2020-2021 ABC Directory and Planning Calendar - Alphabetical Directory 1-10 - American ...

Page created by Scott Wright
2020–2021 ABC Directory
 and Planning Calendar
      Alphabetical Directory    1–10
      Web Addresses               10
      National Offices            10
      Regional Organizations   11–12
      2020 Calendar            13–24
      2021 Calendar            25–36

                                       POSTED JANUARY 2020
Directory of American Baptist Churches USA                                                                       KEY
                                                                                                                                                   ABCUSA American Baptist Churches USA
                                  (ABCUSA)                                                                                                         ABHMS American Baptist Home Mission Societies
                                                                                                                                                   ABWM American Baptist Women’s Ministries
                                  Unless otherwise indicated, phone (800)ABC-3USA plus extension.
                                                                                                                                                   IM International Ministries
                                  Please visit websites noted for current programs, news and other information.                                    MMBB The Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board

 A                                                                     Asia–East Asia, India, Hong Kong and China/IM:              American Baptist Home Mission Societies:
                                                                           Benjamin Chan x2189                                        Jeffrey Haggray
 ABC Reads/Judson Press:
                                                                           Ben.Chan@internationalministries.org                       Felecia Mitchell x2407
    Linda Johnson-LeBlanc x2458
                                                                       Asia–Southeast Asia and Japan/IM:                              Felecia.Mitchell@abhms.org
                                                                           Leslie Turley x2298                                        www.abhms.org
 ABCUSA Connections/ABCUSA:
                                                                           Leslie.Turley@internationalministries.org               American Baptist Homes and Caring Ministries (ABHCM)/ABHMS:
    Bridget Lipin x2159
                                                                       Alaska Ministries/ABHMS:                                       http://abhms.org/ministries/healing-communities/abhc-ministries/
                                                                           Alonzo Patterson, Jr. (907)278-5014                     American Baptist News Service (ABNS):
 American Baptist Men USA/AB Boys and Young Men:
                                                                           Alonzo.Patterson@abhms.org                                 Bridget Lipin x2159
                                                                       Aligned Action Networks for Ministry Collaboration/ABHMS:      Bridget.Lipin@abc-usa.org
                                                                           Lisa Harris-Lee x2158                                      www.abc-usa.org/category/press-releases
 ABEC (The American Baptist Extension Corporation):
                                                                           Lisa.Harris-Lee@abhms.org                               American Baptist Personnel Services (ABPS)
    Valoria Cheek x2261
                                                                           Lauren Ng x2417                                         and ministrElife/ABHMS:
                                                                           Lauren.Ng@abhms.org                                         Erica Van Brakle x2429
                                                                           Christine Roush x2019                                       Erica.VanBrakle@abhms.org
                                                                           Christine.Roush@abhms.org                               American Baptist Quarterly:
     Gina Jacobs-Strain x2284
                                                                       America for Christ Offering/ABHMS:                             Kay Eland x2269
                                                                          Vincent Dent Sr. x2420                                      Kay.Eland@abc-usa.org
                                                                          Vincent.Dent@abhms.org                                      www.ABHSarchives.org
                                                                          http://abhms.org/afc                                     American Baptist Women’s Ministries (ABWM):
     David Kahn x2332
                                                                       American Baptist Churches Information Systems (ABCIS):         Gina Jacobs-Strain x2284
                                                                          Gerianne Blier x2027                                        Gina.Jacobs-Strain@abwomensministries.org
                                                                          Geri.Blier@abc-usa.org                                      LaThelma Yenn-Batah x2283
     Alma Hazboun x2418
                                                                          Genia Clarke-Lemonius x2145                                 LaThelma.Yenn-Batah@abwomensministries.org
                                                                          Genia.Clarke@abc-usa.org                                    Wendy Clemmer x2288
 Accounting/IM:                                                           Joyce Lake x2070                                            Wendy.Clemmer@abwomensministries.org
     Eileen O’Donnell x2203                                               Joyce.Lake@abc-usa.org                                      www.abwomensministries.org
     Eileen.ODonnell@internationalministries.org                          Robert Lovas x2110                                       Asia–East Asia, India, Hong Kong and China/IM:
 Administration/IM:                                                       Robert.Lovas@abc-usa.org                                     Benjamin Chan x2189
    Patti Glasser x2205                                                   www.abcis.org                                                Ben.Chan@internationalministries.org
    Patti.Glasser@internationalministries.org                          American Baptist Foundation:                                Asia–Southeast Asia and Japan/IM:
 Africa/IM:                                                               Perkin Simpson (610)768-2281                                 Leslie Turley x2298
      Karen Smith x2355                                                   Perkin.Simpson@abc-usa.org                                   Leslie.Turley@internationalministries.org
      Karen.Smith@internationalministries.org                             www.abcofgiving.org                                      Asian Ministries/ABHMS:
 African American Missions/IM:                                         American Baptist Historical Society/Archives:                   Florence Li x2468
      Karen Smith x2355                                                   Priscilla Eppinger (678)547-6680                             Florence.Li@abhms.org
      Karen.Smith@internationalministries.org                             P.Eppinger@ABHSarchives.org
                                                                          Jill Sweetapple (678)547-6680

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 2                                                                                                                                           continued
Directory of American Baptist Churches USA                                                                  KEY
                                                                                                                                              ABCUSA American Baptist Churches USA
                                  (ABCUSA)                                                                                                    ABHMS American Baptist Home Mission Societies
                                                                                                                                              ABWM American Baptist Women’s Ministries
                                  Unless otherwise indicated, phone (800)ABC-3USA plus extension.
                                                                                                                                              IM International Ministries
                                  Please visit websites noted for current programs, news and other information.                               MMBB The Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board

 B                                                                     C                                                       Christian Education and Discipleship/ABHMS:
                                                                                                                                   Casey Williams x2459
 Baptist Heritage:                                                     Campus Ministries/ABHMS:
     www.abc-usa.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/history.pdf               Patricia Murphy x2050
                                                                                                                                   Christine Roush x2019
 Biennial Mision Summit Information:                                      Patricia.Murphy@abhms.org
     Tina Kiernan x2322                                                Caucuses:
                                                                                                                                   Jeff Johnson x2406
     Tina.Kiernan@abc-usa.org                                             www.abc-usa.org/about-us/american-baptist-caucuses
 Black Church Ministries/ABHMS:                                        Chaplaincy and Specialized Ministries/ABHMS:                Eddie Cruz x2423
     Brenda Halliburton-Williams x2443                                    Patricia Murphy x2050                                    Eddie.Cruz@abhms.org
     Brenda.Halliburton-Williams@abhms.org                                endorsement@abhms.org                                    (800) 4-JUDSON
 Board Relations/ABCUSA/Board of General Ministries:                   Charitable Estate Planning/ABHMS:                       www.judsonpress.com Church Planting/ABHMS:
     Iris Cobb x2280                                                      Vincent Dent Sr. x2420                                  Jeff Johnson x2406
     Iris.Cobb@abc-usa.org                                                Vincent.Dent@abhms.org                                  Jeffrey.Johnson@abhms.org
     Kathy Jachowski x2273                                                www.abhms.org
                                                                                                                               Church Search/Church Listing/Church Websites:
     Kathy.Jachowski@abc-usa.org                                       Charitable Estate Planning/AB Foundation:                  www.abc-usa.org/find-a-church
     Evon Moody x2108                                                     Perkin Simpson (610)768-2281
                                                                                                                               Colleges (ABC-related)/ABHMS:
     Evon.Moody@abc-usa.org                                               Perkin.Simpson@abc-usa.org
                                                                                                                                   Marilyn Turner-Triplett x2016
 Board Relations/ABHMS:                                                   www.abcofgiving.org
     Laura Miraz x2051                                                 Chief Executive Officer/ABHMS:
                                                                                                                               Communication Resources/IM:
     Laura.Miraz@abhms.org                                                 Jeffrey Haggray x2407
                                                                                                                                  Monica Walker x2208
     http://abhms.org/about-us/                                            Jeffrey.Haggray@abhms.org
 Board Relations/ABWM:                                                     www.abhms.org
     Gina Jacobs-Strain x2284                                          Chief Executive Officer/IM:
                                                                                                                                  Bridget Lipin x2159
     Gina.Jacobs-Strain@abwomensministries.org                             Sharon Koh x2200
 Board Relations/IM:                                                       Sharon.Koh@internationalministries.org
     Alisha DeJesus x2201                                                  www.internationalministries.org
                                                                                                                               Communications/AB Foundation:
     Alisha.DeJesus@internationalministries.org                        Chief Executive Officer/MMBB:
                                                                                                                                  Muriel Contreras (610)768-2202
 Burma Refugees/ABHMS:                                                     Louis Barbarin (212)870-8000
    Florence Li x2468                                                      Louis.Barbarin@mmbb.org
    Florence.Li@abhms.org                                                  www.mmbb.org
 Burma Refugee Commission/ABHMS/ABCUSA/IM/ABWM/                        Chief Financial Officer/ABHMS:
                                                                                                                                  Susan Gottshall x2119
 Ethnic Partners:                                                          Michaele Birdsall x2368
     Florence Li x2468                                                     Michaele.Birdsall@abhms.org
     Florence.Li@abhms.org                                             Christian Citizen, The/ABHMS:
 Bylaws/Standing Rules:                                                    Curtis Ramsey-Lucas x2408
                                                                                                                                  Wendy Clemmer x2288
     See page 10 for website                                               Curtis.Ramsey-Lucas@abhms.org
                                                                                                                                  Yvette Vanterpool (212)870-8087

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 3                                                                                                                                    continued
Directory of American Baptist Churches USA                                                              KEY
                                                                                                                                         ABCUSA American Baptist Churches USA
                                 (ABCUSA)                                                                                                ABHMS American Baptist Home Mission Societies
                                                                                                                                         ABWM American Baptist Women’s Ministries
                                 Unless otherwise indicated, phone (800)ABC-3USA plus extension.
                                                                                                                                         IM International Ministries
                                 Please visit websites noted for current programs, news and other information.                           MMBB The Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board

 Community Outreach Ministries/ABHMS:                                 Directed Giving/ABHMS:                              Donor Relations/ABHMS:
    Marilyn Turner-Triplett x2016                                         Vincent Dent Sr. x2420                             Vincent Dent Sr. x2420
    Marilyn.Turner-Triplett@abhms.org                                     Vincent.Dent@abhms.org                             Vincent.Dent@abhms.org
 Congregational Mission and Leadership/ABHMS:                         Directed Giving/ABWM:                               Donor Relations/ABWM:
    Eddie Cruz x2423                                                      Wendy Clemmer x2288                                Gina Jacobs-Strain x2284
    Eddie.Cruz@abhms.org                                                  Wendy.Clemmer@abwomensministries.org               Gina.Jacobs-Strain@abwomensministries.org
    Christine Roush x2019                                                 www.abwomensministries.org/give                 Donor Relations/IM:
    Christine.Roush@abhms.org                                         Directed Giving/IM:                                    Joyce Bagiraneza x2207
    Jeff Johnson x2406                                                    Joyce Bagiraneza x2207                             JBagiraneza@internationalministries.org
    Jeffrey.Johnson@abhms.org                                             JBagiraneza@internationalministries.org            Marc Kirchoff x2103
 Congregational and Pastoral Effectiveness/ABCUSA:                        Marc Kirchoff x2103                                MKirchkoff@internationalministries.org
    Kevin Walden x2318                                                    MKirchkoff@internationalministries.org             Ray Schooler x2347
    Kevin.Walden@abc-usa.org                                              Ray Schooler x2347                                 Ray.Schooler@internationalministries.org
 Curriculum/ABHMS:                                                        Ray.Schooler@internationalministries.org        Donor Services/IM:
     Shelby Haggray x2098                                             Disaster Response (Domestic)/ABHMS:                    610-768-2323
     Shelby.Haggray@abhms.org                                             Kadia Edwards x2449                                IMdonorservices@internationalministries.org
     www.judsonpress.com                                                  Kadia.Edwards@abhms.org
                                                                      Disaster Response (Overseas)/IM:                    E
 D                                                                        Lisa Rothenberger-Winter x2156                  Ecumenical Relations/Christian Unity:
                                                                          Lisa.Rothenberger@internationalministries.org      Iris Cobb x2280
 Denominational Relations/MMBB:
                                                                      Discipleship and Christian Education/ABHMS:            Iris.Cobb@abc-usa.org
    Perry J. Hopper (212)870-8025
    Perry.Hopper@mmbb.org                                                 Casey Williams x2459                            Email Updates/Judson Press:
                                                                          Cassandra.Williams@abhms.org                       Linda Johnson-LeBlanc x2458
                                                                          Christine Roush x2019                              Linda.Johnson-LeBlanc@abhms.org
    Evon Moody x2108
                                                                          Christine.Roush@abhms.org                       Emerging Leaders/ABHMS:
                                                                          Jeff Johnson x2406                                 Sarah Strosahl-Kagi x2462
                                                                          Jeffrey.Johnson@abhms.org                          Sarah.Strosahl-Kagi@abhms.org
    Vincent Dent Sr. x2420
                                                                          Eddie Cruz x2423
    Vincent.Dent@abhms.org                                                                                                Employment Opportunities/ABCUSA:
                                                                          Eddie.Cruz@abhms.org                               www.abc-usa.org/employment
 Development/ABWM:                                                        (800)4-JUDSON
    Gina Jacobs-Strain x2284                                                                                              Employment Opportunities/ABHMS:
    Gina.Jacobs-Strain@abwomensministries.org                                                                                www.abhms.org
                                                                      Discovery Teams/IM:                                    www.ministrElife.org
 Development/IM:                                                          Sandra Dorsainvil x2164
    Joyce Bagiraneza x2207                                                                                                Employment Opportunities/IM:
    JBagiraneza@internationalministries.org                                                                                  HR@internationalministries.org
    Karen Horsman x2104                                                                                                      www.internationalministries.org/category/career-opportunities
                                                                          Sue Peterman x2394
    Karen.Horsman@internationalministries.org                                                                             Enewsletter/ABCUSA:
    Marc Kirchoff x2103                                                                                                      Bridget Lipin x2159
                                                                      Donor Relations/ABCUSA:
    MKirchkoff@internationalministries.org                                                                                   Bridget.Lipin@abc-usa.org
                                                                         Evon Moody x2108
    Ray Schooler x2347

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 4                                                                                                                                   continued
Directory of American Baptist Churches USA                                                                            KEY
                                                                                                                                                        ABCUSA American Baptist Churches USA
                                  (ABCUSA)                                                                                                              ABHMS American Baptist Home Mission Societies
                                                                                                                                                        ABWM American Baptist Women’s Ministries
                                  Unless otherwise indicated, phone (800)ABC-3USA plus extension.
                                                                                                                                                        IM International Ministries
                                  Please visit websites noted for current programs, news and other information.                                         MMBB The Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board

 Enewsletter/ABHMS:                                                    Executive Director/CEO/IM:                                       Girls’ Ministries/ABWM:
    Sue Peterman x2394                                                     Sharon Koh x2200                                                 Gina Jacobs-Strain x2284
    Sue.Peterman@abhms.org                                                 Sharon.Koh@internationalministries.org                           Gina.Jacobs-Strain@abwomensministries.org
 Enewsletter/ABWM:                                                         www.internationalministries.org                              Give/ABHMS:
    Wendy Clemmer x2288                                                Executive Director/CEO/MMBB:                                         Vincent Dent Sr. x2420
    Wendy.Clemmer@abwomensministries.org                                   Louis Barbarin (800)986-6222                                     Vincent.Dent@abhms.org
    www.abwomensministries.org/newsletters                                 Louis.Barbarin@mmbb.org                                          www.abhms.org
 Estate Planning:                                                          www.mmbb.org                                                 Give/ABCUSA:
     Perkin Simpson (610)768-2281                                                                                                           https://secure-q.net/Donations/ABChurches/410
     Perkin.Simpson@abc-usa.org                                        F                                                                Give/ABWM:
     www.abcofgiving.org/                                              Financial Aid (College, Seminary, Continuing Education)/ABHMS:       Wendy Clemmer x2288
 Europe, Middle East and Liberia/IM:                                       Sarah Strosahl-Kagi x2462                                        Wendy.Clemmer@abwomensministries.org
     Charles Jones x2191                                                   Sarah.Strosahl-Kagi@abhms.org                                    www.abwomensministries.org/give
     Charles.Jones@internationalministries.org                         Financial Empowerment Ministries/ABHMS:                          Give/IM:
 Evangelism/ABHMS:                                                         Jennifer Sanborn x2416                                           Joyce Bagiraneza x2207
     Jeff Johnson x2406                                                    Jennifer.Sanborn@abhms.org                                       JBagiraneza@internationalministries.org
     Jeffrey.Johnson@abhms.org                                         Friends of ABCUSA:                                                   Marc Kirchoff x2103
 Events/ABHMS:                                                             Evon Moody x2108                                                 MKirchkoff@internationalministries.org
     Raquel Perez x2452                                                    Evon.Moody@abc-usa.org                                           Ray Schooler x2347
     Raquel.Perez@abhms.org                                            Friends of Judson/Judson Press:                                      Ray.Schooler@internationalministries.org
                                                                           Laura Alden x2082                                                www.internationalministries.org/give
     Wendy Clemmer x2288                                                   Laura.Alden@abhms.org                                        Global Mission/IM:
     Wendy.Clemmer@abwomensministries.org                                                                                                   Jim Bell x2361
     www.abwomensministries.org/events                                                                                                      Jim.Bell@internationalministries.org
 Events/IM:                                                                                                                             Global Opportunities/IM:
                                                                       General Ministries, Board of:
     Karen Mason x2197                                                                                                                      Short-term opportunities:
                                                                          Iris Cobb x2280
     Karen.Mason@internationalministries.org                                                                                                Sandra Dorsainvil x2164
 Executive Director/AB Historical Society:                                Kathy Jachowski x2273
                                                                                                                                            Long-term opportunities:
     Priscilla Eppinger (678)547-6680                                     Kathy.Jachowski@abc-usa.org
                                                                                                                                            Rodney Ragwan x2374
     P.Eppinger@ABHSarchives.org                                          Evon Moody x2108
     www.ABHSarchives.org                                                 Evon.Moody@abc-usa.org
                                                                                                                                        Grants and Partnerships/ABHMS:
 Executive Director/ABHMS:                                             General Secretary (Acting):
                                                                                                                                           Rothangliani Chhangte x2450
     Jeffrey Haggray x2400                                                Jeff Woods x2274
     Jeffrey.Haggray@abhms.org                                            Jeff.Woods@abc-usa.org
     www.abhms.org                                                        www.abc-usa.org                                               Green Lake Conference Center/American Baptist Assembly:
                                                                                                                                           Ben Mott (920)294-3323
 Executive Director/ABWM:                                              Gift Processing/ABHMS:
     Gina Jacobs-Strain x2284                                               Kim Wilkins x2413
     Gina.Jacobs-Strain@abwomensministries.org                              Kim.Wilkins@abhms.org

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 5                                                                                                                                              continued
Directory of American Baptist Churches USA                                                              KEY
                                                                                                                                          ABCUSA American Baptist Churches USA
                                  (ABCUSA)                                                                                                ABHMS American Baptist Home Mission Societies
                                                                                                                                          ABWM American Baptist Women’s Ministries
                                  Unless otherwise indicated, phone (800)ABC-3USA plus extension.
                                                                                                                                          IM International Ministries
                                  Please visit websites noted for current programs, news and other information.                           MMBB The Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board

 H                                                                     Information Technology/ABHMS:                       Justice for Children Ministries/Rizpah’s Children/ABHMS:
                                                                           Derrick Gilbert x2467                                Marilyn Turner-Triplett x2016
 Haitian Ministries/ABHMS:
                                                                           Derrick.Gilbert@abhms.org                            Marilyn.Turner-Triplett@abhms.org
     Salvador Orellana x2421
     Salvador.Orellana@abhms.org                                       Information Technology/IM:                          Justice Ministries/ABHMS:
                                                                           Joe Gonzalez x2369                                   Curtis Ramsey-Lucas x2408
 Hispanic Ministries/ABHMS:
                                                                           Joe@internationalministries.org                      Curtis.Ramsey-Lucas@abhms.org
     Salvador Orellana x2421
     Salvador.Orellana@abhms.org                                       Information Technology/MMBB:
 Hispanic Ministries/IM:
                                                                           Michael Belkin (212)870-8054                    L
     Adalia Gutierrez Lee x2171                                                                                            Latino Ministries/ABHMS:
     Adalia.Gutierrez@internationalministries.org                      Intercultural Ministries/ABHMS:                          Salvador Orellana x2421
                                                                           Salvador Orellana x2421                              Salvador.Orellana@abhms.org
 Human Capital Management/MMBB:
    Vincent Schera (212)870-8055                                                                                           Leader’s Reader/ABWM:
    Vincent.Schera@mmbb.org                                            International Disaster Response/IM:                     Wendy Clemmer x2288
                                                                           Lisa Rothenberger-Winter x2156                      Wendy.Clemmer@abwomensministries.org
 Human Resource Management/ABF, ABWM, ABHS,
                                                                           Lisa.Rothenberger@internationalministries.org       www.abwomensministries.org/leadersreader
    Laura Miraz x2051                                                  International Ministries:                           Leadership Development Grants/IM:
    Laura.Miraz@abhms.org                                                  General x2168                                       Claudia Wong x2245
                                                                           receptionist@internationalministries.org            CWong@internationalministries.org
 Human Resource Development/IM:
    Mary Kate Kucher x2313                                                                                                 Leadership Empowerment/ABHMS:
    mkuchar@internationalministries.org                                                                                        Lauren Ng x2417
                                                                       Investments/ABEC:                                       Lauren.Ng@abhms.org
                                                                           Valoria Cheek x2261
 I                                                                                                                         Lectionary (Revised Common):
                                                                           Valoria.Cheek@myabec.org                            www.commontexts.org
 Iberoamerica/Caribbean, Central/South America, Mexico,                    www.myabec.org/investing-with-abec-notes/
 Spain/Portugal/IM:                                                                                                        Loans, Investments and Building Planning Services/ABEC:
                                                                       Investments/ Common Investment Fund/
     Adalia Gutierrez Lee x2171                                                                                                General x2232
                                                                       Social and Ethical Responsibility/ABHMS:
     Adalia.Gutierrez@internationalministries.org                                                                              info@myabec.org
                                                                           Dave Moore x2385                                    www.myabec.org/ABEC_Loans.html
 Identity Resources/ABCUSA:                                                Dave.Moore@abhms.org
     www.abc-usa.org/about-us/identity-statement-1998                                                                      Logos/ABCUSA:
                                                                                                                               See page 10 for website
 Immigration/ABHMS:                                                    J
    Jeffrey Haggray x2400                                                                                                  Logos/IM:
                                                                       Judson Journeys for Adults:
    Jeffrey.Haggray@abhms.org                                                                                                  Megan Sizemore x2009
                                                                           Shelby Haggray x2098
    Curtis Ramsey-Lucas x2408                                                                                                  Msizemore@internationalministries.org
    Curtis.Ramsey-Lucas@abhms.org                                                                                          Logos/ABHMS:
                                                                       Judson Press:
    Brittany Graves x2464                                                                                                      Danny Ellison x2370
                                                                           Laura Alden x2082
    Brittany.Graves@abhms.org                                                                                                  Danny.Ellison@abhms.org
 Information Technology/ABCUSA:
     Donna Molinaro x2030
                                                                       Judson Press Customer Service:

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 6                                                                                                                                    continued
Directory of American Baptist Churches USA                                                                       KEY
                                                                                                                                                  ABCUSA American Baptist Churches USA
                                 (ABCUSA)                                                                                                         ABHMS American Baptist Home Mission Societies
                                                                                                                                                  ABWM American Baptist Women’s Ministries
                                 Unless otherwise indicated, phone (800)ABC-3USA plus extension.
                                                                                                                                                  IM International Ministries
                                 Please visit websites noted for current programs, news and other information.                                    MMBB The Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board

 M                                                                    Mission Development/IM:                                     Mission Receipt Form:
                                                                          Joyce Bagiraneza x2207                                      Genia Clarke-Lemonius x2145
 Mailing Addresses
                                                                          JBagiraneza@internationalministries.org                     Genia.Clarke@abc-usa.org
     see page 10
                                                                          Marc Kirchoff x2103                                         See page 10 for website
 Marketing/ABHMS and Judson Press
                                                                          MKirchkoff@internationalministries.org                  Mission Resource Development/ABCUSA:
    Linda Johnson-LeBlanc x2458
                                                                          Ray Schooler x2347                                          Tina Kiernan x2322
                                                                          Ray.Schooler@internationalministries.org                    Tina.Kiernan@abc-usa.org
                                                                      Mission Donations/IM:                                       Mission Teams and Trips/ABHMS:
    Zofia Dripps x2311
                                                                          (610)768-2323                                               Kadia Edwards x2449
                                                                          imdonorservices@internationalministries.org                 Kadia.Edwards@abhms.org
 Middle East/IM:
                                                                      Mission Education/ABHMS:                                    Mission Teams and Trips–Volunteer/IM:
    Charles Jones x2191
                                                                          Susan Gottshall x2119                                       Sandra Dorsainvil x2164
                                                                          Susan.Gottshall@abhms.org                                   sdorsainvil@internationalministries.org
 Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board/MMBB:
                                                                      Mission Education/IM:                                       Missional Initiatives and Partnerships/ABCUSA:
    Member Services (800)986-6222
                                                                          Zofia Dripps x2311                                          Marsha Scipio x2326
                                                                          zdripps@internationalministries.org                         Marsha.Scipio @abc-usa.org
                                                                      Mission Encounters for Women/ABWM:                          Missionary Compensation and Benefits/IM:
 Ministers Council ABCUSA:
                                                                          Wendy Clemmer x2288                                         Tom Myers x2359
                                                                          Wendy.Clemmer@abwomensministries.org                        tom.myers@internationalministries.org
                                                                      Mission In America/ABHMS:                                   Missionary Journals/IM:
                                                                          Sue Peterman x2394                                          www.internationalministries.org/people
     Erica Van Brakle x2429
     Erica.VanBrakle@abhms.org                                                                                                    Missionary Personnel and Services/IM:
                                                                      Mission Mobilization/IM:                                        Currently vacant x2359
                                                                          Rodney Ragwan x2374
 Ministry Opportunities Listing/ABHMS:                                                                                            Mobilizing Volunteers/ABHMS:
    Erica Van Brakle x2429                                                                                                           Kadia Edwards x2449
                                                                      Mission Partnership Team/IM:                                   Kadia.Edwards@abhms.org
                                                                          Rodney Ragwan x2374
 Mission Advancement/ABHMS:                                                                                                       N
                                                                      Mission Projects/ABHMS:
     Vincent Dent Sr. x2420                                                                                                       National Disaster Response/ABHMS:
                                                                          Kadia Edwards x2449
     Vincent.Dent@abhms.org                                                                                                           Kadia Edwards x2449
 Mission Advancement/IM:                                                                                                              Kadia.Edwards@abhms.org
                                                                      Mission Projects/ABWM:
     Zofia Dripps x2311                                                                                                           National Gathering for Girls/ABWM:
                                                                          Gina Jacobs-Strain x2284
     ZDripps@internationalministries.org                                                                                              Wendy Clemmer x2288
                                                                          Gina.Jacobs-Strain@abwomensministries.org                   Wendy.Clemmer@abwomensministries.org
                                                                          www.abwomensministries.org                                  www.abwomensministries.org/events
                                                                      Mission Projects/IM:
                                                                          Visit IM’s website at:

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 7                                                                                                                                        continued
Directory of American Baptist Churches USA                                                                 KEY
                                                                                                                                             ABCUSA American Baptist Churches USA
                                  (ABCUSA)                                                                                                   ABHMS American Baptist Home Mission Societies
                                                                                                                                             ABWM American Baptist Women’s Ministries
                                  Unless otherwise indicated, phone (800)ABC-3USA plus extension.
                                                                                                                                             IM International Ministries
                                  Please visit websites noted for current programs, news and other information.                              MMBB The Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board

 National Network of American Baptist Chaplains,                       Pastoral Counseling Ministries/ABHMS:                  R
 Pastoral Counselors and Specialized Ministers                             Patricia Murphy x2050
                                                                                                                              Refugee Resettlement/ABHMS:
     Patricia Murphy x2050                                                 endorsement@abhms.org
                                                                                                                                  Jeffrey Haggray x2400
     abcpccsm-national-network@abhms.org                               Planned Giving/AB Foundation:                              Jeffrey.Haggray@abhms.org
 National Women’s Conference/ABWM:                                         Perkin Simpson (610)768-2035                           Curtis Lucas-Ramsey x2408
     Gina Jacobs-Strain x2284                                              Perkin.Simpson@abc-usa.org                             Curtis.Lucas-Ramsey@abhms.org
     Gina.Jacobs-Strain@abwomensministries.org                             www.abcofgiving.org                                    Brittany Graves x2464
     www.abwomensministries.org                                        Planned Giving/ABWM:                                       Brittany.Graves@abhms.org
 Native American Ministries/ABHMS:                                         Gina Jacobs-Strain x2283                           Regional Ministries/ABCUSA:
     Ben Sullivan x2046                                                    Gina.Jacobs-Strain@abwomensministries.org              C. Jeff Woods x2341
     Ben.Sullivan@abhms.org                                                www.abwomensministries.org/give                        Jeff.Woods@abc-usa.org
 News Updates/IM:                                                      Policy Statements/Resolutions:                             www.abc-usa.org/Regional-Ministries
    Monica Walker x2208                                                    See page 10 for website                            Regional Rewards/Judson:
    mwalker@internationalministries.org                                Portuguese-Speaking Ministries/ABHMS:                      Linda Johnson-LeBlanc x2458
                                                                           Salvador Orellana x2421                                Linda.Johnson-LeBlanc@abhms.org
 O                                                                         Salvador.Orellana@abhms.org                            www.judsonpress.com
 Officers’ Bios/ABCUSA:                                                Prayer Cards/IM:                                       Resources, Literature/ABCUSA:
     www.abc-usa.org/board-of-general-ministries-abcusa/                   Monica Walker x2208                                    Tina Kiernan x2322
 On Location News Publication/IM:                                          mwalker@internationalministries.org                    Tina.Kiernan@abc-usa.org
    Monica Walker x2208                                                Prisoner Re-Entry/Mass Criminalizatio-Incarceration/       http://www.abc-usa.org/resources-available-to-order
    mwalker@internationalministries.org                                Restorative Justice/ABHMS:                             Resources/ABWM:
 One Great Hour of Sharing/ABHMS:                                          Jeffrey Haggray x2400                                  Wendy Clemmer X2288
    Rothangliani Chhangte x2450                                            Jeffrey.Haggray@abhms.org                              Wendy.Clemmer@abwomensministries.org
    Rothangliani.Chhangte@abhms.org                                        Curtis Ramsey-Lucas x2408                              www.abwomensministries.org
 One Great Hour of Sharing/IM:                                             Curtis.Ramsey-Lucas@abhms.org                      Resources/IM:
    Lisa Rothenberger-Winter x2156                                         Brittany Graves x2464                                  Monica Walker x2208
    Lisa.Rothenberger@internationalministries.org                          Brittany.Graves@abhms.org                              MonicaWalker@internationalministries.org
    www.abc-oghs.org                                                   Public Witness and Advocacy/ABHMS:                     Resources, Literature/ABHMS:
 Operations/IM:                                                            Jeffrey Haggray x2400                                  (800)4-JUDSON
    Patti Glasser x2205                                                    Jeffrey.Haggray@abhms.org                              JudsonCustomerService@abhms.org
    Patti.Glasser@internationalministries.org                              Curtis Lucas-Ramsey x2408                              www.judsonpress.com
                                                                                                                              Retired Ministers & Missionaries Offering (RMMO):
 P                                                                         Brittany Graves x2464
 Partnerships and Grants/ABHMS:                                                                                               Rizpah’s Children/ABHMS:
     Rothangliani Chhangte x2450                                                                                                  Marilyn Turner-Triplett x2016
     Rothangliani.Chhangte@abhms.org                                                                                              Marilyn.Turner-Triplett@abhms.org
 Passionary Movement/ABHMS:
     Vincent Dent Sr. x2420

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 8                                                                                                                                      continued
Directory of American Baptist Churches USA                                                                       KEY
                                                                                                                                                   ABCUSA American Baptist Churches USA
                                  (ABCUSA)                                                                                                         ABHMS American Baptist Home Mission Societies
                                                                                                                                                   ABWM American Baptist Women’s Ministries
                                  Unless otherwise indicated, phone (800)ABC-3USA plus extension.
                                                                                                                                                   IM International Ministries
                                  Please visit websites noted for current programs, news and other information.                                    MMBB The Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board

 S                                                                     Statistics/ABCUSA:                                          Treasurer/ABCUSA:
                                                                            Gerianne Blier x2027                                       Alan Musoke x2291
                                                                            Geri.Blier@abc-usa.org                                     Alan.Musoke@abc-usa.org
     Sarah Strosahl-Kagi x2462
                                                                            Joyce Lake x2070                                       Treasurer/ABHMS:
                                                                            Joyce.Lake@abc-usa.org                                     Michaele Birdsall x2368
 Schools (ABCUSA-related)/ABHMS:
                                                                            Robert Lovas x2110                                         Michaele.Birdsall@abhms.org
     Marilyn Turner-Triplett x2016
     Marilyn.Turner-Triplett@abhms.org                                                                                             Treasurer/Operations/IM:
                                                                            www.abcis.org                                              Patti Glasser x2205
 Secret Place, The:
                                                                       STEAM & Christian Education                                     Patti.Glasser@internationalministries.org
     Becky McDaniel x2434
                                                                          LaThelma Yenn-Batah x2283
 Seminarians Conference (Orientation to ABC Life):                                                                                 U
                                                                       STEP (Students Tuition & Expense Program)/IM:
    Kathy Young x2222                                                                                                              United Mission:
    Kathy.Young@abc-usa.org                                                                                                            Tina Kiernan x2322
 Seminaries (ABCUSA-related)/ABHMS:                                                                                                    Tina.Kiernan@abc-usa.org
                                                                           Vincent Dent Sr. x2420
    Marilyn Turner-Triplett x2016                                                                                                      UMistheVehicle.org
                                                                           Stacy Emerson x2010
     Becky McDaniel x2434                                                                                                          Videos/IM:
     Becky.McDaniel@abhms.org                                                                                                          Megan Sizemore x2009
 Social Media Specialist/ABHMS:                                                                                                        msizemore@internationalministries.org
                                                                       Stewardship Resources:
     Joshua Kagi x2315                                                                                                             Vital Partners Program/ABWM:
     Joshua.Kagi@abhms.org                                                                                                              Wendy.Clemmer@abwomensministries.org
 Social Responsibility in Investments/ABHMS:                               www.judsonpress.com                                          www.abwomensministries.org
     Dave Moore x2385                                                                                                              Volunteer Ministries/ABHMS:
     Dave.Moore@abhms.org                                              T                                                               Kadia Edwards x2449
 Spanish Curriculum/ABHMS:                                                                                                             Kadia.Edwards@abhms.org
                                                                       Toll-free ordering: (800)4-JUDSON
     (800)4-Judson                                                          ABC Reads                                              Volunteer Opportunity Listing/IM:
     JudsonCustomerService@abhms.org                                        ABHMS Resources                                            Sandra Dorsainvil x2164
     www.judsonpress.com                                                    America for Christ Offering (AFC)                          SDorsainvil@internationalministries.org
 Special Events/IM:                                                         Church Supplies                                            bimvolunteers@internationalministries.org
     Karen Mason x2197                                                      Curriculum
     Karen.Mason@internationalministries.org                                Judson Press Books                                     W
 Special Interest Missionaries/ABHMS:                                       The Secret Place                                       Webinars/ABWM:
     Kadia Edwards x2449                                               Transition Ministries:                                         LaThelma Yenn-Batah x2283
     Kadia.Edwards@abhms.org                                               Patricia Hernandez x2058                                   LaThelma.Yenn-Batah@abwomensministries.org
 Spiritual Directors/ABHMS:                                                Patricia.Hernandez@abc-usa.org                          Website/ABCUSA: www.abc-usa.org
     Patricia Murphy x2050                                                 Joyce Lake x2070                                        Website/ABHMS: www.abhms.org
     endorsement@abhms.org                                                 Joyce.Lake@abc-usa.org                                     www.ministrElife.org
                                                                                                                                   Website/ABHS: www.ABHSarchives.org

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 9                                                                                                                                         continued
Directory of American Baptist Churches USA                                                                KEY
                                                                                                                                            ABCUSA American Baptist Churches USA
                                  (ABCUSA)                                                                                                  ABHMS American Baptist Home Mission Societies
                                                                                                                                            ABWM American Baptist Women’s Ministries
                                  Unless otherwise indicated, phone (800)ABC-3USA plus extension.
                                                                                                                                            IM International Ministries
                                  Please visit websites noted for current programs, news and other information.                             MMBB The Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board

 Website/ABWM: www.abwomensministries.org                                 Workshops for Church Life and Leadership/ABHMS:
                                                                             Casey Williams x2459
                                                                                                                             National Offices:
 Website/IM: www.internationalministries.org
                                                                             Cassandra.Williams@abhms.org                    American Baptist Churches USA
 Website/Judson Press: www.judsonpress.com
                                                                          World Mission Offering/IM:                             Mailing: P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851
 Website/MMBB: www.mmbb.org
                                                                             Monica Walker x2208                                 Deliveries: 1015 West 9th Ave., King of Prussia, PA 19406
 White Cross/ABHMS:
    Kadia Edwards x2449                                                                                                          Phone: (800)ABC-3USA or (610)768-2000
    Kadia.Edwards@abhms.org                                                                                                      Website: www.abc-usa.org
                                                                          World Relief Office/IM:
 White Cross/IM:
                                                                             Lisa Rothenberger-Winter x2156
    Zofia Dripps x2311
    ZDripps@internationalministries.org                                                                                      American Baptist Foundation
    http://abc-whitecross.org/                                                                                                  420 West Germantown PIke, East Norriton, PA 19403
                                                                          WorldWide Gifts:                                      (800)222-3872 x2035 www.abcofgiving.org
 Women and Girls Mission Fund/ABWM:
   Gina Jacobs-Strain x2284                                                                                                  American Baptist Women’s Ministries
                                                                             wwg@glcc.org or www.glcc.org
   Gina.Jacobs-Strain@abwomensministries.org                                                                                    1075 First Avenue, Suite C-210, King of Prussia, PA 19406
 Women in Ministry:                                                                                                             (610) 768-2288 www.abwomensministries.org
   Patricia Hernandez x2058
   Patricia.Hernandez@abc-usa.org                                         Young Adult Ministry/IM:                           American Baptist Historical Society
   Joyce Lake x2070                                                          Sandra Dorsainvil x2164                            3001 Mercer University Drive, Atlanta, GA 30341
   Joyce.Lake@abc-usa.org                                                    sdorsainvil@internationalministries.org            (678)547-6680 www.ABHSarchives.org
   www.abwim.org                                                          Young Adult Women’s Ministries/ABWM:               American Baptist Home Mission Societies
 Women’s/Girls’ Ministries/ABWM:                                             Gina Jacobs-Strain X2284                           1075 First Avenue, King of Prussia, PA 19406
   Gina Jacobs-Strain x2284                                                  Gina.Jacobs-Strain@abwomensministries.org          www.abhms.org (888)79-ABHMS
   Gina.Jacobs-Strain@abwomensministries.org                              Youth & Young Adult Experiences/IM:                   www.ministrElife.org
   www.abwomensministries.org                                                 Sandra Dorsainvil x2164                           www.judsonpress.com
 Work Tours/ABHMS:                                                            sdorsainvil@internationalministries.org
                                                                                                                             International Ministries
    Kadia Edwards x2449                                                   Youth and Young Adult Ministries/ABHMS:
                                                                                                                                 1003 W. 9th Ave., Suite A, King of Prussia, PA 19406-1210
    Kadia.Edwards@abhms.org                                                   Sarah Strosahl-Kagi x2462
                                                                                                                             Ministers Council ABCUSA
                                                                                                                                221 S. High St., West Chester, PA 19382
                                                                                                                                (610)314-7837 www.ministerscouncil.com

   Web Addresses from pages 2–10:                                                                                            MMBB The Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board
                                                                                                                               475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1700, New York, NY 10115-0049
   Bylaws/Standing Rules: www.abc-usa.org/resources/abcusa-resources/board-of-general-ministries-documents
                                                                                                                               (800)986-6222 www.mmbb.org
   Loans, Investments and Building Planning Services/ABEC: http://myabec.org
                                                                                                                             The American Baptist Extension Corporation
   Logos/ABCUSA: http://www.abc-usa.org/american-baptist-churches-usa-graphics-logos/
                                                                                                                                 1075 First Avenue, Suite E-400, King of Prussia, PA 19406
   Mission Receipt Form: www.abc-usa.org/resources/for-churches/congregational-tools-administrative-resources                    (610)768-2463 www.myabec.org
   Policy Statements/Resolutions: www.abc-usa.org/policy-statements-and-resolutions/

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 10
Regional Organizations
                                   Contact information for the 33 regions of American Baptist Churches USA follows,
                                   including telephone/FAX numbers and websites.
                                   For detailed and updated regional information, please visit the websites of individual regions.

 American Baptist Churches of the Central              American Baptist Churches of the Great Rivers       American Baptist Churches of Metro New York   American Baptist Churches of Ohio
 Pacific Coast (Oregon and N. California)              Region (Illinois and Missouri)                          Cheryl F. Dudley, Executive Minister          Mark Click, Executive Minister
     Stephen H. Bils, Executive Minister                   Paul H. Gibson, Executive Minister                  (212)870-3195; FAX 212.870.3228               (740)587-0804; FAX 740.587.0807
     (503)228-8394; FAX 503.223.6747                       (217)726-7366                                       www.abcmny.org                                www.abc-ohio.org
     www.abccpc.org                                        www.abcgrr.org
                                                                                                           American Baptist Churches of Michigan         American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania
 American Baptist Churches of the Central              American Baptist Churches of Greater                    Vacant, Executive Minister                and Delaware
 Region (Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas)                Indianapolis                                            (517)332-3594 or (800)632-2953;               Frank T. Frischkorn, Executive Minister
     Gregg Hemmen, Executive Minister                      Joan C. Friesen, Executive Minister                 FAX 517.332.3186                              (717)791-9158; FAX 717.791.9159
     (785)272-7622; FAX 785.272.5860                       (317)484-9327                                       www.abc-mi.org                                Western Office: 888-687-0883
     www.abccr.org                                         www.abcgi.org                                                                                     www.abcopad.org
                                                                                                           Mid-American Baptist Churches
 Cleveland Baptist Association                         American Baptist Churches of Indiana                (Iowa and Minnesota)                          Philadelphia Baptist Association
     Yvonne B. Carter, Executive Minister              and Kentucky                                            Jacquline Saxon, Executive Minister           James E. McJunkin, Jr., Executive Minister
     (216)325-7730; FAX 216.325.7731                       Soozi Whitten Ford, Executive Minister              (515)278-1411; FAX 515.278.5865               (215)482-8222; FAX 215.482.8232
     www.cbacleveland.org                                  (317)635-3552; FAX 317.635.3554                     www.mid-abc.org                               www.philadelphiabaptist.org
 American Baptist Churches of Connecticut                                                                  American Baptist Churches of Nebraska         Baptist Churches of Puerto Rico
     Harry Riggs, Executive Minister                   American Baptist Churches of Los Angeles,               Robin D. Stoops, Executive Minister           Edgardo M. Caraballo Marin,
     (860)521-5421                                     Southwest and Hawaii (Arizona, California,              (402)556-4730; FAX 402.556.1910                 Executive Minister
     www.abcconn.org                                   Hawaii, and Nevada)                                     www.abcnebraska.com                           (787)276-2591; FAX 787.276.2587
                                                           Andrew Quient, Executive Minister                                                                 www.ibpr.org
 American Baptist Churches of the Dakotas                  (818)839-6070; FAX 818.484.2079                 American Baptist Churches of New Jersey
 (North Dakota and South Dakota)                                                                                                                         American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island
                                                           www.abcoflash.org                                   Miriam Méndez, Executive Minister
     Randall L. Rasmussen, Executive Minister                                                                                                                Tom Wiles, Executive Minister
                                                                                                               (609)587-8700; FAX 609.587.7474
     (605)575-2071; FAX 605.575.2073                   American Baptist Churches of Maine                                                                    (401)294-6318; FAX 401.294.7780
     www.abc-dakotas.org                                                                                                                                     www.abcori.org
                                                           Alfred J. Fletcher, Executive Minister
                                                           (207)622-6291                                   American Baptist Churches of New York State
 District of Columbia Baptist Convention                                                                                                                 American Baptist Churches of the Rochester/
                                                           www.abcom.org                                       James Kelsey, Executive Minister          Genesee Region (New York)
     Robert D. Cochran, Executive Minister                                                                     (315)469-4236; FAX 315.492.2369
     (202)265-1526; FAX 202.667.8258                   American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts                                                            Sandra L. DeMott Hasenauer,
     www.dcbaptist.org                                                                                                                                       Executive Minister
                                                           Mary D. Miller, Executive Minister
                                                                                                                                                             (585)473-3200; FAX 585.473.5959
                                                           (978)448-1445; FAX 978.448.0025                 American Baptist Churches of the Northwest
 Evergreen Association of American Baptist                                                                                                                   www.abcrgr.org
                                                           www.tabcom.org                                  (Idaho, Montana, Utah and Washington)
 Churches (Central Washington)                                                                                 Charles E. Revis, Executive Minister      American Baptist Churches of the Rocky
     Douglas Avilesbernal, Executive Minister          American Baptist Churches of Metro Chicago              (208)777-2733; FAX 208.773.1687           Mountains (Colorado, New Mexico, E. Utah
     (253)859-2226                                        David Gregg, Executive Minister                      www.abc-nw.org                            and Wyoming)
     www.ea-abc.org                                       (773)634-1495; FAX 773.634.1496
                                                                                                                                                             Steven C. Van Ostran, Executive Minister
                                                                                                                                                             (303)988-3900; FAX 303.988.0620

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 11                                                                                                                                                continued
Regional Organizations (continued from page 12)
                                    Contact information for the 33 regions of American Baptist Churches USA follows,
                                    including telephone/FAX numbers, websites and email addresses.
                                    For detailed and updated regional information, please visit the websites of individual regions.

 American Baptist Churches of the South
 (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky,
 Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina,
 Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas,
 Virginia, Washington DC, and West Virginia)
     James M. Harrison, Executive Minister
     (443)551-3045; FAX 443.551.3565

 American Baptist Churches of Vermont
 and New Hampshire
     Dale R. Edwards, Executive Minister
     (603)643-4201; FAX 603.643.4264

 American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin
     Marie Onwubuariri, Executive Minister
     (262)782-3140; FAX 262.782.7573

 Growing Healthy Churches, Inc.
 [American Baptist Churches of the West]
 (N. California and N. Nevada)
     Tim Brown, Executive Minister
     (888)290-2229; FAX 925.277.3985

 West Virginia Baptist Convention
     Michael Sisson, Executive Minister
     (304)422-6449; FAX 304.485.7016


 American Baptist Churches of Alaska
     Alonzo B. Patterson, Jr., Director
     (907)278-6363; FAX 907.278.6363

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 12
January 2020
 SUNDAY                                                   MONDAY                    TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY        THURSDAY   FRIDAY   SATURDAY

December 2019 February 2020 NOTES ______________________________________ 1                                                2          3        4
  S    M    T    W    T     F S    S M T W T F S                                                         New Year’s Day
  1     2    3    4    5    6 7    							1
  8     9   10   11   12   13 14   2 3 4 5 6 7 8          ____________________________________________
  15   16   17   18   19   20 21   9 10 11 12 13 14 15
  22   23   24   25   26   27 28   16 17 18 19 20 21 22
  29   30   31                     23 24 25 26 27 28 29   ____________________________________________

 5		 6                                                                              7                    8                9          10       11
 Week of Prayer, Renewal & Invitation begins              Epiphany                                                                            Human Trafficking
                                                                                                                                              Awareness Day

 12		 13                                                                            14                   15               16         17       18
                                                                                                                                              Christian Unity Week
                                                                                                                                              of Prayer begins
                                                                                                                                              (Jan 18–25)

 19		 20                                                                            21                   22               23         24       25
 Christian Unity Sunday                                   Martin Luther King, Jr.

 26		                                                     27                        28                   29               30         31

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 13
February 2020
 SUNDAY                                                     MONDAY                  TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY                 FRIDAY                  SATURDAY
January 2020 March 2020 NOTES _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  S M T W       T F S      S    M    T    W    T     F S                                                                                                                              Black History Month
                                                             ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   begins
  				 1         2 3 4     1     2    3    4    5    6 7
  5 6 7 8        9 10 11   8     9   10   11   12   13 14    ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  12 13 14 15   16 17 18   15   16   17   18   19   20 21
  19 20 21 22   23 24 25   22   23   24   25   26   27 28
  26 27 28 29   30 31      29   30   31                      ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 2		 3                                                                              4                        5                       6                        7                       8

 9		 10                                                                             11                       12                      13                       14                      15
 Church Vocations Sunday

 16		 17                                                                            18                       19                      20                       21                      22
 Christian Legacy Sunday www.abcofgiving.org                Presidents’ Day

 23		 24                                                                            25                       26                      27                       28                      29
 Green Lake Sunday www.glcc.org                                                                             Ash Wednesday                                                             AB Men’s Prayer

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 14
March 2020
 SUNDAY                                               MONDAY   TUESDAY   WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY                 FRIDAY                  SATURDAY
 1		 2                                                         3         4                      5                        6                       7
 America for Christ Offering www.abhms.org/afc                                                                           World Day of Prayer
 Women’s History Month begins
 1st Sunday of Lent

 8		 9                                                         10        11                     12                       13                      14
 AB Seminary Sunday
 International Women’s Day
 Daylight Savings Time begins
 2nd Sunday of Lent

 15		 16                                                       17        18                     19                       20                      21
 Women in Ministry Sunday www.abwim.org
 Central America Week Begins
 3rd Sunday of Lent

 22		 23                                                       24        25                     26                       27                      28
 4th Sunday of Lent

 29		                                                 30       31             February 2020          April 2020           NOTES ______________________________________
 5th Sunday of Lent                                                      S M T W T F S          S M T W T         F S
                                                                         							1               				 1 2          3 4
                                                                         2 3 4 5 6 7 8          5 6 7 8 9        10 11    ____________________________________________
                                                                         9 10 11 12 13 14 15    12 13 14 15 16   17 18
                                                                         16 17 18 19 20 21 22   19 20 21 22 23   24 25    ____________________________________________
                                                                         23 24 25 26 27 28 29   26 27 28 29 30            ____________________________________________

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 15
April 2020
 SUNDAY                                                   MONDAY                 TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY   THURSDAY          FRIDAY        SATURDAY

March 2020 May 2020 NOTES ______________________________________ 1                                                   2                 3             4
  S    M    T    W    T     F S    S M T W T F S
  1     2    3    4    5    6 7    						1 2
  8     9   10   11   12   13 14   3 4 5 6 7 8 9          ____________________________________________
  15   16   17   18   19   20 21   10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  22   23   24   25   26   27 28   17 18 19 20 21 22 23   ____________________________________________
  29   30   31                     24 25 26 27 28 29 30

 5		 6                                                                           7                       8           9                 10            11
 Palm Sunday                                                                     World Health Day                    Maundy Thursday   Good Friday

 12		 13                                                                         14                      15          16                17            18

 19		 20                                                                         21                      22          23                24            25

 26		                                                     27                     28                      29          30
 AB Camps and Conference Sunday

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 16
May 2020
 SUNDAY                                                     MONDAY                 TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY                 FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
April 2020 June 2020 NOTES _______________________________________________________________________________________                                                                    2
  S M T W T           F S    S M     T    W    T     F S                                                                                                     Asian Pacific American
                                                            ______________________________________________________________________________________________   Heritage Month begins
  				 1 2            3 4    		 1     2    3    4    5 6
  5 6 7 8 9          10 11   7 8      9   10   11   12 13   ______________________________________________________________________________________________   Older Americans Month
  12 13 14 15 16     17 18   14 15   16   17   18   19 20                                                                                                    begins
  19 20 21 22 23     24 25   21 22   23   24   25   26 27   ______________________________________________________________________________________________
  26 27 28 29 30             28 29   30                     ______________________________________________________________________________________________

 3		 4                                                                             5                        6                       7                        8                        9
 Peace Sunday                                                                                                                       National Day of Prayer

 10		 11                                                                           12                       13                      14                       15                       16
 Baptist World Alliance Sunday www.bwanet.org                                                                                                                                         Armed Forces Day
 Rural Life Sunday                                                                                                                                                                    www.abhms.org
 Mother’s Day

 17		 18                                                                           19                       20                      21                       22                       23
 Baptist Heritage Day www.ABHSarchives.org                                                                                          Ascension Day

 24		 25                                                                           26                       27                      28                       29                       30
                                                            Memorial Day


2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 17
June 2020
 SUNDAY                                               MONDAY             TUESDAY     WEDNESDAY                THURSDAY                 FRIDAY                  SATURDAY

May 2020 July 2020 1                                                     2           3                        4                        5                       6
  S M T W T F S             S M T W       T F S       One Great Hour
  						1 2                 				 1         2 3 4      of Sharing
  3 4 5 6 7 8 9             5 6 7 8        9 10 11    www.abc-oghs.org
  10 11 12 13 14 15 16      12 13 14 15   16 17 18
  17 18 19 20 21 22 23      19 20 21 22   23 24 25
  24 25 26 27 28 29 30      26 27 28 29   30 31

 7		 8                                                                   9           10                       11                       12                      13
 Religious Liberty Sunday
 International Environmental Sabbath

 14		 15                                                                 16          17                       18                       19                      20
 Baptist Youth Day of Prayer www.bwanet.org
 Children’s Day
                                                                                                         June 16–19
                                                                                   Radical. Redeemed. Ready Women’s Event,Green Lake, WI

 21		 22                                                                 23          24                       25                       26                      27
 Father’s Day

 28		                                                 29                 30           NOTES _______________________________________________________________________________________
 AB Homes and Hospitals Sunday www.abhcm.org




2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 18
July 2020
 SUNDAY                                                      MONDAY                  TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY              FRIDAY   SATURDAY

June 2020 August 2020 NOTES ______________________________________ 1                                                                   2                     3        4
  S M     T    W    T     F S      S M T W T F S                                                                                                                      Independence Day
  		 1     2    3    4    5 6      							1
  7 8      9   10   11   12 13     2 3 4 5 6 7 8              ____________________________________________
  14 15   16   17   18   19 20     9 10 11 12 13 14 15
  21 22   23   24   25   26 27     16 17 18 19 20 21 22       ____________________________________________
  28 29   30                       23 24 25 26 27 28 29
                                   30 31

 5		 6                                                                               7                       8                         9                     10       11

                                                                                                                                                                            July 11–13
                                                                                                                                                                       Hear the Call Retreat,
                                                                                                                                                                         Green Lake, WI

 12		 13                                                                             14                      15                        16                    17       18

                                          July 11­–13                                                                            July 14–17
                            Hear the Call Retreat, Green Lake, WI                                                 World Mission Conference, Green Lake, WI

 19		 20                                                                             21                      22                        23                    24       25

 26		                                                        27                      28                      29                        30                    31

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 19
August 2020
 SUNDAY                                                 MONDAY                 TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY                 FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
July 2020 September 2020 NOTES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  S M T W       T F S      S M T      W    T     F S
  				 1         2 3 4     			 1       2    3    4 5
  5 6 7 8        9 10 11   6 7 8       9   10   11 12   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  12 13 14 15   16 17 18   13 14 15   16   17   18 19
  19 20 21 22   23 24 25   20 21 22   23   24   25 26   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  26 27 28 29   30 31      27 28 29   30                _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 2		 3                                                                         4                        5                       6                        7                        8

 9		 10                                                                        11                       12                      13                       14                       15

 16		 17                                                                       18                       19                      20                       21                       22

 23		 24                                                                       25                       26                      27                       28                       29

 30		                                                   31

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 20
September 2020
 SUNDAY                                                MONDAY                    TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY          THURSDAY                  FRIDAY                  SATURDAY

August 2020 October 2020 1                                                                                2                  3                         4                       5
  S M T W T F S               S M T W T         F S
  							1                    					1            2 3
  2 3 4 5 6 7 8               4 5 6 7 8         9 10
  9 10 11 12 13 14 15         11 12 13 14 15   16 17
  16 17 18 19 20 21 22        18 19 20 21 22   23 24
  23 24 25 26 27 28 29        25 26 27 28 29   30 31
  30 31

 6		 7                                                                           8                        9                  10                        11                      12
                                                       Labor Day

 13		 14                                                                         15                       16                 17                        18                      19
 Hispanic Heritage Week begins                                                   International Day                                                                             Rosh Hashana
                                                                                 of Peace

 20		 21                                                                         22                       23                 24                        25                      26
 AB Women’s Sunday www.abwministries.org               American Indian Day

                                                             American Baptist Chaplains, Pastoral
                                                         Counselors & Specialized Ministers’ Conference               ABHMS Space for Grace, Kansas City, Mo.
                                                                       at Space for Grace

 27		                                                  28                        29                       30                   NOTES _____________________________________________________________
 Christian Education Sunday                            Yom Kippur
 Christian Education Week begins www.abhms.org



2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 21
October 2020
 SUNDAY                                                         MONDAY                 TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY                 FRIDAY           SATURDAY

September 2020 November 2020 NOTES _____________________________________________________________ 1	World Mission Offering 2                                                     3
  S M T      W    T     F S    S    M    T    W    T     F S                                                                            ministries.org
  			 1       2    3    4 5    1     2    3    4    5    6 7                                                                           Domestic Violence
  6 7 8       9   10   11 12   8     9   10   11   12   13 14   ____________________________________________________________________   Awareness Month begins
  13 14 15   16   17   18 19   15   16   17   18   19   20 21                                                                          Family Sexuality
  20 21 22   23   24   25 26   22   23   24   25   26   27 28   ____________________________________________________________________   Education Month begins
  27 28 29   30                29   30                                                                                                 Pastor Appreciation
                                                                ____________________________________________________________________   Month begins

 4		 5                                                                                 6                        7                      8                        9                10
 World Communion Sunday

 11		 12                                                                               13                       14                     15                       16               17
 AB Laity Sunday www.abmen.org                                                                                                                                  World Food Day

 18		 19                                                                               20                       21                     22                       23               24
                                                                                                                                                                                 United Nations Day

 25		 26                                                                               27                       28                     29                       30               31
 National Pastoral Care Week begins
 Chaplains/Pastoral Counselors Sunday
 Campus Ministry Sunday www.abhms.org

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 22
November 2020
 SUNDAY                                               MONDAY                  TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
 1		 2                                                                        3                        4                          5                       6                        7
 Native American Heritage Month begins                Baptist Women’s Day     Election Day                                                                World Community Day
 AB College Sunday                                    of Prayer
 Daylight Savings Time ends

 8		 9                                                                        10                       11                         12                      13                       14
 Stewardship Sunday www.abc-usa.org/giving/                                                            Veterans’ Day

 15		 16                                                                      17                       18                         19                      20                       21
 Bible Sunday

 22		 23                                                                      24                       25                         26                      27                       28
 Asian American Baptist Sunday                                                                                                    Thanksgiving

 29		                                                 30                           October 2020            December 2020           NOTES _____________________________________________________________
 1st Sunday of Advent                                                         S M T W T         F S    S M T      W T      F S
                                                                              					1            2 3    			 1       2 3     4 5
                                                                              4 5 6 7 8         9 10   6 7 8       9 10   11 12    ____________________________________________________________________
                                                                              11 12 13 14 15   16 17   13 14 15   16 17   18 19
                                                                              18 19 20 21 22   23 24   20 21 22   23 24   25 26    ____________________________________________________________________
                                                                              25 26 27 28 29   30 31   27 28 29   30 31            ____________________________________________________________________

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 23
December 2020
 SUNDAY                                                   MONDAY   TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY   THURSDAY             FRIDAY                  SATURDAY

November 2020 January 2021 1                                                               2           3                    4                       5
  S    M    T    W    T     F S    S M T W T F S                   World Aids Day
  1     2    3    4    5    6 7    						1 2                       www.unicefusa.org
  8     9   10   11   12   13 14   3 4 5 6 7 8 9                   Retired Ministers and
  15   16   17   18   19   20 21   10 11 12 13 14 15 16            Missionaries Offering
  22   23   24   25   26   27 28   17 18 19 20 21 22 23            www.mmbb.org
  29   30                          24 25 26 27 28 29 30

 6		 7                                                             8                       9           10                   11                      12
 2nd Sunday of Advent                                                                                  Human Rights Day     Hanukkah begins

 13		 14                                                           15                      16          17                   18                      19
 3rd Sunday of Advent

 20		 21                                                           22                      23          24                   25                      26
 4th Sunday of Advent                                                                                  Christmas Eve        Christmas               Kwanzaa begins
 Hopevale Commemoration Sunday

 27		                                                     28       29                      30          31                    NOTES ______________________________________
 Student Recognition Sunday www.abhms.org                                                              New Year’s Eve




2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 24
January 2021
 SUNDAY                                                     MONDAY                    TUESDAY                WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY                 FRIDAY           SATURDAY
December 2020 February 2021 NOTES _______________________________________________________________________________________                                                      2
  S M T      W T      F S    S M     T    W    T     F S                                                                                                      New Year’s Day
  			 1       2 3     4 5    		 1     2    3    4    5 6
  6 7 8       9 10   11 12   7 8     9    10   11   12 13    ______________________________________________________________________________________________
  13 14 15   16 17   18 19   14 15   16   17   18   19 20
  20 21 22   23 24   25 26   21 22   23   24   25   26 27    ______________________________________________________________________________________________
  27 28 29   30 31           28                              ______________________________________________________________________________________________

 3		 4                                                                                5                      6                       7                        8                9
 Week of Prayer, Renewal & Invitation begins                                                                Epiphany

 10		 11                                                                              12                     13                      14                       15               16
                                                            Human Trafficking
                                                            Awareness Day

 17		 18                                                                              19                     20                      21                       22               23
 Christian Unity Sunday                                     Christian Unity
                                                            Week of Prayer begins
                                                            (Jan 18–25)
                                                            Martin Luther King, Jr.

 24		 25                                                                              26                     27                      28                       29               30


2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 25
February 2021
 SUNDAY                                                   MONDAY                TUESDAY   WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY                 FRIDAY                  SATURDAY

January 2021 March 2021 1                                                       2         3                      4                        5                       6
  S M T W T F S            S M     T    W    T     F S    Black History Month
  						1 2                		 1     2    3    4    5 6    begins
  3 4 5 6 7 8 9            7 8     9    10   11   12 13
  10 11 12 13 14 15 16     14 15   16   17   18   19 20
  17 18 19 20 21 22 23     21 22   23   24   25   26 27
  24 25 26 27 28 29 30     28 29   30   31

 7		 8                                                                          9         10                     11                       12                      13

 14		 15                                                                        16        17                     18                       19                      20
 Church Vocations Sunday                                  Presidents’ Day                 Ash Wednesday

 21		 22                                                                        23        24                     25                       26                      27
 Christian Legacy Sunday www.abcofgiving.org
 1st Sunday of Lent
 AB Men’s Prayer Breakfast www.abmen.org

 28		                                                                                     NOTES _______________________________________________________________________________________
 Green Lake Sunday www.glcc.org
 2nd Sunday of Lent



2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 26
March 2021
 SUNDAY                                                 MONDAY                  TUESDAY   WEDNESDAY   THURSDAY               FRIDAY                   SATURDAY

February 2021 April 2021 1                                                      2         3           4                      5                        6
  S M     T    W    T     F S    S M T W T F S          America for Christ                                                   World Day of Prayer
  		 1     2    3    4    5 6    					1 2 3             Offering
  7 8     9    10   11   12 13   4 5 6 7 8 9 10         Women’s History Month
  14 15   16   17   18   19 20   11 12 13 14 15 16 17   begins
  21 22   23   24   25   26 27   18 19 20 21 22 23 24   www.abhms.org/afc
  28                             25 26 27 28 29 30

 7		 8                                                                          9         10          11                     12                       13
 3rd Sunday of Lent                                     International Women’s

 14		 15                                                                        16        17          18                     19                       20
 AB Seminary Sunday
 Daylight Savings Time begins
 4th Sunday of Lent

 21		 22                                                                        23        24          25                     26                       27
 Women in Ministry Sunday www.abwim.org
 Central America Week Begins
 5th Sunday of Lent

 28		                                                   29                      30        31          NOTES _____________________________________________________________
 Palm Sunday




2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 27
April 2021
 SUNDAY                                                 MONDAY                 TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY          FRIDAY        SATURDAY

March 2021 May 2021 NOTES _____________________________________________________________ 1                                                        2             3
  S M     T    W    T     F S    S M T W T F S                                                                                 Maundy Thursday   Good Friday
  		 1     2    3    4    5 6    							1               ____________________________________________________________________
  7 8     9    10   11   12 13   2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  14 15   16   17   18   19 20   9 10 11 12 13 14 15
  21 22   23   24   25   26 27   16 17 18 19 20 21 22   ____________________________________________________________________
  28 29   30   31                23 24 25 26 27 28 29
                                 30 31                  ____________________________________________________________________

 4		 5                                                                         6                        7                      8                 9             10
 Easter                                                                                                 World Health Day

 11		 12                                                                       13                       14                     15                16            17

 18		 19                                                                       20                       21                     22                23            24

 25		                                                   26                     27                       28                     29                30
 AB Camps and Conferences Sunday

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 28
May 2021
 SUNDAY                                                 MONDAY                 TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY                 FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
April 2021 June 2021 NOTES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  S M T W T F S            S M T      W    T     F S                                                                                                                              Asian Pacific American
                                                        _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Heritage Month begins
  					1 2 3               			 1       2    3    4 5
  4 5 6 7 8 9 10           6 7 8       9   10   11 12   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Older Americans Month
  11 12 13 14 15 16 17     13 14 15   16   17   18 19                                                                                                                             begins
  18 19 20 21 22 23 24     20 21 22   23   24   25 26   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  25 26 27 28 29 30        27 28 29   30                _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 2		 3                                                                         4                        5                       6                        7                        8
 Peace Sunday                                                                                                                   National Day of Prayer

 9		 10                                                                        11                       12                      13                       14                       15
 Baptist World Alliance Sunday www.bwanet.org                                                                                   Ascension Day                                     Armed Forces Day
 Rural Life Sunday                                                                                                                                                                www.abhms.org
 Mother’s Day

 16		 17                                                                       18                       19                      20                       21                       22
 Baptist Heritage Day www.ABHSarchives.org

 23		 24                                                                       25                       26                      27                       28                       29

 30		                                                   31
                                                        Memorial Day

2020–2021 ABC Directory/Planning Calendar • PAGE 29
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