Walk to Fight Suicide - Washington, D.C. Out of the Darkness Community Walk: Sponsorship Opportunities - DonorDrive

Page created by Josephine Harvey
Walk to Fight Suicide - Washington, D.C. Out of the Darkness Community Walk: Sponsorship Opportunities - DonorDrive
Walk to Fight

Washington, D.C. Out of the
Darkness™ Community Walk:
Sponsorship Opportunities

Lincoln Memorial
October 24, 2020


You can be an everyday hero
in the fight against suicide.

October 24, 2020
Lincoln Memorial
afsp.org/DC                                                             In 2019, more than 2,500 participants walked in the
                                                                       Washington, D.C. Out of the Darkness walk, raising more
                                                                                   than $385,000 to stop suicide.

Why support the Washington, D.C. Out of the Darkness Walk?

Suicide is a leading cause of death – and it is preventable. With your support, we’ll be one step closer to achieving
our bold goal of reducing the suicide rate 20% by 2025.

Build your brand’s goodwill by supporting a cause everyone can get behind.

Our walkers are passionate supporters of the cause, with 78% of online registrants indicating a personal investment
in suicide prevention. And goodwill goes a long way: 91% of global consumers are likely to switch brands to one
associated with a good cause, given comparable price and quality.1

Not only are consumers making purchase decisions with purpose top of mind, they are also buying and advocating
for purposeful brands. 72% of consumers would recommend a brand that supports a good cause over one that

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention leads the fight to stop suicide.

Funds raised from The Out of the Darkness Walks allow us to fund research, create educational programs,
advocate for public policy, and support survivors of suicide loss.

Sponsor the 2020 D.C. Walk and show our community that you’re a voice for suicide prevention.

We have a variety of sponsorship opportunities available and for information about sponsor levels and benefits,
please see the enclosed sponsor agreement. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to discussing
our 2020 sponsorship opportunities and benefits with you in more detail.

For more information, please contact:

Ellen Shannon, Area Director
National Capital Area Chapter
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
email: eshannon@afsp.org
phone: 646-632-5189

1. 2013 Cone Communications/Echo Global CSR Study
2. Edelman goodpurpose® 2012

                                                                        N a t i o n a l C a p i t a l Ar e a
For more information or to design a custom

                                                                        Presenting Sponsor
                                                                        $25,000 Exclusive

                                                                                                               $10,000 Exclusive
sponsorship plan, please contact:

                                                                                                               D.C. Community

                                                                                                                                                  D.C. Platinum
                                                                                                                                   D.C. Diamond
Ellen Shannon, Area Director

                                                                                                                                                                                            D.C. Bronze
                                                                                                                                                                              D.C. Silver
National Capital Area Chapter

                                                                                                                                                                  D.C. Gold





American Foundation for Suicide Prevention





                    Presenting sponsorship and benefits for all 2020
                    National Capital Area Chapter (NCAC) Out of the
                   Darkness Walks: DC, Fairfax, Loudoun, Manassas
                   (5,000+ walkers). Deadline to guarantee benefits
                          for all NCAC walks is Aug 7, 2020                  
                            “Presented by Your Logo/Name” on
                       all NCAC Out of the Darkness Walk t-shirts            
                        Ribbon cutting (or equivalent) opportunity
                                  at start of each walk                      
                       Sponsor promotional tent OR activity area
                       sponsorship (e.g. Hope & Healing Activity
                    Sponsored by YOUR NAME) at all NCAC Walks*               

                   Prominent listing as “D.C. Community Lifesaver” on
                           all walk promotions and branding                                                     
                              Speaking opportunity during
                               walk’s opening ceremony                                                          
                   Complimentary foursome at NCAC Golf Tournament
                        (May 2021, $500 value per foursome)**                        2                               1                 1
                       Sponsor promotional tent OR activity area
                       sponsorship (e.g. Hope & Healing Activity
                         Sponsored by YOUR NAME) at walk*                                                                         
                        Walker team tent with signage at walk***                                                                                 
                      Recognition during walk’s opening ceremony                                                                                 
                           Logo with link to sponsor’s website
                                 listed on walk website                                                                                                        
                      Logo posted on walk’s Facebook event page                                                                                                
                          Listing in AFSP NCAC e-Newsletter
                            (distributed to 30,000+ e-mails)                                                                                                   
                                   Logo on walk t-shirts
                    Deadline to receive this benefit is Sep 18, 2020                                                                                                      
                                  Logo on walk website                                                                                                                    
                              Complimentary walk t-shirts                         20                               15                 12             10              6            4               2
                             Logo in walk’s printed program                                                                                                                              
                     Opportunity for an on-site AFSP presentation or
                        suicide prevention educational program
                                at your company’s office                                                                                                                                 
  * Subject to application and terms of AFSP Tabling Agreement
  ** Must RSVP for the 2021 NCAC Golf Tournament to eshannon@afsp.org by March 1, 2021
  *** Must have pre-registered walk team titled with sponsor’s name by October 9, 2020

  Logo placement opportunities on printed items are subject to production deadlines
  AFSP reserves the right to substitute any benefits listed for a benefit of equal value
        Washington, D.C. Out of the Darkness Community Walk
                               October 24, 2020 · Lincoln Memorial · afsp.org/DC
                                                     Please Type or Print Legibly

Sponsor/Company Name:
Mailing Address:
City:                                                           State:                       Zip:
Contact Name:                                                        Title:
Contact Phone:                                                     Email:
Company Web Address:

Cash Sponsorship:                                                         Additional Options:
    National Capital Area Presenting Sponsor | $25,000 Exclusive          ❑ Please send me information about forming a walk team
❑   D.C. Community Lifesaver | $10,000 Exclusive                          ❑ I wish to be anonymous
❑   D.C. Diamond Lifesaver | $5,000                                       ❑ I was referred by (list name/team/company):
❑   D.C. Platinum Lifesaver | $2,500                                      ______________________________________________
❑   D.C. Gold Lifesaver | $1,000
❑   D.C. Silver Lifesaver | $500
❑   D.C. Bronze Lifesaver | $250
❑   Other Gift Amount: $ ____________

 We authorize The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to include our corporate name and logo on all “Out of the Darkness”
 materials consistent with our sponsorship selection and publication dates.
 Authorized Signature:                                                                        Date:

Method of Payment:
❑ Check Enclosed
                                  ❑ Amex                             ❑ Mastercard                       ❑ Call me to process
❑ Invoice Required
                                  ❑ Visa                             ❑ Discover                          payment via phone
Credit Card Number:

Exp Date:                            CVV Code:                            Billing Zip:

Card Holder Name:                                                         Signature:

                                    Agreement & Logo Due October 9, 2020
                                Deadline is September 18, 2020 to have logo printed on walk t-shirt
 Logo Specifications (where applicable): T-shirt: Vector file (EPS, PS, PDF) format to ensure logo integrity. Website: Stacked
 logos appear best (max width is 80px) and we accept vector files and/or high-resolution image files (.jpeg, .png). If high resolution
           (vector or image) file cannot be provided, company name will appear on shirts and/or website as text, only.
                                     Please Send Signed Agreement, Logo and Payment to:
                                              Ellen Shannon at eshannon@afsp.org or
                                AFSP National Capital Area Chapter · PO Box 3467 · Fairfax, VA 22038
                                                         Tax ID# 13-3393329

Thank You for Your Generous Support of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention!
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