2017-2021 STRATEGIC PLAN - ASSOCIATION FOR STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY - Nampula, October 2016 - uataf-afc

Page created by Christian Parks
2017-2021 STRATEGIC PLAN - ASSOCIATION FOR STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY - Nampula, October 2016 - uataf-afc

    2017-2021 STRATEGIC PLAN

            Nampula, October 2016
2017-2021 STRATEGIC PLAN - ASSOCIATION FOR STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY - Nampula, October 2016 - uataf-afc

    Title:                          2017-2021 Strategic Plan
    Receptor:                       UATAF, Donors and Partners
    Production period:              June to September 2016
    Effective from:                 January 2017

    Produced with financial
    support from:

    Technical Assistance:

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021

 Abbreviation                                 Description

CLUSA             Cooperative League of the United States

HELVETAS          Helvetas Swiss Interoperation

PROMER            Rural Markets Promotion Program

GAPI             Development Financial Institution (Mozambican)

HELPO            Humanitarian Organization Operating in Education

H&S              Hygiene and Sanitation

LAE              Literacy and Adult Education

M&E              Monitoring and Evaluation

SNV              Netherlands Development Organization

OLIPA-ODES       Non-Government Organization with its Headquarters in Nampula

ZIP              Pedagogical Influence Zone

DPEDH            Provincial Directorate of Education and Human Development

SC               School Council

USAID            United States Agency for International Development

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021

1.     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................1

2.     INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................6

3.     UATAF PRESENTATION.......................................................................................8

     3.1.    About us..............................................................................................................8
     3.2.    What we do and who we benefit.......................................................................10
     3.3.    Where we work.................................................................................................11
     3.4.    Our Organization and Operation.......................................................................11
     3.5.    Our Partners......................................................................................................11
     3.6.    Our Achievements.............................................................................................11

4.     ANALYSIS OF THE CONTEXT.........................................................................13

     4.1.    National Context...............................................................................................13
     4.2.    The Education Sector and Adult Literacy.........................................................13
     4.3.    The Public Health and Environment Sectors....................................................14

5.     SWOT ANALYSIS.................................................................................................16

     5.1.    External Analysis: Opportunities and Threats..................................................16
     5.2.    Internal Analysis: Strengths and Weaknesses...................................................18
     5.3.    Summary of SWOT Analysis...........................................................................21

6.     STRATEGIC POSITIONING...............................................................................22

     6.1.    Vision................................................................................................................22
     6.2.    Mission..............................................................................................................22
     6.3.    Intervention areas..............................................................................................23
     6.4.    Geographic location..........................................................................................25
     6.5.    Strategic objectives...........................................................................................25
     6.6.    Results table and Strategic Initiatives per objective.........................................26
     6.7.    Implementation Strategy...................................................................................31


8.     MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLAN......................................................33

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021

Table 1. Values Set for the Organization...........................................................................9

Table 2. Values Set for Members and Employees.............................................................9

Table 3. Findings of External Review.............................................................................16

Table 4. Findings of Internal Analysis............................................................................18

Table 5. Summary of SWOT Analysis............................................................................21

Table 6. Table of Results and Strategic Initiatives for the Education and Functional
Literacy Areas..................................................................................................................26

Table 7. Table of Results and Strategic Initiatives for the Financial Education Area.....27

Table 8. Table of Results and Strategic Initiatives for the Education on Health and
Environmental Sanitation Area........................................................................................28

Table 9. Table of Results and Strategic Initiatives for the Institutional Development

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021

The Mozambican national context has been quite troubled since the beginning of 2015. The
changes in the socio-economic arena, political, cultural and technological are several. The
country faces a political and military crisis since 2013 which was worsened after the holding
of general elections in 2014, with military confrontations between the armed wing of the
Renamo party and government forces. Mozambique still faces a severe economic crisis that
accentuates the already existing difficult living conditions of a large part of the population,
affecting more severely the poorest communities.

The average rate of illiteracy among the adult population is about 53.6%, being higher in
rural areas (65.7%) compared to urban areas (30.3%) and more marked among women
(68%) than in men (36.7%).

The challenges in health and sanitation area are several: the climatic characteristics influence
the epidemiological pattern with recurrence of some diseases such as malaria and cholera
during the rainy season and meningitis during the dry season; they also make the country
vulnerable to the occurrence of natural disasters (floods, droughts and cyclones) with
negative impact on health and health services, the increase of the risk of these diseases and
the destruction of health infrastructure in the affected areas and camps of displaced people.

With the current Strategic Plan, UATAF aims to combine its mission, institutional capacity
and expertise to join the efforts of various actors in the search for solutions to minimize the
problems associated with literacy, extreme poverty, public health and sanitation in the
neediest communities. In order to better position ourselves to current challenges, the
following issues have been reviewed in the preparation of the current plan, mission, vision
and organizational values. Thus the new mission and vision are:

Our Mission:

     Strengthen the capacity of communities through education for sustainable

Our Vision:

     Be a sustainable organization, at the national dimension and regional
     reference in community development in the areas of education, sanitation and

In the next five years, UATAF intends to position itself strategically in the Central and
Northern regions of Mozambique. In these regions will be designed and implemented
projects in the districts of Nampula, Cabo Delgado, Niassa and Zambezia Province.

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
The areas of intervention and intended beneficiaries in the coming years are shown in the
table below:

                                  Direct beneficiaries
    Intervention areas                                                      Other beneficiaries
                                (Disaggregated by gender)

 Education and functional                                       provincial and district government (of
                             illiterate adult population
 literacy                                                       education and human development)

                                                                Parents / guardians
                             School children                    ZIPs heads
 School management           Members of the schools             local leaders
                             Council and Teachers               Provincial and district government (of
                                                                education and human development

                             Members of local associations      families
 Financial education
                             of farmers                         Community

                             Students ( from target schools)
 Health, education and       Users of health facilities         Provincial and district government (areas of
 environmental sanitation    Teachers                           health and environment)
                             Families / individuals

UATAF set eight strategic objectives that it aims to achieve in the next five years, five of
which are geared towards the provision of services and three for institutional development,

              Increasing the literacy level in the young adult population of the poorest communities in the
              central and northern regions of Mozambique

    SO2.      Increase the readability of the initial class of students in schools assisted by UATAF

              Increase the performance of the school councils members in the exercise of their duties and
              Increase the income generating capacity of community groups with limited access to
              financial resources
              Increase the capacity of communities to exercise good hygiene practices, sanitation and
              disease prevention

    SO6.      Boost the performance of the governing boards

    SO7.      Raise the technical capacity to implement projects and UATAF institutional visibility.

              Increase the financial capacity of UATAF seeking for sustainability in the implementation of

In order to achieve the strategic objectives, the following strategic initiatives were defined

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
Strategic objectives                                    Strategic initiatives

       Increasing the
       literacy level in the        Census of potential beneficiaries of functional literacy
       young and adult              Creation of literacy centers in the districts
       population of the
SO1.                                Training of functional literacy animators
       poorest communities
       in the central and           Development and adaptation of materials according to the local reality
       northern regions of          Implementation and monitoring of functional literacy program

       Increase the
       readability of the           Support for schools to implement pedagogical methodologies to support
SO2.   initial class of              the strengthening of reading skills.
       students in schools          Promote reading competitions in primary schools in targeted districts
       attended by UATAF

                                    Train the school council members in order to perform better their roles
       Foster the                    and responsibilities
       performance of the           Support the School council members to plan and monitor the school
       school council                operation
 SO3                                Support the schools council members in elaboration of their strategic
       members in the
       exercise of their roles       plans
       and responsibilities         Promote the participation of the school council members in the
                                     Government sessions in order to influence in decisions which can
                                     benefit the schools

       Capacity building            Train the community groups in savings methodology and revolving
       for the community
       groups with limited
                                    Support the community groups in the development and implementation
 SO4   access to financial
                                     of savings and credit schemes
       resources to
       generating their             Train the community groups in adequate basic financial management to
       incomes                       carry out small business

                                    Mobilization and sensitization of communities to the increase in basic
                                     hygiene and sanitation
                                    Train the members of the health committees for water management and
                                     schools council members to deal with health issues, water and
       Community capacity            sanitation
       building for good
                                    Advocacy for health facilities and schools including water and
       practice on hygiene,
SO5.                                 sanitation infrastructure in their facilities (considering gender)
                                    Students awareness campaigns and users of health facilities for
       sanitation and
       disease prevention.           increased hygiene practices and sanitation
                                    Promotion of communities training campaigns for the prevention of
                                     waterborne diseases (eg.:diarrhea, cholera, malaria, etc.)
                                    Promoting community education campaigns to reduce chronic

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
Strategic objectives                                     Strategic initiatives
                                     Conducting general regular meetings
                                     Review the terms of reference of the governing bodies and preparing the
                                      succession plan
                                     Development of an incentive policy for governing bodies
       Boost the
                                     Creation of working offices for the governing body members
       performance of
SO6.                                 Capacity building for the governing bodies on important issues of
       UATAF governing
       bodies                         UATAF intervention areas
                                     Share experience organization between UATAF governing board
                                      members and other similar organizations
                                     Development and implementation of monitoring plans of organizational
                                      performance and current projects
                                     Review of organizational structure
                                     Strengthening UATAF Team with specialized staff
       Raise the technical           Development and implementation of a training plan for capacity
       capacity to                    building of internal staff and members of the governing bodies
SO7.   implement projects            Completion of UATAF`s construction building
       and UATAF                     Completion of the creation of UATAF web page/site
       institutional visibility      Development and implementation of an institutional marketing strategy
                                     Acquire Appropriate equipment and means of transportation for
                                      UATAF work
                                     Development of a resource mobilization strategy and revenue
       Increase UATAF                 generation
       financial capacity            Creation and operationalization of an institute for the development of
       seeking for                    skills-oriented for professional development
       sustainability in the         Creation of a task force to research opportunities and project design
       implementation of             Awareness for the governing board members for the payment of fees
                                      and increased value

These initiatives will be implemented through two main approaches:

        Direct implementation of projects in areas where UATAF can generate higher
         quality of delivery efficiently and also in highly complexity and sensitivity.

        Direct implementation of the strategic initiatives in areas where UATAF does not
         have all the required skills to successfully complete an activity with a high quality.
         Indirect implementation can be done through a consortium, partnerships and other
         specialized organizations or experts.
For the concretization of UATAF institutional vision, objectives and strategic initiatives of
this Plan will require an increased effort to mobilize resources and income generation. Thus,
there will be established a fund mobilization strategy and income generation to guide these

The Strategic Plan will be implemented through annual plans, whose monitoring will be
made on a quarterly basis. The M & A area should produce an annual plan of monitoring for
the Organization as a whole. Monitoring of projects will be made as agreed with partners,
but must feed and align with the overall plan for monitoring UATAF.

The monitoring team should collect data for monitoring the activities of the annual plan,

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
process a simple database (Excel) and prepare quarterly reports on the degree of
implementation of the plan on the target basis set for each quarter. This report should be
analyzed by the Governing Council to make decisions on improvement actions to achieve
the goals. UATAF will conduct an assessment of the progress and impact of the
implementation of the Plan at the various groups of beneficiaries.

UATAF will conduct an evaluation on the progress and impact of the Plan implementation at
different beneficiaries’ groups’ level.

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
UATAF Strategic Plan aims at facilitating and guiding government action, the annual
planning, project design, budgeting, resource mobilization and partnerships and the short
and medium term activities control. So this Plan remains the main guiding document of the
Organization's interventions over the next five years for the period between 2017-2021.
This Plan was devised taking into account the current context and organizational capabilities
of UATAF to respond to the demand for services that contribute to improving the quality of
life of the neediest communities.

For its preparation, it was carried out a meticulous documentary research, analysis of
problems and identification of proposed solutions.

In order to ensure a proper framework of the local reality and further deepening of the
problems affecting the communities, there has been an involvement of UATAF focal figures/
points residing in the districts to identify and analyze, in a participatory manner, the
problems that the UATAF intends to contribute to its resolution with this Plan. It has also
taken advantage of the experience and the knowledge that UATAF acquired during the
implementation of projects in the communities.

Thus the preparation of the Plan followed the following phases:

        Methodological preparation;
        Collection, analysis and systematization of relevant documentation;
        Internal Workshop with UATAF focal points representing six districts;
        Workshop with executive management and board members;
        Gathering information through workshop from UATAF partners at the level of
         Nampula Province;
        Systematization of information gathered and production of the draft plan; and
        Presentation of the Plan, discussion and internal validation and stakeholders.

It is hoped that with this plan, UATAF's performance is driven to improve the quality of its
intervention in the provision of services and organizational capacity.

This document is structured into seven chapters:

        The first chapter presents the executive summary;
        The second chapter is composed by this introduction that is a framework of
         objectives and relevance of the Plan for the development of UATAF and also
         presents a description of the methodological steps followed for the preparation of the

        The third chapter unveils UATAF presentation in which stand out the guiding
         vectors of its work, the organization and operation, work performed and partnerships
         that the organization has established;

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
   The fourth chapter analyses the national context, local and sectorial context for each
       of the intervention areas;

      The fifth chapter presents the SWOT analysis in which the opportunities and threats
       were identified in the external context and internal strengths and weaknesses (within
       the Organization). It presents also a summary of the analysis done and
       recommendations for UATAF.

      The sixth chapter presents the strategic positioning: vision and mission of UATAF,
       strategic objectives of the Plan, areas of intervention, geographical location, and
       implementation strategy and result table;

      The seventh chapter refers to resource mobilization initiatives and income generation
       to support the implementation of the Plan;

      The eighth chapter presents the process of monitoring and evaluation of the Plan.

The implementation of this Plan should be seen as an opportunity to strengthen the institutional
capacity of the Organization. UATAF should make revisions and updates to the document with
the purpose of creating the conditions to achieve the set objectives.

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
3.1. About us
The Technical Assistance Unit for Functional Education (UATAF) is a non-profit
organization legally registered in Mozambique, created on December 27 th, 2004, which is
focused on strengthening skills of communities through education initiatives and social
mobilization aiming at increasing the level of their knowledge and practices that contribute
to improving the quality of life of individuals and families.

3.1.1. Our Mission

Our mission is to "strengthen the capacity of communities through education for sustainable

This mission reflects the reason for being of UATAF and is aligned with the constitution and
interventions of the Organization. The realization of this mission involves a continuous
effort of UATAF team that, through education initiatives and community mobilization are
identified and explored opportunities to increase the level of awareness, knowledge, skills
and practices of the population leading to improvement their living conditions.

3.1.2. Our Vision

Our vision is "to be a sustainable organization, national scale and regional reference in
community development in the areas of education, sanitation and microfinance."

We dream high and we aim to achieve a level of organizational and administrative
sustainability acceptable within 10 years. We expect to consolidate the gains achieved by our
current and past intervention in education and expand to other areas and geographic
locations in order to responding a more integrated position to the community’s needs that we
are keen to assist.

3.1.3. Our Values

The values set for UATAF constitute a set of moral principles, cultural preferences and
psychological attitudes that should be exercised by all employees in the relationship between
themselves and with external entities. There are five values for the Organization, and seven
for the employees.

Values for the Organization

UATAF defined five values that should guide your way of being and staying as an
organization of the Mozambican civil society. These values should be observed collectively.

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
Table 1. Values Set for the Organization

Values for the Organization   Observable behaviors
                              As organization, UATAF seeks to differentiate itself from others by seeking to
                              introduce methodologies and innovative services in the intervention
1     Innovation
                              community. We encourage the creativity of all employees so that this value is

                              We seek to ensure that the results of our activities are in compliance with the
2     Quality
                              defined quality standards, ensuring maximum satisfaction of the beneficiaries.

                              All activities we do should be shared internally and externally with all
      Transparency     and
3                             stakeholders. The reports and the organization's accounts must be audited and
                              available for consultation by interested parties
                              UATAF cultivates a spirit of mutual support among employees and its
4     Solidarity              members. The organization identifies with its members in times of joy and

                              All decision-making and management processes are guided by democratic /
5     Inclusion
                              participatory principles

Values for employees and UATAF members

The employees and UATAF members will exercise, in their interaction with each other and
with external actors the values of respect, honesty, commitment, communication, proactivity,
efficiency and effectiveness and solidarity. The desirable behaviors that should materialize
these values are:

Table 2. Values Set for Members and Employees

Values for employees and
                              Observable behaviors

                              Employees and UATAF members are treated with dignity and equality at all
                              levels. Obey the hierarchy and rules of organization and simultaneously
                              demonstrate high sense of friendship. In relation to external entities, we know
1     Respect
                              and respect the rules and procedures of interaction with different stakeholder
                              groups (ex .: community members, local / traditional authorities, government
                              structures, donors, implementing partners, etc.)

                              Employees and UATAF members strictly follow the moral rules. An honest
2     Honesty                 employee does not lie, does not steal, does not handle information and follow
                              the procedures set out for carrying out their activities

                              Employees and UATAF members know and exercise the Organization's
3     Commitment              values, comply with their obligations (even working without supervision),
                              meet the deadlines and set goals and identify for the cause of the Organization
                              Employees and UATAF members are active in communication channels and
                              use correct language in different contexts to convey messages to each other
4     Communication           and / or to different groups of partners including local communities. The
                              Organization encourages the use of all available means of communication
                              including information and communication technologies (IT)

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
Values for employees and
                             Observable behaviors

                             Employees and UATAF predict and anticipate up to events before they occur.
5       Proactivity          Take smart measures in adverse situations and find alternative solutions to
                             meet the challenges of day-to-day

                             Employees and UATAF members use the existing (financial, material, time,
        Efficiency     and   personnel resources, etc.) resources in a rational manner to achieve the
        efficacy             planned results. Always seek to minimize costs in the activities and anticipate
                             the deadlines, the results achieved.

                             Employees and UATAF members cultivate a spirit of mutual support in times
7       solidarity
                             of joy and sorrow

3.2.     What we do and who we benefit

Our organization supports communities in education and development, community health
and environment. We mobilize different partners and local communities in order to:

        Enable adults (men and women) to know how to read, write and do calculations;
        To train members of school councils to better exercise their oversight role to ensure a
         better functioning of schools;
        Support schools in educational planning processes;
        Promote, from the schools, methodologies that facilitate and encourage the process
         of teaching and learning in the early grades;
        Organize and foster the existence of community saving groups and revolving credit;
        Promote the exercise of healthy community practices (sanitation, personal and
         collective hygiene, etc.)
        Lobbying and advocacy for prioritizing initiatives and public and private investments
         geared to increasing access to education, water and environment sanitation.

Initially, we define as our strategic target group the adult illiterate population with
greater focus on farmers organized in associations. Throughout our existence and the
experience of work in the community, we expand our target group to also cover children
and young people of school age. This group has been supported through interventions in
the area of functional education.

UATAF seeks to work in less benefited communities favoring women (individually or in
groups) because we believe that, in underdeveloped communities, she plays a key role in
social change. To generate the desired changes, UATAF works closely with the leadership
and local administrative structures, producer associations, members of school councils,
district consultative councils and other groups of stakeholders working for local
3.3. Where we work
UATAF has its headquarters in Nampula city and implements its programs in the North and
Centre of the country regions and may cover the entire national territory. By the time, the
projects have been implemented in the following districts:

        Nampula Province: Moma, Mogovolas, Meconta, Monapo, Murrupula, Mecuburi,
         Ribaue, Rapale, Lalaua, Malema, Nacaroa, Muecate and Erati

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
   Cabo Delgado Province: Macomia, Ancuabe and Mecufi
       Niassa Province: Cuamba, Maua, Metarica, Marrupa, Mandimba and Mecanhelas
       Zambezia Province: Ile, Gurue, Alto Molocue and Morrumbala
       Tete Province: Mutarara

3.4. Our Organization and Operation
There are three different levels of decision to ensure the functioning of UATAF: General
Meeting, Board and Executive Committee. The General Assembly is the highest entity and
the main instrument of UATAF governance with power to decide on the policies, plans and
programs of the Organization to be followed. The Executive Board provides regular
management and decision-making relating to the implementation of actions and organization
of programs, monitoring and evaluation and that is subordinated and responds to the
Governing Board, which uses to ask the General Assembly, on behalf of the members, to
ensure that their actions are aligned with the mission, vision and institutional values.

3.5. Our Partners
UATAF works with different types of partners to implement its activities and may highlight
the following partners:
     Provincial Governments - Provincial Directorates of Education and Human
        Development (Nampula, Zambezia and Cabo Delgado)
     District Governments (District Youth and Technology Education Services)
     USAID Mozambique
     Embassy of the United States of America
     SNV (Netherlands Development Organization)
     HELPO
     RADIO MOZAMBIQUE (delegations of Nampula and Zambézia)
     PROMER
     PEDAGOGIC UNIVERSITY (Nampula Branch)
     Catholic University of Mozambique - Faculty of Education
     HELVETAS Mozambique
     CLUSA Mozambique
     Local Associations

3.6.    Our Achievements

Since its inception, UATAF has invested in strengthening its capacity building for better
position in providing services to communities. As a result, the Organization consolidated its
presence in the districts and established important partnerships and good relationships with
government officials, traditional leaders, private sector and other civil society organizations
which enabled it to successfully implement its programs.

In the area of UATAF adult education and literacy interventions, they allowed to develop
reading skills, writing and calculation of about 67,732 local associated producers, of which
26.720 are women.

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
At the primary schools level, UATAF contributed to the improvement in the planning and
supervision process in school performance which involved 300 primary schools in 6 districts
of Nampula and Zambézia provinces by supporting them in planning process and quarterly
pedagogical balance in ZIPs (Pedagogical Influence Zones) of the beneficiary primary
schools. In addition, 5.400 school council members were trained and ensured the
participation of 300 presidents of these councils in local government planning sessions
(advisory boards from villages or administrative post) in order to influence the prioritization
of pro-education initiatives in the planning process and local budgeting.

To develop reading skills in the early grades, UATAF provided 18,000 books and promoted
reading contests in schools that reached a total of 5,742 students of which 2,653 are girls.

At the PCR level, UATAF supported the creation of 114 groups of associates and trained
equal number of animators. This action benefited 2,657 members, including 1,470 women
and raised a total of 3.668,323,00MT through savings, of which 946.810,00MT were
allocated in the form of credit to members of the groups to promote income-generating

The experience gained from these interventions helped UATAF to strengthen its technical
and organizational capacity, strengthen its presence in target districts and continue to deserve
the trust of its partners to implement targeted interventions to change people's lives.

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
4.1. National Context
The Mozambican national context has been quite troubled since the beginning of 2015. The
changes in the socio-economic arena, political, cultural and technological are several. The
country faces a political and military crisis worsened after holding the last general elections
in late 2014, which is worsened by military confrontations outbreaks among the armed wing
of the Renamo party and government forces in some districts of central and northern

The country still faces severe economic crisis caused by a combination of factors of national
and international nature. The discovery of hidden debts incurred by the Government led to
the suspension of international aid by major cooperation partners, donors and the IMF in
early 2016, all this worsened the budget deficit of the government (which is still dependent
on foreign aid). The strengthening of the US economy, associated with the shortage of
foreign exchange in the country and other local factors of political and economic
discrepancy, led to a precipitous devaluation of our domestic currency (Metical) versus the
US Dollar, EURO and South African Rand(these are the major trading currencies in our
country). According to the data published by the government in mid-2016, the inflation rate
is 19.5%. This situation led the Government to review the State budget that resulted in
containing various public expenditures. The above scenario has implications for the increase
in the cost of living for the population and continuing degradation of their living conditions.

Mozambique has several imbalances between provinces, urban and rural population,
currently, the largest concentration of poverty in remote communities is in urban centers.

4.2. The Education Sector and Adult Literacy
In Mozambique, the right to education is guaranteed by Article 88 of the Constitution. The
right to education is also enshrined in the Law on National Education System (SNE) and
other national documents relating to this matter. The State shall guarantee the right to
education through its network of institutions and its partners in civil society and the private
sector that participate actively in the provision of education services, especially in places and
areas where the Public School are rare.

Taking into account the high illiteracy rates, the expansion of primary education is being
complemented by the development of functional literacy programs focused on active
community participation and commitment, with the priority targets to young people, adults,
women and girls, and an active involvement of the local authorities in the education

About 18% of the world population is illiterate; of this, approximately 64% are women. In
sub-Saharan Africa, the percentage of illiterates is 38% of which 61% are female. Among
young people (15-24 years), illiteracy rates is 12% of the world population; the level of Sub-
Saharan Africa,23% of the adult population cannot read and write, 59% of whom are female.

    Mozambique has higher rates than the average for sub-Saharan region. According to the
    data recently published by the National Institute of Statistics, the average rate of illiteracy
    among the adult population of the country points about 53.6%, being higher in rural areas
 Source: Report on the six Objectives of Education for All-2015 National Examination on Education for All:
Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
(65.7%) compared to urban areas (30.3%) and more prominent in women (68%) than in
 men (36.7%). Taking into account the country`s size and its diversity, it is not surprising
 that there are discrepancies between different regions, with rates ranging from 15.1% in
 Maputo Province (south of the country) and 68.4% in Cabo Delgado Province (the north).
 Among the young population, the situation is alarming, with 37.9% rate for the age group
 between 15-19 years (48% among young women) and 50.7% for the range of 20 to 29
 years of age (61.1% among young women).

 Literacy rates remain low in relation to women. In 2008, only 47 percent of women could
 read and write. It is however higher the percentage of young women who can read and
 write: 41 percent of 20 to 24 years old compared to 53 percent of 15 to 19 years. There was
 no significant change in women's literacy rates between 2003 and 2008.

 The Adult Education subsystem faces challenges, among which stand out the difficulty of
 retaining learners in LAE (Literacy and Adult Education) programs, particularly in rural
 areas, due to high poverty rates that lead to an increase in dropouts, especially women.

 The balance of the Five-Year Government Program, 2010-2014 estimates that spending on
 LAE area corresponds to only about 1% of the Education Sector budget. The subsidies for
 literacy (650 medicals per month) are less motivating for teachers. In 2013, it was not
 possible to recruit all 21,000 planned LAE teachers and the budget for their payment was
 executed in only 82%.

 The progress in LAE area is slow to notice through the literacy rates, even with a large
 number of learners involved in programs. With the level of progress in literacy programs
 and primary education, it will be unlikely to get the sector to reduce the rate illiteracy to
 30%, as projected in national programs.

4.3.    The Public Health and Environment Sectors

The country has a dry season which runs from May to September, and a rainy season from
October to April. These climatic characteristics determine the epidemiological pattern of
some diseases such as malaria and cholera during the rainy season, and diarrheal and
meningitis diseases in the dry season and make the country vulnerable to the occurrence of
natural disasters (floods, droughts and cyclones) with negative impact in health and health
services, due to the increase of the risk of these diseases and the destruction of health
infrastructure in the affected areas and camps of displaced people.

Health Sector is one of the priority sectors for the development of the country, for which
there is clarity of objectives, indicators, targets and areas of intervention in the Five Year
Government Plan, from 2015-2019, such as, in HIV / AIDS Health Sector Strategies
(malaria, tuberculosis, among others) and in partnership documents of the country with
various International Organizations and with the United Nations as well.

In the country, there is still a need to strengthen targeted actions to prevent and combat
diseases such as HIV / AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria that result in deaths of family heads
(adults), which contributes to the increase in poverty and vulnerable people (orphans and
widows and / or widows who have no source of income), dropping out of school by young
people and work disability or reduced worker productivity.

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
According to UNICEF in Mozambique, the coverage of drinking water supply is located at
49%, with a wide disparity between urban coverage (80%) and rural coverage (35%). The
challenge to improve water, sanitation and hygiene in communities is still huge.

The Health Facilities and Schools are vital institutions for the survival and development of
children, but unfortunately, they are characterized by inadequate levels of drinking water and
sanitation. Only an estimated rate of 40% of rural schools has ASH facilities for students and

UATAF thinks that can play an important role in community capacity building for good
hygiene and sanitation practices and mobilization of social actors to increase investment in
these areas, especially at the level of schools and health facilities.

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
5.         SWOT ANALYSIS
5.1.       External Analysis: Opportunities and Threats

UATAF conducted the analysis of external factors that may constitute for opportunities and
threats in the implementation of its Strategic Plan. In this analysis, the most relevant factors
were identified and their possible impact on the Plan and identified actions to take advantage
of opportunities and threats, which were summarized in the table below:

Table 3. Findings of External Review

                        Environmental trends                  Possible Impact on Plan                     Actions

                                                             Closing schools and worsening
                                                              of low educational
                                                             Deceleration of investment
                                                                                                  Avoid the implementation
                   Political and military tension with       and stagnation of the country's
                                                                                                   of projects in the places
                    higher incidence in the poorest areas     economy
Politics                                                                                           with major focus of
                    of the center and north Provinces of     Limitation of the circulation
                                                                                                   political tension and
                    the country                               space for UATAF team to              military confrontation
                                                              reach the beneficiaries of their
                                                             Reduction of participation of
                                                              the people in meetings

                •   High inflation
                •   High devaluation of the metical
                    versus the main currencies (dollar,
                    Rand, EURO)                                                                   To promote income-
                •   Financing suspension and no           •   Public investment reduction          generating initiatives
Economic            external partner support to the
                    country;                              •   Worsening poverty especially        Empower communities to
                •   Reorientation of funding for the area     for the poorest communities          entrepreneurship and small
                    of governance climate change and                                               business management
                •   Greater expenditure restraint by the

                •   High level of poverty among the       Stagnation or even increase in       Mobilize resources and
                    Mozambican population (54% of the the number of illiterate adults.           partnerships aiming at:
                    population below the poverty level);                                        Implement LAE programs
                                                          Prevalence of health problems
                •   High rate of illiteracy among the                                           Promote nutrition education
                                                           associated with malnutrition,
                    adult population (53.6%) vs reduced
                                                           limited access to water and          Promote investment in water
                    funding for LEA by the
                                                           adequate sanitation                   supply and sanitation in
                                                                                                 schools and health facilities.
                •   Low coverage of drinking water
                    supply (49%) with great disparity                                           Promote education on good
                    between urban coverage (80%) and                                             hygiene practices and
                    rural coverage (35%);                                                        sanitation in schools, health
                •   Schools and health centers hit by                                            centers and surrounding
                    inadequate drinking water supply                                             communities.
                    and sanitation;
                •   High incidence of malnutrition
                    (about 45% of under-five child
                    deaths are associated with

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
                        Environmental trends                 Possible Impact on Plan                     Actions

                        Expanding access to                     Increased     access    to           Explore the
                         information and                          information           and             possibility of using
Technology               communication technologies to            knowledge       for    the            ITs to disseminate
                         the most remote areas of the             availability platform and             educational messages
                         country                                  internet                              to communities

                 Existence of legislation, regulations    Legal framework and alignment 
Legal             and national strategic documents and      of UATAF`´s work with norms
                  sectorial that guide the work in the      and national and sectorial
                  areas of UATAF intervention.              priorities.

                                                             •    Increase the risk of        Educate the communities to
                                                                  diseases such as malaria,   resilience to natural events
                •   Country`s vulnerability on natural            cholera and diarrhea.       Mapping of key stakeholders in
                    disasters occurrence (floods,            •    Possibility of increasing   the environmental area and
Environmental       droughts and cyclones).                       the availability of         approach to identifying
                •   Increased importance given to the             resources and               partnership opportunities.
                    environment sector                            environmental pro           Community education for
                                                                  partnerships.               proper sanitation and disease

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
5.2.      Internal Analysis: Strengths and Weaknesses

The internal analysis aims to identify internal factors that can stimulate or hamper the
implementation of the Plan and project activities to maintain and enhance the strengths and
remove the weaknesses. This analysis was performed taking into account the UATAF value
chain processes presented below:

The strengths and weaknesses identified and discussed for each element on UATAF value
chain elements are presented in the table below:

Table 4. Findings of Internal Analysis

       Value Chain
                                 Strengths                       Weakness                           Action


                         UATAF own facilities, in      High costs of renting            Accelerate the
Facilities                construction.                                                    completion of our own
                                                                                           facilities construction.
                         Experienced Team in the       Lack of expertise in health,     Team Strengthened by
                          LEA area, school               environment and                   hiring experts to be
                          management, PCR and            microfinance management           allocated in projects in
                          prevention and fight           areas.                            areas where UATAF does
                          against HIV / AIDS.           Insufficient on HR limiting       not have skills.
Human Resources          Most of the technicians        the segregation of duties.       Development and
                          have higher education.        Team training dependent on        implementation of a
                         Great enthusiasm and           projects                          training plan and
                          interest of the members                                          development of UATAF
                          of the governing boards                                          team skills.
                          in UATAF development.

                      -                                 Projects financial               Enable the process of
Financial Resources                                      dependence.                       collecting membership
                                                        Weak fundraising                 Design and implement
                                                                                           initiatives generating
Equipment and            There are some office     •    No replacement of
Working material                                         consumables and equipment
                          equipment and means of
                                                         maintenance when projects
                          transportation offered by
                                                         end (due to lack of means).
                          the ended projects (e.g.
                                                    •    Insufficient means of
                          office desks,
                                                         transport for the operation
                                                         and projects

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
Value Chain
                                        Strengths                        Weakness                          Action
                         •       Internet access and     •       Existence of UATAF web       •   Complete the creation of
                                 phones                          page.                            the web page.
                                 Availability of         •       There is no technician to    •   Appoint and train a
            IT                   computers                       take care of UATAF               technician to update and
                                 There is a drop-box and         computer parts (antivirus,       maintain the website and
                                 it is being used                maintenance)                     give computer support to

                         •       There is an updated      •      Poor compliance on what is •     Enable the Audit
                                 administrative procedure        prescribed in the manuals        Committee to fulfill its
Manuals of procedures
                                 manual                          and the Rules                    role
and rules                        There is gender policy.
                         •       There are internal rules

                                              SUPPORTIVE PROCESSES
                         •       There is a norm of          •   There is no manual on       •    Develop HR policies.
                                 vacancy                         human resource
                                 announcement for                management procedures.      •    Elaborate manual on
Human Resource
Management                       hiring staff                •   There are no human               human resource
                                                                 resources management             management procedures
                                                                 policies. For example, wage

                         •       There is logistics and      •   There is no a warehouse to   •   Ensure, in the new
                                 procedures to carry out         keep the stock/goods and         building, a compartment
Logistics                        acquisitions and stock          equipment                        for storage.
                                 There is a person who is
                                 responsible for logistics

                         •       There is 1 accountant.      •   There is only one           •    Be cautious on hiring
                         •       It exists and uses an           accountant.                      more accountants in
Accounting                       updated accounting          •   If demand increases the          accordance to the number
                                 package (Banana and             accountant will not be able      and project requirement
                                 Spring                          to respond

                         •       There is one technical  •       The financial manager who •      Segregation of duties and
                                 with higher education.          also end up exercising           new hiring of staff (office
Financial management •           Exist and the financial         administrative functions due     assistant).
                                 management procedures           to the number of personnel
                                 are respected                   limitation is overloaded

                             -                               •   There is no institutional •      Develop institutional
Institutional    Image                                           image management policy.         image management policy.
Management                                                   •   No Website page           •      Finalize the website

                                                PRIMARY PROCESSES
                         •       Some members hold          •    Task overcrowding give no •      Empower UATAF
                                 skills to design projects.      time to the team to focus        members and technical
                         •       The organization has been       exclusively on project           team in the project design
                                 attentive to identify           design.                          process and project
Project Design                   procurement                •    Not all employees dominate       management.
                                 opportunities to carry out      the project design         •     Create a task force to
                                 the project design process                                       research opportunities and
                                                                                                  project design

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
Value Chain
                                   Strengths                        Weakness                          Action
                                                                                         •   Create and operate an
                                                                                             institute for the
                                                                                             development of skills-
                        •   The organization has                                             oriented professional
                            been attentive to identify •    UATAF has no financial           development;
Fund Raising / Income       procurement                     sustainability. It still     •   Create a task force to
Generation                  opportunities to unleash        depends on projects              research opportunities and
                            the project design              sponsored by donors              project design.
                            process                                                      •   Sensitize members of the
                                                                                             governing board for the
                                                                                             payment of fees and
                                                                                             increased value.

                        •   Experience in project
                                                                                         •   Empower UATAF
                            management (including
                                                                                             members and technical
                            the preparation of
                                                       •    Limitation of transportation     team in the project design
                            project implementation
                                                            to implement projects in the     process and project
Project Management      •   Team with experienced
                                                            districts                        management.
                                                            Reduced number of            •   Enhance the allocation of
                            focal points in districts.
                                                            supervisors for field work       equipment for the
                        •   Good contacts in the
                                                                                             implementation of
                            implementation field
                            with the local structures

                        •   There is a staff in M & •       The Organization prioritizes •   Ensure that an UATAF
                            A                               the database for donors and      member (permanent) is
                        •   There is a template for         not for UATAF as a whole.        indicated as an official on
                            M & E plan.             •       The M &A official is now         monitoring and
                        •   There is an enhanced            assigned to the project in       evaluation;
                            database                        progress. If there are more •    Expand the database for
Monitoring and               a team with experience         projects, this official will     the entire Organization
Evaluation                  in M & A processes              leave UATAF and loses all
                                                            knowledge previously
                                                        •   The M & A official reports
                                                            only to the current project
                                                            manager and not the UATAF
                                                            as a whole.

                                     MANAGEMENTOF THE BENEFICIARIES
                        •   There are methods and       •   New technical and UATAF •        Ensure formal training to
                            institutionalized practices     members have not been            all new UATAF members
Intermediate and
                            for communicating with          formally trained in these        and technicians.
final beneficiaries         beneficiaries at different      methods.

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
5.3.    Summary of SWOT Analysis

The table below summarizes the findings of the strategic review, with the summarization of the opportunities, threats, most relevant strengths and
weaknesses for the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

Table 5. Summary of SWOT Analysis

                                                                                               Strengths                                                            Weakness

                                                                     •    Experience and good references in LAE areas, school
                                                                          management, credit and rotating savings and preventing •          UATAF has no financial sustainability. It still depends on
                                                                          and combating HIV / AIDS.                                         projects sponsored by donors.
                                                                          UATAF own facilities under construction;                 •        Resource Limitation to implement projects in the districts.
                                                                          Technicians with higher education.                       •        Limitation of skills in the existing workforce in areas where the
                                                                     •    Office equipment availability and transportation donated          Organization intends to enter.
                                                                          by ended projects.

                       Opportunities                                                            Actions                                                               Actions
•   High rate of illiteracy among the adult population (53.6%)                                                                     •        Create and operate an institute for the development of
                                                                 •       Implement LAE programs.
    vs reduced funding for LAE by the Government.                                                                                           professional skills.
                                                                 •       Lobbying and advocacy with different actors in favor of
•   Low coverage of drinking water supply (49%) with great                                                                         •        Create a task force to research opportunities and project design.
                                                                         water and sanitation in schools and health facilities.
    disparity between urban coverage (80%) and rural                                                                               •        Raise awareness among members of the governing boards for
                                                                 •       Promote education on good hygiene practices and sanitation
    coverage (35%).                                                                                                                         the payment of fees and increased value.
                                                                         in schools, health centers and surrounding communities.
•   Schools and health centers with inadequate drinking water                                                                      •        Empower UATAF members and technical team in the Project
                                                                 •       Establish partnerships with experienced organizations to
    and sanitation.                                                                                                                         design process and project management.
                                                                         complement actions and exchange of experience.
•   Existence of mega projects in the province and north with                                                                      •        Enhance the allocation of equipment for the implementation of
                                                                 •       "Sell" the projects to megaprojects to benefit from the
    much focus on social responsibility (ex .: Kenmare,                                                                                     projects.
                                                                         resources of social responsibility.
    Anadarko, Valley / CLN, etc.)

                          Threats                                                               Actions                                                               Actions
•   Political and military tensions in Central and Northern
                                                                                                                                        •   Avoid implementation of projects in places with major political
                                                                                                                                            and military tension.
    Shortage of resources availability in Mozambique's           •       Focus on the approach of differentiation and services in the
                                                                                                                                            Improve the quality of UATAF services.
    economy.                                                             community.
                                                                                                                                        •   Develop a marketing strategy.
    Increased competition of CSOs that contest the few
                                                                                                                                        •   Develop a resource mobilization strategy and income generation.
    existing funds.

Strategic Plan UATAF - AFC 2017-2021                                                                                                                                                            21
This chapter presents the strategic elements that will guide the actions to materialize the
implementation of UATAF Strategic Plan including vision, mission, strategic objectives,
intervention area, location and implementation of the Plan strategy.

6.1.     Vision

The vision is a desirable scenario as to what the organization wants to be in the future, which
functions as a factor of motivation and cohesion for all employees.

UATAF vision is:

       Be a sustainable organization, at the national dimension and regional reference in
       community development in the areas of education, sanitation and microfinance

This vision should serve as inspiration for UATAF members and employees to make the
most of their capabilities and achieve higher levels of motivation in pursuit of personal,
professional and social excellence.

6.2.     Mission

The mission of an organization is a phrase that explains what the reason for its existence and
legitimizes its function in society. The mission statement of an organization is very
important for the existence of clear and realistic goals and it is only possible from a clear
definition of the mission.

UATAF Mission is:

       Strengthen the capacity of communities through education for sustainable

The realization of this mission involves a continuous effort of UATAF team so that through
education initiatives and community mobilization are identified and explored opportunities
to increase the level of awareness, knowledge, skills and practices of the population leading
to improvement their living conditions.

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
6.3. Intervention areas
In recent years, UATAF focused its intervention in education with greater emphasis on
education and adult literacy. The experience gained from the implementation of projects in
these areas allowed the organization to witness a wide range of problems affecting
communities and can be minimized by UATAF through complementary actions to education.
UATAF found out that there are good opportunities to implement actions of sanitary and
environmental education for students and school community to increase hygiene practices
and promote investment for the construction of water and sanitation infrastructure to schools
and to the surrounding communities. This initiative can be implemented also in health

UATAF found several problems related to health and sanitation environment in the
communities where it operates, such as poor personal and collective hygiene, poor sanitation
of the environment, open defecation, lack of latrines in schools and health facilities, among
others which can be minimized through targeted outreach and education activities for
behavior change and advocacy with decision-makers and partners to prioritize investments
for public health, water and sanitation.

In communities where UATAF works, there is still a need for community education
activities aimed at promoting good habits and health practices and environment sanitation.
In the provinces of central and northern Mozambique (especially Nampula and Zambézia),
there has always been disinformation campaigns about some diseases (e.g. when there are
outbreaks of cholera). This disinformation generates panic in the population and leading,
rampage/ violence and vandalizing equipment and health infrastructure, in places where the
mobile team tries to combat these diseases.

To contribute to the resolution of these and other community problems and taking into
account the experience, partnerships and organizational competence, UATAF wants to work
in the following areas:
     • Education and functional literacy
     • School management
     • Financial education
     • Health education and environmental sanitation

6.3.1. Education and Functional Literacy and School Management

Being a traditional area of UATAF activity, we intend to consolidate what we have been
doing in the communities where we have worked and expand our geographical area to
benefit more people. Our focus will be directed towards:

   •   Creation of reading skills, writing and calculation in youth and illiterate adults
       through educational activities and adult literacy;
   •   Improving the quality of education in the early grades;
   •   Strengthening the functioning of school councils; and
   •   Lobbing with government and communities to increase access to education (new
       classrooms, more teachers, more parents and guardians to send children to school,

Strategic Plan of UATAF - AFC 2017-2021
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