver to resolve
processed by a newly designed localization block if                                 the different reflections in the channel. We propose a
needed. Owing to the fact, FILA can be applied con-                                 multipath mitigation mechanism that can distinguish
currently with the original packet transmission. In other                           the LOS signal or the most closed NLOS from other
words, it will not introduce additional overhead during                             reflections in the expectation of reducing the distance
the data transmission.                                                              estimation error.
CSI-based Indoor Localization - Kaishun Wu Member, IEEE Jiang Xiao, Student Member, IEEE, Youwen Yi Student Member, IEEE, Dihu Chen , Xiaonan Luo ...
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. XX, NO. X, XXXX 2012                                                                                               4

  The commonly used profile of multipath channel in                                             compensation of the fading of received signals in fre-
the time domain is described as follow,                                                         quency domain to enhance location accuracy.
                                              Lp −1
                                                                                                   In general, when the space between two subcarriers
                                                                                               is larger than the coherence bandwidth, they are fading
                                   h(τ ) =            αk δ(τ − τk ),                    (3)
                                                                                                independently. Since the channel bandwidth of 802.11n
                                                                                                system is larger than the coherence bandwidth in typical
where Lp is the number of multipath channel compo-                                              indoor environment, the fading across all subcarriers
nent. αk and τk are the amplitude and propagation delay                                         are frequency-selective. To combat such frequency se-
of the k-th path. In practice, OFDM technologies are effi-                                      lectively fading of wireless signals, multiple uncorre-
ciently implemented using a combination of fast Fourier                                         lated fading subchannels (multiple frequency subcarri-
Transform (FFT) and inverse fast Fourier Transform                                              ers), that is 30 groups of CSI values are combined at
(IFFT) blocks. The 30 groups of CSI represent the channel                                       the receiver. Motivation for leveraging the frequency
response in frequency domain, which is about one group                                          diversity stems from the fact that the probability of
per two subcarriers. With IFFT processing of the CSI, we                                        simultaneous deep fading occurring on multiple uncor-
can obtain the channel response in the time domain, i.e.,                                       related fading envelopes (in our case, resulting from
h(t). From Fig. 3 we can observe that the LOS signal and                                        frequency diversity) is much lower than the probability
multipath reflections come with different time delay, and                                       of a deep fade occurring on a single frequency system.
generally the LOS signal has higher channel gain, so we                                         Thus, exploiting the wide bandwidth of WLAN that
can use a trunk window with the first largest channel                                           assures sufficiently uncorrelated subcarriers, will reduce
gain in the center to filter out those reflections. If LOS                                      the variance in CSIs owing to small scale factors, which
doesn’t exist, we can identify the shortest path NLOS re-                                       appears to be one of the major sources of location
flection. According to Nyquist sampling theorem, wider                                          determination error. In our FILA system, we weighted
spectrum leads to higher resolution in the time domain.                                         average the 30 groups CSIs in frequency domain so as
Due to the bandwidth limitation of WLAN, we can’t                                               to obtain the effective CSI, which exploits the frequency
distinguish all the reflections but we can use this method                                      diversity to compensate the small-scale fading effect.
to reduce the variance induced by multipath effects. The                                           Given a packet with 30 groups of subcarriers, the
time duration of the first cluster is determined by setting                                     effective CSI of this packet is calculated as
the truncation threshold as 50% of the first peak value.
In doing so, we expect to mitigate the estimation error                                                                  1  fk
                                                                                                           CSIef f =            × |Hk |, k ∈ (−15, 15),                      (4)
introduced by multipath reflection.                                                                                      K   f0
   After the time domain signal processing, we reobtain
the CSI using FFT. Fig. 3 shows the CSI results after time                                      where f0 is the central frequency, fk is the frequency of
domain filtering. Note that, commercial NICs embeds                                             the k-th subcarrier, and |Hk | is the amplitude of the k-th
hardware circuits for the FFT and IFFT processing, our                                          subcarrier CSI.
algorithm introduces ignorable latency to the whole                                                Note that selection of weighting factors are based
localization procedure.                                                                         on the fact that the radio propagation is frequency-
                                                                                                related. According to the free space model, the received
                                                                                                signal strength is related to the frequency the signal is
                               Original value                                                   transmitted. So by this weighting method, we transfer
                               After filtering                                                  the channel gain from multiple subcarriers to a single
                                                                                                subcarrier, i.e., the central one. Next, we will establish
                                                                                                the relationship between the CSIef f and distance.
  CSI Amplitude


                                                                                                4.2    Calibration
                                                                                                Since CSI value is obtained from the baseband on the
                                                                                                receiver side, the radio propagation model [7] for RSSI
                                                                                                is no longer suitable for our design. So we develop
                                                                                                a refined indoor propagation model to represent the
                  −30        −20        −10          0        10         20        30           relationship between the CSIef f and distance by revising
                                              Subcarrier Index                                  the free space path loss propagation model, given by:
                                                                                                                                    2     n1
                       Fig. 3: Time Domain Channel Response.                                                     1          c
                                                                                                           d=                            ×σ      ,     (5)
                                                                                                                4π    f0 × |CSIef f |
4.1.2                  Frequency-domain Fading Compensation                                     where c is the wave velocity, σ is the environment
Moreover, since CSI represents the channel responses                                            factor and n is the path loss fading exponent. Both of
of multiple subcarriers, a combination scheme is also                                           the two parameters are dependent on distinctive indoor
introduced to process the CSI value in our system for                                           environments. The environment factor σ represents the
CSI-based Indoor Localization - Kaishun Wu Member, IEEE Jiang Xiao, Student Member, IEEE, Youwen Yi Student Member, IEEE, Dihu Chen , Xiaonan Luo ...
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. XX, NO. X, XXXX 2012                                                                                  5

gain of the baseband to the RF band at the transmitter                             where |Hi | is the amplitude response and ∠H is the
side, inversely, the gain of RF band to baseband at the                            phrase response of the ith subcarrier.
receiver side, and the antenna gains as well. Moreover,                               Then, it comes to CSI processing which is the prerequi-
for NLOS AP, the σ also includes the power loss due to                             site of calculating position likelihood in the positioning
wall penetration or the shadowing. The path loss fading                            phase. We quantify the power of a package, denoted as
exponent n is varying depending on the environment.                                summational CSI, by adding up the power with respect
For instance, when the RF signal is propagating along a                            to 30 groups of subcarriers. Specifically,
free space like corridor, the path loss fading exponent
n will be around 2. In other cases, such as an office
                                                                                                         He =          |Hi |2 , i ∈ [1, 30],                    (8)
that represents a complex indoor scenario, the exponent
could be larger than 4. In an indoor radio channel with
clutter in medium, where often the LOS path is aug-
mented with the multipath NLOS at the receiver, signal                             5.1    CSI-based Fingerprinting Generation
power decreases with a pass loss fading exponent higher                            As the foundation of fingerprinting approach, the mea-
than 2 and is typically in the order of 2 to 4 [8]. Hence, it                      sured CSI values are processed to construct a radio
is not trivial to determine the received signal power and                          map. Since most of the RF-based fingerprint methods
we need to refine the free space propagation model that                            consider two spatial dimensions for localization [9], we
obeys the analytical and empirical methods. A widely                               also follow the principle. Therefore, the two-dimension
used simplification is to assume that all the path loss                            physical space coordinate of a sample position lj is
exponents that model propagations between the specific                             lj = (lj,x , lj,y ). To generate a radio map, we first extract
receiver and all the APs are equal. This simplification                            the statistic determine the number of detectable APs
in a typical indoor environment is an oversimplification,                          for a sample position. At each reference point, we will
since the channel propagation is usually very different                            estimate the signal strength distribution for each access
depending on the relative position of the mobile client                            point at each location. In our location system, the signal
with regard to each AP. Therefore, we calibrate both                               strength over all the subcarriers is represented by He .
environment factor σ and the path loss fading exponent                                Moreover, another component of the radio map will
n in a per-AP manner.                                                              be normalized CSI values at each subcarrier for each
   We propose a simple fast training algorithm based                               AP. The motivation of leveraging the frequency diversity
on supervised learning to retrieve the parameters with                             stems from the fact that CSI benefits from the mul-
three anchors in offline phase. In the first step, CSIs of                         tipath effects, because the received signal at different
multiple packets are collected at two of the anchors to                            positions will be the combination of different reflections.
train the environment factor σ and the path loss fading                            Therefore, these normalized CSI values will reflect the
exponent n for the refined indoor propagation model. In                            combination result ignoring the large scale fading.
the second step, CSIs collected at the third anchor are
used to test the efficiency of the parameter estimation.
The two steps run iteratively until convergence. The                               5.2    Positioning Phase
experimental results in the next section show that this                            For object location estimation, the target is required to
simple algorithm can achieve satisfactory accuracy, more                           be accurately mapped to the radio map.
sophisticated training method will be able to obtain                                  Previous works show that the probabilistic approaches
better performance.                                                                such as maximum likelihood provide more accurate
                                                                                   results than deterministic ones do in indoor environ-
                                                                                   ments [9]. Therefore, we adapt the probability model
5   CSI- BASED           FINGERPRINTING                                            in [10] except that we use He instead of RSS value.
In this section, we introduce the methodology of CSI-                              Similarly, we treat He observed from the AP to the
based location fingerprinting approach. We start by us-                            receiver at a fixed location as a Gaussian variable. In the
ing a mobile device equipped with 802.11 NICs to re-                               proposed system, we will select K best APs to calculate
ceive the beacon message from nearby APs at each sam-                              the probability of the MS at each reference point. The
ple position. The message contains CSI that represents                             criteria for the best AP selection is that those APs with
the channel response of multiple subcarriers. We modify                            highest He values, because they are more reliable. In our
the driver and divide the CSIs into 30 groups. Hence,                              experiment, we fix the K to be 3.
N = 30 groups CSI values are collected simultaneously                                 The selected K He values obtained by the terminal to
at the receiver that represented as                                                be located form a vector He = [He,1 , · · · , He,K ]. Then,
                                                                                   the position estimation problem is equivalent to finding
        H = [H1 , H2 , · · · , Hi , · · · , HN ]T , i ∈ [1, 30],           (6)     the l that maximizes the posteriori probability P (lj |He ).
                                                                                   According to Bayes’ law,
where each subcarrier Hi is defined as
                                                                                                         P (lj )P (He |lj )      P (lj )P (He |lj )
                                                                                          P (lj |He ) =                       =                                (9)
                        Hi = |Hi |ej sin{∠Hi } ,                           (7)                            i P (l i )P (H  |l
                                                                                                                         e i )        P (He )
CSI-based Indoor Localization - Kaishun Wu Member, IEEE Jiang Xiao, Student Member, IEEE, Youwen Yi Student Member, IEEE, Dihu Chen , Xiaonan Luo ...
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. XX, NO. X, XXXX 2012                                                                                  6

  Note that P (lj ) is the prior probability that the termi-                       6     E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
nal located at the reference point li . In [9], [10], uniform
distribution is assumed. In contrast, we will leverage the                         In this section, we present the implementation and ex-
spatial correlation of the CSI to determine the P (lj ).                           perimental evaluation of FILA. First, we describe the
                                                                                   experimental setup which can be found in the supple-
  Recall that CSI is a fine-grained information, we can
                                                                                   mental file. Then we illustrate the validation results for
observe channel response over multiple subcarriers rep-
                                                                                   our refined propagation model. Finally, we evaluate the
resented by Hk = [H1 , H2 , · · · , Hi , · · · , HN ]T for the kth
                                                                                   performance of CSI-based propagation model and its fin-
AP. We denote the observed CSI with normalization for
                                                                                   gerprinting. In our evaluation, we use the performance
each AP as H(O) ∈ CN ×K , and the CSI recorded in the
                                                                                   of corresponding RSSI-based approach based on radio
radio map for the same set of APs at position lj as H(lj ).
                                                                                   propagation model and trilateration as baseline .
To quantify the similarity of the observed CSI and the
stored “fingerprints” for all the APs, we use the Pearson
correlation between them which is defined as                                       II. Experimental Scenarios
                                 K                                                 We conduct experiments to show the performance and
                                  cov(Hk (O), Hk (lj ))
            ρH(O),H(lj ) =                               ,               (10)      robustness of our FILA system in four different scenarios
                                      σHk (O) σHk (lj )                            in the campus of Hong Kong University of Science and
                                                                                   Technology as follows:
   where each AP is considered to be independent. Ac-                                  1) Chamber First, we set up a testbed in a 3m × 4m
cording to the measurement, the spatial channel cor-                                      Chamber to collect the RSSI and CSI as shown in
relation will decrease as the distance between the two                                    Fig. 4. In general, Chamber is an enclosure that
receiver increases. Therefore, with higher ρ, the position                                used as environmental conditions for conducting
of the terminal will be closer to the reference point. Then,                              testing of specimen. In our experiment, chamber
the probability of the terminal on each candidate point                                   represents the ideal free space indoor environment
is defined as                                                                             which means only LOS signal exists without other
                                 ρH(O),H(lj )                                             multipath reflection or external interference.
                     P (lj ) = J                                        (11)          2) Research Laboratory Then, we deployed FILA in
                                i=1 ρH(O),H(li )
                                                                                          an identical indoor scenario – a 5m × 8m research
where J is the size of the candidate reference points set.                                laboratory as shown in Fig. 5. In the laboratory
  Considering uncorrelated property between each AP,                                      region, we place three APs on the top of three shel-
the likelihood P (He |lj ) can be calculated as,                                          ters in three dimensions. The experiment was con-
                                                                                          ducted on a weekday afternoon when there were
                                                                                         a couple of students sitting or walking around,
                    P (He |lj ) =            P (He,k |lj ),              (12)             which will show the robustness of our system to
                                       k=1                                                temporal dynamics of the environment. The laptop
                                                                                          was placed at a fixed position at the beginning of
  Since the signal strength at each reference point is                                    the experiment and then moved to the next point
modeled as a Gaussian variable which requires less sam-                                   along a pre-measured path.
plings than the histogram approach [11]. At the offline                                3) Lecture Theatre In addition, we chose a larger
phase, we can obtain the expectation H̄e,k and variance                                   lecture hall to conduct the localization experiments,
σe,k corresponding to the He,k , and the P (He,k |lj ) is                                 which is a 20m × 20m lecture theatre. Since the
obtained as                                                                               space is relatively large, the influence of the room
                                                                                          size can be explored.
                            1         −(He,k − H̄e,k )2
     P (He,k |lj ) =              exp                   .                (13)          4) Corridor Finally, we performed experiments in a
                           2πσe,k         2σe,k                                           corridor environment with multiple offices aside
                                                                                          in our academic building, which is 32.5m × 10m
  The location estimation of the terminal is the weighted                                 covering corridors, rooms and cubicles. In this
average over the whole candidate set,                                                     scenario, we expect to illustrate the impact of the
                                                                                          absence of LOS APs on the location accuracy.
                          l̂ =         P̄ (lj |He )lj                    (14)
                                                                                   6.1    Validate the Refined Model
  For the fingerprinting method, the terminal can pro-                             As the target for precise indoor localization, two most
cess CSI by itself and then check the globe or local                               important metrics are used to testify FILA: the accuracy
database for localization. It doesn’t need to rely on one                          and the temporal stability of location estimation. After-
pubic server.                                                                      wards, we compared the performance of our CSI-based
  The performance of the proposed fingerprinting                                   localization system with the corresponding RSSI-based
methodology is evaluated in the following section.                                 approach.
CSI-based Indoor Localization - Kaishun Wu Member, IEEE Jiang Xiao, Student Member, IEEE, Youwen Yi Student Member, IEEE, Dihu Chen , Xiaonan Luo ...
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. XX, NO. X, XXXX 2012                                                                                                                            7

                                                                                                                                                                                 CSIeff amplitude
                                                                                                                                                45                               Exponential Fitting

                                                                                                                             CSIeff amplitude





                                                                                                                                                  2.5     3   3.5      4    4.5    5    5.5        6
                                                                                                                                                                    Distance (meters)

                             Fig. 4: Chamber                                      Fig. 5: Research Laboratory               Fig. 6: Relation between CSIef f and
                   20                                                            −25                                                                 3
                   19                         Lecture Theatre                    −26                    Lecture Theatre                                       RSSI                  CSI
                                                                                                                                                                      Chamber           Chamber
                   18                                                            −27                                                             2.5          RSSI                  CSI
                                                                                                                                                                      Lab               Lab
CSIeff amplitude

                   17                                                            −28                                                                 2

                                                                                                                                  Error (m)
                   16                                                            −29
                   15                                                            −30                                                             1.5
                   14                                                            −31
                   13                                                            −32                                                                 1
                   12                                                            −33                                                             0.5
                   11                                                            −34
                   10                                                            −35                                                                 0
                     0     10    20    30     40        50     60                   0   10    20   30     40    50     60                             0   2    4       6   8 10 12            14       16
                                 Time Duration(s)                                            Time Duration(s)                                                       Time Duration(min)

 Fig. 7: CSIef f on Temporal Variance                                        Fig. 8: RSSI on Temporal Variance                  Fig. 9: CSI vs. RSSI on distance esti-
                                                                                                                                mation in different environments.

6.1.1                    Robustness of the Refined Model                                             the variance of CSIef f is within 1 dBm. Therefore,
One essential aspect that needs to be determined before                                              the proposed new matric is much more stable in time
the localization experiments is whether CSI value can                                                domain compared with RSSI.
build a relationship with distance. In general, indoor
RF signal strength is a non-monotonic function with
distance due to multipath and shadowing effects. Fig. 6                                                 In Fig. 9, we further investigate the CSIef f value
illustrates the CSI value approximated by a power func-                                              and RSSI value in the chamber and research laboratory
tion of distance according to our refined propagation                                                so as to discover the effect of any temporal instability
model. In diverse scenarios with corresponding environ-                                              on distance estimation. Chamber provides a free space-
ment factor σ, the path loss fading exponent n varies in                                             like environment as it uses specific material that can
a range of [2, 4]. It is shown that our refined model prop-                                          absorb the non-LOS signals. Thus, multipath effect can
erly fits the relationship between CSIef f and distance.                                             be eliminated in chamber environment. However, the
                                                                                                     result from our experiment shows that even in chamber
                                                                                                     the RSSI is also varied significantly from time to time
6.1.2                    Temporal Stability of CSI
                                                                                                     due to the inaccurate measurement. In contrast, research
Temporal stability is a fundamental criteria in validating                                           lab is a typical multipath environment. Both the static
the robustness of the localization systems. We thus set                                              obstacles and dynamic walking around individuals exert
out to examine the stability of the proposed new metric                                              the influence on multipath and bring in more intense
CSIef f and RSSI value in time series. It is well-known                                              path loss. In this way, the variance of RSSI becomes even
that RSSI is a fickle measurement of the channel gain                                                larger and the performance of distance estimation is even
because of its coarse packet-level estimation and easily                                             worse.
varied by multipath effect. As CSI is fine-grained PHY
layer information that provides detailed channel state
information in subcarrier level, it is of great importance                                              Fig. 7, Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 lead to an essential conclusion:
to figure out whether it will remain in a stable manner                                              in comparison with RSSI, CSI is more temporally stable
in practical environment.                                                                            in different environments and helps maintain the per-
   Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 illustrate both the interactions of                                             formance over time. Therefore, FILA can achieve accu-
CSIef f and RSSI values on temporal variance, respec-                                                rate location more quickly than the RSSI-based scheme,
tively. It is shown that the received signal power cal-                                              which is very crucial for some location-based application
culated by RSSI has a variance up to 5 dBm, while                                                    like search and rescue.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. XX, NO. X, XXXX 2012                                                                                  8

                                    4                                              falls within the range of 1 meter, and the 50% accuracy
                                                             Chamber               is less than 0.5 m. In such a dynamic environment with
         Mean distance error (m)
                                    3                        Lecture Theatre       lots of factors interfering the propagation of signals,
                                                                                   FILA exhibits a preferable property indicating that the
                                                                                   fine-grained nature of CSI is beneficial to improve the
                                                                                   accuracy of corresponding RF-based approach.
                                   1.5                                                Fig. 11(b) depicts the cumulative distribution function
                                    1                                              errors per location detected at the university lecture
                                   0.5                                             theatre. Even for such a much larger space, FILA can
                                    0                                              locate objects in the range within 1.8 meters of their
                                              RSSI                 CSI
                                                     RSSI vs CSI                   actual position with 90 percent probability, which is
                                                                                   acceptable for most location-based applications.
                                         Fig. 10: Mean distance error.                Across the above two typical single room indoor sce-
                                                                                   narios, FILA achieves median accuracy of 0.45 m and 1.2
6.2 Performance Evaluation of CSI-based Propaga-                                   m, respectively. It is therefore safe to conclude that the
tion Model                                                                         proposed CSI-based scheme performs much better than
As a target for precise and fast indoor localization, two                          RSSI-based one when locating objects in a typical indoor
most important metrics are used to testify this model: the                         building with multipath effect.
accuracy and the latency of localization, afterwards, we
                                                                                   Localization Accuracy in Multiple Rooms
compared the performance of our CSI-based localization
systemwith the corresponding RSSI-based approach by                                In our previous experiments, the APs and client are
using the propagation model.                                                       placed in the same room. We also examined the corridor
                                                                                   scenario where several APs are deployed in the multiple
6.2.1 Accuracy                                                                     rooms. Specially, we take into consideration both the
                                                                                   complicated multipath effect and the shadowing fading
Accuracy over a Single Link
                                                                                   brought by wall shield. We first fix the position of the
As the premise of indoor localization, we first inves-                             object at some reference nodes, and collects the AP
tigated the distance determination accuracy of FILA                                coordinate and CSI value for offline training. Then, we
compared with the corresponding RSSI-based approach.                               move the object to arbitrary positions for online tracking.
The primary source of error in indoor localization is                              The moving speed is around 1m/s and we collect 20 CSIs
multipath propagation caused by multiple reflections                               and RSSIs at each position.
that overlap with the direct LOS subcarrier at the re-                                In Fig. 11(c), we plot the cumulative distribution of
ceiver. FILA takes advantage of the fine-grained trait                             location errors across 10 positions. It is shown that
to mitigate such multipath effect, and exploits the fre-                           multipath propagation does degrade the accuracy of
quency diversity to compensate the frequency-selective                             object localization as well as the shadowing in the mul-
shading. We repeated the distance measurement experi-                              tiple rooms scenarios. However, FILA is robust enough
ments across 10 different locations in chamber, research                           to maintain the degradation. More importantly, FILA
laboratory and lecture theatre, respectively. For some                             can achieve median accuracy of 1.2 m in this corridor
positions with serious multipath effect, FILA achieves up                          environment. This result indicates that FILA is able to
to 10 times accuracy gain over the corresponding RSSI-                             effectively estimate and compensate for gain differences
based scheme. Fig. 10 illustrates the mean distance errors                         across multiple rooms.
in three different environments. Our evaluation shows
that FILA can outperform the corresponding RSSI-based                              6.2.2 Latency of CSI-based propagation model localiza-
scheme by around 3 times for the distance determination                            tion
of a single link.                                                                  Two main phases contribute to the latency of FILA,
   To assess the effectiveness of the CSI-based localiza-                          the calibration phase and location determination phase.
tion approach, in the following we evaluate the accuracy                           Since the environment factor and the fading exponent
of FILA in different typical indoor environments.                                  vary in different environments, we need to conduct
                                                                                   calibration to train these two parameters for the refined
Localization Accuracy in Single Room                                               propagation model. We should collect CSIs at some pre-
In the experiments conducted in the research laboratory,                           known positions to calculate these two parameters using
we fix three APs on the top of the shelters. The mobile                            our fast training algorithm. Actually, this process can
laptop with iwl5300 NICs is first fixed at one location                            be finished before localization as an offline task since
and then moved to another. We repeated this process and                            the APs can use each other’s information for the cali-
placed the device at 10 different positions respectively.                          bration. In our FILA system, the AP takes about 0.8ms
Fig. 11(a) illustrates the cumulative distribution (CDF) of                        to transmit a packet with 100 bytes beacon message in
localization errors across the 10 positions. In our experi-                        IEEE 802.11n. Each time we collect 20 CSIs and the time
ments, for over 90% of data points, the localization error                         will be 0.8 × 20 = 16ms. The calibration process can be
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. XX, NO. X, XXXX 2012                                                                                                                               9

                 1                                                                                     1                                                             1
               0.9                                                                                   0.9                                                           0.9
               0.8                                                                                   0.8                                                           0.8
               0.7                                                                                   0.7                                                           0.7


               0.6                                                                                   0.6                                                           0.6
               0.5                                                                                   0.5                                                           0.5
               0.4                                                                                   0.4                                                           0.4
               0.3                                                                                   0.3                                                           0.3
               0.2                                                 FILA                              0.2                                                           0.2
                                                                                                                                    FILA                                                           FILA
               0.1                                                 RSSI−based                        0.1                            RSSI−based                     0.1                             RSSI−based
                 0                                                                                     0                                                             0
                  0   0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75                           2                         0   0.5   1     1.5 2 2.5 3        3.5   4                    0   0.5   1     1.5 2 2.5 3        3.5   4
                              Distance error (m)                                                                      Distance error (m)                                            Distance error (m)
                      (a) Research Laboratory                                                                 (b) Lecture Theatre                                                   (c) Corridor

                                                                 Fig. 11: CDF of localization error in different indoor environments.

done within 2ms according to our measurement on a                                                                           is shown in Fig. 12. Our evaluation shows that CSI-
HP laptop with 2.4GHz dual-core CPU. In the location                                                                        based method can achieve the median accuracy of 0.65m,
determination phase, the IFFT and FFT process can lever-                                                                    which outperforms Horus by about 0.2m, and the gain
age the according hardware blocks in the wireless NICs                                                                      is about 24%. Moreover, in the corridor scenario, where
whose running time is ignorable. While we conduct                                                                           covered by 6 APs and 3 APs were taken into computa-
these signal processing on laptop consuming around                                                                          tion, the mean accuracy of our approach is 1.07m which
2ms, including the time needed for the trilateration                                                                        is 0.35m lower than Horus system, about 25% gain over
location calculation. Therefore, the time consumption                                                                       Horus.
for both training and location determination is within                                                                         In addition, we compare the two approaches con-
several ms. In our experiment, the walking speed of user                                                                    cerning different numbers of APs in corridor. Fig. 14
is around 1m/s. The average tracking error is around                                                                        depicts the average accuracy according to the amount
1.2m as shown in Figure 11(c). For multiple rooms envi-                                                                     of APs varying from 1 to 6. Since richer information to
ronment, the simple alpha-tracking algorithm [12] can be                                                                    estimate the location can be obtained from the more APs,
applied for triggering the training. We only need to train                                                                  both lines demonstrate the accuracy improvement. In
these parameters once unless the environment changes                                                                        particular, our approach reduced the mean distance error
greatly. In summary, our system can reach the average                                                                       by 29% on the average. Obviously, these results show the
time tracking latency to as fast as about 0.01s, which                                                                      effectiveness of the proposed CSI-based location system
significantly outperforms previous RSSI-based tracking                                                                      and indicate the benefits from indoor environment with
systems [4] (usually 2 − 3s).                                                                                               dense-deployed APs. When the AP is sparse, our scheme
                                                                                                                            performs much better than the RSS-based one.
                                                            Horus                                                           6.3.2 Precision
                      Mean distance error (m)

                                                1.25        CSI−based
                                                                                                                            Fig. 15 illustrates the cumulative distribution (CDF) of
                                                  1                                                                         localization errors in the laboratory. The data were col-
                                                0.75                                                                        lected across the 28 positions in the laboratory. From
                                                                                                                            Fig. 15, we can observe that the confidence interval with
                                                 0.5                                                                        confidence level 90% for the error is (-1.3m, +1.3m),
                                                0.25                                                                        which means the CSI-based localization error falls within
                                                                                                                            the range of 1.3 meters, and the 50% accuracy is less than
                                                  0                                                                         0.6 m. However, the Horus can locate objects in the range
                                                          Laboratory        Corridor
                                                              CSI−based vs Horus                                            within 1.6 meters of their actual position with 90 percent
                                                                                                                            probability, and the median accuracy is 0.8.
                                                       Fig. 12: Mean distance error.
                                                                                                                               Unlike the first scenario that 3 APs and client are
                                                                                                                            placed in the same room, we also examined the corridor
                                                                                                                            testbed where the 6 APs are deployed in the multiple
6.3 Performance Evaluation of CSI-based Finger-
                                                                                                                            rooms. Fig. 13 depicts the cumulative distribution of
                                                                                                                            positioning errors across 20 positions. We can easily ob-
6.3.1 Accuracy                                                                                                              serve that both our approach and Horus can achieve the
First, we evaluate the accuracy of the proposed CSI-                                                                        median accuracy less than 1.25m. However, the accuracy
based probability algorithm and compared with Horus,                                                                        improvement of our approach over Horus for 90% of
the widely used RSSI-based fingerprinting system. The                                                                       data points is 0.55m. We can conclude that our approach
mean distance error in the two different environments                                                                       exhibits a preferable property since the fine-grained and
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. XX, NO. X, XXXX 2012                                                                                                      10

                1                                                                          4.5                                                   1
                      CSI−based                                                                                      CSI−based                         CSI−based
              0.9                                                                           4                                                  0.9
                      Horus                                                                                          Horus                             Horus

                                                                 Mean distance error (m)
              0.8                                                                          3.5                                                 0.8
              0.7                                                                           3                                                  0.7

              0.6                                                                                                                              0.6
              0.5                                                                                                                              0.5
              0.4                                                                                                                              0.4
              0.3                                                                          1.5                                                 0.3
              0.2                                                                           1                                                  0.2
              0.1                                                                          0.5                                                 0.1
                0                                                                           0                                                    0
                 0    0.5     1     1.5      2      2.5      3                               1   2     3       4       5     6                    0   0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75   2
                             Distance error (m)                                                      Number of APs                                            Distance error (m)

Fig. 13: CDF of localization error in Fig. 14: Mean distance error with dif- Fig. 15: CDF of localization error in
Corridor.                             ferent numbers of APs.                 Laboratory.

frequency diversity nature of CSI is beneficial to improve                                                [3]  D. Moore, J. Leonard, D. Rus, and S. Teller, “Robust distributed
the precision of location fingerprinting.                                                                      network localization with noisy range measurements,” in Proc. of
                                                                                                               ACM Sensys, 2004.
                                                                                                          [4] D. Zhang, J. Ma, Q. B. Chen, and L. M. Ni, “An rf-based system for
7               C ONCLUSIONS             AND      F UTURE WORK                                                 tracking transceiver-free objects,” in Proc. of IEEE PerCom, 2007.
                                                                                                          [5] D. Zhang and L. M. Ni, “Dynamic clustering for tracking multiple
Localization is one of the most appealing applications                                                         transceiver-free objects,” in Proc. of IEEE PerCom, 2009.
and becomes increasingly common in our daily life.                                                        [6] D. Halperin, W. J. Hu, A. Sheth, and D. Wetherall, “Predictable
                                                                                                               802.11 packet delivery from wireless channel measurements,” in
RSSI-based schemes have been widely used to provide                                                            Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM, 2010.
location-aware services in WLAN. However, in this pa-                                                     [7] A. Goldsmith, Wireless Communications and Networks:3G and be-
per, we observe that RSSI is roughly measured and easily                                                       yond. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2010.
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then use the fine-grained information, that is, Channel                                                   [9] M. Youssef and A. Agrawala, “The horus wlan location determi-
State Information (CSI), which explores the frequency                                                          nation system,” in Proc. of ACM MobiSys, pp. 205–218, 2005.
                                                                                                          [10] S. Fang, T. Lin and K. Lee, “A novel algorithm for multipath
diversity characteristic in OFDM systems to build the                                                          fingerprinting in indoor wlan environments,” IEEE Trans. Wireless
indoor localization system FILA. In FILA, we process the                                                       Commun., 2008.
CSI of multiple subcarriers in a single packet as effective                                               [11] A. Haeberlen, E. Flannery, A. M. Ladd, A. Rudys, D. S. Wallach,
                                                                                                               and L. E. Kavraki, “Practical robust localization over large-scale
CSI value CSIef f , and develop a refined indoor radio                                                         802.11 wireless networks,” in Proc. of ACM MobiCom, pp. 70–84,
propagation model to represent the relationship between                                                        2004.
CSIef f and distance. Based on the CSIef f , we then                                                      [12] T. He, S. Krishnamurthy, T. Luo, L. andYan, K. B., L. Gu,
                                                                                                               R. Stoleru, G. Zhou, Q. Cao, P. Vicaire, J. A. Stankovic, T. F.
design a new fingerprinting method which leverages                                                             Abdelzaher, and J. Hui, “VigilNet: An Integrated Sensor Network
the frequency diversity. To demonstrate the effectiveness                                                      System for Energy-Efficient Surveillance.,” in ACM Transactions on
of FILA, we implemented it on the commercial 802.11n                                                           Sensor Networks, 2006.
NICs. We then conducted extensive experiments in typ-
ical indoor environments and the experimental results
show that the accuracy and speed of distance calculation
can be significantly enhanced by using CSI.                                                                                      Kaishun Wu is currently a research assistant
   In this work, we just use the simplest trilateration                                                                          professor in Fok Ying Tung Graduate School with
                                                                                                                                 the Hong Kong University of Science and Tech-
method to illustrate the effectiveness of CSI in indoor                                                                          nology. He received the Ph.D. degree in com-
localization. The future research in the new and largely                                                                         puter science and engineering from Hong Kong
open areas of wireless technologies can be carried out                                                                           Uinversity of Science and Technology in 2011.
along the following directions. First, we can leverage the                                                                       His research interests include wireless commu-
                                                                                                                                 nication, mobile computing, wireless sensor net-
available multiple APs to improve the location accuracy                                                                          works and data center networks.
in some extent. Second, in this paper we only leverage
the frequency diversity, however, the spatial diversity
can also be exploited in MIMO to enhance the indoor
localization performance. Third, since some of the smart
phones have 802.11n chipset, the next step of our work                                                                           Jiang Xiao is currently a first year Ph.D student
is to implement FILA in smart phone.                                                                                             in Hong Kong University of Science and Tech-
                                                                                                                                 nology. Her research interests mainly focused
                                                                                                                                 on wireless indoor localization systems, wireless
R EFERENCES                                                                                                                      sensor networks, and data center networks.
[1]            P. Bahl and V. N. Padmanabhan, “Radar: an in-building rf-based
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               tion with error management,” in Proc. of ACM MobiHoc, 2006.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. XX, NO. X, XXXX 2012                                                                                 11

                        Youwen Yi received his B.Sc (Hons) degree
                        from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2007, and
                        receive his M.Sc degree from Huazhong Univer-
                        sity of Science and Technology in 2009. From
                        2009 and 2011, he was a research assistant at
                        Hong Kong University of Science and Technol-
                        ogy . Currently, he is a senior research engineer
                        at Huawei Technologies. His research interests
                        include real-time indoor localization system, and
                        next generation self-organized network.

                        Dihu Chen is a Professor in the School
                        of Physics and Engineering, Head of Micro-
                        electronic Department, Sun Yat-sen University,
                        China. His research interests include microelec-
                        tronics, IC design.

                        Xiaonan Luo is a Professor in the School of
                        Information Science and Technology, Director of
                        the Computer Application Institute, Sun Yat-sen
                        University, China. His research interests include
                        mobile computing, computer graphics and CAD.

                        Lionel M. Ni is Chair Professor in the Depart-
                        ment of Computer Science and Engineering at
                        the Hong Kong University of Science and Tech-
                        nology (HKUST). He also serves as the Special
                        Assistant to the President of HKUST, Dean of
                        HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School and
                        Visiting Chair Professor of Shanghai Key Lab of
                        Scalable Computing and Systems at Shanghai
                        Jiao Tong University. A fellow of IEEE, Dr. Ni has
                        chaired over 30 professional conferences.
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