What's Happening - City of Wanneroo

Page created by Ralph Lloyd
What's Happening - City of Wanneroo
July 2022 – August 2022 | wanneroo.wa.gov.au

What’s Happening

                                               Welcome to the

Budget Edition
Find out what’s planned for your
community in the next 12 months
Pages 4 to 9

Read about         City takes out top
NAIDOC Week        honours at
in the CIty        Statewide awards
Page 10            Page 12
What's Happening - City of Wanneroo
facilities to benefit our growing                                    African drumming at Pearsall
                     Deputy Mayor’s                              community.                                                           Community Centre and high energy
                     Message                                     We look forward to continuing to work                                sports clinics at Kingsway Regional
                                                                                                                                      Sporting Complex. Visit wanneroo.
                     Brett Treby                                 with Tracey as the Federal Member for
                                                                 Pearce on projects for our community.
Welcome to the winter 2022 edition                                                                                                    Locals are invited to have a say on the
                                                                 Local businesses are the backbone of
of What’s Happening.                                                                                                                  City’s first Local Planning Strategy.
                                                                 our community, providing more than
In this edition, we look at key projects                                                                                              The document will guide decision
                                                                 56,000 jobs to local people.
across the City that are planned for                                                                                                  making around future land use, so
                                                                 As part of our commitment to making                                  it is important that it reflects the
the 2022/23 financial year.
                                                                 the City of Wanneroo a region of                                     planning and development aspirations
Over $58 million has been allocated                              choice for businesses to establish                                   of our community and stakeholders.
in this year’s Capital Works Program                             and grow, we work closely with the                                   wanneroo.wa.gov.au/yoursay
to maintain and upgrade existing                                 Wanneroo Business Association
facilities and construct new                                     (WBA) to align our support services                                  Do you know someone who tirelessly
infrastructure to support and connect                            with our business community’s needs.                                 gives back to the local community?
our community in the coming years.                                                                                                    You can honour our City’s most
                                                                 A recent survey of local businesses                                  upstanding citizens by nominating
This includes:                                                   identified that reducing red tape was                                them for the 2023 Australia Day
• $19.5 million for sporting facilities                          a key issue, so we created Business                                  Awards.
• $10.3 million for roads and traffic                            Wanneroo – a place for clear and
                                                                                                                                      Four awards will be presented at
  treatments                                                     concise information on how to start
                                                                                                                                      our 2023 Australia Day citizenship
• $4.8 million for foreshore and                                 a business, navigate the approvals
  coastal management activities and                              process and access ongoing support.
                                                                                                                                      • Charles Searson Australia Day
  bushland preservation                                          The City was delighted to launch the
                                                                                                                                        Youth Award: for an individual under
• $4.6 million on community buildings                            new website at the WBA Business
                                                                                                                                        25 years.
• $2.8 million for pathways and trails.                          Breakfast in June, with the Honourable
                                                                 Mark McGowan MLA, Premier and                                        • Australia Day Award: for an
Read more on pages 4 to 9.                                                                                                              individual over 25 years.
                                                                 Treasurer of Western Australia.
On behalf of the City, I would like to                           Visit businesswanneroo.com.au                                        • Australia Day Community Group
congratulate departing Mayor Tracey                                                                                                     or Event award: for an outstanding
                                                                 In this edition, you can also read                                     local community group or event.
Roberts on her declaration to office
                                                                 about some of the City's 2022                                        • Senior of the Year Award: for an
as the Federal Member for Pearce.
                                                                 NAIDOC Week (3-10 July) events that                                    individual over 65 years.
Over her 19 years of dedicated                                   celebrated the history, culture and
service to the City, Tracey                                                                                                           Nominations close on Friday
                                                                 achievements of Aboriginal and Torres
demonstrated a strong commitment                                                                                                      11 November 2022. For more
                                                                 Strait Islander peoples.
and passion for our community and,                                                                                                    details, visit wanneroo.wa.gov.au/
with Council, delivered a number of                              There are a range of exciting school                                 awardfunding
fantastic initiatives, services and                              holiday activities planned including

                                                                                                                                                                              South Ward

                                                                                                                                                                              South-West Ward

23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo, WA 6065                                                                                                                                           Central Ward
Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm                                                                                                                                                   Central-East Ward
Locked Bag 1, Wanneroo WA 6946
                                                                                                                                                                              Central-West Ward
T 9405 5000
After hours 1300 13 83 93                                      Mayor            Deputy Mayor            Cr James              Cr Natalie             Cr Vinh                  North-East Ward
                                                          Currently vacant       Brett Treby            Rowe JP               Herridge               Nguyen
E enquiries@wanneroo.wa.gov.au
                                                                               M 0411 209 372        M 0417 709 573       M 0403 326 828          T 9342 0837                 North Ward
wanneroo.wa.gov.au                                                                                                                              M 0430 003 360

  Cr Frank           Cr Jordan         Cr Jacqueline           Cr Paul            Cr Helen           Cr Natalie            Cr Linda           Cr Glynis            Cr Chris             Cr Sonet
  Cvitan JP           Wright              Huntley               Miles              Berry              Sangalli            Aitken JP            Parker               Baker               Coetzee
 T 9409 9940      M 0491 043 939     M 0433 606 536 M 0416 197 363 M 0447 821 022                 M 0447 712 917 M 0497 790 960 M 0409 408 171 M 0417 935 730 M 0414 429 936
M 0419 994 944

                               Previous editions of What’s Happening can be viewed online at wanneroo.wa.gov.au/whatshappening
                         Acknowledgement of Country - The City of Wanneroo acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land we are working on, the Whadjuk people.
              We would like to pay respect to the Elders of the Noongar nation, past, present and future, who have walked and cared for the land and we acknowledge and respect their
                                                         continuing culture and the contributions made to the life of this City and this region.

                                                                                    City of Wanneroo / 02
What's Happening - City of Wanneroo
Youth trailer winning fans
                                                                                                 The City of Wanneroo’s
                                                                                                 Childhood and Youth Services
                                                                                                 trailer is proving popular with
                                                                                                 young locals after being
                                                                                                 wheeled out at events and
                                                                                                 community spaces across the
                                                                                                 City from Yanchep to
                                                                                                 Launched at the start of the
                                                                                                 year, the trailer is used for
                                                                                                 youth outreach activities at the
                                                                                                 City’s parks and skate parks,
                                                                                                 as well as to carry out school
                                                                                                 holiday programs in community
                                                                                                 spaces and at events.
                                                                                                 Since January, over 700 young
                                                                                                 people, their families and
                                                                                                 community members have
                                                                                                 visited the trailer at events.
                                                                                                 Youth program officer David
                                                                                                 Perry said the Childhood and
                                                                                                 Youth Services team aimed to
                                                                                                 provide a safe environment for
                                                                                                 young people to socialise and
                                                                                                 access support.
                                                                                                 “We roll the trailer out at
                                                                                                 locations where we think it will

Meet your new recycling trucks!                                                                  have the biggest positive impact
                                                                                                 to complement the important
                                                                                                 work of the City’s four
Layla, with her family, named one of the new recycling trucks Garbina.                           bricks-and-mortar youth
                                                                                                 centres – Clarkson, Girrawheen-
Our recycling trucks have debuted                  and the Wanneroo Secondary College            Hainsworth, Wanneroo and
their new names, thanks to a team of               Follow the Dream Program students.            Yanchep,” he said.
creative kids from across our City!                Did you know if every person in the           “The response from our local
We received hundreds of entries to                 City reduced what they discarded by           young people has been
our ‘Name a Truck’ competition, which              just 5 per cent, we’d throw away a            fantastic. They love our mobile
ran late last year, but there could only           whopping 4,300 tonnes less in a year?         phone charging station and like
be 8 winners.                                                                                    the trailer visiting their local
                                                   If we all make a few small changes, such
                                                                                                 parks as we provide food, water,
Keep an eye out on your next                       as recycling right, it’s easy to reduce our
                                                                                                 music, seating and games.”
recycling collection day for Benang,               environmental impact and the amount of
Crushasaurus, Djoorabiny, Phoenix,                 waste that ends up in landfill.               The trailer is part of the City’s
Karli, Kaya, Yanga and Garbina!                                                                  commitment to providing safe
                                                   Learn about the names of our new
                                                                                                 spaces where young people
Congratulations once again to the                  recycling trucks and check out some
                                                                                                 can socialise, build friendships
winners - Cruz (5), Harvey (2), Abbey (6),         handy recycling tips from our
                                                                                                 and access support and
Avalon and Annwyn (10 and 7),                      competition winners at
                                                                                                 associated services.
Tyler (10), Jade (12), Laylah (12, pictured),      wanneroo.wa.gov.au/nameatruck

   City of Wanneroo Youth Instagram
   The City of Wanneroo’s Childhood                  hosting team visits, where young
   and Youth Services team has a new                 people aged up to 25 can take part
   Instagram page!                                   in a range of programs, activities
   Follow the team to see what’s on                  and events throughout the year.
   at the Hainsworth (Girrawheen),                   Make sure you give them a follow
   Wanneroo, Clarkson and Yanchep                    on Instagram at @cowyouth
   Youth Centres, and find out which
   local parks and open spaces will be

                                                                03 / wanneroo.wa.gov.au
What's Happening - City of Wanneroo

           South Ward         South-West Ward          Central Ward        Central-East Ward         Central-West Ward        North-East Ward         North Ward

       Budget delivers for City of Wanneroo residents
       All Wards                                            Central Ward                                         A further $19.5 million will be spent on
       The City of Wanneroo adopted a                       • Bembridge Park, Hocking                            sporting facilities, including the
       $235 million 2022/23 budget last                     • Nyunda Park, Wanneroo                              completion of the highly anticipated
       month, allocating a total of                         • Wanneroo Showgrounds                               Splendid Park cycling facility in
       $58.4 million for capital works, with                                                                     Yanchep.
                                                            Central-East Ward
       investment in a range of community                   • Burma Park, Banksia Grove                          A $4.8 million investment will help
       services and facilities that benefit                 • Carosa Park, Ashby                                 maintain our natural assets, through
       everyone.                                            • Carramar Community Centre                          foreshore and coastal management
       The budget includes a $2.8 million                   • Discovery Park, Banksia Grove                      activities and bushland preservation.
       boost for pathways and trails across                 • Parakeelya Park, Banksia Grove                     This includes $3.2 million for
       the City, which includes $1 million for              • Provost Park, Tapping                              maintenance works and upgrades to
       the Active Transport Plan 2022/23 –                  Central-West Ward                                    the Mindarie Breakwater to ensure
       2025/26.                                                                                                  the structure remains functional for
                                                            • Abbeville Park, Mindarie
       The goal of the plan is to create a                                                                       the next 50 years.
                                                            North-East Ward                                      Wanneroo Deputy Mayor Brett Treby
       safe, connected and reliable active
                                                            • Addison Park, Merriwa                              said Council had delivered a balanced
       transport environment to encourage
                                                            • Butler Community Centre                            budget that considered the needs of
       people to use forms of transport other
                                                            • Brampton Park, Butler                              the growing community.
       than driving, such as cycling, walking
                                                            • Wilton Park, Butler
       and eRideables.                                                                                           “We are committed to driving
       To improve safety and future-proof                   South Ward                                           maximum value through rates
       the road network, the City will spend                • Butterworth Park, Koondoola                        collected to ensure we meet our
       $10.3 million on roads and traffic                   South-West                                           community’s needs,” he said.
       treatments, including important                      • Keith Griffiths Park, Darch                        “This budget will ensure we can deliver
       upgrades to Flynn Drive.                             • Longford Park, Darch                               what our residents have told us they
       About $4.6 million will be spent on                  • Monticello Park, Landsdale                         want to see in their community - new
       community buildings, including                                                                            facilities, safe and efficient roads,
                                                            New shade structures will also be
       $1.53 million for upgrades to Clarkson                                                                    vibrant and accessible parks and
                                                            installed at Sandow Park in Clarkson,
       Youth Centre this financial year.                    Parktree Park in Yanchep, Hinckley                   playgrounds, protections for our
       To enhance safety in the City,                       Park in Hocking, Waldburg Park in                    natural environment, enhanced
       $1.3 million will be spent on a range of             Tapping, and Old Trafford Park and                   community safety, and so much more.
       measures, including an improved                      Kingsway Sporting Complex in Madeley.                “We are investing in the future City of
       CCTV network for the Wangara                         Several parks will also be upgraded,                 Wanneroo, which will be home to more
       industrial area.                                     including Wanneroo’s Taywood Park,                   than 285,000 people by 2031.”
       A $1.7 million investment will support               which will welcome an improved play                  For more information on the City of
       the renewal of 18 parks across the                   space, new play equipment, nature                    Wanneroo’s 2022/23 budget, visit
       City:                                                play area, picnic shelter, shade                     wanneroo.wa.gov.au/budget23
                                                            structure and drink fountain.

                                                                                       How your rates will be spent in 2022/23
                                                                                                                                                                   Figures represent both Operational and Capital Works funding from the 2022/23 Budget.

                                                                                $57.3m            $43.7m         $33.7m           $29.9m          $18.9m

                                                                                 Roads,            Sports       Waste and        Parks and       Community
                                                                             Pathways and         Facilities    Recycling       Playgrounds     Health, Safety
                                                                             Street Lighting                                                   and Emergency

                                                                                 $18.7m            $12.1m        $10.8m            $7.1m           $2.4m

                                                                               Community          Foreshore     Libraries,      Governance      Business and
                                                                                Facilities       Management Museum and                           Economic
                                                                                               and Conservation Heritage                        Development

       BUDGET FEATURE / 04
What's Happening - City of Wanneroo

      Looking back at our top projects from 2021/22
      From upgraded parks and play spaces to a brand new waste sorting system, we’ve completed a wide range of major
      projects over the past 12 months. Here’s a snapshot of some of the big ticket items we’ve introduced that are helping
      make our City a great place to live, work and play.
                                                                                                                   Three bins
                                                                                                                    All Wards

                                                                                                                   More than 60,000 new lime-green
                                                                                                                   lid Garden Organics (GO) bins were
                                                                                                                   provided to eligible households
                                                                                                                   across the City free of charge.
                                                                                                                   The implementation of the GO bins
                                                                                                                   has allowed the City to transform
                                                                                                                   an estimated 14,000
                                                                                                                   tonnes of clean
                                                                                                                   green waste into
                                                                                                                   high quality
                                                                                                                   products, such as
                                                                                                                   mulch and potting
                                                                                                                   mix, over the past
     Current City councillors and staff, joined by Quinns Rocks Little Athletics Club’s Mariaan Van
     Loggerenberg, Senator Matt O’Sullivan, Devlyn Construction’s Matthew Hall, Burns Beach MLA Mark               year.
     Folkard and former Mayor Tracey Roberts, at the opening of the Belhaven Park Pavilion in Quinns Rocks.

     Belhaven Park Pavilion, Quinns Rocks                                                                          Highclere Boulevard, Marangaroo
      Central-West Ward                                                                                             South West Ward

     Completed in November 2021, the $1.4 million Belhaven Park pavilion is now                                    Work is nearly complete on stage
     providing local sports clubs with new facilities, including change rooms, a kiosk,                            one of upgrades to Highclere
     toilets, storerooms, first aid facilities and an umpire’s room.                                               Boulevard in Marangaroo (Hepburn
     Funded with contributions from the Sport Australia Community Sport Infrastructure Grant                       Ave to Rawlinson Dve). The upgrades
     Program and the State Government's Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund.                         include alterations to centre islands,
                                                                                                                   widening of the existing median strip
                                                                                                                   and the installation of street trees in
                                                              Warradale Park, Landsdale                            the median and verges.
                                                               South West Ward                                     Stage two of the project (Rawlinson
                                                                                                                   Dve to Marangaroo Dve) will start
                                                              Visitors to Warradale Park in
                                                                                                                   this July.
                                                              Landsdale can now enjoy the view
                                                              of the lake from a new jetty and
                                                              viewing platform, following                          Wonambi Park, Wanneroo
                                                              completion of the structure in                        Central Ward
                                                              April 2022.
                                                                                                                   Thanks to recent upgrades, visitors
                                                              Designed to reduce maintenance                       to Wonambi Park in Wanneroo can
                                                              costs and improve safety, the jetty                  now enjoy new seating and picnic
                                                              is the perfect spot to take in the                   facilities, and new children’s play
     Councillors Jacqueline Huntley, Jordan Wright,           scenery and watch the local wildlife.                equipment including a cubby house,
     Natalie Herridge, Vinh Nguyen and James Rowe.
                                                                                                                   slides, a balancing bridge, sand play
                                                                                                                   and monkey bars.
                                                                                                                   Completed in December 2021, the
     Gumblossom netball courts,                                                                                    upgrades were funded by the Australian
     Quinns Rocks                                                                                                  Government’s Local Roads and Community
      Central West Ward                                                                                            Infrastructure Program.

     An upgrade breathed new life into
     the Gumblossom Netball Courts in                                                                              Carramar BMX track
     Quinns Rocks, with new court                                                                                   Central East Ward
     surfaces, netball hoops and
     basketball rings. A clever re-design                                                                          Completed in September 2021,
                                                                                                                   upgrades to the BMX and pump
     of the western court, which was a
                                                                                                                   track at Houghton Park in Carramar
     combined netball and basketball
                                                                                                                   improved the track’s safety and
     court, has created space for
                                                                                                                   reduced future maintenance costs.
     dedicated basketball hoops and
                                                                                                                   The upgrade was funded by the
     netball rings. A new shelter and                 Councillors Glynis Parker, Jacqueline Huntley,
                                                                                                                   Australian Government’s Local Roads and
                                                      Helen Berry, Natalie Sangalli and Jordan Wright.
     seating is also in place for spectators.                                                                      Community Infrastructure Program.

                                                                                                                                              BUDGET FEATURE / 05
What's Happening - City of Wanneroo

            South Ward        South-West Ward          Central Ward        Central-East Ward        Central-West Ward          North-East Ward        North Ward

       Park and playground upgrades a win for local families
       Central Ward                                         The City recently completed                          “Revitalising our parks and open
                                                            community consultation on the                        spaces promotes community spirit and
       More than $3.5 million will be spent
                                                            project, with overwhelmingly positive                helps people maintain good physical
       on the development of parks and                      feedback from residents who were                     and mental health,” Cr Treby said.
       playgrounds across the City of                       keen to see the park upgraded.
       Wanneroo in the 2022/23 financial                                                                         Families with children make up over
                                                            Pearsall resident Kate said it was                   40 per cent of households in the City
       year, including on new play equipment,
                                                            great to see investment in facilities                of Wanneroo, making it important to
       park furniture, shade structures and
                                                            for families in the area.                            provide safe and inviting spaces where
       security lighting.
                                                            “My daughters love getting outside,                  people can come together, connect
       The upgrade of Taywood Park in                       so it’s fantastic that we will have                  and form a sense of community.
       Wanneroo is a highlight of the City’s                another park close to home,” she said.
       reccurring Passive Park Development
                                                            “Not only can I bring the kids to play,
                                                            but we can come and spend time with
       The projected cost of the park                       our neighbours and friends here. The
       upgrade is $275,750, which will                      whole community gets something out
       include an improved play space with                  of spaces like these.”
       new equipment, a basket swing,                       Wanneroo Deputy Mayor Brett Treby
       rocker, nature play space, picnic                    said it was exciting to deliver
       shelter, shade installation, sand pit                upgraded facilities the whole
       and drink fountain.                                  community would enjoy.

                                                            Blazing new trails across the City of Wanneroo
                                                            plan aims to create a safe, connected                environmentally-friendly transport
                                                            and reliable local transport environment             options that offer a wealth of health
                                                            that supports alternatives to driving.               and economic benefits for individuals
                                                            Wanneroo Deputy Mayor Brett Treby                    and the community. They also help
                                                            said encouraging active transport was                to reduce congestion on roads and
                                                            a focus for the City and its growing                 are a lower-cost, energy-efficient way
                                                            community.                                           to travel.
                                                            “We are committed to enhancing the                   “We want people to move around our
       All Wards                                                                                                 City easily and safely, and we can
                                                            active transport environment for
                                                                                                                 only do this by delivering infrastructure
       Pathways and trails across the City                  residents, commuters and visitors,”
                                                                                                                 that supports alternatives to driving.”
       will get a $2.8 million budget boost,                he said.
       including $1 million for the revised Active                                                               Other projects that support the Active
                                                            “The new plan aims to improve access
                                                                                                                 Transport Plan include a new shared
       Transport Plan 2022/23-2025/26.                      and facilities for cyclists, and looks at
                                                                                                                 path along Alexander Drive from
       With a renewed focus on all modes of                 how we can create pathways to cater                  Hepburn Avenue to Gnangara Road,
       transport across the City, including                 to walkers and riders alike.                         and a new pathway from Brady Street
       walking, cycling and eRideables, the                 “Cycling, walking and eRideables are                 to Hartman Drive in Wangara.

       Local people power Fragola Park upgrade
       South West Ward                                      Rise Primary School to tick off on a
       Local children can look forward to an                preferred playground design to suit
       exciting new play space, with upgrades               children of all ages.
       to Fragola Park set to be finished by                Carnaby Rise Primary School Principal
       the end of 2022.                                     Karen Giacomucci said the park would
       As well as a new playground, the                     give students opportunities to build
       $780,000 project will provide an all-                community connections.
       access car park and connecting path                  “Fragola Park will provide opportunities
       networks, including a new footpath                   for our children to explore and develop             Local residents Harlow and Frankie.
       connecting Kingsway Road to the play                 a relationship with the natural
       area to provide safe access to the                   environment, gain a sense of freedom                  “The park will be a wonderful place
       new facilities.                                      and self-exploration and space to                     for our school community to gather,
       The City worked closely with Carnaby                 imagine and think,” she said.                         particularly after school.”

       BUDGET FEATURE / 06
What's Happening - City of Wanneroo

      Splendid cycling facility nears completion
      North Ward                                           public roads, to WA’s premier road
      Construction of the highly anticipated               cycle facility, where local kids can
      Splendid Park cycling facility is                    have a blast tearing around the track
      underway, with the criterium-width track             for their personal best time, or pacing
      to be completed by the end of 2022.                  with friends to set team records.
      The track, which winds its way around                “We’ve also established an ‘any bike’
      the perimeter of Splendid Park, will                 format, so kids can participate on
      offer multiple course configurations                 whatever bike they have.”
      and will be able to support training,                The community is eagerly awaiting
      competitions and a variety of other                  the opening of the new facility, with
      recreational pursuits, such as skating               the track already being flagged as
                                                           the preferred site to hold the State               Splendid Park, Yanchep.
      and running.
      The addition of the cycling track will               cycling titles in February next year.
      provide residents with yet another                   “We have recommenced youth
      sporting opportunity at the popular                  training so that when the track opens
      Yanchep park, which already plays                    we will have a squad ready to be
      host to a range of sporting amenities                competitive with riders from across
      – from two multipurpose ovals and                    the State,” Dr Howard said.
      two multipurpose hard courts, to                     “As soon as the track is ready we will
      cricket nets, long jump pits and a                   host training several times a week for
      skate park.                                          youth, elite and masters-aged riders,
      Northern Beaches Cycling Club                        with racing events to be conducted
      president Dr Chris Howard, who has                   on weekends over the summer
      been working closely with the City                   months.”
      since the project’s inception, said                  The City plans to use up to
      the track would support the northern                 $2.2 million provided by the Australian
      suburbs’ youngest cycling enthusiasts.               Government, through the Local
      “The Splendid Park criterium track                   Roads and Community Infrastructure
      was inspired by the enthusiasm of the                Program and the Building Better
      kids of our youth squad, who needed                  Regions Fund, and $400,000 from
      a safe place away from traffic to learn              the State Government through the
      skills, train and race,” Dr Howard said.             Department of Local Government,
      “The new track will allow us to move                 Sport and Cultural Industries to help
      from training in car parks and on                    deliver the facility.

                                                           Spotlight on Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex
                                                            South West Ward                                     Olympic Kingsway Soccer Club
                                                                                                                President Steve Nelkovski said the
                                                           Upgraded sports floodlighting fixtures
                                                                                                                lighting upgrade was not only
                                                           will soon be installed on the soccer
                                                                                                                significant for the club, but for the
                                                           pitches at Kingsway Regional Sporting
                                                                                                                wider community as well.
                                                           Complex in Madeley.
                                                                                                                “This upgrade is the result of a
                                                           The Olympic Kingsway Soccer Club                     continued dialogue between the club,
                                                           successfully advocated for the project               the State Government, and the City
      Olympic Kingsway Soccer Club member                  and received a grant of $2.6 million                 of Wanneroo, who helped to ensure
      Paul Errington, president Steve Nelkovski and        from the State Government’s WA                       we were all on the same page,”
      life member Steve Trandos.                           Recovery Plan fund to allow the City                 Mr Nelkovski said.
                                                           to progress with the upgrade in                      “This world-class project will provide
                                                           2022/23.                                             residents with a top quality facility
                                                           The project will see the current                     that will help with player development,
                                                           floodlighting replaced with energy                   increase participation and allow us to
                                                           efficient LED lighting ranging from                  confidently host professional league
                                                           500 lux on the main field, to meet the               games.
                                                           Australian Standards for professional                “We’re so pleased that the City
                                                           match play level, through to 50 lux on               listened and understood the
      Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex.                  the north and central training fields.               importance of this project.”

                                                                                                                                              BUDGET FEATURE / 07
What's Happening - City of Wanneroo

            South Ward          South-West Ward        Central Ward         Central-East Ward       Central-West Ward          North-East Ward        North Ward

       Budget boost for community safety
       Central Ward, South West Ward and South Ward         “We work very closely with the City of
       The City of Wanneroo will invest                     Wanneroo and local residents to keep
       $1.3 million in measures to keep the                 the community safe, and the benefits
       community safe in 2022/23.                           of this collaboration are further
                                                            enhanced and supported by CCTV,”
       CCTV and automatic closing gates will
                                                            Senior Sergeant Livingstone said.
       be installed at four public car parks –
       Fredericks Stubbs and Queenscliff car                The City will also improve bush fire
       parks in Quinns Rocks, John Moloney                  preparedness by upgrading its Fire
       car park in Marangaroo and Highview                  Danger Rating signs.
       car park in Alexander Heights.                       The upgraded signs will align the City
       Wanneroo Deputy Mayor Brett Treby                    with national standards that aim to                  The City’s Acting Chief Bushfire
       said he welcomed all efforts to                      improve public safety and reduce the                 Control Officer Daniel Heptinstall said
       enhance safety across the City.                      impacts of bushfires by improving the                the upgraded signs would provide a
       “The safety of our community and the                 scientific accuracy behind fire danger               more accurate fire danger rating to
       ability for our residents and visitors to            predictions and the way that fire                    help the community understand when
       enjoy our City is a top priority,” he said.          danger is communicated.                              to action bushfire survival plans.
       Wanneroo Police Station officer in                   The new signs are time stamped to                    “The signs will increase the City’s
       charge Senior Sergeant Mo Livingstone                show the information displayed is up-                bush fire preparedness and help
       said CCTV was a proven antisocial                    to-date, feature four simplified ratings             better protect our community,
       behaviour and crime prevention                       and allow for continuous improvement                 ensuring emergency information is
       measure.                                             based on changing scientific                         reliable, consistent and accessible,”
                                                            knowledge and climate factors.                       he said.

                                                            Road network improvements on the cards
                                                             Central West Ward                                   2022/23 financial year. The project
                                                            To improve safety and future-proof                   is supported by State and Federal
                                                            the road network, the City of                        government funding.
                                                            Wanneroo will spend $10.3 million on                 The development of Flynn Drive will
                                                            roads and traffic treatments, including              connect Neerabup to the key east-
                                                            the start of construction on the                     west road connections needed to
                                                            $22 million Flynn Drive upgrade.                     move goods within the City and
                                                            Currently a stretch of single-lane road              outside the City.
                                                            that runs that runs through Neerabup                 It will also provide vital connections
                                                            and Banksia Grove, Flynn Drive will be               to regional freight links, including
                                                            widened into a dual carriageway from                 Northlink and the Perth-Darwin
                                                            Wanneroo Road to Pinjar Road.                        National Highway.
                                                            Detailed design and preliminary                      These links will enhance job creation,
                                                            construction have taken place and                    attract investment and drive
                                                            construction is due to start in the                  economic growth in the region.

       New Animal Care Centre has tails wagging
       Central East Ward                                    Looking to adopt a four legged friend?
       A new Animal Care Centre (ACC) is on                 Have a look at the available dogs on
       the cards for the City of Wanneroo,                  our website at wanneroo.wa.gov.au/
       with the detailed design of the facility             adoptingapet
       to start in 2022/23.                                 We also work closely with the Cat
       Key aspects of the design will include               Haven to rehome our feline friends.
       site safety and security, animal                     Visit cathaven.com.au
       exercise options, parking and
       accessibility, plus a range of features
       that will maximise the comfort and
       wellbeing of animals.

       BUDGET FEATURE / 08
What's Happening - City of Wanneroo

      Clarkson Youth Centre upgrades
      Central West Ward                                    “The Clarkson Youth Centre is now
      Improved accessibility will be a key                 20 years old and in need of upgrades
      feature of the upgraded Clarkson                     that will allow the facility to cater for
      Youth Centre, with improvements to                   the needs of our growing local
      the facility to continue this financial              community of young people," he said.
      year.                                                “More than 20 per cent of the City’s
      The $1.53 million project will include               population is aged between 10 and
      the addition of accessible study and                 24, and our youth centres provide a
      kitchen spaces. Energy efficient                     safe environment for young people
      appliances, LED lighting and smart                   to socialise, participate in recreational          Clarkson Youth Centre skate park.

      technology in meeting rooms will                     activities and find information about
                                                                                                                “The works will allow improved access
      future proof the building.                           other community services.
                                                                                                                to indoor and outdoor facilities,
      The centre’s main entrance will be                   “The upgrade of the centre aligns                    bringing a safe and interactive
      relocated to allow the building to open              strongly with the goals and key                      environment for youth to socialise,”
      to the external activity space and                   priorities set out in the City’s Strategic           he said.
      improve access to outdoor facilities,                Community Plan, which aims to create                 The upgrades are partly funded by a
      including the pump track and                         an inclusive and accessible City with                $1 million contribution through the
      adjoining skate park.                                places and spaces that embrace all.”                 Australian Government’s Local Roads
      Wanneroo Deputy Mayor Brett Treby                    Mental Awareness With Sports                         and Community Infrastructure Program.
      said the project would provide young                 (MAWS) run clinics at the youth                      The next stage of the project will see
      people of the Central-West Ward and                  centre's skate park.                                 the City go out to tender for the
      surrounds with an updated, inclusive                 MAWS coach Nicholas De Graaf said                    construction of the upgrades, with a
      community hub.                                       he was very excited for the upgrades.                proposed project completion date of
                                                                                                                June 2023.

      Foreshore management and bushland preservation
      Central West Ward, South West Ward

      The City will spend more than
      $4.8 million over the coming year
      on the maintenance of our natural
      assets, through foreshore and coastal
      management activities and bushland
      Over $3.2 million will go towards
      maintenance works and upgrades to
      the Mindarie Breakwater, which
      provides safe, calm water conditions
      in the Mindarie marina and nearby
      infrastructure, including parking,
      roads, pedestrian pathways,
      residential properties and commercial
      An Options Assessment and Detailed
      Design Study completed earlier this
      year identified the need for
      maintenance works to ensure the
      breakwater remains safe and
      functional into the future.
      The works are expected to start in                 Mindarie Marina.                                     Yaberoo Budjara Heritage Trail.
      October this year and will be staged                 Supported by the Yellagonga                          The City’s conservation management
      over the next two financial years.                   Integrated Catchment Management                      activities also include the ongoing
      Approximately $1 million will be spent               Plan, these activities form part of the              maintenance of 32 main beach
      on key bushland preservation and                     long-term approach to improve                        access ways from Mindarie to
      conservation management activities                   catchment health and protect the                     Two Rocks, and the planting of
      such as revegetation works, weed                     diverse values of the Yellagonga                     roughly 16,000 native species in
      control and water quality monitoring                 Regional Park, one of the City’s most                17 rehabilitation sites including
      in Yellagonga Regional Park.                         popular natural assets.                              bushland, coastal and wetland areas.

                                                                                                                                                BUDGET FEATURE / 09
What's Happening - City of Wanneroo
NAIDOC Week 3-10 July 2022
Held across Australia each July,          Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander      NAIDOC week to see what new and
NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for         Community Reference Group Deputy           exciting events are taking place,”
all Australians to learn about First      Chair Judith Birchall said this year’s     she said.
Nations cultures and histories and        theme represented the importance of        To find out more
participate in celebrations of the        “everyone coming together as one           about NAIDOC
oldest, continuous living cultures        - standing together and moving             Week, visit
on earth.                                 forward together”.                         naidoc.org.au
The theme of this year’s NAIDOC Week      “I am blessed to call Noongar boodja
was ‘Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!’          my home and I love getting out during

Students feel pride over Yarning Circle
                                          Yanchep Secondary College Aboriginal
                                          Islander Education Officer, Victor
                                          Woodley said the Yarning Circle
                                          was an important landmark for
                                          Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
                                          “It represents a place where the            Noongar seasons
                                          students involved can feel a sense of
                                          pride and ownership, and something          Djilba (August–September)
                                          that connects the students to the           The Noongar season ‘Djilba’ is
Aboriginal Artist Sharyn Egan and         school as well as their heritage and        represented by the colour pink
local Cultural Consultant Derek           culture,” Mr Woodley said.                  as it symbolises the growth of
Nannup have shared their culture and                                                  wildflowers and plants.
knowledge with Yanchep Secondary          The Yarning Circle is the perfect place
College students to create a new          for the community to come together          Djilba is a transitional time of
Yarning Circle.                           to celebrate the City’s Aboriginal          the year, with some very cold
                                          heritage and to learn more about            and clear days contrasting with
Located in Kalbarri Park in Yanchep,      Aboriginal culture.                         warmer, rainy, windy days along
the Yarning Circle features six jarrah                                                with the occasional sunny day.
poles painted with native animals,        The City is pleased to have been able
plants and Aboriginal symbols to          to provide the students with the            As the days start to warm up, we
reflect the six seasons in the Noongar    opportunity to take part in this            witness the first of the newborns
seasonal calendar - Birak, Bunuru,        community-focused project.                  with their proud parents, providing
Djeran, Makuru, Djilba and Kambarang.                                                 them with food, guiding them
                                                                                      through foraging tasks and
Participating students took part in a                                                 protecting their family units from
design workshop, then developed the                                                   much bigger animals, including
designs for the poles and participated                                                people. As the season progresses
in a painting day, adding their painted                                               and the temperatures continue
handprints to represent the role of                                                   to rise, the flower stalks of the
Aboriginal people as carers of                                                        balgas (grass trees) emerge.

   A generous donation
   Wanneroo Junior Football Club has              President Dean LaFrenais said
   generously donated one of their Indigenous     commissioning the club’s first Indigenous
   Round jumpers to the City, to be featured      Round jumper was a very special moment.
   in an upcoming display at the Wanneroo         “This is something all our players, parents,
   Regional Museum.                               guardians, sponsors, members and
   Designed by Aboriginal artist Kevin Bynder,    supporters should be proud of,”
   and signed by Wanneroo Junior Football         Mr LaFrenais said.
   Club players, the framed jumper will soon      Nine-year-old footballer Jaxon said when
   to be on display as an important piece of      he wore the jumper he felt like it gave him
   Wanneroo history.                              super powers, helping him run faster, jump
                                                                                                 The Indigenous Round jumper
   Wanneroo Junior Football Club Vice             higher and kick more goals.                     designed by Kevin Bynder.

                                                     City of Wanneroo / 10
Happening holidays           Free

                                                                                           Beat the rain these winter
                                                                                           holidays and come explore the
                                                                                           great indoors at the Wanneroo
                                                                                           Regional Museum.
                                                                                           Have a go at our new scavenger
                                                                                           hunt, take part in our hands-on
                                                                                           activities and crafts, but most
                                                                                           of all relax and have fun!
                                                  Aboriginal Employment Advisor Minyulo.   Visit wanneroo.wa.gov.au to find
Five minutes with...                                                                       out more.
                                                                                           Wanneroo Regional Museum,
Aboriginal Employment Advisor Minyulo                                                      Wanneroo Library and Cultural
                                                                                           Centre, 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo
What’s Happening sat down with the          We’re working really hard towards
City of Wanneroo’s Aboriginal               creating an inclusive community with
Employment Advisor, Minyulo, to chat        strong relationships across cultures
about what she does and why she             based on mutual respect and
loves her job.                              understanding.
What does a day in the life of the          I am also excited to be organising the
Aboriginal Employment Advisor look          second Aboriginal and Torres Strait
like?                                       Islander staff support network forum.
Kaya. The City of Wanneroo has an           I hope we can give our group a
incredibly diverse community, and it’s      Noongar name; one that we as
important that our community is             Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
represented in our organisation.            staff and the City as a whole can be
My role is responsible for ensuring we      proud of.                                      It’s All About Animal Tales
are building a welcoming and inclusive      What are some of the most rewarding            Join the library team for  Free
workplace that invites and                  parts about being an Aboriginal                an early years’ program
encourages everyone to work here,           Employment Advisor?                            combining animal tales,
including Aborginal and Torres Strait       Aboriginal Employment is one of my             activities and movement.
Islander people, in line with our           three top passions, so when an                 (Ages 3-5 years plus parents)
Aboriginal Employment Plan, which           Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander           Tuesday 30 August
reinforces our commitment to                person gets a job with us it is very           9.30am-10.30am
increasing diversity in our workplace.      rewarding. I get excited even if               Rotary Park, Wanneroo
What are you working on at the              someone has been short listed for
moment?                                     interview.                                     On the Write Track
Currently, I’m helping embed the            The City of Wanneroo is a great place          Six Writers’ Workshops with
City’s Aboriginal Employment Plan.          to work – its commitment to a diverse          David Allen-Petale
The implementation of this plan was         workforce is fantastic.                        Join local author and journalist,
such an important step for the City,        I also love when staff have a chat to          David Allen-Petale, as he
and is just the beginning of our            me about their heritage – great to             explores all aspects of the
journey to achieving true                   hear the backgrounds and stories of            writing process. Held weekly
reconciliation.                             all our fabulous employees.                    on Wednesday evenings at
                                                                                           Clarkson Library from 20 July.
Part of this includes cultural awareness    Oh, by the way, did I say I love my job!
                                                                                           $10 per workshop, bookings
training, which is now being rolled out
                                                                                           essential at
for all staff. The training is fantastic,
and has led to some eye-opening
conversations with staff.

                                                       11 / wanneroo.wa.gov.au
City ‘uncovers’ new recycling initiative
A new partnership will see the City of   Covers will be recycled into a variety     “Our population is set to increase to
Wanneroo trial a new method of           of products, including mining sample       285,000 people by 2031, and this
recycling old pool covers to help        bags and builders film.                    initiative is another positive step
reduce waste to landfill.                                                           towards building an environmentally
                                         Deputy Mayor Brett Treby encouraged
Currently, there are few recycling                                                  sustainable City for our residents now
                                         residents to make use of the trial to
options for pool covers in the Perth                                                and into the future.”
                                         help the City reduce waste to landfill.
metropolitan area, meaning most end                                                 Daisy Pool Covers will collect all solar
up in landfill.                          “With winter approaching, the City’s       bubble style pool covers, regardless
                                         13,000 registered private pool owners      of manufacturer. Before you drop
Thanks to a collaboration with           might be looking to upgrade their
Welshpool-based business Daisy Pool                                                 your cover off for recycling, please
                                         pool’s protection in the colder months,”   ensure it is free of organic matter
Covers, City of Wanneroo residents       he said.
can now drop-off their old pool covers                                              such as leaves, and remove any cords
at Wangara Greens Recycling Facility     “This trial is part of the City’s          or attachments.
for free, using the recycling drop-off   commitment to caring for our               The trial runs until June 2023.
voucher issued with annual rates         environment and protecting it for          For more information, visit
notices.                                 current and future generations.            wanneroo.wa.gov.au/wastefacilities

  City recognised at 2022 WasteSorted Awards
  The City of Wanneroo’s                 The toolkit was developed to make          Simplified Chinese/Mandarin,
  ‘WasteSorted - Talking My Language’    waste information accessible for           Tagalog, Italian and Vietnamese.
  toolkit has been crowned Waste         the City’s culturally and                  The project was funded by the
  Initiative of the Year at the 2022     linguistically diverse community.          State Government through the
  WasteSorted Awards.                    More than 40 per cent of the City’s        Waste Avoidance and Resource
  The annual awards recognise the        population were born overseas and          Recovery Account, and administered
  top performers in WA’s recycling       20 per cent of residents speak a           by the Waste Authority.
  and waste industry, and celebrate      language other than English at home.
  individuals, businesses, government,   The toolkit is an innovative way for
  schools, and community                 our waste education team to work
  organisations that are developing      with our multicultural community
  innovative solutions for reducing      to help them sort their waste, use
  waste.                                 the recently rolled out three bin
  In 2022, the awards assessed           system correctly, reduce bin
  38 finalists across 10 categories.     contamination, divert waste from
  The City was a finalist in both the    landfill and increase recycling.
  Waste Team and the Waste               The toolkit was rolled out across
  Innovation Award categories, and       the City in August 2021 and is
  took out the Waste Initiative of the   available in 11 languages including
  Year award for the ‘WasteSorted –      Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, French,
  Talking My Language’ toolkit.          Hindi, Indonesian, Macedonian,

                                                     City of Wanneroo / 12
Take a walk through history at the 10th Light Horse Trail in Neerabup.

Exciting immersive Sunset Coast experience
The City of Wanneroo has partnered                  Visitors can scan QR codes at the                men of the 10th Light Horse Trail
with Destination Perth to bring                     sites to delve into an immersive AR              made their home in the bushland of
residents a unique trail experience                 experience via Facebook or Instagram.            Wanneroo.
along Perth’s sunset coast.                         Named after Jack Perry who bred                  There are sites to explore throughout
The Sunset Coast Immersive Trail                    racehorses at the turn of the 20th               the cities of Wanneroo, Stirling,
invites people from near and far to                 century, Perry’s Paddock was a                   Joondalup and the Town of Cottesloe,
discover Perth’s most significant                   popular venue for big sports, horse              so get a group together for a
historical sites and take a step back               races and picnic days, and the                   historical experience like no other!
in time through augmented reality                   cottage, stables and bunkhouse are               Learn more about the Sunset
(AR).                                               representative of the lifestyle of               Coast Immersive Trail at
The trail contains seven historical                 early European settlers.                         destinationperth.com.au/
sites, including the City’s own                     You can also experience the                      sunset-coast-immersive-trail
10th Light Horse Trail in Neerabup                  10th Light Horse Trail – an historic
and Perry’s Paddock in Woodvale.                    World War II campground where 600

    Heritage houses
    Save the date for a Spring
    re-opening of Cockman House and
    Buckingham House.
    Discover the charms of these
    beautiful historic homes by taking
    part in the interactive digital trail
    and fun activities, or enjoy a picnic
    in the grounds.
    The houses will be open each
    Sunday during September, October
    and November.
    Buckingham House is located
    at 10 Neville Drive, Wanneroo.
    Cockman House (pictured) is located
    off Ancestor Retreat, Woodvale.
    Visit wanneroo.wa.gov.au to
    find out more.                                     Completed in 1860, Cockman House in Woodvale was a family home for three generations.

                                                                 13 / wanneroo.wa.gov.au
‘Let Me Be Myself’
                                                                                                      Anne Frank
                                                                                                      exhibition      Free

                                                                                                      Back by popular demand, travelling
                                                                                                      Anne Frank exhibition ‘Let Me Be
                                                                                                      Myself,’ has returned to the
                                                                                                      Wanneroo Gallery.
                                                                                                      The thought-provoking exhibition
                                                                                                      tells the personal story of Anne
                                                                                                      Frank in the historical context of
                                                                                                      her time, highlighting the relevance
                                                                                                      of her experiences in contemporary
                                                                                                      society in relation to prejudice,
                                                                                                      discrimination and exclusion.
                                                                                                      Exhibiting until 5 August
                                                                                                      Wednesday to Saturday
                                                                                                      The Gallery, Wanneroo Library
                                                                                                      and Cultural Centre, 3 Rocca Way,
Susie Vickery, Peregrinations of a Citizen Botanist.

Save the date: Peregrinations of a                                                        Free

Citizen Botanist exhibition
The Wanneroo Gallery will host                     At a time of accelerating climate
Susie Vickery’s immersive and finely               crisis, this exhibition invites viewers
crafted exhibition.                                to reflect on our relationships with
A cabinet of curiosities charts the                home, history and environment, and
journey of the 18th Century French                 by imagining an alternative past, to
botanist Jacques-Julien Houtou de                  think creatively about possible
Labillardière, who came to Western                 futures.
Australia in 1792 on the ship                      Exhibiting from 27 August
Recherche, captained by Bruni                      to 15 October 2022
d’Entrecasteaux.                                   Wednesday to Saturday / 10am-4pm
Vickery presents an alternative                    The Gallery, Wanneroo Library
history of Labillardière’s journey,                and Cultural Centre, 3 Rocca Way,                 © Photo collection of the Anne Frank Stichting (Amsterdam)
with the botanist gradually shedding               Wanneroo
his preconceptions as he encounters                                                                Proudly sponsored by
a rich and ancient land where his
language and assumptions about the
world fall away.

   Library Information                    Free         National Science Week                Free     Children’s Book Week                               Free
   Week                                                Kath Moller will demonstrate how              Join local author Erica Bentel
   Meet local author, leadership                       to ‘get preserving’, local MasterChef         for a fun-filled play-on-words
   expert and presenter of aircraft                    Jenny Lam will bring sample dishes            session while she reads her famous
   stories Don Gordon as he                            featuring pickles and scientist               title ‘Has a Book got a Spine?’.
   discusses the time he spent as                      Jo Rees will discuss the health               Celebrate reading with this session
   a volunteer working on aircraft                     benefits of fermented foods in this           that is like Pictionary, a guessing
   exhibits at the Royal Air Force                     fascinating Science Week series               game and story time all in one.
   Museum Cosford in the UK.                           exploring the properties of glass and         (Ages 6+ years plus parents)
   (Adult audience preferred)                          its uses.
                                                                                   Saturday 20 August
   Saturday 23 July / 2pm-3pm           13 August to Sunday 21 August              10.30am-11.15am, Wanneroo Library
   Wanneroo Library
                        For more details on each event, please visit library.wanneroo.wa.gov.au

                                                                  City of Wanneroo / 14
upgrades make a
splash at Wanneroo
Grab your goggles – Wanneroo’s
favourite aquatic centre has improved
accessibility for people of all ages and
abilities, with $1 million spent to
benefit swimmers and spectators alike.
The family and disability change room
in the program pool area has been
upgraded and now includes lower
mirrors, a washbasin with lever tap,
contrasting toilet seat colours, grab
rails, braille signage and an emergency
alarm to cater for people in wheelchairs   Swim school instructor Kerry enjoying a lesson at Wanneroo Aquamotion with Charlie.
or those who use walking frames, as
well as people with sensory loss or        whose family have been Aquamotion                The upgrades were completed with
arthritis.                                 members for more than six years, is              $990,000 from the Australian
An extra toilet and shower in both the     excited about the upgrades.                      Government’s Local Roads and
male and female change rooms has           “I have been bringing all three of my            Community Infrastructure Program
also been installed.                       sons here since they were babies,”               and $146,000 from the City.
On the main pool deck, a new block of      she said.                                        The new change rooms support
family change rooms has three              “The swimming instructors are just               existing accessibility features at
change spaces – two big areas for          phenomenal, the kids love the pools,             Aquamotion, including a mechanical
school swimming lessons and an             we also come after school. My mum                accessibility ‘pool pod’ lift that helps
accessible family change room.             goes to the gym here too – my family             wheelchair users enter the 25m
Tapping resident Jennifer Cooper,          is here a lot!”                                  pool safely.

  City welcomes federal funding commitment to bring Alkimos
  Aquatic and Recreation Centre to life
  With a $25 million funding                “Thank you to everyone who                     number of years as part of our
  commitment made by the Federal            contacted their local politicians              commitment to providing facilities
  Labor Government, the City is on          and candidates to advocate for this            that enable residents to lead
  track to deliver a full-featured          project, as well as the thousands of           healthy and active lifestyles.”
  Alkimos Aquatic and Recreation            residents who registered their                 Two-time Olympic swimmer and
  Centre (AARC).                            support for the AARC to help the               passionate AARC advocate Blair
  Deputy Mayor Brett Treby said the         City attract this funding,” he said.           Evans said she was thrilled to hear
  commitment was exciting news for          “The construction of a public                  the City’s advocacy campaign had
  the City and residents of the rapidly     swimming and recreation facility in            helped secure additional funding for
  growing northern suburbs.                 the northern suburbs has been a                the project.
                                            high priority for the City for a               “These contributions will help
                                                                                           deliver a state-of-the-art centre for
                                                                                           the whole community, with facilities
                                                                                           that will support up and coming
                                                                                           athletes in the region,” she said.
                                                                                           The City of Wanneroo has
                                                                                           $25 million allocated to the AARC
                                                                                           project, and received initial funding
                                                                                           commitments of $10 million from
                                                                                           the State Government’s WA
                                                                                           Recovery Plan funding program and
                                                                                           $5 million from the Federal

                                                       15 / wanneroo.wa.gov.au

   at Wanneroo Aquamotion*
 Join in July and get six weeks free access.
Gym, group fitness, pool and crèche available.
             Enquiries 9405 5999
         *Conditions apply. Offer valid during July 2022.

                                                            LET ME
                                                             BE MYSELF
                                                                The Life Story of Anne Frank
                                                                Let Me Be Myself - The Life Story of Anne Frank
                                                                reflects on the life of Anne Frank from her birth
                                                                in Frankfurt, Germany in 1929 to her death in
                                                                Bergen-Belsen in 1945.
                                                                Designed for families, this exhibition highlights
                                                                prejudice, and discriminatory issues then and
                                                                now through young voices.
                                                                Produced by the Anne Frank Australia Exhibition board
                                                                in conjunction with Anne Frank House, Amsterdam.

                                                               Free     Exhibiting until 5 August 2022
                                                                        Wednesday to Saturday / 10am-4pm
                                                                        Wanneroo Gallery, 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo

                                                                            © Photo collection of the Anne Frank Stichting (Amsterdam)

                                                                                    Proudly sponsored by
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