Page created by Clifford Rios



         Infrastructure is the underlying structure                                        The devastating floods in Calgary in
         that helps a country and its economy                                              2013, and the ongoing policy response,
         function. While most people think of                                              highlight the importance of considering
         infrastructure as concrete structures                                             wetlands as urban flood management
         like bridges and ports, wetlands are                                              infrastructure. Protecting and restoring
         also doing critical work. Wetlands can                                            wetlands can be more cost-effective
         absorb and store carbon dioxide, reduce                                           than engineered solutions, while also
         the severity of floods, filter pollutants                                         supplying other benefits. Government
         from air and water, and provide species                                           policy is essential to protect valuable
         habitat and food. Protecting and restoring                                        wetlands—on both public and private
         wetlands will be critical to both reducing                                        lands—and to encourage investment in
         greenhouse gas emissions and adapting                                             wetland restoration.
         to a changing climate.

         This case study is part of a collaborative series between the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices and the Smart Prosperity Institute exploring the
         value of urban natural infrastructure within the context of climate change and other economic, environmental and societal objectives. Other case
         studies in the series cover green roofs and urban forests.


     Wetlands are natural depressions in a          Due to the relatively flat terrain, presence
     landscape that are either covered by water     of water, and other natural resources
     or saturated with water for at least part of   associated with them, areas surrounding
     the year. In Canada, there are three broad     wetlands have long attracted human
     categories of wetlands:                        settlements and provided them with
                                                    key ecosystem services. Development,
     1.   Mineral Wetlands (inland or coastal)      urbanization, and agriculture have
           •  Swamps                                made wetlands among the world’s most
           •  Marshes                               degraded ecosystems. In settled areas of
           •  Shallow open water (pothole,          Canada, wetlands cover only 30 per cent of
              pond, slough)                         their former extent (GoC, 2010).

     2. Peatlands (also known as muskeg)            Indigenous Peoples are connected to
         •  Bogs                                    nature, including wetlands that support
         •  Fens                                    culturally significant plants and species.
         •  Peat swamps
                                                    Many see see themselves as caretakers
     3. Constructed wetlands (restored/             with responsibilities to preserve water and
        engineered)                                 life for current and future generations
         •  Agricultural                            (Laidlaw, 2010). Initiatives aimed at
         •  Hydroelectric                           conserving and restoring wetlands should
         •  Urban water or wastewater               learn from Indigenous approaches
            management                              to sustainable management of land
                                                    and waters, and should be designed
                                                    and implemented with Indigenous
                                                    participation and consent (Townsend,
                                                    Moola, & Craig, 2020).


Wetlands are one of the most valuable ecosystems and will play a key role in
helping to address climate change, both in terms of managing emissions and
reducing the impacts of a changing climate. At the same time, they also provide
multiple other benefits in terms of filtering pollution, recharging groundwater,
and providing species habitat and recreational and commercial opportunities.

Table 1. Benefits of Wetlands
Wetland Benefit          Why it Matters
                         Climate change will increase the frequency and intensity of rainfall and storms
Limit flooding and       in some regions, raising the risk of flooding in cities. Wetlands provide natural
coastal storm surge      protection against flooding and coastal storm surges. They function like a
                         sponge, absorbing a significant amount of water and storing it temporarily.
                         Peatlands are one of the most effective carbon sinks on the planet, and one
                         third of peatlands are in Canada. Globally, peatlands represent just three percent
                         of total land area, but sequester 42 per cent of all soil carbon. Drained and
                         burned peatlands account for up to 5 per cent of global annual greenhouse gas
                         Wetlands act as natural water filters. They trap pollutants such as phosphorus
Filter pollution         and heavy metals in their soils, transform dissolved nitrogen into nitrogen gas,
                         and break down suspended solids to neutralize harmful bacteria.
                         Wetlands connected to underground sources of water retain surface water,
                         rainwater, or snow melt that seeps into the ground. They provide time for water
                         to filter down and recharge aquifers and replenish groundwater.
                         Wetlands support an exceptional level of biodiversity. Their combination of
                         shallow water, high levels of nutrients, and high biomass production provides the
Species habitat
                         ideal roosting, nesting, and feeding habitat for waterbird, fish, amphibian, reptile,
                         and plant species.

Recreation and           Wetlands offer several recreational opportunities that contribute to social well-
tourism                  being. These include hiking, fishing, bird watching, photography, and hunting.

                         Wetlands also generate commercial value. In some cases, such as certain
                         fishing or specialty food harvesting, it may be possible to undertake commercial
Commercial value
                         activities without significant loss of ecosystem services. In others, such as peat
                         extraction, commercial activities result in the loss or degradation of wetlands.

          Sources: UNEP, 2020; IUCN, 2020

                                                                             Wetlands Can be Infrastructure, Too | 3

         In urban areas and their periphery,                  Several studies have highlighted the value
         wetlands continue to be drained for                  of wetlands for flood mitigation. A study
         buildings, industry, and agriculture. They           in southern Ontario found that if wetlands
         are also degraded by pollution and waste.            were maintained in their natural state
         In most cases, the current and future                instead of being converted to agriculture,
         public benefits of wetlands are not fully            flood damage costs would decrease by 38
         considered in decision-making. It is often           per cent —from $135.6M to 84.5M
         difficult to place a monetary value on all of        (Moudrak et al., 2017). Had they been
         the benefits of wetlands without in-depth            replaced by urban, largely impervious
         studies, and there is usually little funding         surfaces (such as buildings, roads, and
         or time provided for site-specific research.         parking lots), costs would increase further.
         Actions affecting wetlands on private land           Another cost-benefit study reported that
         may also face limited regulation, unless they        the destruction of wetlands in Smith Creek,
         are designated to be of value (e.g. Ramsar           Saskatchewan would result in the loss of
         internationally important wetlands).                 $1.83 million of annual benefits from flood
                                                              control (Pattison-Williams et al., 2018). The
         There are a growing number of studies that           wetlands and forests of Ontario’s Greenbelt
         provide a sense of the monetary value of             prevent an estimated $224 million of flood
         wetlands, however, which provide dollar              damage to properties each year (Greenbelt
         estimates associated with the benefits               Foundation, 2018).
         such as those highlighted in table 1. The
         most recent global estimates place the               Other ecosystem services values are
         cumulative value of wetlands at US $47               illustrated in the table below. Regardless
         trillion dollars per year (Davidson et al., 2019).   of the specific numbers they identify, such
         Of course, place-based factors can influence         valuations can help us better understand
         the value of a wetland significantly. For            the range of benefits from wetlands,
         example, in a 2013 study, the value of global        their connection to our economies, and
         inland wetlands lay between US $981 and              the extent to which they have historically
         $44,597 per hectare per year (Russi et al.,          been undervalued, so that we may better
         2013). In this example, the wetland values           consider the impact of land use decisions
          are higher near dense urban areas because           without detailed site-specific studies.
              the costs of floods and other natural
                disasters are higher when there is
                   property damage and disrupted
                     transport systems.

Table 2. Estimated Monetary Value of Wetlands
  Ecosystem service          Range of estimate                              Source

                             US$1.15 to US$1,087.67            Kazmierczak (2001); Chichilnisky
    Water filtration
                             per hectare per year                     and Heal (1998)

                             US$2,522 to US$3,899
 Wastewater treatment                                                  Breaux et al. (1995)
                             per hectare per year

                                $9.36 to $18.97
      Biodiversity                                                     Birol et al. (2006)
                              per person per year

     Habitat for fish        US$348.48 per person                    Carlsson et. al. (2003)

Aesthetics, flood control,     US$19 to US$24
                                                              Lupi et al (1991); Mahan et al. (2000)
ground water recharge        per hectare per year

                                 $4.74 to $13.1
Research and education                                                 Birol et al. (2006)
                              per person per year
                             US$0.10 to US$135.44
        Fisheries                                                  Bell (1997); Freeman (1991)
                             per hectare per year

Conserving remaining wetlands is the most           (Ducks Unlimited, 2014). Assuming that
cost-effective means to accessing optimal           one hectare of wetland can store 2850 m3
ecosystem service delivery. A 2011 report           of water, this would create additional water
commissioned by the Ontario Ministry of             storage of 50 million m3 (Government of
the Environment found that every dollar             Alberta, 2013). At a per-unit storage cost of
invested in protecting wetlands around the          $3.5- $6.7 per m3 a restored wetland can
Great Lakes generates an economic return            store water at a cost comparable to a dry
of $35 (Marbek, 2011).                              dam (estimated to cost $1.4 - $7 per m3)
                                                    but with further carbon sequestration,
Restoring degraded or lost wetlands has             habitat, and climate adaptation benefits
also been shown to be cost effective and to         (Ducks Unlimited, 2014). For example,
offer a high return on investment.                  over a 33-year period, the same restoration
For example, a 2 per cent increase in               could sequester 12 Mt of carbon (Ducks
wetlands (~ 17,544 ha) in the White Zone            Unlimited, 2014).
(settled areas) of Alberta would cost
between $175 million and $335 million

                                                                      Wetlands Can be Infrastructure, Too | 5

         In June 2013, Calgary and southern Alberta      flooding and drought as major watershed
         experienced severe floods. Thousands of         issues. This program is working to mitigate
         families were displaced, businesses were        these hazards through the creation and/
         disrupted and destroyed, private and            or enhancement of natural systems such
         public property was damaged, and four           as wetlands and riparian areas (adjacent to
         people lost their lives. Flood damages were     rivers and streams) to improve watershed
         in excess of $5 billion across Alberta and      functioning (Government of Alberta,
         an estimated $400 million to the City of        n.d.). Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) also
         Calgary’s infrastructure (City of Calgary,      released a report following the flooding,
         2016). While the 2013 flood was the costliest   advocating for more flood mitigation
         flood in Alberta’s history, several major       measures in the Bow River Basin and the
         floods have been recorded in the region         South Saskatchewan River Basin to include
         (CDD, 2020). Climate change is increasing       wetland conservation and restoration. Their
         the likelihood of extreme rainfall in the       report highlighted that wetlands offer
         region, adding to flood risks (Teufel et al.    triple benefits: long-term flood mitigation,
         2017).                                          cost-effectiveness, and the fact that
                                                         wetlands are one of the only forms of flood
         Following the 2013 flood, the City of Calgary   mitigation that also perform other services
         established the River Flood Mitigation          including water supply, biodiversity, and
         Program to investigate flood mitigation         habitat protection (DUC, 2014).
         issues and required responses. As part of
         the mitigation program, it also formed          Wetland loss has long been an issue in
         an independent Expert Management                the Bow River Basin. In the White Zone of
         Panel to make recommendations for a             Alberta (i.e. populated areas), 64 per cent
         more resilient Calgary and better prepare       of wetlands have already been lost and the
         for future events. In 2014, the Panel           region continues to lose wetlands at a rate
         released recommendations across six             of 0.3-0.5 per cent per year (see Figure 1 for
         themes: managing flood risk, watershed          a map of green and white zones). In the
         management, event forecasting, storage,         City of Calgary, losses are in the range of
         diversion and protection, infrastructure        90 per cent (Government of Alberta, 2013).
         and property resiliency, and changing           The loss of 133,000ha of wetlands in Alberta
         climate (Expert Management Panel on             over the past 40-60 years has resulted
         River Flood Mitigation, 2014).                  in approximately 379,000,000 m3 of lost
                                                         water storage capacity (roughly 21 times
         While most of the 27 recommendations            the volume of water stored in Calgary’s
         by the Panel focused on engineered              Glenmore Reservoir). By reducing the
         infrastructure options to mitigate              ability of the landscape to store water, the
         floods, the Panel did highlight the role        loss of wetlands results in increased flow
         of managing the Bow River Watershed             and volumes downstream following rainfall
         in buffering small floods where long            events, exacerbating flood risk.
         steady rainfall saturates the ground and
         eventually causes the river to overflow.
         Alberta’s Watershed Resiliency and
         Restoration Program also identified


Figure 1: Map of Green and White Zones in Alberta
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             !-- i --1-          ·/---!-- Li - :-- :· _;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (")                                     Forestry, oil an       agriculture, oil
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        gas, oil sands,                        rism

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Land uses                          gas, mining, tou
                   7 - 'f-
                   : __ ,_ __-� --�-

                   :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           :r::

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       mining, tourism

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  on private
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Provincial                           l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Regulatory                            land, provincia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           authority      government            government on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Crown land

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Main wetland           Muskeg

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 3   2         1


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     15 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     14 z

                   Source: Lockey D, 2013.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                6


                                                                                                                                                                                                                      M   O   N   T   A         N       A

  L                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             _J
              The new Alberta Wetland Policy was                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2.     Benefits: The benefits of wetlands are
              released in 2013 and came into effect in                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      conserved and restored in cases where
              the White Area in 2015. The policy was                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        losses have occurred.
              developed to complement Alberta’s
              provincial water sustainability strategy,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3.     Mitigation: Wetlands are managed
              called “Water for Life.” The goal of the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      by avoiding loss or degradation of the
              Alberta Wetland Policy is to maintain                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         wetland, minimizing damage where
              wetland areas in Alberta such that the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        avoidance is not possible, and replacing
              ecological, social, and economic benefits                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     wetlands where loss is unavoidable.
              that wetlands provide are maintained. The
              policy focuses on four outcomes to achieve                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             4.     Regional management: Wetland
              this goal:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    management considers regional context
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (Government of Alberta, 2013)
                                                     1.                                       Value: Wetlands are not of equal
                                                                                              value; they vary in form, function
                                                                                              and use. The new policy seeks to
                                                                                              protect wetlands of the highest
                                                                                              value using the wetland rapid
                                                                                              evaluation tool (see Figure 2).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Wetlands Can be Infrastructure, Too | 7
Figure 2: Alberta Wetland Rapid Evaluation Tool

                                                                     Figure 2. Through the Alberta Wetland
                                                                     Policy, wetlands are valued according to five
                                                                     characteristics: the relative abundance of a
                                                                     wetland on a landscape, human uses of the
                                                                     landscape, the ability of the wetland to improve
                                                                     water quality, the hydrologic function of the
                                                                     wetland, and the ability of the wetland to support
                                                                     biodiversity. Based on this assessment the wetland
                                                                     is categorized from A (highest value) to D (lowest
                                                                     value). The relative values are intended to further
                                                                     decision support for land use planners, developers,
                                                                     and decision makers to consider the wetland in
                                                                     the context of the landscape and adapt strategic
                                                                     and informed wetland management decisions.

    Source: Government of Alberta.

                In 2018, the policy was updated with a        license restrictions. For developers, it has
                provision for grants to finance private       often been simpler and more cost effective
                wetland restoration. This shift in policy     to pay compensation to remove wetlands
                provides more flexibility and access to       than to conserve them.
                wetland restoration funds for farmers and
                other landowners who face cost barriers to    However, the economic case for
                restoring wetlands.                           conservation and restoration continues
                                                              to be made. Using a social-return-on-
                While largely seen as a positive step to      investment (SROI) approach that considers
                better assess and consider wetlands in        public and private benefits, a recent study
                land use decisions, Alberta’s Wetland         in east-central Alberta found that resources
                Policy has some limitations. The mitigation   invested in the enforcement of an
                policy does not have a framework to           effective policy that halts the further loss
                document and quantify avoidance and           of wetlands would yield a return of almost
                mitigation of wetland loss or degradation.    7:1. Investment in low to moderate levels
                In Calgary, revenue generated from the        of restoration provides a smaller, yet still
                 city and provincial wetland policies has     substantial return for every dollar invested
                     been difficult to spend on wetland       (DUC, n.d.). In Calgary, properties adjacent
                        restoration due to regulatory         to wetlands are valued more highly, both
                            constraints, including closed     in terms of aesthetics as well as market
C A SE                          basin order and water         value, helping developers and planners

better understand the value to residents.
To better facilitate the restoration process
                                                  Box 1: Mikisew Cree First Nation
of wetlands, the provincial government
recently streamlined requirements under
                                                  initiative leads to protection of
the Wetland Policy, adding a “wetlands            critical ecosystem
restoration Code of Practice”. This change
will make restoration of small wetlands           Thanks to the leadership of the
significantly easier and less costly, resulting   Mikisew Cree First Nation, the
in more wetlands on the landscape.                Alberta Government created the
                                                  Kitaskino Nuwenëné Wildland
Calgary’s newly updated Municipal                 Provincial Park in 2019, and
Development Plan (Approved Feb 2021)              expanded it in 2021 (Joannou, 2021).
also takes a significant step forward             The park includes wetlands and
by emphasizing the role of natural                forest important to caribou, bison
infrastructure in building a resilient city.      and other species, and supports the
Doing so enables councillors and decision         exercise of Treaty and harvesting
makers in city departments to be more             rights, as well as other traditional
proactive with natural infrastructure since       uses, including cultural activities,
it is now a more clearly defined part of          for Indigenous Peoples. The park
their mandate. Natural infrastructure and         expands an area that forms the
nature-based solutions are also central           largest contiguous protected boreal
to the new Calgary Climate Resilience             forest in the world (Alberta Parks,
Strategy. The city is currently undertaking       2019).”
natural asset valuation, which will inform
action in municipal and climate plans.

Calgary is already a city that has shown
leadership in natural infrastructure,
particularly in response to the 2013
floods. The alignment of the new MDP,
resilience strategy, and streamlining of
provincial processes will lead to substantial
investment and scaling of wetland
restoration in the near future.

                                                            Wetlands Can be Infrastructure, Too | 9

         Nanaimo, British Columbia: The                  register and an inventory of natural and
         Buttertubs Marsh Conservation Area              potential engineered storm assets in the
         (BMCA) is a 55-hectare reclaimed                city. This means natural infrastructure such
         wetland and floodplain habitat in the           as these marshes and grey infrastructure
         City of Nanaimo on Vancouver Island             are managed and assessed in the same
         in British Columbia (Municipal Natural          way. This framework will be refined over
         Assets Initiative, 2018). It lies adjacent to   the coming months and years in an
         the Millstone River, which flows through        attempt to manage natural assets in a
         the center of the city and comprises two        financially and environmentally sustainable
         separated wetlands. The conservation            way.
         area was created through the purchase of
         the east marsh by the Nature Trust of B.C.
         in 1976 and was expanded in 2012 when           The upfront capital
         the west marsh was jointly purchased by
         Ducks Unlimited Canada and the city.            cost for the natural
         Recognizing the stormwater retention            infrastructure
         and flood mitigation properties of the
         BMCA, the city undertook a study in             approach was less
         2017 to investigate the financial value of
         these services. By estimating the cost
                                                         than 25 per cent
         of engineered solutions that would be
         required to serve the same stormwater
                                                         of the cost for a
         detention function, such as stormwater          traditional system.
         management ponds or constructed
         wetlands, the study estimated that the
         BMCA had an asset value of $4 to $4.5           Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota: The
         million under contemporary conditions.          City of Inver Grove Heights is located
         This value rose to $8 million under climate     southeast of St. Paul, Minnesota. The
         change conditions derived from the US           Northwest Area of the city is primarily
         EPA stormwater management model                 natural and agricultural land cover across
         paired with Intensity-Duration- Frequency       a prairie pothole/kettle lake landscape
         analysis of forecasted conditions in 2050-      with numerous wetlands. Anticipating
         2100 (methods details can be found in           the development of over 3 000 acres
         Municipal Natural Assets Initiative report).    in this area, the city created a plan for a
         This analysis emphasizes the increasing         new stormwater management system
         importance of natural assets in providing       in 2006 (EOR, 2019). Rather than opting
         critical services to municipalities in          for the traditional approach of conveying
         the future and their role in increasing         urban runoff by a system of storm sewers,
         community resilience.                           ponds and pumps, the city investigated
                                                         natural infrastructure as a distributed flood
         The City is now working towards                 management storage strategy that would
         translating the results of this study           protect and preserve existing depressions
           into core management and financial            in the landscape.
             processes. It has outlined a broad
               framework that includes the
                 development of a natural asset


They used a hydrologic and hydraulic            further outlined requirements to treat
model to study the basin’s natural              stormwater through on-site rain gardens
storm water capacity, asking whether it         or other stormwater management
could retain a once-in-100-years runoff         practices that would result in a
event when the ground was frozen (a             volume of runoff comparable to pre-
conservative method for estimating flood        development volumes after a once-in-
retention capacity). The upfront capital        five-years rainfall over 24 hours.
cost for the natural infrastructure approach
was less than 25 per cent of the cost for
a traditional system. Further, the 30-year         Box 2: Moving beyond
operation and maintenance cost of the              colonialist mindsets
natural infrastructure approach was very
similar to the long-term cost of upkeep
of a traditional system, making the life           Recognizing the value of nature in
cycle cost of the natural infrastructure           decision making requires moving
approach almost half the lifecycle cost of         away from perspectives that
the traditional alternative.                       see natural assets as barriers to
                                                   progress. Indigenous approaches
Based on these results, the city created a         — used for thousands of years - are
plan to protect their natural infrastructure.      more holistic and consider the
The plan mapped and established                    interconnected cumulative effects
the natural depressions and wetlands               of development both today and in
as protected areas that could not be               the future (Mayer, 2020).
developed. In development areas, it

                                                              Wetlands Can be Infrastructure, Too | 11

         Resistance to Change: In urban areas,          different subject areas (for example,
         wetland loss is primarily a result of          ecological and engineering professionals)
         drainage and land use conversion for           to work together. For practitioners,
         development. Traditional “grey” water          working on natural infrastructure
         management infrastructure solutions            projects may necessitate acquiring new
         are well understood, both technically          skills, integrating new research-based
         and economically. In contrast, natural         knowledge into practice, and applying
         infrastructure solutions are less              new standards.
         common and involve more government
         departments and types of expertise to          Access to Funding: The key federal
         develop and approve. As a consequence,         infrastructure programs that fund natural
         natural infrastructure solutions are more      infrastructure and water management
         time-consuming to implement and                are the Disaster Management and
         introduce different types of up-front costs    Adaptation Fund (DMAF) and Investing in
         and maintenance.                               Canada Infrastructure Plan (ICIP). Several
                                                        limitations, such as minimum project
         Data and Metrics: Developing wetland-          size, inability to bundle projects in order
         based natural infrastructure requires          to achieve the minimum size, lack of
         assessing a wetland’s ecological               consideration of co-benefits associated
         quality, but also accounting for wetland       with natural infrastructure, and lack of
         attributes and co-benefits in terms that       earmarking for natural infrastructure
         are meaningful for engineers, project          projects within these programs have
         developers, and municipal accountants.         resulted in their funding relatively few
         Quantifying benefits requires considerable     wetland projects.
         resources for data collection and
         processing — at least until such practices
         are mainstreamed. It also requires different
         tools and data sources which may be
         difficult to obtain or compare. This is
         especially challenging given that natural
         infrastructure decisions are very location-
         specific and require location-specific data.
         Capacity and Skills: There is lack of
         institutional capacity in Canada to
         conceive, plan, and monitor natural
         infrastructure in municipal settings. The
         cross-cutting nature of many of the co-
         benefits of natural infrastructure make it
         difficult to align with any one government
         department. In particular, municipalities
         generally do not have a framework in
         which to integrate natural infrastructure
         within existing policy structures and often
           lack financial and operational capacity.
               Implementing natural infrastructure
                  projects requires experts from


Prioritize protection of existing               Explicitly acknowledge co-benefits —
wetlands — All levels of government have        Wetlands deliver a targeted action, like
policy levers to slow the loss of wetlands in   flood mitigation, as well as a suite of co-
Canada. Some examples include federal           benefits such as habitat for biodiversity,
and provincial protected areas, funding         recreational opportunities, and nutrient
for conservation on public and private          management. They provide tremendous
lands, land-use plans, strengthened local       added value that is rarely accounted for.
conservation authorities, and new or            Increasing the inclusion and valuation
amended legislation on drainage.                of co-benefits in decision making can
                                                raise the profile of nature-based solutions
Natural infrastructure financing —              when compared to grey infrastructure
Increase direct funding via existing            or engineered adaptation strategies.
programs that focus on watershed                Increased funding for measuring and
protection and restoration, while               monitoring these benefits would help
earmarking funding specifically                 improve information available to decision
for natural infrastructure, such as the         makers.
new Natural Infrastructure Fund
announced in Budget 2021.

                                                   Box 3: Financial Incentives for
All levels of                                      Private Investment in Wetland
government have
policy levers to slow                              The city of Halifax has implemented
                                                   a stormwater credit program in
the loss of wetlands                               which non-residential properties
                                                   can receive up to 50 per cent off
in Canada.                                         their water utility bill if they create
                                                   additional water storage capacity,
Provide financial support for capacity-            including engineered wetlands.
building and interdepartmental
                                                   The municipality of Washington,
collaboration — Ecosystems and
                                                   DC requires developers to purchase
watersheds do not abide by political
                                                   stormwater retention credits for
boundaries, and consequently nature-
                                                   new construction. A price floor
based solutions (NBS) inherently pose
                                                   and guaranteed buy-out by the
jurisdictional and management challenges,
                                                   municipality has created a market
along with consideration of how to
                                                   for restoration. Environmental
collaborate effectively. Without financial
                                                   NGOs can aggregate projects
support for capacity-building, incentives,
                                                   and target priority areas with
and tools that facilitate collaboration,
                                                   confidence that the municipality
the pool of possible NBS projects is likely
                                                   will purchase credits not sold on
reduced. Climate resilience planning with
                                                   the open market.
an explicit focus on natural infrastructure
is one structural mechanism to bring               Sources: (City of Halifax, 2020; Washington DC
                                                   MOE, 2019)
relevant municipal parties together to
address climate concerns that span across

                                                                      Wetlands Can be Infrastructure, Too | 13
Incentivize action on private lands —          since ‘indirect impacts on land use’
         Under Alberta’s wetland policy, farmers        are among the Scope 3 emissions to
         are eligible to access funding and income      be considered in the greenhouse gas
         support to restore wetlands on agricultural    assessment. The resilience assessment
         land. Private lands are an important part      is intended to consider impacts from
         of landscape and watershed function, and       multiple perspectives (e.g., economic
         financial incentives are one pathway to        as well as public health), both extreme
         engage a broader set of stakeholders           and slow onset events, and cascading
                                                        and cumulative impacts. Because the
                                                        assessment focuses on the sensitivity of
                                                        the asset to climate change, rather than
         Raise profile of natural infrastructure        the effect of the asset on a community’s
         in the Climate Lens — The Climate              sensitivity to climate change, the
         Lens — an assessment framework                 assessment may fail to capture all of the
         developed by Infrastructure Canada             benefits of natural infrastructure. Bringing
         — already applies to projects seeking          more attention to natural infrastructure
         funding under the Investing in Canada          as a component of the Climate Lens could
         Infrastructure Program, Disaster Mitigation    help raise the profile of projects that
         and Adaptation Fund, and Smart Cities          integrate natural assets.
         Challenge. Depending on the type of
         project, projects may be assessed based
         on the anticipated greenhouse gas
           emissions impact of a project, the climate
             change resilience of the project,
               or both. Natural infrastructure is
                  only captured in a limited way


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Wetlands Can be Infrastructure, Too | 17
This case study was prepared by Paige Olmsted and Sonia Patel of the Smart
Prosperity Institute, with contributions from Rachel Samson and Jonathan Arnold
from the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices and expert guidance from
Peter WB Phillips, Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Founding Director
of the Johnson-Shoyama Center for the Study of Science and Innovation Policy
at the University of Saskatchewan.
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