Vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates confined in a multiply connected Laguerre-Gaussian optical trap

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                                  Vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates confined
                             in a multiply connected Laguerre-Gaussian optical trap
                                                    J. Tempere and J. T. Devreese
               Departement Natuurkunde, Universiteit Antwerpen UIA, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Antwerpen, Belgium

                                                            E. R. I. Abraham
              Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, 440 W. Brooks, Norman, Oklahoma 73019
                共Received 29 February 2000; revised manuscript received 21 December 2000; published 5 July 2001兲
                 The quantized vortex state is investigated in a Bose-Einstein condensate, confined in a multiply connected
              geometry formed by a Laguerre-Gaussian optical trap. Solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation variationally, we
              show that the criterion for vortex stability is that the interatomic interaction strength must exceed a critical
              interaction strength. The time evolution of a freely expanding Laguerre-Gaussian condensate with a vortex is
              calculated and used to derive the interference pattern of such a condensate overlapping with a parabolically
              trapped condensate.

              DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.64.023603                                 PACS number共s兲: 03.75.Fi, 05.30.Jp, 32.80.Pj

                     I. INTRODUCTION                                    condensate than through its edge兲. It will be energetically
                                                                        favorable for the vortex line to be at the edge of the conden-
    Superfluidity, and its characteristic manifestation as a            sate. In the presence of dissipation, this will cause the vortex
state with quantized circulation 共a vortex兲, is intimately con-         line to migrate to the edge of the condensate so that the
nected with the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation,               vortex condensate will decay into a nonvortex state. This
yet the precise relation between superfluid persistent currents         argument, sketched here with some roughness, has been
and Bose-Einstein condensation 共BEC兲 is only beginning to               worked out with precision by Fetter and co-workers in 关7兴.
be elucidated 关1兴. Before 1995, the link between superfluid-                Several schemes have been proposed, both theoretically
ity and BEC was almost exclusively studied in the context of            and experimentally, to stabilize vortices: rotating the trapping
liquid helium ( 4 He and 3 He) 关2兴, where the study of the              potential 共analogous to rotating a bucket containing 4 He) 关6兴
relation between superfluidity and BEC is complicated by                or stirring the condensate with an off-resonance laser 关8兴,
the strong interatomic interactions between the atoms in the            raising the temperature 共to ‘‘pin’’ the vortex in the potential
liquid. In 1995, Bose-Einstein condensation was realized in             created by the noncondensate fraction at the center of the
magnetically trapped clouds of alkali-metal atoms 关3兴. In               vortex兲 关9兴, phase-imprinting methods 关10兴, and various
these novel condensates, the bosonic atoms are weakly inter-            other techniques 关11兴. Recently, vortices were created experi-
acting 共contrary to the case of liquid helium兲, and as such             mentally, both with a ‘‘rotating bucket’’ experiment 关12兴 and
these systems have the potential to shed new light on super-            with the use of a two-component condensate 关13兴. In the
fluidity. Soon after the initial creation of alkali-metal gas           latter experiment, one of the components of the spinor con-
condensates, several experimental groups set out to create a            densate ‘‘pins’’ the vortex present in the other component
vortex — a quantum of superfluid circulation — in this novel            and a Ramsey-type interference between the two components
system 关4兴.                                                             is used to detect the vortex. The long lifetimes of the two-
    The initial attempts to create a vortex in a condensate by          component condensates in Ref. 关13兴 are due to similar singlet
stirring the trapped condensate with a blue detuned laser               and triplet scattering lengths of rubidium, resulting in an
beam 关4兴 were unsuccessful, even though early theoretical               anomalously low inelastic loss rate 关14兴.
work by Dalfovo et al. indicated that persistent superfluid                 Nevertheless, stable vortices have not yet been realized in
currents can indeed manifest themselves in Bose-Einstein                a spin-polarized condensate in nonrotating traps, and new
condensates as vortices 关5兴. Subsequent analysis 关6兴 showed             methods of stabilization and detection must be developed. A
that vortices are unstable in the simply connected, not-                promising scheme, based on an analysis similar to that of
stirred, spin-polarized condensates formed in the original ex-          Fetter 关7兴, is the use of multiply connected condensates. A
periments 关3兴.                                                          candidate trap to create a multiply connected condensate
    This can be understood as follows. Along the vortex line,           consists of a red-detuned laser beam in a Laguerre-Gauss
the order parameter of the Bose-Einstein condensate has to              mode 关15,16兴, which we discuss in Sec. II. If the condensate
vanish. Phrased metaphorically, a ‘‘hole’’ has to be ‘‘drilled’’        order parameter has a toroidal geometry, a vortex line
in the condensate along the vortex line. In the magnetic trap,          threaded through the cylindrical symmetry axis of the torus
the modulus square of the order parameter of a condensate               will not perturb the condensate order parameter strongly, and
without a vortex is largest in the center of the trap. As a             moreover create a metastability barrier for vortex decay. One
consequence, a vortex line through the center of the trap will          of the goals of this paper is to verify this statement about
perturb the order parameter more than a vortex line at the              vortex stability 共in Sec. III兲. In a condensate with a toroidal
edge of the condensate 共since, using our metaphor again, it             order parameter, the vortex line can no longer be detected as
will cost more energy to ‘‘drill’’ through the center of the            a line along which the density of Bose-Einstein condensed

1050-2947/2001/64共2兲/023603共8兲/$20.00                          64 023603-1                           ©2001 The American Physical Society
J. TEMPERE, J. T. DEVREESE, AND E. R. I. ABRAHAM                                                                       PHYSICAL REVIEW A 64 023603

    FIG. 1. The Laguerre-Gauss 共LG兲 trap is an optical dipole trap consisting of a red-detuned laser beam. A typical intensity profile of the
laser beam in the LG mode 兵 0,1其 is shown in this figure, in a cross section through the axis of propagation of the beam 共the z axis兲. The
atoms will feel the optical dipole force attracting them to the 共toroidal兲 region of highest intensity of the laser beam.

atoms vanishes. To detect vorticity, we propose 共in Sec. IV兲 a                              In this paper, we investigate the properties of the vortex
method based on interference, similar to that proposed in                               Bose-Einstein condensate, optically trapped by a laser beam
Refs. 关17,18兴 for simply connected condensates.                                         in a Laguerre-Gaussian propagation mode 兵 n,l 其 ⫽ 兵 0,1其 .
                                                                                        Along the z axis 共the direction of propagation of the laser
              II. BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATION                                            beam兲, an additional magnetic trap 关15兴 results in a parabolic
                  IN LAGUERRE-GAUSS TRAPS                                               z-axis confinement with frequency ⍀, which prevents the
                            A. Trapping geometry                                        atoms from escaping along the direction of propagation of
                                                                                        the laser beam. This ‘‘plugging’’ of the optical trap was
    Toroidal confinement for ultracold atoms can be obtained                            achieved in 关16兴 by using blue-detuned ‘‘plugging beams.’’
by an optical dipole trap 关19兴, which consists of a laser beam                          The condensate in the Laguerre-Gauss geometry 关15兴 will be
in a Laguerre-Gaussian mode. The Laguerre-Gaussian mode                                 called the ‘‘Laguerre-Gaussian condensate’’ 共LG conden-
兵 n,m 其 is characterized by an intensity profile given by 关20兴                          sate兲, in contrast with the condensate in a parabolic confine-

                                                               再 冎
                        共 2r 2 /W 20 兲 l                               2r 2                 The intensity profile of such a Laguerre-Gauss beam in
    I n,l 共 r,z 兲 ⬀                         L 2 共 2r 2 /W 20 兲 exp ⫺          ,
                      1⫹ 共 2z/kW 20 兲      2 n,l
                                                                       W 20             the zy plane 共where z is the axis of propagation of the laser
                                                                                  共1兲   beam兲, given by Eq. 共1兲, is shown in Fig. 1. In the remainder
                                                                                        of this paper, we use units so that ប⫽m⫽⍀⫽1 共where m is
where r is the radial distance from the center of the beam, z                           the mass of the atoms兲. In these units, the laser beam param-
is the position along the propagation direction of the beam,                            eters for Fig. 1 are chosen as follows: k⫽2,W 0 ⫽5. Figure 2
W 0 共referred to as the ‘‘waist parameter’’兲 is a parameter                             illustrates a surface of constant intensity of the laser beam, a
controlling the minimal width of the beam, k is the wave                                hollow cylindrical shell. This will also be the shape of the
number of the laser, and L n,l is the Laguerre polynomial of                            cloud of trapped atoms 关21兴. The extension of the cloud
order 兵 n,l 其 . Such laser beams have modes with l⬎0 that
show a node in the center, and trap the atoms in a cylindrical
shell around the axis of propagation of the beam. The inten-
sity profile of the laser beam in the Laguerre-Gaussian mode
is illustrated in Fig. 1. Laguerre-Gaussian 共LG兲 laser beams
have already been used to successfully trap atoms 关16兴, and
subsequent theoretical work has shown that toroidal traps
formed by a red-detuned LG beam can be loaded from initial
conditions similar to those of conventional magnetic traps
关21兴. Once the trap has been loaded, one possibility to create
a vortex in the trapped gas would be by a phase imprinting                                  FIG. 2. A typical surface of constant intensity 关expression 共1兲兴
method, which already successfully resulted in the creation                             of the laser beam in the Laguerre-Gauss 共LG兲 mode 兵 0,1其 is shown.
of solitons in condensates 关22,23兴, but might be difficult to                           The atoms in the red-detuned LG beam will be attracted to a toroi-
use in practice for vortices 关23兴. Alternatively, a rotating per-                       dal or cylindrical region such as that within the surface of the fig-
turbing potential can be used to stir the condensate and set up                         ure. An additional parabolic magnetic confinement potential can be
persistent flow in the toroidal geometry 关24兴.                                          added in the z direction 关15,16兴.

VORTICES IN BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATES . . .                                                                        PHYSICAL REVIEW A 64 023603

along the z axis can be tuned by selecting the ⍀ frequency of
the magnetic trap along the z axis.

                        B. Mean-field approach
   Confined Bose-Einstein condensates are well described by
a mean-field theory where the properties of the condensate
are derived from a complex function ⌿. This function 共the
order parameter兲 is interpreted as a macroscopic wave func-
tion and obeys the Gross-Pitaevskii equation 关25兴

         ⫺      ⌬⌿⫹V conf共 ␳ ,z 兲 ⌿⫹U 0 兩 ⌿ 兩 2 ⌿⫽E⌿.                       共2兲

The term nonlinear in ⌿ in Eq. 共2兲 arises from the interpar-
ticle interaction potential, which is treated as a contact po-
tential with scattering length a scat so that U 0 ⫽4 ␲ ប 2 a scat /m,                   FIG. 3. The variational result for the energy of the condensate in
where m is the mass of an atom. The optical confinement is                         the Laguerre-Gaussian optical trap is shown as a function of the
generated by a red-detuned Laguerre-Gaussian laser beam as                         interaction strength. The full curve shows the energy of the conden-
discussed in the preceding section. In addition to this, a har-                    sate without a vortex, the dashed curve shows the energy with a
monic confinement 共characterized by a frequency ⍀) is                              vortex. The inset depicts the results for the variation parameters
present that confines the atoms along the z direction to a                         ␴ 0 , ␴ 1 in the trial function for the condensate with vortex 共dashed
region z⬍kW 20 关15兴. The potential energy corresponding to                         line兲 and without 共full line兲, as a function of interaction strength.
this geometry is given, in cylindrical coordinates 兵 ␳ , ␪ ,z 其 , by               The trapping 共beam兲 parameters were chosen as follows: A 0
                                                                                   ⫽5 ប⍀, W 20 ⫽20a HO     2
                                                                                                              . In all graphs of this figure, energies are
                                2␳2                            m⍀ 2 2              expressed in units ប⍀ and lengths in units a HO⫽ 冑ប/(m⍀).
     V conf共 ␳ , ␪ ,z 兲 ⫽⫺A 0          exp兵 ⫺2 ␳ 2 /W 20 其 ⫹       z . 共3兲
                                W 20                            2
                                                                                   quantum of vorticity: its circulation equals ␬ ⫽h/m. The trial
Kuga et al. 关16兴 report that for a 兵 0,3其 LG beam with a laser                     function ␺ v must have a node along the z axis 关the factor ␳ in
power of 600 mW, the depth of the trap is enough to trap                           expression 共5兲兴: if this node were not present, the variational
atoms that have been precooled to 10 ␮ K. In the present                           kinetic energy would diverge along the z axis.
treatment, the Gross-Pitaevskii equation 共2兲 will be solved                           We have used ␺ and ␺ v as variational trial functions to
variationally 关26兴. Consider for this purpose the following                        solve the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for a condensate without
two trial functions, expressed in cylindrical coordinates                          and with a vortex, respectively. The resulting variational en-
                                                                                   ergy is shown in Fig. 3 as a function of Na scat /a HO , where N
兵 ␳ , ␪ ,z 其 :
                                                                                   is the number of atoms and a HO⫽ 冑ប/(m⍀). The quantity
        ␺ 共 ␳ , ␪ ,z 兲 ⫽N0 exp兵 ⫺ ␴ 0 共 ␳ ⫺ ␳ 0 兲 2 /2⫺ ␨ 0 z 2 /2其 ,       共4兲    Na scat /a HO is a dimensionless measure of the strength of the
                                                                                   interaction: upon increasing Na scat /a HO⬎0, the interatomic
     ␺ v 共 ␳ , ␪ ,z 兲 ⫽N1 ␳ exp兵 ⫺ ␴ 1 共 ␳ ⫺ ␳ 1 兲 2 /2⫺ ␨ 1 z 2 /2其 e i ␪ . 共5兲   interaction becomes more repulsive. The energy of the LG
                                                                                   condensate with a vortex is larger than the energy of the LG
The variational parameters in the trial functions are ␴ 0 , ␴ 1 ,                  condensate without a vortex for all interaction strengths in-
controlling the width of the functions in the radial direction;                    vestigated. The absolute difference in total energy is smallest
␨ 0 , ␨ 1 , controlling the widths in the z direction; and ␳ 0 , ␳ 1 ,             for the noninteracting gas and increases monotonically as
controlling the radial displacement of the maximum of the                          Na scat /a HO increases. This means that for all investigated
function away from the z axis. N0 and N1 are normalization                         interaction strengths, the vortex LG condensate is either
constants, which are determined by demanding that the norm                         metastable or unstable. In inset 共a兲 of Fig. 3, the optimal
of the trial function equals the number of particles in the                        value of the variational parameters ␴ is shown for both trial
condensate.                                                                        functions as a function of the interaction strength. Both the
     The circulation around a closed loop in the trapped, inter-                   variational trial function of the LG condensate with a vortex
acting Bose gas is defined by ␬ ⫽(ប/m)养“S, where S rep-                            and without a vortex are broadened under the influence of
resents the phase of the order parameter solving the Gross-                        the repulsive interactions.
Pitaevskii equation 共2兲. The single-valuedness of the order
parameter ensures that the circulation in the trapped Bose gas
                                                                                            III. VORTEX METASTABILITY BARRIERS
is quantized: ␬ ⫽nh/m with n⫽0,1,2, . . . . A vortex is
present whenever n⬎0. The trial function ␺ ( ␳ , ␪ ,z) has a                          A Laguerre-Gaussian condensate with a vortex can be
constant phase and hence there is no circulation, no vortex.                       metastable if there exists an energy barrier separating this
On the other hand, the phase of ␺ v ( ␳ , ␪ ,z) changes by 2 ␲                     state from a state without a vortex. In this section, we esti-
along any closed loop encircling the z axis. Thus ␺ v is a trial                   mate the height of the energy barrier both by the method
function for the order parameter of a condensate with one                          proposed by Benakli et al. 关27兴 for two-dimensional 共2D兲

J. TEMPERE, J. T. DEVREESE, AND E. R. I. ABRAHAM                                                                 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 64 023603

traps and by the method proposed by Fetter and co-workers

         A. Hydrodynamic and microscopic instability
   The hydrodynamic and microscopic instabilities studied
by Fetter and co-workers 关7兴 involve the displacement of the
vortex core relative to the center of the trap. As discussed in
the Introduction, for a parabolically trapped condensate it is
energetically favorable for the distance between the vortex
core and the center of the trap to increase. Thus, if dissipa-
tion is present, the vortex condensate in the parabolic trap
can decay into a nonvortex condensate through a migration
of the vortex to the edge of the cloud. This effect is difficult
to observe experimentally, since the vortex core can tilt and
the image contrast between the vortex core and the cloud of
atoms is reduced 关28兴.
                                                                                    FIG. 4. The energy barrier for removing a vortex from a con-
   To estimate the height of the energy barrier separating the                  densate in a Laguerre-Gaussian optical trap is depicted as a function
vortex condensate from the condensate without a vortex in                       of interaction strength. This metastability barrier E barrier was calcu-
our present case, we introduce a third variational function to                  lated using the formalism of Fetter and co-workers 关7兴. In this for-
represent the order parameter of a vortex LG condensate                         malism, E barrier is found by deriving the energy E(R) as a function
where the vortex core is displaced a given distance R along                     of the distance R between the vortex core and the center of the
the x axis, away from the cylindrical symmetry axis 共the z                      trapping potential, here the axis of propagation of the laser beam.
axis兲 of the Laguerre-Gauss trapping beam:                                      This is illustrated in the insets. For interaction strengths lower than
                                                                                a critical value Na scat /a HO⬍1.6⫾0.1, the barrier vanishes and vor-
        ␺ v 共 R; ␳ , ␪ ,z 兲 ⫽N2 r 共 ␳ , ␪ 兲 exp兵 ⫺ ␴ R 共 ␳ ⫺ ␳ R 兲 2 /2         tices in Laguerre-Gaussian condensates are unstable with respect to
                            ⫺ ␨ R z 2 /2其 e i⌰( ␳ , ␪ ) .                 共6兲   the nonvortex state. For interaction strengths above this critical
                                                                                value, a metastability barrier exists.
The function r( ␳ , ␪ ) gives the distance between the point
兵 ␳ , ␪ ,0其 and the vortex core at 兵 R,0,0 其 :                                  (E barrier⬎0) for Na scat /a HO⬎1.6⫾0.1. This means that vor-
                                                                                tices are metastable only if the effective interaction strength
               r 共 ␳ , ␪ 兲 ⫽ 冑共 ␳ cos ␪ ⫺R 兲 2 ⫹ ␳ 2 sin2 ␪ ,             共7兲   共controlled by the scattering length, the number of atoms,
                                                                                and the confinement strength兲 is large enough: the metasta-
and the function ⌰( ␳ , ␪ ) gives the angle between the ␪ ⫽0                    bility is induced by interactions. Upon further increasing the
line 共the x axis兲 and the line connecting the vortex core at                    interaction strength above the threshold value, the metasta-
兵 R,0,0 其 with the point 兵 ␳ , ␪ ,0其 :                                          bility barrier increases. The variational energy E(R) is

                                          冉                 冊
                                                                                shown as a function of R in the insets: once for an interaction
                                                ␳ sin ␪                         strength such that the vortex is not stable and once for a
                  ⌰ 共 ␳ , ␪ 兲 ⫽arctan                    .                共8兲
                                              ␳ cos ␪ ⫺R                        situation in which the vortex is metastable. A reasonable es-
                                                                                timate of the experimental parameters required to realize this
The parameters 兵 ␴ R , ␳ R , ␨ R 其 are determined variationally for             trapping geometry gives a HO⫽4 ␮ m and ⍀⫽50 Hz. This
every studied distance R between the vortex core and the                        implies that for 87Rb, the critical number of trapped atoms
center of the trapping geometry 共the axis of propagation of                     necessary to make vortices metastable is of the order of 103 .
the LG beam兲, and N2 is a normalization constant. The limit                     Since one can reasonably expect to trap more than 105 atoms
R→0 retrieves the results for the vortex condensate studied                     in the trap, vortices created in a Bose gas in the confinement
earlier. In the limit R→⬁, the result tends to the result for                   potential mentioned above will be well into the metastable
the condensate without a vortex. Using the variational ap-                      regime (Na scat /a HO⬇625 for N⫽500 000).
proach, we calculate the energy E(R) of the displaced vortex
state for any intermediate R. If the energy E(R) decreases
monotonously with increasing R, the vortex is unstable; in                                 B. Uniform transition to a nonvortex state
the presence of dissipation the vortex condensate will decay.                       The other method that we used to study the metastability
If there exists a maximum energy E(R max) for an R max dif-                     of the vortices in Laguerre-Gauss condensates was proposed
ferent from zero, there is an energy barrier E barrier                          by Benakli et al. 关27兴 for 2D traps with an axial hole, punc-
⫽E(R max)⫺E(R⫽0) that will hinder the vortex decay.                             tured by an off-resonance laser beam. In this method, a trial
    In Fig. 4, the energy barrier E barrier is shown as a function              solution for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation is constructed as a
of Na scat /a HO , the dimensionless measure of the interaction                 superposition between the vortex state and the state without a
strength used in the preceding section. The calculations were                   vortex: ⌿( ␳ , ␪ ,z)⫽C 0 ␺ ( ␳ , ␪ ,z)⫹C 1 ␺ v ( ␳ , ␪ ,z), where
performed for a configuration so that A 0 ⫽5 ប⍀, W 20                           兩 C 0 兩 2 ⫹ 兩 C 1 兩 2 ⫽1. Adapting the coefficients C 0 and C 1 of this
⫽20a HO2
           . We found that a metastability barrier exists                       superposition, the function changes from that of a LG con-

VORTICES IN BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATES . . .                                                                             PHYSICAL REVIEW A 64 023603

                                                                           since they describe different possible mechanisms of vortex
                                                                           decay. The general conclusion — the stabilization of the vor-
                                                                           tex state due to the toroidal geometry — is further supported
                                                                           by a calculation for a vortex condensate in a Mexican hat
                                                                           potential 关30兴. The metastability barrier calculated by the
                                                                           method of Ref. 关7兴 is smaller than the barrier calculated used
                                                                           the method of Ref. 关27兴 for Na scat /a HOⲏ3.5, which indicates
                                                                           that the latter method 关27兴 overestimates the real metastabil-
                                                                           ity barrier.

                                                                            IV. INTERFERENCE AND DETECTION OF VORTICITY

                                                                               Phase coherence, a property necessary for the existence of
                                                                           vortices, was demonstrated experimentally using interference
                                                                           experiments 关31兴. Two parabolically trapped condensates,
                                                                           displaced by a given distance, are allowed to expand freely.
                                                                           In the region where the two expanding condensates overlap,
    FIG. 5. The energy barrier for a uniform transition from a vortex
condensate to a condensate without a vortex, in a Laguerre-
                                                                           an interference pattern is observed. This type of experiment
Gaussian optical trap, is depicted as a function of interaction            has also been proposed to observe vorticity in parabolically
strength. The energy barrier for this mechanism was calculated by          trapped condensates 关17,18兴: the presence of a vortex leads
the method of Benakli et al. 关27兴. In the inset, the energy per par-       to an observable edge dislocation in the pattern of otherwise
ticle of the variational function ⌿⫽C 0 ␺ ⫹C 1 ␺ v is given as a func-     parallel interference fringes.
tion of 兩 C 0 兩 2 for two different interaction strengths 关one below 共a兲       Consider a parabolically trapped condensate positioned on
and one above 共b兲兴, the threshold for metastability of vortices, and       the symmetry axis of the LG condensate. The LG condensate
the relation to the energy barrier for a uniform transition is shown.      forms a cylindrical shell surrounding the parabolically
                                                                           trapped condensate in the center. As the trapping potentials
densate with a vortex to that without a vortex. If the energy              are switched off, both condensates will expand and exhibit
of the intermediate states is found to be higher than the en-              an interference pattern in the region of overlap. This interfer-
ergy of the vortex state, this constitutes an energy barrier               ence pattern is the subject of the present section.
against a uniform transition from the vortex state to the state                To find the function representing the order parameter at a
without a vortex, making the former metastable.                            given time t after the start of the free expansion, the original
   Using the variationally optimized trial functions for the               function ␺ v ( ␳ , ␪ ,z;t⫽0) with variational parameters ␴, ␨, ␳0
order parameter of a LG condensate with a vortex and with-                 is expanded in free particle eigenfunctions. These eigenfunc-
out a vortex, we found with the method of Benakli et al. that              tions acquire a phase factor as time elapses, so that ␺ v at a
such a metastability barrier exists for Na scat /a HO⬎1.9⫾0.1.             time t is given by the resummed expansion with the ‘‘time
The dependence of the energy barrier on Na scat /a HO is                   evolved’’ eigenfunctions. More explicitly, for the LG con-
shown in Fig. 5. In the inset of Fig. 5, the variational energy            densate with a vortex, first the coefficients of the plane-wave
of the trial function ⌿ is shown as a function of 兩 C 0 兩 2 for an         expansion are evaluated:
interaction strength below 共a兲 and above 共b兲 the threshold
value for metastable vortices. The calculations were per-
formed for a configuration so that A 0 ⫽5 ប⍀, W 20                                           ␺ v 共 ␳ , ␪ ,z;t⫽0 兲 ⫽           冕   c 共 k兲
                                                                                                                                              e ik•r
                                                                                                                                            共 2 ␲ 兲 3/2
                                                                                                                                                          dk,               共9兲
⫽20a HO . Note that the method of Ref. 关27兴 followed here

does not describe the decay of vortices mediated by the ex-
citations, for example by nucleation of vortex loops. How-                      c 共 k ␳ , ␾ ,k z 兲 ⫽         v 共 ␳ , ␪ ,z 兲
ever, for a two-dimensional system punctured by an off-
resonance laser beam, Benakli et al. 关27兴 could show that
excitation-mediated decay of vortices only becomes appre-                                                  exp兵 ⫺ik ␳ ␳ cos共 ␪ ⫺ ␾ 兲 ⫺ik z z 其
                                                                                                       ⫻                                                        dk        共10兲
ciable for vortices in higher angular momentum states. Fur-                                                                   共 2 ␲ 兲 3/2
thermore, for a purely one-dimensional toroidal system, Ka-
gan et al. 关29兴 showed that for a weakly interacting system at
low temperature, the relaxation time for the decay of the
superfluid persistent current due to phonons is strongly sup-
                                                                                                       exp兵 ⫺k z2 /2␨ 其
                                                                                                            冑2 ␲␨
                                                                                                                              ⫻e i( ␾ ⫹ ␲ /2)    冕 0
                                                                                                                                                         d ␳␳ 2 J 1 共 k ␳ ␳ 兲
   Both the method of Fetter 关7兴 and the method of Benakli                                             ⫻exp兵 ⫺ ␴ 共 ␳ ⫺ ␳ 0 兲 2 /2其 .                                      共11兲
et al. 关27兴 give qualitatively the same result, namely that
above a critical strength of interaction, expressed by                     In this expression, J 1 (x) is the Bessel function of first order
Na scat /a HO , the vortex state of the LG condensate is stabi-            of the first kind and the wave number k is expressed in
lized by a metastability barrier. Quantitative differences re-             cylindrical coordinates 兵 k ␳ , ␾ ,k z 其 . As time elapses, the free-
main between the two methods, which is to be expected                      particle    eigenfunctions       acquire        a    phase     factor

J. TEMPERE, J. T. DEVREESE, AND E. R. I. ABRAHAM                                                                      PHYSICAL REVIEW A 64 023603

    FIG. 6. Several time frames in the evolution of freely expanding, overlapping condensates are shown. The gray scale represents the
density in a cross section orthogonal to the symmetry axis of the trap 共the direction of propagation of the Laguerre-Gaussian laser beam兲,
with black being the maximum density and white the minimum density. The initial situation is depicted in the top left panel: a parabolically
trapped condensate in the center is surrounded by a cylindrical shaped Laguerre-Gaussian condensate containing a vortex. The time evolution
of the density in the region within the rectangle in the top left panel is shown in more detail in the subsequent panels. When the confinement
of both condensates is switched off, they expand and overlap — the density in the gap between both condensates increases — and a spiral
interference pattern is formed. Units are chosen so that lengths are expressed in a HO⫽ 冑ប/(m⍀) and the time is in units of 1/⍀.

exp兵iបk2t/(2m)其. The function at time t after the start of the                           overlap, the fringe pattern appears. If the LG condensate
free expansion is found by resumming the eigenfunctions at                               does not contain a quantum of superfluid circulation 共i.e., no
time t:                                                                                  vortex兲, the interference pattern consists of a series of con-

                                                   2 t/(2m)
                                    e ik•r⫹iបk                                           centric circles with linearly increasing radius. If, however,
␺ v 共 ␳ , ␪ ,z;t 兲 ⫽      c 共 k兲                              dk                 共12兲    the LG condensate does contain a vortex, the interference
                                           共 2 ␲ 兲 3/2                                   pattern is an Archimedean spiral. At higher vorticity, the

                       冑                       再                      冎
                                                                                         number of arms in the Archimedean spiral equals the number
                             1                ␨z
                 ⫽                 exp ⫺                                                 of vortex quanta in the LG condensate.
                           1⫹i ␨ t       2 共 1⫹i ␨ t 兲                                      Figure 6 shows that, as a function of time, the spiral in-

                       ⫻e i ␪   冕
                                        dk ␳ 共 ␳ ⬘ 兲 2
                                                         ⫺J 1 共 ␳ ⬘ ␳ /t 兲
                                                                                         terference pattern rotates around the cylindrical symmetry
                                                                                         axis of the trapped condensates, with a frequency of the or-
                                                                                         der of the frequencies characterizing the parabolic approxi-

                       ⫻e ⫺ ␴ ( ␳ ⬘ ⫺ ␳ 0 ) /2exp i
                                                          再   ␳ 2⫹共 ␳ ⬘ 兲2
                                                                           . 冎   共13兲
                                                                                         mation to the trapping potentials. Furthermore, as can be
                                                                                         seen from Fig. 6, the distance between two successive wind-
                                                                                         ings of the spiral increases as time increases. Hence, to detect
The time evolution for the free expansion of a condensate                                the spiral interference pattern, the density has to be measured
prepared in a parabolic confinement is derived analogously                               on a time scale shorter than that given by the inverse of the
关17兴. The total measured density generated by the two con-                               characteristic trapping frequencies.
densates is then given by 兩 ␺ v ( ␳ , ␪ ,z;t)⫹ ␺ ( ␳ , ␪ ,z;t) 兩 2 共re-
member that each condensate function is normalized to the
number of particles in the given condensate兲. Several time
frames of the resulting evolution of the density of the ex-                                                    V. CONCLUSIONS
panding condensates are shown in Fig. 6. The frames in Fig.
6 show a cross section of the density along the xy plane.                                   In conclusion, we have studied the properties of vortices
   Immediately after the traps are switched off, the density is                          in a condensate in an optical trap generated by a laser beam
that of a cylindrical, Laguerre-Gaussian condensate with a                               in a Laguerre-Gaussian mode and we proposed a method to
parabolically trapped condensate in the middle. As time goes                             detect these vortices. The energy of the vortex state was cal-
by, both condensates expand: the parabolically trapped con-                              culated variationally in a mean-field framework, and a
densate expands radially, and the cylindrical shell of the LG                            threshold interaction strength was found beyond which there
condensate broadens. As the expanding condensates start to                               exists a metastability barrier stabilizing the LG vortex state

VORTICES IN BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATES . . .                                                            PHYSICAL REVIEW A 64 023603

against a transition to a nonvortex state. Both the hydrody-            pattern would constitute clear evidence for vorticity in spin-
namic instability 关7兴 and the uniform transition to a nonvor-           polarized Bose-Einstein condensates.
tex state 关27兴 were considered in the investigation of the
vortex stability. Below the critical interaction strength, the                              ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
metastability barrier vanishes, irrespective of the fact that the
present confined geometry allows for the vortex core to be                  We thank F. Brosens and L. F. Lemmens for intensive
positioned in a region where the condensate is nonzero. The             discussions. Also discussions with T. Kuga are gratefully ac-
vanishing of the metastability barrier can be understood in-            knowledged. This work was performed within the framework
tuitively, since for the noninteracting Bose gas the critical           of the FWO Project Nos. 1.5.545.98, G.0287.95, 9.0193.97,
velocity would vanish and superfluidity is destroyed.                   G.0071.98, and WO.073.94N 共Wetenschappelijke Onder-
    The time evolution under free expansion of a LG conden-             zoeksgemeenschap, Scientific Research Community of the
sate was derived and subsequently used to calculate the in-             FWO on ‘‘Low Dimensional Systems’’兲, the ‘‘Interuniversi-
terference pattern that arises from the overlap of an expand-           taire Attractiepolen – Belgische Staat, Diensten van de Eer-
ing LG condensate with an expanding parabolically trapped               ste Minister – Wetenschappelijke, Technische en Culturele
condensate in its center. When superfluid circulation is                Aangelegenheden,’’ and in the framework of the GOA BOF
present, the interference pattern consists of an Archimedean            UA 2000 projects of the Universiteit Antwerpen. One of the
spiral, clearly distinct from the series of concentric cylindri-        authors 共J.T., aspirant bij het Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk
cal fringes that arise in the interference pattern when no vor-         Onderzoek – Vlaanderen兲 acknowledges the FWO for finan-
ticity is present. The observation of such a spiral interference        cial support.

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