WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? - Frozen Finger Food - Frozen Food Europe

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WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? - Frozen Finger Food - Frozen Food Europe
May/June 2020 - volume 32 issue 3
the magazine for the frozen food industry

 > Frozen Finger Food      > Optical Sorting   > Exclusive Interview - Karin Tischer     > US Frozen Food
  REPEAT ITSELF?           MINIMIZE WASTE              OF CRISIS                       FOODSERVICE DOWN
WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? - Frozen Finger Food - Frozen Food Europe
WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? - Frozen Finger Food - Frozen Food Europe


                                                4 COMMENT
                                                Reaching Consumers Directly

                                                6 NEWS
                                                News from Around the World

                                                54 PRODUCT UPDATES
                                                Latest Innovations within the Industry

           MAY-JUNE 2020
          VOLUME 32 ISSUE 3

                                                42 TECHNOLOGY - FREEZING
                          8 FROZEN              Spiraling Upwards
                          BURGER MARKET
                          The Plant-based                     44
                          Revolution             TECHNOLOGY –
       12 FROZEN                                     Artisanal vs
           FINGER                                     Processed
        Will History
      Repeat Itself?                            46 COLD CHAIN
                                                   & LOGISTICS
                                                COVID-19 and Its Impact
18 SNACKS AND PASTRIES                          on the Cold Chain Industry
Preferences Vary Depending on Region
                                                           48 EXCLUSIVE
22 TRENDS IN INGREDIENTS                                      INTERVIEW
Focusing on Personalization                          Food Trends in Times
                                                                 of Crisis
Europe Is Discussing Front of Pack Labeling

32 OPTICAL SORTING                                                         52 US
Latest Technologies Minimize Waste                                         FROZEN FOOD
                                                                           Retail Up,
                                                                           Foodservice Down

                          36 FROZEN PIZZA
                          Single-digit Growth   54 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW – GCCA CEO
                          Expected              “Industry Growth, Sustainability and Labor
                                                Are Priorities”

Increasing Innovation Is Expected               Creating a Leaner Business Framework for
to Drive the Market                             the Packaging Industry

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WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? - Frozen Finger Food - Frozen Food Europe
                                   By Dan Orehov,
                                   Managing Editor                                                Managing Editor:
                                                                                                  DAN OREHOV

                                                                                                  Advertising Sales Manager:
                                                                                                  ALEXANDRU JINGA

                                                                                                 Web & Digital Editor:
                                                                                                 BOGDAN ANGHELUTA

                                                                                                  Production Manager:
                                                                                                  MARIAN CILIBEANU

 REACHING                                                                                         Circulation Manager:
                                                                                                  SIMONA DUMITRESCU

CONSUMERS                                                                                        Worldwide contributors:
                                                                                            EUROMONITOR INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                            LEATHERHEAD FOOD RESEARCH

  DIRECTLY                                                                                  MINTEL GROUP LTD
                                                                                            JONATHAN THOMAS
                                                                                            MARKETS AND MARKETS
                                                                                            DIETER MAILÄNDER (Germany)
                                                                                            ANN MARIE FOLEY (Ireland)
              he direct to consumer (DTC) frozen foods business is in the early

              stages of rapid growth. As many food types are becoming increasingly                 Sothis
              available on a direct to consumer basis, the share of total purchases
              allocated to frozen foods is higher in e-commerce than in brick and                  Published by:
              mortar sales. Frozen food is now one of the Top 10 items to purchase                 Trade Media Solutions
when buying groceries online. According to various opinions, consumers currently
favor frozen foods as they provide convenience and save time, while also being
perceived as safer. They come packaged, branded, and sealed, meaning the                            Executive Director:
consumer does not need to trust a delivery person or personal shopper to choose             RALUCA MIHAELA CANESCU
a quality item.                                                                             raluca.canescu@trade.media
Consumers have rapidly adopted to                                                           Managing Director:
the time saving and variety expanding                      Studies have shown               NICOLETA MARASESCU

options enabled by technology. Next
day delivery, once considered fast, has
become a norm in many areas while
                                           ”            that   frozen foods are

                                                                   likely to see a
                                                                        fraction of

                                                                                                    Publishing office:
expectations for same day delivery are                     food ordered online              1 G-ral. David Praporgescu St.,
growing. Companies like FreshDirect                   for home delivery, it in              2nd floor, sector 2, Bucharest,
and others have created expectations                                                        Romania
                                                             the context of the
                                                                                            Tel./fax: +40 21 315 90 31
about timely deliveries.                                  COVID-19 pandemic.                E-mail: office@mediatrade.ro
Moreover, studies have shown that                                                           Web: www.frozenfoodeurope.com
frozen foods are likely to see a significant fraction of food ordered online for home
delivery. Taking all this into account and placing it in the context of the COVID-19        Distribution: Frozen Food Europe is a
pandemic, it is obvious that this particular crisis has already created opportunities for   bi-monthly controlled circulation
                                                                                            magazine, mailed to major frozen food
direct to consumer business growth. Many companies are prioritizing their                   buyers who operate in the retail,
e-commerce sales, since a significant number of people are shopping online at this          foodservice, catering and private label
                                                                                            areas, and also major further processing
point in time. The result is clear: those who are already present in the e-commerce         buyers and institutional buyers around
space are seeing a spike in sales, while companies who fail to adapt to the “new            Europe. No part of this publication may
                                                                                            be reproduced or transmitted in any
normality” may not survive. Either way, one thing is certain: consumer behavior and         form or by any means, electronic or
shopping patterns have changed.                                                             mechanical, including photocopy,
                                                                                            recording or any information, storage or
Is your business prepared for the post-COVID-19 era? Feel free to send your                 retrieval system, without the publisher’s
thoughts at dan.orehov@trade.media.                                                         written permission.

                                                                                                        ISSN 1473-3382
                                                                           Stay safe! n

     4       May/June 2020
WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? - Frozen Finger Food - Frozen Food Europe
WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? - Frozen Finger Food - Frozen Food Europe

US                                                Global

                                                  BÜHLER GROUP
The Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA)             AND PREMIER
announced that Matthew Ott, CAE, has
been named the organization’s new                 TECH CREATE
president & CEO. Ott succeeds outgoing
President & CEO, Corey Rosenbusch who             GLOBAL
left the Association earlier this year to take
the helm as President & CEO of The                PARTNERSHIP
Fertilizer Institute. “GCCA is a vibrant global
association at the forefront of one of the        The strategic cooperation between swiss        of-the-art packaging solutions around the
most critical industries in the world — the       Bühler Group and Premier Tech from             globe. Bühler will continue to service its
perishable food supply chain,” Matthew Ott        Canada, which started as a close               existing installed base and will also focus
said. “I look forward to working with the         collaboration in August 2019, evolved          on sales and service through its global
staff and members on advancing the                into a Joint Venture in China and              customer service focus and total plant-
organization and industry forward during          ultimately grew to a global partnership        solution expertise.
this time of unprecedented change.                for bulk packaging. This new partnership       Bühler and Premier Tech have worked
US                                                will allow Bühler to access Premier            closely together in the interest of forming
                                                  Tech’s leading technologies in bagging         a 50/50 joint venture in China, PT-Bühler,
MCCAIN FOODS HALTS                                and palletizing either through the newly       that will officially start on July 1, 2020.
US PLANT EXPANSION                                created PT-Bühler joint venture in China,      The aim of the joint venture is to
As foodservice dropped is the US, frozen          serving the world with cost-effective          develop and market new cost-effective
potato producer McCain Foods has put its          packaging, or directly through Premier         packaging solutions based on Premier
expansion plans on pause. Last year, the          Tech’s facilities for the high-end food feed   Tech’s bagging expertise. Operating in
Canadian company had announced its                and grain markets worldwide.                   Wuxi, China, PT-Bühler will focus on
intention to spend USD300m to expand its
                                                  “The global partnership will serve             serving the food and feed markets in
Othello, Washington plant, which employs
                                                  customers worldwide by building on             China, and other markets moving
over 450 workers and produces cca. 400m
pounds of frozen products, started the            Premier Tech’s recognized know-how in          towards cost-effective automation.
expansion in May 2019 and was expected            the field of automated packaging               “Customers will benefit from significantly
to be completed in early 2021. The                technologies while making full use of          more efficient, and even more accurate
company said it would review restarting           Bühler’s strong international sales and        and food safe packaging solutions thanks
construction once safety measures are lifted      service network,” André Noreau, CEO            to automation technologies developed
and business is back to normal. This move         of Premier Tech’s Systems and                  by PT-Bühler,” Johannes Wick, CEO of
was expected to follow a similar expansion        Automation business said. Premier Tech         Bühler’s Grains & Food business said.
to its plant in Burley, Idaho.                    and Bühler are bringing their cooperation
                                                  to new heights by offering adapted state-

Global                                                                                           US & CANADA
           The global frozen  occurrences of COVID-19 at the global   FROZEN BAKERY
           fruits market size level, is expected to expand the market MARKET TO GROW
                           is expected to          scope. In terms of product, tropical fruits   The trend for frozen bakery products
                           expand at a             accounted for over 40% share of the           among North Americans is becoming
                           CAGR of 6,7%            global revenue in 2019. The growing           clearer each year. This product segment
                           and reach               popularity of tropical varieties, including   is driving the regional food industry at a
                           USD5.59bn by            papaya, banana, and pineapple, as a key       substantial rate. Currently, Americans
                           2027, according         vitamin source among consumers, is            and Canadians prefer baked ready-to-
                           to a new report         fueling the growth of the segment.            eat products such as cakes, cookies,
                           by Grand View           Berries are expected to register a            donuts, and snacks. Based on the data
 Research. As most international trade             CAGR of 7.5% from 2020 to 2027,               analyzed by Facts and Factors research
 has been affected by the pandemic,                owing to the growing adoption of these        company, the North America frozen
 consumers are expected to increasingly            products in the formulation of various        bakery products market in 2019 is over
 spend on the purchase of packaged                 beverages in developing countries,            USD9.07bn and is anticipated to reach
 food items, such as frozen fruits. The            including China and India. Online sales       over USD12.96bn by 2026. The
 growing popularity of products with a             will also play a pivotal role, with an        projected CAGR for the North
 longer shelf life, including packaged fruits      expected CAGR of 7.7% over the                America frozen bakery products market
 and vegetables, as a result of increased          forecast period.                              is around 5.2% from 2020 to 2026.

     6        May/June 2020
WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? - Frozen Finger Food - Frozen Food Europe
Germany                                                                                         US

AUTOMATION: THE BASIS OF                                                                        BEYOND MEAT
                                                                                                LAUNCHES BEYOND
ANUGA FOODTEC 2021                                                                              BREAKFAST SAUSAGE
The next Anuga FoodTec, one of the                                                              Plant-based meat company Beyond Meat
most important international supplier                                                           showcased its latest product, Beyond
trade fairs of the food and beverage                                                            Breakfast Sausage, a new plant-based
                                                                                                breakfast sausage featuring 11 grams of
industry, will take place March 23 — 26,
                                                                                                protein per serving with 50% less total fat,
2021 in Cologne, Germany. With its two
                                                                                                35% less saturated fat and sodium and 33%
new segments ‘Digitalization’ and                                                               fewer calories than a leading brand of pork
‘Automation’, Anuga FoodTec 2021 is                                                             sausage patties. The product is made without
aiming to create a compact platform for                                                         GMOs, soy, gluten, or artificially produced
two of the industry’s top themes and will                                                       ingredients. “Our Beyond Breakfast Sausage
demonstrate how the digital                                                                     platform delivers on our promise of enabling
transformation can be implemented today        technologies that make a significant             consumers to Eat What You Love™ while
and in the future. In accordance with the      contribution across the entire value chain.      advancing health, environmental, and animal
high relevance of the topics within the        Automation is present in many places but         welfare benefits,” Ethan Brown, Beyond Meat
industry, the event program of Anuga           is by no means a fixed part of the food          founder and CEO said.
FoodTec 2021 also addresses themes             and beverage industry in every business.         US & CANADA
that go hand in hand with digitalization       Innovative automation systems are useful
and automation. Among others, lectures         hereby and in some cases applications            GROWTH FOR THE
on “Digital Factory”, “SmartTec 4Food”         that are necessary for increasing revenue,       SALMON MARKET
and “Integrating existing machines” are        improving productivity, minimizing safety        Having reached a volume of 445,480 tons in
planned (subject to changes), organizers       risks, optimizing resource management, or        2019, the salmon market is expected to
                                                                                                continue its moderate growth during the
Koelnmesse say.                                minimizing error rates or improving the
                                                                                                next five years, according to a new report by
The complexity is increasing within the        capacity of machines and systems. At             IMARC Group. High per capita income,
food and beverage industry, and the            Anuga FoodTec 2021 many ‘Automation’             improved standards of living and awareness
demands placed on the companies are            ideas and solutions will be covered in           about the health benefits of salmon are
correspondingly high. It is, therefore, more   breadth and depth that is hitherto               increasing its consumption in North America.
important than ever to find innovative         unknown. Thanks to the digitalization,           Moreover, owing to biological constraints and
packing and sustainability solutions for a     automated processes can be linked with           seawater temperature requirements, farm-
cost-saving, highly-frequented production      each other. Accordingly, a multitude of          raised Atlantic salmon is widely consumed in
while at the same time meeting the             companies, which supply the OEMs with            the region. In addition to this, a long coastline
consumer’s increased expectations in           digitalization and automation solutions,         and continual technological advancements in
terms of variety. Automation and               will be exhibiting in the ‘Digitalization’       the fishing industry are further creating a
                                                                                                positive outlook for the market in the region.
digitalization are here just two interlinked   product segment.

 US                                            US
 LIFE CUISINE                                  Ahold Delhaize USA announced                    “We’re
 Nestlé USA is introducing Life Cuisine,       Americold as its partner to build the           extremely
 a new brand that features gluten-free         two previously announced fully-                 proud of
 to high-protein meal solutions. It offers     automated frozen warehouses. The                this new
 15 recipes. Consumers can choose              new facilities are part of the company’s        partnership
 from a variety of options offering a full     previously announced supply chain               with
 cup of vegetables, two or more                transformation plan as it transitions to a      Americold
 essential nutrients, high protein, high       fully-integrated, self-distribution model.      and the
 fiber and more. The company is also           The plan will expand cold-storage space         opportunity
 introducing new and improved meals            by 24 million cubic feet, or 500,000 sqf,       to fully
 from Lean Cuisine. More than half of          by building the two frozen facilities in        expand our
 the brand’s portfolio will be                 partnership with Americold. The                 cold-
 relaunched including new Lean Cuisine         facilities will be located in Plainville,       storage capacity as part of our current
 Bowls. At the same time, more than            Connecticut, which will serve Ahold             storage needs and future growth plans,”
 50 offerings will feature renovated,          Delhaize USA’s Northeast brands, and            Chris Lewis, executive vice president,
 calorie-conscious recipes and will be         in Mountville, Pennsylvania, which will         Supply Chain for Retail Business
 released in updated packaging that            serve Ahold Delhaize USA’s Mid-                 Services, the services company for
 highlight enhancements.                       Atlantic brands.                                Ahold Delhaize USA said.

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WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? - Frozen Finger Food - Frozen Food Europe
Frozen Burger Market                                By Dan Orehov

According to research, some 95% of people                                                    producing plant-based meat products;
                                                                                             this is further expected to boost sales
who purchased a plant-based burger this year                                                 in the coming years.
also ate meat, new data from market
researcher NPD Group shows. This means that                                                  CATEGORIZING
                                                                                             BY SOURCE AND TYPE
the largest chunk of the target population for                                               According to MarketsandMarkets
the “meatless” burgers and similar products is                                               researchers, by source, the plant-based
made up of flexitarians, namely those who do                                                 meat market is segmented into soy,
                                                                                             wheat, pea, and others (quinoa, oats,
eat meat, albeit less frequently.                                                            beans, and seeds). Soy is widely used as
         ome 228 million servings of plant-     consumers are demanding plant-based          a base ingredient for plant-based pork,

S        based burgers were purchased at        meat, either for medical reasons or as a     beef, and chicken products, owing to its
         quick-service restaurants this year,   healthy lifestyle. As a result, the demand   high protein content and meat-like
         up 10% from a year ago. And            for plant-based meat continues to            texture. The growing health concerns
         while beef burgers are still the       expand. Additionally, continuous efforts     associated with the consumption of
most popular burgers on menus, with             in research & development by plant-          animal protein-sourced foods and
6.4 billion ordered, growth is flat             based meat manufacturers, in terms of        adoption of flexitarian and vegetarian
compared with a year ago, according to          better aroma, texture, longer shelf life,    diets are expected to drive
the report. The substantial year-over-          and better nutritious profiles is            consumption of soy as a source in the
year growth in plant-based burgers is           projected to escalate the growth of          global market. Impossible Foods offers
due primarily to greater availability at        global plant-based meat market in the        soy-based burgers and is backed by a
major fast-food chains including Burger         coming years. Companies, both start-         strong distribution network in the US.
King QSR, +0.55% and White Castle.              ups and established players are entering                    Pricing and

The plant-based meat market is                  this high growth market owing to the                availability of meat
estimated to account for a value of             growing preference for plant-based                  substitutes are two
USD12.1bn in 2019 and is projected to           diets among consumers at a global
                                                                                                       key factors that
grow at a CAGR of 15.0% from 2019,              level. Established food companies such
to reach a value of USD 27.9bn by               as Cargill (US) and Tyson Foods (US)
                                                                                                 currently hold back its
2025. An increasing number of                   have invested in start-ups that are             penetration worldwide.

      8       May/June 2020
WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? - Frozen Finger Food - Frozen Food Europe
WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? - Frozen Finger Food - Frozen Food Europe
In January 2019, the company launched         Beyond Meat brand by the Lidl and
                     an upgraded version of its burger, which      Netto chains in spring 2019, which
                     would have 30% less sodium and 40%            helped keep meat alternatives in
                     less saturated fat. The same research         media headlines. In summer 2019, Lidl
                     company says that by type, various            also launched its private label range
                     sausages, nuggets, strips, and burgers        Next Level Meat and Aldi followed
                     have chicken as their major meat              with the launch of a new veggie
                     ingredient. Chicken flesh and eggs are        burger, Wonderburger. Retailers with
                     loaded with animal protein, fats, and         a more established presence in meat
                     cholesterol. On the other hand, the           substitutes, such as the organic
                     protein content in plant-based meat           supermarket food chain Alnatura and
                     chicken products is about the same            the health and beauty specialist chain
                     while the other nutrients may vary.           dm-drogerie markt, also continue
                     Beyond Meat’s (US) plant-based burger         promoting and widening their private
                     includes ingredients such as pea protein      label assortment.
                     and canola oil. Impossible Food’s (US)        Despite growing competition from
                     patties contain soy protein and coconut       new challengers, Rügenwalder Mühle’s
                     oil to replicate the taste of chicken.        position as a pioneer and as the largest
                                                                   meat substitute brand remains
                     GERMANY LEADS                                 undisputed, helped by strong brand
                     A report by Euromonitor International         awareness derived from its meat-
                     shows that the meat substitutes industry      based products and the brand’s appeal
                     in Germany saw great turnaround in            to flexitarians, backed by wide
                     2018 and 2019, as high-profile new            distribution across major retail chains.
                     product launches generated renewed            The company also continued to
                     interests from consumers and helped           record strong growth through meat
                     them return to the aisle. This follows a      substitutes in 2019, thanks to new
                     temporary halt in the sales growth            recipes and by widening its range.
                     impetus in 2017, when the previous            Although growth rates for meat
                     wave of new products had become
                     more mature. Major brands successfully
                     target flexitarians rather than vegetarians
                     thanks to improving the taste and texture
                     properties of their assortment in order to
                     be increasingly close to meat equivalents,
                                                                   #      60%
                                                                        of US adults want more
                                                                           protein in their diets.
                     which resulted in widening the industry’s
                     customer base in Germany.                     substitutes are expected to slow down
                     The Incredible Burger range under             over the 2019-2024 period as the
                     Nestlé’s Garden Gourmet brand was             industry reaches a higher level of
                     among the most high-profile recent            maturity, it retains strong potential for
                     launches. Nestlé extended the brand’s         growth. As it should continue to be
                     reach in the second half of 2019 by           driven by new product innovations,
                     introducing vegan minced meat.                increased distribution, as well as by
                     Another major recent entry was Iglo           consumers’ interest in reducing their
                     with the Veggie Love brand at the end         meat intake for animal welfare and
                     of 2018, which contributed to                 environmental reasons. The growing
                     developing the nascent assortment of          selection of meat substitutes at
                     meat substitutes in the frozen aisle of       foodservice outlets is also expected to
                     grocery retailers. Alongside large            contribute to the use of new recipes
                     international companies, home-grown           and subsequent adoption through
                     start-ups such as LikeMeat are also           retail channels. However, the future
                     gaining exposure thanks to a widening         growth of meat substitutes could also
                     offering and by being listed at major         depend on how rapidly new types of
                     grocery retailers. LikeMeat has gained        other high-protein food replacing
                     popularity through its assortment of          traditional fish and meat will become
                     products replacing chicken, such as           available and affordable. Notably
                     vegetarian nuggets.                           insect-based products, but also lab-
                     Retailers, especially discounter chains,      grown meat, in case technological
                     also played a key role in increasing the      breakthroughs supported by vast
                     publicity surrounding meat alternatives,      investments makes the latter a
                     notably through the launch of the             commercially viable alternative.

10   May/June 2020
                                                          Although growth rates for meat substitutes are

Global market research company
Euromonitor International unveiled new                expected to slow down over the 2019-2024 period
research about the impact of climate                 as the industry reaches a higher level of maturity, it
concerns on dietary habits during the                                 retains strong potential for growth.
webinar, “The driving forces behind plant-    report, and 60% of US adults want              that ordering a plant-based burger at a
based diets”. According to Euromonitor,       more protein in their diets.                   fast-food restaurant isn’t necessarily
24% of the surveyed global consumers          “Plant-based burgers allow consumers           much healthier than eating a regular
are trying to cut down their meat intake,     to substitute without sacrifice. They get      beef patty, especially if you order fries
driving sales of global meat substitutes to   the ‘burger’ experience while assuaging        with it. When you factor in sodium,
reach USD19.5bn in 2018.                      their need for more protein and social         calories and fat content, plant-based
“Meat intake is mostly reduced by             concerns,” says Darren Seifer, NPD             burgers mimic the nutritional profile of
consumers trying to reinforce healthier       food and beverage industry analyst. “US        their meaty counterparts.
eating habits and worrying about climate      consumers have not given up on beef            The demand for alternative protein is
change. Growing attention to welfare          burgers, but are willing to mix things up      spawning food-cloning companies.
for animals, farmers, societies and           every now and then.”                           Technology at Boston-based company
employees at large is also noticed            The hype is hotter than ever as major          Ginkgo Bioworks is being used in its
among them.” says David Hedin,                fast-food chains jump on the                   food startup Motif Ingredients to
consultant at Euromonitor International.      bandwagon. Burger King announced               replicate the texture and taste of foods
“According to Euromonitor                     earlier this year that it would take its       like meatballs, chicken nuggets, cheese
International’s Lifestyles survey 41.9        Impossible Whopper - made from soy             and yogurt with alternative proteins.
percent of respondents think climate          protein, potato protein, coconut oil,          The laboratory technology develops
change will increasingly impact their life    sunflower oil and heme, a molecule that        ingredients that could be used in place
in 2019-2024,” Hedin adds.                    makes the burger look and “bleed” like         of dairy, eggs and meat using amino
The US, Russia and the UK show the            meat - national by year-end. Last month,       acids, enzymes, vitamins and other
highest increases in the share of             California-based Tex-Mex chain Del             ingredients through fermentation with
consumers worrying about climate              Taco sold two million of its meatless          genetically engineered years and
change. In India, Brazil and China, at        tacos made with plant-based substitute         bacteria for protein substitutes. Part of
77%, 72% and 66% of respondents,              Beyond Meat two months after its               the plant-based appeal is it entices
respectively, most consumers try to           launch, inspiring the chain to roll out        consumers to cut out red-meat
have a positive environmental impact          meatless burritos. The consumer trend          consumption. Studies have shown that
through their everyday actions.               toward meatless meals is making its way        red meat is “not essential” for diets, and
“Despite the global growth of meat            into at-home kitchens, too. Beyond             has been linked to health risks, as well
substitutes sales and consumption, the        Meat enthusiasm sent shares of meal-kit        as environmental degradation.
meat industry is still expected to grow at    company Blue Apron soaring when the            Nutritionists advise cutting out
a faster rate by 2023. Pricing and            latter announced it would add Beyond           excessive amounts of meat and
availability of meat substitutes are two      Meat plant-based proteins to its menus         replacing the protein source with plants
key factors that currently hold back its      beginning in August. Still, dietitians say     like legumes, vegetables and nuts. n
penetration worldwide,” explained Hedin.

While vegetarians and vegans are
contributing to the growth in the
plant-based market, they still make up
a small, single-digit percentage of the
US population and thus are not the
main contributors to market growth,
NPD food analysts note. Some 18% of
the adult population is trying to
incorporate more plant-based foods
into their diets, according to the

                Major brands

”        successfully target
           flexitarians rather
            than vegetarians
        thanks to improving
       the taste and texture
                properties of
            their assortment.

                                                                                           www.frozenfoodeurope.com           11
Frozen Finger Food      By Jonathan

                                                                convenient and suitable for such
                                                                occasions. It now remains to be seen
                                                                whether the rising number of meals
                                                                eaten at home which has been largely
                                                                enforced by the COVID-19 pandemic

                                                                is a trend which will continue once
                                                                lockdowns are eased and foodservice
                                                                outlets re-open.

                                                                IN-HOME EATING

                                                                & ENTERTAINMENT
                                                                The amount of meals eaten within
                                                                the home has increased across
                                                                Europe and the world in recent
                                                                months, mainly because the spread of

                                                                coronavirus has closed much of the
                                                                foodservice industry. In the UK, for
                                                                example, Kantar estimates that the
                                                                number of in-home meals eaten in
                                                                households during the lockdown
Sales of frozen                        hen the global

                                                                period has increased by over 500
                                       economic recession       million per week. Separate data from
finger foods may                       struck in the late       the British Frozen Food Federation
benefit from more                      2000s, one of its more   indicates that frozen foods may have
people eating                          lasting effects was a    been one of the main beneficiaries of
                       rise in the number of people             this trend. Total sales of frozen foods
within the home.       entertaining and socializing at home,    in the UK rose by over 28% in both
                       as consumer spending levels dropped.     value and volume terms in the four
                       This benefited various types of frozen   weeks ending March 22 2020
                       foods such as finger foods and           compared with the same period 12
                       appetizers, which are viewed as          months earlier. Kantar estimates the

  12   May/June 2020
With premises closed
                                                                                                     for in-store dining, many
                                                                                              foodservice operators have been
                                                                                        turning towards takeaway and food
           In the UK, Iceland                With more people opting for this type of   delivery services to maintain some

”          represents one of
                the country’s
         leading suppliers of
                                             in-home entertainment, demand for
                                             frozen foods which can be eaten as an
                                             accompaniment may increase as a result.
                                                                                        level of profitability. As a result, the
                                                                                        global food delivery market has
                                                                                        significantly increased its turnover since
                                                                                        the effects of the pandemic began to
            frozen finger and
                 party foods.                THE FOODSERVICE                            be felt. In some instances, operators
                                             INDUSTRY                                   have made efforts to limit contact to
uplift in meal occasions featuring frozen    Many leading manufacturers of frozen       comply with safety directives — for
potato products, for example, at around      finger foods and appetizers count          example, no-contact deliveries have
16 million meal occasions while most         foodservice operators amongst their        been adopted by companies such as
foodservice outlets have remained shut.      customers, in sectors such as              Deliveroo, Just Eat and UberEats.
Frozen products such as finger foods         restaurants, pubs, bars and hotels. The    It has been suggested by some trade
could also potentially benefit from the      global foodservice industry has been       sources that, over the longer term,
rapid growth in ‘streaming’ which has        hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic,         consumers may gravitate towards
occurred across much of the western          with most outlets having been partially    takeaway and food delivery options in
world of late. Growth in demand for          or totally closed across the world. This   greater numbers, for reasons such as
video on demand services was already         has led to significant drop in demand      lingering fears over coronavirus and
being reported prior to the arrival of the   for many types of frozen foods from        reduced spending power in the event
COVID-19 pandemic — however, with            foodservice operators, with finger         of an economic downturn. It is also
people forced to stay indoors, consumers     foods and appetizers believed to be        anticipated that more companies such
have been turning to the likes of Netflix    no exception to the rule. However,         as Deliveroo may place a greater
and Amazon Prime in greater numbers.         the situation is not entirely negative.    focus on eating occasions other than

     14      May/June 2020
One of the more interesting products supplied by

                                          ”              Frostkrone is Lava Bites, which have a black
                                                    coating resembling volcanic rock and contain red
                                                                      jalapenos and Cheddar cheese.

dinner/evening meals — in the UK, for     lockdown. Prior to the arrival of               in the manufacture of deep-frozen
example, lunchtime now accounts for       coronavirus, consumers had been                 finger foods and snacks, which are
over a quarter (27%) of food              expressing a demand for a greater               exported to markets in Western,
takeaway occasions. At the time of        range of flavors and formats as far as          Central and Eastern Europe, as well
writing, more restaurants and             foods are concerned. The ongoing                as to the US market. It operates a
foodservice operators throughout the      challenge for manufacturers and                 dedicated foodservice plant at Breda
world are beginning the process of        foodservice operators will be to                in the Netherlands, which produces
re-opening. On a positive note, there     provide foods which offer novel tastes,         around 15,000 tons of crunchy frozen
appears to be evidence of pent-up         as well as catering towards the desire          finger foods per year. Its product
demand amongst consumers — a              for health and flexibility as far as eating     portfolio can be broadly segmented
survey of 4,000 people carried out by     patterns are concerned. It has also             into the following groups:
Allegra Strategies in May 2020 found      been suggested that local foods and             • Meat — e.g. chicken pops, chicken
that 42% of UK consumers missed           ingredients will assume greater                    tikka masala bites and poultry
visiting cafes and coffee shops during    importance once the worst effects of               teriyaki skewers;
the lockdown period. This figure          the coronavirus have passed.                    • Cheese — e.g. mozzarella sticks,
compares with 29% for those missing                                                          Cream Cheese Jalapenos,
restaurant visits and 19% for those       MAJOR SUPPLIERS                                    Camembert Bites, Chilli-Cheese
who missed going to the pub. These        One of Western Europe’s leading                    Nuggets and Cheesy Fries;
represent the second, fourth and fifth    manufacturers of frozen finger foods,           • Vegetables — e.g. Sweet Potato
ranked choices respectively from a list   appetizers and other snacks is                     Pops, Potato Tots, onion rings and
of 17 social activities and occasions     Frostkrone of Germany. The                         vegetarian jalapenos;
which have been largely prohibited        company continues to increase its               • Fruits — e.g. Apple Love Balls,
during the lockdown period. A             geographical footprint — in 2019, it               Banana in Batter.
separate survey carried out by Piper      broadened its presence in the US                One of the more interesting products
Sandler at around the same time           market with the acquisition of Rite             supplied by Frostkrone is Lava Bites,
found that 47% of people are              Stuff Foods, a manufacturer of frozen           which have a black coating resembling
prepared to go to restaurants as soon     potato snacks (e.g. filled potato skins         volcanic rock and contain red
as they open, although this was down      and potato wedges) sold via retail              jalapenos and a creamy Cheddar
from 60% in April 2020. When the          and foodservice channels. This was              cheese. During 2019, it launched
situation finally does ease,              followed in February 2020 with the              Pizza Pocket Breakfast (which
manufacturers of frozen finger foods      purchase of Innovate Foods, a                   contains scrambled egg, Cheddar
are likely to find foodservice venues     Scottish firm which manufactures
such as pubs and restaurants profitable   frozen finger foods and snacks for
avenues for their products, assuming      customers in the retail, wholesale and
there is no large-scale reduction in      foodservice sectors. Recent new
consumer visits following the easing of   product activity from Innovate has
                                          included the launch of Nacho Bites,
                                          green jalapenos filled with a nacho
                                          cheese sauce and wrapped in a crispy
                                          tortilla parcel. Frostkrone specializes

                                                                                                #       47% of Brits are
                                                                                                        prepared to go
                                                                                                         to restaurants
                                                                                                             as soon as
                                                                                                             they open.

                                                                                        www.frozenfoodeurope.com      15
Many leading

                                                                                   ”           manufacturers of
                                                                                             frozen finger foods
                                                                                           and appetizers count
                                                                                             operators amongst
                                                                                                their customers.

                                         eaten as appetizers. Typical examples     when people are more inclined to
                                         include breaded cheese bites,             host parties and informal eating
cheese and sautéed potatoes) and         battered vegetables, onion rings and      occasions in their homes. However,
Bärek, which is described as pastry      various specialties — in the US market,   many platter-style products have also
sheets filled with spinach and cream     for example, it manufactures battered     been launched for the summer
and feta cheese.                         hushpuppies (which draw on                months when outdoor picnicking and
One of Frostkrone’s leading              southern-style cooking) and chicken       parties are most in evidence. In the
competitors in the European region       eggrolls. In many instances, these        UK, Iceland represents one of the
and elsewhere is McCain Foods.           cater towards the growing consumer        country’s leading suppliers of frozen
Although it is primarily known for       demand for a greater variety of           finger and party foods. Towards the
frozen potato products such as           snacks and light eating products in       end of 2019, the retailer launched a
French fries, it has broadened its       foodservice establishments. Besides       party food bundle costing GBP15,
range in recent years to include foods   McCain, many of Europe’s other            which contained around 150 items —
which are marketed as suitable for       leading suppliers of frozen potato        these included foods such as chicken
informal sharing and/or social eating    products manufacture appetizer-style      goujons, filo prawns, spring rolls and
occasions (e.g. parties and buffets),    finger foods for customers in the         mini beef pasties. Iceland’s range also
both inside and outside the home. Its    foodservice industry. Notable             includes a variety of platters of frozen
retail range includes a variety of       examples include Lamb                     finger foods, most of which are based
potato wedges (e.g. Lightly Spiced       Weston/Meijer and Aviko — the             around some type of cuisine or
and Sweet Potato), as well as Crispy     product ranges for these firms contain    theme (e.g. Indian and crispy chicken).
Dippers which, as their name             finger foods such as breaded cheese       Iceland’s rivals in the UK retail grocery
suggests, are marketed as suitable for   bites (e.g. chilli cheese nuggets,        market are also active in this sector,
eating with dips. In late 2019,          mozzarella sticks and Swiss style         selling finger foods and appetizers in
McCain’s UK division launched Brew       cheese wedges), as well as breaded        both frozen and chilled formats.
City, a range of frozen beer snacks      vegetable products.                       Tesco, for example, offers a range of
which had already been present in        Many of Western Europe’s leading          frozen party foods, examples of
the US market for some time.             grocery retailers have continued to       which include a 25-piece Boneless
Designed to be eaten with craft beer,    grab a larger slice of the market for     Chicken Selection, as well as products
the Brew City range includes             finger foods and appetizers. Much of      such as onion bhajis, spring rolls, Brie
products such as Cheesy Brew Bites,      this has been done via the launch of      Bites, Hot & Spicy Prawns and Nacho
Onion Straws, Halloumi Fries and         party food ranges, often in the form      Chicken Bites. Similar products are
Fiery Jalapeno Bottle Caps.              of platters. Typically, these have been   sold by the UK’s other leading
For its foodservice customers, McCain    introduced with specific times of the     supermarkets, sometimes individually
supplies a broader range of items,       year in mind — Christmas and New          and sometimes are part of some
many of which are designed to be         Year, for example, represents a time      themed platter. n

     16    May/June 2020
Snacks and Pastries                           By Dan Orehov

Preferences of popular sweet bakery products vary from region to
region. While Asia Pacific, Australasia and North America prefer
pastries, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa
favor sweet biscuits. Yet, Western Europe is the only region where
cakes are the most consumed sweet baked good.
           ccording to Euromonitor            LESS SUGAR IS A TREND                    use of artificial sweeteners, which

A          International, the reasons for
           these different preferences are
           several factors including cost,
           tradition, and local taste.
Although sweet biscuits are preferred
by most of the world, pastries led sweet
baked goods with global consumption
                                              The role of sugar in obesity and
                                              other diet-related diseases is being
                                              scrutinized to a huge degree, both
                                              on a scientific level and in the media
                                              as consumers pay greater attention
                                              to what sweetens their products.
                                              There are sugar-free sweet baked
                                                                                       are used to create such products.
                                                                                       Increased veganism and links
                                                                                       between eggs and high cholesterol
                                                                                       levels have seen increased demand
                                                                                       for egg free sweet baked goods.
                                                                                       Manufacturers can also benefit as this
                                                                                       trend mitigates aforementioned price
of 15 million tons in 2016. Asia Pacific is   good products available, however         volatility. Gluten free alternatives are
by some distance the largest market for       these tend to be targeted towards        also growing rapidly in sweet bakery,
sweet baked goods. The region is              diabetics, rather than the general       spurred on by an increasing number
already the biggest consumer of pastries      population, so are unlikely to be the    of consumers who perceive such
and sweet biscuits, and is forecast to be     solution. Instead, manufacturers will    products to be healthier for them,
in cake consumption by 2021. On a             take steps to reduce sugar in            regardless of whether or not they
country level, China is a major               current mainstream products,             suffer from coeliac disease. As such,
consumer of all three sweet baked             creating healthier products rather       cakes have seen strong growth in
goods variants and India is forecasting       than a traditional one. However,         gluten free options in recent years.
strong growth. Use of cocoa derivatives       consumer response to reduced             The relative inability of health to
remains unsaturated in these markets,         sugar products tends to be muted,        encroach on sweet bakery can be
while in India, the goods and services        with reduced sugar biscuits              credited to consumers buying sweet
tax should increase demand for                recording a global volume CAGR of        baked goods as treats, not for their
premium products.                             -1%. This could be resistance to the     health properties. Manufacturers

      18     May/June 2020
There is growing consciousness among many

                                        ”         consumers of the health issues linked to a high
                                                 sugar and fat consumption, with this resulting in
                                                many cutting back on their consumption of cakes.
                                        and tea and coffee flavors are gaining      seen as healthier, notably multi-grain
                                        prominence. Hybridization is also a         bread, rye bread rolls and organic
                                        prominent trend in bakery and has           variants. With a slight decline
                                        seen the rise of products such as the       forecast over 2019-2024, cakes sales
                                        “cronut” and “duffin”, which                are expected to remain vulnerable to
                                        originated in foodservice but are           health trends. In particular, there is
                                        now being made available to the             growing consciousness among many
                                        retail market. These incorporations         consumers of the health issues linked
                                        and hybridization will lead to increase     to a high sugar and fat consumption,
                                        consumption and multiple variables          with this resulting in many cutting
                                        consumers can choose from.                  back on their consumption of cakes.
                                                                                    In German frozen baked goods, the
                                        FROZEN BAKED GOODS                          leading player is Conditorei
                                        BOOSTED BY WIDENING                         Coppenrath & Wiese, with this
                                        AVAILABILITY                                company belonging to Oetker-
                                        Free-from diets continues to be a           Gruppe. This player continued to
should always look to increase the      fast-growing trend, not only                increase its share in 2019 and
indulgence of sweet baked goods,        followed by coeliac patients, but also      benefits from a reputation for using
whether through the use of new          by the general health-conscious             high quality ingredients and offering
flavors, more premium ingredients or    public holding the belief that gluten-      products with a similar taste and
creating completely new products.       free products will help them                mouth feel to fresh pastries. The
Ultimately, indulgence will drive       overcome problems related to                share of artisanal baked goods
sweet bakery growth, particularly in    bloating or indigestion. In the bakery      declined slightly in 2018 and 2019,
developed markets. Overall, sweet       aisles, the gluten-free trend is            especially in cakes and pastries. A
goods will remain popular               moving beyond bread, to the likes           greater focus on product variety and
throughout all markets because many     of cakes, pastries, biscuits, pasta and     more sophisticated recipes offered
consumers are willing to indulge.       even breakfast cereals.                     by artisanal players proved
Many sweet baked goods now              As the strongest performing baked           insufficient to fully offset the impact
incorporate spicy and savory flavors,   goods category, frozen baked goods          of a long-term decline in the number
      In Germany, the share             sales continue to be driven by an           of bakeries.

”          of artisanal baked           increased availability in modern
              goods declines            grocery retailers, with these outlets       THE COVID-19 IMPACT
                                        typically increasing the shelf space        IN THE US
         slightly in 2018 and
                                        dedicated to frozen products. Sales         According to the US Consumer
    2019, especially in cakes           are also being boosted by growing           Engagement Report drafted by the
                 and pastries.          demand for more premium products            American Frozen Food Institute,

                                                                                  www.frozenfoodeurope.com       19
seven in 10 frozen food shoppers                In the bakery aisles,
                     increased the amount of frozen
                     food they have bought since the
                     start of pandemic in the US
                     Importantly, this share is unchanged
                                                             ”     the gluten-free trend
                                                                       is moving beyond
                                                                    bread, to the likes of
                     at 70% among both frequent and              cakes, pastries, biscuits,
                     infrequent frozen food shoppers,                     pasta and even
                     signaling elevated engagement                      breakfast cereals.
                     among all frozen food shoppers.
                     Three-quarters of frozen food           8, food sales took over starting the
                     shoppers experienced out-of-stocks      week of March 15. Frozen foods
                     on frozen items they meant to           quickly emerged as a growth
                     purchase since the onset of             leader, nearly doubling sales the
                     coronavirus in the US This has          week ending March 22 compared
                     prompted many consumers to              with the same week in 2019. The
                     divert from the usual. More than        weeks ending March 15 and 22
                     two-thirds of consumers have since      were the two big panic buying
                     purchased different frozen food         weeks, but frozen food sales
                     items or types and 72% have picked      remained highly elevated going into
                     up different brands than they usually   the second week of April.
                     purchase because of unavailability.     A look at the sales during the four
                     Across demographics, consumers          weeks ending April 5 (over the
                     have been buying more frozen            height of the pandemic buying) and
                     foods than during regular times as      the building calendar year shows
                     well as different items and brands.     just how much frozen food sales
                     Millennials, who already were above     have changed. For the building
                     average buyers of frozen food, are      calendar year, all areas are up
                     the most likely to have been            double-digits, ranging from 11.8%
                     purchasing more since early March.      for dinners/entrees to 26.9% for
                     Frozen foods are also clearly a         processed chicken (nuggets). When
                     solution for families, with 81% of      looking at the four weeks ending
                     households with children under the      April 5, 2020 compared with the
                     age of 18 living at home having         similar four weeks in 2019, growth
                     bought more frozen food since early     rates are even higher, with triple-
                     March versus 61% of households          digit growth for frozen meat. Both
                     without children living at home. In     frozen pizza and potato items are
                     the past few years, frozen food sales   enjoying tremendous popularity as
                     have seen significant growth - on       well, as convenient solutions for
                     par with center store edibles and far   consumers preparing meals at
                     outperforming the fresh perimeter.      home. With more consumers
                     Above-average interest among            preparing home-cooked meals,
                     Older Millennials combined with         frozen entrees and meal ingredients
                     high levels of innovation have driven   have a big opportunity to be
                     both dollar and volume sales growth     timesaving, convenient solutions for
                     for frozen foods.                       those consumers who do not have
                     The arrival of coronavirus in the       the skill, desire or time to prepare
                     United States upended grocery           meals from scratch. At the same
                     shopping as we know it, and the         time, it is important to note that all
                     sales of frozen food items along        consumption occasions are seeing a
                     with it. While big gains were           greater share of at-home versus
                     measured for virtually all food         away-from-home, including
                     categories starting the second          breakfast, snacks and lunch.
                     week of March, frozen foods have        Investing in being on the consumer
                     emerged as a sales powerhouse           radar as an immediate and back-up
                     amid COVID-19 buying. Sales             solution for all these consumption
                     patterns during the first week of       occasions among no less than 90%
                     March 2020 were much in line            of consumers and 93% of frozen-
                     with the 2019 results. While non-       food consumers who are preparing
                     food sales, such as paper goods         food at home more often is
                     and household supplies, started         important to optimize sales now
                     gearing up the week ending March        and in the future. n

20   May/June 2020
Trends in Ingredients                            By Dan Orehov

People increasingly want food and beverage products tailored to
meet their individual preferences and nutritional needs. The
challenge for the industry is finding large-scale ways to meet these
demands. It poses difficult questions surrounding production and
distribution. But brands which innovate to find the answers could
find themselves at the forefront of a lucrative market.
       urging demand in the natural, free-       consumers directly. Smart fridges are          feelings associated with that also have

S      from, local and organic categories
       has many drivers. But collectively,
       they point towards an overarching
       trend: consumers are going cold
on mass produced food and beverages.
Many people are looking for an
alternative to homogenous offerings and
                                                 on the rise and drone delivery is soon
                                                 expected to become a reality.
                                                 Established players need to find ways
                                                 to leverage technology and transform
                                                 the way they operate.
                                              2. Consumer attitude - consumer
                                                 mood is increasingly curious, open-
                                                                                                a part to play. It’s about considering
                                                                                                wider factors such as provenance and
                                                                                                buyer journey as well as sensory
                                                                                                aspects at the point of consumption.
                                                                                             Broadly speaking, food and beverage
                                                                                             personalization is possible across product,
                                                                                             packaging and proposition. LFR says in a
want something that’s right for them.            minded and experimental surrounding         whitepaper that early efforts have largely
Personalization is the logical next step on      food and beverage products. New             been linked to experiential marketing and
the journey, according to Leatherhead            eating habits and products presented        cosmetic features, such as putting names
Food Research (LFR).                             in new ways or formats are popular.         and messages on bottles, jars, cakes and
                                              3. Convenience and conscience -                sweets. As the market matures, we’re
DIFFERENT BUT                                    people are more health conscious and        going to see this progress towards a
CONVERGING DIRECTIONS                            aware of issues such as environmental       deeper level of personalization. “At
According to LFR, there are four                 sustainability. But they’re also busy and   Leatherhead, we believe personalized
converging factors driving and                   look for convenience. Brands that           offerings around sensory preferences and
enabling this trend for the food and             make it easy for consumers to achieve       nutritional requirements represent a rich
beverage sector:                                 personal goals and ambitions are            seam for innovation.“ This presents
1. New technologies - technology is              onto a winner.                              business model and manufacturing
   disrupting the industry. New entrants      4. Experiential factors - the product          challenges, for established players and
   are already using it to their advantage,      is only one part of the equation.           start-ups alike. Barriers for large
   for instance to connect with                  Overall consumer experience and             businesses tend to be linked to the fact

      22     May/June 2020
Leatherhead’s report suggests that this
                                                                                               new model demands cohesive, cross-
                                                                                               functional teams. Specialists need to work
                                                                                               collaboratively to anticipate global trends
                                                                                               and regulatory changes, seeking to
                                                                                               overcome barriers to international
                                                                                               growth. With experts in nutrition, science
                                                                                               and regulatory affairs informing the
                                                                                               innovation agenda, it will be strategically
                                                                                               aligned with the shifting global landscape.
                                                                                               “It is possible to unpick difficult challenges,
                                                                                               such as boosting consumer trust while

that facilities are geared up for low-cost      and regulatory matters surrounding public      improving profitability — these don’t have
mass-production, making it difficult to         health and product labelling, the scope        to be mutually exclusive goals,” Butcher
accommodate tailored offerings. On the          and scale of industry challenges calls for a   continues. “However, decisive action
flip-side, start-ups with a personalization-    different approach to innovation.              needs to be taken, and sooner rather
led proposition need to find ways to            Mark Butcher, commercial director at           than later. It’s about creating the time and
maintain this cost-effectively as they scale.   Leatherhead, says food and beverage            space for cross-functional teams to look
These are complex matters. But as we            organizations are finding that traditional     at the bigger picture, investing in science
see a convergence of technologies in            linear approaches to innovation no             and applying a global perspective to
areas such as connectivity, big data, 3D        longer deliver what they need.                 decision making early on in the
printing and same-day delivery, they can        “The sector is in the throes of a perfect      innovation process.”
be unraveled. It is a case of putting the       storm - even three years ago nobody
pieces together before anyone else does.        could have predicted its ferocity,” Butcher    CUTTING DOWN
Leatherhead Food Research says in the           explains. “Innovation is still vital, but it   ON RED MEAT
past 12 months, technical expertise in          needs to be purposeful, focused and agile      A recent survey of 999 adults in the UK
nutrition, science and regulatory affairs       enough to adapt to multiple evolving           found that in the past 12 months, 74% of
was increasingly used to shape food and         demands. We predict that in the coming         households have consciously reduced the
beverage innovation at an earlier stage in      months and years, the most successful          amount of red meat they consume.
the product development process. In its         food and beverage brands will put              Findings published by Science Group
annual trends report, Leatherhead draws         scientific, technical and regulatory           company Leatherhead Food Research
on insights from food and beverage              expertise right at the heart of business       reveal that 40% are eating ‘a bit less red
organizations including large corporations      growth, on an equal weighting with             meat’ and 32% are ‘trying to swap red
and start-ups as well as regulatory             consumer, innovation and marketing             meat for fish or chicken’. While only 14%
authorities and associations connected to       functions. Essentially, consumer and           of households include vegetarians, more
the industry. This year there has been a        technical expertise will become the            than a third (35%) have introduced one
notable shift towards consumer and              starting point of the development              or more dedicated ‘vegetarian days’ per
technical expertise driving innovation and      process, ensuring new ideas satisfy            week over the past year. The perception
development, rather than simply                 market requirements and timelines.”            that it’s healthier to eat less red meat was
supporting or validating it. The
organization believes this is a response to                Sharing information about the product should be
the complex and dynamic issues facing
the sector. From consumer
empowerment to sustainability concerns
                                                ”         avoided before testing, so as not to interfere with
                                                                             the expectations of the tasters.

      24      May/June 2020
the biggest driver of change across all age                                                    be considered in the decision-making
groups, with more than half of
respondents (55%) citing this. However,
concern about the environmental impact
of red meat production was also signi-
                                                #         55%
                                                      of UK adults believe it
                                                                                               process of buying food. Currently,
                                                                                               aspects such as brand reputation,
                                                                                               nutritional value of the product, sensory
                                                                                               experience of the product with the
ficant, especially in the 16-35 age group             is healthier to eat less                 brand, the company’s relationship with
where 51% highlighted this factor. When                             red meat.                  the environment and type of packaging,
asked what had influenced their dietary                                                        for example, are very important for the
changes, 37% of respondents mentioned           interesting to see that, for younger adults,   purchase decision in a way that was not
that TV programs or documentaries had           environmental concerns are just as             observed 50 years ago.
played a part. With the youngest                important. As this trend gathers               “One of the biggest challenges that
segment (16-35), talking to friends and         momentum, it raises lots of questions          food formulators around the world face
family or seeing information on social          about the options for new meat-free            is to make sensorially pleasant,
media also played an important role for         products. We expect to see a surge of          nutritious and healthy products,
38% and 32% respectively. Cindy Beeren,         innovation in this area, focusing on           however, with not much appeal in
operations director at Leatherhead, says        everything from sensory aspects, such as       terms of aroma, flavor, texture and
the findings underline the rising interest in   taste and texture, to the nutritional          appearance,” BRF experts say. “And
‘flexitarian’ diets, where people enjoy         profiling of food.”                            one of the most important steps in this
meat occasionally but try to avoid eating                                                      mission is sensory analysis. Whether in
it too often. She believes this is a lasting    FOOD FORMULATION                               the formulation of new products or in
trend that will shape the long-term future      AND SENSORY ANALYSIS                           the substitution of ingredients in existing
of the food industry.                           According to information by BRF                formulas, this type of analysis is crucial
“People are becoming more purposeful            Ingredients, a company present in over         to predict the attractiveness that the
about food choices in the home, so              140 countries, there are many factors to       food will have to its target audience.
manufacturers and retailers are changing                 The sensory profile of                Therefore, we will understand more

their offering to meet evolving demands,”               a product is extremely                 deeply the importance of sensory
Beeren explains. “The message from                      important to define its                analysis for the food industry, in
Public Health England about reducing                                                           addition to knowing more deeply the
consumption of red and processed meat                                                          methodologies used to make it
seems to be taking hold. But it’s
                                                              with consumers.                  happen,” they add.
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