Page created by Randall Young
Your Essential Guide to Sleep
    Essential Advice from the Baby Expert Mary Foster
Contents                                                                                                               Meet the Expert
    Meet the Expert (page 3)
    Introduction (page 4)
                                                                 Establish a Good Bedtime Routine (pages 12-13)
                                                                 A Blissful Bath Time (pages 14-15)                        Mary Foster
    Daytime Sleeping (page 5)                                    Safer Sleep Tips (pages 16-17))
                                                                                                                           Sleepy Lambs Sleep Consulting
    A Beautiful Nursery for a Good Night’s Sleep                 Baby Sleep (pages 18-19)
    (pages 6-7)                                                  Toddler Sleep (pages 20-21)                               All parents have their own baby sleep
    Bringing Baby Home (pages 8-9)                               Common Sleep Concerns (pages 22-23)                       questions they really need answers
    Sleep Settling (page 10)                                     Need More Sleep? SWADDLE UP™ (pages 24-25)                to. Especially at 3am when there is
    Choosing a Sleeping Bag (page 11)
                                                                                                                           no one else awake to ask. How long
                                                                                                                           should my baby sleep for? Can she
                                                                                                                           sleep with a soft toy? Will white noise help her wake
                                                                                                                           less frequently? Believe us, you’re not alone in your quest to find that
                                                                                                                           magic solution. But advice that works is out there.

                                                                                                                           To help put your mind at ease, we’ve teamed up with Mary Foster at Sleepy Lambs, a certified sleep consultant,
                                                                                                                           to give you as much advice as possible - and so you don’t have to ring your mum with yet another sleep question
                                                                                                                           in the middle of the night.

                                                                                                                           In 2014, shortly after the birth of her third child and moving from Canada to the UK, Mary launched Sleepy

    Welcome to our Essential Guide to Sleep. We really hope it                                                             Lambs Sleep Consulting after becoming a certified infant, child, and maternity sleep consultant. With a
                                                                                                                           background in health sciences and business, it was a perfect fit, and it’s been her passion ever since.
    will help you and your little one to get a better night’s sleep!                                                       Since 2014, Mary has supported thousands of families around the world using her unique approach to sleep,
                                                                                                                           using a strong focus on emotional wellness and sleep science.
    Putting the expert advice in this booklet into practice can help you establish a flexible routine based on your baby
    or child’s natural patterns, so that you can all look forward to lots of good nights’ sleep. We are with you every     “With the right guidance and support you can all be sleeping soundly every night.
    step of the way to help your little one get the sleep they need.                                                       I hope my advice, tips and product recommendations help you to feel confident
                                                                                                                           and calm in helping your baby to sleep.” Mary Foster x

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When you welcome your little bundle into your life you can’t help but wonder
                                                                                                                                                                              Daytime Sleeping
    where the phrase ‘sleeping like a baby’ comes from! You might not think it at first
    but newborns do actually sleep a lot - in fact most sleep up to 17-19 hours within                                                                                        While your little one is young, they will
    a 24 hour period - but rarely for more than three or four hours at a time.                                                                                                need to sleep a lot during the day and this
                                                                                                                                                                              can be challenging for parents, especially
    Is it normal for my little one to wake frequently?
                                                                                                                                                                              if you have things to do. It is important
    For the first 6 weeks of your baby’s life they haven’t established their circadian rhythms, which means your
    baby doesn’t know the difference between day and night. During this time they will wake frequently during                                                                 to establish a good sleep routine in those
    any time of day for a feed, change or simply just for a cuddle. Try not to leap up the minute you hear your little                                                        first few months, but thankfully there are
    one waking; often they will make sounds whilst still sleeping or sometimes drift off again without any help.
                                                                                                                                                                              lots of ways to help your baby sleep when
    Once your baby is a little older and you start to see a pattern of waking, try not to feed them immediately.
    Instead, wait 5 minutes and see if they settle back off to sleep, helping to avoid the habit of the 2am, 4am and
                                                                                                                                                                              you are out and about.
    6am wakings to become routine.
                                                                                                                                                                              One of the best ways to get your baby to nap peacefully
    Back to sleep                                                                                                                                                             when you are busy is through babywearing. This involves
    To reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) always be sure to put your baby down to sleep on                                                                using a wrap or carrier to hold your baby snug and safe
    their back, not on their tummy, with feet at the foot of the cot. Your baby should sleep on a firm waterproof                                                             against your body, leaving you hands-free to get on with
    mattress, with no cot bumpers, loose bedding, toys or pillows in the bed. Avoid bringing your baby into bed                                                               your day. A wrap is ideal for a newborn because the soft
    with you, particularly if you have been drinking, taking medication or drugs. Settle your baby to sleep with a                                                            material contours around their small body and holds
    soother and ensure the room temperature is between 16-20°c.                                                                                                               them close to yours, without putting undue pressure on
                                                                                                                                                                              their joints. Wraps can adapt to fit any parent and any
    Look out for your baby’s sleep cues                                                                                                                                       baby because you simply tie them to fit and therefore
    Most babies show clear signs of tiredness including yawning, rubbing their eyes and ears and staring into                                                                 anyone can enjoy the benefits of babywearing.
    space. You’ll learn to recognize your baby’s cues as you spend more time together. When your baby shows
    signs of tiredness put them down for their daytime nap as soon as possible as you will only have a 15 minute                                                              The gentle rocking of your body as you move around,
    window before your baby becomes overtired and irritable, making it difficult to settle them to sleep.                                                                     the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe, and the
                                                                                                                                                                              reassuring beating of your heart will all help your baby to
    Go with the flow                                                                                                                                                          relax and fall asleep quickly and easily because it helps to
    The first few weeks as a new parent can be exciting but also overwhelming. Try not to keep up with other                                                                  mimic the environment of the womb that they have been
    mums, especially the celebrity ones in glossy magazines (who likely have nannies!). Just enjoy those first few           Izmi Essential Carrier                           used to. Babywearing can help anxious babies to settle
    weeks with lots of cuddles and kisses and catch up on your own sleep when you can. These first few weeks                                RRP £45                           and can also reduce colic and help with breastfeeding so
    are about survival, so don’t sweat the small stuff!                                                                  Enjoy the soft intimacy of a fabric sling with the   it has many benefits in those early days.
                                                                                                                             ease and comfort of a buckled carrier!

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Mary’s other must-haves...
    A Beautiful Nursery for a Good Night’s Sleep
    Let’s face it, sleep is at a premium when you have a baby. With late-night nursing, early-morning soothings and                                                                                                       TOP
    everything in between, it’s important to create the most zen-like space possible. You want a room that is dark                                                                                                        PICK

    when you want it to be, light when you need it, warm enough and most importantly, comfortable for you as well
    as your child. Here are some tips on how to create a dreamland for your child.

    Comfort and mess free is key
    Just as you must be happy with the look of the nursery, you should also be happy with the feel of it as you are
    going to be spending a lot of time in there. A comfortable rocking chair is essential. Mums, dads and anyone who
    takes care of your little one will get good use out of it. From brightly painted to natural wood pieces, furniture and
    storage solutions help minimise mess and are perfect for children’s nurseries or playrooms.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Elephant Book Stand
    Light up your life                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RRP £14
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Available to personalise with an engraved name of your choice,
    Lighting is key, and the dimmer switch is a gift. It allows you to turn down the lights before bedtime and create
    ‘sleepy’ mood lighting. It also allows you to slip in and out during the night to check on your child without                                   Shallow Cubby Shelf                                             making this an extra special addition to the nursery.

    disturbing him or her. You can also use a nightlight on the changing table so you can see every part of your child
                                                                                                                                                                 RRP £19
    you might need to see, as well as a reading light for book time.                                                                   Designed to hang on a wall to provide extra storage by beds so
                                                                                                                                     children can have their books and drinks close to hand, the Shallow
                                                                                                                                            Cubby Shelf makes a useful addition to any bedroom.
    Begin a sleep routine
    Babies can’t create their own routines so it’s up to you to do it for
    them. This can be anything that works for your child. See our handy
    sleep routine tips on pages 12 and 13.
                                                                                                                                                                        Tender Leaf Forest
    Your true colours
                                                                                                                                                                           Deer Chair
    Colour preference will depend on your taste but it’s best to avoid                                                                                                               RRP £40
    intense colours and contrasting patterns. Once babies start to see                                                                                                      This sturdy, stylish deer chair
                                                                                                                                                                           looks great in any room in the
    colour, contrast can be very stimulating.
                                                                                                                                                                           house! Made from top quality
                                                                                                                                                                           Plywood, it provides a secure              Navy Star Bean Bag Chair
    Creak-free, squeak-free                                                        Elephant Snuggle Blanket                                                                  and perfectly sized seating
                                                                                                                                                                               area for your little one.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        RRP £49
    You want to be stealthy when walking into your child’s room. A floor                                                                                                                                           Extra comfy and lightweight with a relaxed armchair
                                                                                                    RRP £22
    creak or door squeak makes that challenging so think ahead and fix               Extra soft and cuddly with a friendly JoJo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 style, it makes a lovely place for independent children to
    creaks, squeaks and other noises!                                                                                                                                                                                             sit and read, relax or play.
                                                                                 elephant face, keep little ones wrapped up either

6                                                                                     at home or out and about in the buggy.
Bringing Baby Home
                                                                                                                                          Owlet Cam
                                                                                                                                             RRP £149
    The transition from hospital to home is a big step for parents, your baby and
                                                                                                                              The Owlet Cam provides parents with visual
    whole family. It is often a time of mixed emotions with feelings of both excitement                                     reassurance without disturbing baby and streams
                                                                                                                                         live to a smartphone.
    and nervousness. You’ve been so used to having people on hand to offer advice,
    assistance and support and now suddenly it’s all left to you!
                                                                                                                                                                              When integrated with the Owlet Smart Sock, the Owlet
    One of the most anxious times for new parents is putting your baby                                                                                                        Cam provides parents with the most complete baby
    down to sleep in their own safe sleep environment for the first time.                                                                                                     monitoring system ever, allowing you to live stream the
    This is especially true for parents whose baby has had a stay on the                                                                                                      nursery with night vision, check on room temperature,
    neonatal unit, where they’ve been so used to the constant                                                                                                                 track your baby’s heart rate and oxygen levels and
    monitoring of their baby with someone on hand to jump up the                                                                                                              receive proactive notifications about their wellness all
    moment any monitor beeps.                                                                                                                                                 straight to your phone whilst they sleep.

    A video monitor like the Owlet Cam can help you keep an eye on
    your baby while they sleep and will prevent you having to go into
                                                                                                                                                                                         Mary’s must-haves...
    their room every time they stir, which can impact on them learning to
    self soothe. The Owlet Cam can be positioned overlooking the cot
    and sends a live stream to your phone via the Owlet app so you can hear
    and see baby wherever you are..

    Many new parents are also looking for a way to monitor their baby overnight which will offer them a little bit of
    extra reassurance and peace of mind when they are also sleeping. The Owlet Smart Sock can be used with babies
    of all ages and wraps neatly around your baby’s foot. It will monitor your baby’s vital signs whilst they’re sleeping
    including oxygen saturation and heart rate and will notify you of anything outside of the ordinary with both lights
    and sound.

    Like the Owlet Cam, the Smart Sock is also linked to an app on your smart phone so you can be notified of any                                                                              Owlet Smart Sock
    alerts wherever you are. It also comes with an in-house unit so you will be notified even if you don’t have your
                                                                                                                                                                                                        RRP £269
    phone to hand at home. For many parents it leaves them feeling safe in the knowledge they can close their eyes
                                                                                                                                                                                  Worry less, sleep better - track your baby’s heart rate and
    and drift off peacefully, knowing Owlet is watching over their baby.                                                                                                         oxygen levels while they sleep using clinically-proven pulse
                                                                                                                                                                                 oximetry, and be notified if something appears to be wrong.

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Sleep Settling                                                                                                        Choosing a Sleeping Bag                                                    TOP

     The ability to relax and enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child and it   A sleeping bag is a great way to keep babies and young children
     is never too early to start establishing good sleep habits. However, there is no ‘right’ approach for every parent    cosy and safely covered up as they sleep, and avoids the
     as each baby is different, and it very much depends on your own personal beliefs and preferences. The key is to       age-old problem of blankets moving around and disturbing a
     find the right way for your family.                                                                                   peaceful slumber. At JoJo, you’ll find an extensive selection
                                                                                                                           of sleeping bags - they are available in countless designs and
     Here is a quick and easy guide to different sleep settling techniques so you can decide what works for you.
                                                                                                                           styles, and it’s not hard to see why they remain so popular.

                                                                                                                           However, knowing which sleeping bag to choose can be a bit
                                                                                                                           of a minefield, so we’ve put together this handy guide below to
           Here are a few things to do before starting:                                                                    help you find the right one for any scenario.                          Blue Star Sleeping Bag
                 Put aside at least a week to dedicate to this task. You want your baby to be in their cot for                                                                                                   RRP £22
                 nap times for this to be successful. Babies that sleep in different places i.e car seat/pram/             Which bag to use?                                                   Designed to keep your little ones snug without
                                                                                                                                                                                             the need for blankets that are often kicked off, and
                 sling will possibly wake more often at night as the cot doesn’t move, and they become used                                                                                      provide familiar comfort wherever they are.
                                                                                                                           We offer various sizes of sleeping bag depending on the age of
                 to the feeling of motion during sleep.
                                                                                                                           your child and type of bag.

                 Make sure there is a total blackout in the nursery. Darkness produces the sleep hormone
                 melatonin so will ensure your baby goes to sleep much more easily, and for longer. Even light
                 coming from the top and sides of a window will impact on their sleep, and even the light
                 from the video monitor shining in the cot can wake them up.

                 Swaddling your baby from birth will mean they still feel safe and snug, just like when they
                 were in the womb. Just ensure you use a light, breathable material that isn’t too tight over
                 their hips and can’t go over their face.

                 Get a sleep aid that plays a calming constant sound. This helps babies go to sleep more
                 easily, helps with self-soothing and also transitioning between light sleep phases, so your
                 baby will sleep longer. This also really helps with early morning waking. Some sleep aids will
                 automatically switch on the minute they hear your baby stirring, so they settle back off to
                 sleep quickly and easily.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11
Baby Massage          From 6-8 weeks of age you can incorporate a soothing baby massage into your bedtime

     Establish a Good Bedtime Routine                                                                                                               routine. This can help relax your baby after their bath. Gently massage their arms and
                                                                                                                                                    legs using a gentle, natural oil. Warm it first in the palm of your hands and use long, firm
                                                                                                                                                    strokes and sing a soothing song.
     When can I start a bedtime routine with my baby?
     Whilst your newborn won’t necessarily settle into a routine during the first 12 weeks, it can be helpful to start a      Feeding               Ensure you’re comfortable and put on a low light so as not to over-stimulate your baby.
     bedtime or naptime routine right from the start, so that it becomes second nature to both of you, and as your little                           Try not to feed your baby to sleep, although this is often very difficult at bedtime if
     one gets older he or she will start to recognise the cues for sleepy-time. You can include anything you like in your                           your baby is very tired. Try and gently rouse them, we don’t want your baby to become
     bedtime routine including a bath, baby massage, lullaby, story or soothing sounds. Always finish with PJs and a feed.                          reliant on being fed to go to sleep as this could turn into very sleepless nights for years
     The key is to ensure consistency, start with a short routine to begin with and then stretch it out longer as your baby                         to come. You could leave their swaddle or sleeping bag off whilst you feed and then put
     gets older.                                                                                                                                    them in once you have finished feeding. Gently stroke their feet whilst feeding as this
                                                                                                                                                    will also keep them slightly awake.
     Will a bedtime routine help my baby to sleep?
     A consistent bedtime routine teaches your baby the triggers that happen before they go to sleep. It’s very reassuring
     for them when they start to recognise the signs of bedtime, especially if they are tired and wanting to go to sleep.
     Research has shown that a bedtime routine helps little ones go to sleep quicker and stay asleep longer.                                       Handy Tip                                                      TOP

                                                                                                                                 ‘If your baby wakes at night, don’t be tempted to jump and
     A good bedtime routine might include:                                                                                       go to them. Turning on lights, talking to them, bringing them
                                                                                                                                 downstairs, watching screens or playing with them will over-
                                                                                                                                 stimulate both of you at a time which should be for sleeping.
     Quiet time                   To help babies and little ones wind down from a busy day, dimming the lights,
                                                                                                                                 Bright light and especially exposure to blue light at night
                                  switching off the TV and having some quiet time will really help them to relax. Putting
                                                                                                                                 increases alertness and suppresses the body’s production of
                                  on some calming music and removing noisy toys can all help.
                                                                                                                                 the sleep hormone melatonin. Blue light is not necessarily
                                                                                                                                 blue – it’s part of the white light spectrum and tricks our
     Nappy off time               This can help babies’ physical development so they can have a kick without their
                                  nappy, it also airs the area to help avoid nappy rash and can really calm a fussy baby.
                                                                                                                                 brains into thinking it’s daytime – not what you want when                    Elephant Print Newborn
                                  Try doing this from 6 weeks of age.
                                                                                                                                 your baby (and you!) are settling down after a feed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               RRP £15
                                                                                                                                 Instead if you have to get up to your baby use a nightlight that
     Bath time or                 If you have a young baby you don’t have to give them a bath every night, but as                                                                                              Designed with a pocket for little legs and a
                                                                                                                                 has very low blue light content, feed in the same room as baby              baby-safe Velcro™ closure, this Little Elephants
     top ’n’ tail                 they get older it really helps them to understand it’s bedtime. Try and use a relaxing
                                                                                                                                 sleeps, avoiding conversation between you and your partner,                 Newborn Swaddle is easy and quick to use and
                                  lavender or chamomile bath wash, play some calming music, sing some lullabies. This is                                                                                        really helps babies feel snug and secure.
                                                                                                                                 or talking to your baby and focus purely on feeding and then
                                  also a great time for partners to have some time with their little one.
                                                                                                                                 back to bed.’

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13
Mary’s other must-haves...
     A Blissful Bath Time
     Bath time is a fundamental part of every little person’s evening routine, however we know it varies from baby
     to baby. If you’ve got a natural water baby, they might take their time playing and splashing. However, for lots
     of babies, experiencing bath time for the first time can be somewhat less enjoyable, calling for an in-out military
     style operation.

     Bath time doesn’t have to be in the bathroom. If you have a chilly bathroom switch to somewhere warmer. All
     you need is a bath support or if tight on space, invest in a baby bath that folds out of the way, or that can be
     hung up in the bathroom.

     Softer lighting may help your little one feel more relaxed. Make sure you’ve got everything you need in the
     bathroom beforehand to stop them from getting cold. A hooded towel will help keep chills away, so little ones                                                                                             Whale Shampoo Rinser
     can dry off quicker.                                                                                                                                                                                                      RRP £6
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Keep sensitive eyes protected from shampoo - the specially

     “ Remember, fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Make sure you’ve got everything                                                                                                                   shaped jug creates a steady flow of water to rinse away the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       bubbles without tears.

                       you need in the bathroom beforehand ”
      The Big Bath Adventure                                                                                                                                                                                TOP

      Your little bather can test out the big bath from the minute they come home. Some parents may just decide to                                                                                          PICK

      hold their little one in shallow water. If you’re concerned about your little splasher getting a bit too wriggly, there
      are some great bath supports. Make sure the water is close to body temperature. Here are some handy tips:

              Make sure the water is close to body temperature. Check it with your wrist or elbow and
              mix it well so there are no hot patches.
              Don’t add any liquid cleansers to the bath water. Plain water is best for your baby’s skin in
              the first month.                                                                                                       Bunny Towelling Dressing Gown                                             Elephant Hooded Towel
              Keep your baby’s head clear of the water.                                                                                                    RRP £18                                                             RRP £16
              Never leave your baby alone in the bath, not even for a second.                                                    An impossibly cute style that’s both practical and fun to wear,      Who can resist the adorable elephant towel - especially now
                                                                                                                                   also available personalised with the name of a loved one         it’s available to be personalised with the name of a loved one in
              Lift your baby out and pat them dry, paying special attention to the creases in the skin. Lift
                                                                                                                                embroidered onto it. Supersoft cotton terry is so cosy, making it              delicate embroidery, making it the perfect gift.
              your baby out and pat them dry, paying special attention to the creases in their skin.                                          useful for chilly mornings and nights.
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
Safer Sleep Tips
     Follow our safe sleep guide on where and how you should place your baby to sleep. Share this guide with family
                                                                                                                                How long should your baby sleep for?
     and friends so that everyone in your baby’s life knows how to keep them safe.

                                                                                                                                          How long     Total naps   Night sleep   Total sleep
                  Always place your baby on their back to sleep.                     Do not put anything in your baby’s      Age          awake
                  Side and tummy positions are not safe.                             sleep space. This includes pillows,
                                                                                     blankets, comforters, bumper pads,    Newborn        1 hour       4-5 naps     10-12 hours   17-19 hours
                                                                                     stuffed animals or toys.              to 6 weeks                               2-3 wakings
                  Use a cot that meets current safety standards.
                                                                                                                           6 weeks        1 hour       4 naps       11-12 hours   16-18 hours
                  The mattress should be firm and fit snuggly in                     Place your baby’s separate, safe
                                                                                                                           to 11 weeks    15 minutes                1-3 wakings
                  the cot. Cover the mattress with a tight-fitting                   sleep space near your bed to help
                  cot sheet.                                                         protect them and sleep in the same    12 weeks       1 hour       4 naps       12 hours      16.5-17.5 hours
                                                                                     room for the first 6 months after     to 4 months    30 minutes                0-2 wakings
                  Do not use blankets for sleep time. Use LOVE                       birth.
                  TO DREAM SWADDLE UP™ from birth and                                                                      4 months       1 hour       4 naps       12 hours      16-17 hours
                                                                                                                           to 5 months    45 minutes                0-1 wakings
                  choose according to baby’s weight, not their                       Offer your baby a dummy to settle
                  age. Stop swaddling as soon as your baby                           to sleep at both bedtime and          6 months       2 hours      3 naps       12 hours      16 hours
                  shows signs of rolling and transition to arms-                     daytime naps.                                                                  0-1 wakings
                  free sleep using the SWADDLE UP™ 50/50
                  TRANSITION BAG and SWADDLE UP™                                                                           7 months       2 hours      3 naps       12 hours      16-15.5 hours
                                                                                     Do not expose your baby to            to 8 months    15 minutes                0 wakings
                  TRANSITION SUIT.
                                                                                     cigarette smoke and avoid the use
                                                                                                                           9 months       2 hours      2 naps       12 hours      15-15.5 hours
                                                                                     of alcohol or illicit drugs.
                  To help prevent your baby from overheating,                                                                             30 minutes                0 wakings
                  monitor the room temperature to ensure
                  it is comfortable and well ventilated. Don’t                                                             10 months      2 hours      2 naps       12 hours      15 hours
                                                                                                                           to 11 months   45 minutes                0 wakings
                  overdress your baby or add blankets. The
                  room should be between 16-20°c.                                                                          1 year         3 hours      2 naps       12 hours      14.5-15 hours
                                                                                                                                                                    0 wakings

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Mary’s other must-haves...
     Baby Sleep
     My baby keeps waking really early!!                                                                                Is it okay to rock or feed my baby to sleep?
     Having a baby is like having a human alarm clock, both wake you up with sudden noise! But what should              In an ideal world your baby should be put down in
     you do when your baby starts waking earlier and earlier? Believe it or not, somewhere between 6am and              their cot at both bedtime and for naps whilst still
     7am is an appropriate time for your baby to wake up. If your baby is wide awake and ready to play at 5am           awake but drowsy. It’s important that your baby
     then you have to tackle early rising; luckily, it’s easy to fix.                                                   learns to settle themselves to sleep independently
                                                                                                                        without the need for rocking, being fed or cuddled.
     Firstly, try an earlier bedtime as over-tiredness can contribute to early rising, next ensure your little one is   Whilst it may seem a lovely thing to do when they’re
     getting in all their naps during the daytime. Sleep is easier in a dark bedroom – invest in blackout blinds or     little, you don’t want to create a situation where your
     curtains to block out any light. This will be particularly important in the summer mornings. For some babies,      baby needs this every time time they wake day or
     waking early may be a sign of hunger; to overcome this, dream feed at 11pm being careful and as quiet              night to settle back to sleep.                                             Outlook Sleep-Pod
     as possible. If you hear your little one waking at say 4am, then quickly coax them back to sleep. The last
                                                                                                                                                                                                             RRP £30
     thing you want is for them to wake screaming until they are so upset they can’t fall back to sleep. It’s an old                                                              This quick-fit, breathable cover attaches to any pram to protect
     technique, but make sure you put your baby in their cot drowsy but awake. This way they will learn to settle                                                                 against harmful UV sun rays, light, wind and some noise to help
                                                                                                                                                                                     your baby go to sleep and stay asleep, wherever you are.
     themselves to sleep when they wake early in the morning.

     My baby was sleeping and now he isn’t! Is it a sleep regression?                                                                   Handy Tip
     What happened?! Your baby was sleeping so well and then suddenly now you can’t get them to sleep no
                                                                                                                            ‘Use dimmers! Light is the best way to regulate
     matter what! If this is what you’re experiencing it could be sleep a regression. During a sleep regression your
                                                                                                                            your baby’s circadian rhythm, the body’s
     baby will need to feed more frequently, wake often in the night, take short naps or refuse to sleep in the day
                                                                                                                            internal clock. Plug lamps across the house
     and have increased fussiness and clinginess. All of this can make for a very difficult and sleepless time, but
                                                                                                                            into dimmer units, and when the sun goes
     worry not, it will pass.
                                                                                                                            down in the evening, lower the lights – even if
                                                                                                                            your baby isn’t going to bed right away. To help
     Sleep regressions are a normal phase babies go through during a period of development. Sleep regressions
                                                                                                                            further develop their circadian rhythm, make
     typically last between 2-6 weeks and generally happen at 4 months, 7 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15
                                                                                                                            sure your home is brightly lit during the day,
     months, 18 months, 2 years and 3 years. Remember not every baby will experience regression at all the
                                                                                                                            even during naps. A lamp with a dimmer unit in
     ages above. For each stage of sleep regression focus on doing what works for your family, try to keep the
                                                                                                                            the bedroom also works great for night feeds                        Shnuggle Baby Bath
     bedtime and nap routines as consistent as possible, respond to cues of tiredness quickly and offer lots of
                                                                                                                            as you can keep it as low as possible to avoid                                 RRP £27.99
     additional cuddles and extra feeds if needed. Remember this is temporary and will pass in time.
                                                                                                                            stimulating your baby.’                               Suitable from newborn, the clever bum bump helps support even
                                                                                                                                                                                  the tiniest baby in an upright position, offering a more enjoyable
                                                                                                                                                                                       and comfortable bathtime for babies right up to 12m+.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             19
Toddler Sleep
     When should I move my toddler from a cot to a bed?
                                                                                                                                           Handy Tip
     Most toddlers make the transition from cot to bed between 18 months and three years. However, there’s no              ‘Make it fun! It’s normal for a toddler to resist
     specific time that your toddler needs to move to a bed, it’s different for every family. Many parents make the move   bedtime, they want to be independent and practice
     when their toddler is able to climb out of the cot or is too tall to sleep comfortably. Make the move exciting, let   all their new skills. To get around this, make them
     them choose their own bedding and a new cuddly toy for bedtime. Because they’re able to now get out of bed            feel like they’re in charge! Give them choices,
     alone, be sure to toddler-proof their bedroom and the stairs.                                                         would they like to stomp up the stairs like an
                                                                                                                           elephant or tiptoe like a mouse? Would they like
     Will my toddler sleep better if I put him to bed later?                                                               to sleep at the top end or the bottom end of their
     Unfortunately, a later bedtime is unlikely to help your toddler sleep better. It may seem odd, but toddlers who are   bed? Which cuddly toy would they like for bed
     over-tired often have difficulty settling down to sleep at night. They’re also much more likely to wake up during     tonight? This way, you choose when your toddler
     the night. Instead stick with a solid bedtime routine and try not to deviate from it too much.                        goes to sleep, but they get to pick the details!’.

     When can I introduce a pillow?
     Whilst your toddler has been in a cot, he probably hasn’t been using a pillow. The ideal time to introduce one
     is when you transition to a bed between 18 months and 3 years. Choose a flat pillow and give your toddler the
     choice of using it.                                                                                                         PRODUCT

                   How long should your toddler sleep for?
         Age               How long awake       Total naps        Night sleep                      Total sleep

         1 year            3 hours              2 naps            12 hours, 0 wakings              14.5-15 hours

         2 years           3.5 hours            1 naps            11.5 hours, 0 wakings            14 hours
                                                                                                                                    Love To Dream Sleep Suit
                                                                                                                                                    RRP £45
         3 years           4 hours              1 naps            11 hours, 0 wakings              13.5-14 hours
                                                                                                                            Specially designed for active kids that like to move around
                                                                                                                             and play whilst still in their sleep garment. 2-in-1 design
                                                                                                                                can be worn as socks or folded back for playtime.

20                                                                                                                                                                                         21
Katie’s other must-haves...
     Common Sleep Concerns                                                                                                     A toddler’s imagination helps them to play and learn, however, when
                                                                                                                               they are about two they also start to understand the concept of fear.
                                                                                                                               This combination of fear and their imagination is basically where
     Won’t Nap                                                                                                                 nightmares can come from. Nightmares tend to happen in the second
     The amount of sleep a toddler needs depends on their age, as well as their unique personality and physical needs.         half of the night and are most common in children between three and
     However, by about 18 months, most toddlers transition from two daytime naps to just the one long nap, gradually           six years. If your toddler has a nightmare go to your toddler quickly and
     reducing in time until they reach 3-4 years of age and eventually stop daytime napping. Life is very exciting for a       give them a big hug. There’s no special trick, just comfort them until
     toddler, with lots to learn and explore and new skills to test out, they often don’t want to stop and miss any fun.       they’re calm, try to distract them and talk about happier things, show
     However, it’s important they do stop and refuel. Toddlers often have trouble napping if they don’t have a regular         them there are no monsters under the bed or hiding in the wardrobe.
     naptime, have too much screen time, become over-tired or over-stimulated. To help your toddler nap, establish a
     regular nap routine and stick to this consistently, so same place, same time and same routine. This should help your      Night Terrors                                                                  Ewan the Dream Sheep
     toddler fall asleep more easily.                                                                                          Night terrors happen when your toddler partially wakes up during                               RRP £30
                                                                                                                               the deep, non-REM sleep. They usually happen early in the night and           A gorgeous sleep aid essential for a peaceful
     Over-Stimulation                                                                                                                                                                                         night’s sleep. Soothing womb and heartbeat
                                                                                                                               can last several minutes. Night terrors are relatively common and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            sounds that help to ease your baby to sleep, or
     We all know from experience how hard it is to fall asleep after something exciting or new has happened. Almost            happen more often when children are ill, overtired, overexcited or            household, nature and musical sounds can be
     everything is new and exciting for your toddler so it’s very easy for them to become over-stimulated, which can           anxious. Whilst they can seem frightening to a parent, they don’t do           played depending on what suits your baby.
     make it difficult for them to fall asleep. To avoid over-stimulation introduce periods of quiet time during the day,      your toddler any harm and they often won’t even remember it. When
     establish a regular sleep routine and avoid any noisy or active play before bedtime. If your toddler is already over-     your toddler has a night terror, they’ll likely seem scared, panicky,
     stimulated try to get your little one to bed as soon as possible when you see signs of tiredness. If you’re out and       confused or disorientated, scream shout or cry, they may babble or talk
     about and you think your toddler is becoming over-stimulated then head home as soon as possible. On the way               nonsense, wet the bed and get up to walk around, and you may find
     home keep things quiet with relaxing music or singing, talk quietly or gently rock if not driving.                        they don’t recognise you and will likely not remember what happened
                                                                                                                               the next day. There’s no guaranteed way to prevent night terrors, but
     Teething                                                                                                                  there are a few things you can do to help. If your toddler can talk,
     Your toddler may wake at night for a number of reasons, including teething. Although it’s not always easy, try to         have a chat to see if something specific is bothering them; it could be
     stick to your regular bedtime routine as much as possible. If you change the routine, even for a short time, your         something is triggering the night terrors. Follow a consistent bedtime
     baby or toddler might have trouble getting back on track when teething is finished. When your baby wakes in the           routine as this encourages good sleep habits and may help with night
     night, give them a few minutes to see if they’ll settle on their own. Otherwise, give cuddles and soothing words, try     terrors. Finally, if the night terrors happen around the same time every
     not to lift them out of their cot and try to go back to sleep. If teething is bothering them too much to settle back to   night, set an alarm and gently wake them up 15 minutes beforehand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Potette Plus
     sleep you can try to massage their gums with a cool washcloth or finger, give a cool teething ring, offer a drink of      as this will take them out of the deep sleep phase where night terrors                       RRP £24.99
     cool water, use a teething gel massaged onto the gums or give a dose of infant paracetamol or ibuprofen.                  happen. Do this every night for a week and it may reset their sleeping       Portable Potty and Toilet-Trainer Seat in one -
                                                                                                                                                                                                           can be used as a stand-alone potty with the legs
                                                                                                                               pattern enough to stop the night terrors.                                    locked in place or legs open to create handles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  that securely sit over a toilet seat.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      23
                                   “The award-winning, patented SWADDLE UP™ by LOVE TO DREAM™ is                          Why SWADDLE UP™? Medical research
                                   specificially designed to allow your baby to have a safe and deep sleep. The
                                                                                                                           suggests that babies sleep better if they are
                                   patented ARMS UP™ design with ‘wing tips’ enables your baby to sleep in
                                   their natural ARMS UP™ position. This allows your baby to easily touch their            swaddled and if they can self-soothe.
                                   face and suck on their hands and fingers for true SELF-SOOTHING™. Medical
                                                                                                                           What is SELF-SOOTHING™?
                                   research suggests that babies who can self-soothe, sleep better and for longer,
                                                                                                                           A natural way babies settle themselves to sleep, is by sucking on their hands
                                   thereby giving you the opportunity to catch up on some well deserved sleep.”
                                                                                                                           or gently rubbing their cheeks. This is called SELF-SOOTHING™. This hand
                                   Dr Jonny Taitz, Leading Australian Paediatrician                                        sucking can also help develop mouth muscles which aids in feeding, speech
                                                                                                                           development and their natural rooting reflex.

                                                                                                                           What are the benefits of swaddling?
     The award-winning, patented ARMS UP™ swaddle that allows your baby to sleep
                                                                                                                           ARMS UP™ gives your baby access to their hands f or true self-soothing. SELF-SOOTHING™ = more sleep
         in a natural position with their ARMS UP™ for true SELF-SOOTHING™.
                                                                                                                           Single layer of breathable cotton-rich fabric may help reduce the risk of overheating
                                                                                                                           Snug fit, reduces the risk of tangling in loose bedding
                                                                                                                           Swaddle right every time, in seconds

          Baby’s natural
       sleep position with
           ARMS UP™

                             Award-winning and certified by the International Hip Displaysia Institute and:

                                                                                               FRIENDS OF

                                                                                                                                 To see the full range of LOVE TO DREAM™ designs and prints visit
24                                                                                                               SIDS
                                                                                                               research                                                                                                           25
@mrsewilliams                                  @auroramccausland                                           @mr_sean_sims
  “Sleeping to the rhythm of my heart -        “We love the LOVE TO DREAM™ SWADDLE UP™                    “My wife isn’t anxious about our son sleeping
Zack just loves to be close to his mama and   because it makes bedtime soo much easier. We can            since we bought this. She now sleeps through
  it means we can cuddle all the time! I      zip him into his swaddle in seconds, and we all sleep       the night as well as the little man. That makes
   couldn’t be without my Izmi Carrier”        just a little bit better because of it. It’s designed to     me relax, so it’s paid for itself in my mind”
                                                allow babies to have their hands by their face, so
                                                they’re more comfortable and able to self soothe!
                                                    More sleep for Rosen, more sleep for me”


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